#everything mikasa/eren related just… has taken over my brain
leviiackrman · 11 months
Ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between, I can wholeheartedly confirm that:
Margot Durand in fact, has a happy ending.
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leistung · 3 years
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FULL  NAME: armin arlert. MEANING: old German name taken from the latin arminus, meaning "hero" or a form of Herman, meaning "army man" other meanings include: "Universal, Whole" NICKNAME(S):  armie, hot flash. GENDER:   genderfluid trans male ETHNICITY:  eldian HEIGHT:  5'3 AGE:  22 ZODIAC:  scorpio
SPOKEN  LANGUAGES:  eldian, knows how to read the marleyan written variant. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: vibrant blonde hair, vibrant hazel eyes, some pretty expressive eyebrows tbh HAIR  COLOUR:  blonde/honeyed in the summer months EYE  COLOUR:  hazel SKIN  TONE:  general warm tones that remain no matter the season. doesn't really tan in the sun, mostly just burns before returning back. BODY  TYPE: at first, rather scrawny but after more time with the scouts armin develops toned muscle. nothing over the top, but there is definitely a very obvious visible difference. VOICE:  steady, usually a very calming voice. armin speaks fast when he gets heated/passionate/invested in a subject and his voice grows louder in such instances too. can switch to a pretty harsh and commanding, cold tone when needed. DOMINANT  HAND:  right POSTURE:  very good posture, not only from his time with the scouts but even before that. his grandfather always got on him about it and given armin's height, he's always kept it up as an attempt to appear taller where possible. SCARS:  armin's body was made up of a lot of scars from training in early life but even before that, he had a fair amount from the times he'd get picked on as kid. in particular was a scar by his left eyebrow-- this faded after inheriting his titan. armin also has top surgery scars though they are now significantly faded and by the end of series aren't visible at all. TATTOOS:  n/a until post-series when he gets an ocean wave tattoo much like this one as a nod to his and eren's friendship. the tattoo is located on his inner right arm. MOST  NOTICEABLE  FEATURE(S): tragically, his height, he knows this. but also his hair is a very distinct feature even after multiple different haircuts/styles.
CHILDHOOD PLACE  OF  BIRTH: shiganshina district within wall maria HOMETOWN:  shiganshina district MANNER  OF  BIRTH:  natural birth, one month before due date FIRST  WORDS:  papa SIBLINGS: n/a PARENTS:  nadina & cariel arlert. deceased. PARENT  INVOLVEMENT:  armin's parents were very loving and happy to have a child, but their love and wonder, their curiosity for the outside world meant their priorities were never entirely fixed with raising their child. even while his parents were still around, armin's grandfather put more time into raising him than they ever did. he loved his parents and grew up with the same wide eyed wonder about the outside world, but he also held a bitterness toward them, especially learning the truth of their deaths and that they left him behind without a second thought. armin's grandfather was always heavily involved with his upbringing and armin credits him for raising him with respect for others but a passion to get what he wants. his grandfather was always the one to help armin pick his name and was incredibly supportive of him living his truth.
ADULT LIFE OCCUPATION: 15th commander of the survey corps & then peace talks diplomat CURRENT RESIDENCE: post series there is a lot of moving about, never truly settling in those three years CLOSE  FRIENDS: eren jaeger & mikasa ackerman were always armin's closest and longest friends. RELATIONSHIP  STATUS: single FINANCIAL  STATUS:  grew up often dipping between rough stability and poor and struggling DRIVER’S  LICENSE:   yes, got it post series CRIMINAL  RECORD:  wiped clean, ish. however he commit obviously, a lot of war-related crimes, murder etc.
VICES: armin uses drugs like cannabis fairly often, sometimes smokes, drinks a bit but it's all mostly done in privacy. SEX / ROMANCE:  armin craves intimacy with others through both romantic actions and through sexual. he's obviously grown up surrounded by war and it's never exactly been a high priority thing, but it is something he craves intensely. he's a kind romancer, putting thought into any acts to ensure things are always deeply personal and meaningful. SEXUAL  ORIENTATION:  bisexual ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION: biromantic // as an addition to these, armin is also polyam PREFERRED  EMOTIONAL  ROLE:  tends to lean to more 'dominant' in a way, particularly in later life, taking on a more care giving, listening kind of role. he likes to be emotionally supportive to his partner(s) and be their strength, even if he has a habit of ignoring his own needs in the process. PREFERRED  SEXUAL  ROLE:  and here it's much the same, armin tends to lean more heavily towards a dominant role. for much of his life, he felt out of control. even when in positions of power, there was a distinct feeling that the world around him was always one step away from crumbling. this has always been a very clear and easy way to feel in control. armin is very confident in it too, but he is never overly harsh, not unless it is an agreed upon thing with partner(s). he struggles to actually let go of this, the same as with the emotional role, but with the right person he'd be open to attempting letting those walls etc down. but generally, he likes and feels most comfortable here, like this. LOVE  LANGUAGE:  acts of service & physical touch are armin's key love languages. armin is an affectionate and considerate person. he pays attention to people, remembers a lot of small details about a person and uses those to express his feelings. physical touch is a heavy one though for him and it's deployed a lot. the acts of service tend to tie in with his dominant tendencies and will often have an overlap with that. LIBIDO: fairly high, but he's spent a lot of time pushing it down through life due to the whole a lot of other shit going on. but generally, he likes to have sex regularly especially since he has such intense attachments to the feelings related to it: the control, the connection with another person etc. RELATIONSHIP  TENDENCIES:  when armin is in a relationship, he is deeply committed. he will pour his soul into it, give everything to ensure it works and all parties are happy and cherished. he doesn't do anything by halves. while he can sometimes be distant just simply due to the fact he overworks himself, armin will still always try to be attentive and he's very good at communicating and likes to make sure everyone involved feels heard and seen.
MISC THEME  SONG:  the world is ugly by my chemical romance HOBBIES  TO  PASS  TIME:  reading is armin's main outlet, but he also enjoys painting MENTAL  ILLNESSES: armin has depression, ptsd & generalised anxiety disorder. PHYSICAL  ILLNESSES.  n/a, but does often experience chronic phantom pain. LEFT  OR  RIGHT  BRAINED:   more left brained PHOBIAS:  n/a, but can often be uncomfortable in prolonged silences so always tends to need some kind of background noise. SELF  CONFIDENCE  LEVEL:  armin struggled deeply with his confidence growing up and it had a direct impact on his performance in certain areas. years of bullying and of comparing himself to others meant that armin didn't always believe in his own potential. however, with more time and after having people actually listen to him and allow him the chance to speak and be heard, it began to grow. it was like a fire growing till eventually, it was unstoppable. armin knows his areas of strength and he has full confidence in it, rightfully so.
TAGGED BY:  @decimater TAGGING: 
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yodawgiherd · 6 years
Possibility of a turning point
Rating: T
>>>Read on AO3<<<
Back when i started writing this, i never expected coming this far if im being honest. But here we are, 50 chapters in, and i don't see myself stopping anytime soon. It's kinda crazy. To anyone still interested, thank you, for the kudos and comments, and rest assured that i read them all and they fuel me like nothing else.
Snip. Snip. Snip.
“Still not regretting your decision?”
Mikasa turned her head left and right, checking the way her new hairstyle sat on her head.
“Nope, looks pretty good.”, she looked up at Eren with a grin, “You can add hairdresser to your resume babe.”
“Eyes front.”, he ordered, “I’m not done yet.”
With a chuckle, she obeyed, and he was left to look over his handiwork with a critical eye. When Mikasa came to him with a request that he cut her hair, because it was getting too long in her opinion, he didn’t know what to say. He liked playing with her hair a lot, braiding, washing, or just petting it, but cutting it was something else. What if he did it wrong? But in the end, her gentle persuasion and the promise of a reward afterwards (eyebrow wiggle from her side) outweighed his worries and now here he was, snipping away at the strands of ebony. Luckily, her request was pretty easy, all she wanted from him was to shorten it, no special hairdressing skills required form his side. And overall, he was handy with delicate work, scalpel required a lot of accuracy to use, just like scissors. Now just about finished, he could say to himself that he did a pretty good job after all. The length she asked for was short, very short, one could say boyish, but it suited her. Then again, he thought everything suited her, because she was just so damn beautiful, so he might not be the best of judges for this particular issue. Putting a last few finishing touches, he stepped back, nodding.
“Want me to change something?”
Leaning forward, she inspected it from all angles, shook her head a bit to see if it won’t go in her eyes, and in the end let out a satisfied sigh.
“It’s actually perfect, just like I wanted it.”, in one swift move she stood up, wrapping her arms around Eren’s neck. “You are such a talent, baby. Now I won’t even have to tie it back when I blow you.”
Stunned, he stared at her. Who was this girl and what did she do to his Mikasa? She went on as if nothing happened however, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. The proximity of her body combined with her comment did remind him of something.
“So… What about the reward you promised me? Any hints?”
“Impatient,”, she shook her head, but the smile didn’t leave her face, “You’ll have to wait for it. But I promise that it will be…”, she leaned a bit closer, whispering into his ear, “worth it.”
With that, she let go and walked away, leaving a confused and somehow turned on Eren standing in the middle of the bathroom by himself. Well, if she tells him to wait, he’s going to wait, so far, she never let him down. Humming to himself, he started cleaning up after himself, already looking forward to the mysterious gift.
Annie watched the sun overhead, leaning on the railing. It blinded her, the rays falling directly into her eyes, but she refused to look away, defiantly squinting against the blazing ball of fire. In the end however, her body betrayed her, and her head turned away on its own, protecting her vision. She sighed. Sometimes a strong will is not enough. Her fingers skimmed over the cast on her broken hand, the touch bringing in the memories of the fight. The storm that raged around them was nothing compared to the storm that was Mikasa. Never in her life has Annie fought someone that good, so strong and fast combined with the skills she had, that was terrifying to face. Annie was sure that Mikasa could easily kill her back then, it even seemed like that was what she was going to do, but then she looked at her ring, and stopped, thank god. Survival however meant that now she had to nurse her body back into health, because the beating she received was rather thorough. Broken hand, black eye, numerous bruises and a limp in her walk served as a sort of everyday reminder what kind of beast she did unleash. But the pain of her body was small when compared to the anguish she felt emotionally. The things Mikasa told her back at the gym hurt her more than any of the punches that hit home. Armin tried to kill himself, because of her, because of what she did to him. Head hanging low, she let out a long breath. She’s a terrible person.
The floorboards behind her creaked, and soon another person was standing next to her. Judging from the way the newcomer favored his right leg, avoiding putting weight on the injured left one, it was easy to guess that it was no one else but her father. He didn’t say anything, just wrapped an arm around her shoulders, offering his silent support. He changed, following the confrontation the two of them had, the defiance of his daughter finally opening his eyes. Things shifted for the better between them, but that didn’t erase the mistakes of the past. Closing her eyes, she leaned on her father’s shoulder.
“I’ve been thinking Annie. “, he said, rubbing her back gently, “We could move, if you want to. Get away from this.”
It was tempting. To start again, with a clean slate, somewhere where no one knew you, no one knew your past. A lot of things flew through Annie’s mind as she considered the offer, weighing the pros and cons. But there was something, like a gravity, a strong magnetic pull in her mind that just didn’t want to let her leave. It whispered that she belonged here, and that not everything is lost yet. In the end, she shook her head.
“No, I don’t want to run.”
“I just…. Feel bad sweetie. I’ve been a terrible father, made your life so much harder….”
“That’s not entirely your fault. I could have stopped you anytime, but I didn’t, I just… I just wanted the guidance you gave me, and I turned a blind eye towards the fact that it was a bad one.”
Her father laughed, his body next to her rumbling with the sound.
“We fucked up a lot of things, didn’t we?”
Even with all the shit they were going through, with everything seemingly falling apart around her, Annie could feel her lips curving upwards into a smile.
“We sure did.”
But maybe, just maybe, they can fix it.
If she was being honest, Hitch didn’t expect so many lines to go through when she gave her patient the assignment. But, as it was usual with repressed feelings, once the dam broke, there was no stopping the flood. They were sitting in her office for a better part of the hour already, but they were far from done.
“Overprotective.”, she read on Eren’s half, raising her eyes towards Armin.
“He’s very careful about everyone, honestly, he hates making people hurt. But those instincts are boosted to thousand percent when it comes to Mikasa.”
“Being careful with the people you love is quite common, wouldn’t you say? What’s the line between being protective and overprotective according to you?”
“I have a perfect event to back up this point.”, Armin sat up a bit straighter as he combed his memory for the exact thing he was looking for, while Hitch waited patiently. It was usually like this. The lines he wrote on paper were accompanied by a story, one that he wanted to get off his chest. Armin had a lot of things pent up inside him, and Hitch was glad that he was finally talking. The incident with Annie, the one that supposedly made him try to take his life was just a tip of the iceberg, a breaking point, but there was a whole lot of ice beneath the water surface.
“Mikasa had an accident, about two years back, something related to training.”, he furrowed his eyebrows, “I can’t recall the specifics, but I do remember that Eren was freaking out about it, even when it was nothing that serious. She even told him that everything is fine, but he just wouldn’t listen. He took her to a hospital, for an x-ray scan, because he wanted to be sure.”, Armin raised a finger, “And here comes my point. He used his influence and the fact that he worked there, and everyone knew him of course, to skip the whole que, getting Mikasa in first while other people, even with more severe injuries, had to wait until she was done. Wouldn’t you say that it is a negative trait, at least partly?”
“I see your point.”, Hitch nodded, tapping the list with her pen, “And I think you are right, it’s a good one. Moving on.”, she redirected her gaze back at the paper, “Mikasa: Indestructible? Sounds like a movie title.”
“This one is pretty self-explanatory. She acts like she’s made of steel sometimes, completely ignoring the fact that her body is still human.”, Armin smirked, “It drives Eren crazy. It’s not really a negative trait or anything, but they did argue about the point a few times already.”
“It makes her partner worried, so it definitely has a place here. Now…”, Hitch looked up, seeing the clock on the wall nearing the end of an hour. She really wanted to go on, the list was giving her tons of resources to work with, but there were other patients on her schedule, and even good things shouldn’t be taken all at once. “Our time this week is almost done, but I feel like we made a lot of good progress, wouldn’t you say?”
Nodding, Arming stood up, stretching. It really did feel good.
“We can continue this next week, just after Halloween.”, Hitch said, watching him put his jacket on. “What about that; do you plan on going somewhere? A party?” It was good to gently nudge your patients to try and get out of their shells. Social occasions were useful if spent in the right company.
“I wasn’t planning to, but then Eren and Sasha planned a party at the bar we are working at. And I can’t really say no to that.”, he left out the fact that he didn’t want to, either. Now, standing here, watching Hitch, he felt an amazing idea slowly appear in his brain. “Maybe you could come with me? Unless you have something planned?”
“I’m not sure that would be proper.”, honestly Hitch didn’t plan on going anywhere, she didn’t like losing control over her actions, meaning she wasn’t much interested in drinking, and that’s what Halloween parties were most about, no?
“Please doc?”, Armin tried again, doing his best puppy eyes, “No one knows about the fact that you are my therapist, apart from Eren and Mikasa. You can come as my friend, not a doctor.” Seeing that she still wasn’t sold, he pulled out his trump card. “Eren usually drinks a lot, and it���s pretty funny to watch you know….”
Well, maybe she didn’t have to get drunk herself, but seeing other’s do it could be educational. And also, she could go to provide her patient with emotional support and stuff. Yep, that was a good reason.
“Well, if you are sure that I won’t get in anyone’s way…”
Armin seemed to be really happy about the fact that she gave in in the end.
“Oh no, not at all, it’s going to be loads of fun, I promise!”
“So, this is my reward? Eternal waiting?”
Mikasa laughed from the bathroom.
“Patience is a virtue baby.”
With a sigh, he let his head fall back on the sofa, melting into the soft material. Whatever Mikasa had planned, he just hoped that it won’t be too exhausting, because he was beat after his shift at the hospital. That didn’t mean that he didn’t plan on enjoying anything she threw at him fully, of course. Finally, the door opened and let the woman of his heart in, dressed in a bathrobe with a smile on her lips. It was easy to see what took her such a long time, as her features were enhanced by a much more makeup than usual.
“Training for Halloween already?”, he asked with a grin of his own, gesturing towards her face.
Mikasa shook her head.
“When I’ll start training for Halloween, you can be damn sure that you will be my guinea pig, trying stuff on yourself is not as…satisfying.”
Eren had the creeping suspicion that originally, she wanted to end the sentence with funny, but whatever response he had planned got canceled because she picked just that moment to pull on her belt, letting the robe drop on the ground. He sucked in a breath. The black lace of her underwear combined with strappy heels of the same color she picked were the only things covering her body, but from the way she walked it was clear to see that the clothing was only part of the show. She came close, leaning on the sofa next to Eren, who gave her his undivided attention, her smile widening when she thought just how much he was reacting to her.
“I heard that someone requested a private dance, do I have it right?”
It took him a few moments before he realized that she’s expecting an answer and nodded rapidly.
“Okay…”, slowly, she dragged a finger down his face, “You do remember the rules of the club, don’t you?”
“No touching.”, he confirmed, putting his hands on the sofa next to him, palms up.
Satisfied with his obedience, she gracefully slit into his lap, hips touching him in just the right places. Eren had to fight his arms from automatically holding her waist, but he forced them down. A dancer huh? Mikasa’s body was amazingly flexible and lithe, and while she used those skills in the ring most of the time, they could very well be made to work on a more sensual activity. Like lap dancing. It wasn’t the first time they did a stripper roleplay, but it was the first since…. Fuck, what was the girl’s name? Jade? Eren grimaced a bit, the memories of the club were not amongst his most treasured ones. Mikasa must have noticed his change of expression, because she stopped, confused.
“Something wrong?”, she asked, cocking her head to the side.
“No, no, everything is amazing, please continue.”
But as always, she wasn’t buying it.
“Eren…”, she started slowly, her eyes narrowing.
She deserved to know about it, about it all, the whole stupid experiment that Hange put him through. But fuck, with her here on his lap, he seriously hoped that she will wait, at least until the play is done.
“Okay, there is something, but it’s nothing serious. Can we talk after? Please?”
She sighed, shaking her head a bit.
“Only because you are such a good boy.”, she said, tapping his chest with the tip of her finger. “But you are not off the hook, we are going to talk about it, understand?”
He couldn’t nod fast enough. Curiosity satisfied, at least for now, Mikasa started moving again, and Eren’s head fell back with a sigh.
This night is going to be a long one.
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