#and andy is princess peach again
theres a fob show on halloween
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you know what you have to do patrick
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erigold13261 · 2 years
so uhh what would the nsr cast have for halloween costumes
Unfortunately I don't have time to draw the costumes, but I did want to draw different outfits if I did have time compared to last year! I'm gonna put my list as "Character: Previous costume >>> Present costume" (maybe I'll do a quick doodle of some today if I have time)
Mayday: Cat >>> A bird or reptile/Ellie
Zuke: Bowser >>> Ace of Spades
DJSS: Crystal ball >>> Either the same, or a tesla ball thing (anything easy, even just a ghost using a sheet)
Sayu: Candy >>> Same theme, different design (sells candy)
Aoi: Vampire >>> Same theme, different design (sells cosmetics)
Haru: Angel/Devil >>> Same theme, different design (sells toys)
Yua: Pumpkin >>> Same theme, different design (sells pumpkins)
Renho: Ghost >>> Sam theme, different design (sells decorations)
Remi: Neon J >>> Ancient Greek outfit with a comedy and tragedy mask he switches between (or one on both sides of his head so he just turns around)
Tila: Yinu >>> Pop star or a Disney Princess
Dodo: Eve >>> Link from Zelda games
Sofa: DJSS >>> Missingno from Pokemon
Yinu: Plant witch >>> Little Audrey II/Flytrap
Mama: Plague doctor >>> Gardener
Neon J: Crayon Box >>> Scarecrow
1010 Group: Crayons (for a promotional shoot) >>> Fruits/Vegetables based off their colors
Rin: Princess Peach >>> Ace of Diamonds
Purl-hew: Little Red Riding Hood >>> Wanted to skip Halloween but West and Ex-Jay invited them to a party, so dressed up as a creepy porcelain doll
Zimelu: Vampire >>> Undead bride (matching with Celine)
Haym: Cat >>> Probably a cat again, or another animal (fox or dog)
Eloni: Sayu >>> Video game character (I don't know what one though, maybe Lady Dimitrescu or one of the Left 4 Dead zombies)
Dew: Knight >>> Maybe a knight again? I feel like he had fun last time as a knight, either that or an archer?
Maragold: Pumpkin >>> Squirrel
Carna: Like, a gothic vampire or something >>> Crow
Eve: Puppet >>> Body horror hand monster thing or spider queen
Tatiana: Pirate >>> Probably a pirate again, a witch, or a cowboy
Kliff: Jekyll and Hyde >>> I don't know... Maybe a famous rockstar? Elvis maybe? I have no ideas for Kliff honestly...
DK West: Big Bad Wolf >>> Raggedy Andy but creepy? I feel like West would do that. Try to match with Purl as best as possible since he's dragging them out for the night lol
[I also did a bunch of NPCs but this post would get super long, so here's the link to my last year's Halloween picture! I am going to reblog it later though lol! HERE]
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karenlivesherlifeyo · 3 months
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Pip. Pippa. Pippa Dippa Dew. Mrs. Pippy. Pippi Longstocking. Pippa Lou Who. Pippadopolous. Little Feet. Sweet Baby Girl. My Little Black Bean. Drippy Lippy Pippy. Squeaks, Pippalicious, Princess Peezy. Janet Yellin’.
So many names for one sweet cat. She was a month shy of 16 years old. We were together a month shy of 13 years.
In early 2011, an Air Force friend of mine was reassigned from our base in Illinois to a base in England. She didn’t want to put Pip through the trauma of flying overseas so she asked if someone would take her in. I was deployed at the time but missed having a cat in the house since my boy, Figaro, passed away a year and a half prior. I told her I could take Pip if someone else could foster her until I got home from deployment. A coworker of mine said she could do that. The plan for Pip was in place.
I returned from deployment on April 5, 2011, but, due to a burst pipe in the house that required a bit of repair and new carpet, I didn’t pick her up until April 29th. She hid in the closet that first night, but sometime in the middle of the next day, I heard a tiny meow and saw her rubbing her cheek on the hallway wall, trying to decide if she wanted to come over to me or not. Once she decided I was safe, she never left my side.
One day, Pip’s former mom told me if I was leaving on vacation (which I was in June), Pip would freak out if she was left alone. The next day I headed to PetSmart and adopted Andy, a peach floof with no voice. He tried to meow but no sound came out. He was the yin to loudmouth Pip’s yang. They weren’t best buds, but they appreciated each other’s company.
We moved to Minneapolis that July (I knew when I adopted her that we were going to relocate due to my pending reassignment). They adjusted well to our new home, but Andy’s health took a sudden turn, and, by Thanksgiving of that year, he was gone. Pip and I were both sad by his loss. He was a floofy ninja, but his quiet presence was missed. A couple of weeks later, our vet posted a picture of a cat that was looking for a home. He had been sleeping in the window well of a house in the country. The homeowners had taken him to the vet to vaccinate him, get him fixed, and find him a new home. He had big round eyes and little round ears, and within a few days he was a member of our little family. He and Pip got along well. It wasn’t all sunshine and roses in the beginning, but before long they were cuddling together while they slept.
I retired in 2014 and we moved to Rapid City, South Dakota. Again, she and Scotty adjusted well to the move. We went from a 2-bedroom apartment to a 3-bedroom house with a finished basement and a big backyard. She loved sleeping on the windowsills, or on the back of the couch, in front of the big picture window. In the early morning, when I got back from my run, I would let them out the front door so they could roll on the sidewalk and smell the morning smells. She loved rolling on her back!
Four years later, another move took us to the southeast corner of the state. First, we lived in an apartment. They adjusted well, but we were on the second floor so there was no way they could roll on the sidewalk. There was a balcony, but I wouldn’t let them out there very often because I was afraid they’d jump! Also, she was tiny, so I worried about her accidentally rolling under the railing and falling off.
In early 2019, we moved to the house I’m in now. She loved having windows to sleep in front of again. She loved it when I opened the front door, and she could stretch out in the sun for the afternoon. She was happy. At night, she would sleep on my chest while I lounged on the couch watching tv. She slept next to my head at night, making biscuits on my neck while she licked my chin. She even tolerated the third addition to the family, Jimmy. I volunteered at the local humane society and Jimmy had been there for seven months. He started out as a baby, but was growing into a tall, loud boy with a big personality. I brought him home in February 2020 “to foster” him for a weekend, and he hasn’t left yet!
In the past year, Pip started showing her age. She developed a thyroid issue that caused her to lose weight. She was small when I got her; she became tiny. My neighbor referred to her as “Itty Bitty.” She was eating and playing and behaving like usual, but she also started sleeping more. While I watched tv, she would start out on my chest but eventually she would move to my lap, under a blanket, where she could be warm. When I would move upstairs to bed, she would sleep under the covers while I read, and then I would lift the covers, say “okay Pippy” and she would crawl out and make herself comfortable by my head.
On the 4th of this month, she wouldn’t eat. She wouldn’t take her morning Churro with her medicine mixed in. She wouldn’t eat soft food or treats. She just wanted to sleep. I mentally prepared myself for the end. Early in the afternoon, I was in the kitchen when she suddenly came running in, meowing in her loud voice. She was awake and she was hungry! For the next few days, everything was good again. On Sunday the 10th, she wouldn’t eat again. She just wanted to sleep all day. I told myself I would monitor her and, if she continued to turn her nose at food, I would call the vet. Later that night, she ate again. She seemed fine on Monday and Tuesday, although she was sleeping a lot.
Wednesday morning started off normally. My alarm went off at 6:00 a.m. She jumped off the bed, ran into the bathroom, and meowed until I came in, turned on the water in the tub, and lifted her into it so she could lick the water from the drain. She always loved the tub! In the Rapid City house, she would sit on the edge, licking water off the tile wall while I showered. The tub in this house is clawfoot so she couldn’t do that, but if I picked her up and put her in, she would jump out whenever she was done. Wednesday was no different. I went downstairs to feed the boys, and then I went back to the stairs to bring hers to her. She usually met me at the top of the stairs, but this morning she met me at the bottom. She had jumped out of the tub and made it down the stairs with no problem. She licked up her gravy/medication combo, and then followed me upstairs to hang with me while I got ready for work.
I was in the bathroom, getting ready to do my hair, when I looked over and saw Scotty was drinking from the water bowl. Pip was sitting next to him, and she was trying to drink, too, but she couldn’t stand up to get closer. I watched her try to walk away, but her legs collapsed under her. She cried out. I scooped her up and brought her into my room. She stretched out on the bed, next to my leg, while I grabbed my phone and emailed my students to let them know their 8:00 a.m. class was cancelled. I called the vet and left a message. Eventually, we moved downstairs to wait for the vet to call me back. She and I were on the couch; I held her like a baby against my chest. I told her how much I loved her and that it was okay if she just didn’t want to do this anymore. I reminded her of how great our life together was.
The vet called and asked if I could drop her off. I did just that 10 minutes later. I kissed Pip’s head, told her I loved her and went back home to wait. The vet tech called less than an hour later to get more information: Was the inability to walk gradual or sudden? Had she been eating? I answered, hung up, and waited again. Eventually, the doctor called to give me an update. They were going to put her on an IV with some anti-inflammatory medicine to help with the joints and keep her overnight for observation. They had her propped up on a heated pad with soft blankets. I was told I could come visit her any time. I told the doctor I would come around 3:00 p.m. so she’d know I hadn’t abandoned her.
Shortly after noon, the clinic called again. I knew as soon as I saw the caller ID that it was bad news. It was the doctor, letting me know Pip had suffered a seizure and it was time to make the decision. I told her I didn’t want my baby girl to suffer, so I agreed to let her go. She said she would be available at 2:00 p.m., but I could come earlier to spend time with Pip before they administered the medications.
I went at 1:40. I signed the paperwork, opted for cremation with return of the remains, paid the bill, and then they brought her to me. She was wrapped in a puppy pad and a blanket. We sat on that couch for 15 minutes. I cried and told her over and over again how much I loved her. She was so still, I thought perhaps she had passed in my arms. Suddenly, she cried, flipped over, and slapped her paw onto my forehead. I laughed through the tears because she had always been intrusive of my personal space. The fact she was doing so in her final moments was fitting.
The doctor and tech came in. When Figaro and Andy passed, they were on the table, and I petted them while looking at them in their eyes and telling them I loved them. I wanted them to see me while they left this life. Pip stayed on my chest. It was her favorite place to sleep. I kissed her little head over and over again, hoping she heard my words as she slipped away. I also wondered, with her head against my heart, could she hear it breaking, too?
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yanderemommabean · 3 years
Could Andy like a male farmer? I can imagine the male farmer being like, “No. Andy, listen! I’m not a heifer- hell, I’m not even a girl! I can’t get pregnant! Go on now! Get away!” And Andy just doesn’t listen (or he doesn’t care) treating him like a princess and not letting any other farmers near him. Maybe some smut ensues…maybe not…up to you 🤩
Working on the farm isn’t easy, with all the hard work you have on your schedule, but it’s a labor of love. All the hybrids on the property are rescues, fearful of their own shadows or aggressive to the point of harm towards workers. Some people get upset that rehabilitating these creatures isn’t instantaneous, and that they have to actually take the time to love and care for them.
Well you aren’t that type of man. You put all of your hope, faith, time and energy into making sure these creatures are once again free and healthy. Most of them trust you, nuzzle you and ask you for apples or peaches shyly while you wash them or brush their hair. It’s precious how they slowly open up to you, asking to be milked because they know you’ll be professional and not hurt them for asking to stop.
Most of the heifers and bulls are sent off to other sanctuaries or well known farms, but some get to stay and become a regular you meet in the morning. One of the lucky picks was the large, broad, muscular bull known as Andy. He was one of the worst cases you’ve seen, bloodied and infected, unable to even speak at first. You were worried he wouldn’t make it, but never left his side, even sleeping beside him some nights as he healed and needed hourly medicine.
You nourished him until he was back to a towering, buff, protective bull for the heifers who come and go. However, he isn’t exactly kind to the other workers, often charging them or outright picking them up to drop them over the fence. You’re the only one he won’t attack, and some farmers are a little annoyed that he’s so sweet to only you.
While you were washing the stable, you felt the warm breath of Andy against your neck, and turned to face him, your face meeting his chest as he looks down at you in confusion. “You...aren’t supposed to be here. Why are you in another bulls stall?”
Ah, it’s this conversation again. “Andy, he needs my help too. He was sick like you were and he needs a clean room”.
Andy just scuffs his back hooves in a jealous huff “there are also other farmers who can do that. Making a fine mate like you work is disgusting, just like my old home”. You wanted to scold him, remind him that this place is way better than where he used to be, but you decide against it. He’s just throwing another fit, he’ll get over it.
“Listen, I know you’re thinking I won’t care for you anymore, but Andy I love all the hybrids here! You included”. You gently reach up to play with his long, black hair, and tuck it behind his ear. For a moment, you think you got through to him, that he was at least less worried, but he abruptly picks you up. You grapple for a moment, clinging to his arms as he squeezes you tightly to his frame and trots off to the other barn, carefully sitting you on a pile of hay in his stable.
“Andy! What the hell has gotten into you?” you scolded, watching as the hybrid cornered you in and pressed his face close to your own. “You said you loved me...and the other beasts” he stated with a furrowed brow “I don’t like that your love is shared. That others get your care and attention”.
Sighing, you gently stroke your thumb over his cheek, his face nuzzling into it on instinct. “Andy, I can’t just stop working. That’s not right, you know it”. Andy’s face just scrunched up in anger, and he pressed you harder against the hay beneath you. “Wasn’t asking you. I was telling you. You’re my mate. Not their slave”.
“Andy, we’ve discussed this-” you begin, face flushing as the bull began to let his large hands snake up your shirt and tug at the unwanted garment. “You don’t have to be pregnant to be my mate...I can still stuff you full and make you happy though”.
He tugs off your boots and jeans, chuckling at the squeal that left you. “A-Andy! What the hell do you think you’re doing?!”. The hybrid bull chuffs, sniffing up your thighs to your stomach, purring as his tail sways. “Smell so good...love your scent. Everyone else makes me sick”. He gave a quick kiss on your chest, and another on your pelvis, nuzzling your pubic hair “So so good. Such a pretty cock from my pretty mate”.
Warm hand rub circles up and down your thighs, your boxers completely gone and tossed aside. You bite your knuckle while your cock pulses, slowly hardening. Andy purrs in approval, letting his long tongue swipe up the shaft of your dick, causing your back to bow and tighten as the appendage wraps around the base and slides up in a lewd slurp.
“My mate...always taking care of others, but who takes care of you? You’ll be so happy to be my little heifer” Andy kisses up and down your shaft, mouth reaching lower to suckle on your balls and cause another yelp to escape you. Your thighs were quaking in the bulls strong hold, your mind a haze of lust and humiliation as he continues to slide his tongue up and down your drooling cock, spit and precum dripping to the floor below as your thighs were held apart.
Tight, velvet heat surrounds your entire length, Andy’s head bobbing up and down in swift movements while you can only desperately cling onto his horns, trying not to erratically thrust in fear of choking him. After a few weak jerks, Andy pulls away and lets spit dribble down his chin.
“Let go. I can handle it. I wouldn’t be a good bull if I couldn't handle what you gave me. Use me”.
His voice was so gravelly, so deep and desperate, it gave another hot pulse through you. He once again wraps his tongue around your entire cock, sucking and slurping while bobbing his head up and down again. You throw your head back while clutching onto his horns, balls tightening and your slit pouring out precum while Andy devours you.
Embarrassingly, you couldn’t stop yourself, cumming down the hybrids throat with a deep groan and exhausted sigh. Andy growled, pleased, and didn’t pull away until he was sure he drank all you had to give him. With a wet pop, he groaned and licked his lips, teasing your sensitive shaft with the tips of his fingers, watching the spit and cum stick to his digits. “So good...so good for me. I need more, think you can do that for me?”.
His thumbs reach down and begin to spread apart your cheeks, exposing your hole that was begging to be stuffed and bred into oblivion. Andy wanted to slither his tongue inside of that cute little hole, having you become wrecked from just his mouth once again. Not just to open you up, but because he genuinely got rock hard at the thought of you using him like that. Like a good fucktoy that only HE could be, because he knows all of your needs.
“Y/N! Where’d you go?” a voice called out, causing you to panic and scramble away from the bull. Your legs were still wobbly, and putting on everything again was clumsy as you tried to wriggle past the still very much aroused hybrid. Andy didn’t put up a fight, only due to knowing it was simply lunchtime and his mate needed to eat before they tried to copulate.
Once you’re done, he’ll continue the process of making you see that he’s the only bull you need.
(Hey, tell me what you think! I hope this was at least semi-hot lmao -Mommabean)
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sunshinebuckybarnes · 3 years
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Here we go again, my September fic rec list 🍂 as always please make sure you check the warnings for each individual fic before reading. You are responsible for your own media consumption. This blog along with the majority tagged are 18+ and the majority of these fics contain adult themes. 
Make sure you give these incredible writer’s some love and reblogs because they deserve the damn world! Hope you enjoy these as much as I did 💖
Bucky Barnes
*The match by @babyboibucky (CEO!Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Toxic love by @gogolucky13 (70spornstar!Bucky Barnes x 70spornstar!f!Reader, 70spornstar!Bucky Barnes x 70spornstar!f!Reader x 70spornstar!Sam Wilson)
*Stark hub: The soldier by @world-of-aus (Pornstar!Bucky x Pornstar!Reader)
*A scarred enigma by @tuiccim (Bucky Barnes x OC Lexa Green)
Three and an infinity by @thefallenbibliophilequote (Bucky x Reader)
*Take my breath by @buckycuddlebuddy (dilf!neighbor!pornstar!bucky barnes x reader)
*Bride of soldat by @vampy-doll (Bucky Barnes x reader)
Remind me by @navybrat817 (Bucky Barnes x Female Reader)
Bonnie & Clyde 2.0 by @little-diable (Biker!Bucky Barnes x female reader)
Lure by @bccky (Bucky Barnes X Reader)
*Personal trainer by @buckybarneschokeme (PT!Bucky x reader)
Undercurrent by @trashmenofmarvel (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Over & over by @mrwinterr (Pornstar!Bucky Barnes AU x Pornstar!Female Reader)
Selfish by @metalbuckaroo (dbf!bucky x f!reader)
Bucky Barnes / Steve Rogers ✨
Don't you want me by @summerofsnowflakes
Loves eternal kiss by @jobean12-blog (Stucky x reader)
Sam Wilson ✨
What you wanted by @honeysugarcoves (semi-dark!sam wilson x reader)
In a garden of wilted flowers by @ambrosiase (sam wilson x fem!reader)
Tangled (in these sheets, in your arms) by @babycap (sam wilson x fem!reader)
Andy barber ✨
My sanctuary, you're holy to me by @jamalflanagan (Andy Barber x woc!reader)
Easily distracted by @jobean12-blog (Andy Barber x reader)
Bucky Barnes / Steve Rogers / Sam Wilson ✨
Come to and agreement by @swtbbybarnes (Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x reader x Sam Wilson)
Jake Jensen / Andy Barber ✨
*A different kind of love by @river-soul (Alpha!Andy x Omega!Reader x Beta!Jake)
Bucky Barnes / Steve Rogers / Billy Russo / frank Castle ✨
The Geneva bed and breakfast convention by @tuiccim (Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x Reader x Frank Castle x Billy Russo)
Ransom Drysdale / Ari Levinson ✨
A very bad idea by @the-iceni-bitch (Ransom Drysdale x fem!reader (OTP) x Ari Levinson)
Ari Levinson ✨
A promised threat by @geminixevans (CEO!Ari Levinson x Black Reader)
Steve Rogers ✨
Where he belongs / don't f*ck with the queen by @angrythingstarlight (Beefy Biker!Steve Rogers x Reader)
*Always on my mind by @the-iceni-bitch (dilf!Steve Rogers x tattoo artist!reader)
Eucharist by @mypoisonedvine (priest!Steve Rogers x reader)
*His inheritance by @jtargaryen18 (Mobster Steve Rogers x Mobster daughter reader)
*After the rain by @sweetlyscared (King!Steve Rogers x Princess!Reader, one sided Bucky x Princess!Reader)
Fill me up by @jtargaryen18 (Steve Rogers x reader)
Subtitles by @holacia2 (Steve Rogers x Spanish speaker!reader)
*Time to run by @syntheticavenger (Mob Boss! Steve Rogers x Female Reader)
Ransom Drysdale ✨
*Exposed kisses by @holacia2 (Ransom Drysdale x reader)
Sweater weather by @jobean12-blog (Ransom Drysdale x reader)
Lee Bodecker ✨
Please me by @gogolucky13 (Lee Bodecker x f!Reader)
Chris Beck
Quitting time by @navybrat817 (Chris Beck x female reader)
Andy Barber / Ari Levinson ✨
Peach by @geminixevans (Ari Levinson x Black Reader x Andy Barber)
Andy Barber / Frank Adler ✨
*Moments silence by @syntheticavenger (Dark! Andy Barber x Female Reader & Frank Adler x Female Reader)
Andy Barber / Ransom Drysdale ✨
The deals we make by @river-soul (Andy Barber x Reader x Ransom Drysdale)
Andy barber / Ari Levinson / Ransom Drysdale ✨
*Necessary arrangements by @stargazingfangirl18 (Andy Barber x Fem!Reader; Ari Levinson x Fem!Reader; Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader)
Curtis Everett ✨
*Wilford's demands by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork (Curtis Everett x reader)
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annathesillyfriend · 3 years
Anna's May Fic Recs Part II
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Welcome to my May fic recommendations masterpost (part II)!! Once again I was overwhalmed with how many amazing stories I was able to read the past two weeks. The amount of talented authors on this hellsite is just mindblowing 🤯🤯
To all the writers - I love you and I appreciate you so much! To all the readers - please, share the fics you read and love. The reblog really makes the change! It’s the least we can do to show our gratitude.
✨Steve Rogers✨
Good girl @syntheticavenger
one-shot, 18+, trucker!steve
Underwater by @sweetlyscared
one-shot, 18+, endgame!steve 😠
Recording by @/jurassicbarnes
one-shot, 18+, i think you can guess by the title 😉
Code blue by @bonky-n-steeb
one-shot, 18+, oof 🥵
✨Bucky Barnes✨
Milestone by @itsapeterthing
one-shot, avenger!reader
Say yes by @/itsapeterthing
one-shot, 1940's!bucky x rogers!reader
Night hours by @sinner-as-saint
one-shot, 18+, mob!au
The midnight coconuts by @bitsandbobsandstuff
one-shot, late night grocery runs with buck
Peaches and cream by @river-soul
one-shot, 18+ (no actual smut but a lot of induendos), this is so fun!!
Point of view by @forever-rogue
one-shot, it's just ✨so lovely✨
Play pretend (part 2) by @wkemeup
two-shot, 18+, first part sex pollen, over all mutual pining,
Wine and dine by @witchysoldier
one-shot, 18+, roommate!bucky
Nobody does it like you do by @/ritesofreverie
one-shot, 18+, divorced!dilf!bucky, onlyfans!reader but also neighbour!reader
No other shade of blue by @sventeen-daybreak
one-shot, tfatws!bucky, so much angst but just so beautiful
Take me seaside (for my health) by @/sventeen-daybreak
one-shot, tfatws!bucky, friends to lovers, buck takes care of sick reader
Sweetest downfall by @xbuchananbarnes
one-shot, memory loss, a lot of heartache on my side but so worth it!
Winter and hope by @jobean12-blog
one-shot, this is so sweet you guys 🥺🥺
Moving day by @/jobean12-blog
one-shot, 18+, moving in with buck 😌😌
Language barier by @galaxy-barnes
one-shot from Nothing but trouble universe, 18+, absolutely wonderful OFC
Dreamland by @blissfullybarnes
series, avenger!reader, get your tissues!
Trilogy by @buckycuddlebuddy
series, 18+, fuckboy!bucky, college!au, if you want to have you heart ripped out then this one's for you :')
Turn the light down low by @slyyywriting
one-shot, 18+, bucky x reader x steve, some limousine action 😏
✨Sam Wilson✨
The whole Sammy sunday tag by @ritesofreverie
collection of all thing Sam, each one better than the last
✨Helmut Zemo✨
Twice by @mypoisonedvine
series, 18+, professor!zemo
✨Peter Parker✨
FBI agent by @hollandcrush
one-shot, 18+, onlyfans!reader
Challenge accepted by @stuckonspidey
one-shot, 18+, 🥵
Just friends - collaboration between @emmastarz and @cherrytholland
two-shot (part two in the making), the big three: best friend!peter, friends to lovers, ANGST :)))
✨Joaquin Torres✨
Chasing pavements by @mischiefmanaged71
one-shot, slowburn, stark!reader
Doodles by @anna-phora
one-shot, soulmate!au 🥺🥺
Wrong house, right time by @hairringtonsteve
one-shot, our boy comes to the rescue in the times of trouble
✨Wanda Maximoff✨
Mine by @buckybarnesplumwhore
one-shot, 18+, black!reader, jealous!wanda
✨Tom Holland✨
Birthday, interrupted by @worldoftom
one-shot, 18+, uni!tom x uni!reader, oh man, i hope you have the fire house on speed dial bc this is pure 🔥🔥
Hooked on your feelings by @heyhihellowhatsup0
series, 18+, neighbour!tom, friends to lovers, fwb, so much angst *chef's kiss*
A royal convenience by @poetrcy
series, prince!tom x princess!reader, might be my favourite royal!au I've ever read
The way home by @hollandsmoose
one-shot, best friends to lovers
Supercluster by @wizkiddx
one-shot, best friends to lovers
Mornings in Italy by @heavenlyholland
one-shot, morning, Italy and Tom just belong in one sentence 😌
Dirty reflection by @wazzupmrstark
one-shot, 18+, mirror mirror on the wall, who's the naughtiest of them all? (it's y/n and tom)
Who would've thought by @multiholland
one-shot, frat!tom
Crash course by @greenorangevioletgrass
one-shot, 18+, bi!musician!reader, childhood friends to lovers
Stuck with(out) you by @duskholland
one-shot, follow up to Settle, 18+, mob!tom, pregnant!reader, the best mob!au fic ever!!
Long distance by @sunshinehollandd
one-shot, just 🥺🥺
Jinkies (part 2) by @madmadmilk
two-shot, 18+ in part two, this is so wholesome, please just read it
Night changes by @spideyspeaches
one-shot, 18+, fwb, fake dating, all the fun stuff, there's part two in the making!!!
Midnight kisses by @/mcumendes
one-shot, best friends to lovers!!! 😌
✨Harry Holland✨
This fic by @peterplanet
one-shot, 18+, just yes
Cabin fever by @hazofmyheart
one-shot, 18+, friends to lovers 😫😫 so good
Roll with the feeling by @unsaidholland
one-shot, rich kid!harry
✨Harrison Osterfield✨
Fevers and tea by @thegirlintheswivelchair
one-shot, friends to lovers, taking care of sick haz 🥺🥺 so adorable
Between tulips and blue eyes by @mcumendes
one-shot, flower shop!au 🌷🌷
Lucky strike by @soft-haz
one-shot, rich kid!harrison x rich kid!reader
✨Harry Styles✨
Bright and Blooming by @havethetimeofyourstyles
one-shot, 18+, best friends to lovers
✨Ransom Drysdale✨
Pledge Week by @the-iceni-bitch
series, 18+, Ransom and his girl are celebrating his birthday week 🎉
✨Andy Barber✨
Yes, Mrs Barber by @jurassicbarnes
one-shot, 18+, husband!andy
Holly by @uncafeavecbarnes
one-shot, 18+, domestic bliss 😌
Sundress season by @jurassicbarnes
one-shot, 18+, ex!husband andy 🥵
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emerald-chaos · 3 years
Thanks @bucky-soldat for the open tag on this little game!! It looks so fun 💜
rating pet names in fics:
Mommy/daddy: 0/10 for mommy; like a 8/10 for daddy - it really depends on the situation. I’m not in to ddlg but sometimes calling someone daddy is just….really hot.
Darling: 10/10 I think something about darling is so precious.
Doll: 6/10, I enjoy it but sometimes it’s a bit blah for me. Bucky can call me this all he wants though.
Slut/whore: 8/10 please degrade me in bed but also praise me
Baby: 10/10 I absolutely adore being called baby
Love: 10/10 I mean seriously this is one of the best, and if you have an accent I will 100% fall in love with you
Bae: 0/10 no thanks fam
Kitten: 5/10 if it’s a teasing sort of manner but if it’s ransom drysdale 10/10 I am your kitten for life sir.
Puppy: 0/10 Not really in to puppy idk
Cow: 0/10 although BITCH IM A COW
A few more as a bonus added:
Bunny: 4/10 more miss than hit for me as of late
Princess: 10/10 please call me princess all night long
Sweetie: 4/10 meh, I like it but not my fav
Sweetheart: 10/10 idk what’s different than sweetie but this one has a special hold on me
Dear: 1/10 meh
Honey: 8/10 honey is just precious to me idk why and if you’re Andy Barber????? 100/100
More bonuses:
Baby girl: 10/10 I fucking love baby girl.
Kitty cat: 2/10 maybe if it’s like a joke? Idk not for me
Sweet girl: 10/10 yes I’m your sweet girl pls give more
Sweet thing: 5/10 not as good as sweet girl but good still
Gorgeous: 7/10 makes me feel giggly
Little mouse: 0/10 I’m a mouse…duh.
Pretty girl: 10/10 I’m finding I’m a fan of “adjective + girl” pet names emfivuebwmfjd
More bonuses I wanted to add because reasons:
Angel: 10/10 please never call me anything else again yes yes yes yes
Sweets: 8/10 flirty and fun
Peach: 8/10 Yes I am sweet and plump like a peach for you
Babe: 4/10 seems a little lazy sometimes but can be nice for certain situations
Petal: 3/10 sometimes it hits hard but most times it doesn’t for me
No pressure tags 💜:
@ambrosiase @xxindiglow @the-iceni-bitch @babycap @divine-mistake @thefallenbibliophilequote @luxeavenger @bucksdolll @buckyshairography @borikenlove @lokithealligator @crownstealer @xxshelbsxx @sunshinebuckybarnes @lookiamtrying @vanillanaps @sgt-seabass @bitchassbucky @suchababie @bibbidibobbidibucky @buckys-blue-eyes @babyboibucky @spicynudlesoup @metalbuckaroo and anyone reading this who wants to join ✨
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blazehedgehog · 3 years
What are your thoughts on the infamous "Top Ten Hottest Female Sonic Characters" video? I don't mean that question as a joke, do you think that that video kinda set back the image of "Sonic fan" back for a good few years?
My stance on this has always been that everyone on the internet is weird about something, and Sonic fans are not necessarily weirder than anything you’d find if you overturned a rock in another corner of the internet.
This is an immutable fact that becomes more obvious the more time you spend online. Spend enough time online and you’re going to see something you didn’t know existed, and if you spend too much time online, eventually you start to become numb to it.
In isolation I think that video is meaningless. There’s lots of things out there of that caliber -- the “Andy drawing a map of Princess Peach’s Eyes” image, for example. You might know of that image, but not many people know that it was only one of many. There was a whole series of those comics that was basically “me, a human male of the real world, repeatedly express my deep romantic affection for Princess Peach.”
Or, like, Pokemon, right? I remember in the early days of the Let’s Play community, Pokemon Let’s Plays had to be permanently banned from SomethingAwful on all grounds because it attracted thirsty creepers who weren’t very subtle about their feelings towards underage girls.
Like I said, there’s weird stuff all over the place if you point the spotlight in the wrong directions. And for some people out there, it’s part of growing up -- more and more of the internet is being taken up by the awkward intellectual awakening period we experience in transition from child to adult. A lot of earnest emotional confusion is being permanently recorded out there for all to see as we all figure ourselves out.
Tangentially, I see discussion today about how Zoomers in particular are a generation that has no guilt and openly embraces the cheesy and the stupid with genuine love, and I think it’s related to that. They can’t hide from who they were as kids, they just kind of have to own it. I can respect that.
What I think happened with Sonic is just the games themselves being so bad. Getting things like Shadow the Hedgehog, and Sonic 2006, or even the later Ken Penders run of the Archie comics, whatever, and kind of forcing the question: “If they’re always so terrible, why do they keep making more?”
That naturally leads to one answer: because Sonic fans keep buying them. So what’s wrong with Sonic fans?
“Well I saw this video one time...”
“There’s this webcomic about this medallion...”
“Have you seen what these church kids are drawing?”
In the big picture, nothing out of the ordinary is actually happening here. Kids are being kids (broadly speaking). It's a natural effect of Sonic maintaining a certain level of popularity with a certain age group for a sustained period of time.
I’ve even talked about how Sonic has kind of reached this status where the franchise is almost a perpetual motion machine. Sega couldn’t kill Sonic the Hedgehog at this point if they tried. It’s become this thing like Star Trek or Transformers where fans will just exist forever, even during lulls in quality or breaks in media. They will churn out their own new content and feed each other for theoretical eternity. If Sonic has survived this much for this long, it is immortal.
But that also means that, like... what is a “brand”? It’s a set of standards and rules governing the appearance and behavior of a specific piece of intellectual property. In order to be “on-brand” you have to adhere to the rules, otherwise you are not allowed to be part of the brand. Luigi is always taller than Mario. Mega Man’s briefs are always a different color than his arms and thighs. Sonic the Hedgehog can never cry.
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Fans don’t have to stay on brand. The “brand” is whatever they think it should be. They can do anything with the characters, take them anywhere, write anything they feel like, embarrassing or not. Sonic the Hedgehog is a ghost now? Sure why not. Tails is part of a massive crossover involving every cartoon media property in a war against internet bullying? Nobody can stop you. You can just make up anything and do it. Sega probably wouldn't approve, but if you're a fan, you don't need their approval. You just need faith in your own ideas.
And this even applies to big budget, professional work. We've seen it before, when Sega lets other people redesign Sonic. Style guides and brand rules are what keeps a character in check so they look and act in a consistent way, but if you pull back the curtain and look at what gets submitted before the rules are applied...
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...then even professional, “official” designs start getting pretty weird. Artistic license is great and all but people will break characters over their knee and remake them as something unrecognizable if you give them enough room to do so.
And for a fandom, not only can they be like this all the time, forever, they can go even further beyond. When you have an imagination, the sky is the limit.
And, again, I say “fandom” there. Not just Sonic fandom, but all fandoms, everywhere. They always were, and always will be like this. (And, to be clear: that’s great!)
The only difference is, Sega’s own inability to stay consistent gave more people a reason to go turning over rocks and seeing what crawled out. Unsurprisingly, a very active, self-sustaining fanbase meant there was a lot to see.
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go-dark-turtle · 3 years
A day off with an opportunity and a rescue mission?
(A Mario x Nintendo loop crossover fanfiction) 
Chapter 2: Now it's personal.
 "Say Toad, where did you get that lighting bolt?" Luigi leaned closer as he held onto Toad's headrest. 
Toad sat in the driver's seat of the Parade Kart, he was just about the right height to see the road. His eyes fixed on the road as they drove back down the bumpy hill towards Princess Peach's castle. 
"Oh! Well when I ran off to smash some vases I found one in there and kept it in case we had to make a grand exit. We sure did ha ha ha." Toad laughed "Served them right, taking the princess like that." 
Luigi sat back down and looked behind him and saw the mansion was still small, he sighed and folded his arms "You guys didn't have to wreck the place..." 
"Luigi! We were worried about you and we had to find you quickly." Mario nodded to his brother. 
Luigi huffed and looked to Yoshi "... and you, did you have to eat those curtains?" 
Yoshi shrugged and rolled his eyes. Luigi, feeling more fed up, sighed more and rested his arm on the side and looked at the view heading back to the castle. 
Everyone in the mansion had met in the lobby as everything started to shake and become smaller. Andi rushed to Irri's side and helped him up as BreadSquid and Ralfonic ran in from the tea room.
"Gah! We have to go after them at once! I won't allow what they did to MY lobby!" Irri demanded in a squeaky tone as he dusted himself down . 
Andi and BreadSquid started to laugh and Irri glared at him, they both looked to the floor with the odd giggle. 
Irri sighed "If you two would stop acting like children, we can see where they went! To the car!" 
They walked towards the main doors still broken from earlier, the whole mansion started to rumble all around them as everything went back to normal.
"Sorry boss.." BreadSquid let out a small giggle
"Yeah sorry.." Andi bit his lip to hold in his laughter.
Irri rolled his eyes, huffed at the both of them. Andi ran on ahead to push aside the broken door out the way. Everyone ran out and Irri saw the damage that Mario and the gang had left for them. 
"Ack! My beautiful fountain! That took 3 months to build and now there's a damn kart in it!" Irri clenched his fists and turned to Andi, who was just standing there. "Come on, what are you waiting for?! Get the car and let's go!" 
"Irri... they took Goldie.." Andi started to sniffle and he turned around and held onto his shoulders and burst into tears "They took my precious car Irri..." 
"Eww, you nicknamed your car Andi?" BreadSquid placed her hands on her hips and raised her eyebrow. 
"Yes I nicknamed my car. She is mine you know!" Andi turned his head to the inkling, he rubbed his nose into his sleeve and sniffed again. 
"Ugh, Andi here have this and sort yourself out." Irri reached in his pocket and pulled out a packet of tissues, he gently passed them to Andi. He then started paced up and down the pathway thinking on what to do next. "Aha! I've got it!" 
Andi and Breadsquid glared at each other and Irri cleared his throat and pulled out his flip phone, with a flick of the wrist, he pointed it to the sky and smirked. 
"I can summon a car with this trusty mobile device!" Irri stood proudly with the old school phone in his hand skyward. 
"So dramatic.... Uh boss, you know that model is like 15 years old now..." Breadsquid folded her arms.
"Well I don't see any new phone working on Boo network now do you?" Irri smugly smiled and walked down the path and started to punch in the numbers.
"I mean it's true, no one uses Boo network anymore, Irri." Andi poundered to himself.
"Shh!" Irri covered the speaker with his hand and glared at Andi before continuing his telephone conversation. "Ah yes, hello there, we wish to summon one of your finest taxis please. Oh what's that? My address? Ah yes of course, it's south of south Toad Town, Irri house. Excuse me? What do you mean you don't know where that is?! Ugh, don't get sassy with me, just drive south and you can't miss it. How long? 25 minutes?! Alright, fine! But please hurry, this is an emergency! Good day!" Irri let out an angry sigh.
He snapped his flippy phone shut with a loud SNAP and shoved it in his pocket and shrugged at the others. 
"Well it looks like we can't do anything until the taxi gets here. Tea and scones anyone?" Irri smiled at the others.
"Ah boss you read my mind, a cup of tea sounds lovely after everything we've just been through." BreadSquid jumped up with excitement and then turned to Andi, who was sitting on the step, sighing to himself "Oh come on Andi cheer up, we will get your karty back soon." 
"Goldie actually. Bready get the name right..." Andi huffed stood up and walked down the steps.
"Oh sorry I got your stupid car's name wrong." Breadsquid scoffed and looked up at him.
"My car isn't stupid. How dare you!" Andi huffed.
Ralfonic growled and stood in between them baring his teeth. 
"No Ralf, I won't back down Bready said my car was stupid" Andi folded his arms and looked down at BreadSquid. 
"Says the one nicknaming their car..." BreadSquid wiggled her eyebrows.
"Well I'm just going to get myself a tea. Have fun... Come along Ralfonic. " Irri stepped past them both and entered back into the house. "Call me when the taxi gets here won't you."
Andi stared down at the inkling, she smirked, her hand at the ready by her splat bomb. Andi reached slowly for his back pocket for his lighting bolt.
"What are you gonna do Andi?" BreadSquid smirked.
"Me? Ha! You shouldn't worry about that." Andi smirked back. 
"Well what are you waiting for? DRAW!" BreadSquid encouraged. 
"If you say so!" Andi raised his eyebrow. 
They both fired at the same time, the lightning bolt struck BreadSquid and the splat bomb landed on Andi. Ralfonic watched from the window, curious what was going on.
"Ralfonic, I wouldn't stand too close to the window dear, you might get zapped or splatted." Irri was sitting on the velvet sofa and enjoying a warm cup of tea. 
Ralfonic nodded and sat beside him and looked up to him, Irri smiled down at the wolf and petted his head. 
"Just stay by me and pay no attention to them." Irri sighed as he heard them both squeal and argue. 
"ANDI!" BreadSquid shouted at him as she got smaller and her voice became more squeaky.
"Ha ha ha. Serves you right for what you did. Look at my shirt, it's covered in purple stuff..." Andi groaned at the ink splattered over him. 
"Ha ha ha ha. That's what you get for challenging me Andi." She pulled out her N-Zap 89 and pointed it at him. "And just so you know Andi, it's not purple stuff, it's ink get it right."
"Don't you dare Bready! I will snipe you with my green shells!" Andi smirked.
BreadSquid shot ink ahead of her, turning into squid form and swam into the mansion. Andi shook his head, pulling out a green shell and smacked her right on target. BreadSquid returned to normal size but due to the impact of the sudden snipe of the green shell, she went flying into the tea room. Andi ran up the stairs and pointed at her and laughed.
"HA! I told you!" Andi chuckled. 
"Oh you are DEAD Andi!" BreadSquid used the table to help get her balance back. 
Irri sipped his tea and watched them exchange words with a deadpan expression, BreadSquid smirked at Andi and tried to pull out another splat bomb but Andi nudged her and threw another lighting bolt at her.
"ANDI!" Breadsquid shouted in a squeaky voice again.  "Come here!" 
"Pfft, you are so tiny, Bready. Look at you so small~" Andi smirked and pointed at her. 
BreadSquid pouted, shot Andi with her N-Zap 89 and sneaked out the room. Andi fell backwards on the table, the plate of the scones went into the air. Ralfonic saw them fly and he grabbed the plate and dashed about gracefully catching them all. Irri nodded to the wolf and smiled. Andi quickly scrambled out the room to find BreadSquid, he stood on the landing of the top floor looking up and down the hallway. He giggled slightly as he approached the stairs.
"Oh Andi my dear, please do not think about sliding down the banister." Irri called out.
Andi had already climbed onto the banister, paused in his tracks and his eyes widened. It was like he knew what he was thinking but it was a known habit at this point. 
"Uh, I wouldn't dream of it, Irri...." Andi called back with a nervous laugh. 
Once everything fell quiet again Andi let out a breath of relief, knowing he was alone he smirked and pushed himself downwards.
"EEEEEEEEEERIKA!" Andi giggled with glee as he felt like a kid as he slid down the banister. 
He jumped off at the end and sneaked about the main lobby and bumped into BreadSquid. He flinched and BreadSquid grinned.
"Oh you lied to Irri, I'm SO telling him. Hey Boss!" Breadsquid smirked and nudged past him and started to run up the stairs. 
"Bready, no, stop please, don't tell Irri." He chased after her and pulled out another green shell "Come on Bready! We are fellow guardians, no need to be like this." 
"Boss, Boss, Boss, GUESS WHAT?" Bready smirked. 
"Irri, don't believe what Bready is saying. She is lying!" Andi nudged past her and threw the shell at her feet. 
Bready smirked "So predictable Andi..." She shot the shell with her N-Zap 89. 
They both rushed to the top landing nudging and shoving to get to the tea room first, but a sudden honk from outside stopped them both in the tracks. 
"Uh... is that the taxi?" Andi whispered to BreadSquid.
"I don't know. Maybe you should check." BreadSquid whispered back.
"No, you!" Andi pointed at her.
"No, you Andi!" BreadSquid folded her arms.
Andi pushed her and she shoved him back, they both started to pout. They glared at each other unaware that Irri was right behind them.
He cleared his throat and smiled "Would you both be a dear and check to see if that is the taxi, hm?"
The both of them jumped out their skins and turned around so see a not impressed Irri raise his eyebrow at them. 
"Well see, I was going to but then Andi..." BreadSquid quickly spoke but got pulled back by Andi. 
"I didn't do anything. Bready started this, don't believe what she tells you!" Andi stepped forward and held BreadSquid back
Irri sighed and held the bridge of his nose as the honking got louder and more frequently from outside and the both of them started to shove each other again.
Seeing the sudden change in Irri's attitude both of the guardians scrambled down the stairs as quickly as they could. Ralfonic lowly grunted as he stood at the top of the stairs by Irri. 
"Hey boss, the taxi is here! Oi Andi, that front seat is mine!" BreadSquid called back into the house. 
"No! That seat is mine! Have fun sitting in the back Bready~" Andi smirked as he opened the front passenger door and sat down. 
BreadSquid, annoyed, folded her arms and waited for Irri and Ralfonic. Everyone got in the back seat with Irri sitting in the middle, BreadSquid sitting behind the driver and Ralfonic sitting behind Andi. 
"Alright then, where are we off to?" The driver asked in a posh voice, the driver turned out to be none other than Toadsworth himself. 
"TOADSWORTH?!" Everyone was surprised. 
"Of course, the one and only." He turned around smiling but it faded when seeing Ralfonic "I wasn't informed there would be a dog in my taxi. No pets allowed." 
"Excuse me?! Ralfonic is a wolf, not a dog. How dare you!" Irri leaned closer and glared at Toadsworth. 
"Oh you are in big trouble now, you better apologise." Andi whispered. 
"Ah! A wolf you said. Oh, my mistake I'M, terribly sorry." Toadsworth turned back around nervously chuckling. 
Ralfonic huffed and sighed loudly. Irri noticed his behaviour and sat closer to him.
"Shh, it's okay, Ralfonic. He didn't mean to call you a dog, no please, don't howl..." Irri petted his head again to console him. 
"AWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOO!" Ralfonic howled loudly. 
Everyone covered their ears and clenched  their eyes shut. 
"Oh look what you've gone and done. He's upset because of you!" Irri shouted over the howling. 
"I said I was sorry!" Toadsworth felt bad for the mixup. 
"Ah boss, I have an idea. Here take this." BreadSquid pulled out her switch and gave it to Irri. 
"Good thinking BreadSquid. Hey Ralfonic look Miitopia, it's your favourite." Irri placed the Switch in front of him. 
Ralfonic stopped howling and looked at the screen and wagged his tail. Everyone sighed with relief. 
"If you could please, could you drive us to Princess Peach's castle? Thank you." Irri sighed as he leaned back in his seat. 
"Certainly." Toadsworth reversed the taxi and drove past the broken gates and drove back down the bumpy hill at a steady slow pace.
[Mario Circuit from Super Mario kart totally plays here]
"Soon, we will have our car back and I can ask Princess Peach for a replacement of my velvet curtains... and pay for the damages to my lobby and my fountain..." Irri folded his arms and closed his eyes and nodded.
"Ah soon Goldie, I will be at your side." Andi clasped his hands together. 
"Ohhh~ Goldie, baby, mwah mwah mwah, I wuv you." BreadSquid mocked Andi. 
"Shut it Bready!" Andi turned around and glared "Don't make me.. uh..." he stopped as he saw Irri shake his head and glare at him. "We will talk about this later, Bready." 
"Sure Andi~" BreadSquid smirked but then it faded as she looked out the window and saw how slowly they were driving. "OI GRAMPS! Mind speeding it up a little? We have places to be, you know."
"Gramps?! How dare you!" Toadsworth's eye twitched. "Fine as you wish!"
Toadsworth shifted the gear stick forward and pressed his foot down on the accelerator pedal. Everyone was flung backwards into their seats and braced for the fast and bumpy ride. 
"You just had to go and open your big mouth, didn't you!" Andi nervously hung onto the handrail above him seeing everything up close from the front seat. 
"Oh shut it Andi, at least we are getting somewhere now!" BreadSquid smirked.
"Andi, BreadSquid, we can talk about this later. Toadsworth please slow down." Irri asked nicely. 
"We are nearly there, hang on tight." Toadsworth grinned as he entered Toad Town. 
He swerved the taxi about the town, missing everything and everyone with an inch to spare. The townspeople screamed and ran for it seeing the small taxi come towards them. 
"Toadsworth, this is great, keep going!" BreadSquid jumped up and down in her seat. 
"You got it!" Toadsworth smirked and drove even faster towards the castle "Look just up ahead just another minute and we are there." 
He took a shortcut and drove off a ramp and glided all the way to the castle's front gates. Andi closed his eyes from the intense height before him. BreadSquid was still excited in the backseat and Irri petted Ralfonic to keep him calm. Toadsworth tilted the car upwards and came in for a landing. THUD! The taxi landed with such an impact everyone jumped out of their seats.  
"Here we are. Princess Peach's castle." Toadsworth smiled. 
[End of part 1]
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Rose Coloured Glasses - Part 6
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A/N: Some Defending Jacob Spoilers ahead! 💕 (Taglist is open).
It had been a month or so since the Vermont trip and Andy never brought up what happened (or hadn't happened) between us which I was grateful for!
We were actually getting along really well now, so i put it behind us and chalked it up to him being a bad drunk! If he didn't remember what he had said.... it was best to leave it that way. Work had been busy keeping everyone occupied and in my free time.... well Frank took up all my free time.
"Hey, i was thinking we could go out tonight, a couple friends of mine are getting together" Frank said Early Friday morning as we both stood in my bathroom brushing our teeth.
"You want me to meet your friends?"
"Yeah why wouldn't i?" he scoffed spitting toothpaste into the sink before rinsing.
"I don't know, i just thought you were all about the sex. Keeping it casual, having fun" i shrugged taking my turn to spit and rinse my mouth.
"This still seem casual to you? I don't think I've ever spent this much time with the same woman..... its like i'm hooked on you sweetheart" he mumbled as he pulled me into his arms burying his face in my neck "Your like a drug" he traced kisses up my neck, my phone started ringing from the bedroom, the ringtone for Andy causing Frank to groan.
"Does he know when i'm trying to get you into bed?" He moaned as i turned to go and answer the phone, Andy never called this early so it must be important.
"Hey Andy" i said sitting on the edge of the bed holding my phone against my shoulder as i pulled on a shirt and started with the buttons.
"Morning, sorry to call so early"
"Thats fine i was just getting ready to leave"
"Im on my way to you, court got moved up on that Malloy case"
"The class A possession?"
"Thats the one, you've got the case files right?"
"Yeah i had everything ready to go"
"I'll be with you in 5".
He hung up and i started rushing around grabbing my bag and slipping on my heals.
"Frank i gotta go! Court got moved up and Andy's on his way" i called looking out the window seeing the black Audi come to a stop outside "Shit! His here i gotta go!" I rushed towards the front door and Frank caught me on the way out giving me a quick kiss and then i was out the door rushing over to Andy's car, as soon as i was in the car the car was moving.
"I can't believe this shit!" Andy moaned speeding along the road "they must have a bigger case coming in later"
"It'll be fine, you've got this".
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Just as i thought Andy had it in the bag, he was in there 10 minutes tops. We walked outside the court house to Bobbys coffee cart, a regular stop off while we were here.
"All right, you're due back in for a session in 15 minutes. Then meeting with Lynn, her office. I think she wants an update on the Willis case" i read off to Andy as we waited for our drinks and he looked over items on the cart listening to what i was saying.
"Oh, that makes two of us. Bobby you guys outta Peach?"
"Could be, let me check the back" Bobby replied handing us our coffee's.
"Thanks. How's the hip?"
"Oh you know, worse than yesterday, better than tomorrow" Bobby replied before moving round the back of the cart. I couldn't help but laugh a little at the older man before picking up where i left off "you wanted a conference with Judge French in Chambers. His clerk says he has a 2:30, if you want that" i finished saying just as his phone started ringing in his pocket. Andy held the paper cup in between his teeth as he fished his phoned out, i quickly reached out to take it from him before he spilt it.
"Thank you" he smiled before answering the call "hey".
I watched as Andy listened to call, he closed his eyes briefly, shaking his head.
"Oh jesus, okay. Where?.... okay, yeah. I'll meet you over there". He hung up slipping the phone back in his pocket.
"Something wrong?" I asked.
"You're a lucky man Mr B, only got one left" Bobby came back out handing Andy his Peach yoghurt.
"What is it?" I asked again seeing the look on Andy's face.
"We gotta clear the rest of my day...." he reached over taking his coffee back "i'll tell you about it in the car" he said walking towards the carpark at a pace i struggled to keep up with.
"Andy? Whats going on?" I asked once we were both in the car.
"That was Detective Duffy on the phone"
"They found a body in the woods this morning, 14 year old boy".
"Oh my god.... thats awful...."
"I need to get over there"
"Sure, you should go straight there.... i'll grab a taxi back to the office and clear your day"
"I can drop you at the office before i go"
"No you should get over there, i'll be fine. Call me later?"
"Don't worry, i'll take care of everything else, you go"
"Thank you Y/N, your the best".
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Once i was back at the office i cancelled all Andy's appointments and meetings, rescheduling what i could. Then spent the rest of the afternoon just answering calls and taking messages. Around 4pm the calls finally stopped and i spent the rest of the afternoon sitting around waiting to hear from Andy.
Frank: Hey, u still okay for drinks tonight?
Y/N: Hey, i think i'm gonna have to reschedule Frank. Today has been awful... i'm not really feeling up to drinks.
Frank: oh... really? Maybe it will cheer u up?
Y/N: Not likely lol you can still go though right? Go enjoy yourself. Think i'm just going to head home once i'm done here.
Frank: ur working late, everything okay?
Y/N: Not really. Like i said its been a day of it.
Just as i sent the last message to Frank my phone started ringing and Andy's name flashed up.
"Hey, how you doing?" I answered quickly tapping my pen nervously on the desk, Andy sighed quietly but i still heard.
"Hey, i'm ok.... just been a tough day. The kid, Benjamin Rifkin, he was Jacobs year at Archer. He was found stabbed three times in the chest...."
"Jesus....Who could do that to a kid??"
"I have no idea, but we'll find them don't worry. We found a partial print, but no matches so far."
"You sound exhausted Andy"
"You should go home and get some sleep, do you need me to do anything else before i leave the office?"
"Wait your still there??"
"Yeah i had stuff to do and i wanted to make sure you didn't need anything else"
"Im on my way up there now, just getting in the elevator so i might loose you..."
As if on cue the call disconnected.
A couple minutes later Andy walked in and dropped into the chair across from me, he leant back in the chair rubbing his hands over his face.
"Can i get you a coffee or something?"
"That would be great actually" he said with a smile shrugging his jacket off and rolling up his sleeves.
"Today has been awful"
"I bet, did you have to talk to the parents?"
"Yeah i just came from seeing the Rifkin's.... god" he shook his head.
"That bad huh?" I said standing in front of him and putting the coffee on the desk.
"Worse" he looked up at me with tears in his eyes, i could tell he was trying so hard to keep it together but it was getting to him. I stepped forward wrapping my arms around his shoulders, his arms automatically wrapping around my waist and holding me tight, his head resting just above my stomach. If anyone would have walked in it would have looked so bad.
"Now I've gotta go home and talk to Jake, probably get 20 questions from Laurie....."
Shit! His wife!
"You should go home Andy" i said trying to step away from him but he held on tight.
"Just.... give me 5 minutes"
"5 minutes" i agreed running my fingers through the short hair on the back of neck.
"This is the best i've felt all day" he mumbled "i always have to be the strong one you know....."
"You don't have to with me, you ever need someone to talk to i'm here".
"Thank you Y/N".
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit
Rose Coloured Glasses taglist: @readermia @princess-evans-addict @jennmurawski13 @matsumama @ex-bloodjunkie @kaithezaftig
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collectorscorner · 3 years
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AFTERSHOCK COMICS I Breathed A Body #1 (Cover A Andy Macdonald), $4.99 I Breathed A Body #1 (Cover B Trevor Henderson), AR Miskatonic #3, $3.99 We Live #4, $3.99
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COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1744, AR
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TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES DC Gallery DCeased Harley Quinn PVC Statue, AR Godzilla 1964 Ghidorah 3-Headed Monster Movie Pint Glass, AR Godzilla 1974 Godzilla Vs Mechagodzilla Movie Pint Glass, AR Marvel Gallery Handstand Spider-Gwen PVC Statue, AR POP Coke Coca Cola Bottle Cap Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Fortnite Midas Mt Vinyl Figure, AR POP Hostess Donettes Vinyl Figure, AR POP Kool Aid Original Kool Aid Packet Vinyl Figure, AR POP Town Bob Big Boy Restaurant With Big Boy Vinyl Figure, AR
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sportsandsongs · 3 years
Favourite Songs From 2020
My 110 favourite songs of the year - basically one song per artist and then I doubled up on songs from my ten favourite albums of the year - Taylor Swift, Pheobe Bridgers, The Strokes, The Killers, Porridge Radio, The 1975, The Weeknd, Fleet Foxes, Soccer Mommy PUP - rather than do a seperate albums list. So 100 artists total.
It was definitely a year that I listened to songs more than albums. Blame Spotify for shrinking my attention span or the lockdown for pushing me more towards short bursts of pleasure.
I think it was a great year for music though, this list is as strong as any in recent years. Dominated by indie rock for the most part, and in turn as heavy on female led acts as any year, as they have taken over the rock scene (for the better) over the past couple years.
1 - Phoebe Bridgers - Kyoto 2 - King Princess - Ohio 3 - Taylor Swift - exile (feat. Bon Iver) 4 - The Strokes - The Adults Are Talking 5 - U.S. Girls - 4 American Dollars 6 - The Killers - Imploding The Mirage 7 - Caamp - By and By 8 - Nathaniel Rateliff - And It's Still Alright 9 - Porridge Radio - 7 Seconds 10 - The 1975 - If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know) 11 - The Strokes - Brooklyn Bridge To Chorus 12 - The Weeknd - Blinding Lights 13 - Bright Eyes - Mariana Trench 14 - The Killers - My Own Soul’s Warning 15 - Mt. Joy - Strangers 16 - Dayglow - Can I Call You Tonight? 17 - Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit - Be Afraid 18 - Phoenix - Identical 19 - Car Seat Headrest - Deadlines (Thoughtful) 20 - The Beths - Dying to Believe
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21 - HAIM - The Steps 22 - Gus Dapperton - Post Humorous 23 - Holly Humberstone - Falling Asleep At The Wheel 24 - Phoebe Bridgers - I Know The End 25 - Hayley Williams - Simmer 26 - Tame Impala - Lost In Yesterday 27 - Harry Styles - Watermelon Sugar 28 - Fontaines D.C. - Televised Mind 29 - Yves Tumor - Gospel For A New Century 30 - Dawes - Who Do You Think You're Talking To? 31 - Taylor Swift - betty 32 - Partner - Honey 33 - Of Monsters and Men - Visitor 34 - Fleet Foxes - Can I Believe You 35 - The Shins - The Great Divide 36 - Jessie Ware - Spotlight 37 - DIIV - Blankenship 38 - The Districts - Cheap Regrets 39 - Riverby - Smart Mouth 40 - Beach Bunny - Rearview
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41 - The 1975 - Me & You Together Song 42 - Miley Cyrus - Midnight Sky 43 - Deep Sea Diver - Impossible Weight (feat Sharon Van Etten) 44 - Fiona Apple - Shameika 45 - Waxahatchee - Fire 46 - Foo Fighters - Shame Shame 47 - Dogleg - Kawasaki Backflip 48 - Christine and the Queens - People, I've been sad 49 - Middle Kids - R U 4 Me? 50 - SAULT - Wildfires 51 - Ghostpoet - Nowhere To Hide Now 52 - The Darcys - Look Me in the Eyes 53 - Diet Cig - Night Terrors 54 - Westerman - Confirmation - SSBD 55 - Maxband - Unsaid 56 - Porridge Radio - Sweet 57 - The Backseat Lovers - Kilby Girl 58 - Royal Blood - Trouble’s Coming 59 - Soccer Mommy - circle the drain 60 - The Weeknd - After Hours
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61 - Run The Jewels - walking in the snow 62 - The Hold Steady - Family Farm 63 - STRFKR - Dear Stranger 64 - PUP - Anaphylaxis 65 - beabadoobee - Care 66 - Soccer Mommy - yellow is the color of her eyes 67 - Destroyer - Cue Synthesizer 68 - Wallows - Are You Bored Yet? (feat. Clairo) 69 - Local Natives - Lemon (Feat. Sharon Van Etten) 70 - Bad Moves - Party With the Kids Who Wanna Party With You 71 - The Beaches - Want What You Got 72 - Wolf Parade - Julia Take Your Man Home 73 - Billy Nomates - Modern Hart 74 - The Dirty Nil - Blunt Force Concussion 75 - KennyHoopla - how will i rest in peace if i'm buried by a highway?// 76 - IDLES - Model Village 77 - Arkells - Quitting You 78 - Bombay Bicycle Club - Eat, Sleep, Wake (Nothing But You) 79 - Best Coast - Everything Has Changed 80 - Andy Shauf - Try Again
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81 - Peach Pit - Shampoo Bottles 82 - Sorry - Perfect 83 - THICK - Bumming Me Out 84 - Trace Mountains - Lost in the Country 85 - Hum - Step into You 86 - Fleet Foxes - Sunblind 87 - Pinegrove - The Alarmist 88 - Lady Gaga - Rain On Me (with Ariana Grande) 89 - Kiwi jr. - Murder in the Cathedral 90 - The Chicks - Gaslighter 91 - Perfume Genius - On the Floor 92 - Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever - She's There 93 - Amanda Shires - The Problem (feat. Jason Isbell) 94 - Bon Iver - AUATC 95 - The OBGMs - All My Friends 96 - PUP - Rot 97 - Alanis Morissette - Ablaze 98 - Anyway Gang - I'm Just That Good 99 - Everything Everything - Violent Sun 100 - Julia Jacklin - Pressure To Party 101 - Grimes - Delete Forever 102 - Plants and Animals - Love That Boy 103 - Dua Lipa - Physical 104 - Cloud Nothings - Am I Something 105 - Wye Oak - AEIOU 106 - Sunflower Bean - Moment In The Sun 107 - Pale Waves - Change 108 - Bruce Springsteen - Ghosts 109 - Gord Downie - About Blank 110 - Dizzy - Sunflower
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omgjasminesimone · 4 years
oh my god can you do #3 for tom sato and mc? I really love your writing style and wanna see what you do with that prompt
Thanks for the request! From these prompts
Tom takes off his glasses to rub at his eyes. He’s so over studying for this Physics exam. He feels like he should get some kind of housing rebate since he spends way more time in the library than in his dorm room. 
He checks the library clock. 7 PM. So he’s been studying for 3 hours now. Which means, he’s earned a phone break. Tom fishes his phone from his pocket and turns it back on. 
He has several emails that he ignores. A pictagram notification from Andy. And a text from Harper. Tom immediately navigates over to messages. 
Harper: I dreamed of you last night 🙈
Tom pauses, trying to decide how to respond to that. Should he go flirty? That sounded pretty flirty. But then again, it’s so hard to interpret tone over text. 
When Tom and Harper both left Pine Springs for college, they’d agreed to put their relationship on hold. Trying to maintain a connection from across the country was just too much to shoulder on top of healing from everything they’d gone through and that first semester of college. But they’d agreed to stay friends, to stay in touch. And they did. Through frequent text message communication and Skype calls. And sometimes, they did veer into that familiar couple-y landscape. 
Yeah, he’s going with flirty. 
Tom: Oh? 😏
Harper immediately starts to type back. 
Harper: Not like that, perv. lol
Tom: Then what was it like?
Harper: I dreamed that we were in Super Mario. I was Yoshi. And u were Princess Peach. And I was trying rly hard to save you, but Mario, who was Josephine, was just constantly messing up and making me die. What do u think that means?
Tom: I don’t know, that ur a video game nerd?
Harper: Takes one to know one
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calm-studios · 2 years
Chapter 80
“Sometimes I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear And I, I can’t help but ask myself How much I let the fear take the wheel and steer
It’s driven me before And it seems to have a vague, haunting mass appeal But lately I’m Beginning to find that I should be the one behind the wheel “
I’m currently sat on the couch, Ashton only stormed through the front door a few seconds ago, he was at the club when we got home but Jimmy called him and told him what had happened, after I heard Ashton bellowing down the phone Jimmy hung up and gave me an awkward smile.
“He seems like he’s in a good mood”
Ashton was at the house as if he sped here like a bat out of hell, bursting through the front door and searching his eyes around the apartment quickly until they landed on me sat and the couch and he rushed over to me, crouching down, darting his eyes over my face like he was making sure I was untouched.
“Are you okay? Did he touch you? Hurt you?” he checks quickly in panic, and I shake my head.
“No, no I’m okay he didn’t touch me.” I assure him, feeling a flood of relief and my nerves rush away as soon as I see those green eyes again, but my heart sinks when I notice them full of worry “Jimmy got him away from me, nothing happened, he was just trying to tell me to stay away from you”
Ashton presses his lips together flatly, frowning and leaning forward to press a long kiss to my lips, then pulls away and stands, whipping his head to Jimmy who casually backs into the kitchen with a sheepish grin.
“You had one fucking job!” Ashton roars, stomping towards him “I said be there waiting for her! Do you know what could have happened to her! I’ve seen what he’s done to her!”
Jimmy throws his hands in the air, yelling back “I was stuck behind an 80 year old woman in a 2000 model Prius! I got there as quick as you can while you’re driving so slow it’s almost backwards! Yell at that old sloth not me!”
“Ashton..” I try to get his attention, standing and taking the kitchen but he’s too furious to hear me as he stalks towards Jimmy with clenched fists and Jimmy looks around the kitchen frantically, grabbing a frying pan and holding it up in front of himself defensively.
“Just let me explain” Jimmy tries to reason, peeking over the frying pan.
Ashton stops in front of him seething, his jaw tight as he raises his brows and widens his eyes at Jimmy to explain.
Jimmy looks over to the counter, before stretching his arm out and picking up the kids meal and dangling it in front of Ashton “I got you a Happy Meal?…But I kept the toy, it was the princess with the blue dress and I don’t have her yet but I got you three kinds of dipping sauce for your nuggets” he smiles nervously.
Ashton growls launching forward and Jimmy screams, dropping the Happy Meal and ducks down, dodging Ashton trying to grab him and bolts out of the kitchen yelling “Fine! You can have the toy if you’re gonna be such a bitch about it! Fuck!” and scampers to hide behind me where I was standing watching them, clutching the frying pan to his chest and hiding behind me like I’m his body guard.
Ashton stops a few feet from us, glaring at Jimmy “Get away from Abby”
Jimmy sticks his chin in the air defiantly “No me and Abby are besties now, and she said you’re not aloud to beat me up any more”
I scrunch my face up, turning my head to look over my shoulder at Jimmy in confusion.
I never said that.
He looks down at me, widening his eyes and nudging my shoulder with a ’just play along with it’ look.
Ashton looks to me, becoming more annoyed but tries to calm his voice “Abby move please”
I sigh, folding my arms “Ashton. Leave him alone, he stopped anything bad from happening tonight you should be thanking him not trying to kill him”
“Yas that’s right peaches you tell him!” Jimmy cheers, pointing at Ashton with the frying pan over my shoulder, snapping his head side to side with attitude.
“If he was there on time like I told him to be Andy wouldn’t have been able to get near you at all, I should beat him with that fucking frying pan!” Ashton snaps, glaring at Jimmy.
“Pry it from my cold dead hands bitch!” Jimmy shouts insolently, but shrinks back to hide behind me after he says it.
“Fucking gladly! If you’d stop hiding behind my girlfriend like such a pussy!” Ashton yells back, the vein in his neck protruding more by the minute and he looks like fume is going to start pouring from his ears.
“Maybe I should check Abbys pockets while I’m back here to see if that’s where you keep your balls now nancy boy!” Jimmy teases, peering over my shoulder to poke his tongue out at Ashton but yelps and hides behind me again when Ashton takes a stride towards me with his eyes murderous.
“I didn’t mean that by the way, I was just being a dick to piss him off, you only have him by the balls cause he cares about you so much — I actually think it’s really cute” Jimmy whispers behind me so only I can hear and I have to fight smiling to myself.
“Abby… Please move out of the way” Ashton grits through his teeth, his whole body rigid like he’s waiting like a bear trap to snap as soon as he gets his hands on Jimmy.
“Ashton Jimmy couldn’t have known Andy would be there, it’s not Jimmys fault, it’s Andys — I understand why you’re angry and you’re allowed to be, but Jimmy helped me okay? He defended me and protected me, he’s a good friend” I tell him, trying to settle him from looking like he wants to smash everything around him until he can get his hands on Jimmy.
“Well I’ll kill him after I’m done with Jimmy! I don’t care if he helped! He should have been there when I told him to be! I saw what happened last time Andy got to you and no one was there to help, I’m not risking that happening again! The fact he even got anywhere near you is bad enough!” he shouts and I can see the pained look on his angry face when I know what he’s referring too. The night Andy hit me and I tried to call Ashton but he didn’t get there in time, my heart aches over the flash over guilt that passes through his eyes.
He must have been so panicked and worried when Jimmy told him Andy was there, and I was alone, thinking it was a repeat of last time and thinking about how he was checking my face when he first walked in.
“I’m okay though, see I’m fine” I assure him gently, gesturing my hands up and down my body “You’re with me now, no one has hurt me and Jimmy was there when I needed him, I’m okay Ashton”
I keep my expression soft, wanting to walk over and hug him but at the same time I don’t want to move from Jimmy because Ashton still looks livid with him.
“It’s not the point” Ashton snaps, his anger looks like its simmering down but he points to Jimmy “I trusted you with her, you didn’t see what that asshole did to her — you told me you’d be there on time waiting for her and I trusted you. Anything could have happened”
I frown, realising another place Ashtons temper is coming from, he feels betrayed by his friend, that Jimmy didn’t do what he said he would with someone that is important to Ashton.
I actually think he’s a bit hurt and it’s exploding out of him as anger, I know Jimmy means a lot to him, not to what extent but it’s obvious he put trust in Jimmy to be there for me.
And Jimmy was there, the circumstances for Jimmy being late were out of his control, it wasn’t his fault, but I think the panic and fear in Ashton from everything that’s happened is making that hard for him to see.
“Ashton… Mate, listen” Jimmy sighs sounding hurt from behind me, standing straight and frowning at Ashton, his voice becoming serious “I swear I was going to be there exactly when you said, it was an accident — I’d never put Abby in danger, I’d kill anyone that hurt her, she’s important to me too. You can trust me, I would have beaten ten shades of shit out of him but I didn’t want to scare her — I told him I’d snap his neck if he came near her again”
“He really did” I agree quickly, looking at Ashton with a earnest expression “Choked him and everything, wouldn’t even let Andy look at me. It wasn’t Jimmys fault Ashton, I know why it scared you but please, Andy is the person to be angry at here”
I can’t believe I’m really living a life where I’m telling my boyfriend their friend choked someone as a way to comfort him.
What even is my life anymore.
“And I got you a Happy Meal” Jimmy adds, and I close my eyes shaking my head.
God dammit Jimmy.
Ashton stands staying quiet, glancing between us as he grinds his jaw like he’s mulling everything over in his head with his body still tense.
“Fine” he says indignantly after a few seconds “Just don’t let it happen again, if I ask you to be somewhere when it comes to Abby, just make sure you’re fucking there — leave early, I don’t care, I can’t have this happen again”
“Right, got it” Jimmy says, but still stays behind me “So you’re not gonna choke me out?”
“Not this time” Ashton says, still sounding annoyed.
“Phew” Jimmy sighs in relief, and hugs his arms around my shoulders, still holding the frying pan and rests his chin on my head “Did I ever tell you how happy I am you met this little thing? She even sings Mariah Carey with me”
Ashton looks to me, with a flat expression “…He made you sing in the car with him didn’t he?”
I nod with a tight smile, shrugging my shoulders “I had to do the back up vocals for the chorus, he was really excited about it — he even made up choreography for us”
Ashton pinches the bridge of his nose, shaking his head muttering “Why am I fucking friends with him”
“Because I’m the hottest bitch you know” Jimmy brags, stepping from around me, but pokes my cheek as he goes past “except for her, she’s my only competition”
“Don’t call her a bitch” Ashton gripes, scowling at Jimmy, and I walk up to Ashton, slinking my arms around his waist giving him a warm smile.
Jimmy only grins at Ashton, like he thinks it’s adorable Ashton scolded him about using that word with me but doesn’t say anything.
“Right love birds, since I know I get to suck another dick for another day, I’m gonna get home to the one waiting for me” Jimmy says, looking between us, and sits the frying pan on the kitchen counter.
He points to me, with a sly wink “I owe you peaches, second time you’ve saved my ass now”
I don’t know where this new nickname has come from with Jimmy, but I actually find it incredibly sweet.
“I’ll call you tomorrow, we still need to figure out exactly what we’re gonna do, especially after tonight” Ashton tells him, wrapping his own arms around my waist and pulling me close to him possessively.
Jimmy just nods with a smile, saluting him and turns on his heel towards the door.
As Jimmy grabs the handle, Ashtons voice singing out “Oh and Jimmy” stops him and Jimmy looks over his shoulder.
Ashton clears his throat, nodding at him and saying sincerely “… Thank you, for tonight. I appreciate it”
Jimmy pauses, his brows shooting up and he just stares at Ashton like he has three heads, as if he’s never heard those words from him before and I roll my lips into my mouth to hide my smile.
Jimmy holds his hand to his heart, and my own heart swells when I notice his eyes become glassy as he smiles at Ashton.
“Bitch now I’m emotional” Jimmy says, sounding genuinely touched and still surprised.
“Don’t make this weird” Ashton says flatly, dropping his brows as he stares back at him.
Jimmy squints at him, extending his arm behind him to point at Ashton with a smirk “You’re gonna hug me one day, just you wait — I can feel it, it’s already started”
“And now you’ve made it weird” Ashton sighs, shaking his head.
Jimmy opens to the door, pointing his hand in the air and shouting confidently “Mark my words, one day we’ll be cuddle buddies — you’ve got feelings now Irwin, it’s only a matter of time”
“Fuck off Jimmy” Ashton groans, throwing his head back.
Jimmy walks out the door, closing it behind him but we hear a muffled shout from the other side “Love you too Ashton!”
Ashton clenches his jaw, flopping his head back down and rests his forehead against mine while he sighs heavily “Now I really wish I would have hit him with that frying pan”
I bite back a laugh, pecking his lips “He just cares about you that’s all, it’s sweet”
“It’s annoying” he mutters, but I don’t miss his lips twitching briefly.
“Happy you’re safe, scared the shit out of me” he says quietly “thought it was gonna be like last time”
I frown, tightening my arms around him “I know, but I’m okay, Jimmy was there”
“But what if he didn’t get there in time…” Ashton trails off, his voice becoming quiet.
“You can’t think like that Ashton, he was there and that’s what matters” I assure him, but he only sighs heavily pulling his face back, and screws his eyes shut like he’s becoming stressed.
“I don’t know what the fuck I’m going to do” he huffs, creasing his brows.
“What do you mean? About what?” I ask, focusing on his eyes when he opens them to look at me and they’re filled with worry.
“About David, Andy — all of this. I can’t do what I normally would do” he explains, searching his eyes over my face and rolls his lips into his mouth and I only look at him confused.
He looks like he’s carrying the weight of the world in stress on his shoulders.
“Normally I’d just do whatever I want without thinking, cause I never cared what happened. But now… I need to be careful, I need to make sure it doesn’t make things worse for you — I need to make sure it doesn’t get you hurt. If I retaliate it’s only going to make them go after the one thing that can hurt me ever harder and that’s you. I need to be smart about this” he says, creasing his brows further like his mind is burdened with the fact that he doesn’t have the answer for what he needs to do.
“So you’re not going to go after David or Andy? You’re going to ignore it and just focus on making sure they leave me alone?” I ask, leaning up to kiss his jaw and wishing i could take the worry away from him.
I’m also taken back by how he’s reacting to all of this, I thought he’d be a loose canon but he’s trying so hard to think before he does anything.
“No I’m going to fucking ruin them, but I need to take my time and make sure I’m doing it the right way and that you won’t get hurt. They threatened you Abby, David had someone in your house taking naked pictures of you, I will never let anyone do that and get away with it. They’re fucked — they just don’t know it yet” he promises, sounding strong with conviction in his voice.
“I’ve always let my anger and fear control what I do, it always has” he says, keeping his eyes focused on mine seriously “But I’m not doing that this time, I’m not letting it control me with this — I’m the one that’s going to be in control of it this time. I’m thinking about this first before I do anything”
I frown, the same thought I had earlier entering my mind and I look down to his chest keeping my voice quiet “but maybe it might be best to leave it… If he doesn’t feel threatened then maybe he’ll leave you alone… I worry too Ashton, I get scared you’ll get hurt — that he’ll hurt you”
Ashton ducks his face down to catch my eye sight, looking taken aback that I was actually concerned about that “You worry about me getting hurt?”
“Of course I do” I reply, like it should be the most obvious thing in the world “If anyone ever hurt you, I swear I’d be the one ruining lives — I’ve never wanted to hurt anyone, but the thought of anyone doing anything to you makes me so angry, like I just want to beat the crap out of them” I explain, creasing my brows in irritation at the idea of anyone harming him.
One side of his lips tug up, as he tilts his head with a warm amused expression “You feel protective of me do you baby?”
“Very” I state with a nod.
“That’s kinda hot” he muses, his lopsided smile turning into a grin “and really cute”
“I’m being serious” I complain in a whine, wishing he knew how serious I was being.
Ashton raises his brows, pursing his lips “Never said you weren’t being serious, that’s why it’s hot. My dangerous little mouse”
I put indignantly, still thinking he’s not taking me seriously, and he smirks pecking my bottom lip that’s jutted out.
“Let’s make a deal” he offers, pressing another kiss to my lips and pulls me harder against him “I protect you, you protect me. Then nobody hurts either of us, sound good? Deal?”
I fight the smile on my lips as I still try to pout, looking up at him under my lashes murmuring “Deal”
Ashton brings his hands up, smoothing my hair away from my face, his features softening as he presses his lips to his forehead, holding my face.
“No matter what happens Abby, no one is taking me away from you, I’ll always be here. I’ll always make sure when you need me I’m there, never making that mistake again” he assures me softly.
“No one is taking me away either” I tell him, and he presses his lips to my forehead, before murmuring.
“I know, because I’m doing things right this time, I’m going to be better for you. No one is hurting you ever again”
*** “Whatever tomorrow brings I’ll be there With open arms and open eyes, yeah Whatever tomorrow brings I’ll be there”
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/world/the-iranian-artist-who-worked-with-warhol/
The Iranian artist who worked with Warhol
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption The mirrored ceiling of the Shah Cheragh mausoleum, was Monir Farmanfarmaian’s biggest inspiration
Monir Farmanfarmaian looked up at the mosaic of mirrors that covered the mausoleum’s walls and ceiling. It was the moment that reshaped her artistic career.
“The very space seemed on fire, the lamps blazing in hundreds of thousands of reflections,” she would later write in her memoir. “I imagined myself standing inside a many-faceted diamond and looking out at the sun.
“It was a universe unto itself, architecture transformed into performance, all movement and fluid light, all solids fractured and dissolved in brilliance in space, in prayer. I was overwhelmed.”
The year was 1975, and the setting was the Shah Cheragh (King of Light) shrine in the Iranian city of Shiraz, that had been decorated in splintered mirrors since the 14th Century.
At the time she visited the shrine, Monir was already a recognised artist in the US and her native Iran, but the epiphany in Shiraz left her “fired up with ideas”, she wrote in her memoir, A Mirror Garden.
Monir left Iran and returned many times as the country underwent radical change over her life. But the influence of Iran, and of that moment, never left her work.
Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian died on 20 April in Tehran, aged 97.
Monir Shahroudy, as she was born, was raised in the northern Iranian city of Qazvin among peach, almond and walnut trees. One of her earliest memories was of being chased through the bazaar by a camel she had unwisely decided to chide.
When she was seven, the family moved to Tehran, where her father had been elected to parliament, and young Monir got her first glimpse of the capital modernising under the Shah, Reza Shah Pahlavi.
Image copyright The Third Line
Image caption Monir Farmanfarmaian in her studio in 1975
Her first taste of art came in a once-a-week class in school, in which she was made to draw flowers or – on one confusing occasion – a jug sitting on a chair placed on a table.
“The teacher called this ‘still life’,” she wrote in A Mirror Garden. “It perplexed me at first, but still it was more fun than math.”
Monir Farmanfarmaian: A life in art
At the Fine Arts College of Tehran University, she met the man who would become her first husband, Manoucher. During World War Two, the couple moved to New York but it was a loveless marriage, with Monir making progress in her artistic studies and Manoucher holding a single-minded determination to become a famed artist.
“My role,” she wrote, “was to help that destiny along by providing financial support, unending praise, and gracious entertainment for any gallery owners and wielders of influence who crossed our path.”
Image copyright The Third Line
Image caption Pieces by Monir Farmanfarmaian displayed in Dubai in 2015
It was Monir herself who began to associate with artists of influence, spending time at the Tenth Street Club in Greenwich Village with Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko and Willem de Kooning, among others.
Another soon-to-be-famous name crossed Monir’s path when she started her first main job as a fashion illustrator with department store Bonwit Teller. His name was Andy Warhol, who was then working as a shoe illustrator.
“Conversation was not his strong suit,” she said, “but we made a connection in spite of his ghostly shyness.”
That connection was made again years later when Warhol travelled to Iran to paint the Shah and his wife. During his trip, he gave Monir the gift of a Marilyn Monroe print.
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Warhol next to his “Princess of Iran” in 1977
Love – or at least the prospect of it – took Monir back to Iran in 1957, in the guise of Abol Farmanfarmaian, a man of aristocratic background who had babysat for her first daughter in New York.
With Monir’s divorce to her first husband finalised, she was wary, but welcomed the return to an evolving Iran 12 years after leaving. Just as the colours of Iran had never left her paintings of flowers, as her teachers noted, all her happy memories of her homeland had remained in place.
“I sat in a jet-lagged stupor and drank in the smells of home,” she wrote, “the sooty perfume of kerosene heaters with overtones of dill, parsley, fenugreek and aromatic rice that hinted at lunch, and the sourceless, ever-present mystery of rosewater. No, this was not New York. I was home.”
It was during this period back home, and during her long and happy marriage to Abol, that Monir flourished as an artist, beginning with her winning a gold medal for her display at the Iran Pavilion in the 1958 Venice Biennale.
Image copyright The Third Line
Monir had seen mirror mosaics before that day in the mausoleum in Shiraz – the style had been used elsewhere in Iran – but none had affected her in quite the same way. There was a practical reason for the style: centuries ago, mirrors that were imported from Europe had often broken by the time they had arrived, and so they were reused.
The style encouraged Monir to experiment: with shapes, with geometry, with building images up from their smallest fragments. Hexagons, the shape she later called “the softest form” that opened up more and more possibilities to link shapes, began to feature prominently in her work.
“I read up on Sufi cosmology and the arcane symbolism of shapes,” Monir wrote in A Mirror Garden, “how the universe is expressed through points and lines and angles, how form is born of numbers and the elements lock in the hexagon.”
Read about other notable lives
Monir’s research took her across Iran and her curiosity about her country grew.
She began learning from Iranian craftsmen trained in cutting mirrors like butter and in kneading plaster to make it pliable, and spent time with Turkmen silversmiths, studied an ancient observatory and worked alongside archaeologists. This week, one of Monir’s regular exhibitors, the Third Line gallery in Dubai, said she would always be known for her “eternally young and curious spirit”.
Over the years, Monir became an avid collector of fine silverwork and folk art from across Iran, buying 1,600 paintings on glass from artists across the Gulf.
But much of it would be lost years later, along with Monir’s own work and her Warhol print, as revolution swept Iran.
The Shah, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, had led Iran through a programme of modernisation and Westernisation, but in doing so, he had alienated powerful religious and political forces.
After months of protests and strikes, the US-supported Shah and his family were forced to leave the country in January 1979. Two weeks later, Iran’s main spiritual leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, returned after 14 years in exile.
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Media captionIranian Revolution: Why what happened in Iran 40 years ago matters
Abol and Monir watched the Shah’s fall from New York, aware that Abol’s aristocratic background would make a return to Iran almost impossible.
Much of what they owned was now gone, they knew, as homes were seized by the authorities. “The best antiques and carpets found their way into the mullahs’ homes,” Monir wrote.
“Were my mirror mosaics hanging now on some mullah’s wall?” she wondered. “More than anything else, I regretted the loss of my drawings, not just because those sketchbooks had followed me all through my life, but damn it, they were really good.”
Iran’s women before and after the revolution
The $3bn art collection hidden in Tehran vaults
Most of the last 40 years of Monir’s life were spent in New York, and eventually saw her work exhibited to larger and larger audiences. The biggest challenge she had to overcome, she told the Guardian in 2011, was getting people to view Iran differently.
“In America, after the revolution, after the [Gulf] war, nobody wanted to do anything with Iran,” she said. “None of the galleries wanted to talk to me. And after September 11 – my God. No way. Rather than being a woman, it was difficult just being Iranian.”
Image copyright Rose Issa Projects
Image caption Monir Farmanfarmaian in her workshop in Tehran
After Monir’s death, Middle East cultural historian Shiva Balaghi wrote that Monir and Abol would often walk by the Guggenheim Museum in New York as it was being built in the late 1950s. One day, Monir told Abol, she would exhibit her art there.
That day came in 2015, with one of her largest shows yet, Infinite Possibility. Abol, with whom she had another daughter, was not there to witness the show, having died of leukaemia in 1991.
There was time for one last move back to Iran, where Monir continued working with the craftsmen she so valued.
She was critical of the direction the country was taking, telling the Guardian in 2011 it was becoming “more devilish and more awful” with “these stupid Islamist things”. One work, Lightning for Neda, was produced in tribute to a young Iranian woman, Neda Agha-Soltan, shot dead during protests in 2009.
But her work had a receptive audience in Iran, and in 2017 the Monir Museum – the first Iranian museum dedicated to the works of a female artist – opened in Tehran. It was here that a memorial to Monir was held by her friends on Thursday.
“All my inspiration has come from Iran – it has always been my first love,” she said when the museum opened.
“When I travelled the deserts and the mountains, throughout my younger years, all that I saw and felt is now reflected in my art.”
Image copyright The Third Line
All pictures copyright
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go-dark-turtle · 3 years
"Ah excellent so how much will that be?" Irri sighed with relief. 
"Let's see, that will be 300 coins please." Toadsworth smirked
"HOW MUCH?!" Irri was gobsmacked. "Well don't just sit there Andi pay the man."
"Sorry Irri, we left in a rush. I forgot to pick up my wallet." Andi sighed. 
Irri turned to BreadSquid and she shook her head, he looked at Ralfonic and sighed more "Alright then, you three go on ahead. I'll catch up." 
Andi BreadSquid and Ralfonic exited the taxi and waited by the gates. 
"Here take these. Thanks for the ride I guess." Irri opened his change purse and placed 300 coins in Toadsworth's hand. 
"And an extra 100 for the cheek from little missy too." Toadsworth smiled more. 
"Are you serious?" Irri scoffed.
"Quite so, I don't tolerate rudeness." Toadsworth shrugged. 
 "Ugh, fine here." Irri surrendered more coins to him. 
"Thank you and it was a pleasure. Thank you for using Toadsworth Taxis." Toadsworth grinned. 
"Yeah, well, we will see about that..." Irri mumbled under his breath. 
Irri stepped out of the taxi and slammed the door behind him, Toadsworth waved to them all while reversing back onto the road and BreadSquid waved to him back, grinning. 
"BreadSquid, don't wave to him. He just cost you your bonus for the month." Irri walked towards them by the gate. 
BreadSquid stopped waving and pouted "WHAT?! OH COME ON!" 
Irri rubbed his ears from the loud impact "You were rude to him, but we can discuss this later. Let's find the car and storm the castle." 
Andi walked up to the gates and tried to pull it open and grunted as they wouldn't budge. He was frustrated, annoyed but then a light bulb went off in his head and he leaped up to the gate and started to climb it. He grinned but as soon as he tried to swing his leg over the top he got stuck. 
"Irri, help me I'm stuck. I can't get down. HEEEELLLLPPPPP!" Andi pleaded at the top of his voice.
Irri, BreadSquid and Ralfonic stood below Andi shaking their heads. 
"You are going to get us caught! Get down here!" Irri yanked Andi's belt and he landed on the ground. 
"Oww... Irri didn't need to be so rough..." Andi rubbed his butt from the impact. "How did you guys get over this side?"
"You tried to pull the gate when it's a push one." BreadSquid winked at Andi.
"Oh, you are so cheeky..." Andi stood up and went to shove her again but his eyes beamed with excitement as he saw his beloved Parade Kart behind her and ran down the path. "GOLDIE!"
"Andi! Would you please settle down." Irri ran after him with Ralfonic and BreadSquid at his side. 
Andi hugged the bonnet of the car "Ah it's so good to see you again." 
"Pfft, get a room Andi..." BreadSquid laughed at Andi. 
Andi looked up to her and stared her down, in return she shrugged. Irri pulled BreadSquid aside. 
"Come along BreadSquid, we need to have a chat with the princess. Andi check the car for any damage and sort it out will you? We need you to come and get us in the next 10 mins or so, Bready will have the signal ready." Irri patted Andi's back. 
"Oh sure, okay no problem." Andi smiled, 
"Have fun with your... car, Andi." BreadSquid smirked at him.
"Bready, come on, we don't have time to waste." Irri raised his eyebrow. 
"Coming Boss~" She still winked at Andi and followed behind Ralfonic and Irri. 
Andi pouted at her, teasing him, but as soon as they left he checked around the front for damage. 
Meanwhile inside the castle....
"Princess, it looks like we have intruders in our main garden, what should we do?" Blue Toad informed the princess from the window with binoculars.
"Send the Shyguy Squad to welcome our dear guests." Peach smirked on her throne. "How dare they come to MY castle after what they did." 
"Of course my princess," Blue Toad bowed to her. "Deploy the Shyguy Squad at once!"
Irri Ralfonic and BreadSquid took to the stairs, anytime they saw the Toad guards they hugged the wall and once they passed them BreadSquid sleathly knocked them out with splat bombs.
"Great work BreadSquid." Irri smirked as they sneaked down the hallway. 
"Thanks Boss. I'm glad I brought my best weapons with me and...." BreadSquid was cut off. 
"Bready?" Irri turned around and saw she had vanished, he turned to Ralfonic and nodded to him "Stay close, I have a feeling they have found us." 
They both felt the pressure of being caught, they dashed down the hallway and started to climb to the 2nd floor. Irri turned around to check on Ralfonic but he was nowhere to be seen, he stopped in his tracks and spun around in a panic. 
"Ralfonic?" Irri's eyes scanned the stairway to find him. 
He then realised he was all on his own, he pressed against the wall looking side to side keeping his eyes peeled for anyone that could strike. He pulled out his flip phone and speed dialed Andi's car. 
"Looks like you're too late there, we have your friends already and you are next." Blue Toad jumped down from the ceiling with a team of Shyguys, surrounded Irri and forced him to drop his phone by pointing their spears at him. "Take him to see the princess!" 
Irri held his hands up knowing he couldn't escape this but he smirked "Heh, it's funny, that was where I was headed. Thanks for making this easier for me." 
"Don't get smart with us! Let's go boys!" Toad nudged him forward.
Meanwhile outside...
Andi checked the inside of the car and then heard the ringtone go off. He leaned over and took the call. 
"Hello? Irri?" Andi waited for a reply "Irri?" 
He grew concerned that he didn't answer and ended the call and sat in the driver's seat about to drive into the castle but then someone he wasn't expecting waved to him from the path. 
"Luigi?" Andi's eyes beamed with excitement. 
"Oh hey Andi, what are you doing here?" Luigi smiled and ran over to the car.
"Well, we came to get the car back since you stole it." Andi shrugged. 
"Ah yeah, that was Toad's idea. Sorry about your house, Andi. I feel bad everyone made such a mess on my behalf." Luigi sighed.
"Ah, don't worry, it wasn't your fault. Oh, that explains why the seat is forward, anyway I just had a call from Irri and he didn't answer. I fear he and the others are in trouble. Ah Luigi, would you like to come with me and save them?" Andi smiled at the plumber. 
"Well, good thing I am an expert on the layout of the castle." Luigi tapped his nose. 
Andi's eyes shined with excitement and grinned. Luigi smiled and sat behind Andi in the Parade Kart. Andi smirked and revved the engine. 
"Buckle up Luigi this is going to be a bumpy ride!" Andi stepped on the accelerator pedal and Luigi braced himself for a speedy ride. 
Meanwhile back in Princess Peach's chambers...
Peach still sat on her throne and looked at the three intruders knelt before her. BreadSquid glared at her and tried to wriggle free. Ralfonic growled at her and Irri smugly smiled. 
"Well, well, well, looks like the tables have turned for you Princess. We are here to take back what is ours so I demand a pair of velvet curtains and payment for ALL the damage you did in MY mansion." Irri raised his eyebrow at her. 
"You aren't in a position to bargain with me. You shall pay for trespassing." Peach folded her arms. 
"Yeah well, that's not going to happen." Irri stood up and ripped the ribbon wrapped around him free and rushed to his allies and untied their ribbons. "Like I said, it's YOU that's going to pay." 
"Yeah! That's right princess!" BreadSquid pointed her N-Zap 89 at her and smirked. 
"Guards! GUARDS!" Peach flinched in her throne. 
A small team of Toads rushed into the room and surrounded the squad again. BreadSquid threw a bomb upwards and pushed Irri and Ralfonic aside as it landed on the small group of Toads. 
"ARGHH! What the hell is this!" One Toad screamed.
"IT'S INK! AHHHH!" Another Toad panicked.
"So Princess, let's make this more interesting then eh?" BreadSquid leaned against her throne and rubbed her nails to her chest "How about we play a game, if we win, you pay us back for everything you broke." 
"Hm, and if you lose?" Peach raised her eyebrow.
"Ah well, uhhhh, then Andi will stay here with you all forever." BreadSquid smirked but got pulled aside by Irri 
"What are you doing BreadSquid? Are you nuts? You know Andi is our driver, how the hell will we get back home if he stays here." Irri whispered to her.
"Well we better win then." BreadSquid smirked.
Irri sighed at her, nodded and looked at the princess. "That's our wager, Princess."  
"Oh how very exciting, I accept, since you happen to be their leader, you shall play on their behalf. I will ask for my best to take you down." Peach smugly grinned. 
"Bring it on Princess, you have no idea what Boss is capable of." BreadSquid smirked back. 
Irri smiled and folded his arms but then an idea struck his head and he knelt down to Ralfonic. "Say, you wouldn't mind doing me a favour, my trusty mobile device you wouldn't mind finding it for me and making a call on my behalf could you?" 
Ralfonic nodded and Irri smiled softly to Ralfonic and patted his head, the wolf took his leave and Irri grinned next to BreadSquid. 
"Shyguy squad get the dancing stage ready and summon my star player." Peach grinned back. 
"Wait a second, what's going on?" Irri was confused.
"Hm, you asked for this. We are having a dance off. I hope you are ready because he is on his way. Peach grinned more.
Irri scoffed, "Well he better show up soon, let's dance already." 
Meanwhile in the main lobby...
Andi and Luigi drove down the wide lobby to the hallway on the west side of the castle. 
"That certainly didn't sound like a customer worthy ride if you ask me Andi." Luigi shook his head hearing about the taxi ride to the castle. 
"It was all Bready's fault but anyway we made it. It's just been an eventful day to say the least." Andi turned his head and smiled at Luigi.  
"You are telling me.. Oh Andi wacth out!" Luigi pointed ahead.
"Oh crap!" Andi swerved the car missing a few Toad guards and suddenly stopped from the sudden turn. 
"Hey! You shouldn't be driving in here! Lets go after him boys!" The one Toad ordered the others. They all glared and started to approach the car.
"Oh no Andi! Drive, drive, DRIVE!" Luigi panicked and pointed ahead.
"Ah right, right." Andi faced forward again and held onto the wheel more. 
Andi pressed his foot down on the accelerator pedal more and they both drove off in a flash leaving a built up of dust in the Toad guard's face and drove up the stairs.
"Turn right here Andi and up the spiral stairs" Luigi looked behind him and saw the Toad guards.
"Don't let them escape boys!" the Toad guard leader commanded. 
"HOW ARE THEY ABLE TO CATCH UP WITH US?!" Andi was shocked at how fast the Toads ran after them. Luigi held onto the headrest in front of him, not daring to move. 
Just then the ringtone went off again and Andi leaned over to answer it all while drifting up the stairs. 
"Hello Irri?" Andi asked but then he heard low grunts and growls "Ah, it's you Ralfonic, what's that? Irri has been challenged by the princess and he asked you to call me? Where are you? Uh huh? Okay. Don't worry we are on our way, stay where you are. Ah, I'm with Luigi. Yes, that's right. Okay we are on our way."
Back in the princess's chambers...
"You got this Boss, take down Mario he has nothing on you!" BreadSquid gave Irri a high five and smirked at Mario. 
Mario spun around and smiled "Let's dance then." 
Irri and Mario took to the stage, the floor beneath them lit up and a giant screen lowered down from the ceiling. 
"Wait? Is this..." irri smirked "heh, bring it on Mario"  
"Go Boss, take him down!" BreadSquid screamed from the sidelines. 
The music blasted and the screen lit up with colours, Mario smiled at Irri and bowed. 
"I'll let you play what you like?" Mario gave Irri control over the song selection.
Irri stepped forward and used the touch screen to scroll through the songs he rubbed his chin trying to make up his mind. 
"Can I get a HOOOOOOYAHHHHHH?" Andi screamed out from the distance
"Andi?" Irri looked up and turned around, looked at the door and smirked "Just in time. I knew I could count on you Ralfonic." 
"Hooooooyahhhh! Hey Boss looks like our ride has arrived!" BreadSquid gave a peace sign. 
 BAM! Andi drove through the doors and drifted past Peach on her throne, as they passed her, Ralfonic winked at her and Andi smirked at her all while Luigi tried to hide himself. 
"What is the meaning of this?!" Peach stood up from her throne, and stamped her feet. "Guards stop them from leaving!" 
"Your ride has arrived~" Andi smirked. 
Irri grinned and opened the door and BreadSquid jumped into the back seat by Luigi and Ralfonic, Irri took his rightful place on the higher seat and smiled and waved to the princess. 
"Well this has been fun but we have to dash now." Irri smirked and waved to her as Andi revved the engine.
Andi floored it out of the princess's chambers and back down the spiral staircase. Ralfonic nudged Irri's hand to get his attention and passed him some velvet curtains. 
"Ah you found some excellent work~" Irri smiled at the wolf. "How did you find these?" 
"Well you see, we were being chased about 10 minutes ago and your wolf friend here leaped out the car, ripped them gracefully from the curtain rail and did a flip and sat back down next to me. It was such a beautiful sight." Luigi's eyes shined in awe remembering the event. 
"Hm, of course that's Ralfonic in a nutshell." Irri nodded. 
Andi was nearing the main lobby and a group of guards stopped in the tracks, he swerved, drifted past them and went right towards the tea garden. 
"Andi keep driving. I have a plan, just head for that garden." Luigi smirked as he fiddled with his gameboo horror. 
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