#but again journal rights
Clocking in at 4200 words and 30 pages with figures and formatting stuff…….but really all that is done is the introduction and part I, which to be fair is the beefiest parts bc they have the most data and the most references and the most complicated method and discussion. Tomorrow I need to verify my math, rerun some simulations, look at the results, and then lock in and finish this. We are entering approximately 48 hours til it’s due but there’s a tiny bit of wiggle room………. I believe it can get finished . Presentation isn’t until a week from Wednesday so I’m taking a couple days off thesis stuff then making that. I also need to submit an embargo request cuz I don’t actually know who has the rights to all this data LOL. Mostly I’m just worried about journals requiring first dibs and not wanting it to be released anywhere else first bc some do that and we are trying to publish part I.
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hussyknee · 11 months
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bilaudad · 1 month
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wing stuff!
experimenting with a more cartoon style, idk what i'm doing loll
tagging: @goodomensafterdark <3
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
In Knives Out Blanc wanted to do the murder mystery investigation with Marta so bad, but she was certain she was guilty so she spent a good amount of the movie avoiding/hiding stuff from him
Meanwhile in Glass Onion Helen was fucking carrying the investigation, even while accidentally getting drunk, and even went to investigation lengths Blanc was hesitant to do
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mirrorhouse · 1 month
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I have what you're looking for. High quality. Befitting a man of my tastes. I have a room over on Divisadero, not too far a walk.
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mostly-natm · 8 months
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What could’ve been if Noonien Soong had actually programmed his sons with relatively healthy coping mechanisms that don’t include murder.
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s-sextape · 1 year
i am writing an accidental haiku to attract haiku bot
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aquickstart · 9 months
something about how felix only wants oliver as long as he performs for him and as soon as its over discards him while farleigh knows all too well what its like to perform and knows oliver instantly and throughout albeit not completely and still wants to get closer and tease and hate and get closer. something about that
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stuckinapril · 4 months
A major annoying thing about being in a male dominated stem field (chemistry for me) is you basically work w guys 99% of the time & they ALL think you have a crush on them if you’re even fleetingly nice. And so far I’ve refused to water down my personality to compensate for it but it’s so annoying knowing I’m inadvertently feeding into someone’s unchecked ego
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s0fter-sin · 6 months
i know it's just bc your character doesn't talk in the og mw trilogy but the way mactavish is completely silent in mw2's final mission with price after being so talkative the entire game is just haunting
he's lost his entire team and not even price being back can cut through his grief
the whole game, he gives orders and comments on things but after losing everyone, after trying to get any kind of reassurance from price just to get a sanctimonious monologue back at him, he doesn't say a word
just shuts down, only caring about the mission, only following orders
all of his growth throughout mw2, the five years he spent becoming a captain and building his own team and the second price calls him “soap” it’s all gone; he regresses back to the sergeant
voiceless. faceless
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justacynicalromantic · 3 months
There are a lot of different kinds of Ukrainians who have chosen to fight this war against Russia. This war against Moscow’s unapologetic aggression. This war to keep all of us free.
One of those was Captain Arsen Fedosenko. His photographs of the war are all throughout this piece. On Thursday, his friends and family and the men and women he served with and for in the Armed Forces of Ukraine gathered in Kyiv for his burial. He died from injuries sustained in the line of duty in the Kharkiv region.
I asked Fedosenko’s commander if he knew why he had chosen to sign up. “Because he was a patriot” was the instantaneous answer.
We minimize what is at risk in Ukraine to insulate ourselves from the cost of our failures to support the Ukrainians who have chosen to fight in a war they never wanted and did not ask for, but now must win if they are to survive as a people, a nation, a language, a culture, a history. Fedosenko showed us the faces of those Ukrainians. Fedosenko was one of those Ukrainians.
We know this war — for Russia — is as much about us as Ukrainians. But we don’t yet believe that this war is as much about us as the Ukrainians. We keep avoiding the necessary choices. We are losing opportunities to remember what we are. We keep forgetting what this war is.
It is a war to subjugate a people who managed to escape the inexorable gravity of Moscow — no matter how much money Russia used to corrupt Ukraine and its political class, no matter how many Russian agents were devoted to the task of Ukrainian captivity, Ukrainians said no, no, and chose again to revolt, to be free, to forge a different life in another direction.
I write these stories in the hopes that we — and in particular America we — will decide to remember what it means to be a great power, and to exercise great power in the world.
Great power speaks with action, not with force. Great power is not a wall to keep enemies out — but an umbrella to welcome those who are still hungry enough for what we have to bolster it, fight for it, make it new again. The will to look at those who would take everything, and at the right moment to say — no.
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micahdotgov · 3 months
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hot. who said that
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rimmerslustmonster · 1 month
i love a lot of mass effect characters but i didn't expect when i started playing the series that my favorite character would be shiala, the asari you can save from the thorian in mass effect 1
the fact that you come across her again in mass effect 2 and that you hear from her again in mass effect 3 and the whole time she's trying so hard to right all these wrongs despite her obvious frustration and how much she herself was hurt simply because she trusted and believed in the wrong people always made her a stand-out character to me that I think about like... embarrassingly often lol
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juno-infernal · 3 months
only 6 pages left in my journal & all will be full when i’m done adding in old notes app entries tonight… end of an era
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Post Gremloblin Accident
Blank version under the cut
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Feel free to use!
(Tag me if you do, I am excited to see your editions!)
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sleepynegress · 1 month
Okay. So, I was gonna do a recording on this... still may, but... Ehh, I'm getting new meds on Friday. Anyway. About The Acolyte...
This right here is why BIPOC are always cynical when a show centers us. There's a much greater chance the rug will be pulled and a lesser chance of seeing anything in that space again. I enjoyed the show, but it wasn't perfect. Unfortunately, post-Trump and Apartheid Clyde, incels have dumbed down and polarized any reactions to media. Anything that has white men and white men nostalgia they'll eat up with the spoon regardless of actual quality *cough*deadpool*cough*. ANYTHING with the alphabet crew, BIPOC, -really any 'other' they don't find to be fuckable or exactly like them (because fuck empathy or trying on someone else's shoes), shouldn't exist, because that's pandering.... The norm is everybody else should be fine seeing them all the time, because 30% that is white men and even less,*het* white men should always be catered to, because they are fragile emotionally stunted children and nobody else is important.... *sigh* Yeah so /rant. I feel for the younger generations, because I feel not being raised with the "twice as good" lecture has been used against these talented marginalized creatives. If the art isn't 100% excellent all-around, that is used to justify why any product they make is always gonna be inferior... "Go Woke, Go Broke" nonsense. Meanwhile, the big-money, non-art-minded people running things don't advertise properly, don't have a more experienced and artistic-minded higher-up go over the finer details to polish it up, and mentor the young-ins right. They don't sort out proper spending because they pre-assume the inclusive property can be the 1st(!) written off for taxes.
They drop awkwardly cut and paced eps stretched out over weeks. They mishandled Carrie Anne-Moss by implying she's a major character when she was just a cameo. They kneecapped this production. They just didn't count on Oshamir gaining such a fan following. Anyway, keep fighting... I'm pissed for you, but this isn't my first rodeo. P.S. ....I am so tired of these fucking incels. They make everything lousy.
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