#and all of us just following after him hoping we're pronouncing it correctly
kachulein · 2 years
Sometimes I remember that in school choir, vocal group, and vocal lessons, I've sung songs in English, German, Swiss German, French, Italian, Latin, Spanish, Afrikaans, and Swedish and it frankly speaking makes my mind explode🤡
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g0ttal0ve101 · 3 years
Eddie in Wonderland (Part 1)
[This is based off of the 1951 film of Alice in Wonderland. I will be skipping some parts and characters, since the cast is pretty small. Please excuse any errors I make. This art is NOT mine, but it goes along with the story.]
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A meadow of beautiful daises looked to be dancing as wind blew through the luscious green grass. It was a warm day, a day where animals would be roaming about, a day where children would be playing together, a day where everything was at ease. A woman's voice calmly read out words from a page of a history book, slowly and particularly gentle to make sure each and every word was pronounced correctly. Soothing, but awfully boring.
Above the woman sat a boy in a branch, who was supposedly listening to the words she read. He picked daisies from the meadow and began making a flower crown, holding his dear kitten, Sadie, in his lap. The young boy's foot slipped off of the branch, close to his mother's face as she read. Her blue eyes drifted off the page as she looked at his shiny black shoe, then up at him. "Edward, would you please listen to your history lesson? It's rather rude not to listen."
His ginger hair fell into his face a bit as he placed the daisy crown on his kitten's head. "Sorry, mother. It's very boring to read a book with no pictures."
"Edward, there are plenty of interesting books out there that have no pictures." His mother gazed off at the meadow for a moment, knowing her son wouldn't be listening anyway.
"That can't be true," he tells her, watching as the crown fell to the ground. "In my world, books would only have pictures!"
"In your world? Edward, please. That's absolute nonsense. Now, from the beginning." His mother began to read once more.
"Nonsense? That's it, Sadie!" He sang, scooping Sadie up in his arms. "If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because it would be what it isn't! And contrary wise, what it is, it won't be! And what it wouldn't be, it would! You see?" Eddie puts the grey kitten down, jumping off of the branch without his mother noticing. Sadie let out a mew, still on the tree. "In my world, you wouldn't say "meow." You would say, yes, Mr. Edward." The kitten lets out another meow as Eddie picks her up, holding her close to his chest as he began to walk towards the woods. "Oh, but you would! You'd be just like people, Sadie. And all the other animals too."
Eddie sets Sadie down in the meadow, patting her head softly with a smile. "Why, in my world..." Eddie began to sing,
"Cats and rabbits would reside in fancy little houses...
And be dressed in shoes and hats and trousers..."
Eddie lays in the the flowers, almost disappearing into them. He gazes up at the sky, seeing that the blue moon was already beginning to show.
"In a world of my own...
all the flowers, would have very extra-special powers.
They would sit and talk to me for hours
when I'm lonely, in a world of my own..."
A blue bird then passes him by, causing an even bigger smile to rest upon his cherry cheeks. It reminded him of their small bird at home, who looked very similar.
"There'd be new birds,
lots of nice and friendly "how'd you do" birds.
Everyone would have a dozen blue birds,
within that world of my own..."
Eddie grabs Sadie and began walking down towards the wooded creek. The water was rushing by quickly, so the boy made sure to hold onto his little friend tightly as he skipped over a few rocks.
"I could listen to a babbling brook,
And hear a song that I could understand...
I keep wishing it could be that way,
because my world would be a wonderland!"
Eddie crouched and touched the cool water with his hand, feeling the stream go through his pale fingers. Sadie sat next to him, staring at the liquid as if it was a monster. Eddie's ginger hair was very clear in the reflection of the water, which made him sigh. He never liked how it looked or framed his freckled face. Suddenly, it began to look different. The reflection twisted and turned, showing Eddie's shocked face and a man standing right behind him. He turns quickly, only to see a tall gentleman with black hair, two white rabbit ears, bandages all up and down his body, and wearing a fairly fancy outfit.
Eddie turns around slowly, only to realize that his mind wasn't playing tricks on him. There was actually a man, a rabbit man, standing there behind him. Before Eddie could speak, the rabbit man looks down at a huge golden watch then points at it with a sickening smile.
"You made me three seconds behind. Now you have three seconds to run. That's only fair."
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Eddie's green eyes grow huge and his kitten ran away as quickly as possible. He then saw the bloody knife in the man's hand, falling into the creek, but immediately getting up and running away. "MOTHER! MOTHER!"
The rabbit-man chased after poor Eddie, hysterically laughing as the boy had tears streaming down his face. His panic got the better of him, making him become lost in the forest. Eddie was nowhere near the meadow anymore, but he could just barely recognize where he was. His heart was beating out of his chest, feeling his foot fall through a hole and dropping him down who knows where. He let out a terrified scream for his mother, but nothing came from it.
However, his body felt light. He wasn't falling, rather, floating. His white dress shirt fluttered around a bit as his blue tie flew in his face from the unexplainable gravity. "Wha...? What's going on...?" Eddie mumurs, fixing his tie. The hole grew darker and darker, leaving a pit in his stomach grow. However, he could just barely see something that looked to be a lamp on a table. He reached out towards it and flipped the switch, illuminating the area. Random things were around him as he slowly fell, such as tables, chairs, and potted plants. They all seemed to be items that would be in a house regularly, but definitely not in a rabbit hole.
Eddie passes a mirror that catches his horrified expression, then a nightstand with books on it, then a rocking chair, all the way until he fell right on his bum. He was then in a hall with odd coloring floor tiles and weird doors. At the end of the hall stood the rabbit-man again, who held his golden watch. "I'm late cause of you, brat." He then showed Eddie's mask that was supposedly fell out of his back pocket as he was running. "I got this from you, lil-shit. Thanks."
Eddie gasps, knowing that was one of the only things that weren't a hand-me-down from his older brothers. He stood up and chased after the bandaged man in a fuss, forgetting how dangerous this cold be. "Hey! Give that back! It's mine!"
The man ran through a door at the end of the hall, Eddie racing after him in a spur of anger and fear. The door seemed to get smaller when he came closer, but blamed it on his imagination. He opened it, only to see two other small doors behind it, he had to crawl through it into a large room where there was another door the rabbit-man went through. He stood up and grabbed the handle, only for it to wail.
"Oh!" Eddie cried, lifting his hands up and touching his face. "Oh, I'm ever so sorry!"
The doorknob wiggled around like it had a life of it's own. "It is quite alright, young one. What is it you need?"
The voice sounded like a sweet elder gentleman, which comforted Eddie a little bit. "A man has something of mine. I must get through to get it back! It's very...important to me."
"Why, you're much too big to get through."
"I don't understand how he got through when he's taller than me."
"This is Zack we're talking about," the doorknob muttered. "Oh, but you could get through if you drink that substance in the bottle. There is a wooden table over there. It will have a bottle with liquid in it and a key underneath. Drink the liquid and use the key to enter."
Eddie followed the instructions, grabbing the bottle and key on a wooden table in the spacious room. He looked at the both of them, feeling a bit uneasy.
"Uhm...I'm sorry to be rude, but I'm not sure I should trust a liquid such as this...and this key has blood on it!"
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"The blood must be from Zack...forgive it please. I have known Zack since he was a mere child. I cannot see, but I am sure the substance is safe as well."
Eddie felt naïve, but he truly believed that the voice was telling the truth. "Alright, I surely do hope I won't get sick from this."
The ginger then took a drink of the blue liquid, tasting the delicious flavor it had. Cookies, now bubblegum, now cake, now caramel. However, after it was all gone, the bottle became bigger and bigger, in which Eddie couldn't onto anymore. This is when he realized that it was not the bottle that got large, but he had shrunk!
"You should be short enough to go through now," the voice exclaimed. "Be careful, young one."
"Mhm! Thank you for the help!" Eddie gushed, opening the door and going through.
He was now in a forest-like area again, seeing the rabbit-man, supposedly named Zack, further in the woods than he was. Eddie hurried to catch up, but it was difficult to keep track of where he was. The trees were so thick and dark that it ended up confusing his eyes to thinking it was the man. "Stop! Please, wait!"
Eddie was then stopped by two pairs of hands grabbing him and pulling him back. He quickly spun around and fell over, in fear of whoever had touched him. There were two gentlemen with long black hair and strange tattoos on their faces. They looked identical, standing next to each other while gazing at Eddie.
"Oh! Why, hello there...!" Eddie nervously giggled, backing away from the two. "I'm sorry if I caused any trouble, I was just looking for a man named...Zack? He was running around just a moment ago. Again, sorry for the bother...it's been nice meeting you! Goodbye-!"
The two gentlemen then stand in front of Eddie, blocking his way from leaving. Eddie chuckled nervously before backing away a little.
"You're doing it backwards." One of them says.
"Yes, you go, 'how do you do?' and shake hands." The other completes the thought.
Eddie gasped, putting his fingertips against his lips. "Oh! Pardon me! My name is Eddie, how do you do?" he giggled, shaking their hands.
"We're splendid!" One says.
"Splendid!" The other adds.
"What are your names, if you don't mind me asking." Eddie puts his hands neatly behind his back, standing on his tip-toes.
"Our name is Shin." They both say with a smile.
"Ah! That is a lovely name! Uhm...I need to get going now, bye...!" Eddie goes around them, trying to speed off and catch Zack. However, the two jump in front of him again.
"Want to play hide-and-seek?"
"Or who has the button?"
"Thank you for the offer, but I really must get going." Eddie tries to walk around them again, but they both grab each of his arms to hold him back.
"Why?" They both ask together.
"I must catch up to a rabbit-man who has something very dear to me." Eddie says in a tender and loving tone, trying to convince the two to let him go. "Please, allow me to find him."
The two look at each other with a smirk, grabbing the boy and pushing him onto a small log to sit on. "We will tell you a story first." They both say together. Before Eddie could reject the offer, the two begin dancing around and singing.
"There once was a boy who made graves and got nothing of his own,"
"The only thing he got was the smooth and flat stone!"
"And over the trees,"
"And over the hills,"
"Laid a grave-robber at work."
"He took all the bodies,"
"It was his hobby,"
"And began to sing this song! Ohhh,"
"These bodies will make me rich, my boy! These bodies will make me rich! Take them and hurry, runaway, scurry, and watch him go berserk!"
"The young boy decided enough was enough,"
"Knowing what the man had done!"
"Grabbing his hand,"
"Pushing him in,"
"And began to sing! Ohhh,"
"This grave will be ugly, with no beauty at all! I'll put the robber in the casket with no one else involved!"
"The robber screamed,"
"And wailed,"
"And cried,"
"But no one came along!"
"This is why you never steal from a grave-keeper's son! Hurrah!"
Eddie stared at the two with complete confusion, looking genuinely concerned. "That story...has a moral to it, huh?"
"Don't steal from a grave-keeper!" The two shouted with a twisted grin, almost implying that Eddie would know this.
"...Well, I ought to be going."
"We have another song!"
"Yes, about a girl who stitches people up!"
The two began to sing about another odd topic, Eddie sneaking away when the two weren't looking. He saw a glimpse of bandaged rabbit ears behind a huge tree in the distance, regaining his composure and chasing after the man. "Wait! Please, wait! Wherever are you going?!" Eddie soon finds himself running down a dirt path, leading towards a garden of flowers. Since he was still so small from the drink, the flowers looked huge and out of the ordinary. He entered the flowerbed as he looked around for Zack. "Where are you?! Please, come bac-!"
Eddie was then met eye-to-eye with a flower, which had a face. It clears its throat, lifting up a small stick and beginning to orchestrate a song piece for the other flowers to sing. They all sounded wonderful. Eddie couldn't help but to watch them all flutter around gracefully with their petals in the air. His eyes then lock onto the most humanoid looking one; White petals, beautiful golden hair, and two big brown eyes. She laid by many spider webs underneath the sunset, the dew on her making her look so angelic. She was by far the prettiest, the most talented, and the most separated from the other flowers.
Eddie and the flower made eye contact, only for her to blush a rosy red and look away sheepishly as she continued to sing. The young boy was then stopped by the other flowers who surrounded him, seeing that he was the only one not singing. He nervously giggled and looked around to see all eyes on him.
"My, you are all so wonderful." Eddie praised their performance with a gentle smile. The girl flowers all swayed over him, whispering about his looks.
"Thank you very much, dear." The orchestrater rubbed her petals against Eddie's cheek before pushing him a little closer to the rest of the flowers. "Now, may I ask what flower you are?"
"Oh, why, I'm a steady-ready-Eddie flower!" He sang, causing the girls to swoon again.
"A steady-Eddie-what?"
"Look at that stem!" One flower exclaimed, grabbing his suspenders and yanking them a little.
"And those petals!" Another shouted, running their leaves through his ginger locks. "They smell like pumpkin spice, not very much like a flower though..."
"I think he's gorgeous," the white flower girl spoke, only to be hushed by the others.
"What flowerbed are you from?"
"None, ma'am."
"Are you a wildflower?"
"No, I'm not a flower at all!" Eddie finally told them. He didn't know that their response would be negative to that answer. Everyone began to whisper about him and the white-petaled girl looked a bit distressed. He was going to ask what was wrong, only to be grabbed and thrown away.
"He's a weed!"
"A weed!"
"We don't want weeds in our flowerbed!"
"I'm not a weed!" he cried, landing on his hands and knees. The flowers then began throwing water on him that was stored in their petals above. Eddie clenched his fists and stood up, now soaking wet. "Well, if I were my regular size, I could pick each and everyone of you!"
"Get out of here, weed!"
Eddie huffed, dusting himself off and looking back at them. The white flower girl gave him a small smile and waved, causing Eddie's anger to dissolve as he did the same. He then turned away to see that the dirt path led into a meadow that looked like a jungle, since he was so small. Each strand of grass was as big as a tree and all of the mushrooms were almost as tall as Eddie himself. He began his way through, knowing that the white rabbit must have gone this way. His black shoes that his mother had just polished grew muddy as the path grew wet. This was awfully annoying.
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I will post Part 2 later today~❤
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softsebnbuckystan · 3 years
Soul ties - Part 10 (Bucky Barnes au)
“And when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed,
You put me on  and said I was your favourite”
Word count : 1712
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Going back to everyone wasn't even as awkward as you'd predicted ; what had just happened with Bucky was pretty obvious. Yet, all the guests decided to cheer you up and spend their night telling you jokes or just talking to you about random memories. When you went back to your  room for good, you made sure Bucky walked you there : you were silently thanking Steve for giving you a room this far away from the others, since it gave you the opportunity to speak freely.
"So, about earlier,"  you started, "I think..."
"Hum,  yeah. I get it must be complicated for you." He scratched the back of his head as you stopped in front of your bedroom door.
"It's not, actually." You looked him in the eyes. "I know exactly what I want."
Something gleamed in his eyes – a hint of hope, maybe.
"You do?" he asked. "I don't want you to be in this situation, so..."
"I swear," — you gently grabbed the front of his shirt  – "I promise I know you're who I want." You lowered your gaze. "I'd be a fool to pretend otherwise."
Bucky tilted his head down to see you better, breathing on the tip of your nose. "This makes me...really happy." He kissed your nose, making you feel an instant warmth in your chest. "Now go get some rest. You've had an eventful night."
"You're right." You let go of him to grab the doorknob and turned around. "Wait, before I go..." You span and placed your hands on his shoulders to help you reach his height and planted a kiss on his lips again. "I really wanted to do this again."
You chuckled and left him at the door, quickly closing it behind you so that he wouldn't see you smiling like a teenager. Changing into your pyjamas, you were still unable to think about anything else than the  first kiss you'd shared and the emotion it'd gifted you with. You chose not to go to sleep right away : you knew a knock on your door would come. Around twenty minutes afterwards, you were ready to open the door to your sister right after hearing her.
"So, that happened," she said when she sat on your bed. "How are you feeling?"
"Don't you already know that?" you teased. "I thought you were supposed to be a mind-reading enchantress or something. Your skills are getting rusty, sis."
Wanda couldn't help but laugh before asking her question  again. "Seriously, I want to hear it from you, not  from your thought process. It's too much of a mess anyway."
You rolled your eyes at the skies  before sitting next to her. "It was... I don't know how to describe it." You shrugged. "It felt right."
"And what are you going to do about Darren? I heard you saying you were over, but are you actually doing it?"
You stopped to think for a moment. What would divorcing Darren concretely mean? You'd have to go through a divorce procedure, and you didn't know how those were  supposed to go. Maybe you could  ask Tony if he knew any good lawyers who might you out. But there was another thing you'd need to do.
"I'll  go get my stuff tomorrow. I'm thinking  of asking Tony if I can stay here...permanently."
You wrapped your hands around your legs and rested your chin on your knees.
"I'll go with you. I don't trust him."
"Thanks, Wanda."
Your sister hugged you tight before lying down next to you.
"I'm here for you. We're family," she noted. "Now get some sleep ; you need it."
You lay next to her and as it turned out, you fell asleep pretty fast. Maybe soulmates had that effect on people.
"He's not even here," you remarked. "Even after our fight last night, he doesn't bother showing up at his own apartment."
Darren's behaviour was already heating up your anger, and you were once  again patting yourself on the shoulder for refusing both Steve and  Sam's help that day. They would not have handled this by calming you down. Maybe Steve would've tried, but well, even he had his limits. Messing with his family was one of them.
Your sister followed you to your bedroom, where you dragged a suitcase from under your bed. When you opened it, Wanda's eyes lingered for a second : it wasn't empty.
"Were you packing for a trip?" she asked.
You looked away and shrugged. "I don't know if I was planning for a honeymoon or a bad fight," you admitted. "Turns out it's the latter." You kept running around the place, packing everything from your most random flannel shirt to your favourite coffee mug.
"I think I'm ready to go," you ended up saying as you closed your suitcase. "I'm- wait. Did you hear the door too?"
"Fuck." You looked at Wanda, who'd recognised Darren's voice as well. You walked out of the bedroom, your suitcase rolling behind you. Your husband's eyes fell on your luggage before going back to you. You tried searching for any trace of sadness on his face ; all you found was anger and disappointment.
"Where do you think you're going?" he asked. "And what is she doing here?"
"Wanda's here because she wanted to help me get as far away from you as possible," you replied. "My whereabouts are none of your business anymore."
"You can't just leave like that. You're still my wife, as far as I know."
"Not for long."
Darren's face got bright red as he went in the kitchen. You knew he was about to start yelling, so you went for the door. His arm stopped you ; you hadn't seen him turn around. He grabbed your wrist, causing you to let out a faint scream. Wanda didn't need any more excuses to use her abilities.  She pinned him against the wall with a slight gesture of her hand.
"Don't you touch her again," she breathed. "You don't want me to use my full strength."
You could see Darren's nostrils flaring with anger and his fist clenching. You hated seeing him like this : some part of you still remembered the guy you'd fallen for several years earlier and you wished you could've made him stay like that.
"Don't blame  yourself for his behaviour, y/n," Wanda told you, not looking away from Darren. "Trust me, this man can't be changed. He'll always be a douchebag."
Your sister let go of him and opened the apartment's door for you. You were finally stepping out of that place, walking away from Darren.
"So what?" you heard him yell. "You're just gonna go back to that weird staring guy?"
You turned around and stared at him. You were done looking down and letting him hurt you. "Stop."
"What is it, huh?" – He walked closer to you and you gestured towards Wanda to let her know you were okay. "Is he better in better in bed than I am? Because I highly doubt that any man could make a good one out of you."
"Wow, you got to this level of insults. I shouldn't be surprised, coming from you." You paused, unsure of what his reaction would be to your next words. "I'll have divorce papers sent to you."
His jaw dropped, your words leaving him speechless. HIs insults still left a bitter taste in your mouth as you did your best to hide your pain. You didn't think such a long relationship could end like this, in a heartbeat, in the drop of a coffee cup.
Going back to the compound seemed to take less time than it took going to Darren's place. You were looking out of the window in silence, even though you knew your sister was holding back her remarks about Darren : you didn't need mind-reading powers to know that.
"Go ahead. Tell me I should've seen it coming."
"I'm not going to tell you that. Believe it or not, I wish I'd been wrong about him."
You gave Wanda a side glance : her grip on the stirring wheel was stern but her eyes were filled with sympathy.
"But I should've seen it coming. Damn, I despised his friends the moment I met them and he's just like them."
Wanda chuckled, which seemed inappropriate at first. "You didn't see that coming."
These words forced a smile out of you. "He would kick his ass, wouldn't he?"
"Absolutely. And he wouldn't be gentle about it."
You fiddled with your fingers. "Moments like these... I miss him the most."
"I know." Your sister's hand grabbed yours for a second before going back to the wheel. Her voice had gotten a little shaky from the emotion. "I also know he would've liked Bucky for you."
"Maybe. I shouldn't rush into this, though."
"Wait, what?" Wanda was confused, it seemed. How could she not be?
"Wanda, I just got out of a long relationship. I'm not even divorced yet. Bucky deserves better than this mess of a situation."
"Oh c'mon, he won't care about that. Have you seen how the man looks at you?"
A grin made its way to your lips as you remembered the numerous occasions Bucky  had laid his blue eyes on you, and yesterday, on your lips.
"I feel like I can't do this to him, you know? There are so many things I like about him, from the way he bothers pronouncing my name correctly, not the bland American way, to the habit he has of scratching his neck... You  know, dumb stuff. But what do I have to offer him? I'm not..."
"Stop. That's Darren speaking, not you," your sister softly reprimanded you. "You're worth so much more than you think you are. I also know that the guy who's going to rush to you to make sure you're okay is falling in love with you, if he hasn't already. His mind is almost as big a mess as yours."
"Wow, that's a first," you joked, the mention of love making you anxious. "The mess thing, I mean."
"Yeah, sure," — she snickered – "the mess thing."
--- They're getting serious, guys! I hope this part was good and that you liked it. Part 11 will come soon. :)
Tag list :
@ginger-swag-rapunzel @joscelyn02 @writehistorynotthegrocerylist @bluemoon-icecream @lady-loki-ren @simplybombshell @lizajane3
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ethanharli · 4 years
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Pairing(s): Kirishima Eijirou x Top Male Reader.
Warning(s): Fantasy AU, Fluff, Slight angst (but mostly fluff), Top reader, bottom character.
DNI; if you use she/her pronouns.
A/n- Just wanted to say thank you for one hundred followers! So I thought I'd make this, I hope y'all like it! Also requests are open for anyone who'd like to know :)
"[Y/n]! I'm back!" My pointy ears twitched from the shout of greeting, turning my gaze towards a familiar red haired dragon shifter. The shorter male happily strode up to me with a bag in hand, filled with something that smelled of warm wheat. I couldn't help but tilt my head in confusion as I slowly moved towards him, gently taking the bag from his hand to sniff it out, nearly frowning from the sudden fits of laughter coming from the male. "Don't worry [Y/n], It's just bread" Eijirou chuckled softly, taking the bag from my hand to open it up and show me the small loafs hidden inside of it.
"B- brea, bread?" I spoke, confused by the sudden new word. Hoping I had pronounced it correctly since Eijiro has been trying his hardest to teach me how to speak their language, "Yes! I guess our lessons are finally paying off!" The small male's chest puffed up with pride, which caused my heart to swell with sudden happiness. Feeling a feeling I had yet to experience in my many decades of life, so going with my natural instincts I reached out towards the male, standing before him as I gently trailed my claws over his jawline, making sure not to hurt him. "E-Eije- Eijirou" I stuttered, trying my hardest to remember the pronunciation of his name, and from the happy feeling radiating from him I could tell I got it right. 
He let out a sudden cough when his cheeks began to flush a bright pink, taking a step back away from me while I nearly took a step closer to him, but refrained from doing so. "Why don't we go try some of this?" he smiled, waving the bag of bread around slightly as he pointed in the direction of my home, but that enthusiasm seemed to be a mask to cover up the fluttering of his heart that seemed to match mine. "We can even practice your speaking!" I merely nodded towards the male, deciding not to bring up the subject for now. And for the simple fact I couldn't speak that well just yet, so on the way to my house I listened to him rant on and on about these quests he'd go on with his friends, I always found them quiet enjoyable but it was when he talked about a blonde male that my smile would become strained.
I don't know what the feeling is, but its kind of.. Sour, and not knowing what to do about it I simply pushed the feeling down. "And then Bakugou nearly flew me into a tree!" I blinked back out of my thoughts, turning my head back towards the male with a confused look since I haven't been paying much attention. "We-Were yu hu-hurt?" I asked, worry now clouding my senses while my eye's scanned over his body, looking for anything that might be even close to a wound besides the scar above his eye. "Nah I'm alright! Just a small scratch" He chuckled, holding up his arm to show me the small cut that somewhat nagged at me, so I gently reached out and took his arm, slowly gliding two of my fingers over the cut while a bright blue light began to shine, healing the wound completely.
"Wow.. That's so manly! I wish I could do that! Anyways lets go eat yeah?"
I couldn't help but shift around in the chair I'm sitting in, knowing it had been about two months since that day passed, and I have been able to speak his language a lot more fluently now. It has also been a while since I've even seen Eijirou, he told me he had another quest to go on with his friends so I should've expected as such, but.. It's lonely without him around and it's funny how that didn't bother me before, I was so used to being alone in this forest without anyone but the animals to keep me company. But one fateful day Eijirou fell out of a tree and landed by my feet, my first instinct was to apprehend him since I thought he was there to kill me, like most bounty hunters. But he was so weak and wounded that I decided to at least heal him first, it also helped that he didn't radiate any hostile energy.
But soon after that we became good friends- well more like he kept coming back and I kept trying to ignore him. However I'm glad I decided to open up to him, he's a good man and.. He makes me feel something I haven't felt before, something new and exciting but scary at the same time. I can only hope all goes we-
My thoughts were cut off when my front door opened up, revealing a disheveled wounded red head that I'm quiet familiar with, and I couldn't help but scan him thoroughly, seeing that his arm was in a cast and that little cuts are littered all over his body, while he also adored a busted lip. "Hey" He chuckled nervously, yet I could sense the small prickle of pain behind his words, so letting out a strained sigh I pointed down at the chair in front of me, "Sit, I'll heal your wounds" A small grumble ripped past my throat as he hobbled over and sat in the chair, looking at me with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry for just barging in like that, but I just couldn't wait to see you" The corner of his lips curled up slightly when I scooted up closer to him, trying to ignore the flutter in my chest when our knees brushed against each others.
"It's okay Eijirou, I missed you too" I chuckled softly, pressing the pads of my fingers on his legs to heal whatever bruises were there and slowly making my way up. No other words were exchanged while I continued to heal him, making sure to get whatever I could so he wouldn't be in to much pain, however every now and then I'd get distracted by the fast beat of his heart, and the way I'd catch him looking at me. So I quickly went to heal his broken arm, looking up at the last thing that needed to be healed, his busted lip. "Ah- It's fine you've already done enough-!" He was a bit to slow with his words, cause I was quick to hook my finger under his chin, tilting his head up a bit to meet my gaze as I slowly trailed my thumb over his busted lip, yet making sure I don't accidentally hurt him with my claws.
Even after I healed his lip I just couldn't look away from him, the softness of his lips under my thumb making me wonder just how nice they'd feel against my own. And the deep red blush that adored his face as he leaned into my touch, looking to meet my gaze with slightly foggy eyes when I rested my other hand on his thigh, pulling him closer towards me so I could feel him more. Which he didn't seem to mind since he slowly brought a hand up to my cheek, tracing the back of his fingers along my cheekbone as I let out a batted breath, "You truly are magnifecent." Eijirou seemed surprised by my words, his eye's widened slightly as his hand moved to the back of my neck, pulling me closer until our lips were merely an inch apart. "May I?" I asked not wanting to make any sudden move without his permission until he finally nodded his head and closed his eyes.
At first our lips simply brushed against the others, until I finally captured his lips with mine, loving how soft they felt against my own. Nothing else seemed to matter as Eijirou slowly moved from his seat and into my lap, letting my hands roam down his sides and stay at his hips, taking in the slow movements of the kiss until I drew my tongue over his bottom lip, instinctively taking it between my teeth to give it a nice slow tug before I pulled back. Letting ourselves catch our breath as Eijirou rested his face in the crook of my neck.
"Does this mean- we're together now?" The red head asked, surprising me slightly while a small smile tugged at my lips.
"Of course my love."
"Hell yeah!"
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