#and a lot of the time it's just .. not necessary .. ( bc usually it's drawing comparisons between two things and you can just talk about the
lingeringscars · 2 years
gentle thingy with the current t/100 resurgence. actually 2 things : i am still v sensitive ab bellamys death and still will not write about it and encourage people to Not talk to me about it / the very end of the show.
the main thing is that i know esp w/ t/100 there is A Lot of critique/hate that happens. i’ve lived through all of it as someone who watched from s2 on. there is a lot to be critical about i’m not going to deny that or try and argue otherwise BUT it can and has really sapped my energy and excitement over it so if u post on the dash pls just... tag it?? whether it’s over a ship or character or the show or even j/roth.  
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wildflowrrs · 5 years
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*:・゚✧ manakete!cypher is well... tragic, really.
*:・゚✧ generally speaking, she keeps the same motif as always--- abused by her father for years, eventually snaps and kills him, and then runs off to live on her own in the world despite being HORRIFICALLY unprepared for it. this is no exception, except it’s considerably worse.
cypher’s father is not actually her father. she never knew her true parents, and can only remember always being raised by a shitty human she was forced to call father.
cypher is treated as a pet, or a trophy, whichever you feel is more accurate. as dragons/manaketes are rare, she’s often showed off by her father to others, who are often too touchy for her liking, whether in dragon form or not, and often ends up hurting her in some kind of way, which of course makes her react poorly, and thus--- makes punishments worse.
she’s literally raised like a dog. did i mention she’s chained up and muzzled near 24/7? bc she is. despite being a dragon, she’s still young--- and constantly in pain, so escaping or fighting back isn’t a very solid option, nor idea, bc doing so only makes it all the more worse.
she eventually does get pushed to her limits and rebels in a very, very feral way--- unfortunately during one of her “showings” as a dragon. chains finally broke after her years of attempts of escape, and, well, not a pretty sight--- everyone was slaughtered. brutally.
of course, she flees, but unlike her other verses--- she doesn’t regret it a single bit.
eventually someone is kind enough to remove her muzzle for her as it has been on for days and she’d been starving, despite her initial displeasure with the concept of a human being nice to her. should she ever meet them again, they would certainly be treated a bit nicer in comparison to others.
appearance: note: i will draw this all later for a good visual ref
she keeps the usual wild, short pink hair and ocean blue eyes, and body covered in scars.
she has draconic features in human form, as to be expected with me. her forearms and hands, as well as legs below the knees have a scaled texture and are clawed, always. she also has a tail which is always around, as well as cat-like eyes and razor sharp teeth. of course with all manaketes she has the pointed ears, and horns are up for debate whether shown or not.
in dragon form--- tldr she looks like toothless, body wise. head wise is different, but i’ll still end up using toothless as a fc, probably. again, ill draw it later.
as expected, she’s pink. literally everyone expected this. ill leave it to the eventual drawing for details.
the chains around her neck and one of her arms remains, regardless of form. dont ask me how it works, just know it works. when she eventually gets herself a dragonstone, it’s embedded into the chain collar. again, don’t ask how it works.
game related:
recruiting her is incredibly, INCREDIBLY difficult, but it’s possible. it just takes a few attempts. just know she won’t adjust very well at all, but give her the time and i’m sure she will.
im not fantastic with fire emblem, so i wont go in with skills or anything like that--- feel free to suggest stuff, idc. but stat wise, the general gist is that her attack is high, defenses and speed are okay, luck is terrible, and her hp is fucking massive. naturally of course, incredibly weak to things effective on dragons--- falchion especially. for feh? red infantry dragon.
maybe not game related at all, but idk where else to really put it--- she’s fire elemental. guess what color they are! if u thought pink u were WRONG theyre blue just like her eyes.
cypher dislikes humans greatly--- and lashes out at them should they get too close, whether it be fatally or not, there will be injury.
as always, do not touch her without her consent. allies or not, there still is very much so the risk of being fatally injured. trauma, man.
she bonds easier with other dragons. it’s not immediate of course, but it’s noticeable.
she’s a very solitary person. when pair up strategies are introduced she’s VERY against it, but will go through with it if necessary.
she purrs! of course she purrs. this is jordyn we’re talking about. if they’re not human in any way, they purr. its law.
as expected, she does not warm up to people easily. it takes A LOT of time and effort, but it IS possible. if she trusts the person enough, they’ll be allowed to touch her in and out of dragon form.
she’s able to push away the curse dragons have of eventual maddening for longer than what’s considered normal--- she was able to go through what she had without going mad then, surely she’s able to push it away out of sheer stubbornness and spite. of course that doesn’t mean she’s immune to it, she definitely can slip into those moments, but she’s more likely to get herself back to normal rather than be consumed by it.
bonus emo bc of that ask: when cypher realizes just how slow she ages compared to the people around her and most importantly her friends--- it really fucks her up. imagine growing up to absolutely despise humans for the way youve been treated, eventually manage to learn to trust them and grow actually positive attachments to them to the point of no longer randomly lashing out at every one you see, only for all that you care for to die right before your eyes while you’re still living strong. it fucks her up so badly, and it gives her a sense of betrayal, enough so that she’d eventually revert to her old ways and live in solitary while being aggressive to any humans who dare approach her.
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I saw on your SpIn page that you like comparing written storytelling to other mediums. Do you mean like a book that was turned into a movie or something? Or could you give an example so I understand better? It sounds really interesting and close to one of my SpIns! (private response or not, doesn't matter to me)
And nope, that’s not what I meant (seriously, do NOT get me started on books that I’ve read that were turned into movies. it.... won’t end well), but it’s understandable confusion! 
What I meant is that every piece of media has a type of storytelling and certain narrative elements that are unique to them. Let’s compare books and movies for example: the reason you have to change books when turning them into movies is because books and movies are fundamentally different mediums. 
Books, for starters, are text-based medium. Books tell a story. While most writers know the ‘show, don’t tell’ rule, books are still ultimately told through words and not images. All images can to be described by words, but the reader will fill in the blanks with their own imagination. Books have the luxury of getting completely into the main character’s head, and can therefore make things very, very clear, by giving the character internal monologues, for example. It’s also generally understood that you’ll spend at the very least a couple of hours reading a book, most likely a couple of days, so books can go into great detail about the characters/plot/worlds, etc.
Movies, however, are a visual medium. Movies, unlike books, do not tell their story, they show it. While movies do have a point of view through which the story is told, it is usually less clear than in books; additionally, in movies, scenes can switch between characters on the drop of a hat, whereas in books, this would generally be discouraged unless you have a clear mark where the change can happen (between chapters, for example). Movies also have a shorter ‘runtime’ than books; movies can take up a maximum of three hours before the audience starts complaining that it’s too long. 
(Movies also have one other major advantage over books: audio. While certain audiobooks may have simple songs or sound effects, movies have an entire soundtrack. They have sound effects, they have hand-picked songs for scenes, they have completely new songs composed, etc. etc. The soundtrack is used to define the mood of any given scene and/or the entire movie. Depending on how good the soundtrack is, it can make or break a movie. This is not relevant to the comparison, I just wanted to point it out.)   
So, when adapting a book to movie, you will obviously need to deal with changes in medium. Because books have the time to be more detailed, movies will need to cut out subplots or even change the main plot in order to fit it into their own, much more limited, runtime. Movies also need to adapt the written descriptions to actual images; this can be a problem, if a) the fanbase is particularly picky, or b) if the directors/producers/whoever in the production staff is lazy. In addition to this, movies can show the story from more perspectives than the book usually can and/or will, so it will often give different characters a larger role in order to be more engaging to the viewer (for example, spending more time with the villain than the book does, in order to build suspense). This, too, will often lead to changes in the plot.
This is why change when adapting books to movies is necessary: ultimately, books and movies are different mediums that have different rules of storytelling, and what works in one might not work in the other. Anyone who demands that books cannot be changed when adapting to movie is quite frankly not thinking about it hard enough.
(That said, there’s also something called ‘I don’t care’ syndrome in Hollywood, where they only use big-name books to market their movie, rather than try to make it a faithful adaptation (see also: Percy Jackson). This, understandably, pisses off the fans of the book. Frankly, I hate this. If you’re gonna adapt a book, at least try and make it resemble the original, please and thank you.)
This example got out of hand, but my point is that all mediums of storytelling are unique. Some quick examples of how other mediums (can) tell stories (under the cut bc this is already way too long whoops):
Comics are a medium between books and movies, in that they are a visual storytelling device, but can spend more time on developing their characters/plots/worlds than movies, because people are willing to buy multiple volumes of a comic. 
American superhero comics are especially fascinating to me, because they’ve created such a vast universe that DC (and Marvel I’m pretty sure, though don’t quote me on it) have destroyed their entire universes multiple times just to try and get some control back over them (spoiler: it didn’t work). That stories can get so vastly out of hand seemingly without anyone noticing until it was too late is incredibly fascinating to me.
Video games are in a unique position because they are interactive; the player actively makes decisions in them. With some small examples like tabletop RPGs, visual novels (though you could argue those are games), and choose-your-own-adventure books, this is the only medium that has access to this. Because of this unique feature, they can incorporate things such as ‘karma’ endings (aka if you make bad choices you get a bad ending). They also have some other features they can utilize to make their storytelling more unique (such as the ‘save’ function, which Undertale did especially well), but I’ll leave that bc I suck at games so I know fairly little about them.
TV shows are like movies but better, imo. TV shows have the exact same advantages and disadvantages as movies, except that they have one thing movies do not: time. TV shows can take multiple episodes (the length of which varies, but serious adult shows seem to be around the 1 hour mark per episode) to tell their story, and thus they have the time to incorporate more detail/subplots than movies. Of course, this does mean that you need to learn how to pace TV shows differently than movies, and also you need to actually have the attention span to watch one (which. I do not. yikes).
Animation is yet another form of audio-visual storytelling, but this one has the added bonus of not needing to be limited by making things look ‘real’. In fact, it’s better if they do not. This makes animation one of the best types of media for fantasy/sci-fi shows that need more creative visual storytelling than live action movies/tv shows will allow.
Anime is a sub-genre of animation that I find particularly fascinating, because anime isn’t western, and therefore follows different storytelling rules than I’m used to. Just a little western animations vs anime comparison:
Western: moving characters, even in the background; animation quality is fairly consistent throughout the show (except maybe in the latter eps when they run out of budget); backgrounds are usually not that detailed; usually episodic rather than plot-driven; usually focuses primarily on humor rather than serious emotion/plot; primarily used as a medium for kids’ shows.
Anime: background is static, only lips of characters move; backgrounds tend to be very detailed; animation quality explodes during fight scenes/emotional climaxes; usually plot-driven rather than episodic; is more often used for serious storytelling than western animation; used equally as a medium for kids’ and adult shows (and can therefore delve into more mature themes than western animation generally does).
I know anime usually gets written off (at least in the west) either because people don’t like the art style or because of the ‘yaoiz/weaboo’ fanbase, but it’s a really unique medium of storytelling when it isn’t pandering to creepy men and/or pedophiles. 
(Houston the anime industry has so many issues I’m gonna cry)
I’m too new to Podcasts to know clearly what the rules, advantages, and disadvantages to this type of storytelling would be, but with the huge success of podcasts like Critical Role and The Adventure Zone, I think that there is certainly a draw to this type of storytelling that no other has. I really should start listening to see if I can figure out what it is.
So yeah that’s basically my main special interest! Lots of me thinking about what the most innovative use of HP would be in a game, what the uses of live action vs animation is, whether a certain story is better told through TV or book, etc. etc. I love it so much and PLEASE if you have any questions ask me! But! Again, thanks for asking I love infodumping!
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darby-draws-archive · 7 years
I got a bunch of q's for them siblings, Lauren Mark and Nathan!! 5-7, 10, 12, 17, 19, 27, 30 and 31!
Thank you for asking so many questions for these good siblings!! And for being so patient! :,) I feel like I could’ve gotten more into specific scenarios with some of these but I didn’t quite know where to start or which question would have the better examples. But I’m sure you’ll enjoy anyway, I’ve definitely got enough info down for sure! Under the cut for obvious rambling reasons.
5. What traits does each person find endearing in the other?
Mark: Lauren’s ridiculously confident in herself and Nate’s always really passionate and excited about what he does.Lauren: Nathan tries to be friends with everybody and Mark has always had my back. Nathan: Mark’s just the right amount of sarcastic to be fun and he takes the band really seriously. Lauren’s secretly a big softie even when she pretends she’s cooler than everyone else.
6. Which traits does each person find annoying in the other?
Mark: They never shut up.Lauren: Oh my god, Mark thinks he knows everything and Nate never shuts up. He’s the bratty baby brother neither of us asked for. (laUREN!) (its true but they still love him)Nate: tHEY’RE BOSSY. And patronizing. And cynical.
7. How often do they see each other? How often do they talk to each other?
Nate and Mark see each other at least once a week, more if there’s lots of band practice or concerts to play or just wanna hang out! They see Lauren a handful of times throughout the year, at holidays and random visits.
Mark talks with Lauren more than Nathan does, kinda on a weekly basis, sometimes more, depends how busy they are or if they’ve got Exciting Gossip. Lauren and Nate probably talk like once after most full moons and a handful of other times,,, Nate wants to hear how the werewolf adventures go.
10. What would they get for each other as birthday gifts?
Mark’s mostly just gives money tbh, sometimes he’ll go halfsies on more expensive gifts but he doesn’t normally Think of the good gifts. He might take them out like to the record store and buy some things they pick out themselves. This is particularly good with Lauren, since it’s also his birthday and he has the excuse to get stuff he wants, too.
Lauren will usually find various music related things, shirts an posters of some bands they like, patches and pins for their Cool Jackets™. Nate likes comic books and movies, Mark would like biographies of musicians or maybe some video game, it varies but she could definitely find some things.
Nate tries to get Lauren makeup and sometimes it works out. He’d probably be better off with a gift card for it but he’s insistent that he knows “the hottest new eyeshadow thingy” and “the trendiest nail polish colors this season”. (he just Says these things, he doesn’t actually know anything) I think Nathan gets Mark a fun vidya game because he knows everyone else is getting him band related stuff,, unless he’s specifically asking for things.
12. Do either of them have any hobbies or interests which annoy the other?
Nottt particularly? I can’t really think of anything, if they don’t share the interest in something they just kinda leave it alone. Maybe if Lauren had to listen to tooo much of their band practice at once it would annoy her, just because her hearing is sensitive and they’re loud bois. She WANTS to enjoy it but what can u do. Mark kinda thinks they’re both way too into the horror genre but he doesn’t mind all that much.
OF COURSE this was different when they were younger and they often teased one another for certain interests,, but they grew out of that. (okay, mostly,, light teasing may still happen..) Most themes involved Lauren (or Nate’s) love for pop music and boybands or when Nate started experimenting with his guyliner. (and Lauren only teased him bc it was poorly drawn on…)
17. When one is feeling down, how does the other respond?
I kinda mentioned this one with the bros here the first time I reblogged these questions, but to add on Lauren:
On minor sad days, Lauren’s the type to give advice if she can or some kind of generic comforting thing and then kinda joke with her brothers. She kinda downplays her helping, kinda like “the solution’s simple, you just, do this. Is that reALLY all you wanted to talk to me about???” And if she can get either of them to laugh after they’ve been crying then it’s fair game for her to tease them for it.
If it’s a major sad thing, she tries to be The Strong One in those types of situations, even if it’s hard. She’ll listen if they wanna talk and cry, try to sound reassuring when telling them that it’ll be okay.
Mark’s better at comforting Lauren, they were definitely closer growing up so they kinda know exactly what would help. She doesn’t like feeling “weak” from showing emotions but she doesn’t mind crying in front of him and he’s alright at calming her down. But really Lauren usually just needs someone to rant to and maybe give a little advice, (she won’t outright ask for it but she leaves looong pauses for you to suggest something..) Mark knows and can easily handle that.
Nate isn’t used to seeing a sad Lauren and wouldn’t quite know how to react. Can you…. Tease her for this??? Is that allowed? What would Mark do.. But really, he just tries to be his normal happy self to cheer her up! Tell a funny story or joke.
19. Has one ever had to stop the other from making a very foolish decision? And did the other listen to them?
APsolutely. Mark is Lauren’s impulse control and Nate’s bossy older brother. Mark does stupid shit too but I don’t think any of them really stop him. Though, Mark would actually listen to Lauren on occasion. They both wouldn’t really listen to Nate even if he did try to stop them?? They don’t trust his judgement any more than they do their own. Nate might listen to them about half the time maybe? Still very foolish…
Lauren might try to stop Nathan more, Mark’s old enough to do his own thing. Plus, she finds it funnier if Mark fucks something up somehow, with Nate it’s mostly just sad.
Mark used to try and stop Lauren from doing stupid shit a lot in their teen years, but now he stops Nate from doing stupid stuff more often just by proximity and how much they see each other in comparison. Nate is bound to do something foolish at some point. He normally doesn’t find out Lauren’s doing something foolish until after the fact, now.
27. How far would each go to protect the other?
Oh they’re very protective, Mark used to get involved with Lauren’s fights a lot in high school. (She was always gettin into trouble.) I don’t think Nate really gets into situations like that, but in general he’s protective of him, yeah. (and that extends to Izzy, too.. I know this is about the sibs but this is definitely a situation where he treats her like family. He’s just ! A protective older brother all around, for everyone.)
Lauren,, being a werewolf and undoubtedly the strongest of them all now,,,, could do some damage if she needed to and she wouldn’t hesitate if it was to protect her siblings.
Nate’s a lotta bark and no bite, to be honest, so he wouldn’t get in as many fights like they would. But, he’s passionate and wants to protec them too if he can!
30. How far would each person follow the other? Would they trust them enough to commit crime because the other asked them to?
Uhh, pretty far, especially the twins. They have a lot of trust for each other and yeah I could see that involving a crime if it was completely necessary. At the very least, hiding a crime that the other one did..
Mark: We need to fuck someone’s shit up? I’ll fuck someone’s shit up.Lauren: Listen, I’m not saying that. All I’m saying is I know where to find some very sharp teeth and some very secluded woods.Nate: I draw the line at petty theft and arson.
Siiince Nate’s our lil crime boy in the runaway AU though, I’ll expand a lil more on that scenario since it’s more tangible? I think they’d both get involved immediately if he asked/said he was in some kind of trouble. Kind of a heat of the moment ofc I gotta help my lil bro out of a bad situation. But I don’t think he does that. I think he just disappears suddenly for a while and bc of that.. Well, they’d wanna do some detective work to figure out what happened to him,, but might not jump to help him as immediately when he does finally show back up again. They were incredibly worried for him and now that he’s back, they’re mad at him for making them so scared!! ‘You could’ve called a long time ago!’ >:(
Not to say they wouldn’t help him at all, he would just need to do a lot more explaining for either of them to get on board. That being said if the newly blonde and tattooed Nathan showed up at either of their houses with some equally disguised boyfriends then they wouldn’t hesitate to let them hide out n crash there.
31. If one wronged the other badly, would the other forgive them easily?
Mark forgives kinda easily? He’d be upset initially but eventually, he’d rather keep his relationships in tact than hold grudges.
Lauren IS Dramatic and WILL hold grudges, no doubt. Forgiveness might happen eventually, but it’s not easy.
Nate wants to forgive and for sure would try, normally he’d be the first to forgive! But he’s a lil more emotional and if we’re talking badly wronged,, bad feelings and memories would still pop up and he’s not as Over It as he pretends to be. Whatever happened still might hurt him, and he’d also bring previous arguments up even if they weren’t relevant as evidence of maYBE I shouldn’t forgive you this time!! They love their baby brother but they push him around sometimes, sometimes its ‘just teasing’ and sometimes it’s not, and I feel like if they did something that was seriously that bad, he’d start thinking about EVERYthing before telling himself, how much am I gonna put up with.
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