#and elizabeth felt compelled to protect and guide him
rodneymckays · 3 years
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Stargate Atlantis | 1x11 The Eye
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xxsovereignsarayaxx · 5 years
Elizabeth Mikaelson - What If? Chapter 15
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Authors Note: So I got my ass together to write the next chapter I hope it full-fills the wait! Want to be added to the Lizzie-Lijah Stag Tag? Let me know! 🖤
Lizzie-Lijah Stag Tag: @skeletoresinthebasement​ @sparrowsparrow​
"You must be Elizabeth." Esther says standing in front of and Elijah. 
"Pleasure to meet you, Esther." I replied offering to shake her hand and yet she pulls me into a warm embrace. 
"After a thousand years it's heartwarming to see that Elijah has found someone and settled down." She says. 
"Come we have much to discuss." She adds trying to guide me away from the rest of the family. 
"Just give me a moment and I'll join you." I replied. She smiles and walks to have a quick word with her youngest son. 
"I'm nervous Elijah what do I say to her?" I said as I turned to face him panic starting to form my features. 
"You are wonderful, beautiful, smart and kind you have nothing to fear regarding where my mother is concerned." He says reassuring me while brushing the few strands of hair that was in slightly in my face.
"Go, I'll introduce you to Finn after you've spoken with mother." He adds. 
"Alright." I said happily and kissed him. I turned to see Esther waiting for me at the entrance to the dinning room. As I made my way over to her I had a sudden wave of uncertainty and caution. 
"So Elizabeth tell me about yourself." Esther asks as we made our way outside.
The conversation with Esther was interesting to say the least she seemed happy with all of her children being reunited and that was all she'd ever wanted, she explained that she had watched them live their lives as vampires for the past thousand years from the 'Other Side' she said on multiple times that all she wanted was to her family back together. 
But something seemed off and I couldn't put my finger on it, I was unsure whether to speak with Elijah, Rebekah or Kol heck even Niklaus they just had their mother return from the dead so none of them would understand my concerns heck even think I was crazy. Maybe it was the fact Esther saw me as an outsider? Maybe she felt threatened? In any case I too would need to seek advice from an outsider. My outsider though... Damon Salvatore.
I sat at the bar in the Mystic Grill awaiting the company from the eldest Salvatore brother. "We really should stop meeting up, it might start getting back to that husband of yours." Damon jokes. 
"Oh please, Elijah knows he has nothing to fear." I sassed rolling my eyes. 
"Especially if your attempting to compete for my affections." I added sarcastically. 
"I like being the eternal stud."
"You do you Damon." I laughed and ordered two drinks from the bar. 
Three glasses of neat bourbon and two large glasses of red wine passed as I illustrated my concerns regarding my mother in law. "I just don't get it Damon, why did Esther wait a thousand years to be released from her coffin. Many powerful Bennett witches have walked the earth why wait for Bonnie and her mother?" I said with a sigh. 
"Your right in the sense that it does sound a bit fishy, but maybe what she has said is true. Maybe all she does want is her family to be back together." Damon replies knocking back the final drops of drink from his glass. 
"Perhaps." I said sounding defeated as the tip of my finger traced the rim of my glass. 
"Don't fret over this, nothing bad has happened and I doubt it will. Esther will help keep Klaus in check meaning, we will all be safe and you can focus on your marriage for a change." Damon says to try and cheer me up. 
"If anything does happen may I be the first to say I told you so?" I laughed. 
"Sure thing Lizzie" Damon replied. 
"You know I would have never of thought that me and you would get along so well, thank you for letting me confide in you." 
"Thanks for trying to get Klaus to behave, but I should really be getting back I'll see you around." Damon finishes as he gets up from his seat checking his phone.
I returned back to the mansion it was quiet, which was odd. Everyone was reunited and I was surprised to hear no talking or bickering I did however hear the faint sound of turning pages coming from upstairs. As I headed up I also got the whiff of smoke coming from one of the bedrooms. I was about to investigate the smell when Elijah had met me on the landing. 
"I heard the front door, where were you?" He asks. 
"I've just had a drink with Damon at the Grill still making sure we still have an alliance if need be." I replied.
The next day the whole family where getting ready for the ball that Esther had organised to try reintegrate the family back into the Mystic Falls community. While Rebekah was getting her nails buffed, manicured and painted. Finn and Elijah making their dress shoes shine and polished, Kol stood in a full length mirror while a tailor was attempting to make some alterations to the lovely three-piece suit he had planned on wearing later in the evening. 
"Rebekah? Tell me how handsome I am." He asks cheekily with a smile. 
"Ah Kol, you know I can't be compelled." She replies playfully looking from her manicure. 
"Kol, hold still otherwise your measurement changes won't be correct." I warned as Nik had burst through the door.
"You went after Elena? What is wrong with you?!" Nik shouted. 
"Here we go." Rebekah muttered rolling her eyes. 
"Do you want another dagger in your heart?" He threatened. 
"Again with the dagger threats? Don't you have any other tricks?" Kol questioned. 
"Oh, go back to staring at yourself." Nik sassed.
"And who are you, my father?" Kol fought back. 
"No, Kol, but you're in my house. All of you are." Nik replied. 
"Actually the house belongs to Mystic Falls, we're vampires Nik we can't own property." I added sarcastically smiling. 
"Oh don't you start Lizzie, unlike the rest of you, you'd be the easiest to kill." Nik threatened. 
"Oh really Niklaus?" Elijah pipped up stepping forward to protect me. 
"No it's fine Lijah, Kol." I replied to my husband and other brother in law. 
"Let's go outside Nik, lets blow off some steam. You take out your frustrations, your anger, try your best to hurt me but lets be honest I'll hurt you a lot more!" I shouted back not backing down. 
"Enough! Niklaus. Come." Esther shouted to bring the peace.
She left the room and Nik followed behind his tail in between his legs and the rest of us went back to our precious business, the however tailor was left a little shook about the confrontation between myself, Niklaus, Elijah and Kol unfortunately his hands were slightly shaking unable to make the alterations correctly. Sighing I turned to the human.
 "Thank you for your services Mr Anderson, how about heading off home it's a lovely afternoon." I compelled. He nodded and collected his things and left, Kol who was unhappy with the decision tried to interject. "Lizzie? Are you aware that your missing something? My suit isn't finished." He scoffed. 
"Lucky for you over the past years I've become a master seamstress, now hold still while I adjust this bit." I giggle as I lifted Kol's arms to slightly. 
"A beauty, seamstress and a fiery temper! You got yourself quite the lady Elijah I'd hold on to her before some tries to take her." Kol teased his brother. 
"And they would have difficulty doing so Kol, however I'm the fortunate one brother." Elijah replied. 
"If you keep fidgeting the measurements will be wrong keep still." I exclaimed. 
"Best do as your told brother, otherwise who knows how many pins Lizzie will stick in you." Rebekah laughed checking her nails. 
"Darling she can stick a pin in me anytime." Kol replied playfully earning a scowl from Elijah.
The whirling of a sewing machine echoed the room and the look of concentration was plastered over my face "How did you feel after meeting mother?" Elijah asked walking into the room holding a glass of water. 
"She was every way you described her." I replied briefly the looking back down to check the stitch I had just sewn. 
"I forgot to ask, is your suit for tonight alright?" Looking back up, noticing that Elijah had placed the glass on a nearby table and then stood behind me. Elijah just swept my hair to one side and placed a kiss to the base of my neck. 
"I'll take that as a yes" I chuckled.
After all of the adjustments that needed doing to Kol's suit I had just enough time to get myself ready for the ball, Elijah had walked into our bedroom adjusting his silver cuff-links while I once again was sat in front of the wooden vanity with a curling wand in my hand adding the final finishing touches to my hair. "You've done a marvelous job on Kol's suit he is currently gazing at himself in the mirror, but have you enough time to get ready?" He asked me. 
"My dress is in the wardrobe, would you be able to help me?" I asked fluttering my eyelashes letting my mascara dry. 
"Of course" Elijah replied picking out the long dress bag which held the contents of my sky blue off the shoulder dress. As he unzipped the bag I stood up and gazed at my husband. 
"You will be the most beautiful person at the ball tonight." Elijah added as he moved the zipper down my dress making room for myself to step inside it.The fabric had a cool feeling against my skin as he brought the dress up my body. 
Moments later dressed to the nines I was ready to make my appearance to the rest of the town. Elijah held out his arm. "Are you ready my dear?" He asks a final time. "Always" I replied as I hooked my arm through his.
As we made our way through the ball I saw hundreds of gorgeous dresses each perfect for the wearer as it brought out every single of their features. "Lizzie I must hand it to you, you did a fantastic job." Kol says joining myself and Elijah. 
"Yes well it doesn't make you look so bulky brother." I replied giggling. 
"Elijah may I borrow your lovely wife for a few minutes?" Kol asked. 
"Of course." Elijah says dropping his arm. 
"This won't take long promise." I smiled and kiss him on the cheek and left with Kol to another part of the ball. 
"Missed me darling?” Kol asked with a grin. 
“Of course I did you were always my second favorite brother. Kol now we both know I’m not daft, this isn’t what you wanted to ask so say it.” I replied to him raising my eyebrow. 
“So how did find our mother?” He asked with a serious face. 
“Everything everyone told me about, she’s lovely. I can’t wait to know her better.” I told him, yes I know that I should of told Kol the truth but I felt that it was a subject that me and Elijah should discuss first. 
“That’s all?” Kol asked trying to push an alternate response out of me. 
“That’s all.” I assured him. 
“Now if you excuse me I believe that I see Miss Gilbert taking to Finn.” I said and made my way over to Elena and Finn my supernatural hearing picking up parts of their conversation.
“You may not know but your mother's already tried to kill me once.” Elena said in a slightly raised tone of voice, I obliviously had missed a large portion of their talk. 
“If you want to see my mother, you'll need to be alone.” Finn replies. My thoughts were then interrupted by the sound of the clinking of a champagne glass. “ If everyone could gather, please.” Elijah announces from the staircase. I then changed my path to re-join Elijah, Rebekah, Niklaus and Kol as I approached the stairs Finn to whom was waiting for me offered me a hand to aid me. As I took my place back to Elijah Esther walked down the stairs joining us.
We stood proud the Mikaelson family reunited and as strong as ever.
“Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom.” Elijah says to the crowd and gestures for people to head into the ballroom. 
As humans busied themselves heading into the ballroom I noticed that Esther had made her way back upstairs, lifting the skirt of my dress I followed up behind her I turned my head to Elijah. “I’ll join you for a dance in a moment, I just need to quench my thirst.” I said taking a deep breath. 
“Are you certain your fine?” Elijah asked quietly. I nodded and hurried up the stairs. Checking over my shoulder to make sure I wasn’t being followed I saw Esther enter he bedroom. I jumped when I heard the sound of a throat clearing and then quickly and gently pinned to the nearby wall Elijah’s arms caged me unable to move 
“Elizabeth, please tell me the truth whats going on?” He asked sternly.     
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mxltifaves · 5 years
The Story of Lizzie Salvatore Chapter 3
When we’re young we’re taught the distinction between a hero and a villain, good and evil, a savior and a lost cause. But what if the only real difference is just who’s telling the story? My name is Elizabeth Salvatore, when I was younger my parents Stefan and Caroline Salvatore opened this school to train and protect the new generation of supernaturals. The school behinds these gates protect the secrets of people like me. And tonight, under the light of the full moon, we will be opening our doors to someone new. 
Her parents were currently on a mission to bring in a newly turned werewolf. She wanted to go with them but they had told her that she had to stay back. They did take Hope Mikaelson, she always hated that her parents chose Hope over her. She had gotten a text from her mom saying that they were on their way back. She also said to get Josie because they were giving a tour to the new student. She actually didn’t mind giving tours she got a chance to see if someone piqued her interest. She was in her room when she heard her a car pulling up to the front of the school. She quickly called Josie and made her way to greet the new students. When they got to the driveway, her parents, Hope and two new students got out of the car. 
“Welcome to The Salvatore School. We’re your tour guides. I’m Lizzie, and this is Josie.” Lizzie said to the boys.
“Rafael why don’t you go ahead with the girls, while we talk to Landon,” Stefan said. The girls grabbed Rafael by one arm and started walking with him to show him around the school. 
“Morning Hope,” Lizzie and Josie said
“Morning girls,” Hope said back
“More like despair,” Lizzie whispered into Rafael’s ear
“I heard that,” Hope said 
“No, you didn’t,” Lizzie said back 
“Didn’t have too,” Hope responded
“Elizabeth, behave,” Caroline said 
“Love you, mom,” Lizzie said. The three of them made their way inside the school, to start the tour. 
“Everybody gets along with everybody here, for the most part,” Josie said 
“The wolves are pretty cliquey, they like to hang with their own,” Lizzie said 
“In defiance of the school’s commitment of inclusiveness,” Josie said 
“That is why we are giving you your tour. To give you a good witch/vampire welcome. Before your harrier brethren corrupt you.” Lizzie said smiling
“That is our librarian Mr. Williams. He’s subbing for our Chemistry of Magic teacher who accidentally incinerated himself.” Josie said pointing to one of the classrooms. Dorian was teaching them the values of pronunciation during spells.
“Come on we’ll show you the turret. It’s where the seniors go and smoke.” Lizzie said 
“What do they smoke, eye of newt?” Rafael asked chuckling to himself.
“Weed,” Josie said simply at him. They walked around the school showing Rafael different parts of the school. They eventually made it to the field, where some of the students were playing.
“It’s called wickery. My parents invented it when I was ten. Their version is a little bit less aggressive than ours.” Lizzie said as Josie made his way to MG who was sitting on the bleachers. 
“Giving up dibs on the new guy already?” MG said to Josie who was sitting next to him. 
“It’s not a competition, plus I’m still nursing a wounded soul,” Josie said, she knew that Lizzie always had dibs on the new guys. Lizzie has been her best friend since they were four years old and nothing was getting in the way of that. 
“Oh yea, Penelope Park,” MG said 
“We don’t mention her name anymore remember?” Josie said looking at MG and he nodded in agreement 
“Do you think he’ll go for her?” MG said. Ever since meeting Lizzie, he has had a crush on her, but she never saw him as more than a friend. 
“Probably, they usually do,” Josie said looking at Rafael and Lizzie.
Lizzie didn’t know what to say to Rafael. She was impulsive so the first thing that popped in her head was what came out of her mouth. 
“I heard about what happened with your girlfriend, I’m sorry about, what happened,” Lizzie said 
“Thanks, I guess,” Rafael said, taken aback by the topic of his dead girlfriend. 
“On the plus side, we’re all happy your single,” Lizzie said realizing she had said that out loud. 
“Oh, god. That was my inside voice. I am so sorry. Guys like you make me nervous,” Lizzie said nervously
“Guys like me?” Rafael asked confused. 
“Hot, angry, damaged,” Lizzie said 
“Yeah well, I sorta made a point in my life of, uh, keeping clear of girls like you. So I guess, I’m going to go find Landon.” Rafael said getting up and leaving. Lizzie felt tears gathering in the corner of her eyes. She always said the wrong things. 
The Docks
Stefan and Hope were at the docks training. Ever since Hope lost both of her parents Stefan tried to help let her anger out. She blamed herself for their deaths, and she was angry most of the time isolating herself from anyone. They were arguing about what he did to Landon. He had to lock him in the cellar because when they tried to compel him to forget the secrets of the school, but it didn’t work. 
“You and Landon have a thing or something?” Stefan asked putting his hands up
“I don’t have things,” Hope said punching his hands
“Yes, I’m well aware of your quest to avoid all emotional intimacy. There was obviously something.” Stefan said 
“I liked him. He’s normal.” Hope said 
“Well let’s keep him that way. We survive here because we follow the rules. We can’t get sloppy about it,” Stefan said catching her hand before it could hit him. 
“You and Caroline are the ones that are always telling me that I need to get out more,” Hope said grabbing a bottle of water.
“We tell you that you need to stop locking yourself in your dorm room and binge-watching Cutthroat Kitchen. I don’t tell you to go and fraternize with the locals.” Stefan said 
“You know you can just be my headmaster, everything else isn’t in the job description,” Hope said 
“Attempt to make an actual friend here and we’ll revaluate this relationship,” Stefan said.
“Mr. Salvatore? Clean up on aisle L” Josie said interrupting. Stefan knew what she meant. Lizzie was having one of her episodes. He made his way back inside to the kitchen to check up on Lizzie.
All Lizzie felt was anger boiling inside her. After what Rafael had said to her she felt a rage attack coming on, she went to the kitchen and let her anger out. She started screaming and using her magic to break anything that was in her path, plates crashed on the floor. It wasn’t a healthy way to let out her anger but it worked for her. She threw a kitchen knife across the room and into the door, then threw another knife but this one was headed for her father who was just entering the room, she was able to stop it before it hit him.
“Hi daddy,” Lizzie said putting her head down. 
“Hey, baby, what’s wrong?” Stefan said 
“Everythings wrong,” Lizzie said 
“Come one let’s got to your room, I’m going to help you clear your mind,” Stefan said, they made their way to Lizzie bedroom. After years of dealing with her episodes, Stefan had practice on how to calm her down. He grabbed a bowl that was used for meditation. 
“Breath,” Stefan said, eyes closed, as he hit the edge of the bowl with his ring. 
“Dad this is lame,” Lizzie said not wanting to it.
“Humor me,” Stefan said 
“You know I could just whip up a remedy using herbs from the bio lab,” Lizzie said 
“No, no magic. Your magic gets you into these things and I was your mind to get you out of them.” Stefan said Lizzie nodded in agreement.
“Dad, do you think I’m broken?” she asked
“Of course not, I think that with being a vampire and a witch it requires a lot of control, control you’re still learning,” Stefan said 
“I just don’t ever want to hurt anyone,” Lizzie said softly
“I know that honey. That’s why your mother and I opened this school, to learn control, which is why I’m here now okay?” Stefan said 
“I’m surprised that you have time, what with all of the private training lessons you’ve been doing with Hope Mikaelson,” Lizzie responded
“Maybe if you made friends, we could have a group training,” Stefan said 
“I tried to be her friends, when I was 5, then when I was 9, and then again when I was 13. She never makes any effort.” Lizzie said 
“She has lost a lot and you know that,” Stefan said 
“Boo-hoo, everyone here has lost something, she doesn’t hold the patent for it,” Lizzie said 
“Breath, breath,” Stefan said trying to get back to what they were doing. But once again they were interrupted by a knock on the door. 
“Come in,” Lizzie said, the door opened and it was Hope
“Speak of the actual devil,” she said softly
“Sorry to interrupt. Um...I’m feeling kinda restless, I kinda need a release,” Hope said 
“Uh.. back acres, and stay away from the old mill. Heathens are having a party that Caroline is planning on busting in ten minutes.” Stefan said, Hope, nodded and left.
“I’m missing a party?” Lizzie asked in disbelief
Next Morning 
Stefan had asked MG to compel Landon once again since it didn’t work the first time. They thought he had forgotten everything he saw but he hadn’t. In fact, he stole a knife from the memorial library. They didn’t know the origin of the knife but they did know that it was dangerous. Everything in the Memorial library had a connection to the supernatural. 
Hope had to find Landon, for the first time since her parents died she opened herself to someone and they turned out to be a liar. She went to go find Lizzie to ask her for a favor.
“Hey Lizzie, I need your help,” Hope said 
“With what?” Lizzie asked 
“I need to find Landon, but it requires some black magic, can you help?” Hope asked 
“Why would I help you?” Lizzie responded
“Because if Landon exposes this school, it ruins everything you’re parents have been building here,” Hope said 
“Fine, let’s do it. But if my parents find out we did black magic, you’ll pay.” Lizzie said. Hope gathered the things she needed for the spell, they held hands and started performing the spell. “I got it, route 29,” Lizzie said
“Near the state line,” said Hope. All they saw was flashes of different things, but then they saw Landon holding the knife and it started to glow. 
“For ten years we’ve gone undetected. Protecting you, protecting our secret has been our singular mission. Tonight I need your help to find Landon Kirby before he exposes us all.” 
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houstonphotojourney · 7 years
                                 What do the 4 books above have in common??? Their authors are all great people and killer writers!!! I can personally vouch that “What’s in a name” by Sally Cronin and “Glimpses” by Hugh W. Roberts are great reads!!! “What Did I Do?” – A Memoir by Chuck Jackson is one I just purchased today as is My GRL by John W. Howell! :). Today’s prices are $.99 – $3.73 – cha ching and no coupons needed 🙂 🙂 
That said, just a little reminder for everyone to go snatch up these books at a special price today! Support your fellow bloggers and save a nice chunk of change today too!!!
Here’s a little about each of the books – enjoy and happy reading!
What Did I Do? A Memoir by Chuck Jackson
I’m excited to announce, for one week starting August 18, 2017  What Did I Do?  is on sale for the low price of 99 cents. You might ask why am I doing this. In writing this book, I opened an ugly side of my life. I felt obligated to come out of the shadows and talk about a subject many people find hard to discuss. I wanted to bring awareness and credibility to the fight against child abuse. I wanted people to know that this atrocious offense continues within our families today. We cannot turn away when the life and sometimes the death of children are in peril. Whether you read my book or not, I beg you to never turn your back when you see or know of a child being neglected or abused.
My book is not the only book about this dark side of humanity. Many brave souls have opened their lives as I did mine. We have similar motivations; we don’t want what happened to us to proliferate. We want people educated and to help stop child abuse.
“For those that understand, no explanation is needed. For those that do not understand, no explanation is possible.”    Unknown Author
Book Overview:
The veil of secrecy over the American family prevails and the covertness of child abuse continues. According to the National Children’s Alliance, approximately 700,000 (683,000 in 2015) children are abused each year. Child Protective Service (CPS) reports they investigate 3.4 million children and place them under the care of the CPS. These are frightening statistics attesting that child abuse is not in decline, but rather the opposite.
Child abuse or child maltreatment is physical, sexual, or psychological mistreatment or neglect of a child or children. Have you ever suspected or even witnessed child abuse in public or in a home? If you did and did nothing, you are condoning the act and its effect on the child. Child advocacy groups are begging for the public involvement. Yet, little is being done.
What Did I Do?  is Chuck Jackson’s true recollection of the abuse he received from both his parents. It is a story where he spent years struggling to please them without succeeding. It is a story where they told him he was irredeemable and unworthy of being their son. When he saw love and happiness in other families, he wondered why not his.
Chuck came out of the darkness to expound on the stigma attached to child abuse. He admitted to the affects of shame, anger, guilt, and depression that he and so many experience. He tells the story of survival where he felt invisible. Follow him where he sought a warm touch and a kind word of praise. Follow his desperation for love from anyone. Follow Chuck’s story and help answer his question, What Did I Do?
(Source: http://www.chuckjacksonknowme.com)
Chuck Jackson’s blog, Getting To Know Chuck Jackson will introduce you to his guest authors and get to know Chuck of course! 🙂 
    Glimpses by Hugh W. Roberts
After publishing some of his short stories on his blog, Hugh W. Roberts, who suffers from dyslexia, received numerous requests to publish his short stories in a book.
Here, at last, are 28 short stories that will take your mind on a rollercoaster of a ride into worlds that conceal unexpected twists and turns.
Glimpses allows the reader a peek into the lives of everyday people who are about to have life lead them on an unpredicted path. From a mysterious deadly iPad app, to a hole in the fence that is not all it seems, to a strange lipstick that appears to have a life of its own, you will encounter terror, laughter, sadness, shock and many other emotions on journeys which promise a thrilling and gripping climax.
If you are a lover of shows such as ‘The Twilight Zone’ and ‘Tales Of The Unexpected’, then you’re in for a real treat with this first collection of short stories from Hugh.
Dare you take a glimpse into the lives of these unsuspecting characters?
*****“If you’re looking for a thoroughly entertaining read, Glimpses is the book for you. Each story has been cleverly crafted; through Hugh’s wonderful imagination, he has the ability to whisk you away to many different worlds, past, present and future. Every story makes a compelling read and just when you think you know what’s going to happen next, Hugh masterfully reveals a brilliant twist. With bite-size and longer stories, Glimpses is a must-read. I loved it.” – Esther Newton, Writer, and Author.
(Source:  Amazon.com)
Hugh W. Roberts blog can be found here at Hugh’s Views & News – if you aren’t already a “Hugh Follower” don’t miss out on the fun variety Hugh has to offer and great blogger tips!
What’s In A Name by Sally Cronin
There are names that have been passed down through thousands of years which have powerful and deep-rooted meaning to their bearers. Other names have been adopted from other languages, cultures and from the big screen. They all have one thing in common. They are with us from birth until the grave and they are how we are known to everyone that we meet.
There are classical names such as Adam, David and Sarah that will grace millions of babies in the future. There are also names that parents have invented or borrowed from places or events in their lives which may last just one lifetime or may become the classic names of tomorrow.
Whatever the name there is always a story behind it. In What’s in a Name? – Volume One, twenty men and women face danger, love, loss, romance, fear, revenge and rebirth as they move through their lives.
Anne changes her name because of associations with her childhood, Brian carries the mark of ancient man, Jane discovers that her life is about to take a very different direction, and what is Isobel’s secret?
*****“Pour yourself a cuppa, find a comfy perch and dig into this book! The talent and versatility of author, Sally Cronin, shines in What’s in a Name. She introduces us to 20 people, who by the end of each story, will remind us of either someone we know or wish we did know. There is nothing predictable about the characters, their lives or the endings of any of the stories. To prove the point, pay particular attention to Isobel, Diana, Jack, and Hector. Want a tug at the heart strings? Then give Grace, Alexander, Francis and Anne a read. While I have only mentioned a few here, you will be equally delighted and entertained by the remaining dozen tales about found in What’s in a Name. by Sally Cronin. I look forward to the rest of the alphabet, that will comprise the next book!” -Review By Perspectivepower, Annette Rochelle Aben 
(Source:  Amazon.com)
Sally Cronin’s blog Smorgasboard – Variety Is The Spice Of Life is always full of great goodies – be sure to check out her blog, meet tons of new people and enjoy the ride!
My Grl by John W. Howell
John Cannon has a choice. Save himself or the Annapolis Midshipman.
John J. Cannon, a successful San Francisco lawyer, takes a leave of absence from the firm and buys a boat he names My GRL.  His intent is to relax, but others make this intention impossible. John is unaware when he buys his boat that it has been targeted by a terrorist group to be used as a guided bomb to destroy the Annapolis Midshipmen on their summer cruise.
    John’s first inkling of trouble is when he wakes up in the hospital and learns they found him unconscious next to the body of the young woman who sold him the boat and laying on the gun that killed her. John must struggle to convince the police he is not a murderer and then he finally ends up as the only one who can try and stop the terrorists from completing their mission. 
  The action moves from a small town in Texas to fifty miles offshore of the New York Harbor where the terrorists plan to launch their attack.
*****“The book did not disappoint. It starts out with a senseless murder and …
By Author Don Massenzioon
Just from the synopsis, I was hooked on the story line. The book did not disappoint. It starts out with a senseless murder and then pulls in elements of a classic thriller. We have bad guys pretending to be good guys, a relentless law man and a reluctant hero.
This book also has another character, the boat, My GRL. You can almost imagine being on this wonderful vessel through the descriptions given in the book.
John Howell does a wonderful job of quickly pulling in the reader and helping navigate the twists and turns through the narrative style from the point of view of his main character, John Cannon. Cannon takes us inside his thought process. We get to see his fears and his conviction grow as the bad guys become more and more outrageous in their terrorist plot.
I highly recommend this book. I try to stick to reviews of books with wide distribution on my blog for a variety of reasons, but I’m glad I took the chance on John Howell’s book, My GRL. I’ll be putting his other books on my TBR list.”
(Source:  Amazon.com)
You can find John W. Howell at his blog Fiction Favorites With John W. Howell – you won’t want to miss out on guest authors and Lucy, Stella and Bailey!
Thanks for visiting! Max is too busy reading to be bothered but sends his barks and paws up!
Elizabeth and Max
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