#but Jesus Christ some of the sixth graders just rip into me day in and day out for no reason other than that they are 11
just-rogi · 1 year
God middle schoolers are MEAN I’ve been callled literal fucking slurs by adults that have hurt less than my middle school girls saying
‘miss behind your back the seventh graders say you are annoying and weird :/‘
like holy shit that’s fuckjng gutting bc I KNOW they mean that shit
#I’m biased bc I had one of the hardest days at work I’ve ever had#like I was so close to just crying in front of my sixth grade class#I wish y’all fucking KNEW how hard I work for you all#like bro I was both the math AND science teacher today- neither teacher made lesson plans so I PERSONALLY had to create lessons#for y’all to do today#‘miss you always seem distracted’ YALL I DONT GET TOLD WHOS CLASS IM COVERING FOR UNTIL I WALK IN THE DOOR IN THE MORNING#THE PRINCIPAL PERSONALLY TOLD ME THAT IM COVERING TWO TEACHERS AND JUST FLAT OUT NOT GETTING A LUNCH BREAK OR PREP PERIOD#BUT I CANT SAY THAT TO YALL BC YALL DONT KNOW WHAT LESSONPLANS ARE#YOU DONT KNOW WHAT PREP PERIODS ARE#AND YOU DONT KNOW WHAT UNIONS ARE AND HOW ITS A VIOLATION OF MY RIGHTS#my seventh grade asked if I get paid double bc I’m covering for two teachers and I said no and literally the entire class fucking revolted#saying I deserve better#I don’t want to be your friends- I don’t want you to LIKE me#but Jesus Christ some of the sixth graders just rip into me day in and day out for no reason other than that they are 11#and yeah they are kids but goddamn it’s fucking grating to hear that every fucking day#I wish I was better but I can’t DO better with no resources or fuckjng help#I have a high support needs autistic student in my class who is assigned an Aba and needs a different placement#because she has meltdowns every class and runs out of the room or cries or screams or yells at other students and I’m the only adult there#because we don’t have a fucking Aba for her!!!#and THEN the sixth graders get mad at me for favoritism because I spend half the class calming her down#there is no winning#and I don’t expect them to understand and they shouldn’t HAVE to understand but GOD I wish they could see how hard I try#the thing that hurt me was that my actual favorite kid accused me of having favorites because I spend all my time with that one student#idk it’s just a mess bc now I have to write things up and now I’m going to need to call home and now I need to do MORE work#and I’m dead tired#and I just want to curl up and cry because why is the weight of the crumbling public education system#entirely on me to hold together with my fucking fingertips#I can’t keep this shit up#especially for shit pay lol
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hazzasgayvodka · 5 years
mister long term booty call chapter two “If I bust my ass, I’m gonna bust yours”
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August 21st, 2011
Despite asking your new friend Jacob in your class for directions, you can’t seem to find your way around anywhere. You look down the row of classrooms and once again don’t see the room number you’re looking for. You huff in frustration before turning back the way you came and trying the other hallway, maybe you’ve just got it backwards, again. It’s hard enough starting middle school and being sorted into nearly all eighth-grade classes but doing so alone after moving to a new city was something else entirely.
You’re just about to duck into the nearest classroom and ask for some directions when suddenly two boys come barreling down the hallway. You try to dodge them against the wall but end up smacking straight into one of them, dropping all of your books to the ground in front of you and scraping your knees against the pavement. You look up to meet the face of the boy who nearly trampled you, expecting him to help you up and maybe even gather your books like in the movies.
“Dude, watch it.” He laughs, standing up and brushing himself off before taking back off after his friend down the hall.
You roll your eyes as you stack your books back up and pull yourself to your feet, wincing a little as you stand on your ankle. The teacher from the room in front of you steps out for a minute to ask if you’re okay and you have to withdraw from making a snide remark about how you’re doing just fucking peachy, instead electing to ask for directions so you can just get to your class already.  
After walking back down the rest of the hall and taking the first right as instructed, your eyes finally land on the room you’ve been looking for. You take a deep breath as you twist the handle of room D-145, preparing yourself to stalk to the back and pray no one notices you.
“Oh, tardy on the first day, are we?” Ms. Barger asks as soon as you step in the room.
“I um, couldn’t find the room, I’m new.” You say quietly, wishing you could crawl into a hole.
“Ah, you must be the sixth grader,” She nods, “Why don’t you go take a seat behind Harry.”
You look in the direction of her pointing finger and see none other than the unruly haired boy that knocked you to the ground in the hallway earlier. He’s giving you a giant lopsided grin now, pointing at the seat behind him. You inwardly groan, dragging your feet over to the empty desk and dropping your books at your feet. You slide into your seat and he immediately turns around as Ms. Barger goes on to take role.
“Hey, what’s your name?” He asks, fully leaning on your desk.
You don’t answer him, trying to wrap your head around why the hell he’s interested in talking to you now when he couldn’t even help you up off the pavement earlier.
“Alright nameless girl,” He sighs, visibly annoyed, “Do you play Pokémon?”
“Styles?” Ms. Barger asks, cutting him off with a certain tone to her voice.
“Yes, Winona?” He grins, clearly pleased with himself and you have to bite your lip to conceal your laugh.
“What have I said about calling me by my first name?” Ms. Barger scolds, “Do you really want to start off this school year with detention?”
“Personally, I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate the coming of a new year of bullshit in this ward.” He smirks, kicking his feet up on his desk in front of him to which Ms. Barger rolls her eyes and turns to the board to start teaching.
“So, as I was saying,” He grins, turning back around and taking out a deck of cards, “You play Pokémon?”
 Present Day
 “Harry, Harry! I’m falling!”
“You’re not falling, Jesus Christ,” He laughs, wrapping his arms around your waist to hold you in place, “Besides you’re on a skateboard a few inches off the ground, not plummeting to your death.”
“Why did I allow you to put me on this death trap again?” You groan, wobbling slightly as he pulls you along by your hips.
“Because it’s a trade, we do something I want to do and then we do something you want to do.” He explains, helping you off the board.
As soon as your feet touch solid ground again you puff out a breath of relief. He laughs as he easily flips the board upside down and flips it back over with his feet, landing right on top of it and skating back around you in circle.
“Show off.” You scoff, trying to shove him off but he grabs your hands and pulls you on instead.
“What were you saying?” He smirks, hopping off the board and leaving you standing on it once again, holding onto his hand for dear life.
“Wait, Harry-“
“You got this,” He laughs, squeezing your hand and walking beside you, “Just try pushing off with your right foot.”
You give him a glare and he grins, reaching up to take his hat off and brush his hair out of his face before putting it back on backwards. He’s totally in his element here in his ridiculously skinny jeans and giant oversized t-shirt. You look back up to meet his face and he’s got his eyebrows raised waiting for you to push off by yourself.
“If I bust my ass, I’m gonna bust yours.” You say definitively, pointing your finger into his chest.
“I don’t doubt that for a second,” He laughs, “Now come on, just try.”
You bite your lip as you transfer all your weight to your left foot and lean over, pushing off on your right foot. He nearly trips to catch up with you as you push off and skate a good distance.
“See!” He grins, grabbing both your hands to stop you, “You did just fine.”
“Okay, okay,” You breathe, trying to catch your breath after holding it the whole time you were skating, “Let’s do it again.”
“Yeah?” He asks eagerly, positioning himself on your left side again, “Whenever you’re ready.”
You do it again, grabbing his right hand in a death grip as you push off and skate even further with him jogging beside you to keep up. You do it a couple more times, getting even more adventurous each time and skating even further across the pavement.
“Okay, now this time, when you get to the end of the pavement, don’t stop, try to turn.” He instructs.
“Try to turn?” You scoff, “How?”
“Here, hop off,” He says, getting on the board himself and pushing off with ease, skating to the end of the pavement, and then leaning on his back foot and jutting the board to the left before pushing off again and skating back over to you, “Did you see it?”
“Kinda?” You say but it comes out sounding more like a question.
“Come on, you got this.” He nods, getting back off the board and rolling it over to you.
You roll your eyes as you grab his hand again and carefully step back on the board. He’s holding your hand nice and tight as you lean over and push off once again, skating towards the end of the pavement.
“See you’ve got it down,” He chuckles, “Now just lean back on your right foot and turn.”
You try to do what you watched him do but the board beneath you is rocking side to side under your wobbly legs and suddenly you’re stumbling right off it and into his arms. He’s laughing his ass off as you nearly trip over your own feet and the board but grabs you in his arms, stabilizing you anyways. You finally allow yourself to laugh with him when you look up and see the giant grin on his face as you lean back in his arms.
“Wanna take a break?” He laughs, letting you go and snapping his board back up into his hand.
“Yeah, besides, it’s my turn.” You smirk, grabbing his hand and tugging him behind you.
In a matter of an hour before you’re both back at your apartment after he showed off a bit more around the skate park hitting the rails. You have no idea how he’s able to grind the board down the slope of the rail without hitting the pavement face first but he’s certainly good at it and likes to remind you of that.
“Y/N, it’s burning, is it supposed to be burning?” He winces, attempting to crane his neck to see his face in the mirror.
“Stop moving,” You giggle, grabbing him by the jaw and turning his face back to yours as he wiggles around on the lid of the toilet seat, “I’m almost done, and the burning means it’s working.”
“What is it supposed to be doing? Melting off my top layer of skin?” He groans as you scoop out more of the purple shimmery face mask and paint it on his chin.
“Yes, exactly.” You nod and the horrified look on his face makes you laugh so hard you bury your face in his chest before standing back up to admire your work.
His hair is pushed back off his forehead with a zebra print headband that perfectly matches the santa cruz t-shirt on his shoulders and his entire face is painted a bright shimmery purple to match my own. He finally stands up off the toilet lid when you tell him you’re finished, and he nearly jumps when he catches a glimpse of his face in the mirror.
“Holy shit I look like a fucking alien,” He chuckles, leaning closer to the mirror, “How long till I can wash this shit off?”
“You don’t wash it off,” You explain, swatting his hands away from his face, “You peel it off in like twenty minutes.”
“Peel it?” He scoffs, turning around to face you, “I can’t peel it off! It’s gonna rip out my stubble!”
“What stubble,” You laugh, shoving him out of the way to walk back to the kitchen, “You have the facial hair of a prepubescent twelve-year-old.”
“Do not,” He huffs, following you to the pantry and grabbing the bag of chips right over your head, “I could totally grow a beard if I wanted to.”
“Oh, sure.” You mock sarcastically, following him over to the couch and immediately shoving your feet in his lap.
“I could!” He huffs through a mouthful of chips, “This shit isn’t going to like dye my face purple is it; I’ve got to get to work in like an hour.”
“You work tonight?” You groan, leaning back against the couch and folding your arms over your chest.
“Five to ten,” He shrugs, cautiously wiping his mouth with the back of his hand to not smear purple everywhere, “Why? You wanna do something?”
“No, just thought we were hanging out tonight since you’re here.” You say nonchalantly, masking your disappointment.
He opens his mouth to speak just as his phone starts ringing in his pocket and he sits up quickly, digging it out of his jeans. He rolls his eyes when they land on the caller ID but he answers it anyways and presses his phone to his ear.
“What’s up?” He asks, sounding less than enthused, “Yeah, yeah I can, I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
He ends the call and you perk up a bit, waiting for him to fill you in but suddenly he’s shoving your feet off of him and jogging over to the door to slide on his Vans.
“Who was that?” You ask.
“Work,” He groans, “Austin never came in so now I have to go in early to cover him.”
“Oh no, whatever shall Zumiez do with one less salesperson on the floor.” You sigh dramatically to which he gives you a pointed look.
“Hey, I’ll have you know I happen to be the top salesperson on that floor.” He smirks, grabbing his backpack and slinging it over his shoulder.
“I’m sure you’re their pride and joy, H,” You laugh, pointing to the purple face mask smeared all over his face, “But aren’t you forgetting something.”
“Oh shit! Yeah, get it off.” He says, leaning down so his face is level with yours.
You lift up the mask around his mouth and he winces all the while as you drag it off his skin little by little. You can’t help but laugh as he sucks in a breath when you rip the last bit off his tiny bit of mustache.
“Jesus Y/N, just do it like a Band-Aid this shit hurts.” He whines and you roll your eyes as you do as he requested and peel the rest off in one swift motion.
He scrunches his face up as you do so, gasping as you rip the last bit off his nose and toss the discarded mask in the trash. He opens his eyes once again and runs a hand over his face feeling his skin.
“Am I purple?”  He laughs.
“You’re absolutely glowing.” You tease as he leans down and grabs his skateboard.
“Awesome, I’m never doing that shit again,” He jokes, “I gotta go, I’ll text you.”
You’re surprised when he opens the door and just before walking through it turns back around and lands a quick peck to your lips. You hardly have any time to react before he’s pulling away, dropping his board onto the sidewalk, and skating off.
You close the door almost hesitantly, waiting for him to look back over his shoulder or something but you know he’s not going to. What the hell was that? A kiss goodbye? Whatever it was for some reason it managed to make your knees weak.
You pull yourself away from leaning your back against the door and into the confines of your bedroom, plopping yourself right down at your desk. It’s about an hour later that you’re still mind-numbingly reading through your calculus book and imagining where that goodbye kiss could have headed if he didn’t have to go to work when your phone buzzes beside you and you’re surprised to see his name pop up on your screen.
H: wyd
Y/N: calc reading
H: rough
Y/N: tell me about it
H: finals coming up yeah?
Y/N: next week, super stressed
H: you know there’s a pretty easy way to destress
H: only requires like two fingers
Y/N: omg shut up
H: just stating some facts
Y/N: didn’t ask for your “facts”
H: fine but don’t say I didn’t try to help
H: brb gotta work
You set your phone back down and sigh, inadvertently clenching your thighs together as your mind goes to the last place you want it to. If he wants to make jokes about you getting off maybe he should have offered to help while he was here. You huff in frustration as you get up out of your chair and retreat to your bathroom instead, turning the water on as cold as you think you can take it and stepping in behind the curtain. You try to clear your head as you stand under the freezing water and suds yourself up with vanilla scented body wash. You rinse yourself off one more time before escaping the cold and wrapping up in a warm towel before walking back into your bedroom to hear your phone buzzing on your desk.
H: I’m back
H: wow love it when you don’t text back
H: it turns me on
H: ignore me harder
Y/N: well if you insist
H: kidding
H: come back
Y/N: that’s what I thought
H: where did you go
Y/N: shower
H: ah someone took my advice
Y/N: no dipshit, someone took a shower
H: oh good
H: I was worried you only lasted fifteen minutes
Y/N: oh shut up
H: you shut up
Y/N: make me loser
H: I definitely can
H: but you might moan a little
H: see, told you
Y/N: the only moaning you’re getting out of me is in sheer annoyance dumbass
H: there we go
H: who needs flirting and affection when you can just have blind hatred
Y/N: you’re such an idiot
H: mmmmm say it again
Y/N: oh shut up
H: are we really going down that road again
Y/N: I don’t know
Y/N: I quite liked where we were headed before
H: you did?
Y/N: are you really going to make me spell it out for you?
H: fucking hell
H: I’m at work woman
Y/N: and now that’s an issue?
Y/N: you were talking pretty big game there Styles
H: okay fine
H: you have exactly three minutes to be naked on your bed while I get to the storage closet
H: and don’t you dare start without me
Your heart is absolutely hammering in your chest when your eyes read over the words as they pop up on your screen. Are you really doing this? While he’s at work? What the hell are you thinking? You know you should stop this right here before things get carried away but something else has already come over you and before you can think straight, you’re stripped of all your clothing, lying back against your headboard. The cold air oscillating from your ceiling fan has you covered in goosebumps nearly instantly, every hair on your body standing up and your jittering hands reaching for your phone to see if he’s texted back just as it starts to ring in your hand.
“Shit, shit, shit,” You swear under your breath, staring at your ceiling as your phone rings in your hand and you try to force yourself to answer it, “Fuck it.”
You answer the call and immediately want to slap yourself for doing so, trying to regulate your breathing as your heart threatens to beat out of your chest.
“You naked, sweetheart?” He breathes through the phone, instantly making your thighs clench together.
“Maybe.” You say, your voice barely a whisper.
“Oh, come on,” He laughs, “Don’t start with that shy shit now, Y/N.”
“Who said I’m being shy?” You smirk, trying to be just as equally witty as he always is, “Perhaps I’m teasing.”
“And we all know just how good you are at that.” He chuckles, trying to break through the awkward tension between the two of you.
What is it about talking dirty to each other over the phone rather than in person that makes it so much harder?
“Surely I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You sigh sarcastically, adjusting the pillows underneath you to get comfortable.
“This innocent act isn’t gonna last sweetheart.”
“Oh, isn’t it?” You giggle, “What makes you so sure?”
“Well we could start with the soaking spot I’m sure you have in your underwear,” He says and you picture the proud smirk on his face when you let your eyes flutter closed, “And end with the fact that you’re on your bed naked for me right now if you’d like.”
“Now come on Styles,” You muse, sounding a lot braver than you feel, “I think we both know I’m the one running the show here, I’ve got you in a supply closet after all.”
“That you do babygirl,” He laughs, and you just know he’s shaking his head at you, “Now sit up against your headboard and spread your legs for me.”
“Way ahead of you.” You smirk, balancing the phone between your ear and your shoulder as you let your fingers lightly circle your opening, making your thighs clench.
“Fuck, of course you are,” He breathes, and you hear the clink of his belt buckle as he undoes it, “Do you have music playing?”
“Mhm,” You hum, “Brockhampton.”
“Jesus,” He pants, “I wanna fuck you to so many songs.”
“Oh yeah?” You hum once again, trying to not let your moans sound too pornstar as you slip your fingers past your entrance, “Like what?”
“I’ll tell you later, promise,” He grunts, “But right now I need you to move your hips as sinfully as you can and imagine it’s my face you’re riding instead of your fingers.”
“Ahead of you again,” You grin, trying to keep your panting in check as your fingers speed up, “You have really got to learn to catch up, H.”
“Fuck off.” He chuckles.
“Tell me what you want to do to me.” You breathe, shocking yourself as the words fall past your lips.
“Christ,” He hisses, and you can picture him biting his lip purple, “I want to tie you down and make you beg, fuck you till you can’t walk straight,” He pants, moans spilling out of his mouth in between every word, “Fuck, please tell me you’re touching yourself cause god knows I am.”
“Way past touching, Harry.” You laugh, your left hand reaching to your chest to tweak your nipples.
“What are you thinking about right now?” He asks.
“What about me?” He inquires further.
“Riding you,” You gasp, nearly choking on the end of the word as you hit that perfect spot, “Pushing you down against my bed and climbing on top of you, sliding onto you, marking up your neck with my mouth.”
“Holy fuck,” He groans in the back of his throat, “I want to bend you over my bed and smack your ass so hard you can’t sit for two days.”
“But you’ll handcuff me first of course,” You tease, trying to get a rise out of him, “Right, Harry?”
“Fuck, I’ll chain you to the bed if you want.” He chuckles.
“Is that a threat or a promise?” You bait him, whimpering as your left hand moves from your nipples back to your clit.
“Sweetheart, it can be whatever the hell you want it to be.”
Your stomach does a series of backflips when the words come out of his mouth in that deep gravelly tone and you find yourself beaming ear to ear as your head relaxes against the pillow behind you.
“You still stressed about calculus?” He teases.
“Funny,” You pant, “Can’t say calculus is necessarily in the forefront of my mind at the current moment, no.”
“Then I’d say I’m doing a pretty good job, huh?”
“Do you think you could get over here and put your mouth to better use than patting yourself on the back?” You suggest, biting your lip as you await his response.
“Don’t tease a weak man, Y/N,” He groans, a small chuckle escaping his mouth, “I don’t get off for another three hours.”
“It’ll be a lot sooner than that if I have anything to do with it.” You grin, an idea coming to fruition in your head.
“What? Y/N?”
You don’t answer any of his questions or respond to your name. Instead, you hang up hastily and climb off your bed, shimmying your underwear back up your legs followed by a pair of jeans and his plain yellow hoodie hanging in your closet.
You slip your phone in your back pocket as you shove your feet into a pair of sneakers and grab your keys, rushing out your bedroom door and nearly coming face to face with your roommate Matt. He has an all assuming smirk on his face as he takes a sip of the can of mountain dew in his hand, eyeing your haphazard outfit and messy hair.
“Heading out?” He laughs.
“Something like that,” You say quickly, heading for the front door, “How long have you uh, been home exactly?”
“Not long,” He shrugs, taking a seat on the couch as you open the door, “Of course it was long enough to hear you screaming, Oh Harry! Harry!”
You turn around with a start, shooting daggers at him as he moans obnoxiously loud, mocking the sounds you were undoubtedly making only minutes ago.
“Fuck off!” You shout, your face burning as you close the door behind you and collapse in the front seat of your car.
You start your car, swearing under your breath as you back out of your parking spot, your hands shaking nervously as you reluctantly make good on your promise, he’ll surely be getting off in a lot sooner than three hours.
 The call drops and he’s swearing under his breath as he fumbles with his phone trying to call you back, but it just rings over and over, angering him further. What kind of game are you trying to play? Getting him this worked up at work and then vanishing right when he’s at the edge.
He takes out his earbuds and tosses his phone back in his pocket with a huff of frustration, rubbing the back of his hand over his now sweaty forehead and lifting his damp hair out of his eyes. He grabs himself in his other hand once again, pumping his hand over his throbbing cock but without your breathy moans surrounding him through his headphones he just ends up frustrating himself even further.
“Fucking hell.” He pants under his breath, finally giving up and leaning against the storage room wall behind him.
He squeezes his eyes shut and tries to imagine your picture perfect chest right in front of him, your eyes rolled back in your head as you bounce on him, biting your lip to stifle your moans before he grabs your jaw and reminds you to be loud for him. The images running through his head are tantalizing for sure, but they’re nothing compared to the whimpers and mewls and filthy words you were spewing straight into his ears only a few minutes ago.
“Fuck it.” He huffs, standing back up straight and stuffing himself in his boxers.
When he buttons his jeans and does up his zipper, he’s thankful for the baggy t-shirt he decided to wear today. He adjusts himself another three times trying to get comfortable with his rock-hard cock straining against the confines of his clothes but once again he gives up and decides to just try and get through the rest of his shift already.
He unlocks the storage room door and emerges quietly, hoping he doesn’t raise any red flags with his other associate considering he was in there at least twenty minutes.
“Oh, there you are man,” Cody laughs, straightening the shirts on the front table, “Thought you might have went to get some food or something.”
“Nope,” He chuckles nervously, “Just uh, straightening all the shoes back there, it was a mess.” He explains, mentally slapping himself when he realizes he’s actually going to have to do that later now.
Cody goes on to complain about some other aspect of the store that’s equally messy but Harry doesn’t hear a word he says as his gaze lands on none other than Y/N, walking hurriedly down the aisle of stores and making a b-line for him as soon as they lock eyes.
“Hey um,” Harry speaks up, cutting Cody off, “Did you want to get out of here early tonight? I can close up myself, we’ve had like three people all night.”
“Serious dude?” Cody grins, “That would be awesome.”
“Yeah, don’t sweat it,” He shrugs, sending you a very pointed look warning you to stay outside, “Grab your stuff and clock out.”
“Thanks, Harry.” He smiles, patting him on the back as he passes him to the back room.
Harry beckons you over quickly, shushing you when you start to speak and nearly dragging you over to the door to the small storage closet.
“Stay in here and don’t make a fucking sound,” He says, his voice pure gravel, “You better be ready for me when I get back.”
Your legs clench on their own accord at the needy tone of his voice before he opens the door and shoves you inside, closing it once again. His head is a clouded, fuzzy mess as he drags his feet back over to the computer at the register and manually clocks Cody out so he can fucking get out of here already.
“Alright, I’m out of here man-“
“Already clocked you out, you’re all good dude.” Harry grins nearly painfully, leaning back against the counter.
“Oh, awesome, thanks,” Cody nods, hiking his skateboard up under his arm and walking towards the front of the store, “See you later.”
Harry lets out the biggest sigh of relief when Cody finally turns the corner and he runs to the entrance of the store, jumping up to grab the gate and pull it down to the floor, kicking the lock closed and nearly running back to the storage room where you’re waiting for him.
He throws the door open roughly and instantly grabs your face in his hands, smashing his lips onto yours as you reach out to grab the door handle and yank it closed. Your hands immediately reach for his belt buckle under his t-shirt, followed by the button and the zipper on his pants. You start to sink down to your knees, but he grabs your arms and stands you back up, lifting his hoodie up off you and biting back a moan as your full chest he was trying to picture earlier is now right in front of him.
“Wanna fuck you,” He grinds out, undoing your jeans as well, “Not gonna last if you try to blow me.”
You try not to laugh at how needy he is, already teetering on the edge. He sucks in a breath as you untuck him from his boxers, just barely pumping your hand over him while his cup your chest, making you whimper.
“You’re not gonna last either, huh?” He smirks proudly, giving your right nipple a pinch and making your knees wobble.
“Well I’m assuming we should be rather quick about this,” You breathe, stepping out of your jeans, “Can’t hide in here all night.”
“Fucking wish we could,” He pants, pressing his thumb against your center, “Lot more fun than folding t-shirts.”
You’re nearly doubling over in pleasure as he rubs his thumb against your clit over your soaking panties. He’s got that cocky smirk on his face as he eases them out of your slit and eases a finger inside you, making you gasp. He circles your clit, spreading your arousal before delving back inside you and making you lean against the wall behind you.
“Harry,” You breathe, “I could have fingered myself at home.”
You let your eyes flutter back open to catch the look on his face as he gives you a teasing glare, withdrawing his fingers from you once again and pushing them past his lips instead, hollowing his cheeks and sucking them clean.
“As you wish, princess.” He mocks, grabbing you in his arms roughly and pressing you against the wall with your legs wrapped around his waist.
You don’t even have time to worry about if you’re too heavy for him to be holding you up like this before he’s sliding into you and filling you to the hilt. You both gasp at the sudden contact, his head instantly falling to your shoulder, his lips messily sponging kisses down your jaw.
“Fuck how are you always,” He pants, pulling out and rutting into you again, “So tight.”
You can’t even comprehend the words coming out of his mouth as your hands thread through his hair, your head leaning back against the wall behind you as your back arches further with every thrust. He’s already so close, desperately thrusting into you at a punishing pace that has you moaning carelessly, nearly screaming his name despite the two of you being locked in a thin-walled closet.
“Please tell me you’re close.” He begs, his nails threatening to dig into the underside of your thighs as he grips you even tighter.
“So close, H,” You pant, grabbing desperately at his back and hardly noticing as you rake your nails across his skin, “Fuck, so close.”
“Cum with me then,” He groans, his moans purely guttural, “Come on Y/N, cum with me babygirl.”
His words are just enough to push you over the edge, squeezing your walls around him as your head rolls back against the wall behind you. Your eyes threaten to flutter closed as your orgasm washes over you, but you force yourself to watch him, relishing in the way his swollen pink lips part perfectly, his eyes screwing shut, and a colorful string of swears falling past his trembling lips. You feel him release inside you, making you clench around him again earning you a gravelly moan from the back of his throat.
He carefully sets you back on the ground, pulling out of you and the empty aching feeling between your thighs returns. He lifts up his t-shirt to wipe his forehead and you want to slap yourself when you feel your thighs still clenching together when you get a quick look at his hardened stomach, his jutting hips and very visible v-line making your mouth water. He pulls his shirt back down, snapping you out of your daze as he pulls his jeans back up and you stumble over yourself as you realize you should be doing the same.
“So, what are your plans for the rest of tonight?” He asks, running a hand through his thoroughly fucked out hair.
“Um,” You think aloud, “Not sure, might have a date with my couch and the ice cream in my freezer.”
“You want to organize some shoes instead?” He laughs, gesturing to the wall of shoe boxes beside you, “After I’ll take you out for all the ice cream you can eat.”
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drugstore-alien · 7 years
conversations people in my grade have had or simply shit they've said
ever since the first day of the school year, i decided to note down weird conversations i’ve heard people have or just simply weird shit they’ve said. now that the school year ended, i decided to post the final result. enjoy.
- “that’s a lot of cocaine dude.”
- “our asses have touched and now we’re bonded for life.”
- “wowzers in my pantzers.”
- “i only do gay for special occasions.”
- “are you flipping water bottles in my classroom ?” “what ?? no, it just - it fell and the wind swooped it from under and flipped it.”
- “you fucking ripped my damn folder.” “it was literally two pieces of paper stapled together … ”
- “do you ever burp and cough at the same time ?”
- “i’ll buy you a cookie if you give me some weed.” “what kind of deal is that ?? hell, no.”
- “i wrote the bee movie script on my spanish homework and the teacher still gave me a 100%.”
- “boys ! this is the fifth time you’re late to class !” “oh, we were in the bathroom having some fun, if you know what i mean.” “jack, you made that sound so gay … we were playing angry birds on our phones.“
- “SON OF A - weasel.”
- “there’s a squirrel in my boot !” “ITS A SNAKE YOU IDIOT, A SNAKE. HONESTLY, LUCAS, WHO RAISED YOU.”
- *takes out a calculator* “is thAT A PHONE I SEE ?” *takes out phone* “hey, can i borrow your calculator ?”
- “i heard that if you choke on dick … you see rainbows.”
- “FUCK the sixth graders. they keep stealing everything i love; cookies, the laptops … fuck this shit.”
- “i’m gonna build a wall between the sixth and eighth grade hallways. they keep coming by our lockers … crowding the hallways … they keep stealing our cookies that by the time we have lunch there’s none left …”
- “i believe you guys can hit that high note.” “BUT I CAN’T. i can’t even hit a homerun … or a blunt … i’m a failure … ”
- “that dude is fat like blueberry fat.”
- “it gets gayer and gayer everyday.”
- “do you want anything from the cafeteria?” “a million dollars and good grades.” “i’m going to the cafeteria, not the make-a-wish foundation, jesus christ.”
- “you look like a nine year old.” “well, you look like a seventeen year old druggie dropout erin so what’s good ?”
- “i’ll tickle mickel’s pickle for a nickel.”
- “I SWEAR ON MY DAD’S GRAVE. just kidding he’s not dead but he did leave me once at the supermarket.”
- “just skip the intro.” “YOU JUST CAN’T SKIP THE F.R.I.E.N.D.S INTRO. HOW DARE YOU LIKE OH, MY GOD, AVA, LEAVE.” “but molly —” “I SAID LEAVE.”
- *at the white house* “this is the capitol building, right ?” “no, it’s the washington monument you dumbass.“
- “scott, this is blue.” “actually lindsey, since i’m colorblind, it’s grey.” “but you’re not —” “i’m also deaf, lindsey.”
- “i should’ve shoot for the mountains instead of the stars.”
- “can a song get you pregnant ?”
- “is that weed i see ???” “no, it’s just a salad —” “I’M CALLING AN AMBULANCE.”
- “honestly, anastasia is me. we’re both russian —” “princesses who lost their family because of some weird psycho ?? yeah, i don’t think so.”
- *plays something by beethoven* “does anyone know what song or piece this is ?” “HIPS DON’T LIE BY SHAKIRA.” “NO, IT’S PARTY IN THE U.S.A BY MILEY CYRUS.” “how even —”
- “i’ve gotten in trouble so many times whenever i go to the office the principal already has my mom’s phone number dialed ready to call.”
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