#and Lars is making it even better
ppl wondering whether Thrawn is serving Empire or the Ascendancy? my brother in christ, he's serving cunt
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daddy-ul · 4 months
There is only one person in this world to whom I made a heart sign with my hands.
I'm okay with that person being James Hetfield.
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hydr0phius · 1 year
Friends and foes, I did not watch Maleficent and be fascinated with them putting fake cheekbones etc on Angelina Jolie's face to make her look more fae-like to then see Star Wars Rebels, be introduced to Thrawn and his interesting facial structure, find out he's being put into live action and think "yeah, they could totally give him those rather PROMINENT forehead ridges and cheekbones," then see the spoilers and have every last shred of hope I had left after the Grand Inquisitor in Kenobi chucked into a blender and thrown into a black hole.
He looks like he's just been dipped in blue face paint. They could have contoured his face a little with another few shades of blue if they didn't want to add prosthetics. That at least would have given him a bit more depth...
"But at least we got him!!!!"
Please, raise your standards just a little bit higher than what they are now.
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romance-rambles · 3 months
listening to edge of dawn for the first time in a while and
like a red [white, technically] rose, seeking the sun—no matter where it goes
eden alkaid and eden lars
eden alkaid and eden lars
and then.
and then
i long to stay, where the light dwells, to guard against the cold that i know so well
this is eden alkaid and mc
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sardonic-the-writer · 6 months
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𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐛 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐋𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ notes: lars content yay! as far as i can tell, i'm one of the few to do anything on him, so i hope there's more than ten people out there interested in him
↳ warnings: none
↳ song: she blinded me with science—thomas dolby
masterlist | commissions | carrd
• This guy is a snacker
• Take one look at him. You can't tell me that he doesn't constantly skip out on meals in favor of research, usually just pulling a granola bar or stained tupperware from his desk drawer to eat while he works
• Don't get me wrong, Lars can still devour a good bit of food. Sometimes you like to make fun of him for how much good he'll get on his face in the process
• "You're looking at me weird." He frowned at you one day from behind the rims of his glasses
• "Uh, yeah. Wonder why." You grin with mild surprise, watching as leftover rice and beans from the burrito in his hands stuck to the corners of his mouth like glue. He was quick to wipe it all off, ignoring you as you laughed at him
• Aside from that, Lars usually keeps his workplace pretty clean. It's cluttered, sure, but you don't think you've ever seen him wonder where something went. He just always knew where things were. It was like he had a system in his head, and the more you thought about it, the more you decided he definitely did
• The one time someone had even tried to clean his place up, you watched as he immediately jumped in, convincing them that they were needed elsewhere and sending them off before they could mess with his set-up
• Often times, when it's just the two of you alone in the offsight lab, you'll bounce a tennis ball off the wall while Lars types away, only ever looking up to squint at you when the ball gets to close to his head
• "You should really give that to the possesor. I'm sure it'd appreciate it." He hums to you at one point while spinning around in his chair to reach something. Behind you, you hear the unmistakable sound of a metal chair tapping excitedly on glass, and you make a tsking noise
• "Pretty sure you just want me to stop distracting you with my awesome skills." You boast, attempting to do a trickshot only to smack Lars in the back. He glares at you, and you inch backward with a nervous chuckle
• "You know what, I think I'll give it to the possesor."
• "What a brilliant idea." Lars says monotonely. You were quick to get rid of the ball
• He hums while he works!
• It's not anything discernable. In fact, most of the time he isn't even singing real songs. Just little tunes he'll make up on the spot for himself; often as a way to pass the time and make minute tasks fly by
• You notice it quite a lot, but don't really say anything. It's quite entertaining, if you're being truthful
• "Sittin' and waitin' for food. Sittin' and waitin' for food.." He'd improvised once while waiting yet again for a t.v dinner of his to finish its cycle in the labs shared microwave
• "Wow Lars. Voice of an angel, you have."
• "Stuff it."
• Lars doesn't often need help with his work, there's a reason he landed the job after all, but when he does, you're always the first person he goes to. It's a side effect of having spent so much time with you at work, and even outside of it—if you counted lunch breaks and independent experiments as a non-work environment
• He likes being able to get a fresh set of eyes on whatever's stumping him, and it usually doesn't take long for the two of you to work around whatever was holding him up
• Overall, you couldn't think of a better friend/co-worker to have, and the same applies for Lars. Your relationship will only strengthen as time goes on, even withstanding the bizzar experiences that Garraka eventually brings later that year
• But that's for much later. Right now, the two of you are content to sit in the aquarium-turned-headquarters, watching as the hours ticked by without a care in the world
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ladyxskywalker · 1 month
In Exile
Anakin Skywalker x F!Reader/OFC
after his battle with obi wan, anakin is spared & is instead banished to a remote farm world. there is no darth vader, no suit, no extensive injuries. only inner turmoil. he must find peace & healing. but what he didn't expect, was to find a kind lady there who just wants to be loved & help him.
part two
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a choose your own outcome story ! weekly story polls posted at the end of each chapter ! hope you enjoy ! 💌
Sunflowers, part one
It is an unusual time of day.
The sky has already become a softened shade of violet, the wind whispering quietly as it passes by - the suns, still felt to be the warmest right before setting.
Anakin looks up towards the haze. It is the later part of Summer on this planet. A forgotten place with no name that he calls home now. His farm, still needing tending to, even though things are sparse and the people are few here. 
He keeps to himself often because he likes it that way, burying himself in his work, trying to forget things on repeat. Striking thoughts and vivid memories appearing to him in his headspace, never seeming just to go away. 
anakin, this isn't you...
you're going down a path I can not follow...
It’s as if he doesn’t truly want them to disappear. As though he needs to remember, just to keep going in some sick and twisted way. 
this isn’t living.
I’m only just existing…
Closing his eyes for a moment, Anakin lets out a calming exhale of breath, standing solemnly amongst the grass, as he becomes lost inside their gentle stream of swaying. It is the only thing he can allow of himself now. Something simple to ground himself in so that he can not feel anymore pain. Those insufferable feelings will happen later. At night, when sleeping is a luxury for him and he isn’t so busy. He doesn’t get much rest these days, consumed by every ounce of remembering. Wishing he could just turn everything off if only he had willed it to be so. To truly be emotionless. A thread of left behind humanity, constantly reeling him back in again. 
goodbye, old friend…
may the force be with you…
Anakin scoffs, adjusting his tunic before kneeling down into one of the plant beds, examining the delicate leaves taking shape on his now flowering vegetables. They’ll be ready to harvest very soon - he thinks. Which means, he’ll get to be proud of something for a change. Happy to have watched something grow, even if it had been on the outskirts of nowhere, in the middle of this strange and quiet town...
But then, he starts to think of his unborn children. Feeling as though he’d blown his only chance in life of watching them live, breathe, and thrive in the world. Considering the possibility of being a good father, teaching them what it means to be…
or even … good.
“I’m none of those things. Not anymore…” he says.
This time, not completely realizing that he’s said something to himself out loud, looking away from his dirt ridden hands to make sure that no one else had been there to notice.
But you had.
You always did. Even when you'd tried not to.
So beautiful, and smiling at him in the last remains of daylight.
Holding a freshly picked bunch of sunflowers in your arms, struggling a bit to hold onto all the stems.
“Here. Let me…”
He begins, brushing the palms of his hands onto the front of his pants, before making his way over to your small patch of land. 
I better help her before she loses them all…
don’t need anyone laughing at her.
no one. laughs. at. her…
“Oh…thank you so much Lars, you didn’t have to do that…”
Taking the flowers from her slightly shaken hands, he carefully begins to place them one by one into one of his garden baskets. Forgetting for a moment that he is no longer Vader, and no longer Anakin, either. That Lars is the only name now that he can go by. However misguided. It’s the only thing salvaged from his old life that he can have again. 
“Yes I did…better in here than on the ground. Don’t you have one of these things?” he says gruffly, focused on the task at hand. 
“I did…”
“What do you mean, you did?”
“Another farmer stole my only basket from me…among other things…they were upset, it was my fault anyway, and…”
“Upset? No matter of disagreement should ever warrant thievery.”
they don’t know the meaning of upset.
stealing from a lady…
“They were angry when I didn’t return their affections. Now he’s trying to sabotage my business. Breaking things, poisoning my rose bushes... Spreading falsehoods about me and my family around the village…”
“Who. Is. He.?”
Anakin pauses deliberately between words, feeling a familiar heat inside himself rising to the surface.
Pointing to a house on the farthest side of town, he recognizes it immediately. 
Right opposite the lake.
The man is no farmer.
He's a vagrant fisherman.
Doing his own stretch of time on this desolate unlikely safe haven.
He must have escaped from someplace...
Avoiding a bounty...perhaps.
She's silent now. Perhaps he's frightened her with all of his wordless brooding.
Or...maybe it had something to do with the tightened closing of his fists.
I'm going to kill him.
“Go home. This will all be settled in the morning.”
He nods, having a hard time with being gentle. Trying his best to be reassuring.
But then, she smiles, her shoulders falling - relieved, before taking his hand. A metallic wonder resting in the palm of her own. She wishes that he can feel her, but somehow - strangely, she can almost sense that he does there.
“Thank you. I've been so afraid.”
Anakin hums, nodding in understanding.
If only she knew who was standing before her…
would she be in fear of me too here…?
doesn't matter…
But then...
Completely surprising him, she presses a kiss to his cheek.
Waves of unruly hair, almost getting in the way of it...
Leaving him standing there, contemplating a fight to be had in her honor at sunrise the next morning.
a/n - thanks so much for reading ! 💫 I've been inspired to write a story again, & what better way to do it than to get everyone involved in the writing process too 😊 this idea has been swirling around in my mind (& drafts folder) for a while now, so it's been really exciting to see it come back to life in a whole new way. each part of the story will be cross posted to ao3, & will be tagged on tumblr with 'sky lady story time 💌' hope you enjoyed this first installment ! I'm excited to see what you guys want to see happen next 🌼☕📖 xo A
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marvelobsessed134 · 2 months
“You taste divine”
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Pairings: James Hetfield x Innocent!Ulrich!Reader
A/n: back with my innocent!reader brainrot fics I love them so much. Fyi reader is 18 James is like 20 something here so it’s all legal
Warnings: smut, corruption kink, non/dub con, overstimulation, loss of virginity, praise, manipulation, James takes advantage of reader’s innocence, probably not accurate to real life events but it’s fiction so it doesn’t really matter
Ever since James met you, he’s been enamored by you. You’re just so sweet and innocent and he wanted to corrupt you so badly.
It all started when he pulled up to Lars-your brother-‘s house and saw you lying on your tummy in the grass while reading a book under the tree. A delicate white dress adorning your small form. The frontman could feel his mouth watering at the sight. Unfortunately it was interrupted by your brother shouting at him to come inside so they can practice.
“Hey, didn’t know you had a sister.” James said.
Lars shrugged, “Yeah, I usually don’t tell anyone cause everyone wants to bone her. But she doesn’t even know it!” He put his hands in the air as he explained. Meanwhile the guitarists’ pants tightened.
James likes them…oblivious. It was a horribly dark fantasy he has. The need to corrupt a innocent girl.
During practice, he couldn’t stop thinking about you and your sweet aura. Fuck, he had to talk to you. Even if Lars would kill him for doing so.
So one night, while the guys were having a random hangout which turned into a sleepover after they had one too many drinks, James creeped his way up to you room. The soft glow from your light peaked through the hallway and he walked inside to see your very girly pink room.
And there you were, on your tummy again but this time on your bed while you sketched something in a notebook. The blonde closed the door behind him making you jump and your head snap in the direction of the sound.
“James?” Your soft sweet voice sounded through the quiet room.
“Hey Y/n.” He responded before walking over and sitting on your bed, “Whatcha drawin’ there?” He motioned towards your notebook.
“Just some bunny rabbits cause I don’t know.” You blushed and giggled.
“You look like a little bunny rabbit.” The blonde said with a smile as he lightly pinched your cheek. You blushed more “Jamie.” You giggled. Oh god he loves when you call him that. Rarely would he ever let someone use that nickname for him but you? You can use it all you want.
“Hey do you mind if I hang out in here with you tonight? The guys are all passed out.”
He took his shoes off and got comfortable on your bed. Then he leaned forward and grabbed you by your waist making you squeal in surprise before sitting you on his lap.
“James! You can’t do that!” You scolded but you were laughing.
“And why’s that?” He teased, tickling your side making you laugh and squirm, “Lars doesn’t like when- oh my goodness stop that tickles! When boys touch me.”
“Yeah? Well he’s not here now is he?” The frontman replied, stopping his tickling but moving his hand up your shirt towards your breasts.
“J-James what are you doing?” You asked dumbly.
“I just think you’re beautiful and I want to play with you, is it so difficult to understand?” Of course, you don’t know any better so you let him fondle your breasts making you moan at the foreign feeling.
“Can you take your shirt off for me baby?” You complied, taking your little white lace cami off to reveal your bare chest. His hands both came up behind you and tweaked your nipples, rolling them around in his fingers. “Jamie!” You gasped.
“Feels good doesn’t it honey?” You nodded, still a little unsure.
“Can you lay down for me?” The blonde asked gently and you nodded once again, lying down next to where he was sitting on your bed. He got up and tossed your sketchbook and pencils haphazardly onto the ground and pulled your legs so you’d get close to the edge of your bed. He carefully pulled your shorts and panties off, “Spread those legs for me baby. I just want to see how pretty you look down there.” His tone was so gentle and trusting. You had no idea how he really felt. How he was finally getting his perverse fantasy to come true.
As instructed, you spread your legs. “Oh god, look at that little pussy.” You didn’t know what any of those words meant minus the ‘oh god’ part but you felt like you could trust James, he’d never do anything to hurt you right? He’s older than you and knows more than you.
The guitarist slipped his finger up your folds making you jerk your hips up and hiss. You’re so sensitive down there. He licks his finger clean before getting down on his knees and licking a bold stripe against your pussy.
“Oh!” You moaned in surprise. The singer chuckled against you sending vibrations throughout your body. He continued to eat you out causing you to shiver and shake under him from all the newly found pleasure you experienced.
You felt yourself get overwhelmed with this tingly feeling in your cunt and you tried to back away to make James stop, “Please, James stop! It’s too much I don’t know what going on too tingly n’ itchy- oh!” You screamed out in pleasure as your first ever orgasm hit you like a truck.
“So good baby, oh my god you taste divine.” He moaned as he lapped up all your cum before standing up to check on you. He pressed a kiss to your lips before undoing his belt and letting his jeans and boxers fall to the floor.
His dick sprang to life hitting his stomach before he guided it to your core, rubbing it up and down your folds making you gasp, “What are you doing now?” You asked a little nervously.
“I’m playing with you, remember?” He didn’t want you to know exactly what he was doing to keep a tiny bit of your innocence for his own sick pleasure. He slowly entered your tight hole making you hiss in pain, “James stop! That hurts!” You cried but he kept entering you, staying still for a bit to let you adjust to the feeling.
Once you calmed down he started to thrust himself inside, and the pain you felt quickly turned to pleasure as he hit your g spot over and over. James gripped your hips as he fucked you.
“Fuuuck so perfect for me. Taking my dick so good.” He growled as he upped the pace making you moan and cry out. He didn’t care if anyone heard the two of you, he was too caught up in the moment.
“Jamie!” You cried out as you felt your second orgasm arriving and hitting you again making your vision white for a second. “You’re such a good girl letting your brother’s friend play with you like this.” The vocalist moaned before he pulled out of you to shoot his load on your tummy.
He scooped up his own cum with his finger and brought it to your mouth, “open.” He commanded and you did as he said, taking his finger in your mouth and tasting the salty release.
“Good girl.”
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 5 months
Hey!! Could you please write ‘96 James with fem!reader where he’s is feeling lazy, so he lets the reader just ride his boot like a little slut?
A/n: This might just be my favourite James era. Also, I lost any and all motivation about half-way through this so I apologize but I hope you still enjoy reading it :'3
Warnings: Smut, thigh riding, boot riding??, if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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It was your anniversary and you were waiting for James to get home from the studio. You were making dinner when you heard keys jingling and the front door rattling. You went over to greet James as he entered but were met with a very unhappy sight.
James just looked exhausted, his shoulders slumped and he barely smiled when he saw you. Even so he wrapped his arms around you and gave you a hug, kissing your forehead sweetly before making his way to the living room.
“Dinner’s almost ready.” You said to him as he left. You went back to cooking and when you were done you called him to the dining room.
“Just bring it here.” He said, tiredness creeping into his voice. You hesitated but gave in and brought him a plate to the living room. You made yourself comfortable beside him, even if he wasn’t in a good mood you wanted to spend such a special day with him.
He finished and asked you to get him seconds, so you did, returning back a moment later with his food. “Rough day?” You asked, wanting to get him talking.
James groaned in response. “Lars is just a fucking...” He trails off and shakes his head. You nod and lean your head against him when you get an idea.
You place your hand on his knee and trail it up his thigh. “I know what could make you feel better.” You mused, James just shook his head again.
“No, not tonight, I’m too tired.” He mumbled, poking at his second helping. You let out a sound of disappointment.
“But it’s our anniversary.” You said, looking up at him. “It’s special.” You could see in his eyes that there was frustration boiling inside him. You didn’t want to push him to anything, but you knew him well enough to get what you wanted.
“Come on, please?” You looked up at him with a pout, your hand still rubbing his thigh. “It would make me happy.” He let out a heavy sigh and you smirked to yourself. “Please?”
“Would you stop bitching in my ear for one second, please?” He snapped. The way he said it made it clear that ‘please’ was only added at the last second. You didn’t say anything more and kept your hand idle on his thigh. “Fuck, if you want it that bad get on your knees.” He demanded. You smiled happily and slid off the couch and onto your knees in front of him.
Your hands rested on his knees and you got ready to suck him off, only that’s not what he wanted. The way you were positioned you were between his legs as he manspread. He lightly kicked at your leg to get you to move over, you were confused but did as he gestured nonetheless, now hovering over his boot.
“Get yourself off.” He grunted and continued eating. You looked up at him all confusedly and he groaned. “Get yourself off!” He repeated in a firmer voice, harshly pushing the toe of his boot to meet your heat. Your eyes widened and you squirmed a bit, after collecting yourself you started grinding yourself on his boot.
You’d never done this before and it was a little awkward. James didn’t look at you, he didn’t move his foot, he just sat back and ate while he watched whatever was on the TV. It was strange, humiliating and oddly hot.
Your hips moved faster as you stared up at him, wanting to work for his attention since you knew you had to. He didn’t give you the time of day until you uttered a certain sentence.
While you’d been moaning and whining James didn’t care until you spoke up. “Daddy-daddy, ‘m gonna cum.” He finally looked down at you and with a blank expression he spoke.
“Cum on daddy’s boot.” With that your eyes rolled back and your mouth dropped open in soft moans. Your hips continued to buck against his hard boot as the high rocked through your body. “Good girl.” He praised, though there was no smile indicating he meant it. “Now keep going.” You stared up at him, cheeks flushed and breath heavy.
“What? But I-I just-”
“And take your clothes off.” James interrupted, looking back to his plate of food. “I want you to get out two more.” He stated. Knowing there was no negotiating you started stripping, almost hurt that he wasn’t watching as you did so.
Now bare you started grinding down on his boot again. The sensation was much harsher now, not only because you were still sensitive from the high but because there was nothing between your soft skin and his rough boot.
You were whining at the feeling but didn’t stop since you were already close. There was a wet spot on his boot, your slick helping to ease the texture.
Soon enough you came again, waiting a moment to calm down a bit. James swatted your cheek. “Did I say stop?” You shook your head. “Answer me, did I say stop?”
“No. No, you didn’t.” You replied, voice shaky and weak.
“Oh, I didn’t, did I?” He said, tsking. “Then why’d you stop?”
“I’m sorry.” You blurted. James shook his head and gestured for you to keep going. You did as you were told, rocking your hips on him once more. 
You could see a prominent bulge in james’ jeans. Seeing that gave you some motivation because you knew that he’d be giving you more than a boot tonight, he could never go to sleep with a hard-on. So you kept grinding on him, calling out for him over and over again.
Right when you were about to cum again he pulled his foot away and stood up to bring his plate to the sink. You stared at him as he walked away for a moment before chasing after him.
“What was that? I-I wasn’t done!” You said, reaching for his hand but he pulled it away.
“I know.” He said plainly. “Neither was I.” He ran some water over his empty plate and set it to the side. Still you watched his every move.
James wrapped his arms around you, pulling you tight to him and crashed his lips onto yours. He pushed you back against the counter and spread your legs with his knee, guiding you to grind on his clothed thigh.
Now there was a small wet spot as he pulled another orgasm out of you, but he didn’t stop. And maybe that was the plan. Come home pretending he’d had a rough day and give you everything you needed except for his dick. Whatever the reason, drool was slipping down your chin and you couldn’t be happier.
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tossawary · 1 month
I'm rewatching "The Phantom Menace" for the first time in years and ??? It really seems like Qui-Gon Jinn could have bargained for both Shmi and Anakin's freedom from the beginning of his wager with Watto???
Qui-Gon later DOES try to bargain for BOTH Shmi and Anakin's freedom, by putting "his" pod up in a second, separate wager. (And I do love that they're lying about where the secret pod came from. Anakin built it, so legally, it's probably actually Watto's. Qui-Gon is being a little crafty!) But Watto insists that no pod is worth TWO slaves and rolls a dice to pick which one (which Qui-Gon manipulates with the Force so that he'll get Anakin over Shmi).
But it doesn't explain why Qui-Gon didn't bargain for their freedom with the initial wager! The Skywalkers are providing the secretly built pod to Qui-Gon and it was Anakin's idea for Qui-Gon to approach Watto about borrowing him as a pilot for the Boonta Eve Classic. This is apparently THE big race on Tatooine and the prize money is worth a LOT (unnamed amount). Watto suggests that they split the prize money 50/50, but Qui-Gon immediately forfeits that, promising that Watto can take ALL OF IT in exchange for the ship parts Qui-Gon needs and if Watto will pay the entrance fee up-front, AND Qui-Gon agrees to give up his own ship if Anakin loses.
This seems... unbalanced? It really feels like Qui-Gon could have leveraged that prize money plus his ship for both Shmi and Anakin. Watto is angry after the race because he bet on Sebulba and "lost everything", but what about the prize money that Qui-Gon forfeited almost entirely to Watto??? And then they sell "Qui-Gon"'s pod (a race-winning pod!) for more money! (And Padmé even says after the race, "We owe you everything, Ani.")
And narratively, I'm not sure what would be greatly harmed by Shmi being free? She's free anyway in the next movie, living on the Lars farm, from what I remember, and the story-important pain for Anakin resolves around her violent death more than her now past enslavement. The movie could have slipped in a brief appearance by the moisture farmer who wants to marry Shmi, but can't because she's not free and he can't afford her freedom, so Shmi once freed stays on Tatooine to get happily married. And Anakin would still be (sadly by Shmi) sent off with the Jedi for a better life than poor moisture farmers on an Outer Rim planet run by gangsters can offer!!! You could still make their separation really sad with some good writing!
I wish the movie had either freed Shmi or been more convincing about why she has to stay in slavery. It really does end up making Qui-Gon Jinn look unlikably careless. Which is, you know, a character flaw and character flaws are fine! But he does other careless things in this movie anyway!
And this also ends up making the Jedi Council look like ASSHOLES when they (a strange group of adults) pressure a 9yo about his fear for his mother's safety and Yoda, instead of offering any guidance on dealing with fear productively, essentially says that fear (perfectly reasonable fear over his future and his mother's future!) is a path to the Dark Side in some weird slippery slope proverb. HIS MOTHER HAS BEEN LEFT IN SLAVERY!!! If Shmi had been left to a happy marriage as a free woman, then MAYBE you would be better able to frame Anakin's attachment as more of a problem, but so much about this scene makes the Jedi Council look utterly unreasonable. And again, it's fine if they're flawed! They can be flawed with their other objections!
But just... LITTLE edits here and there would make a lot about this movie stronger or at least less grating.
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matchesarelit · 6 months
Imagine If You Will... Just Us (Lars Pinfield X gn!Reader)
Prompts: “I thought it was going to be just us today” from @pookie-and-cereal's list (here) AND #17, #28 and #30 from @thelonelyempath's list (here).
W.C: ~3k
Warnings: Gary gets typical 3rd wheel treatment, science flirting (it's real bad),
Coming back from Ray's, your arms were killing, turns out hiking over an hour over public transport with more than ten kilos of, for a lack of a better word, junk, was not the brightest idea. Lars had texted you late last night, gushing over the newest adaptions he'd make to the extractor; how much time was saved on every use, how low the resistance rate was etc.
So naturally, when he invited you to come in on the weekend to try it out, your reply could have broken the sound barrier, if it weren't a text that is. You weren't exactly in his realm in regards to ghostbusting science, now don't get me wrong you did ghost bust on occasion, but your main focus was on the PR end of Ghost Corps. Yes, it is a very stressful job. That being so, you weren't sure why he'd chosen to invite you, surely another scientist would be able to understand it better.
Well, who truly cares... you were getting the rare chance to witness his dorky joy and that was not something you were going to turn down.
Finally trudging in through the main doors, you let out a grievous grunt as you dropped the box of trinkets onto a nearby trolley. Tugging it along behind you as you made your way to the main lab, you waved as you always did towards the enclosed ghosts in the hallway. Finally setting sights on the elaborate workspaces of the many scientists that work crammed into the space, you allowed your smile to overtake your features, eager as always to see Lars in his natural environment.
You'd first met when you stated on the G.C PR team, you'd been eager to set up a web page for the Ghostbusters with a page profile for all involved scientists. Winston had had you meet them all here in the lab, Lars was one of the first you'd met and you'd gotten along immediately.
"Heyo! I think you're gonna have to send Ray a gift basket with the amount of stuff he gave us-" Your rattled-out greeting was cut short as your eyes fell on the pair of men huddled by one of the desks. As they turned to greet you, you felt your steps slow, the air felt dense against your movements. Lars had forced out a smile that had no hopes of reaching his eyes, while the man by his side, Gary Grooberson, seemed to be dripping in ecstatic energy as he jogged over to meet you by the steps.
As he lifted the front end of the trolley and helped you carry it down, your eyes fell back on Lars, he was once again facing away from you and he'd retreated to the large mechanical focus of your visit. His hands were busy doing, what even you could tell from across the room, was absolutely nothing.
Cutting your study short, Gary captured you in a hug, it was as it always is; warm and comforting and definitely more for him than it was for you. You had time and time again succeeded in putting a good spin on whatever ruckus his family had created, so he was by no means a new acquaintance, neither was his proclivity for hugs a surprise.
Gary's greeting however flew right past your ears, tearing your focus away from the man on the other side of the space was proving much too difficult. To your luck however, you managed a gentle greeting and casual inquiry of how his family was doing before a notable amount of time had passed.
With a conscious effort you set your eyes on Gary, resolved to focus on the conversation at hand, the man before you was a friend after all. As the conversation continued, small updates about how the Spenglers and co were doing outside of the ghost busts filled the next half hour, before the dialogue began to stall.
Until, Gary, ever the extrovert, started to rifle through the box you'd brought in,
'So, are you as excited for today as I am? It sounds like Lars has been making absolute leaps and bounds with this stuff.'
Now, you wouldn't say you were projecting your voice when you spoke up, nonetheless, it definitely wasn't a normal speaking level. 'Yeah! I can't wait to see what he's been up to...' You trailed off as you glanced towards where Lars still stood, his back to the two of you but his hands had now stilled in place, a change you all but reveled in.
Lars wasn't a guy who enjoyed being alone all to much, you'd been able to gather as such within moments of meeting him. Luckily, that first time, you'd caught him on a good day; when talking about his work, rather than doing it, was pretty much exactly what he wanted to do. He'd tried to come across as a sort of stoic and while it was clear he did enjoy the solitude, the way he interacted with his peers made it crystal clear how much he also enjoyed such conversations.
That was part of why his actions today seemed so strange... You weren't exactly his peer as a scientist, but you knew enough about ghosts and he'd shared similar achievements with you in the past, not to mention the fact that he, himself, had invited you here only last night.
As for Gary, he was a scientific man himself, so why the Lars wasn't chatting happily with him about the newest changes to the mechanism was a mystery to say the least.
You'd hate to admit it, although it wasn't hard to notice by any means, you'd obliviously thought it was just going to be the two of you. So it took some quick metal re-wiring upon realizing you wouldn't just be able to fawn so freely over the unsuspecting scientist as you often did.
In that moment you'd felt bad, noting that both of you were acting strange and that that couldn't have been too fun for Gary.
Although... you considered perhaps Lars was simply overthinking his progress, now that his audience was present. Maybe he just needed a little push to start, like one of those old timey planes.
'Lars' Your call cracked through the silence of the facility, your voice finally tugging the man in question to turn on the spot. 'Come on Science-man, show us what you've got!'
He shook his head slightly in a sort of incredulity as he turned back around, your shoulders fell slightly, but only momentarily as his voice soon bounced around the room.
'Come on then'
Your eager smile reappeared on your face as you beelined towards the large prism like container in the middle of the workplace, where he stood hitting, what you could only assume, were the start up buttons. Your eyes on him, and his eyes on the machine -with you safely in his peripherals- Gary was left to wheel over the box of supplies. His mumblings of something about third wheeling and losing his phone, all but faded to oblivion in your focus.
Stepping back from the small panel and towards yourself and Gary, Lars seemed to pause for a moment, glancing once between you and his chair that sat empty by the control screen. You brushed off the look he'd given as he began to speak, as a mutual offer between him, yourself and Gary, You'd chosen consciously however, to not plop down in it yourself.
Strangely, claiming his seat whenever he stood from it, felt like something you could only do in private, although it usually occurred when ten or so other scientists also occupied the space. You suppose, sitting there; your head in your hand, as you gawk up at him was a lot more obvious when the only other person in the room would be standing mere feet away.
Whilst you turned your own thoughts over in your head, Gary had taken the chair for himself, muttering out a cheeky, 'ya snooze ya lose'. While you were still mulling things over, Gary caught what you didn't; a flash of a glare passing over Lars' features as he paused his explanation.
Choosing to remain comfy, Gary shot the younger scientist a simple smile, before tilting his head in your direction. With one look to you, your in-your-head state was obvious and Lars was talking a step towards you, your name a whisper on his lips.
Snapping out of your thoughts, and meeting his eyes, you immediately rushed out an apology running shaky hands down your face as you promised to listen closely.
From there it was somewhat business as usual, Lars went about explaining his changes, with yourself, and Gary, asking prompting questions every once and a while. You'd resolved to simply enjoy his company as you usually would, extra company be damned. Sorry Gary.
Gaping up at him in the way you always did, you were yet again in awe of Lars. The way his eyes shone a little brighter when the machine worked perfectly and how he would always look eagerly to you a soft smile on his face. Ghost by ghoul, the three of you went about testing for a while, with Lars occasionally ducking his head towards the wiring or control panel to make some small adjustment, only to return with a beaming smile when the following test went by even faster.
Watching him work was always enjoyable. He was always either grinning like a fool or he had that small frown and furrowed brow that graced his features in a moment, usually quite brief, of struggle. All the same, even that echo of a scowl wasn't enough to diminish the glow you swore he gave off. Today was slightly different, there was no lab coat in sight, his goggles hung loosely around his neck and the top half of his jumpsuit had been tied 'round his waist. He seemed relaxed, at least if you ignored the tension that seemed to be holding his body together.
'Amazing' your murmured comment, and the countless like it, were more about him than his machine and whenever you caught his eyes with your own, you hoped he could see that. Gary, on the other hand was completely enthralled by the testing, rattling off compliments of his own with much higher frequency, mentions of the 'stellar efficiency' and 'innovative programming' which, I'm sad to say, went in one ear and out the other. Except, for when he managed to interrupt you in the midst of his enthusiasm, at which point he was met with yet another brief glare from the man of the hour.
The setting sun that bathed the three of you in warm tones of orange and yellow took you by surprise, and a quick glace to the box by your side revealed you had powered through more than three quarters of your supplies. You felt your shoulders fall considerably at this thought, now achingly aware you'd be expected to leave somewhat soon. Shocking you from your melancholy was the loud ring of Lars' phone, some 8-bit version of the Ghostbusters theme you'd set up on his phone some time ago, echoing about the space.
He hurriedly excused himself, and unwitting as usual your eyes lingered on the doorway he'd left through. Until a clambering of legs swung into your own, following them with an eyebrow raised you met Gary's stare as his own eyebrows wiggled fancifully. 'Soooo... I'm gonna get going, Callie just texted-' Catching him in a squinted glare you doubted '-didn't you say you'd lost your phone?'
'um-uh, okay so I'm just a little aware that you guys want to be alone.' His tone was anything but unsure, nevertheless he seemed hesitant to voice his concern.
'No don't go, I'm sorry I-I know I get a bit absorbed seeing him work, but he wants you here!' You'd felt horrible, you weren't aware how obvious you'd been.
'Its okay, I know you didn't mean to... Also I highly doubt Lars is all that happy about me being here.' You opened your mouth to argue but he shook his head simply as he continued. 'Winston invited me after Lars let him know he'd be here today, He didn't know until I got here and that half an hour before you arrived was tense enough.'
You supposed he was right, Lars had seemed pretty off earlier, but surely it wasn't that deep that Gary should leave. 'That's silly though, you're a scientist, if anyone is annoying him by hanging around surely its me... I mean I was asking all those inane questions.'
Your concern was met with the most well meaning, yet still a bit of a brush-off, cackle you'd heard from him, 'Except every one was met with a soft explanation and a confirmation that you understood, which wasn't exactly the response I've been getting. I doubt today was meant to be about the science as anything more than as a justification for inviting you over.'
Your brow furrowed at that, yourself and Lars had hung out before, you supposed it wasn't too frequently and it was usually a work outing where the two of you peeled off for a bit. Even so, why would he feel like he had to justify inviting you over?
'But we're friends, he knows he doesn't have to-' you stopped yourself as his footsteps reverberated through the halls, growing closer by the second.
Mid-way through turning your head to catch the doorway, Gary darted out of his chair. Stealing back your attention as he addressed yourself and you supposed lars, who you could imagine had stopped, lingering at the end of the hall at the other man's outburst. 'I've gotta get going, great seeing you guys... Good luck with the rest of the testing...' He was backing away now, towards the entryway, maneuvering around stray chairs and tables as he went. With a final flourish of a finger gun in Lars' direction, he was crossing the threshold and calling back over his shoulder. '...Not that you need it!'
You found yourself scoffing in disbelief as you continued to watch as the doors swung closed with a slam. Slowly turning on the spot you set sights on Lars. He was making his way over to you, shoulders still higher than usual, tight due to, as far as you could ascertain, the dramatic exit of the older man. Reaching out, you placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. As the slight weight of your hand settled on him you noted the relaxed fall of his shoulders, a sigh falling from his lips. Content with the slight ease in his demeanor you gave a slight squeeze and a hum of your own.
'So, should we get back to it?' Lars nodded, but otherwise remained completely still until you elected to remove your hand, at which point he spun on the spot and traipsed back over to the machine with a vigor that'd been notably absent all day.
Narrowing your eyes at the man in front of you, you watched as he returned to his regular As Seen On TV type demonstration. Now, with a pep in his step that you always found almost too intoxicating he placed a new object inside the chamber, closed it and started towards the computer.
'Hey, Lars? Can you level with me on something?' you hated to see how his movements stuttered to a halt at your vague interruption, but the question fell from your lips before you could think, 'Do you not like Gary?' His gaze seemed to flutter about the space, until his eyes were screwed shut, a shaky hand messing through his locks as his jaw dropped open, dancing silently in the nonexistent wind until you fixed him with pointed look and he suddenly found some words.
'I don't dislike him he's just very- He's smart it's just- its just that...' he trailed off, seemingly deciding to communicate through a jumpscare like gesture of his hands.
'He's very eager?' he nodded, glad you gotten his meaning, but he stilled when your head tilted ever so slightly.
'So am I.' With that thought your eyes had drifted from his, not shyly to the ground but dazed, as if fixed on some invisible specter only you could see. Your mind grew harsh faster than you'd care to admit, retroactively scanning every interaction with him against some intangible measure of frustration. There were surely times your presence slowed his work, distracting him with conversation or absurd what if's, not to mention the plethora of what you now realized must have been idiotic questions.
Surely he'd been speaking while you re-considered your very existence, but it wasn't until you felt the warmth of his hands on your shoulders that an ounce of sound managed to reach your brain.
'Hey, you okay there? You-you went blank on me.'
'I-um yeah -I just...' You had no clue what to say, how could you? Yeah sorry I was just thinking about how insufferable I must be to you, that came with a little spiraling as a treat.
Gathering that you'd most likely missed his in depth explanation of the difference between yourself and Gary from his perspective, Lars stepped away from you, considering the best way to dissolve the tension evident on your features. 'You and I, Us, we're not just colleagues, you don't just come to me to get new gadgets or answer some question you have... even if you do have a few. We're... something else, but when he's here its like he's extracting facts and figures, all the while you're just trying to understand me, m-my work. Its not his fault I- just I-'
'-Thought it was going to be just us today?' Cutting off his rambling you finally met his eyes. He shrugged nodding slightly as he held your gaze. 'If it makes it better?.. it is now.'
He released a bemused hmmf. 'I'll admit I wasn't the biggest fan of having to fight for your attention today. I'm pretty glad it is just the two of us again. Splitting your focus between me and my work is as much as I can handle.' Shaking your head in amusement at his sudden bluntness, you stepped towards him, a gentle hand against his chest, the eye contact mere inches long as you stood in his orbit.
'You are so oblivious... Trust me Lars there was not a moment that you weren't the nucleus of my afternoon.' A light groan was his only response to your overy-cheesy claim. 'No? what about...' you thought for a moment, tapping a finger to your chin.
'I'm much too weak to resist the gravity of your presence.' he narrowed his eyes at you own, looking for something you couldn't distinguish.
'Is that why you're in so close? My pull is too strong?' He didn't bother to cover the roll of his eyes or the teasing tone in his voice, but the smile that was paired with them was comfort enough to keep you talking.
'Mhmm You're just too enthralling Pinfield, you're gonna have to work on that if you want other people to be able to stand being around us'
Amidst all his scoffing and modest smiling, the blush that spung up across his cheeks was a sight for sore eyes, as his head lowered and he whispered into the paper thin space between you his tone even and resolute;
'Who says I'd ever want that?'
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hayatoseyepatch · 2 months
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Description: A birthday confession with Hajime Umemiya ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡ Character:Hajime Umemiya Word Count:1K Contains: Fem!Reader x Hajime Umemiya. Fluff.
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Authors Note: This is just a little belated birthday drabble for @littleplantfreak I hope you had an amazing day!! Also, again congrats on 100 followers Mari, that's such a big milestone and I'm so proud of you!! So please have some Ume to celebrate
(❀ •̀ᴗ•́ )♡
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Umemiya could remember the first birthday of yours you had both spent together vividly. He had spent the better part of the morning scrubbing every viable surface in his apartment in preparation for your arrival. Umemiya was acutely aware of his feelings for you. His heart raced and cheeks flushed in your presence. He knew exactly what that meant. He would never admit it out loud to anyone, but he knew. Umemiya wasn’t the best cook, not by any means. He could grow just about any plant you could think of, however, preparing it? He was hopeless. When you had mentioned your love for cooking while perusing the garden shop you both often frequented, he had jumped at the opportunity to invite you over so you could both cook together to celebrate your day.
The mere domesticity of the action leading to him daydreaming about coming home to you after a long day. The two of you next to each other cooking in your kitchen after a long day. Or dancing in the sunlight, your flourishing garden in the backdrop where he would pull you by your wrist, twirling you and gliding along to an invisible song, looking into your eyes before dropping to one kn-
He jumped at the sound of your raps on his door, called back to reality. Clearing his throat to shake the nervousness, he makes his way to the door, impossible to keep the grin from his face upon seeing you. He returns the hug you give him relishing in your touch, eyes closed as he takes in the warmth of your embrace, fighting back the whine that had bubbled in his throat at the loss of you when you pull away. He had ushered you into his apartment, leading you to the kitchen where the groceries sat. “I double and triple-checked the list you sent me, so hopefully everything is there!” He beamed, watching as you hopped up on the counter to pull up the recipe. Sending him that smile that makes his heart beat in his ears as you returned the expression. Teasing him with a “Look we are the same height now pretty boy.”
“I still think I still have some height on ya, sunflower.” His face had been so hot at the petname, he was sweating at this point. Trying not imagine being between your legs, resisting the urge to walk over there and rest his hands on your hips, to pull you towards him and do everything he had ached to do for the better part of the last year since he had met you. Little did he know that was just the beginning of the cracks forming in his resolve. He tried desperately to pay attention to the words coming from those glossy lips of yours. Not even noticing he had begin to inch closer and closer to you. Simply humming every now and then as you spoke.
Umemiya was strong, both physically and mentally, though he was a hairline away from placing a large hand on the small of you back, dipping you romantically with one hand on the back of your neck to keep you steady as he finally, finally placed his lips over yours. As he had said before, he often found himself dazing off, daydreaming these scenarios while in your presence. But it wasn’t until your hands moved to grip the soft material of his sweater that he had realized he was no longer daydreaming. He was feeling the plush of your soft lips against his own, a feeling he had craved from the moment he had first laid his eyes on you. He sighs through his nose in contentment, the boundary had already been crossed, and you weren’t pulling away so he was going to enjoy this while he could. He would deal with the repercussions of his actions after the fact. His lips do try chasing yours when you pull away, though looking down at you with large hopeful eyes at the delicate touch you graced him with when cupping his cheek. Looking down at the surprised expression that dawned you beautiful features when he opened his eyes. Smiling sheepishly as he takes your hand in his own. Kissing your knuckles as he begins to speak.
“I know that may have seemed sudden, but I want you to know it was anything but spontaneous. I have been thinking and dreaming of doing that from the moment I first heard your laughter fill my ears. From the second I saw you smile at me for the first time.” He smiles, his eyes softened with adoration as he presses his forehead against yours. “Sunflower, you mean more to me than words could ever possibly say. If you don’t feel the same I’ll understand but I need you to know. You are the first thing on my mind when I open my eyes every morning and the very last thing I think of before falling asleep. You run circles in my mind constantly. I’m surprised Hiragi hasn’t strangled me for having to listen to me speak of you endlessly.” He laughs delicately, kissing your knuckle once more as his eyes gaze longingly into your own.
“So, honeybee, I know I’ve gotten a bit ahead of myself.. but would you consider being mine?” The look In his eyes was hopeful, heart racing in his ears as he waited with bated breath for your response. It was his turn to be surprised when you surged forward lips captured his own. He couldn’t help but smile into the kiss as he felt you nod, relaxing into your embrace. And as his arms wrapped around your smaller form, mentally cursing himself for how long it had taken him to make this jump. Hajime Umemiya had finally found his home, and that was right here in your arms. And years later he would find himself in a similar position, gazing lovingly in your eyes as you both celebrated yet another one of your birthdays. His heart racing in his chest as he thumbed the small velvet box in his pocket.
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Dividers by saradika-graphics. Writing & character banner by me.
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orions-choker · 2 months
Cabin Fever (Kirk Hammett x Reader NSFW)
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Confessions, Riding, Unprotected Sex
Word Count: 4,588
A winter vacation she didn't even want to go on leaves Reader and Kirk closer than she ever thought.
(This is cross posted to AO3 for @mustainegf 's writing contest! mostly its shameless Kirk smut.)
Mexico, Cuba, Costa Rica, The Bahamas. Really there was an extensive list of much warmer places that Y/N would rather be right now for the winter holidays. Enjoying cool tropical waters, warm sandy beaches and fruity drinks. However, her choices were out-voted by the rest of the guys. No, her friends wanted a real rustic winter getaway, up in a ski lodge in the rocky mountains.
It would be a lie to say it wasn’t beautiful in its own way. It was an endless sea of white, a small little mountain town completely blanketed in fresh fluffy snow. It glistened in the afternoon sun, reflecting off the imposing mountains that bordered the town, in the distant a bright blue glacial lake that hadn’t quite frozen over yet.
The picturesque scenery did not make up for the instant dampness that traveled up to her knees as she hopped out the lifted truck. Cold and uncomfortable as it soaked through her jeans. She looked down with a frown, sticking her tongue out in disgust. “Augh, yuck, what the fuck do they not shovel around here?” She lifted her legs attempting to brush the snow off of her.
A cackle sounded behind her, and she turned with a glare to greet all the boys. “Yeah well who wears jeans and sneakers to a fucking ski resort.” Lars taunted her as he adjusted the wool hat on his head. She eyed each of the guys carefully. Truthfully she had thought they were over dressed when they started the trip here. She was envious now of James’s huge fur lined coat. Even Cliff was wearing heavier denim than usual.
Y/N scoffed and rolled her eyes, her arms coming to wrap themselves around her body as the cold winds started to soak in through her leather jacket. “Doesn’t look like much of a resort to me.” She chortled. The cabin was wholly unassuming, It was a two story building, large enough to house all of them but nothing special. A large pile of firewood sat on the front porch protected from the snow by the overhanging eave of the roof. The only standout was the large bay window. No other cabins surrounded them; they were seemingly alone.
“For the fucking price we paid it better be.” James grumbled walking ahead of the group, his luggage and snow gear under his arms as he shoved the front door open. Y/N rolled her eyes and grabbed her own small luggage. She had no intention of doing any sort of snow sport so she packed light thankfully.
The interior of the cabin was cozy. Surrounding a huge stone fireplace were long armchairs, worn leather couches and a plethora of fuzzy blankets and soft pillows decorating the seats. “First one upstairs gets the master bedroom!” Kirk called out from behind her, already dropping his bags at the base of the stairs. Of course he would, the little shit, he was halfway up the stairs when he called it out.
“Not fair!” Y/N called out, quickly playing chase as she scrambled after him, her socked feet slipping a little against the polished wood. There were disinterested groans from the boys left on the first floor as the two raced upstairs. Y/N was out of breath as she stumbled into the room, seeing Kirk already lounging on the large bed in victory. “Fuck you that was cheating.” She heaved out, flopping next to him face first into the mattress.
Kirk’s breathy laugh warmed her cheeks as he began slowly pushing her off the bed. “Too bad, so sad.” He teased. “And I’m not sharing.” She fell to the floor limply, face pressed against the cool wood as she slowly gathered her breath. He leaned over the side, looking down at her with a toothy smile.
“You are actually the worst.” She groaned, reaching up to flick his forehead. “You made me run all the way up here, the least you can do is be a gentleman and bring my bags from downstairs to my room.” She pouted, batting her eyelashes at him. Slowly she lifted herself into a sitting position, resting her back against the bed as she took in the surroundings of the room.
She was sitting on a faux hide rug, the fur soft between her fingers. The bed was a large four post bed, with warm red flannel sheets and its own large window overlooking the back of the cabin she hadn’t seen. It overlooked the actual ski resort, in the distance like ants were the small figures of people ripping down mountains, chair lifts and gondolas. It seemed so far away from where they were now.
The bed creaked lightly as Kirk lifted his weight from the mattress. “I don’t think that's how it works, You didn't have to race me.” As his feet touched the floor his hand came down roughly on her head, ruffling her already wild hair. “But I guess I kind of like you so I’ll do it.” He sighed jokingly.
Y/N watched him leave the room with a warm smile, hands gently going to smooth out her hair from where he had tangled it further, a soft sigh escaping her lips. Slowly she got up, stepping out into the decorated hallway, snow shoes, hunting gear and antlers hug upon its walls. She shuffled into a seemingly unoccupied room, nowhere near as impressive as the master.
A single bed was pushed into the corner of the room, light blue sheets and duvet. The walls were painted brighter and soft lights hung across the walls. Likely meant for a child's bedroom but it would do just fine for her. Kirk all but tumbled in after her, her bags and his own thrown across his body as he nearly collapsed from the weight. Y/N quickly rushed to grab her things from him. “Why would you take it all up at once?” She chastised him.
“Two trips are for pussies.” He grunted, readjusting the bags across his back. Y/N couldn’t help but giggle at him, the urge to push him over tingled at her fingertips. Instead she relented, grabbing a duffle bag from his hands and walking him back to the entrance of his room where she dropped it. “Thanks Y/N.” He huffed, dropping his things and running a hand through his long curls.
Y/N glanced once more out the window in Kirk's room, it seemed the sky grew dimmer already despite it being early evening, large flakes of snow were falling now. She couldn’t help the small smile that tugged on the corners of her lips. Despite all her bitching and complaining it was truly a winter wonderland outside. Kirk’s eyes stayed trained on her face with a fond look. She caught his gaze in her peripheral vision and blushed.
Suddenly there was a noise from downstairs, James gruff voice boomed from the bottom of the stairs. “Y/N, Kirk get your asses down here!” He called. The two turned to each other with a shrug. Y/N hopped down the stairs two at a time. Warmth suddenly flooded her the closer she got to the bottom, an orange flickering light danced along the walls and the crackling of a fire reached her ears.
Cliff, Lars and James stood by the door, still fully dressed. “These idiots forgot to bring beer, so we're heading back into the town before the snow gets any worse.” Cliff explained with an exasperated sigh. “Want to come with us?” He asked.
The town was about a 20 minute drive back down the mountain, and truthfully Y/N wasn't willing to brave the cold again. Her eyes drifted to the window, the snow seemed heavier now, denser, the truck outside already buried beneath it. “Is it really safe to drive right now?” She mumbled with concern. “I don’t think I’ll join but I don't know if you guys should go either.”
James twirled the keys around his finger casually. “We’ll be fine, I've driven in worse, want anything from town?” He asked with a cocky grin. Any worry Y/N had for his well being flew out the window as she rolled her eyes at him. “Kirk?” He asked the man beside her with a raised eyebrow.
Kirk thought for a moment before shaking his head. “Nah I’m good I’ll keep Y/N company here so she doesn’t get scared.” His voice wavered as he impersonated a ghost, wiggling his fingers towards her. She swatted his hands away giggling. “Drive safe you guys.”
The group bid farewell to them, a cold gust of wind ripping through the house as the door swung open. Y/N watched them carefully as they brushed off the vehicle and backed out of the driveway. As they disappeared into the distance she sighed and shuffled back into the living room. She sat on a recliner chair closest to the fire. The cold in her bones finally thawed out.
“I really doubt booze is important enough to drive in this weather.” She complained, eyeing Kirk as he moved to the T.V in the corner of the room, flipping through the collection of tapes that had been left in the cabin. Kirk's fingers stopped on a tape.
Holding it up for her, Y/N leaned forward squinting to read the title. “Don't underestimate their need to be drunk.” Kirk shook his head. “They’ll be fine, don't worry so much Y/N.” Finally she could read the title. ‘Black Christmas’.
“Kirk no,” She whined, throwing her head back as he moved to place it in the VCR. “I am so not in the mood for anything spooky right now while we're up in a cabin in the middle of nowhere.” Her protests were made in vain as the hum of the T.V coming to life filled the room. “I’m going to my room.” She moved to get out of her chair.
An evil laugh escaped Kirk causing Y/N to turn her head towards him again. “You don’t want to go upstairs alone, that's where the killer will be.” He warned her with a smug smirk. He leaned back against the leather, kicking his feet up onto the coffee table and slinging his arm around the back of the couch. His eyes darted from her face to the empty spot next to him.
A chill ran up her spine, causing her to shiver violently. Logically she knew there was no one upstairs but with the thought implanted into her brain she begrudgingly moved across the room to him. Her friend smiled at her in victory. Y/N elbowed him lightly as she grabbed one of the throw blankets and sat on the couch leaving a space between them. She didn’t notice the sudden frown on Kirk's face. “I hope you know I hate you so much.” She huffed.
The opening of the movie began playing, showcasing a deranged killer breaking into a sorority house. The phone on the screen rang out at the same time the cabin’s phone did. Y/N jumped with a blood curdling scream, tucking into herself as she looked towards the offending sound. It caused Kirk to jump at her reaction, placing a hand over his chest to calm his rapidly beating heart.
“Holy shit, Calm down Y/N, the movie just fucking started.” He breathed out, looking at her in concern before getting off the couch to grab the phone off the wall. As he answered it a worried look crossed his face, eyes darting between Y/N and the window outside, it was pitch black now. “Yeah, okay, I'm glad you guys are safe, we will see you tomorrow then.” He spoke into the receiver before hanging up.
Y/N leaned over from the couch with curious eyes. “Everything Okay? Who was that?” She asked, jumping a little at the sounds of murder coming from the T.V. She watched as Kirk walked to the door, turning the deadbolt and drawing the curtains over the windows.
Kirk gave her a reassuring smile. “The guys are stuck in town.” He sighed. “Truck got stuck on the road, they are safe in a hotel so don’t worry, they're gonna get towed up here tomorrow.” He assured her as he tossed another log on the fire before settling back in next to her.
“Ugh those fucking idiots, I knew they shouldnt have left.” Y/N sighed, relieved still that they were all safe. Her body relaxed slightly. “Okay well I definitely don't want to keep watching this, not if we have to sleep all alone here tonight.” she shuddered at the thought. Fear creeping up her skin and settling there.
“What, it's just getting good!” Kirk gestured to the T.V as more violence ensued, honestly Y/N had already lost the plot. “Don’t worry I’ll protect you from crazy murderers.” He joked, opening his arms up and gesturing for her to come closer. Y/N eyed him wearily, it would be the closest in proximity she had ever been to him if she took him up on the offer. The eager and hopeful look in his big brown eyes had her sighing and shuffling over.
His arms wrapped around her shoulders as she pressed the side of her face to his chest. Their legs kicked out to the side as they lay on the couch, a sudden tangle of limbs. He smelt warm, like sage, sandalwood and maybe a little citrusy. Red stained her cheeks as she could hear his heart beating erratically in his chest, on the outside he seemed calm though.
She peaked up at him, staring at the underside of his chin, just close enough to see the faint outline of stubble coming in. His eyes seemed permanently locked onto the screen. His hands gripped onto her tightly. To his credit she did feel safer from serial killers, but not from her own ugly feelings rearing their head.
Y/N wasn’t willing to risk her friendship with him or the rest of the guys over a stupid crush, even if the crush had lasted the entire three years she had known them now, Since she first met them as a sound tech for their first tour. She peered back over to the T.V, her vision partially obscured by his arms. Suddenly it didn’t seem to matter what was playing anymore.
Pushing her face deeper into his chest she tugged the blanket tighter around them. Soft whimpers still leaving her lips at any sudden loud noises. She could feel his chest moving as he chuckled at her. “Shut up.” She mumbled against the fabric of his shirt. “It’s so not funny.”
Suddenly his hand was in her hair, gently rubbing his fingertips into her scalp soothingly. “You’re just cute is all.” He looked down at her finally. His big brown eyes seemed almost red in the warmth of the firelight. Y/N’s heart skipped in her chest, breath hitching in her throat.
“Don’t say that.” She whispered.
“Why not?” Kirk asked with a frown, a crease forming between his eyebrows. His hand stilled on her head, strands of her hair tangled between his fingers. “Does it make you uncomfortable?”
Quickly Y/N shook her head, her hands coming up to grip onto the bottom hem of his shirt. “No, it's not that.” She could feel the heat in her cheeks increase. “You just…you don't mean that in the way I want you to.” She confessed, the words spilling past her lips before she could stop them.
“Who are you to decide how I feel? Especially if I don’t even know how you want me to feel.” His eyes were glassy and sad as he dipped his head lower. His breath ghosted over her skin gently. “That doesn't feel like a fair assumption Y/N.” They settled into a silence, staring at each other accompanied only by the crackling of the fire and muffled sounds of the movie.
She blinked hard, examining his face for any tell on his intentions. If she was wrong about this she would be very, very wrong. It wasn’t a potential mistake to make lightly. “I..” The words caught in her throat. She swallowed nervously. “I don’t want to fuck this up.” Kirk’s hand moved untangling itself from her hair and trailing down to her face, his thumb rubbing underneath her watery eyes. “I don’t think theres anything you could say right now that would fuck things up.” His voice was soft and tender. She couldn’t help the way her eyes drifted to his lips as he spoke, his cute teeth poking from behind.
With a shaky sigh Y/N shifted her weight, leaning up further into Kirk’s personal space. “I want you to find me cute, not like a friend.” She started slowly, carefully watching the shift in his expression for any distaste. “I want desire to consume you the way it does me, I want your hands to shake when they brush against mine, your heart to jump in its chest when you see me, to want to kiss me-”
The sentence was cut short as Kirk swiftly leaned down, closing the miniscule gap between them. His fingers gripped against the soft skin of her cheek as he pulled their lips together. Y/N stopped breathing for a moment, her stomach twisting in surprise and anticipation. He tasted sweet like vanilla ice cream and faintly like tobacco.
Y/N was eager to return the kiss, Her hands scrambling up his body to wrap her hands in his hair, tugging him closer. Clumsily their teeth smacked against each other causing them to pull back laughing. Kirk's hand stayed cupping her face, with a fond smile. “That’s exactly how I want you Y/N.” he sighed.
Her skin burned where his thumb gently rubbed her cheek, a smile plastered on her face as she admired him closely. “You mean it?” She asked gently. Her fingers twirled around his soft curly hair. She watched with bated breath as his tongue gently peeked out, swiping across his bottom lip quickly, leaving it shiny.
“Want me to show you how much I mean it?” Kirk asked, his tone implying anything less than innocent. Like a switch was flipped, his eyes gleamed with something darker. His free hand trailing down to her hip and tugging her further up.
She was now acutely aware of the way their bodies pressed against each other, her hips coming to settle right on top of Kirks own, the pressure of something hard settled against her inner thigh. Her eyes snapped down quickly, a pleasant tingle running along her spine. She had yearned for so long to feel this desire from him. She shuffled, sitting up into a straddling position and pushing Kirk further into the couch. “Only if it means more to you than just one night of fun.” She hoped her request didn’t come across as desperate.
“Baby if I have you once I’m never letting you go.” He assured her, looking up at her in anticipation. His gaze longing as he rubbed small circles into her hips. His erection pressed against her ass as it strained desperately against his jeans. “I want you to be mine in every single way.” The confession was sincere and had Y/N’s heart aching.
Leaning down she captured him in a sweeter kiss this time, slow and steady as they learned the way their lips fit together. His skin was so soft against hers and she couldn’t help the soft whine that left her lips as she tried to drink him all in. Her hands pressed to his chest as she steadied herself above him. “Fuck, make that sound again.” Kirk groaned into the kiss, rolling his hips up to grind against her.
The sudden friction caused another moan to come barreling from her lips. She pulled back, their foreheads pressed together as Kirk held her hips in place, seeking relief from the pressure by pressing up against her. “Just like that pretty girl.” He sighed, tossing his head back against the arm of the couch with a small smile. “You sound so sweet.”
Experimentally Y/N shifted her hips, causing his hard on to rub against her core through the layers of their jeans. She squeeked, pressing down harder chasing the feeling once more. Kirk’s hips stilled, watching her in awe as she repeated the movement. Her eyes fluttered close as she rolled her hips against him. “G-god, Kirk,” She stuttered out.
“Y/N, Fuck, I need you out of this now.” He tugged on the waistband of her jeans desperately. Y/N’s eyes opened slowly, looking down on his fucked out expression. She nodded slowly and moved to stand up from the couch. Slowly her hands lifted to the hem of her shirt pulling it over her head, next unbuttoning her tight jeans and stepping out of them. She stood before him, lit only by the fire behind her casting a warm glow across her skin. His mouth felt dry at the sight of her reaching behind her back to unclasp her bra.
His eyes dropped to her chest as her tits were freed. Slowly her hands traced around them and down her body, tugging at the flimsy fabric of her underwear. Quickly he scrambled to undo his own jeans, shimmying out of them from his position against the couch, tugging them off along with his underwear.
Kirk’s cock slapped against the skin of his stomach as it sprung back. Y/N’s eyes widened a little in anticipation, quickly crawling back on top of him with a hungry kiss. It elicited a low groan from him, his hands quickly moving to cup her tits, squeezing the soft skin gently. Slowly she lowered her hips, rubbing her wet heat down his length teasingly. It caused his hips to stutter up involuntarily, knocking a shaky moan from both of them. “Fucking tease,” he hissed out.
Y/N’s giggle landed against his ears like music. She pulled her head back, sitting up straight and looking down at him with a smile. “You’re just impatient.” she giggled. Taking a moment to appreciate the sight of him beneath her, the feeling of his cock pressed against her, a delicious warmth spreading from her core and encompassing her whole body. “You can fuck me anytime you like.”
Kirk’s fingers fell from her chest, gently thumbing over her nipples as he moved down to her waist. He pulled her up, hips lifting up just enough for him to reach down between them. He grasped the base of his dick before aligning himself with her entrance. “You okay with this, I don't have a condom.” He stopped, the rational part of his brain working for just a moment.
“On the pill, don’t worry.” Y/N breathed out heavily, taking the next step to lower herself onto him. His body shuddered beneath her at the sudden warmth squeezing around him. She gasped, breath punched from her lungs with each inch she took. In this position she could feel him comfortably nuzzled against her cervix as she fully sheathed him. “F-fuck thats…a lot.” She mumbled out, head dipping low.
Feeling almost uncomfortably full Y/N lifted her hips for relief. Whining at the loss of her heat Kirk pistoned back up into her. She squealed falling forward, her hands gripped desperately at the leather of the couch, her chest pressed against his own as he began fucking up into her. “Fuck, you feel so good Y/N.” He groaned into her ear. His fingers tightened around her waist, hard enough she winced, expecting bruises there the next day.
Each soft moan that fell from Kirk’s lips left Y/N wetter, the sound of him sliding in and out of her heat bounced off the walls. He was so vocal and Y/N wanted to record each noise he made so she could replay them forever. “Harder, Kirk.” She moaned, shakily pushing herself back up to look at him.
His mouth hung open, brows furrowed as he concentrated on the obscene bouncing of her tits above him. His thrusts up into her grew more aggressive, each slam of his hips into her own left her feeling bruised inside but she couldn't get enough of it. “You’re so beautiful,” He gasped. His hand came to rest above her pelvis. Stilling his movements for just a moment, his thumb pressed against her clit.
Y/N cried out, her nails digging into his shoulders as he rolled the sensitive nub underneath his fingers. Tears sprung to her eyes at his relentless attack against her. “Oh, oh, fuck!” She chanted the pressure building up inside her, a coil being wound tightly in her lower stomach. “Please Kirky, want to finish with you.” She grasped on to his wrist in a desperate attempt to get him to ease up.
Slowly he rolled his hips again. He continued with shallow thrusts, moaning lowly at the way she clenched around him desperately. “Fuck okay, cum pretty girl, want you to cum all over my cock.” He groaned.
The coil snapped with force, Y/N’s scream echoed through the empty cabin as she came around Kirk’s girth. Her body convulsed, falling forward helplessly as he fucked her through her release. His thrusts grew sloppy as he grew close as well. She cried into his shoulder at the continued stimulation, soft hiccups and tears wetting the skin. His arms came to wrap around her pulling her close as he stilled inside her.
She could feel the soft spasms of his cock as he coated her insides with his hot sticky load. Their fluids mixing together and dripping down his length to his balls before puddling under them on the couch. His heavy breaths against her ear tickled her skin. “Oh my god.” Kirk sighed gently, pressing a soft kiss to her skin.
“Yeah that about sums it up.” Y/N giggled weakly, her body completely limp against him as they lay there, still connected as he softened inside her. Slowly he began to slip out, Y/N sighing at the sudden loss of him inside her. With it came the last of their mixed climax and she winced at the sudden fluid coating her inner thighs. “Ugh gross.” She mumbled.
“You asked for it.” Kirk chuckled, carefully maneuvering them into a sitting position. He smiled down at her, pushing her hair back from her face where it stuck to her skin with sweat. He kissed her again. A kiss more pure, free from any nervousness or temptation. It had her beaming back up at him, hopeful for the future where they shared more kisses like that.
Y/N eyed the mess they had made on the couch. “We should get up and clean that up.” She shuffled her naked body from Kirk’s lap stepping back into her underwear and her shirt, forgoing the bra or jeans. Behind them she could hear the end credits of the movie rolling.
Kirk followed suit, stepping back into his underwear and sacrificing his own jeans to clean up the mess on the worn leather. “You know, we can just share the master bedroom if you want.” He turned to her with a playful wiggle of his eyebrows. It earned him a laugh and a bra thrown at his head.
“I would fucking hope so!”
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roguerambles · 8 months
Rising Heat
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Tekken - King x Female Reader
Warnings - 18+ Only. Adult Situations.
So, I have come to the fairly firm conclusion that King is the hottest Tekken man. I will not be taking questions at this time--
Enjoy the Rambles!
The Charity Tournament was proving to be a success, so far.
In the aftermath of the last King of Iron Fist Tournament, the Mishima Zaibatsu had something of a “PR issue”, as Lee had so delicately put it. Which, considering the last head of the corporation had attempted world domination, was probably something of an understatement.
You were not sure exactly how the idea had come about, but between the minds of Lee, Lars, Alisa, Jin and Steve, the King of Iron Fist Tournament had been rebranded. Now, the tournament’s goal was to raise funds for reconstruction efforts in the areas most affected by the corporation’s actions, along with charities and causes of the competitors choosing.
…you had to admit, the idea had merit. And if gave you an excuse to get back into the ring, so to speak. Jin owed you a rematch, after all.
Xiaoyu practically vibrated with excitement beside you, the prep room bustling with activity. On the large screen above your heads, the match between Jin and Hwoarang was in full swing, and so far it was proving a close call.
Hwoarang hit the floor as the audience erupted with cheers and groans. Xiaoyu bounced on the spot and clapped gleefully, her face lighting up.
“Jin! He did it! He did it!”
“I noticed.” You said dryly, watching her with some bemusement. “Is anyone actually keeping track of how many victories those two have over each other?”
Xiaoyu tilted her head, giving a thoughtful hum before shrugging her shoulders. “I’m sure they must be. I’ll ask later.”
You snorted and returned your attention to the monitor, the announcer’s voice blaring through the speakers as the leaderboard flashed across the screen. You spotted Xiaoyu’s name (“Hey, look, I’m going up against Steve!”) and were scanning for your own when a exuberant voice called out behind you.
“Ladies! Enjoying the show?”
Turning around you saw Lee approaching, his handsome face practically glowing. He had been in his element this evening, and seemed to enjoy working with others to make the tournament a success. You were glad he seemed to be having a good time, but at the moment you were eager to find out when you would be getting into the arena.
Xiaoyu smiled brightly and gestured to the monitor. “We were just looking for her name—”
“I better be fighting Kazama.” You cut in, leaning back to nudge Lee slightly. “Sorry, Xiaoyu, but your boyfriend is going down.”
“Hey, he’s not my—!”
Lee laughed boisterously while Xiaoyu flushed and pouted, flashing you a winning smile – whether in an attempt to charm or placate you, it was difficult to say. “Alas, you’ll need to get to the next round first.”
“Then tell me whose ass I need to kick, Chaolan.”
Lee reached into the pocket of his flashy, fur-lined coat, pulling out his phone and studying the screen for a moment. “Steve and I were talking about it, and we’re quite excited for who we’ve matched you with—Marvelous!” Lee interrupted himself, a pleased grin blooming on his face as his head suddenly turned to look past you and Xiaoyu. “You’ve arrived!”
You watched as Lee strode past you and Xiaoyu towards the entrance, cheerily greeting the newest arrival – was something growling?
It took a moment for you to register who you were looking at, a towering masculine figure with a bestial face – King had arrived.
You had heard of King, of course, and the distinct jaguar mask – seriously did he take that thing off? – and herculean physique made him instantly recognisable to most anyone. But you had not spoken to the man before. The events of the previous year had not exactly been the opportune time to socialise.
“I always forget how huge he is!” Xiaoyu whispered behind you. “He is even bigger than on TV!”
You watched King as he shook an enthusiastic Lee’s hand, your eyes falling on the thick swell of his bicep, rolling under sunkissed skin. “I didn’t know you were a wrestling fan.” You replied vaguely, gaze trailing over his exposed torso, the perfectly sculpted abdomen and broad, powerful shoulders, and what were quite possibly the most bloody fantastic pectorals you had ever laid eyes on.
“Well, I’m not really, Panda is though—ooooh I should get his autograph for her!”
You barely had time to register exactly what Xiaoyu had said before you found yourself being dragged along by the other woman, towards where King and Lee were still talking.
Damn it, Xiaoyu—
You instinctively wanted to pull back, but your gaze was immediately drawn back to King as he gestured animatedly in front of Lee, biceps flexing at his sides, causing the powerful muscles in his arms and shoulders to bulge downright indecently.
“Ah! Excellent!” Lee’s grin flashed bright as he spotted you, while Xiaoyu cheerfully introduced herself to King (“My friend Panda is a big fan—“) he gestured theatrically towards you, turning to King again with a flourish. “King my good man, this is your opponent for the next round. I am sure you two together will be a superb performance!”
The wrestler turned his attention to you, and you found yourself momentarily unable to form sentences as you grasped just how tall he was.
King held out a gloved hand for you to shake – his hands were as massive as the rest of him, their rough warmth enveloping yours and damn it all you could feel your face getting hot. “I have seen you fight before.” He growled, the sound low and deep, rising from somewhere inside that broad, gloriously sculpted chest. “It is a pleasure to meet you properly at last.”
It certainly could be.
You cleared your throat, struggling to regain some composure – damn him, was that a smirk you saw on Lee’s face? – and shook King’s hand firmly. “I like your mask.”
Are you fucking serious—
Xiaoyu gave you a confused look, and while it was difficult to tell, King seemed a little puzzled as well. Lee smothered what sounded suspiciously like laughter – you were going to kick his ass – before suddenly hooking his arm around Xiaoyu’s shoulders. “My dear, I almost forgot! I need to take a few shots of you and Steve before the match, you understand—”
“Oh, okay! I’ll see you later!”
Xiaoyu called to you over her shoulder as Lee quickly began leading her away, and you glared at the back of the silver haired man’s head for a moment before realising you had not let go of King’s hand yet.
Releasing your hold, you shook yourself, brushing imaginary dust from your shoulder. “I’ve heard good things about you.” You tried to steer the conversation somewhere close to familiar. “I’d like to get my hands on you. In the arena. I mean—”
God, this was embarrassing.
King’s shoulders shook, a deep, throaty chuckle emanating from him and you felt yourself flush again. Damn it, even his laugh was kind of sexy—
“I look forward to seeing you in action.” He said, nodding and crossing his arms, the simple movement triggering a symphony of contracting musculature, those gorgeous pecs flexing unconsciously fuck you needed a drink. “Let’s give the crowd a show to remember.”
The fight. Of course. Familiar territory. You felt your lips form a smile, and confidence began to flow back into your limbs. “Naturally.” You leaned against the row of lockers nearby, flashing your teeth up at King. “It’s not everyday people see a King being toppled now, is it?”
King laughed again, shaking his head as he leaned against the lockers with you – it was a little odd talking to someone wearing a mask over his entire head, but King had a surprisingly warm aura for such an imposing figure. “I do not plan on losing.”
“Neither do I.” You stretched your arms over your head – maybe it was your imagination, but you swore you saw his head tilt down slightly, gaze lingering on your chest, before immediately moving back to your face. Warmth blossomed across your skin, and you pushed yourself upwards, arching your back just slightly. His head tilted slightly, following the movement.
Oh? Looks like I’m not the only one who likes what they see…
You felt a surge of boldness, your footing regained. Adopting as casual an air as possible, you grabbed the zipper of your form-fitting jacket, slowly pulling it down. You shrugged out of the material, sighing softly as the warm air of the prep room rushed to greet the bare skin of your arms and stomach. The material of your top hugged your chest and as you tossed your jacket onto the bench nearby, you glanced in King’s direction.
The mask made it difficult to tell, but you could feel his gaze trailing down over you, stopping on your hips before moving back up. You bit your lip slightly, barely stopping a pleased grin from spreading across your face.
“We should talk more after the fight.” You said, pretending to examine your boots – lifting your thigh, tilting your hips, just slightly – smiling impishly. “Maybe get a drink? Lee tells me the hotel they’ve booked for the fighters has a good bar.”
King said nothing for a moment, although you swore you heard a low, rumbling growl from in his throat. “Yes.” He said after a moment. “I would like that.”
“Good.” You swallowed, a flicker of excitement sparking deep in your belly. “We can toast my victory.”
King laughed once more, then stepped away from the lockers. You watched as King began to make his way towards the tunnel leading to his side of the arena, the muscles of his broad back flexing and contracting with every step, his powerful thighs striding across the room, the pleasing snugness of his pants accentuating his perfectly crafted—
Kazama would have to wait, you decided as you turned and began to make your way to the starting area. You were beginning to think of a different way to spend your evening after the fight.
King was a thrilling opponent.
You had fought plenty of men who thought themselves showmen. Often they’d be so distracted performing for their perceived audience they seemed to forget they were in a real fight, with a real enemy. That carelessness had made those victories easy.
King was different. He balanced his technique with theatricality, showing off for the crowd, bringing excitement to the arena, but his guard was never down. Every opening you spotted was bait, luring you in for an easy strike only to close down around you like a steel trap.
He was strong, you were quick. The trap would spring, you would dodge, and the dance continued, the temperature rising, sweat clinging to your skin. You ducked beneath King’s grasp, the warmth of his powerful body grazing your own, and it was hard not to imagine how this intensity would feel in other, more intimate environments.
Fuck, you were so turned on.
The crowd cheered and the music blasted through the air as you spun beneath King, aiming a kick directly at his exposed abdomen. He twisted, his arm darting protectively in front of him, knocking you off balance. He swung his body to the side, a fierce roar bellowing from deep in his throat, and you were thrown back, barely managing to flip around and skid across the floor to minimize the impact.
You had put nearly full force into your kick, and King had tossed you aside as though you weighed nothing, throwing you across the arena with strength greater that even his powerful build and size would suggest.
Fuck, that was hot.
King charged suddenly, and you sprang into action, launching yourself upwards. You swung your foot directly at the side of King’s head, but his massive hand shot up, fingers snapping tight around your ankle. You barely had time to react before the wrestler’s other hand grasped your waist, guiding your momentum until your thighs were on top of his shoulders.
What the fuck—
You squirmed in his grip, adrenaline mixing with bafflement, but King held fast. He twisted around, and you felt air rush around your ears as the world dropped out as he threw himself forward, sending you both crashing into the floor of the ring. Pain flashed across your shoulders and back, the roughness of King’s fingers digging into the flesh of your thighs, the weight of his broad, muscled body sliding between your legs, strong and wide and hot—
The sound that slipped past your lips was downright obscene. King’s head snapped towards you, and he became suddenly still, the jaws of his mask open in a silent roar. He stared at you, unmoving, and you felt your cheeks burn as you realised he definitely heard that.
Blood rushed in your ears along with the crowd’s cheering and King continued to stare at you unmoving, his palms burning against your skin. Biting your lip hard, you twisted your hips sharply, squeezing your thighs tight around him. King grunted in surprise as he was thrown onto his back, you perched atop him, gazing down at him, breathless with adrenaline and something else.
King stared up at you, chest heaving, his strong hands still holding you. You held each other’s gazes, the noise of the crowd and pounding of your heart deafening in your ears.
“…about that drink….” You said finally, swallowing thickly as King’s hands subtly brushed up your thighs, heat trickling down your spine. “How about we have it in my hotel room?”
King did not reply, but after a moment he nodded, fingers lightly stroking the strip of skin between your belt and shirt, leaving a trail of heat in their wake. You arched slightly, fire coiling deep in your belly, and swung your fist downwards. King threw himself to the side as you rolled sharply to your feet, excitement crackling in the air as the crowd roared with approval.
“But first….” You crooked your fingers at the wrestler as he slowly rose to his feet, his gaze remaining fixed on you, the jaguar mask bringing to mind the image of a hungry beast eyeing prey – was it weird that was turning you on a little? – and flashed him a grin. “I’m afraid it’s time to disappoint your beloved audience.”
King’s shoulders shook slightly, a booming laugh rising from deep in his chest. “I do not disappoint.”
You definitely caught the edge of innuendo in his tone, and a grin burst onto your lips.
This was going to be fun.
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marvelstars · 2 days
I was thinking about the worst part when it comes to Obi-Wan and Anakin´s relationship issues wasn´t the tragic end in ROTS but those seeds planted at the start of their story where Obi-Wan resented Qui-Gon´s attention for Anakin while he felt the boy wasn´t much to look at and a future issue for his master with the Council in the long run which made Obi-Wan worried for his master reputation and how this would be affected while he could care less about Anakin´s well being or his pov or even his feelings on the matter.
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The worst part is that Anakin didn´t just listen to Obi-Wan´s words, he could feel all of this from Obi-Wan as sensible as he was with the force and he could deal with Obi-Wan seeing him as a problem as long as Qui-Gon was alive and seemed to genuinely care for him even if nobody else at the Jedi Temple seemed to care but when Qui-Gon died he should have felt very lonely with a new guardian grieving his master who saw him more like a promise to his master legacy than a person.
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Imagine all those times 9 year old Anakin missed his Mom or cried himself to sleep thinking about her, wondering if she was alright while other padawans teased him about his former slave status, his lack of formal education or his difficulty understanding concepts they have been told since they were babies, while not having any close relationship for the mere fact he didn´t grow up with them and his master more or less agreed with them even if he didn´t openly said it.
Anakin didn´t even have someone to have his back while he was growing up at the temple, because from their perspective those were issues he had to get over, no need for someone to support him emotinally or simply showed him some empathy, those were the same issues Obi-Wan had with Anakin since the moment they meet and while Anakin certainly did his best to grow into his potential, stydying hard and doing well on his studies, he was hardly recognized by his master, when his efforts were seen as arrogance instead of efforts to get the approval of his master and his peers.
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Imagine that level of loneliness that your only company during your development years were the droids who helped you remember home and your Mom while at the same time feeling guilty for not feeling welcome at the temple because you were free and feed while your mother and friends were slaves and often lacked food and no one in the area could even begin to understand how Anakin felt and why except "Palpatine" but instead of helping Anakin he used this to manipulate him, get his trust and later make him fall to madness and the darkside.
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The Sith Lord master understood better than anybody else at the Jedi temple that Anakin needed a father figure, not a master or a cold envoirment because that was familiar to him, that gave him emotional strenght and stability and more importantly, that make Anakin trust them and give his loyalty, no wonder he decided leaving Anakin to train as a Jedi in such circunstances were proper eteps towards becoming his sith apprentice and that irony probably didn´t escape him or Vader once he fell to the darkside but I don´t think Obi-Wan quite got that understanding until later when he saw Luke grow up with the Lars family but certainly not in the first few years post ROTS, he probably just reflected on where did he go wrong with Anakin.
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generalsolae · 11 months
Must be quiet
(METALLICAERA!Dave Mustaine X Reader)
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Just imagine: you are James’ sister and you promised him to not touch any of the member of his band.
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Warnings!: smut, use of alcohol and weed, NON!sober sex, no grammar rechecking because I’m lazy
It was just one of the usual night where your brother James and his friends came over at your place to practice but just end up in them drinking and passing out on the floor. Usually you preferred to smoke over drinking, but that night you just gave in and drank a little more.
It was 2 a.m., James, Lars and Cliff were laying down on the ground, peacefully sleeping while you and Dave were the only ones awake. You decided to go in your room to smoke a joint, so you two would be able to talk without waking up the others, even tho you knew they wouldn’t woke up anyway, you really just wanted some intimacy. You promised your brother to not touch any of his band members, but a couple of months ago you and Dave had some drunk sex and from then on you started to secretly date. You planned to confess that to James, but you thought it was still too soon.
You took a deep drag, feeling the marijuana immediately hit your already alcohol-distorted mind. You never smoke and drank at the same time, and that was the reason why “Jeez, you wanna smoke it? I think it’s better for me to stop.” You snorted, handing him the joint.
Dave chuckled and took one last drag before putting it in the ashtray, clearly tipsy himself. He stared at me for a few seconds before speaking“You’ve been a bitch these days.”.
“What? No that’s not true, what are you talking about?” You asked even tho you knew exactly what he meant.
Dave laughed and landed closer, the smell of alcohol and weed surrounding him strongly “oh yeah, always acting mean and cold when I was around, rushing out of the room as soon as I entered it…” he was getting closer every second it passed, but you were too embarrassed to notice.
“Yeah- I mean no, no it’s not true! It’s because of James- I mean I think his suspecting something… jeez I drank too much I think I’m drunk..” i sight until I felt Dave’s hand on my thighs, making me quickly look at him again
“Well I am too” he said nonchalantly, caressing my thigh teasingly, climbing with his hand and getting closer to your panties.
“Dave what are you doing?! James is out there!” You whispered pointing at the closed door. Dave just laugh it off and said: “we’ll be quite.” And then he just smashed his lips over yours once again.
You didn’t know if it was because of the alcohol or just because of the feelings you kept hidden deep down all the time because of James, but when you returned the kiss it felt amazing. It was the best kiss you and Dave ever had, his lips moving at perfect synchro with yours, like they were meant to each other. Or maybe it was just the weed.
But still… It made you forgot about the promised you made to your brother to not sleep or flirt with any of his band members.
You quickly pulled off your shirt, leaning back again in a sloppy kiss. The weed amplified your desire and love so much, it was beautiful and painful at the same time, you felt like you weren’t on earth anymore, you were somewhere else.
He started to play with your breasts as he kissed you neck, leaving little marks on it. Soft moans sighs of pleasure escaped your mouth, so you quickly cover it as Dave started to kiss and bit your left nipple.
One hand was working on the other nipple as the other hand got lower, and lower until he reached your miniskirt, which he was quick to pull off.
“Dave…” you whispered looking down at him. When he look up at you, you just lost it. He had this look of love and desire in his eyes even tho he was clearly high as much as you. His red and happy eyes were the most beautiful thing you ever saw in your entire life. In that exact moment, when he raised his face from between your legs to look at you, looking into his eyes you realized you were in love with him.
Dave smiled at you and kissed you on the lips sweetly “just let me make you feel good baby, trust me.” He looked at you in the eyes to get a consent from you. When you nodded, biting your lower lip, he got back at kissing your chest as his hand started to rub small circles on your clothed clit, making you whimper.
He slid two fingers between your fold, feeling how wet you were “so wet for me.” He teased.
“Dave please…” You begged, needing his touch.
He kissed you to make you shut up as he pushed two fingers into your throbbing pussy, making you whine in pleasure.
He quickly started to finger fuck you as he felt your wall clenching every time he sped up.
“Fuck Dave… oh Dave please… I need you” You whispered, trying to not be so loud. You didn’t want to wake up the guys, especially James.
Dave pushed his fingers inside you for another couple of minutes before pulling them out and bringing them on your lips “suck them” He demanded, and you immediately did that as he watched you the eyes as you did so, feeling his cock hardening even more.
He then positioned himself at your entrance and you let out a surprised moan as he entered you balls deep without warning. “Fuck!” You whined, pushing your head on the pillow and rolling your eyes back.
“Good girl- shit your already clenching.. you’re so tight- fuck” He moaned softly as he started moving at a quick peace, making you bit your lips and cover your mouth to not be loud.
A tears of pleasure dropped your eyes as you closed them. Dave leaned closer, and kiss it away before biting your earlobe “look at me, baby” He whispered into your eyes as he slowed his thrusts.
He quickly covered your mouth with his hand “shh, we don’t want to wake up the others, right baby?” You nodded “good, you think you’ll be able to be quiet for me, sweetheart?” You felt your walls tightening as he said so, this man really turned you on by only speaking to you. You nodded again.
“I love you so much” he whispered, leaving sweet and caring kisses on your neck before pushing his head back to look at you in the eyes.
You uncovered your mouth, surprised by his words and then kissed him “I love you to baby”
After a couple more minutes, his thrusts became inconstant and messy, your walls started to clenching more as you hit your orgasm.
“Just like that baby, so good for me” He praised you as he came too into you, filling you up with his seed before collapsing on top of you.
“Thank you Dave” you whispered into his ear before kissing his cheek as he pulled out.
He smiled and rested his head on your chest, leaving a sweet kiss on it “I love you.”
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gravehags · 6 months
girls night in the ghouls den. You’re painting each others nails and doing each others hair and giggling and gossiping. And when you shyly admit to cirrus that you’ve never been able to cum before, well, how can she not take that as a challenge.
Lars i was not expecting to write this much but i was Inspired. Enjoy ��
Pairing: Cirrus x F!Reader
Words: fuck knows
Tags: making out, titty sucking, fingering, cunnilingus, squirting, possessiveness
“You what?”
Cirrus’ incredulous voice cuts through the room and the sound of Chappell Roan singing that comes from the portable speaker. You’re blushing, ears uncomfortably red, and you pick idly at the dried nail polish that messily got on your fingers. When Cirrus brings a finger under your chin to tilt your gaze back up to her, butterflies flutter in your stomach.
“I’ve…I’ve never cum.”
“Not…not even when you—?”
“Especially not then. I don’t know, my head has never been in the right space. Never felt good or…well, right.”
You’re violently embarrassed - even more so from the way she’s looking at you right now with such pity. But in a flash, the pity morphs into something…different. Something shiny and hungry and your heartbeat quickens as you watch the pink tip of her tongue slide out to wet her lips.
“I could do it,” she says, straightening her shoulders with confidence, “if that uh…interests you.”
If that interests you? You’ve only been pining for the tall ghoulette for months now, aching to turn these girl’s nights you’ve been having into something more. Suddenly your mind is flooded with images of lips and tongues, deft fingers, and warm giggles. Somehow your flush deepens, spreading across your chest and Cirrus’ sharp gaze follows its path.
“Y-yeah. I’d like that. Please.”
The final word is barely out of your mouth and she’s already crawling towards you on her hands and knees.
“Lie down and get comfortable,” Cirrus murmurs, the red wine on her breath ghosting over your lips. “Gonna make you feel so good, baby.”
“Yeah?” you ask softly as you lean back onto the pile of pillows. She straddles you in a heartbeat and runs a painted claw down the side of your cheek.
“But first I gotta warm you up,” Cirrus leans down and brushes her lips over your forehead, your eyelids, your cheeks, “Nice and slow. I want you dripping for me.”
Your gasp is cut off when she slides her lips against yours, and feeling bold, you thread your hand through her dark hair and pull her close. It doesn’t take long before you feel Cirrus’ hot tongue seeking entrance which you eagerly grant. As your tongues and teeth meet, Cirrus drags a lazy hand up your torso and slowly pries the strap of your tank top down, along with the front of the shirt. When she pulls back to look at your exposed breasts you whine at the loss of her mouth. Idly she thumbs over your nipple, stiffening it before giving it a playful sharp pinch. You yelp slightly, hips bucking against her and she smiles before returning to your mouth once more. As your kisses get wetter, deeper, hungrier Cirrus continues to toy with your hardened nipple, cupping and squeezing the weight of your breast in her palm. When you whimper against her mouth and nudge her nose with yours she laughs - low and sultry.
"Gotta tell me what you want, angel," she teases, pulling back. She doesn't know why it took the two of you this long to get here but fuck she's happy you made it. Your pupils are blown and your lips swollen as you look up at her with adoration.
Cirrus tsks, knowing you can do better than that. With a shaky exhale you let out a low whine.
“Suck my tits, please.”
Cirrus coos at you, her sweet girl who knows how to ask so nicely even without being told. When her mouth descends on your breast she brings her lips together and blows a stream of cold air on the bud. The result is well worth it from the gasp that comes out of you and the tight little circles your hips make against her. When she flicks her tongue against you, you whine once more, hand returning to its place buried in her hair. Delightedly she takes your nipple into her hot mouth and sucks, smiling against your soft skin when you breathe her name like a prayer. Cirrus continues to lave her tongue along your breasts, running the muscle over every bump and valley. She could do this for hours - part of her is curious if she can make you cum just from this - but her mouth isn’t quite where she wants to be yet. When she pulls away from your chest - delightfully swollen from her ministrations - you very nearly cry out.
“Easy, angel,” Cirrus purrs, sliding down to place a kiss on the curve of your belly, “plenty of time for that later. I got a job to do, remember?”
“Mmmm, please Cir. Want to feel you.”
With a throb from between her own thighs, Cirrus regrets not having her strap on her right now so she could stuff you full of her. Instead she contents herself with sliding your sleep shorts and underwear off your hips and down your legs. When you’re finally exposed you slowly spread your legs for her, delighting in the way the ghoulette’s gaze darkens at the sight of you. Pretty little curls on a thick mound and below that…Cirrus gently reaches down to spread you apart and when your slick begins to drip on the carpet below you she nearly goes feral.
“Hmm,” she says, settling between your legs and pressing sweet little open-mouth kisses to the inside of your thigh, “Pretty.”
“Yeah?” you breathe, and she can hear the smile on your face.
“Mmhmm,” she murmurs while nosing the curls, “all pretty and pink and sopping wet just for me.”
You make a noise somewhere in between a laugh of incredulity and a moan and when she spreads you open and slowly drags her tongue through your folds, you cry out.
“Fuck, Cir!”
Cirrus places a kiss to your mound and looks up at you with devilish eyes.
“Only just getting started, angel.”
Before you can say anything else she’s on you, tongue splitting you open. She doesn’t touch your clit - not right away - instead content to tease at its hood while you twist in her grip. Briefly, she abandons it and slides down to your entrance where your slick accumulates for her pleasure. When she abruptly slides her tongue into your entrance, you shout her name. Slowly she begins to fuck you with her tongue as her fingers put a bruising grip on your hips.
“So good, Cirrus, fuck.”
She chuckles against your cunt and the vibrations make your hips buck sharply against her. Cirrus pulls away but brings a finger to your hole to tease at it as she looks up at you.
“Think I can do more than make you cum, babygirl,” she muses as she toys with your cunt, “think I can do much better than that.”
“Yeah?” you’re desperately trying to regain your composure but as Cirrus’ long finger begins to slide into you your voice wavers.
“Think I’ll ruin you,” Cirrus says simply, as if it’s the most normal thing in the world. “Think when I’m done with you no one’s fingers, tongue, strap, or cock will be good enough for you.”
You laugh, high pitched and exaltant, and look down at the ghoulette between your legs. Her hair is mussed, her eyes wild and for a thrilling moment you’re almost scared of her. You know, in this moment, that this infernal creature can and will absolutely devastate you. You barely even notice that she’s slipped a second finger inside you and buried them knuckle-deep until her stare makes you clench around her. Cirrus grins, wide and sharp at that as she slowly begins pistoning the digits in and out of you. The noises coming from your cunt are lewd and delightful, causing Cirrus to chuckle as you writhe under her touch. Suddenly, she lowers her lips back to you and when she circles and sucks your clit into her mouth, you buck against her hand taking her even deeper.
“That’s it, angel,” Cirrus breathes, watching you slowly come undone beneath her touch. “You’re doing so well. I think you can take three now, hmm?”
Your nod is frantic, back arched and hips grinding into her. When she slips a third long finger into your cunt, the stretch is delicious. She returns to your clit and with a smooth gesture, crooks her fingers inside of you to brush against that sweet spongy spot. Little lights dance in your vision as she ruthlessly sucks at your clit and massages that spot inside you. You can feel something coming, feel the pressure in your hips that slides off your spine and tightens your muscles. The pace at which her fingers and mouth move are unreal, determined to get you off. And get you off she does. With a high pitched, mounting moan your hips twitch violently against her mouth, your cries echoing in the small living room. You feel as if your heart and lungs are going to burst forth from your ribcage as wave after wave of warm pleasure crashes down upon you. You’re not sure how long it takes you to come back into your body by when you do, Cirrus is still between your legs grinning like a cat that got the canary. All of a sudden you’re aware of the sopping wet warmth that has settled in between your legs and how much of it is on Cirrus’ beautiful face.
“I…I did that?”
Cirrus laughs, high and sweet, as she licks her fingers clean one by one.
“You sure did, baby. Such a good girl, squirting for me and everything. I told you I’d do it.”
“Uh-huh,” you say, flopping back down onto the pillows. Abandoning the space in between your legs she joins you up top and regards you with a smug, yet fond, grin.
“Cirrus…that was…”
“Wow. I’d let you keep me as a pet if it meant I got that out of it.”
The words come out of your mouth before you realize what you’re actually saying and Cirrus pulls back to look at you.
“Don’t say that, little lamb,” she breathes, hand ghosting over the curves of your body. “Don’t get my hopes up like that.”
“Get your hopes up like what?” you ask, eyes trained on the ceiling, “I meant it.”
It takes Cirrus two minutes to stand and scoop you up in her arms, heading towards the door that leads to the ghouls’ bedrooms.
“Hope you don’t have anything planned the next few days,” Cirrus says conversationally as she takes you down the hallway to her door, “because I have no intention of letting you leave.”
When she tosses you on her bed, a shriek of delight squeaks out of you.
Fuck, you loved girl’s night.
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