#and a wormy thang
dinoserious · 10 months
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AF FINALS PT 3: THE FINALING: chars are clark, @inthemadnessandthesoil, and @happytapirstudio!
AND THATS A WRAP. thank you so much for to playing. my game
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kimpining · 1 month
top 5 worms? top 5 unjust depths Moments? top 5 izzy noises? top 5 weapons you would use?
long ass post. yeesh!
top five worms:
1) snom, the most beautiful and wonderful 'worm pokemon'.
2) izzy is practically some manner of worm, when it comes down to it.
3) sandworms sweep. shai hulud are sick as fuck.
4) the huge worms that are like an environmental obstacle in hollow knight are pretty cool. i guess maybe they're just normal sized worms, since hollow knight is so bug-sized? huh.
5) koyomi araragi has no bones in his body. one of the most wormy thangs.
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top five unjust depths moments:
1) it's majida's quest in the finale of surviving an evil time. the beautiful intersecting of violence and love and this community that keeps driving her further and reinforcing what she needs to do, culminating in decking the shit out of radu. it's so fucking killer.
2) murati, stuck in her diver after its power died and looking out of a small reinforced glass port in it with a broken arm and drifting in and out of consciousness as she's getting the vaguest psychic flashes. it's a real powerful image. stuck with me a lot.
3) 'the only heterosexual kiss in unjust depths'. i love the way hunter iii's bites are described as really just ruining his flesh and self and adelheid just keeps sneaking quick peeks. it's so fun. dude had it coming. and i think its the first Real body horror bit in the story. so it was of course deeply enrapturing.
4) homa and kitty's final moments. i think it's incredible. really incredible sadness and woe and a moment for homa to actually stop and process the hell she's been through as she has to deny a dying woman any last rites. it's so good. homa can speak to the dead...
5) gertrude lichtenberg exhibiting 'gertrudeswag' in norn's solitary confinement cell in sinners under the firmament. it's so good. beautiful sign of the gertrude swag to come. just losing her mind and declaring hell on earth for everyone forever because of a breakup.
top five izzy noises:
1) thine coquettish lilt
2) your soft little 'waw' you say after certain things i say and express to you.
3) the noise when you [] inside an izzy
4) you have this like, tone, that builds as you know you're going to start doing a bit that's got this funny unmistakable confidence to it that's so charming. like your voice gets heavier with the weight of the Joke.
5) you have a Conceited Chuckle that is charming. when you're playing up your confidence a bit. it's so cute! adorable, even.
top five weapons you would use:
1) spear. history bears this one out as the best weapon. it rules. it's got range. it pierces. can be planted in the ground for increased stability. what other weapon went 1v1 against jesus and won? it's got cred.
2) zweihander. it's fucking huge i just want to swing it around in a grocery store and knock a bunch of shit off the shelves and mulch a watermelon.
3) fire axe. honestly any two-handed one-sided axe. i'm familiar with them and they're comfortable and extremely useful when chopping firewood and various other things.
4) knives are aesthetically very intimate and personal in a lovely way. beautiful tool to perform harm on others.
5) i've grown more fond of kukris recently. lovely shape they seem so neat and useful for carving things and such. no personal experience so shrug. but i would love get some.
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TPS Part 7: Mother Nature's Son
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Ah finally wake up after who knows how long Ah was sleepin. Ah sit up real slow an' Ah look at Trevor. He's jus' lyin' there in his tank an' it looks like he ain't moved at all since Ah last saw him. Ah'm a lil confused bout how mah stuff an Ah got here. Somebody musta brought 'em while Ah was sleepin.
"Ya doin good lil buddy?"
He ribbits so Ah get up real quick an Ah hobble on over ta Trevor's tank. Ah put some type a worm inta Trevor's tank an Ah see em suck it up. It makes a real mess a his face. Trevor looks at me real concerned an Ah know Trevor's worried 'bout mah well bein' so Ah smile a lil for 'em.
"Yer a good froggie, Trevor. Even if ya got a wormy all over yer face. Ah'mma wipe ya clean."
Ah go ta get a paper towel but when Ah look at Trevor Ah see him cleanin’ the worm off a himself. Ah giggle an get closer ta his tank.
"Ya oughta be a good boy, Trevor. Ah'm gonna be goin downstairs fer mah first day a wizardin' school. Be nice ta the other froggies."
Ah finish puttin' on mah uniform, pick up mah backpack an' head out the door.
"Toby? Are you alright?"
Ah notice Jacklin an' the cauldron. It doesn't look like Jacklin's had much sleep either, but Ah don't wanna say anythin' yet. Ah've gotta start the day nice.
"Ah'm real confused bout wha happened last night. How'd Ah end up in mah new bed?"
"Our prefect carried you upstairs after I brought it to his attention that you fainted."
Ah nod then look at the cauldron an' dunno what else ta say, so Ah ask a question.
"Wha's wit the cauldron?"
"I’m bringing it to our Potions class today. I don’t want Professor Snape to take points away because we’re not prepared."
The name "Snape" sounds like someone's mispronouncin' "snake." Like "Snakin' around" or somethin'. But Ah don't wanna say that ta Jacklin jus' yet, since we jus' got up an' Ah wanna be nice ta Jacklin till mah day goes sour.
"Ya sure do seem prepared."
"I also took the time to look through our schedule and put everything that you need in your strange human device."
Ah raise mah eyebrow cause Ah got no idea what she's sayin.
"Mah what?"
"Oh. That big thing there."
Ah look at where she's pointin an Ah realize wha' she means now.
"Tha's mah backpack. It ain't that strange. Jus bout every kid uses 'em."
"How do you use it?"
"Ah jus' put it on like this."
Ah pick up mah backpack an put it on carefully.
"Tha's how Ah do it."
Ah'm glad Ah somehow managed ta impress 'er. Ah ain't realized that showin 'er somethin simple like a backpack'd do that.
"How'd ya usually carry thangs if ya ain't got a backpack?"
"I put everything in my cauldron. We're not allowed to use magic in the corridors here, so on Potions days I just use that. My wand and quill are in the pockets of my robe."
"So ya really gotta know what ya need fer what day."
She nods at me.
"Yes that’s why I carefully planned how to carry everything last night."
"Well... yer real smart."
Ah look at 'er books in the cauldron an' think maybe it's a good idea.
"Ya know, Ah never woulda thought a that."
"So where did you get this backpack? I noticed that it had a lot of little zippers on it and wasn't sure if it's common."
Ah look at mah backpack.
"Pop bought it fer me. It's real tough. Ah could drop it outta one a these windows an' it jus' wouldn't break."
She picks up another cauldron an Ah figure it's gotta be mine.
"Do you think you can put your cauldron in there? I wasn't exactly sure how to get it to fit."
"Sure, Ah'll try it."
Ah open up mah backpack an' try ta make room. There's a buncha' magic stuff in mah way but Ah move it round an' eventually manage ta fit mah cauldron in. When Ah finish Jacklin's lookin up at me wit these big eyes all lil girls get when they're 'mazed.
"That’s amazing. Humans are so crafty without magic."
"Yeah. We get crafty, tha's fer sure."
Ah close mah backpack an' get ready ta head on downstairs.
Time Skip
"Do you have any special interests Toby?"
"Well, Ah like pancakes a lot, but Ah think tha's jus' normal."
Ah shove as much pancake as Ah can fit in mah mouth.
"Does that mean you like cooking? I was thinking that if you had any special interests you might be able to find classes here that relate to them."
"Nah Ah don't cook."
"Have you ever thought about what you want to be when you grow up?"
"Not really."
Ah feel bad 'cause Ah jus' don't got any thoughts 'bout mah future.
"That makes sense. It’s hard to figure out how to use your magic if you haven’t learned anything about it yet."
"Yeah. Ok."
"Do you want to read our Potions book together?"
Ah look at Jacklin an' she's got a book open.
"Ok. Ah dunno if Ah'm gonna understand it though."
"I think this first chapter is about our supplies and why we need them."
"Oh, tha's good. Ah could use some supply learnin'."
Ah start lookin' at the book an' it looks like it's letter based. Ah know how ta read, but these're real small an' Ah gotta look real hard ta know which letter's next.
"Did your Pop ever get your vision checked?"
"No. Do Ah need ta have em checked?"
"I'm not sure since I have no idea why reading this book is difficult for you."
"Sometimes the way the book's printed makes it hard ta read. Ah don't like books that got all these words an nothin ta break it up like pictures."
"Oh. So it’s a reading problem and not a vision problem."
She goes back ta readin like Ah never said it. Ah guess tha's good cause it's better than laughin at me.
"I never thought that a cauldron’s metal would make a difference in how fast a potion’s brewed."
Ah finally get ta a page tha's got pictures a cauldrons on it. It looks like the cauldrons're the place where all the magic happens in 'potion makin.'
"How do ya know when yer doin' it right?"
"With potion making you have to read everything carefully. Each potion is different so a lot can go wrong. From what my father told me, smoke is normal but nothing should explode or boil over."
It looks like Ah got the basics. Ah think Ah'm all set for the first potions class. It's scary but... it's ok. Ah hear the bell ring.
"I think we can go right to the dungeons for Potions with Professor Snape."
"Why'd Mr. Snape wanna have Potions class down in the dungeons?"
"You have to call him Professor Snape. The dungeons are a great place for potion making. They’re well ventilated and also act as a storage space for ingredients that are sensitive to sunlight.
"Oh. Well, tha's okay then."
Ah try ta imagine it better but Ah still mostly see spiders an' bats.
Time Skip
"It looks like we made it to class a little early today."
"How much time d'ya think we have?"
"I believe we have just enough time to organize everything we could possibly need for today’s class."
Ah sit back straight in mah chair an' watch Snape walk in. He looks real grouchy. This class seems like it's gonna be harder than Ah thought.
"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making. As there is little foolish wand waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes bewitching the minds, and ensnaring the senses. I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even stopper death."
Ah watch Snape talk an' Ah feel a lotta magic words jus' fly inta mah head.
"I can see some of you have brought all of the required ingredients and equipment as if you expected to produce a potion on your first day. Well done. For those of you who brought everything you will be given a point for Gryffindor. You all also should have read the introductory chapter of your book prior today's class. So if I were to ask what the difference is between a brass, copper, and pewter cauldron I would assume you would all know the answer."
"The difference is the brewing speed. First years normally use a pewter cauldron because it brews at the slowest speed."
Ah look over at Jacklin. Ah guess she knows all the answers.
"Correct. Now can anyone tell me what a bezoar is?"
Somehow Ah know that answer an raise mah hand. Ah remember thinkin bout it last night cause it was our password.
"Mr. Kwimper."
"It's a stone found in a goat's stomach. Also an antidote."
"To what?"
"Most poisons."
Snape looks at me. Ah guess he can tell Ah ain't British but he don't look like he's mad.
"Correct. The only thing a bezoar can not do is neutralize the effects of Basilisk venom."
Ah write all this down cause it sounds real important. Ah dunno how ta spell baslick but Ah do mah best.
"Turn to Chapter 2: Elementary Potions. Our first lesson will be about making the Cure for Boils Potion. This is your first test to see if you have any skill in potion making. A beginner worth teaching will successfully make such a basic potion before the end of class. You will be working in pairs to complete this potion. I will not tolerate students who backpack off of others."
Ah get paired up wit Jacklin. Ah hope Ah don't let 'er down.
Time Skip
Ah'm readin of the final steps ta the potion. Ah ain't screwed up anythang an even kept Jacklin from makin a big mistake. She awmost put porcupine quills in the cauldron before takin it off the fire which coulda melted our cauldron.
"1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Awright turn the heat down."
Jacklin turns down the heat an uses the potion makin spell wit 'er wand.
"Curious Boilus!"
Ah get a little nervous when Ah see the potion boilin'.
"I see pink smoke. We did it Toby!"
Ah see Snape comin up ta us.
"Pour the potion into the vials."
Ah listen ta Snape an' pick up the vials, fillin' em wit our potion. Ah'm a lil nervous bout what he'll say ta us.
"This is a textbook perfect potion. You and Mr. Kwimper will each receive 5 points for Gryffindor. You may start cleaning up."
Tha's it! Ah made mah first ever potion an Snape says it's perfect. Ah notice Jacklin's pretty happy too. She's lookin' over at me an she's givin' me a real nice smile as we start cleanin.
"Class is dismissed."
Ah notice a couple a kids givin' me funny looks as we leave the room. Ah don' think Ah've ever got so much attention jus' from doin' potion work.
"Let me see now. Defence Against The Dark Arts is our next class. We just need to go through the Transfiguration courtyard. The temporary classroom should be located just inside there."
Ah'm so glad Ah'm wit Jacklin. She's like a book a knowledge bout this school.
"What did you learn today during our first Potions class, Toby?"
"Well, Ah dunno much bout why we gotta use wha' we used. But Ah got a lotta experience in pickin' out non-venomous snakes. Like if ya wanna find a snake who ain't venomous ya don't wanna find no copperheads cause they got venom. Does that count fer somethin'?"
"Why of course that is an important skill to have. The snake fangs we used have to be from non-venomous snakes otherwise the potion wouldn't work. I'm not familiar with a copperhead. What type of snake is that?"
Ah repeat everythang Ah know from mah book on snakes.
"It's a type a water moccasin that're real common where Ah'm from an' compared ta others they're more likely ta bite. They're medium-sized an venomous, but they don't really kill people that much."
"What other snakes do you have there?"
Ah realize she ain't gonna know a lotta thangs Ah do.
"Ah'm from Florida, Jacklin. Full a snakes. We got big black ones. We got orange an' yellow ones. Ah even had a python in Pop's yard once, but it was only a lil one. They're not the real bad snakes, but they're not the good ones, either."
"I understand why you know so much about snakes now, Toby."
Ah get a real nice feelin’ inside when Ah hear this from Jacklin.
"So how exactly do you know what an Adder looks like?"
"Oh Adders're dark. They got like an "x" on their necks. They look mean, even if they really ain't. Ah mean Ah think snakes're real beautiful lookin’. They jus don’t want no people hangin’ round when they’re sunnin’ themselves like Ah saw a few do in Florida. Snakes don’t like company."
"I hope you won’t take this the wrong way when I say I do not plan on visiting the States during our winter holidays."
Ah dunno if Jacklin jus made a joke, so Ah try ta sound like Ah got a good sense a humor, even though Ah don't have much a one.
"Ah don’t blame ya."
"Are there any animals you are afraid of then?"
"Ah'm a lil afraid a raccoons. They can be real mean if they get mad at ya. Most're friendly an’ they leave people alone, but sometimes Ah gotta scare off a mad raccoon when it gets ta thievin' stuff or botherin' our chickens."
"What’s a raccoon?"
Ah oughta make a list a thangs we got in Florida an she's only got here.
"A raccoon's kinda like a cat, except it looks a lil like a small bear. Ah see a lotta raccoons livin' in the woods. They get in places they ain't supposed ta be, so Ah get mad at ‘em for thievin' stuff an' then the raccoons’ll get mad an' then we'll have a lil war a words."
"At least a raccoon can’t eat you the way a python can."
"Can probably out-run a raccoon, too. Just try ta stay away from the young'uns, an' tha raccoons probably won't bother ya. Don't call ‘em "trash pandas" though. Ah mean, you'll be right ta call ‘em that, but they don’t like it at all. They get real mad."
Somethin bout wha' Ah said caused Jacklin ta raise mah eyebrow an Ah dunno why.
"How would you know that as if you can talk to them like a person?"
"Ah know ‘cause when Ah’m chasin' ‘em away from our chickens, Ah yell “you trash pandas,” an’ they act real mean. If Ah call 'em, “sweet lil trash pandas” they don't get nearly as upset wit me."
"So you can talk to all animals?"
"Well, Ah talk ta the animals Ah like. Ah talk ta froggies, turtles an toadies, fer sure. Ain't nothin' really special 'bout talkin' ta animals. Ah think they like hearin' kind words, though. Ah know gators never say much, but they seem ta listen when Ah'm talkin'."
Ah dunno why Jacklin's lookin at me like Ah'm a dummy.
"Nothing special? Talking to animals is a rare skill for wizards to have. It can’t be taught."
"Oh… well then Ah reckon Ah'm special after all."
Time Skip
We make our way outside when Ah hear this weird hissin noise.
"Huh. Sounds like a snake."
"Where is it coming from?"
"It sounds like it's comin' from 'em bushes over there."
"Is it a snake?"
Ah think the snake is goin' ta try ta scare us by hiss'n again.
"Do you think you can try talking to it as we walk by Toby?"
"Ah can try. Ah can try talkin' real nice. We just wanna get on by."
Ah see this big snake coiled up in tha bushes an' Ah start talkin'. Ah keep walkin' while Ah’m talkin', an’ Ah try ta sound as non-threatenin as Ah can.
"Here, Mr. Snake. We jus' wanna go on through the door. We wanna keep movin' an' we don't wanna fight ya. Can we jus' move on, Mr. Snake?"
Ah don’t see any signs tha the snake's movin'.
"Mr. Snake, we don’t wanna be late fer class. We gotta get ta class in ten minutes. Can Ah move ya?"
The snake let's me pick 'em up. Ah gently move 'em away from us so he can't scare no more kids. He's real calm while Ah do this.
"Thank ya, Mr. Snake. Ah hope ya have a good day. We gotta go now."
Ah hear the snake hissin an look back. Ah guess tha’s a kind a snake wave. Ah turn back ta the door an’ Ah smile 'cause Ah’m proud that Ah handled the snake situation so good.
"Toby you spoke Parseltongue just now."
"What're ya talkin' bout? Me speakin' ta the snake?"
"Yes. You thought you were speaking English, but it just sounded like hissing sounds to me."
Ah stop dead in mah tracks. Ah stare at Jacklin like she's lost 'er mind.
"Ya mean tha’s really what Ah sound like?"
"That’s what it sounded like to me."
Ah'm stunned an' Ah can't think a anythang ta say.
"Tha's just... tha's... Ah dunno what ta say, actually. Ah got nothin' ta say ta that."
Ah pick back up on walkin' as Jacklin an Ah make our way down the path ta class.
Time Skip
"There's Professor Quirrell the new professor for this class."
"Than-thank you for be-being on time. Th-that's a p-p-point for ea-each of you."
Ah smile as we go an sit down.
"Than-thank you all for ma-making it. My na-name is Prof-professor Quir-Quirrell. To-today we're go-going to be ta-talking about Imps."
Ah know Ah should be payin' attention but Ah jus can’t stop thinkin' about this thing with tha snakes. Ah just sit there lookin' at his weird scarf hat.
"M-make sure to-to copy th-this in your n-notes."
Ah start ta take some notes as Quirrell stutters through class.
Time Skip
"For ho-homework, please wr-write a short essay about the-the Knock-knockback Jinx. You ha-have until next we-week to fi-finish it.."
Ah’m not happy ‘bout gettin homework. Ah know Quirrell thinks it’s easy, but Ah can be a little slow sometimes. Ah can get stuck on one thing fer like... forever.
"Toby I was just about to ask if you wanted to start working on our essay during our free period after we get back to Gryffindor Tower."
"Sure. Ah don’t wanna waste no time gettin it done."
Ah smile 'cause Ah feel tha Jacklin's bein' real nice an' patient with me today. Ah ain't used ta people bein' all that nice ta me.
"Thanks Jacklin."
Ah keep walkin' an' Ah feel the stairs underneath me movin'.
"Be careful, Toby."
"Why? Ah ain’t afraid a stairs. It don’t even feel like Ah’m movin' much when they move anyway."
One a the steps disappears. Ah almost lose mah balance, but Ah ain’t at all bothered.
"See? It ain't no big deal."
"Now if only we can say that going down the stairs."
Ah smile at Jacklin an' think it was a lil joke Ah can laugh at.
"Do you remember the password Toby?"
"Yeah it's bezoar."
We go up the stairs an Ah start ta take deep breaths cause Ah ain't used ta doin all that climbin yet.
"Are you alright, Toby?"
"Yeah... Ah'm fine... Le's get started on our work."
Time Skip
"Do ya understand this Knockback Jinx stuff, Jacklin?"
"Yes. When you say the word "flipendo" and do the right wand movement, you can force your opponent to fly backwards away from you."
"Oh... Ah see. So, it's jus' one word an' then you gotta wave tha wand like this."
Ah make a wild, flickin' motion with mah wand.
"No Toby. It looks more like this."
Ah follow Jacklin's instructions wih mah wand movin' down... up... then makin' a U.
"So ya do that an then what? They'll go flyin' away?"
"Yes it's an important spell to use when you're in a duel."
"So, uh... if Ah was in a duel wit a dark wizard an' Ah froze up, would that be a real problem?"
"Yes. You could end up getting killed."
Ah feel like Ah could puke. Ah don't wanna be a total chicken so Ah try ta keep mahself tagether. Ah jus focus on mah writin.
"So uh... how ya likin Hogwarts so far?"
"Oh I love it. My father told me so many stories about his time at Hogwarts, and it's still so incredible to be here as a first year. The only thing I'm concerned about is my Veela magic. You haven't noticed any of the boys being affected by it, have you Toby?"
"Uh… not really, no. They're jus happy ta see you. Sure don't wanna do anythin dangerous ta impress ya."
Ah see some boys round us as we talk an Ah know they're jus' wonderin' if a romance's startin'. Well they're wrong cause Ah'm too smart ta be fallin fer some girl Ah jus met.
"Then again... Ya gotta have some kinda magic goin fer ya if ya look like one a 'em chubby naked angel babies."
"A what?"
"Ya know in paintin's. Ah think they're called cherubs but Ah call 'em chubby naked angel babies cause they look like 'em."
"And why on earth do you think I look like one?"
Ah dunno if she's mad or jus confused so Ah think Ah gotta be honest bout it.
"Ya got one a 'em soft chubby faces. Specially in yer cheeks. Ain't like it can't be pretty but it ain't like yer so perfect like ya say Veela can be."
She starts ta laugh an Ah feel better now cause Ah woulda thought a girl'd be sayin Ah'm a dummy fer callin her chubby.
"Now I know for sure I can trust everything you say Toby."
"Why's that?"
"I can trust you because I know no other boy would ever be able to say something like that. They would only talk about how pretty I look because of my magic."
"Well whatever works fer ya."
Time Skip
"Can you believe it, Toby? We just finished our first day of classes and can do whatever we want until dinner."
"Yeah, Ah'm really startin' ta like it here. Can't wait ta write mah letter ta Pop."
"Great. I'll meet you down here when you're done. We can go to the Owlery together."
Ah go up ta mah room an sit on mah bed. Trevor ribbits when he sees me.
"Hi buddy. Ah'm gonna write Pop a letter."
Ah try writin thangs tha'll make sense ta Pop.
"Dear Pop. Ah’m doin’ real good. Ah jus got ta school las night, an Ah ain’t bein’ picked on yet, which Ah’m real glad about. Trevor's doin good too an ain't gotten in trouble wit the other froggies an toadies here. Ah got sorted inta Griphindor. It's the Lion House an they got this big paintin that talks. Oh, an Ah met this one girl. Her name's... J-A-C-K-L-I-N. An she tol me she's a... V-E-L-A. She keeps sayin' she's gonna control me wit 'er womanly ways but Ah don't buy it. She's only 11 like me an' got one a 'em chubby baby faces some girls got. Ah figure it's jus gonna be good ol' fashioned friendship."
Ah gotta ask how mah Pop an all mah family see Veela. Ah don't wanna find out we's in a feud.
"How do ya think folks’ll feel if Ah tell 'em Ah met a Vela girl? We ain't in a feud wit 'em are we? Ah don't wanna have y'all be mad but Ah also don't wanna lose mah friendship wit Jacklin. Pacer ain't in the same House as me so she's mah only friend. So tha's pretty much it fer this letter anyways. Ah'll write ya somethin' later, an' Ah love ya. Say hi ta everyone back home."
Ah sign mah letter, Ah get ready ta take it down ta tha Owlery as soon as Jacklin finishes 'er letter.
"Hey, Trevor. Is it okay wit ya if Ah take mah letter an’ head down ta the Owlery now?"
Trevor jus' blinks at me a few times. Ah figure tha's as close ta a "Yes" as Ah'm gonna see from mah froggie.
"Hey Jacklin? Are ya ready ta go ta the Owlery yet?"
"Oh yes. I'm ready, Toby."
"Great. Le's go."
We start walkin ta the West Tower an Ah didn't realize it's gonna be real far.
"So how's this suppose ta be the best way a doin thangs? Owls ain't exactly fast."
"Well it's because the magic world is so small that despite the great distances between Scotland and London, owls are the most reliable method of communication. All wizards can use them regardless of their age, economic status or blood status. It's really the most reliable method if you don't have any urgent messages that need to be passed on."
Ah gotta think through this. If Ah got this right then owls're really good fer most types a communicatin but it ain't good fer emergencies.
"Good thang Ah ain't in no rush then."
"Yes if my father ever had any urgent messages for Headmaster Dumbledore he would have to use other methods. The grounds are charmed so that no one can apparate in or out."
"Wha's apparate mean?"
"It basically means to teleport. Not every wizard can do it so even though it is faster, it's not as reliable as owls."
Ah think Ah'm startin ta get it. Wizards use owls cause it works fer em.
"So how'll Ah know which owl's the right one fer the job?"
"It depends on where you live. Since we're in the Highlands of Scotland, father made sure to buy an Eagle owl named Arthur. I would use one of the school's Eagle owls too since it would have to cross the Irish Sea."
"Well, Ah guess Ah better be startin' awready."
Ah start lookin round tha Owlery fer an owl. Ah try ta remember what an Eagle owl looks like when Ah find one an' walk over ta it. It looks real cute an Ah feel like it's the right one.
"Heeeey, buddy."
Ah give the owl a good ol' head rub while Ah speak.
"Wha's yer name, fella?"
Ah wait in eager anticipation, but the owl don’t respond.
"Tha's okay. Ah’m sure yer a good owl in any case."
Ah smile as Ah finally hear from somethin. Ah decide ta try one more time.
"Ohhh. Yer name's Buckbeak. Ah reckon Ah'll call ya Buck fer short. Ya think ya can help me?"
Ah get excited an Ah hold out mah letter fer Buck ta pick it up wit his beak.
"Buck? Ya wanna take this letter fer me?"
Buck looks at me all confused.
"Right. Sorry. Go ta Uncle Travis Kwimper's cabin in the woods in Cork, Ireland."
Buck takes mah letter finally an Ah kinda like 'em now.
"So tha’s all Ah needed ta do?"
Ah coulda swore he nodded at me as he gets up. Ah decide ta wait an watch Buck fly away. Ah watch em slowly get smaller till Ah see em disappear.
"Take this to Gryffindor Manor please, Arthur."
Arthur starts flyin away.
"Thanks fer yer help, Jacklin. Do ya know when Ah'd be gettin a letter back?"
"I think you should be able to get a reply by Friday."
"Ah can’t wait ta hear from Pop. Ah'm gonna tell ‘em bout Buckbeak when he writes back."
We leave the Owlery an jus wanna take a nap before dinner.
Time Skip
"Ya know there's somethin Ah do got a special interest in?"
"Oh really? What is it?"
"Well... is knowin bout plants an gardenin important fer magic?"
"Oh yes! Herbology is a very important subject. In fact if you're not an excellent Herbology student, Potions would be just as difficult. They often go hand in hand."
Ah gotta think bout that. Ah know bout schools havin gardenin clubs but Hogwarts ain't a normal school. Ah don't wanna get mah hopes up over somethin that don't exist.
"They got any type a plant club here?"
"I remember some of the fourth year students were talking about being assistants to Professor Sprout. It's not exactly a club but you get House points for helping a professor outside of class."
"Ooh. Ah gotta talk ta Sprout then. Some a mah earliest memories was a me helpin mah momma wit 'er plants."
Ah start thinkin bout what helpin Sprout'd look like. Ah don't wanna be takin care a Venus Fly Trap plants. But maybe Ah won't be gettin that type a job right off the bat. Either way Ah gotta ask the teacher cause Ah wanna show Ah can be good at somethin.
Tagging: @arrolyn1114, @nemos-rapture, @xanatenshi, @briefpandatimemachine, @hooked-on-elvis, @vintagepresley, @aliengoth3, @smokeymountainboy, @bigdaddyelvislover, @mercsandmonsters, @pledgingmylovee, @presleysgirl6, and @thetaoofzoe.
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deke-rivers-1957 · 5 months
Toby's First Day
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Ah wake up an' Ah feel like Ah'm gonna throw up. But Ah feel a lil better 'cause Ah'm layin' down on ma bed an it's a whole lot less scary. Ah can't see anything. Ah try an lift mah head up an' Ah fall right back down.
Ah try an get mah head up so Ah can look at Trevor when he ribbits an' see how he doin', but Ah can't. Ah feel like Ah jus wanna curl up in a ball. Ah remember the things Ah said ta Jacklin an Ah wish Ah didn't. Mah head still feels a lil woozy so Ah think Ah'll just lie here an... uh... an...
Time Skip
Ah finally stop snorin' an' wake up a little. Ah sit up real slow an' Ah look at Trevor. He's jus' lyin' there in his tank an' it looks like he ain't moved at all since Ah last saw him. Ah'm a lil confused bout how mah stuff an Ah got here. Somebody musta brought 'em while Ah was sleepin.
"Ya doin good lil buddy?"
He ribbits so Ah get up real quick an Ah hobble on over ta Trevor's tank. Ah open tha door an' Ah feed 'em. Ah take tha blood worm outta tha fridge an' Ah put tha cold, bloody wormy thing inta Trevor's tank an Ah see em suck it up. It makes a real mess a his face. Trevor looks at me real concerned wit tha wormy mess on his face an Ah know Trevor's worried 'bout mah well bein' so Ah smile a lil for 'em.
"Didja see who brought ya an mah stuff up here lil buddy? Cause Ah sure dunno who did."
Ah pet Trevor’s head.
"Yer a good froggie, Trevor. Even if ya got a bloody wormy all over yer face. Ah'mma wipe ya clean."
Ah go ta get a paper towel but when Ah look at Trevor Ah see him cleanin’ tha worm offa himself. Ah giggle an get closer ta see what he looks like witout tha worm.
"Ya be a good boy, Trevor. Ah'm gonna be goin downstairs fer mah first day a wizardin' school. Be nice ta the other froggies."
Ah finish puttin' on ma uniform, pick up mah backpack an' head off ta tha Great Hall.
"Toby? Are you alright?"
Ah notice Jacklin an' tha cauldron. It doesn't look like Jacklin's had much sleep either, but Ah don't wanna say anythin' yet. Ah've gotta start tha day nice.
"Ah'm real confused bout wha happened last night. How'd Ah end up in mah new bed?"
"Our prefect carried you upstairs after I brought it to his attention that you fainted."
Ah nod then look at tha cauldron an' don't know what else ta say, so Ah ask a question.
"What ya do'n with tha cauldron?"
"I’m bringing it to our Potions class today. I don’t want Professor Snape to take points away because we’re not prepared."
Tha name "Snape" sounds like someone's mispronouncin' "snake." Like "Snakin' around" or somethin'. But Ah don't wanna say that to Jacklin jus' yet, since we jus' got up an' Ah wanna be nice ta Jacklin till m' day goes sour. Ah look "prepared" ta take tha class wit m' friend Jacklin.
"Ya sure do seem prepared."
"I also took the time to look through our schedule and put everything that you need in your strange human device."
Ah raise mah eyebrow cause Ah got no idea what she's sayin.
"Mah what?"
"Oh. That big thing there."
Ah look at where she's pointin an Ah realize wha' she means now.
"Tha's mah backpack. It ain't that strange. Jus bout every kid uses 'em."
"How do you use this?"
"Ah jus' put it on like this."
Ah pick up mah backpack an put it on carefully.
"Tha's how Ah do it."
Ah'm glad Ah somehow managed ta impress 'er. Ah ain't realized that showin 'er somethin simple like a backpack'd do tha.
"How'd ya usually carry thangs if ya ain't got a backpack?"
"I put everything in my cauldron. We're not allowed to use magic in the corridors here, so on Potions days I just use that. My wand and quill are in the pockets of my robe."
"So ya really gotta know what ya need fer what day."
She nods at me.
"Yes that’s why I carefully planned how to carry everything last night."
"Well... yer real smart."
Ah look at tha books an' cauldron an' think maybe it's a good idea.
"Ya know, Ah never woulda thought of tha."
"So where did you get this backpack? I noticed that it had a lot of little zippers on it and wasn't sure if it's common."
Ah look at mah backpack.
"This one's giv'n ta me by Pop. It's real tough. Ah could drop it out tha window an' it jus' wouldn't break."
"Do you think you can put your cauldron in there? I wasn't exactly sure how to get it to fit. Your books were easy enough to put inside since they're rectangular."
Ah shrug since Ah jus know she's tryna help me.
"Sure, Ah'll try it."
Ah open up m' backpack an' try ta make room for tha cauldron. There's a buncha' magic stuff in tha way but Ah move it around an' eventually manage ta fit tha cauldron in. When Ah finish Jacklin's lookin up at me wit these big eyes all lil girls get when they're 'mazed by thangs.
"That’s amazing. Humans are so crafty without magic."
Ah don't fully understand wha tha means, but Ah like tha sound of it.
"Yeah. We get crafty, tha's fo sure."
Ah close m' backpack an' get ready ta head on downstairs.
"I hope I don’t lose my balance going down these stairs, Toby."
"Why'd ya think ya'd lose ya balance?"
"I need to use both hands to carry this cauldron. It’s too heavy if I tried to use one hand."
Ah look at tha cauldron an' then look at Jacklin.
"Ah think Ah should carry tha cauldron for ya. Ya can jus' put yer hands in tha pockets of yer robe."
It ain't tha big a deal, but Ah don't want Jacklin fallin' down tha stairs. Ah hold out m' hands ta take pick 'er up an tha cauldron.
"Toby are you sure you can handle both me and your backpack?"
Ah manage ta carry tha cauldron, Jacklin an' m' backpack down tha stairs.
"Ah can handle it. Ah got big muscles in tha farm boy arms."
"Very well then."
Ah walk down tha stairs an' toward tha Great Hall as tha breakfast crowd parts ways for me an' Jacklin.
"Ah'm okay."
Ah like carryin' Jacklin an' tha cauldron an' don't think anythin' about it till suddenly Ah hear some'un callin' out my name loud.
"We're at the bottom of the stairs Toby."
Ah see tha Great Hall in front of m' an' hear Jacklin callin' me. Ah know Ah can't carry Jacklin an' tha cauldron much longer. Ah stop walkin' for a second an' set Jacklin on tha floor.
Jacklin turns to me.
Ah try ta catch m' breath an' lean against tha wall of tha Great Hall. Ah feel a little tired.
Ah look at tha empty cauldrons in Jacklin's hands an' feel real foolish.
"Can Ah ask you a question?"
Ah'm wonderin' if Jacklin noticed somethin' while Ah was carry'n her.
"Ah know Ah'm a little slow, but Ah can't help feelin' like Ah done wrong while Ah was carry'n ya."
Ah look at Jacklin's face real close an' look for a sign tha somethin' bad happened.
"You didn't do anything wrong Toby. I just was worried about you getting hurt. I thought my Veela magic was making you want to impress me."
Ah feel relieved.
"Oh. Well, Ah was jus tryin' ta do the right thing."
Ah sit down an look tha table. There's a lot a kids here an' for a second Ah wonder if Ah'm even gonna find m' seat. Ah get a feelin tha Ah'm gonna say someth'in wrong or do somethin' weird an' it's gonna ruin tha day. Ah feel real worried about tha day an' want it ta go slow. Ah start lookin' real worried ta Jacklin 'cause Ah don't wanna make her mad an' Ah don't wanna make the day go bad. Ah can't stand tha not be'in in tha right seat feel.'
"I think those are our tables there, Toby."
Ah look in tha direction Jacklin's pointin' an' see tha tables. Ah feel good 'cause Ah'm findin' m' way an' Ah don't wanna get lost here.
"Let's sit down here. This spot's open for us."
Breakfast foods start to appear on the table. Ah look for tha pancakes an' eggs so Ah can start eat'n them.
"Do you have any special interests Toby?"
"Well, Ah like pancakes a lot, but Ah think tha's jus' normal."
Ah shove as much pancake as Ah can fit in m' mouth.
"Does that mean you like cooking? I was thinking that if you had any special interests you might be able to find classes here that relate to them."
"No, Ah'm not good with cook'n."
Ah shove tha rest a' tha pancake a' in m' mouth an' look around tha hall real worried tha Ah ain't been able ta ask about somethin' Ah need ta know about. Ah finally decide m' need ta ask m' question is so important tha it's like tha whole day depends on it.
Jacklin looks over at m' when Ah call her name an' Ah get a real good feelin' tha things are gonna go right.
"Yes Toby?"
"Well, how do Ah fit in here? Ah dunno how we even make it onta the platform ta get ta the train if we ain't spose ta be seen by humans. Ah think Ah jus ain't meant ta be here."
Ah feel like m' whole day's gonna jus' crash an' all tha bad feelin' jus' keep buildin' an' buildin'.
"Everyone in this part of the Great Hall are part of the Gryffindor House. That’s how you fit in. Not everyone here has to be a pureblood like me. I don't think the average wizard in general knows that Platform 9 and 3/4s is charmed so that only those with magic blood can even get near it."
Ah start ta calm down a lil bit. Ah'm a Gryffindor. Ain't so bad. Ah look around tha Great Hall an' most people are wearin' tha Gryffindor colors an' Ah think tha's cool.
"Thank yuh! Nice ta know."
But tha silence jus' feels so loud. Ah feel like tha food is gettin' cold an' tha food smells an' tastes diff'r'nt. Ah know tha's how Ah am an' it's tha way Ah am but it's jus' so quiet right now.
"Have you ever thought about what you want to be when you grow up?"
"Not really."
Ah feel bad 'cause Ah dunno whut Ah wanna do an' there's so much time an' so many things Ah don't know. Ah've been so worried this tha day was fallin' apart tha Ah jus' haven't had any thoughts 'bout tha future.
"That makes sense. It’s hard to figure out how to use your magic if you haven’t learned anything about it yet."
Ah clean m' face an' hands real good so Jacklin won't think Ah'm sloppy. Tha pancake was real good though.
"Do you want to read our Potions book together?"
Ah look at Jacklin an' she's got a book open an' she's sittin' right next to me.
"Okay. Ah don't know if Ah'm gonna understand it though."
"I think this first chapter is about our supplies and why we need them."
"Oh, that's good. Ah could use some supply learnin'."
Ah start lookin' at the book an' it looks like it's letter based. Ah know how to read, but tha letters are real small an' Ah gotta look real hard to know which letter's next. Ah also gotta think real hard 'bout how tha letter sounds.
"Did your Pop ever get your vision checked?"
"No. Do Ah need ta have m' eyes checked?"
Ah keep read'n m' letter very slowly an' Ah'm startin' ta feel a little better 'bout tha day. This isn't so bad.
"I'm not sure since I have no idea why reading this book is difficult for you."
Ah don't wanna give Jacklin tha wrong idea, so Ah try ta explain m'self. The more Ah talk, the more Ah realize tha Ah do have m' problems, but they're jus' part a me.
"Well, when Ah see tha letters Ah can see 'em fine, but Ah dunno. Ah get through 'em real slow an' sometimes Ah... sometimes Ah don't remember what tha letter sounds like an' Ah gotta go back an' re-read it. An' it jus' takes a long time ta... ya know finish."
"Oh. So it’s a reading problem and not a vision problem."
Ah look down an' Ah get a little nervous 'cause Ah notice tha everybody at tha table's watchin' m'. So Ah finish m' lett'der fast an' look up real quick.
"I never thought that a cauldron’s metal would make a difference in how fast a potion’s brewed."
"Well, tha cauldron sure looks real important."
Ah look at tha pictures again an' it looks like tha cauldrons are the place where all tha magic happens in 'potion making.' Ah feel interested an' tha books is startin' ta make sense. M' nerves seem ta be leavin' an' Ah relax jus' a little bit more.
"There's jus' so much tha m' brain's gotta know all at once. So how long d'ya think it's gonna be before Ah figure out tha right way ta use m' magic?"
"As long as we take notes and do all of our assignments through all seven years, our professors will give us passing marks. Magic can be easy as long as you try."
"But how do ya know when you're doin' it right?"
It feels like there's gonna be a lotta mess ups in 'potion makin' an' other magic usin'. It's jus' too much to figure out an' some of it doesn't make any sense so far.
"If you try to say an incantation and you’re saying it wrong, then nothing will happen. With potion making you have to read everything carefully. Each potion is different so a lot can go wrong. From what my father told me about potion making, smoke is normal but nothing should explode or boil over."
"Oh, yeah."
Ah picture m'self at 'potion class. Ah see smoke an' m' mind starts to wonder. M'self an' tha others jus' watchin' 'potion boilin' up an' down an' tha smoke's makin' things seem jus' a little bit different. An' m' body's startin' ta sweat jus' a little bit. Ah imagine the fumes from tha cauldrons makin' m' head spin jus' a little bit. Ah try ta hold it together bu' Ah'm jus' a little nervous about tha whole thing.
"That was the bell. I think we should leave for the dungeons now. Are you feeling better, Toby?"
"Yeah Ah'm ok."
Ah start walkin' but Ah see Jacklin watchin' me an' somehow tha makes me feel a lotta bettah. Ah don't know why really. It jus' does. Maybe 'er Veela magic's hittin me after all. Ain't so bad then.
"Let’s see. I have my wand, our cauldrons, my potion book, and I think everything else is in your backpack. Is that right?"
It looks like Ah got the basics. Ah don't really know what all Ah'm gonna need yet, but Ah think Ah'm all set for the first potions class. It's scary but... it's ok.
"In that case, I think we can go right to the dungeons for Potions with Professor Snape."
"Why'd Mr. Snape wanna have Potions class down in tha dungeons?"
Ah try ta picture it an' Ah can't see it. All Ah can imagine is some creepy dark place down tha stairs with spiders an' bats an'... who knows what. Ah start gettin' a little nervous agin.
"You have to call him Professor Snape. The dungeons are a great place to teach potions. They’re well ventilated and also act as a storage space for ingredients that are sensitive to sunlight.
"Oh. Well, tha's okay then."
Ah try ta imagine those places better but Ah still mostly see spiders an' bats. Ah shake m' head an' try ta get rid of tha picture.
Time Skip
Ah'm lookin' round tha dungeons. It's dim an' Ah can't see far. Ah notice it's jus' stone an' dirt under tha ground. Looks cold, but it's quiet. Ah think Ah like it.
"It looks like we made it to class a little early today."
"How much time d'ya think we have?"
Ah look over tha classroom door an' Ah start wonderin' what's in the potions room. Ah guess it's the place where the potions class is gonna take place. Maybe it's nice like da classroom. Ah hope so, but tha whole potions class' too much ta figure out.
"I believe we have just enough time to organize everything we could possibly need for today’s class."
Ah look back at tha potions table. Tha potions teacher probably starts teachin' right on tha bell. Ah don't want stuff in a mess when tha potions teacher walks in. Ah get busy try'n ta get tha stuff organized.
"Welp tha's all mah stuff."
Ah sit back straight in mah chair an' watch Professor Snape walk in. He looks real grouchy as Ah watch tha class sit down. Ah don't do anythin but jus' sit there lookin'. Ah figure tha's the smart choice right now. He starts lookin' over m' backpack an' Ah start feelin' kinda nervous again.
"We do not leave objects in the aisle. Move it to the other side of your chair."
Mah head starts ta spin as Professor Snape moves on. This potions class seems like it's gonna be harder than Ah thought. But Ah ain't gonna give up. Ah look around tha classroom an' notice tha other students all look like they knew to move tha object before tha potions teacher started teachin'. That's okay. Ah'm not like m' head's filled with a lotta magic like some of the others. M' job's jus' to get through tha potions class an' learn something.
"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making. As there is little foolish wand waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes bewitching the minds, and ensnaring the senses. I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even stopper death."
Ah watch Professor Snape talk an' Ah feel a lotta magic words jus' fly into mah head. Ah wanna have m' own bottled magic.
"I can see some of you have brought all of the required ingredients and equipment as if you expected to produce a potion on your first day. Well done. For those of you who brought everything you will be given a point for Gryffindor."
Ah take a deep breath an' Ah get ready for Snape ta start teachin' me stuff. Ah think he's gonna like me.
"Now you all should have read the introductory chapter of the Book of Potions in preparation of todays class. So if I were to ask what the difference is between a brass, copper, and pewter cauldron I would assume you would all know the answer."
Ah know tha a copper cauldron is good as it'll melt tha metal at tha right temp. Ah know that tha pewter doesn't get hot enough. But that's all Ah remember about tha cauldrons right now.
"The difference is the brewing speed. First years normally use a pewter cauldron because it brews at the slowest speed."
Ah look over at Jacklin. Ah guess she knows all tha answers an' Ah can't remember what Ah already know. M' shoulders start ta relax an' Ah listen in. Ah think it'll be safe enough ta just sit back an' let Jacklin tell tha right answers.
Ah see that he looks like he's a little pleased wit tha right answer. Ah hope that Jacklin knows most a tha answers. Ah like her an’ Ah don’t wanna see her get yelled at.
"Turn to page 394. Our first lesson will be about making the Cure for Boils Potion."
Ah find tha page and Ah look up real quick when Ah see it.
"This is your first test to see if you have any skill in potion making. A beginner worth teaching will successfully make such a basic potion before the end of class. You will be working in pairs to complete this potion. I will not tolerate students who backpack off of others."
Am Ah skilled enough ta make tha potion? Ah don't wanna fail this first test. Ah get paired up wit m' friend Jacklin.
"How do you want to divide the work Toby?"
"Well, Ah can read everythang ta make sure we ain't doin nothin wrong."
"So you can read each step and get all of the ingredients together?"
"Uh huh."
Ah point ta m' potion book sittin' on m' table an start readin the first step.
"In that case, I can start the fire. What does the first step say?"
"Well, it says ta take out a pewter cauldron."
Ah see 'er get it.
"What do we need to do next?"
Ah know what tha next step is!
"We gotta add 6 snake fangs an crush 'em in the mortar."
Ah start countin cause Ah can obviously count ta 6 then start crushin 'em.
"How's this look?"
"I think you crushed them enough, Toby. They needed to be a fine powder and it looks a lot like dust."
Ah read the next step.
"All righ', four measures a' tha snake fangs."
Ah see Jacklin count out tha snake fangs an' get all four measures in tha cauldron.
"Alright then. We just finished measuring the crushed snake fangs and added them to the cauldron."
"Ok so now we gotta take the cauldron up ta 250 fer 10 seconds."
Ah see Jacklin turn tha fire up.
"1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Awright turn it down."
She turns down the heat an uses the potion makin spell wit 'er wand.
"Curious Boilus!"
Ah get a little nervous when Ah see the potion boilin'.
Time Skip
"I see the pink smoke. We did it Toby!"
Ah see tha pink smoke come outta tha cauldron an' Ah feel better an' better about mah first potions test.
"Pour the potion into the vials and clean up."
Ah listen ta Snape an' pick up the vials, fillin' em wit tha cure for boils potion. Ah'm a lil nervous bout what he'll say ta us.
"This is a textbook perfect potion. You and Mr. Kwimper will each receive 5 points for Gryffindor."
Thas it! Ah feel real proud when Snape takes tha vials. Ah notice that Jacklin's pretty happy too. She's lookin' over at me and she's givin' me a real nice smile.
"Class is dismissed."
Ah hear tha bell. We're done wit potions! Ah notice a couple a' kids givin' me funny looks when we walk out of tha potion room. Ah don' think Ah've ever got so much attention jus' from doin' potion work. Ah feel good walkin' out wit Jacklin.
"Let me see now. Defense Against The Dark Arts is our next class. We just need to go to the Transfiguration courtyard. The temporary classroom should be located on the ground floor level."
Ah'm so glad Ah'm with Jacklin. She's the only one who seems to understand where all tha stuff is. She looks at me an' then Ah feel like Ah understand too. Ah don't know how she does it, but Ah follow her.
"I hope the other boys weren't too distracted by my Veela magic."
When Ah hear her say "Veela" Ah remember one a' tha things she told me about what they can do. Ah try to think of her as jus’ normal Jacklin, even though Ah can tell tha boys were distracted an even a little scared by her.
"What did you learn today during our first Potions class, Toby?"
Well, Ah dunno much bout why we gotta use wha' we used. But Ah got a lotta experience in pickin' out non-venomous snakes. Like if ya wanna find a snake who ain't venomous ya don't wanna find no copperheads cause they got venom. Does tha count for somethin'?"
"Why of course that is an important skill to have. Especially when working across the world. I'm not familiar with a copperhead. What type of snake is that?"
Ah repeat everythang Ah know from mah book on snakes.
"It's a type a water moccasin tha looks a little different. They live mainly round the eastern coast a North America an round the Mississippi drainage. They're real common here an' compared ta others they're more likely ta bite if they're all scared. They're medium-sized an venomous, but they don't really kill people that much."
"What other snakes do you have there? We don't have a lot of snakes here in the UK or in Bulgaria where my mother's from."
Ah realize she ain't gonna know a lotta thangs Ah do.
"Oh, Ah'm from Florida, Jacklin. Full a snakes. We got big black ones. We got orange an' yellow ones. Ah even had a python in Pop's yard once, but it was only a lil one. They're not the real bad snakes, but they're not the good ones, either."
"So you know what a Common European Adder is?"
"Common European Adder? Yeah, Ah know ‘em. They’re mean little critters, but they ain't as dangerous as rattlesnakes."
"Just how dangerous are they? Adders are the most dangerous snake native to the UK."
Ah jus know this'll get ugly real quick cause she jus ain't used ta dealin wit nature.
"Yep, but they use tha poison in their bites. It don’t hurt as much as tha venom a dangerous kinda snake's got. Now tha rattlesnake'll kill ya deader-than-thou, but Adders ain’t as deadly. ‘Course, Ah ain’t sayin’ Ah'd wanna get bit."
"I understand why you know so much about snakes now, Toby."
Ah get a real nice feelin’ inside when Ah hear this from Jacklin.
"So how exactly do you know what an Adder looks like?"
"Oh Adders're dark. They got like a kind a "x" on their necks. They look mean, even if they really ain't. That's good, cuz Ah think snakes are real beautiful lookin’. They just don’t want no people hangin’ round when they’re sunnin’ themselves like Ah saw a few do in Florida. Snakes don’t like company."
"I don’t know what I would do if I ever saw a snake in real life."
Ah know if Jacklin's like a lotta girls she'd be screamin but Ah don't wanna tell 'er cause she'd probly get all mad.
"Well, if tha snake jus sees ya an' don't do nothin' ta you, then jus' leave it be. They get angry 'cause they're real scared of being stepped on. Jus back away from it or stand real still. Snakes wanna go where they're goin', but they don't bite less they get scared by somethin’. Ah don’t think Ah’ve ever been scared of a snake before, jus' annoyed by ‘em."
"That’s probably because you were raised in an area full of them."
After a little while, Ah notice that Jacklin has a kinda worried look on her face. Ah wonder what she's thinking so Ah ask her, 'cause that's what Pop always says Ah should do when Ah wonder.
"You okay, Jacklin?"
"They don’t have snakes that are as big as pythons native do they Toby?"
"Yeah Ah think there's a whole lotta big snakes in Florida, like the Burmese pythons. They can get as long as twenty feet. But that's jus a big snake in the wild. There’s also boa constrictors. They get pretty long, too. They got a lot more snakes than just pythons in Florida."
"Those are invasive species why are they in Florida?"
"Ah reckon some people wanna keep 'em as pets, an' then tha pets get out or let go. When they breed wit other snakes it can start a lotta trouble. Like, it could be real bad for tha other kinda snakes if they got mixed wit big python snakes. Ah guess someone shoulda thought a' tha before they tried to have tha big snakes for pets."
Ah see 'er try not ta shudder outta fear cause Ah know this' really freakin 'er out.
"What would you do if you saw something that big?"
Ah think real hard an' Ah can see that Jacklin is expectin' a real good answer from me.
"Ah probably wouldn't do much if Ah saw one in the wild... jus' walk real quiet an keep movin', or Ah'd stand still. Ah don't think Ah'd ever do anythin' tha's real dumb like touchin' it."
"So you can’t just run away from snakes?"
"Well, Ah guess Ah could try to run away. But Ah don't think Ah could get very far if a snake like tha was after me. They can move real fast when they want to. An’ they'll chase ya an’ swallow ya a lot of times. It's best ta leave ‘em alone or stand as still as Ah can an' hope they'll jus' move along."
"They can eat people?!"
Ah think Ah'm startin' ta make Jacklin worried wit all the snake talk.
"Yeah, tha big snakes can eat people. That's why they're always on the news when tha snake hunters catch ‘em. It's real rare for tha snakes ta eat people, though. Ah bet news stations go lookin' for big snakes so they can put ‘em on TV an get big ratin's. When they do, it ain’t real good for the snakes. A lot a' people get scared and they’ll want tha snakes killed."
"I hope you won’t take this wrong when I say I do not plan on visiting the States during our winter holidays."
Ah dunno if Jacklin just made a joke, so Ah try ta sound like Ah have a good sense a humor, even though Ah don't have much a one.
"Ah don’t blame ya. Snakes an alligators don’t make fer very fun winter holidays."
Sayin stuff bout gators jus seems ta scare 'er more.
"Yeah. We got gators in Florida, too. Ah think it's jus' cause Florida's a real warm place, so it's a real nice place for snakes an' gators. But they ain’t gonna bother you if you leave ‘em alone."
"How is that not scary to you? You have so many dangerous animals that we don’t even have here in the UK."
'Er eyes're gettin all big an Ah know she's freakin out.
"Well, they ain't dangerous if they ain't mad. They only want food an' a place ta rest. Ah gotta say, they're pretty fun ta see if they ain't botherin' ya. Ah do like ‘em better than snakes. You can see ‘em comin', ‘cause a gator don't slither round like a snake."
"Are there any animals you are afraid of then?"
Ah try to think of somethin', but Ah can't think a' nothin'. If Ah say snakes it'll seem like Ah'm afraid a' them, so Ah can't do tha. Ah gotta think of somethin'.
"Oh, yeah. Ah'm a little afraid of raccoons. They can be real mean if they get mad at ya. Most of ‘em are friendly an’ they leave people alone, but sometimes Ah gotta scare off a mad raccoon when it gets ta thievin' stuff or botherin' our chickens."
"What’s a raccoon?"
Ah oughta make a list a thangs we got in Florida an she's only got here.
"Oh. A raccoon's kinda like a cat, like Ah told ya, except it looks a little like a bear kinda, just real small an' wit a long tail. Ah see a lotta raccoons livin' in the woods. They get in places they ain't supposed ta be, so Ah get mad at ‘em for thievin' stuff an' then tha raccoons’ll get mad at Ah an' then we'll have a little war of words. That's why Ah'm a little afraid a' raccoons."
"At least it can’t eat you like a python can."
"That's right. You can probably out-run a raccoon, too. Just try ta stay away from tha young'uns, an' tha raccoons probably won't bother ya. Don't call ‘em "trash pandas" though. Ah mean, you'll be right ta call ‘em that, but they don’t like it at all. They get real mad."
Somethin bout wha' Ah said caused Jacklin ta raise mah eyebrow an Ah dunno why.
"How would you know that as if you can talk to them like a person?"
"Ah know ‘cause when Ah’m chasin' ‘em away from our chickens, Ah yell “you trash pandas,” an’ they act real mean after Ah say tha. Like Ah said, they're a lot like people. If Ah call 'em, “sweet little trash pandas” they don't get nearly as upset wit me."
"So you can talk to animals?"
"Well, Ah talk to the animals Ah like. Ah talk ta tha froggies an’ tha turtles an’ tha toadies, fer sure. Ain't nothin' really special 'bout talkin' ta animals. Ah think they like hearin' kind words, though. Ah know gators never say much, but they seem ta listen when Ah'm talkin' ta ‘em."
Ah dunno why Jacklin's lookin at me like Ah'm a dummy.
"Nothing special? Talking to animals is a rare skill for wizards to have. It can’t be taught."
"Really? Ah wasn't aware of tha'. How come tha's rare?"
"Wizards have to be born with that type of ability."
"Oh… well, then Ah reckon Ah'm special."
Time Skip
"Did you hear that Toby?"
Ah hear this weird hissin noise.
"Yeah Ah heard sumthin'. It sounded like a snake."
Ah listen real hard an' look around. Ah don’t see anythin’, but Ah hear the snakes hiss again.
"It sounds like it's comin' from 'em bushes over there."
Ah think tha snake is goin' ta try ta scare us by hiss'n again.
"Do you think you can try talking to it as we walk by Toby?"
"Ah can try. Ah can try talkin' real nice an' explainin' tha we ain't interested in startin' nothin' with tha snake. We just wanna get on by."
Ah see this big snake coiled up in tha bushes an' Ah start talkin' to it soft. Ah keep walkin' while Ah’m talkin', an’ Ah try ta sound as non-threatening as Ah can. Ah also try ta keep movin’.
"Here, Mr. Snake. Hey, here, here. We jus' wanna go on through tha door, tha one behind ya. We wanna keep movin' an' we don't wanna fight ya. Can we jus' move on, Mr. Snake?"
Ah don’t see any signs tha the snake's movin'. Ah keep talkin’.
"Mr. Snake, we don’t wanna be late fer class. We gotta be in class in ten minutes. Please move fer us."
Ah see tha the snake is moving away from us. Ah keep up tha friendly talk as Ah keep movin’.
"Thank ya, Mr. Snake. Ah ain’t tryin’ to upset ya. You've been a real nice snake, an’ Ah think it's great tha ya got a nice cozy place ta relax an' keep warm, an' Ah hope ya have a good day, Mr. Snake. We gotta go now."
Ah hear the snake hissin an look back. Ah guess tha’s a kind a snake wave. Ah turn back ta the door an’ keep movin’ toward tha door. Ah notice tha tha snake ain’t in tha bushes no more, Ah think it moved off somewhere else. Ah smile 'cause Ah’m proud that Ah handled tha snake situation so good.
"Toby you spoke Parseltongue just now."
"What're ya talkin' bout? Me speakin' ta tha snakes?"
"Yes. You thought you were speaking English, but it just sounded like hissing sounds to me."
Ah stop dead in mah tracks. Ah stare at Jacklin like she's lost her mind.
"Ya mean tha’s really what Ah sound like?"
"That’s what it sounded like to me."
Ah'm stunned an' Ah can't think a anythang ta say.
"Tha's just... tha's... tha's... tha's... Ah don't know what ta say, actually. Ah got nothin' ta say ta that."
"We can talk about it later then. Right now we need to get to class on time."
Ah realize tha Jacklin’s right. Ah can't discuss this now no matter how much Ah wanna know tha answer. Ah pick back up on the walkin' as Jacklin an Ah make our way down tha path ta the DADA class.
Time Skip
"There's Professor Quirrell the new professor for this class."
We're right on time an Ah'm happy bout it.
"Than-thank you for be-being on time. Th-that's a p-p-point for ea-each of you."
Ah smile as we go an sit down.
"Than-thank you all for ma-making it. My na-name is Prof-professor Quir-Quirrell."
Ah try ta focus on tha professor but Ah can’t stop thinkin' 'bout tha snake talk. Ah look at Jacklin real quick ta see if she’s actin’ any diff'rent. Ah try ta read her face but Ah dunno if it's good Ah can’t read 'er face like Ah can a "regular person’s."
"Now to-today we're go-going to be ta-talking about Imps."
Ah know tha Ah should be payin' attention to tha lesson but Ah just can’t stop thinkin' about this thing with tha snakes. Ah just sit there lookin' at his weird scarf hat.
"M-make sure to-to copy th-this in your n-notes."
Ah start ta take some notes as Professor Quirrell stutters through tha assignment. By now Ah been so used ta it that Ah can understand him perfectly fine, even when he stutters.
"For ho-homework, please wr-write a short essay about the-the Knock-knockback Jinx. You ha-have until next we-week to fi-finish it.."
Ah’m not happy ‘bout the homework assignment. Ah know tha Professor Quirrell thinks it’s easy, but Ah can be a little slow sometimes. Ah can get stuck on one thing fer like... forever.
"Toby I was just about to ask if you wanted to start working on our essay during our free period after we get back to Gryffindor Tower."
Ah look up an see Jacklin in front a me.
"Well, Ah’d be happy ta meetcha in tha common room 'cause Ah don’t wanna waste no time. Besides, it'd be good to get the homework over an’ done wit."
"That sounds great Toby."
Ah smile 'cause Ah feel tha Jacklin's bein' real nice an' patient with me today. Ah ain't used ta people bein' all that nice ta me.
"Thanks Jacklin."
Ah keep walkin' an' Ah feel the stairs underneath me movin'.
"Be careful, Toby."
"Ah ain’t afraid o' tha stairs. It don’t even feel like Ah’m movin' much when tha stairs move anyway."
Ah feel tha sudden movement under mah feet when one a tha steps disappears. Ah almost lose mah balance, but Ah manage ta get back ta stable footin an' Ah ain’t at all bothered by tha missin step.
"See? It ain't no big deal, Ah tol ya Ah don’t mind the stairs movin’."
"Now if only we can say that going down the stairs."
Ah smile at Jacklin an' think it was a little joke Ah can laugh at. But Ah'm ready ta get tha homework done so Ah keep followin' Jacklin.
"Do you remember the password Toby?"
Ah think it's "Alohomora."
Ah smile real big when it opens an' go through tha door. Ah look fer Jacklin an’ see tha she's comin' in too. Ah just hope tha tha homework ain't too hard.
"Are you alright, Toby? You look out of breath."
Ah start ta take deep breaths cause Ah ain't used ta all 'em stairs yet.
"Yeah... Ah'm fine..."
Ah catch mah breath an start ta have a weird vision bout a floatin feather. It jus came an went real quick so Ah don't mind it.
Time Skip
Ah'm lookin at tha page with tha Knockback Jinx but Ah'm still stuck on it. Ah look over at Jacklin who's readin' tha DADA assignment like it's jus' normal speakin', but Ah know Ah'm not understandin' tha stuff even a bit.
"Do ya, do ya understand that Knockback Jinx stuff, Jacklin?"
"Yes. When you say the word "flipendo" and do the right wand movement, you can force your opponent to fly backwards away from you."
Ah'm thinkin' all this stuff Ah'm readin' looks like a bunch o' gobbledygook.
"Oh... Ah see. So, it's jus' one word an' then you gotta wave tha wand like this."
Ah make a wild, flickin' motion with mah wand.
"No Toby. It looks more like this."
Ah follow Jacklin's instructions with mah wand movin' down... up... then makin' tha U at tha end of tha movement.
"So, jus' say tha word an' do tha wand movement. Then they'll go flyin' away?"
"Yes it's an important spell to use when you're in a duel."
Ah feel like a total coward. A dark wizard might wanna duel an Ah might not even be able ta say tha word "flipendo" an Ah might be a total sittin duck.
"So, uh... if Ah was in tha middle of a duel wit a dark wizard an' Ah froze up, would that be a real problem?"
"Yes. You could end up getting killed."
Ah feel completely lost like Ah could puke. But Ah keep lookin at Jacklin tryin' ta hide how scared Ah am. Ah don't wanna be a total chicken in front of 'er, so Ah try ta keep myself together.
"So, uh... Jacklin, what's next with tha homework?"
"Now that we know what the Knockback Jinx does, we just need to explain why it can be used against Imps."
Ah think fer a second then say somethin tha sounds smart even if Ah'm guessin' a few words.
"Well, if ya think bout it, an imp's really small an' light like a rat. If Ah ever seen an Imp an Ah hit it wit a Flipendo... Ah mean tha Knockback spell Ah mean... well, it's like a real giant kickin' a real small creature. So, that'll knock tha Imp back an outta tha fight."
"That's right, Toby. Imps can't fly so we can use that to get them to fall into a hole or a cage."
Ah look at Jacklin an’ Ah'm amazed tha Ah'm sayin' tha things Ah'm sayin' an' knowin' bout stuff and even impressin' her. But Ah try ta keep tha positive feelings goin'.
"Oh yeah, tha'll work. Thanks fer lettin' me learn longside ya."
Ah look at Jacklin an' notice we both got it finished wit all tha homework done on it.
"Well, how're we gonna show tha professor that we learned it?"
"Next week we would turn in our scrolls and see if he asks us to do the spell."
Ah look over at 'er an Ah feel tha heat on mah face an hear tha poundin' in mah chest.
"Well it's almost time for lunch. I'm going upstairs to feed Tiger. How often do you need to feed Trevor?"
"Oh... 'bout once a day. But Trevor does like ta stay fed an Ah've been feedin' Trevor a couple times a day now, jus' so he's always full."
"Well, I'm sure your frog would love to see you for a few minutes before lunch."
Ah jump up outta tha chair up ta tha dorm an visit Trevor. Ah got some food an' Ah wanna check tha temperature an' make sure everythang's alright fer him.
"Hey there, Trevor. Ya doin' awright in here? Ain't too hot in here?"
Ah see Trevor startin' ta move round the corner ta me an Ah feel really happy tha Trevor responded.
"So, ya wantin' lunch? Is tha it?"
Ah smile when Ah see his tongue an' Ah realize tha's the best answer. Ah scoop up a few pieces a mealworm an Ah put it in the little area where Trevor is. Trevor jumps outta tha water ta grab the worm an Ah get tha feeling he's enjoyin' tha food.
"There ya go, Trevor. Tha oughta hold ya for a little bit."
Ah smile when Ah see his froggie eyes an' Ah feel like Ah did tha right thang by talkin' ta him. Ah notice tha it's time ta leave, so Ah turn tha light off an' Ah close tha lid of tha tank.
"Bye buddy. Ah'll be seein ya later."
Time Skip
Jacklin an Ah're walkin down the stairs wit our arms looped. Ah dunno why but it sure does help feel like we're friends.
"So uh... how ya likin Hogwarts so far?"
"Oh I love it. My father told me so many stories about his time at Hogwarts, and it's still so incredible to be here as a first year. The only thing I'm concerned about is my Veela magic. You haven't noticed any of the boys being affected by it, have you Toby?"
Ah don't want her ta feel awkward so Ah try findin a different answer.
"Uh… not really, no. It's like they're just happy ta see you. Sure don't wanna do anythin dangerous ta impress ya."
"That sounds good. My mother told me that it's common for the boys to feel the need to look at me."
Ah see tha boys round us as we walk. They're lookin at our linked arms an Ah know they're jus' wonderin' if a romance is startin'. But Ah know tha it ain't, cause Ah understand wha's goin' on. Ah'm too smart ta be fallin fer some girl Ah jus met.
"But that's just a... tha "charm" thang yer people got goin' on. It's jus' some kinda spell tha makes it so tha boys like you, tha's all."
Ah give Jacklin a lil smile as we approach tha door ta tha Great Hall.
"I wouldn't call it a spell. A spell would mean that it can be taught and Veela magic can't be taught like regular magic."
Ah stop an' look up at her before we go through tha doorway.
"So it ain't a spell then. But, uh... it's still somethin' tha ya do a lil naturally an', uh... Ah don't really know how ta put it. Ya gotta have some kinda magic goin fer ya if ya look like one a 'em chubby naked angel babies.
She looks real confused by wha Ah said an ta me it's better than feelin like Ah said somethin mean.
"A what?"
"Ya know in 'em paintin's. Ah think they're cherubs but Ah call 'em chubby naked angel babies cause they look like 'em."
"And how on earth do you think I look like one?"
Ah dunno if she's mad or jus confused so Ah think Ah gotta be honest bout it.
"Ya got one a 'em soft chubby faces. Specially in yer cheeks. Ain't like it can't be pretty but it ain't like yer so perfect like ya say Veela can be."
She starts ta laugh an Ah feel better now cause Ah woulda thought a girl'd be sayin Ah'm a dummy fer callin her chubby.
"Now I know for sure I can trust everything you say Toby."
"Why's that cause Ah'm jus tryna be honest?"
"I can trust you because I know no other boy would ever be able to say something like that. They would only talk about how pretty I look because of my magic."
Ah'm startin' ta understand a little better how all tha Veela magic works.
"Well whatever works fer ya."
Ah still feel awkward talkin' bout it, so Ah switch the subject.
"So what'd we get assigned next after lunch?"
We go over ta tha lunch table where Ah see tha other Gryffindors sittin' down. Ah give tha Gryffindors a little wave ta let them know Ah'm comin' ta sit by 'em.
"After lunch we only have Magical Theory today. Once we finish that class, we have a free period all the way until dinner. I can go over our full schedule later today if you want me to, Toby."
"Ok. Tha sounds nice. Ah don't know what tha Magical Theory's gonna be like tho. Ah hope it ain't as hard as DADA homework."
"I think a lot of it is reading and note taking. As long as you pay attention and read the book, you should get an O in that class."
Ah start to feel a little bit better now. Ah feel like tha day is turnin' out right after all. Ah smile an' Ah listen ta Jacklin.
"Tha sounds like an easy class ta get tha O."
Ah'm tryna figure out wha' ta eat fer lunch an look round the table.
"Could ya do me a favor, Jacklin?"
"What is it, Toby?"
"Ah was wonderin' if ya could grab me a bowl a tha chicken noodle soup. It's all the way down by ya an Ah can't reach it."
Ah know it sounds a lil foolish since Ah ain't sick or nothin', but it looks good ta me.
"Oh. Of course I can."
She gives it ta me an Ah notice 'er eatin a weird lookin sandwich.
"Whacha eatin?"
"Oh this is a cucumber sandwich."
Ah raise mah eyebrow at 'er.
"I... gather you don't eat these in the States do you. No matter. This is meant to be a light snack usually eaten during the afternoon. I'm so used to eating them for afternoon tea that I suppose it was out of habit."
"Oh Ah weren't judgin ya Jacklin. Ah jus ain't seen a cucumber sandwich. How's it suppose ta fill ya?"
Ah see she's lookin a lil better an Ah think it's cause she knows Ah ain't thinkin she's weird.
"It doesn't. Since it's meant to be a tea sandwich, it's only a snack meant to hold you over until supper. I'm sure not everyone does this anymore since we're no longer in the 1800s."
"Well if yer one a 'em wizard princesses Ah guess it makes sense ya still do thangs old people do."
She smiles a lil an Ah'm happy Ah ain't made 'er mad.
"Well this really turned out ta be tha perfect lunch fer me. Ya wanna know why?"
"Why is that, Toby?"
"Cause a tha chicken noodle soup ya got me."
Ah raise tha spoon and take another sip of tha soup. Ah let tha spoon down an' look at Jacklin.
"Why, Ah woulda been too stubborn ta try an' eat it until tha end a the day if ya hadn't give it ta me. But a got a little soup in me, an' now it's actually startin' ta taste good. Plus Ah ain't melted yet so maybe tha's how yer Veela magic's treatin me so thank ya."
Ah see 'er smilin an Ah realize tha first day a school ain't turnin' out half bad after all. So Ah try ta say somethin' ta make a joke.
"Guess what, Jacklin?"
"What, Toby?"
"Chicken butt!"
Ah hear the confusion in 'er voice an' Ah look up at 'er again. Ah give her a lil laugh.
"Ya know... chicken... chicken butt. Nothin'.
Ah go back to eatin' tha soup. Ah realize tha Jacklin keeps lookin' at me like Ah'm a lil crazy from tha joke.
"Ain't it a joke 'round here?"
"I don't believe it is."
Ah feel bad 'bout tha joke now. So Ah think bout the next thing tha Ah want ta ask Jacklin.
"Well... Ah was wonderin'... could ya do me another favor, Jacklin?"
"What is it?"
"How do ya send people letters here? Ah wanna write mah Pop an tell 'em Ah'm doin good."
Ah see 'er eyes light up.
"Oh! We can go to the Owlery. There's plenty of owls that can send your letter."
"So ya can show me how ta get there?"
"Of course, Toby. We can write our letters after Magical Theory."
Ah'm glad Jacklin's game fer tha idea a writin' letters together. Ah smile at 'er again an' Ah get back ta eatin' soup.
"Thank ya, Jacklin."
Ah take a lil sip a soup while watchin' Jacklin eat as tha two of us sit together at tha Gryffdor lunch table.
Time Skip
"Lunch is over. We need to find Class 67 for Magical Theory."
"Ok. Ah got mah backpack an Ah'm ready."
Ah finish up tha last of tha soup an stand up.
"Do ya wanna go first, Jacklin? Ah dunno where tha Magical Theory room is an' Ah don't wanna get us both lost."
"I think my father said it was on the 4th floor in the Astronomy Tower."
Ah give Jacklin another nod before Ah start followin' her up tha stairs ta tha Astronomy Tower for tha Magical Theory class.
"The stairs are moving again Toby."
Ah look up tha stairs, but Ah still keep walkin' wit Jacklin up them. Ah kinda try ta ignore tha fact tha stairs are movin' in tha way they are, but Ah wonder why they have tha stairs movin' like that.
"Well, Ah don't like tha stairs, but Ah like tha walkin' wit ya."
"All we have to do now is go up the stairs to the 4th floor."
Ah follow Jacklin up tha stairs to tha 4th floor an' Ah notice tha doors to tha Magical Theory class. Ah see a sign on tha door tha says: "Magical Theory" an Ah follow Jacklin through 'em into tha class.
"I wonder if our first lesson will be on Adalbert Waffling."
Ah look at her curious. Ah don't know nothin' bout Adalbert Wafflin. So Ah ask tha question tha way Ah always ask 'em.
"Who's Adalbert Wafflin?"
"Adalbert Waffling was a famous wizard who created the idea of magical theory. It’s because of him that we even have this class."
"Oh. Is tha why it's called "Magical Theory" Jacklin?"
"Yes. This class talks about how magic is created and who can use it."
Ah nod my head, but Ah don't really understand all tha much about it.
"Ah guess Ah'll find out bout all this magical stuff, huh?"
"Of course. It’s important to understand this topic if you want to learn how to use spells and make potions."
"Well, hopefully Ah can learn ta take care of mah self with tha spells an' potions, but Ah gotta tell ya tha Ah don't really plan on usin' tha spells too often. Ah mean no harm ta anybody, Jacklin, so Ah really don't want ta be usin' any spells tha do 'em harm. Does tha make any sense?"
"Yes Toby."
Ah take up a seat just as tha teacher steps up in front of tha class and Ah can feel Jacklin sittin' right beside me. Jacklin startin ta write. Ah see her writin' an' Ah can see she's writin' pretty fast. Ah try ta write mah own notes tha' best Ah can.
Time Skip
The bell goes off an we start ta leave.
"Can you believe it, Toby? We just finished our first day of classes and can do whatever we want until dinner."
Ah nod mah head an' Ah close mah books.
"You know, Jacklin, Ah'm really startin' ta like tha idea a writin' that letter ta Pop, but Ah'm not so sure what Ah'm gonna say."
"We can write our letters in the common room and go to the Owlery in the West Tower together. I can show you how to give your letter to the owl."
Ah get this big ol' smile on mah face. Ah didn’t know Jacklin was tha kinda gal tha liked ta do somethin' like tha.
"That’d be great."
Ah look at Jacklin then see tha Slytherins comin' up behind her. Ah realize she may not see 'em. So Ah tap her on tha shoulder an warn her bout tha Slytherins.
"Hey Jacklin, be careful. There're some Slytherins comin' up behind ya."
"Oh. I see. That's Draco Malfoy, Toby."
Ah can see Malfoy look like he'd like ta punch me, but Ah ignore tha look an' Ah try ta be friendly wit tha other Gryffindors and tha Slytherins alike.
"Oh, uh, howdy there Malfoy."
Ah extend mah hand ta shake his.
"Well what do you know? He actually has manners."
Ah'm glad tha Malfoy accepted ma hand an' Ah shake it, while lookin' over at Jacklin. Ah try ta speak in a way tha won’t be too dumb.
"Yeah, Ah figured Ah'd come over and say howdy ta all, uh, tha folks in tha other houses too, 'cause Ah mean no harm ta none a 'em."
"I see the Veela's sullying the Gryffindor name and all pure-bloods everywhere as usual. Can't even go five minutes without hypnotizing some poor boy that comes your way."
Ah notice he jus ignored me like he was talkin ta jus Jacklin.
"Godric Gryffindor wanted children of all magical backgrounds to study magic. I’m carrying on the traditions and values of the Gryffindor family just fine. Just because you developed a tolerance after all these years doesn’t mean others are completely helpless Draco."
They go inta this back an forth while Ah'm jus standin there.
"Well, uh, that's exactly what Ah was just thinkin' about. Ya know... how everybody should have an equal shot ta get ahead round here, 'cause Ah think all the kids at Hogwarts should do good, regardless of what house tha belong to. Ah mean... Ah can understand how a person can get inta a house jus' by bein strong or the brains they got, but what really matters' how good a person is. Ah mean... Ah really hope all the folks in tha Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin families could all be good friends."
Malfoy turns ta leave. His friends are still starina at me. He yells fer them.
"Crabbe! Goyle! Let’s go!"
"Ah was jus' tryin' ta say "howdy" is all. It's really hard not ta get nervous around some of tha Slytherins, but Ah really wanna make friends wit 'em. Jacklin, Ah gotta know... Do ya think it's possible ta get tha people at Hogwarts ta like ya more, despite ya bein' a, uh, a Veela?"
She looks a lil sad after talkin ta Malfoy.
"I can never know for sure Toby. Draco is able to resist it because we practically grew up together."
"Well, uh, thanks fer tha explanation. Anyway, Ah'd like ta spend more time wit folks like ya, who ain't gonna look at me funny or treat me like a loser. Ah mean, Ah know ya said tha Slytherins got all these ideas bout how we oughta be, but Ah wanna try ta get ta know some people, even if it means tha Slytherins'll hate me forever."
Ah just laugh at tha idea tha Slytherins would hate me. Ah wonder ta mahself if tha's really true.
"A lot of Slytherins are half blooded or human born just like the other Houses. It’s just that except for the Gryffindor family all of the powerful pure-blooded wizards went to Slytherin and believe children like you shouldn’t be allowed to learn magic. Even if you were pure-blooded like me, you were raised as a human."
"Really? Ah didn’t know tha, Jacklin."
Maybe Ah don’t know as much ‘bout Hogwarts as Jacklin do, but Ah’m pretty glad she’s takin' tha time ta explain tha history of tha Houses ta me while we walk together. Ah think that’s mighty kind a 'er.
"I’m not sure if I can go to the Owlery right away, Toby."
"Oh, okay. Ya mean, we won't be goin' ta tha Owlery today at all?"
"No no. We can still go today. Just not as soon as I originally planned."
"Oh? Why's tha?"
"I have a longer letter to write than I thought."
Ah nod Ah see. Ah feel it'd be best not to ask too many questions, so Ah just follow Jacklin along da path, takin' advantage of the time Ah'm with her to ask a couple things here 'n there bout 'er personal life.
"So, you gonna write a longer letter ta ya folks?"
"That’s right. I’m sure you have a lot to write to your father too."
"Oh, yeah, Ah figure Ah got a lot ta say ta Pop. They been waitin' a long, long time to hear what Ah got ta say. So Ah guess Ah'll be writein' a pretty long letter too."
Ah smile at Jacklin an Ah can't help but wonder what it is she has ta say ta her father in tha letter she's writin'.
"I’m going to my room to write it. How long do you think it will take to finish your letter, Toby?"
Ah think for a quick second 'fore Ah answer.
"Well, it usually takes me most of tha day ta write a letter tha long, but Ah could probably get it done sooner if Ah work real hard. So Ah figure it'll probably take me most of tha day. Why'd ya ask, Jacklin?"
"I want to make sure we can go to the Owlery together without having to wait for the other to finish. We should be able to finish our letters at the same time."
Ah nod at Jacklin an' Ah give her a big ol' smile.
"That's a good idea, Jacklin. Ah can work hard at writin' mah letter faster if tha's whatcha wanna do. Ah'm sure Ah could get mah letter done pretty soon if Ah just work hard at it."
"In that case I’ll meet you down here when we’re finished."
Ah turn ta walk off ta start writin' the letter but Ah stop just fer a quick moment cause Ah know Ah shoulda asked what she was sayin' on tha letter she was writin'. Ah turn back around.
"Hey, uh, Jacklin, jus' wanna ask... whatcha writin' yer folks 'bout anyway? Is it important?"
"Yes there’s a lot of important information I need to tell them."
Ah think bout it for a moment, but Ah know it don't do no good ta pry. Plus, Ah'm jus' too grateful ta be spendin' some time wit Jacklin. So Ah figure Ah'll jus' let it be.
"Ok see ya when we're done."
Ah go up ta mah room an sit on mah bed. Trevor ribbits when he sees me.
"Hi buddy. Ah'm gonna write Pop a letter."
He ribbits in a way tha' tells me he's ok wit it.
"Ok. How do Ah start mah letter?"
Ah try writin thangs tha'll make sense ta Pop.
"Dear Pop, Ah hope this letter finds y'all doin’ okay. Ah’m doin’ real good mahself. Ah jus got ta school las night, an Ah ain’t bein’ picked on yet, which Ah’m real glad about. Ah been takin’ tha subjects they teach here, 'cause all Ah want's ta learn as much as Ah can 'bout tha world an how it works, an so far people say Ah'm doin’ okay with tha spellin' an' stuff. Trevor's doin good too an ain't gotten in trouble wit the other froggies an toadies here."
Ah think Ah'm doin real good by mahself.
"As far as school goes, Ah gotta tell ya that it's like gettin' two schools in one wit how the four families got split up. Ah got sorted inta Griphindor, along wit some of tha really cool people who awready took me under their wings. Ah thought tha teacher who sorted us wanted us ta get ta know each other, 'cause tha more ya know more yer prepared fer tha surprise thangs life throws at ya. Oh, an Ah met this one girl."
Ah realize Ah dunno how ta spell 'er name.
"Her name is... J-A-C-K-L-I-N. An she tol me she's a... uh, V-E-L-A. So some folks keep sayin' she's gonna control me with her womanly ways. Ah ain't too worried 'bout it really, 'cause Ah think she's gonna be more' like a big sister ta me, 'cause when Ah think about it, she sorta reminds me a little bit of tha older sister Ah never had. It ain't like she's awready a woman cause she's only 11 like me an' got one a 'em chubby baby faces some girls got. Ah figure it's jus gonna be good ol' fashioned friendship."
Ah smile an' Ah write tha question down. Ah realize tha's pretty important if Ah wanna know wha the folks think about havin' a Veela at Hogwarts.
"How do ya think folks’ll feel if Ah tell 'em Ah met a Vela girl? Think tha teacher might've known what she was doin' when she sorted us in tha same house? Hope Ah ain't lettin' tha family down cause it turns out we're suppose ta be enemies."
Ah sit fer a moment tryin' ta figure out what else Ah wanna say 'bout Hogwarts. Ah get an idea an' Ah know this is gonna be a little embarrassin ta write, but it's important 'bout how tha folks think of me.
"Okay... so there's one thing more Ah should write 'bout tha girl Ah meet at Hogwarts. Ah ain't exactly bein' treated like tha boy Ah used to be back in Florda. Jacklin well she keeps touchin' me. Ah ain't mad bout it, but Ah dunno if it's somethin only Vela girls do or people're right bout 'er. She ain't been mean ta me none but she jus thinks we gotta be holdin arms when we're goin down the floatin stairs. Kinda weird ta me, Pop."
Ah read tha letter over to mahself an Ah’m pretty satisfied it says everythang Ah wanna say.
"So that's pretty much it fer this letter anyways. Ah'll write ya somethin' later, an' Ah love ya an Ah hope tha folks are takin' care of 'emselves. Say hi ta everyone back home."
Ah sign tha letter, and Ah fold an' seal it up and Ah get ready ta take it down ta tha Owlery as soon as Jacklin finishes her letter. An' Ah hope that'll be very soon.
"Hey, Trevor. Is it okay wit ya if Ah take tha letter an’ head down ta tha Owlery now? If I don't hurry up, Ah might get in trouble for comin' back too late.
Trevor jus' blinks at me a few times. Ah figure tha's as close ta a "Yes" as Ah'm gonna see from mah froggie. Ah take tha letter an' Ah head out ta tha hallway.
"Oh, hey, Jacklin. How's it goin'? Ah figured Ah'd take a trip ta tha Owlery so Ah could mail tha letter off ta Pop like Ah said Ah would. Ya ready fer tha trip yet?"
"Oh yes. I finished my letter."
"That's great! All that writin' must be wearin' ya out. Ya sure ya don't wanna take a rest first?"
"I sat long enough writing the letter so I’m fine, Toby."
Ah nod at Jacklin.
"Fair nough. Well, Ah guess Ah'll just head on down then, so ya won't have ta rush. Ah'm gonna run it down ta the Owlery right quick so Ah don't get in any sorta trouble."
"It’s only 3:00 pm. We have a few more hours before dinner."
"Oh, yeah. So Ah member ya was talkin bout tha West Tower. Do ya really have tha Owlery up there? Ah mean... ain't tha too high up fer tha owls? Ain't they bein' bothered by tha wind or anythin' like that?"
"The owls need the wind and height so they can be able to fly. They can just glide on it and save energy."
We start walkin ta the West Tower an Ah didn't realize it's gonna be real far.
"Ah ain't thought a it that way. So, there ain't no problems wit tha owls not bein' able ta read what people write?"
They’re trained to understand directions so long as you tell them where to go. My family has their own owl so I can simply say “Gryffindor Manor” and Arthur would be on his way.
We get ta the door an Ah'm a lil outta breath.
"I know that this is different than what humans do so be careful trying to find an owl."
Ah nod as Ah start ta worry a lil bit cause Ah got no experience tryin' ta find an owl.
"So Ah jus' gotta look round for tha right one? How'll Ah know tha right one?"
"It depends on where you live. The Gryffindor Manor is in Godric's Hollow, which is in Cornwall, England. Since we're all the way north in the Highlands of Scotland, Arthur was bought because he's Eagle Owl."
"How's Ah gonna know if tha right one's a Eagle Owl or some other kinda owl?"
"You can use one of the school's Eagle Owls, Toby. As long as you tell them your address, it should be able to make it to your house."
Ah look at Jacklin wit real excitement 'cause Ah had no idea Ah could do tha. Ah had no idea there's an easy way ta get this done.
"Well, Ah guess Ah better be startin' already. Hope one a these owls can make tha trip."
Ah start lookin around tha Owlery fer a owl ta talk ta. Ah figure it’s gotta be one tha's awake. Ah find a owl an' Ah walk over ta it. Ah notice it's jus' sittin' on tha perch. It looks real cute and Ah feel like it's the right one. Ah approach tha owl slowly an Ah kneel down in front a it. Then Ah member tha instructions Jacklin gave me an Ah decide to give it a try.
"Heeeey, buddy."
Ah give tha owl tha ol' head rub while Ah speak ta it.
"Wha's yer name, fella?"
Ah wait in eager anticipation, but tha owl don’t respond. Ah try ta give tha owl a pat, so Ah’ll know for sure tha he’s gettin' attention.
"Tha's okay. Ah’m sure yer a good owl in any case."
Ah smile as Ah finally hear from tha owl. Ah decide ta try one more time as Ah speak ta it again.
"That's a pretty neat name, Buckbeak. Ah reckon Ah could call ya Buck for short. Ya think Ah could be use your help?"
Ah watch as Buckbeak looks at me an’ Ah'm not sure tha he's gonna say anything.
Ah get excited once Ah get tha impression tha Buckbeak's agreed ta carry tha letter. Ah find tha letter Ah wrote an Ah hold it out fer Buckbeak ta pick up wit his beak.
"Buck? Ya wanna take this letter for me?"
Buckbeak looks at me all confused.
"Right. Sorry. So Ah'd like tha letter ta go 59A, S. Road, Croom, County Limerick, Ireland.
Ah look over at Buckbeak to see if he's startin' ta get it or not.
Ah look down an smile at Buckbeak. Ah hold tha letter up fer him ta pick up wit his beak. As Buckbeak picks up tha letter, Ah feel a real sense a relief, but tha next concern Ah have is whether Ah’ll ever see Buckbeak again. Ah mean… Ah kinda like tha fella now.
"So that’s all Ah needed ta do?"
Ah coulda swore he nodded at me as he gets up. Ah decide ta wait an watch Buckbeak make his way out tha window. Ah watch Buckbeak slowly get smaller in tha distance an’ then Ah see him disappear.
"Take this to Gryffindor Manor please, Arthur."
Ah nod an' Ah smile again at Jacklin as Arthur starts flyin away.
"Thanks fer tha help, Jacklin. Do ya know when Ah'd be gettin a letter back."
"I think you should be able to get a reply by Friday since you live in the Southern Mid-West of Ireland."
"Ah can’t wait ta hear from Pop. Ah'm gonna tell ‘em bout Buckbeak when they write back."
We leave the Owlery an go back ta our Tower.
"Do you need a break to catch your breath Toby?"
Ah nod my head an’ Ah try ta catch my breath. Ah feel like Ah’ve been runnin all day just ta get tha letter delivered.
"One times one is one… two times one is two…"
Ah look up at Jacklin.
"Ah… Ah feel a little nervous… Ah need ta go lay down… Ah think it’s gonna help."
"I understand, Toby. It’s only our first day of school and we have about two hours before we need to go for dinner."
Ah head fer tha dorm room.
"Ah jus' need ta spend a little time by mahself... jus' quiet time... Ah can start feelin a little normal again."
Ah look over at Trevor as he ribbits. Ah try to calm myself down by lookin' at him. Ah smile at him.
"Ah appreciate it, Trevor. It was a nice ribbit.
Ah lay back down an look back at tha ceilin. Ah close mah eyes ta try ta force mah muscles ta relax.
Ah find mahself wanderin' in a field. Ah got tha feeling that Ah know tha way back to tha homestead, but as Ah look around, Ah notice tha field don't look the same. It seems tha grass has been overgrown and tha sky is much darker than normal. Then Ah hear a rustle from tha trees behind me and Ah look behind, Ah notice a dark shadow stalkin me.
"Who's there?"
Ah quickly back away from tha shape. Ah know Ah shouldn't be here an Ah don't understand how Ah got here, but Ah still need ta get out of here quick. Ah make tha shape out a little more and see tha figure standin' there in tha darkness wit its arms behind its back… lookin' like it's watchin’ me.
"Nyakoĭ ni nablyudava."
Ah feel kinda funny. Ah can't understand anythang an Ah realize Ah don't got many choices. Ah step forward ta tha shape, not sure if Ah’m makin’ a mistake or not.
Ah'm caught a little of guard by how beautiful tha figure is. Ah step backward, but tha Veela keeps comin' forward. Ah notice tha Veela is still talkin' to me even though Ah still can't understand tha words.
"Do not be scared of me little boy."
Ah smile when tha Veela speaks ta me in English. Ah'm a lil scared, but Ah feel comfortable round tha Veela now tha Ah can understand tha words she's sayin'.
"I am friend with Jacklin's mother."
Ah listen well, cuz Ah'm really feelin' lost here in tha dream. Ah notice one thing Ah feel comfortable wit tha Veela. Ah think maybe she kinda likes me too. Maybe Ah'm just lonely, but it seems like tha Veela cares about me. Ah smile ah bit at her. She smiles back.
"What you normally dream of?"
"Usually Ah dream of livin' wit Pop. Ah don't dream much, but Ah guess if Ah do dream, it's usually just a lil more comfortable place than everywhere else."
"Why dream of open grass?"
Ah think about tha question for a little bit. Ah see that tha Veela look like she wants me ta answer, an' Ah don't wanna let her down.
"So Ah wouldn't have to worry bout anythin' in tha field. It's jus comfortable, ya know."
Ah get a feeling there's somethin else Ah could say, but Ah figure tha's fine for now.
"I have no need for dream. No energy to fuel powers here."
Is it okay if Ah ask a question before ya go?
She nods.
"What's yer name?"
Ah ask tha question even though Ah feel kinda funny askin'. Ah think she's been so nice ta me Ah wanna know her name.
"Sonia. You tell Jacklin I visit you."
Ah smile back.
"Sonia... tha name suits ya. Ah’ll be sure ta tell Jacklin. Will Ah ever see ya again?"
"Visit Bulgaria. I live in Veela village."
"Bulgaria? Tha's a long way away but Ah'll visit ya if Ah can."
Ah see tha Veela is startin to fade away. Ah don't want her ta leave, but Ah also don't want ta hold her up.
"Well, Sonia, it was real nice meetin' ya."
"Ding dong."
Ah slowly raise mah head and look around ta see if anyone else's up. Ah check tha time and notice the bell just tolled. Ah know dinner's gonna be soon. Ah get up an stretch out. Ah can't wait ta eat somethin.
"Awright, Ah'm gonna go, Trevor. Ah'll be back later when Ah get a chance. Go on an eat yer worm like a good froggie."
Ah walk out the door an Ah notice tha castle's real quiet. Ah walk down tha hall and Ah'm in tha mood for somethin to eat, so Ah make mah way towards tha Great Hall.
"How was your nap, Toby?"
"It was good. Ah jus' needed a chance ta rest. Ah'm feelin' better an' tha dream was real nice. Ah can still see tha Veela in my mind. She's pretty. She was nice ta me. Ah even asked her her name. It's Sonia. She said ta tell ya hi."
"Sonia is my mother’s friend from Bulgaria. She has the powers of a succubus."
Ah pause for a second when Ah hear tha word succubus.
"What’s a succubus?"
"They’re magical women who feed off of men’s dreams. You're 11 years old and wouldn’t have the right dreams to feed her."
Ah feel confused when tha word “feed” is thrown in there. Ah don't really understand how dat works.
"So... they feed off men's dreams?"
"Well they feed on what comes from those dreams."
She turns a lil pink an Ah dunno wha' she means.
"What comes from those dreams?"
Ah start ta blush an' Ah look away when she tells me in mah ear. Now Ah know why Veela get called dangerous. They can really give ya ticklin feelins in yer tummy.
"Ah, ok. Ah gotcha."
Ah can feel tha blood runnin’ through mah ears.
Time Skip
"Do you eat roast beef in the States, Toby?"
Ah nod now tha' we're at tha table.
"Yeah a lotta people use it fer sandwiches."
"I can slice a piece for you if you want to try it tonight."
"Uh, sure. Sure, Ah'd like that."
Ah try ta make mah smile a lil bigger.
"Just tell me how big you want your slice to be, Toby."
Ah look at tha roast beef an Ah try ta guess how big Ah should ask fer. Ah notice Jacklin is lookin' at me, so Ah just ask fer whatever Ah think Ah can handle.
"Ah, uh... could ya give me a small piece? A lil piece?"
"Of course I can. Now hold your plate out so I don’t drip gravy onto the table."
Ah hold mah plate out ta tha side an Ah notice Jacklin's cuttin' tha meat real close an' Ah get a little nervous. Then Ah see gravy dripin' from da roast beef but Ah don't wanna look stupid, so Ah don't move mah plate. Instead, Ah take mah fork and catch tha drops of gravy and lick dem off. Ah hope Jacklin doesn't notice, but she does an she laughs a little bit. Tha laugh makes mah stomach do a flip, but Ah still don't wanna move tha plate so Ah can catch all tha gravy.
"There you go, Toby. If you want another piece, I can pass the tray over to you."
"Ah, no, no. This is a lot."
Ah start ta eat tha meat and Ah notice it’s really good. Suddenly, Ah want more, but Ah still dunno if Ah should ask fer any or not. Ah start ta fidget a little bit an Ah look over at Jacklin, as if she might be able ta help.
"Do you like the roast beef or the gravy that’s on it, Toby?"
"Ah like the gravy Ah think. Maybe ya can gimme some more."
"Oh yes, I can pass you the sauce boat."
Ah look back at tha roast beef an Ah notice tha gravy drippin' on the plate. Ah can tell that this gravy's the best thin' Ah've ever tasted an Ah wanna drown every piece a meat Ah get in it.
"That’s a mushroom gravy and goes well with roast beef since it has beef stock in it."
Ah nod an’ Ah start ta eat.
"Mmmmmm. This stuff… is reaaal good. Mmmmmm. Ah like this. Mmm. Mmmmmm. This gravy is… mmmm. Ah gotta have some more."
Ah keep shovelin' tha gravy an' tha roast beef inta mah face and Ah notice Jacklin's lookin' at me in that way Ah can't quite describe. Ah look up and realize Ah’ve eaten tha roast beef in a couple bites. Ah feel real stupid, but Ah gotta have some more of that gravy.
"Do they have mushroom gravy like this in Florida, Toby?"
Ah pause fer a second. Ah swallow tha gravy down.
"Naw, this ain't nowhere near tha food in Florida. They jus eat grits an' shrimp an' catfish an’ Ah gotta have more gravy. Ah’ll finish all tha roast beef so Ah can have more gravy."
Ah start tha process again pourin' gravy over tha meat Ah jus ate. Jacklin still looks real interested. Ah start ta wonder what she's seein' that's so interestin.
"What are grits?"
Ah pause a second, as Ah try ta explain what grits are.
"Well uh... they're a kinda porridge. Like oatmeal, only it don't got any sugar. An' uh, usually they put a lotta butter wit tha grits. We eat 'em fer breakfast a lot. They make 'em outta cornmeal."
"That would explain why I never heard of it. We don’t really use cornmeal in any food here in the UK."
Ah nod an' Ah keep eatin' tha gravy an' tha roast beef. Ah notice Jacklin is back to eatin' chicken an Ah feel a bit better. Ah look down at tha roast beef an' tha gravy. Ah make a huge mess, but Ah finish tha meat an now Ah got all tha gravy tha Ah want. Ah hope Jacklin notices a big boy like me can eat a lot. Then, Ah see tha desserts comin'.
"What do you want to try tonight, Toby?"
Ah look up at Jacklin an Ah clear mah throat.
"Ah always thought chocolate cake was tha best kinda cake, but Ah dunno much 'bout cakes. So could ya tell me what yer favorite cake is?
Ah take tha risk an Ah look at Jacklin. She looks up from tha dessert table an Ah notice when she looks at me Ah feel real good, but Ah also feel real scared. Did Ah say the right thing or the wrong thing?
"I suppose if I had to pick one that was originally made here in the UK it would be a Victorian Sponge Cake."
Ah nod a couple times, even though Ah don't know anythin' bout tha cake she's takin' about. Then Ah take a bite of a chocolate cake.
"Mmmm. This is pretty good. Mmmmm. What kinda cake's this?"
"Oh that’s technically not a cake. It’s a bombe glacée. That top layer you’re eating keeps the ice cream on the inside from melting."
Ah notice the cold ice cream under tha chocolate. Ah swallow tha chocolate an then Ah look at Jacklin an' Ah feel like a big dummy.
"This is a fancy dessert that I wouldn’t expect the average person to know. I wouldn’t expect you to have something like this in the States since it's very famous in France."
"Could ya tell me bout tha cakes from France? Ah thought tha ice cream was cake.
Ah look at Jacklin an’ Ah hope she don't think Ah'm too stupid ta listen to her. Then Ah take another bite of tha chocolate and then Ah wait for Jacklin to tell me all she knows about tha French cakes.
"Yes well this cake right here is exactly what I want. It’s an Opera cake which is an almond sponge cake."
Ah nod an’ Ah look at Jacklin an’ Ah wonder what she means about an opera cake.
"Why's it called an opera cake?"
"Look at the layers, Toby. The cake is so tall because of the number of thin layers. The cake was called an Opera Cake because the layers look like an opera house."
Ah look at tha cake an Ah understand why the layers remind Jacklin of an opera house.
"Is that a... is tha cake somethin' ya would make on... on Valentine's day?"
"I suppose you could since it’s a complicated cake to make and it would be considered something special."
Ah nod an’ Ah look at Jacklin. Ah feel good that Ah asked that.
"So what kinda cake would ya make on Valentine's Day?"
"I suppose I would make a tarte Tatin. Then again warm apples is more of an autumn treat so that might not be in season in February. I have to think about it."
Ah nod a couple times an' Ah feel a little bit better. There didn't seem ta be any problem wit tha tarte Tatin. Of course, Ah dunno what a "tarte Tatin" is.
"Do you know what Crêpes Suzette are, Toby?"
Ah shake mah head an make that dumb look Ah’m so good ta make.
"Nope. What're those?"
"A crêpe is a very thin pancake. Crêpes Suzette use citrus fruits as the sauce. Citrus fruits like oranges are in season during February so it would perfect for Valentine’s Day if someone doesn’t like chocolate."
Ah keep makin’ tha dumb look and Ah try ta think of a question ta ask.
"Hey, Jacklin... how do ya make tha tarte Tatin apple cake wit warm apples?"
"The apples are warm because you cook them in a pan of caramel before baking it."
Ah nod a little bit like that makes sense.
"So what kinda cake would ya make if ya don't use tha tarte Tatin or tha Crêpes Suzette?
"If those don’t work out I guess I can always make some petit fours."
"What's tha difference between a petty four an a cake?"
Ah look at Jacklin an' Ah don't wanna get Jacklin angry by askin' too many questions.
"A petit four doesn’t necessarily have to be a small cake. It can be sweet or savory."
Ah hear Jacklin say somethin' about them bein' small an' Ah realize she might be talkin' bout small cakes.
"If ya don't mind explainin', what other kinda cakes might ya make?"
"A nonnette. Around Christmas. It’s basically a gingerbread cake."
Ah look at Jacklin an' Ah wonder bout this cake. Ah don't know what tha word means, so Ah'll get to tha bottom of dis once and for all.
"What makes that cake unique from any other cake?"
"It’s filled with orange marmalade or honey. You would also pour a glaze over it that’s made of egg whites, sugar and lemon juice."
Ah nod a couple times, just to let Jacklin know Ah'm listenin' good.
"Sounds nice."
Ah look at Jacklin andAh feel like a dummy 'cause she's startin' ta eat again. But Ah don't wanna ruin it fer Jacklin an Ah'll just be satisfied tha Ah gotta learn a bit more bout cakes.
"This' a real nice dessert. Ah really like tha way it gets all creamy."
Ah notice Jacklin's cake is almost gone. Ah think that's what tha girls do when they wanna end a conversation or a date.
"So... so do ya like talkin' 'bout cake?"
"I like to share a lot about what I learned from my family’s travels. When your father is an ambassador for the British magic world, you have to travel a lot."
Ah nod an’ Ah feel a little relieved tha Jacklin is sharein' so much about herself.
"Sounds like ya travel a lot an get ta do a lotta fancy eatin' an learn a lot bout other countries."
Ah think that was a pretty good compliment.
Time Skip
"Jacklin wha's our classes gonna be tomorrow?"
"Oh. Have a look at this. It's our weekly schedule for the year."
Ah look at tha' paper she hands ta me. She's real organized cause Ah can understand all this real well.
"Thank ya. Ah think Ah know how ta divide everythang. Ah'll get mah books fer tomorrow."
"Great. I already have everything organized so I can help you make sure you have everything in the right day."
We go through everythang an now Ah'm in a chair readin mah Charms book wit Jacklin. Ah'm real happy she ain't ever said Ah was bein a dummy.
"Now Charms is similar to Defense Against the Dark Arts in that it relies a lot on spells. You have to be able to know how to pronounce the incantations and memorize wand movements."
"Ok. Ah think Ah can do that."
We keep readin through the book 'till Ah start yawnin.
"Gettin tired Jacklin."
"Yes it is close to lights out. I think we better start getting ready for bed."
Ah yawn agin an close mah book.
"Ok. Ah'll see ya tomorrow then."
"Alright then. Good night Toby."
"Night Jacklin."
We go ta our dorm rooms an Ah look at Trevor one last time.
"Night Trevor. Yer a good froggie. Ah'll feed ya breakfast in the mornin."
He ribbits an Ah turn his light off. Ah get changed an go ta bed. Ah fall asleep an start dreamin bout seein Jacklin flyin round on a broom. She's real good at it an Ah'm happy she ain't gonna fall any time soon. It's a real good dream.
AN: Thanks for sticking with this story. This is a really long chapter lol.
Tag list: @arrolyn1114, @aliengoth3, @vintagepresley, @comebackep, @thetaoofzoe, @presleysgirl6, and @bigdaddyelvislover.
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eebie · 2 years
what if you where a worm! 🪱
id wiggle a bit … maybe eat and poop some dirt … ahh you know😝wormy thangs…
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toadiebeans · 2 years
I showed her the house centipede that attacked me this morning and she just turned and looked at me like "really? I ain't eating that thang." and I don't blame her, so I ended up throwing it outside where it belongs and giving her some wormies. 🪱
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padfootdidit · 6 years
let your heart be light
Prompt #5: marauder christmas prank(s)
Rating: G | Word Count: 1,183 | AO3: read here | AU (muggle + social media)
For @jiilys who is made of roses and love and is the moon to my sun.
Prongs to stop calling remus a scrooge just because he doesnt like elf: where is everyone?
Padfoot (owes remus £3): who are you
Wormy: new number who dis
Moony: The person you are trying to call is currently unavailable. Please leave your message after the tone.
Prongs: fuck all of u
Prongs: I’m gonna tell mum not to invite any of u to xmas dinner
Padfoot removed Prongs from the chat.
To: All Sixth Form
From: M. McGonagall
Subject: Last Day
Dear Students,
Ahead of the last day I would just like to remind you all that the timetable will be as normal and lessons will not be ‘parties’. Please refrain from asking teachers to watch Christmas movies and do not bring in any confectionary.
You have mocks when you come back from the holidays and this last week is just as important as any other.
Students are also reminded that any detentions given out this week will be completed in the new term and that, as the top of the school, you should be setting an example to the younger years.
Happy holidays,
Professor McGonagall
die hard IS a christmas film sent a screenshot to remember to tell Euphemia that pete is veggie now.
die hard IS a christmas film: @ us next time Minnie
die hard can suck my balls: she’s just bitter she’s not invited to the potter’s for christmas
die hard IS NOT A CHRISTMAS FILM SIRIUS: isnt everyone remus, isn’t everyone
can we just watch love actually pls: I would invite Minnie
can we just watch love actually pls: but feel like that is detention earning material
can we just watch love actually pls: and want to start the new year with a clean slate
die hard IS a christmas film: u r already head boy u pussi
can we just watch love actually pls: blocked
die hard can suck my balls: are u even meant to get detentions if you’re head boy
can we just watch love actually pls: i mean
can we just watch love actually pls: ive had 12 already this term so….  clearly the answer is yes
die hard IS NOT A CHRISTMAS FILM SIRIUS: how are u head boy again
can we just watch love actually pls: not sure
can we just watch love actually pls: evans seems to know why tho, ask her
die hard IS a christmas film: ooooooh evans
die hard IS a christmas film: think I just threw up in my mouth
die hard can suck my balls: anyway
die hard can suck my balls: speaking of detention earning material
die hard can suck my balls: are we all set for tomorrow
die hard IS NOT A CHRISTMAS FILM SIRIUS: wrong chat
the mastermind to Official Marauder BusinessTM: so
the mastermind: are we all set for tomorrow
the muscle: i think so
the brains: if pete bought the Thing then yes
the mastermind: codenames Sirius
the mastermind: o fuck
the mastermind: codenames *Mariah
the brains: fine
the brains: if ***George bought the Thing then yes
the muscle: what’s the Thing again
the brains: gdi james pull ur shit together
the brains: i mean
the brains: gdi Buble
the muscle: sorry, ive got loads of head stuff going on
the brains: pls don’t discuss urs and evans sex life in the Official Marauder BusinessTM chat
the mastermind: the Thing is the suit
the hacker: got it
the mastermind: right then
the mastermind: everyone needs to get out of 4th period
the brains: I have already planned, scripted and rehearsed my exit
the brains: Euphemia said it was very good
the hacker: Euphemia also said james’ hair looked nice after Sirius cut it in his sleep
the hacker: so she’s hardly reliable
the hacker: also my exit technique is a simple ‘may I please go to the toilet professor slughorn’
the muscle: my hair looked good
the muscle: also slughorn hates u so good luck with that
the hacker: nah evans has been helping me with my homework so I’m growing on him
the muscle: she wouldn’t help me!!!!!
the brains: ha.
the mastermind: how r u getting out Buble
the muscle: head business excuse
the brains: that’s cheating
the muscle: so is George getting help from evans w his homework!!
the brains: relevant?
the brains: no
the mastermind: well I have a perfectly forged doctors note so, all going well, I should see u all outside flich’s favourite storage cupboard five minutes after the bell
the muscle: roger that
the brains: yessir
the hacker: sure thang
the mastermind to Official Marauder BusinessTM: where the fuck r u George
the best head to the best head GIVER: potter
the best head GIVER: yes evans
the best head: is the reason peter desperately needs the toilet something to do with you
the best head GIVER: evans I hate to break it to you but I really don’t know anything about peter’s bladder
the best head: potter
the beast head GIVER: yes evans
the best head: is the reason peter desperately needs the toilet going to mean I don’t have to go to 6th period maths
the best head GIVER: what if the answer is yes
the best head: I can get peter out of here in less than 30 seconds
the best head GIVER: then yes
the best head: on it
the hacker: evans is amazing
the hacker: I am in AWE
the hacker: seriously guys
the hacker: u should have seen it
the hacker: I am in LOVE
the brains: we don’t need another evans fan
the brains: find another ginger to fawn over
the brains: also hurry the fuck up
the hacker: im here
the best head to the best head GIVER: this was u???
the best head: I
the best head: potter bloody hell
the best head: this is amazing
the best head: I can see mcgongall smiling
the best head: u r definitely still getting detentions though
the muscle sent a screenshot to Official Marauder BusinessTM.
the muscle: we have evans’ approval
the brains: did we need it?
the brains: no
Sirius Black to Lily Evans: it was my idea
the best head GIVER to the best head: u were right
the best head GIVER: we got detentions
the best head GIVER: but also she posed for a picture with the reindeer so really
the beast head GIVER: she doesn’t have a leg to stand on
the beast head GIVER: and Dumbledore has asked the ice rink people if they can keep it here for the junior school fete this weekend
the best head: how did u even do it
the best head GIVER: a magician never reveals his secrets
the best head: u r an Arse potter
the best head GIVER: beat me in the mince pie eating competition and I’ll tell u
the best head: u r going DOWN
the best head GIVER: I knew u would want to test my nickname out eventually
the best head: blocked
the best head: (I’ll be by the mince pies in 5)
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