#and I wanna add a chapter to Isaac’s assistant
wyrm-with-a-why · 8 months
The urge to write and the urge to go to bed early are warring in my head guys
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rogershoe · 4 years
Lights, Camera, Action
Part four
(Part three)
Summary: You’re a production assistant on the set of Cursed. The night before your first day at work, you opened your laptop to shockingly realise you’d be working with Daniel Sharman (and a plethora of other amazing actors), someone you’d been watching on screen since you were a teenager. You kept your expectations low, the PAs rarely got to interact with the talent…what was your chance?
Word count: 3.8k
Tag list: @sxperncturalimpala67 @mrsaaronkeener @tinygardensoul @disasterday​ @5am-cigarette @lancelotapricot @demoiselle-en-detresse00 @slytherlight @18somethingpsyche @ceruleanmusings@glxctt @cavillxhenry@lovelyapplessss@hereagainsstuff@linkpk88 @aliceperdida@weeping-redemption@magicalsaladnacho @lancelotapricot@ineedyourskulls@fandomarstrash @cheythefangirl @pure-ghost @estrielle @tessxblxckthorn @isaac-lahey-is-bae​ @bubblyanis
Warnings: age gap between reader and Daniel, swearing, slow burn
Notes: This has definitely been the most fun chapter to write out of all four so please let me know how you liked it!! Also I realised that Cursed was actually filmed in England so for the sake of the story we’re just gonna pretend like it was filmed in LA hahaha. 
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Sunday, January 13th, 2019
10:31 am
You rubbed your eyes, swiping across your phone’s screen to turn your alarm off. The sun’s light bled through your curtain, giving your room an eery glow. 
It had been almost a week since Huey had informed you that you’d be working with the make-up/costume department as well. You thought you would start on Tuesday of last week (the day after you got the message), but Huey had apparently “forgotten” to inform you that you would actually be starting in a week. On Monday. Meaning tomorrow. 
To say you were a bundle of nerves was an understatement. Naomi had also approached you last week warning you about how you’d be working with the actors a lot more and how you should work on “being completely comfortable” around them. Had she really been that intuitive? Still, you hadn’t had any interaction with them at all since you’d delivered Daniel’s costume to his trailer on Monday. You’d only seen them shoot scenes and talk to the director and other crew members from far off. (Never to the production assistants.) 
You tried to ignore the nerve-wracking thoughts of having to actually interact with the actors and instead focused on Bradley. Yes, Bradley.
 He had invited you to have breakfast with him at the Original Pantry Cafe, a breakfast place he had said was the “very best in LA”. To be completely honest, you were a bit taken aback when he had asked you….did he mean as in a date? You of course, being the idiot that you were, didn’t bother to clarify, so now you had no idea whether you were just meeting him as friends or something more. You hoped to god it was just as friends. You couldn’t deal with dating at this point… especially with Mr. Daniel Sharman on your mind 24/7. 
11:13 am
The sun warmed your face as you stepped out of your parked car. You had just pulled up to the cafe and proceeded to subtly peek through the window as you walked to the door. Bradley was sitting on a small table inside by the window. Thankfully he was on his phone so he didn’t see you staring. You entered the shop, a small bell tingling above you. The warm smell of fresh bread and eggs and syrup wafted towards your nose. For a second, your belly rumbled and you forgot about all your worries. You glanced towards Bradley and saw that he was now walking towards you, a huge smile on his face. An uneasy feeling suddenly grew inside you as you realised he might think that this was some sort of date. 
“Y/N! How are you?” 
You both started walking back to the table after you gave him a hug, “I’m good” you shrugged off your maroon jacket laughing, “Tired too”
“Really? When’d you sleep last night?” he suddenly swerved around you and pulled out your chair.
“Thanks” you said, sitting down, a funny look spread across your face, “I slept around 4:00”
“Seriously?” his eyes widened.
“Yeah…found a good series on Netflix” you rolled your eyes, smiling.
“I still don’t have Netflix” he sat down and pushed a menu towards you that you then proceeded to open.
“Really?” you laughed loudly, “You’re working on a Netflix show and you don’t even have Netflix?”
He smirked slightly, “I guess I’ll get it once Cursed comes out…anyways, what do you wanna get?”
You flipped through the menu, chuckling, “A coffee for sure”
“Well….. the pancakes are really good….. and so are their omelettes” he said pointing towards a mouth watering picture of a stack of chocolate pancakes. Healthy eating could go out the window for today. 
“Oh, I’ll definitely get those..how about you?”
“I’ll go for the bacon cheese omelette I think”
“Sounds yummy” you said and closed your menu
Bradley called the waitress over and you both gave her your orders. He also ordered a lemon raspberry smoothie. There was an awkward silence when she picked your menus up and left. 
You clasped you hands together resting them on the table, “Bradley?” he looked up at you, “I have a silly question to ask ” you smiled slightly, a nervous feeling growing inside you.
“Shoot” he said grinning.
“Was this meant to be a date?….Or-“ before you could continue, he thankfully interrupted, 
“Do you want it to be?”
Your mind went blank. Of course you didn’t want it to be…but judging by his answer he probably did. 
“Well..” you tilted your head, raising your eyebrows slightly
“You don’t do you?”
You shook your head slowly, a sorry expression on your face, “Did you?”
“Doesn’t really matter now, does it?” he said tightening his lips.
Before you could respond, the waitress suddenly came up to your table carrying two plates of mouth watering food. 
“One order of chocolate pancakes” she placed your dish in front of you, “and one bacon cheese omelette…..Enjoy!”
“Thank you!” you and Bradley both said simultaneously.
You grabbed your utensils, spooning a large bite into your mouth. You couldn’t deny that they were delicious..maybe this was the best breakfast place in LA.
“How is it?” Bradley laughed, cutting up his own omelette in from of you. You chewed quickly and swallowed. 
“Delicious Bradley…how about yours?”
He had taken a bite, “Just as good as it was the last twenty times I had it”
You giggled, going back to your own food. The next half an hour was thankfully not awkward at all. Both of you talked about Cursed, the actors, what jobs you had had before….and of course, your little, “promotion”. 
“I’m nervous……how much do you even have to talk with the actors on a day to day basis?” you asked
“Oh barely for me” he said finishing off his omelette, “I mostly work with the basecamp and costume department’s crew…when I accompany the actors to their set it’s usually a silent walk unless they feel like making conversation…which is rarely”
“So you’re saying I won’t have to talk to them as much either?”
“No Y/N you definitely will” he laughed at your widened eyes, “You’re essentially going to be helping the departments get the actors ready for the day…you might not have too much one on one conversation but you will be spending loads of time with them”
“You know that scares the shit out of me” you said scraping the remaining chocolate sauce off of your plate, 
“Aw don’t be….they’re only humans like us after all”
You supposed they were.
12:22 pm 
The second you got home and into your apartment, you shed your jacket, pulled out your phone, opened your contacts and called Talia. You two had met in university and been inseparable ever since. There was no friend you were closer to than her. 
She picked up on the second ring.
“Y/N!! It was meant to be a date right? I knew he was into you!”
You chuckled putting your keys on the table and falling onto your couch. “Slow down Tal…he didn’t say that”
“Well then what did he say?”
“He asked me if I wanted it to be a date”
You could practically hear her eyes roll back into her head, “You idiot…! If it wasn’t meant to be a date, he would’ve been straight up with you and just said so”
“Are you sure?”
“Obviously! Even if it wasn’t meant to be a formal date, he’s definitely into you”
‘What am I supposed to do now?” you huffed
“Is that a serious question?”
“…….Yeah” you said after a pause, guilt lacing your words.
“You go out with him again!” you rubbed your eyes and groaned after hearing her say that. 
She ignored you, “Then hopefully he’ll forgive you for being so clueless and in three or four years I’ll be an aunt to three little kids” she said laughing
You laughed too, “Talia! I’m being completely serious…..I only see him as a friend anyways”
“Why Y/N? If you saw a guy this cute, with a great personality I might add, two weeks ago, you would’ve been head over heels for him”
“That’s not true!”
“You know it is Y/N…..what changed?”
“I don’t know……I guess it might be my little crush on Daniel”
“Daniel?….You’re really going to let a tiny celebrity crush hold you back from true love?”
“I know it sounds bad Talia! And in the past I wouldn’t have…but now that I’m working with him things are….. different”
“Have you even talked to him?”
You paused thinking, “Yeah I have”
“And was that more or less than five words?”
“Less” you said scowling..”But it still counts!”
“Ugh Y/N, fine…If you see Bradley as just friends that’s okay….but don’t let Daniel cloud your real feelings for other guys okay? It’s not healthy to stay loyal to a guy who doesn’t even know your name”
“Okay Talia…thanks…I won’t” you said. She always did give the best advice.
Monday, January 14th, 2019
6:48 am
“Y/N! You excited to work on basecamp?” 
You turned to see Louis standing behind you in the studio next to the crafts (snacks) table.
“More nervous than excited” you said laughing.
“Well Huey wanted me to tell you that the timings have been changed and you’ll be helping the basecamp from 7 to 9 not from 8 to 10”
You checked you watch and your eyes widened, “ But that’s in ten minutes!”
“I know Y/N….you know how Huey is with his last minute changes” he said comfortingly
“Oh I know alright” you said sighing, “I guess I should get going…wish me luck”
He gave you a warm smile, “You’re gonna do great…you’ll have Pandora to keep you company anyways”
You faked a smile….Pandora was better than nothing you supposed.
You walked out of the building, cold damp air hit your face as you let the heavy door close behind you. There was not a hint of blue in the sky, just grey clouds. It had been raining when you had gotten to work and by the looks of it, it was going to rain again later. The ground was wet and you had to walk around dark puddles to prevent your shoes from getting wet.
You went up to the same trailers Bradley had taken you to yesterday. You didn’t know anyone except Siara….thankfully you saw her through the open door of one of the trailers. 
“Hey Y/N!” she said as you walked through the door, wiping your feet on the mat inside the vehicle. 
“Hi Siara…..do I just help you out or is there someone else I’m answerable to now?” you said smiling and tucking your hands into you back pockets. 
“I was told that Huey or Naomi would guide you and Pandora” she responded, going through a rack of dirty looking costumes
As if on cue, a voice sounded through your headset, “Pandora and Y/N, please report to trailer nine”
You tapped on your earphone indicating to Siara that they had just told you and walked out of the trailer.
“Good luck!” you heard her yell.
When you got to trailer nine, you walked inside to find it was huge, almost double or even triple the size of what Daniel’s had been. It had long mirrors on both sides of the van and six white chairs on each side instead of three. There were almost 9 people in the trailer (which you would think would be a lot but in the huge vehicle it seemed like barely any). You looked around and saw Naomi and Pandora standing together in a corner opposite from the trailer’s door. You went up to them.
“Y/N!, how’ve you been?” Pandora said, a huge smile stretching itself across her face. Why was she being so nice to you all of a sudden?
“Good, how about you?”
“Ladies! We don’t have time for chit chat. The talent and extras will be here any second and you need to be ready”
You nodded crossing your arms over your chest. “I told all this to Pandora but I’ll repeat myself”
 She turned towards her,  “Pandora, you will be helping out mainly with the extras since they have such extensive make-up and costumes…you might help with the talent if they need it too depending on the day” 
Then she turned to you, “Y/N, you on the other hand will also be helping out with the readying of the extras and-“ she checked her watch and you could almost see the tension paint itself across her face. “And you’ll be giving a hand to Daniel Sharman’s make-up crew…since two of them resigned”
For a second you didn’t hear what she said and your mind fixated on just Daniel’s name. You nodded subconsciously, swallowing hard. A rush of adrenaline and nerves hit you when you processed that you’d be working with his make-up crew. You honestly still didn’t know what that meant but you were both nervous and insanely excited to find out. Naomi then without another word rushed down the stairs of the trailer and out into the gloomy weather. 
Did this mean you’d get to talk to Daniel? Would he actually notice you now? Or would you just be another part of the huge make up crew? Before you could bombard your poor mind with more intriguing questions, you froze in your spot when you saw the door to the trailer open. Multiple people walked through…extras. 
You let go of the breath you didn’t know you were holding and looked towards Pandora to see her also watching the extras. A realisation suddenly dawned on you that she was probably being nice to you because she knew beforehand that you were working with the Daniel. You honestly didn’t mind…it was better than when she was in a pissed off mood. 
“I guess we should start helping out?” you said looking at Pandora
She nodded going over to the chairs where the extras were getting seated, the make up crew bustling around them. There were even more of them now, they must have trickled in when you were speaking with Naomi. You saw Jasmine and the blonde make-up artist enter through the trailer…Daniel’s makeup artist. You suddenly gasped, only realising after you did so. 
Pandora looked at you with a funny expression, “What’s up with you?”
“Nothing…sorry” you said shaking your head and walking over to her. Your back faced the trailer door. 
A man, most likely a makeup artist from the looks of it (he had a belt around his waist with multiple makeup brushes and other tools), came up to the both of you. 
“Are you the extra help?”
“Yes” Pandora said
‘Great..” he looked around the trailer, “You guys won’t be doing anything crazy…just acting as assistants essentially to anyone who needs it” You saw his eyes widen as he looked over your shoulder most likely at the trailer door. You didn’t want to seem rude but you couldn’t help yourself as you turned around to find Daniel walking through the door of the trailer. He didn’t have his keys or anything for that matter on him so he must have left them in his personal trailer. His hair wasn’t tied up in a bun today and looked wet…it must’ve started raining outside. 
“Sorry I’m late!” your heart stopped for a second when you thought that he was talking to you, but he was actually looking over your shoulder at the crew member you and Pandora had been talking to. 
He quickly rushed past you and to Daniel, “Oh no no Daniel, you’re just on time!”
He smiled and walked past him to a chair where Jasmine and that other woman were setting up their supplies. You really had to learn her name. You knew you should go to them seeing as you were supposed to help but you were frozen in your spot, you heart beat thudding through your ears. 
“Y/N! You’re helping us today right?” you tore your eyes from Daniel and to Jasmine who was calling out to you from her place next to him. How she knew your name you had no idea…Naomi must’ve told her. 
You opened your mouth to talk but realised that it was better to just go over and see what they need help with. Your mouth tended to go dry when you were extremely nervous (or even excited). 
You walked over to the three of them. Daniel saw you through the mirror and maybe it was just you but you could’ve sworn there was a hint of recognition in his eyes. The second you caught his blue eyes you looked away and at Jasmine. 
‘What can I help with?”
She bent down and pulled out a white cape looking sheet from a shelf and put it on the long table. 
“It’s similar to a hair salon really” she opened a drawer and got multiple long clips out, then proceeding to go stand behind Daniel, “I’ll teach you the little tasks you’ll have to do so don’t worry…the basics are the same for the extras’ makeup as well”
You kept looking at Jasmine not wanting to be caught staring or even looking at Daniel through the mirror. She took a brush and brushed his hair back, using the different coloured clips to clip it out of his face, most likely to get him ready for the makeup. You had never been this close to any of the actors you knew and loved. It felt a bit like a dream really. Maybe it even was. 
You were snapped back to reality when you heard Daniel’s voice. “I know…aren’t we all” he said laughing. 
He must have been responding to something Jasmine or the other woman said, you wished you had been listening. 
“If you pick up things quickly you can be doing all this and I can focus more on the makeup” you heard Jasmine say. She had picked up the white sheet and was now putting it around Daniel’s neck, making sure it was covering his clothes. 
You nodded smiling and suddenly felt his eyes on you. You took a sudden risk and looked in the mirror right at him. His eyes were darting across the trailer now, thankfully not looking at you anymore. You crossed you arms over your chest, an act of subconscious self defence at how self conscious you were feeling at this moment. 
“Can you pass me the makeup wipes?” you heard Jasmine say. She was pointing at a white box on the counter. You quickly grabbed them and handed them to her. She didn’t take them from you but instead pulled a couple wipes out of it. 
“His makeup is essentially the same everyday” she said. She then proceeded to take the wipe and gently rub it across his face, most likely to make sure there was no oil or residue and so they could have a fresh canvas for the makeup. “The tears are the hardest and longest part to do so you’ll probably be needed most then” 
You felt a bit more comfortable now and spoke, "Do you do those too?”
You glanced in the mirror and saw Daniel grin a bit. Jasmine smiled too shaking her head, “Oh no, I’m still learning. Cassandra does the tears and most of his main makeup. Hopefully by the end of the process I’ll be able to do some of it though”
You smiled feeling like a bit of a fool, of course she was still learning. 
You heard Daniel’s voice and assumed he was talking to Jasmine, “You’re a production assistant right?” 
He wasn’t. 
You looked over at him through the mirror to see him looking directly at you. You nodded, smiling. You wanted to say something but the words just wouldn’t make their way out of your mouth. God,  you probably looked like such a starstruck dumbass. 
Cassandra had seemed to disappear, you looked around the trailer and she was nowhere to be seen. You swallowed and breathed deeply trying to calm the adrenaline still making it’s way through your body. 
“Will I just be watching today?” you asked, curious to know how much actual work you’d do.
“I guess so…Cassandra will let you know when she comes back” she said shrugging. She threw the makeup wipe into the bin and smiled. 
“Daniel probably has some of the best skin I’ve ever worked with” she said laughing, “There’s barely any oil….ever” 
He laughed too, “I doubt that” 
Your eyes suddenly fixated themselves on his smile and you found yourself beaming too. 
You quickly snapped yourself out of whatever day dream world you were living in. 
What in the living hell was wrong with you? He was an actor and suddenly just because you had seen him in real life you were falling for him? You had to get your act together….otherwise it could end up being a real and unnecessary distraction. 
You tore your eyes from him and looked at the door to see Cassandra walk back in. 
“Have you shown Y/N the basics?” she asked walking over to you three.
“Yes ma’am…I believe so” she said smiling.
Cassandra smirked looking skeptical, “Has she Daniel?” she said jokingly.
He nodded, lifting a hand to run it through his hair but dropping it at the last moment when he remembered his head was adorned with clips, “I think she has”.
You smiled feeling a bit nervous…Cassandra was a tad more intimidating than Jasmine. “You have to pick up things fast okay Y/N?” She went up in front of Daniel and grabbed what looked to be translucent powder and a brush, handing it to Jasmine. “We don’t have the time to slow ourselves down for you or Pandora”
You didn’t know what else to say other than, “Okay…of course”. You had no room for error apparently, you just had to get into Cassandra’s good books and you’d be fine. She wasn’t as sweet as she’d been on that day where you were still only a set PA. 
You looked at Daniel and found that he had closed his eyes and Jasmine was dabbing a bit of powder over his T zone…probably to absorb the excess oil that she had proudly told you he didn’t have. 
“Do you do a lot of makeup yourself?” Jasmine asked you
“Not usually but sometimes I guess” you said
“So you know all the different brushes?”
 You thought back to the hours of mindless makeup videos you would spend hours watching at 3:00 am when you couldn’t sleep. 
“Yep, I do actually” you said confidently. Thank god you weren’t completely clueless in this new endeavour.
Part five
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lwbluedice · 7 years
Masterpost for my Stories and Ocs!!!
A spoilerfree list of most of my Ocs and stories (reuploaded here on my main blog)
- Name of the story and state it’s in
- short summary/facts
- Character names
If you want more information abt any of them(like a description or a pic) or abt the stories, just message me/ ask me!  Also feel free to ask me to draw them ( for example in the color scheme thing or sth)!
Note: The stories are all written in german so if you don’t speak that language i can’t send you the original documents but i can try summing them up for you!
I bet this is not everything and i will add stuff but yeah!!!!
Hotaru (first draft is finished)
- Abt two men that are linked through a surgery called “synchronisation”, which basically connects their minds and bodies, so they are forced to work as a team. Ea is an ex-soldier and Cain was a hacker, but due to the fact that they can’t stand each other, they also didn’t share their pasts with each other. To pay someone to unlink them, they become bounty hunters and kidnap the girl Ai and her robot Subaru, which is one of the old military robots, called Hotarus (high technologised, operating, transforming, artificial intelligence, ranger units). They are connected to a human ranger and can transform into what the ranger wants them to transform into.
The Hotaru headquarters exploded 10 years ago and since then the Hotarus are super rare on the black market.
The two men plan on selling both the girl and her robot and let’s just say it all doesn’t work out that well.
Ai Hoshino
Cain Bishop
Dr. Chandra Natarajan
10 A
10 B
and other synced pairs
George Watton
Asha Watton
Elaine Bishop
Christopher Bishop
Haruto Hoshino
Shiori Hoshino
The Pleiades. A Hotaru Unit.
Atlas/ Emmett Hunter
Maia/ Ilya Neverwinter
Elektra/ Hailey Gray
Taygete/ Daiyu Ghou
Alcyone/ Charlotte Gryffith)
Caelano/ Sora Aurora River
Merope/ Imogen Harrington
Sterope/ Elizabeth Bresley
Additional Characters for the (maybe Sequel) in which the grown up Ai will try to find out who attacked the Hotaru Headquarters
- Skya
The day the world turned white ( first draft is finished, working on it)
To stop global warming some scientists basically caused a new ice age. On the long run this might be very effective but the former countries, now sectors, are hit by strong ice storms, called snow white. To stay safe huge bunkers, the Safe Cities, were built and the local fauna and flora were stored in Arks, to preserve them.
Usually an alarm sounds before all citizens are brought into the SCs, but this time Reese and her best friend Yuki dont manage to get to the vehicles on time and are left behind. They seek shelter in a private bunker outside of town that Yuki found out about recently. Suddenly a group of boys their age knocks on the door, because they were also left behind and followed the girls.
Al, the brothers Eli and Isaac, Gil and Henry become the new bunker-mates and the group has to survive one year in the bunker, until the storm is over.
( I have a blog for this story, just search for The day the world turned white! There are pics and some posts for example abt which patronus/spirit animal the charas have!)
Reese/ Therese Wells
Al/ Alexander Glover
Yuki Sarah Brooke
Eli Green
Isaac Green
Gil de Santos
Henry Summers
The Sun will always rise (The sequel, probably forever unfinished)
About a group of rebels, the Sun Children, that are sworn enemies to the government and its ways to cope with Snow White.
Takes place abt one/two years after Tdtwtw.
Lucy and Aidan are kicked out of an underground organisation that stays in the cities underground system during the storm phases and the two wander around in the snow until Michael and Rin pick them up and bring them to the Sun Children. From looking into the snow directly to maneuver, Lucy has turned snowblind.
Yeah the plot is… not 100% existent.
The XII Games ( First book is finished, i started the second one, unfinished)
A story abt spaceships that let slaves fight in games, if they win a certain number they are “free”. Cassidy makes it and is sold to a women, Trisha, that takes her home onto her home planet, where Cassidy lives a nice life and learns abt her heritage. One year later she meets Tobias again and she and Trisha are brought to a planet that is basically the universes capital. Cassidy has to take a more important role in the uproar of a war, than she ever imagined.( The cast members are mostly human looking but are other, non human, races)
Cass (Cassidy ) E’ Alandril
On the slave ship:
Sam ( Samuel)
On Anterra:
Trisha  Willowrish
Max ( Maxwell)  E’ Alyndral
On the Space sparrow:
Zach ( Zacharyas) Gryaan
Benj ( Benjamin) Bottledom
Rashka Hyrelian
Oreadh Urunna'ur
Irian Ashcott
On Capital Estellar:
Galea ( Galeandrih Fiyur’ Ihal)
Wren Fawell
Luminor the Shining
Fallen Angels ( A trilogy, one and a half books were finished, reconcepted)
We don’t talk abt this but it was one of my first stories i truly wrote.
Abt fallen angels saving the world or sth. It’s super clichee and just ugh.
The newer version would cancel some charas and make it abt rebalancing Darkness and Light in the worlds. With a more diverse cast and also different magical races. And a way less creepy Adam.
Eve/Evelyn White
Ky/ Kyron
Gabe/Gabriel Frost
Bree/ Gabriella Frost
Indigo ( haven’t written it yet and i don’t know if i ever will, but have drawn stuff. I lowkey wanna see this as a comic)
A story abt a clan of shapeshifters, called Indigos. They are basically human that can shift into dolphins and their clan lives on an island near Australia. Its a modern story and the gang consisting of our local gay dolphin girl Keerie, her cousins Akash and Arjuun (younger brother, older sis), and Ky ( adopted as a child, japanese heritage, a different breed of dolphin idk) lives their “normal lives” with lots of shenenigans and drama.
Some day Keerie falls in love with Navy, the daughter of the owner of the local Aquapark (that the clan suspect also does illegal stuff like snatching wild animals).
“Neo Alcatraz” ( reworks of a very old story)
To put it simply, there is a pack of scientists that bionically enhance children and send them off to different countries to basically be local superheroes. Our gang was kinda left behind bc the countries rather took the newer, better versions and here they are now, a bunch of supernatural teens facing the (not so) everyday struggles of life.
Gemsona (just art)
- has water powers and her backstory bases on my private/old Squads life story and a lot of me thinking of drawing music videos for her but never doing it
Anthea (art and headcanons)
- my Dnd Oc
The Bender Girls ( art and headcanons)
- basically some Avatar the last Airbender Ocs i made once
Sündenfall / Sinfall (short story)
A short story i wrote for a competition which is basically every crime series but magic.
Harvey is immortal, he dies and is revived, and solves crimes through it. Paige is basically his assistant and the case they are on is abt a person that kills magical beings and “arranges” the victims fitting to the seven sins.
Ilya Winter
The concept charas, that had a different storyline ( they were basically a team of magical beings that would solve cases… rather unconventional.) I considered reworking them into the new Fallen Angels concept:
Worth mentioning:
Project Alpha (script, some art):
The script for a shortfilm i once made with my friends. A school class has a plane crash and only a few students survive, they all embody a different character archetype (the sunshine, the soziopath, the smart one etc.) They try to survive and are put through weird psychological mind experiments like the trolley problem.
To be honest, the concept had and still has a lot of potential and we just hadn’t the opportunities to rly set it the way we anticipated. The shooting day was super fun, though! Still laughing about the outtakes
Astral Chronicles (some art and a few chapters, unfinished)
A story Idea i still like but probably wont write like this because of copyright problems. Its basically a giant Crossover.
Its abt people who have an Astral( mostly a literature figure) they embody when they are dreaming. Their body stays in bed and is vulnerable but the Astral can basivally run around and has special powers. If the Astral dies, the person wakes up but i think when the body dies the person dies too? idk.
The Protagonist embodies Alice and there are also the White Rabbit, Peter Pan, Tinkerbell usw.
There was also some kind of conflict? I dont remember.
If i would ever rewrite it the Astrals would be embodiments of the Zodiac signs.
(does this even fit?)
The Fanfiction thing i wrote abt Peter Pan/ Jack Frost
- like i have tons of short drabbles and the start of a fanfiction and honestly i liked the ideas i had a lot
The ones we better not talk abt:
Part Hunter
Basically there was a being named eternity/aeterna that was shattered into oarts (like in TRC)
and chosen ones have to reclaim them.
The ones that basically die are turned into guardians, like Time and Space ( they had animal companions they were fused with i guess)
Melody is the current part hunter and has a tragic love story, her animal is a tiny horse thing??????
basically a long story in which i used my dreams as base for the episodes
The nameless story
Actually super interesting but too many charas and a too tiny will to draw action scenes or write them.
Like its based around a super popular game in huge spheres/buildings and the teams wear some anti gravity outfits and shoes and can walk on the walls and shit and can basically attack using elements/illusion/ conjure monsters idk.
And the main team had an opponent team that basically specialized in the 25272 other elements and some day they just fused teams idk.
There also was some prophecy shit abt the anchors, ppl that can control all elements the same???? Idk
Element guardians
- basically four teens that control the elements and do shit together
- at some point i gave all of them dragons
- still thinking abt this sometimes
- The originals:
Luna: the shameless self insert , earth, pony girl, bland blonde i think
Katy: Air, best friend, bubbly
Dan: The jock. Fire
Nick: The emo. Water
At some point Katy became Skye and Dan and Nick got other names but yeah-
Talent Academy
The story thats basically a ripoff of Alice academy. Like a school with hierachie between the students and ranks and shit and different houses and the students have powers IDK
If you read through all of this, bless you for showing interest in my stories ;) And hey, if you want me to rant about any of them, just send me an ask or a message!!!
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