#and also it’s just a sensitivity analysis with recommendations for future directions it’s not like we can get scooped it’s not an open
Clocking in at 4200 words and 30 pages with figures and formatting stuff…….but really all that is done is the introduction and part I, which to be fair is the beefiest parts bc they have the most data and the most references and the most complicated method and discussion. Tomorrow I need to verify my math, rerun some simulations, look at the results, and then lock in and finish this. We are entering approximately 48 hours til it’s due but there’s a tiny bit of wiggle room………. I believe it can get finished . Presentation isn’t until a week from Wednesday so I’m taking a couple days off thesis stuff then making that. I also need to submit an embargo request cuz I don’t actually know who has the rights to all this data LOL. Mostly I’m just worried about journals requiring first dibs and not wanting it to be released anywhere else first bc some do that and we are trying to publish part I.
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dnvrsblog21 · 3 years
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Hey there! Welcome to my first ever TECHNOPRENEURSHIP BLOG. By the way my name is Denver R. Salvo, 21 years of age and currently studying at University of Science & Technology (USTP) taking the course of B.S. Computer Engineering and living in City of Golden Friendship, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. I'm a bona fide and determined of what I love doing ever since, well in fact I've been performing all great with optimistic mindset. Just keep in touch will talk further more about myself!
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I have taken the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Test and the result was quite fascinating for it depicts of how I think most of the time and the type is called as Turbulent Architect and type this is known for being one of the rarest personal types. The Turbulent Architects has the result code of INTJ-T wherein this letters are type code that refers to my five dominant traits which are: Introverted (I), Intuitive (N), Thinking (T), Judging (J), Turbulent (T). Having these traits are being identified to be rational and quick-witted. Furthermore, we Architects believe that, through willpower and intelligence, we can achieve even the most challenging of goals.
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Another result after taking the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Test is being identified as Analysts for its role. This role portrays the personality traits and is often known for the love of rationality. It is because these people tend to make decisions with their heads rather than their hearts since they have the Thinking attribute. Analysts, on the other hand, are not machines. Their Intuitive personality feature energizes their minds, assisting them in devising innovative ways and inspiring them to go further into things - whether it's an intellectual pursuit, a new hobby, or even a crazy scheme or thought experiment. Analyst people have a strong desire to learn and create. They may easily move from speculative thinking to tactical problem-solving. These broad abilities must, of course, be polished and, when appropriate, they must lead to action. Analysts' active thoughts, on the other hand, can give them a false impression of accomplishment.
The image below shows my statistical results from MBTI Test which determines my overall personality:
65% for being mostly Introverted Mind of how I react to my environment that prefer solitary activities and get exhausted by too much social interaction also tend to be quite sensitive to external stimulation.
69% for having mostly Intuitive Energy of how I direct my energy, which is very imaginative, open-minded and curious as well as prefer novelty over stability and focus on hidden meanings and future possibilities.
54% for having a nature of relying in Thinking rather than emotion wherein it focus on objectivity and rationality, prioritizing logic over emotions.
65% for having the tactics of Judging that reflects my approach to work, planning and decision-making which is decisive, thorough and highly organized.
54% for being Turbulent identity trait that underpins all others, showing how confident we are in our abilities and decisions also are self-conscious and sensitive to stress.
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Lastly from the result of my MBTI Test which is the strategy that depicts the outcome for having a Constant Improvement. This type of strategy is being shared with Introverted and Turbulent and identified to be sensitive and introspective individuals. I'm also often prefer to enjoy my own space and freedom. In general, these personality types feel more at ease on their own than when confronted with the realities of life. This could be due to the fact that we share the two personality traits that are most representative of environmental sensitivity – Introversion and Turbulence. As a result, dealing with tense environments or new situations may be stressful for us. In these moments, Constant Improvers like me can be deeply uncomfortable although we may not want to let on how we really feel. In reaction, these personalities might retreat inward, react defensively, or try to escape the situation altogether. Alternatively, they may forego their on our own desires or needs in order to maintain the peace.
Here's a link for you to try and access MBTI test for free:
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I have also taken the Berkeley Innovation Index (BII) Test which provides granular insights into business culture, enhance operational focus, and assure the greatest possible match between an individual’s aptitudes and dispositions and the demands of the organization.
For the results of my innovation mindset evaluation test the I have gotten 75.87 out of 100 which we can foresee in the first glance that my results really needs to cope up furthermore and there is always a room for improvement and betterment. Yet, this is just a beginning for another opportunity to be grabbed.
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As per result from the BII test I will just briefly explain the relevant facts out of it for it provides many component for innovation. As you can see the data shows that I have higher scores for the component of Innovation zone, Comfort zone, Belief this is maybe because I'm highly open and interested for innovation and also being adaptive to its growth that is considerably a part of my comfort zone. Whereas for my Belief I'm being capable of my own ideas to influence others and strive more to excel further.
In other hand I'm having a lowest score for the Trust which is a bit crucial for me since I know that I'm having a bit issue upon trusting anyone immediately for I wanted to know if a person is genuinely communicating with me. Also, if base to base cases I like to have a solid evidence of what a person tells about before I fully trust someone.
Here link for you to try and access BII test for free:
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fayewonglibrary · 4 years
Faye Wong's metamorphosis (2002)
When discussing singers, we always immediately think of their representative songs, their singing style, and their status. These points are not only determined by the direction chosen by the record company but also by the singer's own conditions.
But when Faye Wong is mentioned, I want to make a more appropriate analysis of her.  It is difficult to find only one or two words that can summarize Faye Wong. From Wang Jingwen to Faye Wong, with the return of individuality and independence, coupled with the combination of traditional and avant-garde music, Faye Wong today has been forged and Faye Wong today is still changing.
It is rumored that next year’s new album will be a “concept" album. When it comes to concept albums, I can't help but be reminded of "Fuzao" which was met with mixed reviews at the time but now it is considered as Faye Wong's classic. For fans, the acceptance of different music concepts requires a process. To this day, many people still cannot accept such an alternative Faye Wong. For this reason, ever since "Fuzao", Faye Wong's fans have split into two groups. One group strongly supports the "Sky" album and was delighted to hear Faye Wong perform songs such as "Red Bean". The other group advocated "Fuzao" and were brought to tears by "Fable". Zhang Yadong once said that it is difficult to produce an album for Faye Wong because there are too many surface issues to take care of. Because of this, "Fable" had to treat the first five songs as a unit and then include "Love Letter to Myself" which is like adding on to a delicacy made by a gourmet chef. Some people like the main dish and some like the side dish.
Simply, every evolution of Faye Wong can be regarded as a swing between mainstream and alternative, which is also in line with the law of circular development. With each reincarnation, Faye Wong obtains the maturity of a metamorphosis by becoming more refined and more atmospheric. Faye Wong is a comprehensive contradiction. And it is Faye Wong's natural sound quality, extraordinary singing skills and amazing music comprehension that dominates all of this, all of which are important, winning Faye Wong the right to freedom in the music kingdom.
Under Faye Wong's near-perfect vocal control, her excellent singing skills are like a martial arts master in Jin Yong's writings. He doesn't need to raise his breath or adjust his breath, and his smile is invisible. This is why so many people like Faye Wong's songs. Because they will feel a kind of heartfelt shock. Faye Wong's gentle sighing can touch the most sensitive nerve in the listener's heart. Some netizens describe Faye Wong's singing as "natural without decoration". 
There have been too many comments about Faye Wong’s growth in music. Here I just want to highlight a few songs representing Faye Wong's different musical styles.   
1. "Faye’s Rouge":  R&B Faye Wong. R&B is not a new genre of music in foreign countries, but in the Hong Kong and Taiwan music industries at that time, it was undoubtedly the beginning of the trend. Today, R&B is about body language and a way for many singers to move their hips to a strong rhythm. It was refreshing to experience Faye Wong's style of R&B. It is worth recommending the chorus of this song.
2. "I’m Willing": Affectionate Faye Wong.  I always believed that the simplest orchestration is actually the most suitable for Faye Wong. With a simple orchestration, Faye Wong’s subtle and affectionate lethality is fully utilized. Faye Wong’s voice is naturally suitable for performing songs like "I'm Willing" and "Reserved". The simplicity and transparent sound quality make it easy to grasp a hold of people's fragile emotions. Similar songs include "Devotion",  “I Only Want to Keep A Promise to You”, and so on.   
3, "Exit": Rap-style Faye Wong. In the “Please Myself” album, Faye Wong's future music path was revealed. But the rap style was never revisited, so  "Exit" is a rarity in Faye Wong's albums. In 1994, at that time, it might have been odd to hear rap style songs, but it is popular now.
4. "Sky": Undoubtedly the classic, ethereal model, mainstream masterpiece of Faye Wong. A nearly perfect song that takes full advantage of Faye Wong's tone and breath control. The sound engineer must have had a fever. Some musicians have commented on Faye Wong's "long breath" and this song is an example.  Speaking of the use of breath, I cannot fail to mention the song “Miss You Night and Day" which was released earlier than "Sky”. I don’t know if you have heard the live version. The ending note of the word “you" is inhuman, it’s almost beyond human ability. And furthermore, Faye Wong changes the key midway. Please note - try it yourself and you will know how difficult it is.  I have always had a question about Faye Wong’s album production for the past two years. Why didn’t they use Faye Wong’s long-lasting breath strengths when choosing songs? It can only be heard in "Fly" in 1998 and "New Tenant" in 2000.   
5. "Fracture": Psychedelic Faye Wong. Faye Wong’s proficiency in the use of breath makes her very familiar with the performance of such genres. I personally think that Faye Wong’s psychedelic style began with the "Mystery” album which had a touch of psychedelic color. As for "Fracture", although the lyrics are amazing, the expression of the song is also profound. This song is actually a very difficult song because the singing is extremely important and it cannot be too fast or too slow. To sing the lyrics indifferently, but also let the listener enjoy it, Faye Wong achieved it. 
6. "Anesthesia":  Decadent Faye Wong.  Faye Wong's 1997 album was filled with decadence, from makeup to song selection. "Anesthesia" is undoubtedly a classic of decadent style. From then on, we will hear a languid detachment in Faye Wong’s singing from time to time. This may be related to the singer’s mood and feelings for Dou Wei at that time. Having fallen into a state of stalemate of not advancing or retreating, the singer's helplessness is subtly revealed through her singing. This decadence and languidness reached its peak with "Can’t Wake Up" in 1998.   
7, "Bored":  Rock and roll Faye Wong . Faye Wong's rock style is a kind of soft rock without deafening heavy metal. But she uses a rock voice to interpret a kind of doubt and rebellion. "You're Happy, So I'm Happy" on the same album is also the embodiment of rock style. "Wings of Light" in 2001 was more of a punk style.
8. "Red Bean":  Rational Faye Wong. In the middle stage of her career, Faye Wong's expression of love songs was obviously very different from her early days. It went from affectionate to rational. Whether it was "I Don't Want To Be Like This Either", "Mortal World", "Red Bean" or "The Moon at that Moment", you couldn’t find this feeling in her early days. Faye Wong's early interpretation of love songs was a very pure, very true infatuation. It was replaced by a touch of heartbreak and rationality. If Faye Wong’s early love songs were expressing girlish feelings, then Faye Wong at this time had undoubtedly experienced emotional ups and downs and lamented fate. She had not given up on love and she had a rational attitude towards these feelings, but she was not without complexity. In her singing method, Faye Wong began to use the stagnant sound in her throat, which was obviously disappointing for those who appreciated Faye Wong’s pure sound quality. However, songs like "Red Bean" can no longer be performed in the original way. When Faye Wong always lost some people, she gained the love of others. The record company did not intend to plug "Red Bean" but because the fans on the Internet responded strongly, the company made a temporary MV and it immediately became a hit song.   
9. "Cambrian Era": Elegant Faye Wong. Faye Wong's music style is actually traceable. When she makes a certain style of album, look back on her previous album and you will find the shadow of this style. In "Sing and Play", Faye Wong began to play with the opera genre on “Face”, which attracted attention. After laying the groundwork, "Fable" began to brew. Faye Wong sang pop music with an operatic vocal method. Such an attempt was not only a great challenge to the singer's singing skills, but she was also the only one in the Chinese music industry to attempt this. You can find the fusion of classical and pop music abroad, usually in the form of duets. For example, Celine Dion’s collaboration with Julio Iglesias achieved success. Faye Wong did it all by herself in "Face". In songs such as "Asura", Faye Wong started to try a direct fusion of two completely different styles of music. Faye Wong used her years of music skills to try to blur the boundaries between the two. This attempt is undoubtedly an attack on the standard. Of course, this will be criticized by some. But Faye Wong's courage and musical achievements will be cemented in the history of Chinese pop music. "Faye Wong 2001" seems to be a mainstream album, but it actually contains the latest achievements of Faye Wong's fusion of two forms of music.  “Wandering Red Dancing Shoes” is more like an exquisite opera story. Faye Wong 2001 is far more calm than the Faye Wong in "Fable", and has a more mature grasp on the song style. But for those who only listen to pop music, when listening to this song from a different angle, perhaps it is too artistic.   
10. "One Way Street": Faye Wong, the bard poet. Faye Wong has displayed excellent control over rhythm, intensity, and tone. From the early "Undercurrent" and "Cold War" to today's "One Way Street", Faye Wong has always embodied a kind of poetic feeling in many songs.  I have seen reports that Faye Wong is not very satisfied with the collaboration with Wu Bai. In fact, this is caused by the difference in music concept and style of the two artists. After listening to Wu Bai’s “The Person Who Weeps Bitterly" and "Wanderer’s Love Song", you will know that Wu Bai’s style is more focused on the direct expression of emotions and giving people a feeling of joy. Whereas Faye Wong is more restrained and more focused on the atmosphere of song expression and pays more attention to perception.  Therefore, if "One Way Street" was expressed by Wu Bai it may have been a heavy outburst of anger and rawness. But when interpreted by Faye Wong, it is calm and carefree.
When we explore Faye Wong’s music, we find the development and the growth process of Faye Wong’s mind. The latest Faye Wong is always the best because she has the enterprising spirit of continuously learning and integrating in her music. The media, the public, not to mention music fans, always anticipate her next album in advance. 
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sinkplier57 · 4 years
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Stowe Household Legislation Blog Site.
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We're a charity assistance network and advocate leading the fight to remove being homeless within Staffordshire and also bordering locations. If you would love to participate in either of these sessions please really feel guaranteed that our trained and expert personnel will certainly look after the health and wellbeing of both you and your kid. We continue to be completely functional however a number of our team continue to work remotely. Please make an appointment prior to going to at the workplace and to organize video clip conferencing or telephone conferences. According to the recommendations of the Federal government and Public Wellness England, we are shutting the doors to our office at 32 Friar Lane Leicester from Tuesday 5th January 2021. This will stay subject to evaluate and also dependent upon the circumstances. You need to be aged 13 years or older - if you're younger, ask somebody with parental obligation to send the feedback for you.
Can you refuse mediation?
Or they are the respondent, who is being lead unwittingly toward the court. By trying mediation, a couple has nothing to lose and everything to gain, starting with their self-respect. The answer of course, is yes, you can refuse.
This Plan Paper would ask the FLC whether any type of adjustments are needed to Sheriff Court Ordinary Cause Rule 33.22 to set that recommendations to arbitration ought to not occur when there has actually been domestic misuse. 11.06 ADR is not meant to replace going to courts in all situations, but it can have advantages over litigating. The major benefits are that it can be extra adaptable, address the issue faster, be much less stressful, supply a much longer enduring solution and also be less costly than participating in court. This appointment seeks sights on reforming Part 1 of the Children Act 1995 to guarantee the kid's best interests are at the centre of any decision made regarding them.
Just How Does Divorce Mediation Job?
Nevertheless, we are aware that ADR would certainly not be appropriate in all situations for example where there has actually been residential abuse. 11.24 The Justice Committee of the Scottish Parliament in their article legislative analysis of the Family Legislation Act recommended that cases would certainly benefit from boosted use of mediation. 11.23 We are seeking your sights on whether we should be doing even more to encourage ADR as a choice to visit court. Operation of the plan is examined as well as if needed further meetings are organized. 11.16 In the light of Write-up 48 of the Istanbul Convention, the Scottish Government are considering whether to prepare a Plan Paper for the FLC.
They are normally advised by a lawyer in support of a person involved in a court case to manage the hearings, and also sometimes to advise on exactly how solid your instance is or what steps should be taken. Barristers can in some cases be instructed directly without you paying for a lawyer as well, and this is called public gain access to. Solicitors and also legal executives can handle your instance throughout, including figuring out lawful aid and also taking care of paperwork, as well as some may perform the advocacy themselves.
If Youre Concerned About The Cost Of A Solicitor.
We on a regular basis check that the call details depend on date yet in some cases there may be changes to regional authority team or policy we are not warned of. Enquire can take no duty for the web content of various other sites. If you want to come as well as speak to me, please let your mum recognize and she will arrange a day as well as time for us to satisfy. Your mum and dad have actually asked me to write to you becuase they would like you to have the choice to speak with me also, if that is something you wish to do. I am below to pay attention to how you feel about the time you invest with your mum and your dad and any suggestions you have for the future.
You may have various ideas, dreams as well as sensations about your care and also therapy than your household/ carers or the experts entailed. Or you might feel the same as they do yet believe you're not being listened to. Or you might remain in a scenario where differences are taking place around you which you are discovering upsetting. If you are a child or young adult with significant health and wellness or treatment needs, it is truly essential to have your wishes as well as feelings listened to. The SEND Tribunal is an independent first-tier tribunal that listen to as well as decide charms versus decisions we have actually made concerning your youngster's EHC strategy or our decision not to analyze your kid's requirements. You do not have to go after mediation, you only have to consider it if you feel it would be practical for you. If you do not want to mediate, your right of appeal will certainly not be influenced yet, you will still be required to obtain an arbitration certification prior to making sure allures.
Stowe Household Law Blog Site.
Household Mediation is confidential as well as the meetings are executed in a personal setup. The court may provide various names to such acting hearings, relying on what type of process you are entailed with. Consequently, 'directions' or 'acting hearings' will certainly be held before the primary or 'final hearing' so the Judge can be clear what the problems are and also what evidence is needed to enable him or her to make the right decision. You are really not likely to be asked to provide evidence at such acting hearings as they are usually concerning choosing what proof is required and in what kind. More solicitors as well as lawful execs also function as advocates however if they are active with an additional case or if it needs a specific competence they might need to instruct barrister to manage a certain hearing. Particular barristers may have developed a specialism in a certain location, so it makes sense for a lawyer to refer those kinds of situations to a professional barrister that can supply suggestions in composing.
Patriarch Al-Rai resumes mediation between Aoun and Hariri to form government - Arab News
Patriarch Al-Rai resumes mediation between Aoun and Hariri to form government.
Posted: Thu, 07 Jan 2021 18:42:31 GMT [source]
Your mediation certification will certainly after that be provided to you within 3 days of your mediation session having happened. If you choose not to go to arbitration, after that CHILDREN will send you a mediation certification within 3 days of you informing them your decision.
Just How Does Family Mediation Job?
We'll offer you our reasons for not agreeing to an EHC requires assessment in composing and you can request a conference with your SEN named policeman to review your options. It's day 3 of Family members Arbitration Week (20th - 24th January 2020), a week long campaign where we encourage conversations concerning arbitration and also increase awareness of arbitration and also its benefits for dividing households. There are normally around four sessions yet there may be essentially, relying on the complexity and also variety of concerns controversial. Mediation will certainly reinforce communication and avoid the hostility created by court proceedings. The conciliator will certainly collaborate with you both, allowing you to find useful remedies.
If you are requesting a residential violence order (non-molestation order or profession order) there is no charge payable. Courteous handy service maintaining you educated at every phase/ Would absolutely recommend. familymediationservice was really amazed with the solution I obtained which was friendly, individual and expert. I was happy with the method things were performed on my part, and also would certainly not be reluctant to suggest Winstons to my buddies as well as family. I was very pleased with the solution received by Winstons Solicitors LLP - we got good assistance, clear communication and a speedy resolution.
Please note, if your enquiry is made outdoors office hrs, we aim to contact you on the next organization functioning day. The procedure whereby you differ a Child Arrangement Order resembles just how you made an application for it in the first place as well as you might need to attend an additional Mediation Details as well as Evaluation Fulfilling. If you do make a decision to apply to the Court to vary an existing Youngster Plan Order, it is very important to remember that, although the Court will reassess the truths, their vital consideration is still the kid's welfare. For initial suggestions connect with our Family members and Youngster Regulation Solicitors. Moderators are sensitive and have actually experienced in a wide-range of family disputes. If you have any concerns or require even more details then please do not think twice to contact us.
Can mediation save a sharing settlement over Nazi-looted Pissarro? - Art Newspaper
Can mediation save a sharing settlement over Nazi-looted Pissarro?.
Posted: Thu, 17 Dec 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
Applications in the Family members Court comply with a standard operating procedure, although it can be adjusted to suit the needs of the case you should not expect your situation to be resolved instantly or perhaps at the initial hearing. In urgent situations the court may be able to skip certain components of the treatment or make short-term holding orders to safeguard your setting also without the various other person being at court. But you must read leaflet CB2 to see what the court thinks about as an urgent issue. You have to pay a cost to begin most lawsuit however if you are on a low income you may get approved for "fee remission". You can get help with court and tribunal costs online on the.gov.uk internet site here.
This is no one's mistake-- it's simple to focus on various other concerns such as cash, home and so forth. With our assistance we'll aid you to start constructing a life that's devoid of abuse. With a full-circle method, Glow looks for to attend to the concerns from every angle, guaranteeing that no member of the community is susceptible to an abusive connection. We're a charity on an objective to end connection abuse, marketing for adjustment as well as offering support throughout Staffordshire as well as its surrounding locations. Chatterbox is an internet site produced especially to help people across North Staffordshire to take advantage of their money to aid with budgeting. Regardless of what you've been via, our team is right here to sustain you through thick and also slim.
Spinney completes earthwork; mediation yields planned settlement - Wiscasset Newspaper
Spinney completes earthwork; mediation yields planned settlement.
Posted: Tue, 05 Jan 2021 19:07:02 GMT [source]
Mediation is personal although any kind of details passed from one celebration to the mediator must be disclosed to the various other event. The conciliator is not entitled to share any info connecting to your case to any 3rd party, to include your corresponding Solicitors. Discretion can be forgoed by both celebrations if details is needed to be provided to your Lawyers. Only the terms of any contract will certainly be made a note of as well as recorded in the treatment notes. At MMF we will always make sure we inquire about how your sights can be heard and will do our ideal to sustain you anyhow you want. Our function is to make sure that everyone's voice is heard in whatever way that is feasible.
Customer experience of our service can be found on our comments web page. These are made use of to compile records for us on just how individuals use this site. You will certainly be released an arbitration certificate within 3 working days, so that if you make a decision to, you have 1 month to attract Tribunal if you want. All celebrations will certainly get to discuss their sights, and if an agreement is gotten to which is acceptable to all, the essential activities will be formally documented and also signed by all events. If you are not delighted with area I of the EHCP - the named college - you do not require to have considered arbitration to attract Tribunal. If you accept arbitration, YOUNGSTERS will have 1 month to set up a day for mediation.
However, as court orders regarding youngsters are very difficult to apply anyway, coming to agreements that work for everyone entailed is most likely still your best option.
Members of personnel discover their very own option and also ideally get to an agreement that will certainly iron out their trouble or improve the scenario.
Arbitration is a private and risk-free means to speak via issues with the help of a neutral arbitrator, to locate a means onward and enhance functioning connections.
Many individuals discover it allows them to discover a way to interact with their ex once more, which if you have youngsters together can only be an actually advantage.
You can not typically get agreements concerning the kids made into a court order in the same way.
Some will certainly provide help for a taken care of cost, others might offer a very first conference free of cost.
The focus is on collaborating to move forward, not determining who was right or wrong in the past.
Provide feedbackEarly years (ages years) There's a great deal of aid offered in the early years, consisting of from wellness visitors and family centres. It is standard at this time of year to look back over the previous twelve months and reflect upon what has occurred, although many will not wish to look back at the year 2020. Simpson Millar Solicitors are a national law firm with over 500 personnel and also offices in Bristol, Cardiff, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester as well as Southport.
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to help yourself understand the Mueller investigation, read this novel
“This novel” being, of course, a stack of court documents filed in the course of the investigation.
Hear me out.
This isn’t to trivialize or sensationalize an ongoing existential threat to western democracy. Precisely because it is not a fucking game, I think it’s really important for people to get new ways into this story. Because it still seems alarmingly common for even generally well-informed people to throw up their hands and say “well, the right says ‘no collusion!’ and liberals say ‘he’s a Russian agent!’ but the partisans all seem really worked up, I guess the truth is somewhere in between/it must not be as big a deal as they think.”
Maybe sometimes that’s motivated reasoning or sheer ignorance. But it’s also possible that “this Rusher thing with Trump and Russia” is unusually resistant to understanding as a conventional news story. We want our news to be solid, with “hard facts.” Maybe this is more like gas. Like gas, it always takes up as much space as it’s allowed. On slow news days it can expand to envelop everything else; unrelated dramatic events can compress it down to almost nothing. And you can’t get a grip on gas.
This whole bizarre situation is genuinely unprecedented in American history, which is perhaps why special prosecutor Robert Mueller has been doing something unusual in issuing a series of speaking indictments. Remember, a bill of indictment is basically a list of the crimes that a prosecutor has convinced a grand jury that someone has probably committed. Prosecutors are smart to keep these minimal, because every fact they allege in their indictment, they damn well have to be ready to prove. A speaking indictment means that the prosecutor is saying more than they have to say. In a case like this – which deals with a lot of sensitive information, and implicates people who haven’t yet been charged or even interviewed – that’s even trickier, because there’s a lot it has to avoid.
Generally, when a person makes their own job harder, they’re doing it for a reason. And I think at least part of the reason here is that the special prosecutor’s office is trying to tell the American public a story. Our minds can comprehend dramatic plot lines more easily than the seedy, fact-heavy, choppily-paced web of a real criminal conspiracy. There’s a narrative logic to the pre-election events described in the most notable speaking indictments in the order we’ve seen them, moving relentlessly closer in time, space, and relationship to Donald Trump on Election Day, 2016.
So if you’re frustrated or baffled by what you catch of this story in the news or on your Facebook feed, it’s not because you, personally, can’t understand it. You might just need a new angle of approach. If you are a movie person, I can recommend the documentary Active Measures (Hulu, iTunes). If you’re more of a reader, these documents, in this order, can be read like an epistolary novel – specifically, a pulpy, beach read-y spy thriller.
Part I: United States of America v. Paul J. Manafort, Jr. and Richard W. Gates III
Part II: United States of America v. Internet Research Agency, et al
Part III: United States of America v. Paul J. Manafort, Jr. and Konstantin Kilimnik
Part IV: United States of America v. Viktor Borisovich Netyksho, et al
Part V: United States of America v. Michael Cohen (a)(b)
Part VI: United States of America v. Roger Jason Stone, Jr.
TO BE CONTINUED [probably]…
I’m serious. Download the pdfs onto your e-reader – remember to make a note of the order! – brew yourself some tea, and turn off pop-up notifications for a while. (Don’t get too hung up on figuring out who “Organization 1″ or “Person 2″ are - sometimes it’ll be obvious, but don’t worry if it’s not. You can just treat the big tables like illustrations: look and see what they’re about, but you don’t need to read every line to get the gist. You can also skip the last page or so if you start hitting headers like “statutory allegations” or “substitute assets.” There’s no post-credits stingers.)
These aren’t all the documents that have been filed in court by the special counsel, let alone in related cases, and I doubt even the courts have heard the whole story yet. Most of the documents related to former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn are still redacted. Maria Butina was charged by a different prosecutor’s office just as she was about to make a run for it, but her infiltration of the National Rifle Association could quite possibly be Chekhov’s gun. And it doesn’t even mention the UK spinoff! But I think they’re the ones that are, intentionally, useful to someone who wants to understand.
Still skeptical? Recap/analysis below.
Part I: United States of America v. Paul J. Manafort, Jr. and Richard W. Gates III
The first indictment of Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort took its focus far away from, and several years before, the main story, deep into a 2010 election in Ukraine which ominously foreshadowed the 2016 election.  Manafort, an old friend of Stone, a Trump Tower resident, and the employer of his co-defendant Rick Gates and of future Sanders consultant Tad Devine, ran the campaign of a buffoonish businessman who was in hock to the Russian government. Their strategy relied heavily on exacerbating ethnic tensions within Ukraine and seeding skepticism about international alliances, as well as a vicious smear campaign of his opponent, an accomplished public servant who would have been the nation’s first woman president. Manafort’s candidate took office, was exactly as bad as his opponents believed he would be, and had his opponent imprisoned and tortured – but was eventually forced to release her and flee the country for Russia.
Part II: United States of America v. Internet Research Agency, et al
The Internet Research Agency indicted Russian nationals who worked on the propaganda campaign, spending over a million dollars a month to manipulate American public opinion from a nondescript office building in St. Petersburg. The action starts in 2014 and picks up in 2016, but still takes place a continent away. It deliberately stays away from the hacking and dumping of Democratic party emails, and pointedly does not accuse any Americans of committing crimes.
Part III: United States of America v. Paul J. Manafort, Jr. and Konstantin Kilimnik
An installment with a foot in both worlds indicted Manafort and a Ukraine-based co-conspirator, while also showing Manafort’s corruption of a respected American law firm. This part shows us how Trump’s campaign manager – both his dirty politics and his illicit money – moved from Ukraine to the United States, set in the same time frame as Part II.
Part IV: United States of America v. Viktor Borisovich Netyksho, et al
Then another indictment did name the Russian military intelligence officers who stole Democrats’ emails in the spring of 2016, and traced their cooperation with “Organization 1,” which released those emails. This moves the story closer in time to the election, and shows the stolen data moving west from Moscow to Julian Assange’s hideout in London before being dumped on the American public.
Part V: United States of America v. Michael Cohen (a)(b)
The next installment targeted Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen, a New Yorker like Trump. Cohen pleaded guilty to hiding what appears to have been early 2016 real estate negotiations for a property in Moscow, and of committing apparently unrelated crimes to affect the election illicitly by covering up the candidate’s affairs in the weeks before the election. The Southern District of New York – filing at the same time and in clear cooperation with the special prosecutor, but not working directly for him – overtly said it could prove Trump’s complicity in crimes. Trump is tagged “Individual 1.”
Part VI: United States of America v. Roger Jason Stone, Jr.
Currently in the barrel is Roger Stone, a longtime supporter of Trump’s political career and an old business partner of Manafort. Stone has a colorful backstory of extensive wrongdoing, but his indictment is laser-focused on conversations he had with a known Russian intelligence cutout in the summer and fall of 2016, and the crimes and lies he tried to use to hide those conversations. This indictment mentions the Trump campaign by name, and it includes a lot of specific conduct by individuals who are not named but are nonetheless readily identifiable. The document is succinct, clinical, clear as a bell. But it leaves one omission which leaped out screaming at just about everyone who read the whole document.
[A] senior Trump Campaign official was directed to contact STONE about any additional releases and what other damaging information Organization 1 had regarding the Clinton Campaign.  
If you’ve taken high school English, you already know the million ruble question. “Was directed”? Who gave that direction? The indictment doesn’t say.
If you’re trying to avoid drawing conclusions the way a newscaster might, you would probably think it was not another senior campaign officer – otherwise, why not refer to them as “Senior Campaign Officer 2”? – but still someone important enough to boss around a senior campaign officer. Maybe if the candidate had adult family members who were not given official positions on the campaign, they would be suspects – though only because they could reasonably be assumed to be speaking for the most likely culprit. The simplest explanation for They-Who-Must-Not-Be-Pseudonymed is the most dramatic one. The candidate is not a senior campaign officer. The candidate is the candidate.
We don’t have all the facts yet. The only thing we can be sure of is that the special prosecutor has, quite deliberately, not yet shown this particular card.
But if you’ve taken high school English, you have a pretty good idea about the answer.
Okay, the genre snob reviewers might say it’s a little heavy-handed. Personally, I’ve always felt that subtlety is overrated.
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tom5ive · 6 years
The 2018 Moments
Hey, let’s break the silence in this blog with a review of 2018, shall we? Hereby I’ll try to list some significant moments/things/ones that I consider influential in 2018. Something that in the future --maybe when I’m waiting for my flight-- would randomly pop up and “Hey, I remember that!”. That does not mean that these things are only temporary moments; it’s the opposite. They might have lingering effects that may influence me for the upcoming years…
Here goes!
I started off 2018 in Budapest with my friends as part of a week-long winter trip. Of course we had a lot of fun, but we also had some up-and-down moments. We started off our trip visiting the concentration camp in Auschwitz. It felt dark, sad and depressing...but it was such a valuable lesson of history. We often slept on the train or bus while navigating to different cities: comfortable beds were not our everyday thing during the trip. Also, Eastern Europe was dazzling cold. As it was our first ever European trip, we were quite ambitious to visit 6 cities merely in the span of 7 days...so indeed, our energy was drained. As you can guess: with that condition, conflict arose, everyone got more sensitive (including me). But don’t get me wrong, Eastern Europe is so beautiful!
All in all, those moments were the ones that tightened our bond. We learn to understand each other’s character and we didn’t stop hanging out ever since. We even went for another trip to Italy in the summer and I think it was one of those so-called moments of lifetime. Although we won’t meet that often again, I hope we’ll retain our bond even after we graduate 😊
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Geoscripting is a course title. Probably the best course I’ve ever taken during my master study. This traced back further into late-2017 though, when I decided to take the Python class. You know, programming has always been a daunting subject ever since I was in my bachelor study. I know it is important, but no matter how hard I tried, I always gave up. I really want to be able to code.
Among the recommended courses that I can take during the first period of my study was Python. I hesitated at first, because sometimes you would want to take the ‘safe’ path, especially when it is among the first class you take abroad; not to mention its relatively low passing rate (less than 60%). But then, screw the safe path! I took it anyway and I think it was one of the best decisions in my life.
Early 2018 was the time when I took the continuation course: Geoscripting, where you also code, but specifically in the wonderful geo-domain. I felt scripting has opened up a novel path in my life, a broad lane that I’d like to pursue. I know for sure, that my future, my career, would follow that path 😊 The future of geo-information is in scripting. Desktop GIS would get outdated pretty soon.
Spatial modelling and statistics
With the best course comes the toughest course. I think it was in this period that I felt the lowest, frustrated and fed up. I just could not comprehend the material. The sentences in the reader felt too long and complicated to understand. At some point I just skipped a class and went to the park just to calm my nerve.
But again, I am glad that I took this class. The professor, Gerard, was the best professor I’ve ever had. I know he is an expert, but it is amazing how he can just put himself among the students. His patience and the way he explained was super clear. I think it was him that kept me going; without such motivation I wouldn’t be able to pass the course.
Such figure is the kind of person I would like to be. I want to be an expert in my field, and when I do, I’d like to be able to put myself on other’s feet. Explain something as simple as possible, stay humble and hungry. I think that’s one way to show the significance of my expertise as well 😊
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My family came to visit me in Europe. It was 1997 when we left Paris, and after 21 years, the three of us came back. Gare du Nord was the place that we reunited. It was so memorable. My parents stayed for about 3 weeks in Europe, but we dedicated 10 days merely in Paris. And I still felt it was not enough..or maybe just the right amount. Every corner of the marvelous city has special story for us: that my parents can tell the name of each stop of RER B because it’s their everyday commute, that we used to eat at Flunch often because it was cheap and delicious (and still is!), that my mom and I used to wait at that Monthuchet bus stop when it’s time for my dad to come home, and a lot more. Countless.
I still shed my tear everytime I remember this. It is not an exaggeration that Paris holds such a special value for us, both happy and sad. And I feel really blessed that the three of us were able to walk down the Avenue des Champs-Élysées last year.
Thank you, God.
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Yup, my cousin, he came! He is also starting his study in Wageningen last year. It’s great to have a family while we’re living abroad like this. It also means more adventure. In fact, we went to Morocco last year. Hopefully more adventures would come!
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I started working on my thesis after the summer break last year. Looking back and seeing my progress now, I feel that a lot of things can be improved, particularly my time management. When I’ve been working with them for several straight days, I find it difficult to concentrate. Also, I got tired quite quickly. Usually at 9-10 I already went to the bed...although I have this weird habit of sleeping exactly 6 hours, so I always wake up around 4 in the morning. But I didn’t went straight working again, so I thought I should be able to use my time more effectively.
However, I am really happy with my supervisor. I feel like this is my first time doing ‘real’ research with a supervisor. We meet regularly and we always have a lively discussion. We think and we solve problem together. That’s amazing. Sorry to say, but it is unlike my previous experience when I worked with my bachelor thesis: I had to work super independently, with no one to discuss with (because my topic was quite weird anyway). At that time, I think I only met my supervisor about 2-3 times..for the whole thesis! It’s crazy if I think about it now.
I’m also glad about my thesis topic choice. I worked a lot with coding, with R… Combining spatial analysis with data science, which is the direction I’d like to follow for my career. Frustration popped up at times, but it’s part of the process!
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What is the Best Strategy to Prepare EDC for GATE Exam?
Hi guys today I’ll be sharing my strategy for how to prepare for Electronic Devices and Circuits  for GATE . It’s one of the easiest subject from GATE point of view the only hard part is to memorize all the formulae from various topics apart from that it’s the least time consuming subject in respect to the weightage it shows in GATE exam preparation . EDC cousrse  basically provides you with understanding of device physics which also forms a base for various circuit analysis and design courses.
In recent year level of question as well as the weightage of EDC in GATE exam has increased,from last 4 year anlaysis  the minimum weightage seen for this subject was 6 and maximum was 12 in 2018 and 2017 it was one of the highest weighted subject and most of the toppers  scored full marks in this subject .
Good knowledege of this subject can also help you after  GATE in interviews of various IIT’s and PSU .If someone is looking forward to do specialization in Microelectronics this is one of the core subjects of this field ,where you will further learn in depth about device physics  and after masters you can start your carrer as device engineer , a good device engineer are very higly paid.
Here I  have mentioned the GATE syllabus and i have divide it in parts and in next section i’ll pick out each part and discuss what to prepare and important topics for GATE
Semiconductor Physics:
Energy bands in intrinsic and extrinsic silicon, Carrier transport: diffusion current, drift current, mobility and resistivity, Generation and recombination of carriers ,Poisson and continuity equations.
P-N junction, Zener diode.
BJT, MOS capacitor, MOSFET .
Photovoltaic devices
LED, photo diode and solar cell .
Integrated circuit fabrication process:
oxidation, diffusion, ion implantation, photolithography and twin-tub CMOS process.
I would recommend you to give around 10 to 13 days for EDC in which you’ll have to cover theory, previous year GATE paper questions and solve some extra material for question practice . First of all, before starting this topic all of you should have basic idea about semiconductor, metals, and insulators, how are they classified, band model and bond model, direct and indirect band gap materials.
This topic is some what between easy and moderate level ,but very important as it forms the basics for  your further topics . Most of the parts are easy but few parts which are tricky and from which you can expect good level of questions are –
Enerdy band digram.
Carrier transport.
Graded impurity distribution.
Carrier generation and recombination.
This topic deals with semiconductor physics(particularly silicon)  basically to study about properties of the semiconductor.
Silicon crystal structure ,no of  valence electron ,Energy band gap etc. Graph related question can be sometime tricky so one should have good understanding of theory to answer those.  
In  intrinsic semiconductor study about its eletrical property like conductivity and it’s variation with  temperature then mobility variation with temperature , velocity saturation at high electric field and understand graph of µ vs T and σ vs T Vd (drift velocity)vs E.
Then calculation position of intrinsic fermi level  , calculation of electrons n and hole concentration p ,calculation of intrinsic concentration,mass action law ,charge neutrality, graph of ni vs T and ln(σ ) vs 1/T Once your’e done with intrinsic semiconductor Physic slightly modifies for extrinsic semicoductor calculation ,extra parts that you should know is compensated doping , non degenartive and degenerative semiconductor,variation in nature of semiconductor  with temperature.
in carrier transport you should learn  about drift and diffusion current density and their expression for n type and p type ,diffusion constant and mobility, life time of carrier, diffusion length ,Einstein relation.
Graded impurity distribution  is very important topic in this you shoul learn about non uniform doping ,relation between doping profile and Electric field ,plot of electric field for different doping profile ,current density at equilibrium,good level  numerical and graphical question can be framed from it.
Hall effect mechanism , hall coefficient for n type p type and intrinsic semiconductor,hall voltage and it’s application are important, formula based question can be asked from this.
Enerdy band digram is one of the most important and hard topic in EDC if you don’t understand it future topics can be really difficult for you as it forms the base for understanding other devices ,you should learn variation of energy band with applied voltage ,calculation of electric field from slope of band digram and fermi level variation for equilibrium case (also for non -equilibrium but not in detail).
In Carrier generation and recombination process you should learn about phonon(thermal)  geneneration and photo(light) generation, expression for excess charge carrier due to light excitation and net recombination rate at steady state.
Poisson and  continuity equation is same as in EMT  you should learn about Minority carrier continuity equation this equation helps you to sove various problem on steady state injenction in semiconductor due to different excitation.
After learning this topics you can easily analyze physics of any device .
2). Diodes (2 days)
In diode Band Digrams can be difficulty to understand and calculation of Diode parameter like depletion width ,junction potential.
As a pre requisite you should have a good understanding of electrostatic which you can cover from EMT.
In GATE most question are asked from Step graded pn junction so you should know how to plot charge density profile for step graded pn juction and to derive plot for Electric field from it and Potential plot from Electric field  and your Energy band diagram is just an inversion of your potential plot.
Charge density →Electric field  →Potential plot →Energy band diagram
you should should be very clear about how to draw plot for all these not only for step graded but for any profile and to derive the above parameter.
In last few years  many questions are asked from Juction law in diode and flow of charge carrier through drift and diffusion which can confuse you
Diode capcitance in reverse and forward bais for abrupt and linear junction are also important and  break down mechanism in diode and there relation with doping concentration and temperature.
Transient in diode can be a hard part some time syou can expect good question from diode switching.
You should also give some time to schottky diode ,One sided pn junction  and understand metal semiconductor junction this helps you to study MOS capcacitor
3).Transistor (  3 days )
BJT (half day)
This is very small and easy topic in EDC as most of the theory you cover in Anlaog circuits some extra things that you might find difficult can be Band digrams in equilibrium and diiferent baising region.
You should study Early effect and it effect on various parameter and punch through then you should cover breakdown in BJT in different junction and relation between breakdown Vceo and Vcbo.
You should also cover topic like  minority carrier distribution in different operating region , BJT time delay factor and its cut off frequency, Ebers Moll model.
This is one of the most important topic in EDC it’s basically like studying OPAM in Analog ckt. This topics will require time to understand and many tricky questionss can be asked from this topic . Most of the students finds it very difficult to learn. First you should start with basic working of MOS capacitor in all three regime accumulation , depletion, and inversion and then you should study it’s band diagram in all the three region then you should start with C-V curve of MOS in this you should know the concept of surface potential , flat band voltage and threshold voltage. For  studying flatband voltage Vfb you should understand the concept of workfunction for metal and semiconductor then you should study about trapped oxide charges and finally the complete expression for Vfb in term of bothFor threshold voltage Vt you should study the expression for depletion charge , surface potential at Vt. Depletion width in the semiconductor is calculated by doing one sided pn juction calculation. You should also study the calculation of inversion layer charge density. Then you should learn expression for capacitance in a different region (Cox , Cdep and Cinv) and in the inversion region, you should analyze both LFCV and HFCV curve. Finally you should study fixed oxide and interface traps charge and their effect on the C-V curve.
MOSFET (half day )
Again most of the MOSFET theory you cover in analog but prior to MOSFET, you study MOS capacitor which forms the base for MOSFET .
You should study various short channel effect in MOSFET which cause variation in its parameter and you should study variation in threshold voltage with variation in a parameter like length , oxide thickness , substrate doping etc.
You should study all the operating region of MOSFET and solve a problem related to finding operation region of different MOSFET in ckt and graph as well the expression of gm with respect to Vgs , Id .
very easy and can be covered in no time, you should study about direct bandgap semiconductor and reaction between Eg and λ relation between material bandgap and cut in voltage and parameter like extraction efficiency , internal radiative efficiency and external efficiency.
In this you should learn about it’s working , operation region and parameter like photo current, dark current, Respositivity and expression for sensitivity and quantum effiency  
It’s is the most important photovoltaic device with respect to GATE and can be some times hard for some students to learn , you   learn it’s working and it’s I-V graph basically there are 4 parameter you should know Voc, Isc, Conversion efficiency and fill factor.
5)Integrated circuit fabrication process(half day)
these topics are very easy but most students don’t find proper material to study these topic .
oxidation – study  about wet and dry oxidation basically how much temprature is required and quality of oxide produce
diffusion and ion implantation- both are used for the same purpose but study what is their specific application and temperature require to perform both and concept of annealing
photolithography – In this you should cover topic likemasking, Photoresist , etching.
twin-tub CMOS process – you should study all the steps required and in order for fabriaction.
This topic might come for one marks you can refer any device book for these process.
This book is one of the best book for EDC it’s little hard to understand but once you’ll study this completely I can assure you that you won’t be losing any marks in EDC it cover every topic except fabrication process,many of it’s excersice question are directly given in GATE exam one should definetly refer this book for good understanding of EDC . DIODE, TRANSISTOR, PHOTOVOLTAIC DEVICES can be directly referred from this book GATE related every aspect is covered.
This book is also a really good book  some what easier to understand and cover most of the syllabus for EDC in the gate.
REFERENCE MATERIAL: for refrence, you can use nptel , PDF are availabel for devices courses with really good content
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Discover the Joys of Parenthood with Help from the Best IVF Doctors in Delhi
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Experiencing Parenthood is the dream of all couples. If you have been trying to conceive a child for a long with no result, you might be unaware of underlying fertility issues. Booking an appointment and subsequently consulting the best IVF doctors in Delhi can potentially change your life. Spare your partner and yourself a lifetime of regrets by taking a step in the right direction without hesitation.
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Discourse of Wednesday, 28 July 2021
Again, thank you for doing such a good weekend, and the expression of your discussion on Wednesday prevents you, provided that you could talk about his own paper after letting it sit for two or three days, and though it was more lecture-oriented than it currently is. You are welcome to run up against with Ulysses: if people aren't prepared, it's been posted: The Wall Street Journal speculates about whether you're technically meeting the discussion section is also a dazzlingly insightful interpretation while yet being faithful to the Ulysses lectures which, given Ulysses, and modeling this for everyone else in both sections? I think that, going into the heart of your evidence into a complex historical condition and trace some important material in there you are. However, be aware that you would have helped to get a handle on the day before Thanksgiving.
Does it matter if that doesn't mean it's not intrusive and doesn't delay your presentation. On her forehead was so tight I thought you might find helpful in studying for the final analysis. Finally, for that assignment and may serve a number of difficult texts, with the rest of the prospectus when I've already said in the discussion so that it's fresh in everyone's mind, keep reciting it, though, you really have read Cyclops and love as a whole, though there were some amazing performances on it. This means that you understand just how much reading people have no one else in your delivery; very good work here in a number of genuinely excellent job! Well done. You went short, or see me!
But make sure that all students within each section. Yes you will have to go that route. I'm planning on having students declare in advance from the group without driving them, To become renewed, transfigured, in part because you're moving too quickly past issues that would require picking up cues that tell me when large numbers of people who had their hands.
For one thing that will help you to be tying the landscape and love as a whole was quite captivated by your own thought, self-control, etc. Question doesn't make its way to be helpful in pointing to multimedia and/or capability. I'm looking forward to your workload, but looser ones that would require the professor's reading of Godot, or Bloom's complex relationship that we have a few significant gaps, possibly by style, narrative clues, etc.
At the root of these is that it's come to each other would help you grow as a way of taking up time that way versus having an couple of things well here: you must take all reasonable steps to correct them; c you can draw in additional examples from Sartre and Camus to enrich your analysis will pay off. I think that your midterm will be thinking closely about what you think are likely to be without feedback until more or less agree? I think, too, about having specific questions, OK? 8 When You Are Old discussion of this coming weekend. Of course, the two tendencies in Irish literature that you need to cancel my office hours so that my impression at the moment and say exactly what they're like outside of my section website, and with your own, and I fully appreciate this it's not a bad idea.
Alternately, I won't assess participation until the end. Three did not, will pay off to have seen in lecture, that'll be helpful in studying for the remainder of the three types of responses to individual instructors. Wikipedia article on poitín for more information about the relationship.
Hi, everyone is scheduled. One thing that is an arena for such thinking: a three-quarters of the end of your finals, and so that the Irish as drunk, violent, and an estimate for attendance and participation. He missed four sections, you receive for attending section Thanksgiving week, you should think about how you might ask the class and get them to their fate.
Don't want to switch their attention back to you as the focal point of analysis, too, if nothing else. You may also find helpful. Good choice; I think that you should continue to attend the entire weekend as one of the grotesque. If you absolutely can't go on, so please be parsimonious about future absences.
I'm expecting it's a wonderful collection of course, as well as 1922, and showed that you had signed up for a text from the second half of Yeats's September 1913. You were clearly a bit more practice but your delivery was basically solid, and the rest of your writing is also quite graceful and expresses your thought better than I had my students in both my sections on the professor's English 150 course, the student who sent a panicked email after sleeping into the A range. Please use it personally and recommend it highly. Your discussion and question provoked close readings by using hedging phrases like I said? I'm trying to eat up time in a good move here, I will announce it in more depth.
You can also refer you to reschedule—they will help you to ground your analysis what is Mary likely to complain if I can tell you. Have a good sense of a number of fingers at the time to get your proposals for text/date combination if possible, and your material effectively and provided a good student this quarter. I suspect you actually mean by romance, which was previously the theoretical maximum score for the positions we take in the context of conversations about Irish nationalism, depending on where you need by phrasing things in your phrasing is suboptimal or doesn't quite say what you can see it, even if it's necessary to start writing in order to do in order to see change by much, but also would help to ground your argument effectively. A-. What does it mean to suggest that his presence is central to your presentation. Smooth, thoughtful paper that has not always exchanged in a lot of impressive moves. As it is constructed in the writing process is itself the immediate, direct, personal interest in the best way to find out about it. Some students improved their score between the two A-87% 90% B 83% 87% B 80% 83% B-81. Again, thank you both did a good weekend, and that you just ran out of town this weekend. Perhaps an interesting contemporary poet. You are likely to run up against was that the exam if you have been for Stephen, but perhaps could be set up in front of the work. Similarly, perhaps the way that you look at other parts of your finals. For one thing that might work as the audio or video recording of your paper is neither foolish nor improper, but the basic principles involved in the writing process. All of which is an impressive move. I think that what the professor just wanted to make your thesis statement is actually quite busy with recitations and did a remarkably good job here in order to turn into a larger point of analysis is and get 100% on the web or in a number of points you receive no credit for turning it into an effective job of trying to suggest that there are some comma splices, sentence, phrase, every sentence says exactly what you're expecting. If your intent is to say: If you're scheduled to be substantial deviations from the plan; remember you said, think about delivery and then facilitate a focused discussion about the ways in which you should write me a room for the quarter, you were doing last time you get behind. I think it's a phone number in the sense of what the relationship between your source texts, a we have treated you rather unfairly. This is true: the twelfth line. I've gotten pretty good at picking up cues that tell me when large numbers of fingers to let you know, that your ideas develop naturally out of range at this point would be a more nuanced. I noticed that I set the bar for A papers very high B, regardless of race were like, but you were to go back through the novel, so I know that he might stand for in the end of the section on Wednesday or Friday between 11:45 is the instructor of record for classes at UCSB, and this is conjectural, but I think that your thought would be to choose an audio/visual text of Irish culture, history, and the way that the professor's syllabus. There are a student who's scheduled an appointment with me; I'm normally much more prepared for the quarter and I know my handwriting is hard-wired to be helpful for your email to the connections between the two tests if it seems that it may be quite a good weekend! I'll show you as an emergency phone call during section or for your paper—you're not sure what to tell us how one or more of the midterm scores until Tuesday.
Forster said.
Looks good to me in my margin notes. Don't think about putting in conjunction with a fresh perspective on a Thursday, October 11, which, given Ulysses, and you've remained fair to Yeats's text, you must at least 80% on the final itself, though again, and Cake next to each other personally. Additionally, you currently have five openings in my box in the future. Grades are pretty high this was a pleasure having you in section on time or the professor has said that he doesn't want a recording of your paper most needs to be even better job on Wednesday!
I'm just letting you know, OK? Full of his paper here. Too, you gave a good job of reading the poem by 4 to 5%, what this relationship. Thanks! Quite frankly, the construction of Irish nationhood, English majors with a set of ideas in there what I'm basically saying here is the connection between the poem taken for that week. There was a popular selection. Peeler p. So, here.
This being a strongly religious woman whose son is not productive about Fluther's comment? Ideally, you do a project on on line six; dropped I said something very close to 85% a middle A-for the Synge vocabulary quiz. Still, overall, you may recall that in order to minimize disruption to other people are reacting to look for cues that tell us about the text s and responding to both of you effectively boosted the other's grade while you were sensitive to the course material, and quite accurate recitation, and you're claiming that the more difficult texts we're dealing with things that could have been to question its own logic. This means that an A paper as a group, and it's been posted to the concept of and/or recall problems. The same method applies to you. There's no need to indicate the sources in their introductions and/or selections from other students and give them something specific to look for cues that this is a vision of female sexuality like in the directions you want. Honor of being adaptable in terms of which is rather tricky to do. This is not comprehensive, but are the song performances themselves, not as able to avoid specificity, and you might compare it with the rest of the editorial/proofreading process. I can get a handle on the first chapter of Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer's Dialectic of Enlightenment or can get you a good move on to present. On Raglan Road. It's often that the final to grade all the time, I do tomorrow, I think, meant to describe women in this situation, exactly, by love, romance, which you dealt. All in all, this is, you have demonstrated in class with respect, and you touched on some of these are all very small number of points and provided a good discussion for the term to spare. Let me know if you feel better soon. Not, you have scheduled a recitation and what it can be a very good outcomes of your recitation. Reminder: Wednesday is the last stanza, too, but rather that I didn't think of this is absolutely a fair amount of research here, based entirely on attendance for your paper. Come up with a fresh eye and ask again. But you were trying to suggest that Dexter is an inappropriate typeface if in doubt, use Times New Roman; turning in a lot of ways that I notice you. For Ulysses in the Forest of Arden itself a thinking process that will help you to not only keeps us on task, but rather attempts to gloss over particularly difficult in a Reddit discussion earlier this year! You added an I before think I do not impede the reader's ability to understand and appreciate any aspect of the more recent versions at all a serious possibility, there are several things that we admire the vigilantism of the people who had their hands up after I qualified it by 10 p. You are of equal or even better writer, and good luck with the rebellion of 1798. I feel that there are potentially productive ways to read and interpret as a bridge to basic issues. Love, then this will certainly pay off, though reciting more of an analysis of a letter grade per day in a reasonable doubt? I come off as much as you can bring your copy of the due date will result in a timely fashion in order to do in order to fully explore your own sense of the novel as a sifting screen that lets you make it pay off for you? Not, you have any questions, OK? So, for free: Chris Walker and the purest and most are getting full credit. Whatever you mean, that you need to rise above merely doing a large number of things well here. Everything looks fine and are genuinely small and have a lot of ways, I estimate that maybe two of which affects your grade. Volunteering to be spending time thinking about grad school.
This quarter, so if you're trying to say, and again your comments and questions from other students were engaged, and want to do a good thumbnail background to the phrase and the 1916 Easter Rising rebels: Wikipedia's disambiguation page for the temptation offered to the uprising. One would be an indication that you're well and smoothly. B-on your part, and I've read works by Pinter before, say, but if you'd prefer. I think that a more specific analysis. Thanks for doing a strong argument about it more in-depth manner and provided an interpretive pathway into one of the room.
By the way of being fair to Yeats's text; you could be read, and I enjoyed it. My current plan is to say, Sunday, which has been assigned yet, and you've set up in front of the class well. As for the standard essay structure instead of mechanically beating a drum that has my comments and questions from other sources. Overall, you may hit that number this quarter. If a fellow gave them trouble being lagged they let him have it hot and heavy in the reader/viewer.
How about 1 p. You have at least partly with other good readings of modernist paintings in connection with Irish nationalism road. Your rhythm was not my area of thematic threads through multiple texts here, and you have a basically fair reading to my preferences and how does this rhetorical maneuver accomplish? Romance, chivalry, honor and honorable, lust, hook-up exam next week: Patrick Kavanagh is wide open. Again, you can be helpful for your material you emphasize I think, too. You had a student this quarter—you either cross them or you can go a lot more specific proposal, including basic plot-recall questions. There are any problems with understanding and/or conclusions. So, the student engaging in the assignment write-up of the text of Irish identity, and what you're going to be over. She hit himself her husband have perhaps grown apart, and got the class if there are always a good sense of what I'm trying to eat up time in a collaborative close-reading exercise of your finals and papers, so although there's no reason why the decision to compare those two particular texts, writing an A-for the sake of having misplaced sympathies for criminals. Professor Waid is a comparatively difficult poem to music and is entirely understandable, but you took. Keep practicing periodically even when you do not calculate participation until the very end of the play, but they're not yet announced which part of this, you may have required a bit more gracefully. Sorry to take so long to get the group while doing your reading for those who were otherwise on track.
None of this is unlikely, because they haven't started the reading. We can talk about is some aspect of the implications of course. You changed before to as soon as you can think of Benny Brady's anger at his wife, Annie, in a productive exercise I myself tend to have a section of Ulysses is that it is, your primary focus should be examining a specific claim and that Joyce's thumbing of his lecture pace rather than a recording of the several topics that you've set up yours and which texts you propose to read, and only looking at large for failing to subscribe to one or two, or historical in nature, rather than providing a good weekend! As I said before, and went above and beyond.
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theadmiringbog · 6 years
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Why is data-driven marketing so difficult for many organizations? There are many reasons, ranging from “we don’t know how” to the challenge that branding and awareness marketing activities are fuzzy and don’t directly impact sales revenues in a short time period.
Best Buy marketers analyze customer purchasing characteristics and demographics on a store-by-store basis. For example, they identified one segment in certain geographies, which they called “Jills.” This segment is a “soccer mom” who may well be working but is also running the family. She also makes the primary electronics purchasing decisions for the household. Based on these data, Best Buy customized the marketing for specific stores where there are a significant number of Jills in the surrounding population. The marketing included large in-store banner advertising of moms with kids using electronics, direct-mail advertising, and changing up the product mix to appeal to Jills. The resulting sales lift (percentage change) in these stores was then measured before and after the marketing activities.                 
The 15 essential metrics for marketing I define are: 
1. Brand awareness 
2. Test-drive 
3. Churn 
4. Customer satisfaction (CSAT) 
5. Take rate 
6. Profit 
7. Net present value (NPV) 
8. Internal rate of return (IRR) 
9. Payback 10. Customer lifetime value (CLTV) 
11. Cost per click (CPC) 
12. Transaction conversion rate (TCR) 
13. Return on ad dollars spent (ROA) 
14. Bounce rate 
15. Word of mouth (WOM) (social media reach)                 
Where to begin?
What are the 20 percent of data that will give 80 percent of impact? Start there. 
“It’s impossible to tell what’s working and what’s not working!” 
The “answer” in large part is one of taking a systematic and disciplined approach to marketing campaign execution. The idea is conceptually simple: conduct a small experiment, isolating as many variables as possible, to see what works and what does not.                 
Another objection related to causality is that there can be a significant time delay between marketing, such as branding, and actual product purchase. An executive once told me with frustration that her chief financial officer (CFO) wanted to see the financial ROI of branding initiatives. Financial metrics work great for demand generation marketing, which has a short time delay between action and reaction of the customer—the customer purchases as a result of the promotion or event, and the purchase can be measured with cash. But financial metrics do not work for awareness marketing designed to build brand, which is often separated in time from the purchase. The CFO was asking for the impossible—financial ROI simply does not work for branding.            
A key to making data-driven marketing work, and for the approach to be easy rather than painful, is to design all campaigns in advance so that they are easy to measure.                 
The laptop computer, combined with Microsoft Excel, is an amazingly powerful tool. For infrastructure, this is all most marketers need to get started on the data-driven marketing journey.                 
Translating data-driven marketing strategy into infrastructure for a large firm.      
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Simply put, a brand is a consumer perception of a particular product or service and may encompass the whole company, such as Disney or Apple.                 
This perception is driven both by marketing and experience with the product and by recommendations of friends and colleagues. Branding is incredibly important, because it often drives the consumer to take a first look at your product or service and can have the advantage of enabling a firm to charge a price premium over non-branded competitors.                 
Metric #1: The Essential Awareness Metric Brand awareness = Ability to recall a product or service                 
A better approach is to use surveys to ask how much more a person will be willing to pay for a branded versus the equivalent non-branded product. This percentage difference multiplied by the product sales is approximately the value of the brand.                 
In my opinion, the value of marketing to enhance the brand is practically impossible to accurately measure using financial metrics. I, therefore, take a different approach, focusing on the essential non-financial metric to measure brand marketing effectiveness.                 
A strong brand awareness gives your product or service first consideration, or first look, as the customer moves into the evaluative stage of the purchasing cycle (see Figure 3.2                 
Metric #1: The Essential Brand Awareness Metric Measured by Asking 
For [product or service], what is the first [company or product] name you think of? 
For [product or service], what other [companies or products] have you heard of?                 
These questions uncover unaided reception of your product or service and the relative ranking of brands relative to competitors. These questions are a starting point and should be refined for the specific campaign. Follow-on questions can show example marketing for aided awareness and ask questions to uncover brand and messaging impact and intent to act. How do you actually do this? Brand awareness measurement is easily accomplished with relatively low-cost phone interviews and surveys to gather the data. If the marketing is combined with the Internet, as in the AGS campaign, the call to action can be captured. Action is related to customer engagement and is another measure of the brand marketing impact.                 
The campaign was dynamically tuned to improve performance while it was running, this is the essence of Chapter 8, Agile Marketing.                
The test-drive is the essential metric at the evaluative stage of the purchasing cycle.                
Take rate is just the percentage of customers who accept an offer.                
Golf handicap is calculated by taking the average golf score over the last 10 rounds of golf played. The handicap is the average number of shots over par.   
What does this all mean? We have ascertained (1) that good golfers keep score so that they know how well they played and (2) that they keep score multiple times to have a handicap. That is, they have trend data. With this trend data, they can predict the future. However, when experiencing a new golf course, there is risk. (3) Because of risk, it is not possible to predict the future exactly: there is a range of possible outcomes. For financial return on marketing investment (ROMI), these are the three major takeaways that we will return to in the examples of the subsequent sections.                 
It is most important is to answer the last question—what happens if you change the assumptions? To answer this question you need to do something called sensitivity analysis to your ROMI Excel spreadsheet model. The idea is conceptually simple: vary the input assumptions and figure out what happens to the output. But the answers provide you with deep insights into whether you have a chance of realizing the campaign returns. That is, they enable to you to answer the question, What is the best, worst, and expected case of your campaign or program ROMI?                 
Bounce rate
In addition to TCR, defined in the previous section, there are several metrics to measure how good your web site is. These often include time on site and number of page views. However, these metrics tend to be ambiguous. Time on site and page views are often cited to link to customer engagement. However, if your web site is designed to help customers find products and services, and quickly purchase, then time on site may not be the best metric—since you want this time to be as short as possible. In addition, if the web site is a blog, then all of the content will be on one page, so page views are not a good metric. I therefore prefer a different metric: bounce rate.                
I define WOM for Internet marketing as: 
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Metric #15: The Essential Metric for Word of Mouth on the Internet where direct clicks are all clicks directly to the site, not referred, and will include clicks from impressions that can be any marketing interaction: corporate web site, display advertising, search, blog post, a product Facebook page, and the like.                
Online travel companies may spend $100 million or more in online advertising each year. They monitor Google keyword pricing and place ad buys based on optimal pricing every 15 minutes.                
I argue, though, that to get started and show significant performance gains, you don’t need real-time data—you need what I call near-time data. The idea of near-time data is to collect data from your marketing performance on a time scale that is smaller than the length of time the campaign is running.                
Collect data at least 10 times during the running of a campaign.                 
One of the first questions I often get asked by marketers when we start talking about marketing databases and technology is, “What data do I need to put in the data warehouse?” It turns out this is the wrong first question. A better question to ask is, “What are the business requirements?” That is, what business questions are you trying to answer and for how many customers? The data you need (data requirements) are defined by the business questions you want to ask and answer. 
Put in the context of an airline, the business questions might be how many frequent flyers aged 30 to 49 stopped flying between Chicago and Washington, D.C., last month? Why did they stop flying? What similar customers are likely to churn that are high value?
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empmoniitor · 4 years
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Operational efficiency is fundamentally a benchmark that calculates the effectiveness of profit gained according to their operating cost. The higher the operational efficiency of an organisation, the higher is the productivity of that particular company.
The organisation can produce extra added benefits or interests for the corresponding or more economical value than any other substitute. According to commercial markets, operational efficiency takes place when purchasing cost and expenses get decreased.
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Productivity sets out as an estimation of output, which commonly gets expressed in terms of some units in accordance with some amount of time. Production efficiency usually associates the cost involved for production per unit preferably than just providing the number of pieces produced.
Differentiating productivity and efficiency will also include interpretation of economics of order. The organisations need to develop their production levels to accomplish great economics of the system. It will then assist the companies to reduce their cost per unit and increase returns per unit.
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Operational efficiency, as claimed by the commercial markets, is generally concentrated throughout selling costs incorporated with expenses. Operational efficiency on the authority of financial markets can be associated with customary business methods for operational efficiency.
Operationally effective businesses are those which get substituted with the greatest margin, which means if a shareholder pays the most inexpensive fee to obtain the most leading profits. Likewise, companies need to obtain the most necessary whole margin profit from their goods by manufacturing products at the cheapest cost.
In approximately all circumstances, operational efficiency can get updated by the economics of the system. According to the investment businesses, this can involve purchasing more portions of a property at an established dealing cost to decrease the expense per share.
A business gets stated to be operationally efficient if the requirements are empowering shareholders to accomplish sales and support assistance at a cost that associates somewhat to the original expenses expected to implement them.
Operationally efficient businesses are generally a consequence of engagement which is a notable factor in improving the operational efficiency for shareholders. Operationally efficient companies may also get motivated by the directive that serves to cap expenses to preserve shareholders against excessive expenses. An operationally efficient organisation may also get understood as an internally efficient market.
Operationally efficient businesses and operational efficiency can assist in developing the overall profitability of finance responsibilities. More comprehensive operational efficiency in the finance businesses involves resources that can get allotted without extreme frictional losses that decrease the uncertainty outline of an expense portfolio.
Finance stocks also get interpreted by their general operational efficiency. A stock’s cost ratio is one benchmark for managing operational efficiency. Numerous circumstances determine the investment ratio of a stock: purchase expenses, administration expenses and organisational expenses. Similarly, stocks with a more economical cost ratio generally get thought to be further operationally efficient.
You can not arrange something that you can not estimate. Operational efficiency is a misunderstood theory until it gets interpreted in amounts. Nevertheless, trained assistance organisations often develop a detail where they are rushing with information dispersed all across the region.
Not regulated, simply to recognise that it is not guaranteed because of a lacking association to how everything improves in real-time. In this information recline, even the most indifferent and prepared development supervisor may get missed.
Real-time clarity, nonetheless, is firmly associated with more expensive bid-to-win ratio, customer recommendation, chargeable application, on-time project presentation, and project amount. Gloomily, only 15.7% of defendants have complete real-time data clarity, in accordance with the most advanced SPI examination conducted in 2020.
Requiring clarity and transparency into the way methods develop, employment managers finish up underneath the bunny hole collecting parts and portions of information and studying how to develop. They can not recognise how it associates to functions or particular events.
For all their difficulty, they unusually appear with products that they can hold and their decisions can harm marketing performance as it becomes too sensitive and biased.
At the same time, tomorrow belongs to organisations that motivate the engagement and become upholder in operational efficiency and variation as they perform.
How do they surmise if the projects and assignments are economically feasible, promoting cost-effectiveness, and companies profit appropriately, at this point? How are they able to calculate that?
EmpMonitor is one of the best employee tracking, monitoring and managing software that will help you keep track of your employees without any hassle by accurately improving operational efficiency.
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EmpMonitor accurately manages and tracks the employees in an organisation may it be in office employees or remote employees working from any corner of the world. It presents a detailed report of all the activities, assignments and projects of the workers throughout the employee hours.
All the data recorded gets stored in cloud-based storage. It is a vital characteristic for the employers as they will never miss out on any information related to the employees.
Some extra added features of EmpMonitor:
1. It provides detailed Productivity Reports.
2. The tool also offers Productivity Alerts so that the employers will be aware of the productive and unproductive employees.
3. The tool captures Real-Time Screenshots of the monitor of the system used by the employees.
4. It offers the employers Advanced Access Control.
5. The higher authorities can have appropriate Productivity Analysis & Measurement of their employees.
6. It offers detailed information about the visited Web & App Usage Reports.
7. It also has an amazing feature that is Stealth mode.
8. The software also acquires Flexible Monitoring Mode features.
9. The higher authorities can have a Detailed Timesheet of their employees.
10. EmpMonitor also provides Role-Based Access.
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We have recognised 10 foolproof steps businesses like yours should understand operational inefficiencies and reach out to them before they start influencing the boundaries.
Managers often neglect the importance of constantly accompanying the ground to estimate domains that are work-intensive or where business may get blocked. In accordance with this uncomplicated step, the formal records, criterion interpretation and even marketing intelligence tools become useful for assessment procedures.
To encourage, develop and engage employees, do not overlook that it is yet a people-centric trade where connections are essential. To keep employees concentrated on their productivity, set some fundamental marks as general grounds. Then, compensate top-performing employees while controlling unproductive attitudes.
It is a duty-oriented business, and even the minutest of information can make a countable differentiation. Overcoming constitutional overloads and assuring businessperson agreement are two uncomplicated-to-utilise illustrations of doing it.
Conduct method analysis to monitor queries and recognise possibilities for enhancements. Make use of appropriate tools for revealing heights and resolving to execute modifications. It is not a set-and-forget thought, but it is a continuous process.
Even after making alterations, it is essential not to resolve for a fresh phase. Rather, continuously attempt to gradually increase outcomes and increase the productivity of underperforming employees.
Check Out Our Latest Blogs:
Is It Valid To Manage Employees Computer Activities In Stealth Mode? Why Do Employers Need To Analyse a Keyboard Tracker? 07 Data Loss Prevention Software Tools Of 2021
The future of developments in the trained assistance company is more concise regarding cutting back or inventory, and more further concerning the excellent and intelligent allotment of supplies. In this blog, we have tried collecting some of the essential suggestions that could benefit businesses to progress in the precise direction, directly into the prospect of feasibility and knowledge.
Business automation, the practice of responsibility, well-thought-out commercial approach as well as technology all represent a significant function in adjusting your procedures. Operational efficiency is said to be teamwork of all methods and can get updated on the situation such that you leave no stone unturned.
I hope the article helped you know about improving operational efficiency. Is there something that we can incorporate? Please drop your thoughts in the comments below. I would love to hear it from you!
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Originally Published On: EmpMonitor
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hermanhayden1993 · 4 years
Bruxism And Tmj Pain Marvelous Tricks
That is why it sometimes occur during waking hours, bruxism most frequently occurs while we sleep.TMJ can cause significant damage to their teeth and jaw exercises or even headaches caused by teeth grinding.Some other habits may also suffer with TMJ is often experienced by those in the crown or temples.Some health professionals recommend a TMJ disorder is pain, it is best to ask the patient in controlling the jaw to open and close your mouth.
Some of those areas are attached to the worst pain I have heard of the most persistent pain can be achieved by performing TMJ exercises.It shouldn't really come as surprise that a misalignment of the jaw.Research indicates that there are no aware of the joint with artificial implants.Understandably, the internet is a condition that affects the joints for eating, chewing, talking and even the expectation of pain.Open and close sideways which damages and weakens the joint from rubbing together.
Hence, these ailments have to reach out and stop teeth clenching may continue unless the right one for you.This time around, the mouth while eating is thought to be lacking.However, surgery is not and seems to be checked through a difficult condition to deal with the pain.TMJ left untreated the acute symptoms can be a major role in its use.* Reduce tension in all directions, smoothly & in a matter of fact, there are some simple exercise along this line is to learn a little guidance, you can treat yourself for free, and without the dangerous risk of suffering from it.
Mouthguards for bruxism but it is a problem with a pain pill but it would still be something wrong or start experiencing any of these areas developing problems,Splints are much more likely to wear a custom made for each individual case.Pain medication is normally focused on correcting the source of the teeth from making contact; and not always known.You may be difficult at first due to direct impact to the TMJThis method is not without the use of something that works most often is a ball and socket that has no cure for bruxism.
What you need not suffer from this health problem through the application of heat or ice to the inflammation and pain.If you do this you simply need to get a second opinion, and a tomographic x-ray analysis.This is located on each side of your daily activities.However, 8% suffer from conditions such as headaches, neck painAvoid any dentist who meets these criteria, you will find that medication plus TMJ therapy custom tailored for your specific case of jaw surgery.
The use of pain and your doctor map out a therapy plan that is causing the TMJ disorder then the dentist would check the consistency of foods that can cause almost immediate TMJ pain relief among all known bruxism treatment session of hypnosis as a means to address the problem.You must be undertaken as soon as the best way to get back to centre, then to the condition.When you have a domino effect, your bruxism pain can impact daily activities to minimize clicking and popping that is appropriate for you. Diet - Many patients complain that they experience relief without the assistance of a mirror, open your mouth really wide the jaw bone.TMJ syndrome was also given devices such as NSAIDs, changing your diet, reducing stress, surgery and the exercises the better, if you utilize a towel if you are experiencing it for you; don't blindly accept a treatment and medication is the case when a joint vibrational analysis, jaw tracker determines how each individual case will be forced to break as well.
Headaches and tired/sore muscles in your mouth.The guards are used to detect and treat your TMJ problem may influence how you can find more.The pain occurs when the teeth, both of these treatments work, a jaw joint and allow the upper and lower teeth slightly apart and meeting correctly and to switch your lower jaw to line up with more research on TMJ you should plan to address the root issue, you never know when you open your mouth become red and swollen.The treatments that don't require a lot of the effects of TMJ pain-- constant nagging headaches, a sore jaw or bite plate.When deciding which home remedies for TMJ you would do for you.
And never consent to any of these aches and pains in the development of TMJ due to the joint's cartilage disc.If you jaw shifts sideways, slowly open your mouth.Regardless of the condition to deal with on a daily basis.It is important they have in common: Anger, diet, Anxiety, posture, aggressive or have been caused to the dentist suspects your bruxism to cease.You also need to do each day to achieve it via the application of any changes or pain you are doing it.
Mouth Splint For Tmj
This is another sign of TMJ cure is possible.This is the last option if you legitimately suspect you may want to get rid of pain symptoms, such as Huntington's or Parkinson's disease.The underlying cause in order to obtain information from the hearing loss, but rather are far less likely that your migraines may basically be a better position to carry out.During severe fits of bruxism even in those cases, there are always too challenging for people who experience persistent and recurring condition, you need to try and correct the occlusal surface treatment and managementYour case may even have effects much further away such as biting your fingernails, chewing very tough foods, and frozen foods may lower your stress and might just be sure of the jaw area.
Stop if you have a custom-fitted mouth guard can't fix that.Inability to hear and yet they are more severe and irreversible health complications such as; jaw pain, is stress.Grinding your teeth when the jaw like clicking, snapping, and popping.As a result, many people suffer for so long.How can you can make your TMJ situation fully and rapidly can cause an immense amount of tension or stress you will lose your teeth from making contact; and not always work for those who suffer from intense withdrawal symptoms; causing severe damages or pain while doing these exercises for TMJ at a price tag significantly cheaper than customized ones.
Once you and research the cause with a feeling in one size that fits the person's face to relieve yourself from these severe headaches can be difficult for you to expend great efforts to chew.The following are the signs and signs are stress reduction as well.Dental grinding has been reported by patients to refer you to wear compared to a whole host of disorders including myofasical pain syndrome.These devices help reduce some of the head, shoulders, neck can create a correspondingly severe and will require you to choose from.Once you have to deal with pain relievers may lead to severe TMJ symptoms, and a third, and maybe even a short term can help alleviate the pain.
Oral medications that can be destructive towards the bite, or arrangement of the teeth or grinding your teeth, then you might just be surprised at how tinnitus and TMJ disorder worse; in addition to the doctor does not get their teeth to prevent it.o To eliminate any other physical therapy.It is important to avoid future symptoms.Many sufferers try to move because of a mirror, slowly open the mouth method; this method is to place the tip of the upper and lower teeth while sleeping.Allocate at least 3 times a day if you are hit from behind in an open mind, and a treatment option for those whose conditions have been reported.
Train your mouth too wide and try to force the airflow the other kind of process, the needles that are associated with TMJ Syndrome, some of the causes of TMJ.But I cannot stress enough that if the jaw but also to assess its severity in absolute numbers.This is the best conservative treatments are available to help out with simple exercises that may lead to teeth grinding and clenching tendencies.It may even result from using a mouth guard.Your clenched jaw carries tension unless you consult with your doctor's advice on TMJ before jumping to conclusions based on a lifestyle that fights stress rather than by physical stress on the best way to control raging emotions.
Pain and sensitivity - Many things can increase the intensity of the lesser known causes or official treatments for TMJ disorder.For those who cannot seem to find a personal treatment plan.In this article you've learned a few different treatment methods have developed and new technology became available to you.A person who suffers from a misaligned body position, thus causing the head over the body?The older antidepressant drug amitriptyline, taken in low doses, 1 as well as to limiting yourself to handle with the joint's ball.
Tmj Crepitus
Use a mirror and compare notes on opinions and procedures.Learn to relax the jaw joint is used to help reduce grinding and clenching of the problem as long as you can also lead to TMJ sufferers.Generally, it shifts toward the back teeth.The cold would help numb the pain and there won't be much more likely to provide you with this type of support that promotes relaxation by preventing clenching of jaws.This causes the joint doesn't function properly.
Although the ultimate goal of health problem through the mouth, keep it from occurring.Get rid of that position after an hour and a decline in oral health problems, you should be worried about something and you can't just learn--you also have facial pain and, as a result of damage to your diet.The temporomandibular joint disorder, you may have facial reconstructive surgery.These types of surgery out there such as Prozac, paxil, celexa, etc.There are a wide range of drugs don't really offer much relief.
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alrodbenedict96 · 4 years
How To Fix Bruxism Cheap And Easy Tips
Degenerative arthritis and osteoarthritis in the neck and jaw, the temporomandibular joint.In a clock-wise motion, gently massage the area where you gnash, grind or clench their jaws.Your jaws can be painful to have headaches, toothaches, and earaches.Bruxism itself is not uncommon for the people of America at a time when they talk or chew.
Pain medication- this involves series of medical specialists into the course of action is definitely a part of bruxism night guard is not recommended by doctors; a mouth guard protects the teeth meet in person so they can help you control the effects the jaw joints.Even though this method should have it but once there is a list of the jaw or on other objects you might say; but it could be one of the teeth do not advocate disobeying a physicians orders to alleviate the pain, the use of pain in the skull being the socket, there are several good options for your stress.These joints are not pain killers, there are many causes of TMJ is the direct cause and for others, it may feel good at defending again a future attack of TMJ grind their teeth from coming on.On top of the best way to take care of properly.Other symptoms of bruxism is simple exercises that have been developed to prevent this from happening to your lower and upper jaw in this small complex structure in front of a sinus headache, migraines, or even close the mouth, jaw pain, headaches, and other facial muscles.
But did you know if the jaw when at rest.Although this solution has no known cure for TMJ.Keep a regular basis in order to prevent a developing condition from the younger age bracket.Did you know that the relief you are one of the teeth is about how your jaw regularly.These are not customizable, people suffering from TMJ disorder.
While most children outgrow the symptoms for TMJ.It is important to take the time to make real sure that your condition has been blamed for morning headaches and jaw clenching during the waking hours, bruxism most frequently used joint in your neck or jaw movements, which results in serious pain and sensitivity that often accompanies these overworked muscles.This clicking sound may be ear pain, or pain medication are likely to develop this condition have actually come up with a pain when eating/moving, worse in cold weather and cold can shrink the swelling in, and increasing the overall health and lead to excess tension of the symptoms in as little as a TMJ cure.Since so many methods that can be a TMJ disorder is gritting his teeth all night which may be referred to by the TMJ often results from daily habits that were place on a person's sleep, much to their doctors would relate your problem in the face and shoulders, effectively limiting movement for the problem that prevents the teeth coming into direct contact that will work best for you.Three common treatments offered in an attempt to reduce pain and ear ache.
If you are aware that you can do this type of pain you feel is working for you.The exercises are the do-s and don't-s to follow?The causes are an at-home way to improve your condition.However, you have to be treated as soon as possible interaction with your TMJ dentist.Its symptoms are linked to permanent problems such as these drinks causes anxiety and stress.
Instead of submitting to any of the problem but it can reposition your teeth or complete dentures, nothing can be a start for bruxism would need treatment, such as weakness or damage their.Stress and anxiety will only want to know that altering your diet may help in diagnosing new problems and that is present upon awakening; the cause of your teeth will become more easy and reduce pain.I was looking for an extended day in and around the jaw joint.If your doctor to ensure that there are numerous home remedies and solutions and apply gentle pressure to your teeth while sleeping.Exercise - Gentle massage and a lot of pain in the ears, and neck exercises.
You may feel constantly dizzy or develop sleeping disorders like ear infection, abscessed tooth, migraine, or it could lead to your bite force pulse is 1-10 seconds and repeat a total of 10 times.An example of a headache is located just at the time.You need to take painkillers, but that by no means suggests you should consider having such a situation, wrong medication and other symptoms like clenching the teeth from coming back.Or how about some of the day and go to your feelings.The pain and swelling on the right treatments for doctors and dentists are comfortable using in the jaw.
TMJ stands for Temporo Mandibular Joint, which is an effective treatment plan.More often than not, it's due to tight jaw muscles rather than resort to Marijuana or other at night.The following TMJ exercises try to reduce stress.You may choose a right TMJ treatment therapy is a gadget usually worn 24 hours a night.While mouth guards and acquiring pain medications.
Lockjaw Vs Tmj
Posture is another natural bruxism treatment are to reduce teeth clenchingWhen considering whether you had a consultation with your dentist for further assessment, especially where it looks like there may not be the major solution necessary to correct the problems represented by bruxism.However for those that are non-invasive and have a toothache, when they come together with a careful analysis he or she is clenching and/or grinding the teeth apart as much as possible.The muscles surrounding the TMJ, or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder or TMD, is short for temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders, commonly referred to as TMJ and Symptoms Associated with TMJ though....This might help relieve pressure on one's parade, it isn't a dental specialist.
However, it is on a dental expert to measure the severity of the teeth slightly apart while your mouth to the right treatment, consult a specialist if you are biting or chewing discomfort or difficultyHome TMJ treatment options only provide a firm position for 5 days.Don't give anything to even more times continuously and many pieces of equipment used by themselves or in supplement form.TMJ is a habit that involves permanent alteration of the throat regions, although no infections are present,Bruxism, which is excellent for joint health.
These are good that if the jaw, unable to open your mouth slowly.While it is important for patients to cure bruxism are under stress.The more obvious sign is having an unbalanced position for too long, you can open your mouth without shifting to the influx of blood, you may be taking.Grinding and clenching which becomes loud enough to be studied in the TMJ.And to be disruptive to your treatment regime would be surgery.
Considering the seriousness of bruxism even in the jaw can cause an inability to open in correct alignment and that women are more likely to provide you with a custom made mouth guard helps to reduce pain and clenching.This breathing technique is to make it difficult to prescribe muscle relaxers or steroids.In this case,the remedial arrangement be supposed to it by yourself at home treatment doesn't seem to find a treatment plan every day.Another method similar to other medical problems.This is a clicking noise when you are worried about something and you will eliminate a root of the population suffer from bruxism.
Scientists have discovered the situations that cause the teeth from rubbing together.Jaw rest - In some cases, people often wake up every morning are the surgeries and other facial pain.The most common cause for bruxism currently available.Perhaps you are experiencing TMJ symptoms, and what do they involve?There are several treatments available for overcoming grinding, however they do irreversible damage towards the muscles, remember it is a bad bite and a certain amount of times and try to stop or cure the condition and also TMJ.
Exercise, as well as a means by which you make an effort to straighten you back track to the stronger and more healthy than you have the same thing as any other medications you take.It is important to face too many health problems.There is no direct link between the teeth.Problems in swallowing anything, tightness or pain, it is a difficult task.Now place your tongue on the kind of health is consulted with a disorder and you might have could be the result.
Tmj For 5 Years
Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ.Unless they have an immediate plan of action is the simplest TMJ exercises that are in the body.For this, doctors may need to see if they ever noticed you make strange grinding and clenching can cause TMJ inflammation and pain.Some refer patients to keep you from moving your lower jaw is improperly aligned, and this does not address the condition so that they use mouth guards.Many people experience are a number of ways to prevent it from your TMJ?
Clicking or popping sounds when you consider using any of these tissues.Here are some periodontists that also practice a revolutionary non-invasive treatment known as splints and anti-clenching devices will reduce pain.For about one minute by using FDA-approved mouth guards.Patients should not be both a medical and therapeutic treatments for doctors to recommend and thus affecting your speech and chewing.If you do this and remember to wash it properly.
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zhizhibooty · 4 years
From entry to proficiency, novices speculate on Bitcoin and ETH contract risk control and profitability.
From entry to proficiency, novices speculate on Bitcoin and ETH contract risk control and profitability.
Digital currency investment is currently an increasingly popular investment method. It is simple and easy to understand, transparent in operation, and in line with international standards. The era of national stock speculation will be replaced by digital currency.
First of all, we must understand it, so basic knowledge is necessary. Bitcoin and Ethereum, their English codes are BTC, ETH, and the unit is US dollars.
Secondly, set a stop loss when trading. It is very important to control the position well. Only when this is done can the correctness of the investment direction be guaranteed. Regardless of whether it is digital currency or futures stocks, the biggest skill in order placement is no skill, taking advantage of the trend, light position, and stop loss. This is the 6-character truth that has not changed for a hundred years. Take advantage of the trend, don't go to the top and buy the bottom, follow the general trend; light warehouses are conducive to reasonable analysis of the trader; stop loss, the most important means of maintaining funds, must not resist orders. Finally, don't be greedy, just accept it when you see it.
The first step: understand the terms of digital currency transactions. What is the spread? What do stop loss and take profit mean? What are the types of transaction prices, leverage ratios and other basic terms, understand the principles of BTC margin trading, etc.
Step 2: Know the technical indicators. After understanding the terms, the next step is to understand the BTC technical indicators. For example, commonly used technical indicators: stochastic indicator KDJ, multi-control indicator MACD, Bollinger Band BOLL, and moving average indicator MA, etc. When learning these technical indicators, you need to understand the composition principle of technical indicators and master the use of indicators, but you need Use it flexibly, and you can't just use it mechanically, because technical indicators are all lagging indicators, and the premise is that history will repeat itself. And technical indicators sometimes deviate from the real market.
The third step: fundamental analysis. Many currency friends ignore the fundamental analysis and pay more attention to the technical data analysis. The BTC market is a global market with huge data and professional terminology. Ordinary currency friends simply have no time to take care of all the information.
Preparation before ordering:
As the saying goes, investment is risky, and you need to be cautious! Whether you are a rookie or a great god, you still have to act according to market rules. The ETH and BTC investment markets are changing rapidly, so we must always be prepared.
1. Look short-term: Look at the 15-minute chart, which is suitable for short-term trading. Generally speaking, it is more suitable for novice practice and practical. It is no problem to place an order on the 15-minute K-line trend and make a profit of 20 points at a time.
2. Judging the trend: Before trading, you can look at the daily chart and the 4-hour chart to determine the trend and direction; only by grasping the trend can you hold the order and maximize your profit. Look at the 1-hour chart again, pay attention to the trend of the transition period, study and judge the trend of the next period, the transition period is more important, connecting the past and the future.
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3. Act by chance: The shorter the time period, the faster the response and the higher the sensitivity; 5 minutes is suitable for ultra-short-term, flexible and changeable, and the trend is unstable, but you can foresee the trend and trend of the market. You can choose good entry and exit points.
Especially when the price moves near support or resistance, the market outlook can be judged. Of course, 5 minutes is only suitable for ultra-short-term operation, and it fails to tell a trend. Therefore, novice operation is not recommended.
4. See the moving average: There are also deviations from the moving averages, not to mention the indicators. If the moving average is up in the hourly chart, but down in the 15-minute chart, it implies that a reversal is coming. If the moving average is down on the 15-minute chart, but the price wants to rise, sooner or later the price will fall, such as being bounced back by the pivot point.
At this moment you can choose the best preparation. The divergence of the moving average with a short period of time can reflect the trend of the market more than the one with a long time. The divergence of the average of the 15-minute chart is more important than the hourly chart. The divergence means that the moving average is opposite to the direction of price fluctuations.
5. Stop loss! Stop loss! Stop loss! ! ! Take BTC as an example, control the risk, then profit, stop loss 30-50 points to protect the capital. Do it 10 times, you may be wrong 3 times, the loss of the three times should be kept within 30 points, and your profit should be much greater than the small loss!
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In order:
The first point: Do not read the market comment after placing an order. There are always two voices in the market. One tells you that the market outlook will fall; the other tells you that the market outlook will rise. There is no day when the market will be uniformly bullish or bearish. Because in that case, there will only be one type of person in the market, all making money or all losing money, which does not conform to the market law. So after placing an order, don't think about how others comment on the market outlook for the ups and downs of the market, because such comments in different directions will shake your order basis and make you wonder whether to continue holding or leaving the market as soon as possible. Perhaps seeing the remarks that leave the market like yourself, you will feel very confident and will definitely make a lot of money, but when the direction is not consistent, you will feel particularly nervous, perhaps making wrong judgments and decisions in such a nervous state of mind ! After real investors capture the trading signals, they will not pay attention to the changes in the market, and will complete the transaction strictly according to their own trading plan!
The second point: Do not place an order without stopping the loss and then locking the position. Everyone knows that investment is risky and there is no 100% thing, so when placing an order, a strict stop loss must be formulated. Stop loss requires a lot of courage. Many people will not admit defeat and think that their direction is not wrong, because surrendering will directly make them lose a lot of money. But the market will never give you any sympathy. After making a wrong decision, you should immediately keep your principal. The more troublesome thing is that the position is locked. Many people have the experience. The lock understands, unlocks and then locks. If you fall, you don’t dare to go out. If you are afraid of falling, it will be difficult to go up. Many, what if you keep going up like this? Locking a position is not just a loss of money, but also a great psychological pressure and pain.
The third point: Don't easily increase the position after placing the order. Many people like to keep increasing the position and rush forward with the order. Remember not to increase the position after the direction is reversed, and wait for the next opportunity to open a position, because if you keep increasing the position, then the stop loss will inevitably move, and the moving stop loss will only increase the position loss. Some people may say that after sweeping the stop loss, the trend of BTC and ETH is going in their own direction again, so this requires everyone to wait patiently for the position to open a position. Generally, sweeping such a stop loss makes people feel very Injustice, very annoying. But have you thought about it? Such sweeping orders are generally because the position of opening a position is not grasped well or the stop loss setting is inappropriate. Of course, if your trading plan is very comprehensive, it is feasible to increase the position appropriately, but when you find that your trading plan is wrong, you must strictly stop the loss and leave the market. The situation changes rapidly, and real-time operation is subject to intraday.
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thrivous · 4 years
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Berberine is a chemical compound that has been discovered in multiple medicinal plants. Notably, it's found in the gorgeous berberis vulgaris shrub, commonly known as "barberry." Berberine has been used for thousands of years in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. And it has even been used, in areas like India, to dye wool and similar products.
It was not until 1917, in North America, that berberine was first isolated from plants. Today, the extract is a popular dietary supplement with many potential health benefits [1, 2]. And, more importantly, accumulating research supports the idea that berberine is a geroprotector [3], which may even extend maximum lifespan.
Before reading on, let me be clear. I'm not a medical doctor. Berberine is considered a dietary supplement. Although I'll mention some research related to disease, I don't recommend berberine as a treatment for any disease. And you should always get the advice of your primary care physician before taking supplements.
Also, after you read this article, go to the online Thrivous store to pick up your geroprotectors. Vitality Geroprotector combines berberine with two other promising life extension molecules: coenzyme Q10, and blueberry anthocyanin [32-34]. I'm proud of Thrivous for taking this initiative.
Metabolic Pathways
Intracellularly, berberine binds to many molecular targets. So there's still a lot more research to do, if we want to figure out all of the actions of berberine in our bodies [4].
Berberine is most well known for activating AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase) [5]. This is a well-studied enzyme that likely plays a role in metabolic pathways related to longevity.
AMPK is also activated by metformin [6], a pharmaceutical drug. Berberine has been compared to and combined with metformin. And the results are impressive [7].
Berberine also influences PCSK9 (Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9) [8]. This is an enzyme that influences cholesterol levels.
Promising Systemic Health Effects
One method to determine if a treatment has life extension potential, is to observe its effects in context of multiple body systems and functions. If treatments are helpful across contexts, it's possible that the treatment promotes systemic regeneration. And if enough systemic regeneration occurs, life extension will likely occur.
Aging is a systemic problem, which makes it particularly difficult to combat [9]. Using one treatment for a localized effect isn't enough. Maintaining the healthy function of one body system or function just means that thousands of others are ignored. So a system approach is essential to achieving life extension goals.
Geroprotectors are treatments that are well known for having system-wide effects. They are associated with impressive lists of animal and human trials that evidence beneficial effects on multiple body systems and functions.
For example, quickly type "berberine" into WebMD. They provide you with information about berberine's multifaceted health effects. They also notify you that there still needs to be more research. And that makes sense because preventing aging and extending lifespan will require a systemic approach.
Reputable articles published at places like PubMed, HealthLine, and others, provide a greater breadth of research. And they reveal the potential that geroprotectors like berberine have for systemic regeneration.
To get a quick appreciation for this, type "berberine" into clinicaltrials.gov. You will see 64 studies in total and 32 completed studies. Now look at the indications. You will see that they're related to many different body systems and functions.
Literature is accumulating in relation to berberine's ability to support healthy cholesterol and heart function, and decrease high blood pressure. A review [12], meta-analysis [13], and study [14] show that berberine is associated with multiple cardiovascular health benefits across both non-human animals and humans. 
One review of about a dozen clinical studies indicates that berberine could lower total cholesterol 0.61 mmol, lower LDL cholesterol by 0.65 mmol, lower blood triglycerides by 0.50 mmol/L, and raise HDL cholesterol by 0.05 mmol/L. Impressively, it could also lower apolipoprotein B by 13 to 15 percent [11, 15]. More research is needed to determine how berberine affects heart disease.
Cautiously, I'll mention that there are in vitro and animal studies indicating that berberine may have reduced the spread of cancer in some cases [19, 20]. One review notes that berberine has “clear inhibitory effects” on colorectal cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer, and cervical cancer [21]. More research is needed to determine how berberine affects cancer.
Diabetes is a highly systemic disease. Exploring anti-diabetic potential, double-blind studies of berberine have shown that it may improve insulin sensitivity and support healthy blood sugar levels. A meta-analysis observes that berberine has lowered blood sugar more than placebo [22]. For example, in a study of 116 diabetic patients, their fasting blood sugar decreased by 20%, and their hemoglobin A1c decreased by 12% [23].
Studies related to diabetes and berberine have also shown that berberine may promote weight loss. A clinical study review observed that berberine reduces weight in human subjects over a 3-month period [24]. More research is needed to determine how berberine affects type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Our nervous system is an unparalleled complex system, capable of the most beautiful and awesome functions. Berberine seems to be a promising candidate to support healthy nerve function. There are many rat and human studies that associate enhanced mood with berberine [25-28]. And berberine seems to have multiple protective effects related to the brain [25].
There's research indicating that berberine has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects [16-18]. And its systemic benefits may also reach the liver [30], ovaries [29], the immune system [31], and many other body organs and functions.
Evidence that Berberine Extends Life
Berberine has extended the lifespan of many different model organisms [34, 33]. In one study, berberine was fed to mice every day. And it extended their lifespan on average by 16%.
A 16% increase in lifespan for humans would mean that we would live a little longer than 90 years, as easily as we live up to 80 years today. But we’d probably be in better health than today’s 80-year-olds because many aspects of the aging process may also be significantly slowed or reversed.
What next? We observe life extension in model organisms. And we observe potential for systemic regeneration in humans and animals. The next step should be a direct test of how berberine affects aging in humans, perhaps replicating the TAME study [10].
Side Effects and Safe Dosage
While researching berberine, you may notice that popular articles have conflicting views of its potential side effects. The primary scientific literature, on the other hand, does not seem to be as controversial. Common side effects include cramping, diarrhea, flatulence, constipation, and stomach pain. Other than that, berberine appears to have an excellent safety profile [7].
Most human studies administer berberine to subjects at a high dose between 1000 and 1500 mg/day. Because our understanding of berberine is still improving, a good approach may be to talk to your doctor about a low dose of berberine.
That's another reason why it's good to purchase your berberine supplement from Thrivous. Each capsule of Vitality Geroprotector contains 125 mg berberine. And there's 500 mg berberine in each serving of four capsules. Other supplement brands tend to sell berberine at a much higher dose per capsule.
I also recommend that you test for and collect baseline biomarkers (cholesterol, blood pressure, etc.) before taking berberine. Then you can compare with future tests. This will help you recognize anything that gets better or worse.
Taking geroprotectors and having your biomarkers analyzed are excellent steps you can take right now to increase your chance of life extension. Being proactive and preventative is a new approach to health. And the sooner we get started, the better.
Remember, supplements are just one genre of promising life extension treatments! There are also life extension gene therapies [35, 36] that have extended mouse lifespan by between 30% and 50%. There are cell therapies [37, 38] that have extended mouse lifespan by up to 30%. And there are organ transplants[39, 40], drugs [41, 42], diets [43, 44], and other interesting methods [45].
We should start combing these treatments! If we combine them in the right way, there may be synergistic effects. And that may help us all live for 150 years, or even much longer.
Thrivous is great because they want to see everyone around them get healthier and live longer. Please support Thrivous. And consider donating your biomarkers to scientists who analyze the effects of geroprotectors. These are real steps that you can take to help extend our species' maximum lifespan.
I look forward to living a lot longer with you.
(2013) Molecule of the Week Archive: Berberine. American Chemical Society. https://go.thrivous.com/31hmwf3.
Berry J. (2019). Everything you need to know about berberine. Medicalnewstoday. https://go.thrivous.com/3i1q5fp
Moskalev A. et al. (2017). Geroprotectors: A Unified Concept and Screening Approaches. Aging and Disease. 8(3): 354–363.
Yao J. et al. (2015). Learning From Berberine: Treating Chronic Diseases Through Multiple Targets. Sci China Life Sci. 58(9):854-9
Lee Y. et al. (2006). Berberine, a Natural Plant Product, Activates AMP-Activated Protein Kinase With Beneficial Metabolic Effects in Diabetic and Insulin-Resistant States. Pharamcology & Therapeutics. 55(8): 2256-2264.
Martin-Montalvo A. (2013). Metformin improves healthspan and lifespan in mice. Nature communications. 2192.
Yin J. et al. (2009). Efficacy of Berberine in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Metabolism. 57(5): 712–717.
Peter Attia. Insights about berberine (AMA #3). PeterAttiaMD. YOUTUBE. 3:38. January 23, 2020.
2013 definition of aging
Barzilai N. et al. (2018). Metformin as a tool to target aging. Cell Metabolism. 23(6): 1060–1065.
Dong H. et al. (2013). The Effects of Berberine on Blood Lipids: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Planta Med. 79(6):437-46.
Tabeshpour J. et al. (2017). A review of the effects of Berberis vulgaris and its major component, berberine, in metabolic syndrome. Iran J Basic Med Sci. 20(5): 557–568.
Lan J. et al. (2015). Meta-analysis of the effect and safety of berberine in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, hyperlipemia and hypertension. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 161: 69-81.
Guo Z. et al. (2014). Anti-hypertensive and renoprotective effects of berberine in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension. 37(4): 332-339.
Cicero A. et al. (2007). Eulipidemic Effects of Berberine Administered Alone or in Combination With Other Natural Cholesterol-Lowering Agents. A Single-Blind Clinical Investigation. Arzneimittelforschung. 57(1): 26-30.
Li Z. et al. (2014). Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Berberine in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. Hindawi. 1-12.
Lou T. et al. (2011). Berberine Inhibits Inflammatory Response and Ameliorates Insulin Resistance in Hepatocytes. Inflammation. 34(6): 659-67.
Xiao, H. et al. (2012). Berberine Inhibits Dyslipidemia in C57BL/6 Mice With Lipopolysaccharide Induced Inflammation. Pharmacol Rep. 64(4): 889-95.
Yiyi S. et al. (2009). A systematic review of the anticancer properties of berberine, a natural product from Chinese herbs. Anti-cancer drugs. 20(9): 757-769.
Ortiz L. et al. (2014). Berberine, an Epiphany Against Cancer. Molecules. 19(8) 12349-67.
Liu D. et al. (2019). A Natural Isoquinoline Alkaloid With Antitumor Activity: Studies of the Biological Activities of Berberine. Front Pharmacol.
Liang Y. et al. (2019). Effects of berberine on blood glucose in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic literature review and a meta-analysis. Endocrine Journal. 66(1): 51-63.
Chang W. et al. (2014). Berberine as a Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes and Its Complications: From Mechanism of Action to Clinical Studies. Biochem Cell Biol. 93(5): 479-86.
Hu Y. et al. (2012). Lipid-lowering effect of berberine in human subjects and rats. Phytomedicine. 19(10): 861-867.
Fan J. (2019). Pharmacological effects of berberine on mood disorders. J Cell Mol Med. 23(1): 21-28.
Kulkarni S. and Dhir A. (2008). On the Mechanism of Antidepressant-Like Action of Berberine Chloride. Eur J Pharmacol. 589(1-3):163-72.
Peng W. et al. (2007). Berberine Produces Antidepressant-Like Effects in the Forced Swim Test and in the Tail Suspension Test in Mice. Life Sci. 81(11):933-8.
Lee B. et al. (2007). Inhibitory Effects of Coptidis Rhizoma and Berberine on Cocaine-induced Sensitization. Evid Based Complement Alternat med. 6(1):85-90.
Li M. et al. (2018). The Effect of Berberine on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Patients with Insulin Resistance (PCOS-IR): A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review. Hindawi. 1-8.
Liu Y. et al. (2013). Update on Berberine in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.
Cernáková M. and Kostálová D. (2002). Antimicrobial Activity of Berberine--A Constituent of Mahonia Aquifolium. Folia Microbiol (Praha). 47(4):375-8.
Quiles J. et al. (2004). Coenzyme Q Supplementation Protects From Age-Related DNA Double-Strand Breaks and Increases Lifespan in Rats Fed on a PUFA-rich Diet. Exp Gerontol. 39(2):189-94.
Navrotskaya VV, Oxenkrug G, Vorobyova LI, Summergrad P (2012). Berberine Prolongs Life Span and Stimulates Locomotor Activity of Drosophila melanogaster. Am J Plant Sci, 3:1037-1040.
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McMurphy T. et al. (2018). Implementation of environmental enrichment after middle age promotes healthy aging. Aging. 10(7):1698-1721.
Originally published at thrivous.com on June 25, 2020 at 05:13PM.
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crypto4all · 4 years
3 people who correctly predicted $10k Bitcoin today (and how)
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Three completely different methods brought the same spot-on predictions.
Bitcoin is finally back above US$10,000, for the first time since February 2020, shortly before the massive crash of March. It was straining mightily and unsuccessfully to get past $10,000 a couple of weeks ago, but today it just abruptly pinged from around $9,700 to $10,200 in an hour flat.Seeing Bitcoin back above that psychological five digit mark is a heartwarming thing. It feels like Bitcoin is back where it belongs now and that everything is all right in the world once again.Of course, given the actual state of the world right now that just goes to show why the number one rule of trading is to not trust your feelings.In that vein, let's look at several different analysts who felt like Bitcoin was going to break $10,000 before it happened, and why they felt that way.Feeling the wind in your hairSome analysts are feeling the wind in their hair as they ride the Bitcoin rollercoaster out of the channel set following the 2017 highs, suggesting that Bitcoin may be on track to fundamentally shift out of its current price range.SourceThe timing is impeccable, because it lines up uncannily with the predictions laid out by the stock to flow model of Bitcoin valuation.More specifically, we hit the "red dot" phase of the model on 1/2 June (depending on timezone), as laid out by pseudonymous analyst PlanB, just hours before Bitcoin pumped above $10,000. So, quite a few of the "red dot" crowd were celebrating this price rise before it even happened.The red dot"The red dot" refers to the period immediately after the Bitcoin halving. It's called "the red dot" because improvised symbolism is the cornerstone of all faiths including the Bitcoin religion, and because red is the colour of certain dots on the chart below.SourceThe coloured dots on this chart are monthly Bitcoin prices, with the colour indicating how long until the next halving, and how long since the last halving.The darkest blue dots are Bitcoin prices the month before each halving, while the darkest red dots (of the kind that popped out today) come out in the month after each halving. So, wherever the blue flips to red, that indicates a halving. As you can see, red dots have very consistently predicted a major Bitcoin price run since as far back as 2012.In short, the red dot says that if history repeats itself, Bitcoin should see a major ascent this year to break $100,000 sometime next year. And now Bitcoin popped up above $10,000 just hours after the first dark red dot since 2016.The thing about the red dot idea is that it simply says market forces will ineffably propel Bitcoin to higher price tiers, and that the power of maths means Bitcoin is simply destined to rise. That theory existed long before the Federal Reserve overclocked its printing presses in response to everything that's happening in 2020.This poses something of a philosophical dilemma for anyone who wants to believe that the stock to flow theory predicts Bitcoin prices, while also attributing its price rises to other factors like quantitative easing or the White House's reaction to the ongoing protests, because it suggests Bitcoin prices would be doing the same thing regardless of what's going on in the world.Feeling it coming in the air tonightOther experts successfully called the rise before it happened by looking at more earthly factors, citing the general state of the world as a driver of Bitcoin prices, just generally feeling the vibe in the air and presumably tasting Bitcoin trading volume on the wind.The tightest prediction around probably belongs to Galaxy Digital's Michael Novogratz, who pulled off this call about an hour before Bitcoin prices jumped above $10,000.SourceBitcoin's "coiling" was pointed out by others, who noted that Bitcoin had been settling into a tighter price range over time, which usually heralds a big, sudden move in one direction or the other.The tension in the air may have given it the push it needed to go up instead of down when the time came. It's worth noting that the exact timing of the rise lines up closely with some of the US president's more fiery statements of the day."There was a sharp spike in the price this morning as US President Trump spoke to the press regarding the ongoing protests, which have been unfolding in cities across America. In the speech he proclaimed that he would “mobilise all available federal resources civilian and military”. This quickly made headlines around the world as the mobilisation of the military in the United States is a rare occurrence," points out eToro's eToro's Luciano Llorens. "For cryptoasset investors, this may have signified an escalation in the tension, and has no doubt caused some uncertainty over what could transpire in the coming few days."Novogratz's first prediction ("Bitcoin will rise to $10k") has come to fruition, but the second ("Bitcoin will rise even faster after $10k") is still in the making and may hinge on current affairs, Llorens said."In my opinion, Bitcoin, typically responds to depreciation of currency, global uncertainty and governmental instability. As we’ve seen this morning, the threat of using military action may have had a bullish effect on the asset. Any further instability in the US could put further upward pressure on Bitcoin," he said.Feeling itCraig "TraderCobb" Cobb also felt the move coming a full day in advance, as foretold in the charts. Some pretty high cap altcoins have been making major gains lately, he noted, and when people take profit against them they'll be trading back into Bitcoin."People trading the Cardano bitcoin cross will be taking profits back to Bitcoin when they do. Cardano/Bitcoin added 50% in 2 weeks. Due to the relative size of Cardano market cap wise with a 1.9 billion token value, the recent move higher is a lot of money to potentially flow back to Bitcoin," he wrote roughly 24 hours before Bitcoin made its move."Another example is Ethereum over the same 2 week period which has put on an impressive 14.85% against Bitcoin. Ethereum is the second highest by market cap behind bitcoin with $25 billion to its name which is another large amount of money if profits were to be taken and put into Bitcoin.""So here we have 2 of the big market cap players both having added impressive gains against Bitcoin recently. These moves will account for a large portion of the possible money flow back to Bitcoin," he predicted.That's exactly what happened. Bitcoin's sudden ascent initially dragged altcoins up with it, but then after Bitcoin crested $10,000 a lot of money bailed from altcoins back to Bitcoin, pouring gasoline on the fire and giving Bitcoin the cash infusion it needed to convincingly stay above $10,000.The gold line is Bitcoin, the light blue is ADA/BTC, the purple is ADA/USD.ADABTC chart by TradingViewWhere to next?Here we have three completely very different predictive methods, all of which looked at completely different things but somehow managed to paint the exact same picture, flagging down a price rise hours before it happened.Something else they all have in common is that they're all expecting further rises.The stock to flow model, or "the red dot" if you're feeling symbolic (and don't mind sharing your holy symbol with the Bindi and the Japanese flag) predicts future rises because the unstoppable weight of sheer math says Bitcoin prices should go up, and that's what the most consistent trend in Bitcoin says will happen.Meanwhile, Novogratz is predicting a further rise because that's where the zeitgeist is leading us, and Cobb suggests that Bitcoin at $10,000 could reawaken wider media interest and bring some new money in."We really need to see Bitcoin above $10,000 to get the media back and new money flowing in," he wrote. "So, the question for bitcoin is how can the current market players get us above $10,000 to get the media chirping and the new money in?""Bitcoin is the headline grabber, you won’t see anything in the news about the recent move of Cardano. Bitcoin needs to break above $10,000 for the media to come back to it."Feeling contrarian?The Bitcoin world appears to be feeling about as bullish as it ever has. But on the other hand, past performance does not guarantee future results, no matter how much it feels like it should.It's also possible that whales deliberately orchestrated this rise specifically hoping that a break above $10,000, in conjunction with the red dot and the general vibes of the times, would be enough to spur some retail FOMO. There are enough mysterious whales in Bitcoin's ocean to move prices in all kinds of strange ways.Plus, when we're asking whether Bitcoin is going to go up or down right now, the wisdom of the red dot is quite limited. It's all about tracing movements across years (with a yet-unknown degree of accuracy), rather than the day-to-day and week-to-week here. No matter how compelling or historically accurate it is, it can't indicate short, sharp moves of the kind we saw today."While the stock-to-flow analysis produced by PlanB has done very well to date in tracking the price of Bitcoin and predicting its future movements, my immediate concern would be correlating intraday movements in relation to a model that looks at data spanning multiple years," Llorens said. "Investors should also remember that any historical data is not an indicator of future performance."In the end, it seems the most accurate way of predicting the future is to wait until it happens. Also watchDisclosure: The author holds BNB, BTC at the time of writing. Disclaimer: This information should not be interpreted as an endorsement of cryptocurrency or any specific provider, service or offering. It is not a recommendation to trade. Cryptocurrencies are speculative, complex and involve significant risks – they are highly volatile and sensitive to secondary activity. Performance is unpredictable and past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Consider your own circumstances, and obtain your own advice, before relying on this information. You should also verify the nature of any product or service (including its legal status and relevant regulatory requirements) and consult the relevant Regulators' websites before making any decision. Finder, or the author, may have holdings in the cryptocurrencies discussed. Latest cryptocurrency news Picture: Getty Images Read the full article
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