#and I'm gonna have steak tartare for dinner
humangerbil · 2 years
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On the tddkbb server we were discussing what the foods were at this dinner and I might have gone and gotten invested in figuring them all out.
Lots of images, with more below, to flip back and forth between as needed. Clean image, followed by numbered images. Numbers are per dish, which sometimes there are multiple of the same one.
Shumai - I would guess the pork variety since that is the kind that I always see with the pea on top. I wasn’t actually sure about this one until I looked at the manga panel and saw that the little cylinders are more wrinkly than in the anime, like they should be.
Mapo Tofu - Bakugo yells about this dish.
Hambagu or hamburger steak - This one I’m about 95% sure about. It’s got the salad and tomatoes there and I really can’t think of anything else it would be but I might be wrong. 
Leeks - This is a best guess. It could also be a cucumber dish or something else. But the way it is alone and the pieces are long makes me think leeks are most likely. Other ideas welcome.
Cabbage Rolls
Gyoza - This one I wasn’t sure about until the anime gave up the close up of Midoriya eating one, see below.
Tamagoyaki - I wasn’t sure about this one from the table spread shots but the fourth image and the manga panel shows the spirals very clearly giving it away. There does appear to be a minor animation error on the fourth image where the plate changes to white from black but mistakes happen.
Tatsutaage - I would have guessed karaage from the images alone since they are very similar dishes but Midoriya actually states the name of this dish when he is praising it.
Negiyaki or Okonomiyaki or other Okonomiya-related dish - This one I’m just guessing. In the first and second image it is shown cut up, in the close up shot it looks too flat and thin to be any of these but I can’t think of anything else it might be. As can be seen in the 9?s on the manga panels could be the same dish but neither really looks like anything specific. I think 9? blue is the same dish but they did change things between the manga and the anime so it’s really just a best guess. If anyone has any other ideas what this dish might be please tell me.
Salad - Nothing exciting here just a simple salad with some cherry tomatoes
Soup, probably Miso - Miso soup would be the standard and it’s the right color for it but there are other options it could be since it is never said to be any specific type.
Rice - These are also their serving bowls, the take food from the spread and add it to their rice bowl.
Dipping Sauce - I haven’t been able to divine what kind of sauce. I’m leaning towards tartar sauce since that would go with the tatsutaage and the color sorta matches. It might also be shabu shabu but that wouldn't be chunky looking like this is. I would have assumed green onion sauce but it’s the wrong color for that and much too chunky looking. These could also be dishes for eating things without rice and they have some mapo tofu in them. If anyone has any other ideas of what it might be please let me know.
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It's very clearly gyoza from this image.
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And lastly, I give you my final point of this post.
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Dabi hates fish. Fuyumi made this huge spread of dishes and didn't make one fish dish. Not a single one.
I'm gonna forever headcanon that Fuyumi doesn't cook fish because Touya hated it.
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pizza-feverdream · 3 months
Dinner time baby, whatcha gonna eat
I could whip myself up a 5 course feast
Duck pâtè en Croûte, maybe steak tartar
Who am I kidding, I'm having
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(I love this video)
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kiradrinkalot · 2 years
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Here we go again
Yo I had a poke bowl for the first time today and it was good
And just because I never had it I ordered squid and octopus nigiri (it was 2 pieces of both)
Last time I tried eel and while I liked it in the maki rolls and liked the taste of the fish... I fucking hated the texture when I ate the nigiri
The squid was... Eh. It wasn't bad it just... Kinda existed?
I liked the octopus tho
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I hope this pink lasts more than one wash because I love it
And I made some panacotta because why not
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....Ignore the shape Sob thought it would be funny while ordering.... (And I agree... So many dick jokes lol)
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