#and for the lantern aus just search up hal and jason on ao3 and click their relationship tag
mikakuna · 14 days
What are your fav Jason Todd tropes???
hey omg, i'm so sorry about replying to this so late but!!!
1. i'm a big queer jason truther <3 2. omega jason is literally my favvvv because there are so many ways to explore it and as someone who loves mama jason, omegaverse is the way to go! he's also generally more appreciated by the other characters in omegaverse and i love when he's portrayed as beautiful/desirable since i'm a sucker for in-story character perception like that.
3. competent jason is a hugeee thing for me. i need everyone to see how skilled he truly is because this man is insanely capable but always dumbed down for other comic characters/written beneath everyone else.
4. found family trope for jason is amazing!!!! especially for jason fans who don't like batfam. it's very nice to see jason interact with other characters/ocs as his new family and actually be shown love. for example, i rlly love lantern jason aus because he gains a better family through the green lanterns. honestly any older character besides bruce serving as a parental figure for jason is super enjoyable because it gives space for jason to explore his complicated and or abusive relationships with previous/canon parental figures.
5. kinda similar as prev but learning what it's like to be loved/cared for trope where a character who's been continually mistreated learns how it feels to be seen. this is a good one for jason since he's been a caretaker since his youth with catherine, sheila, and even bruce. i feel like every relationship jason has, romantic or not-- he would go into it with the belief that he has to give much more than he should take.
6. nerd/genius jason!!!!! literally top of my list. when the bats underestimate him/see him as strictly impulsive and reckless, i loveeee when he just shows them all how he's the exact opposite of what they've come to believe. he was canonically bruce's best student/learner and basically reached dick's level of gymnastics in such a small amount of time. there's a post somewhere on here about his many skills, both physical and intellectual. he's way too smart and skilled to be labelled as the brute of the family in comparison to tim and dick. genius jason is used way too little in this fandom unfortunately :(
i have a bunch more but these are on top!
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