#and carly 🥹
bedforddanes75 · 6 months
i just remembered polly money exists life is good life is good
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dylanconrique · 4 months
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taylorsabrina · 3 months
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chuluoyi · 10 months
Ah! That's so me!! Haha I love giving dramas a try by watching the first episode, if it doesn't catch my attention then I drop it, which is more common that I'd like to admit 🤭 AAAH YOU SAID DOCTOR DRAMA? IN SWEET HOME? ok I'm invested now, anything that's medical related gets me all excited so I might as well try and watch it!!
Ah! Well, for example, some of my favorite dramas are 'while you were sleeping', 'the glory' and 'w: two worlds', I'm telling you dramas I've watched more than once and everytime I see those I get all giggly and excited as if it's the first time 👀👀 I know it's something that changes with time but right now, which ones you could say that are your favorites?
which is more common—same!!🥹 honestly i watch them periodically at this point bcs i think kdramas aren’t as good as they used to be🥲
the glory!!! omg that was so good but it got me so MAD LIKE 🤬 so many times oh lord 🤯 but song hye kyo is so badass and murdering with poisonous flower is soooo 😫 i was like “finally!!”
my comfort dramas are honestly hospital playlist and dr romantic 2🥹 like not many drama and more to realistic side but that’s what i need nowadays aaa and fight for my way is also good!! park seo joon’s dramas are usually great so i love them too ehe🫶🏻
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heeliopheelia · 6 months
hey i loveddd ur engagement ring fic so much!! cud u do a maknae line ver for it too is possible???
hi!! thank you sm lovely!! i'd love to do that but i actually struggle with writing for maknae line way more than i'd like to admit 🫠 i'll try to start working on it tho, so i'm not saying no but i also can't promise anything at the moment 🫶
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tsuchinokoroyale · 10 months
This is so fucking funny
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Famously happy song that begins with:
🎵I have a mandolin, I play it all night long,
It makes me want to kill myself 🎶
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vanmccannonlyfans · 1 year
guess whose going to all things go 😛😛😛
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dany36 · 2 years
literally crying at how good the loneliest time is. 🫠 like…what the fuck what a beautiful song?? Carly harmonizing with Rufus Wainwright at 3:20 made me stop what I was doing at work and left me with my mouth wide open. can’t believe she did it again what a fucking queen 😭😭😭👑👑❤️❤️
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goldennika · 8 months
I wanna cut through the clouds, break the ceiling
I wanna dance on the roof, you and me alone
I wanna cut to the feeling, oh yeah
I wanna cut to the feeling, oh yeah
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mountttmase · 8 months
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Winter Sun - Chapter 3
Note - chapter three already I can’t 😭 honestly thank you so much for all the love and interaction on this it’s really warming my cold little heart 🥹 enjoy this one kiddos and let me know what you think 🩷 also sorry if the tag list didn’t work last week I think I’ve fixed it for this one 🤞🏻
Pairing - Mason Mount × Reader
Word count - 7.1k
Warnings - series will contain fluff, smut & angst
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After your late night between the sheets, you treated yourself to a lie in the next morning. Waking to find a text from Carly to meet her by the pool with the others when you were ready, so you quickly threw on a bikini and shorts before throwing over a shirt and grabbing your things to go and find her.
You knew they shouldn’t, but Mason's words from yesterday were playing in your head a little bit still. You knew he meant nothing by it and was just being his cheeky self but you didn’t want to be a customer of his no matter if he meant it as a joke or not. It made you feel as if you were in a long line of girls he picked up whenever he felt like it and yes you were technically just friends but you couldn’t help but feel upset about it. Especially after the awkward good night you’d suffered through after you were both done last night and you felt like the whole arrangement you had going on was a bit weird now.
By the time you were outside pretty much everyone was there bar Woody, Kayla and Mason and you quickly said hello to Dec and Lauren before making your way over to Carly who had Ben's head laid in her lap as she played with his hair.
‘Morning lovebirds’ you smiled, standing at the end of their sun lounger before Carly patted the one next to her.
‘I’ve saved you a seat’
‘Oh, that’s a double though I don’t wanna take up a whole one to myself’ you told her, looking to see if one of the single ones were free but they were on the other side of the pool so you wouldn’t be able to speak to her.
‘There’s plenty for everyone else, come on it’s fine’ she pouted and after another quick scan around you realised she was right so you got yourself comfortable. The pair of you sat chatting and catching up until the others emerged and about half an hour later Mason showed up. The sight of him making your mouth water as he made his way over to everyone.
You’d seen him in a lot less by now but the tiny black swim shorts were making your tummy churn as they accentuated all your favourite features of his. Low on his soft hips but his thighs were still strong and the mole on his tummy was driving you wild. You kept your eyes down though and pretended to read as he made his way over to you.
‘Morning all’ he chirped and you sent him a quick smile before going back to reading. It didn’t deter him from flopping down next to you though and when you didn’t look at him, you felt his hand gently trail up your thigh before giving it a quick squeeze.
‘What are you doing?’ You whispered, heart racing from the feel of his fingers. Gulping down a nervous lump and quickly flashing your eyes his way to look at him. He was giving you his usual cheeky, innocent smile but you knew he knew what was happening.
‘Don’t, people might see’ you told him, moving your leg so his hand dropped onto the cushion with a thud and you could see his scowl from the corner of your eye.
‘What’s wrong?’
‘Nothing, I’m fine’
‘Did you sleep okay?’
‘I said I’m fine’
‘Y/n, I grew up in a house full of women. I know fine doesn’t mean fine’
‘I just wanna read my book’ you told him lowly and after a small nod he slowly got up and made his way over to the pool.
You felt awful instantly, watching him over your glasses as he swam a few laps with a solemn expression. You knew Mason and you knew he meant no harm with what he’d said yesterday. This was a tricky situation, lines were a little bit blurry but there was no use being snappy with him for something you knew he meant as a joke and you were being sensitive over. No matter how much he’d made you feel like it was something else, even in this short space of time, you were friends and the friendship comes first.
The longer you watched him, the more guilty you felt and you watched as he propped himself up at the end of the pool. His chin resting on his arms as he faced away from you and you knew you had to talk to him and apologise so you carefully got up to go and see him. Plonking yourself down at the edge of the pool next to him so you could dangle your legs in the water before looking at him in hopes you could catch his eye.
He looked up at you instantly, his big brown eyes making your tummy sink so you reached out to gently grasp the back of his head so you could pull him closer to you and he thankfully went with it. Your heart leaping when he settled himself between your legs, arms wrapping around your thighs before he rested his cheek on top of one so he could look up at you.
‘Sorry Mase. I didn’t mean to be moody’ you told him quietly and the small smile on his lips filled you with relief.
‘S’okay. Are you alright?’
‘I’m fine, I promise’ you reassured him, feeling even worse that he didn't seem to mind your mood swing. He just wanted to make sure you were okay. ‘Maybe I should have stayed in bed a bit longer, huh? I’ll be fine after a nap’
‘You’ve only just woken up’ he chuckled, eyes brighter than before which caused you to smile as you knew you were okay again and you let your hand get lost in his hair.
‘Hey, naps can be taken anytime of the day’
‘Very true’ he giggled, squeezing your thighs gently. ‘Let me know when you’re taking one I’ll join you’
You weren’t sure if it was the sun bearing down on you or if it was Mason himself but you felt warmed from the inside and as your hand was trailing over the top of his back and you were surprised at how warm his skin felt too. ‘Have you put sunscreen on?’ You asked but he shook his head shyly. ‘Come on, I’ve got some let me help you’
‘You don’t wanna come for a swim?’
‘No thanks, waters not really my thing. You should be thankful I’m even sat here’ you laughed before he kissed your thigh and swam back slightly to let you up.
Mason managed to dry off a little bit before he sat at the end of the sun lounger with his back to you and you slid in behind him to get to work. You'd never really taken a good look at his back before but he was much broader than you realised and you loved the way his muscles contracted under your touch. Taking your time to really look at him and feel him before telling him to turn and face you.
You let him get comfortable, one leg stretched out on the lounger now so you could sit yourself closer to his body. Noticing the way he shivered as you applied the cold cream to his skin before sending him an apologetic smile. He didn’t seem to mind though, a soft smile playing on his face as he watched your every move and you hoped he couldn’t hear your heart going at a mile a minute as you touched his chest and down to his abs.
It felt weird having these feelings. Mason was a friend and you knew that. But he was a gorgeous, funny and kind friend with an incredible body and you couldn’t believe you were sat here touching him up like this in front of everyone. Only made worse when his hand reached out to touch your thigh carefully.
The sound and feel of his belly rumbling as you applied the sunscreen to his body made you chuckle, eyeing him curiously as he laughed at himself before you rested your hands on his hips.
‘You not had anything to eat yet?’ You asked, watching him shake his head before you let out a little sigh. ‘Why not?’
‘You didn’t make me anything’
‘Oh so it’s my fault?’ You laughed, squeezing his sides playfully and watching him giggle and squirm before he nodded his head.
‘Well sort of yeah. It’s sort of your job whilst you’re here’ he winked causing you to roll your eyes but you knew he was right.
‘Fine. Just your face to do then I’ll make you something’ you smiled, applying some more cream to your fingers before awkwardly pushing your sunglasses up your face so you could get a better look at him. Thankfully for you the sun was behind you so you could see him perfectly and the sight almost took your breath away. Admiring all the tiny freckles that littered his face, the curve of his nose and the fullness of his lips. He really was beautiful and you used the excuse of putting sunscreen on his face to look at him like you never had before.
You knew he was watching you too, his bright brown eyes following you out of the corner of your eye but as soon as you tried to make eye contact, he looked down and a rosy tint began to flush over his cheeks.
‘I’ve never noticed how many freckles you have before’ you told him quietly, letting his eyes flicker up to you again before looking away. ‘They’re really pretty, I’m actually very jealous’ you whispered but before he could reply the sound of someone else’s voice caught your attention.
‘Oi Mase, why are you so red?’ Ben laughed from behind you and the fact that Ben had noticed only made it even worse. ‘Are you blushing?’
‘No, fuck off. It’s the sun’ he retorted, his hands suddenly retreating from your leg as he played with his fingers in his lap and you felt your heart sink a little bit.
‘Ben’ you suddenly heard Carly moan. Drawing his name out in disappointment followed by the sound of a gentle slap to the back of his head. ‘Will you stop it. Leave him alone’
‘What? I’m just-‘
‘No you’re being mean’
‘Come on, let me go make you something’ you smiled softly, standing up and offering him your hand even though you knew it was a bit risky but he took it anyway and let you pull him up before following you into the kitchen. ‘You want anything in particular?’
‘Whatever the chef recommends’ he winked and after a quick look in the cupboards you found everything you needed to make pancakes.
Mason sat and watched as you got everything together, asking if he could help in any way so you passed him a few bananas for him to slice up so they were ready before asking him to get the drinks ready. When you finally placed his food down in front of him he sent you the most appreciative smile and your heart thudded at his wide grin.
‘Thank you, Muffin. These look amazing’ he smiled as you put your plate down opposite him and watched him dig in. You loved waiting for Mason's reactions whenever you made him something to eat as he was always seemingly blown away and this time was no exception. Shovelling it in like he’d been starved for weeks as he let you know how good it was in between mouthfuls.
‘What’s going on here?’ You suddenly heard, turning to see Dec walking in, eyes on your plates as he licked his lips before sitting down next to you. ‘Why is he getting special treatment?’
‘He’s not’ you laughed, cheeks flushing at the thought of being found out. ‘Do you want something?’
‘No thanks, Lauren made me something earlier’ he teased whilst nicking a few blueberries from Masons plate.
‘Why are you moaning then?’ Mason laughed, moving his plate away out of Declan’s reach so he couldn’t take anymore of his food.
‘Cause that looks better than what I had’
‘You wait till I tell Lauren that. You won’t be eating for the rest of the week’ Mason teased, watching Dec’s face drop before standing up.
‘You do that, and I’ll make things difficult for you’ he scoffed before grabbing a few bottles of water out of the fridge. ‘Now hurry up you two, we need someone else for water volleyball’
‘I’ll be out in a minute, y/n can keep score’ Mason told him, sending you a quick wink as if he was acknowledging what you told him earlier and once you were both done he quickly helped you wash up before meeting them outside.
Kayla had also decided to sit this one out so you sat with her, pretending to keep score as you got to know each other a little better and you were pleased to find out how suited to Woody she was. She seemed to really care for him and when Woody jumped out the pool to grab his glasses she blushed as he placed a quick kiss to the top of her head.
‘You and Mason seem sweet together’
‘Oh we’re not together’ You told her, ‘we’re just friends’
‘Oh I’m so sorry’ she panicked, face going ever redder and she tried to hide in her hands but you just laughed which seemed to make her feel better. ‘I just assumed, thinking it was a couples holiday. That’s why I was so confused about you having separate rooms, you seem really close’
‘Its okay, we are pretty close and I think since he’s moved away i just miss him a bit more than usual. It’s nice to be with him again for more than a couple of hours’
‘Oh trust me, Woody doesn’t shut up about him and then every Tuesday at 8pm on the dot they have their little weekly facetime. Sometimes I think I should be worried’
‘You should speak to Lauren about that’ you laughed, watching Mason try and climb on Ben's shoulders so he could reach higher for the ball. ‘I think she’s genuinely worried Dec might leave her for him one day’
After another 20 minutes or so everyone was ready to get out, Woody stealing Kayla away to their own lounger and you’d noticed Mason had sunk down on the one you’d been occupying earlier. His eyes caught yours straight away as he called you back over so you gathered up your things to go and sit by him again.
‘Mase you’re all wet’ you complained as you got there, walking round to his side so you were further away from Carly and Ben and hopefully out of ear shot before watching him shake his hair like a dog as he sent you a lopsided smile.
‘It’s alright, I’ll dry. I wondered if you fancied that nap you spoke about earlier?’ He asked and you couldn’t deny him. Placing your things down on the floor but he was quick to stop you before you tried to lay down. His hand on your thigh to cease your movements causing you to look down at him in confusion. ‘I have conditions, and those are that those shorts and that shirt need to come off’ he told you quietly. Fingers dancing over the backs of your legs as he teased you but you figured two could play at that game.
‘You wish is my command’ you laughed, stepping back and away from him so you could remove the open shirt off your arms before unbuttoning your shorts and pulling them down your legs so you were just left in your white bikini. ‘That better?’
‘Perfect’ he smiled, his tongue darting out of his mouth as he looked you up and down before helping you back onto the lounger. He wasn’t sat down for long though, quickly getting up to pull the umbrella over you so you could both be out of the direct sunlight and you smiled to yourself at the thoughtful gesture. ‘I’ll try and have a think about what I want for lunch next’ he teased, laying beside you as you turned to face each other.
‘Hey Mase, why don’t I have a FaceTime time slot?’
‘What are you on about?’
‘Kayla told me you and Woody facetime every Tuesday at 8 and I bet Dec and Ben have a slot. Where’s mine?’ You teased, watching his face hide in the pillow as he laughed before facing you again with a wide smile.
‘I can add you to the rota. I’ll have my receptionist send over my availability’ he teased but you just rolled your eyes before turning onto your back.
‘Very funny’ you huffed, shutting your eyes as you could feel them becoming heavy but the feeling of Mason's pinkie linking yours made your heart thud and when you opened an eye to look at him he was still on his side but his eyes were shut.
You woke up a little while later pressed up against something warm but soft. Opening your eyes to find yourself laying on Mason's chest with your arm across his waist whilst he rested his hand on your back, dangerously close to your bum.
‘You make sure you’re behaving, Mason’ you whispered, noticing he wasn’t fully asleep and the little chuckle that fell from his lips let you know he’d heard you.
‘I always am’ he smiled. Pressing a light kiss to your forehead as his fingers danced just above the waistline of your bikini bottoms. ‘You’re not a bad sight to wake up to, Muffin’
‘Gee, thanks Mase’ you laughed, attempting to move but he didn’t let you. Holding you tighter to him as he trapped your leg in his and you knew better than to try and escape.
‘Don’t go, I’m comfy’ he breathed so you stayed where you were even though you knew it was risky but by the looks of it everyone else was asleep too so you basked in the feel of him while everyone else napped around the pool.
After you’d made Mason some lunch, you topped up his sun cream and he offered to help you with yours. Your skin tingling as his hands massaged you slightly and you had to bite your lip so you didn’t start laughing.
You and the rest of the girls went off to get dressed early, going all out tonight and the four of you were in the upstairs sitting room so you could do your makeup together before you popped downstairs to slip your outfit on. You hadn’t got dressed up like this in a while and you couldn’t wait to see Mason's reaction to your frilly lemon two piece that was showing off your tan perfectly.
The plan was to meet in the kitchen at seven so at two minutes too, you grabbed your bag and made your way out of your room. Just as you closed the door behind you, Masons opened. Standing there dressed in cargos and a baggy blue button up but his face was a picture. Eyes wide as they scanned your body fully but it was his tongue nearly falling out of his mouth that made you laugh.
‘Do I look alright?’ You asked, giving him a little twirl but the shuddery breath he let out told you all you needed to know.
‘Are you joking? I’m an actual dead man. Have your worn this just to taunt me?’’
‘No, I just thought it looked cute’
‘Well that’s one word for it’ he breathed, letting you walk in front before he gripped your hips and placed a kiss behind your ear. ‘I think yellow might be my new favourite colour’
‘Come on Mase keep your hands to yourself’ you chuckled, a tingle heading straight down your spine at the feel of his lips on your skin and you were hoping there would be more where that came from later.
‘How can I? I know what you’ve got hiding under here now’ he teased but he slowed down on the stairs so it looked like the pair of you weren’t too close.
Once you were out for dinner, Mason sat next to you again and his arm was back around your chair as you all casually chatted amongst yourselves. Laughing and joking as the boys told stories from camps and all the adventures they’d been on and you felt so full of happiness to be there with them enjoying moments like this.
You’d known it all day, but you were so thankful for Mason and his kindness. You knew you wouldn’t be here without him and you were having the best time so when you caught his eye and he sent you a wink, you had to hold yourself to your seat so you didn’t lean over and kiss him.
The club you were all going to wasn’t far and all the girls led the way with the boys trailing behind and it’s like you could feel Mason's eyes on your bum. Feeling his hand on your shoulder as you neared the entrance so he could lead the way in and over to your reserved table.
Carly ordered your drinks, four pornstar martinis showing up a little while after for all the girls as well as a few bottles of some sort of spirit the boys had ordered and you made it your mission to let loose tonight. Accepting as many shots that were thrown your way, even pouring them straight into Carly’s mouth at one point until Mason cut you off for a little bit and even though you sent him a pout you knew he was just looking out for you.
You were buzzed enough to join the girls for a dance, thankfully not being touched up by any random men this time so you could finally let go. Not caring about what you looked like or who was even looking at you in the first place. Just you and your girls having the time of your lives.
You had to take a break eventually, running out of steam so you plonked on a table in your section and Mason appeared as if by magic with a glass of water ready for you.
‘You’re a lifesaver, thank you Mase’ you gasped, gulping the whole glass down as he looked at you with a funny look in his eye.
‘That’s alright, Muffin. You having a good time?’
‘I really am. Honestly thank you so much Mason, I’ll never be able to repay you or say thank you enough for letting me come here’
‘Don’t be silly. You belong here with us’ he teased, bumping his shoulder into yours playfully but you knew he was just feeling a little shy.
He sat with you for the next 15 minutes or so, talking about the boat trip tomorrow and if you were going to be okay on there. Promising if you didn’t like it he’d get you off and you could spend the day on the beach together but you let him know you’d be fine and you were excited as long as you stayed in the middle.
‘Hey Mase, come join the boys’ you suddenly heard Dec shout from not too far away but Mason just scoffed at him.
‘I’m fine here’
‘Mate come on’
‘I’ll come in a minute, I’m in the middle of a conversation’
‘Look mate I’m not gonna lie, you’re ruining my plans’ Dec told him seriously but you both looked back at him unsure as to what he meant. ‘How are we supposed to find y/n a shag when you won’t leave her alone’
‘Dec I’m not here looking for a shag thank you very much’ you laughed. ‘This trip is supposed to be about us spending time together’
‘Yeah yeah whatever, I’ve made it my mission to get you a man’
‘Dec, I don’t need your help’
‘Sure you do now come on, who’s got your eye’
‘I’m not having this conversation with you’ you laughed as Mason finally stood up.
‘I’ll take one for the team and go with him’ Mason laughed, squeezing your thigh gently but as you looked up to Dec you knew he’d seen so Mason quickly scurried away to go and sit with the other guys.
‘I’ve got my eye on you’
‘What do you mean? What have I done now?’
‘I’m not sure yet, but I’m watching you’
The girls were back soon, coming to sit with you so you could order more drinks and take silly selfies before joining the boys again. Noticing Mason was standing just off to the side on the phone and you wondered who he was speaking to before he walked back over, rolling his eyes.
‘Mase? Everything okay?’ Carly asked but he just let out a huff before speaking.
‘No the bloody security alarms going off in the villa. They’ve tried turning it off remotely but they need someone to put a code in. It’s fine it’s not loud or anything and they said it can wait but I’d feel better if I sorted it out. I’ll pop back there now it won’t take me a sec’
‘I’ll come with you, just to be safe’ you offered and even though you could see him trying to hide a smile you knew it would take some convincing.
‘You don’t have to’
‘No these shoes are killing me, I can change them while we’re there’ you replied and that seemed enough for him.
The house wasn’t far away and it was a nice night so you suggested walking, only making it two streets before your shoes became unbearable and Mason noticed straight away.
‘Shall we just get a cab?’ He laughed, pulling his phone out before you even answered but you were grateful for his suggestion. Popping yourself down on the wall next to the pavement so you take them off and the sympathetic smile he was giving you made your heart melt.
‘I’m wearing flats the rest of this week’ you huffed, looking up to find Mason taking a picture of you but he just shrugged when you raised your brow at him.
‘You look cute tonight’ he winked, popping his phone back in his pocket before taking a seat next to you and you knew you were blushing. ‘Cab shouldn’t be much longer’
‘Thanks’ you nodded, pulling your phone out and taking a picture of him unaware and when the flash made him look up you sent him a wink. ‘What? You look cute tonight’
‘Very funny’ he rolled his eyes, before holding his hand out for you to take. Pulling you flush into his side so he could wrap his arm around you. ‘Can I ask you something? About this morning?’
‘Of course, what’s up?’ You asked, unsure of what he wanted to talk about but he seemed a little shy about it.
‘Are you okay? You know after this morning when you were a bit upset? I know you said you needed a nap but I just wanted to make sure you’re fine’ he explained, your heart melting at his concern for you but you knew you’d have to be honest with him now. ‘I know I keep saying it but it really is fine if you don’t wanna carry on-‘
‘No mase, that wasn’t it’ you laughed, resting your hand on his thigh and he smiled at the gesture.
‘What was it then? You can tell me, even if it was me. I just want you to be comfortable with everything’
‘I am, I promise. I just… you said something last night and I couldn’t stop overthinking it but I realised earlier I was being silly and it’s fine. You’ve done nothing Mase, I promise’
‘What did I say?’
‘I’m gonna sound ridiculous’
‘That’s okay, you normally do but I’ve learnt to just go with it’ he joked and you playfully scoffed as he tickled your side.
‘Thanks Mase’
‘I’m kidding, please tell me’
‘Last night, you said you like to keep your customers happy. I don’t know it just felt weird being referred to as a customer of yours and I know that makes no sense but-‘
‘No, it does. Sorry I shouldn't have said that I was just trying to be funny’ he told you, rolling his eyes. ‘I’m sorry Muffin, I didn’t mean anything by it’
‘I know you didn’t, and I didn’t mean to have a strop, like I felt awful for how I spoke to you’
‘Let’s just forget about it yeah’ he laughed, placing a kiss to your forehead but wished he’d kissed somewhere else. ‘But if I say something stupid again just tell me’
‘I will’ you laughed, squeezing his thigh gently. ‘And if I have a strop again please just ignore me’
‘I’ll try. You’re pretty hard to ignore though, Muffin. Especially dressed like this’
You didn’t have time to say anything else, the taxi pulling up and you both jumped in the back seat so you could take the short journey back and before long Mason was carrying you on his back up to the door.
‘I’ll call the people, you change your shoes and we’ll head back, sound good?’
‘Yes sir’ you winked, watching his eyes nearly rolling back in his head at your words.
‘Fuck, don’t do that’ he groaned, laughing as you ran away from him before he could reach for you but the growl that left his lips gave you butterflies.
‘Behave, Mason’ you told him, trying to give him a cheeky smirk. ‘Go sort the alarm and I’ll meet you in a sec like we promised’
You were just pulling on your left shoe when Mason knocked on your open door, turning to find him leaning against the frame with a sweet smile on his face
‘Alarms off’
‘Perfect, I’m good to go now too’
‘You want me to get us a cab back?’
You didn’t have a chance to reply, your phone ringing as you walked out into the hallway to stand by him and as you took it out of your bag you saw Carly calling.
‘Hey, you alright? We’re just leaving now’
‘Yeah good, don't worry about coming back if you don’t want to. Woody is feeling a little fragile so him and Kayla are heading back and we’ll follow shortly. The boys just want to finish their drinks so give us about 40/45 minutes and we’ll be back’
‘Oh okay’ you breathed, looking up at Mason's confused face but the fact you now had some alone time made you smile, much to his confusion. ‘In that case, I think I’m gonna have a shower and head straight to bed then but I’ll see you tomorrow yeah?’
‘Yeah I think we’ll all do the same’ she replied and after a quick goodbye you popped your phone back in your bag before wrapping your arms around Mason's neck.
‘Woodys not well. He’s on the way back with Kayla but we’ve got about 40 minutes until the others get back’
‘Oh really?’ He smiled, wrapping his arms around your waist as he backed you up against the doorframe to your room. ‘You know now that we’re here, we could use this time to our advantage’
‘Oh yeah?’ You teased, running your fingers through the back of his hair as his face got dangerously close to yours. ‘You know I was thinking of taking a shower’
‘Funnily enough so was i’
‘Maybe we could share one? Save water and all that’ you offered, causing him to squeeze your sides playfully.
‘You’re a very smart woman you know’ he winked but he didn’t give you a chance to reply, kissing you with a moan as he tried to back you into your room, kicking the door shut behind him so he could press you up against it. ‘God I hate this no kissing rule. I’ve wanted to do that all day’ he confessed, whispering his words against your neck before pushing himself off of you slightly. ‘Wanted to take this off you all night too’ he mumbled, reaching for your skirt and not caring to look at how to undo it, so you pushed him off with a laugh so you could get it off without ripping it.
‘Well calm down, this was expensive’ you laughed, blushing from his words and how needed he seemed for you but you were just as needy for him too so you carefully unzipped the back and pulled it off before doing the same with the top. Thanking your lucky stars that you remembered to put one of your new underwear sets on and you could see him practically drooling at the sight of you in your strapless lacy set.
‘You’re the biggest tease I’ve ever met in my life’ he breathed, pulling you into his still fully dressed frame and as you let out a little giggle he captured your lips again in a hungry kiss. Feeling his hands dip into the top of your underwear and grip you bum tightly as you moaned into his mouth and you swore you could have stayed there kissing him forever but you didn’t want to wait any longer for him. Reaching to the collar of his shirt so you could start undoing the buttons before trailing your fingers up his body and under the shoulders so you could push it off of him. Feeling him shiver under your touch but he just pulled you closer afterwards so he could feel your warm skin on his.
You were frantic, pulling away from him so you could focus on unbuttoning his trousers but he didn’t seem to want his lips to part from you. Kissing all over your neck and shoulders as you finally pushed them down his hips and to the floor before he hugged your thighs and threw you over his shoulder so he could take you into the bathroom and you squealed as he lifted you. Holding onto him wherever you could before he popped you down and shut the door behind him. Making sure to lock it just in case someone came in on the off chance.
The pair of you quickly rid yourselves of your underwear and walked behind the glass. Giggling like kids as you took each other in your arms so you could pick up where you left off outside the bathroom before Mason broke away, fiddling with the shower panel to make it come on so you used this time to kiss over his chest. Sneakily leaving a little love bite by his nipple before you felt his fingers thread through the back of your hair so he could tug you away and his dark eyes made your knees weak as he tutted softly.
‘Thats naughty’ he whispered, lips attaching to your jaw so he could kiss along up to your ear. ‘Turn around for me’
You did as he asked, turning away from him and walking towards the shower wall as he held your back and walked with you. Propping your hands on the shower wall as he pressed you right up against it, your head turning to the side so you could just about see him over your shoulder before his lips came to your ear.
‘Good girl, that’s it’ he mumbled, placing his knee between your thighs so he could inch them apart. One hand gripping your bum and the other grabbed hold of himself so he could guide himself in. ‘You ready for me?’
‘P-please Masey’ you breathed, hearing him groan one final time before he pushed himself in gently. Knowing there wasn’t much foreplay involved so he needed to take his time but the stretch of him felt delicious. Moaning louder than you’d intended to but the slow movement of his hips were speeding up by the second until he was pounding into you. Your back pressed firmly against his front as he laid some of his weight on you whilst his hands reached round to grab your chest. Slowly kneading your flesh before you felt his teeth ever so slightly sink into your shoulder.
‘M-Mase, fuck that’s so good’ you panted, wanting to grip onto something more tangible as you fingers were slipping on the wet shower walls so you reached behind you to grab onto him and the feeling of your hand on his lower back made him plough into you even harder.
‘Arch your back for me, Muffin’ he asked, pulling your hips away from the wall and with him a step, forcing you to stick your bum even higher in the air before his hand came to hold your waist so he could control you a bit more. ‘That's it’
‘Mase’ you whimpered, this new angle hitting even better. Feeling your knees almost give out but his strong grip was holding you up as he used your body how he wished.
‘You can take it, I know you can’ he panted, the sounds of skin slapping in skin making your brain go foggy but you knew you’d never felt like this before. ‘God you feel so fucking good’
You had no idea Mason had the power to be like this with you, to be rough with his touches yet make you tingle with his praise. You wanted to be good for him, to take what he wanted to give you and make him feel good too and from the way he was moaning and groaning behind you you had a feeling he was enjoying it just as much.
You were close, closer than you wanted to be as you were enjoying this far too much and he must have felt it as he slowed down ever so slightly before pulling out of you and spinning you so your back now pressed against the tiles.
Your eyes followed his every move, letting him hook your leg over his arm so you were more easily accessible before he was pushing back into you. Your hands settling on his shoulders so you could support yourself as his free hand held your waist.
He was taking things much slower this way round. Gently rocking himself in and out of you but you weren’t sure if this pace was better or worse for you as you felt your high build once more.
‘You’re doing so good, I can feel you wanna cum though so just let go for me okay?’
‘Okay’ you whispered, letting him pick his speed up again and it didn’t take much more for you to be tipped over the edge. Moaning his name as he still went at you relentlessly until you felt his hips stutter, a string of curse words falling from his lips before he slumped against you slightly so you could both get your breath back.
‘Was I too much? I was still thinking about you calling me sir just before and I think I just went a little crazy’ he laughed in your ear, pulling out of you with a hiss so he could pull you straight into his arms and under the running water. Your heart thumping at his sweet gesture.
‘No mase, I liked it’ you laughed, holding him around his waist as he did the same to you and you couldn’t help but mirror his shy smile.
‘As long as you’re sure?’
‘Positive’ you winked before he pressed a sweet kiss to your forehead.
You didn’t spend long in there, quickly getting washed and out before meeting Mason in the main part of the bathroom where he was sitting on the closed lid of your loo. Beckoning you over to come and stand in between his legs but as soon as your hands made contact with his skin you knew something was off.
‘Mase, your shoulders look a bit pink’ you told him. His skin feeling hot to the touch and he slightly winced as you stroked his skin.
‘Yeah they feel a little weird I think I’m a bit burnt’
‘Stay there, I’ll put some after sun on for you’ you told him. Reaching for the bottle on the side so you could apply it but you felt bad as soon as he flinched when the cold cream hit his skin so you rubbed it in as soon as possible. Feeling his muscles relax under your fingers as you massaged him slightly before he looked up at you with his big brown eyes.
‘What’s all that stuff up there?’ He asked, nodding to the shelf under your mirror and you smiled when you caught onto what he was referring to.
‘My skincare’
‘Why do you have so much?’
‘We weren’t all blessed with clear and baby soft skin like you unfortunately’ you teased, tapping the end of his nose lightly which caused him to blush. ‘Would you like to try some?’
‘Okay’ he whispered, watching you with curious eyes as you applied various creams and serums to his face. His hands holding the backs of your legs the whole time and when you were done you pressed a light kiss to the end of his nose without even thinking.
‘All done’ you smiled, taking a step back to you could reach for the after sun and start to apply it to yourself but he took it from your hand and stood behind you. Massaging it into your shoulders as you caught eyes in the mirror in front of you.
‘Do you think we need to tone it down a bit?’ You asked, picking up your cleanser so you could start on your own skincare. ‘I don’t want anyone to suspect anything and I’m pretty sure Dec’s picking up on some vibes’
‘I’ll tell him to back off, don’t worry’ he laughed, hands smoothing over your skin still even though the after sun was all rubbed in. ‘Plus if we go too far the other way they’ll be suspicious too’
‘I guess you’re right’ you shrugged, Turing in his arms after applying the last of your moisturiser before covering your face with your hands so he didn't see you yawn.
‘Aww is my little Muffin sleepy’ he teased
‘It’s been a long day’ you defended with a light laugh so hand in hand he walked you to your bedroom door and with a quick kiss to your forehead he walked across the hallway to his room opposite.
‘Oh wait’ he suddenly called, just over the threshold of his room and by the time you looked up he’d removed the towel from his body and was standing there completely naked. ‘You can have this back’ he laughed, throwing it in your direction and thankfully it landed on your head so you couldn’t see him anymore but you heard the door click and the sounds of his muffled laughter ringing through the halls.
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liked by masonmount, laurenfryer_, woody_ and others
y/n yellow to make the boys say hello 💛
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declanrice yeah right you wouldn’t leave our side let alone say hello to anyone. I know your game
y/n wow sorry for wanting to spend time with my friends 🙄 won’t bother next time
laurenfryer_ don’t listen to him girl 😩 we’ve got the whole week to find you a man 😉
masonmount who’s that handsome devil in the last picture?
y/n no idea, I don’t see one
benchilwell I don’t either
woody_ neither do I
masonmount ☹️
okaylaaa girly you look delectable 🤭 like a little lemon cupcake I’m living
y/n SAYS YOU 🥹 you’re actually the cutest
conorgallagher92 Mason I think that shirts a little too big mate
masonmount it’s called fashion
y/n if you say so
conorgallagher92 good to see you in blue 😉
carlywlms_ my beautiful bestie 🥹 so excited for our week together like you don’t understand 🩷
y/n trust me I think I might be more excited than you 😭
masonsprivate hello
y/n 👋🏻🙊
Tagged: @footiehoemcfc @prideofpd @yoursselo @chelseachilly @willow-writer-ivy @mm-vii @katharinanadiaa @mmountseb @carlottawllms @saltyheartnightmare @masonmtxo @harvestmount @chillymountsjess @treblebluesblog @pulisicsgirl @bluesswift @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps
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dylanconrique · 4 months
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taylorsabrina · 7 months
petition for taylor and sabrina to release a song together called "lilac dream"
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chuluoyi · 10 months
Aaaah, you think so???? There are so many good dramas nowadays too!! The thing that I sometimes find hard to adjust is the actors, there are some good ones and some others aren't as good :( but I always give them a chance to change my mind haha for example, if I had to recommend a good new gen drama, it'd be King the Land, it's so romantic but comfortable! AND THE KISS SCENES SHUT UP, I never got enough of them !!
Aaaah, the glory is such a good drama! I've seen it like 5 times from begining to end ! It's so satisfying how everyone got the penalty they deserved !
That drama you're talking about, idk why, I think it's like a Korean version of grey's anatomy JSNDJJS haven't seen neither but I get the vibes
AH, Speaking of kpop! I'm also not as invested as I was when I was in highschool but I still listen to some songs from time to time, only following one or two groups/artists that I really liked back then. How about you??? 👀✨
that’s so true!!!😭 like there’d be this really good-looking dashing actor but unfortunately he isn’t that good with acting🤧 like i want to enjoy the drama but find a hard time to bcs it’s like his soul isn’t really there??😭 am i even making sense here but yeah that’s what i’m getting at🥲 ahhh right i had wanted to give king the land a try but it’s not exactly my cup of a tea and i haven’t gotten the time to watch anything these days *sigh*
5 times?!😳 but yes song hye kyo’s dramas never fail though🫶🏻
HAHAHHA yesyes it’s more or less like grey’s anatomy🥹 but somehow i got attached with the main characters fairly easily. but the medical terms bamboozled me too🤧 i mostly ignored them and enjoy the slice of life🥹
same!! me too! what do you follow now?👀
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heeliopheelia · 9 months
dude HELLO NAJWESELSZYCH ŚWIĄT DLA CB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! almost thought ill miss this but it turns out i remembered!!!!! i hope u will have peaceful and warm holidays <333 trochę chujnia ze nie ma śniegu ale still najlepszego <333 !! kc wifeyyy
OMGG HI LOVELY!!! WESOŁYCH ŚWIĄT TOBIE TE�� 😚🫶 Tak sie zapchałam pierogami że ledwo co dycham...
There was snow in my town in the very morning but it all melted until the afternoon and the rain started pouring down 🥴 christmas in poland are so special 😍
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1004tyun-archive · 1 year
❥ late bloomer
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✿ pairing: non-idol!taehyun x noona!reader
✿ summary: your high school and college years were nothing short of uneventful. no first dates, no first kiss, no first boyfriend, nothing. but when you and taehyun hit it off at an art exhibit and start a relationship, you know you want him to be your first for everything. but does taehyun know he's your first?
✿ genres: established relationship, smut, slight angst
✿ warnings: slight age gap (reader is 25, taehyun is 21), virgin reader, soft dom taehyun, body worship, mirror sex, voyeurism
✿ word count: 5.8k words
✿ a/n: hi friends! i've been noticing an increase in the taehyun noona lover agenda, so i thought why not toss my hat in and give y'all a noona reader fic of my own? i hope you enjoy <3
very special thank you to @cherrypeaking for being my sounding board while writing this fic! screenshots were shared, tears were shed, memories were made 🥹
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You zoom down the streets of Seoul with purpose, the wind blowing through your hair as you blast Carly Rae Jepsen’s entire discography in your car, not caring if anyone’s bothered by the way the bass shakes your car. Today’s a special day, after all.
You and Taehyun’s halfiversary, to be specific. It was like pulling teeth trying to get him to play along with the gimmick of celebrating the first six months of your relationship, but you were too excited not to celebrate it. You had a feeling there would be many more months to come, you knew it from the first date. You’ve never been more certain about anything.
You roll up to Taehyun’s apartment complex and turn your music down to a whisper’s volume. You text him indicating that you’re outside and he steps out moments later. He looks so dashing in a white dress shirt, black pants, his dark hair pushed back, and a Rolex adorning his wrist. As soon as he slides into your car, you’re hit with the scent of his woodsy, floral cologne.
Does he have any idea how irresistible he is?
“Happy halfiversary, baby,” you say and lean in, smiling into the kiss he gives you. You playfully smack him on the arm when he doesn’t return the greeting and he holds back a smile, his lips pressing into a line.
“Come on, you have to say it too!”
“Or what, the magic won’t work?” he asks dryly.
“Come on, say it!” you whine, then cross your arms. “I’m not driving us to our reservation until you say it.”
His smile gets harder to suppress as you give him puppy eyes, you can tell his resolve is beginning to crack.
“Happy… halfiversary, Y/N,” he finally says. You pump your fist and kiss him on the cheek. He can’t stop himself from smiling and neither can you.
If there’s one thing you’ve grown to admire about Taehyun, it’s his dry sense of humor. He takes so much pleasure in messing with you, but you love to return the energy, pushing the boundaries of just what you can get him to do in the name of love.
You switch to the playlist you and Taehyun made when you first started seeing each other and warmth spreads in your chest as you reminisce.
It hasn’t been too long you started dating, but every day has been so bright since Taehyun entered your life.
You’re relieved by everything he is. Protective, kind, warm in his own special, Taehyun way. His warmth radiates even as he sits across from you and holds your hand, rubbing your knuckles with his thumb. The flame of the candle between you enhances the brown in his eyes.
Being an art museum security guard is a niche job that requires you to look tough and always be on your toes, but being around Taehyun allows you to let your guard down.
You’re the older of the two of you; you’re a couple of months into being 25 and Taehyun turned 21 just days before you met, but you turn into such a giddy child whenever he’s around.
You swing your arms as you hold hands and walk through the city streets together, and Taehyun watches you in amusement, a quiet fond smile on his face.
You make your way from the restaurant to the grocery store to stock up on snack foods for the night.
As you and Taehyun load your many bags of snacks into the trunk of your car, it finally hits you.
You’re going to be spending the night with him for the first time. You’ve never spent the night with a boyfriend before, much less even had a boyfriend before, period.
Your CRJ marathon continues as you drive back to Taehyun’s apartment. Want You In My Room starts to play and the heat rises in your cheeks. You try to keep your cool as the song plays. You’re having good conversation, but of course it settles to silence in the middle of the first chorus.
♪ I wanna do bad things to you / Slide on through my window / (I want you in my room) / Baby, don’t you want me, too? ♪
You get flustered and quickly switch to the next song.
“Subtle,” Taehyun remarks and you want to bury yourself in your steering wheel.
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Despite your prior embarrassment, Taehyun has your back pressed against the wall the moment his front door shuts behind you. His hands slide up your waist and to the side of your neck as his lips press against yours.
He kneels in front of you and runs his hands up your legs and under your dress to play with the tops of your sheer tights.
“Can I take these off?” he asks, running his his hands down to rest on the backs of your thighs. He’s so breathtaking from this angle, looking up at you with those eager, glittering eyes.
His breath is fanning against your thigh, sending tingles up your spine and making you dizzy. Every cell in your body is urging you, screaming at you to say yes.
And yet…
“Wait,” you say, breathing a little heavily. “I… uh, I-I didn’t shave.”
“That doesn’t bother me.”
“Well, it bothers me,” you emphasize, sounding more offended than you intended. Taehyun pauses to look at you for a moment before the warmth of his hands slowly leave your body. You feel a pang of guilt and offer a meek apology as he rises to his feet.
“It’s okay. We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.”
But that’s the problem. You do want to, you really really want to.
But there’s a massive roadblock that always stands in your way whenever situations like this arise.
A roadblock called inexperience.
You change into your pajamas and spend the rest of the night watching competitive cooking shows on Netflix while gossiping about your work lives and sharing snacks like you’re two kids having a sleepover.
You fall asleep on the couch snuggled into his side and you’re stirred awake by his movement.
“Let’s get to bed,” he says sleepily. He helps you up from the couch and you can’t ignore the butterflies in your stomach as you realize you’ll be sleeping in the same bed together for the first time.
Once it dawns on you that you’re sleeping together, you’re too giddy to possibly fall asleep. You say goodnight when Taehyun falls asleep, but you’re still up, taking in the atmosphere of his bedroom. He has blackout curtains but a small, round galaxy lamp casts shadows on the ceiling and grants the perfect amount of light to the room. Everything smells like him, floral and woodsy like his cologne, but also like the lavender scent of his hair shampoo.
You could imagine yourself here more often.
When you wake up hours later, all you can do is stare at Taehyun’s sleeping face. He looks so peaceful when he’s sleeping, even with his mouth slightly open and messy hair.
“Morning,” Taehyun says. His morning voice is so sexy, it warms up your entire body. He throws an arm over you and snuggles you closer. You’re close enough for the tips of your noses to touch, close enough to hear his breathing.
“G’morning,” you say then kiss the tip of your boyfriend’s nose.
“I made a brunch reservation for 10:00,” he says. “It’s a quarter to 9 now, so we have time.”
“Time for what?” you ask.
“Time for this,” Taehyun pounces on you and kisses you. You kiss him back and things get heated pretty quickly with his tongue making its way past your lips and into your mouth.
Your heart catches in your throat when you feel his morning wood poking at your inner thigh.
“Wanna make a mess before we get ready?” he asks, his tone suggestive as he slips his fingers past the fabric of your worn t-shirt. Your heart is hammering in your chest as the warmth of his hand against your waist makes you dizzy.
“I-I think we should start getting ready,” you say, shying away from Taehyun’s touch. He looks a bit disappointed but ultimately does what you say and removes his hands from your body.
You quickly get up to get your clothes for the day and go to take your shower.
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The rest of the day is awkward, to say the least.
You and Taehyun walk back from brunch. You reach for his hand and hold it, but he doesn’t hold yours back. Taehyun, the chronic hand holder, not reaching for your hand as soon as you left the restaurant already raised a red flag, but him not holding your hand at all?
You get back to his place and take a seat on the couch. Taehyun sits on the couch too, but not immediately next to you. And at first, you chalk that up to him needing a bit of space. It’s not like he was icing you out, he wasn’t kicking you out, after all. He was still in the same room with you, just a little more quiet and distant than usual.
He’s pretty quiet for the rest of the day, giving you tacit responses when you ask questions and giving a half-hearted laugh when you try to tell a joke or make him laugh.
You finally notice things are wrong when he’s cooking dinner. You wrap your arms around his waist and he exhales through his nose.
“Now you want to touch me?” he asks. Your heart breaks a little as you let go of him.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you ask.
Oh, so now it’s back to the short responses?
“No, it’s not nothing,” you say, it’s impossible to hide that you’re upset. “What did you mean?”
“Do I really have to spell it out for you?” he asks. Where did this tone come from? He sounds like he’s joking, but not really. It’s really setting you off.
“Clearly there’s something I’m not getting,” you say.
“Then maybe you need some time to figure it out. Time away from me.”
You’re taken aback.
“Taehyun, what are you saying?”
“I’m saying you should probably go,” he finally turns to face you and his face is devoid of any warmth. When he looks at you with those cold eyes, it’s like the warmth leaves your body as well.
You search his face for any inkling of mirth or signs of him joking, but you don’t find any.
He really wants you to leave.
“Fine, I have work tomorrow anyway,” you stuff your clothes back into your bag, and storm out of Taehyun’s apartment without even a second glance. He doesn’t even look at you as you leave.
You walk to your car, not being able to hear much over your heart pounding in your ears. By the time you’re seated behind the wheel, your heart plummets.
It hits you that you’ve hurt your boyfriend’s feelings big-time. You didn’t need to see him on your way out to know that.
You can’t even bring yourself to start your car. You sit behind the wheel and hold back your tears until you can’t any longer, tears spilling down your cheeks while you mentally beat yourself up for having done this. Why were you so afraid? Why were you going out of you way to drive a wedge between the two of you?
It’s like you wanted him to hate you.
You check your phone at every red light, hoping and praying that he reaches out to you first, but to no avail. No message, no phone call, nothing from him.
A sinking feeling festers at the pit of your stomach. You’re not sure if you even want to go home, but you can’t think of anywhere else you could go.
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Your housemates Jihyo and Nayeon are sitting in the living room laughing at something on TV and you know you’ve tanked the energy the moment you step through the door.
“You’re back,” Jihyo greets from the couch. “How’d it go?”
“It was… nice,” you say, voice strained.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” Nayeon asks, clearly detecting that something’s wrong.
You can already feel the tears returning and you can’t stop them from falling. You break down into sobs and both Jihyo and Nayeon get up to console you. They lead you to the couch to sit down and you tearfully explained everything that has led up to this point.
“I hurt him,” you say between sobs and Nayeon rubs your shoulder. “He’s never gonna speak to me again.”
“Did he say that?” Jihyo asks.
“No, but he didn’t need to. Ever since this morning, he’s been tiptoeing around me and walking on eggshells trying not to upset me. He didn’t touch me, he didn’t even sit near me. He probably thinks I hate him.”
“Sounds like he thinks you’re mad at him,” Nayeon suggests.
“I’m not mad at him, I’m just.. scared of messing up.”
“Why are you so scared of going through with it?”
“I-I don’t think I’m ready. It’s something I want, but I don’t feel ready. There are only so many articles you can read and videos you can watch in preparation. Nothing compares to actual experience, and until meeting Taehyun, I’ve had none. What if I do something wrong? What if there’s something wrong with the way I smell or the way I taste or I can’t get into the right positions or—”
“—Y/N, no one’s first time is perfect,” Nayeon says. “The only way it can be close to perfect is by communicating with each other.”
“Right,” Jihyo adds. “Just like how you can’t read his mind, he can’t read yours either. You have to talk things through with him, even if it’s hard.”
You fall silent.
“Does he know he’s your first?” Jihyo asks.
You shake your head, feeling a bit embarrassed.
“Y/N, you should tell him,” Nayeon says. “He should understand, he loves you.”
“After tonight, I’m not so sure he does. I don’t wanna lose him.”
“Please, you should see the way he looks at you,” Jihyo says. “He looks at you like you hung the moon and put every star in the sky. You’re not gonna lose him over this, just talk it out.”
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You keep Jihyo and Nayeon’s words in mind as your fingers hover over your phone screen the following afternoon.
You have to do this, it’s now or never. A knot forms in your throat as you begin to type.
you: Hey are you busy tonight? I want to talk
taehyun: We’re talking now
you: No I wanna talk to you in person
you: If that’s okay
you: We can meet at that cafe you like
taehyun: That’s fine I have time after work
you: Okay see you then
He doesn’t respond and your entire body gets tense. Jihyo wasn’t wrong about this being hard.
You end up arriving first, standing outside the café with your hands in your pockets mentally hyping yourself up for this difficult conversation. You can do this. It’ll be hard but it’s important for your relationship.
You spot Taehyun from the corner of your eye and walk toward him, greeting him and giving him a hug. He doesn’t hug you back, that on its own worries you, but you try not to let it discourage you.
“How are things?” you ask from the across the table.
“Fine,” he says. His tone is so cold, not like the playful kind of cold tone he uses to tease you, but genuinely cold, distant even. A frigid silence settles between the two of you and your throat tightens.
“I wanna apologize for last weekend,” you start. “I didn’t mean to be so weird.”
“It’s fine,” Taehyun says, his voice is tense and it unsettles you.
“No, it’s not fine. I hurt you when I didn’t mean to, and I’m sorry.”
Taehyun is unusually quiet, part of you wants to ask him why but you also want to give him the proper space to think.
"Y/N, be honest. Are you trying to break up with me?"
That question hits you like a slap in the face.
"Whenever I try to touch you, you always push my hands away, change the topic, or run away. This didn’t start with last weekend, it’s been going on for a while now and I don’t know if I can take it anymore. What am I doing wrong? Am I making you uncomfortable?"
"No, no. Taehyun, you're not doing anything wrong."
"Then why are you pushing me away?"
"I’m not pushing you away, I just…" you hesitate, looking down at your hands then back up at Taehyun, who's looking at you expectantly. He’s a bit upset, but it's clear that he wants to hear what you have to say for yourself.
The thing is, you aren't completely prepared to say it. You swallow, fighting the dryness seizing your throat.
"I’ve spent all my life feeling invisible. My friends had their first kisses before I did, got married before I did, started having kids before I did while I couldn’t even get a date. I felt like time was running out for me, and then I met you. Taehyun, you make me feel seen. Being with you makes me feel like the lovesick teenager I never got to be. Before we got together, I'd never had a boyfriend, been on a date, held someone's hand, or had my first kiss. You've been my first for everything, but whenever sex comes into play, I-I get scared.”
“Scared that I won’t measure up, scared of how you’d react. You’ve had years of experience with different partners while I just bought a vibrator for the first time this year. Can you believe it? 25 and I just bought my first sex toy,” you say with a wry laugh. “You make me so happy, Taehyun. There’s no one else I’d rather have my first time with, but the thought of disappointing you or making you slow down for me hurts too much. I don’t want to do that to you."
There’s a long silence between the two of you. Taehyun pulls you into a tight hug. You’re startled at first, but you soon close your eyes and wrap your arms around him in return.
“I don’t even know where to start,” he sighs. “I’m- I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
Another thing you’ve learned to love about Taehyun is his firm belief of actions speaking louder than words. The way he holds you tight in this café speaks for him perfectly. Sometimes words aren’t needed and this is one of those times for him.
“Let’s make some plans,” Taehyun says, determined. “I’m gonna give you the best first time you’ll ever have.”
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As the week progresses, Taehyun texts you asking about your sexual preferences, your kinks, anything you’d like to try, and you answer to the best of your abilities. You blush when he tells you the things he’d like to do to you.
Things like tying you up, spitting in your mouth, overstimulation, the works. He emphasized that he’d only do these things if you want him to, but little does he know that you’d let him run you over with a tractor as long as he called you his princess while doing it.
But maybe you’ll reserve those for after your first time. Baby steps.
You open your underwear drawer and the tip of your one and only vibrator is staring you right in the face.
You stare at it for a good minute, wondering if you should bring it along on your journey. You suppose it wouldn’t be a bad idea and tuck the toy into your purse.
You throw on your best dress and heels and make your way out the door. Your heart is beating at a thousand miles a minute but talking things through with Taehyun all week combined with your housemates’ good luck texts this morning give you all the confidence you need.
Your heart is pounding as you walk down the narrow hallway of his floor and get closer to his apartment. You knock on the door and you’re greeted with a surprisingly dressed down Taehyun. He’s got a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants on, a far cry from the glam look you decided to go with for today.
“Wow, you got all dressed up for me?” Taehyun wraps his arms around your waist and kisses you.
“I feel so overdressed,” you confess.
“Don’t worry, that won’t matter later,” he says with a smile and your cheeks burn. He leads you to his bedroom, but you can hardly wait to touch him, to kiss him, to feel him.
You don’t even make it to the bed before you pounce on him, pressing his back to his bedroom door and kissing him hard. He leans into it almost automatically as his hands find your waist to pull you impossibly closer.
“Have I ever told you how sexy your legs look in tights?” Taehyun asks, running his hands up your legs.
“No, but I wouldn’t mind hearing it a couple hundred more times.”
“As you wish,” Taehyun kisses your neck and his hands go to the tops of your tights. He peels them off of your legs and casts them to the side. He sucks on the skin of your neck and you sigh at the sensation as he leaves a few pretty hickies behind.
His hands trail up your ass and to the invisible zipper on the back of your dress. Your heart skips a beat as you feel your dress slowly fall off of your body and pool around your feet on the floor. Taehyun grabs your shoulders and turns you toward the full-length mirror. He snakes his arms around your waist to hug you from behind.
”God, look at you,” Taehyun whispers against your skin. “I can’t believe no one’s gotten their hands on you yet. How did I get so lucky?”
Taehyun sits at the end of the bed and pulls you down onto his lap so that you’re still facing the mirror.
“Lift your hips,” he says into your ear. You do as your told and lift your hips so he can take your panties off. Once he rolls them down your thigh, you wriggle out of them and kick them off to the side. Taehyun unhooks your bra and pulls it off of you, letting it fall to the floor next to your underwear.
It’s a little embarrassing, sitting in his lap completely naked while he’s fully clothed.
Taehyun explores your naked body with his hands, fingers dragging up your thighs to your stomach to squeeze your breasts. You close your eyes and relax into his touch, feeling every individual callus on the skin of his palm. He slides his thumb over your bottom lip and you sigh, granting him access to your mouth. He shoves two fingers into your mouth and your tongue lazily swirls around his fingers before you begin to suck on them.
“That’s it, princess. You’re a quick learner,” he says and you tingle from his praise. He thrusts his fingers in and out of your mouth and you suck on his digits with every movement.
After a minute or so, he pulls them out of your mouth with a wet pop. Your eyes shoot open when you feel his saliva coated fingers in your pussy. Your back arches from the sensation and you make a noise you’ve never heard yourself make before. Taehyun chuckles.
“You’re so cute,” he whispers and kisses the shell of your ear. “So wet already and we’ve just barely started. I can’t wait to make a mess of you.”
He grabs your jaw with his free hand and turns your head to face the mirror head-on.
“Keep your eyes on the mirror for me.”
You obey, but it’s so hard. Your vision goes blurry as you watch as his fingers thrust in and out of your wet, throbbing entrance. He curls them in just the right way to have you moan so loudly that you shock yourself. You throw your hand over your mouth, but Taehyun quickly removes it.
You've never seen or heard yourself like this before. He’s driving you absolutely wild.
His erection presses against your ass and when you grind against it, his breath hitches.
He rubs at your swollen clit with the heel of his palm. It’s enough to have you clamping your legs shut and squirming in his lap. Taehyun uses his free hand to hold your leg open as he continues to tease your clit at that same, excruciatingly slow rhythm.
You come undone, high pitched moans leaving your lips as you writhe in his lap and he holds you in his strong arms. He continues to finger you through your orgasm until you’re reduced to a panting and whimpering mess.
“Good girl,” he whispers. “You’re so good, princess.”
You go limp in his arms and he holds you, closing his eyes and burying his face in your bare shoulder.
“Are you okay? Do you have enough energy to get on the bed for me?” he asks. You nod and he helps you up anyway, taking your hand and getting you properly seated on the bed.
You sleepily watch as Taehyun slowly undresses, pulling his t-shirt over his head and tossing it into the nearest laundry basket. He pulls a foil packet from the pocket of his sweatpants and places it on his nightstand.
And then, suddenly, you have a lightbulb moment.
“Can we try something?” you ask.
Taehyun raises an eyebrow. “In the mood to experiment already?” You nod shyly and he leans in, eager to listen.
“Can you get my vibrator from my purse? I want you to use it on me.”
It’s a simple little thing, a pink silicone rabbit vibrator about five inches tall.
“What do you want me to do?” he asks, hand resting on your thigh.
You shrug, “I don’t know, be creative.”
“How about you show me how you use it?” he tosses the device to you and your mouth goes dry.
“You’ve used it on yourself before, right? I want to watch you use it.”
You’re frozen in place as the gears in your brain slowly turn in an effort to process what he just said.
“You’re already naked, love. Just get in the usual position you’re in when you use it. I won’t judge you, I promise.”
You’re hesitant but you eventually roll over onto your stomach and shift onto your knees so that your ass is in the air and your face is buried in the softness of one of the memory foam pillows. It smells just like his shampoo, you close your eyes and bury yourself in the scent until your eyes suddenly snap open and you remember what you’re in the middle of.
You can’t see Taehyun but can you feel his eyes on you and it sends a shiver down your spine.
“I’m waiting,” he says in a teasing tone and your face heats up. You press the button at the bottom of the vibrator to turn it on and hold it against your pussy, not yet sliding it inside. You take a breath and rub it against your slit, your thighs twitching when it brushes by your sensitive clit.
“What do you think about when you touch yourself?”
You jolt at the question, already feeling flushed.
“Don’t be shy, you can tell me. It’ll be our little secret.”
He must think he’s so funny. It’s hard to concentrate, your mind is already foggy as you try to focus on your own pleasure while trying to put on a good first show for your boyfriend.
“Put it inside,” he says, softly but commanding. You do as he says, mewling as you push the silicone toy into your dripping core.
“Do you imagine me fucking you?”
Taehyun hovers over you, his toned chest pressing against your back. He kisses your shoulder and slides a hand down over your busy hand, helping you to thrust the vibrator in and out of you.
“It doesn’t compare to me, does it? Doesn’t stretch you out and fill you up like I can, either.”
The mere thought of having him inside you is enough to turn you on even more. Your pussy tightens around the toy, but he’s right. It isn’t enough. You want— no, you need more.
You need him.
“What’s wrong, princess? Can’t cum? Not even with me helping you?”
Your eyes are brimming with tears, you’re so close yet overstimulated at the same time and you’re not sure you can take this any longer. You wordlessly shake your head.
“Want my cock instead?” he asks and you nod fervently. He pulls the vibrating toy out of you and the vibrating sensation that initially numbed your pussy is replaced with the head of Taehyun’s cock. You whimper and he kisses your shoulder.
“Let me know if I need to slow down, okay?”
You give a nod and he plants another kiss on your shoulder before aligning his cock against your pussy and pushing into you. You hiss, hands tightly gripping the cotton sheets beneath you as you feel him slowly fill you. Your body feels like it’s on fire, stretching around him burns, but the pain slowly starts to settle in the boundary of pleasure as Taehyun slowly slides into you until he bottoms out.
You’re pretty sure you’ve elevated to higher plane. You can feel every curve and vein of his length inside you, he fits you so perfectly.
“Are you okay?” he asks, voice soft as a feather.
“Mhm,” you sigh. “Feels so good…”
“Mm, that’s my girl,” he rubs your thighs and up towards your stomach. “Relax, okay? I’ll take good care of you.”
You steady your breathing for a moment before he drags his length out of you and plunges it back in. He thrusts particularly deep and hits a spot that has you drooling and grabbing the sheets until your hands start shaking.
“Fuck, Taehyun…!” you cry.
“I’m here, princess. I’m here,” he says soothingly. “You’re doing so good.”
He continues to pound into you, hitting that same spot over and over, it feels so good you could cry. His girthy cock is filling you up, stretching you out so perfectly; you can’t imagine why you waited so long for this, but you’re so glad you’re experiencing it now.
Your entire body runs hot and your thighs quake as you feel a pressure building in your hips.
“T-Taehyun, I’m… ‘m- shit, I’m so close,” you squeak.
“Cum for me, princess. I want you to fucking drench me,” Taehyun says, thrusting faster. “Come on, give it to me.”
You cum so hard that your entire body shakes and your voice breaks. You call Taehyun’s name over and over like it’s a prayer and he holds you tight. Your reaction is enough to push him over the edge as he fucks you through your orgasm.
“You’re mine, Y/N. You’re mine, no one else can have you,” he breathes, thrusting in you faster and faster until he finally cums. You shudder at the way his cock swells inside of you. Your chest rises and falls as you try to catch your breath.
“C’mere, I wanna look at you…” Taehyun pulls out and turns you over on your back so that he’s hovering over you. The outline of his toned body has your heart racing. It’s only been seconds but you already miss the feeling of him inside you.
“You’re so pretty,” he leans in to kiss your forehead and you instantly get butterflies. He falls onto you and you wrap your arms around his waist. You lay there for a minute, still catching your breath until your breathing is in sync.
“Y/N, I want…” his words trail off, he looks flustered. You silently urge him to continue and he gives you a shy, hesitant look you’ve never seen before.
“You might not have been my first, but I want you to be my last,” he confesses. “I know it might be too soon to say it, but I—”
Before Taehyun can continue, you grab his face and kiss him. It’s clumsy, your faces mush together in an awkward kind of way but you can’t help the way you’re feeling. All the admiration and fondness you have for him overtook you like a tidal wave. You separate and he stares at you with wide eyes.
“Sorry, continue.” you apologize, breathless. Taehyun looks at you with amusement.
He chuckles, “No, I think that spoke for me just fine.”
“Come on, say it.”
“Are you gonna interrupt me again?”
“Only if you want me to,” you say with a suggestive raise of your eyebrows. Taehyun laughs, it sounds like the ringing of bells.
“I love you, Y/N. I wasn’t kidding when I said you’re mine.”
You smile, holding back your tears of happiness, “I hope you know there’s no getting rid of me now that you’ve said that.”
“Wouldn’t want that for the world,” Taehyun kisses you and lays his head on your bare chest. You run your hands through his hair.
“I love you, Taehyun. I love you so much.”
771 notes · View notes
channelinglament · 1 year
Is it okay if I send this idea. Imagine yandere hsr hearing you singing love songs. Imagine you singing a song like call me maybe. The characters would think you are asking them for their number.
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Since no one specified characters, I'll chose randomly (I actually started spinning the wheel in google lmao-)
- this is a reaction, not a drabble like I attempted ;w;
Trailblazer(Caelus and Stelle)
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(You can think of one or both, I referred as they/them because I wanted you to pick the one you're comfortable with, or both if u want to. I mean, they're the same person-...but I can't help but think of them as twins lmaooo)
(˚ˎ 。7
^ this is them.
"Did our Aeon just started singing??"
- they would just stand there and listen
- until they understand this is a romance
- Are you proposing your love for them?🥹
..You're asking for their number?
...💳💥💳💥💳💥💳💥 (this is Welt's credit card)
- You can get not only their number, but their(Welt's) money aswell!
- Also wdym by "You just met them"..?
- If they somehow manage to hack your phone (50/50 chance) then they'll 100% call you
...10000% call you if they manage actually..
They will not leave you alone afterwards tho..
You love them right?
Dan Heng
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- ...
- * blushes and looks away *
- ૮ ˶ᵔ . ᵔ˶ ა
- Would definitely find a way to hack your phone and get your number. Though, probably, by this moment, you'll be at Herta's space station.
- would not question why did you start singing. Actually would ask you to sing more, he absolutely loves it.
..just don't sing it nearby others..
-2/10 would not recommend. Sing only to him. At least only romance songs (or around the trio)
March 7th
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- Uwah!♡
- This is so cute!
- Ofcourse you can have her number!
- Would you like to take pictures with her?
- Maybe a date even?????
- *Furiously writes in her diary several pages about your "confession" for her*
/ᐢ⑅ᐢ\ ♡ ₊˚
꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ ♡‧₊˚ ♡
./づ~ :¨·.·¨: ₊˚
`·..·‘ ₊˚ ♡
Please sing it only to her.. just in general
She loves your voice, but
She can't chose, if she wants everyone to hear you, or if your voice should be only to her (or trio)
Silver Wolf
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(Yes 2 gifs)
This two gifs is literally what she is doing after hearing what you just sang (while you're still singing-)
- Hacks your phone, takes your number and adds her.
- Even tho Herta froze her game accs...is willing to work with her and that robo-guy to bring you here.
- Doesn't wanna share with Herta and others..so would steal you afterwards
- Say hello to life with Kafka and Blade
- Until others find you..
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- *Blushing intensifies*
- He would turn into tomato
- His face would be redder than Riddle Rosehearts's hair
- Stutters
- Malfunctions
- But happy
- When you're here, would take you on a date. And give you his number almost immediately.
- Sadly cannot do anything before Herta, SW, Welt and others bring you here.
..He's so angry that he wanst the first one to see you, but at least you're here now
He understands that you need to communicate with others but..
Make sure to pay attention to him
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..Want me to make part 2?
..if yes then what characters? Or should I spin the wheel again?
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