#and a decent but odd season of bobf
spockvarietyhour · 1 year
So I'm curious what are your thoughts on Star Trek Picard Season 3? Based on most of your tags, I get the impression that you did not enjoy it.
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It is what it is. held together by duct tape and threadbare storytelling and one last hallway shootout.
Nostalgia is a hell of a drug and it couldn't really save this one.
As it stands, ignoring the novels retcon, does it outperform "These are the Voyages", which also used some Enterprise-D flashbacks in it?
Oh I thought my answer was gonna be yes but I'm just.....
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maybe by a nose, its better than that. This season was a mess again that didn't really know what it wanted, invested heavily in tropes and wanted a shootout a minute from the looks of it. All those scenes on M'Talas Prime, wasted potential of the Changelings (oh we fixed that. we got the transporters fixed), the omission of Laris in the finale when they made sure to put her in the season premiere.
Not to mention the Borg, oh the Borg. one transwarp hub down out of six and one dead queen is all it takes apparently.
In a way the closing scene of this season's Mandalorian and Picard reflect a poor attempt to reach an endgoal by some of the worst possible means. Those closing scenes are good but unearned.
And, this goes back to TNG-era Trek, Star Trek can't envision civilian life in these models. Everyone has to join Starfleet, we cant have any main civilian characters.
After listening too to Matalas on Gates' pod I have a feeling that we're trapped in another cycle of trying to Star-Wars-ify Trek, and the Trench run sorta reinforced that.
I think that's all I got tonight.
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