#and erens whole convo with Armin??? broke me.
leviiackrman · 11 months
Ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between, I can wholeheartedly confirm that:
Margot Durand in fact, has a happy ending.
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scenarios-on-ice · 7 years
You must have infinite regeneration powers :D So cool. And WELCOME BACK! <3333 I’m glad to hear you had fun in Japan!  and awww, I’m sorry to hear that school’s giving you a hard time (again)! :( *hugs*
For me, I am/was a homeschooler and I just finished the required exam to be considered a high school graduate so I’m basically done with studying for now….
Are they? *blinks innocently* I wasn’t aware!
(If you’re talking about Agni
“If I say goodbye, the plot will learn to move on…it outlives me when I’m gone”)
If Isayama actually manages to save the plot with a big revelation about how everything is (once again) connected I’ll be fine, but I really do think it would have been best to leave the worldbuilding at the whole Marleyan/Eldian thing. Personally, I feel like that was just the right amount of complicated to make readers go ‘ooooh so THAT’S what was going on all along I can’t believe I didn’t think of that’. It would have been nice to get some answers and maybe some more character development for the TItan Trio and Zeke instead of all the confusion going on right now (though I do have to admit that I like the new characters. And Reiner’s flashback to his days as a soldier in the recent chapter hurt my feels really badly).
OMG you’re actually going to do it Luna-senpai I bow down to you
I’m not even sure what to say so thank you??? So much???
True, I was thinking that as well since the anime kinda misses out on a lot of stuff and therefore has less usable scenes. And here, my evil side is showing again: ‘Let’s go home’ could definitely fit with ‘it take and it takes and it takes’ but, how about with 'If there’s a reason I’m still alive when so many have died’?
Feel free to make a shorter version or something if it’s stressing you out too much, though! And of course, I’m always happy to talk about this/help find the right panels! :D
To be a bit more clear, Rize isn’t actually pregnant so that’s something (do you think she would have ALLOWED herself to be impregnated if she could help it?). Her kakuhou’s just kinda being used again to create a new, more powerful generation of mini-quinx that are basically the new Kaneki Kens. Yeah. And Furuta refers to them as her 'children’
Here, I’ll explain that if you want:
Remember how we talked about Mutsuki being decidedly not-fine? Well, they completely snapped in recent chapters. It’s been revealed that they had a romantic interest in Sasaki (understandable, since he was the first person who was ever genuinely kind to them) and was extremely jealous/hurt by his behavior when he first met Touka at Re(the cafe). Though they were able to keep their feeilngs in check, after Torso’s torture things got worse and after Sasaki/Kaneki just up and left, Mutsuki kind of went yandere.
There’s a scene with them repeatedly stabbing someone disguised as Sasaki while declaring 'won’t kill, won’t kill, he’s mine’. Then they tell Aura (one of the new members of the Q squad who is bent on murdering Kaneki as revenge for his aunt, who ended up badly injured when Kaneki and his friends broke out of Cochlea)- “Let’s kill him together.” I suppose they resent Kaneki for leaving?
And you know, Kaneki’s group GOAT is all over the news now…Mutsuki finally got a clue where he is.
That 'sensei’ scene is trouble for both Kaneki and Touka.
In case you don’t remember, Takeomi and Yoriko got engaged, right? And Yoriko asked Takeomi to help her find a friend of hers (Touka) who disappeared years ago during the Anteiku raid. In a recent chapter, Takeomi ran into Mutsuki while holding the only picture of Touka Yoriko had and Mutsuki asked for the picture, claiming that they knew this person.
So. Well. Mutsuki’s probably going to go beserk if they get their hands on Touka. And they’ve already got their hands on Kaneki.
I kinda want to scream right now.
As for the 'virgin’ scene, Touken is now officially a thing! That question is followed by Touka and Kaneki finally talking about their feelings like sensible people instead of raging and angsting at each other, and then Touka’s like “When the time is right, I’ll let you do it with me.” 0////0
I’m not really sure how to feel about this though. I always thought Touken was going to become canon so I’m not surprised, but I kinda wish it didn’t in a way as well? Though I see how it works I’m not overly fond of it because it’s a really, really cliche formula in anime and manga: tough girl who becomes softer through her affection for main guy, tough girl whose character development is directly linked to main guy in a way that makes her more emotional and more traditionally feminine. The most 'popular’ examples of this could be the Winry/Ed dynamic from FMA and the Eren/Mikasa relationship from AoT and they’re not the only ones; this is just a really popular trope in shounen manga. Admittedly Winry/Ed seems to be a well-done version of it from what I’ve seen, while Mikasa/Eren puts some interesting twists on it and Touken is a more realistic portrayal, but it’s still a cliche that I get tired of seeing.
I also feel like Touken could have done with a bit more development in recent chapters. They’ve been apart for so long and haven’t had that many significant interactions until this whole 'are you a virgin’ convo (which was feelsy and good but a little more buildup would have been nice).
Whatever, I’m still going to be mad if Mutsuki manages to hurt Touka.
Whoops, almost spoiled something again! Not gonna do it, though.  Well, the next few weeks will be pretty good, so I’m happy about that! And I’m not sure if I wrote this in the last message (but I’m too lazy to go and check), so I’m gonna (potentially) write it again: The perfect way to describe me during the flight back is using a line from ‘Farmer Refuted’. If you repeat yourself again, I’m gonna scream. Only without the If you repeat yourself again part. It. Was. Horrible. And shaky.
Oh, that’s pretty interesting! And yeah, you did mention being quite the genius. You’re like Hiro from Big Hero 6 hahah
... Sure you weren’t aware.
Oh yeah, it’s about Agni. Why couldn’t plot armour save him????  HNNNNNNNGH
Well, at this point I’m too confused with the manga to like anything. He should’ve left it at the basic plot and not evolve it into the mess of plots it is now. (Fun fact: this was originally worded a lot more harshly) I think he’s slowly losing readers by doing this. If they don’t quite understand what’s going on anymore, they give up. How do I know? CAUSE I’M ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE DAMMIT Like I said, Armin is what keeps me going.
I think I’m gonna try to make a shorter version of the song, but I’m not sure how it’ll turn out. I also have 0 idea how long it’ll take (but it’ll be a while before it’s done)).  Ah, that’s a good idea for the lets go home scene! Well, either that or ‘I’m afraid I wouldn’t remember their names’
Oh good, she isn’t pregnant. I was scared ;-; BUT THE OTHER OPTION ISNT MUCH BETTER; IS IT NOW Well, sure, Rize wouldn’t allow herself that, but if she’s starving/drugged, then I guess... THIS IS GETTING TOO DARK
You want to scream and I’m going to scream.  Just. I give up. No.  Why. 
Oh, Touken is canon? Cool! I can’t say I ship it, but it’s really nice something became canon. But did Touka seriously doubt Kaneki being a virgin? Kaneki, the biggest nerd on the entire planet? Oh yeah, he’s totally a fuckboy, there isn’t a girl in town who hasn’t slept with him, pffft
Well, I guess cliches are nice every once in a while ^^
As for Boku no Hero Academia... I’ve binged the manga and it turns out it does get very, very dark. Not AoT or TG level dark (what kind of monster would do that?), but quite dark, so you might enjoy it ^^
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