#and THEN the sixth graders get mad at me for favoritism because I spend half the class calming her down
just-rogi · 1 year
God middle schoolers are MEAN I’ve been callled literal fucking slurs by adults that have hurt less than my middle school girls saying
‘miss behind your back the seventh graders say you are annoying and weird :/‘
like holy shit that’s fuckjng gutting bc I KNOW they mean that shit
#I’m biased bc I had one of the hardest days at work I’ve ever had#like I was so close to just crying in front of my sixth grade class#I wish y’all fucking KNEW how hard I work for you all#like bro I was both the math AND science teacher today- neither teacher made lesson plans so I PERSONALLY had to create lessons#for y’all to do today#‘miss you always seem distracted’ YALL I DONT GET TOLD WHOS CLASS IM COVERING FOR UNTIL I WALK IN THE DOOR IN THE MORNING#THE PRINCIPAL PERSONALLY TOLD ME THAT IM COVERING TWO TEACHERS AND JUST FLAT OUT NOT GETTING A LUNCH BREAK OR PREP PERIOD#BUT I CANT SAY THAT TO YALL BC YALL DONT KNOW WHAT LESSONPLANS ARE#YOU DONT KNOW WHAT PREP PERIODS ARE#AND YOU DONT KNOW WHAT UNIONS ARE AND HOW ITS A VIOLATION OF MY RIGHTS#my seventh grade asked if I get paid double bc I’m covering for two teachers and I said no and literally the entire class fucking revolted#saying I deserve better#I don’t want to be your friends- I don’t want you to LIKE me#but Jesus Christ some of the sixth graders just rip into me day in and day out for no reason other than that they are 11#and yeah they are kids but goddamn it’s fucking grating to hear that every fucking day#I wish I was better but I can’t DO better with no resources or fuckjng help#I have a high support needs autistic student in my class who is assigned an Aba and needs a different placement#because she has meltdowns every class and runs out of the room or cries or screams or yells at other students and I’m the only adult there#because we don’t have a fucking Aba for her!!!#and THEN the sixth graders get mad at me for favoritism because I spend half the class calming her down#there is no winning#and I don’t expect them to understand and they shouldn’t HAVE to understand but GOD I wish they could see how hard I try#the thing that hurt me was that my actual favorite kid accused me of having favorites because I spend all my time with that one student#idk it’s just a mess bc now I have to write things up and now I’m going to need to call home and now I need to do MORE work#and I’m dead tired#and I just want to curl up and cry because why is the weight of the crumbling public education system#entirely on me to hold together with my fucking fingertips#I can’t keep this shit up#especially for shit pay lol
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tori-beanie · 5 years
I think y’all get it by now. Idea from FanartFunart. They’re awesome. Go check them out!!
Part Three: Blue Violet
Logan was so bored. He was in eight grade now, and had nothing to do. He’d read all his library books. He’d completed all his homework. He’d been staring at the ‘Digits of Pi’ sheet above his teachers desk, and so far he had memorized one hundred digits. The boys life had been moving smoothly, nothing surprising or out of the ordinary really happening. He still had four blackened marks on his wrist, and it was starting to annoy him how much they looked like black sharpie. Logan spent a few minutes counting ceiling tiles before he paused. He had been distracted by the need to use the bathroom.
As he was excused, he ran face first into a boy looking to be his age. He had a visitors tag on as well as a pair of purple headphones and a black and white flannel. He seemed to be nervous, eyes widening as he reached up to hold his forehead. They had run into each other after all. However when they met each other’s gaze, Logan get his arm tingling. He looked down to see one black line on his arm slowly turning to an honestly satisfying purple color. Slowly a smile appeared on his face, and he looked over the boy. Purple. Yes. It fit him.
“Hm. You seem to cause my zygomaticus muscles to contract.”
Patton had grown as well. He was still searching for his soulmate, but hadn’t been able to find them so far. Still the boy was longing for colors. He hummed gently, walking down the street after classes. Patton couldn’t see colors, but he could still see the beauty in the world around him. Fall was his favorite season. He could see so many shades of grey in the trees, on the ground… And when they would get the first snowfall, he knew that he was seeing the right color. The white of the snow was real. Something he would always have. It made him happy. And until he got his colors back, Patton would continue to find joy in the small things. In the details of this world. Because that’s all he could do.
For now though he was bundled up in a sweater his father said was light blue, heading to sit at the park. He had a bag full of corn with him to feed the ducks at the pond. It was a hobby he really enjoyed, as not only was it cute, but he could share with kids smaller than him and they could all enjoy themselves by watching ducks swim around for the corn. As he arrived at the park, Patton noticed that it was rather empty. The sixth grader was a bit lonely… Oh well! He would meet his soulmate one day! Then he wouldn't be lonely anymore!
Roman had finally gotten it through his thick skull that he had more than one soulmate. Not only did De have four in total, but he was still hearing music. One time they were sitting together at the lunch table, and Roman heard the blast of Panic At The Disco in his ear. De had looked confused until Roman explained what was going on, and then the red eyed boy got the pleasure of being laughed at by his soulmate. However Roman couldn’t stay mad. They were happy together even with the disparity in ages, and had managed to fit their schedules perfectly so that they could eat lunch and even spend study halls together!
Roman loved to look at the red tattoo that colored De’s left shoulder. How it glowed when he would just brush his fingers up against it. It made Roman very happy, and even though it made his soulmates face turn red, he would sceranade him on occasion. It was absolutely adorable! Yes, he was happy with De. And he could hardly wait to meet another one of his soulmates… Maybe he could talk to the emo and get him to turn down the My Chemical Romance too… There was a lot of emo music Roman needed a handle on. He couldn’t sleep when drums were pounding in his ears after all!
Watching Roman startle at random music was rather funny. In fact it was one of Declan’s main forms of entertainment. Sure he was nice to his soulmate, but it didn’t stop it from being funny. He wondered how Roman stayed sane though with all the songs in his head all the time. He couldn’t imagine how hard it would be to be singing one song while hearing another blasting in your ear! Roman must have a special kind of musical talent. However neither had had any luck coming across their other soulmates. Ro was far more poetic about the whole thing, referring to them all as pieces for the most extravagant and lovely puzzle. His soulmate tended to do that a lot, and had a knack for attempting to use slang. However he didn’t seem to understand De’s proficient use of sarcasm. He actually took his seriously a lot, something that bothered both of them. However De couldn’t really help the way he spoke. It was just who he was.
In the two years they had been together, Roman and Declan didn’t get into many fights. Anything they did argue about tended to be misunderstandings or just plain stupidity. Roman had to be talked down from jumping off the roof into a kiddy pool twice in one summer! De pretty much had to make sure that Roman didn’t hurt himself by being stupid and courageous as he called it. But all in all, they were happy! They just needed to find their missing pieces…
Virgil Casey was frozen. He knew what he had just heard, but there was no way he was prepared! The boy had just been delivering papers to his mother. She worked here at the school and had left something at home. After convincing Virgil to bring it for her, he had been wandering the halls looking for her classroom. The boy definitely hadn’t expected to run face first into a boy who looked almost his age! He had been dazed for a moment before hearing the boy speak. He knew the words. He’d read them a thousand times. But hearing them was still so surprising that Virgil could only stand there dumbfounded.
Logan reaches forward and held out his hand, looking to be proper. Honestly the boy seemed to fit the science speak. He also fit the dark blue writing on Virgil’s right arm.
“Forgive me for running into you. You may address me as Logan. Logan Foley. May I know your title as well?”
Yeah. He was a nerd. Slowly Virgil spoke, his voice shaking slightly.
“Virgil Casey… But uh, you can call me Virge…”
Yes, these two would need some time to get to know each other, but for now, they could be happy knowing they had found one of their matching set.
General Tags: @midnight--fox @your-friendly-neighborhood-enby @heathers-dorkness-0923
Soulmarked Tags: @fanartfunart @logan-sanders-is-my-binch @dragonsworn05 @i-have-n0-idea-what-im-d0ing @astraheart04 @of-mice-and-mentality
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lindzaylove · 6 years
Ashleigh❤ Happy One Month~~~
@end-me-tm ❤❤❤❤❤❤
10/07: you definitely aren't the most confident gay with me, which makes me feel incredibly special. thank you for loving me and thinking i'm anywhere close to worthy of your time. i'm so happy to be yours and for you to be mine. i want us to last for as long as possible. thank you for giving October another reason to be my favorite month!
10/08: maybe i was overwhelmed with homework, maybe i just wasn't feeling my best. whatever reason, this evening around 6 o'clock i wasn't at my best. then you called, i heard your voice, and any doubts or insecurities washed away. i could spend hours listening to you talk (i kind of did oops) and there is no other way i would ever want to spend my time. to many more video chats♡
10/09: you're brilliant, how could you not know? you're one of the most intelligent people i know. you're also so talented. you radiate briliance and talent as if you were the sun, reminding me i am just the same. you show me i am better than what i think; you remind me i am more than what horrible idea of myself i have conceived. you'll never know how grateful i am for you.
10/10: not only are you brilliant, you're beautiful. you really are. you have no idea exactly how beautiful you are. your eyes, your hair, your smile, your teeth, your hands, your feet, everything. absolutely everything. never will a day go by that i don't think you are the prettiest girl on the planet and i will do everything in my power to remind you of that fact.
10/11: we don't have to talk everyday for me to know how i feel about you. that feeling is best described as "scared." i don't think i've cared about someone as much as i care about you. your name is always in my mind, creeping up on me just as i start to realize i miss you (which is like every five seconds). you're the best thing that has happened to me so far and i'm so scared to lose you. that's why you'll never lose me.
10/12: i hate confrontation, but the idea of losing you scares me more. i want to be as open with you as possible and i hope you'll do the same. the idea that i am your happiness makes me prideful, and i'd take being prideful than never making you smile. i can't wait for deep conversations and stupid laughter with you.
10/13: (i totally didn't forget to write this just because i went to bed happy) i am eternally grateful for you. you remind me of all the great things in life and i literally can't stop smiling because of you. you're absolutely amazing and i can't wait for all the amazing things i get to watch you accomplish. thank you for making me feel so loved and appreciated because i never get that. you're one of a kind and i'm so glad you're mine.
10/14: waking up to a message from you to talking the day away. i never wanted today to end. i never want days spent with you to end. from silent stares to beautiful smiles to random conversations to joyous laughter. never will i ever want another day to go by again. a day spent with soft giggles and random eye contact could never mean more to me. how lucky am i to have you?
10/15: "this is the happiness i've been praying for you to find ever since i met you" - my best friend after i got done talking about you. how crazy is it that one moment taken out of my time to message you led to this, to us? it's magnificent and reminds me of how wonderful life is. being happy has always been an uphill battle but now i am on even ground. thank you for making me smile like an idiot at my phone.
10/16: i rely on you a lot, even if i don't outwardly express it. you mean so much to me, your opinion matters to me, the consistency of you is what helps me feel whole when i feel like i'm shattering in pieces. everything makes sense with you. and despite all the crap i know we'll get, i want you. and only you.
10/17: when you tag me in cute things on Tumblr or screenshot my sappy paragraphs or send me good morning or good night snaps, my heart is full of love for you. but we're young and stupid and absolutely no where near perfect, yet that will never change the way i feel about you. you're mine. i'm yours. those kind of facts don't change.
10/18: busy days keep us apart, but when you tell me you miss me i feel a little bit better. my heart yearns to speak to you always, i want your name constantly in my notifications. i am so needy aha and thank you for not loving me any less for it.
10/19: i was busy? all day? for once? but that didn't mean i missed you any less, if anything i missed you more. i wanted to tell you about everything. i want to tell you it all, always. i'm constantly in want of your attention. it's because i love you. i love you a lot.
10/20: you're so cute. and even if i'm a big jealous goof, i'm glad you get along with my brother. i liked seeing you laugh and smile, even if part of it was from your friend + my brother and not from me. making you happy is my number one goal.
10/21: my girlfriend is so patriotic omg i want to listen to you talk about Scotland for the rest of our lives. you're just an adorable human being and you will never understand the effect you have on me. god i'm so lucky to have you.
10/22: you are my all. and, no matter what, i don't ever want to lose you. you're what makes me the most happy, the one that pulls me out of sadness with a smile. the way you talk, the way you smile, the way you get flustered if i stare too long. all of it, all of you, is my everything.
10/23: tag me in cute things. send me good morning messages. remind me you love me because i don't believe it. i need reassurance and i'm thankful that you fauthfully provide. lucky is what i became the moment i met you.
10/24: you are absolutely breathtaking. you're genuinely so beautiful. i can't fathom how lucky i am to have someone as amazing and as beautiful as you. i miss you always, but not because you're beautiful. i miss you because i know you make me a better person. without you, i fail. i need you.
10/25: not talking to you kills me. i want to talk to you constantly. missing you is what my whole existence is made of. you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. the thought of you lights up a smile on my face.
10/26: the world is bigger than us, but with you it feels so small. you're my rock but you also keep on disappearing. i love you, anyone can see that. somedays i'm just not sure if that's enough.
10/27: i'm sorry i'm so dumb and scared of what a wonderful thing we have. you make me so happy and i never want to do that. please never let me go because deep down next to you is the only place i want to be.
10/28: you are mine and if i ever get dumb enough to think you aren't, please smack me. i really do, honest to God, have so much love for you. my better half is you.
10/29: you are the reason my confidence has risen so much. you remind me how wonderful and beautiful i am. i hope i do the same for you.
10/30: whether we have pointless conversations about sixth graders or we have nice deep talks, i'll never get tired of talking to you. i know it's probably silly to others that when we video chat we don't talk the whole time, but i don't feel any less content just sitting and occasionally looking over and seeing you there. my heart hurts just thinking about it. i really am hopelessly in love with you.
10/31: halloween is meant to be spooky and scary, but you make me soft and weak. thank you for spending the majority of October being my number 1. to many more days, weeks, and months with you.
11/01: the idea of you having a playlist that reminds you of me makes me want to scream. you make me feel so wanted and needed. i can't describe the feeling in my chest when you call me babe. you're happiness in a person, an angel on earth, peace in a smile. you're what i want to have forever.
11/02: daily reminder that i love you
11/03: you are sweetness and kindness wrapped into one, surrounding me with the kind of support i need. thank you for always being there for me.
11/04: today was rough, in more ways than one. thank you for talking with me and calming me down - even if you didn't know that you did. you're amazing, the way you speak to me immediately calms me down and i find peace once again. thank you for being my rock, my hope, my love, and my peace. you're amazing.
11/05: good days are always good days when spent with you. you always make things easier and give me room to breathe. you're an angel, i swear it. God really blessed me with you.
11/06: you make bad situations good. you find a way to make me smile when all i am is mad. you're the brighter side of every shadow, reminding me life is worth taking another step.
11/07: Ashleigh. baby. most amazing person in my life, the whole reason i smile and laugh and can actually breathe now. a month with you, how crazy? so many deep talks, silent video calls, and innocent laughter. you're the sun, i swear it. you're an angel, i know it. you show me the parts of me i'm scared to acknowledge and you love them with your everything. you make me laugh when i can't think of doing anything but crying. you are the one i go to when i'm sad, scared, lonely, happy, giggly, soft, and everything in between. i wanna see you everyday, i wanna talk every minute. you're on my mind every day, you make me wanna be who i am. and i know i will never be able to thank you enough for what an amazing human being you are. so here's a few for now: thank you for being goofy. thank you for being kind. thank you for being you. thank you for showing me even though i suck sometimes, you'll love me anyway. happy one month baby, to many more.
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