#and also had a fit of crackhead inspiration right before I was about to start working on the epilogue and started five new projects lmao
dragonjesterwrites · 1 year
sorry if this seems like a rude question but are you gonna finish the epilogue in sywsar?
Nah, not rude at all! I've been pretty quiet lately so it's absolutely a fair question sgshsjsks
To make a very long story short, it is getting worked on now! I recently got diagnosed with ADHD and started meds for it, and they seem to be working pretty decent so far, so I've been able to focus a little better and not, y'know, work on 20 projects at once lmfao
However- when I release the epilogue, I'll also be releasing two other short "bonus stories" along with it. I'd say between the three of them, I'm probably like... 75% done. I know a time estimate would probably be more satisfying, but my sense of time is atrocious lol. Before the end of the year for sure, though.
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evrthefanatic · 4 years
soulmark part 3 | Elijah Mikaelson x OC
PPairings: past Tyler x Oc, past Matt x Elena
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence
Word Count: 4,968
Read on AO3, FF.net, Qoutev, Wattpad
Oh, Brother.
Aly sighed, feeling slightly betrayed that the new AP History teacher still hasn’t arrived at Mystic Falls. She half-listened to Mr.Tanner ramble on before her thoughts quickly wandered to the dream she had the night before. She let out a low strangled groan, running her hands through her hair. 
It was just a dream, just as Jeremy had said. Logically, she knew that she had nothing to worry about. But she couldn’t ignore the likeness the dream invoked in her from the one she had when her parents died. She couldn’t ignore the  what-if . She shook her head, feeling surprised at herself for entertaining the thought.
Perhaps Aly was simply going crazy, and she needed someone to vent about her life.
“Ms. Gilbert?” came Mr.Tanner’s voice. “Surely you can enlighten us about one of the town's most significant historical events?” Aly snapped out of her daze, cursing inwardly. She had no idea what he was talking about- let alone the question. 
“Not as good as you can?” 
Mr. Tanner tsked, shaking his head in disapproval. Obviously unimpressed with her comment. “I expect this kind of behavior from your sister, Alyssandra. Actually, I did get this earlier today.” Aly almost scowled, sinking into her seat. She didn’t like his patronizing tone. “You should pay more attention.”
“I’m sorry, sir.” she gave him a polite smile. “Can you please repeat the question?”
He let out an exaggerated sigh. “There aren’t any real second chances in life.” Aly controlled the urge to roll her eyes. “Anyone? No one?” his eyes roamed around the class, they all wore the same bored look she had. They also shared the same relieved look when the bell rang, signaling the end of class. “Quiz tomorrow!” he barked out, much to their dismay. “Mystic Falls: A Century in Making, no one be late.”
Aly hurriedly went out of the classroom, heading straight to the lockers in the gym. She couldn’t contain her grin upon getting ready for the first Volleyball meeting they had for the season. Aly had reluctantly skipped out on both cheer and volleyball training over the summer after some talking with Aunt Jenna. Although she wasn’t as close to the girls in both teams as she was with her childhood friends, she was still glad to finally see them again. 
“Maggie! Hey!” 
Margaret Honkins, their new captain, and also their oldest member was the most supportive person Aly knew. She was also an inspiration, being that year's highest marking student. She was one of those people that simply had it all together and liked it when other people had it together too. The two hugged. 
“Hey yourself, Aly.” she grinned. “It’s been so long! How are you doing now?”
“All good,” she assured her. She didn’t really want to go in the details. “You? How was summer training? Do we have anyone new? I’m sorry I haven’t kept in touch.”
“It’s fine.” Mags waved it off. “We do actually, come on. Lila! There’s someone I want you to meet!” 
If there was anything Aly wanted to do at that moment, it was to get drunk right out of her mind.  Months, she thought. It’s been months-  and she wasn’t jealous. Just surprised. It wasn’t like he was the one that ‘broke up’ with her either. No, Alyssandra liked to be the one calling the shots. She chugged down the bottle of alcohol, angry at her own behavior. She rationalized that she just missed having sex and her guy best friend.
But Vicki fucking Donovan? Crackhead with no ambitions? After her? 
“Easy there.” Bonnie clicked her drink with hers. “You’re gonna blow a hole down the floor with your glaring.” 
Aly huffed. “I need a boyfriend.” 
“And now you sound like Caroline.”
“Okay, maybe not a boyfriend.” she conceded. “But - just - you know, a buddy. A mutually respectful relationship with no strings attached. You would understand Bonnie-bear, after your first taste of-”
“Do not finish that sentence,” Bonnie warned. “I can’t believe you just said that. You want another drink?”
Aly sighed dramatically, handing the now empty bottle to her. “Thanks, mom.”
Bonnie froze, her hand grazing against hers, a faraway look entered her eyes. Aly frowned. “Hey,” she rushedly grabbed her by the arm. “Are you okay?”
Bonnie shook her head, blinking rapidly. “Yeah-” she choked out. “That was- that was really weird.” she met Alyssandra’s eyes “When I touched you I saw a man running to you.”
Alyssandra’s mouth goes dry almost immediately, her mind flashing back to her dream the night before. She sobered out quickly, hyper-focusing on her friend. “Was it a handsome man?” she joked, laughing. “I’d like that. It’s rather fitting, I think.” 
“No,” she denied. “It wasn’t like that. It’s so weird, I had the same thing happen with Elena.”
“There was this crow,” Bonnie frowned, looking confused as ever. “And it was following her. I-” she shook her head again. “You know what? I think I had too much to drink already. I think I should go home. It’s getting late anyway.”
Aly doesn’t let go of her. “Are you sure, Bonnie?” she asked, concerned. “I brought Jenna's car with, I can drive you if you’d like. Your house isn’t that far off from mine.”
“It’s fine.” Bonnie pried off her hand. “Thanks, Aly.” she smiled. “You probably should lay off already too.” she motioned to the bottle she was holding. Aly grimaced, nodding along. 
“Yeah.” Aly watched as Bonnie hurriedly went out to her car. That was weird. In fact, that was more than weird. She shuddered, thinking of once again the dream she had the other night. Aly quickly banished it away from her mind. As far as she was concerned, it was only a dream. Maybe Bonnie just had too much to drink, as she’d said. 
Aly dejectedly thought that she should probably stop drinking too, she still needed to drive after the party was over. 
There were still people arriving, and a glance at her wrist told her that it wasn’t that late at all. No texts from Jenna to head home too. Bored, Aly decided to go search up for Elena. It didn’t take long to find her, she couldn’t help but release an unimpressed scoff upon seeing Matt once again trying to get back to her sister. 
“When you broke up with me, you said it was because you needed some time alone.” Matt didn’t look happy at all. “You don't look so alone to me.”
“Matt you don’t understand, it’s-” 
“That’s okay, Elena.” Aly made a quick runabout, wondering where Stefan had suddenly gone. He was insistent on hanging out with Elena earlier.  “You do what you have to do. I just want to let you know that…” he makes a move to grab her hand, but Elena lightly moves it away. “I still believe in us. And I'm not giving up on that.”
Thinking that the guy has done enough, Aly finally interjected.“Matt, stop bothering my sister. Elena’s no longer interested.”
“I don’t have to explain myself to you.” Aly was both surprised and taken back at his cold tone. “I’ll see you around Elena.”
Elena actually sends her a look after she just had saved her life. “That wasn’t very nice.” she scolded. “He had a point.”
Alyssandra made a face. “Oh- right, Stefan.” 
“Don’t start.”
“I wasn’t going to,” she rolled her eyes. “I know why you really broke it off with Matt,” Elena pursed her lips “-don’t look at me like that, you weren’t ready then and you’re definitely not ready now- with Matt” she adds, “not in  relationships- in well, commitment.”
Elena sighed. “what makes you think that?” 
Alyssandra shrugged, “I don’t know, Elena.” It was obvious in her voice that she was being sarcastic “I live with you. But I’m glad that that Stefan guy has you smiling.” 
It was true, it’s only been a few days and yet Stefan seemed to have gotten under her sister’s skin. A week ago Elena would have refused to hang out at the Grill, and yet yesterday she had arrived with Stefan and a smile on her face. She had also laughed. It was nowhere near like the old playful Elena that they had, but it was a welcome change from the past few months.  
“I don’t know.” 
“If he makes you happy then it's good.” she said firmly. “There’s nothing wrong with opening up a little, Elena.” 
Her sister sent her another look. “Right. You’re telling me that?” 
“Where’s Romeo, anyway?” 
Elena points to the side, Aly snickered upon seeing Caroline round-up Stefan. She giggled. “Poor guy.” 
“I’m gonna go talk to him.” Elena declared. “It’s gonna go well, and I’ll be happy.”
Aly grinned. “Sounds like a plan!” Her sister took a shot, shaking her hands. She watched the two converse, taking note of Caroline’s pouty sulk in a corner, not at all surprised over her best friend’s behavior. It was amusing. Sadly, Mystic Falls was a rather small town, and Aly too knew the feeling of not getting any. 
For a while, Aly entertained the thought of getting out of Mystic Falls. Not because of boys, but to just get away in general. She had lived there along with her siblings her entire life, and although their family used to take trips out of town, it would be nice if she had a change of scenery. She felt her heart painfully tug at the thought of her parents and she almost grabbed another drink. 
Deciding to clear her thoughts, she made her way to the forest, liking its ambiance. The party faded off as she walked away. Growing up, she had always been the more adventurous sort. She had always liked the feel of the wind's breeze against her. 
Once more, Aly entertained the thought of moving away. She certainly could take college outside of Mystic Falls, maybe even out of state. Maybe that could bring excitement back into her life, making her feel better. 
A startled scream brought her out of her thoughts. Aly’s head quickly snapped to the source of the sound. That’s when she felt it, a creeping behind her back. She turned to check if there was someone behind her, her heart suddenly pounding. There was no one there. 
She broke into a run when she heard Jeremy’s panicked voice. 
“What-” she gasped. Jeremy held a bloodied Vicki Donovan in his arms, rushing out words as he tried to stop the bleeding. Aly quickly pressed her hand against the wound on her neck-  there was so much blood - she took off her headband, using it as a makeshift bandage. “We need to get her out of here,” she said, putting the girl’s weight against her own as she stood. 
She suddenly felt extremely guilty from her thoughts earlier that evening. 
“Vicki- Vicki stay awake!” Jeremy panicked. Aly’s stomach churned. 
“Get a grip and hold her tight!” she snapped as they rushed out. “Somebody call 911!”
It was no surprise to see the Grill almost empty at this hour. Alyssandra drank her lemonade cocktail, lost in thought. Caroline sat across her, sniffling. Her friend was nursing her hangover. Aly felt the beginnings of a headache herself. The picture of Vicki’s semi-dead, bloodied, and unconscious body was still in her mind. Briefly, she thought that she should have come with Jeremy and Matt to the hospital. It didn’t feel right, however, she barely knew the girl. 
“Are you sober yet?” she asked. Caroline mumbled a no. Aly sighed.   
“Why didn’t he go for me?” she whined. “How come guys I want never want me? I just- ugh! How can you stand it? Elena’s just so perfect.” she huffed, Aly winced. “Always saying the right thing! She doesn’t even have to try for a guy to pick her!” 
Aly still had bloodstains on her clothes, and she didn’t dare to take back her neckerchief from Vicki’s neck when the ambulance arrived. She blinked. “I don’t know, Care.”
“He had Aly and Elena and he went for her!” she cries out. Alyssandra had to admit, the sound of her voice did not help her headache. “Aren’t you sick of always getting chosen out of your sister?” 
Aly winced again, trying to piece a response to her distraught friend. There was truth in her words. Elena was kinder, softer. Although there were moments where she was the same, Elena had always been the easier one to get along with. She did feel sad whenever Elena got more attention- but she made up for it by simply having more things to do than her sister. Speaking of, Aly was supposed to attend a talk in Whitemore that weekend.  
“It’s not always.” was all she replied.
“I just wanna be picked first.” Caroline huffs. 
Aly sighed once more, she’s been doing it a lot these days. “Caroline,” she held her hand so that the blonde would look at her, “You’re different and special in so many other ways that it doesn’t matter who picks Elena or why. You’re amazing. Nothing’s gonna change that. You don’t need to bend your will just for some new emo guy. Someday you’re gonna meet someone and he won’t spare a glance to anyone else and that’ll be because he’s looking at you.”
That didn’t seem to work at all. If anything, it aggravated her further. Caroline glared at her, scoffing. “You sound just like her!” with that, she storms away. Probably to the restroom. 
She’s your best friend. Aly told herself. The bestest ever. She’s just drunk right now. You don’t have to leave her alone in the Grill.
“You alright there?” The voice caused her to jump. Her lemonade juice slugged around her cup. 
It was a dark-haired man, probably in his mid to late 20s. He had the lightest blue eyes Alyssandra has ever seen. His leather jacket was crisp, and she could smell his cologne despite being a few feet away. He was hot. He was hella hot. There was an air of boyish charm around him that Aly wasn’t sure she liked or not. 
Aly shrugged in response, taking another sip from her drink. He took Caroline’s seat, smirking. Aly thought that he’d make a very cute boy toy. “What do you want?”
There was a look of surprise that flashed through the man’s face, as though he did not expect her answer. “You seem like you had a fight with your friend there.” 
Aly thought that if she took him, Caroline would get way more pissed. She lets out an uncommitted humm. “Who are you?”
“Damon Salvatore.” There was that same smirk again as he reached out his hand. She raised an eyebrow. 
“Aly Gilbert.” she shook his hand. “Any relation to Stefan Salvatore?” 
“He’s my brother.” he waved a hand, almost as if being related to Stefan was a fleeting thought. “Isn’t it a little late to be drinking?” 
“It’s barely a shot.” she scoffed, eyeing him. She wondered if Stefan really was his brother. “I haven’t seen you around here before.”
Damon grinned. He was definitely boyish. “We’re both new in town,” he explained. “Living up with our Uncle Zach. I thought it’ll be nice to introduce myself to the locals.” Aly knew Zach Salvatore, she’d sometimes go to him whenever she needed reference materials. She had also stayed in their library more often than not.
The place was spooky though.
“Isn’t it a little late for introduction?” she mocked. Damon grinned, suddenly leaning in. He looked directly at her eyes. Aly felt a shiver go through her spine.
“You want to get out of here.”
She couldn’t help but give him a coy smile at his abrasiveness. Perhaps she was drunk, she thought as she leaned in as well. She hoped that he was actually a Salvatore and not some kind of serial killer. “I barely know you,” she whispered. Leaning back, she took another sip from her drink. “You can ask your brother for my number if you’d like,” she said, standing up. 
She missed the shocked look in his face. 
Aly made a move to follow Caroline in the bathroom when he was suddenly right in front of her. Aly looked from his seat then back to him. “I can ask you now,” he said, he had a calculating look in his eye. 
Damn. She barely knew him! He stood extremely close to her, and an alarm bell rang inside her mind. It exhilarated her. She was baited. “Where’s the fun in that?” she asked, leaning away from him. Making sure to give him an unimpressed look. She sidestepped him, making sure that she actually reached Caroline this time.
Alyssandra really, really,  really , hoped that Stefan was actually his brother.
  “Enjoying the fields?”
She turns around, carrying her skirt as she did. Another dream? Her mind wondered. She grinned at the man, feeling pleasantly surprised and confused. “Damon,” she greeted. “What brings you out?”
“I followed you, of course,” he said, grinning. Aly couldn’t help but see the difference between this smile from the one in the Grill. It was softer, more adoring. It also lacked the intense glint he had shown earlier. Aly turned, moving in a sprint.
“Then catch me, Damon!” she yelled out, running away from the man. “Catch me if you can!” 
 Jeremy Gilbert sent you a message
Can u do me a favor and stay away from 
Tyler Lockwood? 
- babebro 
Why? Did he do something to you?
- alysis 
- alysis 
Tyler and I are friends.
- alysis
What did Tyler do? Tell me before I text him. 
- alysis 
Nvm. I’ll see u later. 
- babebro  
 Irritated, Aly jammed her phone to her back pocket. It turns out, Jeremy’s little fling with Vicki wasn’t just a fling. Her brother had fallen hard. It explained why he was with her in the woods a couple of nights before. Alyssandra had no idea what to do to help him. Jenna had told her that he had skipped school since it started (which was odd, because she still saw him around campus) and that his drug usage was now off the charts. 
She didn’t want to have him sent away into rehab, it didn’t feel right. They just needed to talk, and her brother just needed to listen. He’s still hurting over their parents' deaths. 
“Are you alright?” Elena asked.
Aly hummed, handing another flyer to the townspeople. Caroline had set them up to help for the festival later that day. “Thinking about Jer.”
Elena’s face fell. 
“He’ll get over it.” Bonnie insisted. “I mean, Vicki seems fine, right? Maybe this is a good thing.” 
“Did your witchy powers tell you that?” Aly asked, feeling tired. 
“Well-” Bonnie grimaced, backtracking. “Do you know what my witchy powers tell me? Stefan.” Aly glanced at her twin, confused. Elena gave her a sheepish look. “I just don’t trust him!” Bonnie continued, “There’s just something off.”
“He’s a little weird.” Aly agreed, thinking back to their last meeting. Then again, she had only seen him twice. 
“Totally! There’s just something off with him, you know?”
“I don’t know,” Elena said, exasperated. “I have an idea. How about dinner? At our house. Aly can make food while we ruin the living room.”
“I actually met his brother, Damon’s his name, I think.” 
Elena looked at her, surprised. “You did? When?”
Bonnie snickered. “Oh yeah, I remember Caroline mentioning that. She said he’s hot.” 
“He looks like a bad boy wannabe.” Aly rolled her eyes. “Dresses too young- smells like expensive cologne. But yeah sure, hot.”
“I saw him at the Salvatore Boarding House,” Elena explained. Bonnie suddenly laughed. 
“You guys can have one of each.”
When the sun was just about to set, the trio went back to find Caroline- Bonnie was quickly explaining to Care what her grams thought of the comet. To Aly’s complete surprise, a lot of tourists had come to their town. They had set up a food park as well, and a lot of chatter went around as the night sky became brighter and brighter.
Caroline had linked their arms together as they walked, probably a sign of apology for what happened the other night. Alyssandra smiled. 
“So, there’s an upcoming game coming soon,” Caroline started, “-and I hear that you got yourself in a band.” 
“I’m not in their band, Caroline. I just hung out with Jenny and her friends.” 
Caroline hummed, disbelief evident in her tone. Alyssandra rolled her eyes at her friend, but it quickly turned into a  look  when she realized where exactly she had led her. Jamie Conningham stood in front of her, candle in hand and with a sweet smile on his face.  “I’ll leave you two alone,” said Caroline, ignoring the playful glare that Alyssandra sent her. 
“I’m surprised you’re here,” she told him, taking a step closer. He hands her a lit candle.
“You don’t seem like the type” she admitted. She had imagined him hanging out somewhere in the dark instead, where loud music blared in a room filled with smoke. “I kind of imagined you more like a typical band boy.” 
Jamie laughed. “And how’s a typical band boy supposed to act?.” He takes another candle from one of the baskets, letting Alyssandra light it up. 
“I don’t know.” she answered, “All emotional? More loud noises, less holding candles as a comet goes by?” 
“This is completely emotional material.” He said seriously, “You see that comet?” he points up to the night sky, to a crescent moon and a pretty rock. “That is completely brooding material.”
“Oh definitely,” he nodded, smiling softly.  “Tell me, Aly, doesn’t that inspire you to write something.” 
She stared up, letting the breeze take her away for a moment. She had to admit, it did look beautiful. They were lucky they had a clear night sky to see it. “A friend of mine told me that thing’s a harbinger of evil.”
Perhaps in another universe, a bunch of witches have gathered around to use it to open some kind of portal. That’s what Sheila Bennett seemed to believe, anyway.
He laughed again, it was soft and sounded more like a chuckle. “You should write that down. Come on,” he grabbed her hand. “Why won’t you sing something in Mystic Grill?”
Aly snorted. “No thanks,” she said. “I’d rather stay out here.”
“Come on,” he playfully nudged her by the shoulder. “For a day like this? I think the world would love to hear your voice.”
“Nu-uh?” she laughed, pushing him away. “I’m not really in the mood.”
“You heard the lady.”
Both Jamie and Aly turned around. She couldn’t help but be surprised upon seeing Damon Salvatore holding up a candle on his own. “Though I didn’t really know you could sing.” 
“It’s not a big deal.” she denied, eyeing him. With a sober head, Aly could say that yes, Damon was attractive. He had a strong jawline, and he knew how to dress his lithe frame. Clad in black, it seemed to make his light blue eyes pop out more. His picture portrayed a dark aura surrounding him. Definitely a boy toy. 
“Not a big deal?” Jamie echoed. “It’s a huge deal! She’s joining our band. We’re gonna end up selling out everywhere.”
Aly blushed, laughing. “You’re getting ahead of yourself.” It’s been a while since she had last sang in front of a large audience. It was only until recently she had finally allowed herself to start it up once more. And even then it was only for small groups, Jenny’s band was good, but they were more into the recording part than performing. 
Aly quite liked that. 
Damon hummed, stepping closer. “I’d love to hear it!” he clipped. “But I actually want to talk to Aly here.” Damon grabbed Jamie by the arm, looking directly into his eyes. Aly frowned. “You’re gonna leave us alone.”
Jamie blinked. “I gotta go.” he gave her a wave. “See you around Aly.” 
“You’re not actually gonna listen to-”
He was gone. 
Aly looked back to Damon, who was smirking. “Okay?” she said, confused. She shook her head. “Do you wanna talk about something?”
“Is he your boyfriend?”
Aly raised an eyebrow, giving him a once over. “I don’t date. So, how’s Mystic Falls fairing you?”
“Oh it’s not my first time around here. Candle?” Aly walked closer to him, lighting his candle. “Stef and I actually spent some years here.” he said, “Though we only did just get back.”
“Are you telling me you actually choose to go back to Mystic Falls?” 
Damon smirked, “What? Mystic Falls not enough for you?”
Aly shrugged, taking a good look around the Towns Square. “I’m just too used to it.” she admits, “I think a change of scenery would be nice.”  
“Al says that all the time.” Elena came up behind them. “But I think she forgets that when we were kids, she cried everytime we left town.”
Alyssandra sent her sister a look, her mind flashing back to much simpler times. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Mystic Falls is my home,” said Elena, grinning. “I’m meeting my forever here.” 
Aly groaned, putting her hands to her face. “Shut up!” she whined. “God, ‘lena. That’s not- no.”
“That sounds adorable.” Damon cooed. “Do you still do that?” 
She sent them both a glare as they laughed. “No, I don’t.” she snapped.
“That does sound cute. Damon, what are you doing here? Last I heard you’re not really one for social gatherings.” Aly almost gave Stefan a look, what was up with people today and suddenly butting in people’s conversations? 
“Last time I heard you can’t do social gatherings at all.”
Aly didn’t miss the glare the younger Salvatore brother gave to Damon, she also didn’t miss the pinched expression his face wore. Elena and Alyssandra shared a look. Siblings. Figures. 
Stefan gave them a smile. “Elena, Aly, Damon and I are just gonna have a little chat, if that’s alright?”
Aly shrugged, grabbing her sister’s arm. There was definitely some history going on there. Judging by Elena’s face, she was well aware of what was going on. “Alright, spill.” she said after they got a good few meters away. 
“Some old ex issue.” Elena grimaced, they both discarded their candles as they went in the Mystic Grill. “They were talking about the same thing back in their house yesterday.” she sighed. 
Aly ooo’d. “What do you think that’s about?” she asked, interest piqued. She let out an exaggerated gasp. “Did they date the same girl?”
Elena snorted. “No.” she said, but then she frowned. “No, I don’t- I don’t think so. I hope not.” Elena sighed once more. “Her name was Katherine.”
“Well that explains Stefan’s broodiness.”
“He’s not that broody.” Elena denied. “But it’s fine, we talked and it was nice but now it’s over.” she pursed her lips, dejected. 
Aly groaned. “Stop.” she said, “Lighten up, ‘lena. Just give it some time. School’s barely started. You have no idea what the future holds.”
It wasn’t hard to find the rest of their friends in the Grill. They were already huddled together at a table. For a moment, Aly and Tyler’s eyes meet. They both looked away. Elena still looked sore over Stefan and Damon’s conversation. Briefly, Aly wondered if Stefan was still hung up over the girl. Maybe she should give him a talk. 
They were just about to start their first round of drinks when Jeremy had come up to them, demanding where Vicki was. They immediately formed a search party in the hopes to find her. 
“Jeremy!” Aly called, running up to her brother. “Jer!”
“What?” he snapped. Aly couldn’t help but wince as she sped up next to him. Jeremy smelled a lot like smoke and alcohol. Elena followed them in tow, throwing their brother an angry glare. 
“You are not going anywhere. You’re coming with me. So is that your game now, dealing?” 
Aly winced once more, Elena had her ‘I’m your older sister, holier-than-thou’ voice on. Jeremy clearly didn’t like it either. 
“I’m not dealing.” he denied. 
“Look,” Elena started, “I’m sick of the tough love speech, Jer. It clearly has no impact.” 
“We’re just worried about you, Jeremy.” Aly quickly rushed. Damage Control. “You don’t have to keep on doing this.” Jeremy scoffed, she backtracked. “Vicki? Let’s go find Vicki.”
“Don’t even bother, Alyssandra.” Elena scowled, pulling her back. “Jeremy clearly doesn’t want or need our help.” 
“What the hell is your problem?” 
“We can stop if you want,” said Elena harshly, her grip on Aly’s arm tightened. “Send you to a therapist where you'll be forced to deal with it or to rehab where you'll sit in a group and tell some stranger how you let your life fall apart. Or you could talk to me.”  
Jeremy sent Aly a look, she wasn’t sure if it was pleading or angry. They stared at each other for a moment, but before she could say anything Jeremy angrily snapped. “I vote for none of the above.”
He stalked off, back hunched. Aly couldn’t help but feel lost. Jeremy used to be such a calm-headed boy. He would spend most of his time making art and playing games. Now he was out all the time getting high and skipping school. 
“Let’s go home,” said Elena sadly. 
Aly shook her head. “You go ahead.” she tells her, “I’m joining the search party.” 
“Are you sure?” 
Aly looked back to the form of their brother, nodding. “Yeah.” she said.
It was the least that she could do.   
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This is such a random post, but I watch a lot of youtube and it’s the best distraction/ way to pass time. I watch a variety of channels, and I’m subscribed to over 80 channels, and have about 1900 videos in my watch later list soooo :))) enjoy. No particular order but I’m doing 20 channels because 2020 (which needs to end right now). I’m going to link my favourite video of theirs as well, so you’ll have something to start with if you’re interested.
fashion and lifestyle
1. bestdressed
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I already talked about her in my light content to consume while in quarantine post, but I’ll do it again. She is hands down my favourite youtuber. I had this phase where I was watching clothing hauls nonstop for some reason, and then I found Ashley’s channel. I couldn’t stop watching her videos. They’re fun, they have actual content, and she talks about stuff like how youtubers make money, and she gives the whole truth. Her fashion videos are so inspiring, I love her style, I love how she pairs things that you normally wouldn’t and her favourite word (say it with me, kids) juxtaposition of pieces that would ‘normally’ not be paired together.
She puts in so much effort into filming her videos, and even more into editing them. She doesn’t just do fashion videos, she does apartment makeovers, real talks, everything, but overall a fashion channel. I’ve seen her channel suddenly blow up and I think she had 500k or 600k subscribers when I started, and now she has 3.1 million :’) I want to raid her wardrobe for her thrifted pieces. Anyway, here’s my video pick(s) for her channel-
how to look cute when you’re out of f*cks
the ultimate guide to closet essentials
2. Yoora Jung
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I wait for her videos more than any other channel, she just has the most relatable content because her days comprise of (other than her work, which is a lot) scrolling through instagram, watching youtube, snacking, rolling around in bed and procrastinating- I love her. Also her editing is on another level, all her intros are unique and fun. She can literally sit in a chair and talk about grapes for 40 minutes and I’d still watch. Also when she speaks in Korean, its the cutest thing ever.
I followed Jungkook’s workout routine for a week // getting fit with yoora season 1 ep 1
Waking up at 5 AM for a week in college    (she works really hard as you can see. I’d never have the motivation to get up at 5)
3. ohnonina
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neeeeeeen < 3 Watching her videos makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Not to mention she gives a virtual hug at the end of every video :’) She does GRWM’s, k-pop, fashion, art, day in the life, studying and bullet journal videos. Everytime she hits a new 100k+ number of subscribers, she does a cooking with nina, those might be my favourite ones because she always does a korean dish. Also not really studying with nina I LOVE THOSE.
study korean with me but i actually study intensely | not really studying with nina 14
i made tteokbokki 떡볶이 (korean spicy rice cakes) | cooking with nina
4. ur mom ashley
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She does fashion videos, but other content as well. She does thrift hauls, dressing out of her comfort zone type videos, and a lot of content with her siblings and boyfriend. Honestly, it’s a crackhead time when they’re around, especially her younger brother. She also makes what I eat in a day videos and I genuinely haven’t seen any other vegan person at least try to eat foods other than avocado and kale. She makes some nice recipes and eats good portions like a normal person, I really appreciate that.
what i eat in a week as a college student (vegan!!)
REVAMPING MY WARDROBE for 2020 (Princess Polly Haul)
5. Nava Rose
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Firstly, I’d like to point out how much I love listening to her talk, I don’t know what it is but I love it. She has some great DIY videos, it is a DIY/ fashion haul/ hacks channel so ya. She does a lot of revamping/upcycling videos where she transforms men’s oversized clothes and makes them cute. I was very inspired by her and I did some myself! She has an amazing sense of style I wish I had some of her clothes.
50 WAYS TO STYLE DENIM | easy everyday outfit ideas!
6. Nuria Ma
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She’s eighteen, lives alone some of the time and is possibly one of the hardest working people I’ve seen, juggling school and youtube. When I started watching her I think she just turned 17 and I was going mad wondering how someone could be so organized and put together at 17. She makes her own food- three meals every day, works out, studies for hours, does youtube, and what not. She’s genuinely amazing, also look how pretty she is.
7. Erna Limdaugh
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I found her channel only a few months ago, her videos are so calming and soothing to watch. She does a lot of day in the life type vlogs with her friends, morning/night routines and unboxings. She lives in Seoul that’s how I found her when I was looking for Korea content. Her fashion sense is amazing, and her cat, Yuri, is adorable *_*
A DAY IN MY LIFE – WHAT I EAT IN A DAY Life in Seoul | Erna Limdaugh
8. Jenn Im
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I don’t watch her makeup and beauty videos because I don’t know much about makeup, but her vlogs, fashion, and book videos are great. I feel like she’s a wise older sister that I don’t have =p I especially love her cooking videos where she makes Korean dishes that her mom used to make. She has her own clothing line too, she does some promo videos and stuff, they’re cool.
What I Eat in a Day Easy Korean Recipes
9. Michelle Choi 최 혜림 (the seoul search)
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She deserves so many more followers. Productive q u e e n. My friend and I are always discussing how the hell she can be so productive. She studies, does freelance design work, does assignments, cooks, does youtube, cleans, what is she?? Her videos make me want to be productive but instead I sit and watch more of them =)
(daily vlog) Finals Season: lots of coffee, cooking, + workspace tour!
10. Nino’s Home
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Really yummy looking food, the babiest cat in a myriad of sweaters, and the funniest captions ever. No jokes, he’s truly hilarious. He has some really interesting recipes too, I think he takes from all over Asia, there’s a great variety of sweet and savoury.
Fried Milk Melt in Your Mouth
11. Maangchi
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I legitimately call her maangchi aunty that’s how much I love her. Look how cute she is!!!!!! She has the happiest videos, they can brighten your mood in no time. Although many of her videos include meat, I still watch them so I can perhaps sub the meat for something else. She has a different headband/ head gear in every video, watch for that! I have tried three of four of her vegetarian recipes and I love them. I’ll link my favourite one, it’s become a staple at my house.
Vegetable Pancake (Yachaejeon: 야채전)
12. Pick Up Limes
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Her videos are aesthetic, her recipes are easy, her voice can calm everything. It’s a vegan channel. I’m not vegan, I’m vegetarian so I can use her recipes by substituting whatever I want.
Cozy drinks to warm you up
13. Wil Yeung – Cook with Confidence
Also a vegan channel. I love his simple cooking and his style of narration. He doesn’t overdo it with the voiceover, he just says ‘medium sized pan’, ‘2 cups water’, ‘stir’. I’ve tried his gochujang and chili oil videos, they’re so good. I had to make do with what I had but still really good.
14. Zoe 조에
Her videos are so pretty to watch!! She works at her mom’s cafe so the videos are vlogs of that. They have beautiful desserts and drinks too. There’s always a montage where she shows their canning machine it’s mesmerizing xD
prettiest dessert cafe vlog on earth | Cinematography, Zoe, Blessroll (this was the first video that I watched)
15. AmandaRachLee
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Bullet journal videos, daily vlogs, productive days, organizing, doodling videos. I started bullet journaling in July 2018 and I follow her themes even now. I think I might have skipped two or three themes because I didn’t like them but bullet journaling is a huge part of my routine and I don’t know what I did before that. Also it makes me feel better about my stationery addiction when I watch her videos. She’s worse than me so I feel good. I love her stationery hauls.
Korea Stationery Haul! (HUGE Giveaway!)
16. cup of jasmien
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The one and only art student I am subscribed to. She is SO talented, her paintings are great, but I appreciate her pen and ink pieces the most. Her videos are usually paint with me’s, a week/day of art school or travel vlogs.
before art school went online haha…
17. milkcloud
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milk and cloud are two sisters xD They have painting videos, vlogs, lots of unboxings. Very nice to play in the background while doing something. Also they play k-pop piano covers for their videos.
finding joy in little things / a vlog
18. BookswithEmilyFox
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I watched a lot of book youtubers and she is the most honest one out there. If she hates a book she will say h a t e not put it lightly by saying it was okay. I read some of the books she recommended and I actually loved them, so I put her here because I can trust her reviews.
19. Banana Milk
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This is so random but has provided me with several hours (minutes) of entertainment. She makes NCT crack videos they’re brilliant I swear. Please wait for the end of the video for the outro it’s the best part. Linked my favourite video.
Literally just NCT ruining twilight for two minutes
20. Buzzfeed Unsolved Network
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Do I even have to talk about them?? I can binge their videos for hours, especially the supernatural ones. They’re freaking scary but I will watch them all. They go to real haunted places with their cool equipment (and holy water). I’ll link two of the ones that creeped me out the most.
Return To The Horrifying Winchester Mansion
3 Horrifying Cases Of Ghosts And Demons
    my favourite youtube channels (20) This is such a random post, but I watch a lot of youtube and it's the best distraction/ way to pass time.
1 note · View note
ts-indonesia · 5 years
Episode 1 - "Time to put on a bra and take some selfies." - Leigh
Episode 1 saw eighteen players, some fresh faces, and some veterans arrive on the Indonesia beaches, ready to play and ready to win. On a somewhat quiet Obor tribe, Leigh/Trent bonded over the age difference on the tribe (with a cunning plan reliant on using the word ‘lit’) and Anabel/Trent begun to form a bond that would survive the test of time.
On the Cahaya tribe, Matt/Jess feared the casting of one another, and Julian arrived plucky and ready to avoid another prejury experience, determined to improve. Owen/Stoner quickly formed HOS 22: Bermuda, and set to work spreading their connections across the tribe, forming at trio with Julian.
After a decisive victory in the Scavenger Hunt, it was revealed the returnees would have to send two returnees to the other tribe as “infiltrators” casting a sole vote. In an attempt to force the result, Julian went “offline”, in an attempt seen-through by his fellow tribe mates, but one that was ultimately successful, with Owen & Julian sent over as infiltrators.
At Obor’s tribal council, Evan quickly emerged as an easy vote, for his minimal challenge contribution. Two key alliances formed, a newbie majority alliance of Trent/Chris O/Leigh/Anabel/Lorelei and a girls’ alliance of Lorelei/Anabel/Leigh, with Anabel armed with an idol to boot.
As expected, Evan was sent out unanimously, but not before Julian trashed on the Cahaya tribe during tribal council... in a tribal seen... by the Cahaya tribe. With Evan out, the torches still inspiring such hate, and the infiltrators returning... that drew round one to a close.
first confessional give me idol? 
also hi Jones
okay so im walking onto the boat.... my hair is thinning, my skin is getting wrinkly, im ancient at this point. nonetheless im back for like the sixth time. or seventh, honestly who can keep track anymore. i see these like cute little new people. ANABEL's vid is AMAZING gay icon, lorelei legend likes pokemon mystery dungeon,  Leigh is near chicago, like... i literally love all these new players but then i realize NONE OF THEM WILL BE ON MY TRIBE SKADSFJH. instead? im stuck with crazy ppl. there's julian who i voted out premerge in the season I won, and Matt who was in my most recent season nnn but NOT the matt I worked with in that game. and of all people CHRIS STONER LMAO. to be fair, chris isn't that bad bc I know he'll work with me hopefully but also I know he's a good player and wouldn't hesitate to cut me out. thank god olivia and jess are here tbh. omg and just when I thought it couldn't get any worse.....a furry shows up. WHAT THE FUCKKKKKK lmao I remember foxx back from the old old days and he seems scary :(((( good news is julian said him and isaac haven't ever gotten along and that isaac has voted him out twice :') so that might be good. and i'm fairly sure stoner and jess would have my back rn i just need to talk more to them. but for real, as soon as there's a swap or something if I survive that long? bye bye returnees :) i dont see myself getting very attached to anyone at the start so ill just do my best to ride out this beginning and maybe have some fun
I'm looking forward to seeing how long our tribe chat is just "Hey *Tribe Member's Name*!" 
I think it could go on a while.
chris: ditching u for the other stoner tho chris: tumblr needs an all stoner f2... 7:23 PM me: thats ok im ditching u for the gay girl from the first post me: but for now? u and me <3 7:23 PM chris: deal stoner and I rlly did speak this into existence....... it'll happen
So this tribe has literal children on it. 15, 16 years old. I might have to backstab ACTUAL CHILDREN!  How do I even fit in with them? Trent suggested we could buy fidget spinners.  I said maybe yoga pants and a crop top?  There are people here BORN AFTER 9/11!!!  What the fuck I didn't even know you could be born after 9/11 and be out of kindergarten. What year is it?
Just met some other castaways, they seem pretty chill.
What's up. So this fox has returned after an eternity of a hiatus with more grey in his muzzle and hopefully some self-awareness to go with it. I played some pretty solid games in the past but after taking a long time lurking and sort of forgetting Tumblr Survivor Crooks asked if I wanted to play despite not knowing I have played before. That's how old and irrelevant of a has-been I am. Back from the dead. I'm glad my star has faded and I can go in with a blank slate. My biggest concern is that I am not on my anxiety medication so my social interactions, especially on call, will be a lot more stilted and I'm terrified this will impair my judgment but we'll see. Right now I'm not trying to come off as a huge strategist. I made an intentionally crappy intro video, made fun of myself, and just tried to be funny without coming off too weird/desperate etc. Almost like I'm not taking this too seriously. However, already I'm noticing a patterns in how people on my tribe are. I have no fucking clue who these mammals are. People will have extensive conversations about people, twists, running jokes, etc and I'm totally lost. That hiatus really did fuck with my ability to ingratiate myself with this community. That will be a huuuuge advantage coming to dealing with the newbies since I can leverage that to not seem so threatening but right now I think I'm doing a fair job being friendly and making people laugh. I hope. God. So my thoughts on my tribemates thus far: Stoner: Vaguely know who this guy is. Aptly named. He's clearly blazed as hell but I can tell he's bright and likable. Says "oh shit" a lot and he seems like depsite his facade he's probably someone I can work with. Isaac: We talked about Overwatch a bit and he seems nice but he's not coming on my radar too strong. Jess: Definitely made a fairly strong impression on me since we're similar ages, Francophone, and we bonded over our mutual detest and hatred of furries and then I calmly sneak in the fact I am a furry an hour later and holy shit I was trying so hard to not bust into tears. She's funny and likable and seems like she's someone I could work with. Matt: Talked a bit about me coming back. Very little in group call. Michael: Talked a fair amount about D&D and made some fun Upside Down jokes. Seems like we have a lot in common but him being a different time zone could prove hard to keep up with. Being the outlier on Time Zones is playing on Hard Mode. Olivia: Love her! We bonded over animals and she seems like a total sweetheart and I definitely wanna share pics of my cat with her some more! Owen: We talked a bit about literature and it was fun. Definitely seems intelligent and he's someone I know a bit about from Olympics. In an ideal world I'd want to work with Stoner, Jess, Olivia, & Michael but everything in on fire. Also, no luck on the idol so fuck me I guess
So... first night has been interesting? I was going to do your typical "first impressions" confessional but... FOXXX or whatever the fury's name is.... is playing too hard too fast. Am I being a Paranoid Patty and reading this the WRONG WAY entirely? Possibly. HOWEVER... It's been less than 5 hours since we were thrown into this hell hole of a game (The hosts are lovely individuals but we all know this is about to get insane) and he's telling me if I want to make a move that he's my guy? Ummm.... WE HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN OUR FIRST IMMUNITY YET? I'M NOT THINKING MOVES RIGHT NOW? I BARELY CAN REMEMBER YOUR NAME!
Have I befriended a furry???????? Is this real life????? Is he actually a furry or just really in deep on this joke? Why are there so many Dylans in orgs? Also fucking goddamnit I like EVERYONE HERE I just wanna be friends with all y’all damn. All of the newbies are so adorable and seem so excited and unknowing to the pain that’s gonna come :’) Annabelle especially like my wig flew with that intro! I wanna meet them all. Also wtf is with the torches I WANNA KNOW ALREADY! Anyways that’s all I’m excited for this season. Owen and I renewed the o alliance :-) and Jess seems cool as hell I really clicked with her and the furry. Michael seems sweet and I already know Julian from Mykonos, the absolute crackhead. Real sweetie tho hopefully we’re friends. I hope I’m not coming off as too insane I was so nervous on the phone call with the tribe :( it was so fun but I felt like every time I said something it fell flat I felt so awkward abhhhhhahshsjaj. Anyhoo yay! New season!
Should I write the rest of my confessionals in japanese? Neko. Boom
So coming into this game with a TS under my belt is different... I still have no expectations whatsoever BUT I do know how HARD people go for in these games and I'm planning to go just as hard. The first night was wild. Everyone on my tribe except for Matt and Julian were lively on the tribe call. Everyone seemed pretty cool and super... out there.. I think Isaac might be the one to watch on my tribe. He's been around the block and knows most people on my tribe (new and old). WHICH IS WHY.. I'm going to try my best and get super close to him. I need to make sure I'm not disposable to these "older players" and as asset to these "newer" players. I just know need to cool my jets on the whole socializing bit in the main chat (Yes I know it's literally day 1). I want to be as irrelevant as possible so no one thinks I'm a threat but no one really wants to get rid of me either. Gotta focus on those INDIVIDUAL RELATIONSHIPS. Hopefully these other players with more TS's under their belts become bigger shields than me because if not... yikes on yikes.
I like everyone so far. Evan is giving me a few red flags because he’s only giving me one word answers, so i might take that into consideration when voting.
We had a very fun group call with the tribe last night. Definitely haven’t laughed that much in a while. Love my tribe thus far so I hope we can keep the good vibes going. Jess & Stoner are people I feel like have talked with me the most Nd Olivia, Owen, & Michael are also friendly so I think I have options. One thing I’ve noticed is how casual and sociable this tribe is. Nothing is more frustrating than a tribe full of overserious gamebots (*cough* Selwyn *cough*) but it’s a group of funny and chill people. It’s gonna be a great game!
I love these hosts 🙂 HATE the idol system but honestly it doesn’t change much I’ve never gotten an idol before and probably never will so it won’t change my gameplay lmao
I like Isaac a lot too! Forgot to say. But I’m also a little wary of him because I know he’s very experienced
well. yesterday i found an idol on my second guess. and made two new friends. so yesterday was great. today was bad. i outed myself. my mom heard me tell my eyebrow lady that i was gay. this is a sad confessional and i wish i wasn’t so loud. im real fucking sad. sorry. but at least i have an idol and some friends.
Time to put on a bra and take some selfies.
I'm glad I shaved today for that tattoo selfie.
There’s an alliance I’m not in isn’t there
Why am I so FUCKING awkward
im so fucking good at survivor like... good lord. trent and i are like best friends already (see, i knew this would happen, i always meet a nice old usually straight man and we become friends, it's like the hallmark of my survivor experiences) and we came up w a plan where i am gonna try and seduce evan and rob and make them my lil minions so im gonna lie to them and tell them that im a cheerleader bc that's hot right?? so ya my womanly charms will be utilized to their fullest potential. go me.
Can we talk about how bullshit it is to have "Lipstick in your tribe's color" when we're yellow and they're RED?  Honest to god might as well have "Lemon in your tribe's color" to make it fair.
Alex coming in with bold capslock "MAKE SURE EVERYONE ON YOUR TEAM HAS SUBMITTED AT LEAST ONE THING" ... Just DM Evan directly my dude.
Feeling much better about this game today than I was last night I think I was just spiraling 🥰 we’re doing really well on the challenge and I hope we win!! Two people messaged me saying I’m doing great on the challenge and idk how to respond. Just tryna make sure we don’t lose I will NOT be the first vote out. Newbies go hard on scavenger hunts but I go even harder 😈
Ok so! I'm super bummed that obor lost the challenge, I really thought we would win! Now we have to get rid of someone and it sucks but I feel like we all know who it has to be. It's not even personal, it's just the fairest thing and the best thing for our tribe. Also, alliances are forming! I like Anabel, Leigh and Trent so I'm with them but I'm gonna try to connect with everyone so I'm not on the outskirts. I hope that the boys haven't formed an all boys alliance bc if they have, then the girls could be in danger. That's it for now!
guess I’ll follow Alex crook’s rules... https://youtu.be/ndsfCdjtcQI
Not much, about to sleep! https://youtu.be/v12a2AbklVw
It's 2:30am so WHY NOT post ANOTHER confessional? Am I right? Honestly, we won which I'm BEYOND THANKFUL for. I hate tribal and I can now at least say I wasn't first boot. THANK GAGA. I'm just really trying to solidify things with Michael right now. I think out of everyone on my current tribe I can honestly see myself making a run at this game with him (at least up until merge). I offered him the prospect of sharing idol clues (it's literally the only collateral I have at the moment) so hopefully this doesn't bite me in the fucking ass. Other than Michael I was kind of hoping to somehow get closer to both Julian and Matt (plot twist I know). Matt has hosted me before and it's no secret he is a founding father of the "I Hate Jess" Club. However, these two seem to be the odd men out right now. They aren't overly socializing with people so there's a high chance they'll be taken out if our current tribe loses. HOWEVER.. I see potential numbers in them. So I can't let that happen. As of right now both Foxx and Stoner seem to be the ones to watch out for. I just can't let them think or know... that I know that about them. Stoner gives me mega "I say the same things to everyone" vibes. He's clearly playing a strong social game so far. I just need to play dumb and ensure that he thinks he can control/trust me. Honestly, as soon as he doesn't see value in me I have no doubt he's gonna cut me. Foxx on the other hand, just seems like he's playing too hard. He's another guy who I strongly believe is going to drop me as soon as I have no value to him. I'm just going to have to have to lay low and be dumb. Owen scares me shitless. He's giving me PTSD from my last season because homeboy is playing a strong contender game. He's definitely a pick to win. He's another person who I'm going to have to try and pretend I'm under their spell. Am I playing too hard too fast? I'm not entirely sure. I'm just going to slow my role a bit and see what happens
What’s Up? WHAT’S UP?!?!?!?  how dare you ask me such a ludicrous question.  Alright so first real general confessional of the game here.  I wanna eventually try and record some video confessionals, but that’s if i have the time. but for today, we’re good with a text.   So starting off the game on the Cahaya Tribe, which consists of entirely returnees.  So right off the bat it makes nervous bc i’m really not around much in the community.  Yeah i’m in a few VL’s and i played once before, but i really don’t know anyone.  So being the odd one out for that reason was a real fear for a little bit. Looking at my tribe, there are a few names that stood out the most to me.  Owen stood out bc we both played Kuwait, and even tho we never met each other, we still have that little connection.  Chris motherfucking Stoner is here too!!  Chris is such a chill dude.  we played together once before and i voted him out pre swap.  But that game was so long ago, and i really don’t think he cares (i know i dont).  So i’m looking forward to reconnecting with him.  Jess is also here!! Jess and I had met previously because i hosted her in Celestial Komnata, and we had some rough misunderstandings there.  But months have passed and I know that I am well over it bc i frankly don’t care.  But i feel like she still probably cares which will not be good for me. Michael was the last person that stood out to me.  Not because I know him, or know of him.  But because he’s the only Non-North American in the cast, which means if i can stay up late and socialize with him, he might favor me over other When i looked at the other tribe, i think the only person i know is Anabel?  We played together once, i hosted her, so we have somewhat of a connection that if we swap together, i hope that works in my favor.   So on the first night of the game, i was very busy with Celestial All stars premiere, so i didn’t get to talk as much as i would’ve liked.  which resulted in me telling jones on call like 5 times that i’m gonna be first boot.  But the first night, i talked with everyone (to some degree) except Issac bc i forgot Issac was here.   The torch twist thing i have no idea what it’s going to be and it worries me.  My first thought is that it somehow would result in a third tribe bc there were six torches.  so someone would light a torch and be placed on that tribe. But it’s too early to figure out what they even mean and i’m sure as the game progresses.  
Woooo so what's happened.  Well, we lost the challenge and it wasn't even close. I haven't looked at the spreadsheet to see the final scores but I feel like Me, Trent, and Anabell did the most work.  I talked to a few people last night and put Evan's name out there cuz I know most people are too scared to say a name first and I feel comfortable enough about my position to be the one to say a name that most people should agree with. A mutual alliance formed between me, Chris, Trent, Anabell, and Lorelei.  Within it, an all girls 3 alliance formed which I'm super happy to be part of.  I'm sure Trent will be paranoid about that sooner or later so hopefully Chris and I can make him feel confident.  Trent is sharing idol guesses with me so I'm hoping that means I'm like the closest person to him right now.  I like the number of options I have so far. 
I feel like Facebook might be falling out of style so maybe these youngin's don't even have it or aren't familiar with Facebook ORGs.  The only other people here who know my history as far as I know are Foxx and Chris, and I hope neither of them bring it up. If I can stay UTR that'd be nice.  Also, I think I need to stop capitalizing letters/using punctuation if I wanna fit in with these kids.  Did I already confessionalize that? Not sure.
Apparently Lorelei missed the HII thing day one haha oh well. I'm compiling guesses from me, Chris, and Trent. Hopefully I'll get them from the girls too. I'm not showing the girls' guesses to Chris though. I don't think he'll be mad at me for it. We gotta play close to the vest sometimes yo
So far I think the game is going alright. My tribe is incredibly quiet for some reason but I guess that isn't too bad. I made a connection with Anabel and Leigh pretty early on. Decided to suggestion and alliance and both we in so I added Chris and Lorelei so we had a majority. This is the alliance I wanted from the beginning. I wanted the older people to stick together and then add in one young one. I think it's a pretty solid idea. Ive been messaging both kenny and dylan as well. I don't want an alliance with them, but I would like for them to like me and want me to stay in. I also think im getting along pretty well with the two infiltrators right now. Julian was spilling all kinds of info about his tribe to me this morning and then me and owen connected really well. Hopefully this will help me in the future if there is a split soon.
Jess was hinting that her, foxx, stoner, and I should get together and I said we’d make a nifty cool group. A NIFTY COOL GROUP WHAT THE FUCK IS A NIFTY COOL OLIVIA
This twist can become SO detrimental. And I’m so MAD Owen went over there first because that bitch is unbelievably charismatic. Hopefully it paints a bigger target on him but like it’s whatever. I like my tribe. We seem chill and I seem to vibe the most with Olivia and Jessica Messica. Foxx is cool. Julian is....Julian ig. Matt has yet to talk to me so that’s a wig ig. Michael seems nice but ngl I get kinda bored when I try to talk to him? He seems very gamebot-y which could be frightening but idk he’s not my biggest problem atm. I’m terrified of Owen - he’s unbelievably charismatic and has the ability to twist people around his finger so like I’m gonna keep my eye on him and I’m not gonna let him out of my sight. With that being said I do wanna see him live for at least a little while for meat-shield purposes. Anyways I hope I do well this game but 👀 I have a sinking feeling.
So yeah.. it seemed like a pretty laxxed day and Evan was the vote. How true is that? Idk but I have to trust strangers. But just heard he through my name out like 20 minutes ago, with less than 3 hours to go. So I just hope everyone’s being honest 😭
what’s up? Everything :’) I couldn’t help as much in the scav hunt as I liked because I was living my life. But thankfully we won anyways bc my tribe kicked ass! I still contributed some and I made sure to keep talking to people. I still love olivia, and matt has been fun to talk to. Don’t rlly know why but foxx seems hard to get to know. And not big into michael rn either. I think I will stick with Julian and chris, hopefully can pull in jess and olivia to do something if we lose. Chris mentioned that both him and jess DO like foxx so we will see.... The main thing is that this twist worked out perfectly for me!!!! I couldn’t call when we were decided and I REALLY wanted to go. Thankfully I was able to take advantage of the majority vote thing and pretend like I wasn’t online hehe and by some miracle I got picked to go. MEANT TO BEEE and let me say I was right, I do love this tribe so much more than my own for some reason. Trent is great, Annabel and I are talking like I wanted, the Chicago girl and the Pokémon mystery dungeon girl. It’s so good over here, but the biggest surprise has been chris o. I really like him and could see myself working well with him if we swap. The only thing is that Julian said he was sketchy sometimes..... hehe so down the road I might have to tell chris o that Julian is after him :~) but I don’t need to snake too hard yet, for right now I’m a crocodile lookin like a log. Vote should be easy on Evan from what I’ve heard but if it changes? I’ll be living for the drama!
It looks like Evan is the consensus. I feel really bad though because it's not his fault. He tried to plead his case with me by saying that he wasn't the only one that was inactive, but that doesn't change the fact that he contributed the least. I know it's the fair thing to do but I feel bad about it. Voting out people is so not fun, I really hope we win the next challenge so I won't have to do this again.
I’m pretty sure I’m fucked. I’ve been trying to get people to vote Kenny but idk fuck
“I know I’M voting Evan = I might be voting Evan but I know others are voting you”. Or am I being paranoid
i feel like i did pretty good on the scavenger hunt.  i managed to scoop up a bunch of items that were left over and some that were high points.  so i do feel good about my performance and think i pulled my weight.  Speaking of pulling weight...Julian is...there.  I think he only submitted one item which was the Vine.  I mean i get you have work and are busy, but like...most of us were the same?  even issac who was celebrating his birthday did more.   after challenge results we got on call in the tribe chat (olivia, chris, michael, myself). and we were talking about the infiltrator twist and the challenge results.  We agreed to have myself and Olivia go, but we needed 5 for a majority.  Julian shows up and says he “might wanna go tbh”.  and then disappears.  We’re on call laughing bc we wanna submit this and not randomize it, so someone who isn’t here gets forced to go.  BUT JULIAN won’t talk in tribechat even tho we’re all like, “hey we’ll take turns and you can go next time.”. but no.  Julian is only talking in olivia’s pm’s and she’s telling us whatever he’s saying. eventually the hour is up, and julian got randomized to go.  that fucker strong armed us into randomizing and he still went god damnit.   I think that call was good for my game because we were just chatting for like 1.5 hours about the game stuff and people.  After michael/chris left the call it was just Olivia and myself on call and we stayed on for another hour and a half(????? ish??? probably less i can’t remember).  But that was a nice call and i think helped start to solidify a bond.  Olivia is someone i can see myself working with in this game.  Same goes for Michael and Chris.  I feel like that call group was pretty natural and we got along really well.  I’m too nervous to initiate any kind of alliance talk, but i know it’s gonna have to happen eventually.  i’m sure alliances already exist on the tribe and i’m obviously not in them.  I think for starters, i need to work on conversations a bit more, because they are somewhat weak right now.  My goal for the future is to work on olivia, michael, chris and owen.  Those are the people i feel most good about.  Foxx is cool but idk it seems hard to gel with them.  Julian is cracked and i hope he’s our first boot.  and the four of us on call forgot issac was on the tribe so that’s not good for him. i think i’m in a decent position for now, but i’m not gonna count my chickens before they hatch (i think that’s the saying idfk)
0 notes