#and created a podcast just so he can call in toto and tell him he needs to try meditation
formula-fun · 2 years
Nico Rosberg’s podcast is wild because this man will call the most interesting big names in formula one, sit them down in front of a microphone, pull out multiple handwritten notebooks where he’s jotted down their entire life story and a list of their most traumatic life moments, open these things up, stare his guest down and then just proceed to talk about himself for like an hour straight. And then give them advice on what they’re doing wrong
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hungerpunch · 3 years
listened to valtteri's new ep of beyond the grid and jotted down some transcriptions/my own reactions ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
-"he's also got a great sense of humor" -- thank you tom for acknowledging it!!!! it's so underappreciated
-"i'm a really honest man" :weep:
-"there is actually plenty of cool stuff to do" outside of formula 1 and "it's nice to know there will be plenty of joy in life" when it's time for him to leave ;-; yes bb yes
-"don't be modest, how good are you on the bike now?" "i think i'm quite okay" SKJDFLKDSJF but actually fascinating listening to him talk about how he can't train like a pro cyclist because the endurance training would siphon away from his reaction times and speed etc. hm hm very inchresting
-HIM PUTTING HIS SERIOUS FACE ON FOR COFFEE TALK "because it's an important thing" and he wants to encourage people to drink coffee from good sources wahh
-he literally has it down to the milligram of how much coffee he will drink and exactly how long before a race he'll have it i love him your honor i love a meticulous man
-when asked to describe how his favorite cup of coffee tastes on the palette: "it's almost like a tiny bit fruity, really smooth, low in acidity, maybe hint of caramel and milk chocolate."
-the entire bit of them talking about 2018 russian grand prix [screaming with my mouth closed]
-his thought process that confidence creates peace of mind and peace of mind creates performance i think says a lot about how haunted and anxious he must have spent these years.
-calls 2014 his best, most complete season, and says that was the season when he was in the best place mentally
-the tone of his voice when he says "i've tried everything i could have, i've given everything" he sounds so tired, i want to hold him
Q: when you negotiate with toto wolff and you explain how a multi year contract would benefit you, what did he say?
A: toto thinks that pressure is good for me. he's obviously known me for a long time. i agree, pressure for a certain length of time is good and it can get more out of you. but if you have pressure, contractually, for nine years of your formula one career, year by year, it starts to eat you from inside. toto's saying is "pressure makes diamonds." i think in a way it's true, but there's also a limit to how long you can maintain that for your own well-being.
Q: what's it like to negotiate with toto wolff?
A: he's tough. he's such a good and talented businessman. he knows the way to talk and the strings to pull and it's his job. he's really really talented in that. but at the same time, we've always agreed everything in really good faith. because to me, he's a friend as well. i've known him for such a long time. for sure in negotiations, he always gets the upperhand, no matter who is on the other side of the table.
-asked whether his merc career coming to an end will affect his friendship with toto, he says "no, not at all."
-tom asks how toto broke the news to valtteri that he would be out and vb says "it was honestly like we agreed. it was not like he told me. he knew that at some point, we need to make decisions, and already i had decided myself that if i couldn't get two years or more with mercedes, i would go for something new."
-he praises george and gives him genuine advice he is a much bigger person than i am lmaoooo :x
-how much lighter he sounds talking about alfa romeo <333
-he had the option it sounds like between going to alfa or williams and says it wasn't an easy choice
-there will be some podcasts about vb coming out :o but they will be in finnish :<
-"i think it tells something about me that in the house [that he's building in lapland], there's only one bedroom. so i like privacy, i don't like to have too many guests. it's really just for me and my girlfriend or me and my family."
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