#and dumbledore I’m pretty sure is overall responsible for that shit so
nakamurareia · 1 year
dumbledore is a silly little old man who should be in jail
#first and foremost for literally killing his 14 year old sister#(yes yes maybe he didn’t do it yadda yadda I don’t care)#secondly for hiring hagrid as a care of magical creatures teacher when that man didn’t even do his magic gcses!!#he got expelled in third year which means he only finished up to second year. his knowledge only goes up to the equivalent of a magic year 8#that is definitely illegal like it has to be hagrid has absolutely no qualifications to speak of and I don’t care that he’s a lovely man#thirdly for beating up magical law enforcement in harry’s fifth year and also technically the prime minister#like r u serious that is so illegal#fourthly for running a vigilante club that I’m pretty sure was canonically illegal#and everyone knew he ran it as well like sure they did great things in both wars but it’s still fucking illegal#fifth for letting moody (crouch) use unforgivables in class and on students.#like I can’t believe they were like ‘u can never use these spells bc u go straight to azkaban’#but then immediately turn around and use them on 14 year olds for a class demonstration#like that is sooooo illegal they’re literally minors#and dumbledore I’m pretty sure is overall responsible for that shit so#sixthky for taking harry to a fun little excursion to a glowy magical cave of death#they literally need parental permission to go to fucking hogsmeade a wizards only village which is literally built around the school#like it is definitely illegal to be taking him on a trip anywhere let alone a life threatening one to a glowy death cave#seventhly for being chief warlock of wizengamot or sm like that and headmaster of hogwarts and a bunch of other important official roles#like. that should be illegal even if it wasn’t bc no one man should hold that much power bro r u serious#albus dumbledore#this is not against dumbledore this is against jkr and everything she stands#this specifically points out her inability to use her brain and think past plot holes ever#anti jkr#hp
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elysian-drops · 4 months
Okay, Appetence is a masterpiece and you are a genius!! I can't wait for harri and sirius' reunion. Also I feel so bad for her bc she had to leave her friends and hogwarts!! Her home!! She had a life and now she can't do a thing without his permission. Doesn't she resent tom for that? I do hope she gains her independence. And after the last episode i hope tom suffers. A LOT. He insisted that the safest place for her is the manor. Being on his side!! Then he fucked it all up. I hope we see lots of trust issues from Harri lol. Anyway, I was thinking about these two and then I tried to imagine them as family?? Yeah, they have lots of issues and number 1 toxic couple but!! What if!! I'm thinking about them having children. What would it look like do you think?
Oh, stop— you’re making me blush 💕🥺 I’m really flattered that you have such a high opinion of Appetence and are enjoying it! There’s no greater compliment 💕
As a fair warning, this is answer is going to be a bit on the long side as you’ve given me such wonderful food for thought 💕 
1. Resentment Issue
You know, the resenting thing is interesting because, yeah— one would think Harri would feel a pretty strong degree of it towards Voldemort for everything he’s done. Some might even argue it would be the ‘healthier’ response if she did. But at the same time, I don’t believe Harri is a character who has the capacity to feel a tremendous amount of resentment or sustain it for a long time. Even throughout the original series, canon!Harry has shown it’s not in his nature. Of course, this is just my interpretation, but he always seemed to forgive others rather quickly (unless that person was Vernon or Umbridge— in which case, completely understandable 😂). Overall, being forgiving is a huge part of his personality and learning to let go of grudges is intrinsic to his character growth (i.e. look at how quickly he forgave Ron for ghosting him during the Tournament, his cousin Dudley, how he managed to empathize with Snape and even Voldemort in the end, etc). Of course, there are moments where he does show anger towards his circumstances/ how people treat him— particularly during his 5th year— but he doesn’t hold onto that anger for long. After all, when one has so much shit handed to them, you just learn not to dwell on it for the sake of your sanity. In my understanding, it’s a coping mechanism— and for both Harry and Harri, they’ve just learned to roll with the punches and expend their energies on moving forward/making the best of their situation, rather than bemoaning the hand they’ve been dealt. 
In terms of Appetence Harri, we’ve specifically seen this apathy and acceptance quite a bit. Some examples that come to mind right now are how she has framed/detached herself from her parents’ death, as well as the entire Petunia-Vernon situation (although she’s not entirely apathetic towards the Dursleys, seeing as she demands Dudley to be spared).  I think that’s one of the biggest difference between canon!Harry and Harri: she works more towards preserving herself and sanity more than canon!Harry does, which often manifests in greater apathy. In regards to the point you bring up about Voldemort, once again, there is that element of apathy and acceptance at play. Her life was already being controlled, and her freedom restricted long before he came into the picture. The primary difference though was simply who was in control. At first, it was her aunt/uncle, then Dumbledore, and now it’s V— so to Harri, you know, not much really has changed (as depressing as it is). She’s accustomed to the situation and isn’t willing to waste the energy by constantly being upset over it. In the beginning, sure— it is completely fair to say she was quite upset/bitter at the change in her circumstance. But at this point in Appetence, that has more or less faded. In her mind, it could be worse (and it certainly could be 😅). 
HOWEVER, I will say if there is one thing Harri does somewhat resent V for, it’s less the fact he has restricted her freedom and more so that he’s made her care about him on the level that she does. You’ll see this explained in the next chapter, but at times she does begrudge him for his manipulation of her emotions/trust and certain decisions—like his choice to take on Tom Riddle’s appearance. That, in particular, has done a number on her psyche (as you’ve seen in her constant struggle to separate out Voldemort from Tom and the ultimately blurring of the two in her mind). But it’s hard for me to say that resentment is a constant state of feeling for her, or even defining of her opinion/attitude where V is concerned. 
2. Children
As for children, honestly, I think it would be a disaster 😅 A full-blown disaster. On Harri’s side, not only is she too young, but I also having a child would become a source of intense insecurity. There would be a lot of uncertainty in her own abilities to become a good mother, and I believe she would suffer from constantly comparing herself to an idealized version of Lily. Just a constant stream of second-guessing and wondering what her own mother would do, you know? Of course, there would also be the fear of her accidentally replicating her own childhood, which wouldn’t help— and that fear would manifest in either her being too controlling/involved in every aspect of the child's life, or entirely detached and hands-off. At the end of the day, it’s important to understand Harri never grew up with parental love, and that would impact how she would relate to her own child. And frankly, I could see her experiencing pretty extreme post-partum depression— especially with the state of her current mental health 😅 So for her, it would be a terrible decision.
For Voldemort, it wouldn’t be much better. Obviously, he didn’t have a good relationship with his own father (understatement of the century) and, deep down (deep, deep, deep down, mind you), there would be an insecurity similar to Harri's: a fear of whether or not he would be a ‘good enough’ father. But above all, it would be a disaster because I fully believe he would view the child as competition and a threat, more than anything else. Competition for attention, especially Harri’s, and a threat towards his own position of power. At first, I can see him being more neutral towards the child— but as it grows older, there would be tension between them. After all, people have traditionally procreated to pass on their legacy— but what is there to pass on when one’s immortal? On that note, I also think it would be tragic because the child would, most likely, be a mortal one— which means, unless it attains immortality in some fashion or another, both parents would eventually outlive it— which is a whole other level of heartbreak.
In terms of Appetence, this is something I do plan on addressing later on— the whole ‘potential child’ problem. There’ll be a detailed in-universe explanation for it, but how I’ve approached the issue in my outline is that children will be an impossible thing between V and Harri. I’m sorry if that is disappointing! I just don’t think it would be very plausible, or even feasible, for them to have one. 
Anyway, thank you so much for the message and questions! I love when people ask me these kinds of things as it makes me engage with the Appetence universe and its characters 💕 Plus, it's always fun to see what people are still wondering about/are thinking the future holds!
Thank again 😊💕
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nostalgiaslithersin · 4 years
Hogwarts Mystery Survey
I was tagged by @weasley-adoptee​ to do this! Thank you so much, friend. <3 This was super fun to do. 
Answers under the cut, and my shy ass is going to tentatively tag @freckled-petals​, @rompemaldiciones​, @willowtreewritingss​, and @carmilla-the-bird​. Feel free to ignore. c: 
Favourite Gryffindor:
Bill is Lee’s big brother and I love his characterization in this game to bits. He’s truly the sibling MC deserves, and if given the choice, I would dropkick Jacob into the sun and replace him with Bill. I’m sure Jacob will not understand.
Least Favourite Gryffindor:
Ben, my boy, I love you, but you’re driving me mad. I liked him best in Year 5, truth be told. I wasn’t a fan of him prior and Year 6 Ben is plain aggravating most of the time. I’m still holding out for him, though; those flashes of his former self we get keep me hopeful that he won’t always be an asshole.
Favourite Hufflepuff:
Who else but Penny Haywood? I know JC overuses her in everything these days, but I still adore her and so does my MC. 
Least Favourite Hufflepuff:
Hm. Probably Diego. There’s nothing wrong with him - I just don’t find him that interesting compared to our other friends. 
Favourite Ravenclaw:
Local bird boy Talbott Winger snuck up on me. I liked his character from his debut - grumpy, aloof characters with a dry sense of humor and a heart of gold are my weakness - but I wasn’t expecting to ship him with Lee. I actually loved the idea of Talbott x Badeea, and I still enjoy that ship, but yeah. Talbott x MC has since surpassed it for me. He’s great.
Least Favourite Ravenclaw:
Honestly, I don’t think I have a least favorite for this house. Ravenclaw's characters are solid. 
Favourite Slytherin:
Merula, this one’s for you. Of course it’s for you. Your design is stupid cute and your moody ass has stolen my heart. And honestly, I’d ship you with Lee if I didn’t love your brother-sister relationship with him more. 
Least Favourite Slytherin:
It’s gonna be Liz solely for the reason that we don’t know much about her. And it’s not her fault - she’s one of the characters JC created and promptly forgot about after her part in Year 5 (4?) was over. 
Favourite Quidditch Character:
This one goes to Orion Amari aka MC’s other big brother. I thought his personality might grate on me when I first met him, but past me was a fool, I tell you, a complete clown. Orion is wonderful and deserves the world. <3
Least Favourite Quidditch Character:
This is hard because I genuinely adore all the Quidditch characters. Maybe the ones who don’t have names? I mean, I get why they’re not characterized. They’re placeholders. MC’s going to replace them eventually. However... I’m a writer. I'm going to give these guys my own headcanons and then grow attached to their characters regardless of what you do with them, so you might as well name them for me. Please. I hate naming things.
Favourite Teacher:
Professor Flitwick is great, but when Professor McGonagall smiles at my MC when he gets her question right, my heart grows three sizes. Minnie is the best. <3
Least Favourite Teacher:
While I like Snape’s character more in Hogwarts Mystery than in the books, I’m still not a fan of him overall. 
Favourite Non-Teacher Adult:
Hagrid, of course! A gentle giant with a pure heart. Too good for this world. 
Least Favourite Non-Teacher Adult:
Rita Skeeter can get hit by the Knight Bus. Seriously. I don’t understand why MC hasn’t turned her away already - she’s terrible, and I personally hc she’s the one responsible for popularizing the rumor that Jacob went to work for Voldemort. That’s why my MC can’t stand her.
Rate Rowan on a scale of 1-10, 1 being “Why are we even friends?” and 10 being “BFFs for Life!”:
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Rowan is my favorite HPHM character. I’ve loved this nerd since the beginning and I will never forgive JC for what they’ve done to them. Rowan deserved better. I will shout this into the void until the day I die, and they’ll always be Lee’s first love. </3 
Rate Jacob on a scale of 1-10, 1 being “You’re dead to me” and 10 being “Love you forever, big bro!!”:
For me, Jacob is a 5. Do I think he’s a bad brother? Yes. Would I drop him like a hot potato for Bill and Orion if given the chance? Absolutely. But I think he can still be redeemed. Maybe. I’m not holding my breath for it, but it’s possible. Although, to be frank with you, the angst monger in me wants Jacob to be evil because I love putting my MC through hell. (:
Rate MC and your similarities on a scale of 1-10, 1 being “MC is nothing like me” to 10 being “MC is ttly a self-insert lol”:
Oh, I don’t know. Maybe a 6? Lee and I have similarities, but I made him with the intent of playing a character instead of myself. His competitive nature and ADHD tendencies are definitely me, but I’m not nearly as sociable as him haha. Lee’s got a loud, type-aish personality. I’m introverted AF and pretty mellow. 
Favourite Side Quest:
The Celestial Ball was wonderful. I loved playing through it, and I was so happy that Rowan was a date option. (If only they were included in the other dating TLSQs, sigh.) An honorable mention goes to Adventures in Curse-breaking aka the latest TLSQ. Loved the friendship vibes among the group. 
Least Favourite Side Quest:
I’ll be honest; I don’t remember the Knighthood TLSQ in the slightest. I also thought the Weird Sisters one was meh, but at least I have vague memories of that one. An honorable mention goes to the ending of the All-Wizard Tournament TLSQ. I’m sorry, but you can’t convince me that MC would be happy about winning after nearly losing another friend (or whatever you consider Merula) to the Forbidden Forest. My MC was livid at Dumbledore for the shit he pulled, and he’s not even post-Year 6 Part 18 yet. And yeah, I know it’s technically a Year 5 TLSQ, but keep in mind that this came out shortly after Part 18 dropped and was referenced multiple times in the side quest for those caught up with the Main Story. The wound was still fresh and it just felt wrong to me. 
Your Ideal Ending for Patricia Rakepick:
Assuming she really killed Rowan?
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I see no alternative. 
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