#pastels and lighter pink shades just wash out so soon
kiradrinkalot · 2 years
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Here we go again
Yo I had a poke bowl for the first time today and it was good
And just because I never had it I ordered squid and octopus nigiri (it was 2 pieces of both)
Last time I tried eel and while I liked it in the maki rolls and liked the taste of the fish... I fucking hated the texture when I ate the nigiri
The squid was... Eh. It wasn't bad it just... Kinda existed?
I liked the octopus tho
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I hope this pink lasts more than one wash because I love it
And I made some panacotta because why not
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....Ignore the shape Sob thought it would be funny while ordering.... (And I agree... So many dick jokes lol)
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purplesurveys · 3 years
The last time you washed your hair, did you use conditioner? Yeah, I’m pretty paranoid and always feel the need to use conditioner because of a bad rebonding job from like a decade ago that stiffened up my hair as soon as it would get wet. It lasted for around a year, so I formed the habit of always using conditioner every time I shower. I don’t think I’ve ever used just shampoo since then.
Do you prefer light or dark jeans?  Dark, but I suppose it would be nice to start experimenting with lighter shades as well.
When you listen to music, do you generally sing along, or just listen?  It depends if I know the lyrics or I’m feeling the song at the moment. Obviously with my new obsession with BTS I can’t really sing along to entire songs, but I do sing the few English lyrics they have per song, hahaha.
Do you have any of your exes as friends on Facebook?  Yeah but she’s been muted for like half a year already, as is the rest of her family. I do have plans to unfriend her entirely; I’m just not sure when I would push through with it, and I already gave Angela permission to log onto my account one of these days to be the one to do the unfriending.
Who was your first love? Do you ever miss that person?  Gabie. I miss the friendship sometimes; I don’t think I’ll have a friendship as deep and connected as the one we had, so I will always feel sorry about how that went to waste. But I don’t really think about our relationship anymore as I’m pretty good at blocking off certain memories, so I don’t miss her in that sense.
How many cars are parked at your house right now?  Two.
Do you have any Italian ancestry?  I highly doubt so. If anything there’s probably a tiny drop Spanish blood in there but that’s the most European I’ll ever get.
Do you prefer water to be ice cold or at room temperature?  Like, drinking water? Ice cold, always. I hate warm water.
Has anyone ever told you you’re a control freak?  Not to my face, but I know I’m one so I’m sure other people have said that about me at least behind my back.
Do you know anyone who has gone missing? If so, were they ever found?  Yes, my friend Mik and one of my aunts. They were both found eventually.
What was the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten?  Eating ghost pepper instant noodles was a pain I would never want to go through again...I threw that shit out after my first forkful, lmao.
Do you need to talk to someone?  No, not in particular. In a more general sense I do wanna start gaining more friends though, so I’ve been meaning to expand my circle by creating a new Twitter account just for my BTS dump. In other words, I am a 23 year old with a stan Twitter HAHAHAHA
Is something confusing you at the moment?  No, I’m good.
When was the last time you had a real deep chat?  Maybe my conversation with Andi a couple of nights back. We were talking about a tricky situation with their ex-friend who turned out to be a real dick when they came out to him a year ago, and they just wanted to get my perspective on how I would handle it.
Who did you last see on webcam?  The PR manager for one of our clients, who we all despise because he doesn’t know how to do his job. Thankfully he’s resigning soon so we’re all just waiting for him to leave and finally meet a much more competent replacement.
What’s your best friend’s pet’s name(s)?  Angela has two dogs, Hailey and Kennedy. Andi had Apollo, who I wanted to meet so badly but sadly he passed away a week ago at 15.
Have you ever taken a picture while laying in the grass?  There are photos of me sitting on grass, but not lying in it. I would imagine that would feel very prickly and uncomfortable.
Who’s your favorite Disney character? Baymax or Flynn Rider.
Have you ever deliberately tried to get someone drunk?  I’ve made my friends chug drinks or down shots and it’s happened vice versa, but it was always in good fun and we never made each other harassed from it. It’s just your typical college rambunctiousness, and if anyone felt uncomfortable or iffy then we didn’t hesitate to move on.
When was the last time you used a pay phone and who were you calling?  I’ve only ever seen those in my first school, when I was in kindergarten. I never got to use it and they also took them out not long after.
Do you like being kissed on the neck?  Yessssssssss
Have you ever had sex with someone you weren’t dating (but had feelings for) in the hopes that they would ask you out later?  Nope. I don’t think I would have sex with anyone I wasn’t dating.
What’s the most you would be willing to spend on a good bra?  Probably a couple thousand bucks if I thought I looked good in it.
Do you have any of your teachers’ personal cell phone numbers saved in your contacts list?  I don’t think so. I never tried getting close with any of them, and I always tried to stay hidden as much as possible. I was just in class to get good grades and pass.
Do you ever stalk peoples’ personal blogs, even if you don’t know them very well?  I never really scroll through people’s Tumblrs anymore. That was more of a thing I did in like 2013, but these days going through my dashboard is enough.
What’s one thing about today’s generation that you just can’t stand?  Some social media trends done for clout make me revolted, especially when it has anything to do with wasting food. I also hate when they do extreme pranks that I know I wouldn’t find funny if I were ever the victim, like tossing someone’s phone into the ocean.
Be honest: how do you feel about abortion?  Pro-choice. 
Is there anyone you currently want to reach out to?  I would love to catch up with Katreen at some point, but I know we’re at different points in our lives now and it would probably never happen.
What is your favorite piece of art you own?  I commissioned my sister to make an artwork of the 2D1N cast, and she did a great job making it! I haven’t gotten to use it or promote it yet, but I will soon. It’s really well-done.
What’s the one thing you apologized for this month?  Replying late.
My favorite color is ______?  Pastel pink.
I wish I had _____?  Longer weekends.
What did you buy today? Nothing – I’d call that a success lmao, I’ve been spending money as if I had a million fucking bucks over the last week. I did have some packages arrive today though: my own copy of 2 Cool 4 Skool (my first physical BTS album!!!!!!); the official poster from their album BE; the Ivy Park sneakers I ordered earlier this month, and an Ivy Park bucket hat Bea had apparently gotten for me as a birthday present.
What has challenged your morals?  Vices.
What made you pick up the last book you started reading?  I had to read it in preparation for a one-on-one session with my employer’s CEO.
What about your life concerns you the most? Whether a stable future is in the cards for me.
What do you find particularly offensive? Would you say you’re easy or difficult to offend?  Probably Filipino-American comedians or influencers who use stereotyping of Filipino accents and habits as a punchline; they do more harm to the culture than good. I can tell you not one Filipino who lives in the Philippines actually finds those funny, and Bretman Rock is probably the only personality who’s able to flaunt the culture in an entertaining and hilarious yet classy way.
When it comes to being offended, I guess it depends on the context. My humor can get pretty dark and low-blowy, but I would have a problem with someone who I know has genuinely problematic views.
What was the last series you finished watching? Do you have any plans to begin another?  I think it may had still been Start-Up from last December. I’m not too big on Korean dramas since I find one episode waaaaaaayyyyyyy too long. I don’t think I’ll be starting on anything soon, Korean or otherwise.
What is one way in which you are different from a year ago? What is one way in which you are still the same?  I’m single now, for the first time in technically six years. I also think I’m doing better and happier, breakup notwithstanding. OH and I love wasabi now, hahah. As for what’s unchanged, I still like taking surveys and I’m still stuck at home, though the latter’s not really in my control anymore.
If you could learn about anything without the stress of grades or cost, what kind of classes would you take?  I’d just go back to UP for the free tuition. We also have the widest range of programs out of any university in the country, so it’s a damn good deal.
Name a song you’ve listened to today?  Fly To My Room - BTS
When you were younger, did you have a swing set or a playhouse in your backyard?  We didn’t; but one of our relatives that we’d regularly visit did have a playground that I’d use all the time. It’s still there, just very unmaintained since no one uses it anymore.
Is your mall nice?  Which one? We have five different malls nearby lol. Mall culture here is on another level.
Do you have a Sonic near you? If so, what’s your favorite drink from there?  No. I’m not so sure what they serve there, either. I’m guessing milkshakes?
Will you be voting in the presidential elections next time around?  I’ll always exercise my right to vote.
How do you feel about chocolate-covered strawberries?  I hate strawberries and I hate fruits, so even if you coat that shit in Nutella and cookie butter and chocolate syrup I still wouldn’t touch it.
Did you ever stop having feelings for someone and then started having those feelings again for them? No.
Do you hate the last guy you had a thing with?  I’ve never had a thing with guys.
To whom did you last give the finger?  I haven’t had to do that in a while.
What was the last musical instrument played in your presence?  My sister’s keyboard.
Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?  Not particularly. They make things look cute, but they never taste like anything tbh so I never saw the point in paying extra just to have them on my desserts.
Honestly, have you ever crashed a party before?  Nah. I cringe thinking about that.
Do you know how to do the moon walk?  I don’t.
Has anybody ever told you that you have a good singing voice?  Never gotten that specific compliment before because I know I don’t have one.
Onion rings or french fries?  Onion rings.
Has anybody ever described you as a heart breaker? No.
Has anybody ever told you that you talk too fast?  I don’t think so, but I know I have the tendency to do so occasionally, especially while I’m presenting a deck. Once I notice it I make an effort to pace myself.
Who is the best cook that you know?  My dad and both my grandmas all deserve that title.
Which meal throughout the day do you skip the most?  I literally never have lunch ever.
What’s the largest amount that you can juggle at one time?  I can’t juggle.
What was your favorite thing to go on at the playground as a kid?  Sandboxes, since I liked the texture; the sandboxes in school were also often empty, which worked well for my introvert self. I find that it’s carried over to today, since I still enjoy touching things like slime and kinetic sand.
Do you know how much you weighed at birth? How much?  I think 5 or 6 lbs, I’m not exactly sure but it’s definitely somewhere in that small range.
Which aspect of your daily routine takes the most time? What do you do?  Work, for sure. I work a normal 9–6 so that’s already 8 hours out of my day, but I also OT a lot after hours, and I work throughout my lunch break as well so that technically makes it 9 hours. I also like getting up earlier and starting some work before my shift so that I would have less tasks on my plate for the day.
Do you enjoy buying gifts for others, or could you do without this?  I LOVE getting people gifts. Food is especially my love language, and I always get food delivery for my friends, family, and my team at work.
What is one thing you are expected to do, if anything?  I mean, I have work deadlines tomorrow so there’s that.
How do you tend to view driving? Monotonous or entertaining?  I love driving. I don’t think I ever complained about having to do it. It’s calming and relaxing when I’m doing it alone or with a partner; and it can be entertaining with the right set of people.
Do you enjoy talking about music with others? Not always. If I don’t listen to the artist then I can find the conversation quite boring, like if my friends would get into a full-blown discussion about Taylor Swift.
Is acting something you enjoy?  No. It wouldn’t even be something I’d be interested in doing.
When do you feel most accomplished?  Finishing a work day with no tasks left behind.
Do you think Manwich is amazing or completely gross?  Idk what that is.
How many best friends do you have?  Two.
Are you a smoker, drinker, pothead or none of the above?  I drink sometimes. I also kinda smoke, I guess.
If you have your ears pierced, when did you get them pierced?  My mom had them pierced when I was a month old.
Do you own any exercise machines?  My mom has this rowing equipment thingy. I don’t have any of my own, though.
On Facebook, do you have people listed as your siblings who aren’t really your siblings?  No.
Have you ever drawn or painted a self-portrait?  I remember having to draw one as a school assignment, but I’m pretty sure I half-assed that because I couldn’t care less for art class back then.
Who was your last voicemail from?  We don’t have voicemails.
Have you ever been falsely accused of something serious?  I don’t think so. That’s the sort of situation that would stick out in my memory if ever.
Did you ever set up a lemonade stand when you were a kid?  No, not a thing here.
When was the last time you spoke to someone in a different language?  Around an hour ago when I went downstairs and chatted with my sister briefly.
Have you ever received an anonymous gift?  Nope.
Have you ever camped out somewhere for an event the next day?  Nope but I definitely still wouldn’t be opposed to doing that haha.
When were you the saddest in your life? 2016 was fucking miserable. < I’d have to agree. 2017 was also awful.
Do you know anyone, personally, who is in an abusive relationship? Are you?  I used to know one but she got out of it. In a sense, I suppose I also was in one.
If you have siblings, have they moved out or do they still live with you?  Well they’re younger, so they definitely still live here, with our parents. I’m the first one expected to move out, but I’m taking my time.
Have you ever gotten searched by the cops?  No.
Do you like fried rice?  Of course. I like any kind of rice.
What was the last thing you drank?  Water.
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mysticsparklewings · 5 years
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Mon Cher
Oh look, more painting stuff! :D After resisting the urge to break into them for over a week because I had other projects to work on, I finally broke into the 60 set of Arteza watercolors that I'd ordered, and after swatching and a little testing, this was where I went with them. But I'm not going to focus on a review/first impressions of the paints here, as I want the focus to be more on the piece itself since I'm really happy with how it turned out. (If you're more interested in my thoughts on those paints, I'll link to the piece I have coming up that I made more specifically to talk about those as soon as it's up.) This piece was also inspired largely by Leonidafremov, one of my favorite artists here on deviantArt who passed away recently, which is a large part of which I ventured further outside my comfort zone to make it. I may make another piece inspired by/dedicated to him at a later date now that I'm dipping my toes into acrylics, but I'm not sure yet. As for the here and now; I went with the Effiel Tower as my main subject of choice partly because of the reason above, and also partly because I have dreams of visiting Paris someday and thus it has become a sort of default artistic subject for me. After browsing through Pinterest for a bit for some extra inspiration, I couldn't decide between doing a more dreamy, sakura-tree surrounded tower, or a more "realistic" cityscape surrounding, and in the end I more or less combined the two with the trees poking in on the left and the city poking in on the right. Once I had a plan, I did a little practicing sketching and painting to think about how I wanted to paint and shade the tower as well as how much thought/sketching needed to go into this before I brought the paint to the paper. Thanks to that, I did end up doing some light sketching for the tower, the tree branches, and the outlines of the city buildings, but I tried not to be too fussy about it--no rulers allowed!--since I didn't want to spend super long on the sketch and really wanted to be a little looser in my watercolor technique overall. My main concern was that I didn't want the tower to look like it was drunk and/or you were looking at it through a kaleidoscope, and I think I managed to accomplish that, even if it is a little off in some places. I was also working with a limited color palette because I fell in love with the six colors I used when I saw them all lined up in my swatches, and I did have white and black on my palette just in case, but I didn't touch the black at all and I was pretty sparing with the white. (Which is a highly unusual thing for me to say.) I had a really pastel yellow, a peachy pink, a muted lavender, a darker true blue, a dull teal-ish blue, and a very pale pastel blue. Since I'm very often a stickler for color matching or using a more realistic palette, it was fun to experiment with something more centered around a particular palette that gives a much different look for more realistic/natural color choices. I started by going in with the yellow on the tower, as I'd decided in my planning I wanted to go with a light-to-dark side shading on the tower, starting with the yellow and transitioning across the colors into the blue, using the pink to make a prettier transition. Using the dark blue was the trickiest part since I didn't want it to spread too far and start making green with the yellow, but I did want it to be noticeably present and not blended out to a pastel blue and/or purple. Especially since I had plans to bring the blue up in the background later. I also tried to keep the shading simple but still sensical, meaning I tried to shade the little ledges and stuff properly, but again I tried not to be too fussy about it. While the tower was drying, I moved on to the trees. I start by dabbing on the pink that I had unaltered and without much water so that the paint would be more opaque, then I added some water to pale it out and let the petals "bloom" and float a little, and then I started adding on layers in the same way with a lighter pink I made by mixing in the white, some white the yellow, and some with the purple and a little bit with the blue that ended up getting mostly covered by the branches later.  My goal was to add a little more depth & dimension but still keep it pretty abstract. Then while that was drying, I moved on to using varying amounts of water to create the buildings on the right, and I did mix in a little purple and pink just to "blend" the buildings into the rest of the painting a little better. This was a bit of an exercise in patience and experimentation as far as that goes because I have had minor struggles with that in the past, but I think it worked out as well as I needed it to here. And I did end up adding a couple of extra buildings beneath the tower that I hadn't sketched in because I felt like the colors were a little off balance and I wanted to try and remedy that. With the buildings filled in to my satisfaction, I went back to the now-dry trees and took the teal-ish blue I hadn't used yet and started lining the branches. And again, I tried my best not to be too fussy or particular about them, especially since once I added the petals most of my sketched-in lines disappeared because they were hiding behind the paint.   By that point, the buildings were dry enough that I was able to go in and do the lines of the tower (as you can see some of the buildings are basically touching parts of the tower), and at first I wasn't sure if I was just going to do the more noticeable/necessary outlines and leave the bulk of the tower with just the sketch lines, but as I went it became kind of a no-brainer to me that, as trying of my patience as it would be, I needed to go over pretty much all of the lines to "complete" the tower look. And I do like the emphasis the outlines place on the colors/shading of the tower, especially since it's lighter than the darkest blue, so in person, you almost expect there to be some sort of shimmer when you move the paper. It's a pretty interesting effect if you ask me. After all of that, I waited what felt like ages for everything to be dry so I could go in and add a light wash of color for the background. (Which admittedly in hindsight I should have done first before I did anything else with the paint, but I didn't think about it until it was too late.) And I did try to get a transition from just a hint of the yellow to a hint of the pink to a hint of the purple, while still blending the edges of the colors against the trees, tower, and buildings as best I could without disturbing the paint that was already there. I had to do a couple of layers to try and build up the color I wanted, and on the scan, it still looks too pale (though in person it is paler than I was going for, it's just enough that it works to my eyeballs), and unfortunately despite my best efforts I did end up with a few pretty obvious water lines/spots from that. Though on the scanned version they're less noticeable. I think. Then while my faux-background was drying, I went back to the buildings and layered on some spots to indicate windows and on the slanted one, what I imagine to be a kind of giant glass-terrace for very fancy upper-class soirées. And admittedly my windows aren't terribly nice in share and aren't as opaque as maybe they should be, but since I was going for loose, I'm not going to count that too hard against myself. Finally, that upper right corner felt very empty compared to the rest of the drawing, and though I debated on it at first, I ended up adding a moon and very few small stars just to give it a little something and round out the painting a little. And of course I had to add my signature, but I'm trying not to look at/think about it because that pink gel pen came out way more pinky than I expected it to.   Overall, I know there are a lot of mistakes and learning hiccups here, but I really am happy with how it turned out in the end and I really had a lot of fun getting lost in the artistic process with this one. At one point, I looked and the time was 2 am, and then I looked up again at it was 4 am! Two hours had passed in what felt like maybe thirty minutes. And despite its flaws, this is one of those pieces that has boosted my confidence in working with the medium used to create it, and so I say the experience was very much worth it, and thus I am looking forward to trying more larger watercolor pieces like this going forward.  (I am especially eager to try a larger one on canvas, between this and my experiment with watercolors on canvas I did a while ago, so maybe look forward to that in the future?) ____ Artwork © me, MysticSparkleWings ____ Where to find me & my artwork: My Website | Commission Info + Prices | Ko-Fi | dA Print Shop | RedBubble |   Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram
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askmydarksides · 6 years
So, how you planning on changing it?
“So how do I do this?” Doubt asked, tilting his head to the side as soon as the both of them rose back up just outside of his room, the door was still laying fallen on the floor. Although if what Nessie had told him was anything to consider then that would soon be changing, if only he could understand how to do this. Nevertheless, as much as Cruelty’s room made him feel uncomfortable, he followed after the depressive side as soon as he was ushered in. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Nessie didn’t want to be seen or heard by Virgil, so with that in mind he swallowed down that queasy feeling at the sight of the blood red carpet. The memories of deep endless bloodied puddles still very much fresh in his mind.
However, it was made all the better as Nessie flopped onto his bed.
“Mom explained it to me,” He explained, patting a spot on the bed next to him, before he carried on as soon as Doubt joined him. “It reflects whatever you want, so all you have to do is image it. Close your eyes.” Nessie gently instructed, and without a single hint of hesitation, Doubt did as he was asked while the other side’s voice remained right in front of him. “Now visualize it, the image has to be crystal clear for it to come to be. Think about what you would like, what you want your room to look like, and how it would make you feel…and let it happen.”
In all honesty, Doubt wanted to interject. He obviously couldn’t do such a thing, this sounded something more along the lines of something Creativity could do, or just anyone but him. He wasn’t that strong, he was just…him, not that special and not good enough to recreate his entire room.
“You can do it,” Nessie’s voice dropped an octave, and soon enough Doubt could feel the softness of the other’s bandaged hands grazing over his. “I know that it might be hard to believe…but you can. This is your room. YOURS, nobody else’s.” For a split second, Doubt’s lips tugged into a deep frown, but only for a moment before he firmly nodded his head.
He wasn’t sure if he could do this right, but he was going to have to try. There was no way that he could survive living every day in the room that was Cruelty’s creation. He…he had to make this his, he had to change.
Squeezing his eyes shut, Doubt gnawed on his bottom lip conjuring images of the things that he liked. The colors..the furniture that felt right for him..a window..maybe a few other things..maybe making it a bit lighter and nicer..and…a little something extra as a surprise. Yes, he could do this..he was going to have to. He could do this, he could.
“Good good.” The softness in Nessie’s voice was instantly overtaken with awe as the room started to shift and morph around them, it was all changing so fast and suddenly. Before it eventually came to a halt, leaving Doubt to slowly crack his eyes open.
And for the first time since he’d been formed, a look of immense relief washed over his face. His room…it was perfect now.
It was the first thought that came to Nessie’s mind as he gazed around, instead of the harsh blood red that had coated Cruelty’s walls and floor, a soft pastel pink, the color of a sunset took its place. With even lighter shades of purple and blue contrasting gently with it, what surprised him most of all wasn’t even the pink sheet that took the place of Doubt’s door. It was something else entirely.
“Bunk beds?” He inquired, a bemused grin curling onto his lips, as he watched Doubt’s head nervously snap up and down in a jittery nod. “You’re the only one here, so I don’t know who-” Before he could even begin to allow himself to hope, Doubt’s blurted out words changed everything for him.
“It’s for you.”
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Try 16 prettiest pastel blue hair colors
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Pastel blue hair is a hair color that is a muted, lighter shade of blue. Pastels were undeniably so last year with celebrities out of the box with their eyes candy streaks of pink and purple – but this season's spotlight is all on baby blue tones!
Lady Gaga, Blac Chyna and Kylie Jenner start the trend, making the hair color round for their cool mood – in the form of ombrés, balayage, highlights and even mixed with other pastel chalks.
As soft as seafood, pastel blue strands go with every skin tone. It's just a matter of trust and personal style.
It's seen as a calm shade, but getting it isn't exactly cold. As an unnatural shade, it is necessary to pre-lighten your hair. Consulting your trusted colorist for products will also help extend the beauty of your winter strands.
For all of that, the glacier results are still worth it! Get your curls matte with these popular and pretty pastel blue hair colors below!
green and blue
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How would you describe this look?
This color is inspired by the ocean waves. As you can see, her hair has several shades of blue – it starts like deep ocean blue at the roots, melted into a pastel blue, and the ends are light blue green that I created to make the color look like ocean splashes.
What I love about this color is the dynamics of the ocean color that it gives me. I created this paint using Oway (Organic Way) paint. Oway color is ammonia-free color and it is infused with biodynamic organic ingredients.
Who thought we could have pastel hair with organic colors, right? Oway made it possible and that's what I love about this color so much that green chemistry creates it.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Any hair type or face shape can subtract this color, but I only recommend this for people who can take care of it. Pastel colors can fade very easily. After you've done pastel colors, maintenance is critical that you use the best shampoo and conditioner and products for your hair, and you won't be able to wash your hair that often. I only recommend washing up 2-3 times a week, to get this color you will use many products at home.
I always take my guests home with Oway Color Protection Veil, which helps slow down the color fading process, Oway Phytoprotein Mist, a protein leave-in spray treatment that keeps your hair healthy and strong, and Oway Plant Mineral Refresh dry shampoo (organic dry shampoo) with them.
Gray blue
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How would you describe this look?
This look is a silvery pastel blue color. Personally, my favorite thing about this look was to phrase it. I have a mix of Redken Shades EQ Pastel Aqua Blue equal parts 09B on level 9/10 hair. If the color didn't seem blue enough to me, I would overlay it with a vibrant color mixed with a white conditioner as a quick glaze. (Not a blue with underlying green pigments like teals or turquoise, but I would use a blue with a purple background like Pulp Riot's Nightfall)
Any advice for someone considering it?
My advice to anyone considering this look is to keep an eye on budget, maintenance, and attention.
Budget simply because this type of service can be lengthy and expensive. Not everyone's hair can lift up so easily for pastel shades. If you have dark hair, it may take a few sessions to achieve your goal. You pay for the process, not the look.
Maintenance needs to be considered as these types of processes can (not always) be harmful. Therefore, aftercare is extremely important for maintaining health and color. I personally recommend Olaplex Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 6 because I think they are actually the line, the one size, the repairs and conditions most.
Attention-wise, I have a lot of guests who get fashion color and one of the things I tell them the most is that people stop you in the middle of the street and ask for / compliment your hair. If you feel uncomfortable with people who are approaching you, I would consider a silent / natural color. If not, have it and tell them where you did it because writing the artist is always important!
Blue hair tips
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How would you describe this look?
This look is different because I kept her natural hair color and blended the blue to give it a fading / ombré effect. My favorite part is how it fades from its natural root color to minimal baby blue highlights to the big pop of pastel blue at its ends. The color in this way enables the client to wear the look longer while her roots grow as long as she takes care of her hair at home with the right products.
Any advice for someone considering it?
My advice to do this color on yourself is to look at your profession first. This particular client is a teacher, so she will only keep it for the summer. It is important that you let your stylist know such things. A great thing about this look is that its natural color is still there. This helps the customer feel that they are just having a little fun with their color and not that they have colored their whole head blue.
Pastel looks are not easy to maintain. You need to be ready to wash your hair with cold water and use the products that your stylist recommends. My favorite product to keep fashion colors alive is Celeb Luxury Viral Color Deposition Shampoo and Conditioner.
Blue highlights in brown hair
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How would you describe this look?
This pastel blue hue is a subtle and entertaining but professional way to immerse yourself in the fashion color world without too much brightening. It is a color that requires care and maintenance (less frequent shampooing, with sulfate-free color protection shampoo and conditioner, heat protection agents, etc.) for longevity, but is a great way to test the world of fashion colors.
Any advice for someone considering it?
I love that this look is a little different than your average highlights! It tested my patience and skill but allowed me to give this customer a seamless look that worked appropriately but fun and cheeky!
Sky blue
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How would you describe this look?
This pastel blue was inspired by the ocean when it connects to the sky. Believe it or not, to achieve this color, I actually only used two professional color products: Blank canvas with 5vol & 10vol by Pulp Riot (a paint remover), and 9p + clear shades eq by Redken (a demi-gloss) what is my favorite thing about this look! You would have thought I used pastel colors, but I didn't!
My canvas originally had a vibrant purple, navy blue, and teal balayage, but to achieve the colors, I was first inspired by I used the safest products you can when you do any fashion colors. I braided thin sections and painted accordingly (avoiding natural roots) with 5 vol & 10vol. It was a process.
I carefully watched the colors fade and rinse as soon as I had the hues I wanted. After shampooing, I tinted her with a soft pearl (9p + clear) to get the metallic effect, but also to help with the fading on her platinum hair, which is among the pastel shades. After every chemical service, I always trim to maintain the integrity of my canvas. This cut was a dry cut. To ensure that the natural look of the hair moves properly after peeling off the length. Chopped-off long layers are always done with Davines' Oi Leave-in Milk and Oi Beautifying Oil. I styled with a 1 1/2 inch wand so the ends for a beachy look, but also to protect their ends. (Key tip for lighter hair colors when using heat)
Any advice for someone considering it?
You need to start with a blank canvas to get real colors. You will and must understand that a good artist will never compromise the integrity of your hair. Lightening hair to a 9-11 level (blondes) is indeed a process to get where you need to be to have a real pastel color to look right. This style can be for anyone who understands the health of your hair, always comes first and be patient. (Also a tip for people who always have their hair up, let the ends of your bun out of the hair elastic and tuck them in instead to avoid split ends.)
Any brightly colored hair should use Davines Oi Leave-in Milk on (damp) towel-dried hair, followed by Oi Beautifying Oil on dry ends of your hair for a healthy shine and well-groomed curls! (As well as a bonder with every lightening service! Ollaplex / B3 etc.)
Pastel blue ombré
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How would you describe this look?
I would describe this look as an aquamarine stone. It is my mother's birthstone, it is blue and its meaning is the water of the sea. My favorite thing about it is how it's a muted soft powdery blue, and I really do have a soft stain for pastel blue hair.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Your hair must be healthy to embark on this journey. In order to achieve metallic or pastel colored hair, the hair must be raised to platinum so that sessions may be necessary depending on the hair.
This would look best on cool tinted skin. For example, if you look better with silver jewelry, it would work well with you.
This look requires good hair care to keep hair healthy and color intact. I love Alternative Caviar and Schwarzkopf BC Bonacure Bond connection mask. Pastel chalk can give any hair a fun twist. They are perfect for anyone who doesn't want to stick to color for long as they wash out after a few shampoos.
silver blue
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How would you describe this look?
My favorite thing about this look is the blue pastel color and the soft waves that go with it. I always want to give the tones / colors that I create a name. I would describe this color as blue steel. Because her hair is highlighted, it makes it possible to style it with a soft wave, to show dimension and depth.
Any advice for someone considering it?
I always recommend being prepared for maintenance to someone who wants a fantasy color that is semi-permanent. That means investing in color-safe hair products.
This also means changing your hair routine. Be prepared to wash your hair a lot less. I recommend once a week, but no less than every four days. Most importantly, cold water – the hair needs to be washed in cold water, otherwise the paint we just invested in will literally wash off the drain.
Also keep in mind that this will fade away, so have fun with it! Treat yourself and stylists to creative freedom – it's just hair.
Purple and blue
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How would you describe this look?
For me, this look is the best way to incorporate Vivids into icy blonde hair. The pastel blue and purple tones will most likely fade blonde again (as long as the hair underneath is not super porous). The wavy styling makes the color look more elegant. This is completely mermaid hair for cooler blondes.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Anyone looking for this look should be ready to wash their hair in ice cold water. The cold water is blocked in the pastel color. Even with cold water, the color will likely fade into 4-6 shampoos. A customer who is married to the idea of ​​living hair should ask their stylist for a deeper tone.
I don't think hair color should be limited to every age group. Aside from that, make sure your workspace is cool with colors like this!
Dark blue and lavender
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How would you describe this look?
I love all types of blue. This dark pastel blue hair dye is one of my favorite hair colors, and I suppose that's the reason to do such a job. As you can see, I'm doing some purple strands to create the movement. The cut is a traditional bob that is done with a broken wave. There is something very popular in our salon.
Any advice for someone considering it?
The most important thing is the color treatment and a good shampoo. We always sell it before the color service.
Bright pastel blue
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Blooming in blue! The soft waves go well with the light pastel blue hue. The long wispy bangs add a very wild touch.
Short pastel
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Pastel blue tones look like the 90s have come back! The cute short bob with bangs makes the look even more fashionable.
Pink and blue
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Pastel pink and powder blue go well together, no doubt. The pastel combo is one to watch out for.
Baby blue pastel colors
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Baby pastel blue locks make you look twice with all the subtle undertones it brings.
Black to blue pastel ombre
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Back to back with black and pastel blue! Icy never looked so good, did she?
Try 16 prettiest pastel blue hair colors
0 notes
qualitytacolover · 5 years
Try 16 prettiest pastel blue hair colors
New Post has been published on https://www.easypromhairstyles.com/try-16-prettiest-pastel-blue-hair-colors.html
Try 16 prettiest pastel blue hair colors
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Pastel blue hair is a hair color that is a muted, lighter shade of blue. Pastels were undeniably so last year with celebrities out of the box with their eyes candy streaks of pink and purple – but this season's spotlight is all on baby blue tones!
Lady Gaga, Blac Chyna and Kylie Jenner start the trend, making the hair color round for their cool mood – in the form of ombrés, balayage, highlights and even mixed with other pastel chalks.
As soft as seafood, pastel blue strands go with every skin tone. It's just a matter of trust and personal style.
It's seen as a calm shade, but getting it isn't exactly cold. As an unnatural shade, it is necessary to pre-lighten your hair. Consulting your trusted colorist for products will also help extend the beauty of your winter strands.
For all of that, the glacier results are still worth it! Get your curls matte with these popular and pretty pastel blue hair colors below!
green and blue
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How would you describe this look?
This color is inspired by the ocean waves. As you can see, her hair has several shades of blue – it starts like deep ocean blue at the roots, melted into a pastel blue, and the ends are light blue green that I created to make the color look like ocean splashes.
What I love about this color is the dynamics of the ocean color that it gives me. I created this paint using Oway (Organic Way) paint. Oway color is ammonia-free color and it is infused with biodynamic organic ingredients.
Who thought we could have pastel hair with organic colors, right? Oway made it possible and that's what I love about this color so much that green chemistry creates it.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Any hair type or face shape can subtract this color, but I only recommend this for people who can take care of it. Pastel colors can fade very easily. After you've done pastel colors, maintenance is critical that you use the best shampoo and conditioner and products for your hair, and you won't be able to wash your hair that often. I only recommend washing up 2-3 times a week, to get this color you will use many products at home.
I always take my guests home with Oway Color Protection Veil, which helps slow down the color fading process, Oway Phytoprotein Mist, a protein leave-in spray treatment that keeps your hair healthy and strong, and Oway Plant Mineral Refresh dry shampoo (organic dry shampoo) with them.
Gray blue
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How would you describe this look?
This look is a silvery pastel blue color. Personally, my favorite thing about this look was to phrase it. I have a mix of Redken Shades EQ Pastel Aqua Blue equal parts 09B on level 9/10 hair. If the color didn't seem blue enough to me, I would overlay it with a vibrant color mixed with a white conditioner as a quick glaze. (Not a blue with underlying green pigments like teals or turquoise, but I would use a blue with a purple background like Pulp Riot's Nightfall)
Any advice for someone considering it?
My advice to anyone considering this look is to keep an eye on budget, maintenance, and attention.
Budget simply because this type of service can be lengthy and expensive. Not everyone's hair can lift up so easily for pastel shades. If you have dark hair, it may take a few sessions to achieve your goal. You pay for the process, not the look.
Maintenance needs to be considered as these types of processes can (not always) be harmful. Therefore, aftercare is extremely important for maintaining health and color. I personally recommend Olaplex Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 6 because I think they are actually the line, the one size, the repairs and conditions most.
Attention-wise, I have a lot of guests who get fashion color and one of the things I tell them the most is that people stop you in the middle of the street and ask for / compliment your hair. If you feel uncomfortable with people who are approaching you, I would consider a silent / natural color. If not, have it and tell them where you did it because writing the artist is always important!
Blue hair tips
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How would you describe this look?
This look is different because I kept her natural hair color and blended the blue to give it a fading / ombré effect. My favorite part is how it fades from its natural root color to minimal baby blue highlights to the big pop of pastel blue at its ends. The color in this way enables the client to wear the look longer while her roots grow as long as she takes care of her hair at home with the right products.
Any advice for someone considering it?
My advice to do this color on yourself is to look at your profession first. This particular client is a teacher, so she will only keep it for the summer. It is important that you let your stylist know such things. A great thing about this look is that its natural color is still there. This helps the customer feel that they are just having a little fun with their color and not that they have colored their whole head blue.
Pastel looks are not easy to maintain. You need to be ready to wash your hair with cold water and use the products that your stylist recommends. My favorite product to keep fashion colors alive is Celeb Luxury Viral Color Deposition Shampoo and Conditioner.
Blue highlights in brown hair
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How would you describe this look?
This pastel blue hue is a subtle and entertaining but professional way to immerse yourself in the fashion color world without too much brightening. It is a color that requires care and maintenance (less frequent shampooing, with sulfate-free color protection shampoo and conditioner, heat protection agents, etc.) for longevity, but is a great way to test the world of fashion colors.
Any advice for someone considering it?
I love that this look is a little different than your average highlights! It tested my patience and skill but allowed me to give this customer a seamless look that worked appropriately but fun and cheeky!
Sky blue
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How would you describe this look?
This pastel blue was inspired by the ocean when it connects to the sky. Believe it or not, to achieve this color, I actually only used two professional color products: Blank canvas with 5vol & 10vol by Pulp Riot (a paint remover), and 9p + clear shades eq by Redken (a demi-gloss) what is my favorite thing about this look! You would have thought I used pastel colors, but I didn't!
My canvas originally had a vibrant purple, navy blue, and teal balayage, but to achieve the colors, I was first inspired by I used the safest products you can when you do any fashion colors. I braided thin sections and painted accordingly (avoiding natural roots) with 5 vol & 10vol. It was a process.
I carefully watched the colors fade and rinse as soon as I had the hues I wanted. After shampooing, I tinted her with a soft pearl (9p + clear) to get the metallic effect, but also to help with the fading on her platinum hair, which is among the pastel shades. After every chemical service, I always trim to maintain the integrity of my canvas. This cut was a dry cut. To ensure that the natural look of the hair moves properly after peeling off the length. Chopped-off long layers are always done with Davines' Oi Leave-in Milk and Oi Beautifying Oil. I styled with a 1 1/2 inch wand so the ends for a beachy look, but also to protect their ends. (Key tip for lighter hair colors when using heat)
Any advice for someone considering it?
You need to start with a blank canvas to get real colors. You will and must understand that a good artist will never compromise the integrity of your hair. Lightening hair to a 9-11 level (blondes) is indeed a process to get where you need to be to have a real pastel color to look right. This style can be for anyone who understands the health of your hair, always comes first and be patient. (Also a tip for people who always have their hair up, let the ends of your bun out of the hair elastic and tuck them in instead to avoid split ends.)
Any brightly colored hair should use Davines Oi Leave-in Milk on (damp) towel-dried hair, followed by Oi Beautifying Oil on dry ends of your hair for a healthy shine and well-groomed curls! (As well as a bonder with every lightening service! Ollaplex / B3 etc.)
Pastel blue ombré
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How would you describe this look?
I would describe this look as an aquamarine stone. It is my mother's birthstone, it is blue and its meaning is the water of the sea. My favorite thing about it is how it's a muted soft powdery blue, and I really do have a soft stain for pastel blue hair.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Your hair must be healthy to embark on this journey. In order to achieve metallic or pastel colored hair, the hair must be raised to platinum so that sessions may be necessary depending on the hair.
This would look best on cool tinted skin. For example, if you look better with silver jewelry, it would work well with you.
This look requires good hair care to keep hair healthy and color intact. I love Alternative Caviar and Schwarzkopf BC Bonacure Bond connection mask. Pastel chalk can give any hair a fun twist. They are perfect for anyone who doesn't want to stick to color for long as they wash out after a few shampoos.
silver blue
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How would you describe this look?
My favorite thing about this look is the blue pastel color and the soft waves that go with it. I always want to give the tones / colors that I create a name. I would describe this color as blue steel. Because her hair is highlighted, it makes it possible to style it with a soft wave, to show dimension and depth.
Any advice for someone considering it?
I always recommend being prepared for maintenance to someone who wants a fantasy color that is semi-permanent. That means investing in color-safe hair products.
This also means changing your hair routine. Be prepared to wash your hair a lot less. I recommend once a week, but no less than every four days. Most importantly, cold water – the hair needs to be washed in cold water, otherwise the paint we just invested in will literally wash off the drain.
Also keep in mind that this will fade away, so have fun with it! Treat yourself and stylists to creative freedom – it's just hair.
Purple and blue
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How would you describe this look?
For me, this look is the best way to incorporate Vivids into icy blonde hair. The pastel blue and purple tones will most likely fade blonde again (as long as the hair underneath is not super porous). The wavy styling makes the color look more elegant. This is completely mermaid hair for cooler blondes.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Anyone looking for this look should be ready to wash their hair in ice cold water. The cold water is blocked in the pastel color. Even with cold water, the color will likely fade into 4-6 shampoos. A customer who is married to the idea of ​​living hair should ask their stylist for a deeper tone.
I don't think hair color should be limited to every age group. Aside from that, make sure your workspace is cool with colors like this!
Dark blue and lavender
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How would you describe this look?
I love all types of blue. This dark pastel blue hair dye is one of my favorite hair colors, and I suppose that's the reason to do such a job. As you can see, I'm doing some purple strands to create the movement. The cut is a traditional bob that is done with a broken wave. There is something very popular in our salon.
Any advice for someone considering it?
The most important thing is the color treatment and a good shampoo. We always sell it before the color service.
Bright pastel blue
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Blooming in blue! The soft waves go well with the light pastel blue hue. The long wispy bangs add a very wild touch.
Short pastel
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Pastel blue tones look like the 90s have come back! The cute short bob with bangs makes the look even more fashionable.
Pink and blue
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Pastel pink and powder blue go well together, no doubt. The pastel combo is one to watch out for.
Baby blue pastel colors
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Baby pastel blue locks make you look twice with all the subtle undertones it brings.
Black to blue pastel ombre
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Back to back with black and pastel blue! Icy never looked so good, did she?
0 notes
kickfoxing · 8 years
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question but are there any colours the foxes don't like? and if so who and what colour? x
not a stupid question at all! this has been in my inbox for far too long and i don’t think there’s any canon evidence for colors they don’t like, but i wanted to take it as sort of a mini hc prompt!
renee hates the color red
but a deep red
it reminds her too much of the past she escaped from 
it reminds her of the blood she would spit out of her mouth after a particularly tough hit
she gravitates towards lighter colors now
so she can separate herself from her past
she hated the way red used to creep into her hair before she would wash it out
she’s replaced it now with lighter, pastel tones
kevin hates the color black
but he also loves it
black is color of the nest
the color of some of the darkest times of his life
but black is also the color of exy
the color of a rough bruise after a good game
the color of the dark sky on a night he’ll soon forget
it’s the cool tone that soothes his mind when he closes his eyes
but it’s also the tortuous void that reminds him of being number 2
nicky hates the color blue
the color of his parents house
pale blue
it reminds him of the days spent outside, never wanting to return
it reminds him of the parties held in the backyard full of fake conversations and polite questions
it reminds him of a place he will never go, but always crave
thinking about it’s compliment, he believes orange is a much more homey color
allison hates the color pink
she hates the way that she was forced into it as a child
she hates the way her mother judged her for wanting to challenge stereotypes
she turned into a statement
not an agreement
i choose this before you choose it for me
she hates the way she has turned it into her life
aaron hates the color yellow
the light yellow hair he wears
the dark yellow eyes he sports
the connections to his mother and brother that he wishes wouldn’t exist
he hates the feeling of pressure to be a part of something he just wants to get away from 
dan hates the color gold
she hates the way that for so long it was unattainable
the way it represented everything she wanted
but nothing she could ever have
she hates the crave for success and acknowledgement that thrums in her bones
hates how her drive isn’t always for the greater good
hates how deep down she feels she will stop at nothing to get there
matt hates the color brown
the dull color that permeated his life for so long 
he hates the way he felt it drag in his bones before he could change it
how when he was high he felt young an vibrant
a shocking electric yellow
but after the crash he turned back to a dull muted brown
a twisted burnt shade of orange that he eventually cleaned himself of
neil also hates the color red
but a fiery red that he feels burning in his soul
an all consuming fire that is white hot and releases itself in fits of white hot anger
an color that found it’s way out through nathaniel 
he hates the way it burns him up inside and out
hates the way he feels powerless to his parentage
hates how it’s always there, waiting to consume him
andrew hates the color grey
he hates the way smoke curls through the air 
and makes him feel poetic inside
he hates the way his world used to be full of dull muted, grey tones
but with his newest annoyance, the grey seems to have left
he hates it, yet craves it indefinitely
he needs it to numb him
yet he can’t seem to catch it in his sights
read my other hc’s here!
179 notes · View notes
fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
The Best New Menswear Pieces To Buy Right Now
The Best New Menswear Pieces To Buy Right Now
Les Basics x Novesta Le Running Shoe
London-based, Portuguese-made brand Les Basics does exactly as it says on the tin – aka the basics made as elegant as the French do them. Here, the label hooks up with Slovakian sneaker maestros Novesta for a plush running shoe with a leather upper and a suede overlay so you get two luxurious fabrics for the price of one in an opulent creamy stone colour.
Buy Now: £169.00
Superdry Orange Label Softball Ringer T-Shirt
We reckon this gold and green long sleeved tee from Superdry looks a lot like the get-up worn by ordinary teen turned crime-fighting vigilante Kick-Ass in the film of the same name (if you’ve not seen it do – it’s a modern classic). Looking like a superhero is never a bad thing, and in 100 per cent cotton too – that’s a roundhouse kick right in the style chops.
Buy Now: £24.99
R.M. Williams Chinchilla Boots
Despite the name, no chubby rodents were harmed in the making of these Chelsea boots. Instead what we get from the Australian boot-maker is a beautifully burnished leather shoe handcrafted in a sumptuous range of shades – Bordeaux or cognac, sir? We’ll have the whole case.
Buy Now: £460.00
Oliver Spencer Theobald Clarendon Navy Jacket
It really is rather difficult to get a navy unstructured blazer wrong, but it’s even harder to get it better than the rest. Oliver Spencer has somehow managed it time and time again, exemplified by this new update on its classic Theobald model. It’s still incredibly versatile – pop a tee under it and you’ll look like you woke up this chic, wear a shirt instead and you’ll be sorted for a summer wedding, while the sweat-wicking wool and cotton blend means you won’t overheat on the train as you go to and from the office.
Buy Now: £359.00
Salvatore Ferragamo Sunglasses
Sun’s too bright? Better put on the shades. Had too much to drink last night? Shades, duh. Just seen your ex across the street? Quick, whip those shades on pronto. Sunglasses can sort out any and every situation and so it pays to have some good ones to call on. Just as well then that luxury Italian fashion brand Salvatore Ferragamo has released a men’s eyewear capsule collection for such necessary moments. With a vintage design and the iconic backwards horseshoe logo on the hinges these shades are so nice, you’ll be wearing them in a pitch black room.
Buy Now: £235.00
Maison Kitsune Jacquard Dream Amplifier Socks
The AW18 collection for undeniably hip French label Maison Kitsune (they’re also an indie and disco record label – case closed) is everything you could want for when the leaves start to fall and the weather starts to cool. Sleek windbreakers, wool sweaters with foxes stitched into them, stripy scarves – you name it we want it. But it was these two-tone socks with a funky space rocket design that really caught our imagination – to autumn and beyond.
Buy Now: €35.00
YMC x Stan Ray Fanfare Blue Painter Pants
Collabs – they’re like catnip to us and we’ve just caught a whiff of another one bound to whip us into another frenzy. This time it’s impossibly cool, ready-to-wear brand YMC, which is partial to a catnip collab every now and again, and family-run workwear brand Stan Ray with an update on the classic YMC painter pant and shorts in two new colours. There’s an eye dazzlingly bright white and this overdyed turquoise.
Buy Now: £85.00
Fila Carter T-Shirt
Brand repping has reached a whole new stratosphere with the current logo trend, although for sportswear-meets-streetwear brands the look never went away. Created in Italy and now based in South Korea, Fila has been manufacturing sportswear since 1911, and its vintage style suits the trend well, as exemplified by this massive, yet still measured and precise logo tee that gives the name away from miles down the road.
Buy Now: £25.99
Aimé Leon Dore Logo-Embroidered Sweatshirt
The streets are rife with high-fashion streetwear but it takes a rare breed to get it down to a tee. New York label Aimé Leon Dore has certainly perfected the art, with millennial friendly sloganeering – the first part of its name means ‘love’ in French – mixed with timeless style. Case in point: this cotton-fleece sweatshirt with an ultra preppy red striped trim.
Buy Now: £150.00
A.P.C. Cologne Candle
As if cult Parisian label A.P.C. wasn’t satisfied with conquering the world of denim (seriously, you need its selvedge denim jeans in your life) it now wants to light a flame in the world of, erm, candles. Sure on paper it makes no sense but wave its cologne scented candle under your nostrils and then try telling us you need any other candle in your life.
Buy Now: £29.00
KJUS Soren Solid Polo
Golf attire can be shapeless and sweaty work on a muggy summer morning, so what you need is something moisture-absorbing, preferably with built-in UV protection to prevent that deadly golfer’s tan and stylish enough to wear for the obligatory post-round pint. Lucky then that sportswear brand KJUS have a new line of golf polos that tick all those boxes. That’s what we call a hole in one.
Buy Now: £69.00
Citizen Eco-Drive World Perpetual A.T Watch
When it comes to value for money watches you get a great deal of bang for your buck with a timepiece from Japanese watch brand Citizen which has the legacy and technical innovation to more than warrant a glance away from those made by the Swiss. This summer update on its flagship model, the Eco-Drive, not only looks like a watch leagues more expensive than it actually is but it can also sync the time up to 26 cities around the world which are carefully detailed around the bezel.
Buy Now: £369.00
Men-ü Matt Refresh & Moisturise Set
Besides making you down an inordinate amount of water, flight restrictions have probably also seen you cruelly torn away from your favourite toiletries. Remember, if you’re going to carry it on the flight it must be no more than 100ml although if you would rather not have to remember such tedious info, we recommend a flight-friendly dopp kit from Men-ü. This particular kit has a face wash, refresher gel and moisturiser to provide you with everything you need to fight the jet leg – at least as far as your face is concerned – as soon as you land at your destination.
Buy Now: £10.45
Frescobol Carioca Aquarella Swim Shorts
From patterns designed around the street mosaics of Rio de Janeiro to swim shorts that have been inspired by the incandescent spirit of samba, Frescobol Carioca knows how to give its top quality beach wear a top quality backstory to boot. And so we get these dazzling shorts named after ‘Aquarela do Brasil’ one of the best-loved songs from Brazil’s famous bossa nova movement, which has been covered in English by the likes of Kate Bush and Arcade Fire.
Buy Now: £160.00
Topman Pink And White Stripe Shirt
Fancy looking pretty in millennial pink this summer? As an entry-level starter to the shade, you can’t go too far wrong then this vertical stripe shirt from Topman which offsets the bold colour in a lighter, pastel hue with some calming white. Pink works well with grey so pair it with a relaxed trouser in that colour below the waist and some white sneakers for breezy summer style.
Buy Now: £28.00
Brooks England Pickwick Linen Bag
When it comes to making bike saddles Brooks England has got it down, which is just as well seeing as it has been making them for nearly 150 years. It also does a fine range in cycle bags that are designed to stay cool and light while playing piggyback on your tail end but we can’t be letting all those lycra-clad, Bradley Wiggins wannabes have all the sack carrying fun. Invest in this dapper linen carrier that can certainly lay claim to the yellow jersey.
Buy Now: £188.00
Nike Air Max 1 Premium Beach Camo Trainers
Since it was first released in 1987, there has been more iterations and colourways of the Nike Air Max then tears shed at England’s knocking out from the World Cup. And while we’re not best pleased with the latter, we can’t hide our glee at yet another version of the former, with this retro sneaker now being pumped out in a beach camo colour combo that, dare we say it, is arguably one of its best versions ever released.
Buy Now: £109.95
Tommy Hilfiger White and Green T-shirt
Trump, Clooney, Southgate. There are just some second names out there that don’t even need the first and Hilfiger is certainly one of them. So emblazon it across the front of a baseball inspired crew neck in a zingy fresh green and white and you don’t really have to say much more besides – Tommy knows best, and when it comes to summer tees, this one is up there.
Buy Now: £28.00
Mango Man Striped Cotton Jacket
Jackets are real troopers. You spend all winter relying on their comfort and then as soon as summer comes around they’re consigned to the desolate darkness of the back of the wardrobe, spurned like a used-up lover. So let’s give the jacket some summer lovin’ past the month of May, with this featherweight and sunny striped version from Mango which is all cotton, and all you need to be wearing up top this July.
Buy Now: £59.99
Clarks Originals Weaver Ocean Blue Shoes
The man who invented moccasins knew how to do summer right (apparently their origin lies with the Native Americans) and when it comes to shoes in general, well, you can never go too far wrong in Clarks. So we’re as happy as Larry to see the shoe retailer put out its new set of weaver shoes, with a classic moccasin structure and made out of top grade suede in a range of eye-popping colours they also have a raised crepe sole to elevate them above the moccasin crowd.
Buy Now: £110.00
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materialgirlindia · 6 years
Bright and pop are the colors you always look out for the summer season, but how about a more candied perspective, literally! The bubble gum – Ice cream trend is here and no I’m not writing about rainbows and unicorns, but something that may take you there… I’m talking PASTELS ! Say it with blush and pink this summer to look as cool as a cucumber.Get those blush pink crops, mellow yellow dresses and washout out blue jeans out of the closet and dazzle from dawn to dusk throughout the season. For today’s post I have put together a look-book of 2 Pastel favorites which I personally find comfortable for a casual day out or for a lazy day by the beach.
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Through this series you will be able to gain insight into my favourite pastel shades and about the pastel trend in general…. What’s more? I will also be doing an #Insta story with interesting polls and trends you & I both are loving this season!
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If your not a Pistachio girl , you sure are into strawberry smoothies and if that too doesnt do you good then a dash of vanilla may just do the trick! Haha got you hungry already? Yes I like to co-relate fashion & food, and if you love them both, you are definitely in for a treat!
So let’s get going…
 Blooming in Blue
My take on the pastel trend is not to go overboard with one color…It’s sexy when mixed with a few tricks that work superbly when putting contrasting pastel shades together. Going by my previous posts, I’m not much of a risk taker with fashion but I do believe some challenges are a must. So here goes nothing!
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My comfort zone in most cases is a solid A-line dress that fits just well, but for today’s look I’m donning a very girl next door persona in these comfortable sky blue frill layered dress and a neat pair of peach brogues that offer the right amount of comfort and fun to create this easy – breezy look.
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To avoid a skin tan you can style this lovely dress with a denim jacket and wear the most comfortable yet stylish pair of casual shoes like brogues or oxfords ( some fave’s are listed at the end of this post ). Wear a slightly pink/ purple tinted pair of your favourite eyewear and beach hat while you travel this summer season.
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Hair & makeup needs to be minimal and matte as you can keep it! I for one love matte lip shades and am going crazy over nudes … For this look I’ve also applied little makeup, bearing in mind it’s a day look and a little eyeliner and kajal is more than enough to give your eyes definition! You can try a few lighter hues of pink, reds and maybe whites as well to bring out the beauty in the color of your eyes.
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2. Blushing in Pink
Pastels have this very subtle yet fun character that somehow rubs off on one’s personality and makes one feel free and refreshed. Among pastels, Pinks are a favourite. A tee or an off-shoulder top over your washed out jeans or denims makes for a very casual yet chic look. This way you can be ready to take on any challenge and still look your best under the sun…
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Shorts are just as comfy and make it easy to move around in. While many of us will be traveling and packing for the holidays,  lightweight cover ups, overalls and dresses in blush pinks,mint greens, sky blues would definitely help stay cool in the scorching heat.
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For my look I’ve worn a fringe design off shoulder pink top with a light blue pair of shorts and white gladiators which offer a comfortable yet stylish look to beat the heat this summer time. Off-shoulders can transform your casual outdoor look to a classy brunch to beach look. Avoid too many accessories in the summer and wear easy relaxed footwear if you have to run around or head out to the beach or do a little of everything…
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Trend Snapshot
The ice cream, bubble gum trend is something we can never get enough of. Just look into your wardrobe and you will definitely find a pastel color or two that will go with the current trends.
As much as I love blacks, whites and some pop colors here and there, I love the subtle comfort I feel in my pastel clothing. These are easy to wear and hot to flaunt. Not only do pastels work throughout the year but they also look flattering  when paired with the right fabrics. So to give you a little insight to the #pasteltrend, here are a few looks from PINTEREST to beat the heat in the best way possible and in style !
  The Pastel Bottoms
The trendy coral, light yellow or even a purple can change the mood for you when worn along with sober pastels like a white shirt for starters or layered with light blue denims. This works very well for summers and can help beat the heat.
Add a little pop of maybe a orange tee or a light lemon green tank top, making it light on the eyes and a very cool look to pull off.
Go all Block:
Block color pastel shirt dresses, a-line dresses and jumpsuits can make a very fun outdoor ensemble. Lighter colors let you shine brighter and keep you cool in the summers making it a lot more fun when capturing moments with friends and family. Mint greens,lilac and olive are great colors to pull off the evening look for parties and events.
Sober Wedding Shades
Attending a wedding in the summer? or are you looking for the best look as a Bride? Check out the various lehengas, salwars and gowns available on azafashions from the recent spring – summer collection of Lakme Fashion Week and more.
The floral design on a pastel shades of pink, peach, light blue or even white is now trending all over and makes for some beautiful bridal wear this season.  A very popular example is that of Anushka sharma & Virat Kohli gave us #weddinggoals in their pastel couple outfits for their day wedding ceremony and Anushka definitely stole our hearts in that gorgeous lehenga by Sabhyasachi.  
I for one would recommend pastel gowns, sarees or a lehenga for a day event in this season. You can definitely try going pastel for a indoor night function as well like in these looks below.
  Pastels Mix Match
If you have never tried pastel on pastel, let me give you a few #fashiongoals with a few of my picks this season that are trendy, comfortable and definitely wearable to work, play, party … you name it! When pairing pastels always find one color that will look like the hero of the ensemble or at least a neutral hue.  Pastel on pastel isn’t easy but avoid wearing clothes that look worn down over time, and you will able to pull a rabbit out off your hat making the bystanders appreciate fashion and maybe inspire a few as well.
I know I may be contradicting myself when I say Pastel of same hues match, but at times this rule may not apply, especially with same color but different tones. So if you go in for a very light shade of blue shirt on a 2x shade darker blue pencil skirt, this look will definitely make a wonderful combination, moreover, this can be bettered with a long white formal coat making you look like a model who deserves her very own magazine cover.
So to sum up my undying love for pastels, I share with you a #InstaChallenge!  “ A week of Pastels” I want all you girls to post 3 of your very own pastel looks and use the #materialgirlindia  #goingpastel hashtags when sharing it …No big wins here but it will be great fun. Details will be up on my insta page soon.
Pretty in Pastels this Summer Bright and pop are the colors you always look out for the summer season, but how about a more candied perspective, literally!
0 notes
Hello lovelies!
A slightly different post this week as I decided it was about time my VERY full collection of varnish got a little love. This week I was so impressed (again) with this varnish I thought why not do a post about it! Nail polish is always something that I have collected, I like doing my nails and getting creative but it does frustrate me that it chips and peels so easily! I got this and two other colours to test the ‘7 day’ claim.
Product Type – Nail varnish
Brand – Maybelline
Price – can vary but generally £4.49 seems to be the most common price.
Colour – Divine Wine
Amount of Product – 10ml
I do have a pale colour and a deep red colour in addition to this one. Maybelline do slightly different ranges in the super stay collection which ranges from gel, pastel to megawatt. They are all priced the same and are all a gel finish and all the ‘super stay 7 days’ claim.
Starting off with packaging, I do like the shape of the bottle and the thick glass base it has. The packaging isn’t anything special if I’m being honest and i’m not sure why but the white lid, for me, makes it feel a bit cheap. I realise they are cheaper nail varnishes but the white makes it look a bit tacky for me. What I do really like about the packaging is that they have gotten the writing size spot on, big enough so you can see it but not so big that it detracts from the colour. I find with some drugstore nail varnishes that the colour can be frustrating to see as there can be so much writing on the front and back of the bottle.
The applicator on this varnish is so wonderful! It’s one of those really easy to use ones that just coats your nail in varnish and can splay out to fit your nail. There are also no streaks when you double coat this as the applicator brush is thick. I find that some thinner ones streak when you have to do more that one swipe with them so I prefer the thicker brushes in general for nails.
The formula of the varnish is my absolute favourite, holy grail status even…I know let that sink in… I’d like to say that I own A LOT of nail varnishes and therefore A LOT of different brands from lower end such as Barry M, Bourjois, Max factor to higher end brands like OPI, Jessica and Essie so I have tried and tested enough to compare the formula. In one coat the nail varnish is completely opaque on your nail to the point where you could just use one coat if you are in a rush. The drying time is just like any other nail polish so nothing special there, although compared to the Barry M gelly shine formula they dry much quicker.
The claim I was, of course, most sceptical of was the ‘7 day’ staying power, especially since on the back of the bottle it says ‘7 days with top coat touch ups’. I have to admit I am lazy with this, I don’t think I have ever touched my nails up…ooppss! I was impressed with my lighter colour which is a french manicure base, however, this is of course a colour that is very close to the natural nail colour so seeing chips will be much harder, cue my dark colours! I thought the best way to truly test the staying power was to wear a darker colour so on went the varnish last Friday afternoon. Throughout my time wearing it I have washed up, cleaned and tidied, used hot water and cleaned out my two Guinea Pig hutches and this is how my nails look with no touch ups almost a week later:
  I don’t know about you but I am SUPER impressed! Usually I would have super chipped nails right now so the fact that there is only minimal wear and tear around the top of the nail has really impressed me. This is the longest any nail varnish has stayed on my nails, especially since the wear and tear has only started to show within the past couple of days.
I think my final point to make is that looking around it would be nice to have more of a colour selection! There are a lot of pink based colours so it would be nice to have a whole spectrum across all the shades.
I will be purchasing more of these soon and I would definitely recommend them to anyone to try out, especially for the price. Of course let me know in the comments if you have had a different experience? I am interested to find out!
Happy nailing!
  Maybelline | Super Stay 7 Days Nail Varnish Hello lovelies! A slightly different post this week as I decided it was about time my VERY full collection of varnish got a little love.
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
The Best New Menswear Pieces To Buy Right Now
The Best New Menswear Pieces To Buy Right Now
Les Basics x Novesta Le Running Shoe
London-based, Portuguese-made brand Les Basics does exactly as it says on the tin – aka the basics made as elegant as the French do them. Here, the label hooks up with Slovakian sneaker maestros Novesta for a plush running shoe with a leather upper and a suede overlay so you get two luxurious fabrics for the price of one in an opulent creamy stone colour.
Buy Now: £169.00
Superdry Orange Label Softball Ringer T-Shirt
We reckon this gold and green long sleeved tee from Superdry looks a lot like the get-up worn by ordinary teen turned crime-fighting vigilante Kick-Ass in the film of the same name (if you’ve not seen it do – it’s a modern classic). Looking like a superhero is never a bad thing, and in 100 per cent cotton too – that’s a roundhouse kick right in the style chops.
Buy Now: £24.99
R.M. Williams Chinchilla Boots
Despite the name, no chubby rodents were harmed in the making of these Chelsea boots. Instead what we get from the Australian boot-maker is a beautifully burnished leather shoe handcrafted in a sumptuous range of shades – Bordeaux or cognac, sir? We’ll have the whole case.
Buy Now: £460.00
Oliver Spencer Theobald Clarendon Navy Jacket
It really is rather difficult to get a navy unstructured blazer wrong, but it’s even harder to get it better than the rest. Oliver Spencer has somehow managed it time and time again, exemplified by this new update on its classic Theobald model. It’s still incredibly versatile – pop a tee under it and you’ll look like you woke up this chic, wear a shirt instead and you’ll be sorted for a summer wedding, while the sweat-wicking wool and cotton blend means you won’t overheat on the train as you go to and from the office.
Buy Now: £359.00
Salvatore Ferragamo Sunglasses
Sun’s too bright? Better put on the shades. Had too much to drink last night? Shades, duh. Just seen your ex across the street? Quick, whip those shades on pronto. Sunglasses can sort out any and every situation and so it pays to have some good ones to call on. Just as well then that luxury Italian fashion brand Salvatore Ferragamo has released a men’s eyewear capsule collection for such necessary moments. With a vintage design and the iconic backwards horseshoe logo on the hinges these shades are so nice, you’ll be wearing them in a pitch black room.
Buy Now: £235.00
Maison Kitsune Jacquard Dream Amplifier Socks
The AW18 collection for undeniably hip French label Maison Kitsune (they’re also an indie and disco record label – case closed) is everything you could want for when the leaves start to fall and the weather starts to cool. Sleek windbreakers, wool sweaters with foxes stitched into them, stripy scarves – you name it we want it. But it was these two-tone socks with a funky space rocket design that really caught our imagination – to autumn and beyond.
Buy Now: €35.00
YMC x Stan Ray Fanfare Blue Painter Pants
Collabs – they’re like catnip to us and we’ve just caught a whiff of another one bound to whip us into another frenzy. This time it’s impossibly cool, ready-to-wear brand YMC, which is partial to a catnip collab every now and again, and family-run workwear brand Stan Ray with an update on the classic YMC painter pant and shorts in two new colours. There’s an eye dazzlingly bright white and this overdyed turquoise.
Buy Now: £85.00
Fila Carter T-Shirt
Brand repping has reached a whole new stratosphere with the current logo trend, although for sportswear-meets-streetwear brands the look never went away. Created in Italy and now based in South Korea, Fila has been manufacturing sportswear since 1911, and its vintage style suits the trend well, as exemplified by this massive, yet still measured and precise logo tee that gives the name away from miles down the road.
Buy Now: £25.99
Aimé Leon Dore Logo-Embroidered Sweatshirt
The streets are rife with high-fashion streetwear but it takes a rare breed to get it down to a tee. New York label Aimé Leon Dore has certainly perfected the art, with millennial friendly sloganeering – the first part of its name means ‘love’ in French – mixed with timeless style. Case in point: this cotton-fleece sweatshirt with an ultra preppy red striped trim.
Buy Now: £150.00
A.P.C. Cologne Candle
As if cult Parisian label A.P.C. wasn’t satisfied with conquering the world of denim (seriously, you need its selvedge denim jeans in your life) it now wants to light a flame in the world of, erm, candles. Sure on paper it makes no sense but wave its cologne scented candle under your nostrils and then try telling us you need any other candle in your life.
Buy Now: £29.00
KJUS Soren Solid Polo
Golf attire can be shapeless and sweaty work on a muggy summer morning, so what you need is something moisture-absorbing, preferably with built-in UV protection to prevent that deadly golfer’s tan and stylish enough to wear for the obligatory post-round pint. Lucky then that sportswear brand KJUS have a new line of golf polos that tick all those boxes. That’s what we call a hole in one.
Buy Now: £69.00
Citizen Eco-Drive World Perpetual A.T Watch
When it comes to value for money watches you get a great deal of bang for your buck with a timepiece from Japanese watch brand Citizen which has the legacy and technical innovation to more than warrant a glance away from those made by the Swiss. This summer update on its flagship model, the Eco-Drive, not only looks like a watch leagues more expensive than it actually is but it can also sync the time up to 26 cities around the world which are carefully detailed around the bezel.
Buy Now: £369.00
Men-ü Matt Refresh & Moisturise Set
Besides making you down an inordinate amount of water, flight restrictions have probably also seen you cruelly torn away from your favourite toiletries. Remember, if you’re going to carry it on the flight it must be no more than 100ml although if you would rather not have to remember such tedious info, we recommend a flight-friendly dopp kit from Men-ü. This particular kit has a face wash, refresher gel and moisturiser to provide you with everything you need to fight the jet leg – at least as far as your face is concerned – as soon as you land at your destination.
Buy Now: £10.45
Frescobol Carioca Aquarella Swim Shorts
From patterns designed around the street mosaics of Rio de Janeiro to swim shorts that have been inspired by the incandescent spirit of samba, Frescobol Carioca knows how to give its top quality beach wear a top quality backstory to boot. And so we get these dazzling shorts named after ‘Aquarela do Brasil’ one of the best-loved songs from Brazil’s famous bossa nova movement, which has been covered in English by the likes of Kate Bush and Arcade Fire.
Buy Now: £160.00
Topman Pink And White Stripe Shirt
Fancy looking pretty in millennial pink this summer? As an entry-level starter to the shade, you can’t go too far wrong then this vertical stripe shirt from Topman which offsets the bold colour in a lighter, pastel hue with some calming white. Pink works well with grey so pair it with a relaxed trouser in that colour below the waist and some white sneakers for breezy summer style.
Buy Now: £28.00
Brooks England Pickwick Linen Bag
When it comes to making bike saddles Brooks England has got it down, which is just as well seeing as it has been making them for nearly 150 years. It also does a fine range in cycle bags that are designed to stay cool and light while playing piggyback on your tail end but we can’t be letting all those lycra-clad, Bradley Wiggins wannabes have all the sack carrying fun. Invest in this dapper linen carrier that can certainly lay claim to the yellow jersey.
Buy Now: £188.00
Nike Air Max 1 Premium Beach Camo Trainers
Since it was first released in 1987, there has been more iterations and colourways of the Nike Air Max then tears shed at England’s knocking out from the World Cup. And while we’re not best pleased with the latter, we can’t hide our glee at yet another version of the former, with this retro sneaker now being pumped out in a beach camo colour combo that, dare we say it, is arguably one of its best versions ever released.
Buy Now: £109.95
Tommy Hilfiger White and Green T-shirt
Trump, Clooney, Southgate. There are just some second names out there that don’t even need the first and Hilfiger is certainly one of them. So emblazon it across the front of a baseball inspired crew neck in a zingy fresh green and white and you don’t really have to say much more besides – Tommy knows best, and when it comes to summer tees, this one is up there.
Buy Now: £28.00
Mango Man Striped Cotton Jacket
Jackets are real troopers. You spend all winter relying on their comfort and then as soon as summer comes around they’re consigned to the desolate darkness of the back of the wardrobe, spurned like a used-up lover. So let’s give the jacket some summer lovin’ past the month of May, with this featherweight and sunny striped version from Mango which is all cotton, and all you need to be wearing up top this July.
Buy Now: £59.99
Clarks Originals Weaver Ocean Blue Shoes
The man who invented moccasins knew how to do summer right (apparently their origin lies with the Native Americans) and when it comes to shoes in general, well, you can never go too far wrong in Clarks. So we’re as happy as Larry to see the shoe retailer put out its new set of weaver shoes, with a classic moccasin structure and made out of top grade suede in a range of eye-popping colours they also have a raised crepe sole to elevate them above the moccasin crowd.
Buy Now: £110.00
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