#and also while i did not inherit my mother's financial skill i did learn to feel The Fear and Shame about spending money from her
kaktohund · 6 months
i am very much someone who likes to use things until they literally fall apart but when the car mechanic takes me aside like "dude you just gotta let it go" then maybe i have to acknowledge that i have a problem
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rebornrosess · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media
going to be terrifyingly sincere about greg for a moment here sorry but the dynamics between greg, logan & ewan are so fascinating to me and even if they can’t explicitly explore it anymore due to obvious reasons, this one short sequence from the funeral is soo catered to me specifically. even in death, logan overshadows ewan in greg’s eyes. and yet greg didn’t need to tell ewan that he gave a good speech. he could’ve given him the cold shoulder after he cost him his deal with roman. but he doesn’t. and either greg is in too deep that he doesn’t realize what ewan said about logan closing men’s hearts and feeding the dark, hard, mean, hard-relenting flame in them (that melts their wax wings in the end) was most likely pointedly directed at him (thus proving his point)—or maybe greg did a little bit. he still goes to mencken at the wake but he still tells his grandpa he did a good job. it was a good hard take that he gave.
i think of this a lot but something that truly sets him apart from everyone else is that HE’S at the intersection of the brothers’ decade old feud over family, betrayal, ambition, integrity, and greed—central themes of the show but also, crucially, to his arc over the last few seasons. he has that dual connection to the past that the others don’t. a past that has stayed nebulous for so long until ewan’s eulogy. in previous seasons, we’ve gotten some really interesting scenes with him in which ewan sees the danger of power and ambition for greg because he’s seen it in logan, but it would have been so interesting to explore it more between greg and logan too (like in 2x08 when greg tells logan ewan is cutting him out of the will. i like you greg). i do think that ewan’s point about logan and masculinity and meagerness in his eulogy is particularly relevant though. maybe ewan was saying “men” in the way old history books use “man” as the default, but the performance of masculinity at ATN is one best embodied by tom, which trickles down to greg, but is evidently shown in roman too. and he fed a certain kind of meagerness in men. perhaps he had to. because he had a meagerness about him. (and maybe i do about me too. i don’t know. i try. i try.) i selfishly wish greg and logan could have had more than just one scene together this season (even though logan attempting to emasculate greg by pointing out his lack of a traditionally masculine father figure as a final interaction is very funny). i don’t think my threshold for second-hand embarrassment could have survived an on-camera take of greg trying to explain the whole rummaging situation from ep.1 to logan but logan being oddly chill about it is. interesting???????? what greg wants, greg must have.
but before s4 at least, logan’s awareness of greg’s connection to ewan, his estranged brother, has informed their interactions and it’s always fascinated me because logan doesn’t quite treat greg like his own kid but he’s still a kid that he’s trying to win over by being “uncle fun” rather than “grandpa grumps.” logan last saw his mother at age 4 and greg has been on his own for some time now too. marianne made her first appearance since the PILOT in the before last episode of the fourth season. i’ve found his interactions with ewan reaaally interesting because the brothers didn’t come from wealth and, when compared to the siblings, greg didn’t either. the hirsch’s financial situation is never fully delved into but i’ve always found it a bit peculiar given greg’s inheritance is like. 250 mil he’s sleeping in a youth hostel and a chapel in s1 and tells his mom while on his flip phone that shiv took his last $20. at the beginning of s3 he’s helping his mom get a new credit card because she maxed out the last one. i feel like ewan did the celebrity parents thing where they don’t spoil their kids so they learn real world skills or something, which iirc is something logan regrets not doing. yet ewan also seems to regret his use of his wealth, which he voices in his eulogy when he states maybe he has a meagerness about himself too, but he tries, and is disappointed in men who do not try harder (and the camera pans to the siblings. ouch.) i sometimes wonder if ewan hadn’t withheld his wealth, would his daughter and grandson have become so desperate that they turned to his brother? or would they have turned out like the siblings too if they had enjoyed wealth since birth? are the throes of capitalism inevitable? marianne is the sibs’ first cousin but they never really acknowledge that. if anyone has thoughts on her absence and/or exclusion from the family tree, i’d love to hear them.
anyways. i could 100% be overanalyzing this but i do love how much information succession packs into each of their shots. greg will forever be seeking approval from both sides of a broken brotherhood and will never receive it from either. you beautiful ichabod crane fuck you. what greg wants, greg must have. i don’t want to see you hurt. one big happy family. “greg?” he’s an addendum of miscellaneous matters in pencil with a question mark.
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manonblaqkbeak · 3 years
How We Met
here it is, my last fic for rowaelin month! thank you so much to everyone that’s read, liked and commented on my fics, it’s been so much fun reading and writing these last four weeks! i’m glad to know that i’m not the only one that is in dire need of more rowaelin content (srsly, i would pay sjm a truck load of money for a strictly rowaelin book bc i miss them sm)
here’s part 4 for the little series i had going on. i was so tempted to make this an angst piece but held back lol.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
cw: none
1.8k words
enjoy and thank you again!!! :) 💕💕💕💕
Gathering the ingredients for the cake that she and Ophelia were going to make for Rowan, Aelin plopped them down on the kitchen counter and tied her and her six year old daughters hair back. Even in the kitchen light, Ophelia's hair was a vivid shade of silver and when she turned to look at her mother, the golden ring in her eyes were just as bright.
“Up, mama!” Ophelia asked, pointing to the step ladder that Olive made for her little sister in her woodshop class at school. Getting it off from atop the fridge, Aelin and Ophelia started their baking session for today. It wasn't often that Aelin baked cakes from scratch but it wasn't every day that her firstborn turned sixteen—not that Aelin could really comprehend that her Olive was sixteen—but Aelin wanted to do this for her, wanted to make something special.
She hoped that it wasn't going to taste as bad as the last cake she baked. Rowan had been sick afterwards and didn't go to work the next day.
That was five years ago, so surely with gaining wisdom as people said when others got older, her baking skills grew too.
“Where did everyone go?” Ophelia asked, her little tongue poking out as she helped Aelin sift the flour.
“To get dinner for tonight. We're having Ollie's favourite.” Which was cuisine from the Southern Continent, there was a restaurant that specialised in the spicy food, and Aelin couldn't wait—she and Rowan often tried to recreate their favourite recipes, but it was never right, so Olive wanted to have the genuine stuff for her birthday and not her parents shoddy attempts.
Not that Aelin could blame her.
They continued making the chocolate cake, Ophelia babbling on about her day at school, when her little one asked, “How did you and papa meet?”
Aelin blinked at the sudden question, but answered it nevertheless. “At the grocery store.”
Ophelia furrowed her brows, and with the way her nose scrunched up, she looked so much like Rowan that it made her heart sing. When Aelin first realised that she was pregnant, she was nervous, they had only been married for seven months and while they spoke about having a child of their own, she didn't think it would happen so quickly—but Rowan's enthusiasm melted away her fears. She would never forget his tears of joy when she showed him the pregnancy test, his beaming smile when they heard her heartbeat for the first time. Aelin would walk through hell, as long as Rowan was by her side, or waiting for her at the end.
It wasn't always perfect, however, they had their ups and downs like every long-term couple, they had moments where it felt like they were walking on tightrope, either because of their own personal issues or marriage issues, or when Egan was fourteen and completely lashed out at Aelin, accusing her of replacing his mother—but she worked with her son, telling him that she had never intended to do that, that Lyria would always be the woman that brought him into the world, and that Aelin was raising him. Her heart broke in two at his pain, but she understood, he grew up with photos and stories of Lyria.
Or when they had the awkward conversation when Olive was eleven and asked why she didn't look like Rowan, and Aelin had explained her story, about Sam being her biological father, but he had given them space for Rowan to raise her instead. That had lead to brooding silences and confusion, but otherwise, Olive still saw Rowan as her dad, but she did ask from time to time about Sam, what he was like and what he was doing (the last update Aelin received from him via email that his wife was pregnant with their second child. Aelin was so happy for him that he was able to have a family, a feat that was made easier since Arobynn had been dead for years by this point) and that she would like to meet him properly one day; Aelin had kept that to herself, not wanting to tell Sam in case Olive changed her mind—Aelin hoped that she wouldn't.
Overall, their life together was what she needed, she went to bed each night loved and fulfilled. It was better than what she might have had with Chaol all those years ago, she was fairly certain that if she had married him, it wouldn't have been a long marriage.
“How did you meet at the food store?” Ophelia asked, her brow still furrowed as she and Aelin stirred the cake batter. It surprisingly smelled good.
“I needed something from a high shelf,” Aelin said, “and I couldn't reach it. Your papa was only a few feet away from me, so I asked him to get it for me.” She might have also subtly ogled him as his shirt exposed his tanned skin, and Aelin had damned near swooned at the sight of his six pack.
“Did you get married at the food store?”
Aelin laughed at the question. “No, we got married at the beach. And then you arrived not long afterwards.” Sometimes they wanted another, but things financially were going so well that they didn't want to jeopardise that by adding another mouth to feed.
“Can you have another wedding?” Ophelia asked, looking at her mum with wide eyes. “So I can go? Please?”
“I'll talk to your daddy about it, but I like the sound of that.” Kissing her daughters forehead, they continued. Just as they were putting the cake in the oven and the icing mix in the fridge, the front door opened and three booming voices infiltrated the house and the mouth watering goodness of food.
Aelin's eyes widened at the amount of food that Rowan piled on the table. It looked like they were feeding a small army and not a family of five.
Ophelia helped her older brother set the table, Egan ruffing her hair as he recounted their little adventure to the restaurant.
As they sat down, Aelin mentioned Ophelia's request. Rowan pretended to mull it over as their daughter pleaded, giving her best puppy dog eyes. It didn't take for Rowan to relent—he really had trouble saying no to her—saying that a second wedding was a great idea.
Ophelia squealed in delight and squealed even more when food was placed in front of her (she was very much like Aelin in that regard).
“How did the conversation of another wedding start?” Rowan asked as they all started eating.
“Phia here wanted to know how we meet.”
Olive snorted. “Yes, the ever romantic story of meeting in the toilet paper aisle.”
“It was not the toilet paper isle!” Aelin protested. “It was the cereal aisle.”
“At least you kids have inherited my manners,” Rowan said, “your mother didn't even ask nicely. She just came over to me and said, 'You're tall, could you get that box for me?'” It had taken him a moment to realise he had been spoken to, too focused on deciding what box of porridge to get when Aelin showed up, wearing a faded band shirt and shorts, pointing to the box of cereal that had far too much sugar to be healthy. He had said 'yes' because it was the nice thing to do, and had stayed behind, talking to her for so long in the aisle that his vanilla ice cream had started to melt.
It was the best decision in his life back then, he never thought he would have gained a friend in the grocery store—and that the friend would become his wife.
“I have manners. I said, 'Excuse you' first before I told you what I needed.”
“That's not really using manners there, ma,” Egan said, smiling as poked her tongue out. He looked so much like Lyria that it was almost scary—he still loved flowers and plants too, and was currently studying to become a florist and then one day horticulture. The backyard was full of flowers and plants thanks to him, making into a little wonderland instead of the barren plain it used to be.
“I did say 'thank you' afterwards.”
“You said 'thanks',” Rowan interjected, laughing as Aelin threw a chunk of her flatbread at his head. Ophelia's cute laughter rent through the air.
“It's the same thing!”
“If you say so, love,” Rowan muttered, his lips twitching. Aelin rolled her eyes in the dramatic way Rowan was used to, but he saw the mirth behind the movement.
“Like I said Phie, it's very romantic,” Olive said drily, sounding very much like Rowan. She had even inherited his scowl, which she was wearing now as she sniffed at the air. “Is something burning?”
Aelin had never run so fast as she did right then, the kitchen filling with smoke as she took in the blackened cake. Swearing viciously under her breath, Aelin chucked the cake into the bin, apologising to Olive as she did so.
“It's okay, mum, dad got me an ice-cream cake earlier today anyway.”
Aelin narrowed her eyes at her husband, who simply gave her an innocent smile in answer.
Rejoining her family, they talked well into the night, helping Aelin to forget her failed baking attempt. Ophelia asked more questions about their time in the grocery store and how that moment lead to friendship, to pining for the other without realising it, to a life together.
And to think, Aelin almost didn't go to the grocery store that day.
Rowan thanked the gods that he had remembered at the last moment that he had no porridge left, otherwise, he might not have met Aelin at all. Might not have had this life, this family. Part of him would always be sad that things had gone so wrong with Lyria, and he would always miss and love her. But he learned in therapy that it was good to have a life, and Rowan was glad that he heeded that advice.
He thanked the gods all the time.
And thank the rutting gods he did right now for the umpteenth time that Aelin deemed him tall enough to get her food for her, to stay in that aisle with him as they got to know each other.
Rowan was a very happy man indeed as he and Aelin went to bed that night, the smiles still on their faces at Olive's unrestrained joy at the sight of the car they spent weeks looking at second-hand dealerships at, hunting for the perfect car for their daughter.
Thank the rutting gods for all those moments in the past, present, and future.
Rowan couldn't wait to marry her again, and neither could Aelin.
Life was good.
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection- 14
91: Oct. 19
MM ANON …… “ O no , not another f%#ing beautiful Sunday “…… All together, a ROYAL reunion 🦄🦎👸🤴… “ she’s not invited, again🧣“……” O Philip, do lets watch this documentary 🤣🤣“ …… “Really, old thing, really ?”…… “ bloody hell , Charlottes a better actress “……… “ Mummy!! I’ve lost my 🦎” ……” What next LG , the Caribbean and North America with the children?”…… “ Mmmm , Marm that would work ,next year’ someone will be jealous!!” …… “ “what’s that ol’ thing , I’m reading skippy Philip”
October 19/2019 1245 hrs CST
“ O no , not another f%#ing beautiful Sunday “…
Sunday is historically day to attend worship and spend time with family. It’s also, in more urban areas the day when the biggest newspapers come out. Another beautiful but blanked up day because this curse still hangs in the air, no justice yet but it’s coming! Justice is coming! Sunday’s will soon be as they once were, different, through life experiences but they will family days again!
All together, a ROYAL reunion 🦄🦎👸🤴…
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge just returned back to London last night after a five day tour of Pakistan 🇵🇰. The Royal tour was successful far and above expectations. They had promised the children a family weekend. I am certain there were lots of tears along the way despite FaceTime and talking, lots of hugs upon return home. Princess Charlotte has developed a passion for unicorns. Over the summer, as boys do, will all of the garden time that the Duchess did with her family he must have seen salamanders and lizards or just fell for them via books perhaps. So the whole family happily back together along with boss baby , Prince Louis. He acquired that title from his facial expression, priceless ones, during the flyover on Buckingham Palace balcony.
“ she’s not invited, again🧣“…
The Christmas church service last year, upon exiting, madam tried to engage Prince William in conversation, he was wise to her moves and made himself very busy fiddling with his scarf. She then tried Prince Charles who in turn ignored her. The term scarfing has truly taken on a life of its own online🤣🤣🤣😂😂. I think this is clearly Prince William putting his foot down clearly expressing his opinion.The line she’s not invited, also has a bit of a cite reference, the day of Prince Louis’ christening, as they left the chapel to walk back into the entrance, Princess Charlotte said to the amassed media, “you’re not coming”, was tremendously funny and sweet. Her personality was already showing!
” O Philip, do lets watch this documentary 🤣🤣““Really, old thing, really ?”…… “ bloody hell , Charlottes a better actress “…
HMTQ and PP, likely over the evening cocktail chatting, she jokingly states the above, his replies are the latter two quotes. I am glad they are able to talk and find some humour in this situation! Oh how l would love to be a fly on the wall, meaning love to hear some of their discussions!
“ Mummy!! I’ve lost my 🦎” …
Well trauma, upset, tears of sadness and shrieks of OH NO!! Prince George has lost his lizard, l hope not inside or shrieks of horror, outside, just a very sad little boy. I am certain a replacement lizard could be sourced post haste!
” What next LG , the Caribbean and North America with the children?”
Prince William and HMTQ, and Duchess Catherine likely reviewed/debriefed the events of the tour with LG in attendance. I can hear ideas thrown about on how to continue this success to build on the success of the monarchy. I think half jokingly William said, what next, do you propose such a trip with all three children? I know rumours out there of madam being pregnant but not confirmed, besides another a Royal tour doesn’t happen with her, because SHE IS NOT ROYAL!!! I know the Cambridges took their own private medic along to Pakistan 🇵🇰. I have a feeling she may already be or will shorten announced that she is expecting another child.
“ Mmmm , Marm that would work ,next year’ someone will be jealous!!” …This is definitely LG responding to the notion of an entire a Cambridge family Royal tour! Can you just imagine the coverage? There would have never been anything like it before, and madam would be climbing the walls of her cell or padded room when she learned of that. She will be forever jealous and hateful.
“ “what’s that ol’ thing , I’m reading skippy Philip”
HMTQ reading when PP says something to her, she replies with the above quote! See 💜🐼💜, l have told youn🐼, THEY DO READ YOUR BLOG,!! This is an absolute confirmation of a suspicion l have had and have talked about! So feel free to express yourself!! WE LOVE AND BELIEVE IN HARRY, WE WANT HIM BACK!!!💜💜💜💜GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
October 19/2019 1315 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG….what a fun happy riddle today. I love the tidbits about the children…..I want you know we greatly appreciate the time and effort you put into deciphering these riddles for us. Well…I hope if HM does read here….she will let us know she is ok…😉.💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
92: oct 20
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻This riddle was extremely difficult 🙏🏻🙏🏻💜🤣
MM Anon
MM ANON … A disruption in the FORCE… … give a lot , take a little …… sighted for perpetuity …… 🎼matter of fact, it’s all dark 🎼……… multiple numbers …… his backhander slush fund …… silent outrage in Carshalton …… “ But O, how bitter a thing”………” bending of the heart flings” ……… a comfortable exorcism …… “ sunshine is the best…” …… “ sunshine is the best…”
October 20/2019 1405 hrs CST
A disruption in the FORCE
In all the a Star Wars movies the FORCE is the power of the energy for good to fight evil. The force be with you has become common usage when you wish some good luck or best wishes in all kinds of situations. Here we are now, dear MM ANON has the word force , in all capitals , meaning extreme, pay attention, some people say all caps means you’re yelling. I personally do not, many of you know when o type in all caps l am expressing my emotions or concerned topic. MM ANON is in deadly seriously telling us that evil, and we all know the evil, it has a name and backers and ultimately the biggest backer who takes souls and laughs at God! There is an extremely concerted effort, especially today to take down HMTQ and the Monarchy, this is as serious a things get folks. There is a disruption, Harry was the access point, evil got in, has been using him everyday. I do not know what will happen today, tonight , tomorrow or the day after. But vigilance is needed, pray if you’re so inclined. This is the most serious battle and attack HMTQ has ever faced!
give a lot , take a little
That’s the phrase, climate change, leave less carbon footprints , charity give your time, etc. HMTQ and many royals give so much time, yes they get to live in mansions etc, but how many of us could keep HMTQ schedule for 93 years, still smile as if everything was fine. I think no future generations will have those skills. The world has changed, everybody is famous with their Instagram etc etc.
We have madam who has taken and taken , taken, taken, taken,taken, taken, was well with open arms publicly, despite manipulating her way in. She has taken very perk there is. NO GRATITUDE, give an inch, she takes 100 miles, so to speak. What does HMTQ get for this? Fingered up, every way, every day, now the poor card will be played after using and exhausting all her other cards. Few have asked me how l am, wah wah wah. She screams privacy, privacy, don’t take my picture, how can anyone ask you anything? She has treated the British people so vile lay, why would they even WANT TO ASK? They want her gone, pick a country, leave!! Just stop,your whinging , word salad, environmental preaching while taking six private jet flights. On and on and on….
sighted for perpetuity ……
Perpetuity is an interesting word, it’s used in financial terms but does have another usage. Let’s let our friend google help us understand it. One meaning is a bond or other security with no fixed maturity date. The second meaning is used as a legal meaning. It is
a restriction making an estate inalienable perpetually or for a period beyond certain limits fixed by law. Now let’s be clear on what inalienable means that something or someone is unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor. Basically this is meaning , Harry’s inheritance from his mother, his great grandmother, the Queen mum, any other such funds, homes, jets etc etc CANNOT be taken away from him FOREVER. So should there be a divorce or annulment, she has no legal grounds or recourse to go after any of these items. A payout yes, so the royal family has sound legal and financial admin setting up their assets. Thank God!!!
🎼matter of fact, it’s all dark 🎼………
My dear MM ANON, l must say , l was absolutely expecting a return to this gem today! Pink Floyd’s Eclipse. The lyrics of this song about basically everything in life, l can’t put them in here due to copyright but you can easily find them The song ends with the eclipse. The thought is during a lunar/eclipse of the moon, the moon goes dark and the side we can’t see is still lit up. The song ends by this phrase that MM ANON gave us , it’s all dark. Extrapolating that to the situation at hand, it’s all dark. There is no sliver of a silver lining, bit of light or hope that madam will have an a-ha moment, fall on her knees, acknowledging her sins and beg forgiveness. No no no no, it’s all dark, no redemption will be sought. This is very dire friends, very dire indeed, the prognosis is dark. Hence my feelings of anxiety.
multiple numbers ……
Well what is this? We know madam has had multiple number partners, marriages, sex videos, tax issues, merching, basically everything. What is MM ANON referencing here? Discrepancy in items on her taxes? There are so many possibilities.here
his backhander slush fund
This has an informal British meaning of a secret payment, typically one made illegally; a bribe. So, a slush fund is extra cash , hidden, in case of emergency etc. Who is ‘his’ here? Is it PH? Did he think he could at first, just pay her for the booty call and she would go away, vastly unaware of the plot. Is this PP or PC who have such a fund, if needed. Is this PA, who also may have a fund of this nature, if needed. I have no idea which one but this confirms that such fund exists and the purpose for it, but l don’t know who or why it may have been started or if/when/how often it has been used. Yet another piece of this ever-growing larger puzzle.
silent outrage in Carshalton
Carshalton s a town, with an historic village in the London Borough of Sutton, South London. Historically Carshalton is part of Surrey. The Earl and Countess of Wessex live in Bagshot Park, Surrey. Sophie does so much in her duties. She is exceptionally close to HMTQ. I saw an interview with her and Prince Edward. They said basically every weekend they spend together, doing outdoorsy things, horses etc. She said also, since so close she often goes for tea with HMTQ. Prince Edward has been reportedly been called her favourite son. Edward will inherit his fathers title, the a Duke of a Edinburgh when that time comes. I think the both of them must be terribly concerned for HMTQ and PP, their health, this stress etc etc.
“ But O, how bitter a thing”………” bending of the heart flings”
From Shakespeare’s As You Like It. First quote referencing seeing another’s happiness through their eyes. Harry saw/sees in William and Catherine’s relationship, then marriage, the three beautiful children, their complete and utter love and devotion. These are all things he longs to have, achingly so. I ache for Harry. I cannot seem to locate the second quote, that’s very odd/unusual. I shall figure it out. Longing for something, sometimes one bends or does something they would never nor do, if they think it can get them what they desire. Flings can be a very casual relationship vacation fling, holiday flings etc, now maybe a booty call. So here we have a young man , struggling with his emotional state, severe anxiety, depression and PTSD, has every tangible thing in the world, except he longs for , desires the intangible, love, utter devotion and children of his own, they become tangible or real. This describes the situation exactly when the attack was made on the BRF via Harry. This steams my tea kettle!!
a comfortable exorcism
Exorcism, in its truest meaning, is a person possessed by a demon, or demons/Satan and a Priest or pastor uses Scripture and other things to set the victim free releasing them. This word, demon,is often used now to describe addiction or other really difficult things that have a hold on someone, therapy, AA, exercise etc etc etc can be used to exorcise oneself. So here we have a comfortable getting rid of the thing that has a hold of some. God l plead this means that Harry will be released from the grasp he is under, if l read this correctly, comfortable means exactly that. How this will be done, LG and HMTQ know. Please let me be correct🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
“ sunshine is the best…”
Sunshine is the best disinfectant there is, you hang sheets, quilts laundry and the UV, ultra-violet rays kill anything. Just look at what it does to our skin! MM ANON is being cheeky with a double entendre here, Sunshine Sachs, the supposed master PR firm that ‘uses the dark arts for clients’. Since they have come on board, the boat has tilted and started quickly the process of sinking. So they have done nothing to help, on,y made this worse. However, we can count on God’s glorious creation, the sun, to sterilize the filth that’s made public so far and will be made public in the future!!! So come on, pullback the curtain, let the filth out!
October 29/2019
1520 hrs CST
You missed the last hint….
a very lumpy bed nutmeg
“A very lumpy bed nutmeg “
I think this in anticipation of a nice bed in an expensive building with lots of hired staff and she will get to wear designer orange jumpsuit! MM ANON hinting at either hospitalization or incarceration. I have an extensive 20 plus years working in the mental health field, inpatient treatment for any personality is in effective, they quickly adapt, learn staff weaknesses etc etc.
Preparing to hope the orange jumpsuit time comes!
Sorry love forgot this one guys, when l cut and pasted the riddle this didn’t appear.
Thank you PG…again looks interesting! Thank you for all that you do. Much appreciated!😁💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
93: oct 21
MM ANON …… rejected ‘ now reflect!!…… A colonial decision …… Cain un-Abel………… he’s not heavy …… “re-tune your bloody violin”…… “ change the channel 🤣 old thing”…… a broken mendacity …… Calipornia scheming …… “f***that cottage,I wanted the house”…… “ the family I never asked for” …… “all to plan ma’am”……🎼”Paperback Writer? “🎼…… cry-Sis,What cry-Sis.
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 21/2019 1340 hrs CST
rejected ‘ now reflect!!
We have had a clue very similar wording, l cannot recall exactly. Madam feels very rejected by the big bad U.K. l have been there a number of times, trust me, l was treated like royalty by my friends there!! The people are feeling very angry by her poor me poor me, the final straw l think the camels back is nearly completely fractured. That’s a phrase when something in life has been building and building and then some happens, the last straw and the person collapses mentally, or becomes violent or leaves a marriage. I hope l am explaining that so it makes sense! Harry will have six weeks to reflect, on everything he has done at HMTQ and LG behest. He has given his all for HMTQ.
Cain un-Abel
In Scripture, Cain and Abel they are the first two sons of Adam and Eve. God was given sacrifices for worship, he found favour in Abel’s sacrifice. Cain murdered Abel , jealousy? Here we have un-Abel. This is clearly Prince William and Prince Harry, not ever the murdering part. I think MM ANON is meaning one brother married and has lovely family and will be King. However Prince Harry’s marriage is bogus as is amw. Prince Harry is obviously struggling in every way. One brother just unable to find the love and family, life partner as the other has. I pray for them both!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
A colonial decision ……
The colonies is what America was called before they separated taxation without representation! So madam has decided to return to the colonies, live her filthy life, write a book and continue to cause carnage, SO SHE THINKS!! She has absolutely no idea what will hit her when reality comes. No more delusional lies, the long list of alleged things done wrong and the laws alleged involved. Oh God, let justice be meted out SOON!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 P.S. madam, most people in the colonies have no idea who you are and more so they don’t care! She will be seen as a whiner etc etc.
he’s not heavy ……
Phrase, and song, he’s not heavy, he’s my brother. In the garbage last night, Harry did not confirm any falling out, he said they’re both on different paths, busy life. But he’s my brother, they will always be brothers and always be there for each other. TO ME THAT SAYS IT ALL!!
“re-tune your bloody violin”……
Old saying when someone is whinging or feeling sorry for thematic, being a drama queen etc another person puts their hand up and rubs their thumb and index finger together. They then asker the whinging person, do you know what this is? It’s the worlds smallest violin playing just for you!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂 PP wants a change in the tune, make it louder so madam cannot be heard!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂
“ change the channel 🤣 old thing”…
PP and HMTQ started watching the garbage last night, PP chuckling says to her to change the tv channel! I picture them in their evening close, lovely fireplace, comfy elegant room and furniture, having a cocktail and just enjoying each other’s company. As they have done their entire marriage, they are at each other’s side, just beautiful, brings tears actually how horrible this massive attack has been!
a broken mendacity
Mendacity is untruthfulness, lies. Broken lies, well how many times have we seen this with madam. Dozens, she tells so many lies as does her PR, things get twisted and nothing gets amended, they lie their way out of it when questioned. If it weren’t so deadly serious it would be funny. Like a kid with chocolate all over his face and mum asks if he ate chocolate and he says no. She really is stunted about age 14 , lies like some teenagers do!
Calipornia scheming ……
Well she scheming what else she can do to blow the Monarchy apart and completely destroy it Prince Harry. This six weeks away, home in L.A.?Doing porn, or finding wealthy person to be used by for money.perhaps meeting with her backers. I hear rumours of an interview with OW. The whole group of ba let’s will rally around and continue their unrelenting plot to destroy destroy destroy.
“f***that cottage,I wanted the house”…
Well no surprise there, Frogmore Cottage blech , she wanted FROGMORE HOUSE THE MANSION! What unmitigated gall this stupid, egocentric, narcissistic, evil possessed bint! She probably thinks since their offices are at BP she should be given BP!
“ the family I never asked for” ……
Initially, she was saying the Royal family, was family that she had never had. She knew nothing of them, LIE! In the engagement interview she said everything she knew about the Royal family she leaned from Prince Harry and from actually meeting them. Now she has figuratively slapped them all across the face. Talking about how mentally damaging it is to live using a stiff upper lip. I won’t go into detail of how successful, having this life ethos has helped them get through wars, etc etc, you all know this and what a complete disrespect she has shown to them. To say Tutu was historic leader glad amw could meet, UNBELIEVABLE! HMTQ has reigned for nearly 70 years seen it all. Absolutely no respect for her and the Monarchy itself. I am so angered that this stupid, perverted, sold herself in every possible DARE DARE DARE!!! This degree of vulgarity and disrespect my blood is boiling, l am so angry!
“all to plan ma’am”…
LG giving HMTQ an update on how their work is progressing. He seems very pleased with last nights tv garbage. He has been patiently working with his team to deal with this. He has been playing the ultimate game of chess with someone who cannot play checkers. He has given her many opportunities to show her true self. Last night she was all laid bare, pun intended, videos or photos l am certain will be public at some point. She has walked confidently into every single trap that was laid out for her. Now all captured in living colour, in her own words!! Treason! She was not pregnant, fauxmegnancy! , if there is some surrogate child, it’s not Prince Harry’s child.
🎼”Paperback Writer? “🎼…
This is a great song by the TRUE Fab Four, The Beatles! It actually mentions the Daily Mail and the gossipy things that appear in tabloids. This is telling us that madam is or will be writing a book. She has no limits in her grand focuses and cause maximum carnage with our a Royal family. Her backers probably will pull some strings and make sure it gets maximum coverage. The big bad Brits and the Royal famine didn’t ask her if she was ok. Give me strength Lord🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.
cry-Sis,What cry-Sis.
Cry-sis is an actual UK charity to assist new parents when their babies have problematic sleep patterns. However, MM ANON, always clever, this is Crisis, what crisis? Someone is in denial. There are several real things happening in the U.K. that fit the word crisis. Brexit, politics, BOJO misleading HMTQ, madam and her backers plan to cause the Royal family to break and crumble. In last night garbage, in an area where life and death issues are occurring, she is 110% self focused. SHE HAS FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS! Yammering on about her tough life standing on African soil where there are many third world problems. She is selfish to a degree l have never seen, it’s evil, Satan working through her! She has completely sold her soul.
October 21/2019 1455 hrs CST
Fascinating read dear PG! Looking good, all going as planned! Thank you so much, again…much appreciated! 🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜
94: Oct 22
MM ANON …… dodging the Boo-lets…… November is a wicked month ……… Banksgiving … … “He’s untouchable” …… Dispatches Dispatched…… “ l stand by my husband “s,millions …… “ you’ve lost your mojo mate” …… 🎼” when I was 21,it was a very good year”🎼…… Marry and Hagon …… “meanwhile, back at BP”…… “mummy,mummy a Halloween unicorn 🦄 “…… “ I’m going as a 🦎”…… “well we’re going as M&H”…… “yeah, it’s a pity I listened to my d***”. …… “ nothings impossible mate”…… “look’ here’s your out!!”
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 22/2019 1345 hrs CST
… dodging the Boo-lets
Today, now as we speak, madam is wearing her purple maternity dress which magically fits her, whilst attending the One World Youth Symposium at Royal Victoria and Albert Hall. Oh how l would love to see it, l so wish l were well enough to, alas, l am already digressing. This 💜💜”The annual One Young World Summit convenes the brightest young talent from every country and sector, working to accelerate social impact. Delegates from 190+ countries are counselled by influential political, business and humanitarian leaders such as Justin Trudeau, Paul Polman and Meghan Markle, amongst many other global figures.
Delegates participate in four transformative days of speeches, panels, networking and workshops. All delegates have the opportunity to apply to give keynote speeches, sharing a platform with world leaders with the world’s media in attendance. As well as listening to keynote speakers, delegates have the opportunity to challenge world leaders, interact and be mentored by influencers. Delegates make lasting connections throughout the Summit, celebrating their participation at social events and the unforgettable Opening and Closing Ceremonies.
The One Young World Summit 2019 sees the global forum for young leaders return ‘home’ for the first time since the inaugural Summit in 2010. With over 300 languages to be heard on its streets, London is one of the most diverse places in the world. The city is home to nearly 9 million people, one of the world’s biggest financial centres and countless historic sites such as Buckingham Palace and Big Ben. A city where the past and future merge, London provides the ideal backdrop for young leaders from more than 190 countries to work together to accelerate positive change.” 💜💜 Information taken from one young world.com
It’s important because young people are vulnerable. This woman has no shame, After all the fireworks she has set off, she strolls in there, wearing someone else’s hair, in her maternity dress! An enigma wrapped in a riddle, quite literally is she.
Since the audience is composed of young people the addition of let’s after boo, refers to that. The hope of many is that she would be in direct line of receiving public anger. The brief bit l saw was Higgs kiss you etc, no boos nothing. Now l am never one to wish ill will on anyone but consequences for behaviours? ABSOLUTELY!! Consequences will at some point catch up with her!
November is a wicked month …
MM ANON you do enjoy the book don’t you, this is the second time you have referenced it but changed the month. My memory is still intact🤣🤣😂.l shall help others catch up. The book is entitled August is a Wicked Month by Edna O’Brien. The plot revolves around a woman who has moved to a foreign city, separated from her husband, dreadfully unhappy and moves south to find a new life in the sunshine. Well, we are in October, rumours abound about madam moving to Africa or Canada. On behalf of Canada, sorry we are closed for business, if you leave a message NOBODY WILL RESPOND!😂😂🤣🤣 l know l have used that line BRF but it’s so funny😂😂🤣🤣. What November, six weeks off, off to the sunshine in L.A. Oh God please let her lose her passport or have the IRS or FBI awaiting her arrival.
I must say, l have been pleading for Harry, PTSD, combat fatigue, that he be assessed medically for that pain, and psychologically regarding the off the charts stress of this role he has been playing. Thank you HMTQ and LG for giving him six weeks leave, he is so badly in need of it.
Madam returning home for American Thanksgiving which occurs much later than ours(Canadian)does. There is no bank holiday for Thanksgiving in the U.K. so what’s the meaning here? Is madam going to earn some money during the sex, l meant six weeks off?? I know she’s resourceful, has no shame, long history of letting every bit of her, body heart soul used. So l won’t think further, you can all imagine ways she might find a ‘bank’ in America.
“ l stand by my husband “s,millions
Old country music song Stand by Your Man, l think Tammy Wynette? Yes, madam has stood by her H , so many times, loving, supportive, so concerned when he was in pain, always let’s him go first, never interrupts him, praises HMTQ, treats people respectfully, especially during Royal tours, follows protocol in every way, oh oh oh, wait, l am thinking of Catherine! Yes the Duchess of Cambridge stands by her man! Madam stands by Prince Harry for his money and his fathers money, heck, anyone s money just as long as they give it too her. I may be jovial today is some comments, l have been awake since 0300 hrs bad night, but you all know by know how seriously l take to do justice to dear MM ANON in interpreting her riddles! Humour is a coping mechanism, l have honed that skill well!
“ you’ve lost your mojo mate” …
Prince Harry likely spending time with friends he has not seen for awhile. Likely he can share only certain things. Everyone who has eyes can see HES lost weight, depressed etc etc. The word mojo, when l was little, mojos were little fruit chewy candies, 5 for two cents. Mojo, means ones drive for life, zest to do new things or go back to doing things you used to enjoy. This is a very loving and honest person telling Harry this. I am so glad he’s got so many who love him. Harry, there are lots like me, who believe in you 100% , pray for you and want the octopus tentacles untethered from around you!
… 🎼” when I was 21,it was a very good year”🎼…
What MM ANON., no Pink Floyd. Now this is my jam, ‘ol blue eyes himself, Mr. Frank Sinatra, when music was music. This is a sentimental song. The lyrics take us through four phases in a mans life, ages 17,21,35 and autumn , the older years. It describes relationships with women, no let me take that back, it’s about how males see females at different ages. Seventeen is all teeny bopper love. Twenty one, things get far more intimate. Thirty five is interest, because Harry is due to turn 35. That part of the song, the lyrics speak of relationship with blue blooded woman, limousines, chauffeurs. I am interpreting this as an annulment or divorce before he turns 35. Hope and a future to look forward to real love, a real family of his very own. I wish that with all my heart for our Harry!
… Marry and Hagon
Marry and Hagon? Harry and Magon……..She will be gone. Harry will be Harry but she will be gone!!!!!
“meanwhile, back at BP”……
Old saying meanwhile back at the ranch, means change the topic or in tv shows change of scene. So with all that has gone on, HMTQ remains doing her duty each and every day. How l love her in purple!! She follows her routine, to the letter, giving each appearance her all. One would never ever know of all the things that have happened and are continuing to happen behind the scenes. The stiff upper lip, that’s how one gets things done, it’s not mentally damaging. HOBBIES , sniff sniff, snort snort, the like madam loves, and PERVERSION are mentally damaging. There is a saying, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. One doesn’t whimper and moan. With my current life, since my spinal lesion and constant pain, my life changed fir sure. Stiff upper lip and humour have got me through. I think pretty much anyone who has read my words, or messaged me, can attest to the fact that l have a serious side along with a silly side! Stiff upper lip!!
“mummy,mummy a Halloween unicorn 🦄 “…… “ I’m going as a 🦎”… “well we’re going as M&H”…
Well, how much would l LOVE to see these beautiful children in their Halloween costumes!! Princess Charlotte, a unicorn, Prince George as a lizard, William and Catherine’s joking as who they will be. MM ANON, can you please find out what boss baby Prince Louis’ costume will be!! Thank God for the beautiful Cambridge family,they are so beloved.
“yeah, it’s a pity I listened to my d***”.
Prince Harry, again in conversation, l would say definitely with a male due to usage of the d word, starts with d rhymes with pick. Talking together with how he got into this mess. It was a booty call, just a booty call. To have that lead where it has, is terrifying. Pay attention kids! No casual sex! It eats away at your soul.
“ nothings impossible mate”……
Continuing in the conversation, his friend is reassuring Prince Harry that he has fulfilled his duty. This relationship will end in annulment or divorce and the future is bright. He has learned so much about himself, about life, about what’s truly important and there is definitely possibility for him to find love and have his own family. All thank a God he has supportive friends and family who live him!
“look’ here’s your out!!”
Madam, wah wah wah, nobody asks me if l am ok, and saying in vague terms that she maybe cannot continue, it’s near the end of the interview, l cannot recall the exact words. She will go to America , hit the ground running there🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣. The only way she will hit the ground running is if she parachutes off the plane! Her doing this, his friend is saying that Harry’s out, it’s a short way to say, you can get out of a situation. This means get out of the marriage. I am still not 100% there is a legal marriage, Harry held up the register as he signed, plus non-consumation, (no intimacy after vows)annulment. I think the fact that this alleged baby is NOT his, that is critical point as well. Treason, madam trying to pass off baby as being of the body, fauxmegnancy, and no DNA matching Harry.
October 22/2019 1500 hrs CST💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you dear PG! This is great….things are happening in the background….I too would love to know what PL will be! Much appreciated as usual…😊💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻PG APOLOGISES🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
💜💜💜I have to apologize, l after the submission, noted two clues were missed by me.
l have changed how l work on the riddles, in terms of where on my iPad. It has happened several times that l miss clues since that time.
MM ANON, l mostly apologize to you, l know you work so hard on your riddles.
Am l forgiven!???🥺
PG, no need to apologize…we appreciate you and all the time and effort you put in…😊💜💜💜💜
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻FOR MM ANON FROM PG🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
MM Anon💜💜💜💜💜
MM ANON …… pg … no apologies never!!! You’re input as with others who give such a wealth of interpretations. Time for me to thank everyone for their esteemed efforts , my sincere and humble thanks. One last riddle ……… “ The pain in gain stays mainly on the wane.” (( difficult)) … but fun.
Eliza Doolittle
the rain in Spain stats mainly in the plains
MY FAIR LADY awe come on that was easy! Rex Harrison always my idea of an Englishman!
Seriously thank you for your kind words!
Thank you PG😊❤️❤️❤️
95: oct 24
MM ANON …… 22 years,sex lies drugs and video tapes …… little boy lost (and found) …… LGs long rope …… 🎼don’t cry for me …… 🎼……… DVDelivery …… LGs records. …… 🎼”cold comfort for change”🎼MA……… “ No darling, 42 and counting “……… “ since 🎼don’t cry for me …… 🎼 before the gathering of unhappy people old thing”……… inadmissible but relevant …… “ a brilliant QC”……… “ a very thick brief📇⚖️“…… “as tight as a ducks@$$ under water’ ma’am”…… “one is reluctant you understand!
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 24/2019 0500 hrs CST
Sorry it’s submitted so late!
22 years,sex lies drugs and video tapes
Madam has a long, sordid past and present, her future is unknown, one can always pray for redemption. This clue is telling us of several decades of vulgarity, substance(s) use and abuse, pornographic videos etc etc etc. Some people somewhere have the videos. There has to be many many witnesses or people out there who have first hand knowledge either participating in or observing these behaviours. Thus far there has been no whistle blowers so to speak. That tells us a lot of money has been paid or threats made to silence people.
little boy lost (and found)
This has been the title of numerous tings, sculpture, film, novel and a poem by poem by William Blake in the 1700’s. I will focus on that. It is written by a Christian, he uses the metaphor of a young boy walking behind his father but loses his way, endings up all wet and muddy. Here we have little boy lost and found. This is of course our Harry. He was lost emotionally decades after he lost his mum. Lifestyle choices were not the best, shall leave it at that. He met madam on a booty call, here we are today. Harry has, l still believe! been working covertly for all the reasons l have stated reported in my interpretations. Hence the little boy, now a man has been giving his all to make up for his mistake(s) to his own physical peril. Weight loss, depression etc etc. He now has six weeks leave!
LGs long rope
LG has made a long game plan, every step of the way madam, thinking she’s getting her way, has fallen into every trap, the ultimate being the video interview with Tom Brady, Harry’s friend going way back! The old saying give a guy a rope and he will hang himself , metaphorically, like give an inch , she will take a mile. Give her bit of freedom and she ends up looking like an idiot. Well she truly has incriminated herself, the video was brilliant in capturing everything in HER OWN WORDS!
🎼don’t cry for me …… 🎼
Fantastic musical entitled Evita! Based on the life of Evita Peron . She was born Maria Eva Duarte’s in a small village in Argentina, in a very poor family. At young age she moved to Buenos Aires with big dreams of being famous actress. A year there she met her future husband at a charity event. Juan Peron became president in 1946 and she was First Lady until 1952, year she died. The Musial became very successful even became a film with Madonna. Anyhow we know madam spent time in Argentina as arranged by one of her uncles, working in some job at the embassy/ consulate. Those years are murky but she didn’t last long , she allegedly left suddenly with some guy. The irony of both women’s lives cannot be lost!
DVD, we know recordings of sex exist. Who sent them and who received them? Who has copies. There are videos onlin, l won’t watch but some say yes, some say no regarding whose in them. I would think, LG has long long had possession of that and worse. We know the DM has a million dossier ready to go , ready BEFORE the day of unhappy people!
LGs records.
LG has the most distinguished record of service to HMTQ and country. I am certain he has kept a volume of data, in all forms of all the information he and his team and other agencies have collected. I am as certain of that as l am certain of anything.
🎼”cold comfort for change”🎼MA
MM ANON takes us again to Pink Floyd. I used to love! this song, Wish You Were Here, can be used with any loss, or at least l found it to be thus. Madam and MA have been an illicit pair for years and years. Just imagine what the two of them got up to together! Using SoHo, MA knows EVERYBODY,, He probably has dirt of EVERYBODY as well! These two, longing for each other’s company and their plans to outwit the backers or make that go rogue, marry baby etc etc. Their continued secret communications, thinking LG had no idea😂😂😂😂🤣. Oh they’re both in a world of hurt, missing their partner in crime, a common phrase but here think a literal meaning!!!
“ No darling, 42 and counting “…
There has long long long been speculation that madam is not and has never been truthful about her real age. MM ANON is telling us 42 and counting so what is her real exact age??? Old as her tongue and a little older than her teeth😂😂😂🤣🤣.
“ since 🎼don’t cry for me …… 🎼 before the gathering of unhappy people old thing”
I put these two clues together because MM ANON started and ended the quotation marks. The song Don’t Cry for Me Argentina is from the musical Evita. It was a film in 1996. Evita the stage version started as a rock musical in 1976, came to the West End in 1978, Andrew Lloyd Webber, the brilliant creator. Let’s do some math 2019 - 1976 mmmm what’s that give us 43! Madam is 43!!!! She was 42 at the gathering of unhappy people!!LIAR CRY FOUL, LEST BE A LIAR!!!
inadmissible but relevant
Evidence, has to be obtained legally or given voluntarily in order for it to be used in court. So what evidence exists that is relevant but inadmissible? Anything subjective, gut feeling, something told under duress, that sort of thing.
“ a brilliant QC”…
To those unfamiliar, in the U.K. and Canada the “Queen’s Counsel”, an honour given to a senior and distinguished barrister in recognition of an outstanding career during Queen Victoria’s reign. K.C. means King’s Counsel. K.C.
In Canada, the honourary title of Queen’s Counsel, or QC, is used to recognize Canadian lawyers for exceptional merit and contribution to the legal profession. These barristers or attorneys/lawyers are responsible for bringing legal cases to court for prosecution. They must need a brilliant one to process the litany of alleged crimes to be charged. I have absolutely no doubt there are many capable and they have alright had decisions made in this regard.
“ a very thick brief📇⚖️“…
A brief is a written legal document used in various legal adversarial systems that is presented to a court arguing why one party to a particular case should prevail. Upon a barrister devolves the duty of taking charge of a case when it comes into court, but all the preliminary work, such as the drawing up of the case, serving papers, marshalling evidence, etc., is performed by a solicitor. The delivery of a brief to counsel gives him authority to act for his client in all matters which the litigation involves.The brief was probably so called from its first being only a copy of the original writ. From wiki. So given the number and brevity of likely charges, one can only begin to imagine the amount of paperwork, evidence , briefs etc etc etc
“as tight as a ducks@$$ under water’ ma’am”
LG and HMTQ in conversation, he is reassuring her, the evidence with corresponding charges is wrapped up solid.Her reply follows below.
“one is reluctant you understand!
She is reluctant to give the official go ahead, with all the unknown reverberations that could occur across the country, the U.K. , the Commonwealth and the globe, especially in light of Brexit. She has so much on her shoulders. Let’s do remember HMTQ in our prayers.🙏🏻🙏🏻
October 24/2019 0605 C
This worked PG….thank you😊❤️❤️❤️
96: Oct 24
MM Anon
MM ANON …… six weeks in rehab🤫……… Invictus recovery …… loyally remembered …… unhook the Tender…… burned boats……political ambition …… nutmegs WH moment … sugar queen…… 🎼” When I was young it seemed that life …“🎼 …… The casting of the Runes……” EU-bloody-REKA old thing “…… safe inside WC…… “a strategic move to Winchester 📵”
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 24/2019
1130 hrs CST
six weeks in rehab🤫
Rehab on the dl as the kids used to say. Down low, secretly. The emoji is the shhhh emoji, so it’s information to be kept quiet. So is that what visits to L.A. are now? Rehab? Is it compelled rehab?? She truly does need help, l also think a full medical and psychiatric work-up/assessment would be prudent. A long history of paranoia, people medicate themselves when experiencing psychotic symptoms. Unsure when this will happen. Harry needs family rehab, medical care, therapist but most of all time away from madam, of any appearances with her. Time to recharge his personal batteries, get his mojo back, as MM ANON used the word mojo, the other day!😊
Invictus recovery
Invictus, Harry’s blood sweat and l am certain many tears were the impetus for him creating Invictus. Invictus from the Latin means undefeated or unconquered. It is the perfect word for describing the individuals who are veterans with visible or not visible post war trauma. The next a Invictus Games are you be held at The Hague, The Netherlands in May, 2020. Harry did a quick visit there while madam was having her fauxmegnancy. This organization has helped uncounted veterans and their families, through the games, the camaraderie etc. He has done extremely well and he should be very very proud of helping sooo many including himself!
… loyally remembered November 11/2019, the eleventh hour, the eleventh day of the eleventh month we all or should stop to remain those veterans and those fallen in battle for our freedoms. It is always a day that many attend services, the Royal family always do, they spread out and cover various places. Harry is Colonel-in-Chief of the Army Air Corps (AAC), and as HMTQ Personal Aide-de-Camp. He will be dressed in his dress uniform and likely attend several places. I think it might be especially poignant and painful this year due to the suicide of his close friend, who helped train him for the South Pole adventure, Jules Roberts.
unhook the Tender…
Unhook means to open or take/out down like curtain pins, or bra. Tender can mean gentle, Tender is also money, called legal tender. So who is taking down money and from where for what reason? Tender l just read can also be a battery or electrical charger. As l think now, this may be a right metaphor MM ANON has given. Unhook the tender, at any point you want a spark or a charge it’s ready and waiting! Voila, LG has all the evidence collected, case tight, all i‘S dotted and t’s crossed. Everything ship shape, nothing remotely left to chance, right down to MI6 watching over a Grandpa Tom in Mexico. Kids , it’s as close as it gets, hang on!
burned boats
Burned bridges can be literal actually burning a bridge but it can also mean damage or break your future options, connections,reputation, opportunities, by some act, particularly intentionally. Even if you fired from a job take care not to burn your bridges with unseemly comments on the way out, since you never know who you will meet again. Here we have burned boats, has madam lost any and all contacts in her yachting world, source of money. She very likely has, no one would be interested now, especially wealthy men, they don’t want the obvious scandal that would come if they were seen and perchance she be recognized. The obvious reason is her age, she , as my cousin who has a horse ranch would say, she been ridden hard and put away wet! You must rubdown a horse after riding. She’s aged and not well, her hobbies have really taken their toll.
political ambition
It has been rumoured for quite sometime that madam has political aspirations and even rumoured of her taking a run for the White House where the president of America has his office and home. All l can do is 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣
nutmegs WH moment
Madam met BO when he was President, she was the plus one guest of Ron Burkle , of SoHo. I wonder what on earth she had to do, to get that plus one invite!!!!🤢🤢🤢 Likely nothing she has not done numerous times before!
sugar queen…
Madams cult-like brainwashed ‘fans’ mostly younger and a certain demographic. They, l don’t know why, are called sugars. They worship her she is their queen, they fully believe she should be the next Queen. Since doing these riddles l have, sadly, learned of the ‘urban dictionary’, here is their definition,💜💜” A bisexual male that is stylish and easy to talk to to usually attractive and full of talent and advice 💜💜 A person who supports any and all activities (past, present, and future) done by the former z-list actress and current failure-as-a-royal and by several puns involving the name “Sussex.” Sugars owe their unfortunate allegiance to a number of factors, including (but not limited to) congenitally-low IQ, complete ignorance of etiquette and royal protocol, an excess of entitlement, self-esteem at a level warranted by godhood (with nothing to back it up), and the feeble defenses of “Jealousy!” and “Racist!” when challenged.💜💜 Actually, they are pretty much lower-rent clones of their low-rent diva goddess. I just can’t believe this sorry folks l am as shocked as you will be reading this!! The items between the Purple Hearts are from the urban dictionary!!They have actually MADE UP A WORD JUST FOR MADAM!
🎼” When I was young it seemed that life …“🎼
Life was just for fun… This song, All By Myself, has been covered/performed by many, my favourite being Celine Dion. The song talk about being young, casual sex, flings, and getting older. The entire premise of the song is someone who desperately does not want to be alone and grow old alone. This is our Harry. I won’t repeat his history, relationships, we all know all of it. Once madam is no longer in the picture, incarceration, moved whatever, he will begin the process of figuring out who he is after this experience. He will need a lot of time talking with a professional to help him, his pre-existing depression, PTSD compounded with the trauma of the last two years. He is young, healthy, has a big family who live him dearly. I have hope for him to find his love and have a real family of his own. Now l am going to hav this song in my head all day!
The casting of the Runes
Let’s educate ourselves on what Runes means. Wiki tells me it has several meanings, l am only familiar with it as stones. a letter of an ancient Germanic alphabet, related to the Roman alphabet. Wiki
a mark or letter of mysterious or magic significance.
small stones, pieces of bone, etc., bearing runes, and used as divinatory symbols Casting the Runes“ is a short story written by the English writer M.R. James The story briefly wiki Mr. Edward Dunning is a researcher for the British Museum. At the beginning of the story he has recently reviewed The Truth of Alchemy by a Mr. Karswell, an alchemist and occultist. Afterwards he begins seeing the name John Harrington displayed wherever he goes. He learns that Harrington also reviewed Karswell’s work and died in a freak accident not long after.
Harrington’s brother helps Dunning to discover that Karswell cursed both men by slipping them a piece of paper with some runes on it. They deduce that the curse, once cast, will cause the bearer to die in three months. They track down Karswell a day before the curse is set to kill Dunning and manage to return the runes to him. Karswell dies the next day, killed by a stone that fell from scaffolding around St. Wulfram’s Church in Abbeville.
I couldn’t shorten it and do it justice. So basically madam has cast the runes, a horrible spell on Harry, he has suffered under it through it and his family has been exerting every possible intervention to help him, gather intel and evidence of alleged crimes. There will be justice, it is coming. JUSTICE IS COMING RACHEL!! TICK TOCK 🕰
” EU-bloody-REKA old thing “…
Eureka is what the miners used to shout when they struck gold, oil, diamonds etc. Here MM ANON has written EU-bloody-REKA old thing. They are talking about Brexit and what the nation has been going through ever since the votes came in. Lots is still unknown and everyone is on edge, to put it mildly.
safe inside WC
Safe has at least two meaning, one is to be kept from harm, contented or a metal device or strong box that holds valuables, jewels cash, papers, wills, bonds etc etc. I am certain there is a safe in Windsor Castle ie WC. HMTQ is also safe at WC, there are plenty of RPO’S to protect her from anything and everything. I am very interested in what is the topic MM ANON is sharing with us. What’s in the safe?? Photos, dvd(s), recordings, on and on! Something of importance that’s for certain!
“a strategic move to Winchester 📵”
The emoji indicates blockage of cell phone/mobile device usage. Two places l know of for certain hospitals and prisons. The city of Winchester has both, and they are right across the street from each other. Clever eh? Rehab in one, no outside communication, alone with her thoughts, no hobbies no cope, it’s going to be a personal hell to detox. I’ve seen it many times, it’s horrible. Strategic in terms of containing for personal safety, not harm self, no contact with others, no news or what’s happening in the world etc etc. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦 October 24/2019 1315 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG😊💜💜💜
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polarishq · 4 years
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Meet INGRID PELLETIER. They are of UNKNOWN age and origin. Ingrid embodies the star, STERRENNACHT. They use she/her pronouns. Their faceclaim is LILY COLLINS.
Sterrennacht reminds me of hair ribbons, grease and dirt caked beneath trimmed fingernails, an emergency bag packed next to the door (just in case), the inherent trauma of being a first-born daughter, an elaborate tea collection, peterpan collars and mary janes, anachronisms, the sting of a lost childhood, clothes carefully chosen to hide scars, please and thank yous, and always knowing where the nearest exit is.
Before we begin, it would be negligent of me not to warn you about the misfortunes that follow the Pelletier family. While many in the magical world are lucky to have childhoods filled with joy, a stable household, and shoes not worn through from running, that is not the case here. I urge you to turn back now, lest you be plagued with the recap of the Pelletier siblings’ lives.
It wasn’t always spent constantly looking over their shoulders. On the contrary, the circumstances of their birth are rather extraordinary. First came Ingrid, then her brother, and a few years down the line they were completed with another sister. The Pelletier parents were a well-off family, in a well-off time and place that has long since been forgotten by their children. They still remember their parents faces and their father’s laugh lines and their mother’s contagious laugh, but small details like their ages and hometown were lost along the way.
While all of the children were bright, polite, and pleasant to look at, each possessed their own unique interests in addition to their star mark. For Ingrid, this was in the fomr of an inquisitive mind that worked by breaking down the things around her to their most basic structures. She was, and remains, an inventory, focused on what she can contribute to make people’s day-to-day lives (and, by extension, their overall lives) easier.
Some time in her early adolescence, by a serendipitous (a word which here means lucky without intending to be) turn of events, Ingrid and her siblings were down at the beach when their lives went up in smoke. Up In Smoke is usually a metaphor referring to a disaster, but in this case it is both metaphorical and literal. A long-time family acquaintance met the children at the beach to inform them their their family home had caught fire with their parents still inside. In an instant, the Pelletier children became the Pelletier orphans, setting off a chain of events that none could have ever wanted.
They founds themselves in the custody of a man who claimed to be a distant relative, though none of the children had ever met him before. He had no intention of raising the children, and instead put them to work and only provided them with the bare minimum to survive. Through researching and digging behind his back, the Pelletiers discovered that he was biding time until he could collect their large family inheritance, something he planned to ensure by ultimately marrying Ingrid. They managed to thwart his plan but before the man could be locked up, he escaped, and the children were shuffled to a new home.
This too proved to be a tragic home. The man who was after their inheritance was a master of glamour spells, effectively making himself invisible to most adults. He followed them from home to home, a new disguise every time and leaving the Pelletiers’ latest caregivers in body bags. The details are far too grizzly to go into, and won’t do anything but make you want to settle down with a cup of calming oolong tea while reading a story much happier than this one (might I recommend Curious George?) Eventually, the Pelletier children were framed for crimes they did not commit and went on the run altogether. With no adults to protect them and their magic just coming to fruition, they only had each other and their own resilience to depend on.
Their series of unfortunate events had them traveling far and wide (through questionable academies, half-completed hospitals, travelling carnivals, and even to icy summits) and meeting many people along the way, both friend and foe. Eventually, their final encounter with the man landed them on an island, where he succumbed to death by a combination of a very fungal disaster and a wound from a harpoon gun.
One would think that with their nemesis gone, it would be nothing but clear skies ahead for the Pelletiers. And in a way, it was. In the time they spent escaping his clutches, Ingrid had turned old enough to receive their inheritance and their family was able to form some semblance of sanity. All is well that ends well, yes?
No. For while the Pelletier children were finally safe and financially secure, they had still spent many of their years not knowing if they would life to see the next day. Ingrid in particular, being the oldest, has utilized her skill set to continue protecting her younger siblings long after their biggest tormentor has died. Her learned suspiciousness coexists with the kindness taught to her by her parents, and the two often go toe-to-toe in her brain.
When a child learns a lack of trust at an early age, it often persists. Ingrid was somewhere inbetween, young enough to cling mistrust yet old enough to process her trauma as an outlier. Rationally knowing this, her choice to move their family to Polaris was born out of a want to reclaim their own lives. Not as the Pelletier orphans, three children who had dealt with danger after danger. But as the Pelletier siblings, each resilient and good and strong in their own merit, capable of moving forward.
Rather or not Ingrid has actually begun to move forward is up for debate.
Sterrennacht cares not for what element a witch users, but rather what they are able to do with that magic. Its been known to gift scholars and innovators; the magical historian who proposed the name did so believing that Van Gogh himself had once been gifted with it. Sterrennacht gives it users the ability to see limitless possibilities around them, breaking things down to the bare bones and recongifuring them. They are often highly skilled in transfiguration but physical mechanics also come naturally to them. They do tend to struggle with more abstract forms of magic, such as Charms and offensive magic. In addition, Sterrennachts often get stuck with a bad case of tunnel vision, and can hyper-fixate on one task longer than necessary.
Younger Siblings: Ingrid’s younger (by a small number of years) brother and her baby sister. They had a close relationship during their childhood and depended on each other all throughout their misfortunes, and Ingrid will do whatever she needs to protect them. However they view her is entirely UTP!!! While Ingrid is based on Violet Baudelaire and I would love her siblings to be reminiscent of Klaus and Sunny, itheir personalities and interests are also entirely UTP!!! Just let me love them!!
Survivors Stick Together: Another person (or group!!! lbr this is implying the Quagmire Triplets!!!) who the Pelletiers met a few times over the course of their lives, including some dire situations. There’s a particular bond that exists between people who experience difficult situations together, and while they may not have had constant contact prior to remeeting at Polaris, Ingrid considers this person (or family) an extension of her own.
idk this bio took entirely too long and my brain is hungry i’ll edit this with a third one later but i’m posting it anyway
Penned by Jeanne ★
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marie-dufresne · 5 years
A Quiet Companionship
Ficlet for @dirge-of-valentinex4 because I just love the children
The cafes always crowded up when the weather got colder, even the ones off campus, like where Alexander Valentine was sat now, in the financial district. He didn’t understand why Providence had districts in the first place. The city was so small it barely counted as a city. 
Still, he preferred this part of it, where everyone kept to themselves. Brown University, he’d come to discover, despite being an elite school, was completely entwined with the city and much to his distain, was being practically choked by, well, Grimmy’s type. 
Tattoo parlors, trendy, exotic clothing, hookah bars, art galleries, street performers—it all littered the streets of the university so he’d leased an apartment at a distance, in a place he was far more comfortable and diligently tended to his out-of-the-classroom studies there. But as the weather chilled and the wind whipped, even his favored coffee shop became crowded and had he not preferred his cappuccino made properly in a ceramic cup instead of a heinous paper one, he would have taken it to-go. 
Today was a particularly wet and windy day where people huddled inside on their laptops, stuffed in the little space yet entirely ignoring one another. Alexander was no different. He hadn’t bothered with headphones. There was no need for them, really. Any conversations were at a low hum and he was entirely undistracted by them, typing away in his word processor, cappuccino cup empty and taken away by a barista who Alexander knew thought stood a chance with him, but the former was far too polite to outwardly tell him that he wasn’t interested in men.
A girl his age approached his table then, and he almost didn’t notice her, so focused on her assignment, but she cleared her throat and let out a little ‘excuse me’ and he looked up, slightly startled, but barely showing it. 
“I’m sorry,” she apologize, “I was just wondering if I could sit with you…here at your table? There’s nothing open and I just wanted to do some homework away from my roommates.”
He’d put his bag on that other chair as a sign he didn’t want company, but unlike some, his desire for solitude did not make him an asshole, so he pulled the messenger bag off, setting it at his feet and nodded. 
“Yeah, sure.” 
She thanked him and without another word, they both worked in silence. 
After an hour, she looked up, standing. 
“Hey I’m going to grab a hot chocolate—do you want anything?”
Alexander shook his head to decline her request and continue ignoring her, but stopped himself. He thought of his father, so polite in uncomfortable situations, and he thought of his mother, always encouraging him to make people’s days better. Most of the time he forgot or didn’t see the point but in this moment it struck him and he stood, holding out his hand for her to sit back down. 
“I got it,” he muttered, heading over to the counter before she could protest. 
When he returned to the table, she thanked him, cheeks a little pink, but didn’t press him any further than that. She didn’t ask his name or start babbling or take it as an invitation to invade his personal space (all things Mama would have done) and when he sat back down, he decided she wasn’t so bad.
She left with just a small wave and an extra thanks and for a few days he didn’t see her again. Maybe she’d been there, maybe she hadn’t. Alexander simply hadn’t noticed because he hadn’t thought about her at all. But one day she was there again, tucked away in a corner reading a novel. She didn’t look up when he walked by to use the restroom and by the time he’d finished his drink and a phone conversation with his mother that he really would have preferred to have at home, she was still there, entirely engrossed in her literature. 
On his way out, he placed a mug of hot chocolate on the table beside her, leaving without a word. 
He soon realized she was in two of his classes and though she never made an effort to get close to him, she smiled and waved if ever they made eye contact by accident. Sometimes she was at the cafe, sometimes she wasn’t. Sometimes she had already helped herself to her hot drink and when she hadn’t, he felt compelled to provide her with one, though he still didn’t know why. 
He knew that he found her attractive. She wasn’t a super model by any means and some might have gone so far as to call her plain, but perhaps that was why he found her so attractive. She didn’t sully her face with products or murder her hair with whatever heated objects girls were using these days. 
She was always clean looking, even if he knew her clothes were probably only from the middle-class mall the city had to offer and even though he knew nothing about her other than what was presented at face value, she wasn’t annoying and that might have been the most important. 
Winter went on. They broke for Thanksgiving recess, they went home for winter break, and in January, they continued their near-silent beverage dance. 
“I’m Alexander,” he said one day, finally introducing himself as he set down the cocoa. They were sharing a table again. It was snowing today, the bitter icy kind. 
“I’m Emily,” she replied with a smile, pulling the mug forward. 
He nodded and resumed his work. 
Ah, he knew her name now. 
The next conversation didn’t come about until two weeks later, when he received a phone call from his grandfather, one he had been waiting for and he chatted for a solid fifteen minutes at the table. She didn’t look up, and he was sure she was unable to eavesdrop (she didn’t look like she spoke anything other than English), but when he hung up, unable to contain the grin Grimoire had put on his face having settled plans for just the two of them on Spring break, she looked up only through her eyelashes, and only for a second before she returned to her own work, smiling. 
“Everyone around here really is Italian,” she commented, turning the page of her notebook. 
“I’m from Manhattan,” he told her stiffly, feeling the need to make it known that he was not part of…this. Not for any reason other than he liked things to be…precise and clear. 
“My grandfather and my father are from Italy though,” he offered softly and with furrowed brows. Why was he telling her this? “…my mother is from Los Angeles. She speaks French.”
Emily listened to all of this attentively and with a soft smile. It was the most he’d ever said to her. She wasn’t exactly the talkative type herself, but it was nice to hear him. 
“My whole family is from Woodstock,” she replied, offering up a little bit of herself too, “Connecticut. It’s…average. We all only speak English, but I like to dabble in the ah….” her face reddened even more and Alexander felt a flutter in his belly. 
“…the ancient languages. Just on my own though…I have a bunch of books in their original dead languages and I’m trying to read them cover to cover on my own.” 
He perked. 
“Sorry,” she apologized, pulling her textbook forward, “I just get excited.”
He didn’t mind, he realized. He really really didn’t, but he also didn’t want to press her to speak, as there were fewer things he loathed more than people trying to get him to talk when he wasn’t in the mood to, so he nodded and told her that he thought it was cool.
Suddenly, one day, it was seventy-six degrees outside. Very suddenly. All the days before it hadn’t passed forty (neither would the next) and when Alexander entered the cafe, he found himself at a bit of a loss. 
No, this was quite a loss. 
Emily was already there, this time with one of her old books and he did his best not to rush over and ask her about it. He wondered if Father was familiar with what she was reading. She was by the window today, not holed up in a corner like usual and he imagined it was for the same reason so many people had been out on the streets today. It was a taste of spring, even if they all knew it was nothing more than a tease, and they craved the outdoors after being cooped up all winter. 
The sun was shining onto her head and he realized he’d never noticed how pretty her hair was, how silky it looked, and how…he wondered, it might feel. She licked her bottom lip briefly and he wondered how that might taste. 
Not now, Alexander. Not in public for God’s sake. 
He knew he liked her. Liked her in the way his mother used to ask if he liked anyone at school. Emily didn’t mind silence. She was comfortable just sitting, just being without words and he’d learned, if briefly, that when she had something to say, it was something of interest to him and he did want to know more about her interests. 
He thought maybe she might like him too. She blushed most every time he said more than ‘hello’, particularly, he’d learned, when he noticed something about her and complimented her on it before they’d settle into their quietness. 
They only had one class together this semester and while she hadn’t blatantly gone out of her way to secure a seat beside him, he’d begun casually saving it for her. His jacket, his bag, sometimes a hard stare at anyone more oblivious who made an attempt to sit there.
Whatever worked. 
But today, there was a problem. Today it was seventy-six degrees outside and he hadn’t realized he’d been hovering at the little seating area until she looked up, asking if anything was the matter. 
I’d like to take you to dinner. 
That’s what he wanted to say. He’d been wanting to for a few weeks now, ever since she’d mentioned studying dead languages, really. Grandfather would be interested in that. Perhaps he’d have material for her as well. 
But that was not what came out of his mouth. Though he had inherited many of his father’s qualities, gaining the attention of women being one of them, he’d also been gifted with Vincent’s conversation skills, and overthinking any situation involving a woman his was genuinely interested in, so asking her out on a date was not as simple as his mind tried to make him believe. 
“I don’t know what you drink when it’s warm out.”
Beautiful. Splendid. A magnificent performance from Alexander Valentine. He’d be here all week. 
Except he wouldn’t be, especially if her response was in any way mortifying to him. Then he might very well confine himself to his apartment for the rest of the semester. 
Closing her book, she laced her fingers together, resting her chin on top of them and looking up at him with a soft smile, so warm and genuine, reflected in her brown eyes that today, shone just as brightly as the subtle tones of red in her hair. 
“You don’t have to buy me a drink, Alexander,” she told him gently, “It does make me happy but…I don’t expect it.” 
“Then maybe I can buy you dinner instead.”
It came out so fast, Alexander nearly had to grip onto the chair he was standing next to before he collapsed. His own words echoed in his ears and shock turned to pride as he stood up a little straighter. Ah, yes. Yes. This was indeed the way it was done. 
He waited patiently for her answer. He could tell by the way she blinked and her mouth fell open a little bit that she hadn’t expected that. Likely from him especially.
“Y-yeah, of course,” she said, dropping her hands to her lap and then bringing them back up onto the table, suddenly unsure of how to behave, suddenly very conscious of how she looked, “I would love to go out with you.”
He relaxed, slightly. She’d said yes and she seemed to have meant it. Now he needed to decide where and when. Should he take her up to Federal Hill? Would that be…too obvious of him? Too show-offy? He’d learned she came from a middle class family and attended Brown on a truckload of scholarships. What was normal for him might be—
He paused his musings, not having noticed she’d written something down until she handed it to him and he looked down at the ten digits written on a scrap of notebook paper.
“You don’t need to figure it out now. The semester doesn’t end for a while. Text me when you want to go out and how to dress.”
Was this girl psychic? She’d given him the pass to sit on it, to work it all out in his mind until it couldn’t be worked again. It gave him time to consult his father on the matter. Or perhaps his mothe—no, no, no it was best to keep his dating life a secret for now lest the woman get any ideas.
Father was his best bet. He’d been married twice and dated in between. He’d know what to do. 
“I will,” said Alexander after meticulously folding the paper into a perfect square and slipping it into the breast pocket of his dress shirt. 
“Now what do you drink when it’s warm out?”
She laughed a quiet laugh behind closed lips before reaching over and taking one of his hands in hers for the first time. 
“Just water.”
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Who is Miyu?
I was going to post this days ago, but I was kinda busy so better late than ever. So the newest theory rush deals with Aqua’s origin and while it is heavily hinted it is either Aoi or this mysterious girl Miyu that will appear in this week’s episode, I might have a different theory for that.
Miyu is Aoi.
Okay I know that’s like the third theory about two people being the same person, but let’s take a look of why it could be possible.
What exactly do we know about Aoi before her mother met Akira’s father? So far we only got the story from Akira who only told what happened once they became siblings, how one year after the wedding they lost their lives in mysterious accident and how they no longer had a home. But what happened before? And that’s what my theory deals with.
Aoi’s name used to be Miyu and her mother was working for SOL. In case Aoi was indeed a Lost Incident victim it would make a perfect sense. Since Dr. Kogami also worked for SOL, he might’ve started looking for children before he started with the whole experiment. In case Aoi’s mother worked close with him, she might’ve told Dr. Kogami about her daughter who really loves Duel Monsters and since he needed duellists, Aoi might’ve been the very first to be kidnapped. It could also be possible that Aoi’s mother was tricked into it, like Dr. Kogami wanted to introduce her to Ryoken or just test her skills. Once the kids were rescued, she most likely suffered the same pain that Yusaku and Takeru did and having connections to SOL, her mother could’ve try to help her using SOL’s technology. And that’s how Miyu became Aoi.
Aoi was another personality that her mother put into her in order to protect her from the pain and by changing her name, she must’ve changed her name as well. Maybe she was planning to expose Lost Incident but for that she had to escape with her daughter. Eventually she came across Akira’s father with whom she fell in love and considering how far out of town that house was, she must’ve seen a perfect shelter for her and her daughter and thought she could start anew.
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But SOL located her a year later and once she and her new husband were taken care of, Aoi and Akira were left all alone. Knowing that Aoi had no memories of Lost Incident, SOL wanted no evidence of their employee ever being involved with Lost Incident so they could’ve been the strangers Akira was talking about:
“Many strangers arrived, stealing our parent’s inheritance.”
It’s quite possible that the inheritance involved files from Aoi’s mother about Lost Incident. Maybe she was involved with Takeru’s parents as well, I mean both families had a child who went through the same ordeal and it is only logical that they’ve decided to join forces in order to get justice for their children. But Takeru’s parents weren’t careful enough and SOL found out they’ve been trying to expose the incident, so they got rid of them.
Another reason why Miyu might be past Aoi is the fact that Young Aoi never really talked so far so it could be possible that the voice actress basically preforms only her young voice – when she was Miyu. Miyu’s voice actress mostly did young boy voices so far, most recently Asta from Black Clover, so it wouldn’t be a problem to do young girl voice too. I know that female characters majorly don’t get “child voice” since voice actresses can mostly easily mask their voice to do little girl voices, but there are cases where female characters are voiced by two different actresses for different ages.
Then we have the preview.
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All those lines seem to apply to Aoi and Miyu character isn’t shown or mentioned at all, even though almost every other character from the cast list except for Kusanagi appear. Miyu’s mother probably didn’t appear due to big reveal – that she was actually Aoi’s mother.
Then it’s the basic anime logic – we are already half-way in VRAINS and for any major character to appear for the first time now it wouldn’t make sense. We had our doubts about other Lost Incident children having a big role and VRAINS seems to agree on that. While Jin hasn’t appeared much, he was mentioned enough to have a big impact on the story when it was revealed he was Lightning’s Origin. Windy’s Lost Child was cleverly removed from the main plot when it was revealed Windy either killed him or heavily injured him so it’s not really clear if we’ll be seeing that character at all. So if this Miyu really is Aqua’s Origin, it would be hard to develop her so late in the story.
The only way this could work, would be if Miyu used to be Aoi’s friend that Aoi met in the park. If Aoi was this lonely kid all alone on a swing, then Miyu could be a cheerful kid that wants to play with her. They might’ve become really close friends and Miyu could inspire her to be like Blue Angel. This arm could be Miyu’s and the ring (oddly similar to bracelets from Arc V) could symbolize their friendship. But then Lost Incident happens and Aoi can no longer see Miyu. Maybe Aoi goes back to the park to search for Miyu, but she only finds her mother who tells her that Miyu can’t play with her anymore and this causes Aoi to become even lonelier. Maybe she is given that ring by Miyu or her mother as a sign of trust.
And when Aqua locates her Origin, Miyu tells her she can’t fight with her, but believes Aoi could fill her shoes and that’s why Aqua knows about Aoi.
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Yeah good question – how could Aqua possibly know her? From what we know, each Ignis only knows their own Lost Child – like how Lightning didn’t know that Yusaku was lured to Dr. Kogami’s house by Ryoken and not the man himself like he thought. For that there are two possible explanations – Aoi is Aqua’s Origin or Aqua’s Origin gave information about Aoi to Aqua (it would be also interesting if Miyu used water-based deck which she gives to Aqua) My theory goes that before her mother married to Akira’s father, Aoi was named Miyu and she used to have water based deck. Then Lost Incident happened and Miyu changed forever. Her mother used her connections to SOL to create another personality for her to protect her from the pain and so when the two parents married, Akira and possibly Akira’s father came to know the new personality – Aoi. It could explain the major difference between Aoi and Blue Angel. Maybe when she heard the story about Blue Angel, she remembered how she used to be (or in case Miyu was her friend – she wanted to be like Miyu) and therefore created her and once she comes in contact with Aqua she finally remembers her previous personality (or Miyu in the other case).
By now we had several heavy hints of why Aqua could be Aoi’s origin:
appearances: two ponytails and Aqua’s rounder hips (presenting Blue Angel dress)
colour blue: Blue Angel, Blue Ignis (in one case Aoi can be read as colour blue in Japanese, though the way Aoi’s name is written it translates to “hollyhock” – a type of a flower – which can also be blue)
similar personalities: both Aqua and Aoi are caring and gentle
silhouette: the only girl in Lost Incident looks a lot like Aoi – she has the same ponytails and wears a dress
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Who knows, maybe Aoi is a Lost Incident victim or not, we’ll probably know by tomorrow. But in every case something is telling me that Aoi will be important and considering how much development she has been getting lately it would be a shame to throw it all the way. She’ll either join Yusaku’s side as another Lost Child or carry on the will of Aqua’s Origin. Another scene, which at least for me heavily hinted that Aoi is a Lost Child, is the one right after she loses to Takeru.
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I already saw one post discussing how Go and Aoi represent two different ways of how to deal with a loss and this could further prove the development Aoi has. She hasn’t duelled much lately and if she did she lost, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t learn anything from it. Thanks to Specter she learned that she is not a hero she thought she was and before the duel with Takeru she was still convinced that Ignis is something SOL has to deal with. But after the duel she came to realize how strong the bond between Takeru and Flame is and started to think differently.
Now she made her own decision to meet the Ignis and is even willing to join forces with them.
I really hope Aqua and Aoi become partners and together they go after SOL to get Earth back. Maybe she even comes across Specter and with his help they bring Earth back. She failed to save him once, but she can save him now.
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My very last theory for this is something about Queen. I don’t have much proof as for now, but something is telling me, she’s involved with those incidents with parents. She was shown to be just as cruel to Ignis as Dr. Kogami was to Lost Children, but what if that’s not all? Dr. Kogami wanted to create, while she wants to destroy what he created (reversed Zarc and Ray XD). What if she is either related or involved with Miyu or Aoi in some way? My wild guess is – she is Aoi’s or Miyu’s aunt or used to work with either of their mothers. She could be the one who created Aoi’s personality and for that Aoi’s mother was grateful, but sooner or later she wanted to expose the accident and the Queen wasn’t having any of it. She most likely made it look like AIs were to blame, and convinced SOL that Ignis have to be eliminated (since other chess pieces sought financial gain from Ignis according to Dr. Kogami). She could’ve even caused Blood Shepard’s incident. If that were to be true, she could become a very good villain not that SOL had the very first victory.
I surely hope all of these themes and characters get to be built up and depending on tomorrow’s episode, I might write more about Aoi, Aqua and Queen later on.
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bullocklegacy · 6 years
Goth Family Makeover!
I decided to make over the goth family and to be honest now I really want to do a series post on them. I specifically fell in love with Cassandra, Bella, and Alexander (Mortimer is kind of eh). So here are the pics and personality descriptions underneath for how I picture them :) (I also *tweaked* some of their traits to fit more of my vision for them)
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Mortimer Goth spent his whole life working towards being the talented (and incredibly rich) writer that he is. While Mortimer does not really care about the money, he does find it very nice that his family does not have any financial burdens and they can just enjoy each other. Even though he is an extremely talented writer and can evoke emotion in his readers like a skilled hypnotist, he does not let many of his emotions out. He is a very gloomy man and tends to bottle up his feelings and comes off very shy and awkward upon a first meeting, something that really surprises his fans. He is extremely grateful for his wife, Bella, because she can take over in every social situation with her outgoing and charming personality. 
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(i chose my favorites of her outfits) 
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(just a close up of the face for those who want to see makeup)
Bella is a bubbly outgoing woman who loves to spend her time with her family. She really enjoys living the high life and while she loves Mortimer, she really initially married him for the possibility of a stress-free and enriched family life. She has wanted to be a mother for her whole life, and since she came from a poor family she knew that marrying a man who was wealthy would make her experience as a mother so much more enjoyable. She could buy her kids anything they wanted, send them to as much schooling as they desired, they wouldn’t have a financial stress on them and could grow up worry free. She felt sort of bad for caring more about the money than mortimer at first but she really did love him, she it wasn’t like she was lying about that, right? She is happy that she could provide a form of stress relief for mortimer by helping him in social situations, she could take the lead very easily and ease his burden. As for her kids, she adores both of them. She would do absolutely anything and everything for her children and she has proven that time and time again. One important thing to note about Bella is that while she may seem absolutely perfect on the surface, transitioning from a poor family to a rich one actually had a negative affect on her - she became quite the snob. Since she in so charismatic, she is able to hide this very well but it does show every now and then if you look very closely at her microreactions to things. She isn’t proud of this trait she developed and tries to reprimand herself every time she notices herself being especially snobby, but it doesn’t really help - she is still a snob. 
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Alexander is and isn’t your typical “rich kid” at the same time. While he is extremely privileged and very confident and self-assured, he still somehow has a giving spirit and a respect for everyone. Alex doesn’t view anyone differently and loves to stand up for the kid being bullied, he loves rooting for the underdog, and he even gave his Gucci custom leather jacket to a homeless man. He hopes to grow up and become a doctor so he can help even more people and even wants to use his future inheritance and earned money to start his own nonprofit. 
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(my favorite of her outfits)
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(her face close up to see makeup)
Lastly we will introduce Cassandra (my personal favorite <3). Cassandra comes off as the typical studious, shy, awkward but charming teenager, but in fact she is much much more than that. Maybe she learned how to cover up her dark side from her mother but she is actually having multiple affairs with married men (who have not yet been discovered by the narrator). She loves to study and be successful but she has many issues she is covering up. She has always had everything she could ever need or want in life so why does she feel such emptiness in a life that seems so full? She doesn’t really know and neither do I, I’m just an observer. 
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autisticadventurer · 6 years
Flu Musings
I’ve had the flu for nearly a week now. I’ve missed two days of work and have had to do two short days. It really sucks because aside from getting financially caught up after all the recent challenges, I’ve got a two week break, the car needs work again and we are bringing miss puppy home this week. It’ll be okay but we’re in for another month of tight budgeting. We’ve both gotten through worse.  
I’ve been able to obtain a few new apps and services that should be able to help me streamline my habits, shopping, and finances. I’m happy that the Mint app is fixed because I absolutely love it. I created an account with Brandless and cancelled my Amora coffee (OMG THE PRICES) but I’m sticking with Graze for now. I got Habits (loop habit tracker?), redownloaded Insight Timer (great for meditation practitioners of all skill and experience levels), Cozi to help my SO manage schedules and lists with me, Mimo and Khan Academy to get me where I need to be so that I can get that Microsoft Certificate, and I’m doing my best to keep up with Lose It! in spite of the fact that I’ve eaten very little over the past week. Smart News came with my phone and I’ve made a point to look for unbiased news sources and read the articles every few days. So all that jazz is under control and I feel organized even if there are still a few things that we need to take care of to get caught up in the physical world.
While I’ve been down and out with nothing but my thoughts to keep me company, I’ve thought a lot about my past and the history of my family. There are some things that I know, some things I don’t, and some things that I have been given more than one account of. I know a great deal about my mother’s side of the family. Her mother comes from way back in American history - they were members of the Pennsylvania Dutch, that is, Germans seeking religious freedom as Catholics. I know that my great grandmother was a tap dancer and her husband was an actor, though I couldn’t say who because my mother and grandmother called him Bumpy. My mother’s dad is a first or second generation descendant of Ukrainian origin. They fled to escape the pogroms despite the fact that my Zeda had served as a soldier in the first world war on the Russian side. Because of the political climate in western Europe, they had to travel across Siberia and came to America on the west coast. They settled in Minnesota. Both families somehow migrated to Iowa and that is where my maternal grandparents met. While Bubby was the most loving lady on earth, my other great grandmother rejected both of her daughters; one for becoming pregnant (with my mother) out of wedlock, the other for being a lesbian (she went on a music adventure and was a house drummer, backing up such famous names as Jimi Hendrix and others but I love that. She’s a really cool lady). Their brother inherited all the money. On my dad’s side I know less. I know that they lived in Ohio and that nearly all of that side of the family now lives in Florida. My paternal grandmother came from an upper middle class family - her dad being an engineer. I have no idea when they immigrated or from where - I’ve heard they may have been Irish or Scottish and probably Welsh. My paternal grandfather had a Finish mother. She came here with her daughters and was pregnant to boot. After having my grandpa, she put all her kids up for adoption. He was adopted by a filthy rich family and considering that it was in Ohio where the rivers catch on fire, I can only guess that his parents were some kind of industry moguls. (He grew up to be homophobic and racist and turns out two of his biological sisters are also gay.) My dad has told me that as a child, his grandparents would take him to restaurants that didn’t even have prices on the menus and how his grandmother got away with drunk driving on a regular basis. I’ve heard that a great deal of their money was stolen, and also that my grandfather has problems with money management and so what was his is also gone. My dad’s sister got pregnant at an early age and left home young from what I know. I know that my grandma left my grandpa the day after my dad’s graduation, him being the youngest. 
I have been assumed to be a rich girl more than once in my life, but while my family once had money, I’d never enjoyed the benefit of it and neither did my parents. I was a military brat and nothing more. I think the reason behind it is that I took my education seriously and my speech can be a little overly formal  because of my desire to communicate clearly. Despite the fact that I did well in school, most of the schools I attended lacked scholarships for outstanding academic performance and economic hardship. The what ifs: If I had the parental support and encouragement to stay at the first school I went to and finish my bachelor’s degree in Biology, I would’ve finished with less than $10,000 worth of debt and I’d be set up to pursue something I loved. But as usual, Biology was unacceptable, I was unacceptable, etcetera. My parents were too caught up in who they believed they needed to be to listen to anyone or to ask questions or to accept reality as it is instead of as they believed it was, or as they believed it should be.
So it comes now to this: my final point. There is still this constant waging of war against differences, sometimes due to prejudice and sometimes due to the belief that rudeness is unacceptable. I was on my way to work last week and the car was doing its little chugalug deal as I’m trying to accelerate after the light turned green. They person behind me decided to honk. Yes, yes. How dare I be so rude as to have transmission problems while you are behind me? Your honking has fixed our car, thank you. I mean, there are countless examples of people treating each other like shit because of their impatience, some kind of internalized prejudice, how they believe the world “should” be, and all other forms of miscommunication. If nobody is being hurt, these things objectively do not matter. What’s difficult is that people often perceive injury where none was intended (in the case of most of my miscommunications) or they imagine injury where none has occurred (in the case of businesses claiming natural african hair on employees to be unacceptable). There are countless other examples in the day to day motion of the cultural machine. The issue that I have identified is that most unAutistic people don’t like to stand out or be the first to do something because humans have evolved to believe in their cultures. Brave and virtuous is the business owner who allows for differences among their staff. From a permaculture perspective, diversity leads to resilience, but your average rich lady consumer doesn’t give a shit about permaculture principles; she gives a shit about feeling “comfortable” in her shopping surroundings and misunderstandings or appearances can shake that precarious foundation that culture has laid for her. I think in many ways, consumer culture is one of the primary barriers to creating acceptance and inclusion in the workplace. 
Lao Tzu said it is better to retreat a foot than to advance an inch. I think his reasoning behind all of that deals with the fact that he probably witnessed things just like this happening regularly. He was an imperial record keeper during a time when China took itself very seriously and struggled with xenophobia. If you personally perceive an injury where none was intended, then you might be apt to retaliate, making you the true initiator of conflict. If you perceive and injury where none was intended and you retreat, then you have simply enforced a boundary, perhaps even, “I know that she didn’t mean to be unkind, but I will disengage from this situation in order to preserve my own energy,” or even, “I may be late due to the driver in front of me, but I have no control over this situation and a difference of two minutes does not damage the productivity of my place of employment from an objective perspective,” or, “If that bitch of a customer has a problem with how you care for your hair or yourself, then we don’t need their business anyway.”
The only way to truly create change in our world is to change from the inside. Waging war on rudeness or appearances makes you an asshole. Having healthy boundaries protects you. Learning to be okay with the world as it is prevents escalation of problems and allows us to solve them while they are small. 
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jepleurs-icry · 3 years
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My Life, My Mess, My Legacy Part 2
If you read part 1, then you are getting a glimpse of my earlier years.  Time goes by.  At the end of part 1, I wrote that I should have ran from a relationship that was not easy, it was scary, fearful, confusing, it gave me low self-esteem because I was made to feel that way.
My daughter's are the reason I stayed with him for 11 years.  After 5 years of being married, I knew I had to leave but was not ready yet.  I needed to learn some skills, for work, to support myself for later on.
The divorce came after 11 years, and it was very rough on the girls.  They lived in suitcases for about 5 years of going back and forth, as that was how the divorce settlement was written up.  Not my choice for sure.
Eventually, I did learn that one of my daughter's was caught stealing.  I went right away to the Police station and talked to a Juvenile Officer.  I went to the drugstore and talked to the Manger.  She was pleasant and happy I was addressing the situation so my daughter did not do this again.
Seems like her troubles were happening when she was staying at her Dad's house not mine.  I contacted a good lawyer this time and it was settled that the girl's would stay with me.  They could see their Dad when they wanted, but no more living out of a suitcase.
After that, things settle down.  I moved on, went out, found a group for divorced parents, joined and had fun.
After about 2 years, I met a handsome man who was British.  He was newly divorced and at a dance.  My girlfriend handed him a piece of paper with my name and phone number on it.  He put it in his pocket.  I thought he would call but he did not.
But one day, out of the blue he did call.  He made a date and we went out to dinner that weekend.  We talked for a long time at the restaurant.  Maybe 4 hours.  He had 3 children.  He was smart, different, handsome.  I was attracted to him.  At the end of the date, we had a quick kiss and said goodnight.  That was in 1989.
It was getting close to Christmas and I hadn't heard from him.  He had given me his phone number, but I was not a call the guy type of girl, except this time I did.  He was going to England to see his parents for Christmas.
One Christmas Eve, 1989, I was visiting my Foster Mother in the country where I grew up.  Around 4 o'clock she suffered a stomach hemorrhage and vomited blood.  I called the ambulance, but by the time they reached us they could not intubate her and she passed away.
My daughter's were with me on that dreadful day.  They came with me to the hospital, and had to wait in the waiting room until the coroner came to get me and asked me what happened.
My Foster Mother was on blood thinners since she was 63.  She had surgery to repair the arteries in both her legs as cholesterol had built up.  On Christmas Eve 1989 she was 77 years old.
The coroner said her stomach lining had burst, as the blood thinners had eaten away the lining.
It was really tough to go through that.  It stayed with me for about 5 years and eventually I made peace with that day.  I realized it was a blessing that it happened while I was visiting her.  At least she was not alone.
Then, one day the "guy" called me.  I told him what happened.  He was sympathetic , but not overly so.  That kind of surprised me.  He did not ask me for a 2nd date.
A friend, from the divorced group called me; said she was going to have a dinner party.  A murder mystery dinner.  She was going to call the "guy" up as she had met him at another time and place.  She knew I liked him.
The evening of the party came and it was a lot of fun!  He was there sitting beside me.  But, I stayed cool,  I became sarcastic and indifferent towards him.  The dinner ended, the mystery murder was solved, and everyone went to sit down in the living room.
He could see I was upset at him for not calling me or asking me out again.  I knew he liked me.  Perhaps he was not ready for a relationship.  The time came to say goodnight and we walked out together.  When we got to my car, we kissed and talked for so long.  I knew I wanted this man in my life.
After that, he called all the time.  We went out, I eventually met his children, he met mine.  We became a family.  He was British, sophisticated as the English are but also depending what region they come they can be snobby. He told me or I guess one day I found out he did not like African Americans.
This was disturbing to me, as my Foster parents raised me that a person's color is just a difference.  Nothing to fear.  They were not racist and they taught us (me and my sister) not to be.
But my guy made racial comments at times and they were degrading.  He said it was because his brother who lives in South Africa, had trouble with the locals there.  That was his explanation.  Silently, I hated this part of him.
After 2 years of dating, we became engaged.  We got married.  His parents came over from England for the wedding.  They seemed nice enough.  I noticed that his Mother was scrutinizing me at times.  She would undermine things I said.  I complained to my finance, but he brushed it off.
We rented a convertible to get around in.  I was driving one evening, and ended up in another part of town.  This part of town was not so rich.  The houses were smaller, and you could tell it was a rough neighborhood. Our honeymoon was on Singer Island in Florida.  A rich neighborhood.
In the car he said to  me... What are you doing? Get out of this place.  It's bad people who live here.  Meaning African Americans.  He asked me if I was scared of the neighborhood.  I was naive, I said no.  Again the racial interlude showed it's ugly face.
Honeymoon was over in about 6 days, we returned home (one that I put the down payment on).  His parents had stayed to babysit my dog.  My boxer.  They did a great job and she was a great dog!  The Mother in Law still undermined me. After a week or so the in laws went back to England. Time went by.  We had been married less than a year.  The true colors of MY NEW HUSBAND came out even more..  He stopped paying attention to me.  He became rude, indifferent to my needs or concerns.
Having had an abusive 1st marriage, I was not about to go through this again.  We had been to family counseling prior the wedding.  This helped us because on some weekends, there were 5 children in the house and we did not want to have disciplinary issues.  Things had to be fair.
Like I was some kind of pawn.  He went away for two weeks.   When he came back I did not pick him up from the airport.  He took a taxi home. He entered the house,  I was on the sofa watching TV.   He said to me, " So did you cheat on me while I was gone"?.  I laughed and told him just because it happened to him while he was married to his first wife, I could not never do that. Plus I was still recovering and never went out of the house. For whatever reason, and I will never know exactly, but the idea crossed my mind that he was comfy now, had a home with me in both our names, he was no longer living in a friend's basement.  I will never know why he changed towards me the way he did, but it hurt and it reminded me of my 1st husbands abuse.
I could tell things were not getting better, so I went to see the counselor for myself.  The counselor asked me if my husband was drinking.   Yes, sometimes he would have a beer after work and a couple of them on the weekends.  Which is the norm for some people.  We had liquor downstairs and there were liquor glasses in the dishwasher.  That told me he was drinking after I went to bed. Eventually, while all this neglect and emotional deterioration was going on, I was getting sick.  I could no longer support the beauty salon I had purchased, as the clientele was not there.  The man who sold me the business had lied about the actual income too.  I was in the process of suing him. With the new marriage and the business going down the toilet,    my health paid the price.  I developed an auto immune disorder.  I was weak, had sinus after sinus infections, fever, loss of appetite, and I developed asthma. I was 31 or 32 years old.  I had to quit my job. This went on for 3 months.  During that time, his parents had invited us to go visit them in England sometime in May. They were going to pay for the airfare.  It was a nice gesture, but I knew I could not go. I was just too sick.  I could not face them or his brother and wife, etc. being so sick.   I explained to my husband that it was best that I did not go as I was too sick.  He told me I should go.  But I knew it was impossible for me to travel. As time approached to May his parents called and asked if I was going to come too.  He told them no, as I was still so sick.  Then he told me, I'm glad your not going because I will not let you come with me now. I was so crushed that he said that. So, I went to a support group.  It did not help, it was sad. Stories about their spouses drinking and how the coped with it.  I knew what I had to do.  I did not sign up for this kind of life. I wanted out.  I asked for a divorce in October 1992. The fighting for who was getting the house started almost immediately. I had put down $15,000.00 from my inheritance towards the purchase of this house. He paid the mortgage every month, but I bought the groceries and paid for the cable. He thought he would get the house and I would get nothing. This is what he told me. I responded in kind saying that no judge would give him the house after I had put the down payment and paid for groceries and other things. We finally settled on $10,000 payable to me, and he remortgaged the house and kept it for himself. I didn't care anymore. I just wanted out of the marriage and could hardly wait to start my life over again. So tell me. If you can? Why did I make such a costly mistake. He seemed genuine at the beginning. How did things go south so fast? This is my mess number 2 with men at least. The emotional cost and financial aspect blows my mind! This was a total of 11 + 4 years = 15 years of my life gone down the toilet. The only good thing was my two beautiful daughters. How could I have made such a mistake? I think a trained counselor could have helped me understand the situation. How many times in life do you have to pick up the pieces. I always thought I was smart, intelligent, witty, down to earth, could figure things out, was very independent. But when it comes to love I sucked at recognizing some signs I guess. But if the signs are hidden a person can never know what their future will be. The divorce was going through, and I moved out in December I believe.  He did not even fight for our relationship, which I thought was very sad. If you truly loved someone wouldn't you fight for them?  To make it work I mean. My new life settled in, I was working full-time by then, and seemed happy enough except for money struggles once in awhile I was doing pretty good. It took about 2 years for my health to return to normal.  I became active again in the singles group, joined a softball league, and went back to the dances. Two years past by.  I was starting to forget about "my guy" whom I was crazy about the first few years. Life continues as they say... and that's what happened... my life
continued. Thank you Chickapea
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decordwertge1976 · 4 years
nra gun insurance claim
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :insurancefinder.xyz
nra gun insurance claim
nra gun insurance claim? We’re going to take a look at the basics of homeowners insurance. While car insurance doesn’t directly cover any injuries or property damage, car insurance will typically pay your medical bills if you have a car-related injury or an accident. However, it may also cover your legal costs if you cause an accident. A homeowners insurance policy is the most comprehensive coverage you buy. It typically covers property damage not related to a car accident, such as damage to your washing machine, washing machine, or a sink. If a flood causes damage to a home or building, your insurance will pay up to your policy’s “flooding coverage” — any damage to the place you live will likely come out of your insurance policy. You will likely see an increase in their deductibles later in your policy term. Most home insurance policies provide limited coverage for damage to the other party, but there are some exclusions that come with certain types of homeowners insurance policies. nra gun insurance claim. You re responsible for paying the vehicle’s repair cost and medical bills if damaged, stolen, or totaled. To drive legally, your state will probably require you to carry a minimum amount of minimum liability car insurance. Your state will not mandate additional insurance to drive legally. But that doesn t mean you should settle for low liability car insurance premiums. Instead, protect yourself with the right amount of comprehensive coverage. The most important skill of driving with comprehensive coverage is the right level of insurance. A basic policy covers all costs associated with an uninsured vehicle. As soon as your car is in the repair shop, ask whether comprehensive coverage or collision coverage is required. This will help you be fully covered on the road and be a safe driver. To drive legally without insurance, all drivers must carry the same kind of insurance. In general, an uninsured motorist is involved in a serious crash that damages: Your rate will go up, especially if you’re involved in an accident without insurance. However. nra gun insurance claim. The claim involves damage a second accident. According to Auto-Owners, claims for such claims are usually reported in three or four days. You can file your first or second accident claim. You can also submit an accident report and obtain a summary photo of the second accident. If the charges listed are denied, the charges will be removed from your records. The second accident will cause a lawsuit against you for your injury. This lawsuit would prove that Mr. Wilson and the insured did not have the insurance. After Mr. Wilson, his partner and the other driver, filed a lawsuit against Mr. Wilson for damages to his wife s body and personal belongings. The driver was an acquaintance of the defendant, his mother, and was also an attorney in the case. The plaintiff was identified as Karen Wilson. Mr. Wilson had an active and stable job with a high-risk insurance position. While the policy he filed for his second accident claimed on his records, he was discharged as of September 20,.
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Guns and Liability Insurance Coverage: This insurance can cover medical bills or car damage incurred due to the accident (other than collision). There are also a few other optional coverages such as uninsured/underinsured vehicle liability, . Uninsured/Underinsured IBA and IBA (Non-Commissioned Insurance) provides free automobile insurance coverage for uninsured motorists. This insurance carrier offers automobile policy discounts on a sliding scale if your vehicle is at high risk for damage or collisions. A Hertzman Insurance Company, headquartered in the great city of Atlanta, GA also serves a wide section of Washington and Puerto Rico. Their insurance products are available to customers all over the United States. Their policies are also in full compliance with the laws of each state. Hertz provides an array of individual and business insurance discounts and special benefits. The AOL (American Independent Telephone/Automobile Insurance Company (AIVC) is a division of American Independent Telephone and Automobile Insurance Company called AAA Insurance Agency.
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Subscribe to Daily Briefing, the free newsletter from Business Insurance. I am really looking into my own insurance. I have a wife who has a different insurance, so for the life of me it looks like I have insurance from a different company. I don’t have any previous insurance, but that was my first car. And it is a new lease. I just moved into the suburbs and had to move a lot. I’m living in a condo. I’m living alone. My landlord needs to give me the money he gets to rent a room in his car. That is a problem. He’s going to have to pay the $500,000. And he’s not the only one who can. I have to pay for this insurance from the landlord’s insurance. That is the problem, right? Now, my son and I live in Georgia together and live in Georgia. How does the insurance for the two of us stay the same for the same amount of coverage? In Texas, as long.
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loyallogic · 4 years
It’s Time to help your Loved Ones with #Makingawill 
This article is written by Aarushi Desai, an advocate practising in the Gujarat High Court, Family Courts and other courts based out of Gujarat.
All lawyers can be superheroes if they apply their skill to adapt to the situation. One such way to help your network in the times of #coronavirus is to encourage them to #makeawill. This will also help young litigators having financial woes to gain more clients.
Why are you here?
You want to do something better, be the change, learn something more, create a difference. You see your friends who are doctors, police inspectors and social workout there on the front lines while you are busy posting work out and cooking videos and have successfully completed the #dalgonachallenge. Don’t you want to help too? What are the ways you think that you can use your skills as a law student to help?
How can you help?
Lets dial back to the first year of law school – do you remember learning about family law and making a will? Maybe you had a 10 marker question on drafting a will as a part of your paper. Well it’s time to revise the chapter since this is your weapon of choice to save the world- go out there and make others aware of safeguarding their family by making a simple will. 
How do you start?
Attached is a draft template for making a will. If you have a better one, use that. Armed with that template, reach out to your loved ones- start with your family. Any person who owns assets should make a will. Your father may be the sole bread earning member in the family, your mother may be a housewife but own jewelry and have a right in her father’s property. Your uncle might have young kids, a spouse and parents – how will he want to divide his assets?  
Why would they want to make a will- we live like the Hum Saath Saath Hain family?
Remember the brothers of India’s richest family struggle? Did you know that the daughter of a very wealthy family owning textile mills changed her sex to gain inheritance rights in her father’s property when her father declared that only his son would receive his inheritance? Have we forgotten that the famous family which owns the clothing goodstore (the advertisement which says – the complete man one) is fighting every day in court over family wealth? If such big families have issues in estate planning although having access  to wills, where does that leave you? 
But I am the average middle class person, my family does not own so many assets, why should I force them to make a will?
Who said small families don’t fight over properties? Remember that old Ambuja Cement ad- Bhaiya ye deewar tut-ti kyu nahi hai? Why don’t you google death over property and see the number of cases. Ok- maybe I am painting an extremely gruesome picture but you get the idea right? A will is just a tool to ensure that the loved ones have clarity on how to honour your wishes. Issues are not going to resolve themselves – you cannot always divide that favourite piece of jewelry in half or sell the childhood home where you have extremely fond memories and split the proceeds in the name of practicality. You want to ensure that the glue that holds your family together continues to bind even after your loved one’s death and at the same time, equitable distribution of wealth is carried out- the married bua does not raise issues on the ownership of the house where you and your family is staying, the grandmother and spouse do not fight over the life insurance money and so on. Believe me, I have seen a lot of families fight over such terms while they should be busy mourning the death of their loved ones.
             Click Above
But talking about making a will is such a touchy topic! It will sound as if I am reminding Dadaji and Dad of their impending deaths
I agree, we Indians find great pleasure in avoiding sensitive topics which should be addresses- maybe about that uncle who unpleasantly touched you, or the sex education talk that you should have received in your childhood or talking about how your latest Tinder experience (not all of us have cool family discussions like Hardik Pandya’s family does!) has been. Maybe we can add the topic of will making to that list or we could use this family time to talk about real topics and not behen ki shadi kab hogi?  You are well are of the law regarding making a will (If not, tune in to Youtube here and learn from India’s top expert- Mr. Satyajeet Desai, Senior Advocate and Revising Author of Mulla on Hindu Law) and now is the time to test your selling skills  (Shark Tank, here we come!). 
Approach them, talk to them about how you attended this Zoom lecture which got you thinking and now you want to do your bit and spread awareness on making a will. Make it clear – this is a practical advice to plan your inheritance in advance and save your family from the impending fights which may ensue- clarify that this will save the trouble of identifying where the assets are located, you can be the trusted advisor and there is no better time than now when times are uncertain and death is literally everywhere. 
What should I say?
We need to insist that will making shows:
That the decision maker continues to be in charge even after his death.
Maybe a litigation would ensue- even more days wasted from your sanctioned leaves (because Tareek pe tareek pe tareek).
It is easier and speedier on the loved ones.
Abhi toh chita be aag bhuji bhi nahi hai aur the- emotional and financial strain of dividing the assets when you should be mourning or have just gotten out of caring for the deceased during the extensive months when his illness was ongoing (excuse my Hindi please, it’s too Bollywood).
The stress of death may cause fights amongst siblings- where the property documents are, who will pay for the pending hospital bills, how to make funeral arrangements.
A will making session can also be a good time to discuss whether they want to be put on life support, donate organs, give to any charities or their staff, where the share certificates and property documents would be located (or whether you have a third brother you didn’t know of!).
OOf! You don’t understand, I need an ice breaker- I can’t suddenly transform from that xbox playing kid to their legal advisor
Umm, maybe I need to butt my nose in your business- how about we as (potential) lawyers start our own instagram challenge- give #dalgonachallenge and #tiktok a rest? Let’s start the #makeawill challenge-  Post a picture with your family and write the reason you love them and why we should make a will (Zindagi ke saath bhi zindagi ke baad bhi). 
Tag your other non lawyer friends to post pictures with their family and ask them to write what they do with their family (yes, they don’t know anything about why they should make a will but I remember the #icebucketchallenge too- who knew what it stood for but it worked right?) Then repost their pictures to spread #makeawill hashtag. 
This should help right? It’s also a reason to show off your family in those cute wedding or vacation outfits through #makeawill. 
If not, just remind them of the brother’s expensive fight of that rich Indian family as a show opener and start there!
Also try this whatsapp message: 
Hey, I am trying to spread awareness on #makingawill in these times of Corona. Make a will and show your loved ones that you care for their safety forever. Reach out to me in case you need any help in preparing the will – in the meanwhile please log on to facebook/instagram/twitter and post a picture with your family showing off your awesome family activities with the hashtag #makeawill and lets spread this awareness.
OK I am starting now, its my turn to be a lawyer and don my cape!
Slow down junior,  attend the youtube lecture too and get a chance to learn the art of making a will from one of India’s foremost experts, Mr. Satyajeet Desai, Senior Advocate and Revising Author, Mulla on Hindu Law here.
LawSikho has created a telegram group for exchanging legal knowledge, referrals and various opportunities. You can click on this link and join:
Follow us on Instagram and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more amazing legal content.
The post It’s Time to help your Loved Ones with #Makingawill  appeared first on iPleaders.
It’s Time to help your Loved Ones with #Makingawill  published first on https://namechangers.tumblr.com/
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wearethegladiators · 5 years
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fc: leighton meester
age: 27 (it’s been very confusing because she’s sometimes born in 1991, sometimes in 1993. I think we made her older so that she could legally inherit from the DCH so let’s make her 27 - or about to be. I see her as more of a end of the year/winter child tbh.)
job: head of dch bitch 
(long post ahead buckle up kids)
 Rachel’s back-story is a good 99% inspired by shitty téléfilms but I wouldn’t change most of it, she’s had it and that really defines who she is as a person. (I mean, she definitely did not have a split personality disorder wth? I watched too much Heroes for sure. She may be struggling with an Intermittent Explosive Personality Disorder though, like Liam in TW). The plane crash thingy may be a bit too much, but... I mean, Rachel IS the final girl. I’m used to playing survivor but l’essence même de Rachel c’est d’être une survivante. Ah si, aussi, her father is now called Louis Seymour and no longer Lewis Seyfried (wth did all our characters had such American names???? Lewis’s French, goddamn it). Oh and we’re gonna be talking disability as well.
I couldn’t find her comprehensive back-story so let’s just go with the flow. Aurélia and Louis definitely were not married, they probably did not even have a stable relationship (I mean how could you have a stable relationship with Aurélia). But I can see them dating for a while, Louis may have been touring in the U.S. to show his work and skills, anyway. I don’t think Aurelia ever told him about her pregnancy which DRAMATICALLY parallels Tyler and Rachel’s story (actually I pretty much think she did not tell anyone…). Or maybe she did, years later. Or when she left Rachel at an orphanage somewhere in Canada. So yeah Rachel was abandoned aged 1 J She mostly grew up in that structure, but she had behavioral/anger issues and she was bullied by other kids/did not stay for long with her foster families. So Rachel, a SURVIVOR, ultimately freaking ran away from that orphanage (probably around 10-ish years old) and pretty much… lived in the streets for a while, and walked a lot (boi she’s got so much in common with Lukas yo). She was ultimately found by a family which put an “ad” in the local newspapers and that’s how her maternal grandmother found her. For some reason the maternal grandmother decided not to keep her (she stayed max 1 year with her) and to send her back to her father in France (either in the South or in Normandy). Then they took the plane, let’s say they had no crash and Rachel found her dad and she lived at his place until she was 14 years old (when he was killed by Z) and she was very happy about it. That’s pretty much where she learnt how to ride because bah mdr she probably had never done so before, or only in colo or shit like that; she also learnt at least “French” French (she potentially knew Québecois). I don’t think she ever was a jockey though or that Z and GG shot her horse during a race MDRRR (remember it’s 2019 we have plotlines now). But her father was still killed by Z and euh well… she ended up once again with no parental figure and was supposed to be brought back to foster care/an orphanage, which was not very cool, so guess what? SHE RAN AWAY BITCH. I can see her hitchhiking and pretty much stealing stuff and maybe hanging out with weird people in some squats (but NEVER doing drugs that’s so not Rachel), and ultimately she ended up in Paris where she thought she could “disappear”, maybe find a job or something – anyway, opportunities. She probably had a fake ID that said she was 18 and maybe she was even able to buy a car (but just to sleep in it mdr) (or to drive illegally, I mean, yeah). And I guess one day she found the DCH and asked John and Elodie if she could work there for some money and they took her in and now she’s a star!!
Also there was an interesting aspect to Rachel when I first started playing her (a while, while ago): she had that big accident while riding a horse and was pretty much left disabled by it and did not ride for years until boom, DOOMER bitch. I don’t think she would have been able to survive the way she did with a disability but I kind of like this storyline so I guess maybe she had this “accident” with no big consequences but she was heavily traumatized by it (her horse may still have died in it but that would seriously echo Cassey’s story – I mean that happens but still). So she probably did not ride for a while after that, yeah.
Started from palefrenière ended up CEO BITCH
Well I mean, Rachel’s pretty much at the top of her career… I think she’s pretty big now, people are starting to respect her in the business. It was quite hard being in charge at 18 because no one would take her seriously but she’s proven repeatedly that she’s to be counted with by now. There are probably people coming to the DCH just to learn about their methods. Maybe they are little girls looking up to her. She’s definitely holding Ted-Talk-like conferences btw. Maybe she had her own Ted Ex?
She made the DCH much bigger, they probably have more horses now and they DO have an administrative/business/executive team, YEAH. She also definitely worked on the “social”/”horses heal” aspect, probably extending the procedure Tyler benefited from, maybe opening up séances once or twice a week for people in rehab or neuroatypical people, because that’s the crap she does – Rachel cares, yo.
She went back to class! Remember Rachel never got the Bac because she was fired from high-school mdr? She went back and got it, probably around 2013-2014, Sarah Manning style. And then she did a BTS in accounting to take care of the financial aspect of the DCH (because Jake’s great, and everyone’s great in the new team, but everything Rachel does is obviously greater). I think she even got a Bachelor degree in Management by now! MY GIRLLLL
She stopped her career as a jockey as soon as she found out she was pregnant. Doomer had another jockey for some races but stopped winning mdr so he’s now retired. None of them are running anymore, it was a once-in-a-lifetime thingy. <3
Rachel’s popular but she doesn’t get to play it all funny like Jade and Lucie do. She’s the business women. She has to negotiate and go hard. So she’s definitely not as liked as the jockeys are, and she’s definitely not as famous as they are but she SO strives to be, she’s definitely doing ads for yoghurts and shit yup. She does not get to travel as much as they do either, but… She likes it. Being in charge. And she’s good at it. She’s a workaholic, a girl boss, a fashion icon.
Tries to care on her time to teach stuff but she’s soooo busy. Mais c’est elle qui supervise toutes les formations et tous les programmes et personne a rien à dire hihihi
Well, she had a baby… I don’t think 1) this came as a big surprise (she definitely was not on the pill and I don’t know but I can’t picture Tyler and Rachel as extremely careful people smh) and 2) she even questioned keeping it. Like she was already pretty much the mother of Chelsea (who was a baby!!) and Mike, but having a baby of her own is like a totally different thing. Rachel is a survivor first and foremost but she’s also… such a mother??? So nurturing and stuff. Like she never really had a parental figure (or never for more than 3 motherfucking years) and yet I think she was super good at taking care of the Howkins children?? She also had experience as a “single parent”, and she felt she NEEDED that baby to recover (especially if Tyler was presumably dead). So yeah, of course she kept it. She probably learnt about it WEEKS before telling the team btw, just to act surprised and be like “omg, maybe this a bit too late……..” mdr I love her
Honestly even if Tyler isn’t dead I don’t think she would have told him. And see that’s the big difference between Rachel and Cass: she doesn’t run after people. If they leave, they leave. If they drown, they drown. It’s all about survival and she’s not letting anyone take her down, not even her first love. So no, she wouldn’t tell him. And she wouldn’t ask him anything ofc. So yeah mdr, ambiance when he comes back after 2 years hahahaha
Also I think she’s raising a very good, very woke kid. Which is surprising because Rachel is very tolerant but you know, she’s also very closeted, she’s very traditional in some ways, definitely the less likely to vote on the left side… It’d be interesting btw if the kid (who has a cute name like Timothy/Timothée/Titouan) ends up “different” in some way, I don’t know, neuroatypical, autistic, or just gay?? I mean I don’t know but that would be interesting for her character
Also mdr poor kid must be a bit confused about his parents. Josh was there pretty much all the time to help take care of him for the first 2-3 years of his life and maybe he even moved in at some point, for some time. If Tyler never came back the kid would legit have thought that Josh was his dad hahaha
 And I mean Rachel’s a sentimental bitch, she’s into long relationships and she’s very committed and… if Tyler comes back there will always be an attraction and an attachment and they’re definitely still hooking up once in a while… which must be very weird for the kid… because Rachel is sometimes also hooking up with Josh… I mean… (Josh/Rach are pretty endgame I’m sorry but they’re… it’s complicated) (gosh Josh is the Rachel’s Jake mdrrrr)
I think btw Rachel has been in a long-term relationship (like at least a good year) with some guy outside of the DCH and they broke up because…… she cheated on him with Josh, or Ty, or both, maybe for some time mdr. WHAT A MESS I SWEAR my girl just dreamt of being married having kids and living in a little nice farm but I guess dysfunctional people just work… dysfunctional…
Oh I think she REALLY likes Lukas btw. They’re even more similar than Dan/Rachel and that’s a good way of actually appreciating Daniel… without actually appreciating Daniel. Wouldn’t be surprised if they had hooked up too (nothing is okay dans ces écuries), but yeah, probs a good friend, plus she misses one since Jake left (the fact that he helped with the administrative shite?? probably made them even closer tbh, what a good guy)
She really cares about Daniel too, tbh. She definitely can see some pieces of herself in him and… well she doesn’t like that, but still. Actually I think if he was the one to run away she may have run after him… to kick his ass, BUT STILL. Maybe she’s the one taking him to the meetings when Cassey can’t?? :’) I also like to think their relationship has matured – but in a Dan/Rach way. They can tolerate each other but yeah, every freaking meal they yell at each other at some point, but talk in a very normal/casual way two minutes right after. Everyone’s shook but that’s ok for them. They’re kids basically. I like them.
I don’t think she’s so close to Bella anymore… Like I said Rach is really not the type to cling onto relationships, if people live far away she’s not gonna make efforts. She doesn’t have time anyway. Still likes her a lot, still would be freaking happy if she came visiting
Jake and Rach are very good friends; Jade and Lucie are like her two big sisters who have literally seen her grow up from her 15 year-old self to her 27-year-old GOSH I’M EMO. One of them definitely is the godmother of her son, maybe both. Jake’s the godfather. Omg family meetings must be so chaotic
I think she really likes Emeline, too, she was kind of a vent de fraîcheur and she appreciates her for that
ADAM. THIS GODDAMN ASSHOLE. Well Adam’s blood. And he’s the only family she’s got (left). So it’s ride or die bitch. I mean Rachel always had a very grayish moral code… so it’s not a big surprise she stuck with her brother whatever shit he did. Definitely kicked his ass every step of the way but… she stayed. Always. Which is surprising for Rachel, but Adam is actual family and I think she really cares about that cause god she never had a family. They’re still in touch. I can see them going in holidays two weeks a year and doing absolute bullshit that could get them in serious trouble. Yeah. She really cares. (I mean, she’s the one he called when he crashed a freaking police car so i hope he cares, too.)
SHE SAW AURELIA. FINALLY. I mean it obviously did not go well, she probably tried to strangle her at some point or something like that but… she did it. Probably when she was pregnant for drama purposes. And they’ve seen each other for a few times, ever since. Maybe Aurélia has even come to the DCH. But Rachel absolutely refuses that she builds a bond with her son. There’s a lot of drama, and Aurélia’s often on the road, but… they’re trying to make things right with their problematic personalities. I honestly think Rachel picked a lot on Aurelia’s side.
Btw, Rachel’s really a family girl and I think she stalked the fuck out of her family whenever she could. So she probably knew that Aurelia had a son and that’s probably how she found out that Adam was her brother. And Aurelia… she definitely freaking stalked her daughter, too.
Hm, what else… I hope Fuadegh is still alright I loved that horse!!!! I hope he has a baby and that baby’s Rachel’s baby. Did that make sense
Yeah the DCH definitely has sort of “farm aisle” where the public does not go. It’s basically la garderie for all the kids mdr
I like to believe the Howkins kids turned out well. I mean maybe Mike had to process more trauma than Chelsea who really was a baby when things were bad. Maybe it’s resurfacing and he’s being a bit difficult at the time. I can see him very close to Josh. We stan Josh, all the kids do.
OH YEAH BIG THING. You know how Rachel has loads of anger issues and stuff… Well she calmed down somehow, but because she had no choice. She got into a very heavy dispute with some other director/jockey/breeder/whatever, a pretty influential one. And she  started threatening him – Rachel style. Le mec a ensuite porté plainte et ça a déclenché une perquisition au Domaine où la police a effectivement découvert que Rachel, that bitch, possédait plusieurs armes de manière totalement illégale hihihi. Elle a été condamnée, petit scandale, une assistante sociale est venue plusieurs fois au Domaine, on a menacé de mettre le DCH sous tutelle et tout c’était la cata. Donc elle s’est un peu calmée. Je pense aussi que Mike/son fils aurait pu avoir des problèmes d’agressivité à l’école, qu’elle se serait dit que ça pouvait venir d’elle, et que du coup elle ESSAYAIT, vraiment, d’être un peu une bombe humaine. (Puis il y a sûrement pas mal de plaintes contre elle, ne serait-ce que venant de Kevin, pour aggravated assault, donc elle a VRAIMENT intérêt à se calmer).
She dyed her hair blond at some point. Everyone was like “Rachel no”, she was like “Rachel yes”, she did it, it did not turn so bad.
She still lives in her teenage bedroom!!! Elle a sûrement fait des putains de travaux sur la façade pour étendre un peu le truc pour quand elle devait dormir avec son bébé mais elle a jamais voulu de cette punaise de chambre. Tbh Jade’s probably the one living in the Howkins’ master bedroom hahahaha
I can see her dating an old business man for some time, probably did not last for too long tho. Can you imagine Lukas and his sugar mommy/daddy and Rachel with her old businessman?? (except she’s rich she doesn’t need a sugar daddy yo)
She’s got a bunch of tattoos. Quotes and very common ones
She’s definitely the one that looked the less traumatized because her whole life has been shit and this wasn’t honestly wasn’t so big of a difference… But I like to believe she’s been to therapy, has seen a psychologist, or maybe is in a full psychanalyse… Maybe she was forced to because of the investigation but it doesn’t matter, I want her to speak and to heal, she deserves that
She makes me think a lot about Malia Tate in how they’re both assumed to be “street-smart”, not exceptionally smart kids, savages actually, but they somehow manage to never fall behind in classes in spite of a very chaotic scolarité. My girl IS smart, she’s just very bad at showing it
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themoneybuff-blog · 6 years
Your financial family tree: What our parents teach us about money
Last weekend, Kim and I flew to Utah for a reunion with friends from the 2016 chautauqua in Ecuador. While in Salt Lake City, we met up with Jesse Mecham (the founder of You Need a Budget), visited Utah Olympic Park, and attended a Sunday morning performance of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Our group also spent an entire afternoon at the Mormon Family History Library, where we explored our genealogy. Not everyone was enthused about researching their family tree at first, but eventually even those who thought the exercise would be lame found themselves wrapped in it. It's fun and enlightening to unravel the threads of time and discover who your ancestors were and where they came from.
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Flying home from Salt Lake City, I got to thinking about how our family trees don't just influence our genetics. We inherit more than physical features from those who came before us. We also inherit culture and psychology and values. And yes, we inherit financial habits from our parents and grandparents. Each of us has a financial family tree. My Financial Family Tree I write often about our money blueprints, the set of subconscious scripts that define our behaviors and attitudes toward money. Society at large our friends, co-workers, the mass media plays a role in writing these scripts, but most of our money blueprints are inherited from our family especially our parents. In a way, it's as if our money blueprints are a product of our financial family trees. Our grandparents passed their feelings about money to their children, and these children instilled their habits and attitudes into us. When I look at my own relationship with money, it's easy to see how my present actions and attitudes even at nearly fifty years old! were inherited from my parents. Here are a few examples: My parents raised three boys in an 800-square-foot trailer house. My parents had 800 square feet for the entire family. The Portland condo that Kim and I sold last year was 1600 square feet. She and I had 800 square feet per person. But I don't need a big, fancy house. I'd be happy might be happier, in fact hunkered down in a single-wide trailer somewhere on a couple of acres.Likewise, I don't need fancy cars. Growing up, I don't think my parents ever had a new car. We had old beaters that went by names like Dirty Red and Dirty White. Now, as an adult, I'm perfectly content to drive a 15-year-old Mini Cooper. I rarely feel the urge to own a new vehicle.I inherited a similar attitude toward clothing. My father dressed like a farmer. My mother did her best to look nice, but on a budget. She bought clothes for us boys off close-out racks and at thrift stores. Although I do put some thought into quality and style nowadays, for most of my life I've been more interested in function not fashion. Because of my meager origins, I'm willing to tolerate and accept certain things that others won't. I'm never frightened that I might end up poor because I've already been poor and have survived the experience. In some ways, my financial family tree set me up for success. That said, my financial family tree also set me up for failure. I inherited some destructive habits. My father was a master of compulsive spending especially on big-ticket items that he couldn't truly afford. He bought computers. He bought sailboats. He bought airplanes. He bought stereo equipment. Some of my fondest memories are hanging out with dad for hours while he shopped for something he shouldn't buy. Unsurprisingly, I've struggled with compulsive spending most of my adult life.My mother wasn't a compulsive spender in the same way my father was. Instead, she was something of a hoarder. She tended to buy more than we actually needed: more food, more clothes, more household supplies. This tendency became especially pronounced after dad died. When we moved mom to assisted living in 2011, her house house was packed with excess groceries and supplies. From mom, I've inherited a tendency to accumulate too much Stuff.My parents never saved. They were always living on their last five dollars. If they had money, they spend it. If they'd had credit cards, they would have maxed them out. When I left home, I too lived paycheck to paycheck, no matter how good my salary was. (And I did get into trouble with credit cards.) Not all of my money habits came from my parents. Many did, it's true, but I've developed new habits of my own. I've also inherited habits from my long-term relationships with Kris and Kim. (Kris and Kim have remarkably similar money habits, by the way.)
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Your Financial Family Tree When I returned from Utah, I emailed family members to ask them what sorts of habits they'd inherited from their parents. My cousin Duane replied: My dad had a huge impact on my relationship with money. He drilled holes through nickels rather than pay six cents for stainless steel washers. This was extreme and he did it more to be funny, but really illustrates how cheap he was. He strongly influenced my views of money. That's why I'm a cheap bastard. My dad didn't feel he deserved money. Perhaps because he didn't like it. I have also felt I don't deserve money. I always give things away or sell them too cheaply. I also asked members of the Get Rich Slowly group on Facebook about their financial family trees.
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The answers both in the group and via private message were fascinating. For instance, Angela wrote: Both of my parents worked as bankers when they were younger, so they talked openly about money when I was growing up and checked in with each other regularly regarding finances. I didn't realize how unusual that was until I was married and that was not the case with my husband and his family. My dad was also self-employed, so they had to pay for many things out of pocket, like doctor's visits and dental. So my dad would barter for services. I grew up knowing that bartering is a possibility I really value the transparent attitude regarding money that they passed down to me. Luke, too, learned the value of talking about money openly but as a reaction to what his parents did not do: My parents never talked openly about money, their situation, their goals. They both tried their hand at managing the house and both succeeded and failed in different ways, but it lead to a lot of fighting because they were never on the same page. My wife and I are completely open and honest about how we spend, what are goals are, and how we will get there together. If I die tomorrow, she will know how to manage our money when Im gone. Rebecca's parents weren't transparent about money when she was younger. Now, though, they regret that. I was raised that talking about money was in very poor taste. You never asked what people made, etc. That came from my dad's side of the family. My mom didn't have much growing up and was very frugal (washing and reusing all the plastic wrap kind of thing). But my mom loves to splurge on things, so money was used to treat yourself, a definite reward system. I definitely fall into that trap, an engrained emotional response to treat myself. My dad now says his biggest parenting mistake was to not to talk to us and educate us about money, saving and investing. Some people come from families that had money and knew how to handle it. For example, Stephen's grandparents retired early back before the FIRE movement was a even a thing: I only recently put two and two together and realized that my grandparents on my dad's side saved aggressively invested the savings and retired early the early version of FIRE They influenced me greatly with their wisdom. I was advised by my grandmother that when it came to my diet, I should consider everything in moderation including moderation. My grandfather advised me to never carry debt, and if I had any to pay it off as soon as possible which I tried to follow, and my grandfather would often have BBC current affair programs on which I would watch with him. But you don't have to be raised with money to learn good habits. Laronda's parents were poor but still set a good example. My mom grew up dirt-poor as the twelfth of thirteen children in Appalachia. I learned to be resourceful from her. She can up-cycle, mend, and re-purpose with the best of them. She's a wonderful from-scratch cook and is able to turn inexpensive ingredients into tasty dinners. (I'm feeding my own family her stewed beans and cornbread this evening.) My dad grew up slightly better off but I don't get the impression his family discussed finances much. He taught my brothers and I how to do basic home and auto repairs and gave me an outfitted tool box when I left home. Growing up, we never discussed money or how to manage it. My brothers and I knew money was a tense, to-be-generally-avoided topic, and we knew not to ask for things. I've graduated to the middle class and use many of my parents' frugal methods like scratch-cooking, mending and DIY home repairs, but I consciously choose to talk about money frequently with my own spouse and with my three children. I'm hoping my kids are better equipped with money management knowledge and skills when they strike out on their own than I was, but I also hope they benefit from their grandparents' gifts of resourcefulness and general competence in the face of any household challenge. Finally, here's a story from a reader named Frank: Neither of my parents had any real financial literacy. My grandmother was my real parent, and she taught me everything I know about money. As a child, she escaped a war-torn country. She got married. She and her husband had a farm, but he killed himself after all of their chickens died. My grandmother was left to raise two kids alone. Somehow, she scraped together enough to buy a hotel. She sold it and built a bigger hotel. She sold that and split the money with with my mother. But mom spent it all because she didn't appreciate the work and investment that had gone into building the fortune. Meanwhile, my grandmother quadrupled her half of the wealth. I'm terrified to be my parents. I've tried to learn from my grandmother. The best thing she taught me was to live well below my means. I'm doing that and busting my ass to make my money grow. Other members of the Get Rich Slowly FB group pointed me to longer articles they've written about this subject. At Choose FI, Chad shared what his parents taught him about financial independence. Fritz Gilbert from Retirement Manifesto has written about 18 lessons he learned from his dad. And Frogdancer Jones' parents taught her to approach retirement from a position of strength. Finally, Tom Drake from Maple Money (my new collaborator here at GRS) told me: My parents were always spenders, which led me to be a spender. However, seeing how that affected them in retirement has helped me realize the importance of reducing my spending to be able to save for the future. Final Thoughts Although I can't recall having read any academic studies on the subject, I'm convinced that we do inherit money blueprints from our financial family tree. Your basic money habits are a product of what you learned from your parents and grandparents. In some cases, these blueprints are a reaction against how your family behaved. Most of the time, however, you mimic what you saw when you were young. The good news is that you're not doomed follow in your family's footsteps. Although these money scripts are deeply-ingrained and will always linger in the back of your mind, you have the knowledge and ability to create better habits, to draw a new, improved money blueprint. From experience, I can tell you that the transformation takes time. It won't happen overnight. But with enough patience and effort, you can change your frame of mind. You can become a money boss and produce a new branch on your financial family tree. Related reading: If, like me, you're fascinated by the idea of money blueprints and financial family trees, you might like this article on writing your financial autobiography.
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Author: J.D. Roth In 2006, J.D. founded Get Rich Slowly to document his quest to get out of debt. Over time, he learned how to save and how to invest. Today, he's managed to reach early retirement! He wants to help you master your money and your life. No scams. No gimmicks. Just smart money advice to help you reach your goals. https://www.getrichslowly.org/financial-family-tree/
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andrewdburton · 6 years
Financial advice from my father (when I was nineteen)
“Who was there for your father when he died?” Kim asked me a few moments ago. She's interested in becoming a death doula, so she's reading a book about end-of-life care.
“It's odd you should ask that today,” I said after I told her the story of my father's six-year battle with cancer.
“Why?” she asked.
“Today is the equivalent day in my life as the day when Dad died in his,” I said. “It's ten days until I turn fifty. Dad died ten days before his fiftieth birthday. So, it's a somber day for me. I'll be thinking of him all day.”
Actually, I've been thinking of Dad all week.
It started when I published Naomi Veak's story about how she learned to stop feeling hopeless about money. In that article, Veak shared a letter her mother sent her when she was nineteen years old. Veak was a poor kid at a rich school, and she was struggling to figure out finances. Her mother offered some words of wisdom.
I had the exact same thing happen to me at the exact same age at the exact same college. I was a poor boy at this rich school. During my sophomore year at Willamette University, when I was nineteen, my father wrote me a letter filled with financial advice.
Today seems like a good day to share it with you folks.
Everything that follows — starting with the title “J.D.'s Points to Ponder” — is from my father except that I've added a few notes in order to provide context to some of the things Dad wrote. (If you're super interested, I've uploaded a PDF version of Dad's letter.)
Here's my father's financial advice to me when I was nineteen years old. (This is unedited. All misspellings are his.)
J.D.'s Points to Ponder
Warning — Make sure you read them all. There may be some surprises in them so read them all or you will miss them.
#1 Your scholarship is irreplacable. There is no way that you or I can make up $9500.00 a year difference. Study comes first. Before you panic, read on. I hear you talk about working and unless I missed something somewhere you are talking 32 hours a week at least or was that 24 hours a month on campus?
J.D.'s note: I was fortunate to attend Willamette on a full merit scholarship, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to afford it. During my sophomore year, I really did work 32 hours per week. I worked three (sometimes four) part-time jobs.
#2 You were successful at saving a little over $1000.00 this summer. That's an achievement for you. We will try to do better next summer won't we.
#3 Nutrition is important. Don't slight it. It is your body that supports your mind. If you slight your body you slight your mind so eat your green beans.
#4 Wear clean underwear.
#5 You used to play lots of video games. One of them had a rocket and you had an energy level you had to worry about. Energy was used to travel and to shoot at the enemy. Life is a big videogame. In our society money is the energy. There are certain things you have to or should do so make sure don't shoot so many asteroids just for the fun of it that you deplete your energy level and someone has to flash on your screen —GAME OVER—.
#6 Girls can be handy. They are nice to talk to and smooch and some times they take pity on poor helpless males and cook them a meal + iron for them.
#7 I have two ounces of yellow metal left among other things. A good inducement to get your father thinking the right direction would be for you to make a budget and keep track of how well you stick to it.
J.D.'s note: As I've mentioned before, my father was into gold. But he was dumb about it. He bought high and sold low. Here, he's suggesting he might give me an ounce or two of his gold if I keep a budget.
#8 While we are on the subject let me throw out some ideas that would point to reasons for subconscious compulsive spending.
a. When you were little mom was busy in the business and would buy you a new toy almost everyday. It was a way of saying “I feel so guilty — here, this toy is my love for you.”
Your dad played the same game only it was in large a grand ways — tropical fish instead of gold fish etc.
The result would be a compulsion to spend when lonely. The cure is to “look at them and sigh and know they love you.” You are a big boy now and it is time to say goodby to that part of parenting you never had. Please don't wait till you're 40 to do so. I can think of a zillion mistakes we made but I will guartee [sic] you that we did the best we knew how. The answer is for you to identify and acknowledge the mistakes for what they are. Then you will be able to see the love that was there too and compulsion will leave.
b. Don't forget the Saint Helens tee shirts. I can bet you tap into those feelings a dozen times a day as you walk around campus and compare your situation with that of some of the others. Spending and collecting is a way of trying to prove that you have it too.
J.D.'s note: In 1980, things were especially tight for my parents. Dad was unemployed and there was little money to buy clothes for three growing boys. Before I started sixth grade that fall, Mom shopped the close-out racks. Some of the t-shirts she got me commemorated the Mount St. Helens eruption a few months earlier. I hated those shirts and was embarrassed to wear them, but my parents made me do so.
If this is the case the cure is to focus on the objective — getting through school — and realizing that the “it” that they have is privelege that come with wealthy parents. No matter what you spend you will not create wealthy parents. Focus on the “it” that you have that no amount of money can buy. Looks, brains, nice to be around, kindness, talent to name a few. Just remember, “you never saw a fish wishing he were a frog.”
J.D.'s note: Looking back with 2019 eyes, I find it interesting that my father mentions “privilege” here. Remember, Dad had a love-hate relationship with wealth. He wanted to get rich himself, but he resented the folks who already had money.
#9 Your parents love you! We talk about you everyday. it wouldn't hurt to call sometimes and invite them down for a minute or two. They might come with bags of groceries in each arm.
#10 I know the time will come when you may go on an adventure such as a move out of state or a trip to Australia or whatever else crosses that mind of yours. We will probably throw out all kinds of cautions. That's just what parents do but follow your dreams anyhow. Please don't ever move off without letting us know where you are and dropping a note once in a while just to say your OK. Parents have spent 18 years listening to your every breath and loosing sleep if you missed a breath and they just can't get out of that habit easily. You can do most anything you want and you will have our approval as long as we know you are OK.
#11 We need to get the title transfered on the car + some repairs made soon. The new guy I hired is also a mechanic so plan a Saturday out here real soon.
#12 If you maintain your apartment address over the summer it may be worth $3500 in grants next fall. You can come stay with us but you need to prove you are living on your own to be considered on your own income.
Final Thoughts Looking back, it's clear that I inherited most of my money blueprint from my mother and father. I picked up the same bad habits they had. But being a poor boy at a rich school led me to develop some new bad habits of my own. Dad could see these bad habits forming and was trying to help me before I got into trouble.
I didn't heed his advice, obviously, and so ended up deep in debt. How would my life have been different if I'd listened to his words of warning? I don't know.
Although my relationship with Dad was strained at the end of his life, I admired him a great deal. He had his faults — including poor money skills — but he was a dreamer, and he loved his family.
The post Financial advice from my father (when I was nineteen) appeared first on Get Rich Slowly.
from Finance https://www.getrichslowly.org/financial-advice-from-my-father/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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workreveal-blog · 8 years
New way of teaching, New way of Schooling : Education news
New Post has been published on https://workreveal.biz/new-way-of-teaching-new-way-of-schooling-education-news/
New way of teaching, New way of Schooling : Education news
Mexican education reforms pass Senate
Mexico’s Senate has overwhelmingly permitted sweeping change of the every severely dysfunctional public college gadget, handing the president, Enrique Peña Nice every day, an influential voice very day in his push daily remake some his united states’ worst-run establishments.
The Senate voted 102-22 in favour of a standardised system of test-day-to-day hiring and promotion that could deliver the government the gear daily teachers unions’ close to overall manipulate of faculty staffing.
That manage school education includes the corrupt sale and inheritance of high school education programs teaching jobs, and it’s been broadly blamed for lots of the poor overall performance of Mexican schools, which have higher relative costs and worse consequences than any other within the 34-kingdom Company for Financial Co-operation and Development.
“The inheritance and sale of jobs have ended,” stated the education secretary, Emilio Chuayffet. “Advantage is the right means of getting right of entry to daily, and progress in, a coaching career.”
The past due-night vote clears a path for Peña Nice day-to-day to move ahead with a chain of even more controversial reforms, including a degree that might violate one in every of contemporary Mexico’s longest-status taboos by using permitting private funding within the state-run oil organisation.
But there is capability hassle beforehand. Education advocates say a chain of concessions day-to-day the smaller of the two primary teachers unions undermine the reform’s potential daily create right trade inside the countrywide school system.
And regardless of those concessions, the smaller instructors’ union endured days of debilitating demonstrations in Mexico City, sending tens of heaps of supporters to close down the capital’s foremost side road and protest out of doors critical authorities building on Wednesday. Thousands attended smaller protests in cities around the USA. The union also pledged every day throw its support in the back of a weekend protest against the oil reform through leftist leader Andrés Manuel López Obrador
“While Congress is rendered void the only component that remains is the streets,” leftist Sunday-to-day Mario Delgado said as a chain of his Democratic Revolution birthday party’s objections accurate everyday measures of the reform were rejected in fantastically narrow votes.
The schooling reform, first of all, pitted Peña Nice day–to-day in opposition to you. S .’s first teachers’ union, Latin America’s largest union and once one of the most vital allies of his Institutional Revolutionary birthday party. The union, regarded by the Spanish acronym SNTE, fell daily line after its head, Elba Esther Gordillo, was arrested on corruption costs in February. She remains jailed pending trial.
A smaller, dissident union daily the country great schooling Employees’ Co-ordinating Committee, or CNTE, endured protesting and in the end rallied thousands of instructors from terrible southern states, paralysing significant sections of the capital for extra than a week.
Ultimately the CNTE won a series of concessions that help defend its members.
Reform advocates day-to-day the regulation an essential first step However stated plenty more remained daily be performed every day everyday trade the system. “It’s now not everything we would have was hoping for However It is an ancient trade,” stated David Calderon, directly-to-day of the training reform advocacy institution Mexicans First. “Of route It is just an exchange of the policies that still must be become truth.”
a whole lot of Mexico’s educational dysfunction is attributed daily the connection shaped extra than half a century ago among the Institutional Innovative birthday celebration and the teachers’ unions, which won growing manage of the education system in exchange for throwing their energy into the back of the authorities in the voting field and at the streets.
Over the years the unions advanced a virtual lock on day-to-day hiring and advertising. Almost each new instructs day everyday daily undergo a daily labour advantage a school challenge, a practice that has spawned infamous levels of corruption, which includes the sale and inheritance of teaching
positions. Something you do, be specific! That become the recommendation my mum gave me, and I can’t think of a higher advice for an entrepreneur. “In case you are one-of-a-kind, you’ll stand out” -Anita Roddick
Entrepreneur brings lives of 23 women achievers between its cover day-to-day have a good time womanhood.
A control graduate bitten by using the entrepreneurial bug, Manjula Pooja Shroff, founder of Kalorex group of establishments, came daily Ahmedabad from Delhi after she was given married. Someone who rarely had any know-how approximately the infrastructure needed to run a school, she realised that the Metropolis colleges in Gujarat did no longer have the concept of a co-educational society, the campuses had been cramped and yellow buses have been a far-off dream. Manjula entered the schooling area in Gujarat by way of facilitating a non-public partnership with DPS.
She believed DPS delivered with it a modern education device and removed the gender daily device of schooling in the kingdom. Manjula says, while working at the DPS task, she found out her passion and teaching is some thing this is near her coronary heart which led her to begin Kalorex almost two a long time in the past. This organisation gives the little school that enriches each child’s social, emotional physical, cognitive, highbrow and creative skills. “Our vision is every day provide a happy, safe and loving environment thru baby friendly and present day curriculum. Our pre-colleges give the first-class foundation every day our ‘Glocal Newcomers,” she adds.
With pan-India presence, Kalorex is a call synonymous day-to-day professionalism and excellence in training. In its umbrella, it has Delhi Public faculties (Bhopal and East Ahmedabad) and Calorx Public universities at Rajula, Mundra, Ghatlodia (Ahmedabad), Bharuch and Jaipur. The one of its kind within us of a Calorx Teachers’ College is growing a creed of teachers daily fill the vast gap of human capital. The marginalized and people with special learning needs can be a part of Visamo Youngsters foundation and Prerna- a college for students having getting day everyday difficulties. They are also going for walks two pre-faculties in Dubai below the name of Advantages.
“These days we’re forty+ institutions (PreSchool daily University) in countries, eight towns, running below the Kalorex banner, having 12,000 plus college students from more than 24 nationalities. We aspire daily have a hundred tasks going for walks under the Kalorex banner,” Manjula says. Speak about hanging a right balance between paintings and life, she says, “I try hard not daily let the pressures and demands of labour lavatory me down and that I picture every day ugh every day every day hanging the proper stability. Circle of relatives, buddies and social existence do have a unique region in my schedules, and i daily provide a great time anywhere required.”
Are Nowadays’s college students tweeting their manner daily higher grades? More than nine out of 10 teenagers keep as a minimum one social media account; Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, Vine, Twitter and Fb rule the lives of most centre and excessive faculty college students. And while a great deal interest has been paid every day the adverse outcomes of social media, together with cyber bullying, there might be a high-quality upside, every day. From basic college daily college, social media is empowering college students, mother and father and teachers daily share information in new ways and build a brand new feel of the network. And students are using social media everyday do extra than only share pointers every day ace the next examination: They’re turning daily Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat daily proportion achievement everyday for pupil-loan payoffs, discover summer season internships and collaborate on initiatives with college students across the United States of America.
Are school rooms next? Given the above information, faculties don’t need day-to-day persuade students of the fee of social media; they have got already been gained over. Nowadays’s young adults are already taking part and connecting with different teenagers outdoor faculty through social media; and now, some educaeverydayrs are pushing daily make this collaboration appear internal college walls, daily.
On the maximum realistic level, integrating social media in everyday mastering makes feel. Why not communicate daily young adults in the on-line world in which they already spend maximum in their time inhabiting?
Walk down the hall of any college, and Today’s teenagers are absorbed of their smartphones, checking their Instagram feeds, sharing pro day every day and sending Snapchat messages. How can teachers reach this international?
Day-To-Day management structures like Blackboard and Moodle have been worried in online daily for more than a decade. Now, public and personal schools alike are taking the first steps everyday embody social media inside the lecture room.
As Katie Benmar, then a great college freshman, wrote last April in a schooling Week op-ed, “The daily teachers I’ve ever had have used technology daily decorate daily, together with the usage of Fb pages for upcoming tasks or planned on-line chats about books we examine in class.”
Benmar made a fair point: An e-book report follows a traditional format; so, an internet dialogue about books is an opportunity day-to-day this format via putting in students everyday listen and respond daily other people’s critiques, with textual proof.
From stronger parent-teacher relationships to creative assignment challenges, social media is poised to power a new education revolution. Businesses should take note.
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