#and im cramming all my hours together at work so i can do wedding things
lycantherous · 2 years
I had contacted the board of parole before my brother was released with no response, been calling also no response. Now that he has moved back in I'm scared I might get kicked out when/if hes issued a no contact order
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
pel!ivan and fedyor went through a lot of ups and some downs from the end of pel and 2021 but they also celebrated 10 years together 🥳 i hope fedyor shoved cake into ivan’s face and also you know, im sure they were mushy like the saps they are
Ivan was supposed to be out of here ten minutes ago – actually, at this point, more like twenty – but the clients are still fucking talking, and if they keep it up much longer, he’s going to add it to the bill for “initial consultation.” Drew has a man-bun and unbearably hip black glasses, and works as a developer for some start-up app that he’s tried to convince Ivan to download at least twelve times. (What does the app actually do? Don’t know don’t care.) Mia is thin, blonde, waifish, smells like essential oils, and has been flitting around with her smartphone the entire time, getting in Ivan’s way as she snaps perfectly filtered pictures of the “developmental process” and posts them nonstop on Instagram. They both have a lot of opinions on how they want the energy of the space to feel, and a preapproved list of ethically sourced suppliers. They have paid some ludicrous price for this converted loft in Prospect Heights and chose the location for its proximity to the best farmer’s markets and hippie coffeehouses. Did Ivan die? Is this hell?
Somewhat ostentatiously, he looks at his watch. “Okay,” he announces. “I think that wraps up. You have work number, so – ”
“Oh, just one more thing!” Drew has recently read one (1) book on home design and thinks he’s an expert, so Ivan is forced to suffer his idiotic opinions about the kind of tile they want to use on the kitchen backsplash. Somehow, he manages not to roll his eyes directly out of his head, for which he should be commended. Ivan has discovered that the secret of successfully dealing with people, especially clients, is to smile and nod at everything they say, while mercilessly mocking them in your head. Amazing, the things you learn as a small-business owner in Brooklyn in the year of our lord 2021. Especially when it comes to renovating overpriced tiny gentrified apartments for insufferable techno-douchebags and their vapid influencer girlfriends. And people think Ivan might want to live like this more often? No fucking thank you.
Finally (it’s another ten minutes after that, this is definitely going on the bill), they more or less wrap up, except for the fact that Mia then wants a picture with the three of them. “It’s just so important to us that we’re supporting the immigrant community,” she explains earnestly. “After all, being open, tolerant, learning from our neighbors, people who are different from us, that’s what life is all about. We just love that you’re foreign. The energy feels so right, you know?”
Ivan wonders whether to inform her that he has lived in this country for eight years and been a full citizen (passport and voting rights and everything) for three, then decides that this would venture into sharing-personal-information territory and he is having none of it. His English has improved to the point where he can handle almost all business transactions by himself, but feigning incomprehension can sometimes get him out of them when they turn really stupid. Unfortunately, that isn’t an option here, and so he diligently leans into the frame, smiling half an inch, while Mia snaps a picture of “us and our adorable Russian contractor!!” Ivan informs her of the correct flag emoji to add to the filter, decides that he’s going to add an extra fifty bucks just for that, and finally, finally, makes his escape.
It’s rush hour, and the Q is crammed as Ivan heads into midtown. So much for social distancing and not getting too close to anyone, which is the only thing from the pandemic that he wouldn’t mind keeping. Only about half the crowd is wearing masks, including him, and so he gets off at Times Square, dodges the latest lunatic standing on a soapbox and shouting about how it is all a hoax, and walks several blocks uptown, just to get some space. He finally reaches the restaurant, where he has to flash his vaccination card to get inside (Ivan, who remains Russian to the marrow of his bones, is a little irked that he couldn’t get Sputnik here and had to settle for Pfizer) and climbs up to the open-air rooftop terrace. It is only when he spots his husband, waiting at a table that overlooks the glittering evening lights of the city, when Ivan pulls off his mask and allows himself to properly smile. “Sorry I’m late,” he says. “They are the worst.”
“I figured it was something like that.” Fedyor musters a smile in return, though his eyes look permanently tired these days and Ivan would bet that he’s been scrolling through more depressing emails on his phone. Technically Fedyor is on a two-month sabbatical from work, but he can’t stop himself, and Ivan has had to pry it from his fingers on a number of occasions. “But you’re here now. That’s what matters.”
Ivan nods stoutly, they are furnished with the drinks and appetizers list, and when the waiter asks if there’s any special occasion tonight, tell him that they are celebrating their ten-year anniversary, albeit somewhat late. This was supposed to happen last spring, but obviously, nobody in New York was going out to a restaurant in the early months of 2020, and Ivan himself had barely gotten home from the hospital and still could be knocked over in a strong breeze. They’re celebrating a lot of things tonight, in other words, even if it’s now been eleven years, not ten, since the day Ivan marched into a Red Square coffee shop and engaged in – well, Fedyor has made sure to inform him that the first date didn’t go nearly as well as Ivan always thought it did. But it worked, didn’t it? Here they are, wedding bands on their fingers, a couple of successful American urban professionals who have built a nice life for themselves and are, if anything, even more madly in love than they were when this whole nutty adventure together first began. So really, if you ask Ivan Sakharov Kaminsky, it went just fine after all.
The waiter congratulates them, gives them two drinks for the price of one, and they both relax and start to talk, fully at ease in the way they only are in each other’s company. Ivan does his Mia impression in an extremely convincing falsetto (after all, [NAME REDACTED] has practice at this) and Fedyor almost dies laughing. They hold hands on the table – no need to hold them under the table – and gaze into each other’s eyes all they want, order dinner and dessert, and take a long time about it. They raise several toasts to this, to them, to ten years, may there be many more. Ivan pays the bill, his treat, and they walk slowly back to Times Square, hand-in-hand, Fedyor’s head nestled on Ivan’s shoulder. It’s New York. Nobody cares.
They ride the Q home, in all its smelly, secondhand glory, taking an hour to bang out to Brighton Beach and descending the elevated stairs into the familiar down-at-heel comfort of their Russian-American neighborhood, neon Cyrillic signs glowing in windows and somebody shouting about how if Sergei ever shows his face here again, she is going to cut his dick off. Ivan and Fedyor look at each other and snort, resisting the urge to shout up and ask what exactly Sergei did, and walk a few more minutes to their building. They climb up three flights of stairs to their apartment, unlock the door and the deadbolt, and step inside.
The instant they are home, Rasputin shoots out of nowhere, yowling as if he has been neglected for months, and curls himself around Ivan’s ankles (he is still liable to give Fedyor evil looks when he feels that this interloper has been stealing his human too often). Ivan sighs, trudges to the kitchen, points out to Rasputin that his food bowl is still half full, gets a wounded look in return, and adds an extra scoopful. Once the cat is happily snarfing down, Fedyor pulls Ivan by the hand, into the dim living room with its blowing curtains. “Come here, my love,” he says. “Hold me.”
Ivan does as ordered, because it’s his favorite thing in the world: cuddling Fedyor close, nothing but the two of them in all of time and space, swaying slowly in the blue hour with fingers and arms and hearts entwined. Ivan kisses Fedyor’s temple, and Fedyor nestles even closer, melted into his embrace. “I love you, Vanya,” he mumbles against Ivan’s collarbone. “I love you so much. I love you more than anything in the world. I love you, I love you, I love you.”
“I love you too, Fedya.” Ivan leans down and kisses him properly, sweet and slow and lingering, as they continue to waltz in stately time to a music that nobody except the two of them can hear. “I’m still not always sure why you married me, but I am very glad you did.”
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convenientalias · 6 years
Guys I watched the Sense8 Finale
And I am super happy with it (how do they manage to finish things so neatly? Directors/writers are fuckign genius) and the rest of this post will be below the cut because so many spoilers
First of all, I thought for sure it would be cramming a hell of a lot into two and a half hours and wondered if they could really end BPO that fast, but in the end, of course they knew what really mattered:
-People eating pizzas and singing out car windows
-Getting all the family together, and not just the cluster! 
-A stunning and surreal orgy sequence
Because this is what we really look for from Sense8, am I right? (Incidentally I would have to say the one area where the finale kind of failed was in tying up Capheus’ threads but also it wasn’t going to happen--while most characters had more emotional or main-plot-related threads to finish off, Capheus had a political election on another continent. However, I think signs do point to it eventually working out, and at least we saw Jela and Zakia by the end.)
My biggest feelings are on the Rajan/Kala/Wolfgang angle and, as y’all may or may not know, I have been shipping this Ot3 from Day One. Why? Because Rajan isn’t just some boring fiance/husband figure but a real human being, his actor is brilliant and incredibly hot, and he clearly cares about Kala, as is evident in every single interaction between the two--but Kala won’t be satisfied without an element of adventure in her life, and for her that element has always been Wolfgang. And I also always wondered how Wolfgang and Rajan would get along. WELL.
Some good moments on this angle:
-Rajan entering the apartment to see first, Lito walking around upset and shirtless, then Sun chopping vegetables with a knife, and then, Capheus being the first one to recognize him (which was really cute actually). And then it’s like oh we gotta get out of here and Kala just shoves a ton of fuckign medical equipment in his arms and oh great, let’s go up on the roof bc apparently we’re running for our lives now. (wait is that a random white guy with a gun? wtf Kala?) 
(side note Amanita freaking out over Nomi going ninja was possibly the best moment of this entire finale but there were so many good moments that I digress.)
-Rajan being so understanding once things are explained to him. His first two reactions are, like, “Oh, this is why you were so confused around the time of our wedding, I totally get that now” and then “geez poor sap getting tortured, must help” and then his third reaction is “you’re my wife and I love you, I’m in this with you” and just, Rajan, SUCH A GOOD MAN.
-Then Rajan’s the one to actually get Wolfgang out of the club, which is just a good touch, especially since Wolfgang has mixed feelings about him but certainly recognizes and trusts him.
-”Not many people would have done what you did for me”. 
-”My love, you are a killer. (awkward pause.) CAN YOU SHOW ME HOW?” And then Wolfgang just looking at him so fondly and then in Kala’s body casually tossing the gun he’s holding away and showing him how a real gun works.
-Rajan and Wolfgang in the dramatic double Pieta with Kala’s apparently dead body, but then Kala ghost shows up and says, “Hey, y’all drama queens wanna actually, I dunno, save my life?” And she knows how to do it too because she’s a goddamn doctor.
-Finally, obviously, the threesome. It gets obscured by the fact that we’re watching about five or six different couples at once along with approximately seven hundred flashbacks (and I honestly thought it was very artfully done) but I love that the last line of dialogue we get is Rajan, clearly mind blown, saying how he didn’t know things like this could happen. IM HAPPY FOR YOU RAJAN
Seriously I never thought Rajan would get to be as happy and in sync with Kala as he is in this finale. It’s like, maybe most of the tension between them wasn’t inherent incompatibility but secrets and a lack of communication. Which is what I’ve always thought. IM HAPPY.
Hm what else.
Well, Amanita and Nomi are married and that’s obviously great. OH!. Jonas. YEah I had a lot of feelings about the trio of Jonas-Whispers-Will, which has always been an interesting dynamic as well. Not as much Whispers-Will tension in the finale as there was in Season Two, but that’s okay, Season Two satisfied me on this angle, and I loved seeing Daniela take Whispers down when he tried to escape. As for Jonas, I really hate heroic sacrifices of this type--he’s suffered enough and I wanted to see him live--but I’m glad he at least turned out to be a good guy. And this time, Will listened when he told Will he was on Will’s side. Also, Whispers is dead which is a good thing.
I can’t believe the final villain of this movie wasn’t really Whispers but LILA FUCKIGN FACCHINI. Honestly what a villainous babe, I love her and I love to hate her. Still waiting for my Kala/Lila femslash guys. Still waiting.
Detective Mun goes to Paris to maybe reunite with Sun and convince her to come back to Korea and instead gets brought into a spy conspiracy involving telepathy. So he’s clearly living his best life.
Overall I just loved this finale. Usually when I finish a show I’m craving fanfiction but this time I’m actually not. I think Sense8 did an incredible job of satisfying my cravings (even the eclectic OT3 ones!) in its actual canon content. Doesn’t mean I’m not gonna seek the fic out but honestly well fukcing done.
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strawberryspeachy · 5 years
Why do all the americans who come to japan think everything americans do is stupid and romantisize the wag japanese do it??
Horse laugh??? This texan girl really just agreed and called her laugh stupid looking because some fucking japanese girl who values looking docile over letting herself laugh wrote an article making fun of americans laughing
How about this. Why do japanese girls cling to their boyfriends like their a dog whos gonna run into traffic if they let go?! If your boys gonna cheat on you, clenching him and glaring at every girl around you isnt gonna stop him.
Why are japanese ok with their school systems not teaching them their full history or about the world. America used to do that and we decided as a population that wed like to know stuff and have been fighting to get more information into our textbooks for decades. Japanese are happy to be brainwashed
Why dont japanese speak their mind and then get upset when they get stressed out over the people around them not being mind readers
Why do japanese bosses give their employees so much work and then wonder why there stressed
Why dont japanese use all the futuristic technology they have. Why is cash still a fucking thing here
Why havent they put in functional road systems instead of keeping it a free for all until an accudent happens
Why dont japanese have actual news systems. Why didnt anyone know what was happening with the typhoon till a day in advance and then only through emergency alerts. In the states we know about hurricans for weeks in advance and the authorities tell high risk places to evacuate days in advance
Why do japanese prefer looking busy over actually getting their work done in advance? Why do they like rushing around and throwing stuff together at the last minute?
Do people in this country actually wanna talk to people or do they just wanna be talked TO?! Walk around any crowded area and you can find groups looking around like they desperately want to be talked to. Ive watched people talk to these people and then the ones whod been onlooking acting so happy - only to cut the conversation short and run away to wait for someone else to talk to them. Or ive watched/experienced them come do the talking and still fucking run away at the end or at least ghost. And ive read all they do is ghost. So what the fuck?
On that note why do japanese push and carry personal conversations along even when they dont wanna talk. Going off that last one ive gotten tired of being ghosted by freaking girls who approach me and have stopped trying. But theyll still try so damn hard to befriend you. Why? And my coworker at school. Try so hard to make you like them - but once you do they never wanna speak again. WHY?!? I had a girl pull me around a club once talking my ear off, she followed me on instagram but never even let me follow her back
Why do japanese men run people down?? And why do they glare at people walking on the wrong side WHILE WALKING ON THE WRONG SIDE?!? Old people too. Why old people always on the wrong damn side - no so sure they but they turn their entire body to watch you go by just to make sure you know theyre watching you.
Like whatever. Asshole old people. Theyre the same globally i think.
But fuck these middle aged japanese men using all the strength in their body to plow people down as they walk. And push througj crowds. Oh was that your foot? Dont care. Im more important.
I already complained about the damn face masks. No one uses them when theyte coughing and hacking all over a crowd - pretty sure theyre just for people to hide their face at this point.
Put. On. Deoderant. Idc how many articles say japanese dont have bad smelling bo - theyre wrong. They do just like every other human.
Um. I guess homophobia is still rampent here? I didnt think so with how all celebrities cross dress at some point in their career but i saw the harajuku ojiisan and walking he parted the overly crowded takeshita street like moses in the red sea. People acted like he was a plague. Not to mention the comments i heard while at school about boys in dresses in general.
I watched one of my teachers limp around for the past three weeks.... and another with a hurt back for a week... they both just have pain killers - meaning the first ones problem shouldnt be so bad that hes limping for 3 weeks+ and he shouldnt be in so much pain. Either the doctor missed something which they shouldnt?! They take xrays? You only get 4 days of medicine before having to return? So the doc should really see that its more serious????? Also. Why is he in pain before his painkiller wears off. Why is japanese medicine SO WEAK?? and why are they still taking guesses at problems when they force xrays for things as simple as a cough
K ive fallen prey to this one cause the clothes are just really cute... but but but lol how come the same clothes are sold in like every store - meaning everyones wearing a slightly different variation of the same clothes. At least young people. Talk about a fashion in fashion out city.
This one isnt at japan for japans sake but. America. Ameica why. Why did i grow up in school for 12 years being told that my school system not only sucks - but that it was easy and we were little bitches for complaining and being stressed out. Laughed at and taunted being told that japanese schools were so far ahead of us. So much smarter. They go to school 6 days a week! Those hardworking japanese!
At least in the school i worked in
1) they dont get hw. American teachers were always all “you need two hours of he a night” but like... 7 teachers said and beleived that
2) they dont have to pay attention. Teachers ignore them not doing work in class - in America that can gets you kicked out of clas
3) they can clown around and disrupt class. In america - to the principals office
4) they have SO MANY EVENTS. Theyre like never in class. We could count our events in america - they were far and few between snd our teachers raged about the missed time and made us learn the shit we missed at home on our own time.
5) they move through material slow. Its fine and all but damn america - making us feel stupid for years when we had new material introduced every week at least and have legit tests every other week
6) they get answer keys to their study books... imagine. Having. An answer. Key??? Before college?? Like🤯 no thats just for the teachers.
7) idk what they do in japanese class but my teacher told me our method of reading a book, analyzing it, and writing a paper for english - is their college level japanese. We start that in elementaryyy schooll - as book reports - in addition to our grammar studies.
8) they come to school on saturday to play sports and then go to some cram school their parent pays for which i cant imagine is too different from what they do at school.
Okok school is stressful and annoying everywhere. And i dont think id be so salty having watched that IFF my school was legit called stupid on a weekly basis while being compared to japanese schools
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
16 Situations All 30 -Somethings Should Stop Apologizing For This Year
If you were to ask me for an educated guess on the number of hours I said a mindless Im sorry in 2015, youd better have a technical calculator and some time to kill.
I failed way somewhere around 3 am on New Years Day.( Although odds are, the majority of members of those were justified .)
Apologies are like burps for me.
Unless you stymie my nostrils and cover my opening, they will operate out with foolhardy abandon.
Im sorry, I complain as I mine around for $0.86 in my purse, trying to avoid separating a $10 greenback for Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.
My palms are sweating, my hands are shaking and pennies are running everywhere.
I eventually succumb to handing over the $10, as to not inconvenience the convenience store clerk any longer.
Im sorry, this pitchers out of whole milk. Would you knowledge refilling it? I ask the Starbucks barista timidly, like Ive been hanging out at the self-service counter and guzzling it dry all day.
Excuse me, Im sorry, I squeak, trying to remove myself from the woman who is using the side of my figure to prop up her newspaper.
I’m sorry I wasnt able to morph into a better coffee table for her morning commute.
Apologies are the umm of our generation.
They are half-thought out space-fillers in gossips we dont feel like having.
Whether theyre genuine and justified in an attempt to avoid conflict or a simple way to wrap up a social interaction, Im sure weve all apologized a lot during the past year.
Well, its is high time to put your hoof down.
We shouldnt feel pressured to rush, settle or step aside for people who cant look up from their smartphones.
There will be no more cramming ourselves into the figurative or physicalspaces other parties have created for us.
Hell, if guzzling whole milk from a pitcher goes us going in the morning, makes not apologize for that either.
In any case, heres a register of 16 circumstances 30 -somethings should definitely stop rationalizing for in 2016 TAGEND
1. RSVPing No
You shouldnt have to justify not listening things.
We all have a lot on our plates.
If you find yourself panicked about driving two hours to a newborn rain on your only day off, stay home.
Send a check, going to go to bottom and take care of your own baby.
Ive spent times flowing myself ragged over happenings that suck time out of my weekend and coin out of my wallet.
Then, it ultimately dawned on me: Nothing who matters is deterring score.
It might sound harsh, but if we all stopped regarding each other to so many obligations, perhaps wed actually have time to connect.
2. Your Wardrobe
Your adolescence, teenage years and those scantily-clad eras of college are spent garmenting to impress everyone but yourself.
As you get older, wear what becomes you comfortable.
Dress for your figure. Dress for the occasion.
If you need bikini summaries that come up past your belly button to feel good on vacation, fasten those bloomers on and never look back.
I like to wear jeans, TOMS and solid-colored shirts every day of my life.
Guess what? Im a joyous little hipster.
3. Your Face
One of my favorite positions on this topic comes from Annette Bening in the movie The Women.
A department store salesman tries to sell her a “facelift in a bottle.”
She appears him squarely in the eye and acknowledgments, This is my face. Deal with it.
It seems everyone is peddling some make that promises to cringe your holes, get rid of your wrinkles, medicine your acne, prolong your lashes or vaporize your crow’s feet.
You shouldnt apologize for buying right into it( coughing) or slamming it down.
If you want to constitute your own vanishing cream out of avocados and egg whites, I think you’re squandering a perfectly good frittata.
But let me know if it works.
If youd rather expended $99 on 1 ounce of infomercial attention cream, write me.
I can provide you with the details.
4. Your Social Media Presence
Whether you post 20 times per day or have fallen entirely off the radar, theres no right or wrong way to do this stuff.
If youre paying that much attention to what others are doing on the Internet, youre clearly sitting on the Internet too much yourself.
5. Not Being In The Same Mental Space As Your Friends
Its tough, but we thrive apart.
If theres a shrinking roster of things you have in common with even the oldest of your best friend, its nothing to overcome yourself up over.
Some has the potential to are in conformity with very different places in their lives.
Your 30 s are a transitional age for everyone involved.
People are carving out the lives they picture for themselves, and were all walking around as different sculptors.
Some of us are a little more Donatello, while some are more Michelangelo.
The good substance ever bubbles back to the surface with a true sidekick, even if youre not currently jiving the route you used to.
6. Your Living Quarters
Owning property should no longer be the criteria by which we appraise our success.
You shouldn’t have to go into indebtednes to keep up.
If youre still living with a roommate, sibling, futon or even on a sofa, then who cares?
A living arrangement doesnt “ve got to be” permanent or pristine.
If you boomeranged back to your parents after a unpleasant breakup, so be it.
Its okay to declare youre unsure of your next stair, and youre not going to bank on circumstances until you are.
7. The Fact You Like To Move Dancing
This is more of a metaphor than anything.( Although, I do enjoy shaking my posterior plumage from time to day .)
You shouldnt apologize for wanting to dance out your demons.
Whether its in your living room, at a Zumba class, on a table or in a ballroom, rotate, baby.
8. Your Relationship Status
Theres something to be said for the latitude between RSVPing “no” and your relationship status.
But perhaps, youre simply over some crazy uncle asking why your boyfriend from six years ago isnt there.
Single, separated, divorced, rebuffed, cheating, happy, hopeful, lesbian or straight-shooting, you dont owe Uncle Frank an explanation.
9. Your Diet And Fitness Regimen( Or Lack Thereof)
While I ever prefer an unruly slew of nachos to a kale salad or protein shake, you gotta do what you gotta do.
This is another thing parties seem to like to peddle.
Whether youre training for triathlons, juicing the contents of your kitchen or house Cheeto strongholds in your living room, its your body.
Nobody has to occupy it but you.
Just try not to be too righteous about it.
Im not going to apologize for ingesting a cheeseburger any more than a staunch vegetarian might apologize for posting photographs of flax seeds all day.
10. How You Deduce Your Income
Money constitutes “the worlds” go round.
Whether you have a career youre passionate about, one youre lukewarm about or three part-time responsibilities strung together, its nobodys business how you compensate your bills.
11. The Fact You’re Turning Into Your Parents
This has been an interesting one to watch unfold.
Try as you might, its going to happen.
Theres no expend rationalizing for it because you never accepted a chance.
All those concepts you rolled your eyes at from the back seat of the Dodge station wagon?
Theyre winging right out of your mouth now.
I like to yell, Im not made of money! at my “cat-o-nine-tail” when we’re on our route home from the vet.
12. Being A Slug
If the pizza delivery guy would come instantly to my bedroom window, Id let my bathrobe belt down for him like Rapunzel let down her hair.
Bed pizza is a real and splendid thing.
Dont apologize for being a gross, lazy stinker sometimes.
The only way to reflect brightly in public is by wasting away in your own slothfulness behind closed doors.
13. Your Travel Style
Some beings operate first class and is necessary to stay in five-star hotels.
Others couch surf, hostel hop-skip or carry their adaptations on their backs.
Seeing the world is admirable , no matter how you make it happen.
You know Jay and Bey arent apologizing for yachting all over the French Riviera, so why should I apologize for getting bedbugs in Belize?
14. Your Voice
One of the most common concepts I apologize for is talking too loudly.
Others say sorry for not being heard.
Some people stutter and others have lisps.
There are the raspy express and the plainly high-pitched voices.
You can limit your articulation to a certain degree, but why bother?
Speak up, whisper, bellow, sigh, laugh, sing, squeal and clear your throat.
Just dont whistle. Nothing likes a whistler.
Definitely dont shush anyone; a shush is a personal attack.
15. Your Opinion
Granted, there is a period and a plaza, but how will anyone know how you feel if you dont speak up?
It’s worseif you apologize for doing so.
If done correctly and not for the sake of idle gossip, giving your opinion can become you into an opinion leader.
Thats a pretty good bench to be in.
If you opine in a systematically constructive way, parties will start to look to you for wisdom.
Thats a great route to positively influence the lives of others.
16. Your Truth
Whatever it is and however you find it, dont apologize for it once you do.
Dont apologize for how long it takes you, either.
If youve been hiding your truth in a lie youre finally free from, welcome back.
Step right in. The waters warm.
Its taken a lot of justifications, conformities and f* ckups to get us to this third decade of our existence.
So, lets take what weve learned and bask in that splendid wisdom of the ages.
We sort of earned it.
Grab your chisel( or your pepperoni pizza) and start carving out what works for you.
Stop apologizing for the pebbles that get left behind.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
16 Situations All 30 -Somethings Should Stop Apologizing For This Year
If you were to ask me for an educated guess on the number of hours I said a mindless Im sorry in 2015, youd better have a technical calculator and some time to kill.
I failed way somewhere around 3 am on New Years Day.( Although odds are, the majority of members of those were justified .)
Apologies are like burps for me.
Unless you stymie my nostrils and cover my opening, they will operate out with foolhardy abandon.
Im sorry, I complain as I mine around for $0.86 in my purse, trying to avoid separating a $10 greenback for Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.
My palms are sweating, my hands are shaking and pennies are running everywhere.
I eventually succumb to handing over the $10, as to not inconvenience the convenience store clerk any longer.
Im sorry, this pitchers out of whole milk. Would you knowledge refilling it? I ask the Starbucks barista timidly, like Ive been hanging out at the self-service counter and guzzling it dry all day.
Excuse me, Im sorry, I squeak, trying to remove myself from the woman who is using the side of my figure to prop up her newspaper.
I’m sorry I wasnt able to morph into a better coffee table for her morning commute.
Apologies are the umm of our generation.
They are half-thought out space-fillers in gossips we dont feel like having.
Whether theyre genuine and justified in an attempt to avoid conflict or a simple way to wrap up a social interaction, Im sure weve all apologized a lot during the past year.
Well, its is high time to put your hoof down.
We shouldnt feel pressured to rush, settle or step aside for people who cant look up from their smartphones.
There will be no more cramming ourselves into the figurative or physicalspaces other parties have created for us.
Hell, if guzzling whole milk from a pitcher goes us going in the morning, makes not apologize for that either.
In any case, heres a register of 16 circumstances 30 -somethings should definitely stop rationalizing for in 2016 TAGEND
1. RSVPing No
You shouldnt have to justify not listening things.
We all have a lot on our plates.
If you find yourself panicked about driving two hours to a newborn rain on your only day off, stay home.
Send a check, going to go to bottom and take care of your own baby.
Ive spent times flowing myself ragged over happenings that suck time out of my weekend and coin out of my wallet.
Then, it ultimately dawned on me: Nothing who matters is deterring score.
It might sound harsh, but if we all stopped regarding each other to so many obligations, perhaps wed actually have time to connect.
2. Your Wardrobe
Your adolescence, teenage years and those scantily-clad eras of college are spent garmenting to impress everyone but yourself.
As you get older, wear what becomes you comfortable.
Dress for your figure. Dress for the occasion.
If you need bikini summaries that come up past your belly button to feel good on vacation, fasten those bloomers on and never look back.
I like to wear jeans, TOMS and solid-colored shirts every day of my life.
Guess what? Im a joyous little hipster.
3. Your Face
One of my favorite positions on this topic comes from Annette Bening in the movie The Women.
A department store salesman tries to sell her a “facelift in a bottle.”
She appears him squarely in the eye and acknowledgments, This is my face. Deal with it.
It seems everyone is peddling some make that promises to cringe your holes, get rid of your wrinkles, medicine your acne, prolong your lashes or vaporize your crow’s feet.
You shouldnt apologize for buying right into it( coughing) or slamming it down.
If you want to constitute your own vanishing cream out of avocados and egg whites, I think you’re squandering a perfectly good frittata.
But let me know if it works.
If youd rather expended $99 on 1 ounce of infomercial attention cream, write me.
I can provide you with the details.
4. Your Social Media Presence
Whether you post 20 times per day or have fallen entirely off the radar, theres no right or wrong way to do this stuff.
If youre paying that much attention to what others are doing on the Internet, youre clearly sitting on the Internet too much yourself.
5. Not Being In The Same Mental Space As Your Friends
Its tough, but we thrive apart.
If theres a shrinking roster of things you have in common with even the oldest of your best friend, its nothing to overcome yourself up over.
Some has the potential to are in conformity with very different places in their lives.
Your 30 s are a transitional age for everyone involved.
People are carving out the lives they picture for themselves, and were all walking around as different sculptors.
Some of us are a little more Donatello, while some are more Michelangelo.
The good substance ever bubbles back to the surface with a true sidekick, even if youre not currently jiving the route you used to.
6. Your Living Quarters
Owning property should no longer be the criteria by which we appraise our success.
You shouldn’t have to go into indebtednes to keep up.
If youre still living with a roommate, sibling, futon or even on a sofa, then who cares?
A living arrangement doesnt “ve got to be” permanent or pristine.
If you boomeranged back to your parents after a unpleasant breakup, so be it.
Its okay to declare youre unsure of your next stair, and youre not going to bank on circumstances until you are.
7. The Fact You Like To Move Dancing
This is more of a metaphor than anything.( Although, I do enjoy shaking my posterior plumage from time to day .)
You shouldnt apologize for wanting to dance out your demons.
Whether its in your living room, at a Zumba class, on a table or in a ballroom, rotate, baby.
8. Your Relationship Status
Theres something to be said for the latitude between RSVPing “no” and your relationship status.
But perhaps, youre simply over some crazy uncle asking why your boyfriend from six years ago isnt there.
Single, separated, divorced, rebuffed, cheating, happy, hopeful, lesbian or straight-shooting, you dont owe Uncle Frank an explanation.
9. Your Diet And Fitness Regimen( Or Lack Thereof)
While I ever prefer an unruly slew of nachos to a kale salad or protein shake, you gotta do what you gotta do.
This is another thing parties seem to like to peddle.
Whether youre training for triathlons, juicing the contents of your kitchen or house Cheeto strongholds in your living room, its your body.
Nobody has to occupy it but you.
Just try not to be too righteous about it.
Im not going to apologize for ingesting a cheeseburger any more than a staunch vegetarian might apologize for posting photographs of flax seeds all day.
10. How You Deduce Your Income
Money constitutes “the worlds” go round.
Whether you have a career youre passionate about, one youre lukewarm about or three part-time responsibilities strung together, its nobodys business how you compensate your bills.
11. The Fact You’re Turning Into Your Parents
This has been an interesting one to watch unfold.
Try as you might, its going to happen.
Theres no expend rationalizing for it because you never accepted a chance.
All those concepts you rolled your eyes at from the back seat of the Dodge station wagon?
Theyre winging right out of your mouth now.
I like to yell, Im not made of money! at my “cat-o-nine-tail” when we’re on our route home from the vet.
12. Being A Slug
If the pizza delivery guy would come instantly to my bedroom window, Id let my bathrobe belt down for him like Rapunzel let down her hair.
Bed pizza is a real and splendid thing.
Dont apologize for being a gross, lazy stinker sometimes.
The only way to reflect brightly in public is by wasting away in your own slothfulness behind closed doors.
13. Your Travel Style
Some beings operate first class and is necessary to stay in five-star hotels.
Others couch surf, hostel hop-skip or carry their adaptations on their backs.
Seeing the world is admirable , no matter how you make it happen.
You know Jay and Bey arent apologizing for yachting all over the French Riviera, so why should I apologize for getting bedbugs in Belize?
14. Your Voice
One of the most common concepts I apologize for is talking too loudly.
Others say sorry for not being heard.
Some people stutter and others have lisps.
There are the raspy express and the plainly high-pitched voices.
You can limit your articulation to a certain degree, but why bother?
Speak up, whisper, bellow, sigh, laugh, sing, squeal and clear your throat.
Just dont whistle. Nothing likes a whistler.
Definitely dont shush anyone; a shush is a personal attack.
15. Your Opinion
Granted, there is a period and a plaza, but how will anyone know how you feel if you dont speak up?
It’s worseif you apologize for doing so.
If done correctly and not for the sake of idle gossip, giving your opinion can become you into an opinion leader.
Thats a pretty good bench to be in.
If you opine in a systematically constructive way, parties will start to look to you for wisdom.
Thats a great route to positively influence the lives of others.
16. Your Truth
Whatever it is and however you find it, dont apologize for it once you do.
Dont apologize for how long it takes you, either.
If youve been hiding your truth in a lie youre finally free from, welcome back.
Step right in. The waters warm.
Its taken a lot of justifications, conformities and f* ckups to get us to this third decade of our existence.
So, lets take what weve learned and bask in that splendid wisdom of the ages.
We sort of earned it.
Grab your chisel( or your pepperoni pizza) and start carving out what works for you.
Stop apologizing for the pebbles that get left behind.
The post 16 Situations All 30 -Somethings Should Stop Apologizing For This Year appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
16 Situations All 30 -Somethings Should Stop Apologizing For This Year
If you were to ask me for an educated guess on the number of hours I said a mindless Im sorry in 2015, youd better have a technical calculator and some time to kill.
I failed way somewhere around 3 am on New Years Day.( Although odds are, the majority of members of those were justified .)
Apologies are like burps for me.
Unless you stymie my nostrils and cover my opening, they will operate out with foolhardy abandon.
Im sorry, I complain as I mine around for $0.86 in my purse, trying to avoid separating a $10 greenback for Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.
My palms are sweating, my hands are shaking and pennies are running everywhere.
I eventually succumb to handing over the $10, as to not inconvenience the convenience store clerk any longer.
Im sorry, this pitchers out of whole milk. Would you knowledge refilling it? I ask the Starbucks barista timidly, like Ive been hanging out at the self-service counter and guzzling it dry all day.
Excuse me, Im sorry, I squeak, trying to remove myself from the woman who is using the side of my figure to prop up her newspaper.
I’m sorry I wasnt able to morph into a better coffee table for her morning commute.
Apologies are the umm of our generation.
They are half-thought out space-fillers in gossips we dont feel like having.
Whether theyre genuine and justified in an attempt to avoid conflict or a simple way to wrap up a social interaction, Im sure weve all apologized a lot during the past year.
Well, its is high time to put your hoof down.
We shouldnt feel pressured to rush, settle or step aside for people who cant look up from their smartphones.
There will be no more cramming ourselves into the figurative or physicalspaces other parties have created for us.
Hell, if guzzling whole milk from a pitcher goes us going in the morning, makes not apologize for that either.
In any case, heres a register of 16 circumstances 30 -somethings should definitely stop rationalizing for in 2016 TAGEND
1. RSVPing No
You shouldnt have to justify not listening things.
We all have a lot on our plates.
If you find yourself panicked about driving two hours to a newborn rain on your only day off, stay home.
Send a check, going to go to bottom and take care of your own baby.
Ive spent times flowing myself ragged over happenings that suck time out of my weekend and coin out of my wallet.
Then, it ultimately dawned on me: Nothing who matters is deterring score.
It might sound harsh, but if we all stopped regarding each other to so many obligations, perhaps wed actually have time to connect.
2. Your Wardrobe
Your adolescence, teenage years and those scantily-clad eras of college are spent garmenting to impress everyone but yourself.
As you get older, wear what becomes you comfortable.
Dress for your figure. Dress for the occasion.
If you need bikini summaries that come up past your belly button to feel good on vacation, fasten those bloomers on and never look back.
I like to wear jeans, TOMS and solid-colored shirts every day of my life.
Guess what? Im a joyous little hipster.
3. Your Face
One of my favorite positions on this topic comes from Annette Bening in the movie The Women.
A department store salesman tries to sell her a “facelift in a bottle.”
She appears him squarely in the eye and acknowledgments, This is my face. Deal with it.
It seems everyone is peddling some make that promises to cringe your holes, get rid of your wrinkles, medicine your acne, prolong your lashes or vaporize your crow’s feet.
You shouldnt apologize for buying right into it( coughing) or slamming it down.
If you want to constitute your own vanishing cream out of avocados and egg whites, I think you’re squandering a perfectly good frittata.
But let me know if it works.
If youd rather expended $99 on 1 ounce of infomercial attention cream, write me.
I can provide you with the details.
4. Your Social Media Presence
Whether you post 20 times per day or have fallen entirely off the radar, theres no right or wrong way to do this stuff.
If youre paying that much attention to what others are doing on the Internet, youre clearly sitting on the Internet too much yourself.
5. Not Being In The Same Mental Space As Your Friends
Its tough, but we thrive apart.
If theres a shrinking roster of things you have in common with even the oldest of your best friend, its nothing to overcome yourself up over.
Some has the potential to are in conformity with very different places in their lives.
Your 30 s are a transitional age for everyone involved.
People are carving out the lives they picture for themselves, and were all walking around as different sculptors.
Some of us are a little more Donatello, while some are more Michelangelo.
The good substance ever bubbles back to the surface with a true sidekick, even if youre not currently jiving the route you used to.
6. Your Living Quarters
Owning property should no longer be the criteria by which we appraise our success.
You shouldn’t have to go into indebtednes to keep up.
If youre still living with a roommate, sibling, futon or even on a sofa, then who cares?
A living arrangement doesnt “ve got to be” permanent or pristine.
If you boomeranged back to your parents after a unpleasant breakup, so be it.
Its okay to declare youre unsure of your next stair, and youre not going to bank on circumstances until you are.
7. The Fact You Like To Move Dancing
This is more of a metaphor than anything.( Although, I do enjoy shaking my posterior plumage from time to day .)
You shouldnt apologize for wanting to dance out your demons.
Whether its in your living room, at a Zumba class, on a table or in a ballroom, rotate, baby.
8. Your Relationship Status
Theres something to be said for the latitude between RSVPing “no” and your relationship status.
But perhaps, youre simply over some crazy uncle asking why your boyfriend from six years ago isnt there.
Single, separated, divorced, rebuffed, cheating, happy, hopeful, lesbian or straight-shooting, you dont owe Uncle Frank an explanation.
9. Your Diet And Fitness Regimen( Or Lack Thereof)
While I ever prefer an unruly slew of nachos to a kale salad or protein shake, you gotta do what you gotta do.
This is another thing parties seem to like to peddle.
Whether youre training for triathlons, juicing the contents of your kitchen or house Cheeto strongholds in your living room, its your body.
Nobody has to occupy it but you.
Just try not to be too righteous about it.
Im not going to apologize for ingesting a cheeseburger any more than a staunch vegetarian might apologize for posting photographs of flax seeds all day.
10. How You Deduce Your Income
Money constitutes “the worlds” go round.
Whether you have a career youre passionate about, one youre lukewarm about or three part-time responsibilities strung together, its nobodys business how you compensate your bills.
11. The Fact You’re Turning Into Your Parents
This has been an interesting one to watch unfold.
Try as you might, its going to happen.
Theres no expend rationalizing for it because you never accepted a chance.
All those concepts you rolled your eyes at from the back seat of the Dodge station wagon?
Theyre winging right out of your mouth now.
I like to yell, Im not made of money! at my “cat-o-nine-tail” when we’re on our route home from the vet.
12. Being A Slug
If the pizza delivery guy would come instantly to my bedroom window, Id let my bathrobe belt down for him like Rapunzel let down her hair.
Bed pizza is a real and splendid thing.
Dont apologize for being a gross, lazy stinker sometimes.
The only way to reflect brightly in public is by wasting away in your own slothfulness behind closed doors.
13. Your Travel Style
Some beings operate first class and is necessary to stay in five-star hotels.
Others couch surf, hostel hop-skip or carry their adaptations on their backs.
Seeing the world is admirable , no matter how you make it happen.
You know Jay and Bey arent apologizing for yachting all over the French Riviera, so why should I apologize for getting bedbugs in Belize?
14. Your Voice
One of the most common concepts I apologize for is talking too loudly.
Others say sorry for not being heard.
Some people stutter and others have lisps.
There are the raspy express and the plainly high-pitched voices.
You can limit your articulation to a certain degree, but why bother?
Speak up, whisper, bellow, sigh, laugh, sing, squeal and clear your throat.
Just dont whistle. Nothing likes a whistler.
Definitely dont shush anyone; a shush is a personal attack.
15. Your Opinion
Granted, there is a period and a plaza, but how will anyone know how you feel if you dont speak up?
It’s worseif you apologize for doing so.
If done correctly and not for the sake of idle gossip, giving your opinion can become you into an opinion leader.
Thats a pretty good bench to be in.
If you opine in a systematically constructive way, parties will start to look to you for wisdom.
Thats a great route to positively influence the lives of others.
16. Your Truth
Whatever it is and however you find it, dont apologize for it once you do.
Dont apologize for how long it takes you, either.
If youve been hiding your truth in a lie youre finally free from, welcome back.
Step right in. The waters warm.
Its taken a lot of justifications, conformities and f* ckups to get us to this third decade of our existence.
So, lets take what weve learned and bask in that splendid wisdom of the ages.
We sort of earned it.
Grab your chisel( or your pepperoni pizza) and start carving out what works for you.
Stop apologizing for the pebbles that get left behind.
The post 16 Situations All 30 -Somethings Should Stop Apologizing For This Year appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2CLgXXo via IFTTT
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