#and I've procrastinated on this so badly i'm gonna be up all night working on it
maybeamiles · 6 months
I hate sewing so much why did I decide to put myself through this
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paperstorm · 10 months
Andie I have a very serious and important question for you. what the fuck are you putting in your fics???? It is currently 3:44am and I've been up since 8 but what am I doing? Crying as I read the end of Magnetic North that's what
The thing about me and sports fics is that I know absolutely nothing about sports except for 1 of them so usually they end up in my "Marked for later" for a while. But this is like the third time I've read a sports fic after putting it off to immediately questioning every decision I have ever made
I binged this fic like a fucking maniac but there was a logical part of me that was like "please...the assignment you've been procrastinating for 2 weeks is due tomorrow..." so I forced myself to put it down and go to sleep. That was yesterday. I brought my work with me from downstairs at 1am because "if I'm not gonna be able to sleep might as well finish this and then read Magnetic North the rest of the night" WELL I JUST FINISHED THE FIC AND I'M LITERALLY TRYING TO MAKE SENSE OF MY THOUGHTS AND IT IS NOT WORKING-
Coherency...I know how to do that yes. Starting and ending it with Marjan's article was SUCH a nice touch I loved the way she wrote about them!
Also everyone who has ever been mean to TK can line up in an abandoned parking lot...You don't hurt my boy <3 :) . HIS GROWTH??? THAT'S MY POOKIE I'M SO FUCKING PROUD OF HIM??? Picking him up and parting his head as we speak. No but seriously he's so awesome and he's been hurt so much but all he really wants is love 😭. NOW YOU GET TO HAVE SO MUCH OF IT BABY!!! Watching him slowly accept the love and care from others was beautiful. I fucking love fics where a character heals. HIM CHOOSING HIMSELF HELL YEAH YOU GOT THIS! Carlos saying how TK looked healthier and Marjan too!! YES MY BOY IS IN HIS LOVER ERA AND I'M SO SO HERE FOR IT! I am starting to sound like a broken record but he genuinely fills me with so much pride and he's not even real 😭. THE REHABILITATION CENTER!! and he named it after Gwen...I'm so okay about this...
Carlos...where do I even start. I need to hug him let's start there. It broke my heart so badly when he didn't even get the chance to come out on his own terms. That is such a real fear and I honestly saw a part of myself in it. The "questioning everything you do in case someone suspects" If I ever find out who that photographer was...Gabriel won't be the only one who will need an alibi 🩷 NO OF COURSE I'm not bringing knives now that would be absurd wouldn't it? /sarc. He deserves all the love and acceptance actually. I loved the scene where he goes to the ranch after he was outed it was so healing for both Carlos and I actually that's my projection guy ✌️💕. Jkjk. TK commenting how much happier and freer Carlos was...sobbing into my pillow oh my god I'm so proud of him. AND HE WON THAT BIG CHAMPIONSHIP WHATEVER I TOLD YOU IDK SPORTS!
These fuckers got engaged what the fuck is wrong with them I hate them so much no I'm not crying! /lh. The kiss at the parade oh my god I will literally never ever recover from this fic Andie you have broken me. I will never once again be a normal human. I still think about The Firehouse like 23 times a day now Magnetic North will join too
So I did actually end up watching some random hockey highlights so I would have some idea as to what's going on and also oh you used real team players that's cool!! Did not know those people existed in real life but good to know. Now I can say I've read fanfiction with NHL players /j. Okay but srsly the team was absolutely AMAZING!! The way they're all such a family! How supportive they were of Tarlos! Kissing them all on the head (the fictional ones idk about the real ones)!
Okay WOW this got long. There's a reason I typed this in my notes app first. Imma attach my real time reaction to the parking lot kiss here
I am in the car (love being a gay) and I just read the parking lot kiss and my anxiety SPIKED because I was like "no no no they're gonna get outed oh my god NOOOO" TEARS IN MY EYES READING NANCY CALLING THEM UP AND TELLING THEM TO CHECK TWITTER!!! I want that photographer to meet me in an abandoned lot...NO I'M NOT BRINGING KNIVES WHY WOULD YOU EVEN INSINUATE THAT- /sarc (last part)
I have a question! You must be really familiar with Hockey to write this fic. Do you play? /gen
Okay now I will sleep because I'm genuinely very tired. If this doesn't make sense blame it on the fact that I've been up for way too long. I loved this fic Andie, like and insane amount. It's all so beautiful and well rounded and I was so enthralled by it, it's crazy. Thank you for this fic, you're awesome!
All the tone tags I used: (I just have really bad anxiety and don't want anything to be misinterpreted so!)
/sarc: sarcasm
/lh: light-hearted
/j: joking
/gen: genuine
I am a little bit speechless about this 🥺🥺 thank you so so so much, I’m so happy you liked it!! Thank you for taking the time to send this to me, I’m swooning 🤩 and I played a lot of street hockey as a kid but never was on a team or anything, I just watch it a lot!
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