#and enjoy the first spicy fic I've written in actual years LOL
guardiandae · 10 months
Tagged by the wonderful @rayadraws!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 70
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
One Punch Man, Marvel. Formerly BTVS.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
" - 2,391 kudos "Natural" - 2,448 kudos "5+7" - 3,341 kudos "Milkyway" - 4,601 kudos "Salvaged" - 6,567
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Oh yes! But i have a habit that tends to backfire on me... I'll respond to all comments for a while and then after a couple weeks I'll stop responding because I want to finish a chapter first.... this is fine except sometimes by the time I let myself respond to all those old comments it's been like.... 5 years. LOL. But I really do like to reply to every single one.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The Distance Between Us
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Sugar & Spice
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Lmfao. Surprisingly rarely! I've maybe gotten two actual hate comments on my more spicy account. I've gotten more hate comments for making Saitama transmasc, but not by much. But like... I didn't make him transmasc anyway, it just happened. But yeah if people are whiny little bitches and I just roast them and then delete their comment because that doesn't fly for me, especially the transphobic weirdos.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Hell yeah. Ummm I like it when the weiners touch 👉👈
Actually lemme see. On my main account, my top tags are kind of all over the place. Mainly fluffy stuff, dirty talk. On my secret second account we'll get better results.... Watersports/Urination - obviously. Anal sex - duh, but boring. Dubious consent - spicy. Felching - MM. 🙏 Male lactation - MILK. HIM. 💦
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Only "Now Recruiting", which still gets a lot of love tbh. It's about the Avengers trying to recruit Saitama, which isn't too crazy. Fun though!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
WOOF. I hope not. The sites that scrape fics are scary.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Oh yeah 💜 I love my international fans, and I always say yes when someone asks to translate. I just ask that they remember to link up with mine!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
My memory is bad but I really don't think so. I don't play well with others >.< Also why I have turned down RP requests every time.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Wade/Nate. It might have hibernated for years, but it came back with a vengeance when it came back. But any ship I've written for, it's gotta be a hyperfixation for me, so I promise I love them all.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
[Redacted]. But I'm not sure it's that I never will - it's that I think I overshot my ending and I actually need to hack it back a little and just end the fic. The way I kept going, it would've added another small arc to the fic that made it end on a sad note. And That, I'd probably never finish. The fic is old enough though that even thinking about opening it up to do that makes me cringe.
Secondary: Salvaged. But don't panic! It's not that I'll never finish it, it's that I will but still not any time soon. ;; It'll be a lot of work to open it up again and finish it. I wanna finish some other projects first, including new ones (oops). But I don't feel 'cringe' about opening it again. Just a loooottt of files to sift through.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm told my dialogue is amazing. I think it's because I enjoy practicing the lines, over and over again, and pacing everything out to make sure it sounds like something the character would actually say, and somewhat flow in real time.
I'm also quite lucky at being able to have details fall into place in really interesting ways. So that thing that seems elaborately planned out, who knows, lol. It's sort of half elaborately planned and half happy coincidence.
People also tell me that I manage to capture their imagination and especially their emotions. 🫶
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing. Haha. I'll either catch stage fright if something gets really popular (especially if there's a sex scene, oop) or I'll get bogged down with things needing to be perfect, or a secret third thing - I get really attached and don't want to end the AU because then I worry I'll forget it exists.
Memory problems. Returning to a fic is harder because even after a month I don't remember what happened. And if I'm going without writing for any period of time I feel like I forget who I am as a writer completely. Sometimes I really can't understand who wrote a fic of mine, because it doesn't feel like it was me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Ummmmm I do this very sparingly because I know that google translate is very flawed and I'm not fluent in any other language. Sometimes a little bit of french or spanish has been appropriate for a Deadpool fic, but not full dialogue.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Buffy The Vampire Slayer <3 I didn't include that in my fic count tho.... I don't dare go back to That Place, even just to look (FF.net)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I'm gonna have to break it up by ship otherwise this ain't even fair--
"Hello, Handsome" - Cablepool - it's just soooo creative and fun! and COMPLETE! "5+7" - Genosai - another really fun one, emotional ups and downs but ultimately soooo fluffy and nice and one of those fics that changed my life. Almost done! "Yours" - Skirth/Agony - a rare f/f pairing but I really enjoyed writing them <333 COMPLETE "Milkyway" - Eddie/Symbiote - can something be a fluffy family fic AND really dirty filthy kinky at the same time? Apparently, somehow. COMPLETE.
Tagging @aeriamamaduck @pohjanneito and @theomnicode!
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citrinekay · 2 years
Fic writer interview
Thanks for tagging me @l-tyrell !
name/nicknames: Kay
fandoms: Right now, Beyond Evil. I have a tendency to let one thing consume my soul for a year or more at a time and I can't be distracted by anything else lol two shots?: I have written one two-shot, steel trap teeth, which was supposed to be a one-shot. if I happen to write a two-shot it's usually because, like that fic, what I've written gets too long for one chapter most popular multi-chapter fic: the bitter and the sweet. I'm happy with this statistic. it was the first fic I wrote after finishing the show for the first time and was full of emotions about jwds; I think this fic is representative of the impact that experience had on me lol actual worst part of writing?: I'm honestly stumped as to how to answer this without sounding stuck-up. I love writing. The worst part of writing is the time when I am not writing or having writer's block 😅 I joke quite frequently that I wish I could quit my day job and write fanfic for a living lol how you choose your titles: usually I take some line or word from within the story. occasionally I'll use a song title or a quote if I can't come up with something. i prefer for it to be my own words, though do you outline? hahaha nope. all my plans are in my head. I start from chapter one and take it from there. I usually have a tentative framework that includes certain milestones that I know need to happen throughout the fic and a strong concept for the ending but everything else gets decided in the heat of the moment ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?: I have the idea for a fairly elaborate jwds The Villainess AU that is just problematic enough for me to be excited at the thought of writing it but idk if I will ever have the time or energy. real life/work is a bitch tbh callouts @ me: You do not need to be productive 100% of the time. best writing traits: Style-wise, I would say my descriptions. I enjoy trying to paint a picture of the scene for the readers and convey what I'm imagining in my own head to them. Overall, I would say characterization and accessing the emotional aspect of storytelling. I love writing angst and resolution of it. It's cathartic. spicy tangential opinion: I have nothing controversial to say lol I just stay in my little corner and write for myself and my friends and have a fucking ball. fandom is for fun and if stops being fun, then it's time to leave. I'll tag my dearest @bambikieren and @willgrahambf
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adiduck · 2 years
*clears throat and leans into mic* Bingo.
Welcome to my first @codywankissbingo fill, presented here MUCH earlier than the collection week because I have no self control.
Fic's a spicy romp between TCW and ANH, featuring established relationship codywan (this is never explained, I don't know what happened, just roll with it). Technically it isn't AU until they tell us it's AU 🤣Also I would like to stress that I was peer pressured into this by @galateagalvanized and @goddammitjim, so you can blame them. ❤️
Thank you also to @glimmerglanger and @asukaskerian for the beta, I love you both.
It does feature some sex pollen, and I was not kidding about EXPLICIT, so mind the tags and your spice tolerance, friends. Find like thunder under earth here!
Deets for the ao3 post under the cut. Bingo card in the reblog in the hopes it will LET ME POST IN THE TAGS.
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi Additional Tags: Post-Order 66 (Star Wars), Established Relationship, Sex Pollen, Enthusiastic Messy Sex, very much a pwp, codywankissbingo2022 Summary:
Obi-Wan still smells like that tea he drinks, Cody thinks, like something green and vaguely spicy, different from the green smell all around them, clogging every pore and weighing down every breath. Cody blinks and realizes he hasn’t yet released Obi-Wan’s wrist, squints down through the gloom at his messy fingers curled around dirty pale skin. He can feel Obi-Wan’s pulse, pounding against his palm, fast as Cody’s own, and Cody thinks of lifting Obi-Wan’s wrist and pressing his lips to the beat instead, feeling it against his tongue—
Obi-Wan’s breath hitches next to him, and Cody falls abruptly back into his own head, heart still pounding too hard—for too long now—body warming where he’s pressed to Obi-Wan—warming too much, and they’re in a life or death situation right now, they—what—
“Something’s—” he starts, and Obi-Wan breathes in slowly, and then out again.
“Yes,” he says, and their eyes meet in the darkness.
ETA: Third time's the dang charm! Please show up in the tags.
ETA2: No I'm serious.
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yellowlaboratory · 2 years
for the fanfic writer ask game, i'm super super interested in the answers to ❌, ✅, and 🎉! (and also ✨ cause you deserve all the praise)
sorry if that's too many this stuff is just so interesting to me!
sof I absolutely adore you!! there’s never too many emojis aksdjfhlaksf
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
I hate to say never but there are some things I'm just not sure about writing. I don't really see myself ever writing a pregnancy fic and I'm most likely never going to write anything too spicy (which is a shocker to absolutely no one lmao). Also, specifically for Jiara, there are a couple tropes on my bingo card that I thought would be way easier than they are and now that I'm trying to write them I'm like "um hold on… what."
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
hmmm...  I feel like there’s probably so many things that are reoccuring themes in my fics, but I can’t think of any of them right now. I definitely know that I reuse phrases a lot (once again - not that I can think of at the moment 💀). I also feel like I dump a lot of complicated parental relationships into fics, and specifically onto Kiara and the Carreras. 
And even though I'm wrong, I feel like I've written thousands of stories about friendship bracelets. I only have one, but it’s taken up a thousand fics worth of space in my brain.
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
I have a really low bar: if i actually publish it!! I try really hard not to focus on the reception of the fic (though I cherish every comment and kudos) because I really only enjoy writing when I’m doing it for myself first and foremost, and I’m just happy if I actually get something finished and polished enough that I can force myself to get it out there. I know I always say this, but back when I started PLTC (and, uh, basically up until, like, chapter 25 lmao), I had a ritual of hitting publish on each chapter right before I went to bed, and then I would literally hide under my blankets and force myself to go to bed so I wouldn't get in my head and delete it. And the first chapter was the worst - I’m not kidding when I say I actually literally drank a bottle of wine the night I published it. I've come a little ways from there, and now I can hit publish on a fic or a chapter and not literally dive into my blankets to hide from myself lmao.
also, actually finishing a multichap!! publishing the last chapter of pltc was, like, monumental. I still don’t consider it fully finished yet because I'm slightly insane, but actually getting the full story out there felt pretty good!! (also it’s disappointing how few fics I have completed lmao but we aren’t going to talk about that)
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
oh god. sof, you know how to ask the hard questions. clearly, I'm still dealing with a lot of unresolved shit with my writing (lmao) but I���ll give it a go. I think, first of all, I'm very much improving in my writing, thanks to the help from my lovely beta readers, and I truly believe I'm a better writer today than I was a year ago and especially two years ago. I also write what I like to read, so I am particularly proud of the parallels and stories that literally go full circle. Whenever I could find a way to draw a parallel or make a circular reference, I was a little thrilled with myself. It’s the little things in life, lol.
Send me an emoji ask!
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