#and also i learn broad systems fast so i feel like my trainings kinda been skipped over
lycantherous · 2 years
I had contacted the board of parole before my brother was released with no response, been calling also no response. Now that he has moved back in I'm scared I might get kicked out when/if hes issued a no contact order
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italicwatches · 6 years
[Legacy content] My Hero Academia - Episode 06
One of these days I will figure out how to stop taking on way too much. Today, is not that day. Anyways, it’s My Hero Academia, episode 06! Here we GO!
-We begin with Izuku’s display from last time, the fingertip SMASH that got him through…And Shota seeing that the kid’s got a long way to go, but there’s a sharp, quick brain in that fluffy head…And that’s the really important piece.
-And of course, people are watching, with their different opinions. opinions. Ochaco is super excited to see a result from Izuku. Tenya sees the way his finger is all fucked up, and is starting to see the way Izuku’s power is too much for the kid’s body to handle. And Katsuki…Katsuki is gobsmacked, because he KNOWS Izuku shouldn’t have that Quirk…But somehow, he does…And he races forward, wanting answers and willing to tear Izuku apart to get the—
-Which is when Shota, in full Eraser Head display, snatches Katsuki right up and holds him down, locking his Quirk long enough to get the kid to stop. And it works…But it can’t sap the rage, even as Izuku has his new friends all concerned about him…
-Then flash back, to simpler, more innocent times. When young Katsuki and Izuku were friends, not enemies…But even then, Katsuki held a belief in his superiority, a belief that has only been hardened and strengthened over the years…
-Episode 06! Rage, You Damn Nerd
-So Izuku fought against the pain of his nearly-broken finger for the rest of the day, and did his other tests…Of course, the pain weakened his results. But he got that one good result, so, as they look at the lineup…Down at the bottom…Is…Izuku’s name? Did he truly fail…?
-Nope. Shota fucked with y’all. Little stakes to put fire under your asses. (Alternatively, he saw there really is potential in Izuku and so rescinded) And everyone is relieved…Well, except for Katsuki, as Shota goes to get gone. You’ll find the syllabus and such back in the classroom…Oh and Izuku, here’s a note for the nurse, go get your finger fixed up. Everyone be ready for things to ramp up tomorrow.
-Izuku is left with the note, and knowing he’s starting at last place…But he can fix it…He can push things up…
-While All Might finds Shota, because he knows the guy really is willing to cut loose anyone who he feels lacks potential. So indeed, Shota sees potential in Izuku. If someone can’t push any higher, they get cut. The kid has the brains to push himself higher, and just needs raw time to get the control down. And of course, Shota notices how supportive of Izuku that All Might’s being…
-Later that day, Izuku is all healed up, but he’s also fuckin’ exhausted, because Recovery Girl’s power uses one’s own stamina to fuel the healing process. Which is great, but it means something as simple as undoing the one finger has Izuku feeling like he ran a marathon. On his way out after the schooldays is done, Tenya finds him, and the two end up talking, and then Ochaco finds them both! And she’s eager to make friends here, and these two are both good guys who seem like they’d be good friends…
-And she ends up calling Izuku ‘Deku’, and he has to admit it’s a mocking nickname Katsuki stuck on him…But then she mentions how it sounds a lot like a cheer, and Izuku is immediately willing to go by Deku forevermore if this cute nice girl likes it. Much to Tenya’s confusion, but he just doesn’t know what it is to be a kid so awkwardly caught up in a crush. And still, while Izuku has some difficulties, and he’s starting at the bottom…He’s got friends. He’s got people who have his back and care about him. That’s something, right, All Might?
-All Might, though, has his own concerns. He’s deeply, deeply worried that Izuku won’t be able to keep up when shit gets real the very next day…
-And then it’s the next day, where the real classes start. The thing is, the real classes also include, like, normal education. English, Math, shit like that. The cafeteria food is a solid meal, nutritious and calorie-dense for lunch, because after everybody chows down, it’s…
-Hero Basic Training. And in Class 1-A, in comes ALL MIGHT! With a classic, Silver Age style costume firmly on, as he makes a display of starting things off with combat training! And to go with it…Your first costumes, based on your Quirks and any specific requests in your applications! Get your suit, hit the dressing room, and then meet him at Combat Center Beta!
-And soon, the crowd begins to filter through into the battlegrounds, in the costumes they requested…In the identities they forged. They are not just students. Right here, in this, they, are, heroes. Heroes in training, but heroes all the same…!
-Commercial break!
-And we are back! We get a quick explanation of how the hero costume system works here. Basically, when you apply, you also include a full set of measurements, any ideas you had for your costume, any thematics you want, all that sort of stuff. This is then gone over by a full designer, who passes the final intended piece on to a manufacturer with an exclusive contract with the school.(Whether or not they’ll also handle redesigns, replacements and repairs for graduates, or if they have to go fend for themselves like all the other heroes, is unstated) It’s a good system, one that gets you feeling like the hero you want to be…
-And three weeks ago, Izuku too had to go figure his out…He was registered as “None” on his official forms with the city, but of course, it’s hardly uncommon for someone to learn their power actually works differently than they thought upon further experimentation…Hell, he wouldn’t even be the first person to think he had no Quirk, but found out he just hadn’t figured out how to kick it on…
-But his special clothes weren’t to be made by the city. Because his mother…His mother went and made a suit based on his designs she saw in his notebook. Because for years, she felt horrible guilt over what she said when Izuku was young. Over not supporting him enough, over not having his back when he chased this dream…But this, this simple jumpsuit, was the first thing she could do to try and change that. To try and show her support, for her amazing son…
-Which is why Izuku, catching up, isn’t wearing some flashy outfit made by the school’s best. He’s not clad in high-tech molecularly manipulated battle armor. He’s in simple cloth, sturdy boots, with hand-stitched designs down his sides, and a mask with tufts reminiscent of All Might’s hair. Because this outfit, simple and perhaps childish as it is…Holds more than the sum of its parts. It’s embodies his mother’s faith in him. It embodies everything he’s worked so hard to reach. It doesn’t need to be fancy, it doesn’t need to be stylish…It just needs to be him.
-And when he gets out, having taken longer to get dressed than the others, Ochaco spots him. And she likes his look! It’s really down-to-earth, you know? Like you’re one of the people, and that’s super cool! While she’s wishing she’d gone more specific with hers, because she got stuck with this skintight bodysuit…
-Much to the amazement of shorty over there. Fuck you shorty, you ain’t in this ship. While All Might can see how blatantly Izuku’s mask mimics his features. The mouthpiece looking like a cartoonish version of his broad grin, the antenna like his blonde tufts…Oh Izuku you adorable, absurd little fanboy.
-And then Tenya, in his full battle armor, would like to know if they’re doing mock battles like the entrance exam. Nope! Instead, he’s got some numbers to drop on you kids. So most well-documented villain fights take place outside…But most conflicts, and most villainous actions, start indoors. The entrance exam proved you can fight out in the open. But you need to be ready to fight in close quarters. Which is why they’ll be doing 2-on-2 mock battles, dealing with other humans!
-The questions come hot and fast, as EVERYONE QUIET UNTIL HE IS DONE EXPLAINING PLEASE. So. Here’s your scenario. Each duo assigned the Villain role will be tasked with hiding a timer, representing a nuclear bomb, somewhere in the building as their hideout. The Hero duo going after them, then, will be tasked with finding and disposing of it. If the villains can stop them from finding it, or disposing it, before the timer runs out…Well, there you go.
-And because you can never be sure just who you’ll have to face, or what other hero might show up, you’ll be getting your assignments by drawing lots! Get your ticket and find the person with the matching ticket! So teams start forming…Notably, Izuku and Ochaco are teamed up, and shorty got paired with the only girl wearing even more revealing clothes than Ochaco. Tenya got stuck with Katsuki, also…
-And with teams assigned…It’s Team A and Team D! Izuku’s and Katsuki’s! They’re first up, as Katsuki is at full fury…But Izuku steels his will, and looks Katsuki right back in the fucking eye, before our villains are sent in to set up…
-And Tenya is soon looking at the placed “bomb”, a humongous thing…And Katsuki demands to know how that fucking shit’s powers work…He’s going to tear Deku apart!
-While Ochaco and Izuku are outside, reading, and Ochaco has ditched her ridiculous helmet…But Izuku is in a bad spot, all kinda freaking out. Katsuki’s been a thorn in his side since he was a kid…But as he locks his facemark in place…He’s not going to lose here. He’s not going to let that brute push him around any more…!
-And Ochaco is kinda fired up, because yeah she is totally down for seeing a fated battle between men being manly men. (head canon, I think she just wants to see Izuku get all sweaty and shiny. She’s got the look of someone with hidden thirst.)
-And Izuku tries to play it down, but she’s at full jam, ready to have his back! And then it’s go time, as All Might sends them in…Everyone else is left to watch the display in the monitor room, as Izuku and Ochaco slip in through a window…Izuku knows he doesn’t have full control over One For All. He can’t dial it back to a safe level. If he punched Katsuki with that, he’d kill the guy. Which means he needs to just rely on his wits, his basics, and his teammate’s Zero Gravity…
-But Izuku’s also been analytical from the start. He’s always been thinking. Always been watching, learning, analyzing other heroes. So even now, he knows to be careful, to watch his blind spots, and slice the pi—
-Izuku hauls Ochaco to one side with him as they both dive down, barely avoiding the massive explosion Katsuki kicks out! Half of Izuku’s mask is shredded, as Izuku’s not surprised the fucker came right at him from the start…But as everyone else watches, Katsuki’s already planning to take this right up to the limit! You better get ready, Deku, you’re gonna fucking need that nu—
-Izuku just moves right into Katsuki’s guard, grapples him up, and flips the sumbitch overhead in a single blow, using only his core body’s strength…You ALWAYS start with that big right hook, Katsuki…You don’t think he’s been watching, this whole time? You don’t think he’s been paying attention…? That name you gave him, that name Deku…It’s not going to mean ‘useless’ anymore, Katsuki! It’s going to be a cheer! And Ochaco realizes that’s what she told him just the other day…
-While Katsuki forces his way back to his feet, seeing the fear in Izuku’s eyes…The fear that’s always pushed him to a rage, as what little self restraint he had goes bye-bye…!
Come on, Izuku. You can take him. He’s broad, he’s not thinking. That’s not a thinking man you’re fighting, but a raging beast. Use that head of yours, and take him down…!
Well, we’ll have to see if he can pull it off next time, in episode SEVEN of My Hero Academia! Wait for it!
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