#and for them to both be having crazy extramarital affairs the whole time
hija-ck · 5 months
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these two are gonna have the most loveless marriage
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starastrologyy · 2 years
Astrology Observations 🍂
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Please do not repost my work on any other social media platform 🤍
I was on YouTube, and Maren Altman made the observation that people who have the ruler of the 5th or the 7th house in the 12th house often experience their “shadow-side” in the context of romantic relationships. This is because the 12th house is the house that represents ‘self-undoing’. So, it’s not uncommon to see people who have this placement engage in secret relationships, extramarital affairs, or participate in relationships that are not in their best interest. Now obviously not EVERYONE with this placement will behave this way, but it is one way in which this placement can manifest. This observation was made in reference to the whole Adam Levine scandal. (Adam Levine actually has the ruler of his 5th in the 12th)!!!
I’ve definitely mentioned this before on my TikTok and on here, but it’s really crazy how many Aquarius moons come from single-parent households! This is a common theme that I’ve noticed among aqua moons! Sometimes it’s because one parent passed away or they have both parents, but they were primarily raised by the one parent.
Jupiter transiting the 7th house of a composite chart, can show a time in which the two people get married or make their relationship ‘official’. IF they are still in the early dating phase.
Similarly, Jupiter transiting the 5th house of a composite chart can show a time where the couple are expecting a child, or planning to have one.
It’s so interesting because the sign over the 9th house cusp can often show you what you are likely going to study at university if you decide to go. For example, I’ve seen so many people with Sagittarius on the 9th house cusp study linguistics, philosophy, political science, foreign policy, or religion in college. This placement (a sag 9H) can also indicate that you are likely to travel abroad for college.
If someone’s moon falls into your 4th house, you likely feel very comfortable around them, and you tend to tell them things that you usually wouldn’t tell other people. There’s a sense of emotional vulnerability present with this overlay. I actually think it’s quite similar to having someone’s moon falling in your 12th. However, it’s not as jarring or intrusive as the 12th house overlay. It’s more of a comfortable vulnerability rather than feeling as if they see right through you.
The Asteroid ‘Union’ on an angle of a composite chart can indicate marriage. This is especially true if Union if found in the 10th house (making a conjunction to the MC).
Celebrities & public figures who have Saturn in the 10th house, tend to be in the limelight for quite a long time. Their careers or ‘impact’ tends to span over many years, even in careers that are known to have a relatively short shelf-life. Take Tom Brady for example! He has Saturn in the 10th, and he has been playing football for a little over 20 years. Saturn governs longevity after all, and the 10th house rules over our careers and our reputation, so this definitely makes sense. Some celebrities/ public figures who have (or had) Saturn in the 10th are: Kim kardashian, Michael Jackson, Queen Elizabeth, Oprah Winfrey, Paris Hilton, Albert Einstein, JFK are some examples.
So Chiron often gets a bad rep, but it’s important to note that whilst Chiron does represent our ‘deepest wounds’ and where we are likely going to experience some levels of trauma. It also represents the area of life in which we will be able to heal others, once we have healed ourselves. So, I thought I’d just provide a brief list of occupations/careers that would be best suited to you, based on your Chiron placement.
Chiron in the 1st: Working as a self-confidence coach, helping people who have issues with their physical appearance. Working as a body-confidence coach is also a possibility. Alternatively, you could work in a profession that enhances people’s physical appearance. For example, make-up artist, stylist, etc..
Chiron in the 2nd: helping people when it comes to their finances and sense of self-worth. Working as a financial advisor, self-help coach, or in any profession that allows you to help people manage their finances. (Helping those who have experienced financial insecurity).
Chiron in the 3rd: working as a speech therapist, or helping individuals who have speech impediments.
Chiron in the 4th: This is an interesting one as the 4th house is also linked to our emotions. So, you can help individuals who come from broken homes or perhaps people who have deeply ingrained emotional trauma. A literal manifestation of this placement is helping those who are homeless.
Chiron in the 5th: working as a social worker who helps kids from disadvantaged backgrounds or those who are from abusive households. Alternatively, you may be a surrogate or help women who have a difficult time conceiving children. Another manifestation is working as an artist(musician, painter, actor) and healing others through your art.
Chiron in the 6th: working as a doctor, surgeon, holistic healer, or any profession that allows you to heal people who are experiencing physical pain. Helping those with physical disabilities or even those who wish to take care of the physical bodies. For example, working as a nutritionist or a personal trainer.
Chiron in the 7th: Working as a marriage counselor or working as a divorce lawyer.
Chiron in the 8th: working as a sex therapist, or as a healer to those who have experience significant levels of psychological and sexual trauma. Working as a severe trauma specialist/counselor. Alternatively, you may work in a profession that promotes sex positivity or one that encourages people to embrace their sensuality.
Chiron in the 9th: working as a priest or as a ‘spiritual mentor/teacher ’. Master Sri Akarshana is a perfect example of what I’m talking about. Alternatively, you may work to help heal individuals who have religious or spiritual trauma. For example, providing healing for those who grew up in cults or were forced to practice a certain religion or spiritual teaching. In essence, you work to heal and liberate the minds of those who have been conditioned to believe a certain ideology.
Chiron in the 10th: this is a very interesting one as I know so many people with this placement who are in medical school (I’m not even exaggerating). BUT, this placement is also common in the charts of people who help others find their calling/purpose in life. So, you may work as a career counselor or as someone who encourages people to take the road less traveled in life. People who achieve great success by unconventional means often have Chiron in the 10th. But working in the ‘healing professions’ is a very common manifestation of Chiron in the 10th.
Chiron in the 11th: Although Chiron in the 11th can be very isolating on a social level. This is a very powerful placement to have your Chiron. This is because Chiron here suggests that you have the potential to help heal others on a very large scale. This means working as a philanthropist, humanitarian, or as a person who helps large communities of people.
Chiron in the 12th: this placement contends that you have the potential to help people who experience mental illness or drug addiction. The 12th house represents the “unseen realms” so, working as a hypnotherapist is a possibility. When I think of Chiron in the 12th house, I picture those people who run spiritual wellness retreats!
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fkinavocado · 2 years
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in which Harry owns a candy store and he just loves giving good girls special treats… especially after closing time (candyman!Harry)
Warning: 18+, smut, slight age gap (younger male/older female), dark!harry
Hard candy- Masterlist / alternatively, read on wattpad
Part 3 (Word count: 2.8k) - posted 15h August
Harry yawned, resting his chin in his hand, his elbow propped onto the counter in his candy store. He checked his wristwatch again, huffing in annoyance. It was awful, but someone had to do it. And by “had to”, he meant it in the literal sense.
He owned the store and for… legal reasons, he couldn’t hire a salesman. He had to be the one to do it. The candyman, as it were.
It was excruciatingly boring. But he had no choice but to sit there, Monday to Friday, from 11am to 7pm and put on a chipper attitude for the kids and a seductive lilt for the ladies. The latter of which he didn’t mind at all, usually. Not that he minded the kids either, he was genuinely fond of kids. Otherwise he would’ve pretty much gone mad doing this for the past 2 years. But the ladies were the only true perk of this whole thing (except for the other undisclosed ones of running this business).
Who would’ve thought that being a candyman would get him laid as much as it did? Not him, but it was the only thing that kept him from going batshit crazy with boredom on the daily. It was easy, really. Kids would rarely come into the store by themselves. Usually they’d be accompanied by their nannies or mothers. Thankfully not so much grandmothers, as they tended to not want to overly spoil their grandkids or were too mindful of looming cavities. The odd male customer now and again, but unfortunately chivalry seemed to have indeed died, since so few ever stepped over his threshold. Women, as it turned out, were much more inclined to either succumb to their own sweet-tooth, or make a nice gesture in the form of gift giving candies to someone else.
His favourite were the mothers, though. The MILFs, as Harry unashamedly called them.
Harry couldn’t deny it, he’d always had a thing for older women, and there was just something about women that had children of their own. Mothers were just instinctively nurturing, warm, empathic, kind, gentle whilst simultaneously strong, fierce, downright cutthroat when it came to protecting what was theirs. And, to Harry, they were women, in the truest sense of the word. Not all women were cut out to be mothers, you had to really be a force to be reckoned with to want to take on such a role. 
On top of all that, Harry found mature women to be extremely in tune with their bodies. They knew what they wanted, how they wanted it, and they took what they wanted unapologetically. Something primal seemed to awaken within women that had given birth, it’s like a switch they’d flick within themselves and they’d finally realize their inegalable worth in this world. They knew they were unstoppable. And fuck, was that sexy.
Having been with both younger and older women, he much preferred the latter because of all of these reasons. Younger women had their own appeal to be sure, but he just found himself significantly more attracted to older ones, both physically and on an emotional level as well. He found that he just didn’t quite have the patience for women younger than him, and at 27 that shrunk his dating pool considerably, most having already gotten married by the very least by then.
Harry knew it was twisted of him, but fucking married women was, to him, maybe the most exciting experience. Apart from the obvious thrill of bettering another man and taking what was rightfully someone else’s, he absolutely loved treating these neglected women (for otherwise they wouldn’t be seeking an extramarital affair, after all) the way they deserved to be treated. Most were downright touch starved, and extremely willing to please. He’d treat them right and they would shower him in praise and be so, so grateful and eager to express their gratitude- however he deemed fit.
Not that he was complaining, but Harry just couldn’t understand how come such gorgeous, amazing women were being neglected by their husbands. Some men just didn’t know how to appreciate the treasure they’d somehow landed, since obviously they weren’t deserving of it in the first place. He didn’t understand how so many chased younger women in detriment of what they had back home, since, he for one thought mature women were so much more fun in bed. Maybe some men got off to the idea of showing a woman how to properly suck them off but he for one much rathered someone who knew exactly how to work him to the point where he was rendered speechless. These women were experienced, and they were more than capable of catering to a man’s needs instead of just being pillow princesses. 
And Gabrielle was testament to all of this. Could a younger woman pull off what she’d done to him the previous night? Not likely. He smirked to himself remembering her little stunt at the end there, where she left him high and dry after she got hers and he felt himself getting hard at the memory of it alone. Was it infuriating? Yes. Infuriatingly hot.
He loved a woman that could challenge him in bed. And Gabrielle, sweet, proper Gabrielle, the one he’d lusted after ever since he’d first landed eyes on, was the most pleasant surprise in a long while. 
How many times had he fantasised about fucking her brains out while poor old David was at work? He’d lost count. She’d been his wet dream for so long, the hot MILF across the fence, but she ended up exceeding all his expectations. She was such a good match for him, she had no idea.
Literally. They hadn’t even gotten to the good part when she left. He didn’t get to prove himself to her, and he was kicking himself for it. He should’ve tried harder, but he was just so stunned by her boldness and taken aback by the mere fact that she actually showed up, not to mention enthralled by their little nurse/patient act, that he just lost himself in the moment, completely giving himself over to her. 
He wasn’t mad at her for leaving like that, if anything it ignited his obsession for her to the point where it was now all consuming. He was just upset that he couldn’t show her how good he could give it to her. Aside from eating her sweet cunt out, he’d just sat there and let her take the reigns, which had felt amazing and by the way she’d reacted the feeling had been mutual, but he didn’t get to prove himself to her and fuck her like he’d always imagined.
The doorbell chimed, snapping him out of his reverie, and his eyes landed on one of his regulars. A smirk played on his lips remembering how the woman in front of him had gagged on him last time she’d been in there, and judging by her mirrored expression she was recounting the same events in her mind’s eye.
"Why, hello there. Anything I can help you with today?" he smiled devilishly at her. She was definitely younger than him, but just because he had a preference for MILFs didn’t mean he didn’t enjoy other women as well. A pity that he couldn’t get closer to the real deal, to satiate his particular craving after Gabrielle had left him wanting, but she’d do just fine. She always did.
"Yeah, actually. Ever since I woke up today I've been craving something sweet. Do you happen to have any lollipops or... I don’t know, something else to suck on that will last a bit longer? I just can never seem to have enough of these things."
It wasn’t long until Harry shut the blinds in the store and flipped the sign over to “we’re closed” before locking the door securely and turning all his undivided attention to his eager customer “Well, well. If it isn’t your lucky day. Sounds like you got a bit of an oral fixation” he chuckled lowly, eyeing her from under the lashes of his hooded eyes
“Maybe some of those jawbreakers…” she hummed
Harry winced, biting his lower lip “Those are really sour tasting though, and you mentioned you’d like something sweet…”
She batted her eyelashes innocently at him “I don’t mind a bit of sourness… would it make me drool a lot?”
“They’re quite big also… wouldn’t be able to close your mouth all the way and you’ll definitely drool all the way down the middle of your… generous decolletage, there” Harry swallowed thickly
“I don’t mind getting a bit messy” the women leaned over the counter for him to get an even better view of what he was staring at already
“…Let me give you a sample, then” he beckoned her with a come hither motion of his index finger and just like that, she once again found herself deepthroating Harry behind the counter.
But he was craving more than just that today, he wanted to scratch the itch Gabrielle had left him with and he decided the woman whose name he didn’t even know was going to have to do. It wasn’t long before he pulled her off of him with an audible pop, then turned her around and splayed her upper half over the counter. “Be a doll and hold on tight, sweetheart” he warned sweetly as he quickly pulled on a condom he always had at the ready and then pushed into her from behind without facing much resistance. She was positively dripping for him.
“Hard enough for you, darling?” he asked, pounding into her mercilessly. They could hear all the candy rattle in their glass jars on the display with each hard thrust of his hips against her bottom. 
She shook her head, holding her breath “Harder!”
Harry growled, sliding out of her, pressing her chest flat against the counter using his large hand, the other landing right across the tender flesh of her ass for legerage, the echo of his slap resonating throughout the candy store before he impaled her in one swift, hard thrust “Fucking take it, then!”
The woman shrieked as he drove into her deeper than anyone had probably ever reached “Oh, God! Don’t stop!”
“Wasn’t planning to” he gritted his teeth, then yanked at her ponytail causing the angle to change dramatically and she cried out, pleasure visibly overtaking her every senses as her pubic bone now also continuously hit the hard surface of the counter “Like that, sweet thing? You’re the sweet, I’m the hard. Makes. For. A. Great. Combo” he punctuated each word with a hard thrust “Don’t you think?”
She didn’t get to reply, her orgasm seemingly completely taking her by surprise making her shake violently as he rode her through it just right, milking every single aftershock out of her.
“Lasted long enough for you, darling? C'mon. Back on your knees. You can suck on hard candy all you want for being such a good girl. There’s even a surprise filling at the end, ah? Only the best for you, sweet thing. Now open up”
Harry was nothing if not indulgent. A generous lover. She wanted him down her throat and he couldn’t deny her, ultimately.
Needless to say, it wasn’t the worst of jobs, fronting the store. These sweet “lunch breaks” more than made up for the overall boredom that came with selling candy.
But even boredom was welcomed when his after hours comprised of much more… thrilling activities. 
Closing the store (for real, this time), Harry emptied the register. He shook his head amusedly; how the IRS bought into him owning this candy shop for 2 years with minimal profit, barely breaking even actually, was beyond him. But a good accountant was priceless in these scenarios, and that’s why he had the best of the best. 
Jeff wasn’t the kind of man you’d suspect to be into laundering money. Which was precisely what he needed. Again, priceless.
Switching off the lights he unlocked the backdoor that led to the storage. Nothing spectacular if you didn’t count the hidden door that led to the basement. Said basement hadn’t been included in the blueprint of the store, of course. It was practically, legally at least, nonexistent. Opening it up using the passcode hidden behind boring wall decor, he was met with the scowl of his… business partner.
“You know, these walls really aren’t as soundproof as they should be” the man mumbled as he continued his meticulous work unphased
Harry smirked “Oh, really?”
The man finally made eye contact “Wipe that smirk off your face. I make important phone calls in here. Haul stuff in here”
Harry shrugged amusedly “S’just candy”
“Yeah, when I haul it in. How about when I take it out back?”
Harry feigned confusion “Still candy, of course. Whatever are you implying, Mitch?”
The young man rolled his eyes and resumed his work, muttering his disapproval
“Any deliveries due for tonight?” Harry assumed a more serious tone, approaching his friend
“Yeah, Niall will be over in a few”
Harry nodded “Good, good. Quite a few this week so far, eh?”
Mitch huffed, raising his eyebrows, visibly pleased with how things were progressing. Harry was pleased as well. Everything was going swimmingly.
Just then they heard the passcode being punched in from the other side of the discreet yet sturdy door, sliding it open. 
“Speak of the devil” Harry hummed at the young man climbing down the few steps towards them, rubbing his hands together 
“All set?”
“Almost” Mitch carefully finished assembling the last batch under the watchful gaze of his partners
Harry then diverted his gaze back to his fairer friend “What’s the story here?”
Niall flinched away from Harry’s prodding finger, caressing his brow bone in its wake “Just a minor… misunderstanding”
“Anything I should be worried about?”
“Nah, it’s fine I’ll ice it when I get home”
Harry deadpanned “I wasn’t referring to your blackeye”
Niall crossed his arms over his chest “Ever the doting friend, aren’t ya? No, nothing to worry about. I handled it” Harry raised an eyebrow to which Niall reiterated “I did!” he raised his fisted hand, showing off his bruised knuckles 
Harry winced playfully “You really should consider my method” he mirrored his friend’s stance, showcasing his ring adorned fingers
“Yeah, I’ll pass”
Harry shrugged “You’re missing out. They’re quite fun to use in the bedroom as well, see? I turn the H and S ones over towards my palm and ta-da! Got my initials all over some lucky chick’s ass”
“And bonus, Mitch gets to hear all about it in the basement!” Mitch sing-songs sarcastically and Niall cackles his trademark laughter 
“Yeah, I’ll pass. You do you, though”
“Or literally anybody else” Mitch countered
“Hey” Harry scolded over his friends’ cackles “Not anybody”
“Anybody over 30, my apologies”
Harry squinted his eyes “If you must know, what you just heard upstairs was me railing someone younger. She couldn’t have been older than 23”
“Yeah, slow day. I get bored in here too, so I’m not judging”
Harry rolled his eyes to Niall’s amusement and Mitch’s lips ghosted a faint smile, visibly pleased with his comebacks. They both loved to tease Harry for what they called his “mommy kink” although Harry insisted that was not what it was. And it wasn’t, truly, which is what irked him about his friends’ presumptions of his taste in women, however jestingly they’d meant it.
“That true, H? Is it really slim pickings out there? Maybe I should front the store for a while and you can handle deliveries for a change, then”
“How altruistic of you, Niall”
“I know. ‘Tis what I’m known for”
“Absolutely. Mitch, how about you? Wanna beat someone up? Since we’re switching places let’s just fuck it all up while we’re at it” he shrugged 
Mitch gasped “Sick! Been dying to use my signature roundhouse kick”
“Only we can’t let H in here with the goods, can we?” Niall cackled but his own laughter died down on its own when he realized he’d taken it too far. 
After a long moment of awkward silence, Harry muttered “Guess we can’t, can we” he then cleared his throat “Ok. I’m off for the evening. You guys good?”
“Mhm” Niall nodded, avoiding eye contact and Mitch gave him a knowing look
“Night, bossman”
Harry gestured a halfhearted wave as he climbed up the stairs and made his way out of the store using the backdoor, unlocking his car remotely.
“Guess we can’t” he mumbled to himself, driving off, changing gears a tad more forcefully than required.
A/N: soooooooooooooo, we learn a bit more about harry. looks like it's more to him than just a candyman with a high libido 👀 i'm excited to take this story further! can't wait to read your thoughts on it so far! oh and yeah, hope you like the new characters as well 😆
💕 like & reblog if you’re enjoying this, lovelies, and most importantly, please come share your thoughts on it here 💌
🦋follow me on wattpad to get notified whenever i post something new/update! 🦋
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
Adult Swim, Part 2 of 3 {Charlie Barber x virgin!Reader}
author’s notes: hello, hello! happy fourth of july to everyone celebrating. here’s part two of “adult swim” :) things are heating up, y’all!
warnings: smut. some fluff. making out. nose kink oops. over-the-clothes touching & oral (f receiving). handjob. some grinding. thigh-fucking.
(possible) tw’s: age difference. infidelity/extramarital affair. semi-public smut.
table of contents pt. one pt. two * pt. three
my taglist peeps: @frank-and-honey @shygirl268 @icarusinthesea​ ​@gildedstarlight @mrs-zimmerman​ @soldmysoulagain @roseepossee​ @pascalisfairyy​ (if you’d like to be added to or removed from my taglist, the link to the google form is HERE or on the top of my masterlist.)
(can we just take a moment of silence, dedicated to the masterpiece that is adam driver’s/charlie barber’s side profile? *drools*)
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You’ve come to dread Fourth of July weekend ever since you became a lifeguard. Although it’s a fun celebration, the pool stayed open much later than normal for the whole weekend, which meant that you had to work longer hours.
Sure, you liked cashing the overtime paycheck, and you always managed to get a few free meals out of the deal thanks to community members, but it was hard work. 
Luckily, this year, you had Charlie to help you through the long days. You couldn’t actually see him, not properly anyway, but he did come over and chat with you a few times for a bit while Nicole watched with a suspicious glare. 
Rain clouds have shrouded the sun’s warm glow and a bolt of lightening streaks across the gray sky, followed by a clap of thunder that rumbles the Earth. Everyone is forced to get out of the pool and sit under the covered patios until the rain and storm have passed over. 
You’re making your way towards the lifeguard’s lounge when a large hand holds your shoulder, effectively stopping you in your tracks. When you turn to look at who the hand is connected to, you smile.
“Mr. Barber.” You say, politely.
He nods. “Coach. Do you need to, uh...check on anything in the storage area?”
The breath catches in your throat as he looks into your eyes, sending a chill down your spine. You know what that look means...
“Now that you mention it, the manager asked me to check on the cleaning supply stock...” You say, a lopsided smirk tugging at the corner of your mouth. “You’re more than welcome to join me, if you’d like.”
He looks over his shoulder, happy to see that Nicole is deep in conversation with a group of other moms. 
“You had me at ‘now that you mention it’, coach.”
The two of you scurry off to the back storage area, which is basically just a cage with a roof, and Charlie immediately pins you against the wall. He kisses your neck while he grinds his pelvis against your lower stomach.
You move to jump up and wrap your legs around his waist, but he stops you. You look up at him with a furrowed brow.
“Wanna fuck your thighs today, coach.” He breathes against your neck. “Turn around and keep your legs together for me, alright?”
Nodding, you flip yourself around so that your front is now pressed up against the cage, making sure to keep your thighs together. You look over your shoulder as he begins untying his swim trunks.
“No peeking, Y/N. You know the rules: you’re not allowed to see me until I spread your legs and take your virginity.”
Your head turns back to its normal position and you hear him stroking himself behind you. You want nothing more than to see his cock, touch it, appreciate it; but alas, he won’t allow it.
His small grunts and groans are more erotic than they ought to be and you can feel the slick beginning to dampen your folds. He's standing at full attention, now, and he takes a step forward to press himself up against you. 
Your breath hitches as his thick length slides between your thighs, earning a small breathy grunt from the large man behind you. He lets out a shaky sigh before drawing back, then snapping his hips forward again.
“O-Oh, coach.” He breathes into your ear, hands planting next to the top of your head on either side. “Thaaaaaat’s good, so good.”
His little grunts and groans are music to your ears and, mixed with the smack-smack-smack of his skin colliding with yours, it’s an erotic symphony.
“We’ve gotta h-hurry. Storm’s gonna pass over s-soon.” You whisper.
Charlie nods, increasing his thrusting rhythm two-fold. He pants into your ear, one hand sliding down from the wall to wrap around your throat. 
“I’m gonna fuck your little virgin cunt so hard.” He growls, reaching down to grab your hip. “Gonna f-fuck you just like this, coach. Right after your pussy stretches out around my cock, I’m gonna fuck you nice and h-hard, make you cum.” 
You moan, biting your lip. “C-Charlie...fuck.”
“Ohhhhhhhhh, Y/N, I’m c-close. Gonna cum--” His hips come to an abrupt halt and he buries his face in the crook of your neck as he cums, a low groan muffled against your skin.
Your head tilts down just in time to see the liquid ropes erupt from between your legs and you can feel the way his length pulses before each rope shoots out.
He’s panting against your neck, planting the occasional open-mouthed kisses on your skin as he catches his breath. Once he regains control of his breathing, he tucks himself back into his swim trunks and turns you around, holding your hips.
“Sorry I didn’t have time to make you cum, coach. I’ll make it up to you next time, I promise.”
You shake your head, smiling up at him. “No apology necessary, Charlie. I still had a good time, regardless. You know I like helping you get off.”
Charlie bends down and presses a kiss to the tip of your nose, laughing softly when your face crinkles up. “You’re the best. Now, you should probably get back out there before anyone gets suspicious. I’ll hang back for a bit, have a cigarette or something.”
“See you soon, C.” You say before heading towards the door.
“You’ve never used that one before, coach.” He says, causing you to turn around.
“Oh, uh, yeah. It just sorta slipped out. Sorry.”
“No need.” His lips tug up into a smile. “I kinda like it.”
The union between Charlie and Nicole has been noticeably shaken and strained as of late, you’ve noticed. You wonder if she somehow found out about you and Charlie.
Ever since the first private swim lesson, you and Charlie have been rendezvousing under the starlight on a weekly basis. Sure, there’s been some swimming involved, but it usually doesn’t last very long. He can’t keep his hands off you for more than about fifteen minutes at a time when you’re together.
It’s not just the physical connection; you and Charlie have incredibly compatible personalities, too. You get along really well and there’s a lot of natural chemistry between the two of you. You find yourself counting the minutes until the pool closes on lesson days, count the seconds until Charlie walks through the gate.
Tonight, you’re already in the pool when Charlie arrives, practicing your own technique. He sets his bag down on one of the loungers and watches as you make your way back down the lane in backstroke. He can’t help but look at your breasts, he’s got the perfect angle to look down your suit...
You flip back over and pull the goggles up over your head, smiling as you swim up and pull yourself onto the side of the pool.
“Hey, C.”
He smirks, walking over and jumping into the pool, swimming up to you with just his eyes above the surface. You giggle as he grabs hold of your ankles and lifts them up, forcing your upper body to fall back against the pool deck.
“Good evening, coach.”
His lips kiss and nibble at your ankle bones before trailing up your leg. Your skin erupts in goosebumps as his kisses draw closer and closer to your clothed center, which has already begun to heat up from his actions.
Your eyes never break away from his as he sucks at the tender flesh of your inner thighs, just at the hem of your bathing suit bottoms. You suck in a sharp breath when his nose lightly drags across your crotch, and his eyebrows raise.
“What was that, coach?” He asks, grinning to himself. “Did you...like something that I did, in particular?”
You’ve always sort of had a thing for Charlie’s nose, you have no idea why you found something so not traditionally sexy attractive, but now all you’re thinking about is how lovely it’d feel to have his nose bumping against your clit as he eats you out.
“Um, w-well, I--”
His nose swipes back over your crotch, cutting you off and replacing the rest of your response with a gasp. He grins wickedly.
“Oh, so that’s what you like.” A low chuckle escapes his lips.
He does it again, and again, nose dragging against your damp crotch. You’re practically dripping by now, the feeling and sight of him rubbing against you is simultaneously too much and not enough.
“Charlie...” You breathe, chewing your lip.
His finger comes up and teases your entrance over your suit, pushing some of the fabric in before letting it snap back into place. Your legs instinctively fall open further at his movements, eyes fluttering shut as his mouth hovers over your clothed crotch. 
He looks up at you, then. “You’re gonna cum just like this, coach, or you’re not gonna cum at all. Understood?”
You nod. “Y-Yes, Mr. Barber.”
The formality, the seeming innocence of that name always seems to drive him crazy and he grunts, quickly diving in. The tip of his aquiline nose swipes all around your covered folds while his lips and hot breath teases your center.
You’re embarrassingly close already, both the sights and sensations being created between your legs impossible to resist. You simply can’t bring yourself to peel your eyes away as he continues to bring you closer and closer to a soft release.
“Are you close already?” He asks with a smirk, eyes meeting yours.
Before you can respond, his finger presses up against your entrance, pushing in just a little bit and swirling around. You gasp at the feeling, hips naturally pushing down against him in an attempt to encourage him deeper inside.
“Mmm, look at that. You want to be filled so badly, don’t you, coach?” Charlie says, voice low. “You’re so fucking desperate, trying to impale your little virgin cunt further on my finger. You want someone else’s fingers shoved up your pussy, want to cum on fingers other than your own, isn’t that right?”
You nod, chewing your lip while your hips gyrate against his touch. “Y-Yeah, I want i-it.”
His finger pushes up just a little bit more, bathing suit fabric stretching as it’s shoved up inside your quivering arousal. Your back arches and your breath catches in your throat at his movement, suddenly thrust to the edge of climax.
“Charlie...” You breathe. “Please.”
He grins cockily, circling his fingertip inside you while he mouths at your clit and scrapes his teeth across the clothed bud. You cum only a few moments later, groaning shakily as your hips jerk erratically.
Once you’ve ridden it out completely, Charlie pulls away and covers your inner thighs in kisses. You sit up and run your hands through his hair, smiling down at him. 
“You’re incredible.”
Charlie smiles, tugging your legs, encouraging you into the shallow water. “C’mere, let me kiss you.”
You allow yourself to slide down into the water, reaching up to wrap your arms around the back of his neck as his lips crash down onto yours. His hands grab your ass and pull you against him, a small growl rumbling through his chest when his erection rubs against your lower stomach.
“Let me touch you, C-Charlie.”
His eyebrows raise and he pulls away, looking into your eyes. “You know the rules, kid...”
“I don’t have to see you to make you feel good. I promise I won’t look, I just...I want to t-touch you. I want to make you cum.”
He inhales sharply, biting his lip as he thinks it over. He can’t pretend that he hasn’t wanted this since he first met you, but the thought of not allowing you to see or touch him until he’s ready to take your virginity is incredibly arousing...
“Alright, but you can’t pull me out of my shorts. Got it?”
You nod eagerly, pressing your lips onto his once again. He scoops you up and walks you over to the underwater bench, setting you down gently. His hand cradles the back of your head, cushioning it from the harsh pool ledge as you pull at the tie of his swim trunks.
His jaw clenches tightly and his eyebrows knit when your hand wraps around the base, a shaky breath leaving his flared nostrils. He keeps his forehead pressed against yours as you begin to stroke him slowly, breath hot on your lips.
“I-Is this okay?” You ask quietly.
He simply nods, back hunching and buttocks clenching as his hips begin to thrust forward in time with your pumps. His eyes squeeze shut, growling and mewling softly with each flick of your wrist.
“Ohhhhh god, Y/N, I...it’s b-been a while since someone’s tttttouched me like this. Your little h-hand ffffeels so nice.”
Your lips pull up into a small smile, flattered that he likes your touch so much. You reach up with your spare hand, spreading it out across the back of his head, pulling him down for another kiss.
Charlie fulfills your silent wish, moving his lips against yours. He disconnects a minute later, a line of sweat gathering at his hairline as his thrusts become more and more desperate and full of need.
“J-Jesus, I’m gonna cum s-soon, can’t last a-any longer.” He groans shakily, reaching down to grab your wrist, halting your touches. “Quick, l-lay back on the d-deck.”
You nod, hopping up out of the water and laying back, allowing enough room for him to get on top of you. His hand moves quickly on his cock as he climbs up and positions himself on top of you.
His hand grips your jaw, tilting your head up while he tugs his shorts down enough to expose his pulsing length. He begins grinding his bare cock against the fabric covering your stomach.
“Look at me, Y/N. I’m gonna--fuuuck--gonna c-cover your belly in m-my hot cum, s-stain your fuuucking b-bathing ssssuit. Are y-you ready?”
Right after you nod, his hips suddenly rut roughly against your stomach and he groans loudly, spurts of warm milky seed spreading across your torso. He snarls, grip tightening around your jaw as he cums all over you. His eyes never close or break your gaze, pupils blown wide with lust and arousal.
Seeing Charlie coming undone above you is a sight you make sure to commit to memory, not wanting to forget the way his face contorted in pleasure, the way his hips bucked against you, the sounds that fell from his pillowy lips. 
You’re convinced that there are little other sights more beautiful and erotic than the one you’ve just witnessed.
He lets go of your jaw and tucks himself back into his trunks while his lips leave open-mouthed kisses all over your face and throat. You sigh softly when he pulls away and stands up, already missing his presence on top of you.
“Sorry about the stain.” His eyes dart down to the dark red stain on your suit.
You shake your head, sitting up. “No worries. The chlorine will help.”
Charlie’s eyebrows furrow and you chuckle, standing up in front of him.
“You heard me right, Mr. Barber. I’m swimming along with you tonight. We’ll see how you hold up against a competitor.”
He smirks, reaching around to land a playful swat on your ass. “Try to catch me, coach.”
You gasp as he quickly turns around and leaps into the water, beginning to swim towards the lanes. You laugh, following behind.
“Oh, it is so on!”
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everythingtimeless · 7 years
Historical Hour With Hilary: 1x03
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If you’re interested on catching up on the earlier installments of this feature, they can be found here. Otherwise, I’m guessing you know the drill by now -- grab your Atomic Cocktail and put on your radiation stunna shades, we’re heading to Las Vegas in 1962 and yes, it actually was that crazy...
This week’s episode showcases the ways in which Timeless takes the time (see what I did there?) to tell stories that aren’t as well known: while the Hindenburg disaster and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln are hugely famous, landing the Time Team in ‘62 Vegas, not in the middle of any particular major event, gives them an opportunity to explore something that most of us probably didn’t know much about beforehand: the United States nuclear program at the height of the Cold War and the strange, strange world of the sixties. And if you’re wondering: yes, Vegas has always been that weird, but what happened there at the height of the Nevada Test Site’s operation didn’t exactly stay there. Established in 1951, about 65 miles northwest of Vegas, the site ran almost constant detonations until above-ground testing was banned (at least technically speaking) in 1963. And as you might expect, the rates of cancer and other diseases in the surrounding areas have been, for many years, a major problem.
The innocent world of the 1960s did not care about such things, however. An information brochure published in January 1955 by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission had this cheery advice for you:
Recovery of people injured by overexposure to radiation depends, as in the case of accidents, burns, or sickness, on the kind of injury and its severity. Many people who were severely injured by bomb radiation in Japan during World War II apparently made good recoveries. The important fact about radiation is that it takes quite a bit of overexposure to cause illness. Only when overexposures are very heavy is recovery problematical.
I don’t know about you, but to me, “don’t worry, some of those people at Hiroshima or Nagasaki were fine!!!” sounds an awful lot like, “don’t worry, not everyone who got the Black Death died!!!” The entire booklet is worth a read-through, because it will give you a sense of how minimal the danger from radiation to civilians was made to appear: both as a combination of limited understanding and purposeful misinformation. (What? you cry, clutching your pearls. The U.S. government lie to us in order to do something legally suspect? Never!) Meanwhile Vegas, always a place on the lookout to make a quick buck, but still a scrappy frontier town in those days, went in whole-hog on its newfound notoriety as “Atomic City.”  The Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce published schedules advertising detonation times and the places to get a best view; hotels bragged about windows overlooking mushroom clouds; “Atomic Cocktails” and “Atomic Parties” were big, and “America’s Only Atomic-Powered Singer,” performing early gigs in Vegas in the 50s, was a kid from Tupelo, Mississippi named Elvis Presley.  Seriously, go look at some of these pictures, but you might want to take a hazmat suit along with you. (Also look at some of these. It was a strange time. Though, given the existence of the National Atomic Testing Museum in modern-day Vegas, I’d say they’re still doing it.)
Furthermore, in 1962, the U.S government wasn’t just shooting off bombs in the middle of the desert for the hell of it. The Cuban Missile Crisis came very, very close to ending the world for 13 days in October 1962, and Sergei Khruschev’s account of it makes for terrifying reading; as the son of Nikita, he was present at the Kremlin throughout all of it and offers an insider’s view of the Russian side of the crisis, crediting U.S. President Kennedy and Soviet Premier Khruschev with, basically, saving the world from annihilation. At one point, nuclear war was less than a half-hour away, and the crisis was only backed down by Kennedy and Khruschev negotiating personally. (And then America and Russia never had any rivalry again and there were no more nuclear tensions, especially now that we have two unhinged megalomaniacs in charge of both countries... sleep tight, kiddies!) Sergei Khruschev’s perspective is a bit of an antidote to the highly politicized, American-nationalist, “Red Scare” view of the missile crisis that obtained both in 1962 and for many years after, and he remarks, “The press further inflamed emotions; the country lost its bearings; and the Cuban Missile Crisis became primarily an American psychological crisis” -- with which, I think, one must tend to agree with him. In the finale, the Time Team ends up in 1954 at the height of McCarthyism, less than ten years before the events of this episode, and we can see how fear of a supposedly all-powerful enemy was used to justify a massive civil rights crackdown and baseless persecution of any citizen who might be working for it. Boy, good thing we never did that again either!
In 1963, as a result of post-Missile Crisis diplomatic actions, the Limited Test Ban Treaty was signed, prohibiting above-ground nuclear testing (though it didn’t achieve full enforcement until 1980). It’s important to remember, however, that nuclear testing completely decimated the island and lives of those on Bikini Atoll, the Pacific test site, and most of the Nevada Test Site is, in fact, located on sacred Native American grounds. Its history has often been shrouded in secrecy, but if you want to read the very, very long list of the full tests conducted between 1945 and 1992, knock yourself out.
In this episode, we also meet Judith Campbell, one of JFK’s (many, many) mistresses and a considerably enigmatic figure; she claimed to be the mistress of multiple high-ranking Mob bosses as well as JFK’s, and to serve as a point of contact between them, but changed her story several times. She also claimed to have been part of negotiations between Kennedy and the Mob to kill Castro, which, given Kennedy’s obsession with killing Castro, aren’t all that out of the question. Kennedy’s own legacy has become controversial; generally admired for his work on civil rights and the Cold War, his constant extramarital affairs, bad health, and driving political ruthlessness and obsessions, have called into question some of the glow around his halo. Modern biographies range from sharply critical to more even-handed, though they tend to agree that Kennedy’s “Camelot” -- like, one may remark, “Atomic City” -- was a glittering illusion of the 1960s, which warrants a careful and critical look today. At the same time, the Department of Depressed Historians will pour you an “Oh My God We’re Doing Exactly the Same Shit All Over Again” drink (Atomic Cocktail optional). Cheers.
Next week: Big party with the Nazis! This should go well!
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