#and also 3 glasses of wine in me
ephemeral-winter · 7 months
tonight's fic writing session involves the latin vulgate text of genesis 1:5, the hebrew text of a poem recited once a year on yom kippur about confessional piety, and a rewatch of the infamous wot s2e4 moiraine's blunts scene. yeah we cooking
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indig0-constellations · 5 months
Favorite head cannon for Ice is that he is the biggest Rush fan, like die hard-can name the order of each song off every album and will unleash every interesting fact he knows when he ingests the smallest amount of alcohol
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tadfools · 9 months
booty shorts with “if you’re reading this, you managed to bed or behead me. either way, you got lucky” on the ass
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forgive me for i made this in 5 minutes
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chinzhilla · 4 months
I have wanted to discuss Dr. Slowmo with someone forever. Your post about Tharn was spot on, Tharn dives head first into the Doc's arms and closes his eyes. Now Tharn believes romantic love is a death sentence, so I always read it as platonic on Tharn's side but no less intense. More than that though Doc has been Tharn's friend, his therapist, his caretaker. I think Doc is Tharn's safe place which he has sorely lacked all his life only later to find out that Doc was the exact opposite. Thanks for listening to my TED talk!
you are SO welcome i agree with everything you said!!
as i was rewatching that scene i thought about my own irl friend group, which has been incredibly close for coming up on a decade now, and if ANYONE tried to convince me one of them had been lying to and manipulating me for the entirety of our relationship my response would be a swift ‘fuck you’ because what the hell would they know?
and you’re right, it doesn’t have to be romantic on tharn’s part for it to be one of the most important relationships in his life (of which, i would remind everyone, he has like. four. prior to canon)
this is just one of those situations where i think it's really easy for us as the audience to get frustrated with this character because OBVIOUSLY chalothorn is a bad dude! he's not even really being subtle about it!! how can tharn not see it!! and that's exacerbated by our filtering through phaya's pov. but yeah that moment outside the bar really hammered home to me that until that confrontation on the cliff tharn is completely, if somewhat willingly, blind to the doc's machinations. he's his friend, and tharn loves him
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
I think Jack Kline & Abigail Hobbs should be besties
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maddymoreau · 1 year
Happy Birthday Lucifer 🥳🎉
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gaytobymeres · 6 months
It’s all fun and games until the works lunch out turns a lil homophobic. How they don’t know I’m gay yet baffles me
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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T’Pring Memes 
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elkkiel · 2 months
drinking is annoying. not because of any intoxicated shenanigans, but I hate having to piss every 10 minutes. it really kills the vibe smh my head bro
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sysig · 2 months
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VUXisms (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#Or if you prefer my very Normal Collection of ZEX stimming lol#I'm not choosing to read alien behaviours through a neurodivergent lense you can't prove anything#Okay you got me yes I am lol - in conjunction with my ADHD Max HC (which I am only more convinced of lol) I went into this with#Really any kind of self-soothing behaviour fascinates me :D And ZEX definitely needs the soothing ;;#But it's not just the stimming! Though I did keep pretty diligent notes about that lol he's deeply interesting to me!#He's a texture person! Part of that is due to being VUX and having very processed food but if it fits it fits!#I'm also a texture person - again I have too many notes relating to ZEX lol#I also find it charming (or sad - whichever is applicable at the time!) when ZEX eats in ''odd'' ways haha ♪#Eating without utensils - you can always just wash your hands you do you <3#The weighted blanket lol so - I had a very normal and measured reaction to ZEX enjoying full-body pressure lol#Solely and purely intellectual! Of course! VUX enjoy swimming! Full-body pressure makes complete sense!#And he's a tactile person on top of that - pressure good for multiple reasons! I really do think he'd sleep better with a weighted blanket ♪#Back to stimming! I really loved the scene of him opening the water bottle and his therapist being So Impatient with him about it lol#Let him figure it out! He's very intelligent! Very skilled at finding weak points and exploiting them hehe <3#But then he runs his finger on the lip of the bottle! Wine-glassing it while he talks hehe <3 I love him#Humming!! Another stim I relate to! Not so much now since it was ''encouraged'' out of me so I may be doubly biased towards him using it hee#Too delighted to focus on utensil lessons and yet he's still clever enough to pay attention to multiple things at once hehehe ♫#And then aside from his actual biggest stim he plays with his hair quite a lot - in various ways and to different ends :D#Running his hands through it to self-soothe or tugging on it to express - I kinda read it as him trying to move his head feelers around haha#Not quite the same but something!#Oh and then his biggest stim - just looking at humans lol it is very dopamine-delivering <3 And he has dopamine now! Very powerful :3c#Hhhhh human chemistry for VUX behaviours <3 It's so interesting to me hehe ♪
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sugarsnappeases · 3 months
How’s life
hi and hello my dear anonimo life is good at the minute!!!! i’m on holiday from uni (much fucking needed let me assure you oh my god) so i’ve been sleeping and like. hanging about and not really doing much rn. although tbf in the last couple of weeks i did like a couple of wee friend visits like seeing my friends at uni or just like my friends from uni at their home houses (does that make sense??) for a couple of days which was very good vibes and i got in the sea and now im feeling much more normal than i was before like two weeks ago happy days but rn im on that sleeping and doing shit all grind which we love bc it’s always a good sign for my wips. anyway. that was all very unnecessary stream of consciousness lmao i could go on but i fear i probs shouldn’t so thanks so much for asking babe hope you’re doing well also
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feartheoldblog · 1 year
sometimes i’m like yeah it’s not really like yharnam here but the joke is funny haha until there’s a football game on or i end up on public transport and i am like holy shit this is yharnam
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multishipper-baby · 10 months
Thinking more about the whole wedding idea... I said that Towntrap would be Cami's best man, but I was thinking about what role Eak would have for the wedding and.
I headcanon Cami as an orphan, so... What if he was the one to walk her down to aisle 👉🏻👈🏻
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The only downside to my parents having friends close to my age is that I dont talk much so they tend to talk to me like im a lot younger than I actually am
Like bestie I am 5 years younger than you at MOST
I get that you're cishet and married and have a kid so our lives are VASTLY different here but im TWENTY FOUR
Im quiet and awkward and autistic and won't look you in the eye and you dont see me a whole lot cuz im very noise sensitive and you people are loud
But you dont need to talk to me differently than everyone else here thanks
It just feels condescending
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
ngl I love being a girl who doesnt drink no hate to those who do but I love that its not me
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lungfuls · 1 year
since my mom moved out I've thought from time to time about why exactly I was so hurt by her when I can't even remember most of the actual things she said/did to me when she was angry (just that they happened and I hated her for it). I ask myself if it's useful to continue to care about it or if it's possible to totally divorce myself from it and be someone who doesn't feel wounded. on the ride home from NY M's mom and I were talking about my concerns about being like my mom/my son turning out like I did and the similarities between her daughter who is kind of estranged from the family and my mom. she said that it hurts her daughter's kids to see her fucked up, which she doesn't hide from them, and that they feel like there's no point behaving well because their mom will find something to lose her shit about anyway. that was enlightening for me bc that's exactly how my mom was... it was nice to hear someone say that that sort of behavior is hurtful
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