#and anytime someone tries to bring it up they claim that 'its not the priority right now' because theyre focusing on racism in the space
I've been going to the lgbt group for like 4 years now and there's definitely been some issues but I've had enough positive experiences to make it worth it.
And they have guidelines in place to try and keep it safe for everyone, one of these is "no isms" generally defined as no racism, sexism, ableism, antisemitism, etc. (Whether those are enforced is an entirely different issue). They've always added the caveat that feminism is the allowed "ism" they used to say inclusive feminism or intersectional feminism but now the "allowed feminism" is trans inclusive radical feminism.
Which is perfectly in line with how many times people in that space have told me that I shouldn't "want" to be a man and that starting t was going to turn me into a monster.
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shedoesthings · 5 years
I Need To Know
Hello! I know I used to write Riverdale imagines but I had this idea for a Stranger Things story I wanted to get out of my brain so here’s the start! I have many ideas to make it into several parts so if you guys are interested let me know! 
Billy Hargrove x Reader
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Halloween was always a shit time of year for me. It was around this time three years ago that my parents came up to me and said they were getting divorced. I had expected that part, the arguments in the house seemed to make the good memories just disappear. They were not happy together anymore, fallen out of love as they put it. Like I say, I expected that after everything. What I didn’t expect was the fact that I wouldn’t see my mom again after the separation.
Apparently, according to my dad, she caught the first flight to New York and didn’t look back, not for a second. The last thing I remember of her was when she dragged me along to sign the divorce papers. Her smile was the happiest I’d seen in years and in a way, I was happy for her, I was old enough to know that parents do get divorced, that people just can’t make relationships work sometimes. That was life. And when she dropped me off back at home she promised she’d be round in a week at the latest. She just needed time to get settled in her new place. I never heard from her again. I guess that was the thing about Hawkins, once people leave you won’t hear from them again, they move on to bigger and brighter things. That was one of the reasons I was so desperate to get out of here.
Me and my best friend had it all planned out, to leave this town as soon as possible, we never quite pin pointed where, but we knew it had to be a city, far away. Every summer since we were 14 we worked out asses off at whatever jobs seemed to open up, we studied so hard, determined to get into a good college Well… I studied, Steve just kind of ran the school instead. ‘King Steve’ as he was formally known, was different to 14-year-old Steve. His priorities changed a lot, he became more involved in the popularity contest of high school, but he was still the same to me, still my secretly dorky best friend who would always come over to mine at the weekend, even if he hadn’t had time to style his hair, just so we could talk crap for hours.
That was until last year, when Steve got a girlfriend. I knew he liked Nancy months before he made a move, it was obvious, he wouldn’t stop going on about her, and I couldn’t blame him, she was gorgeous, she was so lovely that I didn’t mind at all when he started bringing her along to anything we did together. It just meant that I never got any alone time with Steve any more. That summer I worked my ass of as usual, Steve spent most of his time with Nancy, it seemed like I was the only one who was still interested in our plan anymore.
“Hellllooooo?...” a voice said from behind me, snapping me out of my daze. I turned around to see Jonathan leaning against my neighbouring locker, his eyebrows raised at me.
“What?” I reply, trying to remember that I’m in school and that should be my focus, not everything else. Especially around Jonathan, we had only really became friends around a year ago, when his brother went missing we really connected. I told him about my mom which he claimed to be helpful, said he felt like someone else other than his mom understood a bit. I was unsure if I was actually being helpful by telling him, but I tried to be there for him as much as possible, I knew he needed a friend. I didn’t expect everything I would be getting into by being his friend…
“I said, are you going to that stupid Halloween party tonight?” he laughed.
“Oh, um, maybe, I don’t know…”
“Yes, you definitely are” said another voice. I turned back around to see Steve standing just behind me.
“Don’t you know its rude to listen to other people’s conversations Harrington?” I joked.
“You can’t not go, come on, its tradition” He had a point. Every year since my mom left, Steve knew how much I started to despise Halloween. When she first left, we felt like we were too old for trick or treating, so we snuck into some party and drank till we forgot what day it was. Since then we had done the same thing every year for the last three years. Although we didn’t have to sneak into these parties any more, Steve’s popularity meant he was always one of the first to be invited, me by default.
“Fine, I guess I can find a costume from somewhere”
“Yessss, that’s the spirit” he smiled at me, I think he knew how much this tradition of ours meant to me, letting me know he was still there for me even if we didn’t feel so close anymore.
“By the way” I say turning to Jonathan. “That means you definitely have to come now” I smile as he rolls his eyes at me, knowing full well I wouldn’t give up until he agreed. I knew how rough this time of year was for him too now, coming up to the year anniversary of Will’s disappearance I knew Will was safe at home now, but it must still be tough for him, so he needed a little fun too.
“Looking good” Steve shouted out the window as I walked out of my house to his car. I smiled and did a little twirl on my walk down the drive, before climbing into the back of the car. We were picking up Nancy next and I knew she would take the front seat.
I had tried a little with my outfit, I borrowed a ripped up old top from my dad tucked it into some leather trousers and old leather boots. I back-combed my hair a small amount and added some black eye liner. Someone would say I’m dressed as some old rock star and I’d just go along with that for the evening. Minimum effort, but hopefully a good pay off for not being prepared.
When we had picked up Nancy and arrived at the party, it was already packed. Less than a minute passed when I turned to say something to Steve and both him and Nancy had disappeared off. I sighed, knowing it would be a while before I saw either of them again, and with no sign of Jonathan just yet I was left to my own devices, this called for a drink.
I wandered outside where I was a bunch of guys surrounding a keg of beer. They were all holding a guy by his legs, cheering him on. I spotted a table next to them with a few already poured beers so I made my way over to grab one before heading back inside.
“WE HAVE A NEW KEG KING LADIES AND GENTLEMEN” shouted one of the guys as they lowed him to the ground. That’s when I got a good look at him, must have been about 6ft tall, long blonde curly hair and a confident look in his eyes. He smirked to himself.
“That’s how its done Hawkins” he shouted raising his firsts into the air while the others continued to cheer. His smug look only grew as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it, blowing smoke in the air triumphantly as he looked at the others. Such a mighty look on his face as if they were his minions.
I shook my head and laughed, taking a sip of my beer. There must have been a break in the cheers, so my laughter was heard as the next thing I knew he was making his way over to me. His eyebrows raised, confidence all over his face.
“Something funny?” He smirked. Its then I realised what he was wearing, plain black jeans and just a leather jacket, his full chest on display, I’ve seen worse I guess. But definitely going for the same rocker vibe as me.
“Nothing at all” I sighed as I shook my head, taking a sip of my beer.
“I don’t think we’ve been introduced”
“I don’t think we have”
“Fancy telling me your name?” Instantly I knew he was the type of guy who expected girls to fall all over him. Typical really, and quite sad. I give him a thoughtful look, as if considering his question. I can see the impatience growing on his face. “I need to know your name”
“No, you don’t, really” I reply, looking at the lit cigarette in his mouth. I carefully reach over and take it from his lips. “Mind if I have this?” I ask, already taking a drag before blowing the smoke in his face. He smirks at me as I do so. “No? Thanks”, I reply as I begin to walk away.
“The names Billy don’t forget it”
Little did I know I wouldn’t forget the name anytime soon.
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tfwhynoy · 5 years
Timer soulmate au with Tfp Shockwave perhaps? I think it would be cute. Also, I absolutely love your work, whatever you are getting paid in whatever job you may have isn't enough because you deserve much better
Idk if this could be considered cute but hopefully it’s interesting. Had fun writing it though!
When you told the bots you’d meet your soulmate within a week everyone was ecstatic for you. They congratulated you and jokingly had you promise to tell them everything about them.
When you had less than twenty hours you were so giddy and excited. It was strange too since you would meet then near night but it’s something you knew months prior and excepted.
You went with Smokescreen on to grab energon while you waited for the day to tick by. The energon mine that had been reclaimed long before was chocked full still and all that really needed to be done was refine the crystals that were already strewn about, put them through the refinery, then take the pure stuff back to base. It was nothing special and while you couldn’t actually help much you still chatted with Smokescreen while the machines refined it.
When a ground bridge opened you both were confused. No one else was supposed to be joining you two.
When vehicons began to flood through you Smokescreen launched into battle as quickly as he could. He was only one mech though, and an inexperienced one at that. He couldn’t even com for help because you were deep in a mine so his comlink didn’t work. You were scared for him and for yourself. You couldn’t help but run as far as you could away from the fight. Even as you ran part of you said to stay and help but what would a single human do against several dozen cons.
You ran deeper into the tunnels till you were out of breath. You hid in a corner that was mostly out of view. Smokescreen would escape and he would go get the rest of the team to save you. They had to. You couldn’t get out alone.
An hour passed. Then another.
It began to hurt to sit in one place for so long.
You were small and quick, at least by cybertronian standards, so maybe you could sneak out and call for help?
The tunnel you ran into was empty as you got out from your hiding spot. You walked quietly and as quickly as you could down then next. Hugging against the walls anytime a vehicon drew near. Thankfully with you being so short they never looked far enough down to see you there, let alone pay attention enough when you crouched behind a rock.
It's in the main area that four caught. With vehicons constantly extracting energon from every wall there just wasn’t anywhere to hide. Despite your best attempts, a vehicle found you and scooped you up immediately. With your relation to the Autobots, you’ll be a better asset alive.
You expected them to interrogate you immediately but apparently when Shockwave heard the news shortly after your arrival he wanted to do it himself. He claimed he’d be more efficient and get some experiments done along the way.
You’ve never really met any of the main cons. You’ve only seen Starscream and Megatron from afar. You’ve heard plenty about everyone else though and didn't like a single thing. Seeing them in person certainly didn't disprove what everyone said and the thought of meeting the emotionless and cruel Shockwave was terrifying.
Of course, it didn't matter what you felt so you kept your lips sealed the whole time you were on the Nemesis. None of Starscream’s mocking got you to snap something back, none of Megatron’s intimation got you to beg for freedom or mercy. You just acted like they didn't exist.
You were put in Shockwave’s lab alone. You wanted to try a daring escape, somehow MacGyver your way to freedom but there was no way you could. The glass of the container you were in was at least an inch thick. The top is only removable from the outside by a cybertronian. You were stuck at step one of an escape, let alone the next dozen.
You watched your timer tick down. Less than ten hours now. Would Shockwave bring someone in that would turn out to be your soulmate?
And yet Shockwave seemed to put you rather low on the priority list. No one came into the lab and you could only twiddle your thumbs.
An hour in and you tried to rock the container onto its side. Maybe you could push it off the edge or something. No matter how you threw your weight around it wouldn't even tip.
Three more hours and you began to feel the effects of such a stressful day. You felt emotionally spent and exhausted. You curled up into a small ball. A small nap wouldn't hurt considering the alternative was just to twiddle your thumbs for who knows how much longer.
You closed your eyes and pretended you were at the Autobot base. The kids had taken up the whole couch so you were just resting on the floor now. You were just spending the night and there weren't enough blankets, that's why you didn't have one. It was a fragile fantasy at best but you weren't trying to really fool yourself into believing it. Just relax enough by pretending you were there so you could rest.
The feeling of movement woke you up. It was Shockwave, his servo tightly holding the container and moving it someplace else. Someplace out of the lab you realized as he walked through the door.
You looked at your timer to see how long you had been asleep. How much longer till you met your soulmate now?
It was all zeros, the grey remains of the timer showing that you had met them.
But you had been asleep! When could you have met them?! Unless…
You looked up at Shockwave. Did you ”meet” him? Even just by waking up and see him? Was this emotionless robot of a cybertronian your soulmate?
”Shockwave?” His head kibble perked up slightly as he turned to you.
”What?” His voice was deep but flat. He almost seemed annoyed.
You opened your mouth to ask him but as his single red optic burned a whole through you the question died in your throat.
”Nevermind.” He tilted his head for a moment then returned to how he had been before you distracted him.
It felt like ages before the destination was reached and you were slightly surprised at what you saw. It just looked like a habsuit. Space and hardly used with only a few datapads stacked neatly here and there to even indicate it was even taken but this was a habsuit. There was a large berth in the corner and a table in the opposite with the formerly mentioned datapads. Looking again and there was a single crate of energon next to the table but nothing more. Why were you here?
”Okaaay. I’m not sure what type of interrogation I was expecting but I wasn’t expecting anything like this.”
”This is no longer an interrogation. With the recent development of you being my sparkmate you will be kept here for observation for the time being.” He set you on the table for a moment but you were still slightly shocked.
”Wait, you’re seriously my soulmate? And you’re just gonna leave me here all day or just sit and watch me or-”
”However illogical it is the simple fact that you are my sparkmate remains unchanged. You will be carried with me to each lab. I will inform Megatron you had nothing of value and that you died in experimentation. I will be collecting things to care for you but for the time being you must remain here.”
You open and closed your mouth wanting to protest but nothing came out. What could you say? You had no power here. You just wanted to go home…
”Will I ever be let go?”
”A logical query. Yes, when I am confident you won't run to the Autobots pleading for help I will let you return to your home.”
Great. Fan-fucking-tastic. Your stuck here for God only knows how long
With him
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