#and Mistyfoot/star
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Old woman jumpscare
Normal design -> animation friendly -> younger -> pre-leader (Mistyfoot)
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vic-does-battlecats · 3 months
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Mistystar and Stonefur
Design notes under the cut (how I designed them with respect to my Bluestar and Oakheart designs)
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-Overall body shape from Oakheart
-Overall coloration and eyes from Bluestar
-Curled ears with light tips from Bluestar
-Rounded mane like Oakheart, but more definition to it from Bluestar
-Tail that ends in a somewhat-square end from Bluestar, who has a squared off tail. Still rounded like Oakheart’s
-Dark upper head from Bluestar
-Muzzle marking mostly from Oakheart, with a slightly upward shape from Bluestar
-Dark paws from Oakheart. Her ‘Misty foot’ from Bluestar
-Dark stripe down back and fully dark tail from Bluestar
-Overall body shape from Oakheart
-Overall coloration and eyes from Bluestar
-Rounded mane like Oakheart, but more definition to it from Bluestar
-Curled ears from Bluestar, though they are fully dark like Oakheart’s
-Rounded tail from Oakheart, though a light tip like Bluestar’s
-Dark shoulders and back from Bluestar
-Head stripe from nose like Oakheart, though it attaches to his ears like Bluestar
-Light paws from Bluestar
-Light lower head marking that attaches from his eyes like Bluestar
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diaswarriorcats · 9 months
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owlart18 · 7 months
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A starry Mistystar after seeing the choices made on the cover of Star
(Commission info here | MapleStickerShop)
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greekstar · 2 years
Ok so I’ve been thinking while I’ve been out.
What if Crowpaw/feather fell in love with Squirrelpaw/flight instead of Feathertail on the journey? It would all make sense, duo to them being both around the same age and they have the same type of attitude.
Brambleclaw and Ashfur would still love her, but instead of Ashfur being evil, it’s Brambleclaw. Ashfur quickly realized she isn’t interested and moves on. Later getting with Whitewing. But Brambleclaw would be so obsessed with Squirrelflight, he gets the idea of getting power to get to her. Starting to plot against Thunderclan and Windclan with Hawkfrost and Mudclaw, so where Mudclaw who becomes leader so he can help defeat FireStar. Making his death an accident when there is a border fight and Mud’star’ and his deputy would accidentally kill FireStar. Who at the time had Brambleclaw as the deputy as he waited for Graystripe to return. Though it fails when Mudclaw is killed by Onewhisker in a one-on-one fight. And the storm rages so Brambleclaw has to retreat into the shadows. Not being seen by the Thunderclan patrol who later comes and helps defeat the rebels. So Brambleclaw is still ‘loyal’ in Thunderclan’s eyes.
Crowfeather- Now talon cause he doesn’t love Feather anymore) and Squirrelflight are still meeting at the border. More near the Moonpool and out of clan territory so no cats catches them. They often meet when their not busy and know when there is less suspicious activity.
Brambleclaw is furious and plots with Hawkfrost to take something of Squirrelflight and make him leader. Which is making FireStar follow him into the fox-trap. It some-what works and takes one life but not until Ashfur catches Hawkfrost and almost kills him. The Dark brown tabby and white tom runs back to Riverclan, stating to Leopardstar that Thunderclan ambushed him while he was going to get herbs for his sister. Which was a lie, but Mothflight wasn’t there to do anything as she was looking for herbs herself.
Riverclan plans on attacking Thunderclan and Brambleclaw tries and help. Right now, Brackenfur is deputy after Cinderpelt gets a prophecy stating that Bramble would be a reconning, which Brambleclaw is inraged that he was demotes and later finds out Squirrel has been mating with Crow and manipulates Squirrelflight into becoming his mate to hide the fact that she’s with the Windclan warrior. When Riverclan attacked Brambleclaw took Squirrelflight out of camp for a walk. Taking her to the abandoned two-leg place to hunt. When they return, the camp is destroyed. The newly built camp that they just settled into now in shambles. All the dens were torn apart. Cinderpelt was wounded and the herb store was destroyed and Birchpaw, Ashfur and Sootfur were severely injured. Only Ashfur makes it, while Birchpaw and Sootfur die. Whitewing becomes a warrior right after. (Whitewing and Ashfur end up having Dovewing and Ivypool and later end up having another kit and name is Brindlekit after Ashfur’s mother.)
Squirrelflight is devastated by this death and so is Spiderleg, Dustpelt and Ferncloud. Spiderleg, losing his last sibling, and Ferncloud and Dustpelt losing the last kit to their second litter.
Crowtalon sees that Brambleclaw is abusing his mate and comes to FireStar in secret after asking to meet with him. Crowtalon decides to tell FireStar how much he loves his daughter and asks to rightfully join Thunderclan to be with her, and Firestar having deep connects with Windclan, accepts him into Thunderclan. Crowtalon has a hard time adjusting to clan life but slowly gets used to it. Brambleclaw is furious with this as he now has to step back from being Squirrelflight’s ‘mate’ which was going to give him power. Firestar ends up seeing this and exiles Brambleclaw who ends up running to Riverclan. Where Hawkfrost convinces Leopardstar to let him join. Leopardstar agreed as she sees it as ‘Brambleclaw just wanting to be with his brother’ and when Firestar explains Brambleclaw was exiled. Leopardstar makes an excuse saying ‘Your just saying that because you lost a very good warrior’ where Firestar growls and leaves the gathering.
After this, Mistyfoot is tells Leopardstar that Firestar is right, where Leopardstar is inraged that her deputy would trust another leader and not her and demotes and exiles her and her kits, Primrosethorn and Reedwhisker. And which they join Thunderclan while Leopardstar makes Hawkfrost deputy. Who later becomes Hawkstar and makes Brambleclaw his deptuy. (Starclan gives Hawkstar his lives because they see him as a good leader who would make Riverclan strong. Which is kinda how it went with Tigerstar I)
Firestar is mad that Leopardstar has made Hawkfrost deputy but pushes forward. Allowing BlueStar’s daughter back in Thunderclan. Who decides to stay for good. While Primrose quickly gets comfortable. Clearly having Thunderclan blood while Reedwhisker has a slow process in getting used to the inclosed woods with barely any water. Though Firestar allows them to fish in the lake on Thunderclan’s territory. Primrosethorn later takes Rainwhisker as a mate.
Squirrelflight and Crowtalon have their first litter around the time Leafpool has hers with Mothflight.
They have their litter outside of camp so they can take in Leafpool’s. Who has two. She had Jaykit(named after his blue eyes) and Lionkit who was named after his golden-brown fur. While Squirrelflight has Fallowkit named after a bird like Crowtalon. Jayfeather, LionBlaze, Fallowleaf. (Hollyleaf)
-I named Holly something different cause Leaf has originally named her Holly cause that was the first patient she lost but now she isn’t Her kit so it makes sense for Squirrelflight to name her something different.
This explains why Fallowleaf doesn’t get powers. When Brambleclaw (who replaces Ashfur in the fire scene) rats out Squirrelflight saying she is a traitor for having kits with another clan cat even though Crowtalon joined the clan and says her kits should be dead’s. So Squirrelflight says their not hers though Brambleclaw still attacks her, injuring her before Squirrelflight pushes him into the fire. Making him burned for life and gets imprisoned in Thunderclan by Firestar due to Squirrelflight telling Firestar he tried to kill her and her kits.
Now, when Fallowleaf heard this she thought she wasn’t her kit either. Which is why at first she hates Squirrelflight and ignores her. But Crowfeather tells her that she is their kit, but not her brothers. So Fallowleaf doesn’t run into the tunnels, though does get trapped in them after hunting and falling into one. Which is where she meets and gets trained by Fallen Leaves to live in the tunnels.
Fallowleaf lives and I’m tempted to make her have a mate. Idk who though.
Thats all I got for now. If you have questions please ask. I know this was a bit sloppy but it was all on the top of my head for 2 days now.
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doritopaw101 · 2 years
heeey so I saw your post about Yellow/Blue/Crooked being the parents of Mist, Stone, and Moss.
and uh
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So, info below on my take on the idea!
Riverclan, warrior!
Thunderclan, warrior
Riverclan, healer
notes below:
Mistdream is Mistyfoot+Brokentail+semi!tigerclaw. Is very open to half-clan relationships, as they know their siblings are in other clans and are close with all of their parents. Would have been Firepaw’s mentor, and would help cover for Greystripe(Silverstream lives since Mistdream tells her to go back to her healer) Eventually kinda just… merges clans
Stonestorm is Stonefur, and is less open to half-clan relationships. Would passively support Mistdream ideologies, but doesn’t do it himself.
Mossberry is Mosskit+Runningnose! She trains under Brambleberry, and when she dies right before she becomes a healer, Moss requests her suffix. Very open to half-clan relationships, and has quite a few flings.
They really look like a blend of all three parents so perfectly!!!!!!
I love them so much especially Mossberry. I’m weak for Mossberry naming herself after Brambleberry 🥺
Absolutely adore Mistdream’s chompers and how well her eyes mix with her fur and the sectoral heterochormia on Stonestorm.
Love Mistdream being Fire’s mentor. The potential there is very interesting.
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wokeauwc · 1 year
Previous: ThunderClan and ShadowClan
Next: WindClan, Cats Outside Clans
heres to hoping riverclan isnt more annoying to do than shadowclan (like i know windclan will be) because i will cry about it
note: naming a cat after a disability in this au is considered extremely disrespectful and dishonorable and is extremely looked down upon. crookedstar remains named after his disability (?) so i can explore more of rainflower's grossness and what that means for him in this au.
more warriors woke au allegiances because i have to do these before anything else. as with the last post im doing this right after shadowclan so however much the time gap between that post and this post means thats how long it took me
LORD CROOKEDJAW - Light, dusty brown pansexual tabby tom with green eyes and twisted jaw.
OAKLEAP - Pretty transfem brown bisexual she-cat with amber eyes.
MUDPOOL - Dusty, fluffy brown polysexual tom with amber eyes.
BLACKCLAW - Bisexual black and white tom with sharp blue eyes.
APPRENTICE SHADEPAW - Black questioning tom with green eyes.
SLIPWHISKER - Stone gray non-binary aroace cat with green eyes.
SWIFTBEAK - Brown, grass stained gay tom with green eyes. Mates with Whiteclaw.
APPRENTICE SPLASHPAW - Brown tabby gay tom with blue eyes.
SILVERSTREAM - Young silver tabby omnisexual polyamorous she-cat with green eyes.
WHITECLAW - Black gay tom with amber eyes. Mates with Swiftbeak.
MOSSPOOL - White bisexual demi-she-cat with green eyes. Mates with Mistysplash.
LEOPARDFUR - Golden, dark spotted aroace genderqueer female presenting cat with green eyes.
MISTYSPLASH - Polysexual blue-gray she-cat with amber eyes. Expecting kits. Mates with Mosspool.
GRAYPOOL - Silver bisexual she-cat with amber eyes.
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juustapigeon · 4 months
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
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Dovesong (aka. Dovewing)! She’s albino! I love this design sm omg
I think that albino cats have pink pupils and blue eyes so I gave her some blue in her eyes! I also gave her a faint star on her chest like Falcon and Jay have, It doesn't really make since for pink to be there, but I really wanted her to have a star marking! 
Dovesong’s identities: Cis molly and pansexual !
in RoC Dove and Ivy are the kits of Hawkstar (frost) and Primrosedawn (ne of Mistyfoot’s kits), and they are River Order cats! Hawkstar and Primrosedawn weren't really mates, Hawk just wanted kits and Primrose felt that she should feel honored to be the one to mother the leader’s kits as they would be Hawk’s heirs. Hawk chose Primrose because he wanted to have more control over Mistyfoot, and having children with her daughter was a great way to do so. 
After Hawkstar’s full villain mode and subsequent defeat in Po3 Primrose had Dove and Ivy, and she feels somewhat guilty and foolish for agreeing to have Hawkstar’s kits and carrying on his bloodline. But she refuse to let this stop her from loving and caring for her daughters! 
Dovesong being albino is very rare, there are myths about albino cats being cats directly from the stars and they have pure white coats like the stars in silver pelt, and they are harmed if they stay in the sun for too long, just like how the stars run from the sky once the sun comes out. This mythos around Dove’s condition, wasn't helped by the face that she was in fact actually a powerful prophecy cat, with strange powers...
I havent read OotS yet so I do not have a strong plan for the plot but thats what I have so far! Also Dovesong becomes mates with Cloverfoot instead of Tiger/Goldenheart bec I want it to be so! 
[Image ID: a digital drawing of Dovesong an au version of Dovewing from warrior cats. She is sitting, front mostly facing forwards, with her paws tucked close to her body, She has a shy, melancholy expression, with big round eyes. She is a round, fluffy, long furred, albino molly, with blue and pink eyes. Her pelt is white with pink around her eyes, nose, and paws, aswell as faint pink star on her chest. She has a thick round mane of fur and long fluffy fur coming from her ears, as well as a fluffy hair tuft. Her nose, and inner ears are light link./End ID]
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bonefall · 10 months
mmm would it be possible for Mistystar and Leopardstar to fight/met during the BOTTE? or was Leopard already fed up with Tigerstar, his batshit insane plans and her status reduced to 'Tiger's another lackey' (like Darkstripe and many others) to really care about revenge? if she ever thought about it, that is.. im assuming she would be pretty pissed about being killed (there was a post about Mistyfoot first trying to poison her and Leopard realized it and instead decided to take her on a solo patrol to.. deal with a rogue i think? and then Misty gave her a rock appointment) and might had thought about making Mistystar pay, but it's been soooo long before BOTTE that she might had.. moved on? or just decided she had better things to do, not sure.
I have a BIG rule for the BOTTE, an unmoveable object, which I will abide by like a solemn vow;
NO spirit will be killed by the same cat twice.
I already changed it so Yellowfang doesn't get Brokenstar (he's not even present) and Brambleclaw doesn't get Hawkfrost, so I certainly wouldn't have Mistystar do it to Leopardstar!
I have some ideas but first; context.
The Killing of Leopardstar
Mistyfoot was sloppy.
Leopardstar recognized the way that Mistyfoot had poisoned her food, because she'd done the same thing to Crookedstar before her. Not enough to make it quick, just enough to weaken.
The emotion that licks at her is frustration.
Is this what her life has come to? Dramatic irony? Is this some kind of cosmic joke? To die just like her predecessor, wasting away for a few seasons in the darkness of this musty den, before solemn mourning and empty platitudes from her underhanded murderer.
What should she even do about this? Reveal Mistyfoot in front of everyone, exile her, she plots against her from the safety of another Clan, some kind of rebellion, rah rah rah we just dealt with this.
It's boring. It's so boring it's offensive. This will be the state of RiverClan forever, deputies poisoning leaders and taking power quietly until the end of days. No honor, no nobility, just treachery until the sky dries up and its rich blue becomes a crackled pale-brown.
If she is to die, she will not go out in the slow and painful way she killed crookedstar without a fight.
So she smacks the limp fish aside and brushes past Mistyfoot with a snarl, not even caring enough to drink in the way her traitorous deputy's ears flushed pale, knowing she'd been caught.
Leopardstar calls for a rushed meeting, telling them all that there's actually 40 - 50 feral rogues on the border right now and she saw them all last night or something, so she's taking Mistyfoot to go confront them right now. Don't follow us.
(Something that the more astute members of the Clan immediately recognize as Leopardstar setting up cover for a death match, including Misty's brother Swansong. She snaps at him when he runs to stop her, Don't Follow.)
Once they're a fair distance away, at the southern delta that divides WindClan and RiverClan, where the cliffs will hide them and the wet stones will not catch the scent (and where Reedwhisker will die, someday), Leopardstar lays it out.
No more tricks. No more schemes. If one of them is to die, it will be with honor.
"You want my lives?"
(Boss music fades in. Misty sees the health bar appear lmao)
"Come and take them."
After she came and took them
Leopardstar is kind of obsessed with the final battle of her life. That fight was everything she hoped for, except that she didn't win.
She wants it again, and she will triumph this time.
Hawkfrost is easily able to twist it into, "You lost only because StarClan shone upon her with that stone. It wasn't real skill. Join our cause and we can get you that rematch, we will defeat Mistystar, win back RiverClan, and dethrone the Stars!" But at the end of the day, it's an excuse.
Same sort of excuse Leopardstar came up with when she believed she wanted an honorable battle, rejecting the guilt and fear that clawed at her to think about dying the way Crookedstar did.
She does this a lot. Dodging feelings of remorse or regret by substituting power fantasies, avoiding any hard lessons. She says she wants revenge, but what she's actually doing is avoiding taking an L. Shame is a vagrant in Leopardstar's heart; she will never let it stay for long.
That's really hard to do when Tigerstar is actively using her and speaking over her in every interaction. Being here, in the Dark Forest, taking the SAME advice she once groomed into Hawkfrost to only look at the positives of Tigerstar's legacy and ignore atrocities, is embarassing.
She had her starshine BASHED out of her with a rock and went to the hell she'd been downplaying since she "regrettably" tore down the Bonehill. Being Tigerstar's stooge. Reducing the proud, ferocious leader of RiverClan into a goon.
Towards the end, she will have a scene with Hawkfrost, proud warriors that they are as mentor and apprentice, and vaguely address this. As far as Leopardstar's ego will allow, of course... the shame of it.
It's an important moment, because it's as much about Leopardstar and Hawkfrost as it is about Hawkfrost and Ivypool.
Leopard is too set in her ways to change, even if she is capable of brief glimpses of self-reflection, of which this is one. Hawkfrost, however, is seeing his mentor and himself in a different light. How she'll let herself be humiliated over and over as long as she can cling to her ego... and how by doing Tigerstar's diplomacy work, Hawkfrost is doing the same.
And he's dragged his OWN apprentice into it, too. She accidentally double-killed her friend, Antpelt, but he killed him more by bringing all of these trainees here to begin with. How Ivypool gets pitted against Tigerheart because TigerSTAR is playing mind games, how it's destroying her bond with her sister, how much fun and joy in the Dark Forest he's missing out on by not giving the afterLIFE a chance...
How much he's thrown away for this, before and after his death.
I'm not sure yet if it's the LAST stop before the BOTTE, but it's close to the end of Hawkfrost's redemption arc. Recognition of self through the other. He is part of a cycle he has a choice to break.
But anyway... back to Leopardstar.
She wants to fight Mistystar, but I don't think I'll let her have that satisfaction. She has already gotten nearly everything she ever asked for and can't even acknowledge that she did.
I think it's most fitting for SWANSONG to finally get what he craves; a chance to take a burden off his sister.
Leopardstar allowed TigerClan to STRIP his brotherhood from her because they don't share blood. Forced him to pretend like Rippleclaw meant anything to him, as if Oakheart hadn't been his proud baba as long as he could remember. Stonefur, Mistyfoot, and Swansong are the kits of Graypool; and he's not gonna let this golden FART ignore that ever again.
So my idea is that when Leopardstar meets Mistyfoot in the Second Wave of the BOTTE, she pounces onto her for her rematch, but Swansong BURSTS out of the crowd in response and rips her off, allowing Mistystar to go back to defending their Clanmates
"I don't want YOU," Leopardstar spits, "My battle is with Mistystar!"
"Tough titfeathers! It's MY turn to get a hit in for Stonefur!" He bristles with equal parts fury and excitement, lunging towards a fight he's dreamed of for years.
Still subject to change, though! And I'm not sure if Swansong dies here, or in the 3rd Wave, or if maybe he succumbs to injuries after the BOTTE is over.
It would also be fitting if he got a whack on Mapleshade though... since Maple doesn't even consider him Applekin and won't curse him. It would be neat for him to get angry about that lmao. "What do you MEAN my siblings are haunted by a demon? But NOT ME?? What ELSE am I getting left out of???"
EDIT: I'm currently planning to kill him in the 2nd Wave
#better bones au#BOTTE#BB!Leopardstar#BB!Mistystar#BB!Swansong#BB!Hawkfrost#BB!OOTS#I say this about a lot of BB characters (because I love this project) but man I really like Swansong#Context btw because he hasn't come up in a while: Swan is the adopted brother of Stone and Misty. His biosibs were faders.#Beloved golden retriever coming up for his fake ear medicine to suffer as Part Of The Family#Oak was only going to ask Gray to suckle Misty and Stone for him but then they were like#''Hey wait. Ripple was only an honor sire anyway. This is super convenient wanna parent together?''#And BB!Oak is such a DUDE he was like ''Yooooo ABSOLUTELY I'd LOVE another baby with a friend!!''#Oak cannot walk 5 foxlengths without making a friend. He's just like that.#Sqweezy type grindset#They never really told the kits about Ripple because he wasn't relevant + Queen’s Rights anyway#But everyone else knew Ripple was Swan's biodad because he's the river's reflection of him. and the other two are literally blue.#The three of them were the last to know.#But Swansong is great because he's such a happy kind of angry when it comes to defending his family#He's like ''We have to hide a body? Girlie SAY NO MORE I have already compiled a list of top 10 places they'll never look''#''No we dont need to hide the body..'' ''Ah. Well. Ok that's fine too. Anyway. What is our cover story let's get the details straight''#She couldn't make him deputy because he's too aggressive and supportive lmao#He's actually a lot like a meaner and smarter Oak. He was super close to their dad.#Also he's the mate of Moss instead of Frog because I put it to a vote and we collectively said so#Fixing a minor inconsistency where Moss has more kits after Frog is supposed to be dead#Also Frog was a sleaze where Swankit from the Missing Kits was a blank slate.#Slaps the roof of the RiverClan this bad boy can fit so many blorbos in it#Between Hawk and Leopard and the entire Applekin family I really adore it
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vic-does-battlecats · 3 months
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Design notes under the cut
General things I did was give him very defined, long cheek fur for the Whisker of his name. And then I tried to give him a sort of reed-shaped tail because.. Reed. Since Mistystar’s whole thing is very sleek, I basically just used his tufts of fur to accentuate his name and give him some distinction from her while still clearly being related
Traits he gets from Mistystar -
-Overall body shape and blue-tinted coloration
-Curled upward ears
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coyotix · 2 months
uhm uhm uhhhhhm Mistyfoot/star. Draw her (I am so normal about her)
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of course, how could i decline such a normal request?
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wc-confessions · 3 months
I recently almost shipped Silverstream and Mistyfoot/star because when Silverstream and Greystripe were constantly seeing each other Mistyfoot was like Fireheart was to Greystripe. and I then remembered that they were cousins. I'm glad I didn't actually ship it, I really dodged a bullet
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theanoninyourinbox · 6 months
Longstar Au – Three Stars Rising, One Star Falling
Inbetween Books
Spiderleg is bullied into the Healer’s den by Darkmoon, and is revealed to be In The Family Way.  He refuses to name the Sire to the clan at large - citing Queen’s Rights - and entrusts the name to Sootfur, who joined the Elders as a Historian after his severe injuries fighting the badgers. Toadkit and Rosekit are adorable, but Spiderleg often leaves them in the Nursery with the Queens.  Sootfur visits often enough that the kits see him as their father.
Charkit of Sorreltail’s litter is discovered to have only three feet – Brackenfur suggests naming her Cinder but Sorreltail refuses, wanting her kitten to have her own future, not weighed down by her aunt’s sacrifice.  Her striking resemblance to the Healer, and her similar leg scenario, still weighs upon the kit, who works with Darkmoon and a supportive Cloudtail to exercise and navigate life.
On a border patrol, Whitewing finds an injured tom named Birch, and carries him back to camp.  He recovers from his (somewhat embarrassing) fall from a tree, and joins Thunderclan.  He brings tales of his birth family – The Sisters – and Longstar is curious but cautious about the group.
Frostfoot semi-retires to become a historian and tactician, and Whitestorm informs Longstar of his intention to retire as well.  Longstar despairs at choosing a new Deputy, and falls into a restless sleep after Flamewish drags him into their nest.  He dreams of the old Thunderclan camp, watches it shift into the new camp, watches it float and crumble in a dark sky.  Suddenly, a bright star flares, and the constellations of Silverpelt spring to life.  The star warps into a great cat, one half of their face spilling nebulas and colors, that cradles the clan back into a whole.  He wakes, knowing exactly who to name. The next day, Longstar calls a meeting, and announces Whitestorm’s retirement.  Longstar calms the clan, calling forth a cat who has cared for Thunderclan and for the connections that Thunderclan has created within their allied clans.  He calls forth Brightheart to become Deputy.  Brightheart is shocked but delighted, Cloudtail and Daisy dance around their mate, and their kits crow gleefully.
Soon after, Crowfeather comes over to visit Swiftpool.  He shares the news that his foster sister Nightcloud and her mate Gorseflicker are now parents to three kits – Breezekit, a little black tom; Locustkit, a black and orange tortie molly; and Eveningkit, a grey and golden molly.  Swiftpool notes that Hopfoot will have plenty of time to spoil his grandkits now that he’s retired.  Crowfeather jokes that Gorseflicker cried over his kits so hard he was kicked out of the Nursery by Nightcloud, and Swiftpool laughs so hard she goes into labor.
By nightfall, three more kits have been born.  Crowfeather names Jaykit after the brilliant blue of his eyes, Swiftpool names Hollykit after her spiky fur, and Lionkit is named for his loud cries.  As the kits grow, Lionkit is noted to have the shorter legs like his Granduncle Fireheart.  Jaykit is blind, but already uses his senses to navigate fairly well.  And Hollykit is anxious and easily moved to emotion by others. They are supported wholeheartedly by their family and clan.  
In Windclan, Breezekit plays with Whitetail’s kits Heatherkit and Galekit.  Locustkit and Eveningkit escape camp one night and discover a series of tunnels.  Mudstar is delighted to refound the Tunneler Role, with Locustkit loudly declaring that she wants to be one.
Leopardstar watches her clan grow, watches Hawkfrost befriend the local otters, watches Mistyfoot teach the next generation how to fish in these new waters.  She is determined to do better – to be better – and a starry-coated cat silently agrees.  Stonefur remains her unseen shadow for the rest of her days.
Blackstar and Russetfur, Leader and Deputy, chosen siblings, peer into the Nursery.  Tawnypelt and Rowanclaw are curled around three new Shadowclanners.  A golden tom – Goldenkit – a fiery orange tom – Emberkit – and a creamy molly – Dawnkit.  All the promise of a new morning, not weighed down by the cloying shadows of their grandfather.
Outside of the clans, Sol seethes.  He still has some of the power the Rotten Storm bestowed upon him, but knows instinctively that the day he uses the last of it, is the day he loses his voice forever.  In his wanderings, he comes across a mysterious old badger, who warns him that unless he changes his ways, unless he gives up on vengeance against the clans, that he will suffer in ways he could never imagine.  Sol glares at the beast, but his eyes catch on a berry juice mural of the moon overtaking the sun, and leaves with a new plan in mind.  Midnight scoffs at the foolish tom, knowing that no matter what he does, his waning power will strip him of everything he holds dear…
Sandstorm and her kittypet friend Millie make it to the Hope’s Rest Clowder, and Sandstorm does not take the news of the clans moving very well.  Thankfully, Darkstripe gives them basic directions to the mountains, and the pair of friends head off.  The Clowder’s friendly twoleg healer watches the exchange in interest. She’s convinced that these cats are intelligent, and vows to protect them as best she can.
Apprentice Adventures
On the day of their apprenticeships, Hollypaw chooses to become a Warrior, and is apprenticed to Ashfur He promises to help her grow into her own pelt, and Hollypaw nervously but proudly accepts.  Jaypaw wants to be a Hunter/Tracker, and is assigned to Brightheart and Snowthorn.  He’s giddy with relief, having doubts that he would be allowed to be anything but a Support Role.  Lionpaw has already been nearly living in the Healer’s Den, so it’s no surprise that she wants to join their ranks. His uncle and granduncle welcome him cheerily.
At the next Gathering, Jaypaw’s keen ears hear Mousepaw flirting with Riverclan apprentice Minnowpaw, and muses to Hollypaw that there may be a new cross-clan couple.  The Leaders are interrupted by a commotion – Coldlight screeches SANDSTORM?!?!?!?  Longstar leaps down and the whole of Thunderclan greets the long-missing molly.  She introduces Millie as a potential clanmate, and Graystripe immediately starts flushing and stammering.  Millie is charmed by the fluffy fool, and asks him to escort her to camp.  Coldlight pulls Sandstorm to the side as soon as they get in eyesight of camp, and has a private conversation with his long-time crush.  She asks for time to process his love confession, but assures him that no matter what, he will always be her friend.
The next morning, Sandstorm gathers up Longstar, Flamewish, and their many kits, and tells them of a dream she had.  A starry cat who identified himself as Micah had given her a Prophecy – Three of thine leaders kin shalt be gifted by the Stars, and They shall spark a great Light that shall Burn Back the Clawing Dark.  He had vanished before Sandstorm could pin him down and get an explanation, and freaked out Millie quite a bit. 
The group tries to figure out who it is, ruling out Cloudtail early to his annoyance and everyone else’s amusement.  Swiftpool points out her recent litter, and Fireheart notes that Lionpaw always seems to know where another cat is hurting. The apprentices are gathered, and after some questioning, Jaypaw admits to sometimes being in his sibling’s dreams. Hollypaw realizes that the last time she got into a fight (against a rather pissed off chicken that escaped the Horseplace) she hadn’t gotten heavily injured when it definitely pecked her hard enough to draw blood.  But when she stepped on a thorn she was bleeding?  Lionpaw easily talks about feeling other’s pain, but had thought he was just very empathetic?  Flamewish calls for Yellowfang, who pops in and confirms that Something Is Up.  The siblings are Star-Blessed, but not to let it get to their heads. The old molly scoffs, and says that Micah is an old Skyclan spirit, and had a noted soft spot for kits, so meant no harm.
The siblings are shaken, but do their best to keep on going.  Lionpaw finds his connection to Starclan when Jaypaw and Breezepaw fall into a hole during the Peacetime Competition and he has a Vision of their distress.  Jaypaw works hard with Brightheart and Snowthorn, testing his dreamwalking limits on his siblings – with permission of course.  Hollypaw finds herself more confident, knowing that the stars have a place just for her, and Ashfur praises her for starting to stretch herself.  She still finds herself easily shaken, but discovers a love of plants, leading to some Herbalist training.
However, the shadows of Miretrees are reaching out…
After a particularly bad day, Hollypaw wakes in a strange place.  It’s a piece of the border by the Lake, but the sun is low, and there’s the faint smell of blood and fur in the air.  A large brown tabby appears, his chest covered in leaves and flowers.  He asks her of her woes, and Hollypaw mutters about feeling unappreciated sometimes.  He proclaims that he will teach her to be a Great Warrior, but Hollypaw laughs – Ashfur is a great mentor, how could you, a random primping prettyboy, do any better than him?  She laughs herself awake, and Brambleclaw throws a massive tantrum in the Dark Forest.
While out hunting, Charpaw falls out of a tree, injuring her footless hind leg. Jaypaw helps her back to camp, and verbally tears the ears off of Sootfur for suggesting she retire to be an Elder or Support role, stop projecting!! Just because you couldn’t handle your business doesn’t mean that Charpaw can’t handle hers!!!  Brightheart has to hold him back but does NOT make him apologize.  Lionpaw states that even if Charpaw was, I don’t know, Cinderpelt’s reincarnation, it wouldn’t matter!  Darkmoon is touched by the brothers being so protective, but has to reassure Charpaw that no, Lionpaw was using a hypothetical.
Soon after, Millie gives birth to three more kits – Blossom, Briar, and Bumble.  Graystripe is startled but delighted – he had no idea she was pregnant – but takes to fatherhood again with joy and zeal.
At the next Gathering, Riverclan calls for aid – a bunch of twolegs have half-invaded their territory.  Jaypaw and Hollypaw sneak off to take a look, but are caught by Uncle Hawkfrost and his otter friends.  Hawkfrost scolds them officially, but lets them take a look at the tottering twoleg kits, and introduces Weed and Log, his otter pals.  The pair of apprentices get in trouble for sneaking out, but think that meeting the strange river dwellers was worth it.  Back at camp, Lionpaw dreams of an orange-and white cat failing to outrun the rising waters in a tunnel, and a hairless cat throws him out of sleep.  Somewhere else in camp, Sandstorm and Coldlight become mates.
Some time later, Locustpaw goes missing.  Jaypaw and Lionpaw join in the search, and along with Breezepaw, find her stuck in the tunnels.  As the rain makes the waters rise, Lionpaw remembers his dreams, and leads the groups to safety.  Locustpaw’s tail must be partially amputated, but she lives to dig another day.
Stormfur and Brook show up at Thunderclan camp, asking for aid.  Longstar agrees, and Foxflight gets the whole Journey gang back together, and drags her niece and nephews along.  Crowfeather brings Breezepaw and Galepaw to help – an accomplished hunter and a promising healer.  The group reunites with Feathertail, and she is delighted to meet some of her friend’s new families and hear about the rest.  She is gleeful at the thought of her half-siblings, but sad she won’t meet them in person.  Jaypaw wonders if he could pull them into one dream, but decides to just poke at Graystripe to bring his family for a visit sometime.  Lionpaw and Galepaw pester Feathertail for what helps with her back, and she happily gives them all the details.
After running off the intruders, the three siblings and Crowfeather have a bonding moment.  It is somewhat interrupted by Yellowfang and Tallstar’s spirits showing up, but they only confirm that yes, the siblings ARE Star-blessed, and to watch out for the Miretrees residents showing up, as Snowfur caught her ex-mate lurking around the borders of Starclan.
After a tearful goodbye, the group settle back into their clans.  Hollypaw once more dreams of the strange lake scene, but this time there are two brown tabbies.  The larger one begins to speak, but Hollypaw has heard enough stories about the death of Tiger”star” to recognize the injury – even half hidden by reeds and leaves – and screams for her Gran-Gran Yellowfang.  She flings awake, tumbling into Charpaw and Jaypaw, and Lionpaw bustles in to see what’s wrong.  She sputters out what happened, and Lionpaw runs for Darkmoon and Fireheart.  A confused Charpaw comforts her friend, as Jaypaw stomps around angrily.  Fireheart clears them out of the den, and makes them all sleep in the Hearer’s Den, for added protection.  Even with Fireheart assuring that the dark goes for everyone, Hollypaw wonders…did they come after me because I’m the weakest one?
And a seed of doubt is planted.
The Plot Thickens and The Sun Vanishes
Some time later, SOMEONE is trying to get Windclan and Thunderclan fighting.  It doesn’t work, but Mudstar asks that they spend a week out of contact, to see if both sides scent the same intruder.  Crowfeather bids his family a teary farewell, and Swiftpool clings sadly to her sister and Shrewleg for a while.  One night, Berrynose spots what he SWEARS is a Literal Lion, no, really, I am Not JOKING!!!  At the end of the week, Fireheart, Darkmoon, and Lionpaw go to gather herbs, and see a strange cat with a mane.  The tom loudly declares that he will be blocking out the sun tomorrow, and bolts before Darkmoon and Fireheart can catch him.  Fireheart moans about aching joints, and Darkmoon carries him back to camp, with Lionpaw telling Berrynose No That Was Not A Lion Just A Weirdo.
And then some of Windclan’s young bucks start a fight with a Thunderclan patrol.  Both clans send out everyone to calm the fight, and a Shadowclan patrol shows up, and Riverclan comes to yell at people.
And the ginger and black tom watches.
And the sun goes out.
Chaos ensues, everyone scrambling to figure out what’s happening.  The stranger cuts in front of Blackstar, who was leading the patrol, and Speaks.  The Shadowclan leader calls for his clan to follow him home, and they depart.  And a few nights later, Tawnypelt comes to camp with terrible news.  Blackstar, under the influence of the stranger Sol, has turned his back on Starclan.  There is something missing in his eyes, a blankness that reminds her of a dying cat.  He tried to put her apprentice-age kits into their adult roles, and thus she seeks shelter with them.  An appalled Longstar agrees, and Goldenpaw, Emberpaw, and Dawnpaw are welcomed into the apprentice den.  Jaypaw declares that it’s too crowded, which gives Longstar an idea.
The next morning, he promotes Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Charpaw to their adult names.  Hollypaw becomes Hollywish, for her bright ideas for the future, and in honor of her beloved grandmother.  Flamewish is delighted at the surprise, and a jubilant Hollywish practically bounces in place.  Jaypaw is named Jaywhisker, for his sharp senses and even sharper barbs to the deserving.  Brightheart cries a little as her first apprentice is promoted, and Jaywhisker is a little overwhelmed with all the cheering.  And Charpaw is named Charheart, for her loving spirit and determination to never give up.  Charheart is embraced by her family, and beams delightedly.  Shortly after, Flyshadow comes running from the Healer’s den ASHFUR I’M PREGNANT!!! Whitewing also announces that she’s pregnant the next day! The clan is full of life and joy!
The Skies Grow Cloudy
But it doesn’t last.  Millie and Briarkit become ill, and it soon begins to spread.  Lionpaw and Emberpaw think it’s related to Sol – Riverclan has noticed dying fish, and Windclan has seen birds falling from the sky.  So the Thunderclan siblings and the Shadowclan siblings formulate a plan.
Emberpaw and Jaypaw decide to fake a sign, having a tree fall in front of Sol and Blackstar.  Lionpaw thinks that faking a sign might be sacrilege, but hopes that the Stars are forgiving of a lie to free a clan.  Hollywish and Dawnpaw leverage the tree down, and Goldenpaw makes ghostly noises…that are soon joined by Runningnose and Raggedstar.  The blankness goes out of Blackstar’s eyes, and he turns on Sol with all the fury of the blazing sun.  Sol flees, cursing the clans again, and Shadowclan is restored.  The newfound friends bid farewell, promising to stay in touch.
In Thunderclan camp, Longstar loses a life to the illness, prompting Jaywhisker to dreamwalk Kestrelpaw the Windclan Healer’s apprentice.  Lionpaw goes to gather the precious catmint, and nearly walks in on Breezepaw, Heatherpaw, and Antpaw having relationship drama.  He sneaks by, and returns triumphant.  At the next Half Moon ceremony, he is promoted to Lionblossom, for his ability to make hope blossom wherever he goes.
And then a fire breaks out.
The trio are trapped on one side of the fire, and as Swiftpool and Foxflight maneuver a branch to help them, the ginger and black shape of Sol tries to stop them.  The mollies beat the stuffing out of him easily, and he flees.  Lionblossom notes that Sol’s tail might be burnt, judging by the pain that Lionblossom feels.  Everyone reunites, with Ashfur having a nasty burn on his flanks, but all alive.
While out playing, Briarkit is attacked by a snake.  Honeyfern bravely leaps in the way and is bitten on the face.  Lionblossom, in just as much agony as she is, makes the swift but painful decision to remove the bitten eye.  Fireheart and Darkmoon arrive on the scene to a passed out Honeyfern and Lionblossom, and a screaming Briarkit.  After some emergency treatment, Honeyfern is stabilized, and Lionblossom wakes up mortified.  Berrynose and Poppyfrost are frantic, and when Honeyfern wakes, they take turns at her side.  Darkmoon notes that Honeyfern will most likely never hear out of her right ear, and will certainly never bear kits.  She and Berrynose begin to mourn, but Poppyfrost offers to be their surrogate.
A few days later, the newly named Breezepelt and Heathertail come to camp – they saw Sol leaving Windclan prey of Thunderclan land, and would you like to go Get Him?  A patrol is sent, and Foxflight is kept from finishing the beating she started earlier by the return of PURDY!?! She escorts the old tom to camp, and begs her father to let Gramps Purdy stay, plllleeeeaaassseee???  Longstar snorts at the obvious manipulation, but allows it.  Sol is locked in the Healer’s Den, and seems to be cooperative.
At the next Gathering, Longstar defends his choice to not kill the cat, he must be judged by Starclan.  The other leaders agree, Blackstar very brusque and standoffishly, but all seems to be going well.
Then Hollywish has to go into the Healer’s Den.
And Sol says his Last Word.
The light goes out of Hollywish’s eyes, and she bolts for the tunnels.  Jaywhisker hears his sister’s harsh breathing, and tears after her, Charheart and Lionblossom in hot pursuit.
Hollywish enters the tunnels and
(Atop the stones, Brambleclaw gives a baleful grin)
Lionblossom screams in pain, Jaywhisker paws at the rocks, and Charheart yowls for aid.
In the Healer’s Den, Sol coughs out pieces of his tongue, ashy and rotten.
And he laughs and laughs and laughs.
And in the Nursery, Whitewing and Flyshadow huddle around the kits, who sleep peacefully.
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blazingmicah-wc · 6 hours
blackpaw and stonepaw meet at night in riverclan territory. stonepaw is playful and doesn't take him seriously, much to blackpaws frustration. he views stonepaw as conceited since he's the deputy's son but the two bond and soon begin meeting up on nights. they complain about their issues; stonepaw whines about leopardpaw being bossy, while blackpaw tells him about blizzardwing. years later, blackfoot confides in stonefur about his doubts in brokenstar. the two sort of become mates! however, after badgerkits death, blackfoot becomes reserved and eventually stops meeting with stonefur. stonefur is horrified to hear that blackfoot killed rosetail and kidnapped thunderclan children but still believes in him to do good.
moons pass, stonefur is made leopardstar's deputy and blackfoot is made tigerstar's. stonefur learns of his true parentage and is shaken, but soon tells riverclan about it. he worries slightly over how riverclan could be potentially targeted by tigerstar but resolves to defend his clan no matter what.
so tigerclan happens. blackfoot is very relieved to see stonefur again but is too scared of tigerstar to ask for his release. he spends a lot of time sneaking food to the prisoners and bonding with stonefur again.
eventually, featherpaw's and stormpaw's execution is ordered. stonefur's expression doesn't change as he looks to blackfoot. blackfoot nods, desperate to have stonefur back no matter the price. he doesn't care for the lives of the apprentices because as long as he can have stonefur then all the atrocities he's committed will have been worth it. he wants them to grow old together, for him to prove to tigerstar that half-clan cats can be trustworthy. he's practically begging for stonefur to just do it.
when stonefur turns away and announces that they will have to kill him, blackfoot's heart drops. stonefur easily bests darkstripe and tigerstar orders blackfoot to finish the job. stonefur is staring him down coldly, as if nothing they went through was ever real. blackfoot reluctantly walks forward and stonefur pounces. he is starved and frail and blackfoot easily overpowers him.
the days pass. when tigerstar is killed, blackfoot breaks down. what has he done? and for what?everytime he sees mistyfoot he blanches.
his leader ceremony takes place and he meets stonefur again. he is overjoyed and goes to run into his mate's fur when he stops. he imagines that they'll be get to forgive and forget. stonefur is furious. he gives him a life for hate.
as he turns to leave, blackstar swears he can feel the tug of the dark forest but he stands resolute, watching his mate sulk away into the stars.
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