#and eight. eight will never falter in his path. even if it makes him unhappy. even if it leaves him alone. he knows no other way forward.
eorzeashan · 1 year
last thoughts of the night after a long day of discussing everything in every game i've ever played, but in the canon game timeline for KOTFE/ET...Eight never found his "answer" for understanding others by fighting for their ideals. in fact, it did the exact opposite. it didn't let others understand him, and he learned nothing about living while his doing so alienated others from him even more. this was the situation Keeper wanted to free him from-- the curse of being nothing but a weapon, but ironically, all it did was push him into being that very thing.
I get to rewrite the traitor arc to smooth things over between the Rishi trio a bit, but it's definitely a case of too little, too late. It's fortunate that Eight is somewhat proud of being a peerless weapon, because anyone else would've snapped in two from the being abandoned by everyone. He still chooses to fight for them, because without his purpose, his current reasons to believe in others and the faith that one day he'll find what he's looking for, he has no reason to live.
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
for mermay, 9 indruck nsfw?
Here you go! #9 was folklore, Indrid’s design is based on a blue-ring Octopus, and I borrowed from one of the Discord convos we had about mer Indrid recently.
Content note: there is implied transphobia/misgendering in the reason Duck ends up in the water.
Duck goes to the depths still protesting, hands and ankles bound in rope and dark water closing over his head. 
No amount of insisting he was the man he said he was or appealing to logic was enough; a woman aboard, even when he isn’t a woman, is bad luck and must be gotten rid off. So here he is, drowning for the sake of superstition, folklore and nonsense the reason his lungs scream in protest, denied air. 
Whoever said drowning was like falling asleep was a damn liar; he’s in agony, reduced to his most basic state of a creature that wants to stay alive and cursed with the knowledge that he won’t. He shuts his eyes, as if that might make it more dreamlike, and circles past him, he feels fingers on his cheek and then, and then....
Then he’s waking up, chest rising and falling with ease. No more than a nightmare, then, he’s still on the ship-
No, wait, his blanket is floating where he kicked it away. He’s alive, he’s in some sort of bedroom, and he’s fucking confused.
Voices float in under the door, a lilting one reaching him first, “...most stubborn set of legs I ever encountered. A kiss is supposed to be enough, yet while his body can survive in our realm, it insists on remaining like itself.”
“Indrid, his majesty is going to be unhappy when he finds out.”
“I am aware, Vincent. And if my brother finds a drowning man, he may rescue him or not as he sees fit. He does not get to dictate my conscious.”
“I mean, I think you did the right thing” A woman’s voice now, “but he’s still pretty angry at you for the whole giving me legs incident.”
“You wanted to see your beloved, and I am almost as fond of Aubrey as I am of you. A charm that allows you to go between worlds is hardly cause for such a fuss.”
“It was the no-voice thing that bothered him.”
A sigh, “Time and again I have reminded him that strong magic comes with a price. In your case it was easily paid, because Aubrey recognized you instantly and kissed you. As if I would send my own niece into a situation where she might be trapped.” The last sentence is muttered, like the speaker knows no one will listen.
“I know that. That’s why you're my favorite uncle.”
“I am your only uncle” the smile is audible, “and I am just glad the two of you will be married soon. Now if you will excuse me, my foresight tells me my guest is awake.”
A door opens and shuts, and a moment later the curtain of kelp at the end of the room parts. Duck’s never believed in mermaids (or mermen), but that’s what swims to him now, human face and torso giving way to eight silvery tentacles dotted with deep blue rings. They’re almost as striking as his face, his features sharp and alien, crowned with silver-white hair. 
“Hello” The mer smiles with sharp teeth, “How are you feeling?”
“Uh, not as confused as I could be on account of what I heard, but still tryin to work out why the fuck you saved me at all.”
“Three reasons: for starters, I dislike having corpses floating around the kingdom. I also do not see the point in having the power of foresight if I cannot use it to prevent suffering when possible. And finally I…” The calm smile on his face falters a moment, “I saw the moments that lead to your being thrown into the waves. You were condemned for being something you are not. I, ah, I could not let such an injustice come to pass.” His mask remakes itself, “and so here you are, Duck Newton.”
“And the kiss?” Duck raises his eyebrow.
“Ah, yes. If a mer kisses a dying human, that human will become a mer themselves. Except in your case, you have-”
“-Stubborn legs?”
A light laugh, “And here I thought I would be the one interrupting you. Yes, exactly. I have no idea why. I’m simply glad the magic worked well enough to help you breathe. There is a, ah, an issue however. My visions show that in your current state, you will not be able to survive on land.”
“But you said somethin about a charm to your, uh, niece?”
“That worked because it simply had to take her from mermaid to human; you’re stuck between forms in a way that, were I to apply the same approach to you it would end badly. As in accidentally turn you into a fish badly, at least in most timelines.”
“Huh” Duck worries the inside of his cheek with his tongue, “so I’m stuck here.”
“Indeed. I’m sorry.” Indrid sits on the foot of the bed, tentacles moving this way and that to fidget with the blankets, the bedposts, and the stray shells on the floor, “This has never happened before, and I did not mean to trap you in this way, I only meant to save you, to give you freedom.”
“That’s more than a lot of folks’ve tried to give me lately.” Tentatively, he touches the tentacle tip nearest him. It weaves between his fingers, the pressure from the suckers on the underside oddly pleasant. He rubs his thumb over a blue spot, which draws Indrid’s attention. His face goes pink and he pulls the tentacle back.
“Apologies, they have a mind of their own at times.”
“Don’t bother me. I, uh, I was just tryin to show you I ain’t mad. Feel a little adrift, but that’s a damn sight better then bein’ dead.”
“Adrift--OH, oh I see, you are going to say you do not know what to do now. The answer is heal; even though you are alive, your body and mind suffered before I saved you. You need rest and care, and I promise you shall want for neither. You are my honored guest, Duck Newton. My home is yours. I, ah, I would offer to let you leave the instant you are feeling able, but as you heard there are some issues with you being seen in this state.”
“Used to layin low.” Duck sighs, flopping back on the bed (or trying to, as he floats down onto the mattress instead).
“I gathered. If I had things my way, you would not need to do such things here. Alas, until my brother gets eaten by a shark, we may be dealing with this arrangement for some time” he gestures to the room, bathed in blues and greens as light filters down from the surface and in through the windows. Two tentacles gather the blanket, spreading it back up Duck’s body and smoothing it down. 
“Rest now, Duck Newton. In the morning I will have much to show you.”
Duck wakes up clawing at the water above the bed, heart beating fast enough he fears it might eject itself up his throat. 
The nightmares a fewer these last two days, but whenever they want to be done for good is fine by him. 
He gathers seaweed green robe Indrid gave him and makes his way out of the bedroom and down the hall. Indrid gave him a bracelet of cowrie shells that’s enchanted to let him walk without floating away. He’s a strong swimmer, but without a tail to aid him he tires quickly against the force of the water.
The merman’s house is huge, an attempt by the king to keep him happy without giving him any useful power. Most rooms are cluttered with etchings and drawings or items salvaged from wrecks or the shoreline. There are spare beds, but after the night where Duck awoke in a panic and could not calm down, where Indrid found him the next morning exhausted and shaking, the mer offered to sleep in the same room with him. Duck pointed out that it was technically Indrid’s bedroom anyway and he could sleep there if he wanted to. The mer dragged a variety of comfy pillows into the corner and declared he would be quite happy there. More than once Duck’s woken up first to see him sprawled out on the cushions, always clinging one against his chest. Duck wonders what would happen if he offered to take it’s place. He suspects he could  do so without issue. 
He’s no stranger to being admired, though the last time someone eyed him so approvingly he ran off to sea to avoid marrying them. Indrid’s red eyes contain the same desire but none of the entitlement. The merman’s been staring at him since that first day, though it’s only recently that he let’s Duck seem him doing so, after Duck caught his eye and stared right back. 
Teasing Indrid is more fun than he expected, because while the mer usually gives as good as he gets, some days he blushes and wiggles his tentacle tips under Ducks attention. Indrid is obviously high status and, in Duck’s view, the most captivating mer in the kingdom; making him go pinker than a virgin at a striptease from a little flirting is gratifying. 
His absolute favorite part of his new home, aside from Indrid, are the gardens at the center. Coral glistens and rainbows of fish flit across his path, sea flowers bloom and wave as he passes by. The best place to sit is in a massive clam shell with an excellent view of the grounds and the city beyond. It also happens to be Indrid’s preferred location to draw. 
The mer takes one look at him and extends a tentacle, guiding Duck down to nestle close to him. When they’re with arms reach, one hand leaves his drawing to pet Duck’s thigh soothingly. He tilts his head, intending to study the sketch and ask about it, but ends up with his head on Indrid’s shoulder, slipping back into sleep. 
“Oh dear.” Indrid murmurs, closing the book as a flurry of voices swim towards them. 
“So, the rumors are true; you’ve brought a human into our domain.”
“Good morning to you as well, dear brother.”
The king crosses his arms, glaring at them, “if you cannot provide a decent reason for your having him here, I will make exile him myself. Right now.” 
Indrid’s expression and voice remain calm, but one tentacle coils around Duck’s ankle and his hand clings to the loose trousers, “He, ah, he is, ah”
“I thought as much.” The king swims forward.
“Pet!” Indrid grins triumphantly, “he’s my pet. You keep saying you wish I would find a way to occupy my time and stay out of trouble, and here he is.” Indrid pulls Duck into his lap, patting his head with such exaggeration Duck has to stifle a laugh, “I have been so busy with him the last few weeks I’ve had little time for anything else. Isn’t that right, Vincent?”
Their friend nods, “Yes, your highness, the prince has found Du--, uh, the human most diverting.”
The king narrows his eyes, “Very well. The human may stay in that capacity.” With that, he swims from the gardens, trailed by his advisors. 
“I gotta start wearing a leash now?” Duck teases, realizing too late that he’d do so in an instant as long as Indrid was holding the other end. 
The blue of the rings deepens, “Not at all. Apologies for referring to you as my pet, but the timelines shifted so heavily in the direction of him casting you into the open sea that I panicked.”
“Aw, you lied to the kings face just for me. Must really like me.”
“I do! I, oh dear have I not made that clear?” Indrid gathers Duck’s hands between his own. 
“You have, I was just teasin you. I don’t mind playin your spoiled pet to get one over on him, provided you keep spoilin me.”
Indrid’s grin returns, “I’m certain I can manage that.”
“I hate it when he calls my bluffs.” Indrid glowers into the jeweled box just delivered to their doorstep. Right before Duck asks what’s wrong, the merman hands him a small piece of parchment. 
Prince Indrid, 
Included is a gift for your ‘pet,’ as you are apparently in need of it. It would be a shame for him to get lost, after all.
The note ends with the kings seal. Duck looks up as Indrid turns the box his way, revealing a collar studded with abalone shells and a leash woven from dark, sturdy seaweed. So many obscene images flood his mind it takes two tries before he can focus on Indrid’s words.
“...Thought I kept us clear of anyone who would bother to report us. I’m sure there’s a way around it, ruse aside you are my friend and equal and I will not ask you to humiliate yourself. Hmm, oh goodness, we will need to send word to Dani and Barclay that we cannot come to dinner to tonight, that’s not enough time to draw up a solution, though perhaps we can invite them here instead.” His tentacles trawl the ground as he paces the room.
“Yes?” The mer stops, then his eyes widen, “you are serious?”
“Gotta let me offer first.” He replies with fond exasperation, “I fine with wearin it while we’re out. I know how you really feel about me and, uh, it, uh, makes me feel...safe?” It’s right on the border of a lie by omission, but he manages to get it out. 
“I see” Indrid swims casually towards him, as if that will distract Duck from the pink creeping up his cheeks, “in that case, may I put this on you, pet?”
“Uh huh.” Duck tilts his chin up, shuts his eyes with a happy sigh as Indrid latches the collar in place. The mer stays chest to chest with him, testing to be certain the collar is comfortable. 
“How is that?”
“Woof” Duck deadpans.
Indrid blinks, confused.
“It’s the noise a dog makes.”
Another blink.
“Y’know those things that are like sea lions but on four legs instead of flippers?”
“That’s what those are called. Fascinating.” Indrid loops the leash into place and Duck growls playfully. The mer pats his cheek, fingers lingering on his skin as he purrs, “good boy.”
“Are you ready?” Indrid tips to vials of purple powder into a bowl, causing sweet smelling swirls of color to fill the room. 
“Yeah. Been ready for years.” Duck stands opposite from him, drumming his fingers nervously on the rim of the bowl. 
A week ago, Indrid asked in that blunt way of his if Duck wanted his human form to be different than it was. When he said yes, the mer immediately swam from the table and into the library to pull books from shelves. 
“It will take a few days to prepare; I am careful in all my spells but, well...well I suppose when it is you I am inclined to take even more care than usual.”
It’s not the spell that’s making his nerves bubble up his chest; it’s the component of it he has to contribute. A secret, a precious one, because powerful magic will not give something for nothing. 
“Whisper it into the foam.” Indrid gestures to the golden bubbles on the surface of the bowl. 
Duck keeps it short and sweet. Then blinding light surrounds him, pure white spiked through with pink and blue, and he collapses to the ground, unable to do anything but hold himself as the spell courses through him. When the colors fade and the room returns to view, it’s all he can do to make his legs stand. 
“How, ah, how do you feel?” Indrid taps his fingers together nervously, four of his tentacles following suite. 
“Like I got trampled by a horse and came out a new man.”
“Oh. Good.” The fidgeting intensifies. Duck can only think of one reason for that.
“‘Drid? Did, uh, did the spell mean you learned the secret?”
“Does it bother you? What I said, I mean.”
A pulse of water, flourish of blue and silver, and Indrid’s lips find his. Arms and tentacles lift and hold him as they spin slowly across the room, the mer moaning when Duck drags his hands up his chest. He keeps kissing him as he speaks, mouth growing needier after every pause, “I, there were only a few timelines where you confessed your feelings for me and I, I wanted them so badly but I swore I would only act on your feelings if you used them in the spell, not simply because I saw futures where you might.” Tentacles slide under his shirt and up his pant-leg, “ohhhh, touching you in visions is nothing compared to feeling you for real.”
“Can feel me as much as you want, darlin. Got some things I wanna get my hands on too.” He tangles his fingers in Indrid’s hair, glides his mouth down to kiss his collarbone and tease a nipple with his tongue. 
“Oh my sweet little human, the things I am going to do to yo-”
The doorbell times and Indrid nearly drops him. 
“Damn it all, I forgot we were hosting game night.”
“Don’t worry ’Drid,” Duck pinches the base on one tentacle, “I ain’t goin anywhere, we can pick this up another time.”
“I call that a success.” Indrid ushers Duck into the house. They’re returning from Aubrey and Dani’s engagement party (Indrid having provided Aubrey with a mer-charm of her own. As much as he loathes the idea, King Woodbridge has had to give the marriage his blessing; Dani is his only heir. If he disowns her, his throne passes to Indrid, a scenario he hates even more than a human/mer wedding. 
Duck wore his collar all evening in case one of the king’s toadies got it into their heads to tell on him. It also matches the clothing Indrid bought him exceedingly well, and he’s not ashamed he admired himself while passing the mirror. 
Indrid doffs his cloak as Duck closes the bedroom door, “You can remove that now my sweet.”
He leans against the carved driftwood, “And, uh, what if I don’t wanna?”
The mers hand pauses where it’s setting the leash on a table, “then I suggest you come here at once, pet.”
Not for the first time, Duck longs for a tail so he could speed through the water into Indrid’s arms. The mer is impatient as well, gives a wickedly charming grin as the lease whips out on it’s on to connect with the collar so he can yank Duck flush against him. 
“Better, but you are still not as I need you.” Keeping the leash wrapped around one hand, the other starts on the buttons of Duck’s shirt. The human tries to help, only for tentacles to trap his wrists together, “thoughtful, pet, but I do so enjoy unwrapping you myself.”
“‘Drid, pleaseplease hurry.”
“Manners, pet” A tentacle thwacks his ass just as two others pull his pants to the ground. 
“I said please” Duck laughs as Indrid nibbles his neck. 
“Is that sufficient for someone who spoils you as much as I?” Indrid flutters his eyelashes.
Duck bumps their noses together, “Please, ‘Drid, want you to fuck me, you take such good care of me, wanna take care of you right back, I’ll make you feel so good darlin please.”
“Much better”
His remaining clothing falls away. Out of habit, he moves to cover himself, only for his arms and legs to be pulled outwards, leaving him spread-eagle in Indrid’s hold. 
“Do not so much as think about hiding this perfect form from me, pet.” In the front folds between his tentacles, Indrid’s dick begins to emerge.
“Someone get off on admirin his handiwork?”
The smile softens, “I am admiring you, sweet one. You have the finest body I have ever laid eyes on; you did when we met, and you do now. I delight in holding it, touching it, these days I delight in seeing your comfort in your own skin.” A predatory glint returns to his eyes, “and of course, I like fucking you in it. In fact, that gives me an idea.”
Tentacles spin Duck in a half circle as Indrid swims to the mirror, meaning the human sees their reflections as the mer purrs in his ear, “I want you to see just how perfect you look on my cock, pet.”
“Jesusfuck, ‘Drid, yes” His own cock is hardening between his legs as small tendrils part and prod his ass; Indrid’s cock resembles a human one until it reaches it’s base, where the tendrils wait to push his partner further open or coax them to climax. They took some getting used to at first, cool and slick as the teased into Duck’s ass. Now he welcomes them, savors the tenderness with which they ready him. 
Indrid coos and purrs in his ear, chirping whenever his cock grinds between Duck’s cheeks. The hand not holding the leash caresses his face while the tentacles see to everything else. And he means everything
“Fuck!” One coils around his dick as another rubs gently at his balls. The first time they tried this they were cautious, unsure how human anatomy would respond to the pressure and suckers. In Duck’s case, the answer was “cum so hard and fast it takes them both by surprise.”  Indrid had taken one look at the cock with cum still beading at the head and swallowed it to the root, not relenting until Duck came a second time. 
“Ohhhnnnyes” The head of Indrid’s cock presses into him, “oh I never tire of how you feel, pet. So warm and welcoming for you, ah” he whispers in Duck’s ear, “master”
“‘Drid you, you keep that up I’m gonna cum any second.”
“Not before I show you something important. Look” Indrid forces his head forward with the collar. His reflection writhes and bounces eagerly on a cock he can’t see but can definitely feel, lips parted in a prolonged moan as Indrid lays claim to every inch of him. 
“My perfect, handsome pet, letting me play with him as I see fit.”
“Damn rightAHfuck, I’m close, if you twist like that again I’m gonna-”
“Cum” Indrid orders. Duck obeys, spilling into the water with a groan of thanks. The mer waists no time, traps him in place with his tentacles so can fuck him hard and fast, one hand tugging the collar and the other fisted in his hair, “oh yes, yes pet, just a little more, you can take a little more, you must, because you are my spoiled little treasure and I can cum in you whenever I please.”
“Fuuck” Duck turns his head for a messy kiss as the mer empties into him with a muffled trill. 
One by one, the tentacles relax, Duck’s feet gradually meeting the floor as Indrid trails kisses down his spine. 
“Goodness, whatever did I do to deserve you, Duck Newton?”
“Save my life?” Duck turns, gathering the mer into a hug.
“I did that because it was the right thing.”
“You’re right. Hmmmm” he peppers Indrid’s face with kisses, “must be because you’re so damn perfect.”
Indrid hums happily as Duck maneuvers them into bed, “I doubt that’s it, but I am too tired to argue.”
Duck lays down beside him, looping his leg over Indrid’s waist as tentacle twines around his ankle. Maybe one day it will cling to his fins instead, but he’s not all that worried about that now. However he ends up, as long as he’s with Indrid, he knows life will be perfect. 
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artemis-iokheaira · 4 years
The Future is a Garden, Full of Flowers )O( [Homeric Epic]
In which Apollo, Artemis, and Calliope make plans for their future...[takes place before Apollo...yeeted]
@apollo-aegletus, @calliope-hesiod
[tw -- brief mentions of emotional abuse]
CALLIE: “So that’s the plan?” 
Callie sat cross legged on the forest floor. They’d met in the forest, because it was somewhere away from the prying ears and eyes of most of the town, a place that Artemis knew intimately. Callie liked the forest. She knew Bambi was here, somewhere. She wondered if he knew she was here. She wondered if he was just around the bend, listening. The thought of that comforted her a bit. She might not be able to see him, but he was here with her.
She dug her fingers into the soil. Apollo finished talking. He looked at her, as if asking a question. But Callie didn’t know what to say. Calliope, usually so bright and brilliant, usually guiding her with a golden light, could not help now. All Callie saw was what she’d told them: their father had lied and one of them would die. 
One of them would die.
Callie looked at them now, her heart pounding. She’d just gotten them back. She didn’t want one of them to die. She didn’t want this life. She didn’t want a life where they’d all been lied to, where they’d been used like pawns in some twisted game, where they’d been robbed of the simple joys of childhood and thrust into some grand destiny. She wanted to run on the beach with Artemis and Apollo.
One of them would die.
“What happens after?” she asked, her voice small. “When you come back? What then?” 
APOLLO:  No one was going to die. 
If they continued the path they had been traveling all their lives, then yes-- they’d fulfill the prophecy as they intended to and pay the ultimate price. But he and Artemis had agreed that they needed to seize their own destinies now. It meant breaking all ties with their father, with the Tribunal. It meant, perhaps, never returning to Piperi again. But what did Apollo’s island home matter if he didn’t have Artemis in the first place? It didn’t.
They’d find another home instead, somewhere far away from everything they had always been. It pained Apollo to think that he wouldn’t be returning to Swynlake either, for here was the place he had spent the longest, besides Piperi, and he had been telling himself a beautiful fairytale...that this would be the place he rested once the prophecy was fulfilled. But he had to dream a new dream now. He was good at that anyway. Apollo had always known how to start over and become someone new.
So, one last time, he would remake himself. 
And if she wanted, they could bring their dear little sister with them.
He smiled at Callie, trying to comfort her. He reached out to grasp her hand. “We’ll be going away-- starting over. I’m not sure where yet but...you should come with us,” he offered gently. “Leave Swynlake behind. It’s no more your home than it is ours.” 
ARTEMIS: Without Apollo, Artemis would never had been able to reorient herself onto a new path. Her compass would be broken. There would be nowhere to point it, but she knew--better than she ever had before--how much her brother had once sacrificed for her. It gleamed bright as the northern star, knowing that all he had sacrificed and been unhappy with had been a lie.
Guilty. She felt thick with guilt. It oozed through her like slick black oil and she wanted to reach for his hand. To tell him she was sorry. 
But now was not the time for apologies. They would have a whole lifetime for apologies. A bright lifetime full of wonder. There was no path before them, but Artemis did not need one, as long as she followed in Apollo’s footsteps. And she would. No matter where he went, Artemis would go too. The whole world could burn, but with Apollo by her side, she would feel no guilt. Her obligation was to him and his happiness--the way he had watched over hers for so long. 
Perhaps Nigerians had it right and the older twin was the one who came last: whom the younger readied the world for. Artemis would ready the world for her brother, this new, proud person that he was to be.
And they would bring their little sister with them, of course they would. Artemis would miss Piperi, more than Apollo, more than Callie, but with them both, she would not need a place.
“Our home is together, with each other,” Artemis affirmed. She did not grasp Callie’s hand, but her smile was warm. “We will come back for you and we will never leave one another again. No one will be able to take you from us, or us from you,” Artemis vowed. 
“We chart our own course.” 
CALLIE: Her heart swelled. It swelled so much that it felt almost painful. She squeezed Apollo’s hand. This was her family. Artemis and Apollo were the closest thing she had to family. Closer than her own mother, who she had only seen for 14 days a year for most of her childhood. Closer than the Muses who treated her like a tool. They’d been robbed from her once, but she had them again and if this worked, if this actually worked — they’d never have to be apart again.
“We could go to Florida and meet my mom!” she said, eyes sparkling. “Or — or to Kenya to meet Kiara. Or both. We can go anywhere. We can — “
Her voice faltered. Something inside of her felt like it was screeching. That swelling of her heart turned sour, a deep pit opening up and draining all the happiness she’d just felt.
“I can’t. There needs to be a Calliope.” She cast her eyes downward. “There always needs to be a Calliope for heroes.” The Muses needed to be complete. Her place in life had been drawn up before she even opened her eyes, before she’d even formed a conscious thought. She was Calliope. She had to be Calliope.
Once, this was a destiny she embraced and looked forward to fulfilling.
Now, she looked back on the temple, on Piperi, and there wasn’t a corner of it that wasn’t tainted by Urania’s shadow. 
But she had to go back. There needed to be Nine Muses. She had to bring Euterpe back. And even if she didn’t. Even if she let herself listen to that part deep inside of her that wanted to leave, wanted to crawl back to her mother, to Kiara, to follow Artemis and Apollo to the ends of the Earth, even if — 
“And they’d find me,” she said. “That’s what happened to the previous Calliope.” 
APOLLO:  Damn destiny.
Apollo had his fill of destiny for several lifetimes-- in fact, he felt like he’d lived them all within his 27 years. Ten different homes, ten different Apollos, ten different goodbyes. He gave and he gave and he gave, only to find that the ceremony of it all was empty. Was it a surprise that Callie spoke of the muses and he felt the same? 
Why did there have to be nine muses? Why did there have to be a Piperi and a temple and tradition at all? He wanted to knock down all the pillars. Old men had built him and old men trapped women and children there. Maybe some didn’t see it that way-- maybe even his dear sister Artemis would argue with Apollo, say he was thinking with his heart-- but whether or not the whole thing needed to be burned to the ground, one thing was certain: their names should be burned from the pages. 
Apollo looked to Artemis and if there was a reason they existed and their powers existed, maybe it was this, right here, right now. They’d use their powers to set themselves and Callie free. 
“Not if they don’t know who you are,” Apollo said firmly. “My magic can erase this version of Calliope from their minds. And Artemis…” He raised his eyebrows at her.
Before, her ability to take magic had been thought of only as punishment.
But what if it could be a gift.
“Artemis, what if there was no magic for the Muses to track?” 
ARTEMIS: How strange, how quickly things had changed.
Artemis didn’t like it. Her brain felt like molasses, trying to comprehend these changes. She was trying to not think about it too hard. It was important that she stay focused. Apollo the sun that her planet revolved around, Calliope the star her course was being charted towards. 
And when Callie spoke of the world as she saw it. The fear of being confined to a destiny she did not want, Artemis wanted to help break the shackles. Seeing them for ones of injustice. It had once been Artemis’ greatest honor to serve the Fates and destiny, but when they threatened her brother’s life? When her whole life had been lived with the understanding that after she fulfilled her destiny her twin and her would live happily ever after?
She could no longer see a destiny as anything less than a curse. She did not have a choice. If she were to give her brother the life he’d always wanted. The one he had always longed for, in the mornings when they greeted the sun, when he dreamed.
So, when Apollo looked at her and suggested what he did--
Artemis was not surprised. She had thought it herself. Their minds, one. 
“I will take it from you, Callie. I will take it and we will shield you. We are stronger than the Muses. Than whatever new Urania is created by Fates. They underestimated us when they created us. We are more powerful than they could have ever imagined. If you wish, I will take Calliope from you and you can live a life you choose. The choice is yours.”
CALLIE: It was a possibility Callie had never fathomed before. 
Ever since she learned of her destiny, Callie had accepted it. It had to be this way. She, taken from her mother at the age of eight, sent across the world to a remote island off the coast of Greece, trained her whole life to serve others. No one ever said it outright but Calliope was one of the most important Muses — they all inspired artists, but Calliope inspired heroes. 
So her fate was written for her before Callie even had a chance to comprehend it. Callie would grow up in Piperi. Callie would serve as every Calliope did before her, serving to inspire heroes, to use her magic to guide them. The temple, their grand home, their sacred space.
It felt more like a prison.
Callie couldn’t fathom going back. She couldn’t fathom walking those halls without thinking of Urania. She would have to spend the rest of her life shut in the temple — never again seeing her mother, her friends, her Kiara.
(Perhaps it did not have to be this way; perhaps things could be changed. But Callie was tired. Callie had her childhood robbed from her. Callie wanted to rest). 
Calliope had to exist. Heroes needed to be inspired. 
Calliope was —
Calliope was quiet in Callie’s mind. 
Callie thought of the old Calliope, the one before her. The one who ran away to be with her lover. The one who defied the Muses first. The one who would rather die than fall back into Urania’s clutches.
Maybe it was not meant to be like this. Maybe there didn’t need to be an Order or a temple. Maybe the Muses did not need to be locked away. Maybe this was what Calliope wanted, secretly, deep down.
But maybe this was what Callie wanted. 
Maybe that mattered more. 
“Okay,” she nodded. “After graduation. We’ll do it then. When you guys get back. We’ll do it.” 
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coligo · 7 years
Alfred exhales long and hard out his nose as he tries to calm the nervous energy pulsing through his muscles; the hand on the gate trembles, and he gives it a defiant look, as if trying to glare it into submission. He's not afraid — definitely not afraid. Not even a little bit, honestly. What does a fucking thunderbird have to fear? he asks himself with a huff of breath and a smirk, trying to goad himself into pushing the gate open and walking through it. His wings jostle themselves about involuntarily, whether from physical discomfort or mental or both; he hasn't stretched them in awhile, as he had to take the bus here — his boss had said something about it being rude to just fly into people's yards, and he had to make a good impression. After all, this was his first interview with someone from the upper echelon of society.
It would be one thing if he were interviewing a human; no, of course the mayor's secretary would be a monster. "That makes you more comfortable, no? Talking to one of your own?" his boss had asked, and Alfred had simply shrugged him off. He's a people pleaser — there isn't a man or monster alive he isn't willing to meet. But this...this one is dangerous, or so all the papers say: 'eight o'clock curfews still in place', 'twelfth bite of the season', 'two dead from mauling'. He's never written those articles, but he knows the stories well enough that passing through this gate makes him stop and pause, even with the afternoon sun beating down brightly upon his skin and feathers.
Fuck, featherbrain, just open the gate. Alfred's fingers reach for the latch, then hesitate, trembling. He could just call it quits right now, fly back home where it's safe...and kiss his job and his budding political career goodbye. It would be impossible to get to the mayor without his contact's information; he owes that intel to all of mankind, and monsterkind as well. Will I really pass this up just because of a little anxiety?
Hell no.
Gritting his teeth resolutely, he presses the latch and shoves the gate open, stepping through it before he loses his nerve; it closes behind him with a finite 'click': the point of no return.
What happens if he bites me?
Fucking shit, Jones: why do you have to ask yourself these things? He chastises himself as he follows the stone path through shin-high grass, swaying back and forth ever so slightly in the soft breeze. It's quiet: the hustle and bustle of the street seems to be shut out by the gate, as if through some kind of magic. Birdsongs echo out from the dense foliage overhead, and butterflies flit lazily from flower to flower, undisturbed as the thunderbird passes them by. In the distance, far down the winding path and nestled in between five large cottonwood trees on the edge of the forest, sits a modest log cabin, smoke wafting welcomingly from the chimney. This isn't even remotely what I imagined his place would look like, Alfred muses, put somewhat at ease by the peace and quiet around him. I expected some bigass brooding mansion on a hill.
As he gets closer, he becomes intrigued by the well-manicured facade of the cottage, and the understated landscaping around it; his keen ears pick up on the buzz of hummingbird wings as they flit from flower to flower in the front garden. Everything is so green here, he remarks to himself. Dude, even he's green. And indeed, the figure sitting in the chair on the front porch is very green; he's wearing a baggy olive sweater and deep emerald jeans and the most placid smile Alfred has ever seen. The thunderbird swallows against the nervous lump that has formed in his throat and reaches up to smooth down the long feathers poking out from his shaggy golden hair, hoping he doesn't look as anxious as he feels.
"Mister Jones, I presume?" The voice that greets him as his host stands and extends a hand for him to shake is quiet and good-natured, exactly like his house, exactly like his yard.
"Call me Alfred. It's nice to finally meet you, Mister Laurinaitis."
Alfred meets his outstretched hand with his own; his host's fingers are calloused and warm.
"Mister Laurinaitis is my father; please, call me Toris."
Toris, it turns out, is nothing to be afraid of; well, not for Alfred, anyway. He's the exact opposite of the snarling visage of the werewolf that graces the tabloids on an almost daily basis: rather, he's gentle and accommodating, immediately inviting the thunderbird inside and offering him a cup of coffee and a spot by the fire to warm his wings. It's not all that cold outside, but Alfred is compelled to accept the offer — something in Toris' soft fern eyes holds sway over him. Maybe it's the fact that he's a predator, and instinct is hard to deny...or maybe it's just because they've only just met and he's so damn sweet. One way or the other, Alfred sits with his back to the cheerfully dancing flames, wings unfurling just a bit to relax in the warmth.
It doesn't seem to faze Toris at all, much to the thunderbird's surprise.
Usually, the wings make people uncomfortable or frightened; or, at least, they intimidate people upon stretching out a bit. But Toris seems-...curious? Is that the expression in those green eyes that are pretending not to scrutinize him? Still, it's benign enough that Alfred doesn't get his feathers ruffled — in fact, it feels kind of nice, having someone stare at his majestic wings without abject horror or discomfort.
"So," he starts after taking a long, slow sip of coffee; that's awesome, he thinks to himself as he rummages around in his bag for his recorder. He meets Toris' gaze and holds it in an unspoken game of chicken — it's just the first of his tactics in getting an honest interview. "I don't wanna take up too much of your time. Shall we get started?"
The brunet nods wordlessly, sitting across from him, just close enough for their knees to touch if Alfred leaned back a bit. There's trust in his eyes, though it falters just a bit as he casts a glance down at the recorder.
"Ask me anything."
Anything: hoo boy. Where to begin? There are so many questions Alfred has — far too many for one interview. He's told Toris that over the phone, and he'd simply laughed it off as though he understood. Should I ask about the mayor? The disappearances? The city's socioeconomic descent into complete segregation? The thunderbird's first question is much less political in nature, however, simply because it begs to be asked:
"You are a monster, correct?"
After all, Toris has no scaly skin; no furry tail; no extra appendages or rotting flesh or pointed fangs or clawed fingers. The only sign of his monstrous nature are his slightly pointed ears, mostly hidden by his long and shaggy umber hair. By all accounts, he looks utterly and completely - benignly - human. That's hardly fitting for a man who had once been found guilty of assault, treason, and murder.
"Yes." He answers with the straightforwardness of a former military policeman. "I am a vilkacis."
That catches the thunderbird off guard; now it's his turn to look curious. "...a what?"
"A vilkacis."
Toris laughs, and Alfred's front suddenly feels just as warm as his back.
"It's something like a werewolf. I certainly do not expect you to know it; I'm a regional breed."
Alfred looks at him quizzically. Toris' shoulders just barely move: an imperceptible sigh. Alfred's pressed play on his recorder, trying his best to do so without attracting the older man's attention. If Toris heard the click of the button, he doesn't show it.
"I'm a breed from Lithuania. There aren't a lot of us left due to the culling; we've been mistaken for werewolves by several thousand people too many."
"So you're a werewolf...but you're not a werewolf." To say Alfred is confused would be an understatement.
"Yes, and yes. Under the laws of this city, as a man who transforms into a wolf, I am considered a werewolf." Toris looks distinctly unhappy, though the thunderbird gets the sensation that it isn't directed at him. "However, a vilkacis is not spurred to transform by the full moon, and will not enter a half man half wolf state; and most importantly, a vilkacis does not propagate through biting — I cannot turn men into monsters with my bite."
He raises a brow as if to ask 'satisfied?', and Alfred nods. He's a prime example of speciesism.
"So, you're a vilkacis...a werewolf, but not a werewolf...and you're the secretary for the mayor, correct?" 
"Well, I'm more like his personal assistant." The vilkacis gives his guest a pained smile. "I intercept his calls and his guests, and write down all his memos and requests just as a secretary would, but there's much more to it than that."
"How much more are you willing to share?" Alfred's eyes glitter. He's hungry for information.
Toris' eyes shine in return, a beseeching look in their fern depths.
"How much time do you have? It would take a lifetime to tell you everything." The vilkacis' voice almost trembles.
Alfred's leaned in closer without realizing; their knees are touching, and his wings are twitching and fidgeting with anticipation. "I told you I'd meet with you more than once. I want to know everything, Toris: who you are, how you came here, how you ended up so close to the mayor, and what you can tell me about him. Everything, Toris."
The Lithuanian doesn't seem to mind their contact at all; if anything, he seems to be encouraging it, pressing closer to the knees brushing his own. He holds Alfred's gaze without hesitation, trust and understanding and something pleading in his eyes. For a long while, there's silence — the fire crackles in the fireplace, and the floorboards creak as the old cabin continues to settle. The bird calls outside are all but a faint memory now: all that matters is this tense moment, the warmth and pressure of their knees touching and their eyes meeting, that tremulous connection between them that will get Toris to open up and tell him absolutely everything. And then, finally:
"...gerai. Let's start at the beginning."
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exoticarmy127 · 7 years
Take You Home (Baekhyun, OC) Part 2/2
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Cover by the wonderful @sleeplesswritersaito :) Thank you Em for continuously creating such fantastic arts for my stories. <3
A/N: Sorry for the delay! Was supposed to post this up on Baekpup’s birthday but i got caught up on my schedule. :( Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the continuation!
OC - Kang Nami
The following days felt like hell as Nami and Baekhyun avoided each other like they had a disease.
This was the longest that they haven’t acknowledged each other: a week and counting. And Nami couldn't help but feel guilty and upset every single time she would see Baekhyun around campus, smiling and laughing with other people like nothing happened.
They would pass by each other in the hallways like strangers, which caused Nami's heart to twist whenever she turned and saw him walking ahead unaffected.
She wanted to apologize but felt like doing so would only make matters worse.
What would she even say?
I'm sorry for ignoring your feelings? Nami sighed, thinking how it wasn't that easy considering Baekhyun, her longest and closest friend, had confessed that he had loved her for years.
How do you apologize for hurting someone that long?
And then there's also the fact that knowing about his feelings only made her feel confused, considering all that things he said when they fought were true...
Nami had been unhappy for a while now. And it was mostly because of Jun. Baekhyun's words echoed in her thoughts and it made her wonder why she even denied it for so long.
She and Jun had long passed the honeymoon phase of their relationship and everyday felt like they were being pulled apart by an invisible force towards opposite ends. Nami knew their relationship was going downhill and there was simply no stopping it.
The only question was: how come nobody was making the first move to say so?
And that's the reason why Nami stayed. In the hopes that things could go back to the way it was... That he could somehow change…
"Hey Baekhyun!"
Nami looked up from her reading and her eyes immediately settled on her best friend who was jogging across the university quadrangle with a big smile plastered on his face.
Longing washed over her like a wave and she realized just how much she missed her best friend; missed talking to him... missed him smiling at her....
Baekhyun, she thought, unable to call out his name as he disappeared from her view when he stepped into the building with a classmate.
Baekhyun, she called again in her thoughts, wishing she was brave enough to say it with her own voice.
"Let's call it a day." Minseok called out as they finished the last song of their set.
Baekhyun nodded with a sigh before turning off his keyboard. He started to pull out the cords when Jongdae nudged him, his guitar still hanging over his frame.
"Hey, you okay?"
"Fine." Baekhyun answered almost robotically. He continued fixing his things, tying the cord around his hand in a loop before placing it inside his bag.
"So... Nami. Haven't seen her around lately."
Baekhyun paused at his words for a second and then resumed, looking too focused on what he was doing.
“She’s busy, I guess.” He muttered in reply and Jongdae held himself back from snorting.
“Yeah and I have two eyes in perfect shape Baek,” Jongdae answered sarcastically, making Baekhyun sigh deeply. He could never really lie to him—or any of his bandmates.
"We... we had a fight." He admitted, thinking how it would be useless to keep it from them as they would—one way or another— eventually find out. "Thought it would be best for the both of us if we spent some time apart."
"Letting it cool down?"
Jongdae chewed on his lower lip for a moment then said, "Good call, I guess... but—“
"But what?"
"I don't know... you two aren't the type to prolong something you fought about, you know? I think this is the longest I've seen you guys apart so I was...concerned."
"We're fine." Baekhyun grumbled. "We'll work something out. Anyway, she seems to be fine. You saw her yesterday right?"
Jongdae thought back to yesterday at the library when he and Baekhyun were looking for a couple of textbooks for their English assignment.
Nami happened to be there too, sitting by one of the desks near the Psychology section. For a brief moment, Jongdae saw the two lock eyes; an unspoken message passing between them.
He knew they could've talked it out then but before either of them could make a move, a group of girls approached Nami which had her smiling and laughing along with them as if nothing happened.
Jongdae felt like he was watching a drama when Baekhyun turned abruptly, leaving him. He knew he was avoiding Nami then considering the books they needed were on the shelves right behind her. He chewed on his lower lip, thinking if only Baekhyun had stayed a split second longer, he could've seen the way Nami's eyes searched for him before sighing in frustration and banging her head against the desk when she saw him nowhere to be found.
"Okay." Jongdae said even though he could see right through Baekhyun's lies. "Just making sure everything's okay."
"Your concern is flattering." Baekhyun teased, and Jongdae stuck out his tongue at him before chuckling and turning away to wrap up as well.
Baekhyun frowned the moment his friend turned, thinking how he was definitely not okay with Nami and how they were ignoring each.
He missed her, that much he knew. But he also knew it was going to be difficult to face her again after he confessed his heart out and got a flat “no” for an answer.
Well it wasn't exactly a no, a small voice in his head said. But he waved away that spark of hope before he could read too much into it. He never thought Nami would have a change of heart upon his confession. In fact, he had expected the rejection. It was his fault for acting so late; for not telling her sooner and letting his feelings grow until he was completely submerged, unable to rise from the high tides that was his love for Nami.
He was a coward. And now… he was paying the price.
While packing his things, his hand brushed his phone on the desk and he wanted so badly to contact her. To call Nami… to send her a text...
But fear and humiliation crept around his heart and mind, causing him to change his mind and put his phone into his pocket instead.
"This sucks!" Chanyeol suddenly exclaimed, holding up what looked like a bitten sandwich. He threw it into the nearest trash bin then desperately searched for water. Minseok went over to him with a bottle and told him to stop eating food that was obviously way beyond its expiration date while Chanyeol protested it still smelled fine before gargling a mouthful of water.
Yeah, Baekhyun thought as he clicked the lock on his keyboard case. Yeah it does.
Nami chewed on her lip as she walked through the gravelled path. She was on her way to the Han river, right towards the tree near the parking lot where they usually met.
The spring breeze was comforting but it wasn't enough to alleviate the nervousness in her chest.  She had texted him earlier this afternoon to meet... after a few nights of thinking and hesitating to pick up the phone and just tell him.
Tell him how sorry she was that she had fooled themselves for so long.
She was glad she had managed to make him come, knowing how busy he was on Wednesday afternoons with his practice—
Nami's steps faltered, her feet creating a crunching sound as she halted to check her phone.
I'm almost there.
Nami sighed and replied a quick "'me too" before continuing to walk. After crossing the street and turning another corner, she found the tunnel that led towards the riverside. She stopped before crossing the next street, waiting for the pedestrian signal to turn green.
Placing her hands in her hoodie’s pockets, she turned to her right and caught sight of a blue Honda parking on the other end of the street.
A guy hopped out of the passenger seat and crossed the hood towards the driver's side. The window rolled down and he smiled before leaning in to kiss the driver. It was a girl.
They were laughing now and Nami thought how she has never seen him smile like that in such a long time...
The lights turned green but Nami never crossed the street. Instead, she turned back where she came from and walked away unnoticed.
Baekhyun lay on his bed; eyes wide open with his jumbled thoughts floating across the ceiling.
He sighed heavily and wondered what Nami was doing at the moment. Usually at this time, he would've been pestering her with text messages; sending her memes or stupid stuff he came across on 9GAG.
He groaned and sat up from his bed abruptly, ruffling his hair in frustration. He couldn't stop thinking about Nami (as usual) and he was adamant at ending their little fight.
The only problem was: he didn't know how.
They never had a fight this big before and never did they have one that lasted this long...
About 10 days and eight hours, he thought. Baekhyun was definitely counting.
Before his sorrows and despair got the best of him (and before he managed to call Chanyeol to play games as a last resort to cheer himself up), his phone rang.
Baekhyun reached out for the device sitting on his bedside table and the moment he saw the caller ID, his eyes bulged.
"Nami?" He answered instantly and the voice that followed, as well the words it said was enough to have him grappling for a clean shirt and pants, and rushing out of his dorm so fast he rivalled the speed of light.
Baekhyun arrived at the restaurant by the corner street near Myeongdong, panting and slightly sweating by the entrance after having run from the train station.
An old woman carrying a tray with empty glasses passed him and eyed him almost suspiciously.
"Hello," Baekhyun greeted with a bow. "I’m sorry, but I'm looking for—“
The old lady pointed at the corner and Baekhyun saw a familiar figure slouched over a table, filled with several bottles of Soju.
"You tell girlfriend not to drink so many, huh?" The old woman told him with a cluck of her tongue, looking extremely disappointed. "Not good for lady."
Baekhyun nodded before making his way towards the table where the night's drunkard lay.  
Nami's was hunched over the table, unmoving, and Baekhyun thought perhaps she had already fallen asleep. He looked over to the table and frowned at the Soju bottles, thinking how Nami was more responsible than that to get drunk like this.
Her tolerance isn’t even that high, Baekhyun thought worriedly as he laid a hand on her shoulder and shook her slightly.
"Yah. Kang Nami, why did you—“
Baekhyun paused when Nami lifted her head and turned to look at him. His frown deepened when he saw blotchy cheeks and bloodshot eyes that looked like it had been crying a river.
What happened? Baekhyun wanted to ask as overprotectiveness surged over him but the words seemed to die on his lips the moment her mouth turned up in a smile.
"Baek? You're here!" She cheered; eyes alight and head swaying slightly to the right. Baekhyun's arm muscles tensed as he prepared to catch her head. He wouldn't want her face walloping to the table.
"Let's drink!!" she slurred as she took her glass and offered it to him. "My treat—“
"I think you had enough drinks for tonight." Baekhyun said sternly as he plucked the glass from her hand. To his surprise, Nami held his free hand in return and electricity shot through his arm it almost made him jump in surprise.
"Boo. No fun." She pouted and Baekhyun resisted the urge to kiss her then. She was being too cute for her own good.
"Come on." He said, voice a little rough as he held her arms to pull her up.
"Don't wanna!" She whined but Baekhyun was too strong for her anyway and soon enough she was standing. Sort of since Baekhyun was carrying half her weight.
Baekhyun had his arms around her waist for support as he led his drunken best friend to the door.
"Thank you." Baekhyun said to the old woman as they passed by the cashier. A boy—probably his age—was standing beside her, wiping some glasses. "How did you manage to call me?"
The old woman merely stared at him and it was the boy who answered, "Oh. She had her phone open and your contact was on the screen. She kept calling your name too so we figured to call you before she knocked out completely.”
Baekhyun glanced down just as Nami glanced up at him with sleepy eyes and a funny smile. He smiled back at her tightly which made her smile even more before snuggling against his chest like a cat.
Baekhyun huffed as his heart began to race. If she kept this up, he knew he wouldn't be able to hold himself back.
"Thank you. Again." He said, bowing politely before stumbling out of the restaurant with Nami in his arms.
"Nam, you gotta work with me here."
They just got out of the subway and Baekhyun was just about done with Nami's whining and inability to walk straight. It was a few minutes’ walk to her apartment from the station and Baekhyun was trying his best to hold her weight.
It was late and the streets were empty, which caused him to think just how lucky he was that those restaurant owners were kind enough to call him. He wouldn't know what to do if he found out Nami was knocked out somewhere and he was just in his dorm room playing video games.
He had calmed down from the initial shock and worry from the phone call earlier that night and Baekhyun breathed in and out deeply as they walked the quiet streets.
This was the first time in days that they were together and it was almost sad that one of them was too drunk to even remember what was happening.
After a few moments, Nami spoke, "Baekhyunnie~ I'm tired."
Baekhyun stopped walking and looked at his best friend, who was pouting ever so cutely like she was going to cry. He sighed, unable to resist her charms (even her drunken state charms), and crouched down in front of her.
"Come on, hop on."
Baekhyun grunted as Nami hopped onto his back, her arms winding around his neck as his hands gripped her thighs to pull her up in a more comfortable position.
"Better?" He asked before starting to walk.
The silence that followed wasn't so awkward like the past few days had been. Baekhyun smiled, remembering how he often gave her piggy back rides before too—back when she was smaller and less heavy.
He was glad he took his gym class seriously and took that advice from Minseok to work out once in a while or else he wouldn't have been able to carry her with his previously so-called gangly arms and legs.
Nami was humming what he recognized as a nursery rhyme and Baekhyun bit his lip to keep from laughing. She must really be drunk for her to be singing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” out of nowhere.
"Sing with me Baekhyunnie~" She slurred as she tapped his chest twice.
Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "No."
"Boo. Come on, twinkle twinkle little star!"
Baekhyun sighed and shook his head, unable to resist and eventually he sang, "How I wonder what you are?"
"Up above the world so high—“
"Like a diamond in the sky."
"Twinkle twinkle little star,"
"How I wonder what you are!” Baekhyun sang, finishing the song at the top of his lungs which made Nami cheer for joy. He smiled at that, half amused and half endeared.
"You're so cute." Baekhyun blurted, unable to help it. He then felt a shiver go through his body when Nami nuzzled against his neck with a giggle. He held his breath, trying to keep himself in check.
"You're cute too." She replied and Baekhyun tried not to think she meant that in a different way.
In a "more than just a friend" way.
They arrived at her apartment a few minutes later and Baekhyun had fumbled for her spare key by the flower pot on the window sill. He was the only one who Nami trusted with its secret hiding place (not that it was anything to brag about, but even Jun never knew).
Going up the stairs was an even harder challenge but they were able to survive and soon enough, Baekhyun was laying her on her bed—
Baekhyun felt himself being pulled down abruptly, losing his balance. He fell onto something soft and when he looked down, a sleepy-looking Nami laid under him.
Baekhyun paused then, unable to help himself and stared. He wondered what it would feel like to be like this with her...to look at her this closely and see every freckle on her face in full detail. See the blush on her cheeks when she gets shy or see that light in her eyes when she smiles...
And maybe... feel her lips—
Baekhyun jolted awake from his daydream and pulled himself off of her like she was something lethal. The last thing he wanted to do was take advantage of his best friend in her state.
And besides, when the time comes that he was going to kiss her...he wanted her to remember it.
"You really did it tonight." He sighed in disappointment as he plopped himself on the floor, leaning his back against the side of her bed. "What were you thinking drinking out alone? And drinking that much?! You know how you get, Nam!"
He was met by silence and Baekhyun expected as much considering Nami was barely conscious. He rubbed his eyes in frustration, but he was mostly relieved that she was here now, safe. He was so worried when he got that phone call and practically bolted out his apartment, ran through the streets and into the subway to get to her. He got a lot of strange looks but Baekhyun couldn't seem to care. His best friend needed him and he needed to get to her. It was simple as that.
"Next time, don't go drinking alone okay? Call me or..." He sighed at what he was about to say next, looking up at the ceiling as he closed his almost painfully. "Or a—ask Jun to come with you—“
"He's cheating on me."
Baekhyun stopped from his scolding, partly because that was the most words she had said tonight but mostly because he couldn't believe what she just said.
He looked at Nami then and found her lying on her side, eyes staring into nothing with unshed tears glistening against her beautiful eyes.
Anger bubbled in Baekhyun's chest and he wanted to punch something. Now everything made sense: her red eyes, all that drinking…
He was furious but the sadness on her face was enough to calm him down.
For now.
He clenched his jaw to keep from saying things he might regret, though he strongly believed a cuss or two directed at that jerk would be reasonable.
"I'm sorry." He said instead.
"I'm sorry too." She answered after a while and her next words surprised Baekhyun even more "I've been hurting you for a long time...and I never knew. You're my best friend but I never knew."
Best friend, Baekhyun thought as he looked at her with a sad smile.
"I wouldn't say a long time. Don't flatter yourself." He joked, trying to lighten the mood. Nami didn't smile though, and Baekhyun found himself clearing his throat and looking away.
"You don't need to be sorry. I... It's okay." He said and he knew he sounded pathetic. He heard a sniff and panicked when he turned and saw Nami crying.
"Hey—don't cry..."
"I'm sorry." She sobbed as she wiped her eyes with her forearm. "You were right, you know? I was fooling myself with him. I… I saw it coming too. I'm so stupid!"
"Hey." He said as he forced her to look at him. "He's the stupid one, Nami. Not you."
"Did you know?" She suddenly asked, and having her look at him with crying eyes broke his heart. He never liked seeing her cry. "Is that why you started that fight with him?"
Baekhyun opened his mouth to tell her that it was for a fairly different reason but wasn't too far off.
He shook his head. "I didn't know." He answered honestly. "But now that I do... it makes me want to do it again."
Nami chuckled, and it was a little funny considering she had a runny nose. Baekhyun grabbed a tissue from her bedside table and wiped it off gently.
"Thank you." She said with a sniff. "I never got to say that enough."
Baekhyun simply smiled as he ran his hands through her hair. If Nami was a cat, she would've purred.
"Drinking too much makes you sappy." He snickered. "Go to sleep."
Nami sighed as he let Baekhyun tuck her into bed like a little girl, even turning on her music player with those ocean sounds. He knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep without them and that fact made Nami wonder even more just how blind she had been.
"You were right, you know?” She muttered as Baekhyun was fixing her blanket. “I have bad eyesight."
Baekhyun paused, baffled. "What?"
Nami shook her head. "I can't even see what's right in front of me. I'm sorry." She said sadly as she looked up at him with half-lidded eyes. "I'm sorry."
Baekhyun kept telling her to stop apologizing but he couldn't seem to stop her; right to the very moment that sleep took over her.
Before he left, Baekhyun made sure she was tucked well on her bed and prepared some medicine and a glass of water by her bedside table, knowing she would be waking up feeling like hell with how much she drank.
He left a note that he would let her professors know that she wouldn’t be coming to her morning classes, just so she wouldn’t wake up in a panic and to give her time to treat her hangover.
Baekhyun looked down at Nami, sleeping soundly on her bed and sighed before reaching out to run his hands over her hair.
"You don't have to be sorry. Never.” He whispered. “I'd love you no matter what. It's okay."
He kissed her forehead gently before finally walking out of her apartment; leaving the spare key at its usual hiding place.
An hour later, upon his arrival at his own place, Baekhyun opened his computer and was welcomed by the track Chanyeol had made a couple of weeks ago. He pressed the space bar and the track played.
Somehow this time, it sounded different…
By the time the sun peeked in the horizon, Baekhyun was hunched over his desk fast asleep with a sheet music atop his desk where a new song has been completed.
Nami thought break-ups were supposed to be dramatic. The tears, the turn away’s, the why’s and painful goodbye’s…
Jun and Nami's break up was simple and quick, almost business-like.
Nami figured it was for the best. She didn't even bring up the fact that she had caught him cheating. In truth, she had every right to dump the mocha frappuccino over his head but she decided she was going to be the bigger person and just ended it.
Jun was pretty straightforward too and seemed too eager to leave the moment their talk was over. Nami let him, wondering why she ever wasted her time on him.
But that was how some loves worked. They felt good at the beginning, the happiness so bright its blinding and you are unaware of the fall until you've already fallen so hard you're left with broken bones on the ground.
Nami looked down at her phone and saw a schedule notification. Today was the university fair…
And CBX (a.k.a. Baekhyun’s band) was performing.
Nami thought back to a couple of days ago when she woke up with a massive headache and a note telling her that she was covered at school and that she should drink some water and take the medicine sitting on her bedside table.
She knew she got wasted the night before and that Baekhyun had come to her rescue. She wasn't sure how it happened and most of the night was blurry in her memory.
Apart from the feeling of someone's lips, warm on her forehead.
Nami blushed at the thought and shook her head from the daydream. Baekhyun was her best friend, and she just broke up with her boyfriend...
Nami looked at her phone again and this time, she found a text message. She gulped when she saw Baekhyun's name on the notification before finally opening the message.
Come today? I have something for you.
Nami blushed at the invitation. She was already going to watch, but having Baekhyun remind her made her feel...
A little flustered?
She decided all of the above.
Nami figured they needed to talk anyway after everything that has happened and so she pulled herself out of her seat and left the cafe, going towards campus where the concert would be held.
Baekhyun was always nervous before a show even with how many times he had faced crowds. People would think he would've gotten over it by now…
Sure, most of the jitters disappeared as time went by but he always felt nervous before going on stage.
However, today he was feeling extra nervous.
"Yo. You okay? You look like you need to piss, man." Chanyeol commented.
Baekhyun glared at him. "Thanks."
"What are you nervous about? We've performed for the school lots of times! It’s nothing big."
Baekhyun chewed on his lip and shrugged.
"Hey. If it's about the new song, don't worry about it. It sounds great!" Chanyeol complimented which made Baekhyun feel a little better. "Probably one of the best you've written yet."
"Thanks man." He said as he gave him a fist bump. Just then, Minseok appeared behind them, holding his drum sticks in one hand.
"Ready?" He asked and Baekhyun nodded just as they were all called to the stage.
Nami sat by the steps right in front of the stage, her arms hugging her legs to her chest. The venue was as their school's outdoor stage which was designed like an amphitheatre, though smaller and more compact. A lot of students came and Nami wasn't even surprised considering she knew they all came to hear CBX.
The moment they came up on stage, Nami confirmed that majority of the people really did come for them with how loud the cheers were. She couldn't help the smile from her face as she watched her friends do what why love with much passion and fervour; snatching the crowd's—passer-by’s included—attention so easily.
Her eyes settled on one particular member and her smile changed from a proud one to almost melancholy.
Baekhyun belonged on the stage and Nami knew that for sure. She knew he was meant to be a singer; his passion has inspired so many people including herself. And if she could be granted one wish, she would probably ask that Baekhyun would never stop doing what he loved.
Nami was so lost in their performance that she didn’t even notice that time was flying and the set was over before she knew it. She stood up and turned to leave, wanting to catch them backstage but then stopped when she heard Baekhyun’s voice through the crowd.
"We have one last song for you. This is a new one."
Nami turned to look up the stage, and was surprised to find Baekhyun staring right at her. They locked eyes for a moment and Nami caught a hint of a smile on his mouth from where she stood.
"This is for you." He simply said just as guitar strings sounded. It was definitely a different sound from what she was used to hearing from them but what caught her attention were the lyrics. Nami found herself paralyzed as Baekhyun sang:
I know, even if you act like it’s nothing,
that you’re waiting, and that I can’t do anything about the sadness in your eyes
even as you force a smile,
I can feel it.
Nami felt her heart beating rapidly against her chest as she remembered all the things Baekhyun had said when they fought.
How he had seen how unhappy she had been lately...
How Jun never gave her the time of day nor cared about her much recently...
It’s fine, you don’t have to say sorry.
It’s enough just having you
by my side, you don’t need to say it.
No, it’s fine, I’ll listen
if it helps you feel better.
Nami recalled soft lips against her forehead and words that said: "You don't have to be sorry… I'd love you no matter what."
Baekhyun looked at her with a sad smile as he made his way to the chorus. As his words wafted through the air along with the melody, Nami couldn't help but feel a sting against her eyelids; tears threatening to fall from her eyes.
I’m not your man,
but keep an eye on me (I need you girl)
I’m not the one that’s yours,
even if I can’t hold you,
I’m a man with a sturdy back
who can take you home.
I’ll take you home,
just lean on me.
Baekhyun stopped walking and looked at his best friend, who was pouting ever so cutely like she was going to cry. He sighed, unable to resist her charms (even her drunken state charms), and crouched slightly in front of her.
"Come on, hop on."
Baekhyun grunted as Nami hopped onto his back, her arms winding around his neck as his hands gripped her thighs to pull her up in a more comfortable position.
"Better?" He asked before starting to walk.
How can he not know that you’ll smile
(that I was able to give you strength)
even with these ridiculously bad words of comfort?
Baekhyun had always been there for her through thick and thin. Nami knew as much. When she had problems, he was always there to give advice and to listen to her rants. When she was sad, Baekhyun's jokes and attempts at making her laugh always worked. Not once did he let her down.
Even after all this time that he was actually in love with her. Nami had been hurting her best friend unknowingly and the thought broke her heart. She wondered if he could ever forgive her.
Or if she could ever forgive herself for it.
I’ll stay as I am,
So keep an eye on me (I love you girl)
I’m not the one that’s yours,
but even if I can’t hold you right now,
I’m a man with a big heart
who can protect you and stay by your side.
I’ll take you home,
just lean on me.
Baekhyun stared at her as the applause filled the open space, the crowd obviously loving the new song. Nami smiled back as she felt tears fall against her cheeks. She knew they were passed their fight and that this was in some way an attempt at reconciliation.
But Nami feared a new problem has risen… For now, she was even more confused. Simply because her heart have begun to beat for her best friend...beat in a way that made her head spin and breathing shallow.
All because of the realization that she had been in love with Baekhyun all long.
She just didn't know it then.
Nami chewed on her lip as she waited.
Baekhyun had asked her to meet at the playground near her apartment. It was nearly 10 P.M. as she sat on a swing; letting herself move back and forth as she rehearsed in her head the words she would say once he got there.
Too submerged in her thoughts, Nami didn't even notice someone's approach and the warm hands that covered her eyes made her jolt; but only for a split second. She relaxed upon recognizing the intruder's touch. It was crazy how she knew him just by the feeling of his hands.
"Guess who?"
"Hey Baek."
He chuckled and Nami thought just how much she missed hearing his laugh.
"Hey yourself." He said as he sat on the swing beside her. His hair was slightly damp and he was wearing a familiar green sweater—one she recalled was a gift she had given him a couple of Christmases ago.
They were silent for a while, just savouring each other's company after being apart for so long. Nami's heart was practically racing by his mere presence and she thought just how crazy the situation was.
They paused and looked at each other before laughing at how they had spoken in unison.
"You first." Baekhyun said and she shook her head before pointing at him.
“No, you.”
Baekhyun rolled his eyes before swinging his legs forward to move the swing. “How’d you like the song?”
Nami felt her heart stop at the question and suddenly wished she had gone first.
“I… it was great. Your songs are always great Baek.”
“It was about you, you know?” He said a matter of fact and Nami grew nervous at how straightforward he was being.
“I—I know.”
“I’m sorry.” Baekhyun said to her. “Truce?” Nami nodded and he smiled, pleased. “Okay, your turn.”
Nami took a deep breath before speaking, "Baek, about the other night… I just...I never got to thank you. I know it was irresponsible of me and you went through all that trouble—“
"It's nothing." Baekhyun interrupted, stopping her from her rant.
"No, it's not nothing." Nami pressed. "If you hadn't come..." She huffed, feeling disappointed in herself. "Who knows what could've happened?! If you didn’t come—“
"But I did, right?" Baekhyun leant over her side  and gave her a grin, which made Nami gasp inwardly. She had never really thought about how pretty his eyes were up close.
So pretty, she thought before shaking herself awake and turning away so he wouldn't see the blush on her cheeks.
"I'll always come for you." Baekhyun added. "That's what best friend's do, right? We look out for each other."
At the mention of that, Nami felt her heart drop. She realized just how much Baekhyun had been there for her and she didn't even notice what lay behind those gestures. Why he had supported everything she wanted to do; why he took care of her so much she became almost spoilt; why he stayed up with her through long study nights or watched horror movies with her even if she knew he hated them...
"Baekhyun, about that day. I'm sor—“ Nami paused when Baekhyun reached out and covered her mouth with his palm.
After a few seconds, he released his hold on her and said, "Like I said in the song, you don't need to be sorry. It was wrong of me to dump all of that on you. I don't want you to feel guilty about it. It's my feelings, I should get over it."
Nami frowned deeply. "Baek—“
"No. I may feel this way about you but I'm your best friend first. I should be supporting your decisions... it's okay, Nami. I—“ He swallowed and looked down at his lap. "I understand. It was wrong—“
"But you were right, Baekhyun!" Nami busted out which made Baekhyun turn to her with wide eyes. "I've been so stupid! I was so unhappy. I was for a while now and Jun and I haven't been doing that well. And yet I still stayed hoping that—“ She paused, sighing dejectedly. Jun never changed like she had hoped, she knew that. But it still hurt to know.
"You were right..." She murmured sadly. "He didn't care about me. He wouldn't have cheated if he did, right?"
Baekhyun heard the pain through her laugh, as it sounded forced and off. He knew she was trying to be nonchalant about it.
"I just... I'm sorry I keep making the wrong decisions; keep making mistakes with the people I choose to be with..."
Baekhyun sighed and shook his head slightly. "I think that's part of life. It’s normal to make mistakes—“
"I'm sorry I never saw you." She added which made Baekhyun pause. "I never saw you, but you were right there in front of me, just within my reach. I was too busy being your friend that I didn't even notice the one for me was standing right in front of me." She looked at him. "You were the one who’s always been there for me."
Baekhyun looked at her sadly, his cheeks tainted with a slight blush. When he looked away, he sighed.
"It's...okay. I wasn't completely honest with you from the beginning. I... I should've told you how I felt before you and Jun got together—“
"We're not together." She said and Baekhyun turned to look at her so fast, one might thought he’d pull a nerve.
"I said we're not together." She said flatly. "At least, not anymore. I broke up with him today."
Baekhyun opened his mouth to speak but felt a blush creeping to his cheeks instead. He cleared his throat to alleviate the sudden awkward moment.
"So... You're... not together...?" He asked again.
Nami shook her head and looked at him. "No. Why would I be?" She scoffed. "I'm not that stupid, you know?"
"You're not together?" Baekhyun asked once more.
"You said that already," Nami rolled her eyes as she gripped the chains of the swing and leaned forward slightly; her feet grazing the gravel. "Why are you—“
Nami suddenly stopped when Baekhyun leant over his side and kissed her.
On the cheek.
It was brief and caught her completely off guard. Nonetheless it was enough to send shivers from her head to her toes.
Baekhyun had kissed her on the cheek before as she had him. But those kisses were friendly, almost brotherly. This one felt different and they both knew it the moment they locked eyes, their gazes sending a message neither of them were ready to admit though the feelings were there, clear as day, just waiting to be said.
"Thank god." Baekhyun said with a grin which made Nami smile too. Soon enough they were giggling amongst themselves. They weren't sure what was funny and yet laughter bubbled out of them uncontrollably.
"Why are you so happy?" Nami asked, covering her face to stop herself from smiling so much.
Baekhyun stood up from the swing and faced her, looking down at her with such a gentle gaze Nami felt herself blushing.
And yet she couldn't seem to look away.
"I’m happy… ‘cause now you can be happy.” He said, biting his lip as he tilted his head to the side in that cute way that made Nami's heart lurch. “I’ll make you happy, Nami.”
Nami felt her cheeks heat up at his indirect confession and she cleared her throat before looking away to prevent him from seeing how she was completely coming undone in front of him.
"Don't worry." Baekhyun said, noticing her shy—nervous—state. "I'm not asking anything from you except to give... give me a chance?"
Nami looked at him then and pressed her lips together. She blinked once before her lips turned up into a smile…agreeing.
"Why Nami…are you blushing?" He suddenly teased and Nami's smile morphed into a sneer.
"You like me too, don't you?"
Nami's eyes widened and she reddened, which only made Baekhyun smile even more.
"Why are you doing this?" She asked as she covered her face in embarrassment.
"It's called revenge." Baekhyun laughed as he crossed his arms. "I've always known you secretly liked me."
"Shut up Baek."
Baekhyun grinned and tugged at her wrist, removing it from her face. Nami looked up at him and he gave her a sweet smile, one that sent butterflies in her stomach. It was odd the way some loves worked: how hearts changed like the course of the wind.
Or perhaps, their heart had always been the same and they were just not paying attention.
Baekhyun held her hand then and Nami tried not to focus on its warmth and how his fingers fitted through hers a little too perfectly. How come she never noticed before? It was a mystery.
But she would gladly discover it with her new eyes.
"Come on, let's get you home." He said and just like that, Nami knew she didn't just give her hand for him to take or the "chance" he had asked for her to give...
No, she might have actually already given him her heart because for once she was sure, Baekhyun would keep it safe.
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Awwww <3 I love happy endings, don’t you? Thanks so much for reading guys! I’m so in love with this song and I hope I was able to give justice to it with this story.
Let me know what you think! 
PS: will be working on Ice Dancing now so you guys can expect an update soon. :)
- Kaye Allen
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