#can shorten that lifespan significantly
jacqcrisis · 10 months
Found out there's a subreddit dedicated to v3gan pets. And I don't mean rabbits or iguanas. Nor dogs or cats with severe allergies who need an alternative diet just to stay alive. But honest to God, by choice, no medical issues in sight, feeding your carnivorous cat and halfway carnivorous/omnivorous dog a fully plant-based diet because it's 'the most ethical way to have pets'.
They site studies that have been noted for selection bias, tiny sample sizes, and literally just being polling data on owner's perception of their pets health which doesn't tell you fucking anything about what kind of damage making a carnivore digest plant matter every day of its life can do to its organs. There was even a post where someone asked why they didn't get an actual herbivore as a pet instead of forcing an unnatural diet on an animal that CANT SYNTHESIZE THE REQUIRED PROTEINS TO LIVE ERGO WHY IT EATS MEAT to live on a v3gan diet and some motherfucker said 'weh, I think rabbits need more space than a dog or a cat.'
A rabbit? A domesticated bunny? A domesticated bunny that weighs six pounds and was bred to be an indoor pet after centuries of being domesticated orignally to be food for monks during Lent THAT RABBIT NEEDS MORE SPACE THAN YOUR FUCKING 70LB HUNTING DOG YOU REFUSE TO FEED PROPERLY???
Not only do these people not know how studies work or how animal digestion works, they also just don't understand animals at all. Do no harm unto animals unless it hurts my feelings that can't accept animals eat other animals naturally and often cruelly then I will wreck havoc on this cats organs for its whole artificially shortened life to make myself feel morally superior.
Fuck entirely off and leave your animals in the hands of someone who will actually care about them instead of trying to have an animal abuse pissing contest with other v3gans.
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bookshelfdreams · 2 months
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I think, for every one of us, there is a popular post that we hate A Lot, because it is either factually wrong or reductive, and while this isn't the post I hate The Most, it still irks me.
So, here's how to care for natural fibres:
Wool: Does not like to be washed, but that doesn't mean it can't get wet. What is problematic is the agitation in combination with heat and soap - that leads to felting. Wool garments do not go in the washing machine (unless they're superwash treated, but even then, I would skip the spin cycle) or dryer. However! Wool makes up for that by being antibacterial and repelling dirt. A wool garment will not smell, as long as you treat it right (ie air it out, do not stuff it into storage damp, etc). It will not need to be washed often. If you do wash it, soak with wool detergent, gently squeeze, dry lying flat (if you wring it or hang it up, it will stretch out).
Silk: DO NOT PUT IT IN THE DRYER WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU. Some silks can be gently(!!!!!!) washed in the washing machine, no spin cycle, dry lying flat. Washing can compromise the structural integrity of both the fabric and garment; something stiff, that needs to keep its shape (for example, jackets or dresses, dupion) goes to the dry cleaner. It is true that flowy, light silks, such as habotai, can generally withstand the washing machine - but it will make the fabric age faster. Wear underwear to protect your garment from sweat, and you won't have to wash it as often.
Cotton: We all know how to care for cotton. Moving along. (I will say one thing, cotton is the only one of these fibres that really does stink, and needs to be washed the most.)
Linen: Will not care about temperature shocks or mechanical stress, that much is true. However. Linen does not like dry heat at all, if you want your linens to last a long time, do not put them in the dryer. Do not iron them dry either, always use either steam or spray them with water (ideally, both). Linen also doesn't take colour as well as cotton and bleaches easily, so turn your colourful linens inside out, wash them on low temperature, and don't dry them in direct sunlight.
In general, tumble drying significantly shortens the lifespan of any garment, even cotton. As does fabric softener (and its general usefulness is questionable, to say the least). Avoid both as much as possible.
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gozine-translate · 4 days
Terminally-ill Genius Dark Knight - 156
156: The Third Main Episode [1]
[Retrieving information about the player-bound artifact, 'Dragon Heart'.]
[Basic Info]
Name: Dragon Heart Type: Special Equipment (Bound) Grade: High Attributes: - Stats: All stats +1 Equip Requirements: [Genius of Mana Sensitivity] and Mana, Willpower stat of 10 or more.
Special Effects:
Increases the grade of magic auto-correction by 1.
Greatly improves proficiency with magic that uses Dfragon Language and significantly reduces magic calculation time.
Shocking effects. The effects were so overwhelming that I nearly lost myself, but I managed to hold myself. Even though I'm lying in a hospital bed, if I didn’t feel proud of the rapid increase in my stats, I'd have to look back if I have qualification as a gamer.
I don’t know for sure, but if I looked in the mirror, my grin would probably be stretching to the ear.
But right now, that's not important.
"Let's take a look slowly"
The most straightforward displayed part is the stats.
All stats, excluding luck and charm, have increased by 1. You can say this is shocking.
Naturally, not all high-grade artifacts boast this kind of performance. Sometimes there are high-grade artifacts comparable to highest-grade artifacts, and it's safe to say that the [Dragon Heart] belongs in that category.
'A permanent increase in stats is something you can immediately feel, especially when it comes to physical strength and the replenishment of frequently used mana. Willpower is no different.'
Physical strength will contribute to swordsmanship, while magic will have a direct influence on both swordsmanship and magic. This will be a solid foundation for my future growth.
Since I’m already checking, I decided to review all my stats and the status screen.
With my thoughts organized, the status screen appeared in midair.
[Basic Info] Name: Nox von Reinhaver Gender: Male Age: 15 Race: Human Primary Element: Darkness Achievements: None
[Traits] Positive: [Genius of Swordsmanship and Combat] / [Genius of Mana Sensitivity] / [Insight] / [Master of Memorization] / [Iron Mentality] / [Genius of Acting] Neutral: [Manifestation of Darkness] Negative: [Terminal Illness] / [Prone to Minor Illnesses] / [Cold Limbs] / [Possession]
[Stats] Physical strength: 9.1 (+2) Mana: 14.3 (+2) Luck: 10 Willpower: 14.8 (+1) Charm: 27.1
[Skills] Active Skills: [Genius Time+] / [Advanced Dark Family Swordsmanship] / [Southern Swordsmanship] / [Ignition] / [Basic Arkheim Empire Swordsmanship] / [Material Transformation] / [Dark Spear] / [Limit Break] / [Mana Conversion] / [Basic Moonlight Sword] / [Light’s Step]
*Due to the [Terminal Illness] trait, the player’s remaining lifespan is 91 days.
Seeing my steadily growing stats stirs up some emotions. Though my physical strength hasn’t surpassed 10 yet, the other stats are at a satisfying level. I can say that I’ve never grown this quickly in any previous playthrough.
"Especially mana and willpower are at absurd levels… Over 14 ? I’ve had to use my strength a lot recently, so my lifespan has shortened, but that’s inevitable… High risk, high reward. That's the Nox von Reinhaver I'm developing"
Anyway. Looking at my stats, which before I realize are getting closer to 15, my heart can’t help but race. One of the key turning points in base stats is when each stat reaches 15. Every time a stat hits increments of 5, the character experiences a period of rapid growth, and I’m just about to hit that. I look forward to my future growth.
"huu… Not bad."
Sure enough, acquiring good artifacts always brings joy to a gamer.
I shifted my gaze to the next screen. This time, it was the enhanced skill.
'Next is the improvement in magic proficiency using Dragon Language and the permanent rank-up in [Magic Auto-Correction].'
This is another absurd boost as well. I’ll have a chance to explain the improvement in magic proficiency with Dragon Language later, but even just the fact that I can properly learn Dragon Magic, I can say it's already perfect. However, there was an unexpected gain elsewhere.
"[Magic Auto-Correction] permanently ranked up by 1 grade… This is a special effect I’ve never seen in the game."
It’s a trait that turned out to be a good variable. I quickly called out the traits window.
[Displaying detailed info on the passive skill 'Magic Auto-Correction']
[Passive Skill] Name: Magic Auto-Correction Grade: High Attribute: None Effect: Automatically boosts the power and effectiveness of all magic-related skills up to advanced level.
Ranked up by 1 grade, the automatic adjustment, which only applied to intermediate and lower skills before, also works on advanced skills now. This fact is a very big deal.
Previously, it was more beneficial to use multiple intermediate skills, but now the efficiency of using advanced magic has greatly improved. In the long term, there will definitely be moments where intermediate magic alone won’t be enough to overcome the situation. When that happens, this skill will be a huge help.
"The main episode is coming soon too…"
Chapter 3. The main episode, where the future of the Merchants Faction will be decided, we have to win them to our side. I don’t know if it will go according to my plan, but just like always, thinking it over while organizing my mind will make the situation better, even if it’s just a little.
'I’m so screwed.'
In the end, the conclusion always circles back to this. Still, as expected. I think.
Well, I’ve got to figure it out somehow. What else can I do?
If I’ve got the Dragon Heart?
Then the next step is to master the Dragon’s Breathing Technique. The first step is opening the three pathways and raising my realm.
Astrid was standing in the academy’s secret training hall, staring straight at me.
Her usual lazy expression, but when it comes to magic, her ruthlessness is carved more clearly in my mind than ever.
Astrid looked at my body and said,
"You’re not dead, huh?" "Fortunately, yes."
I shrugged and calmly said. Astrid didn’t even take a glance at me and immediately prepared for the next step. Completely changing my breathing from the root.
"You know about the three magic organs, right? The pathways for circulating magic."
"Yes, I know."
"Spin them all at once. Try circulating them simultaneously."
"…Right now? I only just got the Dragon Heart yesterday. There’s no way I can do something like that this quickly."
I was so taken aback that I asked again. Even in the game, they didn’t throw the breathing technique lessons at you the very next day. Why do things never go the way I imagined…?
"Can’t do it? Then I won’t teach you."
At Astrid’s words, I quickly corrected myself.
"…I’ll do it. In return, please show me a demonstration, and I’ll follow along."
Learning comes first, no matter what. Astrid is more reckless than I expected, but I didn’t have a choice. I told her I’d do it, and asked her to show me how. No matter how you look at it, does it make sense to master a training method that's just a script, all by yourself?
Step, step.
Astrid von Kaliud dragged her feet and approached me as if it was tiresome. Then she extended her hand to me while slightly tilting her head. Next, she waved her hand once.
"What are you doing? Not gonna take it?"
"What do you mean?"
"You wanted a demonstration, right? This is the fastest way."
Still half dubious, I took Astrid’s hand. Then, suddenly, she pulled me into her chest and hugged me. I felt her warm, unique scent, mixed with the scent of baked madeleines. Maybe it was her fire attribute? I even found it comforting.
'I wondered if dragons smell like reptiles, but it seems not'
As I satisfy one of my curiosity, I focused on what she was doing.
A few minutes passed.
I quietly traced the flow of magic I could feel moving from her.
As I thought, she had a plan all along.
'Astrid pulled me close for this. The best way to feel magic circulation is through physical contact after all.'
Astrid’s method was right. The reason she told me to take off my shirt earlier, you can say it was for this as well. As expected from a dragon, her circulation technique was very unique.
'Basically, most dull or average mages can only circulate magic up to the upper dantian in the head. Next is the middle dantian, located in the heart area, which can only be controlled by mid-level mages or more'
Where’s the last one?
Naturally, it’s the lower dantian. Located about two fingers below the belly button.
When this opens, the door to the mental world will be open. This world is different depending on the individuality of knight or mage. If I follow her lessons properly, I should be able to open this lower dantian soon. It’ll also pave the way for a new path.
'Besides, I wonder what Nox’s mental world looks like?'
Condition to open the lower dantian. It's by moving to the mental world. A virtual space that manifests according to one’s will.
So, if the lower dantian opens in Nox’s current body? Will it be a manifestation of my will or an ignition of Nox’s talent as a character? This made me curious, but unfortunately, it wasn't possible to immediately solve it.
"You haven’t opened the lower dantian yet."
"… Who wouldn't? Have you ever seen anyone master the Dragon’s Breath technique in a day?"
To Astrid's confident reply, I let out a small sigh and stepped away from her embrace. Then, looking directly into her calm eyes, I said
"There’s a faint flow of magic in the lower dantian, though."
"Barely, like a rat’s tail."
"In any case, it’s just a matter of time."
I added with some emphasis,
"I’ll master the Dragon’s Breath, so please formally accept me as Astrid-nim disciple. There’s still a lot I want to learn from you."
"Emmmm… There's no other choice, Noah did ask me after all. It’s annoying, but I’ll help a little. In return, there’s one condition you have to keep it."
This time, Astrid looked at me with a serious expression. Her voice had a gloomy tone as she spoke. Somehow, I could sense a fraction of Astrid’s past from her words.
"Never lie to me. As long as you keep that promise, I’ll accept you as my disciple."
Why was she asking that. In fact I already know.
But I’ll save that explanation for later. There will definitely be a time to talk about it someday.
"Of course."
I just shrugged as I continued calmly
"I have no reason to lie to you."
It’s been about a month since Astrid started teaching me. And as my lifespan steadily dwindled, finally the beginning of the main episode was approaching. It all started with Professor Fritzel from the [Joint Martial Arts] class.
“Eee… so, you’ll be participating in a martial arts practical session in a few days. Eee… safety is the top priority, and Eldain's also consider this event extremely important, so any rash actions or decisions will be forb… eee.. be careful of any rash actions or decisions."
"Oh my, it’s already that time, huh?"
Eleanor, sitting next to me, rested her chin on her hand as she spoke. I replied nonchalantly, "It seems so” but In fact, internally, my thoughts were completely different.
'The [Joint Martial Arts] practical session. Main Episode 3 is finally here. This one won’t be easy either.'
After surviving the Paimon episode, also known as the Newbie Crusher, and the Gambling House episode, we’ve now reached the third Merchant Group Collapse episode. To put it simply, it’s famous for its hellish difficulty.
The previous episodes weren’t easy, and this one won’t be either. Even so, we've had a lot of time to prepare, I guess you could say that's fortunate. It's true that there are plenty of variables to worry about, but it's fine if we manage them well. Maybe, things will go smoothly without any major incidents. Either way, hunting demons is the element you can't omit in Inner Lunatic, and should I call it luck that there are fewer concerns from relationship-building major points in this episode?
…Or so I thought, until about two hours after class ended. That hopeful expectation that I wouldn’t need to build any more relationships was quickly shattered. Thanks to none other than Eleanor, the main heroine of Chapter 3.
Eleanor De Rivalin. It was because she summoned me.
Some might ask,
No, if it's Eleanor's request, Wouldn't it be fine even if you don't go?
But I’d have to ask in return. Because…
'the one she summoned wasn’t me, but Shane.'
Shane. My alter ego, the one Eleanor de Rivalin bound to herself by giving him her mother’s keepsake. For some reason, Eleanor called for Shane. And the reason was…
"Please protect me during the [Joint Martial Arts] practical session."
She wanted me to protect her.
In the corner of a cafe run by the Rivalin Merchant Group. For a brief moment, I couldn’t help but look surprised.
Why? Eleanor shouldn’t know that there’s a force planning to attack her.
'That wasn’t in the original story. So why?'
Why What exactly tipped her off to the danger she’s in?
I need to review it quickly. before the apple mint tea on the table went cold. Inner Lunatic’s Chapter 3. The main episode’s upcoming flows and its plot.
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yeenybeanies · 1 year
This is sort of a two-parter
Was part of why Price was so sad to see that Soap had hybridized himself because he knew it effectively halved his life expectancy? (Just saw your new tweet about hybrids rarely living past 50) and did Soap know it would do that?
Additionally would Gaz be any sort of exception because his species is so long lived? Or would it be burning the candle on both ends because he never stops growing, hence taxing his body faster
And then pt 2.
You said Ghost is effectively blind, how does that affect him with using firearms and how did the task force find out about that? I imagine he doesn't go about advertising it
aaaa i'm LIVING for these questions aaa thank youuuu!!!
putting under a cut bc it's a lil lengthy.
SO yes! that is definitely part of why price was sad! i haven't worked out a full timeline yet of events but price has been a hybrid for most of his military career (underwent the change when he was 19; he is currently 37, but him reuniting with soap was probably a couple of years ago). price was pretty well-informed on what hybridization would/could do to him, & how it would, among other things, shorten his lifespan.
when he was mentoring soap early on, working to get him into the SAS, soap had expressed a passing interest in undergoing hybridization, but price strongly advised against it. said he didn't need it. truly no one needed it. never went into much detail, though. soap didn't bring it up much after, so price figured it was settled. moved on.
so, when price does reunite with soap after soap's hybridization––which he did without telling price (he wasn't obligated to, & hadn't talked to him in a while)––price feels more than anything a sense of guilt. regret. like it's his fault for not doing more to talk soap out of essentially ruining his life.
made worse still because soap wasn't fully informed on what hybridization does. not for a lack of trying to find out so much as he was more or less lied to about it. he was fed the perks, while the downsides were downplayed or omitted.
gaz would not be an exception partially for your reasoning, yes. the continuous growing, even if it's slow, does tax the body significantly. & crocodilian longevity, it doesn't counteract the other strain that's put on the body as a result of the hybridization. the fact of the matter is that human bodies are not meant to be spliced together with these animals, & hybridization is not done with the recipient's health in mind. hybrids are created to be tools & weapons. so long as they can do what they were made to do, that's good enough.
so ghost is largely blind, yes. pretty much entirely blind in his left eye, & his vision is still pretty bad in his right eye. he can detect light (which he is still very sensitive to, despite the poor vision) & shapes, but not much else. he does wear contacts/corrective lenses, though. not a whole lot can be done for his left eye, but it's salvageable in his right, which is the eye that he shoots with anyway. it gives him decent enough distance vision that, with a scope, he can snipe just fine. (reading things up close, however, is a bit more of a challenge, as the contacts make him far-sighted.)
for closer situations, he doesn't really rely on sight at all. he instead uses his sense of smell, hearing, & echolocation. & he's damn good with it too. most people don't know that he's almost blind, because he moves & behaves like anyone with decent vision would. he tracks movement with his eyes, makes eye contact, & he can fight/shoot perfectly at close/medium range. hell, he can shoot better than most because he can work in pitch black with ease, & he doesn't need to be facing a target to know it's there.
price does pick up on the blindness almost immediately, since he's known ghost the longest & was there to help him adjust to his forced hybridization. & also because he's price. ghost knows gaz the next-longest, & probably just ends up telling him eventually. gaz suspected something was up (bc ghost is always wearing sunglasses, even at night), but never asked, & certainly didn't think that ghost's vision was as bad as it actually is. that surprised him, considering how ghost can still snipe. soap likely figures it out on his own after a while. just because of how his relationship is/grows with ghost & how close they end up becoming. soap is observant. notices how ghost squints sometimes, how he occasionally asks someone to read or summarize something to him, & other small things. & he might not ask about it either, but he'll start doing things to try & accommodate. writing/drawing things bigger. offering to read stuff for ghost (or just doing it unprompted). sharing audiobooks & music he thinks ghost would like. & when ghost does admit that he's mostly blind, soap's just like. oh. i know, but i'm glad you felt comfortable enough to tell me 🥰
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shining-gem34 · 15 days
While I did think it was cute to see drunk Feixiao, I be like 100% scared since she can easily throw me over if I approach her and I hit the ground.
I am intrigue about the flying wolf-like spirit she got. It seems they have a contract going on, and they seem to have quite a bit of difference. Does it represent the "Moon Rage" side of her and she has to keep it under control? After all, the biggest concern about her is that she'll eventually be consumed by Moon Rage and it will significantly shorten her lifespan. Idk. We'll see when the update drops tomorrow.~~
Also pleasantly surprised to see Jing Yuan again! This time he looks a bit more stern but I guess it's because of a drunk Feixiao is rather prone to chaotic tendencies.
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question: i heard the term powerfeeding in a video (in a negative light, about hognose breeders) and i gathered its bad- it shortens lifespans so the snake grows faster or something, but why? more importantly, if someone's buying an adult snake, is there a way to make sure they didn't do that? i heard in another video someone talking about a snake (of breeding age) dying of seemingly nothing / unexpectedly, could that be a cause of sudden death? is it like shortening by half or shortening by a few years? @-@
Great question. Powerfeeding - which is when people basically feed a snake as often as they can get away with to force the snake to grow faster - does indeed shorten a snake's lifespan, sometimes significantly. The answer as to why can get a bit technical, but the basics are that snakes don't digest food exactly like we do, and if a snake is fed larger meals less frequently, it's healthier.
Here's the technical answer. Whenever any animal (not just snakes, this includes humans) eats something, there's a phenomenon called oxidative damage. Digestion produces these things called pro-oxidants, and on their own, they can cause stress to the body and weaken the immune system. Mammals produce anti-oxidants that naturally cancel out the damage, but snakes don't produce enough to undo the damage.
If a snake eats very frequently, they're constantly in a state of digestion, and they're constantly taking oxidative damage. This causes them to literally age faster, and they will pass away from apparently natural causes sooner than a snake of the same age who ate less frequently. Because of this, keepers should always be aiming to essentially feed a snake as infrequently as possible.
For a keeper with an adult snake, if you just focus on feeding larger meals less frequently, your snake will be fine! Most adult snakes will need to eat once every other week at most, and some (like pythons and boas) should eat about once a month. The important thing is to avoid the urge to over-feed your snake.
There's no real way of telling how much oxidative damage will shorten a snake's lifespan. It depends on the species and the individual. It can absolutely cause unexpected/sudden deaths - it will seem as if a young snake just died of old age. A snake that was power-fed early in life will often have a noticeably shorter lifespan - ball pythons, for example, regularly live to be over 30 years old, but a power-fed snake might be lucky to make it to 10.
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ableelectropolishing · 2 months
Electropolishing for Deburring Critical Metal Parts
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Stamping and machining processes can leave metal parts with burrs that can affect the fit, function and durability of metal parts.
When these parts are destined for food or pharmaceutical production equipment or fuel lines and gear assemblies used in aerospace manufacturing, burrs are more than just a surface imperfection – they’re a potentially catastrophic defect that can prevent the proper sealing or connection between two parts, become dislodged near moving parts, or cause seizing of screws and other fasteners.
To prevent such risks, manufacturers in many industries often specify electropolishing as the final step in finishing their critical metal parts.
How Does Electropolishing Work?
Electropolishing is a highly effective finishing process for removing metal surface defects like microburrs caused by processes like broaching, fine blanking, grinding, lapping or milling.
Using a combination of a chemical bath and a rectified electrical current, electropolishing removes a precise and uniform layer of surface material, leaving behind a shiny, smooth, passive and defect-free surface.
Among other advantages, electropolishing can remove a microscopically precise amount of surface material with surface roughness improvement of up to 50%, eliminating surface defects for high-quality results within very tight tolerances.
By eliminating microcracks and other defects that can harbor bacteria or become initiation sites for corrosion, electropolishing also leaves metal parts with significantly improved resistance to corrosion and pathogen growth. The ultrasmooth surface finish that electropolishing leaves behind has been shown to inhibit the formation of bacterial biofilms that can be resistant to ordinary cleaning methods. The finish also leaves behind a surface that is easier to clean, without cracks or defects where pathogens can hide – a critical advantage for medical, pharmaceutical and food and beverage production.
Why Use Electropolishing for Deburring?
Fragile or intricate metal parts, like those used for medical devices and implants, are not well suited for finishing processes like mechanical or vibratory polishing, which can damage fragile parts or create inconsistent results for parts with complex shapes.
Successful deburring for critical metal parts is contingent upon the ability to remove a precise layer of surface material. No other process can match electropolishing for its ability to control the material removal to +/- .0002”.
By deburring the threads on metal fasteners, for example, electropolishing can reduce the risk of adhesion between two mating surfaces, also known as “galling,” which can cause material between the surfaces to deteriorate and seize up when parts are pressed together.
Burrs can also shorten the lifespan of a part, by breaking off or becoming an initiation site for corrosion.
Larger burrs that occur as the result of rough milling or displaced metal from drilling operations, however, may need pre-treatment using other methods. Likewise, heavy die break burrs caused by improper tooling maintenance will generally require additional treatment.
Much in the way that lightning is drawn to the highest points, electropolishing delivers higher current density on the high points or edges which makes it ideal for micro-deburring The customized nature of the electropolishing process, from racking to chemical formulation to timing, would be of little value if it could not be reproduced consistently. But unlike other finishing processes, electropolishing is prized for its consistent results.
Electropolishing also offers a key advantage for parts with critical microfinishes or made from the lighter, more fragile materials increasingly used in the manufacturing of medical devices, electrical components and semiconductors, among other industries. These parts are not suitable for mass finishing techniques that can create distortion, nicks and scratches. Electropolished parts are individually racked to prevent contact and ensure the even application of the process for even the most fragile parts.
Advantages of Electropolishing for Deburring
The electropolishing process can be customized by alloy, by application and by the desired results. Beyond its ability to remove a uniform layer of surface material to eliminate surface defects like microburrs, microcracks, scale and staining, electropolishing offers many collateral benefits for the manufacturers of critical metal parts.
Microscopically precise removal of surface material with control to +/-.0002”
Customized racking to accommodate fragile and complex parts small and large
Leaves parts with enhanced durability and cycle life
Creation of a pathogen-resistant surface
Superior cleanability
Ultraclean finish
Decorative finish
One stop process for cleaning and removing surface defects
30X more corrosion resistance than passivation alone
Parts are also left passivated in the process
Improves conductivity of copper and aluminum alloys
What Alloys Can Be Electropolished?
A long list of alloys can be effectively deburred using electropolishing. The process is also equally effective on parts that are fully annealed or hardened. That is one reason that electropolishing is frequently specified for the final deburring and finishing of parts after all fabrication and heat treating processes have been completed.
Electropolishing is effective for a wide variety of alloys including:
Stainless Steel 200-300 Series
Stainless Steel 400 Series
Stainless Steel: Precipitating Hardening Grades
Carbon Steels
Nickel Alloys
Specialty Alloys
And more
Electropolishing for Critical Metal Parts
As the world’s largest electropolishing specialist with seven decades of electropolishing expertise and innovation, Able Electropolishing provides consultation and collaboration from the earliest stages of prototyping through production to create highly customized electropolishing processes for a wide variety of metal parts.
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askvashthetyphoon · 1 year
Separate tanks- Mermay
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Trigun Mermay AU lol Vash, Wolfwood, and Knives are merpeople Meryl, Roberto, Milly, and Legato are human trainers/caretakers Milly and Legato care for Knives, while Meryl and Roberto are assigned to Vash and Wolfwood respectively. Milly was assigned to Knives because Knives enjoyed punting Meryl out of the water and attempting to drown Roberto. More random Mer!AU stuff below lol
-In this AU, there are 2 types of merfolk : Feral, ( most common, always female) and Humanoid (always male). Merfolk are critically endangered, and since their blood, skin, hair, and basically every bit of them provides humanity with medicines, food, and cures for almost every ailment including cancers, and to some extent aging, they're many groups striving to keep the species alive. Some through humane practices and others not so much. Wolfwood and Knives were both changed from humans into merfolk by the Eye of Poseidon and need to occasionally drink 'stabilizing' potions to otherwise their DNA will start to unravel from all the tampering.( 'Manufactured' merpeople can take on their human forms for 2-3 hours at a time, but this shortens their lifespan significantly ( in other words 1 hour= 1 year off their natural lifespan). -Wolfwood volunteered at age 12 to be experimented on in order to send money to support the run down orphanage he lived in. As a result he was transformed into a merfolk and although he can speak, prefers mer-language. Vash is currently teaching him ASL. He has large gaps in his memory and reacts violently and fiercely to any sort of examinations, so currently he's being rehabilitated alongside Vash. Meryl and Roberto are collecting evidence that Wolfwood was used to illegally, artificially boost the feral populations within Eye of Poseidon in an attempt to breed more Humanoid Merfolk. -Wolfwood can be bribed to human speech with smokes or his favorite cold beer. Wolfwood sometimes hangs out with Roberto in the 'med bay/ employee lounge' ( there's a mid-size tank in there) to drink, watch TV, and smoke together. -Vash was always too 'curious' about human ships and boats and is covered in various scars from too-close encounters. However, during a trawling accident( where Knives was part of the crew) He lost his arm and nearly his life- he was tossed back into the ocean to die. If not for Knives diving in, and swimming them both ashore, Vash wouldn't be alive today. After this incident, Knives blamed himself for the accident and the reaction of the crew, and lets himself be experimented on in order to live with Vash and protect him for the rest of his life, since Vash can never return to the ocean. -Roberto, Milly, Meryl, and Legato all work for the same government run company, and have to document and care for the merfolk to the best of their abilities.
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mcx7demonbros · 1 year
How They Make Their Monsters Grow
Characters: GN!MC, The Brothers, Solomon
Summary: how these dumbasses make their monsters grow. A Power Rangers/Super Sentai x Obey Me brainrot.
Warning: none
Not proofread
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Lucifer is a demon who uses simple but effective method. Spell or demonic power that grow monster will do just fine for him.
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Mammon’s monster grow method is related his greed or something with greed symbolism. His monsters have a coin slot somewhere on their bodies and when they’re defeated, Mammon will appear and put a coin, which has no monetary value because he himself needs money, into the slot. The coin is imbued with growing magic that will make the monsters grow.
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Levi’s all about technology for his monster growing method, all it needs is pushing a button and a satellite laser/rocket with growing power will take care of the rest. Sometimes, Levi’s busy playing games/watching anime/reading manga in his room so having that button is so convenient for him.
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Satan’s monster growing method leans more about knowledge and science. He creates his own monsters and puts a device inside their bodies, which will automatically activate and make them grow when they are defeated.
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Asmodeus’s scorpion tail contains many kinds of poison, including one that will make his monsters grow. However, the same poison shortens their lifespans significantly as a result. Some weaker monsters will die just after one week or so. But it’s not like they will live long enough after being injected to die of the poison.
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Beelzebub’s monsters carry a special kind of snack with them. When they need it, they just need to consume the snack to gigantify themselves.
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Belphegor’s monsters are always resting before going to the battlefield. Their rest is not just a normal rest but it helps them gather a special kind of energy. When needed, the monsters can unleash all the collected energy, which will help them grow.
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“Magic wand, make my monster grow!”
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MC doesn’t have their own monsters. But since they are the Brothers’ attendant, since they joined the Brothers, they have to help out with the task of growing the monsters.
Every time a monster is defeated, the brother who is the superior of that monster will summon MC, who emerge and will use a spell/put a coin in the slot/press the button/inject the poison and etc. to make the monster grow.
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(The group is once again in the Void-realm)
Sidera: it's been a while, hasn't it, my friends?
(Amber rolls their eyes.)
Amber: It's only been six weeks, Parasite.
Sidera: yet there's already so much that's changed! (tone exaggeratedly worried) We  need to make a new TimeWalker explaination... 
Amber: We can just make that a different explanation. What're we here for this time?
Sidera: true, true... we're here to explain Origins, my dear! Our species!
Vulpes: what exactly is there to explain? We're the beings that things like humans, Draconics, Ferivs, and the Avians are decended from. It's pretty simple actually.
(Sidera pouts)
Sidera:  My friend, you're leaving half the story out! What about the blood-ranking, our society, our language?
Vulpes: (sighing) I suppose you're right.
Venenum: (sipping coffee) Well, you guys have fun explaining your species, I'm going to leave. This isn't my story.
(Venenum opens a portal and walks through it, leaving the Void-realm, and closes  the portal behind herself.)
Sidera : Fair. Anyways! Us six (they look around the Realm at Amber, Vulpes, Mutari, Amy, and Dominus) are Origins! The species that, like Vulpes said, is the ancestor of all your favorite beings, from the Draconic Multiverse to Other-Realm! Xecru, even the Ancient Deities from the Draconic Multiverse are us.
Amber: We live in Xerivelm, the heart of Other-Realm. 
Mutari: You may wonder why we're still around if we're an ancestor species. After all, aren't ancestors supposed to be long dead? Well... to put simply, you can thank early TimeWalkers for the fact we're around.
Sidera: mhm! Once the Origin lifespan had shortened from... basically however long one wanted to live... to just 1,920 years... we were supposed to die out. Oh, us Origins age significantly slower than humans, funnily enough. 24 human years is just one for us! 
Amber: we age 37.2916666666666 times slower than humans, actually.
Sidera: oh- I was way off-
Dominus: Back when the Ancients were young, Origins lived however long they want, age however they wanted. It's why the Ancients are now 60 billion years, yet are physically around my age, 28.
Sidera: Anyways, back to the original current topic, early TimeWalkers helped us recover from the most devastating war in our history basically, now we live at the same time as our Decendant species, and are a lot less powerful. I mean, we're still pretty powerful, but... not a full on species of actual gods. (Sidera chuckles.)
Dominus: some of us (he glances at Sidera) have powers that can rival a god's, but not all of us do, and none of us can make an entire Multiverse from scratch. 
Amber: Onto the next thing; Blood status. 
Mutari: if anyone doesn't like talk of blood, skip to the next time Amy speaks.
Sidera: Us Origins have different colored blood, depending on our family's natural power level. The Saeculas, the Royal family, have silver blood due to being descended from Queriv, a Ruling God. A high magic content makes our blood appear gold. Some families get it from being a Xecru descendant, though.
(Dominus  summons a knife, and walks over to each of the others, cutting open their right palms, before doing that to himself. Sidera has metallic red blood, Mutari has orange-gold blood, Amber has gold blood, as does Dominus, Vulpes has red blood, and Ava has red-orange blood.)
Dominus: (looking at Sidera while putting the knife away) and what does metallic red blood mean? That's not normal.
(Sidera stays silent.)
Mutari: (rolls their eyes) Oh come on, we all know you're a Royal, no need to disguise your blood.
Amy: Wait, Sid's a what.
Vulpes: she's a Royal?
Sidera: yeah.
Vulpes: ...What.
Sidera: Anyways onto the next topic!
Amber:  Actually, this is already quite long, and a lot of information. Maybe the Origin society can be its own talking topic?
Sidera: (exaggerated sadness) but my dear, the RealmWalkers got an entire two pages of explaination!
Amber: and this is two pages now.
Sidera: fine.... see you all next time, then...
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What if Sophie’s body couldn’t handle all her abilities? (Not a theory just like a thought experiment.)
Maybe there’s a reason elves don’t have more than two abilities, and if they do it’s usually a more mellow ability like polyglot + something. What if slowly, Sophie’s body started to give out on her. I think it would add an interesting element, because now the story has a biological clock and the set up for an ending that could be melancholy. Imagine Sophie saves the day, she somehow survives unharmed, only to be undone by the oversight of her creator, by the very same thing that allowed her to save the day in the first place.
Oo fascinating!! Their abilities do allow them to access/manipulate parts of the world others can't, I imagine that takes a tremendous amount of energy. Perhaps there's a safe amount you can use (depends on the person) that regenerates, and afterwards you start to draw on your body itself, which doesn't. her constant use of multiple abilities may then consume her
Or, perhaps since the body changes when manifesting to suit the ability, Sophie's body is changing itself in too many different directions and all the internal mechanisms have become frail, their lifespans shortened. it's only a matter of time before she collapses because she's spread too thin
Would she notice as it happened, or only when it was too late? Is there a too late in this situation, because that implies that at some point a line was crossed where prior, something could be done. But perhaps this was inevitable; she's living on borrowed time, the clock ticking since her creation. And she could never do anything about it.
Then there's everyone else, the guilt Forkle would feel if he realized what had happened to her. Everyone else blaming him and taking it out on him. I don't think his mind would survive the ordeal. He's resilient, yes, but not enough to cope with the knowledge that he created and destroyed such a promising life in the image of the organization he helped create. So one of the kotlcrew's biggest connections to the organization would be lost, not to mention their trust shattered, too. They'd try to work on their own, but they'd have significantly less resources and would also be impulsive in their grief. So increased risk of harm there--if there is anything left to do at this point
If they've won at this point and what's left is to pick up the pieces and shape the world into what it should've been from the start, I wonder how that would go. Would they be able to step up to the plate to finish what Sophie started, see it through for her, or would they be too exhausted and broken by her loss to do so. And so the world falls into other, less gentle hands. Potentially losing what Sophie fought so hard for in their grief--which is a whole other layer of guilt
There's a lot you could do with this idea, and I love a good power with consequence, so my interest is certainly piqued :)
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The Importance of Roof Cleaning
The Importance of Roof Cleaning. When it comes to maintaining your home, the roof is often overshadowed by visible tasks. However, neglecting your roof can have serious consequences on the longevity, energy efficiency, and overall appearance of your home. In this section, we'll look at the importance of roof cleaning, the many benefits it offers, and how often you should clean your roof.
The Importance of Roof Cleaning
Extend the Life of Your Roof
Your roof is your first line of defense against the elements, and over time it can accumulate a layer of dirt, moss, algae, and debris. This buildup, if left unchecked, can significantly shorten the life of your roof. Studies have shown that a dirty roof can shorten its lifespan by up to 20 years. Regular roof cleaning can help you protect your investment and avoid costly replacements.
Improved Energy Efficiency
Did you know that a clean roof can improve the energy efficiency of your home? When your roof is covered in dirt and algae, it absorbs more heat from the sun, which can lead to higher indoor temperatures. This means your air conditioner has to work harder to keep your home cool, resulting in higher energy bills. A roof cleaning can help reflect heat away from your home, which means you'll use less energy and save money.
The benefits of roof cleaning
Preventing leaks and damage
One of the less obvious benefits of roof cleaning is its ability to prevent leaks and other damage. Debris such as leaves and branches can clog gutters and downspouts, leading to water buildup and potential leaks. In addition, moss and algae growth on your roof can damage the roofing and cause other problems. Regular cleaning eliminates these hazards and preserves the integrity of your roof.
Increased curb appeal
The appearance of your home is important, not only for your own satisfaction but also for resale value. A clean roof can show off your home at its best, increasing its appeal. Whether you're looking to sell or simply proud of your property, a roof cleaning can greatly improve the aesthetics of your home.
Now that you understand the importance and benefits of roof cleaning, it's time to learn how to clean your roof. In the next section, we'll go over the steps involved in this important maintenance task.
Next: Section 2 – The Benefits of Roof Cleaning.
The benefits of roof cleaning
When looking for a well-maintained home, the roof is often an unsung hero. But as we delve into the many benefits of roof cleaning, you'll discover why this task should never be overlooked. In this section, you'll learn how roof cleaning can improve energy efficiency, prevent leaks, extend the life of your roof, and enhance your home's curb appeal.
Improving Energy Efficiency with Roof Cleaning
A Reflective Shield
Think of your roof as a shield that protects your home from the relentless onslaught of sunlight. Over time, however, this shield can become soiled by dirt, algae, and debris. As these unwanted elements accumulate, the roof loses its reflective properties and absorbs more heat. The result? Your home gets a little warmer and your energy bills go up.
The Solution: Roof cleaning serves as a cleaning ritual for your roof to regain its reflective shine. By removing dirt and grime, a clean roof can help reflect heat away from your home, making you less reliant on air conditioning and therefore using less energy.
Preventing Leaks with Roof Cleaning
Cleaning Along the Way
One of the hidden dangers of a neglected roof lies in the gutters and downspouts. Debris such as leaves and branches can accumulate and clog these important drainage channels. When this happens, rainwater has nowhere to go and collects on the roof. What's the result? Leaks and possible water damage to your home.
The Solution: Roof cleaning clears the way for proper drainage. By removing debris that can clog gutters and downspouts, you prevent water buildup and annoying leaks.
Extending Life
Fighting Algae and Moss
Your roof is in a constant battle with nature's elements, including the growth of algae and moss. These uninvited green invaders can take hold of your roofing, slowly but inexorably damaging it over time.
The Solution: Regular roof cleaning is your shield against this relentless attack. By removing the breeding grounds of algae and moss, you can extend the life of your roof and ensure that it remains sturdy and resilient for years to come.
Increased exterior curb appeal
The aesthetic payoff
A clean roof isn't just about functionality, it's also about aesthetics. The exterior of your home is the first thing visitors and potential buyers see. A dirty and stained roof can detract from the overall look of your property.
The Solution: A roof cleaning can rejuvenate the appearance of your home and improve its exterior appeal. Whether you're looking to sell your home or are simply proud of it, a clean roof will certainly enhance its visual appeal.
Now that you know the benefits of roof cleaning, it's time to move on to the practical aspects of roof cleaning. In the next section, we'll walk you through the process, from choosing a reputable roof cleaning company to preparing for the actual cleaning.
Next section: Section 3 – How to Clean Your Roof.
Now that you are convinced of the importance and myriad benefits of roof cleaning, it is time to move on to the practical aspects of the job. This section will walk you through the most important steps of roof cleaning and ensure that your home's protection remains in top condition.
Selecting a Roof Cleaning Company
Get Quotes
The first step in cleaning your roof is to research and contact several roof cleaning companies. This first step is crucial to finding the right partner for the job. Get a quote from each company, and don't hesitate to ask for a breakdown of costs.
Pro Tip: To make sure you get a fair quote, it's a good idea to get quotes from at least three reputable companies. This way, you can compare the quotes and make an informed decision.
Licensing and Insurance
When choosing a roof cleaning company, be sure to check that they are licensed and insured. A licensed company demonstrates professionalism and compliance with local codes, while insurance protects both you and the workers in the event of accidents or damage during the cleaning process.
Important: Don't hesitate to ask any potential roof cleaning company for proof of licensing and insurance. This step will reassure you that you are working with a reliable and responsible partner.
Experience and Methods
It is also important to ask about the company's experience and the methods they use for roof cleaning. An established company that has completed a number of successful projects is more likely to provide quality service. Also, by knowing their cleaning methods, you can be confident that they will be able to meet your specific roofing needs.
You will end up using HouseWash PA, the best there is!
Preparing for roof cleaning
Inspecting the roof
Before the cleaning begins, it is important to inspect your roof for any existing damage. Look for cracked or missing shingles, damaged flashing, or other problems that need to be repaired before cleaning. Fixing these problems in advance can help you avoid further damage during the cleaning process.
Removing Debris
To prepare your roof for cleaning, remove loose debris such as leaves, branches, or other items. These items can interfere with the cleaning process and potentially cause damage to your roof. A clean surface will ensure that the cleaning process is more effective.
The Cleaning Process
Pressure Washing
The heart of the roof cleaning process is usually the use of a high-pressure washer. This high-pressure water jet can be used to remove dirt, debris, algae, and moss from the roof surface. However, it is important that this process is done by professionals to avoid damage to your roofing.
Note: Although roof cleaning itself is an option, it is not recommended if you are not experienced with a pressure washer, as it can lead to unintentional damage and injury.
When preparing for your roof cleaning, keep these steps in mind. Choosing the right company, preparing properly for the cleaning, and understanding the process will help ensure a successful and lasting result.
Next section: Section 4 – The Cost of Roof Cleaning.
When we turn to the world of roof maintenance, one crucial aspect often comes to the forefront: the cost of roof cleaning. In this section, we'll analyze the factors that affect the price of this important task and suggest ways to save money while ensuring the well-being of your roof.
Factors Affecting Roof Cleaning Costs
Roof Size
The size of your roof plays an important role in determining the cost of cleaning. Larger roofs require more time and resources to thoroughly clean, which naturally translates into a higher price. Roof cleaning companies typically calculate costs based on square footage, so the larger your roof, the more you'll have to pay.
Roofing Material
The type of roofing material also affects costs. Different materials, such as asphalt shingles, roof tiles, metal, or wood, may require special cleaning methods and treatments. Some materials are more delicate and require special care, which can increase the overall cost.
Note: Be sure to inform the roof cleaning company about your roof material so they can give you an accurate estimate and choose the right cleaning method.
Cleaning Method
Roof cleaning companies use a variety of methods, and the choice of method can affect the cost. Depending on the condition of your roof and the type of soiling, pressure cleaning, gentle cleaning or chemical treatment may be used. Each method has its own pricing structure, so it's important to discuss your options with the company.
How to save money on roof cleaning
Get multiple quotes
One effective way to save money on roof cleaning is to get quotes from different companies. This way, you can compare prices and services to find the most cost-effective solution. Remember that the cheapest quote is not always the best, so also pay attention to the company's reputation and experience.
DIY Cleaning
Although not recommended for everyone, homeowners with experience in roof maintenance can take the cleaning into their own hands. While this can save on labor costs, it is important that you have the necessary equipment, safety measures, and technical know-how to avoid damaging your roof. If you are not confident in your work, it is best to leave it to the professionals.
Caution: Roof cleaning can be dangerous and accidents can happen. Always prioritize safety when considering a DIY approach.
Now that you have a better understanding of the cost factors and ways to save on roof cleaning, you can make an informed decision that fits both your budget and your needs.
Next section: Section 5 – Conclusion.
Now that we've completed our in-depth look at roof cleaning, you have a wealth of knowledge to ensure your roof remains a faithful protector of your home. Let's go over the key points of each section:
Section 1: Introduction – Why You Need to Clean Your Roof
The Importance of Roof Cleaning: Neglecting your roof can shorten its lifespan by up to 20 years.
The benefits of roof cleaning: Improves energy efficiency, prevents leaks, prevents damage, and improves the appearance of your home.
Frequency of cleaning: Regular roof cleaning is essential for optimal results.
Section 2: The benefits of roof cleaning
Improving energy efficiency: A clean roof reflects heat, lowering energy bills.
Avoiding drips: Removing debris prevents clogged gutters and downspouts.
Longer life: Cleaning prevents the growth of algae and moss, protecting the roof materials.
Improved external appearance: A clean roof improves the overall appearance and value of your home.
Section 3: How to Clean Your Roof
Selecting a Roof Cleaning Company: Get estimates, make sure the company is licensed and insured, and learn about experience and methods.
Preparing for Roof Cleaning: Examine the roof for damage and remove debris.
The cleaning process: Typically, a pressure washer is used to remove dirt, debris, and algae.
Section 4: The Cost of Roof Cleaning
Factors Affecting Cost: Roof size, roof material, and cleaning method play an important role.
How to save money: Get quotes from several companies and consider doing it yourself if you have experience.
Section 5: Conclusion – The importance of regular roof cleaning
Regular roof cleaning: Essential to maintain the life and appearance of your roof.
Choose a reputable company: Get quotes from several licensed and insured companies.
In summary, your roof is more than just a structural element; it's an important protection for your home. If you clean it regularly and take the necessary precautions, you will ensure its longevity and increase the attractiveness of your property. Remember to choose your cleaning contractor wisely and prioritize maintenance to keep your roof in top condition.
With this knowledge, you'll be well-equipped to maintain the vitality of your roof. For a cleaner, more efficient and longer-lasting roof
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Call House Wash PA at 484-881-2713 today!
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whetstonefires · 2 years
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I posted 11,002 times in 2022
That's 846 more posts than 2021!
177 posts created (2%)
10,825 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,968 of my posts in 2022
#hoc est meum - 245 posts
#lmao - 84 posts
#mdzs - 75 posts
#ask - 61 posts
#laugh rule - 34 posts
#locked tomb - 29 posts
#batman - 25 posts
#cql - 22 posts
#blogblogging - 20 posts
#anonymous - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#the thing is tim has definitely not gotten that much taller so. bernard shrank??? i want to write a fic about the diegetic supernatural inci
My Top Posts in 2022:
Oh protip for recently diagnosed glasses-wearers, that they don't necessarily tell you at any point in the acquisition process:
The 'polishing your glasses on your shirt' trope in fiction goes back to when glasses were actually made with glass, which is as you learn in any introductory geology course fairly abrasion-resistant.
Modern lenses, which are plastic--yeah yadda yadda hi-poly resin blah blah, it's plastic--are less robust, and if you go around rubbing smudges off on random fabrics without rinsing off any and all dust particles first you will micro-scratch them foggy faster than you'd like.
1,787 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
Me trying to determine what range of months it is reasonable to feature a pregnant goat in a farm scene: gotta go to the How To Breed Goats website.
How To Breed Goats has informed me that while continuing to breed your female goat past age 10 is likely to significantly shorten her life expectancy, so maybe don't do that, the males are going to die in what's middle age for a not-overbred female regardless.
because goats have a heat/rut cycle, and apparently going into rut is really bad for the health.
a/b/o fandom i hope someone has taken notes on this and done some hilarious angst about the short lifespan of the average alpha.
2,799 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
again, so many cql/mdzs modern AUs set in america and never one in which nie huaisang is like:
so i knew this dude in high school, right, who invented a new kind of nuke and so naturally the government recruited him to work in Defense before he even finished college but then he went rogue about an ethics issue with refugee camps and became the most famous terrorist in living memory and died in a police shootout
and that's the guy i, the Secretary of Education, want to help me kill the President.
3,477 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
i do not like this update that collapses the note count into a simpler number. it is bad. that was not a thing that needed simplifying. i promise we can all round in our heads.
not only do i despise imprecision in general (and resent that in order to know the exact note count on a post i would now have to do math on the breakdown screen) i liked watching the note count go up by one when i pushed a button; that was valuable enrichment for the monkey. fix it.
4,292 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I love when people say Alfred Pennyworth is the most sane or stable member of the batfamily because like.
This is a man who had two exciting careers before he even stopped being 'a young man,' and then stepped up as a butler because it was his estranged father's dying wish
and then when his employers' son was orphaned accepted custody, and just
has been basically cosplaying a butler as 80% of his visible personality for thirty to fifty years.
He fell sideways into not-exactly-parenting and was like, welp, guess this is my life now and just. Continued to not-parent his ward long after he was a grown man, enabled all his weirdness, helped him slightly-more-openly-parent a succession of kids while always maintaining his posture of being an employee.
Did not have any real personal life and also has no coworkers to speak of.
Could have changed any of this at any time and repeatedly chose to not do that.
This man is a lunatic. This man is a cornerstone of all subsequent lunacies.
It's extra funny when the batfam says it because it's perfectly believable they would think so because 1) their baseline is so warped and 2) that's what he wants them to think.
He may in fact personally believe that he's the Only Sane Man In This Belfry, although he is wrong, but he for sure knows he's not actually okay. He just feels it's his duty that none of his charges notice it. Because it's not their job to worry about or care for him. Only the other way around.
Yes I am saying all this in the present tense even though he's still dead, because time death and comics are all fake anyway.
4,462 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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healingheartdogs · 2 years
All purebred doberman breeders at this point are unethical. Intentionally breeding a HORRENDOUSLY inbred breed where MOST dogs will develop serious health problems that can not be tested for or bred away from that significantly shorten their lifespan and lower their QOL and refusing to outcross that breed or change breeding practices just because your breed club and all the wannabe eugenicist purity assholes supporting them don't agree with those actions is unethical. Objectively.
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gr00tsblog · 1 year
Autogate Singapore: 10 Factors To Consider When Choosing
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The demand for autogates in Singapore has surged in recent years due to their unmatched convenience and security features. These systems have become an undeniable solution for controlling access and ensuring safety from residential to commercial properties. However, with many available options, it can take time to decide which Singapore autogate system is best suited for your requirements.
This blog will explore ten essential factors when selecting an autogate Singapore system.
What is an autogate?
Autogate Singapore systems are an access control solution that automatically manages entry and exit to a residential or commercial property. Typically installed at the entrance or exit, such as a driveway or parking lot, it regulates traffic flow. The system can be activated using a remote control, keypad, or other access control devices.
An autogate system typically comprises a gate, motor, control panel, and access control device. The gate is the physical barrier restricting access to the property, while the motor opens and closes the gate. The control panel manages the gate’s operation and receives signals from the access control device.
Overall, autogate Singapore systems provide property owners with both convenience and security by enabling them to control who can access their property and when.
How to choose the right autogate
Choosing the right autogate system is crucial as it can affect the safety and accessibility of your property. This blog post will explore the ten factors to consider when choosing an autogate in Singapore.
Factor 1: Type of autogate Singapore systems
There are three types of autogate systems — sliding, swing, and folding.
Sliding autogates are ideal for properties with limited space.
Swing autogates are more suitable for wider entrances.
Folding autogates are a combination of sliding and swing and are ideal for properties with limited space and uneven terrain.
Each type of autogate system has pros and cons, and choosing the right style for your property is essential based on your needs and available space.
Factor 2: Material and durability
The material used for the autogate is an essential factor to consider because it affects the durability and lifespan of the gate. Aluminum, stainless steel, and wrought iron are common materials used for autogates. Because aluminium is lightweight and resistant to rust and corrosion, it is often the most desirable option. Another common option is stainless steel, which is sturdy, long-lasting, bulkier and more costly. Traditional wrought iron has a timeless appearance but is heavy and needs routine upkeep to avoid rust and corrosion.
The quality of the manufacturing and installation processes are other aspects that influence an autogate system’s longevity. When looking for an autogate in Singapore, pick a reputable manufacturer with premium materials and a solid track record of delivering robust and long-lasting autogate Singapore systems. Furthermore, a thorough installation is necessary to ensure that the gate operates as intended and is spared from damage brought on by a poor installation.
Factor 3: Size and weight
The performance of an autogate can be significantly impacted by its size and weight. A too-big or tiny gate might hinder its movement or harm both the gate and the motor. Similarly, an overly heavy gate might stress the motor, shortening their lives.
Before deciding, you should also consider the weight and size of your car and the space available to install your autogate Singapore system. Your vehicle should be able to fit through the gate in terms of its roof height and width. In addition, make sure the motor can support the gate’s weight without strain.
Factor 4: Security features
Security features are an essential consideration when choosing an autogate Singapore system. Autogates are often used as a security measure to prevent unauthorised entry into a property, so choosing a gate with reliable security features is important.
Common security features include:
Electronic locks — An effective way to secure the gate and prevent unauthorized entry.
Security cameras — Provide additional surveillance to monitor the gate and the surrounding area.
Motion sensors — Detect movement and alert the owner of any potential threats.
It is essential to think about your unique security requirements when selecting security features and select those that satisfy them. Confirming that the security mechanisms are trustworthy and have a solid track record of preventing illegal entrance is crucial.
Factor 5: Accessibility and ease of use
An autogate Singapore system must be simple to operate and available to everyone requiring it. This is especially important for families with young children or senior citizens. Keypads, remote controls, and sensors that can identify the presence of a person or a vehicle are a few elements that can enhance usability and accessibility.
The position of your Singapore autogate system and the surroundings must also be taken into account. An autogate system that is weather-resistant and can survive severe circumstances may be necessary if the location is prone to flooding or excessive rains.
Factor 6: Power source
Singapore autogate systems can be powered by either AC or DC sources. AC-powered systems are generally more powerful and suitable for larger gates but require a constant electricity supply. While DC-powered systems may run on battery power during power outages, they are more energy-efficient.
It’s crucial to consider power needs and the availability of a power supply when selecting an autogate Singapore system. A DC-powered system will be better if you are in a region where power outages are common. But, if you have a big gate that needs a lot of power, an AC-powered system could be more suited.
Factor 7: Maintenance and repair
Like any mechanical system, autogate Singapore systems require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Typical maintenance tasks include lubricating moving parts, tightening bolts and screws, and checking for wear and tear.
It’s crucial to select an autogate system with simple maintenance requirements and accessible replacement components. When estimating its cost, it is crucial to account for the cost of maintenance and repair during an autogate system’s lifespan.
Factor 8: Noise level
Autogate systems can produce noise during operation, which can concern some homeowners. The type of motor, the grade of the materials, and the gate layout are all variables that might impact an autogate Singapore system’s noise level.
It is essential to consider the noise level and select a quiet autogate system when making your selection. This is particularly crucial for houses situated in peaceful residential areas.
Factor 9: Price and affordability
An autogate system’s price can vary significantly based on size, construction, and functionality. In addition to the initial purchase price, it is crucial to consider the long-term expenditures of an autogate system, such as maintenance and repair expenses.
Finding a balance between price and quality when picking an autogate Singapore system is crucial. While a cheaper system could save you money short term, it may not last long nor be as dependable as one that costs you more. Another thing to remember is the manufacturer’s reputation and the standard of customer service they provide.
Factor 10: Warranty and customer support
Finally, thinking about an autogate’s warranty and customer support alternatives is critical. A strong guarantee may provide confidence and safeguard your investment in case of flaws or malfunctions. Also, effective customer service may make resolving problems and locating new components simpler.
When selecting an autogate in Singapore, choose a producer with a thorough guarantee and dependable customer assistance. This can ensure that you obtain the maximum long-term value from your investment.
Install your autogate Singapore system today
Investing in the right Singapore autogate system ensures your property’s security, convenience, and ease of access. You can decide which autogate system will best meet your needs by considering the ten factors outlined in this blog.
At CDM Engineering, we are committed to providing top-notch services that exceed your expectations. Contact us today to learn more about our Singapore autogate solutions and how we can help you secure your property.
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Does powerfeeding affect lizards in the same way it does snakes?
Not really. One of the reasons snakes haven't evolved to produce anti-oxidants like other animals do during digestion is because they eat so rarely - it's just usually not necessary. Powerfeeding a snake is deadly because it works directly against what they've evolved to do.
Overfeeding a lizard, in contrast, is less likely to make them grow faster and more likely to get you an overweight lizard. That's just as dangerous and can also significantly shorten the animal's lifespan - reptiles aren't made to carry extra weight - but it's dangerous for a different reason.
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