#and THEn u can have the privilege of human connection and having fun. ur scum and u should kill yeself tho lowkey.
hairydykecunt · 4 months
i cant fet myself to do anything
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pantheon-god-of-war · 7 years
THE BASICS: Name: Pantheon, Atreus (vessel) Nicknames: God of War Age: Ancient Species: Human magically altered, Targonian deity
PERSONAL: Religious beliefs:  His own religion, the art of war.  Sins: Lust / Greed / Gluttony / Sloth / Pride / Envy / Wrath Virtues: Chastity / Charity / Diligence / Humility / Kindness / Patience / Justice Primary goals in life: To follow his single command, the protection of Targon. Creating wars on end to feed is thirst for power, growing stronger to better comabt the void which is the actual enemy of Targon. Languages known: Pantheon can speak every language there is. He can read their soul and speak to any individual in their native language. Its more a spiritual connection than him actually knowing the language. His true language is war, because ever man understands combat and war he has a connection with each single one of them. 
Secrets:  His father, the founding god of Targon implanted a weakness in Pantheon as a fail safe. Should his own son one day turn against him in blood lust. Even Pantheon does not know about this. The all father knew that war was a neccesity for Targon and humanity. But unlike Pantheon he does not want the world to singularly revolve around war. The counter to war is love and so it is to Pantheon. The Sun was the star to calm the Pantheon constellation and ease him. In aspect from the war god finds himself drawn to the solar aspect. In other words Leona is his weakness, she can best control and quell his anger. It a weakness he has not yet discovered.  Quirks: Aside from the constant brooding? Well Pantheon is a reclusive being, he only thrives in combat and among the rakkor. Most people think he is loud, but in actuality Pantheon is a very silent person. He mostly stays out of conversation and retreats into a dark corner or behind the safety of his myrmidon warriors.
PHYSICAL: Height: 7′3 Weight: 250kg Scars & birthmarks: two scars suffered by Leona when she and Atreus were fighting, they stretch over his lips. Three claw marks suffered by Atreus in his coming of age ritual in which he had to fight a dire wolf with bare hands. Pantheon has the ability to heal all wounds tapping into the forces of war.   Abilities & Powers:  Inhuman strength, stamina and speed. Powerful enough to leap into orbit and come down with a comet like power shattering the ground beneath him. His mind processes everything he sees about 15 times faster than humans, which means he has near lightning reflexes. He can summon his weapons at a moments notice. His armor and shield fully nullify magic and fire. Able to feed off of the psychic energies of war which makes him near invulnerable in the middle of a battle.  He can also feed on anger, hate and the sorts that fuels combat but it is less nourishment than actual war. His weapon, Solarion can pierce meta physical beings like Aurelion Sol, undead wraiths, demons, ghosts and other things that would usually go unharmed by normal weapons.  Restrictions:  [classified].
FAVORITES: Drink: Water, nothing else. He will not allow his senses to be dulled.  Pizza topping: Hawaii, just to make people angry. That feeds him more than the pizza itself.  Color: Red, the color of fire and blood.  Music genre: War chants, he doesn't have any other music on Targon.  Book genre: War strategies of bygone time (how to win over a girl, lol) Movie genre:  no such thing on Targon Season: Summer Butt type: Leona-type. (smacked) Athletic and strong, well shaped buttocks for lugging a tower shield and Sword around in full golden plate (better) Swear word: Mortal + cur, scum, fool, insect, bug, creature, weakling Scent: Chypre, leather, amber/bark, metal and blood with a mix of sweat.  Quote: “Peace is simply a war that never happened.” “They will be privileged to die at my feet.” “If war is obsolete, so are men.” “He who has seen war never stops seeing it.”
FUN STUFF: Top or bottom: no matter the position, he is dominant either way Sings in the shower: no, he does sing when he is alone and sure no one can hear him.  Likes bad puns: He ends bad puns with a cracked spine.  Morality: Lawful / Neutral / Chaotic / Good / Gray / Evil / he means well, in the worst way possible Build : Slender / Scrawny / Bony / Fit / Athletic / Herculean / Babyfat / Pudgy / Overweight / Other Favorite food: Various assortments of meat. Fashioned by himself.  Theme music: War gods presence
Their opinion on the mun: "Delusional fool as if Leona would even glance your way.”
TAGGED BY: @fioranightraven TAGGING: @ask-leona @illecebroxs @axe-me-darius (stop changing ur fucking url u scrub jfc) @twindisciplines @unseen-blades and everyone who reads this and wishes to partake build that muse yo!
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