#and covers just a little over the first donghua season
nyerus · 5 months
TGCF Audio Drama Season Two Releases on May 26th! 🎉
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I'm a little late to the party, but very happy to share the news that the next season of the marvelous TGCF Audio Drama has been officially announced for May 26th! It will be available on MaoerFM/Missevan just like season one!
The first two episodes will drop simultaneously on May 26th, with the remaining episodes most likely releasing weekly for a total of 18 episodes. We will also get at least 4 mini-theaters (short bonus episodes).
We will have more info soon, so stay tuned for further clarifications! Here's a link to the original announcement on weibo.
There is an official trailer up on MaoerFM to listen to already, and I highly recommend it! Judging by the content of the trailer, season two will cover the first flashback arc, the whole of the Black Water arc, and up to the start of the Mt. Tonglu arc. So that's the entirety of webnovel Book 2, and a significant part of Book 3! (Not to be confused with the volumes of the various translations!)
Please note that the Audio Drama is in Chinese only! It is possible and very easy to listen to it with English MTL subtitles, however, until fan-translations catch up! I don't recommend it for new fans, but fans who have already read the books will likely be just fine after getting a little used to it!
Additionally, unlike the manhua or donghua, the audio drama is based on the revised version of the novel! If you do not know what that is, please check out this post where I've gone over that in more detail.
I have old guide for how to make a MaoerFM account and purchase the AD here. It is still mostly relevant, however there is now the option of using GooglePlay for Android users! This works in the US and many other countries, but of course is going to vary by region.
I also have a guide on how to turn on the MTL subs and how to deal with the barrage/scrolling text on the website here (twitter post).
Hopefully I'll be able to make a new guide soon, but for now these may be of service!
Please do buy and support the Audio Drama if you can! It's made by a very passionate team who have been doing their best to make it a very accurate and faithful adaptation! The voice acting and sound design are absolutely fantastic, and it's super affordable--only a couple of bucks per season! It's possible to pre-purchase the new season already, as well as tip the team directly via the app so please do so! 💖
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iantimony · 9 months
2023 year in review roundup
wow!! what a fucking year!!! goodbye and good riddance! happy first day of 2024!
this year i did 37 tuesdayposts! there were 53 tuesdays so that's about 70%! some of them were on fri/sat instead as shabbosposts but i think posting on tuesday or even monday does just work better for some fucking reason. maybe because friday and saturday are days that i am most likely to do New Activities for making/playing/watching/reading??? and so on monday or tuesday i can recap the just-finished weekend. shrug! we love tuesday so it's fine.
listening listened to all of twilight mirage and a little over half of partizan! shrieking shack podcast, just king things, well there's your problem, miscellaneous music (maneskin probably a notable winner in there)
reading a lot of little articles. a little tgcf. SO much fanfic. 'every heart a doorway' (bad). 'birthday of the world' le guin (good).
playing a little disco elysium. a little minecraft. a little nier automata. a little hadesgame. a LOT of pokemon go. and i got into magic the gathering this year!
watching a lot of youtube videos. so many gd youtube videos. evangelion, history of the world part ii, cunk on earth, vox machina animated series, cowboy bebop, first season of peaky blinders, the new tgcf donghua season!
making i did very little drawing/painting/illustration beyond life drawing a few times...however i was very prolific in crafting! i also theoretically made valentines gifts. i do not remember what they were tho lol.
fiber arts: i completed a big embroidery project (fermenting dregs album art hoodie), quantum shawl, mesh market bag, case for my knew laptop, finished that blue tank top even though i hate it, fixed the lining on my yellow knitted cowl, made a little knitted headphone top cover that i will probably redo differently, headband ear warmer for my roommate's mom, and FINALLY i just barely finished the scarf for my SO before the end of 2023!
print block carving: wristwatch print, gavelbocken holiday card print
misc/writing: some songxuexiao fencing au. some harrowhark abhorsen au. neocities website!
and so much pottery! this is all of it, barring the things i already gave away as presents before this photo (two pots and a little box and the little raven guy), but wow! that's so many fuckin object!
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misc what a fucking year. some bad! had to file a big car insurance claim! got really sick while abroad and that persisted for a long fucking time! mini summer breakdown! some good stuff too - passed quantum mechanics FOREVER good fucking bye, did my first successful academic conference, finally started feeling better around the end of the year! learned my lesson: it's not fuckin worth stressing yourself to death over, and also i can't just Be At Home Aimlessly for months any more. it's bad for my mental health.
reviewing 2023 resolutions and goals --> I’d love to start writing again and play more horn but we’ll see i basically didn't do any creative writing at all this year barring a few lines of fanfic ideas (the abhorsen/tlt crossover one) HOWEVER i READ a lot of fanfic to marinate in and i played a LOT more french horn!! i joined the little youth orchestra which is like, uber goofy, but it means ive been playing on a regular basis again!
--> I also wanna listen to more weird music, and invest in actually owning some files, especially for some of the lesser-known bands and through bandcamp and stuff i spent all year meaning to do this and kept pushing it off so it rolls over into next year.
--> I really want to kind of dial those [unhealthy coping mechanisms] back again, focus more on existing in Reality and more in each moment, which hopefully will also help with some of the skin picking and other anxious habits that resurfaced. maybe more yoga, maybe re-establishing a meditation process lol lmao. nah. but definitely rolling it over into 2024.
--> I would love to think more about my fashion and how I present myself too, and work on making and tailoring more of my clothing in general actually not bad! basically zero tailoring but i did a pretty good job wearing some cute outfits.
--> I’ve been pretty good about being active so I’d like to keep that up, I still can’t do a pull-up but maybe this is the year! (lol) I should also start doing some minor exercises for my shitty arthritis toes to keep those okay once again: lol lmao. health issues had me really regress in some of my gains goals. plus side is toes are doin pretty normal.
--> a lot of last year was kind of a wash regarding research so I’m really looking forward to refocusing on that and really getting things moving. oh it moved! in a good way! i'm making good progress and hopefully i will keep that momentum going!
--> finally! I want to get back to tabletop! I miss doing it so much! it fell by the wayside for me because of how busy and overwhelmed I was, especially this past fall semester, but I want to start running and playing games with my pals again a little! i should have been putting these in playing as i went oops. the tabletop group i've run was a little fallow this year due to at least half of our group, including myself, not being in Tabletop Mood but we've played a lot of res arcana and other such games instead.
i had a few other resolutions in my digital planner on my ipad that didn't go in the writeup last year: namely, practice languages more (i did practice my mandarin a little but did not really learn any hebrew or korean unfortunately) and establish a non-software component of my research (nope, not in the cards, but i'm hoping to do something else this summer to let me get better with physical data/setups), and finishing the masters degree requirements (that will be the end of this upcoming spring semester), but overall i really did hit most of my resolutions and goals! even with being ill for a while! (except the finances. i am simply not looking at them <3)
2024 resolutions and goals
definitely some rollover! i will format this to hopefully be a little easier to respond to next year:
- get back on a regular workout schedule: swimming 1x a week, weights once or twice a week. would like to try and work towards my One Pullup goal again. would also be cool to try and work towards a hand/headstand. - try and be more mindful. i'm going to continue the grief therapy but also think about meditating more, doing more yoga, and so on. - there's a gallery on main street that solicits work from local artists for bimonthy themed exhibitions and i really want to submit at least one thing to it this year! the one due by end of january is themed 'florals', and the one two months after that is 'layers', so i'd really like to submit something to one of those. - more weird art! use that big canvas i bought in literally 2022! paint!!! - finally put together that travel journal from korea & japan (and also scrapbook-ify the papers i have leftover in a pile from that) - also, maybe do current scrapbook a little different? might need a new binder at the very least. - hang up that expensive quilt i bought in august - speaking of quilt: do some hand quilting, english paper piercing! i have so much fucking fabric! - find a new apartment to move into that hopefully won't suck! - try to secure some sort of summer internship or project that will let me develop some new skillsets that i might not be getting with my current research - finish the masters degree - write...a paper? for the work i just presented??? - keep tweaking neocities and make some more pages - keep track of recipes this year as well in my making section
i might start a little spreadsheet this year to keep better track of all my stuff because i really did Not want to go through all my separate listening and reading sections and extract what i liked the most, etc. this post required me to first back up a few extra early tuesdayposts from this year to dreamwidth, and then skim all of them to accumulate the above, and that was kinda a pain. and i love an excuse to start a new spreadsheet.
we did it! happy 2024! i don't think i have anything else to add to this wrapup but if i think of something i'll tack it into the upcoming Normal Tuesdaypost tomorrow! good job good night and good luck everyone!
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aworldforastage · 1 year
my first danmei playlist -- part 2: the classics, historical style
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[see more in this series are under the tag #my first danmei playlist]
Since modern "historical Chinese style" songs are infamous for containing incorrect traditional-style grammar, so the lyric translations are very rough ...
(links are to Mao'er/Missevan unless otherwise stated)
忘羡/"Wang Xian" by 吾恩,余夏 from 魔道祖师/Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (MDZS), Season 2
原来 陈情俱是旧人 / 撩动 心事如何能避尘 And so it turns out, old feelings are all stirred up by old acquaintances; how can one remain unattached to mortal affairs
I started reading danmei novels in 2022, but I read the MDZS novel and listened to the audio drama back in 2019 after the live action came out. This is like my gateway to the danmei fandom before I fully committed to coming here.
P.S. This is also my favorite version of WangXian. I still remember looping this song in my hotel room during several work trips that fall while I was frantically editing my slide decks.
晚夜微雨问海棠/"A Nighttime drizzle over haitang flowers" by 陈亦洺 · 喧笑lirz · 镜予歌 [youtube], fan-made music for 二哈和他的白猫师尊/Husky and his White Cat Shizhun (2Ha)
念想从未消亡 / 踏断红尘不肯相忘 The desire has never faded / and cannot be forgotten even with desperate efforts
Between it's length and content warnings, I never wanted to read 2Ha, but every time I slow down to listen to this song I get so tempted. Not because it gives a better idea of what happens in 2Ha, but I just feel like it has to be really good to inspire this much creativity from its fans.
悦神/"Pleasing the Gods" by KBShinya [youtube], fan-made music for 天官赐福/Heaven Official's Blessings aka TGCF
雨中红伞探白花 华服金面高楼下 一念间 桃源已成飞沙 Red umbrella seeks white flowers in the rain, fine robes with the gold mask descend from the high towers In a single moment, paradise has become dust
I started and stopped the TGCF novel several times and didn't finish it until earlier this year, but I have been obsessed with that little melody at the beginning of this song ever since I heard it in the donghua trailer but in 2020.
天涯寻春/"Seeking far and wide for spring" by 柯暮卿, from 天涯客/Faraway Wanderers, Season 2
不过蓬蒿旧梦自在余生/懒知欢与恨 Only a humble old dream to live freely for the rest of my years / and be unaffected by joy or hatred
Faraway Wanderers is my first audiodrama (excluding MDZS in 2019). The entire "danmei ecosystem" -- authors, novels, voice actors, and musical artists -- was all so new to me back then. I remember really liking this song and looking up the artist, learning he is also the director for the drama, and a famous voice actor, and ... ooh boy I'm still in that rabbit hole today ...
把盏/"Raise a glass" by 落樱风, from 将进酒/Qiang Jin Jiu, Season 1
亦同他与天道比高 / 不负这年少 To challenge the way of the world alongside him / is not a waste of these youth years
Unlike most other titles on this list, this one didn't hook me right off the bat. I didn't truly appreciate it until after I really got into the story and understood all the references in the lyrics. After I fell in love with QJJ, I really like the feeling of this song, like it's a story slowly being retold by Xiao Chiye.
吹雪/"Flying Snow" cover by 贾诩, 梁毅, from 黄金台/The Golden Terrance, Episode 3 ending theme
风华流年/只怕今生缘浅 The best years are slipping by / I only fear we are not destined to have this lifetime together
The Golden Terrance is the first free (网配) audiodrama I listened to, and the amount of work people have put into their labour of love truly amazed me. I love this song so much I made a shortcut to it on my phone's home screen, just so I can pull it up with a single click.
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razberryyum · 4 years
Scumbag System (SVSSS donghua) Episode 10 Thoughts (spoilers)
(covers SVSSS chaps 24 - 26, BC Novels Translations)
And thus the first season of the SVSSS donghua comes to an end...rather weirdly abruptly to be honest, but more on that later. Obviously I love the donghua. It was not perfect, but it still exceeded my expectations. I truly appreciate what they were able to do within their budget constraints and I think they captured the spirit of the source material perfectly, which is really all I hope for when it comes to adaptations.  The writing was strong, the humor hit the spot always (for example, when poor Shizun got motion sickness from sword riding, I guffawed), and they also gave us some of the most beautiful characters I’ve ever seen on screen, especially with Shen Qingqiu, Luo Binghe and Liu Qingge. I really, really hope they release official figurines for them. I’m going to start saving my money now just for that possibility.
Even though their time together in this episode was short, the BingQiu love was definitely strong. They gave them a combo move that was not in the source material: for someone like me who grew up watching Cantonese dramas, two characters who have a combo sword move (”雙劍合璧”!) are usually a couple so I was especially tickled by this addition. I am always thankful to the donghua team for the little Easter Eggs they give us for BingQiu, like the way Binghe's eyes lit up when he sees SQQ... 
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or when SQQ touches him...
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Once again, for those not in the know, it can easily be interpreted as a disciple just being devoted and filial to his Shizun. But for those of us who have read the novel, of course we know it’s indication of Bingmei falling in love with SQQ. I love how subtle yet significant these little expressions of Binghe’s are, and I hope they continue on with these little touches even in the next season. 
Of course then there are the more obvious gestures, like that HUG:
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It lasted for a good 15 seconds and oh my God look at the Binghe’s hand placement!  There was totally nipple groppage happening there! This wasn’t in the book by the way...SQQ didn’t get woozy and Binghe most definitely didn’t have to catch him like some fainting damsel, so we have the donghua team to thank for this wonderful moment of (sexy) physical contact between the two of them. 
The donghua team was also especially generous in this episode since not only did we get some BingQiu love, but we got a pinch of LiuShen and QiJiu love too.
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LQG’s eyes were on SQQ the entire time! And then Yue Qingyuan as usual took any opportunity he got to touch his Qingqiu.  So all shippers were fed. Hell, they even threw in some more straight-baiting again so peeps who are watching the show for the “straight” romance between Luo Binghe and his never-to-be-future-wife Qin Wanyue were fed too since the scene where Binghe gives her the handkerchief to wipe away her tears were not in the chapters of the book for this episode, and racking my brain I don’t even think it was in the book, period. I’m trying to remember if that handkerchief even holds any significance but even if it does, it’s all for naught since we know Qin Wanyue is at most just a minor side character. She does pop up again later on but then is mostly forgotten, so...not quite sure what that moment was all about other than to, I don’t know, throw off the censors?
I’m also not sure why we spent so much time with Liu Mingyan and Gongyi Xiao in this episode. Nothing against them personally, I like both characters very much (despite my previous complaints about GYX’s character design), and it’s not that they don’t deserve more screen time, but this was the season finale! Even though the next season has been announced, God knows when we’ll see it next year and how many episodes it would be, so every minute of screen time matters! That’s why I was a bit puzzled that they used up half of the episode showing LMY basically facing the same perils with her group of fellow disciples as before and GYX just running from that huge serpent. Even if that thing DOES turn out to be Zhuzhi-lang, it was still a bit much. They weren’t exactly character building scenes either so...why? Budget reasons? Didn’t have enough money to pay SQQ’s voice actor (Wu Lei-laoshi) so they had to stick in miscellaneous scenes to lessen his screen time? 
I’m kidding of course. God I hope that wasn’t the reason because that would just be sad.
Speaking of miscellaneous scenes though, what was going on with these two dudes?
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I gotta admit, I’m a bit salty that these two mob characters got to do what our main couple can’t. What’s their story? Why do they get special privileges? Damn these nobodies. XD
All kidding aside, I have to say, of all the episodes this season, this might be the weakest one, not only because of the “filler” scenes, but also, the way the episode ended was so odd, especially for a season finale. The season basically ended on a scene transition. Not a cliffhanger, just a scene transition, and then cut to credits. What?? Why??? It’s almost as if they just ran out of time so had to stop the show all of a sudden. And then as if to make up for it, they added post-credit scenes which, honestly blew me away because it was so unexpected. It was indeed almost enough to make me completely forgive the weakness of the episode as a whole and that weird-ass ending.
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I teared up!  The scene was kind of chopped up, didn’t even flow that smoothly, but I still got emotional! I’m sure when I see this scene in its entirety next season I am just going to be destroyed. I think they made it even more gut-wrenching than it was in the novel. Looks like the donghua team really aren’t gonna hold back when it comes to delivering the BingQiu knives. 
We also got to see Mobei-jun appear in the post-credits scene; I guess they had to stick him in there since he was featured in the poster for this season, so it would have been weird if he didn’t at least make an appearance.
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I immediately thought of him as Sephiroth’s younger cousin when I first saw him on the poster and I still feel that way. Anyone related to Sephiroth, I will approve and instantly have affection for. For the MoShang shippers’ sake, I hope the Shang Qinghua they create for him will be just as pretty. I think I can now safely discard my guess from last time and also that moon-faced bearded ojisan others have guessed. We actually got a glimpse of the real deal in this sequence:
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They strategically made him blurry so you can’t really make out his features, but what we still can tell from there is that he does not have facial hair (hence, he cannot be the ojisan) and the hair crown he’s wearing is silver and different from the twinky sect leader. So I guess we’ll be getting a fresh out of the microwave Airplane Bro instead of any of the no-name potential cannon fodder we’ve already seen. 
We’ll probably get the abyss opening up in maybe even the first episode of next season but that’ll still leave a lot of ground to be covered in just 10 episodes (rumored). There haven’t been any talk about a third season, but I really hope it’ll happen, even though it might take them a while to make it. I know it’s premature to even think of a third season when we haven’t even gotten an actual release date for the second, but I’m greedy because I already miss the donghua. This season was over so quickly, I’m already mourning the lack of new episodes. I hope we get the second season in the first quarter of next year and then by some miracle, a third or even fourth to properly finish out the story. I know we will never get the FULL story, but as long as they keep the spirit of BingQiu’s love and continue to hint at it like they’ve been doing this season, I will be more than satisfied. 
And while I’m wishful thinking for new seasons, I hope we also get a BingQiu duet and character songs. I love the opening and ending theme this season, if they want to save money I totally don’t mind if they just use the same OP/ED themes in the next season as well, but I hope they throw in a good BingQiu insert song and then release some individual character songs as well. I’m still not a fan of Binghe’s voice, but maybe they can have someone else do his vocals for the songs. SVSSS is the older son of MXTX’s works, I feel like it already got short-shrifted in terms of adaptation since it got the lesser budget compared to MDZS and TGCF. Hopefully with how popular the donghua is this season, it will be given a bigger budget next season so they can bring to life all the subsequent proceedings from the book properly. And whatever they’re paying Wu Lei-laoshi, SQQ’s voice actor, they should double it because that man is just amazing. I worship his voice and performance. I wish he would read the audiobook version of the the novel. I would listen to the hell out of that.  I have always loved SQQ, but if I’m going to be honest, I came into the show just a little more excited about seeing Bingge being brought to life. I still love Binghe of course, in all his phases, however, now,  because of Wu Lei-laoshi’s stellar voice performance (and of course SQQ’s beautiful looks), I’m leaving this season absolutely head over heels about SQQ/Shen Yuan. Also thanks to the show, I’m completely obsessed with Liu Qingge as well.  So for those two reasons, I will eternally be grateful to the donghua team.  
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songofclarity · 4 years
What's your opinion on Huaisang going :3 in his quest for world peace?
Hello, Anon, that is an excellent question! Because I am of a mixed opinion in that I want to have my cake and eat it too! The short answer is that I think Nie HuaiSang going :3 is fanon and then there is canon Nie HuaiSang but I adore them both ♡
On the one hand, I love a Nie HuaiSang who is healthy, happy, and confident enough to go :3 in his quest for world peace! He set aside his grief, got all his ducks in a row, and now he's living his best life. After all the angst and cruelty that's happened, it's refreshing to get a good cat-and-mouse game where it's the bad guy running from sharp claws reaching for his rotten tail. Nie HuaiSang is intelligent and clever enough to manage it all, too. We saw he's a little schemer in his Gusu days so have at it, Director Nie! After all, the first step to getting revenge for your late Da-ge (may he rest in peace) is to have fun with it!
On the other hand, and this is where I'm going to be real about it, that's not a Nie HuaiSang I've come across in the actual content... Donghua Nie HuaiSang (in the two seasons we have) has a depressing cloud hanging over his head, novel Nie HuaiSang is brimming with well-concealed rage, and CQL is a wonderful mix of the two. For the most part, he parodies Jin GuangYao's pitifulness with his "I don't know" x3, but even that could easily come from something real.
Just as we witness Lan XiChen crushed under the wheel of realization, Nie HuaiSang was crushed by it, too, albeit off page/screen. He's gone from worrying about his grades, being yelled at to do his saber practice, and organizing his fan collections to confronting his third-brother-by-proxy's betrayal, deceit, manipulation, 1st degree murder, child murder, incest, rape, coercion, unlawful imprisonment, and whatever else. Nie HuaiSang learned he was used by Jin GuangYao to kill Nie MingJue. That's some really heavy stuff!
Nie HuaiSang going :3 in his quest for world peace also kind of does a disservice to Nie HuaiSang's development, characterization, and actions -- at least how I've come to understand them. There is an innocent delight in going :3 that I feel Nie HuaiSang is no longer capable of when Wei WuXian returns. This leave us with him going :3 out of some darker enjoyment that I just can't see. Nie HuaiSang is all about that righteousness anger. He refers to Jin GuangYao as an immoral man. Less than being cute and mischievous about it, I think Nie HuaiSang shows more signs of wanting to tear Jin GuangYao’s throat out with his teeth lol
But Nie HuaiSang is weak physically, his cultivation is poor, and he’s not a genius. He’s clever, though, with the ability to read the room! And the writing on the wall says that accusing Jin GuangYao of his crimes is dangerous. Jin GuangYao is not above murdering innocent children, for goodness sake, and if they end up in a direct confrontation, Jin GuangYao will make Nie HuaiSang’s death look like an accident. It’s just... not a good stage for expressions of :3 and Nie HuaiSang seems to be in a higher percentile for self-preservation.
This ties in with my other probably unpopular opinion: Nie HuaiSang depended on Lan XiChen from beginning to end and never stopped thinking of Lan XiChen as his brother. It's his brother and Da-ge's brother, with Jin GuangYao delegated as "the other." Nie HuaiSang going :3 during events behind Lan XiChen's back when Lan XiChen suffered is a cruelty all its own that I don't recall seeing evidence to support  -- and I also hope doesn’t exist where I haven’t looked lol
Like I've seen the theories that suggest Nie HuaiSang blames Lan XiChen for Nie MingJue's death, but I've never really seen it talked about that Nie HuaiSang would be blaming himself. Not only was Nie HuaiSang aware that Jin GuangYao raised Nie MingJue's blood pressure, Nie HuaiSang continued to 1. accept all the gifts from Jin GuangYao despite it making Nie MingJue angry 2. delighted whenever Jin GuangYao arrived in the Unclean Realm because Nie MingJue would have someone else to yell at 3. left Nie MingJue's anger as a Jin-GuangYao-and-Lan-XiChen problem and thus left Nie MingJue entirely in their care.
(In Nie HuaiSang's defense, he did not know about the saber spirit and its effects until after 1. Nie MingJue told him shortly before Nie MingJue died and that was one of the reasons they had another big argument 2. after Nie MingJue died and either Lan XiChen, Jin GuangYao, or the Nie family in general had to tell him. Nie HuaiSang is the poster child of “Ignorance is Bliss” and then he had to tear the poster off the wall when he found out.)
Like a little child, however, Nie HuaiSang played Jin GuangYao and Nie MingJue off one another for his own gain. So all the times Jin GuangYao came to play murder music for Nie MingJue, Nie HuaiSang was happy and being :3 for all the wrong reasons.
Once the truth came out, I think that would have been a very, very hard lesson to bear. That would have been the loss of innocence and likely the loss of being :3 about things in general.
So when Nie HuaiSang is going about his revenge scheme, he's no longer a child about it. He knows now that when he starts playing Lan XiChen and Jin GuangYao off of one another that he's playing with his life and with Lan XiChen's. In the past, Nie HuaiSang would run off with his presents and let Jin GuangYao and Nie MingJue sort themselves out. In the present, Nie HuaiSang tries to be there for the conflict. In the treasure room scene, he reinforces what Lan XiChen needs to know in order to stand his ground versus Jin GuangYao -- you're doing this for our dearly departed Da-ge who is my brother and also your brother -- and then he faints before anyone can tell him to leave the room.
But his life is still in danger. He's always in danger on this hunt for world peace. Lan XiChen was Nie HuaiSang's sword and shield. CQL did a mighty disservice to Guanyin Temple, I feel, because in the novel Jin GuangYao was effectively, "Fuck you for stabbing me, Lan XiChen" and then Jin GuangYao only has eyes for Nie HuaiSang. Jin GuangYao is so furious and petty that even when he'd been poisoned, lost an arm, was “betrayed,” and was stabbed through the chest, he was still probably going to try to tear Nie HuaiSang limb from limb.
And if Lan XiChen hadn't been 100% ready and willing to stab Jin GuangYao, Nie HuaiSang would have died instead. If Lan XiChen gave Jin GuangYao even a second of leniency after that "Behind you!" then Nie HuaiSang would have died instead.
There's really no chance to be :3 about the situation when Lan XiChen is over there telling Jin GuangYao not once but twice to STOP impaling himself further on Shuoyue, because that's how much much Jin GuangYao wanted to get his hands on Nie HuaiSang in that moment. And even though Jin GuangYao is impaled, he’s still not dead! He’s getting to his feet now and he still wasn’t dead! He’s walking around now and he’s still not dead...!
There's bound to be less :3 and more choking on the heart in his throat when Nie HuaiSang's life is literally in Lan XiChen's hands in that moment. Considering how well that went for Nie MingJue, just -- yikes! The trust Nies have in Lan XiChen is unfathomable!
And then (and then!) only when it’s done, only when Jin GuangYao’s neck is snapped and the threat is gone, does Nie HuaiSang let the smoke of his anger show. Nothing cute, nothing sweet, nothing mischievous comes out. Nie HuaiSang wanted that man dead and he was likely terrified about it and he looked ridiculous maintaining his cover to do it but he took it very, very seriously.
For all the things Nie MingJue tried to teach Nie HuaiSang about using his saber, the one lesson that stuck was this:
Nie HuaiSang knew to respect the business edge of a blade.
King. We stan.
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beanmaster-pika · 4 years
So, if someone wanted to get into MDZS, where would they... start?
First of all I can’t in good conscience recommend the novel itself to a minor because it explicit, but if you’re an adult just ignore this warning! If you’re not, save the novel until you’re older!
I started with the donghua (animation) then went manhua —> novel —> live action drama. You can go through them in any order you’d like, but if I had the chance to do it over again I think it’d be best to start with the novel if possible since that contains the original plot through which lens you can view the adaptations. There are consent issues in some scenes that you can probably find warnings of if you ask around (unfortunately one of them is tied with the relationship development which is. 😬) and I would recommend skipping the incense burner extras like I did, but the main plot is interesting and most of the other extras are delightful from what I recall. For me it felt like the flashback sequences dragged on (they’re long) but they provide very important backstory and also make up a lot of the plot, so I hope you enjoy them! They’re really good even if I was impatient. However, the novel is also around 450k words, and if you don’t wanna read it obviously you don’t have to! And it’s not absolutely necessary if you want to understand what people in the fandom are talking about which I will explain a little more with the donghua.
From there, I would recommend the donghua next, or first. It more or less keeps the plot of the novel while superficially embellishing on some bits (they added a whole extra scene when the mc’s senior sister’s kid got cursed and when I tell you I cried) and cutting out some others because of censorship, but between it and the drama it’s a more faithful adaptation, and it keeps a lot of the important parts! It’s only two seasons long so it shouldn’t take too long to finish watching, and the third will be airing next year! You can find everything that’s out subtitled in various languages on YouTube for free under Tencent Video, but any anime streaming site will probably have a better English subbed version if you prefer that. The donghua is a perfectly good starting point if you can’t/don’t start with the novel, and though it fudges details the flashback follows the same story beats as the novel. The story that it’s covered + the upcoming season should cover most of where the live action deviates from the novel, and what remain are just a few differences you can piece together from people’s fics and salt posts OR this handy post someone wrote that explains the differences between the novel and the live action. 
Last I’d put the live action drama! It takes way more liberties with the plot during the flashback, and I feel like it makes some changes to characterization, so I think it’s best to have knowledge of the original before going into it. It’s much more loosely adapted and they changed up a major plot point, expanded a few characters’ roles (one more than the others, though their casting also changed the vibe/characterization I got from her in a way that wasn’t necessarily bad, but different), and what could be written in/said/the ending of the show because Censorship Doesn’t Like Gray Morality And Queer People, but the actors did an incredible job and the character dynamics felt very vivid to me. I’m still only on episode 16, but I’ve seen clips floating around and I assume it’s still good! Would’ve been better without the censorship, but on its own I think it still stands as a good show! I think the key is to treat it as something separate, but I do love to mishmash canons and it’s interesting to see how people choose to blend them! The flashback sequences are one long chunk at the beginning, so after the first two eps it’s told in chronological order instead of being intercut. It’s on YouTube (also under Tencent), Netflix, and viki; YouTube also has a special edition or something? Idk. There’s also two spin-off movies that I haven’t watched but people have been going feral over “Fatal Journey”, so by all means try to find the movies after you’re done!
The other two adaptations are the manhua and the audio drama. As far as I know they’re the most faithful to the novel in terms of pacing and plot, but the most I’ve seen from the audio drama are subtitled clips on YouTube. The manhua scanlation can probably be found on whichever manga site you use, but the initial scanlating group kept putting extra shit at the start and end which a) pisses me off and b) used nsfw images. It got picked up at chapter 106 by other groups on the site I use, though, so there’s that! There’s also the ongoing chibi donghua on Tencent called “founder of diabolism q” which compiles a lot of lighthearted shorts. I wish you all the best for your mdzs journey; you’re in for an adventure!
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syncogon · 5 years
[QZGS TL] Butterfly Blue’s interview regarding the movie For the Glory (08/15/19)
Because the movie was released (and English subbed) online fairly recently, I thought I’d go back and translate this interview that BB did about it. It’s pretty long, but quite interesting! (As always, please let me know of any errors.)
bilibili interview link (remove spaces): https ://www.bilibili. com/video/av63863201/
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Q: As this is the first movie of TKA, how did you choose the topic? A: We’ve already done a donghua, which already covers the plot of the main novel, so when we were picking the subject of the movie, we didn’t want to repeat a story that we’ve already told. I’d written some side stories [i.e. the prequel] earlier, which fills in a few stories of our characters during the ten years before the main story starts. So, we wanted to use the movie medium to help fill in the early stories or whatnot of our characters, so everyone can have a better understanding of these characters. Especially for people who might be curious about The King’s Avatar, or who might not have even heard of it before – if they watch our movie first, they’ll start from the very beginning and watch as these youths, with Ye Xiu as the focus, grow.
Q: When you were writing TKA, had you ever thought about Excellent Era’s Season 1 roster? A: Of the characters, only one was mentioned in the novel, that’s Wu Xuefeng, who was a most reliable helper at Ye Xiu’s side during the first years he won those championships. As for the others, in terms of characters, I hadn’t really thought about them when I was writing the main novel, because by that time in the story they’d all retired or they weren’t relevant to our main plot. But back then, because they were a team, players on a team all had their own accounts, and everyone’s accounts had a class. The classes were actually always maintained, Excellent Era had always passed them down. So, when we were making this movie, we maintained all of this. That is, every original character in the movie, the accounts they used, you’ll find that those IDs appear in the main novel – Excellent Era’s Elementalist, Spellblade, etc, they are all these same account IDs.
Q: Why was the first user of Peaceful Hermit changed from Guo Mingyu to Lu Liang? A: Oh, this is a bit awkward. While I was writing, I forgot, the one who I initially had – well I forget which it was but – anyway, I wrote two different first-generation users, so basically it was actually a mistake in writing, a bug. Then, in the movie, they helped me patch it up, so by using a plot point they were able to fix this mistake in the original that I could no longer go back and change myself, they were able to cover my error. So, we have two users, and between them they have a relationship of partnership and inheritance.
Q: Given that we already know that Excellent Era wins the Season 1 championship, how does the movie make matches more interesting and exciting? A: For this, we basically started from Excellent Era’s opponents at the time, Royal Style as a team. Following the original work, Ye Xiu had met a few friends in-game, and then under the support of an internet café boss, the eventual boss of Excellent Era, Tao Xuan, they formed a team. Their team was fairly grassroots. But we considered the world background as a whole, and Glory definitely wasn’t the only game, nor the only competitive esport. So under our understanding, in this profession, there are a number of professional teams, but Ye Xiu and the others aren’t a part of all this. In contrast, Royal Style is a professional team, but at the start, Glory wasn’t one of the games they played professionally. But after the Glory Pro League was established, the professional club Royal Style decided to create this kind of team to play in the Glory Pro League. So, compared to Ye Xiu and co’s background, Royal Style is more “professional,” more advanced along the professional path, they have professional systems or training methods, that’s the kind of team they are. And then, compared to Ye Xiu and the rest of them, Royal Style might be more cohesive, more powerful, with better training and logistical support backing them up. We hope that Ye Xiu can encounter such a powerful foe, so everyone can see how Ye Xiu was able to stand upon the summit of Glory in Season 1.
Q: When Ye Qiu gave the mask to Ye Xiu, was that because something changed about his attitude? A: From the fact that he brought the mask prepared to give to him, we can see that Ye Qiu’s attitude didn’t actually change. In their hearts, the two brothers understand each other. Ye Qiu knew that even if he came over here to find his brother, there was no way he would be able to bring his older brother back. So when he said you should go home etc etc, that was more just fulfilling his duties as the younger brother, or like this is a job the family gave me, but after he did that he immediately gave him the mask; he knew things would end up like this, there’s no way you’re coming back. But he also knew where his older brother’s qualms lay, or the things that would be inconvenient for him, so this mask demonstrates his understanding of and consideration toward Ye Xiu.
Q: What was the biggest pleasant surprise of this movie for you? A: For me, the biggest surprise was this one scene – so after Su Muqiu died, he left his account card to Su Mucheng, and during this time Su Mucheng was feeling very downhearted, and she kind of rejected this game. But then one day, she took this account card that her brother left her, and when she logged on, Dancing Rain’s avatar appeared, and the avatar said to her, something like, “did you miss me? I’m always here.” That moment was the most moving part of the movie for me, because when we were making this movie, we were really trying to let it have more positive energy, so we tried to focus on the esports and competitive spirit side of things. But in this moment, I saw the significance that ordinary games have in our lives. It doesn’t have to do with dreams or fighting spirit, but they enter our lives and bring to you thoughts and memories.
Q: Say something to the TKA fans on Bilibili! A: The fans on Bilibili are probably mostly those who watched the donghua, right, so I feel that, come watch our movie as well, see if you like it. Thank you everyone for your support all this time.  
(reading Weibo posts) “2019 June 16, I wrote down in my planner that on August 16 I had to go to the movie theater. 2019 July 16, I tragically received notice that my school’s military training was on August 16…” Well, August 16 is just the release date, we’ll be in theaters for a while after, you can just go later haha
“I saw Tao Xuan in the trailer. At that time, they were all going to the pro circle for their dreams, for their own Glory!! And now, Excellent Era’s things are still here but the people are no more…” This user is sighing emotionally about Tao Xuan. But even if Tao Xuan changed later, earning money is still a dream, we can’t think that just because of this he’s all that… it’s just that the road he took is different from Ye Xiu’s.
“Guo Mingyu, you think that just by changing your name you can get away from your debt?” [laughing] That’s my mistake!
“Zhang Jiale perfectly avoided all chances of appearance.” He actually does appear, everyone look closely!
“This TKA movie you speak of, is it a good watch?” [bb misspeaks at first lol: “quan zhi dian ying gao shou,” all-class movie expert] Of course it’s good, you’ll know when you see it!
Q: Why does Ye Xiu go on morning runs in the movie? Probably because we still wanted to have a movie with more positive energy, let him maintain a relatively healthy physical condition. After all, by the time we see him in the main novel he’s a 25-year-old player, and by the time he wins the championship again he’s already 27-28. For an esports player, that’s extremely old, but even at such an old age he could still maintain that good of a competitive condition. If we wrote that off as natural gift, that doesn’t seem very suitable, so when we were writing this prequel, we wanted to have an explanation for why even when Ye Xiu became so old and many people had already retired, he could maintain such a high competitive skill level. It’s because he had a foundation in taking care of his body.
Q: Why was Su Muqiu so focused on self-made weapons? A: Because he relied on gaming to raise his little sister, his family, so in my original design, the most fundamental reason he focused on Silver weapons was that it was profitable. He needed greater income or whatnot, so after he discovered that this game had these Silver weapons, his thoughts would go in that direction. Because we have a saying in-universe, “the strongest weapons are Silver weapons,” so this had the greatest utility for him, it was a very down-to-earth judgment, it was an opportunity that would provide the greatest payoff, so he put a lot of effort into this area. To be honest, I feel like his goals are almost a level above the later dreams and “for the championship,” because he was doing this for existence, for life, for his home, for his little sister. So, when he’s going all out for this, it’s closer to our real lives, closer to an ordinary person’s attitude.
Q: Why does One Autumn Leaf get long golden hair in the trailer? A: That was his Awakening skill during the finals match. In the novel, we can use words to describe how awesome something is, but this kind of scene in an animation, we want to visually show a character transformation, something that will immediately make people know, “the One Autumn Leaf in this moment is stronger,” let everyone perceive this feeling more directly. So, we made him enter this long golden hair, cooler and more dazzling state.
Q: When Ye Xiu was still the little captain, what was his guiding principle for leading Excellent Era? A: This is actually the story we tell in the movie, how he led the team in the beginning, and then how he established those “golden phrases” or “fundamental creeds,” of his, such as what might be his most famous “Glory isn’t a single-player game,” in the movie we can see how this statement became Ye Xiu’s core spirit. And then in the finals, we use that kind of battle to show how his teammates supported him until the very end, how he relied upon the help of every one of his teammates to defeat the opposing Royal Style, which was a powerful team with top-level pro players.
Q: What function did Wu Xuefeng serve in the team, as Excellent Era’s vice-captain? A: Mm, to me, Wu Xuefeng this person, he’s a bit older than Ye Xiu and the others. When Ye Xiu became the little captain, he was barely an adult, only 18 years old, and in comparison, Wu Xuefeng was more mature, more stable. On the team at the time, I feel that he was in a steadier condition than Ye Xiu was. At that time, Ye Xiu was still young, he could be impulsive, he could be volatile. But Wu Xuefeng, at his side, was a very reliable character, he was the godly needle that stabilized the ocean [i.e. in Journey to the West, the pillar in the ocean that Sun Wukong took to serve as his iconic weapon]. Whenever problems appeared in the team, he would be the one mediating, he would be more rational, he would be a more balanced and steady character. I feel that he was a very good vice-captain at the time. Ye Xiu’s most reliable helper, that was how we defined him.
Q: What was the turning point for Ye Xiu when he decided he wanted to become a pro player? A: Well, first, when he left home, he didn’t have a very clear goal in mind. His family didn’t want him to play games, so he wanted to come out and play some games. And then he met Su Muqiu and Su Mucheng, and they were together for a while. At first, I feel like his life state was pretty similar to Su Muqiu’s, he would just do some power-leveling or some other very ordinary things just to earn a living, he didn’t have a clear plan. But the turning point was when Glory this game appeared, it was like Su Muqiu discovering Silver weapons in this game. After seeing the complexity of this game, how widespread it was, the things that this game was establishing, as well as his own ability and skill with this game, I feel that it was a gradual, step-by-step process and he decided, or wanted to try, “can I become a pro player.” And he had partners beside him, partners like Su Muqiu, and his boss at the time Tao Xuan, and a few good friends in-game, and everyone began to come together on this tide, this opportunity was here, and so with everyone he successfully stepped onto this road – and never looked back.
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ruanbaijie · 4 years
Quarantine Q&A
sidenote: singapore technically isn’t under “quarantine” or “lockdown”; the government has coined its own term “circuit breaker” where we can’t step out of house and go out except on essential business - there’s a whole list of what’s legal and what’s not and they’ve actually made new laws for this so you can get fined and charged if they catch you...
so it’s essentially a lockdown in all but name
if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck
anyway, thanks @baoshan-sanren for tagging!! interesting to know what other people trapped in their own houses across the world are up to rn ゚*。(・∀・)゚*。
Are you staying home from work/school?
yep, working from home
If you’re staying home, who’s there with you?
my immediate family, our cat, and two terrapins
Are you a homebody?
yes my home is my sanctuary (⺣◡⺣)♡*
What movies have you watched recently? What shows are you watching?
most recent movie was world war z (i deeply resonated with the panic buying scene)
shows currently watching: the witcher (crawling through it, somewhere halfway i think), b99 (season 3??), 从前有座灵剑山 once upon a time in lingjian mountain (which reminds me a little of joy of life except xianxia, and although it’s a het romance, i’m really digging the “bromance” between wang lu and hai yun fan i meAN LOOK AT THIS BELOW ( ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆) (and there’s also that scene where wang lu was controlling some other guy with a spell and was making that guy feel up a woman AND SO HE WAS FEELING UP HAI YUN FAN AS WELL I SCREAMED)
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An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
i was supposed to go to johor bahru (and legoland) for 3 days and 2 nights over easter weekend but (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)
What music are you listening to?
i currently have on repeat: 人间纵我 (mdzs audio drama season 3 ending song), 羡云 (mdzs donghua wangxian theme), 从前 (ending song of once upon a time in lingjian mountain iT’S SO BEAUTIFUL IT TOOK ME 1 SECOND TO FALL IN LOVE WITH IT THE FIRST TIME I HEARD IT), 无羁 (naturally), 恨别 (cql jiang cheng’s song), 不由 (cql lxc’s song), 孤城 (cql yi city song), warriors (the cover by 2wei and edda hayes it’s so chilling omg), geralt of rivia
What are you reading?
二哈和他的白猫师尊 (aka 2ha, crawling through it bit by bit because i’m reading the chinese version buT IT’S SO PAINFUL OH MY GOD)
i mean when you have a quote like:
长阶血未尽,那是他带你回家的路 。
the stairs are still stained with a trail of blood; that’s the road he took to bring you home.
@ author why do you do this to us (இ﹏இ`。)
other reading materials: mdzs manhua, tgcf manhua, kimetsu no yaiba manga (EXCUSE ME CHAPTER 200)
What are you doing for self-care?
i make gifs (though this is sometimes stressful especially when i’m trailing through for the right scenes) and write
Have you started any new hobbies?
i started making gifs in end january, so i guess that’s kind of new?
also cponline just got launched so i’m back in club penguin hoho ("mika82″ if anyone else plays hahahaha)
and i really should get back to playing my guzheng - it’s not a new hobby (i’ve been playing since i was 7) but i haven’t been playing often recently
Are you learning any new languages?
i haven’t picked up anything new recently, but continuing with self-learning japanese
Tagging: @mylastbraincql @hernandofuentes @aschenn @ling-wens​
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keikuns · 3 years
hello, is your animanga secret santa hoping your weekend was wonderful as you deserve! thanks for understanding, although my days only got more busy but I think I'm finally free :) so, how have you been?
I agree that gojo's overrated lol but I also understand why he's so famous; he has all the right ingredients to be so popular. my fave is megumi and also sukuna, nobara is also someone I love a lot so we can say they're my big three in jjk. and yes, bsd has an strong case of "everyone is so great I can't pick a fave" they're all very good in their own way.
thank you for the info about mdzs btw! yes, having such a big presence in any media available is what makes it a little complicated to get into because you really don't know how to start. I had to google what a donghua is because I'm a loser like that lmao but I have seen the gifsets and it does look interesting. I think I'm gonna start with that, thank you for your suggestions! do you have any fave season? because I think they're 3... and also, what's your favorite ship and moment?!
see you again, your animanga secret santa <3
hello hello secret santa ~
I hope things has been going lovely for you <33 I’m so sorry for the late reply. It’s been a tough week dealing with my school and work 🥲 I’m glad to hear that your days are clearing up! Once finals are over, I’ll be able to catch a break with all the school work 🥳
Ooh I love megumi and nobara as well and sukuna is quite an interesting villain. I think jujutsu kaisen has a really balanced cast (except gojo lmao) and gege does a great job distinguishing them apart from each other. Speaking of bsd, you’ve probably have heard of the s4 news right? I haven’t read the manga so I’m not sure what it’s gonna cover but do you think the next arc will be just as good as the last three seasons?
Omg yes mdzs has gotten a lot of attention from international fans and I’m so excited because that means more official releases. I already have the novels preordered lol I can’t wait for it to come 🥳🥳 mdzs is my first donghua as well and it took me a lot of googling to understand the minute details. Everyone has to start somewhere and there’s no shame in learning something new <33 I’m just so happy that you’re interested enough to look it up!! 💕🥳
Season 2 was my favorite with all the drama but season 3 had even more beautiful animations and iconic scenes!! My favorite (and canon) ship is WangXian (they’re dumb dorks in love 🥺💕) and literally all of their interaction as some tension undertones lol. My favorite scenes will always be their first meeting and the final scene of season 3! You won’t be disappointed!
Hope to hear from you again soon santa ~ take care 💕
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razberryyum · 4 years
So you’re done with The Untamed and want more, what now?
Reposting this since I’ve updated it with new info/links. Again, I entered the fandom via The Untamed so I’m by no means a MDZS expert, just tried my best gathering all the resources I can which I hope will help some new Untamed/MDZS fan out there. If you spot any errors, don’t yell at me, just let me know and I’ll correct it as best I can, especially for any future reposts.
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Read the original web novel the show was based on: The Untamed (aka “CQL” or “Chen Qing Ling”) was adapted from the BL web novel, Mo Dao Zu Shi (aka ”MDZS” or Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) by author Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (”MXTX”). Yes the novel came first, CQL is only an adaptation. In the novel, you get the uncensored romance of Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, where they are canonically married and living happily ever after. The novel goes full into R18 territory so please tread carefully.
All four volumes of the novel can be purchased from the original publishing site, JJWXC. The site’s in chinese but here’s a tutorial on how to navigate it and purchase the books:  JJWXC Tutorial Link.
There’s also the option of purchasing the physical copies from Yesasia which might be easier but it’s also more expensive since they’re the middle man: Yesasia MDZS Link
It would be wonderful if you can support MXTX-laoshi by actually buying the books, especially since the cover art is so beautiful and the extra chapter volumes come with a lot of awesome extra goodies, but of course there’s also the option of reading the fan translations graciously provided by the Exiled Rebels Scanlations team at their site:  
They translated all the novels including the bonus chapters in their own free time and are providing the fanslations for free so please give them some love for all their hard work.  
WATCH THE ANIME (aka “Donghua” in Chinese)
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Watch the anime based on the novel: The donghua was released before The Untamed. Two seasons are already available (23 eps total) with a third season in production and a special chibi version of the donghua in production as well. The Eng-subbed donghua can be seen using the WeTV app or on Youtube:  YT MDZS Donghua Playlist
Grant it, the donghua is even more censored than The Untamed, but the donghua team still managed to sneak in some easter eggs (f.e. WangXian naked bathing scene in the cold springs from the novel...in The Untamed they were fully clothed) and more importantly, the animation is just gorgeous so it’s absolutely worth a watch despite the censorship. 
READ THE MANGA (aka “Manhua” in Chinese)
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Read the manhua which is ongoing and is being officially translated by WeComics, available on their app for free. Search under the name “Mo Dao Zu Shi”.
Unfortunately, the official translations are more than 20 chaps behind the raws and there have been complaints about the quality of the translations in the past, but I believe they’re starting to improve so since they’re official, it’s always better to support the official source.
The raw untranslated manhua can be found on the Kuaikanmanhua app. Other than being in Chinese, some of the chapters (f.e. the most recent ones) are behind a paywall, but here’s a tutorial on how to purchase the chapters, provided by @chiharuzushi on Twitter:  Kuaikanmanhua Tutorial
The chapters are quite cheap...I purchase 1000 KK coins for 10 rmb ($0.14) and each chapter is only 68 KK coins so even if we end up with 500 chapters it’ll still be...er...quite cheap overall (don’t make me do the actual math). The most painful part is figuring out how to set up the Kuaikanmanhua account, but otherwise, if you can read Chinese or know enough of the story by now that you don’t really need to read the words, the manhua is definitely worth reading because it’s less censored than The Untamed and the donghua. 
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Listen to the audio drama, which is at this point the most faithful and LEAST censored adaptation of the novel we will probably ever get! Wei Ying’s voice actor in The Untamed is the voice actor for his audio drama counterpart. (Yes, almost everyone in The Untamed is dubbed by a voice actor, EXCEPT for Nie Huaisang. Ji Li, the actor for NHS, was the only one who used his own voice. Lan Zhan in The Untamed shares the same voice actor as his character in the donghua). 
Each episode art of the audio drama is AMAZING. Google Translate works well on the site, you’d want to see the listeners’ comments cuz they’re just adorable and hilarious.
Official links on Maoer FM:
Season 1: Maoer FM S1 Link
Season 2: Maoer FM S2 Link
Season 3: Maoer FM S3 Link
The audio drama was supervised by MXTX-laoshi, the author of the novel, so a lot of love and care went into the production, and it shows. The audio drama is behind a paywall but I remember it’s relatively inexpensive. Here’s the tutorial on how to purchase the audio drama from the Maoer FM site:  Maoer FM Tutorial Link
Ngl, it was tough at first navigating all that, Google translate helped, but once I figured it out, it was all so worth it because in addition to the MDZS, the site houses a lot of other wonderful audio dramas. There are also MDZS fan songs on the site that are near professional quality and oh so good.
Suibian Subs have kindly translated the episodes and their translations are available here:  Suibian Subs MDZS Audio Drama
Show them some love too for translating the episodes, but please if you can, purchase the episodes so you can support the audio drama team which have done an amazing job.
There’s even a Japanese audio drama which the Chinese AD team helped spearhead, available on the MIMI FM app. Here’s a tutorial on how to purchase the eps (half of the first season is out): MIMI FM Tutorial
It’s in Japanese but just follow the pictures. I’m hoping that the Japanese audio drama will end up being the MOST uncensored version of MDZS since Japanese BL dramas are not afraid (and allowed) to go all the way to R18. XD
Lastly, if you’re just thirsting for more Untamed content, there are two spin-off movies you can watch. The first one, The Living Dead, is kind of centered on Wen Ning and Sizhui post-CQL. 
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The second one, Fatal Journey, is focused on the Nie brothers, Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang, with a cameo by Jin Guangyao. It takes place prior to Wei Ying’s return from the dead.
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Of the two movies, I definitely recommend Fatal Journey more. Both movies are available on the iQiyi app, which offers a one month free trial for first members. Each month afterwards for VIP is $6.99.
You can also go on the WeTV app for even more Untamed extras: WeTV put out a special edition cut of the show which tightened up the story AND features the original ending that was intended before censorship forced the production team to come up with the more ambiguous one we saw in its original run. It was a simple matter of rearranging certain scenes and getting rid of the separation part, but imho it really made all the difference to the ending.
There’s a ton of behind-the-scene cuteness that you can watch and also concerts with the cast in Thailand and Nanjing. VIP subscription to the WeTV app is $5.99/month and the Nanjing concert is for rent for 3 months at about the same price.  
The show also put out two official soundtracks, one for the vocals and one for the score. Both are available on Amazon and iTunes. For Amazon though, you can search under “The Untamed” but they did this weird thing where the vocals one is listed as “The Untamed (Chinoiserie Music Album)” (wtf) while the score is just listed as “The Untamed (Original Soundtrack)”.
Finally, most of the male members of the cast took part in a fan meet and greet at the start of the show, before it became hugely popular. The entire meet and greet is available on youtube subbed: The Untamed Fan Meeting
That’s it for The Untamed and MDZS. If you end up liking the novel enough to want to read more by the same author, MXTX-laoshi has also written two other BL novels, The Scum Villain Self-Saving System (aka “SVSSS” or “Scum Villain”) and Heaven’s Official Blessing (aka “TGCF” after its Chinese title). Both have been fully translated by fans (but always try to buy the original if you have the means, as a way to support the author!): 
SVSSS Translation: BC Novels Link
TGCF Translation chaps 1 - 24:  Sakhyulations Link
TGCF Translation chaps 25 - End: Suika & Rynn Link
As with reading any BL novel (aka “danmei novel” for Chinese BL books), please heed the warnings and if it’s not your cup of tea, just exit out of the page and move on with your life. No big deal, right? 
Anyway, hope all this info dump helps someone! If you’re brand spanking new to this fandom, welcome, and I’m so jealous of you! Would love to relive stepping into the world of MDZS/MXTX/danmei novels all over again since I feel like I’m already running out of stuff to read and I’m beginning to panic a little. 
Happy watching/reading/listening!  
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razberryyum · 4 years
TGCF donghua Episode 10 Thoughts (SPOILERS for episode and novel!)
The donghua sometimes does this interesting thing with context in that it provides none for certain scenes so they come across differently from how they were originally intended in the source material. Sometimes the end result is better than the original text. Take the scene above for example, out of context it looks like Xie Lian was perhaps getting a little worked up from just staring at the back of San Lang's neck, especially as he was remembering the way his hands felt on his back and knees. When in fact, in the novel, the scene was played off rather innocnetly: he was mostly trying to determine in the dimness of the pit if San Lang was now different, since he seemed taller, his chin more defined. It was simply an attempt at confirming his suspicions on San Lang's true identity, but bless the donghua team for turning that moment into something more romantic and even mildly spicey.
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And yet sometimes, some context probably should have been given so the end result wouldn't be so unpleasant. Take the scene where Ke Mo was beating the crap out of Ban Yue. First of all it went on for an unnecessarily long time, imo, valuable time that could have been spent on other people (like HuaLian), but more importantly, despite the fact that Ban Yue technically is no longer a human being, visually, we're still basically watching a big gigantic monster of a man punching, kicking, and strangling a little girl. In the middle of it I actually wondered why no one was stopping him since it got to be a bit much, and that's where some reiteration of context would've helped since in the novel, the reason why Xie Lian let the beating go on for a while is because he recognized that Ke Mo's hatred was justified. Therefore he essentially allowed Ke Mo to vent his anger...until the gratuitous violence became unbearable. In the show though, without that context, the whole sequence just felt really weird and wrong, definitely very uncomfortable to watch.
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Especially since Ban Yue is just too adorable. God they could not have made her more sweet looking. Even her voice tugs at my heart string. Looking at her it's really hard to take Ke Mo's side at all. The fact that she had an existing relationship with Dianxia just made it that much harder to feel anything but sympathy for her, even though Ke Mo's anger isn't unreasonable at all.
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I mean, just look at that cuteness. Made my heart ache for her, for all the hardships she went through before meeting Xie Lian, and all that she suffered afterwards, even after her death.
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Even more cuteness: I loved how Xie Lian looked in that armor. The fact that he kept his usual hairstyle just made the whole look that much more adorable.
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My favorite moment of the episode because first of all, Dianxia trying to only remember the good things in life just makes me love him even more, I just want to hug him. Secondly, the difference between San Lang and Fu Yao's reactions was perfection: basically the difference between a man who's in love with Dianxia and one who's not....at least not in the same worshipful way.
But Dianxia's history in Ban Yue..another heartache. How much will this man make my heart hurt for him before all this is over???
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Loved this moment too. I gasped when I first read about it--Hua Xie, Hua Cheng--watching it just warmed my heart all over again. I seriously cannot wait for when Dianxia finally finds out how much of Hua Cheng's existence is for him. I'm sure I will cry buckets when I get to that point in the novel, and then cry buckets all over again when we finally get to see it brought to life on screen...which, God, I really hope we do one day. I can't believe next week is already the season finale. I don't even know how they're going to wrap up the Ban Yue arc in just one more episode... they'll definitely have to pack a lot into just less than 20 minutes of runtime (not counting OP/ED). Feels like they could've covered more ground in this episode if they just edited down the Ke Mo beating scene and also the snakes sequence at the end of the episode which also felt on the long side too.
Novel Reading Progress...still in the Yong'an famine...holidays, couldn't get much reading done. But Dianxia just got his straw hat so yayy for that! I doubt I can finish the novel before the season finale next week, so my new goal is to finish it before the special HuaLian episode airs on February 16th. Wish me luck!
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