#and blabber on about whatever
tubbytarchia · 6 months
"Cool ship art, unfortunately I'm interpreting it platonically" dude it's literally fine lol. Guys please. Art is meant to be interpreted. Don't call it unfortunate just because you think your interpretation differs from the artist's vision (and please refrain from using wording that implies strictly correct and wrong interpretations, it dismisses others!)
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cyanorhis · 16 days
one gets to the fire lord’s palace, more specifically, his quarters, his private garden. what one doesn’t know is that amidst it all, in a corner of a wall, hidden in plain sight there is a secret passage to something else. if one passes through it (no one does but him in the latest hours of the night or in the idlest moments of the day), there is a statue of the painted lady in real size proportions. was the fire lord ever particularly devoted to singular spirits? no one can tell. but the statue is there, resembling no fire nation beauty nor any particularly well-known person as far as the masses can tell. they don’t know the face of katara from the southern water tribe, for she is… just as this statue, hidden in plain sight, carved into one person’s memory.
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meirimerens · 1 year
the pathologic Kin is largely fictionalized with a created language that takes from multiple sources to be its own, a cosmogony & spirituality that does not correlate to the faiths (mostly Tengrist & Buddhist) practiced by the peoples it takes inspirations from, has customs, mores and roles invented for the purposes of the game, and even just a style of dress that does not resemble any of these peoples', but it is fascinating looking into specifically to me the sigils and see where they come from... watch this:
P2 Layers glyphs take from the mongolian script:
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while the in-game words for Blood, Bones and Nerves are mongolian directly, it is interesting to note that their glyphs do not have a phonetic affiliation to the words (ex. the "Yas" layer of Bones having for glyph the equivalent of the letter F, the "Medrel" layer of Nerves having a glyph the equivalent of the letter È,...)
the leatherworks on the Kayura models', with their uses of angles and extending lines, remind me of the Phags Pa Script (used for Tibetan, Mongolian, Chineses, Uyghur language, and others)
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some of the sigils also look either in part or fully inspired by Phags Pa script letters...
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some look closer to the mongolian or vagindra (buryat) script
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looking at the Herb Brides & their concept art, we can see bodypainting that looks like vertical buryat or mongolian script (oh hi (crossed out: Mark) Phags Pa script):
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shaped and reshaped...
#not sure how much. what's the word. bond? involvement? not experience. closeness? anyone in the team has with any of these cultures#but i recall learning lead writer is indigenous in some way & heavily self-inserts as artemy [like. That's His Face used for#the p1 burakh portrait] so i imagine There Is some knowledge; if not first-hand at least in some other way#& i'm not in the team so i don't know how much Whatever is put into Anything#[ + i've ranted about the treatment of the brides Enough. enough i have]#so i don't have any ground to stand on wrt how i would feel about how these cultures are handled to make the Kin somewhat-hodgepodge.#there is recognizing it is Obviously inspired by real-life cultures [with the words;the alphabet;i look at Kayura i know what i see]#& recognizing it Also is. obviously and greatly imagined. not that weird for you know. a story.#like there is No Turkic/Altaic/Mongolic culture that has a caste of all-women spiritual dancers who place a great importance on nudity#as a reflection of the perfect world and do nothing but dance to bring about the harvest. ykwim...#like neither the Mongols nor the Buryats nor the Tibetans dress the way the Kin does. that's cos the Kin is invented. but they're invented.#.. on wide fundations. ykwim......#Tengrism has a Sky Deity (Tengri) with an earth-goddess *daughter* whereas the kin worship an Earth-Goddess mother of everything#+ a huge bull. Buddhism has its own complete cosmogony & beliefs which from the little I know Vastly Differ from anything the Kin believes#like. yeah. story. but also. [holds myself back from renting about the Brides again] shhh...#neigh (blabbers)#pathologic#pathologic 2
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kharonion · 1 year
Hi I'm suddenly Emotional thinking about this one tiny part of Kerry's quest...
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Seems like a generic video game thing of "oh wow, look at his unique weapon for your collection", but to me, it's anything but.
Because this is the same firearm Kerry walks out of the shower with. And sure, you can write that off as something less if you want but... the implications are harrowing.
Especially when you think about the moments in Holdin' On—when Johnny tells V about Kerry's past attempts on his own life, when Kerry evades all the questions about the tabloids and then lets slip how everyone in his employ has that very day off. When you think about how he doesn't need to readily arm himself for defense because he has numerous bots patrolling the villa at all times.
When you think about the implication that if V did not show up that day, there would've been catastrophic consequences.
And now, we fast-forward to this moment in A Like Supreme, when Kerry hands V the very pistol that could've resulted in that awful result.
The trust he puts into V in this very moment is astronomical, brings me to tears every damn time. Kerry is basically saying without words to V "hey, you saved my damn life", and he takes the first step toward a new lease on life, feeling more invigorated—and even a smidgen more positive.
Essentially, this is just a small yet powerful moment that tugs at my soul every time, and I wanted to talk about it. :')
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paranormeow7 · 8 months
man thinking about users like puppychan and birdie (if you don’t know who they are, good) and. god they’re just such tragic cases. I used to wish I was famous online at like 11, the ages that they joined the internet and actually DID get fame, and watching them deteriorate over the years as a result of the attention that was constantly being piled on them was just. horrific honestly. it doesn’t excuse anything horrible they might’ve done but Jesus. I can’t imagine what it must do to a young mind to be under so much scrutiny while shoveling dopamine into your skull by scrolling furry art on twitter. Especially when people levying genuine criticism against you are also mixing that with disgusting bigotry. No one wanted to help these children, they just wanted to hate on them for being autistic/mentally ill/poc/queer/fat etc etc. and now they’re too far gone to save. (at least I think puppy is, last I’ve heard of him he’s still on tumblr and blaming his actions on ossd, but I’ve heard birdie has left the internet in a genuine attempt to get better). I wish I was known, I wish my art could touch more people. Or maybe I just want more friends. But god, I’m glad I don’t have the kind of fame I used to want.
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manasurge · 3 months
I’m so sad I can’t partake in art fight stuff due to the really bad timing on my end bc it’s the busiest season at work, as well as I haven’t been able to finish any art for myself for ages now and I’m trying to catch up on it bc it keeps getting pushed back (basically I wish I had more time to draw 😔 I’m also slow af so I’m triple cursed, ugh)
(Granted I’ve never done any kind of art fight before, but even then… maybe next year…? Lol. Tho I so wish it wasn’t in July bc it’s such a cursed time for me /sobs. I’ve always watched it happen as a spectator but I’ve only ever been a lurker).
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pangzi · 4 months
Since I started rewatching Wandee Goodday, I've been wondering if they'll connect the causes of the deaths of YakDee's parents with each other in any way. Seeing that their parents are all well and alive in the novel, I'm extra 🧐 about it.
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basilpaste · 26 days
i dont recognize myself or any of my friends as like. being 'known' in fandom really. HOWEVER. i do sort of process this when we are on call and one of us makes something terrible. and the isat community has to put up with our bullshit.
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moralesmilesanhour · 1 year
Sorry to all the Gwiles lovers out there but I keep thinking about how contrived the choice to make Gwen Miles' love interest feels 😭 she's such a cool character on her own! But she really didn't need to be as important to Miles' story as they made her, even going as far as starting the movie off from her perspective. Why is Miles' POV second in his own movie?
It also would've been SO COOL if they had brought in Vulture's daughter as the love interest (if they absolutely HAD to have one) and explored that conflict instead, but I kinda get that they wanted to follow through on Miles and Gwen's friendship arc. I just really wished they'd stayed just friends 😭 (they also sidelined Ganke for no reason and clearly wanted to say something about solidarity with Miles, Hobie and Margo. But noooooo)
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draculagerard · 9 months
You know what would feel very wrong? if I finished Naruto and didn't make an AMV. cant disappoint all the 12 year old girlies before me... I have a legacy to uphold
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lonely--seeker · 8 months
For all the shit Twitter was talking about Hazbin hotel... I was not ready for chapter 4
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tubbytarchia · 8 months
Addendum - I forgot I wanted to draw Doc and Jimmy actually... I have a lot of thoughts about them just by virtue of imagining what having Doc in the Life series would be like.. This is my very specific hyperfixation that no one but I and my friend get and damn it I will draw art for it
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feralglitch · 9 months
I'm still not over Scott telling Martyn to call his dog (Jimmy) off and Martyn calling Jimmy a mutt. If you care.
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simsdaughters · 16 days
I did a double take when I saw your anti-AI image..I was like...is that Aizawa?!?!? And then I noticed all might, present mic and eri haha (I haven''t seen far enough to know the purple one). They look so cool!
Oh my god, someone recognized them!! 😭😭 Yes, it's Aizawa! I'm part of a roleplay group with some friends, and we have an au where he, Mic and All Might are all together (+ an oc), and raising Eri together plus purple haired boy sometimes. The two babies just happened by accident during gameplay, ahah. But I'm glad someone else caught onto that!
You get a free picture!
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paranormeow7 · 1 year
been thinking about house horror a lot lately and it’s occurred to me that a lot of it takes place in houses of evil that there’s no escape from, where you fall deeper and deeper in until you are swallowed. While I love that kind of concept, I watched a couple of spooky videos today that got me thinking about a scenario where you could leave the house and go about your life as normal, but you were still forced to live in it and come back “home” to it every day.
The videos I watched were “my house walkthrough” by nana825763 and “RADAR” by lyrahorrorz. In “my house”, the protagonist walks through a noticeably decrepit, disgusting home that slowly loops over and over, becoming more corrupted and hellish throughout each walk through its halls. This protagonist treats it as normal and describes each room and how it relates to their family as a person who would live in this house, even the ones that were “closed off”. They wander into rooms that have been condemned and show off the corpses of their family as if they are still there with him.
In Radar, the protagonist is seen desperately trying to escape his house, and an entity tormenting him by reminding him of horrible things, flooding the home with an unbearable smell, and removing his hands. He tries to escape by banging his head into his door until it splits open. Eventually he gets out and simply goes out for a casual movie night with his friends, yet having to go back home to this torment directly after. His house also becomes noticeably decrepit and abandoned by the ending.
These aren’t particularly made to display the theme I thought up, but it was interesting all the same. Your house is a place of solace, a place to rest after a long day. Now imagine if this house was a horror eating away at your psyche and your very life the longer you stay in it, yet you have nowhere else to go. Your mundane every day tasks, such as going to school/work, picking up groceries, or watering your garden become your escape, your sense of normality in this nightmare you go home to every day. You may try to run away, or stay with a friend, but you always end up crawling back into the jaws of the house one way or another. You are tethered.
The most interesting and scariest part of this concept to me is that it’s a real thing that some people live. Some people have abusive family members that they stay with because they have no one else. Some people can only afford disgusting and barely livable places infested with things that want to get under your skin. I’ve known loved ones in these situations and I’m sure if I asked them what their house felt like to them, they would describe it as a monster, a sinkhole, a place of stagnation and stress. So is it really much different to be forced to live in a haunted house, or a sentient, malevolent house, or any other sort of surreal, winding nightmare of a place that you just can’t step away from for long?
You tell me.
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sisterdivinium · 5 months
A reminder, since I only mentioned this in tags: I plan to be much more active on my Dreamwidth journal during the period between April 25th and May 15th, for the Three Weeks for Dreamwidth event.
I'm as of yet undecided as to what I'll post, exactly, apart from some TLK icons and perhaps the WN episode 1x02 icon batch if I manage to finish it in time (it's unlikely, truth be told), but you're more than welcome to drop by and hang out :)
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