spockvarietyhour · 1 year
So I'm curious what are your thoughts on Star Trek Picard Season 3? Based on most of your tags, I get the impression that you did not enjoy it.
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It is what it is. held together by duct tape and threadbare storytelling and one last hallway shootout.
Nostalgia is a hell of a drug and it couldn't really save this one.
As it stands, ignoring the novels retcon, does it outperform "These are the Voyages", which also used some Enterprise-D flashbacks in it?
Oh I thought my answer was gonna be yes but I'm just.....
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maybe by a nose, its better than that. This season was a mess again that didn't really know what it wanted, invested heavily in tropes and wanted a shootout a minute from the looks of it. All those scenes on M'Talas Prime, wasted potential of the Changelings (oh we fixed that. we got the transporters fixed), the omission of Laris in the finale when they made sure to put her in the season premiere.
Not to mention the Borg, oh the Borg. one transwarp hub down out of six and one dead queen is all it takes apparently.
In a way the closing scene of this season's Mandalorian and Picard reflect a poor attempt to reach an endgoal by some of the worst possible means. Those closing scenes are good but unearned.
And, this goes back to TNG-era Trek, Star Trek can't envision civilian life in these models. Everyone has to join Starfleet, we cant have any main civilian characters.
After listening too to Matalas on Gates' pod I have a feeling that we're trapped in another cycle of trying to Star-Wars-ify Trek, and the Trench run sorta reinforced that.
I think that's all I got tonight.
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90363462 · 2 years
Prince William being named sexiest bald man in the world when Mike Colter is right there only proves the racism, England. 
Originally posted by gifsontherun
Actually Black men in Hollywood in general. It's kinda their thing
Originally posted by hip-hop-homoerotica
Originally posted by acecroft
Originally posted by lady-arryn
Originally posted by thecaptainoutoftime
Originally posted by cowboymitchell
England has never produced a sexy prince. Bald or otherwise.Mack
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#dirty13: America's Ass Edition. I wanna smack that ass!, finger that ass!, eat that ass!, fuck that ass!, and bred that ass!
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UO: Buffy The Vampire Slayer should have ended with Season 5's, "The Gift."
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
I don’t think this is really an unpopular opinion, I’ve heard a lot of people who share the same sentiment. However, I strongly disagree. I prefer the promising and hopeful ending of Chosen so much more
Is The Gift a great episode? Absolutely. It’s masterful. And yes, a lot of crap happens between there and Chosen that we would love to forget and to have it never happen. But The Gift was not the ending Buffy deserved.
I’m sorry, but as much as I know that with great power comes great responsibility and yadda-yadda-yadda, I don’t want my hero’s ending to be her committing suicide in order to save the world. Buffy’s journey didn’t deserve to end there. I’ve written about this more eloquently than I can at 2.40 in the morning over here. 
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thecaptainoutoftime · 6 years
replied to your
                   thecaptainoutoftime: spockvarietyhour: Child’s...                
   AU where he returned Gillian Taylor 2 years after she left and mystery kid, and since she’s been reported missing/dead assumes a new life as a dept. store clerk    
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lotsource · 8 years
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Every Star Wars references in Legends of Tomorrow 2x09 - Raiders of the Lost Art (requested by @thecaptainoutoftime)
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spockvarietyhour · 11 months
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Star Trek II vs Lower Deck's escape from the Genesis Explosion, requested by @thecaptainoutoftime
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2,3,4,8,9,28,29,38, 70-age?
2) Brown
3) Bluish-green or hazel. Depends on the lighting and my mood.
4) Florida, until the mothership comes to reclaim me.
8) Pasta
28) Hell yes!!! :-)
29) Night owl, definitely.
38) No, but I should be wearing them.
70) 40+
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#dirty13 After watching the Endgame trailer a million times, I'd really like to console Steve Rogers and put a smile on face if you know what I mean ; )
HE does.
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Replies masterpost, I guess?
curiousorigins replied to your post “UO for Buffy: I would have loved to see Willow/Fred, especially over...”
I completely agree. Though I would have liked to eventually have seen some Will/Fred. After proper mourning
They definitely would’ve been more interesting than Willow/Kenned ever were.
whiskeywin replied to your post “If you're still doing UOs, mine is that Season 7 is SO underrated and...”
I misread that as the Scoobies taking breakfast, and I was like "you know what, they did eat breakfast a lot in season 7..."
omg you’re RIGHT! The Summers’ kitchen was featured heavily during season 7.
cynassa replied to your post “What do the green and yellow parts in your icon mean?”
@sulietsexual oh gosh, now I'm gonna say that that's why I did it XD. But no, I just wanted it to look pretty tbh because our marshmallow deserved /the best/
I’ll owe you forever for making my lovely icon, and I’m glad we agree on our new origin story for it :)
thecaptainoutoftime replied to your post “Unpopular opinion angel shouldn’t have come back after he was...”
The Only reason Angel was brought back at all was because of the spin-off. Whedon intended him to stay dead.
That’s why I said I can’t wish he wouldn’t have come back, it’d mean no ATS.
rahirah replied to your post “UO - Angel/Spike is a Decent-ish ship”
Back In The Day Spangel rivaled Spander as the most-shipped m/m pair, so I would hardly call this an unpopular opinion!
Agreed. Maybe the “decent” part is unpopular. I would call it an indecent ship :P
moratheexplorer replied to your post “UO fuffy should’ve been a thing in s3”
Ehh considering what happened in season 4 with Faith I'm kinda glad we don't have another canon wlw who is a rapist. (I know you already talked about this in another ask but I seriously can't get over the fact that Faith never gets any consequences from that)
Season 4 events probably wouldn’t have happened if Faith and Buffy had become a thing in season 3. But I totally agree with you about never getting over the fact that Faith is not held accountable for the rapes.
gendervilleusa replied to your post “UO: the love triangle shouldn't have been duncan-veronica-logan, it...”
I'm also strongly anti love triangle, but I gotta say, Weevil/Veronica/Logan would be pretty great. It'd be more like a love sphere -- like who even is trying to get with who? THE ANSWER IS ALL OF THEM.
catefrankie replied to your post “Unpopular opinion angel shouldn’t have come back after he was...”
We'd also miss out on Amends!! which is a really powerful episode. Strong is FIGHTING
Another good reason to keep Angel around!
imhairybuffalo replied to your post “UO - Angel/Spike is a Decent-ish ship”
Strongly agree, they'd have had loads of sexual tension with Angelus occasionally doing Drusilla etc a fanged foursome was how they spent hundreds of years (or at least decades) so I even highly doubt it was only once, though dru and Darla also express bisexuality which probably translated into a lot of their smuttier victim choices
They were the kinkiest vampires in town, that’s for sure.
emilykinncy replied to your post “zur-en-arrhbatman replied to your post “I don’t know if this is an...”
season 7 is my fave buffy season too! haha so now you've found 2 of us
Apparently, season 7 as a favorite is not an unpopular opinion at all. I even read an article about it the other day.
happilyshanghaied replied to your post “Unpopular opinion: Veronica and Duncan in season 2 felt really forced...”
Duncan is straight up loathed by this fandom. Like, people may find Piz annoying, but they don’t have the same vitriol. Duncan is a garbage person and Veronica did look like a massive idiot falling for his bullshit.
Did I write this? Cosigned!
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animusrox · 9 years
Top 5 Superheroes
1. Batman2. Spider-Man3. Superman4. Captain America5. Daredevil
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godibrokethecrayon · 11 years
✘: Scars aren't very pretty- my muse has to show you theirs.
Tony winced in pain as he sat down in the chair, hand over the reactor, hoping that the aching would just stop. "Thanks for helping me out here, Cap. This thing hurts like hell after taking that hit...Just gimme a second here, I need to check the contacts and make sure everything's in tact, then we can head back for the debrief."
Slowly, and with more care than he thought he could manage, Tony pulled his shirt off, hobbling over to the mirror Steve was standing by. "Not so pretty once you strip all the shiny bits off, huh?" He gestured to the scarring on his torso, grimacing as he felt the skin and muscle pulling at the housing of the arc.
He inhaled sharply as he pressed on it, making sure his sternum hadn't been cracked. God, he could swear even his old shrapnel wounds were screaming after the fight they'd just been in. "Think you can do me a favor and tell Patches I hit the infirmary? There's no way I can suffer through this for a few more hours."
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Enterprise-D arriving at Jupiter in "The Last Generation" requested by @thecaptainoutoftime
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Aliens 1986
Ugh no, I haven’t, but I really want to!!! 
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animusrox · 10 years
That Batgirl: TAS set you posted is that for an actual series?
Unfortunately it's not. It's a clip from a Brave and the Bold episode where they toyed the idea of a Batgirl show.
You can watch it here
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