#and clarke is just 99% of the time in either a suit or far too much leather
lexa-griffins · 2 years
I don't think there's enough daddy Clarke and babygirl Lexa fics 😔 I wanna see my soft commander being commanded
The fact that when you search on ao3 "daddy clarke" or "babygirl lexa" you get the exact opposite results its my villain origin story 😔
I am whoever committed to, by my own damn hand, bring the daddy!clarke / babygirl!lexa number up!! I promise you that! This is my presidential campaign speech! My promise to you!! We WILL make the commander be commanded! And we weill let daddy!clarke rise from the ashes!
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bleepblopbloop56 · 4 years
100 things to do under the stars
(Analogical, no warnings)
1: stargaze
  Virgil dragged Logan out from the warmth of the truck and into crisp fall air. They were in the middle of nowhere, it was nearly midnight, and the clouds were practically nonexistent. There wasn't a light for miles, aside from the still dimming headlights of Virgil's pickup truck. They had to be in someone's backyard or private property, but with a field so vast and expansive who would know to say anything. 
“Virgil-” Logan started before swiftly getting shushed by Virgil. He jerked open the door to the backseat, pulling out piles of blankets and pillows. 
  “Lo, i'm gonna need you to ignore how sketchy this looks and help me pad the bed of the truck, there's a meteor shower tonight and i want you to see it.” Virgil tossed him some handfuls of quilts and stuffed animals. It seemed as if he found every even remotely soft thing in his apartment and shoved it in the car. They passed the truck bed and Virgil hoisted him into the makeshift bed, before bracing the side of the truck and hoping for himself. 
 They stayed silent as they got comfortable, that was Logan's favorite part about their friendship, they could just exist around each other without any pressure to perform social cues like small talk.. They could just be. Logan reached down and intertwined their hands, making virgil's heart skip a beat. 
“Thank you,” he mumbled, shifting closer to his friend “I needed this” Virgil swallowed roughly, laying his head closer to Logan’s as they watched the stars 
7: contemplate existence + 11: drink coffee
 “Do you think there's something else out there?” Virgil asked after a long stretch of comfortable silence. This time, they sat on the roof of the truck, coffee in hand and feet dangling off the edge of the truck. 
  “Be more specific.” Logan took a sip of his coffee, bringing it to his mouth with both hands. It provided a nice warmth against the chill of the night, something his black wool coat was vaguely failing to provide.
   “Life.. do you think we're alone here?” Logan wanted to say no with a definite certainty that Virgil was looking for, but that would be irresponsible to answer with a certainty he didn't have. 
   “Arthur Clarke once said ‘Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.’” he settled on instead. Virgil grimaced and pulled his legs up to sit cross-legged and turned his body to face Logan. He tried to make eye contact with him, but Logan continued to look up into the abyss.
  “That's not what I asked,” he said “I wanna know what you think.” Logan took another slow sip of his coffee to stall. Eventually, he brought it away from his mouth and turned to face Virgil
   “I dont know..” he admitted “it seems.. impossible that there's an infinite universe beyond our capability of comprehension that is simply empty. I don't believe there will ever be certainty on our end, so,” he put the coffee down and laid down, putting his eyes back on the stars “i'd rather not worry about it.”
32: question your own mortality *
   “What do you suppose the point of it all is Virgil?”  he had become rather acquainted with the empty field he and Virgil spent nearly every clear night in. They hadn't even got out of the car this time before Logan started their nightly talks.
   “I thought it scared you to talk about things like that.” Virgil jokes to mask that he didn't have an answer. He jerked open the door but didn't get out. 
    “Do… Do you ever question why we're here?” Logan knew the answer to that, and Virgil constantly thought about his life and his purposeless existence. Virgil took pity on him when he noticed his big brown eyes sparkling in the light the car turned on. So mundane, and yet Virgil had seemed to romanticize the smallest things around Logan.
    “Get out, I wanna show you something,” Logan followed wordlessly. “I think..” Virgil continued, once they were out of the truck and on top of it “that it's different for everyone. For me, I just want to spend my short existence here experiencing life for what it is. Good and the bad, mostly good.” Virgil smiled softly as he laid down on the roof “ look at that… all the stars feel so close i could touch and yet impossibly far away. I can't see a horizon from here, it feels like I'm in the middle of all of them, here with you.”
    Logan laid on his side beside him, still not fully getting it. “You think you were put into existence to look at stars?”
    Virgil hoisted himself up on his elbows, craning his head back to continue looking at the abyss. “I think that's what i'm choosing to do with my existence, what are you choosing to do with yours?” Logan stayed quiet for a long time, just looking at Virgil and thinking before he jutted his head forward and kissed him. Virgil pulled back, heart beating  a million miles a minute. 
“Logan?” he whispered.
“If we get to choose what we do with our lives then i wanna spend mine like this, with you, and i've wasted too much time thinking.” he almost had tears in his eyes as he leaned forward again, letting Virgil close the gap this time. 
* (+ 53: have your first kiss) 
65: and your second
72: and third
83: and many many more
99: propose
    They continued going to their favorite spot for years, when they got older they bought the plot of land that they called theres and built a tiny cabin on the edge of the field. And one night, after 5 years of dating, virgil pulled logan into the middle of the field, walking this time. Fireflies and the moon are their only real source of light so far out in the field. 
Logan giggled as he attempted to keep balance while Virgil swung him around 
“What's got you in such a good mood?” Logan laughed, getting pulled into a nervous kiss by his boyfriend 
    “Virgil!” he smiled a little wider, “what's the occasion?”
   “Look up, and name all the constellations you can see,” Virgil asked quietly, hands fisted in his jacket pockets. Logan looked suspicious before doing as he was told, listing all he could remember the name of. Just as he was getting to the end of his list, Virgil cut him off. 
“Hey Logan?” When he looked back, Virgil was kneeling on the ground with a small navy blue box in his hands. “Can I ask you something?” 
Logan did not consider himself overly emotional, he nearly prided himself on it, and yet he couldn't seem to stop the hitch in his breath and rush of tears to his eyes. He wordlessly nodded, not trusting himself to speak.
    Virgil opened the box and revealed a ring with a simple diamond in the middle of a black band with stars engraved into the side. He stayed silent as the tears started cascading down his face. “Do you remember when you said you wanted to spend your life with me under the stars?” Logan  had to pull his hands to his mouth to contain the sob of happiness he couldn't. Virgil was also crying, a wide nervous grin on his face “will you make that official with me?” 
    “Yes!” Logan choked out, nodding profusely and collapsing into Virgil's arms when he stood up to hug him. He pulled back and kissed him, he kissed him for the millionth time with all the passion and love of the first. He pressed his forehead into Virgils, having to bend a little to accommodate for the height difference. 
“I love you” he mumbled, tears starting to end their freefall, even if only for a minute. “So so much”
100: get married.
    Roman bustled around their small cabin with the kind of nervousness more reserved for the grooms than the best man. He had been preparing this day- well, night- for months and had been more of a bridezilla than either of the actual men getting married. Guests were starting to arrive just after the sun went down and the stars were starting to peek through the darkness. Fairy lights shone just enough to allow the guests to find their seats without hassle, but not too much as to outshine the stars. 
    “Are you sure everythings ready?” Roman asked Logan once again, meeting a hard eye roll with an exacerbated grin. 
    “Yes Roman, I'm positive.” He couldn't help the feeling of joy riding in his throat when he checked his watch. He was getting married… to the most beautiful man on earth, under the stars, in his own backyard with all his friends… holy shit
    “Logan!” Patton called from the doorway, excited to be helping even if he'd been there since noon “its time! Come on “ 
    Virgil was…. He couldn't think of the right word.. Gorgeous, ethereal, amazing, perfect, genius, beautiful, unreal, indescribable… Logan felt in his heart as he was walked down the aisle by the designated group dad friend. He wore a velvet deep purple suit with black trims and converse sneakers, hair freshly dyed from a week before, and on top of his head sat a small crown with diamond stars. As much as he despised wedding traditions, this was his “something borrowed” generously lended by Roman to tie in the night theme. The wedding was small, neither of their families even invited to attend, and their friend group tiny but close knit. Patton bounced down the aisle with Virgil's arm intertwined in his, Logan didn't think the concept of “handing off the “bride ``'' was appropriate here, but neither of them could deny Patton's puppy dog eyes. 
The rest of the night went off without a hitch, dancing, kissing, crying, a small potluck with a modest red velvet wedding cake, and in the center of it all was stars. The decorations, the rings, the vows and the night sky, all of it was perfect. When all the guests left, and Virgil and Logan were finally alone, Logan pulled out a wedding present he had gotten for virgil. 
“What's this?” he asked, still riding the high of “Holy shit i'm really married” 
“Open it.” virgil undid the navy wrapping paper, and opened the box. Inside, there was a book titled “100 things to do under the stars, by Logan Cade” 
Virgils heart jumped when he realised logan had used his new last name.  
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jacobtmcelroy-blog · 7 years
Batman the Animated Series: ALL Episodes Ranked
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Over my lifetime, I have seen many live action and animated television programs. Out of all of those, I have never watched a show I have as much adoration for as Batman: The Animated Series. The series premiered in 1992 and could have been a cheap cash-in on the success of the first two Tim Burton movies. However, thanks to the storytelling skills of Bruce Timm, Kevin Altieri, and many others, Batman TAS was a massive success. The show was dark, mature, but still great for children and adults alike. Two episodes even won Emmy’s. So, I recently re-watched the series and decided I am going to take on the brave task of ranking every episode. Because there are so few purely bad episodes of Batman TAS, choosing the top groups was incredibly difficult. However, I did my best to complete the tall task and my hard work lies below.
The Dreadful, Horrible Tier
As I previously stated, there are very few bad episodes of the BTAS. Very, very few. However, those select few are pretty atrocious. Basically, this is the “what this show could have been with lazier, cheaper writers tier”.
102. Showdown
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This episode has absolutely nothing to do with Batman. That is all. Let’s continue.
101. I’ve Got Batman in My Basement
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Batman: The Phantom Menace. Seriously, these kids were as bad as Jake Lloyd Anakin. 
100. Tyger, Tyger
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Who thought turning Catwoman into an actual cat was a good idea? It definitely was not.
99. Love is a Croc
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Odd pairing couple strategy just ended up being... odd.
98. Cat Scratch Fever
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Man, Catwoman had some bad episodes. This awkward commentary on animal testing was one of them.
97. The Demon Within
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This just feels nothing like a Batman episode. The evil kid is really annoying too.
96. Critters
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Joel Schumacher takes over the helm of this hilariously bad episode... at least it seems like.
Of Lower Quality Than Others Tier
While not horrible and a disgrace to existence like the prior episodes listed... these are not too great either. They are at least watchable. Usually these are either uninteresting, laughably entertaining, or just REALLY mediocre. At least there’s no “I’ve Got Batman in My Basement” here.
95. Prophecy of Doom
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Batman versus... Miss Cleo, the fraud psychic from the 90′s! It’s about as interesting as it sounds honestly.
94. The Underdwellers
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Hey Arnold’s Sewer King episode was much more interesting. Not much else to say honestly.
93. Terrible Trio
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Talk about appropriate title names. The plot isn’t terrible, but the villains certainly are. One of the show creators called this the worst episode of the DCAU.
92. Make’em Laugh
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See? Even the Joker can have a bad episode.
91. Blind as a Bat
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“ALFRED, I CAN’T SEE!!!” Possibly the worst delivery from Kevin Conroy for one of the most melodramatic lines of the series. The Penguin has another flop here.
90. The Cape and Cowl Conspiracy
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The poor man’s Riddler takes on Batman in this underachieving episode that actually could have been interesting.
89. The Forgotten
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Cool Hand Batman! If the villain wasn’t a joke, maybe I would not forget this episode as much.
88. Moon of the Wolf
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Entertainingly stupid, but also stupid. Why would “advanced werewolf-ism” cure werewolf-ism?!
87. Sideshow
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A bit of a controversial placement on this list, but I just don’t think Killer Croc is a sympathetic villain. He is pretty much a pure evil character. Just my opinion.
 Jason Bourne Amnesia Tier..../Forgettable
We have escaped the very worst of what BTAS had to offer. The problem is there are so many good episodes of the series that some fall through the cracks. Oh, and there are also some mediocre episodes in this tier too. Especially, forgettable sequels to really good first episodes.
86. TIme Out of Joint
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Basically, this is one of those. A disappointing sequel to a stellar introductory episode to the Clock King. This one also has too much of the Saturday Morning cartoon feel to it.
85. Animal Act
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Mad Hatter definitely had some good episodes in this series.This one was not one of them. The writers tried to institute Dick’s circus past into this episode, but they just don’t do it very well.
84. Cold Comfort
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Essentially, this is the Saturday Morning cartoon Mr. Freeze episode. Both of his other episodes were mature, dark, and tautly written. This one is not terrible, but it is just really disappointing based on his prior two.
83. Be a Clown
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This episode isn’t near as bad as I remembered it to be and it actually has a nice lesson for kids and parents. However, there are some really stupid parts. Why did Bruce, Mayor Hill, Gordon, or anyone else not recognize the Joker in disguise... AS A CLOWN?! He even puts a bomb with a Joker face on the cake. Oh, and the kid is kind of annoying.
82. Fear of Victory
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This is not a terrible episode either, but it feels a lot more juvenile than most episodes in the series. Comparing this to the other Scarecrow episodes makes that more obvious. Pretty forgettable too.
81. Bane
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Bane’s sole appearance on his own in this series is fairly mediocre honestly. His fight with Batman is good, but Bane’s representation in this series is sort of laughable. His lines and character are ridiculously over the top and almost cringe-worthy at times. Also, Robin is a joke this episode.
80. Torch Song
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I have always thought Firefly was an underrated Batman villain, but his iteration here leaves a lot to be desired. His burning the city plot is kind of cliche and the girl he is stalking is really unlikable. However, the ending has a nice “burning” feeling to it. (*facepalm*) One of the better of the series actually.
79. A Bullet for Bullock
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I wish this was a more memorable episode based on the fun but complicated relationship between Batman and Bullock. However, the abrupt and awkward ending drops this episode’s quality significantly.
78. The Lion and the Unicorn
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Looking into Alfred’s past and making him more involved was a good idea, but bringing back such a mediocre villain like Red Claw sure was not. Her accent is just as awful as it was the first time.
77. Fire from Olympus
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Fire from Olympus is entertaining, but Maxie Zeus and his plot is honestly too cartoony and goofy for a cartoon with the tonality of BTAS.
76. It’s Never Too Late
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This is not a bad episode by any means, but I forget it exists most of the time. Enough said.
75. P.O.V.
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Remember what I said for the last one? Same case here.
74. Girls’ Night Out
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Despite Supergirl’s appearance, Girls’ Night Out is by far the least memorable of the Harley/Ivy team up episodes. The dynamic between Supergirl and Batgirl is fun at times though.
Flawed... But Still Entertaining Tier
This next group of episodes is a decent step up from the last section due to them being a little less forgettable or at least trying a new concept, even if it does not fully work. Still, once again, these are where we are starting to venture into the decent category. (very good for most other shows...)
73. Chemistry
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This episode had an interesting and much higher usagee of Bruce Wayne, which helped its cause. However, the plot feels way too similar to the superior “House and Garden” episode from the second season making it a retread.
72. Night of the Ninja
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Kyodai Ken brings in elements from Bruce’s past, which I always like when the series does. However, his plot and overall character, in this episode, are just kind of boring and cliched. His fight with Bruce near the end (with a nice touch as Summer is covered by a curtain) was pretty solid.
71. The Worry Men
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The Worry Men is fun and is full of fan service at the end, but its twist is just a little too predictable for my liking.
70. What is Reality?
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The Riddler’s back... and he either watched Spy Kids 3, Tron, or Sword Art Online while he was gone! The use of virtual reality really has not aged well in this episode... at all. Still, it’s at least fun even if parts only sort of make sense.
69. Mad as a Hatter
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Oh ho ho, another controversial placement. While almost all the established origin stories are good in this show, I have always felt this one pales in comparison with the others. Not saying it is bad, but Hatter’s first episode’s plot does not pop out to me as much as others.
68. Sins of the Father
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Tim Drake’s origin episode should have been a lot better than this. The death of his father did not leave him with a single tear, which took out all the needed emotion in this episode away. Compare that to the masterful Robin’s Reckoning. Dick’s reaction after leaving the circus for the first time carried more emotion than this entire episode combined. Still, at least it is entertaining. 
67. Off Balance
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Off Balance is thoroughly entertaining and introduces us to Talia and briefly Ra’as. However, it just does not stand on its own well. It’s well... off balance. (Da dum tis)
66. Eternal Youth
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The sight of Poison Ivy’s end plan is pretty horrifying. Alfred and a lady friend are a bigger part in this episode, which is also a nice touch. The part that bothers me is not a single person recognizes Poison Ivy’s Clark Kent disguise. She should have had a lot of media coverage after trying to kill Harvey Dent, right?
65. The Cat and the Claw
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Catwoman just could not stop from being paired with either bad villains or bad villain plots, could she? The parts that focus on her and her relationship with Batman in this episode were great as most would expect. However, Red Claw and her atrociously fake accent is such a boring villain that it takes away from the rest of the episode.
64. Avatar
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Batman: Raiders of the Lost Egyptian Tomb. This is sort of an out there episode for Batman TAS, but admittedly it is pretty entertaining. Bruce, Talia, and Ra’as have such an interesting relationship that it makes any episode with all three of them in it at least fun. Once again though, this just does not feel much like a Batman episode.
63. Cult of the Cat
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I really do not like the re-designed Catwoman suit in the later seasons of the series. I had to say it. Besides that, Cult of the Cat is a fun Catwoman episode that lets her be slightly more evil than normal. The action is high octane and kickass here too. However, the villains are kind of stock and bland making this episode not stick out as much as it should.
62. The Last Laugh
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“You Killed Captain Clown!”. What a wonderful line and moment of the series. Besides that, line nothing really stick out from the pack of great Joker episodes in BTAS. The plot is okay, but forgettable. 
61. Lock-Up
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This episode never reaches the heights that it should given timing of it to all of those villain reform episodes. It is entertaining, a little silly (Bruce’s smoke suitcase he borrowed from Clark Kent, I guess), but cannot land the Shoryuken it sets up before the time skip. However, the ending is brilliant and one of the best in the series.
Now These Episodes Are Good Tier
Now, this is what I was talking about. From here on out, I can say every episode it at least in the good category and would be really good for most other shows. Are episodes in this tier masterpieces? No, but while they would not be the first I would recommend, watching these will at least entertain and leave most viewers feeling mostly satisfied.
60. Paging the Crime Doctor
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The creators of the show dub this episode as “the geezer episode”. Despite this moniker, the storytelling under the hood is both suspenseful and gives a different feel than many other episodes of the series. The only real downside is we never the see “The Crime Doctor” again in the series, which is a shame because he is an interesting character. It makes the episode lose some of its punch because of it.
59. Holiday Knights
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While not groundbreaking, Holiday Knights is a really fun episode. In fact, it is the only anthology episode in the series, which gives it a different vibe. Of the three stories, the best one I believe is the Harley/Ivy going with Bruce on a shopping spree story. The following two are not quite as strong, but fun episode all and all.
58. Heart of Steel
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Holy invasion of the body snatchers Batman! The fact this is a two part episode feels a bit odd to me, but it is entertaining despite it being way over the top. Building up Barbara’s character and her relationship with Bruce was a nice touch here.
57. Day of the Samurai
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Batman meets anime. The Big O? Not quite, but we will get to that later. Day of the Samurai is a much better Kyodai Ken episode than his prior appearance, but still feels a little out of place. However, the setting and classic samurai style to the story makes Day of the Samurai an entertaining watch.
56. Zatanna
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Zatanna is one of my favorite DC heroines, and her appearance here came out of nowhere for me. While the plot and Batman/Zatanna team-up is really fun, the villain is kind of average and forgettable. The flashbacks in this episode were particularly strong on another note.
55. Christmas with the Joker
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“Jingle Bells! Batman smells! Robin laid an egg!”. Christmas with the Joker sure is not deep, but it is still a fun Christmas episode that I watch every year during the Christmas season. The only aspect of the episode that bothers me is that the ending is incredibly similar to The Last Laugh. Still though, nice Christmas episode.
54. Mean Seasons
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When an episode like Mean Seasons only finishes mid-pack, you know you have a good show on your hands. Mean Seasons is a clever narrative on age and beauty standards in modern times in the entertainment industry. It stands up really well. However, for some reason or another I still forget about it when I do my watchthroughs of the show.
53. Appointment in Crime Alley
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Roland Daggett appears in episodes all over the board in quality it seems like. While Appointment is not his best episode, it is definitely solid. The ending is another one of the best ones in the series. Once again, not much terribly wrong here, I just tend to forget about it.
52. The Mechanic
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The Mechanic is a highly underappreciated episode of the show. I usually find it ranked in the bottom ten to twenty in most lists that I see. Unlike most, I think the Mechanic has great action and a nice, different twist on the origin of the batmobile and its creator, which one never really thinks about. Plus, the duck scene is one of Penguin’s most menacing of the series. Is it deep? No. Is it fun? Yes.
51. Batgirl Returns
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Of all the characters who received great iterations in BTAS, one of the more underrated ones was Batgirl/Barbara. Her character is extremely likable. Combine her and Catwoman (plus a disapproving Robin) and you get a fun episode. This episode fades in comparison to her premiere episode, but this one is pretty good too.
50. On Leather Wings
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The first produced episode of Batman is definitely a good one. In a rare occasion for this show, I believe the sequel to this episode is superior. However, that does not mean On Leather Wings is a bad episode. The action is great and it is a good early Batman against Bullock episode.
49. Baby Doll
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Well, here comes another controversial placement. I do definitely think Baby-Doll is an emotional, zany episode with a solid ending, but it just feels too zany and unbelievable at times. Despite that opinion, Baby Doll is one of the more interesting original villains introduced in this show. She’s certainly a lot better here than in “Love is a Croc”.
48. Second Chance
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While The Riddler will always be my favorite Batman villain, I personally believe Two-Face was the best and most consistently written villain in this series. All of the episodes based around him are good, but that also means some fade into the mix. Second Chance is one of those due to Judgment Day using a similar twist in a little better way. That is not to say Second Chance is not good. Because it definitely is. 
47. Beware the Creeper
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Woah, what a zany, fun episode. This could also be one of the most risque in the series too, especially due to the very seductive, and hilarious, Harley Quinn inside the pie mix dance for her and the Joker’s anniversary. The Creeper himself is a crazier version of the Joker, created in the same way the Joker was in the 1989 film. I did not think a crazier version of the Joker was possible, but alas here he is. While I do not think this episode reaches quite the heights it could, the Joker screaming in fear to get away from the “crazy guy” is never not funny.
These Are Really Good Tier
Well, you read the tier name. Let’s continue.
46. The Strange Secret of Bruce Wayne
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Now, this is what I am talking about. An interesting plot, a great early series supervillain team up, and a hilarious twist make Dr. Strange’s lone appearance on BTAS a good one. My only real complaint is Bruce makes some uncharacteristically stupid decisions in this episode that propels the plot into motion.
45. Vendetta
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Killer Croc has never been amongst my favorite Batman villains, but this tautly written episode makes the best use of (solo) Croc in the series. Besides Croc’s appearance here, the Batman/Bullock relationship is explored and is made a central focus of this episode. As one may expect, I like that. 
44. You Scratch My Back
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As previously stated, Catwoman had some real duds in this series. However, her later appearances tended to be solid. Teaming Catwoman up with a rebellious and somewhat angsty Nightwing was a smart move by the writers here. While I saw the twist of the episode coming, it was still really entertaining and made for one of Selina’s best episodes of the series.
43. The Ultimate Thrill
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So... this could be one of the racier episodes of non-adult cartoons I have seen. Roxy Rocket mounts a rocket for a large portion of the episode, gets off due to Batman chasing her, and is half-dressed a large amount of time. I can understand why this episode was skipped when it aired later on. Besides what I mentioned, The Ultimate Thrill is a really solid episode with really nice action setpieces. It all feels a little... strange, but still a good episode.
42. Legends of the Dark Knight
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Episodes like this one with so many in jokes only comic book fans would understand are wonderful. The kids’ throwbacks to the 60′s campy Batman and the gritty Frank Miller Dark Knight Returns Batman are spot on. I also love the jab at Joel Schumacher with the kid named Joel’s ridiculous description of what he thinks Batman is like. It’s hilarious. The only real uninteresting part of this episode is the frame story.
41. Riddler’s Reform
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Of all of the season 2 redemption episodes, Riddler’s falls into the upper tier. Yeah, a couple we will talk about soon are definitely better, but Nygma’s reform path is a good one. I like how Ed actually sort of wants to reform in this episode but is just to obsessed with riddling Batman and Robin to actually reform. Oh, and the ending is executed really, really well.
40. Read My Lips
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I have always found the Ventriloquist to be an underrated Batman villain despite how silly he is in premise. The writers of the animated series always utilized the character’s multiple personality syndrome really well and in the most realistic way possible. As one may guess, the character’s premiere episode was really good. However, (unpopular opinion) I think some of his later episodes are a nice step up.
39. Joker’s Favor
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How does the average Gotham citizen view the Joker? Well, similarly to how most of us would view a homicidal maniac it ends up. Joker’s relentless torture of an average guy is an interesting idea for an episode that is well executed throughout. Another plus is this episode created Harley Quinn. So, there’s that. Oh, by the way, that makeshift bat signal would not have worked if Bruce was 100 feet further ahead. 
38. Nothing to Fear
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Besides one misstep of an episode, Scarecrow is another villain with a tremendous track record in BTAS. His premiere episode is a great introduction to the character and slowly introduces who the character actually is and why his motives are what they are. Crane’s later episodes are mostly improvements, so we will talk more about those soon.
37.  Shadow of the Bat
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As I said earlier, Batgirl’s representation in this series is well done. The way the writers introduced Barbara first similarly to the way the writers introduced Harvey Dent and Two-Face gave viewers a basis for the character early. As most two part episodes in this series, Shadow is great. The slow burn of Batgirl being looked at as a joke to a somewhat reliable ally for Batman and Robin is written well.
36. Deep Freeze
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Backing up Heart of Ice was an almost impossible task. While Deep Freeze is a lesser episode in comparison to the aforementioned masterpiece, Deep Freeze is a terrific Mr. Freeze episode... even though it inspired the plot of Batman and Robin. Despite that, the emotion is still here and Mr. Freeze’s voice is still kick-ass.
35. Mudslide
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Similarly to Deep Freeze, Mudslide is a small step down from its predecessor, but Feat of Clay was one of the best of the series. So, take that as it is. Mudslide continues the tragic downfall of the drug addict Matt Hagan and his yearning to become fully human again. This episode does a stellar job at showing showing what desperation can do to those most in need of a cure to their ails.
34. Birds of a Feather
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The Penguin had a few major clunkers in this series, but Birds of a Feather is far from that. In fact, it is another one of the best attempts at reform episode in the series. In fact, I was halfway cheering for Penguin during the course of the episode because of his sincere effort. The ending is both tragic and fitting for character like Oswald despite this.
33. Harley’s Holiday
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If one would like to watch one of the funniest episodes of Batman, look no further than here. Parts of Harley’s Holiday are hysterical. One scene (at about 1:30 here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J064TI8WDKo) where Harley recognizes Bruce’s chin and identifies him as Bruce Wayne rather than Batman is brilliant. In fact, all of Harley’s interactions with Bats in this episode are. A certain other comedic Joker episode beats this one out, but Harley shines here big time.
32. Joker’s Millions
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Remember that Joker episode I mentioned one episode ago? Well here it is. Joker’s Millions is probably the funniest episode of the series. The fake Harley Quinn and tryouts to be the new Harley Quinn are possibly one of the funniest scenes of the series. (another certain Joker scene takes the cake though...). I found the twist a little predictable, but this episode is perfect if you want some Batman action and laughs at the same time.
31. House and Garden
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Of the reform episodes of the series, this is probably my second favorite overall. Poison Ivy somehow becomes sympathetic and really disturbing in the same episode with a perfect mix. Without revealing spoilers, the twist is revealed in an effective, slow-burning manner.  Just give this one a watch. You will not regret it.
30. See No Evil
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If I had to rank the most underrated or overlooked episodes of BTAS, See No Evil would easily make the cut on that list. Why is this exactly? Mainly, this episode is genuinely really, really creepy. A man with an invisible suit could have been a lame and cliched cartoon villain, but like with many other things, Batman did it right. The episode has some stellar dialogue, action, and a surprisingly funny moment in it. Oh, and Batman has one of his coolest lines of the series near the end.
29. Never Fear
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Never Fear, one of the Scarecrow’s best episodes, dares to answer the question: what would Batman be like if he killed people? Never Fear uses the opposite formula (literally in a way) than the rest of the Scarecrow episodes as his fear toxin in this episode gives the unlucky victim no fear rather than all the fear in the world. Its effect on Batman alone makes this a fantastic episode. The guy takes out alligators with his bare hands in this episode for God’s sake.
28. Harley and Ivy
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A Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy team-up episode did not have to work, but fortunately for everyone, it did. This is one of the first episodes to show what Harley could do without the guidance of her “Puddin’”, and the added new element to her character improved it even more. Poison Ivy is fantastic here as well in the mentor role to criminal noob Harley. Oh, the Joker’s material here is as good always too.
27. Dreams in Darkness
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The best Scarecrow episodes are the ones that ask the most questions. Here, what if Batman was insane? Dreams in Darkness is my favorite of the many great Scarecrow episodes due to the challenge of Batman facing off against his sanity, (something he also does in a certain Mad Hatter episode...) which is something we do not see that often. The narrative all the way up to the ending with giant versions of his rogues gallery makes Darkness ultimately satisfying.
26. His Silicon Soul
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I love many things about His Silicon Soul. First, the animation was done by Sunrise, the animator for Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Gundam Wing, and The Big O. In fact, this episode was the single biggest influence on Sunrise on The Big O’s creation. That anime was essentially BTAS in look, characters, and tone. Good show. Another discussion for another time though. Back to the episode, this use of HARDAC was much better than the first time. Creating another Batman and sticking him in Gotham was more clever and deeper than the prior two-parter combined. The ending is also a work of art.
The Elite
During the NCAA basketball season, the polls and pundits keep a Top 25 list of the best 25 teams in the sport at the time. These teams are powerhouses, the best of the bunch, and not surpassed by any others. Same can be said here. Out of all the wonderful episodes of BTAS, these are almost the best of the best.
25. Pretty Poison
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While I have made many obvious and repetitive statements while making this list, I will say again Batman did a fantastic job of establishing its villains before they became villains. Pretty Poison establishes Harvey Dent as one of Bruce’s best friends before ongoing his transformation, and it pays dividends later on. As for this episode itself, Poison Ivy is established early as one of the most dangerous re-occurring villains of the show. She is seductive, tough, and clever all at the same time. Her plot in this episode is simple yet suspenseful due to tight writing. Make this an essential viewing.
24. Terror in the Sky
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On Leather Wings was an entertaining and explosive start to the series that lacked... well... something. However, Terror in the Sky added whatever Man Bat’s first escapade was missing. The action in Terror is some of the best in the entire series from the motorcycle chase to the final showdown on the plane. Also, the twist is a classic in the series. Without spoiling anything, this overlooked episode of Batman is one of the very best action focused episodes of the series.
23. Judgment Day
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Without spoiling everything here, Judgment Day probably has one of the best twist endings in the entire series. I was genuinely shocked after my first viewing of this episode. I may have been six or so, but still it is really clever. Aside from the ending, Judgment Day features some nice action, a mysterious new vigilante character, and whole lot more. Just watch it.
22. The Clock King
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While Mr. Freeze is the most famous example of Batman’s rogues gallery being revitalized, The Clock King is honestly a close second. Clock King really had not been utilized since the 1960′s as a Batman foe, so using a gimmicky, sort of goofy villain here in a 1990′s cartoon was a shock. Luckily for the show, they had world class writers that converted Clock King into a gimmicky, but psychotic, vengeful villain. After being late for once ruined his life, Temple Fugate devoted his life to trying to humiliate and murder Mayor Hill in, of course, a time-themed way. This episode could have been really silly, but Clock King ends up being a fantastic villain in a well-paced, action packed episode of Batman.
21. Joker’s Wild
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Of all the wonderful Joker episodes, I find this one to be the most overlooked and underrated. The episode starts off with a fun interaction between Joker and Poison Ivy, kind of like the awkward best friend who hates her friend’s boyfriend type of situation. After setting his sites on destroying a new casino designed after him, the Joker is actually shown escaping Arkham, which is a rare occasion in the series. What follows is a brilliant scene where Bruce Wayne eggs on the real Joker, high octane action, and the expected brand of humor. Simple, but great.
20. Catwalk
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Now we are finally talking, Selina Kyle. Catwalk is one of Catwoman’s final episodes of the series, and it ends up being her best by far. After giving up her life up as Catwoman, Selina is trying to blend in with the real world with the aid of Bruce, but it just is not working. Subsequently, Kyle is given an offer by another certain rogue that she cannot turn down. Thus, Catwoman returns. What makes this episode strong is the twist, the dynamics between Batman, the other villain, and of course Catwoman. She gets to be more of a villain this episode, or at least more gray, and that is how it should be. Good job Mr. Altieri.
19. Old Wounds
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After the events of Robin’s Reckoning, one could start to tell the relationship between Bruce and Dick was starting to weaken through their differences. A major wrench was thrown into that already strained relationship when Barbara played her hand as Batgirl. Thus, we have Old Wounds, one of the best flashback episodes of the series. Without getting into spoiler territory, a traumatic event on the night of Dick’s graduation from college, when Dick was already fed up at Bruce for pulling him away from, almost completely severed the head off their relationship. While the ultimate reason is a bit of misunderstanding and involved jealousy, it is really sad to watch unwind even if we know what is coming. Nightwing’s mullet suck still though.
18. Over the Edge
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Let me get this out of the way. Over the Edge could have easily been a top 5 episode if the ending was not such a cop-out.  *sighs* Oh well I guess. But seriously, other than the asspull of an ending, Over the Edge is the most suspenseful episode of the entire series without a doubt. Without spoiling things again, shit hits the fan about five minutes in here and everything snowballs from there. Watching it is thrilling, unnerving, and feels nothing like most of the other episodes of the series. Seriously. When a certain other baddie comes in at the end (in a much better appearance than his first, mind you...), things get even more intense. Give this one a try even if the ending leaves something to be desired.
17. Perchance to Dream
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Once again, I will start on the only tiny negative of this episode. If you know the villains’ theme music like I do, you will know who the villain is in this episode early on. Anyways, dream episodes when they really should dream episodes can be very good. HINT HINT. Perchance to Dream is definitely one of those. After waking up in a world full of his greatest desires, Bruce has to unravel what has happened to him and what actions he should take. That may sound vague, but I am trying super hard to avoid spoilers in these top few episodes. Just watch this one and wait for a wonderful ending and a great dual performance from Kevin Conroy.
16. The Laughing Fish
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Who would have thought an episode having to do with copyright law and patents would be the Joker’s best episode? Not me. But, The Laughing Fish is indeed my favorite Joker episode (where the focus is on his plots). After making nets full of fish in Gotham harbor carry his signature smile, the Joker tries to patent the Joker fish. After being denied, old Jack Napier takes revenge on everyone who stopped his original plan in a demented, funny, and tightly written plot. Hell, there is a scene where the Joker dresses up like the Gorton fisherman. This episode is a blast.
15. Growing Pains
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Well, I feel depressed after watching this one. Growing Pains is one of the most heart-wrenching episodes of the animated series. Not only is it painful for the viewer, but even moreso for Tim Drake’s Robin. I feel like this is the best utilization of his character. After not listening to Batman’s advice, Robin gets more wrapped into helping a young girl who is seemingly running away from her abusive father. This plot brings back Drake’s relationship with his own father and his empathy for others he sometimes lacks in other episodes. Oh, and the twist is brilliant and connects the later episodes to the original series satisfyingly. 
14. Double Talk
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Ah, the best redemption episode of the series. Not only is Double Talk my second favorite episode in the later seasons, but it is one of my favorite dramatic episodes of the entire series. The Ventriloquist could have easily been a joke of a villain, but he has several stellar episodes in this series. Out of all them, Double Talk is definitely the best. The audience is cheering for Wesker to get over his issues, and his battle to overcome them is suspenseful and well written. The ending is poetic as can be, and I love it. Give this overlooked episode a watch and you will not regret it.
13. Feat of Clay
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The downfall of Matt Hagan is one of the most depressing storylines of the entire series. The allegory for drug addiction with Matt’s reliance on Renuyu and the awful things he would do for just a little bit of it is a true tragedy. The allegory went over my head in my younger years, but watching now after seeing several people I have known my entire life struggle with addiction, the episode has a heavier hit. The two-parter’s first half ends possibly on the most horrific scene of the series. Anyone who has seen this knows what I am talking about. While the second half is not quite as strong as the first, Feat of Clay is a top flight Batman episode. 
12. Robin’s Reckoning
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Speaking of depressing two-parters, Robin’s Reckoning is the closest thing to a tear-jerker in the series. The scene where Dick leaves the circus left the production staff silent for several minutes supposedly because of how emotional it was. While Robin’s Reckoning is one of the many Robin origin stories in existence, it is definitely one of the best ones. The raw emotion makes RR one of the best episodes of the series. Robin’s decision at the end of the second episode is tense. Maybe that is why it won a Daytime Emmy.
11. Harlequinade
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Have I stated on this list before that I really like Harley Quinn and her episodes? I guess I have. Out of all of them, this is my... second favorite. Tough decision. It is painful making this one miss the top ten. Especially after Harley’s rendition of Say We’re Sweethearts Again. And Batman facepalming on a table. Literally. The plot revolves around the seemingly serious sounding plot of the Joker stealing an ATOMIC BOMB and threatening Gotham. Batman teams up with Harley Quinn in exchange for her immunity to bring down Mistah J. What results is one of the best and funniest episodes of the series. Just watch Harley’s karaoke moment of the episode if you do not believe me. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vp6wLXj4-5A)
The Masterpiece Tier
The title should  say enough for these episodes of BTAS. While Batman of the 90′s has so many stellar episodes, these are the best of the best and incredibly difficult to rank. I tried my best though.
10. Almost Got’im
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When this episode ranks as low as ten... woah. AGI is the best episode with mulitple villains collaborating in one episode. While they are not coming up with an evil plot in this episode (well, mostly...), the group discusses the closest each of them got to killing Batman. Each tale is fun and the other villains’ commentary on the other stories is even better. The interaction between Two-Face and Poison Ivy is particularly good. The final line of the episode is also wonderfully poetic. Almost got the that top spot...
9. Mad Love
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Of all the top notch Harley Quinn/Joker episodes in this series, Mad Love takes the cake as the best one. Based off the graphic novel of the same name, Mad Love possesses all of the extreme emotions and dark realism as its source material... besides some of the racier stuff. Still though, Mad Love does not hold back. The relationship between our two leads is completely one-sided and abusive making this episode work as the perfect allegory for all too common abusive relationships in the real world. Just because the main focus is on the clowns this episode, does not mean Batman is not excellent this episode. Because he is. Also, the Joker says, “May the floss be with you” at one point...
8. I Am the Night
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Possibly the most emotional episode in the series, I Am the Night takes the animated series to its darkest depths. While laying flowers on the site of his parents death site, Batman misses a police sting where Commissioner Gordon ends up shot and critically injured in the hospital. Batman, feeling useless and underappreciated, vows to stop being Batman because of his failure. Every supporting character is utilized perfectly in this episode to stretch Bruce’s mental health in very different directions. Bullock and Robin represent the most extreme opposites. The ending is super satisfying and can teach everyone a lesson if they are feeling underappreciated.
7. Heart of Ice
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Before Joel Schumacher and the Governator took a steaming pile of crap on Mr. Freeze’s new origin, Batman the Animated Series revamped the character with this well-known masterpiece. Seriously, this one won an Emmy too. Before the 1990′s, Mr. Freeze was a lame, generic ice villain, kind of like how Firefly is a lameass fire villain in this show. Heart of Ice is shockingly dark, soaked with emotion, and cold-hearted to the core. Mr. Freeze’s voice is soooooo perfect in this series too. Not much else to say that has not been said.
6. The Man Who Killed Batman
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The premise to this episode is so simple that it is unbelievable that it is so good. A small time crook nicknamed Sid the Squid, while awkwardly stumbling on a rooftop, appears to kill Batman. After this moment, Sid becomes an idol to all the criminals in the city. Unfortunately, this is not all good news for the squid. What follows is some top notch comedy when everyone in the city might want to fight him now. Even the Joker makes an appearance. That appearance I personally believe is the best for the Joker in the entire series. Don’t believe me? Watch this scene. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ld0uIhst3TA) It is possibly my favorite of the entire show. All in all, watch this episode for something great from beginning to the end.
5. Beware the Gray Ghost
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Alternating from the top comedy of the prior episode, The Gray Ghost is one of the more depressing episodes of the series. Without spoiling as much as I can, it is also one of the more uplifting that gives me chills almost every time I view it. A type-cast actor who used to play a superhero on a tv show is struggling financially, with his career, and overall emotionally. His state gets involved with Batman when the episode’s villain’s plot collides with a plot from an old episode of the Gray Ghost. At first bitter and not wanting to help, Batman soons teams up with his hero to take down the villain and it is almost perfect. Who plays the Gray Ghost by the way? Adam West. Whoever came up with that idea deserves a medal. Also, Bruce Timm plays the villain in this masterpiece, which is pretty badass.
4.  The Demon’s Quest
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The second best two-parter of the series, The Demon’s Quest combines the best of Batman with arguably the best iteration of Ra’as Al Ghul as well. The whole episode feels like an Indiana Jones film, which is not a bad fit honestly. The first part does a nice job establishing Ra’as and Batman’s relationship, and the second half does a stellar job of completing the plot with major style. Talia and Robin also make major appearances in this episode and both really work. Once again, watch this rare world domination episode of Batman for something very different, but very good.
3. If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Rich?
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Now, here is my sleeper episode in the top five. I see this episode on people’s list every once and a while but rarely this high. Is this a Riddler (my favorite villain) bias? Maybe a little bit, but I personally think this is one of the strongest episodes due to several factors. One, this iteration of the Riddler is terrific. John Glover is perfectly cast as the genius and knocks it out of the park. His plan involving revenge, video games, supposed mental superiority, and of course riddles is well written. Robin makes one of his best appearances in this episode as a good foil to Batman’s riddle solving methods, and having superior video game skills predictably. However, the most stalwart aspect of this episode is the ending. It’s chilling and perfectly poetic at the same time. Way to go, Nygma.
2. Trial
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Remember when I mentioned Almost Got’im as the best villain teamup episode? I lied. Flat out. Trial combines all of the best aspects of almost all of Batman’s reoccurring rogues gallery and all of them are at the top of their game here. Batman is captured and put on trial in Arkham, and the new DA, who hates Batman and thinks he belongs there as well, has to defend the Dark Knight. Joker plays the judge, Two-Face the prosecutor, and several other villains take the stand as witnesses. Guess what? It’s an absolute blast to watch. The episode has good comedy, top notch dialogue, and a terrific ending note. Trial is guilty of nothing but being one of the best episodes in the series.
1. Two-Face
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Not the most original choice, but Two-Face was my clear cut favorite episode of Batman the Animated Series from the moment I considered composing a list. As I stated before, Two-Face is the best villain in the animated series overall. This episode really aided in making that true. So did Pretty Poison’s establishment of Harvey Dent. Seeing Harvey’s downfall from beloved District Attorney, fiance, and best friend to Bruce is painful, tragic, and as well written as humanly possibly. I feel like the first half is slightly better than the second, but both are masterpieces and work perfectly together despite a time gap which all other two part episodes lack. So, all in all, Two-Face is what I believe to be the most masterful episode in a series full of masterpieces.
Thanks for checking out my list. I had a fun, but strenuous time making it and hope you check out my future lists too!
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clubofinfo · 6 years
Expert: The people of Kosovo were and still are cheering for joy. The European Commission (EC) recently decided that Kosovars won’t need visas any more to visit EU countries. Up to now, getting such visas was a horrendously complicated and bureaucratic procedure, especially hurtful, since Kosovo, with a population of about 1.8 million Kosovars living in Kosovo, has a diaspora estimated at 800,000 to a million, most of them in western Europe. For Kosovars, with close-knit families, 90+ percent Albanian Muslims, being able to visit their relatives and friends is a priority. So, this sudden EU opening up, was a great “gift” and a tremendous relief. But, at what price? What happened? Why did it happen this turnabout by the treacherous EU? Let’s go back to a bit of history. Kosovo, a strategic pivot in the center of the Balkans; a landlocked country surrounded by Montenegro, Albania, Serbia and Macedonia. Kosovo, carved out from Serbia during or after the Clinton Administration invoked war – the infamous 69 days of bombing Serbian troops in Kosovo, following a ten-year period of systematic US-NATO- European vassals’ destruction of Yugoslavia, arguably the most prosperous country in Europe at the time. You may want to recall, the dismemberment of Yugoslavia, started with the “Ten Days War” on Slovenia in 1991, followed by the Croatian War (1991-95); then the Bosnia War (1992-95); and the Kosovo War (1998-99), culminating with the Clinton induced 69-day NATO bombing of Kosovo, under the leadership of Wesley Clark, head of NATO in Europe. The latter under the pretext of freeing the Kosovo Albanians from Serbian Milosevic’s atrocities. Of course, how Milosevic was used by the West to literally slaughter his neighbors, so far hardly anybody has dared to analyze and write about. He was on trial by the UN International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague. He was actually awaiting a court decision on his request to subpoena former President Clinton, as a witness, when he was suddenly found dead in his cell on 11 March 2006. The Dutch court coroner immediately certified that Milosevic died a natural death. Strangely, his death came less than a week after the star witness in his trial, former Croatian Serb leader, Milan Babic, was found dead in the same prison. Babic’s testimony in 2002 described a behind the scene political and military command structure headed by Milosevic. Babic served a 13-year prison sentence. His sudden death was said to be a suicide. Too many Serbs die suddenly in The Hague to be called ‘coincidences’. In October 2015, Dusan Dunjic, a forensic pathologist, was found dead in his hotel room, just hours before he was due to testify as a key defense witness in the trial of the Bosnian Serb and genocidal general Ratko Mladic, who was on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity during the 1992-95 Bosnian war. Dutch police said, “we have no reason to suspect that a crime had been committed”. They gave no further detail. Case closed. This is just to make the point that the murderous and atrocious Balkan wars were western instigated from the very preparation – including through decades long Fifth Column type – infiltration in Yugoslavia’s institutions. Today, Kosovo lacks recognition from sufficient countries to be considered a “real country”. Kosovo is not a member of the UN, because she has only been recognized by 114 of the current 193 UN members. It needs two thirds of UN members recognition to apply for UN membership. Kosovo, of course, is not a member of the EU either, only 23 of the 28 EU countries recognize her as a country. The reasons for it are multiple and complex. But Kosovo, with a surface of 10,900 km2, and less than 2 million inhabitants, prides herself with having already two military bases, one US – a huge one, and a “subordinate” NATO base – what else. Like all the Balkans, Kosovo wants to get into the EU as fast as possible. But, they are far from even getting onto the “accession” path – which is like the runway to fly into the EU. When you get to accession status, you have pretty much fulfilled all or most of the EU conditions and are now accepted to negotiate. And ‘accession’ is a privilege that, aside from some rather ridiculous EU conditions, depends pretty much on Washington’s use for a country, once it has become part of the overall EU vassalage. Kosovo is no priority. The US military is already there and NATO has a base – so what more is needed for right now? The EU today in many countries is considered identical with NATO. Kosovo is hungry though, to get into the EU, so hungry, it can be easily blackmailed – and bribed – into accepting almost anything, in order to gain kudos with Brussels. The best blackmail object is visas, or the waiver of visas, particularly to western Europe, where most of the Kosovar diaspora lives – an estimated 800,000 to one million people. Montenegro, an EU candidate on fast track, NATO member since 2017, is building or expanding a NATO base right at the border to Kosovo. In fact, it requires Kosovo to give up some 8,200 ha of her land to Montenegro, the new ‘demarcation line’ (see map – red areas are Kosovo concessions to Montenegro). According to “Prishtina Insight”, the Kosovo Parliament ratified a few weeks ago the “land concession”, also called the “Demarcation Deal with Montenegro” with 80 votes against 11 opposition. And this amidst several teargas canister explosion episodes initiated by the opposition in Parliament. This was the deal: Kosovo give up a stretch of 8,200 ha of your land to Montenegro and you will get visa-free entry to all of Europe. Blackmail only the west in its greed and hegemonic drive is capable of exercising over countries. Identifying their weak spots – in the case of Kosovo, the desire to get easy access to their relatives and friends living in Europe, and then hitting them with an “offer” they can’t refuse. In fact, going by the strict rules of the EU, which can only slightly be bent to accelerate access, lest more ‘honest’ EU members might protest, none of the Balkan countries are complying with the EU access regulation. Most of them are far from doing so, for multiple reasons; i.e., drug dealing, high crimes in human and organ trafficking, as well as more down-to-earth environmental conditions. However, the EU and Washington are pushing for the pretty arbitrary target of 2025, simply because they are afraid that the Balkans may drift eastwards into the realm of Russia and on a larger scale, China. Most educated Kosovars are much more “awake” than the average European. While intellectually they may know that east is where the future lays, their trauma of being persecuted and killed by the Serbs under Milosevic, is still strong and they are leaning towards the west. Ideally, though, what they want is full independence, being able to choose their allies that best suit them, as every sovereign nation should be able to do. Not having to confront the dilemma, ‘you are either our friend or our enemy’ – which is how the west attempts to buy the Balkans’ politicians. The western push to prepare and forge these former Yugoslav republics into EU-NATO vassals is enormous. Every military base the Balkans allow to be built in return for being integrated into Europe, is for the west a step closer to Moscow – an increased threat for the Kremlin, so the western empire believes. If these new Balkan nations play their cards right, they may have it both ways – becoming EU members, benefitting from EU subsidies and trade advantages, while leaning eastwards to Russia and China, and eventually the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the new Silk Road, China’s One Belt Initiative (OBI), the multi-trillion-dollar equivalent economic development plan, on course to span the world. This article was first published by New Eastern Outlook (NEO) http://clubof.info/
0 notes
placetobenation · 7 years
“The revolutionary force for over 50 years in sports entertainment” was a clever tag line used in the mid 90s before every WWF show. For most United States wrestling fans that are still alive, it is a way of life. Greater by the day is the lack of variance in the answer of what wrestling an individual grew up on. For better or worse, WWE has been the standard bearer. Throughout that rich history, performers ranging from Nature Boys to Undertakers have graced the squared circle. Foreign legends have had extended runs and some of the most iconic figures in pro wrestling history have been aces of the promotion reaching unequivocal mainstream pop culture heights in the world of wrestling.
With such a large history to play with, discovering the beauty of Bob Backlund’s charisma or the connection of Bruno Sammartino to the MSG crowd was a new development throughout this project similar to rewatching The Godfather and On the Waterfront to rediscover the genius of Marlon Brando. WWE may not have always been YOUR promotion but for the better part of 50 years, it was THE promotion in the United States and transformed the pro wrestling landscape. This project serves to praise the individuals that best helped shape the vision of Vince McMahon Sr. and Jr. Place to be Nation is proud to present to you a ranking of the Greatest WWE Wrestlers Ever.
– Chad Campbell
Note: Every wrestler who received at least one vote will be recognized in the coming weeks. Please stay tuned to Place to Be Nation as we reveal all of the honorable mentions right through the cream of the crop.
331. Uncle Elmer Total Points: 1 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank: 100 High Vote: 100 Low Vote: 100 High Voter: Glenn Butler
Key Matches & Moments:  Married Joyce Stazko on an episode of Saturday Night’s Main Event; Wrestled at WrestleMania 2; Left the company
Staff Thoughts:  For a man who was perpetually eating from a bucket labeled “Uncle Elmer’s fried pig parts,” he certainly waddled his way into our (one person’s) hearts in his brief WWF tenure. Perhaps he set the template for such guys as Henry Godwinn and… Phineas Godwinn? Perhaps we’re reading too much into the 331st ranked wrestler.
From the Voters: “Now someone back me up on Uncle Elmer!” – Glenn Butler, May 28, 2017
330. Arnold Skaaland Total Points: 1 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank: 100 High Vote: 100 Low Vote: 100 High Voter: TheBestThereNeverWillBe
Key Matches & Moments: Throwing the towel in ending Bob Backlund’s title reign in 1983; Getting murdered by Bob Backlund in 1994; Jobbing to Mr.Fuji in the 70s; Going 7-1-1 against Boris Malenko
Staff Thoughts: He was never a huge star to the level of a Bruno Sammartino or Santino Marella but Skaaland was a decent hand who could fill in at a moment’s notice for the bigger stars of his era. Perhaps better remembered for his managerial run accounts for his singular vote in our top 100.
From the Voters: “The Golden Boy! Never seen a single match, but he is a useless manager on every level.” – David Bayens  September 10, 2017
“He was the greatest jobber ever in WWE, imo.” – Lee Wes September 19, 2017
329. Adam Bomb Total Points: 1 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank: 100 High Vote: 100 Low Vote: 100 High Voter: Neil Trama
Key Matches & Moments: Was prematurely declared the winner of the 1994 Royal Rumble by Vince McMahon; Last Man eliminated from his team at the 1993 Survivor Series; House show series of casket matches with the Undertaker; Return as one half of KroniK is as loathed today as it was then
Staff Thoughts: Adam Bomb was a million dollar body with a ten cent pun for a name. Without the gimmick, Bryan Clarke may have reached higher heights, as is he’s little more than a very wet man with awesome contact lenses. Within a year he was being crushed by Earthquake, which should tell you all you need to know about his standing in the company. Still a fun and memorable personality though.
From the Voters: “He has white teeth. And was in KroniK” – Will Olsen, December 9, 2017
“Are we all forgetting his part in the Giant Gonzales face turn?!?!?!?” – Lee Wes, December 28, 2017
328. Dory Funk Jr. Total Points: 2 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank: 99 High Vote: 99 Low Vote: 99 High Voter: Andrew Lacelle
Key Matches & Moments: Teamed with brother Terry against Tito Santana and The Junkyard Dog in one of the better matches at WrestleMania 2; Teamed with fake brother Jimmy Jack which much less impressive results; Appeared at the 1996 Royal Rumble where he was NOT called a youngster by any of the commentators.
Staff Thoughts: Very short tenure, which is a shame as the team with Terry was quite fun to watch. Just when they were on the verge of what could have been an all time title feud with the British Bulldogs, Terry bolted and left him stranded. His showing in the 96 Rumble was impressive despite Dory looking like a depressed elk.
From the Voters: “No one wrote a damn thing about Dory Funk Jr. in the eight months the comments were active.” – Aaron George, January 2 2018
327. Max Moon Total Points: 3 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank: 98 High Vote: 98 Low Vote: 98 High Voter: Henry Rivers
Key Matches & Moments: Participated in the 1993 Royal Rumble; Beat enhancement talent; Colorful suit that possibly inspired Fatu’s “Make A Difference “ jacket in the mid-nineties.
Staff Thoughts: Perhaps someone’s vanity pick?
From the Voters: “I might have him as my vanity #100 for Mike Quackenbush.” – Henry Rivers November 23, 2017
326. Steve Blackman Total Points: 4 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 99 High Vote: 99 Low Vote: 99 High Voter: Microstatistics; Mr.P
Key Matches & Moments: Debuted jumping out of the crowd to help Vader; Participated in the much “loved” Brawl for All; Was Shane McMahon’s surrogate against Stone Cold Steve Austin at King of the Ring 1999; Solid feud with Ken Shamrock throughout the summer of 1999; Had a tremendous hardcore title run in the year 2000 including dropping Shane McMahon to his death at SummerSlam 2000
Staff Thoughts: The Lethal Weapon was a mid-card staple throughout the Attitude era. While never the greatest in-ring technician he thrived in the plunder-filled Hardcore division. Said Hardcore division helped him revitalize his career after the Head Cheese incident of 2000. Could he smile? Nope. Did his music make you want to get up and dance? Absolutely! Sadly the beating of those frantic drums are what comes to mind when we think of Blackman rather than his swift kicks and karate sticks.
From the Voters: “If this was a list of legit tough guys in WWF history, he’d be a top 10 easily. However, his career was not memorable at all. Not on my list.” – Brian Bayless, June 2, 2017
“One of the most underrated entrance themes of all time” – Chris Manning, June 3, 2017
325. Kelly Kelly Total Points: 4 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank: 97 High Vote: 97 Low Vote: 97 High Voter: Stacey O’Loughlin
Key Matches & Moments: Won three years in a row at Survivor Series from 2007-2009; Had a decent series of matches against Beth Phoenix that polarized fans, including a victory at the 2011 Survivor Series.
Staff Thoughts: Beginning her career as simple eye candy whose entire gimmick was taking her clothes off, Kelly Kelly worked hard to improve throughout her six year WWE career. Was she the greatest diva of all time? Nope. Was she the worst? Far from it. Did she have the most awkward way of holding her arms in the air. You bet she did. Good or bad, she was the cornerstone of the diva’s division for an extended period of time.
From the Voters: “Kelly Kelly is no laughing matter gents. Definitely not a joke, I’m considering her along with a whole bunch of women, and I’m happy to get into them if people are skeptical. She’s better and has a better body of work than someone like, say, Ivory. Or Chyna ffs.” – Stacey O’Loughlin, May 31, 2017
“Yelled more than Mike Sharpe.” – Greg Phillips, June 1, 2017
324. Little Tokyo Total Points: 5 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 98.5 High Vote: 98 Low Vote: 99 High Voter: Good Ol’ Will From Texas
Key Matches & Moments: The HUGE six man tag from WrestleMania III; A Phoenix house show in 1986 that Will saw live
Staff Thoughts: Perhaps the most talented of the little people, and always up for a fun outing. Will forever be remembered for the great revolt of 1987 against the monster King Kong Bundy. Sadly hurt by only totaling about 80 WWF matches over a fifteen year career.
From the Voters: “I loved watching him at a Phoenix house show in 1986.” – Good Ol’ Will From Texas, May 31, 2017
323. Samu Total Points: 5 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank: 96 High Vote: 96 Low Vote: 96 High Voter: Dean Coles
Key Matches & Moments: Helped the Tag Team Champion Wild Samoans as “Samula” filling in for an injured Sika in 1983; Fought Bob Backlund once; Solid matchup with The Steiner Brothers at WrestleMania IX; Very consistent as part of the Headshrinker team; With Fatu, defeated the Quebecers to become WWF Tag Team Champions; In January 1994 was part of a gang beating/attempted murder; Later returned and threatened Fatu to stop making a difference
Staff Thoughts: The Headshrinkers were a beacon of light in a tag division living in the shadows of Money, Inc. Fatu gets all the credit though which explains Samu at the bottom of this pit. I can’t imagine he deserves to be this low but by the same token I couldn’t believe he rolled around in a ring full of food with Bastion Booger in 1993 either.
From the Voters: “Samu is not nominated, but was voted for. (Ed. note: Samu was subsequently nominated.)” Steven Graham, December 21, 2017
322. Lelani Kai Total Points: 5 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank: 96 High Vote: 96 Low Vote: 96 High Voter: Nate Milton
Key Matches & Moments: Former WWF Women’s Champion; Was part of the groundbreaking WrestleMania match that included Cindy Lauper; Was one half of the daring and incredible sexy Glamour Girls; Was dragged back into the promotion to put over Alundra Blayze at WrestleMania X
Staff Thoughts: Was an afterthought in the groundbreaking WrestleMania match that included Cindy Lauper. The fifth most important woman in the match and one of them was David Wolfe! And she was the champion! She just always felt like someone they would drag out to to get beaten by the better talent. Richter, the Bomb Angels, Judy Martin, I’m surprised Stephanie McMahon hasn’t bashed her brains in yet. The Glamour Girl costumes were a poor man’s Killer Bees, which were already a poor man’s bees.
From the Voters: “Just not enough to be on the right side of the pay winda.” – Jeffrey Thomas, June 2, 2017
321: Warlord Total Points: 5 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 98.5 High Vote: 97 Low Vote: 100 High Voter: Karl Grant
Key Matches & Moments: One half of the Powers of Pain, along with Barbarian from 1988 until the team split in 1990; At the 1988 Survivor Series the team was the sole survivor of the tag team elimination match, eliminating Demolition in the process when Mr. Fuji turned on the Tag Team Champions, siding with the POP; Was eliminated from the 1989 Royal Rumble in two seconds by Hulk Hogan, a record that stood for 20 years; Warlord’s contract was sold to Slick upon the POP split; Had a good feud with the British Bulldog peaking with a match at WrestleMania VII
Staff Thoughts: Warlord had a great look with his jacked physique, Road Warrior-light face paint and hair style and, later, the Phantom of the Opera tribute mask and W staff. He wasn’t the smoothest in the ring, and the Powers of Pain had a mostly unmemorable run, but the feud and WrestleMania match with British Bulldog are both quite good.
From the Voters: “Great look, not much else. His matches with Bulldog were ok.” – Ben Morse, June 7, 2017
“Like an action figure come to life but with stiffer arms.”- Neema Parvini, June 15, 2017
320. Hakushi Total Points: 7 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank: 94 High Vote: 94 Low Vote: 94 High Voter: Mike Rudh
Key Matches & Moments: In Your House #1 and Monday Night Raw matches with Bret Hart; Sneaky solid match with the 1-2-3 Kid at SummerSlam 95; Bringing great dishonor to his family by covering himself with Tattoos
Staff Thoughts: Sadly a guy a little ahead of his time. Once he got through Bret Hart and 1-2-3 Kid there was hardly anyone for him to work with at the time. King Kong Bundy would have squished him, Mabel would have squashed him and Yokozuna would have probably befriended him based on one of them being Japanese. A sorely underused exciting presence on a roster clearly lacking them at the time.
From the Voters: “I really liked him as a kid as I’d never seen wrestling like that before, but even his IYH match with Bret doesn’t hold up, and he wasn’t around long enough to warrant consideration.” – Adam Russell,  July 9, 2017
“Nah not around long enough. Though I love his Match with 1-2-3 Kid in the opener of SummerSlam 95.” – Jay Hinchey, May 30, 2017
319. Hans Mortier Total Points: 8 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank: 93 High Vote: 93 Low Vote: 93 High Voter: Steve Gennarelli
Key Matches & Moments: Feuded with Bruno Sammartino in 60s; In the 70s was known as Lord Charles Montague despite having zero knowledge of Romeo, Juliet or the Capulets
Staff Thoughts: A competent hand who held down feuds with Bruno Sammartino and Bobo Brazil throughout the sixties.
From the Voters: “Who?” – Aaron George, January 2, 2018
318. Haiti Kid Total Points: 8 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 98.3 High Vote: 97 Low Vote: 100 High Voter: Good Ol’ Will From Texas
Key Matches & Moments: Appeared at WrestleMania 2 in as the Ludmilla to Mr.T’s Ivan Drago; Was also part of the great King Kong Bundy revolt of 1987
Staff Thoughts: Haiti Kid was always good for a fun matchup in the undercard and was a surprisingly decent mat wrestler as well. He will forever be known as the one that King Kong Bundy didn’t kill.
From the Voters: “I’m not sure if he makes anyone’s top 100, but the unintentional comedy of him sitting on Gorilla Monsoon’s lap for an interview in 1986 might be the best part of the WM2 build.” – Steve Bennett, May 29, 2017
“This is a joke correct?” – Eric Boyd, May 30, 2017
317. Kota Ibushi Total Points: 9 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank: 92 High Vote: 92 Low Vote: 92 High Voter: Henry Rivers
Key Matches & Moments: Kota Ibushi participated in the Cruiserweight Classic in the summer of 2016, losing in the semifinals to eventual winner T.J. Perkins; He teamed with Perkins in the 2016 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic in NXT, falling to Sanity in the second round
Staff Thoughts: Kota Ibushi is a great wrestler, with the bulk of his work elsewhere.
From the Voters: “When Kota Ibushi obtained the three votes necessary to gain eligibility for this project, it was the culmination of Henry Rivers’ boyhood dream, resulting in the posting of the Shawn Michaels video in Ibushi’s comments thread on December 8, 2017.” – From the Editors
316. Virgil Total Points: 9 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 98 High Vote: 95 Low Vote: 100 High Voter: ElliottPWO
Key Matches & Moments: Virgil served as the bodyguard to the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase, where he was repeatedly humiliated by DiBiase and beat up by babyfaces looking for revenge on his Ted; Eventually growing tired of DiBiase’s mistreatment he turned on The Million Dollar Man hitting him with the Million Dollar Belt at the 1991 Royal Rumble; This sparked a hot feud where Virgil defeated DiBiase via countout at WrestleMania VII and eventual won the Million Dollar Belt from him at SummerSlam; He continued with the company until 1994
Staff Thoughts: Virgil was an important part of the Million Dollar Man act, and generated sympathy, resulting in his babyface turn being white-hot. Fans were solidly behind Virgil and the pop when he wins the Million Dollar Belt is huge and a great feel good moment. He was never great in the ring, but wasn’t supposed to be originally as he wasn’t trained as a wrestler. Today he is an advocate of meat sauce and other fine delicacies.
From the Voters: “Olive Garden Hall of Famer.”- Greg Diener, June 3, 2017
315. Bushwhacker Butch Total Points: 9 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank: 92 High Vote: 92 Low Vote: 92 High Voter: Jason Fastkade
Key Matches & Moments: The lesser-worker of a legendarily popular and commercial tag team, Butch will be most remembered for the Bushwhacker walk, his action figure with movable arms, being featured on children’s bed sheets and a guest spot on TV’s Family Matters; Oh, he’s a Hall of Famer, too
Staff Thoughts: It is no secret that the Bushwhackers were workrate champions in the ring, but their schtick was super memorable and they knew how to brawl. Multiple kids on the block growing up had the action figure, and to this day, nerds in wrestling crowds do the Bushwhacker walk. Throw traditional wrestling out the window and have fun.
From the Voters: “The Bushwhackers were awesome in their role, and pass the non-fan test with flying colors. I have a friend I got into wrestling around 2006 and the only people she knew right off from the 80s were Hulk Hogan, Macho Man & The Bushwhackers. If they could be ranked as a tag team act, they’d get strong consideration from me, but either guy by himself? Not even close.” – James Proffitt
314. Tony Parisi/Tony Pugliese Total Points: 10 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank: 91 High Vote: 91 Low Vote: 91 High Voter: Timothy Drake
Key Matches & Moments: Read our Lee Wes’ thoughts below
Staff Thoughts: Not even going to pretend here.
From the Voters: “Started WWWF in ’66 as a cousin to Bruno, won the US tag titles in ’66 with Johnny Valentine from the Millers resulting in Valentine turning heel on Parisi. Won the belts back from Smasher Sloan & the Baron in ’67 with the help of Spiros Arion. Parisi held them for six months, with Arnold Skaaland filling in as co-holder of the belt when Arion left the country for several months. He later won the WWWF World tag titles with Gino Brito in ’75, defeating the Blackjacks, and holding the belts for six months before dropping them to Big John Studd & Killer Kowalski. In ’76, he headlined MSG with Bruno, defeating Ivan Koloff & Superstar Billy Graham. When the International title was restarted in ’82, Parisi was the inaugural champion, before losing to his former tag partner Gino Brito who lost it to Tatsumi Fujinami.” – Lee Wes, September 29, 2017
“Anybody got any handy links though?” – Lee Wes, September 29, 2017
313. Tyler Breeze Total Points: 12 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 95 High Vote: 91 Low Vote: 99 High Voter: Henry Rivers
Key Matches & Moments: Tyler Breeze was a mainstay on the NXT roster from the character’s debut in 2013 until his call-up to the main roster in 2015; During his time in NXT, he feuded with Tyson Kidd, Sami Zayn and Adrian Neville, challenging for the NXT title at NXT Takeover: Fatal Four-Way; Competed against Jushin Thunder Liger at NXT Takeover: Brooklyn, losing to the Japanese legend; Debuted on the main roster in the fall of 2015, where he feuded with Dolph Ziggler for the remainder of the year, before going on a long losing streak to start 2016; Went on to form the Breezango team and hone his detective skills on the Fashion Files
Staff Thoughts: Tyler Breeze was a perfectly servicable upper-midcarder in NXT to trot out for a title match, though I never bought him as a serious threat. He had good matches with other good workers in NXT. Didn’t do much on the main roster until teamed with Breezango for the Fashion Files vignettes.
From the Voters: “Had a great run in NXT putting on top notch matches with the likes of Sami Zayn, Tyson Kidd, and Adrian Neville. Stalled out initially on the main roster, but his Fashion Police teaming with Fandango may be the most watchable thing on WWE TV right now. He needs a bit more to make the list, though.”- Ben Morse, June 9, 2017
312. Scotty Too Hotty Total Points: 13 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 94.5 High Vote: 90 Low Vote: 99 High Voter: Pete Schirmacher
Key Matches & Moments: Scott Taylor debuted as part of the WWF’s plans to reboot their light heavyweight division in 1997, but floundered until teaming with Brian Christopher as Too Much and later Too Cool; The Scotty Too Hotty persona as part of Too Cool led to a very popular tag team act and eventually three person stable with Rikishi; Too Cool later won the tag team titles from Edge and Christian in 2000; Held the Smackdown tag titles with Rikishi in 2004; Feuded with Dean Malenko over the light heavyweight title winning it in 2000 before dropping it back to Malenko; They battled for the Light Heavyweight belt again at Backlash 2000 in what is considered a hidden gem of a match; Scotty remained with the company until 2007
Staff Thoughts: Too Cool was a fun mid-card act, and  the spot in the Rumble where Rikishi clotheslined Scotty and Grandmaster out after their dance was great. The worm was a ridiculous but unique and very over finisher. The Dean Malenko match is a hidden gem and Too Cool was a fun part of the late Attitude Era. Scotty was always a solid to good worker that shockingly stuck around until 2007.
From the Voters: “I think Scotty was better than Grandmasta. Longer tenure, had a legit ****+ ppv match with Malenko, and had one of the most over finishers of the Attitude Era. That having been said, I’m still not listing him.” – Neil Trama, June 2, 2017
311. Mil Mascaras Total Points: 14 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank: 87 High Vote: 87 Low Vote: 87 High Voter: Robert Silva
Key Matches & Moments: Appeared in more than 80 WWWF/WWF matches between 1972 and 1987 and in the 1997 Royal Rumble, where he eliminated himself; Fought several stars of that era at Madison Square Garden and elsewhere, participating in numerous battle royals and challenged Don Muraco for the Intercontinental Title
Staff Thoughts: Mil Mascaras has been vilified for his selfishness in the ring by Mick Foley, Chris Jericho and JBL, and his record in WWWF/WWF matches seems to be about as free of jobbing as you can get. If there are good matches, they are hidden indeed. He did have a remarkably long career, is a legend in Mexico and is a WWE Hall of Famer.
From the Voters: “Fuck Mil Mascaras.”- Aaron George, January 2, 2018
“Justin you need to stop posting these things when your drunk.” – Nicholas Lawrence, June 17, 2017
310. Bruiser Brody Total Points: 17 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank: 84 High Vote: 84 Low Vote: 84 High Voter: Steve Gennarelli
Key Matches & Moments: Bruiser Brody wrestled in more than 25 matches for the WWWF in 1976 and 1977; Challenged Bruno Sammartino for the WWWF title four times, including in a Texas Death Match in Madison Square Garden.
Staff Thoughts: Bruiser Brody was known to draw crowds wherever he went, though most of his work took place outside WWE. Your mileage may vary on his brawling style.
From the Voters: “Call me Bloody Brody Head.” – Jordan Duncan, December 31, 2005
309. Great Khali Total Points: 17 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 92.5 High Vote: 85 Low Vote: 100 High Voter: Chris Jordan
Key Matches & Moments: Debuted in 2006 and immediately feuded with and defeated the Undertaker: Appeared on SmackDown, RAW and ECW in 2006-2007, and feuded with John Cena over the WWE title; Won the World Heavyweight title in 2007 in a battle royal and held the belt for about two months; Became a comedy act with the Khali Kiss Cam; Competed in the Andre the Giant Battle Royal at WrestleMania XXX; Returned in 2017 to aid Jinder Mahal in his Punjabi Prison title defense
Staff Thoughts: He’s very large and was with the company for a long time. With the positives out of the way, he may be the worst wrestler many have ever seen, with every movement looking wooden and unnatural.
From the Voters: “So bad that I felt sorry for him being out there. Didn’t seem to have a clue what he was doing, where he was or how he got there. I’d rather just pretend he never existed.” – Adam Russell, July 10, 2017
308. Berzerker Total Points: 17 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 95.3 High Vote: 86 Low Vote: 100 High Voter: Andy LaBar
Key Matches & Moments: HUSS HUSS HUSS; Had excellent matches with British Bulldog, Greg Valentine, Mr. Perfect and was a highlight in battle royals; Rarely got off the bottom of the card, but tried to stab the Undertaker with his sword and won most matches via throwing his opponent to the outside for a countout
Staff Thoughts: Berzerker is so much more than a jobber, usually working squash matches and rarely getting pinned cleaned, but never getting truly pushed. Going back and watching Berzerker matches is a blast, they are quick and full of power moves. He was way more agile than others his size and had the best finisher of all time (throwing people out of the ring).
From the Voters: “I love the idea that he would win all of his matches by countout. They should have done a Goldberg like winning streak with that bit. The only storyline I remember is the time he tried to stab Undertaker with a sword. He is not making my list.” – Michael DeDamos, June 26, 2017
“Berzerker rules.” – Andy LaBar, January 5, 2018
307. Edouard Carpentier Total Points: 19 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank: 82 High Vote: 82 Low Vote: 82 High Voter: Steve Gennarelli
Key Matches & Moments: Main eventer for Capitol when the WWWF was created; Had three WWWF title shots against Buddy Rogers
Staff Thoughts: We will defer to Lee Wes write up on the Facebook page listed below.
From the Voters: “Former NWA World champion, was a main eventer in Capitol when WWWF was created, main eventing against the likes of Killer Kowalski and Hans Mortier. Had 3 WWWF title shots against Buddy Rogers. Teamed with Bruno against the Kangaroos. Returned in ’67/’68 defeating the likes of Tank Morgan and Luke Graham. Teamed with Bruno in Philly against Monsoon & Prof. Toru Tanaka. Went to a 20-min time limit draw with the Sheik at MSG. Defeated Gorilla Monsoon in singles matches. Lost to Virgil the Kentucky Butcher (AMAZING worker John Quinn) at MSG to set up Quinn’s match with Bruno. Defeated George Steele at MSG in July ’68. Beat Killer Kowalski in Boston in ’73. Returned for a match at MSG in ’75. Worked two tv tapings in 1985. His final match was the Legends battle royal in ’87.” – Lee Wes, November 26, 2017
306. Melina Total Points: 19 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 91.5 High Vote: 87 Low Vote: 96 High Voter: Microstatistics
Key Matches & Moments: Melina debuted as manager of MNM in 2005 and was known for doing splits as part of her entrance; Managed MNM to the WWE Tag Team championship three times; Involved in an angle with Mick Foley joining the Kiss My Ass Club to save Melina’s job, only to have her turn on him and fire him anyway; About the same time she developed the primal scream that we all know and love; Won the Women’s Championship three times and the Divas Championship twice; She remained with the company until 2011
Staff Thoughts: She may be remembered for her entrance far more than any particular match or feud. She was an important part of the MNM act. Solid run against all the divas of the era and was multi-time champion. Not the best diva, not the worst. That scream would peel paint off walls.
From the Voters: “I think she was better than many of her peers (Kelly Kelly, Candice Michelle), but wildly overrated and never really put together a convincing body of work. Great entrance, somewhat memorable character, but that’s it.” – Greg Phillips, June 1, 2017
“I think she is ok. Not list worthy. That flexibility, tho.” – Jason Sherman, June 1, 2017
305. Test Total Points: 19 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 94.67 High Vote: 93 Low Vote: 96 High Voter: Ian Goldsworthy
Key Matches & Moments: Debuted in 1998 as “The Corporation’s Hired Gun” before being removed from the group in 1999 and joining the short-lived Union; Had an on-screen romantic relationship with Stephanie McMahon that led to the “Love Her or Leave Her” match vs. Shane McMahon at SummerSlam 1999; Formed the T&A tag team with Albert; Won the Hardcore Championship twice and later won the European Championship, which he lost to Eddie Guerrero at WrestleMania X-7; Featured part of the Invasion angle, turning on the WWF and siding with The Alliance; Teamed with Booker T to win both the WWF and WCW tag team titles and won the Intercontinental Title; Part of the Un-Americans stable with Christian, Lance Storm and later William Regal, before being paired with Stacy Kiebler, dubbing his fans the “Testicles” and teaming with Scott Steiner; Returned in 2006 as part of the ECW brand
Staff Thoughts: There was a time following the Stephanie McMahon angle and the Shane McMahon match that many thought Test could become a top star. But that was the highlight of his career, although it seemed he was poised for something again with the Invasion and having immunity from being fired for a year. Of course, they dropped that angle and didn’t have any follow-up, which was a problem for Test throughout his career. At the same time, he never did much with any opportunities he was given and is a sad case of potential never fully realized, and yet another wrestler gone too soon.
From the Voters: “He lived off potential. If he could have been a main eventer, he would have been; they gave him enough chances. Sadly never put it all together.” – Ben Morse, June 9 2017
304. Tyson Kidd Total Points: 19 Total Ballots: 4 Average Rank: 96.25 High Vote: 89 Low Vote: 99 High Voter: TheBestThereNeverWas
Key Matches & Moments: Helped “Uncle” Bret Hart beat up an old man at WrestleMania XXVI; With partner David Hart Smith captured the unified WWE Tag Team Title; Had a stellar year in NXT including main eventing NXT Takeover against Neville
Staff Thoughts: This small headed competitor was unfortunately just finding his stride on the main roster when he was sidelined with a likely career ending injury after a match with Samoa Joe. He was coming into his own with cats and facts which were a wonderful contrast to his stoic partner Cesaro. Without his NXT run it’s doubtful he receives any votes.
From the Voters: “Tyson has to be the most underrated WWE wrestler. A great NXT run with awesome matches with Zayn, Cesaro & Neville. He has many sneaky great matches against Rey Mysterio from Superstars, Christian ECW & the great triple threat match from Smackdown with Dolph & Cesaro. He formed the best tag team in around 5 years with Cesaro. As wrestler he is incredible smooth & along with AJ has the best execution. Great combination of High Flying & Technical wrestling” –  Hasan Mulla, June 6, 2017
303. Damien Sandow Total Points: 20 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 91 High Vote: 90 Low Vote: 92 High Voter: Scott Herrin
Key Matches & Moments: Debuted as Idol Stevens, one half of the Teacher’s Pets and feuded with London and Kendrick in 2006; Returned in 2012 as Damien Sandow, the intellectual savior of the unwashed masses; Formed the Rhodes Scholars tag team with Cody Rhodes; Sandow threw Rhodes off the ladder to win the 2013 Money in the Bank however he failed in his Money in the Bank cash-in against John Cena; Began a gimmick as a comic impersonator, eventually leading to an alliance with The Miz and his evolution into Damien Mizdow; He and Miz won the tag team titles in 2014, before splitting because Miz felt Mizdow was upstaging him
Staff Thoughts: Great character work and was always over and never booked to go anywhere.
From the Voters: “Wasted opportunity by WWE to capitalize on his talents. Whenever he did get a chance to show his skills, he proved that he was entertaining and deserved a better push from the company. He’s on my list but probably very low due to limited exposure.”- Dennis Nunez, May 29, 2017
302. Butch Reed Total Points: 21 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 90.5 High Vote: 90 Low Vote: 91 High Voter: Jesse
Key Matches & Moments: Beat the living shit out of Koko B Ware at WrestleMania III; Part of Andre The Giant’s winning team at the inaugural Survivor Series; Participated in the WWF Championship tournament at WrestleMania IV, bowing out in the first round to eventual winner Randy Savage; Along with Slick and The One Man Gang beat the living shit out of Superstar Billy Graham, pleasing fans throughout the four corners of the Earth
Staff Thoughts: Butch Reed felt like the perfect dance partner for the Doctor of Style. He was cut, solid in ring and had ludicrous blonde hair. His run was quiet and uneventful for the most part, but still Reed could always be counted on for a solid match in the lower midcard. If the legend is true he should have been the IC champion but thankfully we got eighteen god damn months of Honky Tonk Man instead. Damn you Butch Reed. Damn you to Hell.
From the Voters: “Just watched a Prime Time match between Reed and Hillbilly Jim. That was… unimpressive on many levels.” – Steven Joseph Ferrari, May 30, 2017
“No shot for me. I like Reed a ton especially in Mid South vs Flair but his WWF run was pretty poor. I couldn’t even fathom what his top performance was.” – Chad Campbell, May 29, 2017
301. Brian Knobbs Total Points: 21 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank: 80 High Vote: 80 Low Vote: 80 High Voter: ElliottPWO
Key Matches & Moments: Along with Jerry Sags stole Power & Glory’s spot at WrestleMania 7 and went on to defeat the Hart Foundation for the WWF Tag Team Titles; Got demolished along with Sags by the Legion of Doom at SummerSlam 91; At WrestleMania was insulted by Ray Combs and humiliated in an eight man tag team match; Turned face and as a consequence made the world a worse place
Staff Thoughts: Knobbs was the “personality” of the Nasty Boys who were a middling team during their WWF tenure. Their matches were fun yet unspectacular. Pity City might be the reason the tag division died a slow death in the early 90s. It’s a good thing he came to the WWF though, it was there he met Hulk Hogan, who used Knobbs as a contrast to pick up chicks for years.
From the Voters: “Jerry Saggs >>> Brian Knobs. Saggs was a fucking nut in there.” – Martin Boulevard, May 29, 2017
“Mildly entertaining but nope.” – Will Gentler, May 29, 2017
300. Nunzio Total Points: 23 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank: 78 High Vote: 78 Low Vote: 78 High Voter: David Carli
Key Matches & Moments: Nunzio debuted in 2002 as Jamie Noble’s cousin, but soon formed the WWE version of the Full Blooded Italians with Johnny the Bull and Chuck Palumbo; Moved onto the cruiserweight division, winning the Cruiserweight title twice; Nunzio reverted to his Little Guido character on the 2005 ECW One Night Stand PPV and later during the ECW reboot, reforming the FBI with Tony Mamaluke and Trinity
Staff Thoughts: Good worker and solid hand in cruiserweight and tag team matches at a time when WWE cared little about either division (which is pretty much true for most of the company history.) He was in good company, as it seemed like the entire early 2000s cruiserweights had good, forgettable matches to fill TV and had better runs elsewhere.
From the Voters: “I love Nunzio. A definite sentimental favourite. But I can’t think of a single memorable match or moment from his WWE run, nor was he ever really over.” – Adam Russell, July 18, 2017
299. S.D. Jones Total Points: 23 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 93.3 High Vote: 85 Low Vote: 98 High Voter: Scott Criscuolo
Key Matches & Moments: Special Delivery Jones wrestled over 1,200 matches for the WWWF/WWF losing the majority, but making heels look strong in the process; Was a mainstay of TV tapings and MSG shows, often facing incoming heels with bright futures; Tag team partner of Andre the Giant when Big John Studd and Ken Patera cut his hair; Appeared on the initial WrestleMania card facing King Kong Bundy, losing in in “nine seconds.”
Staff Thoughts: One of the more well-known jobbers in company history, filling the role of making the incoming heels look good. But S.D.’s greatest claims to fame are the loss to Bundy at WrestleMania and having an LJN action figure for reasons that still aren’t clear to anyone. In terms of jobbers, you could do worse.
From the Voters: “S.D. Jones’ LJN figure sucked from a practical standpoint. Can’t do nuthin with those arms!” – Aaron George, October 10, 2017
“You could pin his shoulders to the mat, though!” – Chris Jordan, October 10, 2017
298. Jazz Total Points: 24 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank: 77 High Vote: 77 Low Vote: 77 High Voter: Ash
Key Matches & Moments: Jazz was a mainstay of the women’s division, including memorable matches with Trish Stratus; Held the WWE Women’s Championship twice, successfully defending her title in a three-way against Trish and Lita at WrestleMania X8, and challenged Trish and Victoria at WrestleMania the next year
Staff Thoughts: Jazz stood out from the rest of the women’s division at the time with her power moves and had some good matches with other good workers like Trish Stratus and Victoria. She fell short of some of the other women of the era in character work and the women’s matches were rarely given time to really get going.
From the Voters: “‘The bitch is back, and the bitch is black’. It was a memorable little run, but nowhere near enough to even be considered.” – Adam Russell, July 9, 2017
297. El Torito Total Points: 24 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 93 High Vote: 86 Low Vote: 99 High Voter: Henry Rivers
Key Matches & Moments: The highlight of El Torito’s WWE tenure was the WeeLC match where he defeated Hornswoggle in the pre-show of Extreme Rules 2014 in what was considered one of the greatest pre-show matches ever; Appeared as the mascot of Los Matadores and appeared in about 70 matches, many with Los Matadores
Staff Thoughts: The WeeLC match is great and if you have a midget quota he’s as good as any and has better matches than most in his division (or all in WWE).
From the Voters: “El Torito and Hornswoggle vs. Slater Gater, WeeLC. Never forget.” – Henry Rivers, June 14, 2017
296. Jason Jordan Total Points: 25 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank: 76 High Vote: 76 Low Vote: 76 High Voter: Henry Rivers
Key Matches & Moments: Formed many mismatched teams in NXT before being graced with the blessing that is Chad Gable; Winning the NXT Tag Team Titles from the Revival at NXT Takeover Dallas; Flopping on the main roster as Sharmell T’s illegetimate child
Staff Thoughts: Jason Jordan was a spectacular hot tag guy in his team with Chad Gable but unfortunately has floundered in virtually every other role. Still, the matches with the Revival are spectacular in no small part thanks to him. Has the potential to be great in the ring if he could only shake a horrid case of RockyMaiviaitis.
From the Voters: “Has to have an amazing next six months since I like his NXT tag work. Been a nothing act since on SmackDown. Will go on with Gable or not at all.” – Good Ol’ Will From Texas, May 30, 2017 (Ed. note: “He didn’t.”)
295. Bushwhacker Luke Total Points: 26 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 88 High Vote: 85 Low Vote: 91 High Voter: Blaise Perrone
Key Matches & Moments: By 2017 standards, spent years sexually harassing fans in the front rows of shows; Watched as cousin Butch shamelessly sexaully assaulted Jacques Rougeau at WrestleMania 5; Was fun
Staff Thoughts: Twelve spots ahead of Butch?
From the Voters: “His most memorable moment is the ’91 Rumble, so…” Jeremy Ray, June 1, 2017
“Was Jameson Jameson’s first name or Jameson’s last name?” – Greg Phillips, June 1, 2017
294. Dick Togo Total Points: 26 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 88 High Vote: 77 Low Vote: 99 High Voter: Microstatistics
Key Matches & Moments: Had a series of fun matches as part of Kai En Tai; Aided in attempted genital severing in the summer of 1998; Inspired Kevin Owens’ ring gear
Staff Thoughts: Dick Togo was great but wasn’t around long enough while being hampered with a comedy gimmick. To this day he reminds some of a shorter, angrier Tomohiro Ishiii.
From the Voters: “What Jinder was in 2012, Togo was in 1998. Pure mush. See ya, Dick!” – Jason Greenhouse, May 29, 2017
“Kaientai sucked. Come on.” – Eric Boyd, May 29, 2017
293. Tyler Bate Total Points: 26 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 92.3 High Vote: 85 Low Vote: 99 High Voter: James
Key Matches & Moments: Breakout star of the U.K Tournament earlier this year, which he won in a tremendous match against Pete Dunne; All of his matches in the Tournament were highlights and he was very over as a babyface during the tournament; Bate and Dunn went on to top themselves in a rematch for the U.K. Title at NXT Takeover: Chicago in a show-stealing MOTYC
Staff Thoughts: Tyler Bate has delivered in every bout with WWE, and if he had more matches on his resume, no doubt he’d be higher. He stood out in the U.K. tournament working great as a babyface (better than most in the WWE stateside). Both matches with Pete Dunne were as tremendous as Bate’s mustache.
From the Voters: “His match at Takeover: Chicago could be a MOTY candidate. Having said that, the resume is too small.” – Scott Criscuolo, June 7, 2017
292. Mike Sharpe Total Points: 28 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 91.667 High Vote: 87 Low Vote: 100 High Voter: Ray Miller
Key Matches & Moments: Canada’s greatest athlete was a fixture as enhancement talent from 198 to 1995; His matches consisted of him yelling throughout before ending flat on his back; He somehow overcame the mysterious arm injury he was nursing for years to challenge Bob Backlund for the WWF title in 1983, although shockingly, he was defeated and would never hold a title for the promotion
Staff Thoughts: Yelled a lot throughout his matches, which he always lost (at least after 1983 or so). May have passed along whatever contagious degenerative arm condition he had to Owen Hart, but I’m not a doctor so can neither confirm nor deny. One of the more well-know jobbers of the 80s and early 90s.
From the Voters: “If there is a discussion thread open for Iron Mike Sharpe, I cannot find it as I write this summary.” – Tyler Kelley, January 5, 2017.
291. Tatsumi Fujnami Total Points: 29 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 86.5 High Vote: 75 Low Vote: 98 High Voter: Microstatistics
Key Matches & Moments: Defeated Jose Estrada for the WWWF Junior Heavyweight Title; Beat noted asshole Chavo Guerrero for that same title in 1980; CRUSHED Gino Brito to win the WWWF International title in 198; Inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2015 and NOT just because they wanted to put in a Japanese guy
Staff Thoughts: While his appearances were sporadic he still managed to stick around for about seven years and was a highlight to most cards he was on. Come on now, how much more do you want me to say about this guy?
From the Voters: “7-year WWE career, WWF International Heavyweight champ and WWWF Junior Heavyweight champ. WWE HoF class of 2015.” – Les Wes, October 7, 2017
290. Luke Graham Total Points: 32 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank: 69 High Vote: 69 Low Vote: 69 High Voter: Steve Gennarelli
Key Matches & Moments: Teamed with brother Jerry Graham to win the WWWF US Tag titles in 1964; Along with Tarzan Tyler were the first WWWF Tag Team Champions in 1971; In the late 70s and eary 80s feuded with the likes of Andre The Giant and LEGEND Dino Bravo
Staff Thoughts: Crazy Luke Graham was an important cog in the development of tag team wrestling for the WWWF.
From the Voters: “I would like to second the nomination for Luke Graham.” – Lee Wes, September 5, 2017
289. Paul Roma Total Points: 33 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 90 High Vote: 84 Low Vote: 95 High Voter: Andy Atherton
Key Matches & Moments: One half of both the Young Stallions and Power & Glory, both had their moments in high profile matches; The Young Stallions twice defeated the Hart Foundation, once in a non-title shocking reverse decision win and later by disqualification and also defeated Demolition; Were also were one of the surviving teams in the initial Survivor Series tag team elimination match; Power & Glory were best known for their cool PowerPlex finisher and for defeating the Rockers at SummerSlam 1990
Staff Thoughts: Paul Roma was part of two interesting tag teams that could have been bigger than they wound up being. The PowerPlex was a cool finisher. Still Roma could never put it all together to rise above second-tier tag team with upside.
From the Voters: “I might like Hercules better.” – Good Ol’ Will From Texas, June 1, 2017
288. Jerry Sags Total Points: 36 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 83 High Vote: 79 Low Vote: 87 High Voter: ElliottPWO
Key Matches & Moments: Sags was half of the Nasty Boys, who were one of the primary tag teams of the early 90s, for better or worse; Won the tag team titles from the Hart Foundation at WrestleMania VII and held them until SummerSlam 1991, losing to the Legion of Doom
Staff Thoughts: The Nasty Boys had some good brawls elsewhere, but you can have their WWF run. Sags may have been the workhorse of the team (that is damning with faint praise) but the team pretty much took the tag division to pity city.
From the Voters: “Jerry Sags? Yes, he does.” – Todd Weber, May 30, 2017
287. Jinder Mahal Total Points: 36 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 89 High Vote: 76 Low Vote: 98 High Voter: Chris Jordan
Key Matches & Moments: Debuted as the Marcus Licinius Crassus to The Great Khali’s Antoninus; Formed the jobber group 3MB as the “funny” one; Took some time off and upon return was inexplicably given a six month reign as WWE champion; Had the honor of jobbing and bowing to Triple H in his “home” country
Staff Thoughts: On a show with AJ Styles, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Dolph Ziggler, Randy Orton, Rusev and Mojo Rawley THIS is the guy they tasked with carrying the main events for most of 2017. Not only did he make Smackdown feel interminable but he may have also killed the push of sure fire star Shinsuke Nakamura. We would love to joke more about this entry but it makes us too sad. Corporate greed over artistic accomplishment. Greed that didn’t even pay off as they had to cancel one of their India shows due to poor attendance. Who knew that putting a turban on a Canadian, making him the biggest coward/asshole on TV and declaring him a “Modern Day Maharajah” didn’t electrify the Indian people.
From the Voters: “Fuck you pal.” – Vince McMahon, November 7, 2017
286. Judy Martin Total Points: 37 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 82.5 High Vote: 66 Low Vote: 99 High Voter: Jamie McGleave
Key Matches & Moments: Judy Martin challenged Wendi Richter for the women’s title early in her career but is best known as one-half of the Glamour Girls; Along with tag team partner Lelani Kai, were part of the women’s elimination match at the initial Survivor Series, losing to Fabulous Moolah’s team; Feuded with the Jumping Bomb Angels for much of 1988, staging some of the best women’s matches the company had seen and would see for decades to come, including a two out of three falls match at the first Royal Rumble in 1988; Also attempted to murder Desiree Petersen in Madison Square Garden in 1985
Staff Thoughts: Track down any Glamour Girls and Jumping Bomb Angels match you can find.
From the Voters: “Incredibly underrated. Was able to keep up with the Jumping Bomb Angels too. Don’t know if she makes the list but people should check out her matches.” – Brian Bayless, May 30, 2017
285. Tommy Dreamer Total Points: 38 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 82 High Vote: 64 Low Vote: 100 High Voter: El Groino
Key Matches & Moments: Tommy Dreamer was brought into the Invasion angle as part of whatever bastardized version of ECW joined forces with the shell of the bastardized version of WCW to form the most intimidating wrestling stable name, The Alliance; Later found his niche on RAW by eating food off the floor and drinking the Undertaker’s chew spit; Was crucial to WWE re-launching the ECW brand, wrestling in the main event of the 2005 One Night Stand and being involved in the hottest angle and one of the best matches in 2006 when he teamed with Terry Funk and Beullah to take on Mick Foley, Edge and Lita; Dreamer’s name and reputation with ECW fans was an important component to WWE relaunching the ECW brand; Won the ECW championship at Extreme Rules 2009
Staff Thoughts: The heart and soul of ECW was valuable whenever WWE wanted to gain any credibility with former ECW fans, for the One Night Stand PPVs or the “brand re-launch.” The match vs. Mick Foley, Edge and Lita is must-see and probably the highlight of his WWE career, though he also made his WWECW title win compelling by saying he’d retire if he didn’t win the title. Since WWE was never committed to the spirit of ECW, Dreamer’s moments were few and far between despite his surprisingly long tenure. Good matches were even rarer, unless he could get involved in a chaotic brawl. And don’t get us started on the gross-out contest era of RAW.
From the Voters: “He’ll probably sneak on near the bottom of my list. His Hardcore/IC unification match against RVD on Raw in 2002 was pretty fun, as was a Singapore Cane match with Stevie Richards around the same time.” – Stephen Brogee, June 19, 2017
284. Sable Total Points: 38 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 82 High Vote: 70 Low Vote: 94 High Voter: Brad Faulk
Key Matches & Moments: Sable was one of the most over acts in 1998-1999; Teamed with Marc Mero in a WrestleMania XIV to defeat Goldust and Marlena; Overshadowed Mero leading to a feud that led to Mero pretending to lay down for Sable before pinning her; Led to the debut of Edge as Sable’s mystery partner for a match vs. Mero and Jacqueline; Won a bikini contest she won at Fully Loaded 1998 when her bikini consisted of body paint over her two most prominent assets; First diva to pose for Playboy, which was certainly influential and started a trend for future divas; Returned to WWE in 2003-2004 and was involved in a variety of angles with McMahons and the divas of the day
Staff Thoughts: One of the hottest stars of the Attitude Era, due to her huge boobs, posing for Playboy and her remarkably clutch ability in bikini contests. In a shocking development, bikini contests judged by applause from crowds of teen and twenty year old predominantly male audiences tend to favor attractive women with big boobs who show a lot of skin. And that’s Sable’s starpower in a nutshell, although she did garner sympathy in the Mero feud.
From the Voters: “The worst kind of stripper… no soul, all makeup.” – Good Ol’ Will From Texas, June 2, 2017
“The Big Show… Sable… AND ME!” – JT Rozzero, January 5, 2017
283. Stevie Richards Total Points: 38 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 88.3 High Vote: 79 Low Vote: 98 High Voter: Rory McNamara
Key Matches & Moments: Meandered with a tag team with Blue Meanie, including the making of the Blonde Bytch project and impersonating other wrestlers, before forming the Right to Censor.; Best known for the RTC and their annoying entrance music and heat generation; Staple of the Hardcore division and a 22-time champion, before taking on the Stevie Night Heat gimmick proclaiming himself the GM of Heat; Formed an alliance with Victoria where he served as her manager/valet; Reformed the Blue World Order as part of the ECW reboots at the One Night Stand PPV and continued with the gimmick
Staff Thoughts: Threw himself into everything he did, making some potential shit entertaining.
From the Voters: “I want to rate him, I just don’t think the meat is on the bone. Good character and great team player, but he never got the changes he deserved. One of the biggest “what might have been” guys of his era.” – Dylan Hales, July 11, 2017
282. Bobby Duncum Total Points: 38 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 88.3 High Vote: 79 Low Vote: 94 High Voter: Grady Blount
Key Matches & Moments: Was a regular challenger to both Bob Backlund for the World title and Pat Patterson for the Intercontinental Title.
Staff Thoughts: While a frequent challenger to Bob Backlund and Pat Patterson, he was never able to match the high match quality that other Backlund and Patterson opponents did.
From the Voters: “Bobby Duncum is not nominated, but was voted for. (Ed. note: Duncum was subsequently nominated.)”” – Steven Graham, December 22, 2017
281. Albert Total Points: 38 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 88.3 High Vote: 71 Low Vote: 97 High Voter: Ash
Key Matches & Moments: Amongst the best tattoo artist/piercing specialist to convert to a wrestler; Was in a number of uninteresting groups like T&A, X-Factor and his team with Scotty Too Hotty as the Hip Hop Hippo; The most significant accomplishment of his career was having a very good match with Kane, which might be the best singles match of both their WWE careers; Returned to WWE in 2012 as Lord Tensai, which was a thing
Staff Thoughts: Kane and Albert having good matches together remains one of the great mysteries of our time to be studied by wrestling-obsessed scholars. Whether the reasons were some type off chemical reaction from the residual formaldehyde fumes from the fire that killed Kane’s parents interacting with Albert’s back hair, or simply a rare on night for both performers, we may never know.
From the Voters: “It was always the same guy just with more or less hair on his back. Another guy for me who was around too long in the early 2000s. Always a channel changer. He was also colossal flopped as Tensai. Within six months he was back to dancing.” – Aaron George, June 2, 2017
280. Terry Taylor Total Points: 40 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 81 High Vote: 62 Low Vote: 100 High Voter: Scott Herrin
Key Matches & Moments: Beat a bunch of the regular jobbers of the 1980s; Was the first eliminated in the 1988 Survivor Series main event; Worked the ‘89 and ‘90 Royal Rumble and Survivor Series; Beat Bobby Heenan in 30 seconds at WrestleMania V; Had a rooster-styled haircut and clucked liked a damn chicken
Staff Thoughts: “Red Rooster” Terry Taylor, despite being a long-time wrestler, trainer and stalwart of both the NWA and WWF did not even get the required nominations to be a part of this project, and yet he was voted on twice. Generally considered one of the most boring wrestlers on the planet and someone who loved to bury talented folks backstage with NXT, Taylor actually agreed to play the role of Red Rooster in WWF, one of the worst gimmicks of all time.
From the Voters: “Cluck, cluck, you suck, pal.” – Vince McMahon, March 30, 1990 (probably)
279. Noriyo Tateno Total Points: 40 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 87.7 High Vote: 74 Low Vote: 95 High Voter: ElliottPWO
Key Matches & Moments: As part of the Jumping Bomb Angels, worked only 61 matches total between 1987-1988, all but two solely against the Glamour Girls, Judy Martin and Leilani Kail Had a memorable match at the 1987 Survivor Series, won the WWF Women’s Tag Team title once
Staff Thoughts: Though the list of accomplishments and variety of opponents is slim, Noriyo Tateno and Itzuki Yamazaki were nevertheless voted on due to high match quality and lasting influence. The Jumping Bomb Angels worked at an in-ring pace that was rarely seen in the ring in 1987, by men or women. Almost any match with the Glamour Girls is enjoyable if not outright good, but 11/87 MSG and 3/88 Boston Garden are both 4+ star classics, despite being seeing by so few.
From the Voters: “I love the Jumping Bomb Angels!” – Jeff Machado, December 15, 2017
278. Itsuki Yamazaki Total Points: 41 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 87.3 High Vote: 73 Low Vote: 95 High Voter: ElliottPWO
Key Matches & Moments: See Above
Staff Thoughts: The Jumping Bomb Angels also had a killer entrance theme.
From the Voters: Pardon my ignorance, but one of the Bomb Angels?” – Will Gertler, May 30, 2017
277. Killer Khan Total Points: 41 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank:87.3 High Vote: 74 Low Vote: 100 High Voter: Kris Zellner
Key Matches & Moments: Feuded with Bob Backlund over the WWF title and Pedro Morales over the Intercontinental title in 1980; His most well-known feud was with Andre the Giant, where he broke the Giant’s ankle in a match in 1981, leading to a Mongolian Stretcher Match in November 1981 in Philadelphia; Made a brief return to the company in 1987 feuding with Outback Jack and challenging Hulk Hogan for the belt on house shows
Staff Thoughts: Always looked like a monster, and was very believable in the role. The Andre the Giant feud was one of the best WWF feuds of the early 80s and won the Observer feud of the year in 1981.
From the Voters: “Andre and Backlund matches were good, and he was a very solid worker. I don’t think that alone gets him past some of his contemporaries to the next phase for me though.” – Brad Woodling, May 30, 2017
276. Jacqueline Total Points: 42 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank:59 High Vote: 59 Low Vote: 59 High Voter: El Groino
Key Matches & Moments: Involved in no less than two (2) nipple violations in the nipple filled attitude era; Helped establish the newly formed Women’s division in the late nineties; Was a founding member of the Pretty Mean Sisters whose primary job was interfering in matches and sexually humiliating Shawn Stasis; Won WWE Cruiserweight Title during a feud with the Chavo Guerreros
Staff Thoughts: Jacqueline was the legit wrestler that helped Sable get over and become the face of women’s wrestling for a while. A steady mainstay in the division she acted as gatekeeper for many years before quietly entering retirement. Was tremendous as Marc Mero’s second and fun as the third Acolyte. Sadly despite her immense talent was always put aside for the models that would populate the division as the 2000s went on.
From the Voters: “I second/third noms for Jacqueline, Jazz, Melina, Michelle McCool, Natalya, Ken Kennedy.” – Stacey O’Laughlin May 30th 2017
275. Kalisto Total Points: 43 Total Ballots: 1 Average Rank:58 High Vote: 58 Low Vote: 58 High Voter: Karl Grant
Key Matches & Moments: LUCHA! LUCHA! LUCHA! Formed a kickass team with Sin Cara and won the NXT Tag Team titles, finally ending the Ascension’s reign; Defeated Alberto Del Rio for the US title and enjoy relative success in rematches; Best singles match may be the pre show match with Ryback at WrestleMania 32; Has recently joined the cruiserweight division where success has varied
Staff Thoughts: Rey Mysterio without the physical charisma of Rey. LUCHA! LUCHA! LUCHA! Very strong in ring performer who is usually regulated to sub ten minute matches. LUCHA! LUCHA! LUCHA! chant does nothing but make me want to leave my family. His push was probably abruptly ended when he imploded trying to cut a promo on Talking Smack. Nobody took Rusev’s accolade like Kalisto. Like he was bent in fucking half.
From the Voters: “He’s enjoyable, but he’s like a poor man’s Rey Mysterio.” – Michael Schoen, June 1, 2017
“He was, then they turned him into a poor man’s Rellik, and now a poor man’s Drago” – Eric Miller, June 5, 2017
“Unfortunately, this guy works for a company run by folks who do not completely understand the nature of smaller guys and the lucha-ish style. Probably out of my list.” – Will Olson, June 1, 2017
Stay tuned for more in the coming days!
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