#and Im sorry if I misinterpreted this as a status/update request
yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
any updates or new requests you’re working on?
Hi! Just so you know, the way WIP Wednesday works is you'll go to my post and request one of the file names I included (one of them IS "Drabble Reqs") and then I'd write and post three new sentences from that WIP :) it's not a way to get like, a general update.
Also,, idk if you're genuinely just curious about what I'm working on, or if you have a pending request and you're trying to rush for an update, so I'll try to answer in good faith.
I am currently working on two very cute prompts, one for Ballister throwing Nimona a birthday party (adorable) and a C! Goldenheart healing drabble (adorableeee also thank you to the anon who clarified your request 🩷)
If you happen to be the person with the Clown request, as I have a feeling you are based on timelines (if you're not I'm so sorry lol) it's not happening. That request was giving fetish, it made me uncomfortable. Atp even if it's not a fetish I don't want to do it and I don't think it's unfair for me to say no to a story I don't want to write.
In general, I don't mind people being curious about what might be coming out and if you make that clear I won't mind answering! But please don't send update/status requests. This is like the fourth I've gotten if that's what this was. A big part of my Actual Real Job is dealing with clients who constantly want updates and statuses on their order and it ranges from friendly requests to insults and degradation asking what takes so long, and it's stressful in any case, so maybe that's causing me to be more miffed by this than the average person, but like. Some people back in fall waited MONTHS for their request to be filled and none of them pestered me about it (I appreciate their patience and hope they liked the stories I wrote them). Some got deleted and I never heard a thing about them again because the askers respected my choice not to do it and I appreciate them too.
I like doing these requests, it's fun, but I am not a content farm and I'm not paid to do this. I don't like feeling like someone is breathing down my neck waiting on these things. You know. Like how I feel at WORK.
Anyway if I keep getting status requests OR if I hear anything more about the CLOWNIFICATION ASK I'm gonna be turning anons off which I don't wanna do because some people aren't comfortable asking from their account and I don't wanna exclude them. If you're just curious about what's coming out and you DON'T have a pending request you're trying to rush me on, just make that clear and it's totally fine. I'm also fine with people selecting “Drabble Reqs” for my WIP Wednesday, in fact I appreciate it.
Hope this didn't come off too abrasive. I just don't like feeling that the work I do is some obligation of labor.
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miraculous-stardust · 6 years
so I recently rewatched the 2009 Star Trek movie
I have.... so many thoughts.... please forgive me in advance for the long post
okay, things I appreciated
1. Spock’s sassy “live long and prosper” to the VSA admissions council is STILL giving me life like 24 hours later, I paused and rewound to watch that again because. yes. good
2. on that note, Zachary Quinto
he has the cutest lil nose! that I want to boop every time there’s a profile shot of him! aaAA
his eyesssssss oh my goodnesssssss I am perpetually swooning
he did a classic Sassy Spock Eyebrow and I just had to take a sec to clap. it’s a really fucking tall order to play a character like Spock after Nimoy, and I love him??? (who is “him”? I don’t even know- Spock, Quinto, Nimoy, all of the above?? the world may never know)
he has a very nice voice >.<
(softly) h..his voice.,,,, he, c k,, ,,, ,
3. Nyota Uhura’s existence??
however I have Tea that will be spilled
4. There were moments when they’d pan across the bridge, and there were all kinds of beings. that diversity is the essence, the spirit, of Trek from what I understand when I watch it and so while I wish it had been focused on- it’s 2009! not 1966! progress should be reflected, yknow?- it made me grin
5. Pavel “i can do that!!!11!!1!1!” chekov... i love
6. im dissapointed they chose to showcase Spock’s emotionality through anger as opposed to joy or sadness, which would’ve felt more in line with the original. however, earlier in the cave, Kirk was crying after their meld- that ‘emotional transference’ was grief. the movie acknowledged in other, smaller moments that both Spocks felt sadness, were grieving deeply. thus, i wonder if it’s intended to be a misinterpretation on Kirk’s part and thus a characterization of Kirk/their relationship’s lack of understanding instead... but also... is the production team that smart with their characterization? I have Doubts
admittedly Texans don’t have much of a normal southern accent (right?) and all the southern™️ family of mine is from Arkansas and not Georgia so maybe I shouldn’t try to talk about this like I know anything but nonetheless.
the hypos. Jim’s reaction to them. let me declare my undying love for Chris Pine and Karl Urban bc that was so much fun to watch (*crosses fingers* I hope they’re actually good people I hope they’re -)
8. Kirk’s smirk as Spock requests permission to board the bridge. Kirk covering Spock while he melds with a Romulan to find Pike (and Spock trusting him to do so.) The way they move in unison. Spock’s solemn and supportive nod that Kirk instantly looked for after making a risky decision (which one? don’t remember. it was later in the movie tho... heck).
yup they’re battered and bruised and it’s a meet-angst instead of a meet-cute (is there a word for that?) but they’re still our space husbands
okay more like space boyfriends.... their relationship status can be updated after Spock does something “Amok Time” levels of sheer gay or they gain the rapport we see in TOS
9. OOOOO when Kirk become captain and Uhura goes “I hope you know what you’re doing, Captain” and Kirk is like “so do I.” quietly to her
that’s more like our Kirk!!!!!!!!
they could’ve easily had him flash a smile and assure her it would work
and instead they chose to make him a bit vulnerable and I’m quite grateful
see??? you did something right??? how easy would it have been to take that characterization mindset to the whole thing??? hngg
a favorite moment, beat only by the sassy LLAP
10. last but not least... oh my god Sulu I love you and I am so sorry. you will never live that down. Spock is Vulcan and he will never let you live that down, much less Pike or anyone else on the bridge, and I’m dying laughing but I’m so sorry
I once drove home from a friend’s with the parking break half-engaged so I can slightly relate
11. oh, yeah, Nimoy’s voice over of the opening sequence that they played at the end? yeah that ripped my heart out, but in a good way
things I Did Not Appreciate
1. A list of stuff we know about Nyota Uhura
- she’s got “a talented tongue”
- and “oral sensitivity” (why?????)
- she’s Spock’s girlfriend
2. okay here’s the tea I fully support giving Spock a love interest but make it his fucking t’hy’la you cowards
okay lemme take a moment to acknowledge the fact that the movie was made almost a decade ago. I know. but still
3. Kirk???? why are you being arrogant???? whaaat???? what is this? oh, AOS....
words cannot express my longing for cerebral, tactical, feminist, respectful, bookworm Jim and my disappointment in pop culture’s Kirk
4. the ending: that’s right, kids! break all the rules, do questionable and dangerous shit, and get super rewarded for it. oh, wait. hm.
5. oh and im not sure you’d comfort someone who just experienced the death of their mother and destruction of their planet with a lip kiss, come on, are you actually kidding me
6. okay that’s all my salt! there’s actually not that much here bc I dislike being nitpicky and also actually enjoyed the movie. yes, there were issues, and certainly more than I went into... but I enjoyed it for what it was ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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