#and almost all the pets post about in the subreddit are either very young or only switched to the diet within the last two years
jacqcrisis · 10 months
Found out there's a subreddit dedicated to v3gan pets. And I don't mean rabbits or iguanas. Nor dogs or cats with severe allergies who need an alternative diet just to stay alive. But honest to God, by choice, no medical issues in sight, feeding your carnivorous cat and halfway carnivorous/omnivorous dog a fully plant-based diet because it's 'the most ethical way to have pets'.
They site studies that have been noted for selection bias, tiny sample sizes, and literally just being polling data on owner's perception of their pets health which doesn't tell you fucking anything about what kind of damage making a carnivore digest plant matter every day of its life can do to its organs. There was even a post where someone asked why they didn't get an actual herbivore as a pet instead of forcing an unnatural diet on an animal that CANT SYNTHESIZE THE REQUIRED PROTEINS TO LIVE ERGO WHY IT EATS MEAT to live on a v3gan diet and some motherfucker said 'weh, I think rabbits need more space than a dog or a cat.'
A rabbit? A domesticated bunny? A domesticated bunny that weighs six pounds and was bred to be an indoor pet after centuries of being domesticated orignally to be food for monks during Lent THAT RABBIT NEEDS MORE SPACE THAN YOUR FUCKING 70LB HUNTING DOG YOU REFUSE TO FEED PROPERLY???
Not only do these people not know how studies work or how animal digestion works, they also just don't understand animals at all. Do no harm unto animals unless it hurts my feelings that can't accept animals eat other animals naturally and often cruelly then I will wreck havoc on this cats organs for its whole artificially shortened life to make myself feel morally superior.
Fuck entirely off and leave your animals in the hands of someone who will actually care about them instead of trying to have an animal abuse pissing contest with other v3gans.
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