#and I've said it before BUT PLEASE I am !!!! literally so hecking grateful that you send me any asks at all sO absolutely no need to-
mythvoiced · 3 years
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@theimpalpable​ | ‘don’t turn away from it this time.’ (anOTHER WILD CARD but from this blog, sorry for all the asks ILY) STRANGER THINGS SENTENCE MEME
Life brings with itself a lot of oddities, and Ajay has seemingly only begun truly experiencing the extent of that statement in recent year. Or, that’s what he thinks at least, periodically, every few months or so. With each new face he encounters, after all, he seems to expose himself to new surprises, mannerisms, priorities.
And that’s... not too bad of a reality, really. As long as unprecedented encounters stick to being certain degrees of harmless, why shouldn’t he find reason to enjoy what he isn’t used to? Didn’t he break away from the order to finally get to know the world as it really is, beyond the ridiculous limitations he’d so fruitlessly attempted to apply to it, just because it’d been easier to do so, and incorporate someone else’s ideas, then admit to himself what truths he’d destroyed?
Yes. He did. And as long as nothing sharp is being held to his throat, he won’t mind standing there, arms crossed over his chest and a plain shirt that is new for the sole reason that his last one had been ripped apart by a hunter’s shotgun. That had been... something heal. Which might actually be another reason why he’s really enjoying this mellow time, in contrast to being ripped apart that morning.
So yes. He’s having a good time.
The only thing is... He’d be having an even better time if he actually had any idea what was happening.
He doesn’t really mind the American kid he’s stumbled into - a journalist, right? Something along those lines - no, there’s something about his demeanour that reminds him of youth, not innocent, no, but mature in his optimism. Or maybe he’s just trying to make him sound friendly to justify the past twenty minutes.
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“... Okay, I really don’t know what you want me to do.” He admits easily enough - should have done so earlier actually - with a little shrug, a gesture somewhere between ‘I tried’ and ‘don’t know what to tell you’, as he looks over the edge of the device held by the gloved fingers raised in front of his face, and directly into Caradoc’s features. “Is it... Is this one of those trends I don’t get.”
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toukatan · 3 years
beni my beloved, my darling, my bestie — happy birthday to the purest human being the planet earth has hosted in its entire existence. thank you for all the laughs, the good memories, and, especially, for letting us be ourselves in your blog. i've said it many times, but it's always nice to remind you that your blog is the safest space for many of us, and we're widely thankful for that. you always talk about how running this blog changed your life, but do you know how much you had helped us? i cannot talk for everyone here, but you personally helped me going through a lot of stuff, especially my depression and shit butiamnotplanningongoingemoonyousoshh— you're one of the best people i've been able to meet online; we share the chaos, the idiotic sense of humor; hell, we've even had our own "huh?" moment! i think that totally sealed our friendship. anyway, i'm doing it so long because i don't know how to correctly express myself, but trust me i'm trying. what i'm trying to say is thanks for coming into my life. you're such a ray of sunshine for all the communities you host here, never judgemental and always worrying about everyone's wellbeing. hope we can share a shit tone of more birthdays together, hope we can keep crying from a series that is so angsty it should be illegal, or maybe laugh-crying over a certain beta male who seems to be unable to grow an ass even after spending nineteen freaking years in this planet. love you so much, you have no fcking idea okay now lemme go melt in the corner bc just thinking about you makes me so soft—
i did not allow myself to reply to this until i had finished all my tasks at hand including work and now i at home where i’m able to let this all sink in all over again and i’m to process how i really am going to cry all over again. while you send me 273884 blank spoiler text ish on discord ffs what are we doing abdjhwjs
mía i literally am gonna pass the heck away and leave this planet all because of you and your whole ass essay here— holy freaking heck i do not deserve you and everything you are at all, what the fuck!
i know you’re gonna yell at me for being like this because it’s my birthday i have to thank you for everything you are. it’s my birthday i can do that. don’t stop me lemme do it please. you’ve told me before, how you’re thankful that this safe space exists and i can only repeat myself once again. this safe space was built like this all thanks to you and every single angel on here. i don’t think you guys give yourself enough credit for that. without y’all i wouldn’t have been able to create this space all on my own but i had you guys along the way, by my side along the way. i’m honoured and eternally grateful for that. so the one that should be thanking you is me. thank you for being my safe space. thank you for always being someone i could turn around to and be open and honest with who i am— i couldn’t be me grateful for such a supportive group of individuals. everyday i think about this. y’all really are my greatest blessing.
i’m so glad, so so glad that i was able to help just even one person and if that one person was you, you’re more than enough because you helped me in more ways than one and i’m thankful that we were there to guide each other throughout our journeys. no seriously, you don’t understand how much of a life saver you are to me and the way you’re able to crack me up from our tiny memes to our iconic ‘huh?’ moments to our deep conversations to yelling to being absolute crackheads. i’d do it all over again. hell when you think about it we’ve barely known each other for a year but i feel like i’ve known you for a life time!
we’re gonna share a shit ton of birthdays together. that’s a promise and i don’t back down on promises i keep to others. you can thank me all you want mía but i don’t think you understand how grateful i am for meeting you. thank you for crash landing into my life, roasting me or any characters we seek, for trusting me with series even though you know my taste is angst. for always being there for me when i needed it for never failing to make me laugh, for your kindness and just being simply you.
i adore you with my whole ass heart and i hope you know it. like i will literally shout it every single freaking day if i have to. you’re everything and more to me. you’re an amazing person and i’m so glad our paths crossed. thank you for being you. 🥺💗
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