#and also maybe as a sort of meat pumpkin for the nerd boy
linguisticparadox · 2 years
"Van Helsing is laconic" okay is that because he's tired/stressed/concentrating very hard on Mina's condition in case she turns
or does he only get Weird around Jack
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Just freakin do all 30 for that one pink oc you told me about
You mean Thantos(His mom was red and his dad had blue fur so he's technically got magenta fur)? Alright! that's what I'm talking about!1. When they tap their fingers do they use the pads of their fingers or their nails?
Pads2. What textures can they absolutely not stand?
He doesn't like the feel of anything cold and squishy. It reminds him too much of how his mother felt when she died. As long as it's not cold, he can tolerate it, but most squishy things make him uncomfortable.3. How long can they go without showering before they feel gross?
GERMS OF ANY KIND OTHER THAN HIS CURRENT MICROBIAL CULTURES WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. KEEP THE BABIES SAFE. He showers at least twice a day, once before interacting with his bacteria/fungal/protozoa colonies and once after. If he gets dirty, he showers almost immediately after. He's too protective of his "children" to let them get hurt by any contaminants.4. Do they leave clothes on the floor or a chair?
Thantos leaves his dirty clothes in laundry basket. Unlike his fellow scientists, who are "fracking HEATHENS" 5. Do they sleep with the bedroom door open or closed?
He originally tried to sleep with his door closed for privacy reasons, but then Zetth noticed that sometimes Thantos would stay up all night reading instead of actually sleeping, so now Thantos has to sleep with the door open so that Zetth can make sure that he's getting enough sleep.6. Which do they prefer: 3am or 3pm?
3pm. No one nags him about "Going to sleep" or "turning the lights out" or "if you don't shut up and stop talking to those d*** cells I'm going to smother you"
7. If they suddenly woke up with animal ears and tails what animal would they be?
His mother was an alien with fox-like features, so probably that... although he kind of already has sort of foxlike ears and a tail
8. If they could only eat one thing for 20 days straight what would it be?
This boy doesn't give a crap about flavor or texture or anything like that. Eating is a chore for him that takes away from science time. He would eat paper for 20 days straight for all he cares.9. Are they the type to re-read a book?
Maybe if he wanted to refresh his memory about something. Otherwise, there are way too many different biology and microbiology books out there for him to waste his time by going back to one he already read.
10. Would they want to know the exact date and time of their death?
Probably, just so that he could make sure that he gets his affairs in order in time and make sure the circumstances and aftermath are less upsetting for his friends and family.11. What’s their favourite mythological creature?Do plague doctors count? Probably plague doctors.12. If they had to listen to one song on repeat 100+ times what would it be?
He's never been to Earth before so he's never heard it before, but probably that one acapella parody of Despacito about Evo-devo. (You should check out the acapellascience youtube channel if you're a nerd, btw)
13. Do they believe in an afterlife?
Yeah, most Saiyukis/Saiyuki hybrids in general believe in a version of God called "Providence" and believe in a standard heaven-Heck-purgatory thing.14. When they get tired do their eyelids twitch?
No. The only way to tell if he's tired is if he actually passes out. He's SUPER good at hiding exhaustion.
15. What are their favourite textures?
Warm glass, warm and damp things, and warm and soft things. Warm glass reminds him of how his petri dishes feel when they come out of the incubator (which is warm and damp on the inside), and warm soft things like his oversized scarf are comforting to him.16. Do they crack their joints?
No. Not any specific reason why or why not, he just doesn't.17. Would they eat/drink something too hot or wait for it to cool?
Thantos is a weird soft hearted nerd who does not ingest anything that's too hot because he doesn't want to hurt the microorganisms in his upper digestive tract.18. Are they the type to adopt strays? (Animals or people)
Thantos canonically rescues unwanted microbe cultures. Typically research cultures that are no longer needed, but he has been known to adopt microbes that Kai and Zetth have grown from diagnostic samples. You wouldn't BELIEVE what kinds of crazy bacteria that Thantos has "domesticated".19. Do they get work done straight away or wait until the last moment?
It depends on the work. If it has anything to do with his microbes, he gets it own as soon as possible for his babies. When it comes to stuff like eating, drinking, sleeping, and going to the bathroom though, he's a huge procrastinator. Sometimes he'll get so caught up in his studies that he won't realize he's hungry or thirsty or tired until he collapses.
20. How do they bathe/shower? Long or short? Hot or cold?
Since he showers so often, he has to take short cold showers to avoid irritating or drying out his skin.
21. Are they the type to daydream?
Yes and no. He doesn't daydream in the traditional sense, but he does make up stories about his microbes based on what he sees them do under the microscope. He has one-sided conversations with them too.
22. Do they work best in a messy space or a neat space?
Things MUST be kept clean to prevent contamination. If the other members of the Feral Scientist Meme Team leave a mess in the lab, HE WILL KILL THEM. (Not literally.) 23. Do they keep any personal photos?
Saiyukis aren't too big on photos. Neither were his mom's race. However, he does have a sketch of his dad that Netthys drew for him.24. Do they indulge in anything?
Sometimes he lets loose and does werid random crap with the others(nothing TOO weird, just like Try Guys levels of weird). It's a good way to destress and let all the crazy out. Just not in the lab. Also he's practically a ninja with shadow powers (his dad's a Shadowclan Saiyuki), so sometimes he likes to freak out the others.
25. Would they do the exact opposite of what someone says just to spite them?
If he's upset at them? Within reasonably limits, certainly.
26. If they’re alone and hear a noise would they go and investigate?
Definitely. Ninja science boy is perfectly capable of fending for himself. Usually.
27. If they’re lost what is the first thing they would do?
Check the position of the sun/moon and stars, climb a tree/try to get to high ground, look for any potential landmarks, etc.28. What is that one dream that makes no sense but is absolutely terrifying?
Netthys staring at a math book, occasionally glancing up at him, and laughing like a screaming goat. Then he's helping Zetth and Kai with lab sanitation and inventory duties, but he keeps teleporting back to bed and waking up, then realizes that he's still supposed to be helping with inventory and sanitation, and dashes to the lab, only to find that the chores are almost done, then just as he's starting to help he teleports back to bed and it starts again. Then he realizes that he forgot to feed his microbes but he's all out of meat for that one flesh eating bacteria colony so he cuts off his arm but it grows back and he just keeps frantically cutting off his arm, not realizing he could just feed the old arm to the bacteria, then a giant tapeworm walks into the room eating a watermelon with a pumpkin helmet. He woke up biting his arm.29. What is the stupidest thing they’ve ever done just because someone said they couldn’t?
It wasn’t exactly stupid, per se, but the way he went about it was stupid. One time Netthys made a joke about "vaccinating Thantos' 'kids'" so for a while Thantos thought that some super smart scientist from another planet had come up a vaccine that protected microorganisms. Then Zetth told him that Netthys was just joking and that no, neither he nor Kai were able to vaccinate his microorganisms against viruses, please stop asking me about it, it's not possible. Thantos got so angry that he stole all of Zetth's immunology books and locked/set up traps outside of/barricaded himself in the lab with his microbiolgy notes and cultures for a week. Neither Netthys, Kai, or Zetth could disarm his traps or convince him to come out. At the end of the week Thantos emerged starving, dehydrated, exhausted, and had a raging strep throat infection, but had successfully invented bacteria-safe vaccines for the five most common viruses on their planet using CRISPR Cas-9. Then he tripped, dropped the vaccines, and fell unconscious in a puddle of his own vomit. Zetth felt really bad so he and Kai used Thantos' notes to recreate the vaccines while he recovered
30. Are they stoic or melodramatic about being injured?
Pretty stoic, sadly enough. He spent his first eight years of life on his mother's planet. The Vulrey (his mom's race) are very formal and respectful people who absolutely detest inconveniencing others(Some kind of "do more good than evil, bring more joy than unhappiness, help others more than they help you, leave no debts unpaid" sort of life philosophy). Basically, if someone helps them or gives them something, they need to help or give something in exchange or they feel like a burden. Which is fine for the Vulrey, they're a pretty hardy, subsistent bunch who are only marginally social. However, Thantos' father's race, the Saiyuki, are typically a lot more social and emotional than the Vulrey, and because of the contradictions in his parents' natures, (and the fact that Thantos has bipolar depression), Thantos was kind of messed up emotionally and was too used to hiding emotional and physical pain so he doesn't bother others. After his mother died his father took him to Saiyuka. Now that he hangs out with the Feral Scientist Meme Team, he's adapted more to Saiyuki culture and opens up more, but he still has trouble letting others know that he's hurt. Zetth knows this and is pretty good at telling when people are hurt, so whenever he notices that Thantos needs first aid or someone to vent to he pretends that he needs Thantos' help with some biological chemistry problem or advice on how to handle a made up patient's bacterial infection. That way Thantos feels like he's done something in exchange for Zetth's help and he doesn't feel so bad about it
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