#and a very sick fyra
captmickey · 2 months
Sick Track, a No Straight Roads fanfic
For @nexttrickanvils... get well soon!
“May, I promise you, it’s not as bad as you think it is.” Zuke said, rubbing slightly the bridge of his nose.
Sitting inside what could only be described as a hodgepodge pillow fort was a sniffling, somewhat delirious, guitarist known as Mayday who was clinging to an Ellie close to her chest. It was commendable that she tried hiding in her make-shift fort, but it was also ridiculous because one, it was primarily pillows… no stuffed animals, and two, her eyes would blink.
A lot.
It didn’t take a space scientist or a robot or even a child to figure out that it was Mayday, who, in her delirium, thought she could blend in with her surroundings. 
Zuke stood outside the fortress of pillowtude with the bottle of medicine in hand and stared. He wasn’t mad at her (he actually found it rather adorable that she thought of such a thing), but he was getting a little bit irritated that she was fighting him on the medication. And as much as she claimed that she was fine, her constant sneezing and coughing begged to differ.
“May, c’mon…” Zuke pleaded once more, “it’s really in your best interest.”
“Says who?” She asked, her voice hoarse from all that coughing she did.
“Says your bandmate? How else could you perform if your throat sounds like a scratched disk?”
“It’s my new style.”
He rolled his eyes as she coughed a little.
“It’s the new trend.” Mayday continued. “The whole scratchy throat."
“I’m sure Kul Fyra never had a scratchy throat.” Zuke countered.
“Tatiana.” Mayday corrected.
“Ah, right. Still, I didn’t know we were going for a more grunge-y heavy metal style of rock.” He said. 
“Rock is rock.” She continued to argue, pausing for a moment to let out a heavy and wet cough.
He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose once more. This wasn’t the first time he had to take care of someone stubborn. A brief memory of his college days flashed before him, recalling an incredibly ill Nadia who was undoubtedly hamming it up in the name of art, flip flopping between dramatically stating she was on Death’s door or going on how her mind is finally open. 
(It wasn’t, she just had a high fever.)
Mayday let out a sneeze, snapping Zuke back into focus. Shaking his head once more, he went over to kneel in front of the pile of pillows, seeing her eyes teary from her last sneeze as she sniffled in the fort. 
“Look, how about this, you take the medicine, and I’ll stop by Aunty and grab some food from her? We’ll even watch whatever movie you want.” Zuke said. 
“Could we do all that without the medicine?” Mayday pleaded.
“Nope. It’s medicine or bust.” He said, a sly smirk on his face. “Take it willingly… or I'll swap your drink with it.”
“I’ll notice.” Her eyes squinted suspiciously. “Plus you wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh, I would very much dare.” Zuke insisted. “So what’ll be, May? The medicine and a pleasant reward? Or me rather literally force shoving you to take it?”
There was a momentary pause.
“If it helps, I got the gummies. Think of it as candy. Yinu’s mother suggested it.”
“Really?” She sounded surprised.
“Mm-hmm. Apparently Yinu doesn’t like taking medicine either.” 
Another pause and another sniffling escaped the pile, and with that sniffling, Ellie was released as she scurried off back to the water of their home.
“....fine.” She sighed, closing her eyes to let out another cough. “I’m getting too tired to fight anyways.”
“I know.” He stood up, extending a hand out for her to take hold, frowning just a little at how clammy she felt without her glove on. “Want me to grab the usual from Aunty?”
Mayday nodded, rubbing her eyes. “And soup.”
“And soup.” He repeated, smiling a little as he guided her to the couch and laid her down. “I’ll be back in a minute, no moving from this spot, alright?”
“I make no promises.” She coughed.
Zuke just smiled.
(By the time he came back to the sewers, after some of the soup was sipped and medicine begrudgingly taken, the two fell asleep on the couch, with Zuke’s head leaned far back and Mayday resting on his lap.)
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erigold13261 · 2 years
I'm back at it at Krispy Kreme but this time I had something come to mind which involved what you said about Kliff and Tatiana in your last response about them going their separate ways after they sort things out with each other. This does involve some concepts from my OFA AU too so my mind is going all over for this one (don't mind me lol-)
Kliff and Tatiana have their own separate lives and have their own families, Kliff being with Artemis and eventually having their daughter and son (Orion and Prince Astral) and Tatiana being with Olive and their 3 daughters come along over the years (Titanium Qwartz, Sonya Fyra, and Rosie). Everything's all fine and dandy until the sudden reveal comes out of nowhere that Sonya (Tatiana's middle child/daughter) and Orion (Kliff's oldest and only daughter) are dating and these two lovebirds have no idea about their parents past history with each other which makes it even 10x more chaotic-
I'm sure the reaction from both Kliff and Tatiana would both be extremely shocked, while Artemis and Olive try everything they can to make sure their spouse doesn't do anything drastic. Asides from being shook, Kliff and Tatiana might also learn about all the shenanigans the girls have gotten into with their bandmates which include the following:
-Flooding an entire waterpark while shooting a music video (in which they got banned from going to afterwards)
-Causing a fire in the NSR Tower break room because Mason forgot to remove the aluminum foil covering his food in the microwave but thankfully it was put out quickly (and Danny made sure to remind Mason to remove any foil from that point forward before putting food in the microwave)
-Orion hacking into a satellite and having an album of Burning Constellation (the name of the band btw) being blasted throughout Vinyl City for 2 whole weeks until everyone got tired of it
-Holding a party when Titanium left town to take care of something at the NSR Tower which got out of hand and pictures got leaked to the internet (nobody got hurt but Titanium was very mad when she got back)
-Orion summoning Kul Fyra's guitar out of nowhere via her own dark magic, her bandmates are cool with it but it catches everyone else off guard since she somehow has it and is now playing it as her own instrument, plus she plays the most sick guitar rifts that no one else has been able to do in the history of rock (Sonya gave her the guitar because the band needed a guitarist and Orion was showing some skills via practice on her old guitar-)
And of course the one incident where the band accidentally blew up the Grand Qwasa and caused a blackout before getting into a 2 hour long police chase is the most famous out of all their chaotic mischief since they ended up getting arrested for that one- Titanium was the one to bail them out of jail and despite being at a "loss for words" she proceeded to yell at them on how reckless they had been for the next 30 minutes. (I'm certain Tatiana would be very upset about that one-)
So yeah Kliff and Tatiana end up getting back into contact with each other because of their daughters' relationship and probably end up breaking the news to the girls about their past history which they surprisingly take it well and understand. Bonus if during this conversation Prince Astral attempts to sneak out of the room quietly since he wants no part of this and ends up tripping and falling to the floor flat on his face which causes everyone to see the poor boy on the floor- Rosie also shows up and is a very confused bean but Titanium manages to convince her little sister to wait until everyone is finished talking with each other.
Sorry if this is a bit lengthy I let the brain rot take over for this ask- But I hope you get a good laugh out of this silly concept of Kliff and Tatiana meeting once again due to the circumstances of their daughters being together.
H-how did Tatiana and Kliff not know all this about their kids yet!? Those two need to stop kissing their SOs and keep better eyes on their kids! /j
Also, I know this was meant for the FRAU Re-revolution timeline, but all I can think about is Orion just magically stealing the guitar from Mayday while she is performing lol
Anyway, yeah I do find that pretty funny that they cross paths again. I'm assuming they would have just because of Olive and Artemis, but I guess their spouses knew not to bring them to the same place when hanging out with each other.
It make me think a lot of Romeo and Juliet with the star-crossed lovers, except of everyone dying at the end they get a nice happy ending!
I can definitely see a few scare moments with FRAU Tatiana might having yelled or lost her anger for a moment after the reveal, but she just looks at Olive which calms her down and then they have their little chat or whatever.
Also, again, these kids (teens?) need to be watched so much better! THEY FLOODED A WHOLE WATERPARK! FOR A VIDEO!!! omfg XD
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crybaby-tarnished · 1 year
Fyra hums to herself, smiling as she prepares the haggis. She looks totally love sick, the memories of cuddling with Alberich making her so... So very content.
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deathblightprince · 2 years
There are knitted mittens on the side table in Fia's room with a note.
I do not know you well, but you look cold. I made you these. I hope they fit.
How many times has he heard from tarnished that he looks cold, sick, old, dead? Enough times to know he isn't the very attractive man he once was.
The mittens will go into use regardless if he's actually cold or not. However, he knows Fia will be using them plenty this season. She's been pretty chilly this season, so she could use some mittens.
He would write her a letter back to her. Maybe leave her something as well.
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velvet-apricots · 2 years
Fantasies - Fyra solo fic.
cw: Implied masturbation
Gideon had such an intensity to him.
He had stood, almost casually, hand on his hip as the other rested on his long scepter, talking down to her and calling her a vagrant and a bother. It reminded Fyra of one old man back home in the valley, old, wisened, and bitter. He had seen three governors rule, an attempt at outsiders to take over their lands, and the ensuing revolt.
Gideon however was far more intense, like he had seen a thousand things, knew about two thousand more, and very clearly had a wall three feet thick built up around him. She could tell he didn't like her, though in truth he probably didn’t like anyone anyway.
He told her she was safe there, at least, and so she loosened her tongue just a little, spoke a little more. The memory of that Varre fellow was fresh in her mind and would not leave any time soon.
Fyra kept touching her throat, every time she spoke, remembering what he did to her. She felt like Gideon noticed. It felt like he noticed everything. He certainly noticed she was no hardened warrior, scholar or noble. The moment she spoke, he quickly assumed she was simply one of those tarnished he was sick of.
“Farm girl, eh? Let me guess, you milked the cows and you sometimes protected them from wild dogs?” When she nodded he scoffed, “I’ve seen your type before, why the grace resorts to such tarnished is beyond me.”
He was just so unpleasant, but she did her best to understand why. He was the leader, and he must have been upset with the decline of his roundtable, with Tarnished abandoning their goals and not doing anything to help him.
Fyra would do her best not to be a leech, and to become a proper member of the hold. She already had an idea of how hard it would be, given her failures already (painful ones). 
She felt a draw to him despite his unpleasantness, an embarrassing one. An attraction. His voice had a way with it, the deep, rumble of an older man. Fyra liked men of all ages, boys her age, men ten years olde, but she did prefer the older ones. Gideon had the sound of a man in his sixties, certainly making him the oldest man she had a draw too. Before that it was a widower back home in his 40s, who had been very determined to marry her.
Fyra could not deny she had been tempted. His little girl was so cute, and he had been a blacksmith too. He would of been a fine pick, to be certain.
And so as young women did, as she lay on her bed roll in the perpetual twilight nights of this strange land, she thought of Gideon as she set her hand between her thighs, relieving stress and saiting fantasies.
Fyra wondered if Gideon knew how to touch a woman… Surely he did, given his age. Oh he must have had very good fingers, even better than the blacksmith. He would know exactly how to touch her, and he would whisper into her ear. She wondered what he looked like under his helmet that seemed to hold an enchantment that shrouded his face in black. He most certainly had a sour expression on his face most of the time, but with her, yes with her, his lips would curl upwards just a touch.
She finished, satisfied and tired. Ah well… Just a fantasy. She didn’t expect him to have any interest in her.
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the-nsr-family · 3 years
Okay but like what if for your sea monster luca au, they almost all came from different pods, and only wound up together due to be drivennout of their homes by humans (sometimes accidents but still).
So now they are very wary of humans and very reliant on each other.
If nick and chrys are alive in this au, they fled their home due to an oil spill. They were fine but mayday wound up very sick for a long time due to how mich she breathed in/swallowed.
Do you think they ran into tatiana soon after?
Mayday isn't their kid here remember?
Nick and Tatiana are still siblings, they grew up in far far out to sea place, but got tired of their parents and left to explore on land. Nick met Chrys (who ISNT a sea monster), Fyra met Kliff (an' Barbs), things were going alright. Then Tatiana got exposed, and she ran back to sea in a panic. Nick didn't know at first, but when he found out through Kliff, he promised to help bring her back. Chrys didn't want to risk losing her boyfriend, so she got herself a little boat, and they roamed the ocean together to find Tatiana, which they did. Tatiana didn't want to go back though, the people found out, and Nick would be in danger too because everyone knows they're twins. Both Nick and Chrys reluctantly agreed that she was right, and so they decided to stick with her. They found a little nearby island-like place and helped Chrys build a home there. They claimed the reef surrounding it as they own, and it became their domain, which they accepted other sea monsters into (Rosa and her Husband, DJSS, Sayu, Eve) their family. Protecting each other from humans. Barbara came too, she's a sea monster as well, because im nothing if not a sucker for a poly ship of two sea monsters and their short ass normal guy boyfriend. Then Tatiana came across May and Zuke, and had assumed they were abandoned because West was busy underneath, and she took them back to her home to raise them.
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gallavictorious · 4 years
I was tagged by the lovely @gallavich-and-millagher This was fun - thank you for the tag! <3
I don't think you're supposed to actually talk about the movies, just name them, but eh. I love talking about the things that I love!  
Seven Comfort Movies:
1. Fyra år till. Translates to ”Four more years”. It's a Swedish romantic comedy and it is HILARIOUS. Two politicians fall in love – the problem isn't that they're both men, but that they're from opposing parties. About one third of the things my partner and I say to each other are quotes from this movie.
2. The Emperor's New Groove. Animated enemies to BFF:s. Very funny, and with an excellent villain. This is my go to for lounging on the couch with lots of fast food and a hangover.
3. Pride. British flick about London lesbians and gays supporting the miner strike in the eighties. Sounds dull, maybe, is really, really good. This is a must see for everyone, really. I've agressively shown it to everyone I know, and it's always a hit. You end up falling a little bit in love with humanity, and feeling ready to overthrow the goverment.
4. Return of the Jedi. My favourite Star Wars home. Watching it will never not feel like coming home.
5. The stag. Four friends and an obnoxious brother-in-law-to-be travel to the great Irish outdoors for a stag weekend.Sounds terrible, but is actually both really funny and very sweet. Maybe because it's Irish rather than American? Also, Andrew Scott sings in this one!
6. Patrik 1,5. Another Swedish movie about another gay couple. They think they're adopting a toddler but end up as foster parents of a troubled teen. Glorious feel-good.
7. Ice Age. Oh, look! It's ANOTHER animated enemies to BFF:s! This one is not quite as funny as The Emperor's New Groove, but it's a little more heartfelt. What can I say? I am a sucker for redemption arcs!
I'm tagging @iwannabewhereyouaremickey @fiona-fififi @damngcoffee @sickness-health-all-that-shit @dreamylyfe-x As always and ever, there’s no pressure!
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enderbot-magic · 4 years
So random stuff on mix AU.
I listened to Jack Stauber and Justice so that’s where most of my inspiration for Kliff came from.
Kliff is based on sampling and micropop music, which makes him an ideal sound mixer.
Kliff can play a synth guitar, he’s actually made quite a few too.
How he sees the future is kind of like the future overlaying everything he’s already seeing with a light opacity. Like two layers of animation, one is the present, one is the future.
DJ-SS and DK West are unofficially a thing. They’re very close and affectionate.
DJ has some self-worth issues he’s working through, and has a fatalistic view on life in general. Shown by “global warming” and “we’re doomed”.
The fights are definitely increasing in danger levels. Kliff, the weakest, is just more danger prone than the others.
Tila’s still alive! Just very sick. Sayu’s working on a gift for her.
Sayu crew make fake nature documentaries of the other members of Neo NSR
The owner of the dog is a member of The Goolings! Their name is .
Kliff calls Kul Fyra Tati when he’s emotional, but not her full name out of respect. He’d have to be upset and serious to use it.
DK West was there when the riots were taking over. He didn’t want Zuke and their friend, , to go back. So she left without Zuke.
The Neo NSR logo looks like this!
Tumblr media
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letmecomplainnow · 6 years
Melodifestivalen 2019 Deltävling 1 Review
We're going to pretend 2018 didn't happen. The hosting on Saturday was excellent and it really felt like Melfest was back. I also love the changes to the heart on screen. The colour changing is kind of distracting but the show was so much more entertaining not knowing the results in advance. I'm not sure how I feel about the stage just yet but I imagine it will be used better in later weeks (one side of the stage was hardly used). Also, I'm avoiding listening to the snippets before the show for the full experience.
1. Nano - Chasing Rivers
At the time, this felt slightly underwhelming to me. Hold On had a very recognisable structure and could be appreciated on the first listen whereas Chasing Rivers feels a lot darker (and somehow more authentic). The staging was dark and a large amount of screen time was taken up by prerecorded footage meaning the audience didn't get a lot of time to connect with Nano, especially since he isn't the most charismatic performer. The opener of the first heat usually brings inoffensive pop (Sigrid Bernson, Boris René, Samir & Viktor). This was a heavier start which didn't help Nano either.
Now that I watch it back, I actually really like the melody and instrumentation. It sort of feels like a much more personal version of Bones by Equinox. The gospel vocals work really well and this is the kind of song I usually enjoy. But Nano's performance, staging, and position in the running order were all unfortunately working against him.
2. High15 - No Drama
Ehhhh. This was all going okay until the chorus hit. The song builds and builds until it just falls apart. Their performance was fine but the song just wasn't strong enough. Especially as this is just a combination of the weak parts of "In My Cabana" and "Busy Doin' Nothin'". It felt very unoriginal. And I think people were put off by 15/16 year olds encouraging them to "drink up".
3. Wiktoria - Not With Me
Wiktoria is a force to be reckoned with when she's not sick lol. The song is pleasant, nothing particularly groundbreaking. But Wiktoria's performance dramatically elevates it. She looks like she's really pouring her heart and soul into the song. The song could be catchier but the rain effects make the performance memorable. And Wiktoria clearly went to the SuRie school of air punching in time to the drums.
4. Zeana feat. Anis Don Demina - Mina Bränder
This is the kind of Swedish trash that fuels me. Giving me a Euro-club incomprehensible lyrics banger. This was the catchiest song of the night along with Mohombi, which is why I thought it would manage to get to second chance. We've got pyrotechnics, choreography, and a rap feature. Sadly, some bops just don't get the appreciation they deserve.
5. Arja Saijonmaa - Mina Fyra Årstider
Arja was serving full drunk environmentalist aunt realness. It was actually really sweet. Like some "it's a small world"/Epcot inspired musical extravaganza, gliding around the stage in satin bedsheets. I thought she might have done well enough to scrape into sixth place but in reality, this wasn't competitive at all. But they still have a space for this kind of stuff in the contest, which I appreciate. It was also low-key inappropriate that this song inspired by wildfires in Sweden was directly after a song called "My Fires". Which was a nice touch.
6. Mohombi - Hello
Probably the most memorable performance of the night. The chorus has a strong hook and the staging (whilst pretty unoriginal) is captivating. Parts of the song feel a little dated and Mohombi's vocals leave something to be desired, particularly in the verses. But it was pretty obvious this would qualify directly to the final. Whilst I enjoyed the performance at the time and wanted it to go direct, I'm not desperate to watch it again and I'd put it in second chance now. I wonder how I'll feel about it by the time the final comes around in five weeks.
7. Anna Bergendahl - Ashes to Ashes
I honestly thought Anna was going to be eliminated. Usually the song in spot 7 is much more of a show stopper whereas this was more understated. The song didn't have a very strong hook, it just kind of plodded on. The staging looked nice but she didn't do much more than walk around a bit and stand still. Anna has an distictive voice which works well with the song though. I'm not sure what Anna's reputation is like in Sweden as it must be some combination of that and the performance which led to her second chance result.
My prediction on the night:
Final: Wiktoria, Mohombi
Second Chance: Nano, Zeana feat. Anis Don Demina
5th: Anna Bergendahl
My ranking:
Final: Wiktoria, Nano
Second Chance: Mohombi, Zeana feat. Anis Don Demina
5th: Arja Saijonmaa
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crybaby-tarnished · 2 years
The Brilliant Goldmask
It was raining, and Fyra was dancing. She was jumping, twirling, tumbling in the wet grass and mud, filthy. Every once in a while she fell to the ground, shuddering with crying.
She was so confused by it all. Hurt by it all. How could he do that? Do such a thing? Wait so long to tell her? She gave everything of herself to him… She loved him still, just as strongly as before.
It was so hypocritical of herself, to forgive Castella so readily, and yet for Gideon she ran away. It was different though, wasn’t it? Castella had been manipulated. Gideon… He had not. He had ordered it.
She was no longer anywhere near the windmills where she started, now instead near where those things coughed and wheezed, by a bridge that was broken and ruined. Fyra ran along it, still twirling around wildly but feeling no better.
In fact she felt even worse, the cold and wet getting to her.
She fell over, slipping on a rock, coughing hard, wheezing, when a familiar voice speaks up.
“Is that you, Miss Fyra?”
Fyra looked up, and was met face to face with Brother Corhyn, equally as wet as she was. She just coughed again, unable to speak.
“It’s quite fortunate you are here. Come and meet the Brilliant Goldmask. I have found him.” He grabbed her, pulling her to her feet, and motioned to the tall, unmoving man who looked like a walking corpse dressed in rags and gold finery.
She just looked up at Goldmask, and Corhyn observed her. “You seem to be in great distress… Why don’t you come with us to Leyndell? Clear your head. It’s where you are going, isn’t it?”
Fyra agreed with a simple nod. It was something to do, something to distract her better than her dancing.
She protected the two men, guarded them from anything that would threaten them. All the while, Fyra coughed increasingly more. They made it into the capital, Fyra keeping her promise to Marsel and avoiding killing anyone she came accross, and as Fyra rested at a spot of grace, Melina appeared.
“Thank you. I now go to learn of myself.” Melina said softly, “I leave you with the power to use runes for strength. This is where we part ways, Fyra.”
“Goodbye Melina… I hope I will see you again.” Fyra said quietly, the first things she had spoken in a while.
“You will. I promise you.” She paused. Though Melina’s expression remained blank, she radiated concern, “You look unwell.”
“I am fine.” Fyra lied.
Not long after, as Corhyn and Goldmask walked up to the colosseum for a clearer look at the Erdtree, Goldmask resumed his pensive staring at the heavens, his finger slowly waving as he read the stars.
But then… He stopped. Frozen in place with the only movement being his breath.
“What happened?” Fyra asked Corhyn, who had taken up ‘deciphering’ what Goldmask said and did.
“He has come to some sort of confusion in reading the heavens… It seems that…” he paused, thinking very hard, “It seems that Marika and Radagon are occupying the same spot as the one true god. But… There can not be ‘one true god’ if there are two of them.”
“Is there something I can do?” Fyra asked.
“Try going to the Erdtree Sanctuary, perhaps it has something there.” Corhyn reasoned.
And so Fyra did, sneaking her way up to the sanctuary, bringing her close to the Erdtree, she climbed the roots, wheezing and coughing, but pressing on until she stumbled into the building.
And before her stood a massive man of golden light, axe clutched in his hand. A vissage of a man she recognized from her journey to the Lands Between, upon the ship that took them there.
She pulled out her weapons. She supposed she could do one fight.
She rested for a while, reading the book she had found within. An incantation book, teaching her Law of Regression, among other things. She sat in a small area secluded from everything else, with no other foes save for a single crucible knight she avoided.
It was hard to concentrate, she was very hot, and just felt all around so very sick. But still she read it, looking up a moment in pause at the statue of Radagon.
Maybe she was delirious, maybe she was brilliant. But she had a rather… Odd idea. She got up onto her feet and stood before the statue, the incantation book clutched in her hands. She stared up at Radagon’s visage, and remembered the tale Muriel told her.
That the sculptor knew Radagon’s deepest secret. Indeed, a riddle was carved into the stone street nearby, hinting at something.
Slowly she put the book away, her seal clutched in her hand, and she cast the spell she felt would reveal it, Law of Regression. The statue glowed, melted into a smaller, feminine form. A statue of Marika now stood before her. She stared, confused, until slowly, it fell into place.
Radagon is Marika.
Marika is Radagon.
The Golden Order claimed there was only one true god, and yet Marika and Radagon were one in the same, two halves making a whole.
It was wrong.
She returned to Goldmask, and told him, and soon the man’s finger moved again. But Fyra pressed him, giddy with fever.
“The order is flawed… Do you think it’s broken?”
Corhyn sputtered. “The Golden Order is not flawed-” he froze though as Goldmask’s finger changed how it moved across the stars, “You can’t possibly think-”
“Everything that happened, that went wrong, it was because it was imperfect right?” Fyra grabbed Goldmask’s tattered shawl.
His finger continued to move, an arm rising to stand straight out to his side.
“Master Goldmask, please you must not think such blasphemous things! Do not listen to her!” Corhyn begged.
“Can I make it perfect? Make it incorruptible? So that no one can use it to harm anyone else?” She asked, “Can I mend the Elden Ring and erase the flaws in it?”
She watched as the arm pointing upward moved too, Goldmask now standing perfectly still, both arms out straight at his sides. He was unmoving now, not a twitch or any discernible breath taken
“You're insane.” Corhyn hissed, holding his head and sinking to crouch on the ground, “The Golden Order is without flaw. As is said. It's- What have you done to him? You- You-”
“Shup up, Corhyn.” Fyra snapped, and she watched, unsure if she was waiting for something. Hours passed, and she just watched, stared, waited.
Finally Goldmask moved, his feet shuffling. He turned to face her, his head lowering from his gaze at the heavens and falling upon her. He let out an audible breath, and something slowly began to manifest before his chest.
A rune. Simple in shape. A circle. Fyra lifted her hands, and held them out, taking the rune within herself, and with it, an understanding.  
The gods were flawed and fickle things, no better than men. Flinging decrees of heresy at one another, causing wars and strife. Things once considered blessings were changed into curses. This rune… it would end all of that. Prevent the Golden Order for being twisted and warped by the petty squabbles of others, to be used as a tool of war and oppression.
This rune would mend the Elden Ring, and perfect it. It would make the world she wanted.
She cried, though not from sadness or heartbreak, but relief. This was the solution to everything. As long as this rune was put in place with as many pieces as possible, nothing could change the Elden Ring, corrupt or taint it. Even someone ill fit could become Elden Lord without fear.
Goldmask’s knees gave out and he fell, arms still outstretched, form slumping and sagging with the effort of his creation. Before Fyra could tend to him, a hand grabbed her shoulder, and she turned.
Melina was by her side again.
“All we need s to get to the Erdtree.” She said quietly, “Getting Morgott’s Great Rune is also important. It is an anchor rune like Godrick’s. It is essential for the rune’s mending.”
“I know.”
“Do what you must, dear Fyra.” Melina said, “In whatever way you see best.” She held out her arms knowingly, and Fyra fell into them as she succumbed to exhaustion and sickness. She held her tight, cradling her as Corhyn ignored them both, and Goldmask merely sat there, slumped and spent.
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crybaby-tarnished · 2 years
Fyra grabs a bucket and drags herself back to her shared room with Gideon. She crawls into bed and proceeds to lay on the very ege, head hanging off the matress and over the bucket.
She felt so sick. Gods she was never drinking hard liquor again.
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crybaby-tarnished · 2 years
✍️- to Willow. Maybe something cute??
Dear Willow,
How is the baby growing? Is he behaving and not making you too sick? I hope so. I bet they will be adorable and so very chubby.
I have a few songs from home that I would love to teach you so you can sing them to him. I also hope that when I see you again we can go into your garden. I will happily dance for you, if you can get some music of course. Dancing is always better with music.
I wish you and your family well, and the very best.
Your Friend,
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