#and curves around me
difeisheng · 7 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook (2023) // Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)
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canisalbus · 8 months
you say machete has to be closeted then why's he always wearing them little heels
Maybe he thinks he's a tiny bit nicer looking in them.
#no in fact he's just a little ahead of the curve let me try to explain#again I'm not a historian I'm just sharing what I've read I might be misremembering stuff so don't quote me on this#high heels became extremely fashionable in the early 1600's probably just a few decades after Machete's time#and they were originally worn by men#because they were inspired by Persian riding boots#if your shoes had heels you'd have easier time keeping your feet in the stirrups (think of cowboy boots)#Europeans saw them thought they looked snazzy and they became wildly popular in noble circles fairly quickly#for some hundred years or so high heels were the epitome of class wealth power and status and they were essentially genderless#remember that concepts of masculinity and femininity are fluid and change over time#things that were seen as manly a few centuries ago may seem downright effeminate to a modern viewer#it's all matter of perspective neither is objectively more correct than the other#they started to separate into men's heels and women's heels around mid 1700's iirc but the changes weren't massive even then#and only truly went out of vogue when the French Revolution hit in 1789#and people all across the continent were suddenly put off by everything that reminded them#of the frivolousness and extravagance of royalty and aristicracy#so in his canon timeline I don't think people are looking at him and going “hmmm that's pretty gay”#because heels hadn't become gendered yet#maybe he likes how they accentuate his already tiny paws and make his legs look even longer than they are#he's interested in fashion or at least likes to dress nicely in high quality garments#he tries very hard to look his best despite never really feeling comfortable in his skin#he was a real shrimp as a kid and even though he eventually grew up to be a beanpole he might still find the extra height appealing#no one's going to look down on him ever again#I admit the way I draw them is a lot more modern than the true historical style at the time but not outrageously so#artistic freedom and all that in the end I'm not aiming for 100% accuracy#modern au Machete has no excuses though he's just a little bit fruity#if the guy feels empowered by wearing little clip cloppers let him#answered#anonymous#Machete
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mechandra · 1 year
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crash course
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waitineedaname · 1 year
man. every time I think about dimple's arc from 100% rage to 100% trust, I just want to start biting things. going from the first person we see mob explode at, pushed to 100% rage because his (in)ability to express himself was being mocked, to a fight being diffused through 100% trust because mob knows he can trust dimple completely. this evil spirit that starts out only wanting to manipulate him, eventually coming to be someone mob can trust to keep him safe, even if it means sacrificing his life in the process. fuck.
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lightningcrashes · 4 days
i firmly believe benson's killing was motivated by his own suicidal end goal but that also makes me wonder how the day would've ended if randy hadn't called the cops. benson absolutely didn't know the answer to this either. but i think especially with his explosive anger and self disgust after his run-in with shepherd he still wouldn't have ended the day alive
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palms-upturned · 6 months
Like three of my coworkers in the past month have tested positive for covid, every day I see new ppl on my dash mentioning that they’ve caught covid, every day I see and hear from ppl who have come down w something that looks like covid but the test came back negative but also they can only afford to test once bc tests aren’t free anymore and the more accurate tests are also more expensive so there’s no way to know if it was a false negative, and yet nobody masks anymore. hell world hell world
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coquelicoq · 6 months
i am such a clown. decided to make stickers for my siblings even though i have ZERO design skills or knowledge of any programs that allow you to rotate text except for powerpoint. so i made them in powerpoint. (this took, mmmm, maybe 6-8 hours btw.) then had to find a website that would print and mail these stickers to me. no i don't want 50 stickers. i want one circle sticker and one rectangle sticker. oh that's not an option anybody wants to give me? okay then i guess i will buy 16 circle stickers (the least offered) and 50 rectangle stickers (the least offered. why not 16 also? a mystery). one of the designs is for my sibling's band, so if they like it theoretically they could use the stickers as merch or something lol. but i'm not holding my breath, on account of the aforementioned lack of design skills. i get away with a lot among my family because they're all so willing to react to my questionable creations with aww look, she Tried! but that probably doesn't work for strangers who are fans of my sibling's band. so i guess they will just have 49 extra stickers that they can idk stick to streetlight poles or something. not my problem.
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puppyeared · 9 months
everything is made of shapes. theyre molecules to me
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itspileofgoodthings · 5 months
is everything terrible or is it just the damp of the first spring rain
#no but really. I adore this moment so much#because it’s eowyn’s whole problem and the problem of her circumstances in microcosm#she is alone and cold. the city has fallen silent. there’s no one there. there’s no one to balance out her view#there’s no one to stand next to her and see things for what they are#yes—painful dark difficult#but also. sometimes just in process#sometimes just hidden in shadow#sometimes just the curve of the valley#sometimes just the damp of the first spring rain!!!!!!!!!!!#you can’t see that truth on your own and if you try to be positive you tip into delusion#you can’t achieve balance on your own. and so just.#him stepping up to stand next to her. his hand going into hers. saying I do not believe this darkness will endure#it just rights the ship of her soul in a way that hasn’t happened yet#because no one has ever stood beside her#or maybe it’s a part of the righting of her soul—Theoden and Eomer both have their moments where they draw near her and around her#in a way they didn’t (couldn’t? didn’t?) before#but then he’s just the last piece. someone from outside. someone who sees her with such clear eyes. who loves her with such a hopeful heart#and all of her angst just washes away#sorry I’m just having a breakdown over here#Eowyn’s story kills me. I think about it all the time. I think about her isolation and her innocence and her bravery and her vulnerability#and her unsteadiness and her desire for glory and how pure and bright and vivid like flame she is and Faramir just being there to catch her#and let her be who she actually is. I JUST———#lotr liveblogging
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dilutedconfusion · 3 months
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Soooo…I made some selfship art. Like that may not be what ya’ll cuties signed up for when you followed me but I drew Kid a couple days ago and COULDN”T RESIST THE URGE. Judge me and I’m squirting you in the face with a water gun 🔫 Oh and more than ever proshippers THIS AIN’T FOR YOU. Let me be silly and have fun without being bundled in with some weirdos.
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kiwiplaetzchen · 3 months
A-and how does one protect their k-knob?
My dear Anon,
to safeguard your knob, treat it like royalty! Crown it with a trusty helmet, armour it with layers, and no, not layers of love. Remember, a protected knob is a happy knob, and a happy knob makes for a delightful day!
Wrap it up: No, not with a bow, silly! Use a trusty rubber knob (or knob-dom, if you will) to shield it from unwanted, pathetic grabdaddlers (don't confuse it with grabdaddies, honey). Safety first, right?
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Dress to Impress: Give your knob a snazzy makeover! Make your knob feel cosy. Think of it as haute couture for your knob – chic AND practical!
And voilà! Your knob is now cosy and secure, ready for any adventure. 😌
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
not really an ask but MY SIBLING DREW YOUR FAIRY FANART!!!!!!!!!
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we both love her
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urmomsfavelesbian · 2 months
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*checks notes* step on me
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toxooz · 1 year
ok this might be a strange question but does ollie have ears or does he just have the horns?
he does indeed still have lil pointy ears 😂
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they just got covered up by his horns + luscious skater locks so theyre Extra Hidden unfortunately 😭 idk how it would affect his hearing necessarily like how sound and air would channel through his horns or if they even hinder his hearing a little
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missjoolee · 8 months
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Sunsweat Curve (4/4) - Rhythm Guitar
Bobby Shaw
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