#and anothee thing
fantasiavii · 10 months
I’m kind of mad about how much more I’m enjoying the first Brandon Sanderson WoT. Like. Rand had a heartfelt moment where he talked about feeling trapped by fate? Nynaeve put herself in someone else’s shoes and felt sympathy for them? Nynaeve acknowledged that Moiraine helped them?? Faile crossed her arms across her chest???
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kryaaas · 1 month
a weird thing about Jean people rarely talk about is that the bitch just sometimes lies lol
there is his "no one is married in Revachol" line (while there are several married couples in the game and jean literally stands right next to the married woman at that moment)
But such occurance isnt not an only one. There several instances where Jean overstates the issue or omits the truth
anothee infamous example of this is in the timeline where kim got shot and jean claims: "kitsuragi is barely clinging to his life!!" despite the fact that jean had visisted kim in the hospital before knows that his condition is stable. To continue putting blame on harry for kim getting shot he also conviently does not mention the fact that kim was upset at JEAN and not harry
anothing thing I found is that jean tells different things depending on how harry responds
If harry is evasive with his answer:
YOU - "I thought the killer would be underwater. He wasn't."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Ha-ha-ha, ho-ho-ho." He grabs his stomach in mirthless laughter. "Underwater killer. So funny, Harry. Thank you for fucking me."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Thank you for destroying 45,000 reál of police property that's coming out of *my* payslip. You know that, right? You're gonna get fired. And I'm gonna pay till I die..."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "It doesn't matter." He exhales to calm his breathing. "Your badge, Harry. Show me your badge."
But If Harry is truthful its:
YOU - "I drove it into the ocean when I was drunk."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "So *refreshing*. He just admits it. Thank you for your honesty. Thank you for destroying 45,000 reál of police property that's coming out of *everyone's* payslip."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "It doesn't matter." He exhales to calm his breathing. "Your badge, Harry. Show me your badge."
Jean choses to emphasises different things depending on circumstances.
Harry's evasive answer gets Jean annoyed so he is emphasizing *his* suffering and harry being *fired* to make him feel additional guilt.
In the second case Harry tells the truth so Jean is more reasonable. Now its *everyones* payslip. He still wants Harry to feel guilt but now its a lot less drastic.
There is also a line when jean claims that "harry is the reason why we have to take sensitivity trainings" and like.im sorry but this is such a fucking bullcrap. harry is the main reason?? really? what about mack and chester? lets be honest the reason why they are taking these trainings is because cops in their precinct are fucking assholes including jean
TL:DR jean is very very very emotionally-charged unreliable narrator. jean's lying (or exaggerating the truth, if we are being nice) is a pattern and not just isolated occurances
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aeaesabella-hyv · 4 months
(⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠) C. 1
Act 1: 𝘐𝘤𝘦𝘥 𝘊𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘦 𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦!
The day finally clicked to a stop at the shop.
Thankfully, Y/N managed to get the refund the guy asked and went on her merry way to sleeping once again.
Grabbing her bag, she checked the staff room for any last bits she might have left.
Keys? in her hands. Phone? Holding it. Wallet? in her bag. Work clothes? hanged up on a hanger. Extra clothes? in a plastic bag in her bag.
Once she checked for any missing which she found was none, she closed the brakers and closed all the lights. Deeming the café to be closed.
Walking down the streets with a hum to accompany her, she felt surreal in this quiet place. Usually there would be a lot more noises of people talking and noises of cars but she didn't see any which made her a bit more peaceful.
With her head in the clouds, a accidental bump into someone and a dropping of items made her clouds disappear. She looked at them and immediately apologized. "Im so sorry!" she said, helping them pick their items up.
Although it wasnt your normal items. It was chips, no no, not the food. Gambling chips. Nevertheless she still helped the person pick them up one by one. "Im so so sorry! I didn't watch where I was going and–"
"Oh don't worry your pretty head about it. It's fine, it's fine~ Its no worries." the young man said.
A young man with sandy-blond, medium-length hair and magenta and cyan eyes with black slitted pupils.
"Still, I should be sorry for not paying attention. Have a nice night!" Y/N said, taking a short bow to him as anothee apology and sped walked straight. Being completely embarrassed by that situation.
The blonde looked back at her and found himself amused. Seeing how she reacted made him feel better than before.
He noticed a bear keychain hanging on her bag, it looked a lot like the mascot for the coffee shop nearby. Guessing she worked there, he already knew what type of person she was by such a short time.
Y/N's apartment.
After that encounter, she didn't have any thoughts for the rest of the walk. She only payed attention to the granite and the people around her. Trying to avoid another situation like earlier.
The loud clicks of her shoes made a significant echo in the stairwell as she climbed up. Making sure not to wake her neighbors up as she walked.
Reaching her floor, she grabbed her keys and opened the door which lead to her room. A smell of the small room hit her and immediately made her mind feel sleepy and tired.
Shaking her head, she removed her shoe and closed the door. Throwing the bag in a corner and got changed almost quickly. She checked the time and saw it was still ten o' seven so she still had about a few minutes before the lack of sleep hits her hard.
She thought about the day she had. To the opening of the store, hearing a complain from a the guy until the bumping into that man events. She usually didn't have this much things happening in her works days but she thought it might be a small warning of the most busiest days she will come.
At ten thirty, she was already knocked out on the bed. The blanket no longer covering her despite having it wrapped around her before the sleep striked.
—End of Chapter 1
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
Can you do a little story about rocket fled au ash steling some pokemon. I really like that au.
Mmmmm sure!
The pokecenter was always quiet at night. The thrum of technology being the only loud noise that echoed in the walls.
Ash crept by, keeping his body low as he crept along the floors.
His suit was purely black, and while he didnt need a mask, he knew it was still possibly for those Mew-damned cameras to catch a glimpse of him.
And then it would be over.
He tapped the floor once, watching Meowth turn around.
Pikachu followed a second after, confusion littered across his tiny bright colored face.
Meowth nudged Pikachu over to the edge, closest to edge before he darted off, falling onto all fours as he sprinted across the center in a familiar pattern.
His partner was so smart.
Ash tapped again, Pikachu glanced over and at Ash's waving hand, hesitantly crept back to him.
He didn't blame the mouse, he was still fairly new and didnt know Ash's full process yet.
He smiled, gave the Mouse a little nod and waited.
Pikachu perked up, surprise coloring his face as the lights flickered.
Ash clicked his tongue and Pikachu followed beautifully, bith of them racing around the main service desk quietly and into an unfamiliar room.
Pokeballs all lined across the area, and Ash focused slightly.
He glanced over as the door creaked open, a proud feelig bubbling in his chest as Pikachu immediately turned, fur sparking gently only to fall when Meowth grinned at him.
Ash vaguely swiped over the pokeballs.
Meowth sauntered over, poking Pikachu's nose and then his own, moving over to sniff each and every pokeball.
Pikachu hesitantly followed, eyes closing as he too inspected each one.
Meowth grabbed one, then another, then anothee, handing them ovee to Ash as Pikachu passed over one.
Ash nodded, motioning outwards, and the three of them crept back to their roims.
Meowth broke off midway, and As Ash slipped back into the room with Pikachu in tow, the lights outside the room flickered heavily once more before steadying in strength.
A minute later, Meowth pounced into the room, grooming his paw proudly as the door locked behind him.
"Dis gets easiah and easiah every time." Meowth grinned, nidging Pikachu. "Your first heist went well, once we get more in the zone. You'll be a pro."
"We only takes a handful of Pokemons. The ones that smell less like humans are the ones that are forgotton or left behinds. The Nurse's wont realize dere gone for a loooong time."
"Pi pichu."
"Nah din't worry's about it. You'd be surprised by how many trainahs dont realize dere pokemon is missing till its too late."
"Let's see our haul." Ash stopped them, even as Pikachu looked increasingly nervous. "Meowth."
Meowth saluted him, digging into the bag at the floor before handing Ash a familiar looking device.
He slapped it onto he pokeball, taking out his Pokedex and tapping the device.
The pokemon underneath registered under his name.
4 pokemon, a strange haul but not an unfamiliar one.
"Dad's gym being here gives us the opportunity to get really strong pokemon." Ash explained to Pikach, removing the device from the Pokeball and passing it to the next. "And it looks like we got an interesting one."
Pikachu peaked over, as did Meowth when he pounced onto the bed.
"Magikarp- Of course," Meowth scowled. "Why do trainers insists on getting these things just to leave dem behind."
"Theyre assholes." Ash grinned, "Probably aiming for a Gyarados against my dad."
"A Fearow?" Meowth swiped at the screen. "Its probably weak."
"We need a flying type."
"Dat's useless against your dad."
"I know."
"Pi pikachu."
Ash glanced down, face scrunching up."
"A Beedrill... Really? Of all the things-,"
"Dey could be strong," Meowth sighed, shaking his head. "Give it a shot kid."
"Shuttup," Ash scowled. "Let's see what Pikachu brought."
He swiped left again, only for his face to color in surprise.
"Is dat a Flareon?"
"Looks like we got a decent one." Ash hummed, ignorig Meowth's twisted face.
"Flareons are da weakest of da Eevee trio. Dey learn next to nothing!"
"So are Meowths," Ash shot back, rolling his eyes. "I taught you to be strong without looking at your moves. But with all 4 of these, we can at least get a decent start. All of these except Flareon aren't gonna look too weird. But we can always futz this for a traded pokemon."
"Pi pikachu?"
"Yeah, you did good." Ash smiled, rubbing his new partnee's head and watching the mouse melt under his touch.
It was a good start after all
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dreastmilk · 3 months
Bro im stressed as hell just reading your anons dont listen to them do not outright lie on your resume.
If you want anothee assisting hand, if you want a professional looking resume template i can send you the template my sister and I have used successfully. Or I can glance over your template and give you some pointers/things to adjust but please please please do not outright lie on your resume
I will Not send anyone on here my resume for Internet Privacy And Security reasons but I appreciate the effort 🫶 I'm just gonna do what that one anon suggested and go to my local library to find resources for this 🫶🫶
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kyovtani · 2 years
I’m glad ur asking bc I BEEN thinking about and talking about calc Kyou during and after readers pregnancy 🤭🫣
of cigarettes and love confessions!kyoutani is definitely my absolute favorite i've ever written and i'm so happy you guys love him just as much as i do 🥺💗🌥️
cw: female reader, mentions of pregnancy, dad!kyou, anxiety and paternal struggles, light smut, indications of impregnation kink
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— when kyoutank first finds out about your pregnancy he's...shocked. of course he kept talking about it and deep down he's never wanted anything as much as a child with you, yet he couldn't help but hold himself back because he didn't want to pressure or stress you.
however, he got used to the thought of it pretty quickly. every now and then, he would talk about name suggestions and things like toys and other things regarding the baby's room. the two of you quickly agreed to two names, yet kyoutani was the one who didn't want to find out until the little one's here, so he'd just call them "little bean" or "my love".
you never expected kyoutani kentarou, of all men you've ever known, to sit down and read books about opics like gentle parenting or solid foods, even sensory toys to help with the baby's development. yet every time you came home, you found him with one of those in his hands and couldn't stop falling in love with him even more.
kyoutani made sure to give you everything you craved, needed and wanted. as soon as your belly started to grow a little, he basically prohibited you to do any chores around the house to stop you from unnecessarily exhausting yourself and the baby.
he spent hours painting, decorating and building the nursery, even calling over his boys to have them help him with the crib, which turned out to be his biggest enemy. once he had managed to finish it all about a month before the estimated due date, you caught him just sitting on the little armchair he had placed for you to sit on while breastfeeding and admiring everything about the little room.
and different than you expected – or feared – his love and affection for you seemed to double in its size with each day passing by. whenever he was near you, he'd had to make sure to touch you in some way, his body basically craving your presence and making it so much easier for you to let go of all those anxious and doubtful thoughts.
kyoutani was also quick to reassure you whenever something didn't work out as planned, telling you how proud he is of you for doing something so magical and giving your everything and whenever he needed it, you didn't miss anothee moment to give him said love and reassurance back.
when the baby arrived, kyoutani turned into a completely different person – in the best way possible. watching the way he grew into his role as a father had become the best experience and with every day you found yourself falling in love with him all over again.
every time you woke up in the middle of the night to breastfeed, he'd wake up with you, bringing you little snacks or water, sometimes massaging your sore feet not giving a single fuck about all the hours of sleep he's gonna miss.
sometimes he'd tell you to pump a little more for the night so you could sleep without having to wake up again, promising to get up when the baby needed him. and even if his face was dripping in exhaustion and lack of sleep, there was always this certain type of peace adorning his beautiful features.
and once the baby started sleeping a little longer, kyoutani made sure to take just as good care of your needs and desires. whenever he sensed the stress and anxiety overwhelming you, he'd pound you into the mattress and make you cum for hours, basically fucking you to sleep.
throughout the whole journey, kentarou's determination too give you his everything was what mad it so much easier and less scary for you than you had expected it to be, which is probably why you don't mind the little promises of another baby each time he made love to you.
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phantomraeken · 1 year
I have a few things that im just gonna dump
1) Shoul i do brett or liam next? (Mood board + facts)
2) Anothee side story (1 chapt.) For WR maybe? Idk im really focused on summertime sadness rn i need opinions
3) sgould i actually start writing wilted roses yet? I'd need to find someone to proof read + help plan but i really want to start already
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elfelt-valentine · 1 year
ooh ask game? 22 and 25 lol. u can talk abt keroro or transformers or whatever comes to mind. hater mode activate
Oh you KNOW i love to be a little hater thank you thank you
im not that close to the transformers fandom, but we'll see
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Not rly a favorite part but I think when it comes to Keroro Gunso many ignore the fact that these characters have different ages, specifically like. Tamama. The special case of hatred i have for ppl is when someone ships Pururu and Garuru like idk. He knew her as like. A ten year old. Idk the age gap between Garuru and Giroro but i always felt it was pretty significant. I'd imagine he was like "17" At BEST when we hear of him in chibi keroro parts. But it's just meeeeee
Anothee thing i feel very often overlooked is that robot from the future in one of the later eps i feel so bad i dont remember his name but i can't even LOOK it UP cuz he doesnt have a WIKI PAGE. I thought he was awesome and cute and deserves the world actually.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
I'D SAY IF KERORO. HAD FANDOM. LMAO FHSJFJDJFJSJF if anything im the source of 99% complaints but i remember someone complaining over putameke shippers and it might he the coldest take I've ever seen so.
Same thing comes for transformers I'm not that active or even interact or see things that much there, so most of complaints are just my own FHSJDJWJDJ i think the stupidest thing that annoys me no matter the fandom is discourse around childish characters ages even when in canon they're very very very very very very obviously adults and people keep whining about it. In some cases its just agree to disagree situation but people make it out more of a problem than it is.
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novemberhave · 11 months
post coitus yes as if as if it coukd be as if things could be the way they could but i will dtay inthe same place with no excuse to get out and no drive to reveal everyhring about myself to anothee perion agin without doubt this time in my self i was born an my heart was cut and the black liquid seeps out of it pours out my empathy is poured out i really do know everyhting and i really do not know if my flesh is flesh why cant i just open myself up reveal there is more than the flash im much conscious of at moment
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Yo I'm awake now
But I had an idea for an au
Basically, it might be a Spooky Month x Reader thing, or I might just make it anothee Vessel thing? But like in The Omnia, they go to the house on the hill (willingly this time) and end up touching an object they aren't supposed to. And when a force is sent through the town, basically every adult in town now has a crush on them(though it doesn't have stages, and is just more like the realistic stages of actually having a crush/falling in love with someone instead of being exaggerated). And Vessel or Reader doesn't even realize what they've done until they slowly start to notice over the episodes that everyone is acting weird, and by the final episode they only JUST realize every adult in the town has a crush on them because of the object and that they now have to fix it since forced love is wrong and that none of them are willingly falling in love with them anyway.
Oooo, this sounds neat! Accidental harem with a potential deconstruction
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kunoo · 1 year
bit of an on the spot burst
sometimes I think what would have happened if I never discovered tumblr 🥲 but I think the hard work that I did here paid off. I can't imagine being sane without you guys cause personally I look back at my time here and realize how mature i became 💀
well believe it or not before I was really immature which was evident in the early times in this blog (main), also I used way too much visually appealing symbols that irritate me LMAO <- of which some are from languages and i sincerely apologize using, I've stopped and realized it was wrong lmao the aesthetic b4 burns my eyes now
I was more of the uh.. very bombastic aesthetic theme kind of girl before and now I find solace and peace in simplicity 😭 I would have never been this good in writing, english or gone as far as I have now
I think all the things that happened here helped me mature lmao, including the drama unfortunately but right now I'm not sparing ze haters any time of mine to reply since those just negatively impact me
ughhhh right now even though I'm not really happy in real life, I think I'm happy with my life here 😞😞 #emotional /j
I'm just very glad i met all sorts of people here that have helped me one way or anothee ksbakdbskjss
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dannobfg · 3 years
better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all
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doebt · 3 years
Like have you ever met a well trained like decently behaved pomeranian/ papillon /shih tzu/ whatever those little white ones are...its just something about those breeds
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magno-knight · 3 years
I felt literal stress watching nevertheless
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kashilascorner · 3 years
Can I please have a good book on human sexuality / sexology that's good to read but also not dressed in this weird white feminist lens please
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