#and bbc merlin gave us dolma
apk02 · 1 year
Reading HP fics is sometimes so funny to me because there are so many characters going 'Merlin's beard' or 'Merlin's balls' or something like that and my mind immediately goes to Colin Morgan
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boardstomymood · 2 years
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‘’So you are… A Magician ?’’ ‘’A Druid.’’ ‘’The Druid who gave us that stupid powder ?’’ ‘’Well…’’ ‘’With no way to turn back to ourselves again.’’ ‘’It will take a couple of days to wear off and we – !’’ ‘’We are a couple of days later, Mer – ! – Wait. Are you even Merlin ? – Who are you ? – There’s no way Merlin could use magic like that.’’ ‘’Why not ?’’ ‘’Magic is for brilliant and evil person. – Merlin is neither.’’ ‘’You literally said the powder idea was stupid.’’ ‘’It is stu – ! – Wait. – So YOU ARE Merlin ?’’ - Arthur to Merlin
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Requested ? : No Inspired by : December Flash Bingo by Merlinbingo Concept : A Tale as Old as Winter Holidays Times (part 2/5) Arts : Moodboard (9 pictures, 2 edits (300x300px (or +) each) + Little 337 words drabble (under the cut) Author's notes : Filling the sun square with that 2nd fill All pictures used are free of use/made via Quotescovers
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---------- A Tale as Old as Winter Holidays Times (part2)----------
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Happy Merlin Bingo ! I hope you will enjoy it ! Thank you for your attention !
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That’s how an undercover Merlin alias Sir Alwyn and Arthur alias Lady Alwyn travel under a bright shinning sun to Threlkeld in their old form. The travel was a long run. Longer then estimated. Their old bodies weren’t as endurant as they imagined. Their physical envelopes were old, slow, and heavy… Reasons the real Alwyn used to decline the Threlkeld invitation each year. Hunting for food was not an easy task, aiming was… not possible for Arthur in Dolma’s trembling body. Standing still for too long was exhausting as well. – So they were counting on berries and the little rations they had (which weren’t enough for the long run). Traveling on horseback was not their brightest idea either (to travel light is to travel faster). It was painful. The constant bumps, up and down, on the road was pressuring Merlin’s now fragile bones. Not a night of sleep was comfortable either, even with all the efforts he put in making a camp for the night. Setting a camp for nights was taking so much time, the night had already fallen when they (and yes, they. Merlin couldn’t set it up alone before dawn, too slow on its own to get the task done) managed to get it done. Packing up at dawn was also an onerous task, leaving them more and more tired. But the route was calm. Arthur stopped complaining, Merlin just stopped talking. Everything was almost… peaceful between them for a while. Cooperation and silence were the key, it seems. They were traveling for 3 days and nights, when, under the bright sun, they encounter their first real problem/obstacle. Some vile guard, here for money, food, and horses. They thought the old couple was the perfect target to their Machiavellian scheme. Arthur tried, in vain, to fight them off. And Merlin had to use magic for the first time in front of him, with no doubt from who it was coming from. The villain brigade was gone, thanks to Merlin, but the Druid wasn’t reassured.
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Author's Footnotes : Thank you for reading ! If you liked it, please kudos, reblog, share ! That was also my 2nd entry (and part) for December Merlin Flash Bingo. Thank you to merlinbingo for hosting it ! Other parts will be posted soon ! Please (if you are interested) take a look on MerlinBingo December Flash Bingo Event others will post some creations as well ! I won't take any fic request for now since I am kind of new at it (in english, at least) for the moment. But my moodboards request are open Bingo Flash Card Used :
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Found on : MerlinBingo December Flash Bingo Event
Disclaimer : And, of course, I don't own any of the Merlin BBC characters mentionned. They are the property of their respective owners.I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. (just in case)
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boardstomymood · 2 years
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''And why am I Lady Alwyn ?'' ''Can't be two Lady Alwyn, isn't it ?'' - Arthur to Merlin
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Requested ? : No Inspired by : December Flash Bingo by Merlinbingo Concept : A Tale as Old as Winter Holidays Times (part 1/5) Arts : Moodboard (9 pictures, 2 edits (300x300px each) + Little 341 words drabble (under the cut) Author's notes : Filling the secret identity square with that first fill All pictures used are captioned OR free of use/made via Quotescovers Captioned images link : - ֍ - ֍ - ֍ - ֍ -
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---------- A Tale as Old as Winter Holidays Times----------
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Happy Merlin Bingo ! I hope you will enjoy it ! Thank you for your attention !
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Arthur must attempt thi year Annual Winter Feast of Threlkeld. It is known that the Princess of Threlkeld will attempt it. Princess who is now a beautiful lady to be married, waiting for the perfect suitor. Which, of course, Arthur is (he thinks). A marriage would link forever Camelot and Threlkeld, two powerful Kingdom, together. And both would be stronger by the alliance. Something his own father, Uther Pendragon would be proud of. This year, the Feast is even hosted in her honor. It is the perfect event to present himself to her and try to impress or even seduce her. But there's the thing, Pendragons are not invited. Worst, they are banned from Threlkeld since Arthur's grand-grand-grand-grand father said to the grand-grand-grand-grand-grand father of the Threlkeld's King that he and his lineage weren't, are and won't be great hosts. As a revenge move, the Pendragons also organize a big celebration on the same date as the Threlkeld one, battling on which event gathers the most years after years. So, Arthur comes up with an idea. He could be invited as a disguised guest, one of those who are invited to the Threlkeld's gathering but are attempting the Pendragon's one. The Alwyn, an old couple of nobles are coming to the Pendragon Feast since the first one occurred. The poor couple is too old to travel as far as Threlkeld domain. Nobody in the Threlkeld Kingdom has seen them for many decades, so nobody knows how they should look like. Arthur thinks that a little bit of makeup and acting could do the trick. He would be able to attempt the event and approach the beautiful Princess of Threlkeld. That's when Merlin interferes and comes back with the perfect powder a ''wise but anonymous druid'' *cough cough* gave him. Once sparkled, the user will take form of an old random folk they have met before. Old as the Alwyn, he insists. Arthur is willing to try it, because he has no fear, but after Merlin, of course. Merlin ends up as... Emerys himself and Arthur as a pale copy of Dolma. Arthur is not that pleased of the result, but he is willing to play it anyway.
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Author's Footnotes : Thank you for reading ! If you liked it, please kudos, reblog, share ! That was also my first entry (and part) for December Merlin Flash Bingo. Thank you to merlinbingo for hosting it ! Other parts will be posted soon ! Please (if you are interested) take a look on MerlinBingo December Flash Bingo Event others will post some creations as well ! I won't take any fic request for now since I am kind of new at it (in english, at least) for the moment. But my moodboards request are open Bingo Flash Card Used :
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Found on : MerlinBingo December Flash Bingo Event
Disclaimer : And, of course, I don't own any of the Merlin BBC characters mentionned. They are the property of their respective owners.I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. (just in case)
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