#and Saiki's like maybe she really is perfect if she's willing to go that far
sophoscorner · 6 months
I love Teruhashi because she's the perfect pretty girl. She smiles nicely. She's polite. She's never rude. She never embarrasses herself. She eats the bad food because she's nice inside and out and thats why everyone loves her.
I love Teruhashi because she knows she's pretty, but she's not allowed to say it because a really pretty girl never knows she's pretty. Even if they keep telling her again and again and again and again. She doesn't know she's pretty. She's just the same as everyone else really.
I love Teruhashi because she has to be careful who she's nice to or they'll start fights. Everyone loves her and no one can have her because she's just too pretty. It'd be unfair if one person had her and the others didn't.
I love Teruhashi because she really is a horrible person for believing what everyone says about her. Its so wrong of her to be nice to everyone only so they'll keep loving her. But, its okay because we the audience she through her lies. We know she's secretly terrible. Secretly ugly. And it's all because she knows she's pretty.
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httpsaiki · 4 years
Could you make a Saiki x reader angst where the reader gets hanahaki disease so she decides to confess her feelings to him but she see Saiki kissing Teruhashi and heartbroken the reader runs aways. You can change the ending if you want! Also I really like your blog
Hello, Anon! I’m so sorry for taking so long on this! This was really something special to write, I hope I interpreted the Hanahaki disease correctly. And thank you so much, that means a lot! Thank you for your request!
Falling Flower Petals
TW// blood, mentions of death, general angst. Reader is female!
WC: 931
The reader has the Hanahaki disease and faces some difficult decisions. 
The coughing just wouldn’t go away. It was becoming unbearable to withstand. It was painful, it hurt so much. It was near-constant, and hiding the occasional petal that spilled from your lungs was becoming increasingly difficult. You knew very well what this was, but the fear of accepting your fate and what was happening was scarier than the blood that spilled with your coughs so you kept with it. Deep down, you’d already accepted there were three ways to end this sickness. You could tell him. Kusuo Saiki, who was right now ruining your life. Despite that, you couldn’t bring yourself to resent him for it, which was likely a result of what this disease means. Your suspicions were correct, you’re in love with him. Another way to end this was to surgically remove the flowers, but even that came with negative side effects. You’d lose the feelings you had for him and was that really worth it? Loving someone doesn’t just come and go and maybe you’d never feel love again. 
The final choice, though, was far grimmer. Letting the disease run its course and not telling Saiki would ultimately kill you. At the very least, you’d die loving someone and believing that maybe -  just maybe - he loved you too. Why did you have to fall for someone who’s so against romance? More so, why did you have to develop this stupid sickness? 
The dim sunlight shined through your half-open curtains. You were sitting on your bed, trying to get schoolwork done and relax while you were still feeling alright. You hadn’t told anyone about it yet, scared to worry them. Hiding it was difficult, but it hadn’t progressed so far that it was impossible. A fit of coughing took over your body, gorgeous flower petals coming out that covered your bed. Some of them stained a deep red, covered in blood. It was almost beautiful, in some ways. In a twisted sense, this could even be romantic. Loving someone so much you’ll die if they don’t reciprocate. You admired them for a short second, allowing your more hopeful thoughts to flourish. There was still a chance that you would make it out of this alive and still in love. Imagining a future with Saiki was painful, but eased your worries as you planned how you may tell him about your feelings.
It was no longer a question of if you would tell him. It was only a matter of time before you took courage, or the coughing became too much to handle. You had school tomorrow, and running on little sleep from constantly waking up only made it harder to prepare yourself. You so desperately needed a plan, but you knew there was nobody you could share the full gravity of the situation with. You knew that you had to tell him, it seemed like the best option. But how.
Tomorrow’s school day came all too quickly and with far from enough sleep. It was only getting worse and had progressed from just the occasional coughing fit to constant difficulty breathing. Anyone else would’ve just stayed home, it wasn’t worth the risk. You, on the other hand, were determined to end this disease. Saiki would accept your feelings, he had to. Something felt severely wrong and your gut feeling was telling you that this is a mistake. Ignoring it, you wrote it off as nerves and went to find him during lunch.
Love. It’s such a beautiful word, right? In this moment, you wished you had never even felt it. You’d rather be an unfeeling monster than bear what you were forced to feel right now. Just as you saw Saiki, his back turned to you, standing under a tree. Right as you got your hopes up, he was in the perfect place at just the right time you had to see her. And his and her lips just had to be locked with his. What a sight to behold. This confirmed it, he would never love you. How could he ever even look at you, she’s Teruhashi and she’s so perfect. You’re just you, someone slowly withering away because she loved too much. 
So you did all you could think to do. You ran, leaving bloody flower petals in your wake. You coughed as you ran and did it ever hurt. It felt like this was it, you’d die after witnessing the most painful thing of your life. Seeing him kissing her caused far more pain than this sickness would ever cause you. What now? What could you even do?
You sat on the roadside, occasional coughed up petals flowing away from you in the wind. The plant forming in your lungs felt as if it was only growing larger with your pain. The sun was setting, painting your surroundings in so many different hues. The petals no longer looked beautiful and you couldn’t comprehend how they ever had. Even if their appearance hadn’t actually changed, they looked dead now, whereas before they looked fresh and full of life. You detested them, grabbing a few and ripping them to shreds.
It didn’t accomplish anything as you coughed up more anyway. Considering your next move, the surgery still seemed impossible. He’d hurt you so much, and yet you weren’t willing to give up your feelings for him? Even when they were literally killing you? It wasn’t rational and really, not even you could comprehend your own thought process. It didn’t matter though. You needed to process the heartbreak before deciding. Unfortunately, you were running out of time.
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