#and add in an anti-colonization theme cause why not
marobones · 2 years
I want to build a better Memphis Tennessee
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And Solaris deserves an anthro form smh
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cruelfeline · 4 years
Anyone who hangs about Twitter potentially saw an unfortunate Hordak take cross their timelines today. 
As is custom on this blog, I’ll be taking it apart for my own personal amusement (and for the amusement of any of y’all who like to watch me do so). I doubt the poster will see this, as they’re on Twitter and not apparently on here, but in case they do: this is for my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of followers; it absolutely does not need to be responded to if that’s not your cup of tea. 
So, that little disclaimer in place, let’s see what we can make of this! Because this is on Medium, I’ll be using screenshots as quotes; just a heads-up.
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So... this first bit isn’t really anything Hordak-related. It’s more... fandom drama, I suppose? Not really something I can pick apart. I can, however, give my own personal opinion on this sort of thing, for what it’s worth.
It’s true that people can and should be able to feel whichever way they wish about a character. And to talk about that character. 
However: it is also true that people who dislike Hordak can be very unpleasant in making that known to those of us who enjoy him. Including descending into personal insults for no discernible reason. Add to that the fact that his character means a great deal to some fans for intensely personal reasons, and it is not difficult to see why some fans aren’t keen to see anti-Hordak content on their timelines, in their mentions, etc.
Censoring character hate isn’t a requirement, but in some circumstances, it can simply be a polite thing to do. It doesn’t take great effort, and it prevents people from experiencing just another bit of unpleasantness on their social media. And if you don’t want to do it? Well, that’s your right; but don’t be shocked when people voice their displeasure by replying to your words. Because that is their right.
And that’s all I really have to say about that. 
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Odd way to phrase things, really. These aren’t “reasons to forgive.” The first two scenes involve Catra’s asphyxiations and are things that would need to be forgiven, not things to forgive.
Though, y’know, I really only apply that to the first scene, where he assaults her without her necessarily doing anything wrong. Mind you, I believe he does it out of a combination of needing to maintain a hierarchy for safety purposes (this is a man who needs people to be afraid of him to maintain his own safety) and poor leadership skills mimicked from a narcissist, but it’s still a terrible thing.
However! The second time? After he asks her about Shadow Weaver? This isn’t torture-fun-times. This is Hordak neutralizing a threat to the entire Horde. Because that is what Catra is in this moment: a threat to the security and wellbeing of him and the entirety of the Fright Zone. She lies about a critical mistake. She proves herself to not only have poor judgment in serious matters, but to be very willing to lie about it in order to guard her own selfish motives. While I can’t condone the method Hordak uses, I do wish people would stop using this second instance of punishment as some sort of proof-of-torture. He does not do this for no reason. He does it because Catra released a dangerous prisoner into the wild and lied about it. And his concerns over it ultimately prove correct.
This entire qualification doesn’t have much to do with whether he deserves forgiveness or not, but it’s a point I want to make because it combats this idea that Hordak did this to an innocent girl “for no reason” or “just to be cruel.” That’s simply not the case; no matter how unpleasant the method, Hordak is a military leader punishing a subordinate for seriously endangering him and everyone else in the organization. Badly. I don’t know what the equivalent would be in modern military, but Catra’s error is massive. It doesn’t make what Hordak does right, but it does give a reason other than a simple “he’s a bad, bad man.” So.
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Adding this scene is... actually kind of odd because he doesn’t really do anything to Adora here. And also: this scene is... what’s the word... meaningful-in-hindsight, so to speak. Essentially: in this scene, Adora is claiming that Hordak is responsible for stealing her, for robbing her of a peaceful life with her family. And Hordak is claiming that he neither knows nor cares who she is, and that she does not matter to him. 
The interesting aspect of this scene, and something that OP fails to acknowledge at all, is that both Adora and Hordak are wrong.
let’s see if I can talk about this without crying... nope, already starting to tear up
Hordak never stole Adora; Light Hope did. Hordak did not orchestrate this unfortunate life for her. Rather, Hordak, a lost clone dealing with his own insecurities and fears and problems, found an equally lost infant in a field and gave her the only home he really knew how to create (and one that, for its flaws, was still better than the absolute nightmare he was “raised” in). In all likelihood, given Light Hope’s lack of understanding of infants, he probably saved Adora’s life by doing this: without him, she may well have perished alone in that field.
Hordak likewise does remember her, eventually. And she is not inconsequential to him: by saving her, he ends up saving himself, and all of his brothers. By forging this near-unknown bond with her all those years ago, by choosing to take in an infant rather than letting her die, he plays a key role in deciding the fate of the universe. 
This scene that OP sarcastically claims is a reason Hordak shouldn’t be forgiven has a sibling:
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The fact that OP apparently fails to recognize this and realize that these are the only two moments in the series during which Adora and Hordak directly interact, that they’re a pair, means that OP misses the connection between the two and the significance of how they misjudge one another initially. It indicates a lack of understanding of the themes of the show: themes centered around connections with other people, love, and forgiveness. Which, given the contents of this essay, is unsurprising.
Moving on!
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Y’know, whether or not one believes, in terms of definition, that Hordak is a colonizer (I personally don’t for pedantic and clone-cult reasons, but that’s not really relevant to this post), it’s interesting that OP notes how Stevenson confirms that he is... but conveniently leaves out the part where she confirms that he did it because he was brainwashed.
That’s... an important piece of information to leave out when discussing whether Hordak should be forgiven or not. A very important piece.
And it doesn’t really matter whether he’s a colonizer or a conqueror; the reason it comes up is because people seem very stuck in the mindset of “if it’s a colonizer, it must die” without acknowledging any sort of nuance. There’s also the question of whether what Hordak did actually caused the same sort of upheaval and lasting damage we see resulting from legitimate colonization, and all of the implications of that, but this isn’t really the place to go into that. Honestly, I don’t really think SPoP as a whole is the place to go into that.
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No. Hordak is not the person who taught her all of these things. 
Shadow Weaver is.
Hordak did not personally teach her that Princesses are evil. He did not teach her that wanton cruelty is fine in getting one’s own way. He did not feed her propaganda. 
Actually, as an aside: can we even confirm that Catra ever thought that Princesses where evil? I mean... she works with Scorpia, and she has no apparent morals to speak of. She does as she wishes for her own personal gain, not because she displays any sense of “fighting the evil Princesses.” And in terms of disposing of Entrapta because she was “manipulated” into viewing Princesses as evil: Catra disposes of everyone. She manipulates and uses everyone. That is one of the key aspects of her arc: she uses and abuses people for personal gain. She does this whether they are Princesses or not: just see Lonnie, Rogelio, and Kyle. Add to this the fact that Catra, from the first season, knows that she and Adora have been lied to, manipulated, and that the Horde is in fact evil, and... this entire line of reasoning falls apart. 
None of this is an attempt to “absolve Hordak of blame.” Hordak just... legitimately had no hand in raising any of the children. That was not his role (and while I know that this was confirmed by Stevenson at some point, I don’t have memory of where; potentially the last podcast?). And Catra did not operate on any sort of propaganda that she actually believed in: she simply used and disposed of people as she saw fit because she cared more about her own rise to power than she did about those around her. This was one of her major character flaws, and really? Trying to pin this on Hordak, or even fully pin it on Shadow Weaver? It absolves Catra of the blame, of the intentional bad choices she made (as emphasized by Adora) and thus weakens her entire arc.
All in all: Hordak may have created a poor environment for the raising of children, but of note is the fact that only Catra turns out this way. The other kids, whatever their problems, are not in the habit of manipulating friends, lying to them, using them, and then tossing them aside. That is a Catra Problem. Part of this can be attributed to Shadow Weaver (who only treated Catra in the poorest way), and part of it is just... Catra being not-the-best.
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All right. Now we get to the really disingenuous portion of the essay.
First, as just stated: Hordak is not Catra’s abuser. Shadow Weaver is. Hordak had no hand in raising her. Hordak did not direct Shadow Weaver to abuse her. Hordak did not personally feed Catra anti-Princess propaganda, and even if he had, we know by the first season that Catra sees through whatever propaganda she was exposed to and has no actual moral objections to Princesses. But that’s not the main aspect of this portion that irks me. 
The main aspect that irks me is that this is not the scene Hordak stans mark as abusive. And I cannot imagine that OP does not know this.
But let’s talk about this scene, for a moment, before getting to the actual, legitimate abuse.
OP talks about his scene almost flippantly: “Hordak finds out Catra lied about Entrapta, he becomes angry and attacks her with a clear plan to kill her.”
Yes. Yes, he "becomes angry.” He becomes angry and attacks because as far as he knows, Catra killed Entrapta. This isn’t some annoyed “you lied to me!” moment. He legitimately thinks Entrapta is dead because Catra sent her to Beast Island. OP just blissfully glosses over the fact that Hordak is attacking Catra in rage and grief because Catra, as far as either of them know, killed his only friend and then lied about it for approximately a year. Like... how do you gloss over that in discussing this scene? How do you gloss over the enormity of what Catra did, and the unimaginable pain Hordak experiences when finding out?
So. The writeup of this scene is poor. It misses all of the emotion, all of the reality of what Catra did and what Hordak felt. But! That’s not even the unfortunate part of this portion. Let’s get to the real disingenuity.
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This is the abusive scene. This is that stomach-turning moment when Catra removes a disabled man’s ability to move with dignity and without pain solely to force him to escalate a war for her own personal benefit.
Hordak is not a danger to her here. Hordak has not been a danger to her for a while because he has been holed up in his private quarters, trying to deal with the emotional fallout of Entrapta supposedly betraying him. He wants nothing to do with Catra. He wants to lick his wounds and gather himself and somehow heal from this deep personal pain that’s been inflicted upon him.
And that’s a problem for Catra because it stands in the way of her using the war as a way to best Adora.
So Catra identifies Hordak’s physical weakness and exploits it for the purpose of spiting her ex.
The fact that OP completely fails to acknowledge any of this is... well. Disingenuous. Absolutely so.
The next portion of the essay talks about people feeling that Catra was too easily forgiven and isn’t really Hordak-centric; I won’t really go into it here. Moving forward:
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Ah, one of the most annoying questions I see asked. Let’s, again, acknowledge and move past the fact that Hordak was not actually Catra’s abuser...
When, pray tell, was Hordak supposed to show this remorse? When? While he was serving on Prime’s ship, trying to forget the pain of losing Entrapta, of failing to prove himself, of losing everything? Should he have done it while screaming in agony in the purification pool? Should he have done so while alone on Prime’s ship, trying to serve quietly while piecing together his memories?
Not only was Hordak simply not in a position, narratively, to go into a whole remorse bit, but he had other problems. Like, life-endangering problems. 
The appropriate time to go into his feelings on Etheria and the Princesses and All of That would have been after Prime’s defeat, upon Hordak’s re-introduction to Etheria... but then the show ended. So.
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Agh, vulgar. Taking a brainwashed, conditioned slave and bastardizing his triumph at finally seeing himself as a real person, instead claiming that his intent was to glorify his own misdeeds. No. Just... no.
Again: this is not the time for guilt. And it is a demonstration of why guilt and remorse were not front-and-center in Hordak’s arc during season five: his arc was about finally realizing that he was his own person, a person worthy of identity and love and care and freedom. And this arc culminated in him separating himself from his abuser and declaring his personhood. 
That is what this scene is: not Hordak reveling in his makeshift empire, or in the terrible deeds he’d committed, but in declaring himself his own person. 
I should hope that he is proud of doing that. I’m proud of him for doing that daunting feat, of defeating his abuser and defying his god and recognizing that he is worthy of more than what Prime thought of him. And I recognize Entrapta’s role in it: not as the sole inspiration for his change, but as someone who showed him a foundation of love and acceptance, someone who introduced him to the idea that he was worthy of care and happiness and affection simply because he was a living being, no strings attached.
Trying to shoehorn in some sort of claim that this is about pride in his misdeeds, rather than joy at finally accepting his own sense of self is a massive misinterpretation of this scene, a misunderstanding of Entrapta’s role in Hordak’s arc, and... can I say it’s disingenuous again? Because I’m going to: it’s disingenuous.
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All right; we’re at the end. And while the first sentence here is something I absolutely agree with - the decision to forgive Hordak is personal and subjective both for viewers and for in-show characters - the whole conclusion falls apart from there.
It highlights another glaring omission from OP’s arguments: the fact that Hordak is a brainwashed clone slave.
Hordak did not choose to “spend his life trying to prove his worth to Horde Prime.” He did not choose the method of said proving: that Prime would look kindly upon conquering rather than some other task. And he did not choose to have certain concepts and ideas (all beings must suffer to become pure; all creatures, no matter how small, have a place in service of Horde Prime; failure is when something ceases to serve a purpose) conditioned into him.
Hordak was manufactured as a cultist slave. He was “born” with hardware implanted into his body against his will to better control him. He was indoctrinated and brainwashed to the point that he believed that Horde Prime was his literal god - and in a way, Prime was, because he could mentally invade and possess and physically control the clones whenever he wished. 
Hordak was not allowed to have a sense of self. He was not allowed to have a name. He was not allowed to express emotions. He was not allowed to live without that life serving to glorify Horde Prime. Hordak was so absolutely sick with this mentality that he saw himself as a failure due to physical disability and assumed it was his responsibility to fix that. 
The idea that Hordak simply chose to do what he did, that he had the same foundational morality and mindset as any “normal” person might, shows a glaring lack of understanding even the basics of his narrative. 
Yes: Hordak did bad things. But he did them for legitimately tragic, nigh-horrifying reasons that this essay just ignores for the sake of... I don’t know? Trying to justify OP’s distaste for the character? I am uncertain. But it’s a mark of a poor essay, of a poor understanding of the character, and is honestly just disappointing to read when the show itself tries so hard to drive home its wonderful, hopeful themes through Hordak’s story.
Whether one forgives Hordak or not is one’s personal choice, but I certainly hope one makes said choice with better insight into his character than this essay provides.
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thelemonade-tree · 5 years
District 9 & All The Stars
“Tell me what you gon' do to me
Confrontation ain't nothin' new to me
You can bring a bullet, bring a sword
Bring a morgue, but you can't bring the truth to me
Fuck you and all your expectations
I don't even want your congratulations
I recognize your false confidence and calculated promises all in your conversation
I hate people that feel entitled
Look at me crazy 'cause I ain't invite you
Oh, you important?
You the moral to the story, you endorsing?
Motherfucker, I don't even like you
Corrupt a man's heart with a gift
That's how you find out who you dealin' with
A small percentage, who I'm building with
I want the credit if I'm losing or I'm winning
On my momma that's the realest shit”
District 9 is the place where alien refugees have sought asylum in South Africa under the thumb of white South Africans. A 90 percent rotten tomato earned thriller, many critics and moviegoers appeared to thoroughly enjoy the film. I, on the other hand, give it a thumbs down, splat, 0 out of 10 would recommend. While many people commented on the great imagination, effects, and originality of the film, I think they have completely missed it. It is clear that there is a social commentary of some degree. We can see anti-immigrant, anti-asylum sentiments, racism, and elitism as apparent themes. However, in executing these themes and the plot, I think the film strictly reinforces problematic tropes that work in opposition. While the film takes place in South Africa, there are no South African characters ( as in Black, any white South Africans are a result of colonizers and will be referred to as such) with development. They merely serve as prop characters to add or propel the main character, lanky and foolish Wikus. Black South Africans are portrayed as primitive and queer. As mentioned in discussion class, why is that they are the only ones who are intentionally seeking out to have sex with the giant aliens?  What does this say about them? If South African people are not being portrayed as scary thugs, they are serving as guardians and workers of Wikus. He is described as a kindred spirit, but he is anything but. Rather, he acts through interest convergence theory wherever he goes. He lacks a moral compass and partakes in the violent raids of district 9. He criminalizes them in his speech and actions and threatens to take away one of the alien’s child when he unsuccessfully tries to force his hand at their removal. Wikus’ attitude does not change until he begins to suffer the consequences of his colonizing ways. As he begins to turn into one of the aliens after touching things he has no business with, the company he works for blacklists him and decides to use him as one of their experiments, just as they were doing with the other aliens. Wikus has a sudden change of heart that led many viewers to feel sorry for him. WELL, I DO NOT. 
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You reap what you sow and how foolish can you be to be surprised when the shady company who uses you as a pawn to do their dirty work would turn on you when the opportunity presented itself? Values and morals are very telling. Wikus was problematic from the jump and that is something that many critics seem to gloss over *insert tea*. Now Wikus wants to work with the alien and praise him, but only after he learns that the alien can make him human again. TRIFLING. This does not undo the dehumanization that has taken place and led to the death and violence against the aliens.
Wikus character very much so reminded me of the verse from All The Stars by Kendrick Lamar ft. Sza. Wikus is not the white savior he is painted out to be, “I recognize your false confidence and calculated promises...I hate people that feel entitled, oh, you important? You the moral to the story you endorsin?...Corrupt a man’s heart with a gift That’s how you find out who you dealin with”. This verse perfectly describes the privilege and entitlement that has spoiled Wikus. And throughout the story, we are able to see what the aliens are really dealing with. It calls out and brings into question whether his sacrificing of his life makes him the moral of the story...It does not! It was predictable and the bare minimum of his humanity. Wikus is an embodiment of all things problematic, so “fuck you and all your expectations, I don’t even want your congratulations”.
Aysia-Marie Perkins 
blog 5
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Top 15 foods to fight inflammation
If you're reading this, you are probably dealing with inflammation or you're doing your best to avoid it! I'm about to give you a list of the top 15 anti-inflammatory foods and herbs.
Since inflammation is a major cause of disease, you'll definitely want to incorporate these foods into your diet. In fact, heart disease is caused by the inflammation of your arteries, while arthritis is caused by inflammation in your joints. Even ulcerative colitis is caused by inflammation of your colon. Most disease today has an inflammatory component, even cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
Top 15 -
 Leafy Greens! Green, leafy vegetables are high in vitamin K as well as chlorophyll which helps detoxify your body and lower levels of inflammation. Looking to change up your salads, try chard, dandelion greens, beet greens.  Spinach and kale are great as well in terms of their vitamin K, their calcium, magnesium. Those minerals to help lower inflammation in the body.
The next one is Bok Choy, part of that cabbage family which is  very high in something called vitamin U. Vitamin U is known to support glutathione levels in the body which helps lower inflammation and helps support the liver. So bok choy, another incredible super food with anti-inflammatory properties.
Celery is another unique super food for reducing inflammation (and especially celery juice). Celery is very high in electrolytes and also a trace mineral called silica. It's high in potassium and overall works in a unique way to help flush toxins out of our bodies. It helps with something called "fluid exchange" of intracellular and extracellular fluids.
Celery is also great for gout. If somebody has uric acid buildup in their body and they would have a sore elbow or certain joints, celery helps with flushing out uric acid out of your system. So overall, an incredible vegetable for its anti-inflammatory benefits.
Beets is next on the list (though one that you'll want to be careful with if you're watching your sugar levels). Beets actually boost something in your body called nitric oxide, which is known to increase your body's red blood cells and your overall circulation. This is why endurance athletes supplement with nitric oxide.
Many eat beets because of its ability to help support red blood cell production and the overall health of the blood. Nitric oxide also helps reduce inflammation in the body. So beet's an incredible super food for building your blood, improving endurance, improving energy but also for supporting the heart health and reducing inflammation!
Broccoli, which is very unique in many ways! It actually has high levels of chromium which is really good for your blood sugar levels ( and great for diabetics). Broccoli is actually one of the most nutrient-dense of all foods out there including its high level of vitamin C - another natural anti-inflammatory. I actually eat broccoli several times a week!
Here's a tasty health food that almost everyone loves...Blueberries! Now, blueberries are powerhouse when it comes to antioxidants as they contain resveratrol, flavonoids and vitamin C.  Blueberries and certain antioxidants actually help eat up oxidative stress.
Next up...Pineapple which has the highest levels of a nutrient called bromelain (in the core). Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that helps reduce inflammation. In fact, a lot of athletes are now doing beet juice before they go and work out and then pineapple juice after since bromelain reduces inflammation the naturals sugars in pineapple help with the recovery after exercise.
Here's one you probably didn't expect...Bone Broth! If you knew this, you get bonus points. Bone broth is very high in collagen-producing amino acids such as proline and glycine and hydroxyproline. This is what helps us anti-age and makes our skin tighter.And also, bone broth is very high in three unique nutrients: hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, and chondroitin. When preparing soup with a broth, try to use one which is low salt, especially considering most Americans consume too much salt. A bowl of soup sounds good right about now!
Fatty fish. This includes Salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies and cod. These and others are high in healthy fats. Salmon is continues to gain in popularity because it is very high in omega-3s, the fatty acids EPA and DHA. Those reduce inflammation and helps the heart health. It's good for your skin, hair and even your eyes!
Next up...Walnuts, which are another omega-3 supplement, though walnuts contain different types of omega-3 fats than fatty fish like salmon. Walnuts contain ALA, alpha-linolenic acid. Those omegas and some of the minerals they have are known to help support brain health as well as inflammation.
The next one has become controversial lately - Coconut oil. Here's where the controversy exists...some evidence has shown that the saturated fats in coconut oil are actually good for your cells and reduce inflammation. However, at the same time, it is labeled by the American Heart Association as an unhealthy fat.Do your research on this one or talk to your physician - for now, I personally continue to use coconut oil in my diet, but only in moderation.
Cha-cha-cha-Chia Seeds. Like walnuts, they are high in ALA. Chia seeds are probably the highest omega-3 fatty rich food on the planet. Chia seeds also create what's called mucilaginous fiber. In fact, if you put them in water, they become very gelatinous which is very good for cleaning out your colon (just like jello is). As a bonus, chia seeds are also know to increase energy (and NOT in a caffiene kind of way). Overall, it's a great energy-boosting seed as well as anti-inflammatory because of its great fiber and its omega-3 content.
Continuing the theme, Flax Seeds, which are also high in omega-3s. Flax seeds contain really unique compounds that support balancing out estrogen in the body and if your inflammatory condition is related to gut health, flax seeds can also help. Your next decision, whole versus ground.
This next one is greatly known for it health benefits as well as its great flavor...Turmeric. Using Turmeric as a spice for cooking is a great way to add flavor to your food as part of a low salt diet. Turmeric contains two really unique compounds. In powder form, it's very high in curcumin. Thousands of studies have been done on turmeric and curcumin and its benefit to fight cancer, heart disease and to reduce inflammation.
Also, turmeric contains a compound especially in its essential oil form.If you buy turmeric oil, it's called turmerone which has been shown to help support your body in tissue regeneration and producing more of its own stem cells to help heal herniated discs, torn ligaments or any type of tissue damage in the body. Turmeric is probably the ultimate anti-inflammatory herb, followed closely by Ginger.
Ginger contains gingerols as well as zingibain. Zingibain is a proteolytic enzyme that really helps reduce inflammation at the cellular level. Gingerols work similar to some of those compounds in turmeric at reducing inflammation. It's great for reducing inflammation of the digestive system and the joints.  As a bonus, it's really good for helping any type of issue related to tissue in the brain.
If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends. At Sensational Seasonings we are 'all about' making the lives better. We look forward to sharing other health tips as well as healthy recipes with you!
Sensational Seasonings is a gourmet seasonings company located in Johnson City, TN. Our healthy and delicious product line includes:  Cajun Blackening Seasoning, Chicken Seasoning, Jamaican Jerk Seasoning, Italian Seasoning and Pork Rub. Each of our seasoning blends are either salt-free or low-salt (meeting all guidelines of the FDA). Reducing the salt content of our seasonings allows you to get more flavor from all the herbs and spices we include while allowing you take total control of your salt use. 
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its-me-dawn-flange · 6 years
Top 15 foods to fight inflammation
If you're reading this, you are probably dealing with inflammation or you're doing your best to avoid it! I'm about to give you a list of the top 15 anti-inflammatory foods and herbs.
Since inflammation is a major cause of disease, you'll definitely want to incorporate these foods into your diet. In fact, heart disease is caused by the inflammation of your arteries, while arthritis is caused by inflammation in your joints. Even ulcerative colitis is caused by inflammation of your colon. Most disease today has an inflammatory component, even cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
Top 15 -
 Leafy Greens! Green, leafy vegetables are high in vitamin K as well as chlorophyll which helps detoxify your body and lower levels of inflammation. Looking to change up your salads, try chard, dandelion greens, beet greens.  Spinach and kale are great as well in terms of their vitamin K, their calcium, magnesium. Those minerals to help lower inflammation in the body.
The next one is Bok Choy, part of that cabbage family which is  very high in something called vitamin U. Vitamin U is known to support glutathione levels in the body which helps lower inflammation and helps support the liver. So bok choy, another incredible super food with anti-inflammatory properties.
Celery is another unique super food for reducing inflammation (and especially celery juice). Celery is very high in electrolytes and also a trace mineral called silica. It's high in potassium and overall works in a unique way to help flush toxins out of our bodies. It helps with something called "fluid exchange" of intracellular and extracellular fluids.
Celery is also great for gout. If somebody has uric acid buildup in their body and they would have a sore elbow or certain joints, celery helps with flushing out uric acid out of your system. So overall, an incredible vegetable for its anti-inflammatory benefits.
Beets is next on the list (though one that you'll want to be careful with if you're watching your sugar levels). Beets actually boost something in your body called nitric oxide, which is known to increase your body's red blood cells and your overall circulation. This is why endurance athletes supplement with nitric oxide.
Many eat beets because of its ability to help support red blood cell production and the overall health of the blood. Nitric oxide also helps reduce inflammation in the body. So beet's an incredible super food for building your blood, improving endurance, improving energy but also for supporting the heart health and reducing inflammation!
Broccoli, which is very unique in many ways! It actually has high levels of chromium which is really good for your blood sugar levels ( and great for diabetics). Broccoli is actually one of the most nutrient-dense of all foods out there including its high level of vitamin C - another natural anti-inflammatory. I actually eat broccoli several times a week!
Here's a tasty health food that almost everyone loves...Blueberries! Now, blueberries are powerhouse when it comes to antioxidants as they contain resveratrol, flavonoids and vitamin C.  Blueberries and certain antioxidants actually help eat up oxidative stress.
Next up...Pineapple which has the highest levels of a nutrient called bromelain (in the core). Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that helps reduce inflammation. In fact, a lot of athletes are now doing beet juice before they go and work out and then pineapple juice after since bromelain reduces inflammation the naturals sugars in pineapple help with the recovery after exercise.
Here's one you probably didn't expect...Bone Broth! If you knew this, you get bonus points. Bone broth is very high in collagen-producing amino acids such as proline and glycine and hydroxyproline. This is what helps us anti-age and makes our skin tighter.And also, bone broth is very high in three unique nutrients: hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, and chondroitin. When preparing soup with a broth, try to use one which is low salt, especially considering most Americans consume too much salt. A bowl of soup sounds good right about now!
Fatty fish. This includes Salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies and cod. These and others are high in healthy fats. Salmon is continues to gain in popularity because it is very high in omega-3s, the fatty acids EPA and DHA. Those reduce inflammation and helps the heart health. It's good for your skin, hair and even your eyes!
Next up...Walnuts, which are another omega-3 supplement, though walnuts contain different types of omega-3 fats than fatty fish like salmon. Walnuts contain ALA, alpha-linolenic acid. Those omegas and some of the minerals they have are known to help support brain health as well as inflammation.
The next one has become controversial lately - Coconut oil. Here's where the controversy exists...some evidence has shown that the saturated fats in coconut oil are actually good for your cells and reduce inflammation. However, at the same time, it is labeled by the American Heart Association as an unhealthy fat.Do your research on this one or talk to your physician - for now, I personally continue to use coconut oil in my diet, but only in moderation.
Cha-cha-cha-Chia Seeds. Like walnuts, they are high in ALA. Chia seeds are probably the highest omega-3 fatty rich food on the planet. Chia seeds also create what's called mucilaginous fiber. In fact, if you put them in water, they become very gelatinous which is very good for cleaning out your colon (just like jello is). As a bonus, chia seeds are also know to increase energy (and NOT in a caffiene kind of way). Overall, it's a great energy-boosting seed as well as anti-inflammatory because of its great fiber and its omega-3 content.
Continuing the theme, Flax Seeds, which are also high in omega-3s. Flax seeds contain really unique compounds that support balancing out estrogen in the body and if your inflammatory condition is related to gut health, flax seeds can also help. Your next decision, whole versus ground.
This next one is greatly known for it health benefits as well as its great flavor...Turmeric. Using Turmeric as a spice for cooking is a great way to add flavor to your food as part of a low salt diet. Turmeric contains two really unique compounds. In powder form, it's very high in curcumin. Thousands of studies have been done on turmeric and curcumin and its benefit to fight cancer, heart disease and to reduce inflammation.
Also, turmeric contains a compound especially in its essential oil form.If you buy turmeric oil, it's called turmerone which has been shown to help support your body in tissue regeneration and producing more of its own stem cells to help heal herniated discs, torn ligaments or any type of tissue damage in the body. Turmeric is probably the ultimate anti-inflammatory herb, followed closely by Ginger.
Ginger contains gingerols as well as zingibain. Zingibain is a proteolytic enzyme that really helps reduce inflammation at the cellular level. Gingerols work similar to some of those compounds in turmeric at reducing inflammation. It's great for reducing inflammation of the digestive system and the joints.  As a bonus, it's really good for helping any type of issue related to tissue in the brain.
If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends. At Sensational Seasonings we are 'all about' making the lives better. We look forward to sharing other health tips as well as healthy recipes with you!
Sensational Seasonings is a gourmet seasonings company located in Johnson City, TN. Our healthy and delicious product line includes:  Cajun Blackening Seasoning, Chicken Seasoning, Jamaican Jerk Seasoning, Italian Seasoning and Pork Rub. Each of our seasoning blends are either salt-free or low-salt (meeting all guidelines of the FDA). Reducing the salt content of our seasonings allows you to get more flavor from all the herbs and spices we include while allowing you take total control of your salt use. 
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96thdayofrage · 3 years
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Because Black people don't exist as a monolith, relationships with each other are mostly defined by common experiences. Arguably, no communities within the Black diaspora have exhibited animosity between themselves than Africans and African Americans. To understand the friction between these communities is to closely examine white supremacy as a culprit. White supremacy is a system, or power structure, established to prioritise the feelings, interests, care, attention, and prosperity of White people even at the expense of other racial groups.
Its role in colonisation, violent capture and forceful removal of native Africans from their homelands is well documented. In truth, a significant number of African Americans today would have remained in Africa were it not for the disruptive event of the transatlantic slave trade. And although this has since been abolished, it has left internalised racism as a by-product for Black people to grapple with. To stay in context, Black Americans and Africans.
Source Of Tensions
African immigrants in America not only have to navigate systemic racism, but also microaggressions within African American spaces. But the migration regime that has enabled Africans to arrive in America to seek education, economic opportunities and others was made possible by the Civil Rights movement.
''I don't think this represents how all Black Americans think but I think the reason for this tension between Africans is that some Black Americans feel African immigrants come to America to take away opportunities,'' says Chanel Johnson, a Black American residing in Baltimore, Maryland, ''We are talking about opportunities in colleges that award scholarships and other educational or welfare packages to Black immigrants to thrive. We are also talking about opportunities away from academia. I also think dealing with racism and discrimination as Black Americans is pushing some of us to see how we are neglected and impoverished by the system.''
Although the friction between Black Americans and Africans predates social media popularity, a platform like Clubhouse for instance, is showing how this discord is ever-present. The voice-only app launched last year to massive reception, allowing for real-time conversations. Along the line it has produced xenophobic attitudes, misogyny, racism, homophobia, transphobia and antisemitism. Black Americans and Africans are no different when it comes to propping up long-held sentiments against each other.
''This in-fighting is such a regular theme on Clubhouse that whenever I enter the app and see no room with an inflammatory title targeting Africans or Black Americans, I always think something is wrong,'' shares Nigeria-based Tracy Imafidon. ''I have been in a room where a Black American man was openly xenophobic towards Nigerians and said we always cause problems wherever we go, even in America. On the contrary, Nigerians are doing well for themselves in America and becoming successful, whether it is school or work. And maybe this is what is eating Black Americans up? On the other side, I have also witnessed Nigerians and Africans be rude and uncouth towards Black Americans, using police brutality against them.''
Before Clubhouse, these kinds of interactions existed on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Interestingly enough, anything can act as a trigger. The cultural meltdown around the release of Beyoncé's Black Is King visual album last year, where Africans criticized it for flattening various African experiences pitted them against Black Americans. Or even this tweet that proclaims Black American culture as the blueprint for other Black cultures.
Common Struggles Much?
Despite the differences in realities that Black groups have, the news cycle has shown how Black people around the world and their political struggles are intersecting across white supremacy, imperialism and capitalist exploitation. The establishment of the police system during colonialism and slavery was primarily to subjugate people and protect capitalist interests. With anti-police brutality movements like Black America's #BlackLivesMatter and Nigeria's #ENDSARS, Black people are finding commonalities in their struggles.
Chris Edeh, a Nigerian-American currently residing in the UK, is more curious about solutions. ''What I have noticed about these divisions is that you don't actively need White people to divide Black people. We as Black people have internalized what white people have said about us and we use it against each other, and this is why we should embrace Pan-Africanism and read the works of Pan-Africanist thinkers. This doesn't mean we should ignore our differences. There are different groups of White people, but history shows how they had one thing in mind — capitalist expansion and accumulation of wealth via slavery and colonization. Likewise, Black people need to be united for the goal of liberation. I'm talking about having a Pan-African consciousness.''
Not all Black people subscribe to Pan-Africanism, an anti-slavery and anti-colonisation movement formed in the 19th Century and built on the premise that people of African descent should be in solidarity to achieve common goals. And while Pan-Africanism pushed for the liberation of Africans and those in the diaspora, the era of independence installed African dictators who once espoused Pan-African ideas but still went ahead and oppressed their own people. It's also why Pan-Africanism failed to deliver socio-economic prosperity for Africans.
''I don't believe in Pan-Africanism as the approach to address issues within Black communities,'' argues Joan Agyapong, a Ghanaian feminist living in Accra. She adds: ''Africa itself is too polarized and there's also the need for the continent to decolonise or break away from colonial notions that have been instilled in us. What I will recommend for individual Black communities is to continue to build enough political and revolutionary power to combat its issues on small levels. And you know what? It's already happening. We all in Ghana admired the END SARS movement in Nigeria and what it sought to achieve. I think it's rather lazy to suggest Black universality as a revolutionary praxis when today's Black realities contain more nuance than before.''
The existing tensions between Africans and Black Americans can also be seen through the lens of American exceptionalism and imperialism. America as a global power wields much cultural and political clout that it provides a ready infrastructure for Black Americans to be hyper-visible than other Black groups. Unwittingly, their experiences and culture is framed as a kind of 'superior Blackness,' filtering into their interactions with others on the Black spectrum. At least, mutual respect and understanding are necessary for Black Americans and Africans to co-exist courteously.
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juliettespencerus · 6 years
Top 15 foods to fight inflammation
If you're reading this, you are probably dealing with inflammation or you're doing your best to avoid it! I'm about to give you a list of the top 15 anti-inflammatory foods and herbs.
Since inflammation is a major cause of disease, you'll definitely want to incorporate these foods into your diet. In fact, heart disease is caused by the inflammation of your arteries, while arthritis is caused by inflammation in your joints. Even ulcerative colitis is caused by inflammation of your colon. Most disease today has an inflammatory component, even cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
Top 15 -
 Leafy Greens! Green, leafy vegetables are high in vitamin K as well as chlorophyll which helps detoxify your body and lower levels of inflammation. Looking to change up your salads, try chard, dandelion greens, beet greens.  Spinach and kale are great as well in terms of their vitamin K, their calcium, magnesium. Those minerals to help lower inflammation in the body.
The next one is Bok Choy, part of that cabbage family which is  very high in something called vitamin U. Vitamin U is known to support glutathione levels in the body which helps lower inflammation and helps support the liver. So bok choy, another incredible super food with anti-inflammatory properties.
Celery is another unique super food for reducing inflammation (and especially celery juice). Celery is very high in electrolytes and also a trace mineral called silica. It's high in potassium and overall works in a unique way to help flush toxins out of our bodies. It helps with something called "fluid exchange" of intracellular and extracellular fluids.
Celery is also great for gout. If somebody has uric acid buildup in their body and they would have a sore elbow or certain joints, celery helps with flushing out uric acid out of your system. So overall, an incredible vegetable for its anti-inflammatory benefits.
Beets is next on the list (though one that you'll want to be careful with if you're watching your sugar levels). Beets actually boost something in your body called nitric oxide, which is known to increase your body's red blood cells and your overall circulation. This is why endurance athletes supplement with nitric oxide.
Many eat beets because of its ability to help support red blood cell production and the overall health of the blood. Nitric oxide also helps reduce inflammation in the body. So beet's an incredible super food for building your blood, improving endurance, improving energy but also for supporting the heart health and reducing inflammation!
Broccoli, which is very unique in many ways! It actually has high levels of chromium which is really good for your blood sugar levels ( and great for diabetics). Broccoli is actually one of the most nutrient-dense of all foods out there including its high level of vitamin C - another natural anti-inflammatory. I actually eat broccoli several times a week!
Here's a tasty health food that almost everyone loves...Blueberries! Now, blueberries are powerhouse when it comes to antioxidants as they contain resveratrol, flavonoids and vitamin C.  Blueberries and certain antioxidants actually help eat up oxidative stress.
Next up...Pineapple which has the highest levels of a nutrient called bromelain (in the core). Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that helps reduce inflammation. In fact, a lot of athletes are now doing beet juice before they go and work out and then pineapple juice after since bromelain reduces inflammation the naturals sugars in pineapple help with the recovery after exercise.
Here's one you probably didn't expect...Bone Broth! If you knew this, you get bonus points. Bone broth is very high in collagen-producing amino acids such as proline and glycine and hydroxyproline. This is what helps us anti-age and makes our skin tighter.And also, bone broth is very high in three unique nutrients: hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, and chondroitin. When preparing soup with a broth, try to use one which is low salt, especially considering most Americans consume too much salt. A bowl of soup sounds good right about now!
Fatty fish. This includes Salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies and cod. These and others are high in healthy fats. Salmon is continues to gain in popularity because it is very high in omega-3s, the fatty acids EPA and DHA. Those reduce inflammation and helps the heart health. It's good for your skin, hair and even your eyes!
Next up...Walnuts, which are another omega-3 supplement, though walnuts contain different types of omega-3 fats than fatty fish like salmon. Walnuts contain ALA, alpha-linolenic acid. Those omegas and some of the minerals they have are known to help support brain health as well as inflammation.
The next one has become controversial lately - Coconut oil. Here's where the controversy exists...some evidence has shown that the saturated fats in coconut oil are actually good for your cells and reduce inflammation. However, at the same time, it is labeled by the American Heart Association as an unhealthy fat.Do your research on this one or talk to your physician - for now, I personally continue to use coconut oil in my diet, but only in moderation.
Cha-cha-cha-Chia Seeds. Like walnuts, they are high in ALA. Chia seeds are probably the highest omega-3 fatty rich food on the planet. Chia seeds also create what's called mucilaginous fiber. In fact, if you put them in water, they become very gelatinous which is very good for cleaning out your colon (just like jello is). As a bonus, chia seeds are also know to increase energy (and NOT in a caffiene kind of way). Overall, it's a great energy-boosting seed as well as anti-inflammatory because of its great fiber and its omega-3 content.
Continuing the theme, Flax Seeds, which are also high in omega-3s. Flax seeds contain really unique compounds that support balancing out estrogen in the body and if your inflammatory condition is related to gut health, flax seeds can also help. Your next decision, whole versus ground.
This next one is greatly known for it health benefits as well as its great flavor...Turmeric. Using Turmeric as a spice for cooking is a great way to add flavor to your food as part of a low salt diet. Turmeric contains two really unique compounds. In powder form, it's very high in curcumin. Thousands of studies have been done on turmeric and curcumin and its benefit to fight cancer, heart disease and to reduce inflammation.
Also, turmeric contains a compound especially in its essential oil form.If you buy turmeric oil, it's called turmerone which has been shown to help support your body in tissue regeneration and producing more of its own stem cells to help heal herniated discs, torn ligaments or any type of tissue damage in the body. Turmeric is probably the ultimate anti-inflammatory herb, followed closely by Ginger.
Ginger contains gingerols as well as zingibain. Zingibain is a proteolytic enzyme that really helps reduce inflammation at the cellular level. Gingerols work similar to some of those compounds in turmeric at reducing inflammation. It's great for reducing inflammation of the digestive system and the joints.  As a bonus, it's really good for helping any type of issue related to tissue in the brain.
If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends. At Sensational Seasonings we are 'all about' making the lives better. We look forward to sharing other health tips as well as healthy recipes with you!
Sensational Seasonings is a gourmet seasonings company located in Johnson City, TN. Our healthy and delicious product line includes:  Cajun Blackening Seasoning, Chicken Seasoning, Jamaican Jerk Seasoning, Italian Seasoning and Pork Rub. Each of our seasoning blends are either salt-free or low-salt (meeting all guidelines of the FDA). Reducing the salt content of our seasonings allows you to get more flavor from all the herbs and spices we include while allowing you take total control of your salt use. 
0 notes
sharemaniac24 · 6 years
Top 15 foods to fight inflammation
If you're reading this, you are probably dealing with inflammation or you're doing your best to avoid it! I'm about to give you a list of the top 15 anti-inflammatory foods and herbs.
Since inflammation is a major cause of disease, you'll definitely want to incorporate these foods into your diet. In fact, heart disease is caused by the inflammation of your arteries, while arthritis is caused by inflammation in your joints. Even ulcerative colitis is caused by inflammation of your colon. Most disease today has an inflammatory component, even cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
Top 15 -
 Leafy Greens! Green, leafy vegetables are high in vitamin K as well as chlorophyll which helps detoxify your body and lower levels of inflammation. Looking to change up your salads, try chard, dandelion greens, beet greens.  Spinach and kale are great as well in terms of their vitamin K, their calcium, magnesium. Those minerals to help lower inflammation in the body.
The next one is Bok Choy, part of that cabbage family which is  very high in something called vitamin U. Vitamin U is known to support glutathione levels in the body which helps lower inflammation and helps support the liver. So bok choy, another incredible super food with anti-inflammatory properties.
Celery is another unique super food for reducing inflammation (and especially celery juice). Celery is very high in electrolytes and also a trace mineral called silica. It's high in potassium and overall works in a unique way to help flush toxins out of our bodies. It helps with something called "fluid exchange" of intracellular and extracellular fluids.
Celery is also great for gout. If somebody has uric acid buildup in their body and they would have a sore elbow or certain joints, celery helps with flushing out uric acid out of your system. So overall, an incredible vegetable for its anti-inflammatory benefits.
Beets is next on the list (though one that you'll want to be careful with if you're watching your sugar levels). Beets actually boost something in your body called nitric oxide, which is known to increase your body's red blood cells and your overall circulation. This is why endurance athletes supplement with nitric oxide.
Many eat beets because of its ability to help support red blood cell production and the overall health of the blood. Nitric oxide also helps reduce inflammation in the body. So beet's an incredible super food for building your blood, improving endurance, improving energy but also for supporting the heart health and reducing inflammation!
Broccoli, which is very unique in many ways! It actually has high levels of chromium which is really good for your blood sugar levels ( and great for diabetics). Broccoli is actually one of the most nutrient-dense of all foods out there including its high level of vitamin C - another natural anti-inflammatory. I actually eat broccoli several times a week!
Here's a tasty health food that almost everyone loves...Blueberries! Now, blueberries are powerhouse when it comes to antioxidants as they contain resveratrol, flavonoids and vitamin C.  Blueberries and certain antioxidants actually help eat up oxidative stress.
Next up...Pineapple which has the highest levels of a nutrient called bromelain (in the core). Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that helps reduce inflammation. In fact, a lot of athletes are now doing beet juice before they go and work out and then pineapple juice after since bromelain reduces inflammation the naturals sugars in pineapple help with the recovery after exercise.
Here's one you probably didn't expect...Bone Broth! If you knew this, you get bonus points. Bone broth is very high in collagen-producing amino acids such as proline and glycine and hydroxyproline. This is what helps us anti-age and makes our skin tighter.And also, bone broth is very high in three unique nutrients: hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, and chondroitin. When preparing soup with a broth, try to use one which is low salt, especially considering most Americans consume too much salt. A bowl of soup sounds good right about now!
Fatty fish. This includes Salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies and cod. These and others are high in healthy fats. Salmon is continues to gain in popularity because it is very high in omega-3s, the fatty acids EPA and DHA. Those reduce inflammation and helps the heart health. It's good for your skin, hair and even your eyes!
Next up...Walnuts, which are another omega-3 supplement, though walnuts contain different types of omega-3 fats than fatty fish like salmon. Walnuts contain ALA, alpha-linolenic acid. Those omegas and some of the minerals they have are known to help support brain health as well as inflammation.
The next one has become controversial lately - Coconut oil. Here's where the controversy exists...some evidence has shown that the saturated fats in coconut oil are actually good for your cells and reduce inflammation. However, at the same time, it is labeled by the American Heart Association as an unhealthy fat.Do your research on this one or talk to your physician - for now, I personally continue to use coconut oil in my diet, but only in moderation.
Cha-cha-cha-Chia Seeds. Like walnuts, they are high in ALA. Chia seeds are probably the highest omega-3 fatty rich food on the planet. Chia seeds also create what's called mucilaginous fiber. In fact, if you put them in water, they become very gelatinous which is very good for cleaning out your colon (just like jello is). As a bonus, chia seeds are also know to increase energy (and NOT in a caffiene kind of way). Overall, it's a great energy-boosting seed as well as anti-inflammatory because of its great fiber and its omega-3 content.
Continuing the theme, Flax Seeds, which are also high in omega-3s. Flax seeds contain really unique compounds that support balancing out estrogen in the body and if your inflammatory condition is related to gut health, flax seeds can also help. Your next decision, whole versus ground.
This next one is greatly known for it health benefits as well as its great flavor...Turmeric. Using Turmeric as a spice for cooking is a great way to add flavor to your food as part of a low salt diet. Turmeric contains two really unique compounds. In powder form, it's very high in curcumin. Thousands of studies have been done on turmeric and curcumin and its benefit to fight cancer, heart disease and to reduce inflammation.
Also, turmeric contains a compound especially in its essential oil form.If you buy turmeric oil, it's called turmerone which has been shown to help support your body in tissue regeneration and producing more of its own stem cells to help heal herniated discs, torn ligaments or any type of tissue damage in the body. Turmeric is probably the ultimate anti-inflammatory herb, followed closely by Ginger.
Ginger contains gingerols as well as zingibain. Zingibain is a proteolytic enzyme that really helps reduce inflammation at the cellular level. Gingerols work similar to some of those compounds in turmeric at reducing inflammation. It's great for reducing inflammation of the digestive system and the joints.  As a bonus, it's really good for helping any type of issue related to tissue in the brain.
If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends. At Sensational Seasonings we are 'all about' making the lives better. We look forward to sharing other health tips as well as healthy recipes with you!
Sensational Seasonings is a gourmet seasonings company located in Johnson City, TN. Our healthy and delicious product line includes:  Cajun Blackening Seasoning, Chicken Seasoning, Jamaican Jerk Seasoning, Italian Seasoning and Pork Rub. Each of our seasoning blends are either salt-free or low-salt (meeting all guidelines of the FDA). Reducing the salt content of our seasonings allows you to get more flavor from all the herbs and spices we include while allowing you take total control of your salt use. 
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teilen-macht-spass · 6 years
Top 15 foods to fight inflammation
If you're reading this, you are probably dealing with inflammation or you're doing your best to avoid it! I'm about to give you a list of the top 15 anti-inflammatory foods and herbs.
Since inflammation is a major cause of disease, you'll definitely want to incorporate these foods into your diet. In fact, heart disease is caused by the inflammation of your arteries, while arthritis is caused by inflammation in your joints. Even ulcerative colitis is caused by inflammation of your colon. Most disease today has an inflammatory component, even cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
Top 15 -
 Leafy Greens! Green, leafy vegetables are high in vitamin K as well as chlorophyll which helps detoxify your body and lower levels of inflammation. Looking to change up your salads, try chard, dandelion greens, beet greens.  Spinach and kale are great as well in terms of their vitamin K, their calcium, magnesium. Those minerals to help lower inflammation in the body.
The next one is Bok Choy, part of that cabbage family which is  very high in something called vitamin U. Vitamin U is known to support glutathione levels in the body which helps lower inflammation and helps support the liver. So bok choy, another incredible super food with anti-inflammatory properties.
Celery is another unique super food for reducing inflammation (and especially celery juice). Celery is very high in electrolytes and also a trace mineral called silica. It's high in potassium and overall works in a unique way to help flush toxins out of our bodies. It helps with something called "fluid exchange" of intracellular and extracellular fluids.
Celery is also great for gout. If somebody has uric acid buildup in their body and they would have a sore elbow or certain joints, celery helps with flushing out uric acid out of your system. So overall, an incredible vegetable for its anti-inflammatory benefits.
Beets is next on the list (though one that you'll want to be careful with if you're watching your sugar levels). Beets actually boost something in your body called nitric oxide, which is known to increase your body's red blood cells and your overall circulation. This is why endurance athletes supplement with nitric oxide.
Many eat beets because of its ability to help support red blood cell production and the overall health of the blood. Nitric oxide also helps reduce inflammation in the body. So beet's an incredible super food for building your blood, improving endurance, improving energy but also for supporting the heart health and reducing inflammation!
Broccoli, which is very unique in many ways! It actually has high levels of chromium which is really good for your blood sugar levels ( and great for diabetics). Broccoli is actually one of the most nutrient-dense of all foods out there including its high level of vitamin C - another natural anti-inflammatory. I actually eat broccoli several times a week!
Here's a tasty health food that almost everyone loves...Blueberries! Now, blueberries are powerhouse when it comes to antioxidants as they contain resveratrol, flavonoids and vitamin C.  Blueberries and certain antioxidants actually help eat up oxidative stress.
Next up...Pineapple which has the highest levels of a nutrient called bromelain (in the core). Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that helps reduce inflammation. In fact, a lot of athletes are now doing beet juice before they go and work out and then pineapple juice after since bromelain reduces inflammation the naturals sugars in pineapple help with the recovery after exercise.
Here's one you probably didn't expect...Bone Broth! If you knew this, you get bonus points. Bone broth is very high in collagen-producing amino acids such as proline and glycine and hydroxyproline. This is what helps us anti-age and makes our skin tighter.And also, bone broth is very high in three unique nutrients: hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, and chondroitin. When preparing soup with a broth, try to use one which is low salt, especially considering most Americans consume too much salt. A bowl of soup sounds good right about now!
Fatty fish. This includes Salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies and cod. These and others are high in healthy fats. Salmon is continues to gain in popularity because it is very high in omega-3s, the fatty acids EPA and DHA. Those reduce inflammation and helps the heart health. It's good for your skin, hair and even your eyes!
Next up...Walnuts, which are another omega-3 supplement, though walnuts contain different types of omega-3 fats than fatty fish like salmon. Walnuts contain ALA, alpha-linolenic acid. Those omegas and some of the minerals they have are known to help support brain health as well as inflammation.
The next one has become controversial lately - Coconut oil. Here's where the controversy exists...some evidence has shown that the saturated fats in coconut oil are actually good for your cells and reduce inflammation. However, at the same time, it is labeled by the American Heart Association as an unhealthy fat.Do your research on this one or talk to your physician - for now, I personally continue to use coconut oil in my diet, but only in moderation.
Cha-cha-cha-Chia Seeds. Like walnuts, they are high in ALA. Chia seeds are probably the highest omega-3 fatty rich food on the planet. Chia seeds also create what's called mucilaginous fiber. In fact, if you put them in water, they become very gelatinous which is very good for cleaning out your colon (just like jello is). As a bonus, chia seeds are also know to increase energy (and NOT in a caffiene kind of way). Overall, it's a great energy-boosting seed as well as anti-inflammatory because of its great fiber and its omega-3 content.
Continuing the theme, Flax Seeds, which are also high in omega-3s. Flax seeds contain really unique compounds that support balancing out estrogen in the body and if your inflammatory condition is related to gut health, flax seeds can also help. Your next decision, whole versus ground.
This next one is greatly known for it health benefits as well as its great flavor...Turmeric. Using Turmeric as a spice for cooking is a great way to add flavor to your food as part of a low salt diet. Turmeric contains two really unique compounds. In powder form, it's very high in curcumin. Thousands of studies have been done on turmeric and curcumin and its benefit to fight cancer, heart disease and to reduce inflammation.
Also, turmeric contains a compound especially in its essential oil form.If you buy turmeric oil, it's called turmerone which has been shown to help support your body in tissue regeneration and producing more of its own stem cells to help heal herniated discs, torn ligaments or any type of tissue damage in the body. Turmeric is probably the ultimate anti-inflammatory herb, followed closely by Ginger.
Ginger contains gingerols as well as zingibain. Zingibain is a proteolytic enzyme that really helps reduce inflammation at the cellular level. Gingerols work similar to some of those compounds in turmeric at reducing inflammation. It's great for reducing inflammation of the digestive system and the joints.  As a bonus, it's really good for helping any type of issue related to tissue in the brain.
If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends. At Sensational Seasonings we are 'all about' making the lives better. We look forward to sharing other health tips as well as healthy recipes with you!
Sensational Seasonings is a gourmet seasonings company located in Johnson City, TN. Our healthy and delicious product line includes:  Cajun Blackening Seasoning, Chicken Seasoning, Jamaican Jerk Seasoning, Italian Seasoning and Pork Rub. Each of our seasoning blends are either salt-free or low-salt (meeting all guidelines of the FDA). Reducing the salt content of our seasonings allows you to get more flavor from all the herbs and spices we include while allowing you take total control of your salt use. 
0 notes
catsmeow39 · 7 years
Top 15 foods to fight inflammation
If you're reading this, you are probably dealing with inflammation or you're doing your best to avoid it! I'm about to give you a list of the top 15 anti-inflammatory foods and herbs.
Since inflammation is a major cause of disease, you'll definitely want to incorporate these foods into your diet. In fact, heart disease is caused by the inflammation of your arteries, while arthritis is caused by inflammation in your joints. Even ulcerative colitis is caused by inflammation of your colon. Most disease today has an inflammatory component, even cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
Top 15 -
 Leafy Greens! Green, leafy vegetables are high in vitamin K as well as chlorophyll which helps detoxify your body and lower levels of inflammation. Looking to change up your salads, try chard, dandelion greens, beet greens.  Spinach and kale are great as well in terms of their vitamin K, their calcium, magnesium. Those minerals to help lower inflammation in the body.
The next one is Bok Choy, part of that cabbage family which is  very high in something called vitamin U. Vitamin U is known to support glutathione levels in the body which helps lower inflammation and helps support the liver. So bok choy, another incredible super food with anti-inflammatory properties.
Celery is another unique super food for reducing inflammation (and especially celery juice). Celery is very high in electrolytes and also a trace mineral called silica. It's high in potassium and overall works in a unique way to help flush toxins out of our bodies. It helps with something called "fluid exchange" of intracellular and extracellular fluids.
Celery is also great for gout. If somebody has uric acid buildup in their body and they would have a sore elbow or certain joints, celery helps with flushing out uric acid out of your system. So overall, an incredible vegetable for its anti-inflammatory benefits.
Beets is next on the list (though one that you'll want to be careful with if you're watching your sugar levels). Beets actually boost something in your body called nitric oxide, which is known to increase your body's red blood cells and your overall circulation. This is why endurance athletes supplement with nitric oxide.
Many eat beets because of its ability to help support red blood cell production and the overall health of the blood. Nitric oxide also helps reduce inflammation in the body. So beet's an incredible super food for building your blood, improving endurance, improving energy but also for supporting the heart health and reducing inflammation!
Broccoli, which is very unique in many ways! It actually has high levels of chromium which is really good for your blood sugar levels ( and great for diabetics). Broccoli is actually one of the most nutrient-dense of all foods out there including its high level of vitamin C - another natural anti-inflammatory. I actually eat broccoli several times a week!
Here's a tasty health food that almost everyone loves...Blueberries! Now, blueberries are powerhouse when it comes to antioxidants as they contain resveratrol, flavonoids and vitamin C.  Blueberries and certain antioxidants actually help eat up oxidative stress.
Next up...Pineapple which has the highest levels of a nutrient called bromelain (in the core). Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that helps reduce inflammation. In fact, a lot of athletes are now doing beet juice before they go and work out and then pineapple juice after since bromelain reduces inflammation the naturals sugars in pineapple help with the recovery after exercise.
Here's one you probably didn't expect...Bone Broth! If you knew this, you get bonus points. Bone broth is very high in collagen-producing amino acids such as proline and glycine and hydroxyproline. This is what helps us anti-age and makes our skin tighter.And also, bone broth is very high in three unique nutrients: hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, and chondroitin. When preparing soup with a broth, try to use one which is low salt, especially considering most Americans consume too much salt. A bowl of soup sounds good right about now!
Fatty fish. This includes Salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies and cod. These and others are high in healthy fats. Salmon is continues to gain in popularity because it is very high in omega-3s, the fatty acids EPA and DHA. Those reduce inflammation and helps the heart health. It's good for your skin, hair and even your eyes!
Next up...Walnuts, which are another omega-3 supplement, though walnuts contain different types of omega-3 fats than fatty fish like salmon. Walnuts contain ALA, alpha-linolenic acid. Those omegas and some of the minerals they have are known to help support brain health as well as inflammation.
The next one has become controversial lately - Coconut oil. Here's where the controversy exists...some evidence has shown that the saturated fats in coconut oil are actually good for your cells and reduce inflammation. However, at the same time, it is labeled by the American Heart Association as an unhealthy fat.Do your research on this one or talk to your physician - for now, I personally continue to use coconut oil in my diet, but only in moderation.
Cha-cha-cha-Chia Seeds. Like walnuts, they are high in ALA. Chia seeds are probably the highest omega-3 fatty rich food on the planet. Chia seeds also create what's called mucilaginous fiber. In fact, if you put them in water, they become very gelatinous which is very good for cleaning out your colon (just like jello is). As a bonus, chia seeds are also know to increase energy (and NOT in a caffiene kind of way). Overall, it's a great energy-boosting seed as well as anti-inflammatory because of its great fiber and its omega-3 content.
Continuing the theme, Flax Seeds, which are also high in omega-3s. Flax seeds contain really unique compounds that support balancing out estrogen in the body and if your inflammatory condition is related to gut health, flax seeds can also help. Your next decision, whole versus ground.
This next one is greatly known for it health benefits as well as its great flavor...Turmeric. Using Turmeric as a spice for cooking is a great way to add flavor to your food as part of a low salt diet. Turmeric contains two really unique compounds. In powder form, it's very high in curcumin. Thousands of studies have been done on turmeric and curcumin and its benefit to fight cancer, heart disease and to reduce inflammation.
Also, turmeric contains a compound especially in its essential oil form.If you buy turmeric oil, it's called turmerone which has been shown to help support your body in tissue regeneration and producing more of its own stem cells to help heal herniated discs, torn ligaments or any type of tissue damage in the body. Turmeric is probably the ultimate anti-inflammatory herb, followed closely by Ginger.
Ginger contains gingerols as well as zingibain. Zingibain is a proteolytic enzyme that really helps reduce inflammation at the cellular level. Gingerols work similar to some of those compounds in turmeric at reducing inflammation. It's great for reducing inflammation of the digestive system and the joints.  As a bonus, it's really good for helping any type of issue related to tissue in the brain.
If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends. At Sensational Seasonings we are 'all about' making the lives better. We look forward to sharing other health tips as well as healthy recipes with you!
Sensational Seasonings is a gourmet seasonings company located in Johnson City, TN. Our healthy and delicious product line includes:  Cajun Blackening Seasoning, Chicken Seasoning, Jamaican Jerk Seasoning, Italian Seasoning and Pork Rub. Each of our seasoning blends are either salt-free or low-salt (meeting all guidelines of the FDA). Reducing the salt content of our seasonings allows you to get more flavor from all the herbs and spices we include while allowing you take total control of your salt use. 
0 notes
averyreadsanimorphs · 7 years
Top 15 foods to fight inflammation
If you're reading this, you are probably dealing with inflammation or you're doing your best to avoid it! I'm about to give you a list of the top 15 anti-inflammatory foods and herbs.
Since inflammation is a major cause of disease, you'll definitely want to incorporate these foods into your diet. In fact, heart disease is caused by the inflammation of your arteries, while arthritis is caused by inflammation in your joints. Even ulcerative colitis is caused by inflammation of your colon. Most disease today has an inflammatory component, even cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
Top 15 -
 Leafy Greens! Green, leafy vegetables are high in vitamin K as well as chlorophyll which helps detoxify your body and lower levels of inflammation. Looking to change up your salads, try chard, dandelion greens, beet greens.  Spinach and kale are great as well in terms of their vitamin K, their calcium, magnesium. Those minerals to help lower inflammation in the body.
The next one is Bok Choy, part of that cabbage family which is  very high in something called vitamin U. Vitamin U is known to support glutathione levels in the body which helps lower inflammation and helps support the liver. So bok choy, another incredible super food with anti-inflammatory properties.
Celery is another unique super food for reducing inflammation (and especially celery juice). Celery is very high in electrolytes and also a trace mineral called silica. It's high in potassium and overall works in a unique way to help flush toxins out of our bodies. It helps with something called "fluid exchange" of intracellular and extracellular fluids.
Celery is also great for gout. If somebody has uric acid buildup in their body and they would have a sore elbow or certain joints, celery helps with flushing out uric acid out of your system. So overall, an incredible vegetable for its anti-inflammatory benefits.
Beets is next on the list (though one that you'll want to be careful with if you're watching your sugar levels). Beets actually boost something in your body called nitric oxide, which is known to increase your body's red blood cells and your overall circulation. This is why endurance athletes supplement with nitric oxide.
Many eat beets because of its ability to help support red blood cell production and the overall health of the blood. Nitric oxide also helps reduce inflammation in the body. So beet's an incredible super food for building your blood, improving endurance, improving energy but also for supporting the heart health and reducing inflammation!
Broccoli, which is very unique in many ways! It actually has high levels of chromium which is really good for your blood sugar levels ( and great for diabetics). Broccoli is actually one of the most nutrient-dense of all foods out there including its high level of vitamin C - another natural anti-inflammatory. I actually eat broccoli several times a week!
Here's a tasty health food that almost everyone loves...Blueberries! Now, blueberries are powerhouse when it comes to antioxidants as they contain resveratrol, flavonoids and vitamin C.  Blueberries and certain antioxidants actually help eat up oxidative stress.
Next up...Pineapple which has the highest levels of a nutrient called bromelain (in the core). Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that helps reduce inflammation. In fact, a lot of athletes are now doing beet juice before they go and work out and then pineapple juice after since bromelain reduces inflammation the naturals sugars in pineapple help with the recovery after exercise.
Here's one you probably didn't expect...Bone Broth! If you knew this, you get bonus points. Bone broth is very high in collagen-producing amino acids such as proline and glycine and hydroxyproline. This is what helps us anti-age and makes our skin tighter.And also, bone broth is very high in three unique nutrients: hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, and chondroitin. When preparing soup with a broth, try to use one which is low salt, especially considering most Americans consume too much salt. A bowl of soup sounds good right about now!
Fatty fish. This includes Salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies and cod. These and others are high in healthy fats. Salmon is continues to gain in popularity because it is very high in omega-3s, the fatty acids EPA and DHA. Those reduce inflammation and helps the heart health. It's good for your skin, hair and even your eyes!
Next up...Walnuts, which are another omega-3 supplement, though walnuts contain different types of omega-3 fats than fatty fish like salmon. Walnuts contain ALA, alpha-linolenic acid. Those omegas and some of the minerals they have are known to help support brain health as well as inflammation.
The next one has become controversial lately - Coconut oil. Here's where the controversy exists...some evidence has shown that the saturated fats in coconut oil are actually good for your cells and reduce inflammation. However, at the same time, it is labeled by the American Heart Association as an unhealthy fat.Do your research on this one or talk to your physician - for now, I personally continue to use coconut oil in my diet, but only in moderation.
Cha-cha-cha-Chia Seeds. Like walnuts, they are high in ALA. Chia seeds are probably the highest omega-3 fatty rich food on the planet. Chia seeds also create what's called mucilaginous fiber. In fact, if you put them in water, they become very gelatinous which is very good for cleaning out your colon (just like jello is). As a bonus, chia seeds are also know to increase energy (and NOT in a caffiene kind of way). Overall, it's a great energy-boosting seed as well as anti-inflammatory because of its great fiber and its omega-3 content.
Continuing the theme, Flax Seeds, which are also high in omega-3s. Flax seeds contain really unique compounds that support balancing out estrogen in the body and if your inflammatory condition is related to gut health, flax seeds can also help. Your next decision, whole versus ground.
This next one is greatly known for it health benefits as well as its great flavor...Turmeric. Using Turmeric as a spice for cooking is a great way to add flavor to your food as part of a low salt diet. Turmeric contains two really unique compounds. In powder form, it's very high in curcumin. Thousands of studies have been done on turmeric and curcumin and its benefit to fight cancer, heart disease and to reduce inflammation.
Also, turmeric contains a compound especially in its essential oil form.If you buy turmeric oil, it's called turmerone which has been shown to help support your body in tissue regeneration and producing more of its own stem cells to help heal herniated discs, torn ligaments or any type of tissue damage in the body. Turmeric is probably the ultimate anti-inflammatory herb, followed closely by Ginger.
Ginger contains gingerols as well as zingibain. Zingibain is a proteolytic enzyme that really helps reduce inflammation at the cellular level. Gingerols work similar to some of those compounds in turmeric at reducing inflammation. It's great for reducing inflammation of the digestive system and the joints.  As a bonus, it's really good for helping any type of issue related to tissue in the brain.
If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends. At Sensational Seasonings we are 'all about' making the lives better. We look forward to sharing other health tips as well as healthy recipes with you!
Sensational Seasonings is a gourmet seasonings company located in Johnson City, TN. Our healthy and delicious product line includes:  Cajun Blackening Seasoning, Chicken Seasoning, Jamaican Jerk Seasoning, Italian Seasoning and Pork Rub. Each of our seasoning blends are either salt-free or low-salt (meeting all guidelines of the FDA). Reducing the salt content of our seasonings allows you to get more flavor from all the herbs and spices we include while allowing you take total control of your salt use. 
0 notes
saureus · 7 years
Top 15 foods to fight inflammation
If you're reading this, you are probably dealing with inflammation or you're doing your best to avoid it! I'm about to give you a list of the top 15 anti-inflammatory foods and herbs.
Since inflammation is a major cause of disease, you'll definitely want to incorporate these foods into your diet. In fact, heart disease is caused by the inflammation of your arteries, while arthritis is caused by inflammation in your joints. Even ulcerative colitis is caused by inflammation of your colon. Most disease today has an inflammatory component, even cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
Top 15 -
 Leafy Greens! Green, leafy vegetables are high in vitamin K as well as chlorophyll which helps detoxify your body and lower levels of inflammation. Looking to change up your salads, try chard, dandelion greens, beet greens.  Spinach and kale are great as well in terms of their vitamin K, their calcium, magnesium. Those minerals to help lower inflammation in the body.
The next one is Bok Choy, part of that cabbage family which is  very high in something called vitamin U. Vitamin U is known to support glutathione levels in the body which helps lower inflammation and helps support the liver. So bok choy, another incredible super food with anti-inflammatory properties.
Celery is another unique super food for reducing inflammation (and especially celery juice). Celery is very high in electrolytes and also a trace mineral called silica. It's high in potassium and overall works in a unique way to help flush toxins out of our bodies. It helps with something called "fluid exchange" of intracellular and extracellular fluids.
Celery is also great for gout. If somebody has uric acid buildup in their body and they would have a sore elbow or certain joints, celery helps with flushing out uric acid out of your system. So overall, an incredible vegetable for its anti-inflammatory benefits.
Beets is next on the list (though one that you'll want to be careful with if you're watching your sugar levels). Beets actually boost something in your body called nitric oxide, which is known to increase your body's red blood cells and your overall circulation. This is why endurance athletes supplement with nitric oxide.
Many eat beets because of its ability to help support red blood cell production and the overall health of the blood. Nitric oxide also helps reduce inflammation in the body. So beet's an incredible super food for building your blood, improving endurance, improving energy but also for supporting the heart health and reducing inflammation!
Broccoli, which is very unique in many ways! It actually has high levels of chromium which is really good for your blood sugar levels ( and great for diabetics). Broccoli is actually one of the most nutrient-dense of all foods out there including its high level of vitamin C - another natural anti-inflammatory. I actually eat broccoli several times a week!
Here's a tasty health food that almost everyone loves...Blueberries! Now, blueberries are powerhouse when it comes to antioxidants as they contain resveratrol, flavonoids and vitamin C.  Blueberries and certain antioxidants actually help eat up oxidative stress.
Next up...Pineapple which has the highest levels of a nutrient called bromelain (in the core). Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that helps reduce inflammation. In fact, a lot of athletes are now doing beet juice before they go and work out and then pineapple juice after since bromelain reduces inflammation the naturals sugars in pineapple help with the recovery after exercise.
Here's one you probably didn't expect...Bone Broth! If you knew this, you get bonus points. Bone broth is very high in collagen-producing amino acids such as proline and glycine and hydroxyproline. This is what helps us anti-age and makes our skin tighter.And also, bone broth is very high in three unique nutrients: hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, and chondroitin. When preparing soup with a broth, try to use one which is low salt, especially considering most Americans consume too much salt. A bowl of soup sounds good right about now!
Fatty fish. This includes Salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies and cod. These and others are high in healthy fats. Salmon is continues to gain in popularity because it is very high in omega-3s, the fatty acids EPA and DHA. Those reduce inflammation and helps the heart health. It's good for your skin, hair and even your eyes!
Next up...Walnuts, which are another omega-3 supplement, though walnuts contain different types of omega-3 fats than fatty fish like salmon. Walnuts contain ALA, alpha-linolenic acid. Those omegas and some of the minerals they have are known to help support brain health as well as inflammation.
The next one has become controversial lately - Coconut oil. Here's where the controversy exists...some evidence has shown that the saturated fats in coconut oil are actually good for your cells and reduce inflammation. However, at the same time, it is labeled by the American Heart Association as an unhealthy fat.Do your research on this one or talk to your physician - for now, I personally continue to use coconut oil in my diet, but only in moderation.
Cha-cha-cha-Chia Seeds. Like walnuts, they are high in ALA. Chia seeds are probably the highest omega-3 fatty rich food on the planet. Chia seeds also create what's called mucilaginous fiber. In fact, if you put them in water, they become very gelatinous which is very good for cleaning out your colon (just like jello is). As a bonus, chia seeds are also know to increase energy (and NOT in a caffiene kind of way). Overall, it's a great energy-boosting seed as well as anti-inflammatory because of its great fiber and its omega-3 content.
Continuing the theme, Flax Seeds, which are also high in omega-3s. Flax seeds contain really unique compounds that support balancing out estrogen in the body and if your inflammatory condition is related to gut health, flax seeds can also help. Your next decision, whole versus ground.
This next one is greatly known for it health benefits as well as its great flavor...Turmeric. Using Turmeric as a spice for cooking is a great way to add flavor to your food as part of a low salt diet. Turmeric contains two really unique compounds. In powder form, it's very high in curcumin. Thousands of studies have been done on turmeric and curcumin and its benefit to fight cancer, heart disease and to reduce inflammation.
Also, turmeric contains a compound especially in its essential oil form.If you buy turmeric oil, it's called turmerone which has been shown to help support your body in tissue regeneration and producing more of its own stem cells to help heal herniated discs, torn ligaments or any type of tissue damage in the body. Turmeric is probably the ultimate anti-inflammatory herb, followed closely by Ginger.
Ginger contains gingerols as well as zingibain. Zingibain is a proteolytic enzyme that really helps reduce inflammation at the cellular level. Gingerols work similar to some of those compounds in turmeric at reducing inflammation. It's great for reducing inflammation of the digestive system and the joints.  As a bonus, it's really good for helping any type of issue related to tissue in the brain.
If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends. At Sensational Seasonings we are 'all about' making the lives better. We look forward to sharing other health tips as well as healthy recipes with you!
Sensational Seasonings is a gourmet seasonings company located in Johnson City, TN. Our healthy and delicious product line includes:  Cajun Blackening Seasoning, Chicken Seasoning, Jamaican Jerk Seasoning, Italian Seasoning and Pork Rub. Each of our seasoning blends are either salt-free or low-salt (meeting all guidelines of the FDA). Reducing the salt content of our seasonings allows you to get more flavor from all the herbs and spices we include while allowing you take total control of your salt use. 
0 notes
Top 15 foods to fight inflammation
If you're reading this, you are probably dealing with inflammation or you're doing your best to avoid it! I'm about to give you a list of the top 15 anti-inflammatory foods and herbs.
Since inflammation is a major cause of disease, you'll definitely want to incorporate these foods into your diet. In fact, heart disease is caused by the inflammation of your arteries, while arthritis is caused by inflammation in your joints. Even ulcerative colitis is caused by inflammation of your colon. Most disease today has an inflammatory component, even cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
Top 15 -
 Leafy Greens! Green, leafy vegetables are high in vitamin K as well as chlorophyll which helps detoxify your body and lower levels of inflammation. Looking to change up your salads, try chard, dandelion greens, beet greens.  Spinach and kale are great as well in terms of their vitamin K, their calcium, magnesium. Those minerals to help lower inflammation in the body.
The next one is Bok Choy, part of that cabbage family which is  very high in something called vitamin U. Vitamin U is known to support glutathione levels in the body which helps lower inflammation and helps support the liver. So bok choy, another incredible super food with anti-inflammatory properties.
Celery is another unique super food for reducing inflammation (and especially celery juice). Celery is very high in electrolytes and also a trace mineral called silica. It's high in potassium and overall works in a unique way to help flush toxins out of our bodies. It helps with something called "fluid exchange" of intracellular and extracellular fluids.
Celery is also great for gout. If somebody has uric acid buildup in their body and they would have a sore elbow or certain joints, celery helps with flushing out uric acid out of your system. So overall, an incredible vegetable for its anti-inflammatory benefits.
Beets is next on the list (though one that you'll want to be careful with if you're watching your sugar levels). Beets actually boost something in your body called nitric oxide, which is known to increase your body's red blood cells and your overall circulation. This is why endurance athletes supplement with nitric oxide.
Many eat beets because of its ability to help support red blood cell production and the overall health of the blood. Nitric oxide also helps reduce inflammation in the body. So beet's an incredible super food for building your blood, improving endurance, improving energy but also for supporting the heart health and reducing inflammation!
Broccoli, which is very unique in many ways! It actually has high levels of chromium which is really good for your blood sugar levels ( and great for diabetics). Broccoli is actually one of the most nutrient-dense of all foods out there including its high level of vitamin C - another natural anti-inflammatory. I actually eat broccoli several times a week!
Here's a tasty health food that almost everyone loves...Blueberries! Now, blueberries are powerhouse when it comes to antioxidants as they contain resveratrol, flavonoids and vitamin C.  Blueberries and certain antioxidants actually help eat up oxidative stress.
Next up...Pineapple which has the highest levels of a nutrient called bromelain (in the core). Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that helps reduce inflammation. In fact, a lot of athletes are now doing beet juice before they go and work out and then pineapple juice after since bromelain reduces inflammation the naturals sugars in pineapple help with the recovery after exercise.
Here's one you probably didn't expect...Bone Broth! If you knew this, you get bonus points. Bone broth is very high in collagen-producing amino acids such as proline and glycine and hydroxyproline. This is what helps us anti-age and makes our skin tighter.And also, bone broth is very high in three unique nutrients: hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, and chondroitin. When preparing soup with a broth, try to use one which is low salt, especially considering most Americans consume too much salt. A bowl of soup sounds good right about now!
Fatty fish. This includes Salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies and cod. These and others are high in healthy fats. Salmon is continues to gain in popularity because it is very high in omega-3s, the fatty acids EPA and DHA. Those reduce inflammation and helps the heart health. It's good for your skin, hair and even your eyes!
Next up...Walnuts, which are another omega-3 supplement, though walnuts contain different types of omega-3 fats than fatty fish like salmon. Walnuts contain ALA, alpha-linolenic acid. Those omegas and some of the minerals they have are known to help support brain health as well as inflammation.
The next one has become controversial lately - Coconut oil. Here's where the controversy exists...some evidence has shown that the saturated fats in coconut oil are actually good for your cells and reduce inflammation. However, at the same time, it is labeled by the American Heart Association as an unhealthy fat.Do your research on this one or talk to your physician - for now, I personally continue to use coconut oil in my diet, but only in moderation.
Cha-cha-cha-Chia Seeds. Like walnuts, they are high in ALA. Chia seeds are probably the highest omega-3 fatty rich food on the planet. Chia seeds also create what's called mucilaginous fiber. In fact, if you put them in water, they become very gelatinous which is very good for cleaning out your colon (just like jello is). As a bonus, chia seeds are also know to increase energy (and NOT in a caffiene kind of way). Overall, it's a great energy-boosting seed as well as anti-inflammatory because of its great fiber and its omega-3 content.
Continuing the theme, Flax Seeds, which are also high in omega-3s. Flax seeds contain really unique compounds that support balancing out estrogen in the body and if your inflammatory condition is related to gut health, flax seeds can also help. Your next decision, whole versus ground.
This next one is greatly known for it health benefits as well as its great flavor...Turmeric. Using Turmeric as a spice for cooking is a great way to add flavor to your food as part of a low salt diet. Turmeric contains two really unique compounds. In powder form, it's very high in curcumin. Thousands of studies have been done on turmeric and curcumin and its benefit to fight cancer, heart disease and to reduce inflammation.
Also, turmeric contains a compound especially in its essential oil form.If you buy turmeric oil, it's called turmerone which has been shown to help support your body in tissue regeneration and producing more of its own stem cells to help heal herniated discs, torn ligaments or any type of tissue damage in the body. Turmeric is probably the ultimate anti-inflammatory herb, followed closely by Ginger.
Ginger contains gingerols as well as zingibain. Zingibain is a proteolytic enzyme that really helps reduce inflammation at the cellular level. Gingerols work similar to some of those compounds in turmeric at reducing inflammation. It's great for reducing inflammation of the digestive system and the joints.  As a bonus, it's really good for helping any type of issue related to tissue in the brain.
If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends. At Sensational Seasonings we are 'all about' making the lives better. We look forward to sharing other health tips as well as healthy recipes with you!
Sensational Seasonings is a gourmet seasonings company located in Johnson City, TN. Our healthy and delicious product line includes:  Cajun Blackening Seasoning, Chicken Seasoning, Jamaican Jerk Seasoning, Italian Seasoning and Pork Rub. Each of our seasoning blends are either salt-free or low-salt (meeting all guidelines of the FDA). Reducing the salt content of our seasonings allows you to get more flavor from all the herbs and spices we include while allowing you take total control of your salt use. 
0 notes
juliettespencerus · 6 years
Top 15 foods to fight inflammation
If you're reading this, you are probably dealing with inflammation or you're doing your best to avoid it! I'm about to give you a list of the top 15 anti-inflammatory foods and herbs.
Since inflammation is a major cause of disease, you'll definitely want to incorporate these foods into your diet. In fact, heart disease is caused by the inflammation of your arteries, while arthritis is caused by inflammation in your joints. Even ulcerative colitis is caused by inflammation of your colon. Most disease today has an inflammatory component, even cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
Top 15 -
 Leafy Greens! Green, leafy vegetables are high in vitamin K as well as chlorophyll which helps detoxify your body and lower levels of inflammation. Looking to change up your salads, try chard, dandelion greens, beet greens.  Spinach and kale are great as well in terms of their vitamin K, their calcium, magnesium. Those minerals to help lower inflammation in the body.
The next one is Bok Choy, part of that cabbage family which is  very high in something called vitamin U. Vitamin U is known to support glutathione levels in the body which helps lower inflammation and helps support the liver. So bok choy, another incredible super food with anti-inflammatory properties.
Celery is another unique super food for reducing inflammation (and especially celery juice). Celery is very high in electrolytes and also a trace mineral called silica. It's high in potassium and overall works in a unique way to help flush toxins out of our bodies. It helps with something called "fluid exchange" of intracellular and extracellular fluids.
Celery is also great for gout. If somebody has uric acid buildup in their body and they would have a sore elbow or certain joints, celery helps with flushing out uric acid out of your system. So overall, an incredible vegetable for its anti-inflammatory benefits.
Beets is next on the list (though one that you'll want to be careful with if you're watching your sugar levels). Beets actually boost something in your body called nitric oxide, which is known to increase your body's red blood cells and your overall circulation. This is why endurance athletes supplement with nitric oxide.
Many eat beets because of its ability to help support red blood cell production and the overall health of the blood. Nitric oxide also helps reduce inflammation in the body. So beet's an incredible super food for building your blood, improving endurance, improving energy but also for supporting the heart health and reducing inflammation!
Broccoli, which is very unique in many ways! It actually has high levels of chromium which is really good for your blood sugar levels ( and great for diabetics). Broccoli is actually one of the most nutrient-dense of all foods out there including its high level of vitamin C - another natural anti-inflammatory. I actually eat broccoli several times a week!
Here's a tasty health food that almost everyone loves...Blueberries! Now, blueberries are powerhouse when it comes to antioxidants as they contain resveratrol, flavonoids and vitamin C.  Blueberries and certain antioxidants actually help eat up oxidative stress.
Next up...Pineapple which has the highest levels of a nutrient called bromelain (in the core). Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that helps reduce inflammation. In fact, a lot of athletes are now doing beet juice before they go and work out and then pineapple juice after since bromelain reduces inflammation the naturals sugars in pineapple help with the recovery after exercise.
Here's one you probably didn't expect...Bone Broth! If you knew this, you get bonus points. Bone broth is very high in collagen-producing amino acids such as proline and glycine and hydroxyproline. This is what helps us anti-age and makes our skin tighter.And also, bone broth is very high in three unique nutrients: hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, and chondroitin. When preparing soup with a broth, try to use one which is low salt, especially considering most Americans consume too much salt. A bowl of soup sounds good right about now!
Fatty fish. This includes Salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies and cod. These and others are high in healthy fats. Salmon is continues to gain in popularity because it is very high in omega-3s, the fatty acids EPA and DHA. Those reduce inflammation and helps the heart health. It's good for your skin, hair and even your eyes!
Next up...Walnuts, which are another omega-3 supplement, though walnuts contain different types of omega-3 fats than fatty fish like salmon. Walnuts contain ALA, alpha-linolenic acid. Those omegas and some of the minerals they have are known to help support brain health as well as inflammation.
The next one has become controversial lately - Coconut oil. Here's where the controversy exists...some evidence has shown that the saturated fats in coconut oil are actually good for your cells and reduce inflammation. However, at the same time, it is labeled by the American Heart Association as an unhealthy fat.Do your research on this one or talk to your physician - for now, I personally continue to use coconut oil in my diet, but only in moderation.
Cha-cha-cha-Chia Seeds. Like walnuts, they are high in ALA. Chia seeds are probably the highest omega-3 fatty rich food on the planet. Chia seeds also create what's called mucilaginous fiber. In fact, if you put them in water, they become very gelatinous which is very good for cleaning out your colon (just like jello is). As a bonus, chia seeds are also know to increase energy (and NOT in a caffiene kind of way). Overall, it's a great energy-boosting seed as well as anti-inflammatory because of its great fiber and its omega-3 content.
Continuing the theme, Flax Seeds, which are also high in omega-3s. Flax seeds contain really unique compounds that support balancing out estrogen in the body and if your inflammatory condition is related to gut health, flax seeds can also help. Your next decision, whole versus ground.
This next one is greatly known for it health benefits as well as its great flavor...Turmeric. Using Turmeric as a spice for cooking is a great way to add flavor to your food as part of a low salt diet. Turmeric contains two really unique compounds. In powder form, it's very high in curcumin. Thousands of studies have been done on turmeric and curcumin and its benefit to fight cancer, heart disease and to reduce inflammation.
Also, turmeric contains a compound especially in its essential oil form.If you buy turmeric oil, it's called turmerone which has been shown to help support your body in tissue regeneration and producing more of its own stem cells to help heal herniated discs, torn ligaments or any type of tissue damage in the body. Turmeric is probably the ultimate anti-inflammatory herb, followed closely by Ginger.
Ginger contains gingerols as well as zingibain. Zingibain is a proteolytic enzyme that really helps reduce inflammation at the cellular level. Gingerols work similar to some of those compounds in turmeric at reducing inflammation. It's great for reducing inflammation of the digestive system and the joints.  As a bonus, it's really good for helping any type of issue related to tissue in the brain.
If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends. At Sensational Seasonings we are 'all about' making the lives better. We look forward to sharing other health tips as well as healthy recipes with you!
Sensational Seasonings is a gourmet seasonings company located in Johnson City, TN. Our healthy and delicious product line includes:  Cajun Blackening Seasoning, Chicken Seasoning, Jamaican Jerk Seasoning, Italian Seasoning and Pork Rub. Each of our seasoning blends are either salt-free or low-salt (meeting all guidelines of the FDA). Reducing the salt content of our seasonings allows you to get more flavor from all the herbs and spices we include while allowing you take total control of your salt use. 
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