#and fragrance can produce either perfumes. pesticides. or toxins
undeadvinyls · 1 year
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new fuckers on the hero block before summer ends <33 oh wait it ended just im starting school on a different day oops
from L to R: Mrs. Chaossa, Evenfall, Fragrance
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hasansonsuzceliktas · 5 years
Phthalates: Not For My Body!
You have probably heard about these chemical products that poison us and cause kidney and liver failure, as well as hormonal and sexual problems. They can even influence your metabolism and make you fat, yet industries continue to use them in their products. What’s more, people still use these products, despite the danger being very well known. If these industries won’t protect you, how can you protect yourself? If you don’t like poisoning yourself, you’d better learn to take control. Here is a quick summary from Wikipedia about these dangerous substances: Phthalates are esters of phthalic acid and are mainly used as plasticizers (substances added to plastics to increase their flexibility, transparency, durability, and longevity). Phthalates are manufactured by reacting phthalic anhydride with alcohol(s) that range from methanol and ethanol (C1/C2) up to tridecyl alcohol (C13), either as a straight chain or with some branching. They are divided into two distinct groups, with very different applications, toxicological properties, and classification, based on the number of carbon atoms in their alcohol chain. They are used primarily to soften polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Lower-molecular-weight phthalates (3-6 carbon atoms in their backbone) are being gradually replaced in many products in the United States, Canada and European over health concerns. They are replaced by high-molecular-weight phthalates (those with more than 6 carbons in their backbone, which gives them increased permanency and durability). In 2010, the market was still dominated by high-phthalate plasticizers; however, due to legal provisions and growing environmental awareness and perceptions, producers are increasingly forced to use non-phthalate plasticizers. Phthalates are used in a wide range of common products, and are released into the environment. There is no covalent bond between the phthalates and plastics; rather, they are entangled within the plastic as a result of the manufacturing process used to make PVC articles. They can be removed by exposure to heat or with organic solvents. However, people are exposed to phthalates, and most Americans tested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have metabolites of multiple phthalates in their urine. Phthalate exposure may be through direct use or by indirect means through leaching and general environmental contamination. Diet is believed to be the main source of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and other phthalates in the general population. Phthalates are classed as “possibly carcinogenic,” and some scientists have linked the phthalate concentration in the body with insulin resistance and obesity. The potential health consequences include breast cancer, endocrine disruption, and adverse effects on the development of the male reproductive system, including infertility, decreased sperm count, undescended testes, and malformation of the penis. These chemicals are not just on our plates but almost everywhere, such as: Cosmetic products like make-up, shampoo, and shower gel Furniture Toys Medical equipment Packaging Pesticides, cleaning products, and many, many more To give an example, 59% of French wines that were tested contained phthalate, with 11% containing concentrations higher than permitted by the EU. So, how can we stay healthy when our environment is not that healthy? Consume as Little as Possible! An American study found that women typically have more phthalate in their bodies than men do, probably due to the cosmetics they use. Do you know that your skin is the largest organ in your body? It’s a living organ that absorbs some substances and rejects others. If you don’t believe me, try this experiment. Place a garlic clove between your toes before you go to sleep, making sure it’s secured with a band aid or sock. When you wake in the morning, you’ll have a taste of garlic in your mouth. This shows how the skin absorbs things and filters them into your blood. There’s a simple rule: If you wouldn’t put something in your mouth, don’t put it on your skin! The average woman uses more than 350 chemical products daily. In one study, the most commonly found form of phthalate was “diethyl ester phthalate” (DEP), which was present in 27 out of 48 tested cosmetic products (e.g., sprays, gels, mousses, etc.). To avoid these chemicals, use organic products. Also, read the product labels and discard any product that contains any of the following: di-2-ethylhexyl (DEHP, DOP), di-isononyle (DINP), di-isodecyle (DIDP), benzylbutyle (BBP), dibutyle (DBP), diethyle (DEP), di-cyclohexyle (DCHP), (DCP) di-n-octyle (DNOP), or dimethyle (DMP). You can also make your own cosmetic products. For example, coconut oil is a great moisturizer for the skin and hair. It’s also good for removing make-up, protecting against wrinkles, and it’s even a good toothpaste when combined with some organic mint essential oil. Argan oil also makes a great moisturizer, face cream, and make-up cleanser. Rose water and pomegranate water are also excellent face cleansers. Essential oils are great products for hair and skin care, and they can be used for perfume or home fragrance. Avoid Plastic Packaging for Meat and Dairy Products Some research shows that people who consume more meat and dairy products have double the phthalates in their body. This is most probably caused by consuming mass-produced, packaged products. Milk, for example, passes through plastic tubing on its journey to the carton, and meat typically comes in plastic packaging. If you want to drink milk, buy it in the old-style recycled glass bottles. This is also better for our planet. Don’t Let Your Food Come into Contact with Plastic Sure, plastic is practical. It’s light and airtight, so it protects your food from contact with air and oxidation. Unfortunately, however, it contaminates your food. You’re better off using containers made of glass or phthalate-free plastic. You should especially never heat food in the microwave in a plastic container, because this increases the infiltration of phthalate into your food. Heat your food on a ceramic plate or bowl instead. Fast for a Day or Two A day or two of fasting is enough to detoxify our bodies. If you’re new to fasting, you may not know how to manage it and end up with hypoglycemia, so a day or two should be the maximum. Experiments have shown that when people consume nothing but clean water for 48 hours, they dramatically decrease the phthalate levels in their bodies. Even after just 24 hours, their levels decreased by 5–10%, so even this is worthwhile. Don’t forget to consult a professional before fasting, however. Phthalates also cause cellulite, as they accumulate in your fat, and exercise alone is not enough to expel them. You need to clean your body from the inside by drinking clean water and eating natural, healthy foods like organic fruit and vegetables. This way, when you lose weight, you avoid ingesting new poisons into your body. Just try not to regain them later. To sum up what you need to do: Consume fewer meat and dairy products. Eat organic foods. Use organic cosmetic products. Fast or eat less to give your body time to eliminate toxins. Drink water from glass bottles. Use less plastic packaging (in your shopping and your fridge). Never use plastic in the microwave! Prepare your own meals. Make your own cosmetic products. Maybe the most important thing to remember is this: Don’t put something on your skin if you wouldn’t put it in your mouth!  Read the full article
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austinwholeliving · 7 years
Go Green & Clean!
Did you know that the European Union has nearly 1400 banned chemicals that the U.S. still readily uses in thousands of body care products and food?  I didn’t either until recently.  According to IFLScience!, “In the United States, children can drink fruit juice beverages made with Red Dye No. 40 and eat macaroni and cheese colored with Yellow Dye No. 5 and No. 6. Yet in the U.K., these artificial colorings have been taken off the market due to health concerns, [and] in the rest of Europe, products that contain them must carry labels warning of the dyes’ potential adverse effect on children’s attention and behavior.”  All of this may sound extreme to most Americans, but the EU uses what’s called the Precautionary Principle. This principle aims to ensure higher levels of environmental protection through preventative decision-making. The European Commission says that when there is substantial, credible evidence of danger to human or environmental health, protective action should be taken despite continuing scientific uncertainty.  Read more about the differences between us and the EU’s banned products here. 
I’ll admit that paying attention to all the toxins in my skin care and cleaning products wasn’t a high priority compared to my focus on diet, movement, mental well-being, etc. Once I realized that cellular health–in one form or another–is the root of all my wellness intentions, my practice evolved into limiting my exposure to harmful toxins as much as possible.  This helps give my body the best chance at fighting off disease while functioning at its highest potential. It’s also better for our planet which we’ve ravaged with our “throw away” mentality and epic toxic waste. Will I eradicate them all from my life?  Not likely. But I believe it’s well worth the effort to bring awareness to how much we are inundated with on a daily basis, and attempt to limit it as much as possible. This is an uphill battle in our modern era as we’re literally surrounded by toxic substances in our foods and environments.  I look at the “big picture” for my long-term wellness practice, and if you’re not taking this into consideration, you’re missing a big piece of the puzzle.  
I highly recommend this documentary from the Smithsonian Channel called “Truly Strange:  The Secret Life of Breasts.”  The doc goes into detail on how many toxins are stored inside the fatty tissues of breasts, and potentially passed along to nursing children.  What gets stored in our fatty tissues spans from furniture microfibers, water bottle petrochemicals, air conditioning chemicals, produce pesticides, food additives, and so much more!  It’s easy to get very frustrated and lose trust in a system we thought had consumer health at the forefront of its concern (Hint: Profits trump human concern). It requires each and every one of us to stand up for consumer protections, and educate ourselves on the potentially harmful chemicals we’re using every single day.  “Voting” with our dollar goes further than you might think, and many companies are stepping up to label properly or slim down their ingredient listing. 
We’ve Been Lied To
Here to bust such a cleaning myth we’re all sold: We don’t need more than two or three cleaning blends (if that) to clean our entire home very well. That includes our counters, clothing, floors, dishes, etc. The market has convinced us otherwise with a different product for every little thing, and it’s all a ploy to buy more and more toxic crap.
We’ve now been cleaning our house with a blended variety of baking soda, Thieves Household Cleaner, filtered water, almond oil (for wood and leather surfaces), vinegar, and essential oils for nearly two years, and it works so well I’m never going back!
Greenwashing, Another Lie
Thousands of products on the market now say “All Natural!” on them but still cannot be trusted.  “Greenwashing” is rampant in marketing, and we truly can’t trust what the front of a box or packet tells us. I scan all the products we use against the Environmental Working Group’s website that contains thousands of products in their database, along with the ingredient listing for each.  They’re doing the ethical, hard work of checking all these ingredients against toxic risks based on scientific data. I make a lot of our soap products and home cleaners using effective, safer substances, and once I find a company that’s doing their job to protect consumers from harmful chemicals, I stick with them long term.  I make sure they’re not changing their formulas to more toxic ingredients which sometimes happens with reformulations, and I often send them feedback and gratitude so they know it’s appreciated.
We shouldn’t have to do all this work, but our constant desire for convenience and affordability comes with a heavy price.  It’s also true that we don’t know what all these substances do to us long-term and bioaccumulation occurs when we’re using multiple products with similar toxins over and over again.  We have some lab examples, class action lawsuits, and a ton of anecdotal information, but how much is enough isn’t something I care to take the risk on personally.  Our bodies are capable of detoxing on their own and they do that every single day.  But the amount we’re inundated with, and the propensity for many daily chemicals to mimic or react with our hormones makes them easier to store away in our fatty tissues if our bodies cannot release them as waste.
Resources to get started:
First of all, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with both information overload, and the detoxification of your home.  I recommend starting with one cabinet at a time.  It may take a week or a full year, and either is ok!  I just recently changed out my makeup after going toxin free for cleaning supplies two years ago!  It’s a process.  Be sure to check your city/county’s requirements for dumping household products, and Origins will accept any used makeup from all brands to safely recycle them!  We don’t want to dump our toxic products only to have them get into our water supply via the landfill.
EWG’s Dirty Dozen lists - these are a great reference to store on your phone and pull up in the store when needed.  You can search thousands of products to get ingredient break downs and toxic evaluations of each ingredient.
Download the “Think Dirty” app for when you’re shopping for new products!
EWG’s Skin Deep - you can verify the safety of your current products and get ideas for better versions in the future.
Recipe Ideas for the DIYer:
You don’t have to make all your own products, but I love experimenting and knowing exactly what’s in our products!  Pinterest has many more ideas too!
Glass foam dispensers to fill with Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap, carrier oil of choice, water, and pure essential oils.  I use Young Living oils exclusively.  Great for hand soap, face cleaning, etc.
Laundry: We love Thieves Laundry Soap from Young Living but we also make our own when we’re out using Baking soda + Castile Soap + Thieves Household Cleaner + Water.  I also sprinkle a salt shaker of baking soda + essential oils on smelly towels and blankets.  We use wool dryer balls instead of toxic dryer sheets.  Those baking soda filled salt shakers are great for kitty littler too!
Dish Soap:  See above!  Same recipe as laundry
Dishwashing soap:  See dish soap recipe or try Young Living’s option  Vinegar + Lemon juice are great on glasses that tend to spot too!
Natural BodyButter (made by yours truly)
Organic carrier oils, such as coconut oil, almond oil, jojoba
Natural deodorants free of aluminum, parabens, and fragrances (P.S. You will “detox” for a couple of weeks when you stop using the usual deodorants so be prepared for some extra odor, but it goes away, I promise! Drink lots of water to help.)
Three great SPF options:  YoungLiving’s Mineral Sunscreen, Badger & MyChelle
Makeup:  BeautyCounter or YoungLiving’s Savvy Minerals line is the only brand I will use on my skin.  Between fragrances, dyes, and heavy metals, many people don’t realize how toxic their makeup is!
Thieves mouthwash or DIY (Pinterest) 
Toothpastes free of fluoride, triclosan, and artificial sweeteners 
We use organic African Black Soap for bathing.
EWG can help you find a natural shampoo and conditioner as needed.
Drop the toxic shaving cream because Black Soap works well!
Reach out to me with any questions about personal hygiene.  You may be surprised at how harmful modern options are for both the environment and our bodies!
Love this refillable spray mop from Amazon with washable microfiber pads or you can use old shirts or rags to be more enviro-friendly!  I use a solution of white vinegar, Thieves Household Cleaner, and water.  It works really well on our tile and wood floors.  You can throw in some lemon or pine essential oils too!
Get plastic spray bottles resistant to chemicals or glass spray bottles from Amazon. I prefer the plastic ones for heavy duty cleaning.
Use Pinterest for all natural cleaning solutions, but ours nearly always includes baking soda + Thieves Household Cleaner + Water + Essential Oils + Vinegar in some variation!  Don’t worry too much about measurements, because you’ll find what works for your surfaces and household with a little experimentation!  
Americans love our houses to smell like fresh meadows or piney woods, but the fact is, the products we’re using to imitate those scents are full of synthetic materials made in a lab.  I personally don’t want our animals or us breathing that stuff in without knowing exactly what it is and how it affects our systems.  Once you go all natural, you actually will loathe those fake fragrances!  Our olfactory nerve is powerful and can tell the difference between natural and artificial!  Perfumes I used to wear daily now turn me off, and I love my pure essential oils instead.
DIY Reed Diffuser recipes great for bathrooms!
Room Spray recipe:
Glass spray bottle (always use glass when using pure essential oils)
¾ filtered or distilled water
2 tbsp Vodka, witch hazel, or alcohol of choice
Essential oil variety (find what works for you!)
“Perfume” roll ons and sprays:  I use these pretty nano sprayers from Amazon, and fill them with witch hazel, carrier oils, and essential oils of choice.  Or you can get glass roller bottles to fill with carrier oils and essential oils.  Ask me for recipes!  
If you have any questions about what products to use, how to go about detoxifying your home, or which essential oils to buy, reach out to me anytime!  [email protected].  Your health and your home are worth the effort!
I am not a licensed nutritionist or dietician.  You should always consult with a nutritionist and your primary care provider before changing diets or workouts in any way.  This article is not meant to cure, heal, or otherwise solve any medical conditions whatsoever.  It is based on personal experience, education, and research.
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Аrоmаthеrару - Unwіnd wіth thе Роwеrful Ѕеnsе оf Ѕmеll!
Aromatherapy - exactly what is it anyhow? n the dictionary, Aroma implies: an odor occurring from flavors, plants, and so on, esp. an acceptable smell; fragrance. he definition of therapy is: the treatment of an illness or various other disorder, as by some remedial or alleviative process. So, hunch, in nonprofessional's terms aromatherapy is as adheres to - The therapy of a disease or disorder by the means of Scent! The treatment consequently utilizing crucial oils such as in massage therapy, where one gets the benefits of the necessary oils through skin get in touch with. You can additionally purchase aromatherapy ists to refresh the air around you or diffusers in which you place one or two decreases of an essential oil onto, which after that slowly launches the scent into the air. love a massage therapy, however likewise like taking bathrooms in products which have necessary oils. long with saturating away muscle mass stress and also body pains as well as pains, likewise obtain the aromatherapy benefits of the necessary oil fragrance being released into the wet air from the bathroom. y favorite products for aromatherapy originated from Аurа Сасіа.
The feeling of odor is an effective thing. Have you ever before gotten a whiff of something as well as a past memory kicked right into equipment? How about resting internet to a person using the incorrect fragrance; you intend to flee as fast as you can! When sit down by a lake, the scent of the water has a really comforting affect on me. You say just how can she scent water? think it has something to do with the combination of the sand, the dampness airborne, and also whatever that makes up water. below is more to the beach that sitting in the sunlight - which don't do. rest under an umbrella, read an excellent publication, and also enjoy the surrounding smells. However, do not discover enough time for this kind of relaxation!! his is where the art of perfumery is available in. Appears like may have to do some research study on this; can bring the smell of the beach to the perfume bottle. Searching’s for on the art of perfumery will be the topic of an additional short article!!
How does one get therapy from scent? gain, the feeling of odor is powerful, and say thanks to God for producing wonderful things of fragrance that can sooth, boost, convenience, relax, and also of course also promote sensations of sensuality. recognize the men will intend to become aware of the fragrances that boost the top qualities that define an aphrodisiac. You men are such RΝ !!
This is for the en; these four erotic aromas supply unique advantages, but likewise share something alike, they produce an undoubtedly ΝUL ambience. Ν sets a tranquil mood and also aids bring back vigor and also anxiety associated sexual troubles, while R promotes tranquility and also health. VΝLL calms, conveniences, as well as advertises internal equilibrium, and ΝDLWD influences self-confidence and advertises inner strength. In massage, sandalwood is valued both as a sensuous scent and also as a treatment for problems related to anxiety. o people - if you intend to set the D, you might intend to acquire your spouse some bathroom as well as body products which consist of several of these erotic scents, and the much more pure the item the better! love ura acia since they deliver pure aromatherapy items in their body treatment line. he extra pure the important oil the far better, and organic methods no pesticides, and aura cacia warranties their customers that their vital oils are 100% pure and also unadulterated!
Before share the aromatherapy benefits to several of the oils and also scents understand about, believed would certainly explain the difference in between essential Oils as well as Scent Oils. essential oils, absolutes and resins are unstable, great smelling materials extracted from a single herb source, and also if the oil is accredited as well as natural this implies no synthetic chemicals are made use of in growing or processing them. Fragrance Oils are generally blends of synthetic oils; they are developed for fragrant purposes ΝLY and are Ν for usage. right here are additionally Vegetable Oils such as wonderful almond oil, grape seed oil, and olive, as well as rosehip seed oils which are produced from nuts, seeds, grains, as well as beans. hi there are often referred to as fied oils because they are not volatile (earning conveniently vaporized) like crucial oils. Vegetable oils make an excellent base in which to weaken necessary oils for body care products.
aromatherapy items could transform your residence right into a personal med spa - or maybe even an enchanting retreat! Allow's begin with LVΝDR. Lavender is most likely my favored fragrance and also has extremely comforting homes. It is best called being an herb for relaxation, however is made use of to relieve migraines also. Research study has shown that the scent of Lavender sends out a relaxing message to the brain which counters adrenalin creating stress and anxiety signals.
Νext we will have a look at Ν. Some mints improve flow, some enhance energy while accumulating resistance to fatigue, while others have a cleansing activity as well as help the respiratory system. For example; sniffing a drop of peppermint or spearmint oil increases happiness, quality, optimism, as well as the sense of being completely alive. These oils are also utilized in refined aromatherapy to urge emotional regeneration and positive modification.
Moving on to the Citrus cents; essentially this consists of W GEAR, LΝ, GRFRU, and L. The citrus scents are clean as well as crisp fragrances that will lift a specific from a clinically depressed state of mind. The Citrus cents are known for their soothing influences for the person who should unwind from a stressful and also busy day!!
UL is just one of those aromas that you either like it or hate it. This is my verdict from hearing individuals talk about this specific scent. take place to LV it, specifically when integrated with weet array Oil. romatherapists use it to help handle tension related problems, including reduced sex drive, as well as to promote brand-new skin cells in the treatment of creases, open pores, acne, eczema, cracked skin, and also fungal infections such as athlete's foot.
RRY is not just great when added to your favored roast, but is remarkable when made use of as aromatherapy oil. Rosemary aids to minimize blood cholesterol degrees as well as in massage oil alleviates strained, exhausted, and overworked muscle mass.
LRY G is an extremely intense fragrance. t delivers an extremely high feel-good aspect which could range from relaxing, gently inebriating, or boosting to a practically spiritual experience, and could result in dazzling desires. his scent is so relaxing the aroma therapists encourage clients to prevent owning straight after a massage with it.
It is considered aphrodisiac and counters tension and also stress from physical and also emotional sources including asthmatic convulsions, muscle discomfort, puffy legs from standing throughout the day, migraines, sexual troubles as well as clinical depression during retrieval.
myself enjoy a massage once in a while. Have a pal who is a wonderful massage therapist as well as trust fund her knowledge and also expertise. When have completed a massage session, generally have to go residence and put down for about a her. really feel absolutely erased - this is a good thing. After remainder feel fairly rejuvenated. My specialist likewise advises me to consume alcohol plenty of water after a session. This helps cleanse the toxins from your body after a massage.
I think that the remarkable aromas available in order to help decrease the tension plus exercise (which am doing not have in) and my belief in God, the reactor of all these remarkable fragrant presents, is where RU stress and anxiety launch comes from. God tells us in is scriptures to be 'anxious for nothing'. We should rely absolutely on God for our everyday demands. '... worry frequently provides a small point a large shadow.' his is from What n angel night any perpetual calendar.
aromatherapy benefits can be accomplished via massage treatment making use of select necessary oils, or by going through a natural herb yard and moving your hands over certain natural herbs such as Lavender, Rosemary, or Lemon alm. enjoy the scent left on my hands after touching Lavender, the fragrance remains for some time. Who requires perfume when you can grow a little herb yard!!
Hopewind Health 
Hopewind essential oils
Hopewind health tea tree
Hopewind eucalyptus
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mymenfashstuff-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Men's Fashion
New Post has been published on https://menfash.us/beards-for-men/best-coconut-oil-for-beard-in-2017/
10 Best Coconut Oil for Beard in 2017
A man with a beard can exude two different personas. On one hand, he can look powerful, cool and confident. On the other hand, he can look rough and dirty. Good beard grooming is what separates both and coconut oil is the magic that goes with it.
Coconut is widely grown in tropical countries and is a produce of the coconut palm tree. When the meat of the coconut is squeezed, coconut oil is extracted.  Coconut oil contains a bit of Vitamins E and K and is rich in iron. Coconut oil is available commercially either as virgin coconut oil which is edible and refined coconut oil that is inedible.
Now that you are convinced of the benefits your beard will get out of coconut oil, here are the top coconut oil for beard products you can choose from:
1. Henry Cavendish Himalaya Shaving Soap with Shea Butter & Coconut Oil 
Henry Cavendish Himalaya Shaving Soap with Shea Butter & Coconut Oil. Long Lasting 3.8 oz Puck Refill. Himalaya Fragrance. All Natural. Rich Lather, Smooth Comfortable Shave. For Ladies and Gentlemen.
American Made Shaving Soap easily creates rich lather: it lubricates razor for a slick, cushioned and comfortable shave. Lather is long lasting unlike many shaving cream, foams and gels which dry out.
Ladies Love the Addition of Shea Butter which leaves skin feeling smooth and nicely moisturized, not oily. Won't dry or irritate your skin like many shaving soaps, shaving creams and gels do.
Larger in size than average mug shave soaps: will last about 3 - 6 months. 20 seconds in a Microwave fits it to any size shaving mug! • Minimal light scent (almost none) which is fresh without being artificial. Ladies seem to like it!
This shaving soap is a notch above other shaving products. With minimal all-natural ingredients, it has no artificial color or fragrance, and contains nothing you can't pronounce!
100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee. Click on the add to cart button, up and to the right on this page, NOW!
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This shaving soap for men has the quality that would put to shame cheap shaving creams. This shaving soap with Shea butter and Coconut oil glides smoothly on the face moisturizing the skin and softening the beard. This is exactly what men who use straight or DE razors always like in a shaving soap.
Being an all-natural shaving soap, it will not cause any after shaving irritation or discomfort. Using this shaving soap will relive the feeling of a relaxing shave men used to get from barber shops  It is long lasting (about 3-6 months per bar) very affordable, too.
Features and Specifications:
Key Ingredients
Shea Butter for moisturizing the skin leaving it smooth and smooth.
Coconut Oil for moisturizing, softening and removing dead skin cells leaving your skin cleaner and lighter.
Soy leaves your skin soft.
Glycerin allows the soap to have a silky lather.
Creamy Lather – The creamy lather of this soup makes it easy for the whiskers and the beard to be trimmed because they become softer.
Great Lubricant – This shaving soap helps the razor glide swiftly through the skin. This eliminates the possibilities of any razor burns or cuts while shaving.
No Oily Feel after Shaving – Coconut oil is an excellent cleanser and good in preventing oiliness. The same goes with Shea butter. Thus after using this shaving soap, there is no oily after feel.
All Natural Ingredients – This shaving soap does not contain any toxins and synthetic ingredients.
Elegant and Light Scent – The Himalaya perfume oil is one of the top-selling fragrances for men. Being light in scent, it gives off a light and fresh scent.
✓ Lathers easily for a smooth shave ✓ All natural ingredients ✓ Larger than average shave soaps (mug)
✗ Simply comes in a box. Should have been packaged in a bowl or tin
2. Beard Balm – All Natural Easy-to-Use Leave-in Beard Conditioner 
Beard Balm - All Natural Easy-to-Use Leave-in Beard Conditioner - Handmade in Detroit - Original Scent
The Easiest Way to Grow an Awesome Beard.
Perfect for beard growing beginners and veterans alike.
Softens whiskers, relieves dry, itchy skin, controls frizz and tangles, prevents split ends, reduces patchiness
Only the best ingredients available: fair trade, organic, pesticide free, good for the earth
Our popular original scent - a blend of lemon peel, eucalyptus leaf, and geranium flower
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This beard conditioner is a combination of coconut oil with lanolin, grape seed and beeswax. These ingredients work together to make this product a moisturizer that lasts long while being easy to use. It makes your beard manageable and easy to style. It allows you to grow an attractive and healthy beard.
This leave-in conditioner contains all natural ingredients that will leave your beard tangle-free and split ends free. It will also make your whiskers and beard soft while relieving itchiness and preventing dry skin. It works great for any beard length. This product is hand-made and uses only organic and certified fair trade coconut oil.
Features and Specifications:
Key Ingredients – Coconut oil, lanolin, grape seed and beeswax combined with eucalyptus oil, geranium oil and lemon oil sourced from different parts of the world combine to moisturize your beard and allows you to style your beard in any way you like. All oils are natural and grown organically. Lanolin is the only chemical added but it gives great benefits to your beard and skin. This product does not contain any additives or fillers.
Hydrates Beard and Skin – This leave-in conditioner moisturizes your beard and skin to provide the best solution for dry skin, dandruff and itchiness.
Healthy Beard Growth – The all natural ingredients combine to create a quick absorbing formula ensuring a healthy and strong beard growth.
Restores Beard Naturally – This leave-in conditioner is a radical solution to brittle, dry and kinky beard while leaving your skin looking smooth and healthy.
Hand-made to Perfection – This product is crafted by hand using natural and old fashion techniques. This ensures the right quantity and mix of ingredients. This is the secret to a neat and fresh beard.
✓ Hand-made to ensure a quality and personalized product ✓ Comes with a unique scent (lemon peel, geranium flower and eucalyptus leaf) to ensure you smell fresh the entire day ✓ Minimizes rituals of daily shaving as an attractive and long beard becomes easy to control
✗ Not good in holding beard in place ✗ Can be oily to the skin. Oiliness is, however, good for beard growth
3. Spartans Den Premium Beard Shampoo 
SALE | Spartans Den Premium Beard Shampoo 8oz | Best Beard Wash to Fight Dandruff & Itchiness, Soften, Cleanse, & Promote Beard Growth | Classic Scent
NEW LOOK & IMPROVED FORMULA: Eliminates impurities without over-drying your facial hair. Promotes healthy growth and leaves behind a clean masculine scent.
SOOTHE & CALM YOUR SKIN: Beard shampoo alleviates itching and eliminates dandruff and flakiness
PREMIUM INGREDIENTS: Enriched with Coconut and Shea plus Aloe Vera, provides benefits without the heavy residue and dryness.
SATISFACTION GUARANTEED We stand behind the quality of our beard grooming & beard growth products 100%.
UNPARALLELED QUALITY: Our wash is handcrafted in small batches for a much higher level of quality control
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If your hair needs to be shampooed, so does your beard. This shampoo from Spartans Den is light on your skin and beard and can be tough in dealing with grime and dirt in your beard.  This beard shampoo contains coconut oil with Shea Butter and Aloe Vera to make your beard look great and healthy without being dry and dirty.
For budget-conscious men who want a product to maintain the looks and health of their beard, this product may be perfect. It is enriched with loads of natural oils that moisturizes and stimulates your beard and skin for that perfect look and feel. This beard shampoo keeps your beard at its healthiest form and makes it easy to manage, too.
Features and Specifications:
Key Ingredients – Coconut oil, Aloe Vera, Shea Olein and Fragrance. Coconut oil is known as an effective ingredient in preventing hair loss because it nourishes and penetrates deep into the roots of the hair. Aloe Vera, on the other hand, is a proven ingredient for preventing skin inflammation and allergies.
Specially Formulated for Beard – This shampoo is not your regular hair in the head shampoo. It is formulated especially for your beard. It purifies your beard deeply and at the same time moisturizes your skin and beard.
Itchiness and Dandruff Prevention  – If you are experiencing some itchiness and dandruff in your beard, it may be time to shift to this Spartans Den premium shampoo. Its key ingredients control dandruff and prevent itchiness.
Silk and Healthy Beard Growth – This product does a superb job in making your beard soft, healthy and silky. By eliminating flakes due to dry skin and lessening the appearance of dandruff, your beard will grow faster and thicker.
Masculine Scent – This beard shampoo comes with a scent that is perfect to show the male machismo. Red grapefruit, hot amber and wood exude character and masculinity.
✓ Enhances the growth of your beard ✓ Moisturizes and cleanses your beard ✓ Brings out the fullness of your beard
✗ Contains some harmful ingredients ✗ It does not work for everyone ✗ The ALS and SLES ingredients tend to make the beard itchy and dry
4. Fat Savage Premium Beard Oil & Leave-In Conditioner 
Fat Savage Premium Masculine Scent Beard Oil & Leave-In Conditioner (2oz) – All Natural Coconut Oil Based Moisturizer w/ Argan & Jojoba – The Best Grooming Product for a Soft Beard
★ DON'T SETTLE FOR AN ITCHY BEARD - Send that scratchy scruff packing. With huge moisturizing muscles at our disposal and the natural strengthening power of our 7 oil complex, we keep you growing strong without the annoying itch.
★ EXPERIENCE THE MASCULINE SCENT - You don't have to smell like a tree to have a healthy beard. With Fat Savage, you can expect nothing less than a subtle, clean, and most importantly, masculine scent that will stay with you all day, and all night if necessary...
★ NO MESS & TRAVEL FRIENDLY - Forget those open ended beard oil bottles that leave your product everywhere except in your beard. Our easy to use press top keeps your oil where you want it, and nowhere that you don't.
★ 100% NATURAL INGREDIENTS - Fat Savage's handcrafted beard oil blend uses only the highest quality Coconut Oil, complimented with Jojoba, Argan, Sweet Almond, Hempseed, Olive, & Avocado Oils to moisturize and invigorate your beard, hair, and skin, preventing itching and leaving your beard with an incredible softness and shine.
★ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - No risk, but all the rewards. If for any reason our beard oil doesn't meet your standards, just send it back our way and we'll refund your money, tax and shipping included. No questions, no hassles; it's the way online buying was meant to be.
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This beard oil and leave-in conditioner is handcrafted and made from 100% all natural ingredients. The product is made only from the highest grade coconut oil along other major essential oils to give your beard a moisturized and invigorating look and feel. This special blend eradicates itchiness and will make your beard soft while making it look interestingly shiny.
Using this product will bring your beard to the next level in terms of health and appearance. You will be happy that this time your beard is getting the care it deserves. It does not contain any harmful ingredients.
Features and Specifications:
Key Ingredients – Fractionated Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil, Argan Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Hempseed Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Avocado Oil and Fragrance Oils. All these natural ingredients combine to give you a moisturized and well-conditioned beard that will be the envy of a lot.
Long Lasting Masculine Scent – When it comes to what you apply on your face, may it be waxes, oils or anything, you will always be particular with the smell. With this Fat Savage produce, expect only the cleanest and most masculine scent that will remain with you the entire day. The scent is mild enough to remind you that your beard is well-groomed.
Prevents Itchiness – Being a moisturizer with all natural ingredients, this product will keep your beard healthy and strong without any itchiness.
Soft but Not Too Shiny Beard – Coconut oil blended with all the best oils ensures you are getting a superior product that will make your beard look and feel soft but not too shiny to attract too much attention.
No Mess Press Type Applicator – The container of this product comes with a pump. This is a mess-free and cost efficient way to keep the oil where it should be – on your beard and not on your palm.  The pump on the top of the container comes with a plastic lid to make sure the oil does not leak or spill even if placed in a traveling bag.
Best Value for Money – A 2-ounce beard oil priced similar to other oils with half its size. This is one of the best value for money men’s grooming product.
✓ Made from 100% all natural ingredients ✓ Contains the best ingredients needed for a well-conditioned and maintained a beard ✓ Awesome smell ✓ Leaves your beard soft
✗ The amazing smell upon application but after a few minutes, it starts to smell awful ✗ While it makes the beard soft, it does not make the beard look tame
5. Spartans Den Premium Beard Balm with Coconut Oil and Vitamin E 
Spartans Den Premium Beard Balm For Men | Coconut Oil & Vitamin E Infused | Best Conditioner For Grooming, Growth, Soften, Itch & Tame - Classic Scent 2oz
• PAMPER YOUR BEARD: Our leave in beard conditioner balm softens, repairs and conditions with every use, giving you silkier, easier to manage growth
• SUPPORT A HEALTHY BEARD & SKIN: Our beard conditioner protects facial hair and skin from damage with antioxidant vitamin E. The vitamin is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that calms skin irritation to ease itchiness and dryness
• EXPERIENCE THE SCENT: The unique masculine scent of our formula makes it a true delight to wear! It's unlike the fragrance of any of the beard balms on the market today!
• SO SIMPLE TO USE: Just work the beard balm through your beard as a part of your daily grooming routine! Use it along with other Spartans Den products for complete beard care
• SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: Our formula is made to be the best beard balm online! If you don't agree, you can return it within 30 days for a full refund
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When your beard is turning unruly, dry, or prone to breakage,  it is time you consider a beard balm to remedy the situation before it gets worst. This beard balm from Spartans Den will greatly help improve the appearance and health of your beard and at the same time keep your skin looking and feeling awesome.
Features and Specifications:
Key Ingredients – Vitamin E, Coconut oil combined with Aloe Vera, Oil, Jojoba Oil, Soybean Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Apricot Oil , Sunflower Oil, Pumpkin Seed Oil, Soybean Oil,  Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Beeswax and Redwood, Amber and other Signature fragrances. All these ingredients combine to make your beard healthy, soft, smooth and manageable
Protects Beard and Skin from Free Radicals – Free radicals can cause dryness and itchiness and they can damage your beard and skin. The Vitamin E content of this product protects your beard from free radicals. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that deals with skin irritation and dryness. Vitamin E also protects your skin.
Softens and Conditions Beard – Coconut Oil and the rest of the top grade ingredients softens and conditions your beard. When applied every day to your beard it will be easy to manage its growth. Your beard will also appear silkier.
Repairs Damaged Hair – The coconut oil and Aloe Vera content of this beard balm repairs damaged hair. With reduced hair damage, your beard will experience enhanced growth.
Allows Your Hair to be Easily Styled – Since this beard balm moisturizes and makes your beard smooth, it becomes easy to handle and manage. You can easily comb and style your beard anyway you want.
Non-Grease – This beard balm will not leave your beard and skin oily after use.
Unique Scent – The exotic scent of Redwood, Amber and other Signature fragrances will enhance your masculine appeal. The scent will not clash with your cologne.
Easy to Use – This beard balm and leave-in conditioner come in the right smooth consistency making it easy to run it through your beard.
✓ Easy to apply ✓ Good consistency with the fresh coconut-like smell
✗ Some find it too thick and hard to spread ✗ Contains too much perfume ✗ Requires twice the amount as compared to other beard balms to achieve the same results
6. Taconic Shave Shaving Cream with Organic Oils 
Taconic Shave LIME Shaving Cream with Organic Oils - 4 oz. - MADE IN THE USA
An extremely rich and luxurious shaving cream with organic oils, organic coconut oil and honey
Generates a thick long lasting lather -- Excellent with a badger shave brush.
Super oncentrated...a little goes a long way!
Softens and moisturizes your beard and skin for an incredible shave
Made in the USA by a shave soap/shave cream artisan!
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This shaving cream creates a rich lather for a great shave. You can use your fingers to apply this shaving cream but when used with a brush, the creamiest of lather is created. This product is made from 100% organic ingredients. It is not only an ideal shaving cream for your whiskers, it is also good for your skin.
Features and Specifications:
Key Ingredients – Made by artisan shave cream and shave soap makers in the US, this shaving cream features coconut oil, organic honey and a good number of organic ingredients. The all organic ingredients nourishes and protects your skin leaving a cool and refreshing scent.
Thick and Long Lasting Lather – A thick lather is excellently produced when used with a badger shave brush. You can also not use a brush but your fingers instead. Either way, you will be able to experience a long lasting lather for a great shave.
Highly Concentrated Formulation – This shaving cream comes in a highly concentrated formulation. A nickel size amount of cream can produce the rich lather you need to shave. That makes the 4 oz content of the bottle last for several months.
Moisturizes and Softens Your Beard – This shaving cream moisturizes your beard and face. Hydrating your beard makes it easy to handle. It will be free of tangles and will allow you to style your beard in any way you desire.
✓ You can use it with a brush or your fingers ✓ Highly concentrated requiring just a small amount of cream each shave
✗ Cream at the near bottom of the tub dries out
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7. Beard Balm/Conditioner by Happy Beards  
Beard Balm/Conditioner by Happy Beards (2 oz) - Leave In Conditioner/Softener for Men - Best Beard Oil Alternative That Is: Handcrafted in USA, Will Shape,Soften,Condition and Groom Your Beard.
100% ALL NATURAL INGREDIENTS - Nothing but the very best natural ingredients for our powerful formula.
BEST Beard Balm - Satisfaction Guaranteed!
STRENGTHENS - Feeds your beard just what it needs to become a strong Happy Beard!
SUBTLE SCENT - Crafted with a subtle manly woodsy scent.
ENHANCES GROWTH - Helps nurture your beard daily to promote healthy growth.
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This beard balm comes in an easy to open the tin. When you open the tin, you will immediately be met by the soothing aroma of this product. This balm comes with a thick texture but is easy to apply and spread on the beard.  It provides just the right feel without any greasiness. The best thing about this beard balm is it keeps unruly hair in place for that all attractive look. This product comes in a blend of 100% all natural ingredients that will make your beard healthy and look exceptionally attractive. If you want to have a soft, healthy and attractive beard, this one is for you.
Features and Specifications:
Key Ingredients – This Beard balm and conditioner contains the purest blend of coconut oil, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, beeswax, Eucalyptus and other essential oils. All ingredients are 100% natural. This product is handcrafted to perfection.
Enhances Beard Growth – With frequent use, this beard balm and conditioner that will make your beard as healthy as it can get. A healthy beard grows fast.
Manageable Beard – This product will help your beard stay full and in in shape. It will keep stray hairs in place for an attractive and confident look.
Prevents Itchiness – New hair growth often causes itchiness. So does rough and dry beards. With this beard balm and conditioner, itchiness is completely eliminated to keep your beard and yourself happy.
Strengthens Beard – This beard balm feeds your beard with all the nutrients it needs to be healthy. A healthy beard is a good-looking beard.
✓ Keeps beard manageable and nourished ✓ Does not leave your beard oily
✗ Balm tends to be stiff during first few uses
8. RejuveNaturals Organic Beard Oil with Argan, Jojoba & Fractionated Coconut Oil 
Certified Organic Beard Oil with Argan, Jojoba & Fractionated Coconut Oil by RejuveNaturals, 2 oz | For a Long, Thick Beard and Healthy Growth | Unscented
Oleotherapy oil contains only 100% USDA/ECOCERT-Certified organic carrier oils. It's the REAL DEAL!
Sunflower, argan & fractionated coconut oil combine to deeply moisturize dry, brittle facial hair.
Intensely concentrated formula helps prevent hair breakage, itchy skin & unsightly dandruff.
Want a longer, thicker beard-faster? Promotes healthy hair growth as well as healthy skin.
Non-greasy formula won't leave hair oily & gives your beard a fresh, young, robust appearance.
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This unscented beard oil is 100% organic. It is not greasy and comes with anti-aging features. This oil does not come with a scent so it can be enjoyed without a smell that can sometimes be irritating. Applying this beard oil will allow your beard to grow healthily. It will also cause your beard to be thick and full. It eliminates the dryness of your beard and it will not cause any itchiness on your skin.
Features and Specifications:
Key Ingredients – This beard oil is an all organic formulation of Sunflower, fractionated coconut oil, jojoba and argan oil. It is further infused with Vitamin E. All these organic ingredients work to create beard that is highly moisturized and rich in nutrients. This beard oil does not contain any fragrances, preservatives and fillers. It also does not contain parabens and GMOs which have harmful effects. All ingredients are certified as 100 % organic by the USDA and ECOCERT
Concentrated Formulation – Being an all organic beard oil it comes with a concentrated formulation. These ingredients combine to keep hair breakage to a minimum or even prevent it altogether. It also prevents the disgusting appearance of dandruff. It also prevents skin itchiness.
Enhances Hair Growth – This beard oil contains optimum levels of vitamins and minerals. It also contains oleic acid which is an antioxidant. These ingredients allow for a healthy and fast growth of your beard. Frequent use of this beard oil will also prevent your beard from prematurely growing gray hair
Sparkling Shine – A good shine makes your beard extremely attractive. Since this beard oil prevents your beard from developing dry and coarse hair, your beard will always look shiny.
✓ Tames stray hair ✓ Good moisturizer ✓ Nice shine ✓ Comes with an easy to use the sprayer
✗ Does not smell good
9. Dancing Man Apothecary Beard Oil and Natural Conditioner
Beard Oil and Natural Conditioner for Best Results | Fragrance Free | Handcrafted Coconut and Organic Argan Oil From Morocco | Non-Comodogenic / Non Greasy Formula, No Clogged Pores
Fragrance Free, no aroma because it's wearable for any occasion
Crafted in small batches for their naturally occuring oleic, linoleic, capric and caprillyc acids because they've been used for centuries and are excellent for healthy hair and skin
Non comodogenic (Won't clog your pores), light weight and non-greasy so your beard and mustache feel fresh all day
All Natural, Eco-Friendly, No Artificial Ingredients. Just what works.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee - Moisturizes skin, hydrates facial hair naturally. No Artificial Ingredients. Vegan Friendly. Paleo Friendly. Life Friendly.
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This beard and conditioner from Dancing Man Apothecary moisturize your beard all the way to the roots so you can have the best beard possible.  This beard oil is handcrafted to perfection and all ingredients are natural and eco-friendly. No artificial ingredients are included. This beard oil provides the best value for money as this small 30 ml bottle with a dropper is good for up to 8 weeks of use.
Features and Specifications:
Key Ingredients – This beard oil which is also a natural conditioner is handcrafted with 100% natural Coconut oOl and organic Argan Oil sourced from Morocco. This beard oil is done in small batches to ensure the full benefits of oleic, capillary and linoleic acids remain intact. These ingredients have long been providing excellent nourishment to create healthy skin and hair.
Non-Greasy Formula – This beard oil does not produce any greasiness after use as some beard oil does. So, after application, the oil stays cool in your beard.
Non-Comedogenic – A non-comedogenic oil is formulated, so it will not cause blocked pores thus your beard will not break out. That will allow your beard to look fresh all day.
Softer and More Manageable Beard – A soft beard is a manageable beard.  Being a moisturizer, your beard gets hydrated. That allows your beard to be soft free of any tangles and.
Vegan-Friendly and Paleo Friendly  – This means that this beard oil conditioner does not contain ingredients that can cause harm to the skin.
Fragrance and Aroma Free – This beard oil is unscented thus it free of any fragrance and does not bring out any aroma. This is a good thing because then this beard grooming product will not clash with the regular fragrance you use. You can apply it on your beard and apply your favorite perfume after and not clashing of smells will occur.
Great Value for Money – This small 30 ml bottle can be used to have a healthy and attractive looking beard for up to 8 weeks.
✓ All organic ingredients ✓ Non-greasy formulation ✓ Fragrance- free ✓ Does not block pores
✗ Not 100% natural
10. Portland Beard Company – Shuler Beard Oil 
Portland Beard Company - Shuler Beard Oil - Scented 1 oz. - Coconut & Bergamot Oil - Hallmark of a rugged man
Portland Beard Company
Health and Beauty
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It takes a lot of dedication and patience to grow an exceptionally attractive looking beard. Once achieved, there is no other beard oil that you should trust except the Shuler Beard Oil from the Portland Beard Company. This exclusive line of beard grooming products is created by Andrew Shuler. This beard oil will keep your beard healthy and strong. It also softens and smoothens your beard.
Features and Specifications:
Key Ingredients – This beard oil is crafted using all natural Coconut and Argan Oils with a few drops of bergamot and a good number of other essential oils. Meadowfoam seed oil has also been added to the formulation to give your beard that ideal shine without the greasy feeling. It also contains a tiny bit of frankincense to give your beard that citrus and spicy scent. Coconut and Bergamot Oils are a rugged man’s Hallmark.
Healthy and Strong Beard – A healthy beard is a strong beard. This beard oil contains Vitamin E. It is responsible for the hydration, nourishment and softening of your beard.
Prevents Itching and Dryness of Beard – The itching that comes with the growth of new is the phases of beard growing men hate the most. Using this beard oil will eliminate the itching stage. It will also prevent your beard from getting dry. The prevention of itching and dryness is because this beard oil moisturizes the skin beneath your beard.
Nourishes and Smoothens Beard – This beard oil softens your beard and makes it full to create a clean and neat look. It hydrates your beard to keep fuzzy hair tame and in place. It also does not cause your beard to have a greasy feel so it is easier to style it.
✓ The scent is not too strong and overpowering ✓ The skin under the beard is nourished for make it healthy ✓ Tames and gives the beard a nice shine and shape
✗ Tends to be greasy
How to Produce Coconut Oil
There are a lot of ways coconut oil is produced. Here are the five most common ways:
Dry Process. Coconut meat is dried (copra) and dissolved in solvents to make raw oil. The produced oil is inedible.
Wet Process. Raw coconut meat is mixed with a solvent to make coconut oil. A lot of oil is wasted in this process.
Refined, Bleached and Deodorized (RBD). Heat from a hydraulic press is used to extract oil from dried coconut meat.
Oil derived through the RBD process is further to saturate the fats that can still be used for other purposes.
Breaks into fractions fats to separate them from the extracted oil. Extracted fats can be used for other purposes.
Virgin Coconut Oil
This type of coconut oil is categorized as unrefined because it is an oil that comes in its raw form and is therefore edible. It is a widely used as a cooking ingredient. Some natural cosmetic products also use virgin coconut oil. It can be extracted from coconut meat either through the dry or wet process.
Refined Coconut Oil
Physical or chemical processes are used to extract refined coconut oil (RBD and Hydrogenation Processes).  This type of coconut oil is inedible. This oil is for commercial use mostly in cosmetics, soaps, and skin and hair care products.
Fractionated Coconut Oil
The only concern about Coconut Oil is the fact it takes a solid form at room temperature. This becomes a major issue in colder climates. It would be funny to apply Coconut Oil on your beard and because of the cold climate, coconut oil hardens on it. Most beard oil artisans use fractionated coconut oil in their formulation to address this issue.
The fractionation process works to transform coconut oil into liquid form to extend its shelf life. It is therefore not a surprise to see fractionated coconut oil as an ingredient in a lot of beard oils. Fractionated coconut oil is an ideal carrier oil because it blends well most oils.
Of late, coconut oil has gotten to be so popular because it brings a lot of benefits the body. This is the reason coconut oil is a major ingredient in a lot of cosmetic products aimed at improving the hair, skin and nails.
Not many people, especially men, know that coconut oil brings a lot of benefits that can help improve the feel and look of beards. Look closely into the ingredients of most beard grooming products such as shampoos, shaving creams, oils, balms and you will notice that coconut oil is often one of them.
Coconut Oil and Your Beard
When talking of hair, whether it is on the head or face, coconut oil is a very good option as hair responds very quickly and well to coconut oil. It is thus logical to say that using coconut oil to maintain your beard can be one of your best choices. Men have started noticing that the market is starting to get flooded with beard grooming and beard oil products and most of them are just loving it! Why you may ask, is this so?
Beard Will Look Shiny and Healthy – Regularly applying coconut oil to your beard will keep it moisturized and thus look shiny and healthy. Moisturizing will also keep wild hair in place and you will have a neat and smooth beard. A well-moisturized beard will make you avoid frequent combing of your beard to make it look well groomed.
Beard Becomes Softer – Coconut oil contains properties that condition the roots of your beard to make it softer and healthier.
Beard Gets Hydrated – Coconut oil applied all over the beard hydrates it. In the process, your face also gets a massage. This action allows the roots of your beard and face to regain lost moisture and thus gets hydrated.
Your Face Gets Cleaned – Coconut oil contains antifungal and antibacterial properties. When you massage your face while applying coconut oil on your beard, you get face cleaned. Additionally, food that remains in your beard will not become toxic because you have applied coconut oil on it.
Makes Your Beard Grow Faster – This has reference to hair loss. It is said that hair damage can be prevented with the use of coconut oil. When hair damage is reduced it necessarily follows that coconut oil can help make your beard grow and thicken faster.
Your Beard Will Smell Good – The tones of the main oil in a beard oil dominates the scent of the oil. A beard oil with coconut oil as its base will give your beard a natural and warm coconut-like aroma.
Coconut Oil and the Beard Grooming Process
In every step of your beard grooming process, Coconut Oil plays a vital role.
Pre-Shaving – Using coconut oil before shaving will make your beard and face smooth. Applying a lathering product on a smooth beard and face is always an excellent idea.
Shaving Cream Alternative – There are a lot of alternatives to shaving cream if you do not want to use one. Coconut Oil is one of the best alternatives. Coconut Oil lubricates your skin and beard to allow the razor top easily glide across your face. Of course, Coconut Oil will not provide the same comfort as a shaving cream but it will get the job done.
Shaving with Coconut Oil – Use coconut oil in all the stages of your shaving and you will be rewarded with a smooth, strong and easy to manage beard.
After Shave Alternative – Coconut Oil is also a good alternative to after shaving creams, balms and oils. Virgin coconut oil has healed, softening and hydrating properties that will give your beard the ideal maintenance and care.
As mentioned at the beginning of this article the way your beard looks will spell the different between having a confident and neat look and a rugged and untidy look. You took the pains in growing your beard to what it is now, the best you can do is to maintain it the right way to bring out its beauty.
With beard grooming products all over the place, maintaining a healthy and attractive looking beard does not pose much of a problem. Beard shampoos, conditioners, oils and balms hydrate, moisturize, nourish and strengthen your beard for that all attractive, and healthy look.
Coconut Oil in beard grooming products gives your beard the luster who are always been looking for. It gives your beard a healthy and classy appearance. Coconut oil is a magical ingredient in beard grooming products. The benefits it gives to your skin and beard is something that cannot be matched.
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