#and also ahh thank you so much for your kind words :) i love your blog too you're awesome
that-angry-noldo · 2 years
wait there’s a Beren as death au??? How did I not know about this and can I request a drabble for it pls ❤️❤️ (also congrats on the milestone am very proud to be one of the lucky 204!)
(milestone celebration!)
Don't worry you didn't know about this because i never wrote it, only mentioned it here and there
I doubted whether to start chronologically or to write a random drabble, and random drabble won. It was something I wanted to write a while ago but never got to it... hope you enjoy :)
"Were you there?" Elrond asked. "When Elros passed?"
The figure beside him shifted. Elrond noticed once again how bland it looked in comparision to surroundings. A simple black cape covering its shoulders, white hair, calloused hands - it looked like an old man, and, no matter how hard he tried, Elrond couldn't see anything else.
Carefully, Death picked up a duckling and it peeped, frightened. Death's eyes glided over Elrond.
"I reap every mortal soul who comes into this world," Death answered, and Elrond took a breath.
The morning was slowly regaining its right. First sunrays brushed over Death's hair.
"Was he- was he afraid?"
"You were there, Peredhil," Death said softly, caressing the duckling's feathers with his thumb. "You saw him yourself, and he talked to you, too. I don't need to tell you how he felt."
Elrond pursed his lips. Death looked at him with tired eyes.
"He always did that," Elrond whispered finally. "Put on a brave face for me. I- I know he was in peace, and I know he made- he made his choice, but- was he- was he afraid? Deep down, did he want to live, did he-"
"He wanted to live," Death said, smiling faintly. "Of course he wanted to live. Everything alive longs to remain so for as long as possible, Peredhil."
Elrond felt a knot tying up in his throat. Death crouched near the pond and lowered the duckling on the water. It was quick to make its way to its distressed mother.
"But he wasn't afraid," Death continued. "He was... excited."
"A new journey," Elrond mumbled. "He was talking about a new journey."
"He was." Death straightened, and looked towards the West - towards the rising sun. Elrond took a deep breath.
"I am not the end, Peredhil," Death said, and smiled at him. "He is happy, if that's what matters to you. And he wishes you to be happy, too."
The duckling quacked, getting out of the pond and making its way back to Death. Elrond couldn't help but smile a bit as Death leaned down patiently and put it back into the water.
Elrond bit his lip, trying to force down his tears. "You really do love animals," he tried to laugh, hiding his sobs. Death shook his head.
"They say you take after Luthien," he grumbled. "And yet, Luthien was much more subtle in conversation changes."
"Ah - you're right. I got this from your side of the family."
Death stared at him, unimpressed, and Elrond felt himself grinning depite it all. Finally, Death rolled his eyes.
"It's an honor to be your ancestor, Peredhil," Death said. "I mean it."
"Well," Elrond smiled, "it's an honor to be your descendant, Erchamion. Though it's a great weight, too."
Death nodded, and the next moment, Elrond was alone, only mist and a distressed duckling reminding him of the past hour.
The sun was slowly rising over Rivendell. Elrond stood there for few more minutes, then turned away and headed to the city.
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cannellee · 5 months
how did you get so good at writing? i'm so deprived of Tokyo Rev content (not that there isn't alot but I read so much that I basically refresh AO3 and tumblrs tags every day to see if anything new has been posted), that i'm almost to the breaking point of a Thanos "fine i'll do it myself" and starting up writing again Is it just practice? Is it better to post cringey writing that isn't that good ;-; I think I fall into the trap of making any OC or y/n Mary Sue and some authors write with such prose and emotion that i'm like dang how can I write like that love your work!!!! always re-reading <3
first of all thank you so much for all of your kind messages!!! you're literally so sweet😭
(I really tried to be useful and concise, I hope it's not too messy/long : i'm definitely not a real author so my tips might be really bad and specific too😭)
I actually started writing tokyorev abo content precisely because of that reason, I felt like I read everything about it and I couldn't find anything more, especially one with scenarios I actually like. this is why I started my blog!
I honestly wasn't so sure about opening my own blog on tumblr. of course you're bound to compare your work to other authors out there who are definitely wayyy better at writing than you, which is why I hesitated a lot.
but! I already had an account on wattpad where I posted fics, so I felt like my cringey era was behind me (it was easier for me to start here because i knew what my mistakes were when writing and what i struggled with. whereas, when i just started on wattpad, i really felt unsure if i was doing correctly + i was younger, so less sure of myself). but wattpad really helped me see what made my work cringey, what parts were unnecessary and stuff like that.
but what is so frustrating is how bad my writing is in english compared to how I'm able to write in my maternal language. like, when I read other posts and everything with better vocabulary, grammar, who know how to articulate sentences and words, you can tell it's something you can only achieve by being reallyyy comfortable with english. I'm not saying I struggle with english or anything, but the language barrier was one of my biggest doubts when I thought about starting posting fics here on tumblr.
also! when I write something and think it's cringey, I let it marinate for a few days and read it again. it's easier to judge my writing when I put some distance with it, then I correct my mistakes and stuff like that. but really, writing and writing is the only way you'll be able to improve, so it should really not stop you!
but in the end, I don't think anybody ever started writing fics and was automatically good at it. you really have to try and see what works and what doesn't. youre able to see what post gets more attention than the other and try and understand why : is it because of a character or the scenario was better or is it your writing ? feedbacks on your work really help actually, so don't be afraid to try even if youre not fully convinced and confident! I posted cringey stuff too and I still do sometimes😭 I know people do a wayy better job than me, but I really like to write so I don't let it stop me from posting.
and for the y/n character, I try to make her and her reactions as neutral as possible and make her do stuff anyone would do in those situations. but I honestly can't deny that I sometimes fall into those stereotypical y/n writing, which I actually enjoy☠️. but I really try to have her say normal stuff, not describe her too much and basically just think of her as the most basic girl you could meet (generic ahh traits : kind, sweet, bubbly, soft spoken...). some people hate that and some don't, I just write what I'm most comfortable with.
same, if you to start writing you should start by doing stuff and scenarios which you really like and inspire you. don't go and try to write something you know people will like, but rather something you're confident in writing because that's a character you like and know how to describe, and because you have so much ideas which would really fit him etc.
and what helped me are the headcanons with the lists. maybe you noticed, maybe you didn't, but I used to list stuff when I started posting. it's just easier to structure my ideas, to see them more clearly. writing huge paragraphs are actually more of a hardwork I think, because everything has to follow the precedent idea and it has to be comprehensible, linked to what you're gonna say next etc. if you list what you wanna say, you can talk about how a character's personality is like and then change the subject radically without having to think and care about the transitions and overall plan (of course if it's too out of pocket it looks weird, but I hope you understand what I mean)
and if you want to write stories and not do little headcanons, what I do when I'm stuck and don't know what to write is that I also sometimes only write a part I really like and leave the beginning (or any other part) for another time when I'll be more inspired. I really don't have any hierarchy when I'm trying to find ideas, I wait for them to come naturally. I don't know what else I could say, it's really messy lmao😭
I hope you found it useful! you definitely will find people who write way better than me and who can help and guide you better than that, with better tips... that was more like my experience on tumblr than anything else, but I hope it could help you!!
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wachtelspinat · 4 months
hi! i found your blog like an hour ago (though i've been familiar with your art for a /long/ time; when i read that ask you got earlier about you being THE tf2 artist, i thought to myself, "wow, really? the only tf2 art i can think of that's deserving of that description is [vividly pictures YOUR fanart]" -- so when i checked your art tag it was genuinely like encountering a celebrity, heh. all this to say, you really ARE The TF2 Artist. it's an honor to finally properly follow your blog :]). i've been reading your posts about your personal journeys (both physical and emotional/self-conceptual) and i've just been... really really moved by it all? your openness with feeling disconnected with your art, and then how you've slowly come to reconnect with it in a new way and restructure it back into your life... it just fills me with so much catharsis and hope. because life is hectic and things change so much and the way that one creates art as an adult is going to be different than how one created art as a teenager... so to see you acknowledge that fact and then share your own journey? ahh god like i said... it's really profound. i'm a lot younger than you (i turn 20 next month, actually!), so you've experienced so much more to life than me, and hearing how you've struggled with and then gotten out of so many of the fears that i have is just... deeply, deeply inspiring to me. especially your latest posts about your time in australia, and how it's always been something you've wanted to do but spent so many years stuck/anxious/stagnant... and how now you've finally actually *done it* and it's *real* and that you had the most amazing incredible time that exceeded all your expectations?!?! and not only that, but how finally achieving this thing you've always wanted changes the narrative of how you previously defined yourself... that now maybe you ARE the sort of person who can do the things you love and have the things that make you happy... maybe i'm projecting too much here heh god but my point is. it just made me very emotional and so VERY very utterly elated for you :'] and just augh. i am so glad you've had this incredible experience. and like i've said half a dozen times by now (because it's just so true) it is just. so inspiring to me. everything you've shared with such honesty and humanity has been just so profoundly moving to see and it fills me with so much hope. thank you for sharing your journey with us, and thank you as always, past and present and future, for your art. i hope this message isn't too terribly parasocial, and if it is, i apologize ;_; and i hope you're having a lovely day!!!
hey there !
this kind of hit me like a truck but in the most positive way, and i am not exaggerating when i say what you wrote also brought me to tears.
first of all thanks for your generous words regarding my art and sdkjfhkjas i still cannot wrap my head around the idea that you (and at least one other person) thinks about me as THE tf2 artist because... i like my art just fine, it's just there are other folks out there, with their almost god-like tf2 art, meanwhile i just spammed y'all with my sniperxspy art and some random silly stuff over the years... but i love it, so thank you so so much, the thought that you guys dig my art this much will always knock me right off my feet in the most positive way 🧡🧡🧡
ok so, the next part took me a while to formulate because how do i respond to such a heartfelt message in a way that shows my gratitude just right? like i want to thank you again for reaching out and writing all this, but also for taking your time and reading through my blog. i know that everything i post here is open to the internet and a lot of ppl, so sharing personal information (in form of updates in life) is not always the best idea. but i always admired ppl on here that were able to reflect on their lives and share what they've learned. even if it's just somethig as simple as "and after each day comes another and it will be different, for the worse or the better, but different at least", which, falling on the right ears at a specific time, can change perspective (it did for me on multiple occasions, this and other takes, because hearing from ppl who go through similar things is a sad reality, but also such a connecting experience). so in a way, sharing is caring, and so talking about life experiences, especially when they are kind of abstract, like art blocks, depressions, can really open some unexpected doors.
so what also happened after being open about vulnerable situations in life was ppl reaching out. and this was really something that left me so speechless. i had several ppl who took their time and wrote to me about their experiences and ways of coping strategies and other helpful actions. and sometimes they just acknowledged what i wrote which was such a warm gesture that made me feel seen. and i cannot put into words how much that meant to me when i felt at my lowest a few years back. let's be honest for a second, on here we hardly know each other, even if we are mutuals, but that doesn't stop us from reaching out to one another because that is such a big part of the human experience.
sorry for rambling but it is hard, at least for me, just trying to fully grasp it all. it makes me so happy to read that catching up on the things i wrote about my life resonated with you on a deeper level and that it gave you something back in exchange - catharsis and hope. i am deeply touched by your words and your ability to grasp the essence of what i tried to convey, it feels almost surreal to have it summarized and reflected so clearly when my original thoughts were scattered all over my blog over a span of multiple months, years even. like, really, thank you so much for all of this, the time and thoughts you put into your message, your genuine expression of your feelings and joy on my behalf, it means a lot and i fail to put my thanks into words, idk... i feel seen again. and no worries, i don't think this is too parasocial, after all i put my thoughts out there, and you just happened to read them 🧡
so again and again, thank you so much, and i also hope you have a lovely day <3
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lynxgriffin · 6 months
Heya! I just stumbled across your blog yesterday due to someone else mentioning it to me, and I just want to say I LOVE your work!!
I'm only read through Paper Trail at the moment as that was the recommended work of yours, but I'll comb through other works of yours too! It's such a unique & meta take on the current, mysterious Deltarune story! I also adore how it's Chapter 1-focused, I consistently starve for content regarding that Chapter as it's my favorite one so far <3
Also, the character representations are SO on-point!! I adore how every single line from all characters could theoretically be canon and I would never know the difference! It all works so well! It's super inspiring to see a fellow artist have the ability to do so, as I still struggle with it sometimes. I can see me using your works as a nice guide & reference ^-^
Lastly--since I treasure these two characters more than any other--I love, love, LOVE how Lancer & Spade King are portrayed in the story!! You really did them both justice! Not only is it on-point character-wise, it's simply so refreshing to see them in a fanwork! I don't see either character get much attentions these days, especially Spade King, so it really means a lot as an absolute fanatic of the spade duo <3. Not to mention you drew Spade King INCREDIBLY well, that's also something I don't usually see!
Honestly I would say more but this is all I can comprehensibly mention at the moment, lol. I'm SO glad someone referenced me to you, I can't believe it took me this long to discover your stuff!!
I'm really excited to see what you create in the future! You have some true talent!
AHHH oh my goodness, thank you so much for the very long and detailed comment!! I'm so glad that you read through all of Paper Trail and enjoyed it! (I'm also now very glad that I managed to finish before chapter two came out, since yeah, I don't think it'd have ended up the same if we had the info we do now!)
And ahh yeah, I'm glad you enjoyed Lancer and Spade King, too! I feel a little bad I haven't done too much with them since then. With chapter two making it hard for Lancer to spend time with Susie and the gang, it does put a damper on that for future stuff, which is too bad. But I'm glad you liked them in PT!
Just thank you again for all the kind words, I really appreciate it!!
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otomiyaa · 11 months
Re: 💌
Finally getting to respond to those who were so kind to me in messages, comments, and reblogs in the past week! @otomiya-tickles was a blog with mainly tickle fics, but you guys definitely made it feel like there was more to it :)
I piled all my answers into one big post and will treasure them for as long as Tumblr decides to keep me online this time 🤭
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@lovelymessybubbly: Ahhh I remember sending that ask long ago and always wondered if you received it. I still think the timing (of my leave and your return) is ridiculous hehehe, but I'm also glad to stick around and to see you back! I hope the hiatus has been good^^
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@dokidoki-muffin: absolutely honored to have inspired you and not only that, I think you're a great friend and I love our chats and our recent collab had me filled with joy^^ !! 🧁
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@fluffandgiggles: I love your blog, the fics you write and the fandoms you choose and your kind personality, I'm glad you got to go from anon to your own blog and hope you can have fun with it for as long as you like to!
@skayleay: Sending love back to you, thank youu*w*
@beth-bethar00: Thank you 🥺
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@tiredleekaz: Your message made me giggle hehe thank you for the support for the x amount of years, I also realized how easy it is to lose count when I think of all my different 'tumblr eras' 😂
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@lilliee0: Sorry you had to find out this way hehe, and thank you! My account is in a good place *dramatic music plays* (no it's actually not lmao)
@rachi-roo: The Real OG 😳 I'm not sure I can accept that compliment but I thank you for it!! :3
@blobbirobbi: Sending love right back, also your tickle stories are always welcome hohoho
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Anon #1: Heheh right! I know I"ve once said that even if I would quit my blog, I would never deactivate voluntarily (and definitely not without announcement) so it would have to be Tumblr to take care of that. To think that actually happened :). Hope you have a lovely day too!
Anon #2: Ahh I'm glad I could help introducing you to the tk community! Thank you for enjoying my fics, all the best to you too!^^
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@infrequent-creator: Don't miss me yet, I won't be gone entirely :) I'll be here, and I'll be loud. Just my fic production will come to an indefinite stop, or break. Who knows.
@yourgigglebugmaya: Ahhh that flatters me! Thank you so much^^
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@shyanon01: Thank you for the sweet message!
@hakurei-k: Hahaha! Well I'm still here too and ready to adore Solomon together.
@dirtpie39: I had to google that lololol ('sike'). Thank you for re-following^^
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@sunstone-smiles: T-T thank you a lot!!
@moongeonight: 4 years ago!! ahhh I'm happy to hear it and hope you're still having fun! :D
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@shy-lee-chu: Love you sweetie, I won't write many new fics so hope you won't be bored by me ;)
@eliankrios: Elian, I'm definitely okay thank you! I'll be mainly here to eat up the content you post ^^
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@flames-tstuff: I DON'T DESERVE YOU! ❤️❤️ Hehe answering all these messages to me feels like an entire ceremony already 🙈 And thank youuu, those 13k posts and 7k followers were from a total of 7 years of active fic writing on Tumblr though for a ton of various fandoms, I don't deserve too much credit for it ^^
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@kusuguricafe: Thank you for staying with me too 😘
@crazy-as-a-jaybird: *hug* thank youuuu T-T
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@ticklystuff: Thank you so much, will do!! I am reviving my animal crossing island (inspired by you and sezzie🤭)
@fantasizes-tickles-daily: I read about so many heartattacks and feel so sorry hehe, thank you for finding me again and for supporting my new one!^^ I can't believe I even considered not making a new blog. Your blog alone gives me the serotonin I need.
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@intheticklecloset: Thank you for the kind words and support!! T-T I look forward to enjoying the community from the sideline hehe:)
@ppystkposts: All these from anon to blogger stories make me kick my feet in delight! It's a chain reaction, I'm sure you will inspire others to start their blog as well. Your art and kindness most surely will do that^^ thank you for the support!
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@giggly-squiggily: waaa that's so sweet, thank youuuu!*0* I'll remember it!^^
@fanfic-chan: Ahhhh thank youu:D I used to call my blog my happy place and am more than happy to turn this one into that as well. Thank you for your message!
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@tickle-panile, @kiwithelee, @ticklish-sidekick, @mai-mei thank you for your concern*w*!
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Special thanks to @lovelynim and @wertzunge for their instant share of my update, to @ticklygiggles for dealing with the questions about my absence, even the nasty ones. Sigh, I don't like they were rude to you! ah and also, it was Mia's message I woke up to when my blog was gone x) Never forget.
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....and also ofc special speciaaaaal thanks to everyone else who reached out in DMs (I hope I answered you by now but will check soon), and to my dear friends on discord 😘
even though tumblr makes it look like my blog never existed, my evil spirit will live on and I'll keep being annoying 🤣
If I forgot anyone's message I deeply apologize ToT !!!!
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uroboros-if · 1 year
So I was playing through the update (very very fun!!) and I got to the part where Rafaele asks the MC how he looks. I accidentally selected a choice without "looking" at Rafaele, then went back to look first and then select a choice. I found the contrast between the two outcomes very funny — I just had to pause and write this ask because man this got a lot of giggles out of me 👻👻
Without Looking:
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With Looking:
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It was definitely a very nice semi-hidden little treasure to stumble upon! I probably wouldn't have found this if it weren't for accidentally clicking a choice without doing the looking first; I know that "not looking" is reflected in the wording of the choices in that certain scenario, but for some reason my brain didn't register it at all until I consciously looked closer 😭
Also, I really really like the "not looking" scenario for some reason?? It feels so familial and intimate, an exasperated father mock-sighing at his unabashedly confident child. It kind of feels like a peek into how MC interacted with their parents during their younger, more childish days 😌 It certainly gave me quite a few drabble/headcanon ideas regarding my MC and his parents, at least. I liked it so much that I decided to keep it (sorry, Rafaele)!! 😝✨
Anyways, I'm very much enjoying the new update!! Thank you for all the work you've done, and good luck with writing chapter 2! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ I'm really excited for it, but please do take your time! You've already given us so much content (including your blog posts, which I very much enjoy reading) :] That was all, and have a very nice day!💙✨
P.S. The relationship between MC and Nero and Rafaele is very near and dear to my heart 🥰 I'm very fond of the ROs, and am looking forward to getting to know more about them ingame — but the dads are special. I've spent waaay more time than I'd like to admit making personal headcanons and anecdotes about that little family 🥹
Ahh, I'm so glad you played through the update! And I'm even more ecstatic that you caught the changes with the looking vs not looking (The choices and comments are different for each option depending on if you looked or not!!)! 💕 I wasn't sure if anyone would be able to see and appreciate the differences!
You're right, though -- it seems so familiar and easy in a way that's intimate to anyone you've been with for a very long time. So even if it may seem like the more "disrespectful" option, it really is just everyday interaction with your family. A little taken for granted, but loving all the same.
I'm super glad you like the dads, and I know many people do as well ❤️ I find it fascinating that we especially value and devalue ROs at the same time (no /neg or criticism). A lot of people look to IFs just for the romance, that sometimes we reduce characters we can romance to being there just for that. Thus, finding characters we can get attached to, without any prior expectation to romance them, feels more special.
Again, not necessarily a bad mindset, or directed towards you, specifically--it's just been on my mind for a long time! It makes me so happy that you can find a character like that in my IF, because I definitely do not want to make important side characters less loveable or interesting than the ROs. So your fondness for the parents is really special as well, and shows that that isn't the case!
That was a lot of musing and rambling -- thank you so much for letting me know your thoughts about the update 🥺 I'll be answering an ask about flower crowns very soon for you 💕🌿
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fragaria-imagines · 11 months
AND ALSO YOUR WRITING IS SUPER CUTE! thanks for contributing to the fragaria fandom <33
either way, since there's no hangyon stuff yet... how about how he'd be while having a crush on the reader? how would he act around them, would he be accepting of those feelings, etc etc. you can add other characters if you'd like to!
either way, you've got such a cute theme and i'll be rooting for your blog! hope you have a good day/night <3
AHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!! You are so sweet and kind, and your words have truly made my day!! (low-key was thinking of holding your ask hostage because of how happy it made every time i open my ask box sjsjsj)
After Hangyon got revealed, he basically cemented his place as my favorite character, so I’m really happy to finally receive an ask for him! I hope you enjoy it!!
Hangyon is the type to indulge in all the pleasures of life, whether that be eating whatever he wants, buying whatever he wants, or going out as much he pleases.
So you would think once he starts catching feelings for you, he would indulge in those feelings and act accordingly? Yet that couldn’t be further from the truth!
When it comes to his own feelings and romantic interest, Hangyon takes a while to come to terms with it, let alone trying to pursue you in a romantic way.
Pursuing you romantically or even just accepting his feelings for you, means he will have to open his heart to you, and he just can’t do it.
There’s a reason why nobody has figured him out, and he takes great pleasure in the fact that nobody has figured him out.
Because he doesn’t want to be figured out or to be understood, he keeps his cards close, never fully revealing his hand, to keep people on their toes around him, that way he’ll always have the upper hand.
That is until you came around, and you saw him for who he is behind the walls and the front he puts up, you saw more to him than “care free hedonist” that most people labeled him as, how could he not fall for you?
He’s falling for you and he doesn’t like it, not because he doesn’t like you, but because he already feels so expose when you two are together.
Which makes him not want to open up more to you, to be more vulnerable with you, to show his cards and show you his ugly side, because what if it’s too much for you? What if you don’t like it? What if you don’t like him?
Hangyon can’t bare the thought of you not reciprocating his feelings, so he puts off confessing to you for a very long time.
And as for how he’ll act with you once he has a crush on you, it’ll be pretty much the same before he had a crush on you, just way more intense.
He’s already a clingy person to begin with (or clingy with you at least), so once he catches feelings for you, that would only intensify his clinginess further.
On the outside, he’ll act the same way he usually does, as the usual carefree cheerful flashy hedonist that you know him to be, but if you pay attention to him closely, you’ll see that he words and actions are a lot more exaggerated than usual.
He compliments you way more often than before, he always has an excuse to be with you at all times (and if you two happen to be in different bouquet’s, he’ll still find a way to be near you), and just in general is a lot more affectionate towards you than before.
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ave-immaculata · 11 months
What is your advice to give to someone who’s never prayed or repented before but wants to start? I have no clue where to start and am feeling discouraged. I know there’s not a right and wrong to follow but i’d like some advice if you wouldn’t mind.
Thank you so much! Your blog is very inspiring.
Ahh that is so exciting!! Honestly, getting to a point of desiring it is already so wonderful. I wish I had better advice and I'd love for people to chime in. My first ever prayers were really awkward and casual and I think that that's okay! You can tell God that you're not sure what you're doing, but that you want to pray. Ask Him to teach you and ask Him to make your prayers fruitful!
Personally, I also remember finding "vocal" prayers really helpful to supplement more conversational prayers (i.e. prayers that have rote words like the Our Father, the morning offering, etc., not necessarily just prayers spoken out loud)
Using the Psalms as prayers was always really nice (more on this below, some faves are 86, 91 and 116). I didn't grow up around Christians so formulating my own thoughts and words was (and is) challenging. It's okay to experiment with different types of prayer and see what sticks. If it starts to feel burdensome, stop. Thank God for the time you did spend in prayer and keep going about your day. Although it seems counterintuitive, especially for those early in the spiritual life this seems to be the perennial advice of the Saints. You don't need to stack on a big long list of prayers, what counts is that the Holy Spirit prompts you, and you respond to that call even if only with a smile meant for Him.
As far as repentance goes, it sort of depends! If you were baptized as a Catholic and have just been away for a long time, you can make a Sacramental Confession. If not, I'd recommend starting off with some other quick prayer, and asking God for His love for you to be present, and to help you make a good, sincere confession to Him. Take a bit of time just letting Him love you (it might feel awkward, that's okay!), and then, just let out what's burdening you. Even if you forget things or miss something, know that every sin imaginable is just a drop of water against a raging fire of Mercy. If it helps, you can also google an examination of conscience beforehand to help you reflect on what you want to repent of. A favourite Psalm for repentance is 51.
Basically, it's a lot of trial and error, and the way you pray will naturally evolve over time. Ask Him to help you and He will. It's okay to grow discouraged. A good structure to follow is "Thank, Ask, Rely." Thank the Lord for something (getting to work safely, His kindness, the weather, having food for lunch, soft blankets, your guardian angel, etc.), ask Him for what you want/need, and rely on His wisdom and generosity.
Okay, I rambled a lot, but here's like... a sample?? Of something to try, and see if it's sustainable or enjoyable or fruitful:
"My Lord, in your presence I want to prepare my heart for this moment of prayer. Send your Holy Spirit to enlighten me and open my mind and heart to everything you want to tell me today. Thank you Lord, for nourishing me with your word." Read through a Psalm once or twice, and then take a couple of minutes (literally, no longer is necessary) to reflect on what passages stood out to you, confused you, or that you really enjoyed. Maybe ask God a question you have.
Before bed, tell God for something you're grateful for and ask your Guardian Spirit to pray for you throughout the night.
Praying for you, and don't let your discouragement overwhelm you; all of Heaven is rejoicing seeing you try and learn and grow!
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0nelittlebirdtoldme · 9 months
psst, sorry to bother you but. Saw your post and my brainrot was activated lol. While there is a certain dynamic in the CV show (Hector does seem to care about Dracula, although sadly it's not reciprocated), I can guarantee you that the Hecula from the games has more in common with Harkula, mainly the vampire being a tiny bit too attached to his favorite human who at first is enticed but eventually breaks free from him :3 (although I suppose that if you prefer the human to be more obviously attached to the vampire, the show has more of this dynamic)
yeah when I was reading the Jonathan sections in May my brain was blown lol, I was trying to move on from Hecula but Harkula only solidified my obsession for manipulative, obsessed vampires who too can love :<
btw I was browsing your blog and I just noticed that you wrote some of my fav Harkula fics! Esp Ladybugs Don't Fly At Night! I didn't know you had a blog! Thank you for reminding me to catch up with the rest, you have such a way with words and descriptions <3
Oh my god, ahh, thank you so much for this lovely ask!
I don't know, I was just kinda drawn to that scene with the two of them where Dracula comes to ask for Hector's help. Him, looming over his shoulder, the soft voices, the handshake. It just scratches a certain part of my brain. Also I didn't know there was more to go off from the games, so color me intruiged! I honestly do love me such a vampire/human lackey (?) dynamic 👀
Also thanks for the super kind words regarding my fics, so happy to hear you like them! Very deeply appreciate!d Ladybugs was such an interesting fic for me to write, I wasn't sure how it'd work out but I am glad it landed for you! 🖤
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foreverdolly · 6 months
hii i just wanted to say thank you for existing because your blog is stunning AND YOUR WRITING IS GORGEOUS LIKE THE DUNE STORY IS SO BEAUTIFUL OAJSKANSK. alsooo i'm like stalking your masterlist and i have never been so excited to read such long fics AHH!! :3
cheers to all the future nights i won't be sleeping because i'll be crying and reading your stories!!
also wanted to say thank you for being like one of the writers that brought back that inspiration to write again... i don't think there's any words to describe that feeling of finding that love for writing (especially fic writing because omg?? why is it so hard??) after all these years omg
wow this is really long i am so sorry but yeah das it!! wishing you the best love!!
p.s. i just realized we're virgo twinnies lolol :3
okay now i'm really done lol. skansksnsn bye heh
i’m gonna die this is such a sweet message.
whenever i write i tend to get overexcited, hence the super long oneshots. keep me updated about which one is your favorite! and awe, shucks! i’m glad you think the dune fic is beautiful! i’ll be writing some paul x reader oneshots soon as well!
goodness, this is such a compliment. i feel beyond blessed knowing that i helped to reignite any kind of spark in you. writing is so fun when you don’t put too much pressure on yourself!
and you’re a virgo! are you a september or august baby? my bday is september 7th! feel free to message me! i’d love to be friends 💗
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puretopia · 8 months
I genuinely love your blog omg. Your sims, builds, interiors, your whole aesthetic and vibe is just immaculate. I also love that you take time for yourself and don't let this blog feel like a chore if that makes sense. Anyways, just wanted to pop in say you're doing incredible <33
ahh you have no idea this reeeeally made my day, thank you so much for sending this to me ;-;! yess I totally get you, I used to hate the idea of taking a hiatus and now I feel like I do that on/off on the regular lol, but sometimes I'm just not feeing it and that's okay! like you say, it's important to remember this is a hobby that it's meant to be enjoyable and an outlet for creativity, definitely never should feel pressure to post or it takes the fun away imo?
I really appreciate the kind words again and glad you enjoy my blog ;-; <333333
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evieismol · 17 days
Whoa! I’ve been following Big Bend for years, and I’m so thrilled to see you post the first two chapters of the second draft! Really, it’s just amazing. I’ve always loved your story, but I’m so excited about the changes already… your writing style is so fluid and expressive, it’s so easy to get totally swept away into it. And of course your character depictions are so vivid — I’ve always loved John and I can’t wait to see more of him, haha! Thank you for writing and sharing this fabulous second draft, I can’t wait for the next chapter. And I haven’t even gotten started on the possibility of other related stories being set up with this re-write… Ahh! Yay! What’s been the best part of rewriting so far?
Thank you so much for this ask and the kind words!! It's always really nice to hear people enjoy and appreciate my writing <3 you'll be happy to know there's going to be more character development for John in this version if you enjoy his character! And I currently have ideas for at least two additional stories set in the same universe so hopefully I'll have the time and energy to bring them into existence at some point (one of which would be a prequel to this one about easton meeting his human friends back on this planet).
I think the best part of the rewrite so far is I feel like I finally have a much clearer sense of where I'm going with the story again...I think I mentioned this somewhere on my blog or on wattpad before but I at one point had a whole world building doc with this story plus two other installments planned out (so it was like one of a trilogy) and I then lost the doc and kinda remembered the big parts but not so much the pacing or anything anymore plus I wanted to tell a slightly different story than the one I'd originally planned. Specifically the original version was planned to be more fantasy/adventure driven and I became more interested in focusing on zoey and easton's relationship as well as the psychological struggles zoey and dave both deal with from past trauma and the parallels there. So the rewrite is giving me the chance to once again have everything planned out and more focused on a story I once more want to tell and I'm excited about that!
(Also ps to anyone else whos sent an ask finally going through asks sorry it's taken so long)
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Do you have any recommendations or suggestions for blogs that do anything close to what you do for other fandoms or ships? (I’ve got a desperate need to find a good omens fic from a few years ago and nothing but a vague recollection of some specific internal monologue)
Also thanks for what you do! I haven’t read johnlock fic in ages but I appreciated the amazing resource you provide when I did, and I still enjoy following you as a reminder of how passionate people can be about the things they love.
Hey Lovely!
Ahh, sadly, none that I recall? I think someone suggested someone for... Supernatural I think? once, but I'm not finding the ask... I'm SURE I'm not the only hyperfixated, obsessively-organized, fic reccer around, am I???
I wasn't aware that there WAS a gap in the GO fandom, honestly... 🤔
LOL Seriously though, I don't read enough GO fanfics to even COMPARE to the collection I have for Johnlock (over 1500 which includes the FFnet fics, though the FFNet fics aren't filed), but maybe I'll start sorting the GO ones I do have too, in case someone ever asks me over on the other blog, LOL. This blog is a full-time job as it is, so I sadly can't do both at the same frequency, LOL. I love it here a lot, so it'll be awhile yet. I'm not reading as much Johnlock (or anything really) these days either, so I worry people will inevitably get bored of being here. I've already been told my lists are repetitive and boring, so I dunno, maybe I'm just getting discouraged.
ANYWAY THAT ALL SAID! I am HUMBLED and honoured that you still follow me even though my content isn't what you're into anymore <3 I won't be offended if you need to unfollow, though it means the world to me that you let me know that you still enjoy your time here. Thank you SO MUCH for your kind words.
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konigsblog · 1 year
Not an ask, just wanted to let you know how much Iove and appreciate your work <3
I'm absolutely obsessed with this blog and I'm not even joking when I say that I check it religiously to see did you post anything new while I'm also slowly going through all of your posts (sorry for the spam btw).
I'm too shy to go off anon but sending you lots of love and thank you for always delivering great content and for even further fueling my obsession with these men.
ahh thank you so much :( it truly does mean a lot that you're enjoying my posts since i make them for you guys and to see you either happy or feral over them, it brightens my mood everyday whenever i read your support or encouragement or just kind words !!! thank you so much for supporting me 💐
i have around 2,000 posts and still uploading so i'm sure you'll find stuff that you really like :))) and i'm so glad i can fuel your obsession with these cod men 🙏🤭 can't thank you guys enough for the support and kind words i receive everyday <33
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satorisoup · 2 months
hihi lene!! hru? life has been so hectic recently BUT ANYWAYS i saw
i) ur tmnt post speaking of which i love love loveeee tmnt so much:( esp donnie:((
iii)ur face rev ! ur so PRETTY OMIGOSH I MIGHT CRY (2) ur like an angel!! like,, idk how to describe it i'm not much of a writer outside fics but i'd imagine u to be that one character in a media that no one can hate ! and that's WITHOUT knowing u at all!! ur so sweet youd be the fan favourite forreal!! talk about being gods favourite !! cs u are!!
i tend to ramble a lot im so sorry ><
anyways, how's life been treating you?? has anything interesting happened recently???
aaaand that's it, sorry for writing this much. im gna sleep now, good night/day/whatever time it is 4 u!
UWAHHHH DARLING HYENA !! (´ᗜ` *) hi hi my love !! ^_^ m’ soso happy to see you in my inbox teehee !! you’re such a delight to talk to !! <3
EEEK OMIGOSH !! A TMNT FAN !! >//< PLS i am soso happy !! tmnt is just the absolute BESTEST !! i wouldn’t be here without it !! <3 and donnie !! he’s my most beloved, isn’t he just the absolute cutest ?? T^T i hold that entire franchise soso dear to my heart !! i could talk about it all day long !! :3
WAHHHH PLS !! T^T YOU ARE TOO KIND !! <3 m’ soso glad you liked it omigoodness !! >_< i’ve been wanting to draw / talk more about mha so i just thought i’d give it a go !! ^_^ THANK YOU SOSO MUCH MY LOVE EEEK !! that means the absolute world to me !! <3
SNIFFLE OMIGOSH !! M’ SOBBING !! T^T m’ soso flattered PLS you are an absolute darling !! <3 m’ blushing and kicking my feet i swear it !! >//< GASPS !! fan favorite ?? SOBSOBSOB MY HEART IS ABSOLUTELY MELTING RIGHT NOW !! you have no idea how much your kind words are makin’ me smile !! :> YOU ARE THE SWEETEST IN THA WORLD HYENA !! THANK YOU SOSOSO MUCH PLS !! ( ˃̣̣̥ᴖ˂̣̣̥ ) i absolutely adore you !! <3
EEEP pls don’t cry teehee !! T^T you deserve all tha love !! the bokuto fic was absolutely PRECIOUS !! i couldn’t of asked for anything better, i was giggling the whole time it was SO CUTE !! it worked soso well with my koene selfship, because in one of me & kou’s timeskip m’ a flower shop owner !! YOU CAPTURED IT ABSOLUTELY PERFECTLY !! <3 your characterization and writing is soso adorable hyena, THANK YOU SOSO MUCH FOR WRITING IT FOR ME !! >//< congratulations again on 200 followers !! m’ soso excited to continue to watch your blog grow !! <3
SOBSOB life has been oki recently !! ^_^ i’ve just been workin’ and having a little bit of trouble with my managers being unfair but other than that i’ve been good !! :> THANK YOU SOSO MUCH FOR ASKIN’ MY LOVE !! <3
UWAHHH also also, you don’t have to apologize for writing a lot / rambling !! i don’t mind one bit !! <3 i absolutely LOVE talkin’ to you, you can say as much as you’d like !! the more the better teehee !! <3 DONT WORRY !! i promise it’s perfectly oki with me !! >//<
TEEHEE how are you doing hyena ?? m’ soso sorry life has been hectic for you recently, m’ hoping things get better for you soon !! T^T have you watched the new blue lock movie ?? I MUST KNOW !! you are an absolute star in the night sky !! m’ sending you all of my bestest wishes & givin’ you soso many smoochies !! MWUUUAH !! <3 🍓
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healerelowen · 1 year
Hiii.. its me :]
First. HHHURRHHEGH haaPPY LATE BIRTHDAY IM SO SORRY i was scrollin in ur blog and when I noticed ur bday was last month i felt bad so, happy late bday :P
Ahh second, can request some hcs about Archivist with a reader whos just...completly over the heels for her? Just, a big simp. And would do anything for her. Feel free to ignore this and don't feel pressured to make this request :] have a great day/night.
Friend! You don’t need to feel bad, I will always accept late birthday wishes <3 
Secondly, I absolutely 100% feel this. Just head over heels for this amazing bot
ALSO! Thank you so much for answering my Unfinished Boss request! I did want to answer. I just completely forgot to reblog because I just loved it so much I thought I did but I didn't. But it’s amazing and I love it a lot!
Have a good rest of your day/night! 
The Archivist with a partner who is head over heels for her.
The Archivist is certainly surprised the first time it becomes more prominent. However with time she grows around the gawking and starts using it to her advantage. 
Of course, she doesn’t do anything malicious with such feelings. More so lighthearted things like being able to fluster you much more easily or more sweetened teases make your heart skip a beat. 
When she notices the length of how far exactly you’re willing to go for her, as long as it doesn’t risk your health or anyone else’s, she truly doesn’t mind. In fact, she enjoys watching you antics from a distance all the while she smiles to herself as you stumble from one attempt of impressing her to the next. 
Her favorite thing to do is stealth around you while you’re busy with something, then she surprises you with her commenting on whatever you are doing. The flustered look on your face while you stammer to find the right words never fails to make her smile with her circuitry feeling all warm and fuzzy. 
Any and all gifts are precious and she takes very good care each and every one you give to her. From small trinkets to shiny jewelry. If you try to explain the intent behind the gift, she listens to every word you say. If she asks you, then she’s certainly amused when you begin to bashfully explain your intentions.
When it comes to physical affection, you have a full set. The Archivist loves any and all physical touch, but her favorite is kisses. As such, expect to be given kisses often. Where, what kind, and how many usually depends on her mood or yours. But usually she will give you forehead kisses when passing by you while she’s working and in more affectionate times, she will press little static kisses all around your face while she cups your cheeks with her cold, metallic hands. 
Overall, she admires how much you adore her and everything she does; related to her job or not. And she more than certainly loves rewarding such efforts with tender affection and sweet words~
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