#oh thats right to not hurt your fee fees because you cant accept that eating meat is NATURAL
jacqcrisis · 10 months
Found out there's a subreddit dedicated to v3gan pets. And I don't mean rabbits or iguanas. Nor dogs or cats with severe allergies who need an alternative diet just to stay alive. But honest to God, by choice, no medical issues in sight, feeding your carnivorous cat and halfway carnivorous/omnivorous dog a fully plant-based diet because it's 'the most ethical way to have pets'.
They site studies that have been noted for selection bias, tiny sample sizes, and literally just being polling data on owner's perception of their pets health which doesn't tell you fucking anything about what kind of damage making a carnivore digest plant matter every day of its life can do to its organs. There was even a post where someone asked why they didn't get an actual herbivore as a pet instead of forcing an unnatural diet on an animal that CANT SYNTHESIZE THE REQUIRED PROTEINS TO LIVE ERGO WHY IT EATS MEAT to live on a v3gan diet and some motherfucker said 'weh, I think rabbits need more space than a dog or a cat.'
A rabbit? A domesticated bunny? A domesticated bunny that weighs six pounds and was bred to be an indoor pet after centuries of being domesticated orignally to be food for monks during Lent THAT RABBIT NEEDS MORE SPACE THAN YOUR FUCKING 70LB HUNTING DOG YOU REFUSE TO FEED PROPERLY???
Not only do these people not know how studies work or how animal digestion works, they also just don't understand animals at all. Do no harm unto animals unless it hurts my feelings that can't accept animals eat other animals naturally and often cruelly then I will wreck havoc on this cats organs for its whole artificially shortened life to make myself feel morally superior.
Fuck entirely off and leave your animals in the hands of someone who will actually care about them instead of trying to have an animal abuse pissing contest with other v3gans.
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ionproton · 8 years
One more...at least for now...
Mac was the computer and then Steve was the face.  If you want to change that around...cool with me...I’ll do my part!  I’ll totally be the first biomechanic...or the greeter of visitors...check my airbnb...we share and do our part around here.  Im trying to study time travel and stuff...
Thanks for letting me keep my brain and sanity...
Please accept my wings as sacrifice.  Is that enough?  I fight for good.  I fight for light.  I now believe in God.  Crazy....considering I used to be an atheist.  So all of you in the upper levels....wow....I have so much freaking respect for you.  As for the sober issue...I do recommend moderation be the answer.  If hot dogs were made illegal.  But you could eat hot dogs and still get your work done...then why not eat hot dogs....right?
After a long day of work...or a long day a head of you its clear some need java.  Thanks for opening my mind.  I try to be as fair as possible...but at some point I must say shit and thats it.  I keep my business safe.  I am the face they love....I dont know why...I always think I am an asshole.  But...I guess its just the jealous fools...
**Fun Mini game with Steve: Crowdfund a freestyle challenge.  Anywhere anytime....just have the guys try...I will make them look silly...it will be funny...I got the fire bars...at school they will be educational cyphers....
***I also think that stocking my dad’s AirBnB apartment with current IoT technology to let people test out our products.  That way I can teach marketing and troubleshooting.  Marcus is the tech guy...I just sell the shit because my brand is the best.
“You’re brand?”
“Yeah.  And its made up of a lot of companies all with amazing things we can highlight.  My site, Firesidechats.net or Firestoryboard.com
Oh yeah, it’s FireSideStories.net...Have a virtual fire in the center and we can have profiles Mark will figure out some way to link that shit from his facebook....if he is still around.  remember...no one comes down for me.  With me...only up and forwward.  I do know infinite though...Ill explain later...cant give all the details guys....come on!!!!!
We will still have some DLC and many more titles!!!
Video games stay!!!!
Working to keep them a job on boths sides :)
Dont be too literal.  I love yall and smiles from me.  Remember...while I am here...one of my students must have learned how to convert dark energy into usable energy.  
I have interpreted this as allowing me to remove the negative from people...I replace it with positive from me...its great...people have a natural release of dopamine and serotonin (lets experiment with this one....i dont want kids using drugs...they will anyway...some at least...thats a later discussion.  it could be bad for the business...no promises we cant keep...I will keep the peace.  The reason is that someone else...one of my students...found a way to work on nanotechnology....with enough money it helps change muscles into stuff..IDK...but I get muscles that are strong and big....it helps protect us from these fucking animals that think they can do this.    They wont sacrifice like I have though.  I promise to always write my streams of consciousness and describe just what I am doing.  
I save souls.   Since I know physics and infinite...I know Newton....so we need to make sure that I get as many trapped angels up now.  Let’s have a code word.  Mentor ship program....I will let you know agents later....as for now...let me just be the one to keep the secrets between us...I cant send everyone up and then have hoodlums up there.  I do that enough as it is...I know God is going to forgive...but I cant taint my reputation...
I was the best teacher in HISD...or at least at my school one year...but still...to one student I could have made the difference.  Erica...find her on marks site...facebook...its great!  He was worried I would steal it from him.   Never.  I help use it to drive traffic!  
Literally...the only evil in me...is in me....I hurt no body.  Please allow me to be the defender of Marcus and Valerie.  It is my sacrifice for the powers you grant.  I will always be at his beck and call.  Never ask questions.  I will be his yes man...I will even risk actions in case they could taint his image.  I want him president in 4 years.  
Or we could have a new site to battle his...i dont want to...I fucking hate this shit anymore...maybe it is a job for a new CEO though!!!
Just tell Marcus to meet me and Eric for the meeting at 12.  Ill talk to marcus.  He needs to meet Mac too.  Mac doesnt look like your standard business person....but he represents that you are willing to truly forgive.  He doesnt challenge that we talk to each other now...he is starting to believe!  its so much fun to witness!
I hope I dont ask too much.  Im learning so much myself and I just want my city, which could be my district, or region, or state, or country, or continent, or allies, or global communities stay blessed.  
Just realized...if you bless me...I bless you!  or at least someone from my team.
Please close off the pronoun to others.  Its ok allowing me to keep  the dialectic stuff but the blame and shit is causing people to talk too much shit  and keep the negativity...how about yall try something new!  no more of the rat race...until there is some new stipulations....oh i know!  I have to get marcus and val (if they are dating) but....I get marcus up to his next planet.  He leaves behind the technology.  In doing so...Ill learn the business and then find the mentor...I think I have some ideas too
Seriously though...check Erica...she did some cool stuff with bacteria and lattitudes and longitudes...its like she is tryoing to locate something on a map.  not sure if it is earth though
Peace. Love. Unity.
PS. I dont care what videos you change...but my rap bars...that shit is me.  Thats original....let me keep that...its a way to keep respect and relevance with the youth, spread and collect info, and also helps our race maintain true order and power.
And please...help Mac’s mom.  Ill pay whatever fee is needed.  I know investors will invest...just please help him during this time.  We have been through fucking hell together and we still do it daily.   Gotta get myself a girl though...im gonna become the third wheel soon if he keeps this up!  
I am a catch.  If B wants me...I would see her like new...I think she is in Austin...Ill get there when she is ready...if she wants...I cant force my will but I would (thanks to God) only remember the positive.  I wouldnt ask anything ....if I did I would be playing....just as a way to flirt.  But...I am not the ugly fat guy anymore...I am her catch...provided I can get to the meeting with marcu!1~
talk later 
Just soo much to tell you omg
or maybe its campfirestories.net
I like Ignite.com (Actually this is a good one for start ups to share their stories.  We can also have employees help out and figure out what needs new companies have.  However, hopefully my story of what I have been through makes fools come correct and we dont have to have this shit everyday!  but.....optimize work output and whats it matter if you can do 10-25 hrs but equivalent to 40-50.
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